
v1.1.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 25, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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const (
	OSSShowLog bool = false

	TheDataType = 5001

	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AddCash|AddItem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //
	// srcType: 以下是添加物品/添加金钱的获取原因
	AddCashSrcTypeTask                   = 1  // 主线任务
	AddCashSrcTypeGM                     = 2  // GM
	AddCashSrcTypeHeroTalent             = 3  // 英雄天技能
	AddCashSrcTypeProductionResource     = 4  //
	AddCashSrcTypeColonyProduce          = 5  // 殖民生产
	AddCashSrcTypePurchaseGift           = 6  // 购买礼包
	AddCashSrcTypeMail                   = 7  // 邮件
	AddCashSrcTypeSignIn                 = 8  // 签到奖励
	AddCashSrcTypeDispatchTask           = 9  // 任务派遣
	AddCashSrcTypeUseItem                = 10 // 使用Item
	AddCashSrcTypeMainCityEventReward    = 11 // 主城事件奖励
	AddCashSrcTypeDestroyStatue          = 12 // 撤毁雕像
	AddCashSrcTypeOpenBox                = 13 // 开箱子
	AddCashSrcTypeCancelBuild            = 14 // 取消建筑
	AddCashSrcTypeCancelProductUnit      = 15 // 取消造兵
	AddCashSrcTypeReceiveAllResource     = 16 // 接收所有资源
	AddCashSrcTypeCollectResource        = 17 // 采集资源
	AddCashSrcTypePVPResource            = 18 // PVP掠夺资源
	AddCashSrcTypeReleaseHero            = 19 // release英雄
	AddCashSrcTypeRequestRansom          = 20 // 赎金
	AddCashSrcTypeUseSkill               = 21 // 使用技能
	AddCashSrcTypeKillMonster            = 22 // 杀野怪
	AddCashSrcTypeBuyItem                = 23 // 购买物品
	AddCashSrcTypeBuyLeagueShopItem      = 24 // 联盟商店购买物品
	AddCashSrcTypeReceiveLeagueGift      = 25 // 打开联盟礼包
	AddCashSrcTypeExchangeMaterial       = 26 // 兑换资源
	AddCashSrcTypeStrollHeroEvent        = 27 //英雄行走
	AddCashSrcTypeDailyLoginReward       = 28 // 每日签到
	AddCashSrcTypeFirstBindAccount       = 29 // 第一次绑定账号
	AddCashSrcTypeMiracleWarGift         = 30 // 王战赏赐礼包
	AddCashSrcTypeJoinLeague             = 31 // 王战赏赐礼包
	AddCashSrcTypeBlackMarketExchange    = 32 // 黑市兑换
	AddCashSrcTypeBlackLeagueBox         = 33 // 联盟宝箱
	AddCashSrcTypeSupply                 = 34 // 后勤补给
	AddCashSrcTypeChallenge              = 35 //七日挑战奖励
	AddCashSrcTypeCaptureCity            = 36 //七日挑战奖励
	AddCashSrcTypeAirdrop                = 37 // 空投物资
	AddCashSrcTypeHeroEquipmentComposite = 38 // 英雄装备合成
	AddCashSrcTypeMapList                = 39 // 副本推图
	AddCashSrcTypeStrBoxReward           = 40 // 副本星星宝箱奖励
	AddCashSrcHeroDungeon                = 41 // 挑战英雄副本
	AddCashSrcActivity                   = 42 // 活动
	AddCashSrcTypeOpenPack               = 43 // 开包
	AddCashSrcTypeExchange               = 44 // 兑换得到物品
	AddCashSrcMainCityLevel              = 45 // 主城升级礼包
	AddCashSrcActivityTask               = 46 // 活跃度宝箱奖励
