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Published: Jan 17, 2019 License: Apache-2.0


OpenCensus Service

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The OpenCensus Service is an component that can collect traces and metrics from processes instrumented by OpenCensus or other monitoring/tracing libraries (Jaeger, Prometheus, etc.), do aggregation and smart sampling, and export traces and metrics to one or more monitoring/tracing backends.

Some frameworks and ecosystems are now providing out-of-the-box instrumentation by using OpenCensus, but the user is still expected to register an exporter in order to export data. This is a problem during an incident. Even though our users can benefit from having more diagnostics data coming out of services already instrumented with OpenCensus, they have to modify their code to register an exporter and redeploy. Asking our users recompile and redeploy is not an ideal at an incident time. In addition, currently users need to decide which service backend they want to export to, before they distribute their binary instrumented by OpenCensus.

The OpenCensus Service is trying to eliminate these requirements. With the OpenCensus Service, users do not need to redeploy or restart their applications as long as it has the OpenCensus exporter. All they need to do is just configure and deploy the OpenCensus Service separately. The OpenCensus Service will then automatically collect traces and metrics and export to any backend of users' choice.

Currently the OpenCensus Service consists of two components, OpenCensus Agent and OpenCensus Collector. For the detailed design specs, please see


The OpenCensus Service can be deployed in a variety of different ways. The OpenCensus Agent can be deployed with the application either as a separate process, as a sidecar, or via a Kubernetes daemonset. Typically, the OpenCensus Collector is deployed separately as either a Docker container, VM, or Kubernetes pod.


Getting Started


Instructions for setting up an end-to-end demo environment can be found here


Apply the sample YAML file:

$ kubectl apply -f example/k8s.yaml

Create an Agent configuration file based on the options described below. Please note the Agent requires the opencensus receiver be enabled. By default, the Agent has no exporters configured.

Build the Agent, see Building binaries, and start it:

$ ./bin/ocagent_$(go env GOOS)
$ 2018/10/08 21:38:00 Running OpenCensus receiver as a gRPC service at ""

Create an Collector configuration file based on the options described below. By default, the Collector has the opencensus receiver enabled, but no exporters.

Build the Collector and start it:

$ make collector
$ ./bin/occollector_$($GOOS)

Run the demo application:

$ go run "$(go env GOPATH)/src/"

You should be able to see the traces in your exporter(s) of choice. If you stop the ocagent, the example application will stop exporting. If you run it again, exporting will resume.


The OpenCensus Service (both the Agent and Collector) is configured via a YAML file. In general, you need to configure one or more receivers as well as one or more exporters. In addition, diagnostics can also be configured.


A receiver is how you get data into the OpenCensus Service. One or more receivers can be configured. By default, the opencensus receiver is enabled on the Collector and required as a defined receiver for the Agent.

A basic example of all available receivers is provided below. For detailed receiver configuration, please see the receiver

    address: "localhost:55678"

    address: "localhost:9411"

    jaeger-thrift-tchannel-port: 14267
    jaeger-thrift-http-port: 14268

An exporter is how you send data to one or more backends/destinations. One or more exporters can be configured. By default, no exporters are configured on the OpenCensus Service (either the Agent or Collector).

A basic example of all available exporters is provided below. For detailed exporter configuration, please see the exporter

    endpoint: "localhost:55678"

    collector_endpoint: "http://localhost:14268/api/traces"

    brokers: ["localhost:9092"]
    topic: "opencensus-spans"

    project: "your-project-id"
    enable_tracing: true

    endpoint: "http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans"

The collector also takes some global configurations that modify its behavior for all receivers / exporters. One of the configurations available is to add Attributes or Tags to all spans passing through this collector. These additional tags can be configured to either overwrite attributes if they already exists on the span, or respect the original values. An example of this is provided below.

    overwrite: true
      # values are key value pairs where the value can be an int, float, bool, or string
      some_string: "hello world"
      some_int: 1234
      some_float: 3.14159
      some_bool: false

zPages is provided for monitoring. Today, the OpenCensus Agent is configured with zPages running by default on port 55679. These routes below contain the various diagnostic resources:

Resource Route
RPC stats /debug/rpcz
Trace information /debug/tracez

The zPages configuration can be updated in the config.yaml file with fields:

  • disabled: if set to true, won't run zPages
  • port: by default is 55679, otherwise should be set to a value between 0 an 65535

For example:

    port: 8888 # To override the port from 55679 to 8888

To disable zPages, you can use disabled like this:

    disabled: true

OpenCensus Agent

Building binaries

It is recommended that you use the latest release.