	AddCashSrcStatueRecycle              = 47 // 雕像回收
	AddCashSrcMineGem                    = 48 // 钻石矿采矿
	AddCashSrcMineTruck                  = 49 // 矿车收入
	//AddCashSrcBoonCenter                 = 50 // 福利中心收入
	AddCashSrcCardPool               = 51  // 抽卡
	AddCashSrcBoonPayfirst           = 52  //首充福利
	AddCashSrcBoonDuration           = 53  //时限福利
	AddCashSrcBoonSubScribe          = 54  //订阅30天奖励
	AddCashSrcBoonDayFree            = 55  //日常免费
	AddCashSrcBoonFunding            = 56  //基金福利
	AddCashSrcChapterTask            = 57  //剧情引导奖励
	AddCashSrcEquipCraft             = 58  //制造装备
	AddCashSrcMaterialCompose        = 59  //合成装备材料
	AddCashSrcMaterialDeComp         = 60  //分解装备出材料
	AddCashSrcBountyBack             = 61  // 退还赏金
	AddCashSrcBounty                 = 62  // 赏金
	AddCashSrcLeagueCupTask          = 63  // 联盟杯任务
	AddCashSrcRecyclingBuilding      = 64  //回收建筑
	AddCashSrcLeagueCupScoreLevel    = 65  //联盟杯积分段
	AddCashSrcSevenDayTask           = 66  //七日活动
	AddCashSrcLordLevelUp            = 67  //领主升级
	AddCashFirBuyGiftReward          = 68  //首次购买礼包的额外奖励
	AddCashSrcNoviceTask             = 69  // 七日任务
	AddCashSrcRecove                 = 70  // 自动恢复
	AddCashSrcDropActivity           = 71  // 掉落活动
	AddCashSrcExchangeActivity       = 72  //兑换活动
	AddCashSrcKillSummonMonster      = 73  // 击杀召唤怪
	AddCashSrcKillMonsterEx          = 74  // 击杀单人野怪
	AddCashSrcKillMutliMonster       = 76  // 击杀多人怪
	AddCashSrcTypeJewDeCompose       = 77  // 宝石分解
	AddCashSrcTypeStrongestCommander = 78  // 最强执政官
	AddCashSrcExchangeHeroFragments  = 79  // 对话英雄碎片
	AddCashSrcTypeExpeditionShopBuy  = 80  // 远征商店购买
	AddCashSrcTypeInit               = 81  // 初始化送
	AddCashSrcTypeWorldSituation     = 82  // 天下大势
	AddCashSrcTypeLoginGift          = 83  // 登陆有礼
	AddCashSrcTypeDailyVIP           = 84  // 每日VIP礼包
	AddCashSrcTypeCollectLeagueMine  = 85  // 采集联盟矿
	AddVipStoreItem                  = 86  // vip商城
	AddCashScrTypeLuckyStar          = 87  //购买幸运星
	DelVipStoreItem                  = 88  // vip商城
	Activity_LogicTyep_10            = 89  // 活动任务奖励
	GiftCode                         = 90  //兑换码
	AddCumulativeGiftPage            = 91  // 累计充值
	AddCashSrcLeagueTask             = 92  //联盟任务
	Activity_LogicTyep_11            = 93  // 活动任务奖励
	Activity_DailyTask               = 94  //日常任务
	Activity_Questionnaire           = 95  //调查问卷
	Activity_Gift                    = 96  //活动礼包
	Activity_LotterCard              = 97  //限定抽卡
	CancelAtkRefond                  = 98  //取消攻击或集结返还体力
	AddCashSrcTypeOfferGift          = 99  // 购买折扣礼包
	AddCashSrcTypePrepareForWar      = 100 // 全力备战
	AddCumulativeGiftPage2           = 101 // 累计充值2
	AddCashSrcTypeTransferBattle     = 102 // 最强执政官
	AddCashSrcTypeExchangeCore       = 103 // 跨服战兑换核心

	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OssReduceCash|RemoveItem <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //
	// srcType: 以下是扣除物品/扣除金钱的获取原因
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSetCharName                = 1000 // 玩家改名
	ReduceCashSrcTypeRecruitHero                = 1001 // 招募英雄
	ReduceCashSrcTypeReviveHero                 = 1002 // 复活英雄
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUpgradeHero                = 1003 // 升级英雄
	ReduceCashSrcTypeBuyItem                    = 1004 // 购买物品创建联盟
	ReduceCashSrcTypeCreateLeague               = 1005 // 创建联盟
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSetLeague                  = 1006 // 配置联盟
	ReduceCashSrcTypeStartMainCityEvent         = 1007 // 开启主城事件
	ReduceCashSrcTypeBuildStatue                = 1008 // 建造雕像
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExchangeMaterial           = 1009 // 兑换资源
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSpeedUpCash                = 1010 // 使用资源加速
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSpeedUpItem                = 1011 // 使用道具加速
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMiscResearch               = 1012 // 秒研发
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUpgradeBuilding            = 1013 // 升级建筑
	ReduceCashSrcTypeStartBuild                 = 1014 // 主城建造
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMiscBuild                  = 1015 // 秒建造
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMiscUpgradeBuild           = 1016 // 秒升级建筑
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMiscCure                   = 1017 // 秒治疗
	ReduceCashScrTypeCure                       = 1018 // 治疗
	ReduceCashScrTypeMiscProductUnit            = 1019 // 秒造兵
	ReduceCashScrTypeProductUnit                = 1020 // 造兵
	ReduceCashScrTypeStartResearch              = 1021 // 开始研发
	ReduceCashScrTypeLeagueTransport            = 1022 // 联盟运输
	ReduceCashScrTypePVPGrab                    = 1023 // PVP掠夺
	ReduceCashSrcTypeRequestRansom              = 1024 // 赎金
	ReduceCashSrcTypeLeagueDevote               = 1025 // 联盟捐赠
	ReduceCashSrcTypeAddHeroExp                 = 1026 // 增加英雄经验
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMoveMainCity               = 1027 // 移动主城
	ReduceCashSrcTypeGM                         = 1028 // GM
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUseItem                    = 1029 // 使用道具
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUnLockLand                 = 1030 // 解锁主城地块
	ReduceCashSrcTypeOpenDepot                  = 1031 // 开仓库
	ReduceCashSrcTypeRepairCityDenfense         = 1032 // 修复城市防御
	ReduceCashSrcTypeKillHero                   = 1033 // 修复城市防御
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSpy                        = 1034 // 修复城市防御
	ReduceCashSrcTypeChangeServe                = 1035 // 迁服
	ReduceCashSrcTypeOpenServerBuff             = 1036 // 开全服buff
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUploadAvatar               = 1037 //上传头像
	ReduceCashSrcTypeBlackMarketExchange        = 1038 // 黑市兑换
	ReduceCashSrcTypeLeagueBox                  = 1039 // 联盟宝箱
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSupply                     = 1040 // 后勤补给
	ReduceAirDrop                               = 1041 // 空投
	ReduceCashSrcTypeUnitUpgrade                = 1042 // 兵种升级
	ReduceCashSrcTypeRecallLeagueOnwer          = 1043 // 罢免盟主
	ReduceCashSrcTypeHeroEquipmentComposite     = 1044 // 英雄装备合成
	ReduceCashSrcTypeHeroRankUp                 = 1045 // 英雄升阶
	ReduceCashSrcTypeTrapConstruct              = 1046 // 陷阱建造
	ReduceCashSrcTypeDispatchTask               = 1047 // 任务派遣
	ReduceCashSrcTypeEnhanceStatue              = 1048 // 雕像增幅[OLD]
	ReduceCashSrcTypeEquipHero                  = 1049 // 英雄升级装备
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExchange                   = 1050 // 兑换消耗物品
	ReduceCashSrcTypeJewCompose                 = 1051 // 宝石合成
	ReduceCashSrcTypeStatueBuild                = 1052 // 雕像制造
	ReduceCashSrcTypeStatueActive               = 1053 // 雕像加成
	ReduceCashSrcTypeStatueBuildSpeed           = 1054 // 雕像制造加速
	ReduceCashScrTypeAddSkillExp                = 1055 // 英雄技能升级
	ReduceCashScrTypeFactoryMake                = 1056 // 合装备
	ReduceCashScrTypeCardPool                   = 1057 // 抽卡
	ReduceCashScrTypeMaterialDecomp             = 1058 // 装备材料拆分
	ReduceCashSrcTypeMaterialCompose            = 1059 // 装备材料合成
	ReduceCashSrcTypeRansomCommander            = 1060 // 赎回指挥官
	ReduceCashSrcTypeBounty                     = 1061 // 添加赏金
	ReduceCashSrcTypeBlackMarketRefresh         = 1062 // 刷新黑市
	ReduceCashSrcTypeLeagueBoxRefresh           = 1063 // 刷新联盟秘宝
	ReduceCashSrcTypeLeagueCupTaskRefresh       = 1064 // 联盟杯刷新任务
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSpeedJoinMass              = 1065 // 加速集结行军
	ReduceCashSrcTypeKillMonster                = 1067 // 杀血条单人野怪
	ReduceCashSrcTypeNormalMap                  = 1068 // 普通副本
	ReduceCashSrcTypeELITEMap                   = 1069 // 精英副本
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExchangeActivity           = 1070 // 兑换活动
	ReduceCashSrcTypeSummonMonster              = 1071 // 召唤野怪
	ReduceCashSrcTypeJewDeCompose               = 1072 // 宝石分解
	ReduceWORLDMAP_IN                           = 1073 // 联盟仓库存取
	ReduceCashSrcTypeHeroSkillUp                = 1074 // 英雄技能升级
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExchangeHeroFragments      = 1075 // 对话英雄碎片
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExpeditionShopRefreshItems = 1076 // 远征商店刷新
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExpeditionShopBuy          = 1077 // 远征商店购买
	ReduceCashSrcTypeActivityEndRecycle         = 1078 // 活动结束回收
	ReduceCashSrcTypeKillMonsterEx              = 1079 // 杀alpha单人野怪
	ReduceCashSrcTypeKillMutiMonster            = 1080 // 杀机械中枢
	ReduceCashSrcTypeLotterCard                 = 1081 // 限定抽卡活动
	ReduceCashSrcTypeTBCurDeathUnits            = 1082 // 跨服决战 机械重建
	ReduceCashSrcTypeExchangeCore               = 1083 // 跨服决战 兑换核心
	ReduceCashSrcTypeFoolsDay                   = 1084 // 愚人节活动
	ReduceCashSrcTypeTBTransferServer           = 1085 // 跨服决战跨服消耗道具