Please run file in the root of this repository, with argument binaries or any of:

  • linux
  • darwin
  • windows

which will then place the binaries in the directory bin which is in your current working directory

$ ./ binaries

GOOS=darwin go build -ldflags "-X" -o bin/ocagent_darwin ./cmd/ocagent
GOOS=linux go build -ldflags "-X" -o bin/ocagent_linux ./cmd/ocagent
GOOS=windows go build -ldflags "-X" -o bin/ocagent_windows ./cmd/ocagent

which should then create binaries inside bin/ that have a version command attached to them such as

$ ./bin/ocagent_darwin version

Version      0.0.1
GitHash      8e102b4
Goversion    devel +7f3313133e Mon Oct 15 22:11:26 2018 +0000
OS           darwin
Architecture amd64

The ocagent can be run directly from sources, binary, or a Docker image.

The minimum Go version required for this project is Go 1.11.4.

  1. Run from sources:
$ GO111MODULE=on go get
  1. Run from binary (from the root of your repo):
$ make agent
  1. Build a Docker scratch image and use the appropriate Docker command for your scenario (note: additional ports may be required depending on your receiver configuration):
./ docker <image_version>

For example, to create a Docker image of the agent, tagged v1.0.0:

./ docker v1.0.0

and then the Docker image v1.0.0 of the agent can be started by

docker run --rm -it -p 55678:55678 -p 55679:55679 \
    -v $(pwd)/ocagent-config.yaml:/conf/ocagent-config.yaml \
    --config=/conf/ocagent-config.yaml \

A Docker scratch image can be built with make by targeting docker-agent.

OpenCensus Collector

The OpenCensus Collector is a component that runs “nearby” (e.g. in the same VPC, AZ, etc.) a user’s application components and receives trace spans and metrics emitted by the OpenCensus Agent or tasks instrumented with OpenCensus instrumentation (or other supported protocols/libraries). The received spans and metrics could be emitted directly by clients in instrumented tasks, or potentially routed via intermediate proxy sidecar/daemon agents (such as the OpenCensus Agent). The collector provides a central egress point for exporting traces and metrics to one or more tracing and metrics backends, with buffering and retries as well as advanced aggregation, filtering and annotation capabilities.

The collector is extensible enabling it to support a range of out-of-the-box (and custom) capabilities such as:

  • Retroactive (tail-based) sampling of traces
  • Cluster-wide z-pages
  • Filtering of traces and metrics
  • Aggregation of traces and metrics
  • Decoration with meta-data from infrastructure provider (e.g. k8s master)
  • much more ...

The collector also serves as a control plane for agents/clients by supplying them updated configuration (e.g. trace sampling policies), and reporting agent/client health information/inventory metadata to downstream exporters.


It is recommended that you use the latest release.

The collector can be run directly from sources, binary, or a Docker image.

The minimum Go version required for this project is Go 1.11.4.

  1. Run from sources:
$ GO111MODULE=on go run
  1. Run from binary (from the root of your repo):
$ make collector
$ ./bin/occollector_$($GOOS)
  1. Build a Docker scratch image and use the appropriate Docker command for your scenario (note: additional ports may be required depending on your receiver configuration):
$ make docker-collector
$ docker run --rm -it -p 55678:55678 -p 8888:8888 \
    -v $(pwd)/occollector-config.yaml:/conf/occollector-config.yaml \
    --config=/conf/occollector-config.yaml \

It can be configured via command-line or config file:

OpenCensus Collector

  occollector [flags]

      --config string                Path to the config file
      --debug-processor              Flag to add a debug processor (combine with log level DEBUG to log incoming spans)
      --health-check-http-port int   Port on which to run the healthcheck http server. (default 13133)
  -h, --help                         help for occollector
      --log-level string             Output level of logs (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL) (default "INFO")
      --metrics-level string         Output level of telemetry metrics (NONE, BASIC, NORMAL, DETAILED) (default "BASIC")
      --metrics-port uint16          Port exposing collector telemetry. (default 8888)
      --receive-jaeger               Flag to run the Jaeger receiver (i.e.: Jaeger Collector), default settings: {ThriftTChannelPort:14267 ThriftHTTPPort:14268}
      --receive-oc-trace             Flag to run the OpenCensus trace receiver, default settings: {Port:55678} (default true)
      --receive-zipkin               Flag to run the Zipkin receiver, default settings: {Port:9411}