	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mail <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //
	// mail_type: proto:enum MailType
	// op_type: 如下
	MailOpType_Read MailOpType = 1
	MailOpType_Take MailOpType = 2
	MailOpType_Dele MailOpType = 3

	// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UserLeagueAction <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< //
	// 如下
	UserLeagueActionTypeCreate = 1 //	创建
	UserLeagueActionTypeJoin   = 2 //	加入
	UserLeagueActionTypeExit   = 3 //	退出

	///	--------------------------------------- 其它 -------------------------------------- //
	UnitChangeTypeProduct         = 1 /// 造兵
	UnitChangeTypePVP             = 2 /// PVP
	UnitChangeTypeStrollHeroEvent = 3 /// [OLD]未启用
	UnitChangeTypeUpgrade         = 4 /// 兵种升级
	UnitChangeTypeCure            = 5 /// 治疗修复
	UnitChangeTypeItem            = 6 /// 使用道具
	UnitChangeTypeCityWar         = 7 /// 城市战争

	ChatTypeWorld  = 1
	ChatTypeLeague = 2

	PlayerLevelUpSrcTypeMainCity  = 1
	PlayerLevelUpSrcTypeCommander = 2

	MarchTypeOccupy         = 1 //占领
	MarchTypeAttack         = 2 //进攻
	MarchTypeCollect        = 3 //采集
	MarchTypeGarrison       = 4 //驻守
	MarchTypeMass           = 5 //集结
	MarchTypeCollectReturn  = 6 //采集返回
	MarchTypeGarrisonReturn = 7 //驻守返回
	MarchTypeMassReturn     = 8 //集结返回

	MarchDestinationTypeMainCity    = 1
	MarchDestinationTypeMine        = 2
	MarchDestinationTypeWildMonster = 3
	MarchDestinationTypeFort        = 4

	LeagueHelpTypeBuild    = 1
	LeagueHelpTypeResearch = 2

	LoginEventID             = 1
	LogoutEventID            = 2
	TaskFinishEventID        = 3
	ServerStateEventID       = 19
	AddCashEventID           = 23
	AddItemEventID           = 31
	RemoveItemEventID        = 32
	RegisterEventID          = 40
	OnlineTimeEventID        = 41
	UserTrainEventID         = 49
	ReduceCashEventID        = 52
	PlayerLevelUpdateEventID = 56