Sample configuration file:

log-level: DEBUG

  opencensus: {} # Runs OpenCensus receiver with default configuration (default behavior)

  jaeger-sender-test: # A friendly name for the exporter
    # num-workers is the number of queue workers that will be dequeuing batches and sending them out (default is 10)
    num-workers: 2 

    # queue-size is the maximum number of batches allowed in the queue at a given time (default is 5000)
    queue-size: 100

    # retry-on-failure indicates whether queue processor should retry span batches in case of processing failure (default is true)
    retry-on-failure: true

    # backoff-delay is the amount of time a worker waits after a failed send before retrying (default is 5 seconds)
    backoff-delay: 3s

    # sender-type is the type of sender used by this processor, the default is an invalid sender so it forces one to be specified
    sender-type: jaeger-thrift-http

    # configuration of the selected sender-type, in this example Jaeger jaeger-thrift-http. Which supports 3 settings:
    # collector-endpoint: address of Jaeger collector jaeger-thrift-http endpoint
    # headers: a map of any additional headers to be sent with each batch (e.g.: api keys, etc)
    # timeout: the timeout for the sender to consider the operation as failed
      collector-endpoint: "http://svc-jaeger-collector:14268/api/traces"
      headers: { "x-header-key":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" }
      timeout: 5s


Path Synopsis
Program ocagent collects OpenCensus stats and traces to export to a configured backend.
Program ocagent collects OpenCensus stats and traces to export to a configured backend.
Program occollector receives stats and traces from multiple sources and batches them for appropriate forwarding to backends (e.g.: Jaeger or Zipkin) or other layers of occollector.
Program occollector receives stats and traces from multiple sources and batches them for appropriate forwarding to backends (e.g.: Jaeger or Zipkin) or other layers of occollector.
Package builder handles the options to build the OpenCensus collector pipeline.
Package builder handles the options to build the OpenCensus collector pipeline.
Package collector handles the command-line, configuration, and runs the OC collector.
Package collector handles the command-line, configuration, and runs the OC collector.
Package sender contains specialized senders to different backends.
Package sender contains specialized senders to different backends.
Sample contains a program that exports to the OpenCensus service.
Sample contains a program that exports to the OpenCensus service.
Package exporterparser provides support for parsing and creating the respective exporters given a YAML configuration payload.
Package exporterparser provides support for parsing and creating the respective exporters given a YAML configuration payload.
Package jaegerreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives Jaeger data sent by the jaeger-agent in jaeger.thrift format over TChannel and directly from clients in jaeger.thrift format over binary thrift protocol (HTTP transport).
Package jaegerreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives Jaeger data sent by the jaeger-agent in jaeger.thrift format over TChannel and directly from clients in jaeger.thrift format over binary thrift protocol (HTTP transport).
Package ocreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives data directly in the OpenCensus format.
Package ocreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives data directly in the OpenCensus format.
Package processor is the central point on the collector processing: it aggregates and performs any operation that applies to all traces in the pipeline.
Package processor is the central point on the collector processing: it aggregates and performs any operation that applies to all traces in the pipeline.
Package idbatcher defines a pipeline of fixed size in which the elements are batches of ids.
Package idbatcher defines a pipeline of fixed size in which the elements are batches of ids.
Package telemetry controls the telemetry settings to be used in the collector.
Package telemetry controls the telemetry settings to be used in the collector.
Package zipkinreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives Zipkin traces.
Package zipkinreceiver wraps the functionality to start the end-point that receives Zipkin traces.
Package ocmetrics is the logic for receiving OpenCensus metrics proto from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a metricsink instance.
Package ocmetrics is the logic for receiving OpenCensus metrics proto from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a metricsink instance.
Package octrace is the logic for receiving OpenCensus trace protobuf defined spans from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a TraceReceiverSink instance.
Package octrace is the logic for receiving OpenCensus trace protobuf defined spans from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a TraceReceiverSink instance.
Package prometheus has the logic for scraping Prometheus metrics from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a metricsink instance.
Package prometheus has the logic for scraping Prometheus metrics from already instrumented applications and then passing them onto a metricsink instance.
Package tracetranslator defines translators from Trace proto spans to OpenCensus Go spanData.
Package tracetranslator defines translators from Trace proto spans to OpenCensus Go spanData.

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