	MoveMainCityEventID       = 10001
	LeagueDevoteEventID       = 10002
	UserMarchEventID          = 10003
	UserGatherEventID         = 10004
	ResearchUpgradeEventID    = 10005
	BuildingUpgradeEventID    = 10006
	LeagueHelpEventID         = 10007
	LeagueTransportEventID    = 10008
	TalentLevelUpEventID      = 10009
	UnitChangeEventID         = 10010
	ResourceRefreshEventID    = 10011
	LeagueDailyEventID        = 10012
	UserPVPEventID            = 10013
	CityDisputeEventID        = 10014
	ChatEventID               = 10015
	UserDailyEventID          = 10016
	UserSignEventID           = 10017
	UserLeagueActionEventID   = 10018
	UserCancelTrainEventID    = 10019
	LeagueSettingEventID      = 10020
	LeagueMemberManageEventID = 10021
	LeagueGiftEventID         = 10022
	KillMonsterEventID        = 10023
	SpyEventID                = 10024
	LeagueInviteEventID       = 10025
	UserChangeInfoEventID     = 10026
	MainCityClickEventID      = 10027
	BuildingMoveEventID       = 10028
	MailEventID               = 10029
	FeedbackEventID           = 10030
	VIPChangeEventID   = 10031
	TopicEventID       = 10032
	HeroUpgradeEventID = 10033
	AvatarChangeID     = 10034
	DailyActivity      = 10035
	MiracleBattleTime  = 10036
	KingdomManage      = 10037
	FcmMsg             = 10038
	Logistics          = 10039
	AllianceTreasure   = 10040
	BlackShop          = 10041
	SevenDayChallenge  = 10042
	Trap               = 10043
	Airdrop            = 10044
	Statue             = 10045
	SpecialResources   = 10046
	Quest              = 10047
	MineTruck          = 10048 // 矿车活动记录, ossTruckSpy
	Activity           = 10049 // 活跃度系统, ossUserActivity
	Prison             = 10050 // 监狱日志, ossUserPrison
	Extract            = 10051 // 抽卡系统, ossUserDrawCard
	CommanderEquipment = 10052 // 领主装备, ossLordEquips
	ChapterTask        = 10053 // 新手剧情,ossChapterTask
	CommanderFashion   = 10054 // 领主外观
	Report             = 10056 // 举报
	LeagueCupActivity  = 10057 // 联盟活动,联盟杯
	Battle             = 10058 // 战斗
	PayEventID         = 10059 // 购买礼包
	CommanderEventID   = 10060 //最强领主
	LeagueBuilding     = 10061 //联盟建筑
	DailyTask          = 10062 //日常任务
	Questionnaire      = 10063 //问卷调查
	LuckyStarEventID   = 10064 // 幸运星
	Turntable          = 10065 //限定抽卡
	MonsterAtkCity     = 10066 //怪物攻城
	FoolsDay           = 10067 //愚人节活动
	CrossingEventID    = 10068
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const (
	GetVIPFromUnknown    = VIPSource(0)
	GetVIPFromDailyLogin = VIPSource(1)
	GetVIPFromUseItem    = VIPSource(2)
	GetVIPFromGM         = VIPSource(3)
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const (
	MRS_GiftPack               = 1  // 购买礼包
	MRS_DefeatRecoup           = 2  // 战败补偿
	MRS_MineTruck              = 3  // 矿车活动
	MRS_MonthGift              = 4  // 月卡
	MRS_City                   = 5  // 首次占领城市
	MRS_Miracle                = 6  // 占领奇迹
	MRS_LeagueRank             = 7  // 联盟排行活动
	MRS_UserRank               = 8  // 个人排行活动
	MRS_DropActivity           = 9  // 掉落活动
	MRS_SingleActivity         = 10 // 单人活动
	MRS_HellActivity           = 11 // 地狱活动
	MRS_DropRank               = 12 // 掉落活动排行榜奖励
	MRS_CreateLeague           = 13 // 创建联盟
	MRS_StrongestCommanderRank = 14 // 最强执政官排行榜奖励
	MRS_Questionaire           = 15 // 问卷调查
	MRS_Welcome                = 16 // 欢迎邮件
	MRS_JoinLeague             = 17 // 加入联盟
	MRS_BoonCenter             = 18 // 福利中心
	MRS_LuckStar               = 19 // 幸运星礼包
	MRS_MiracleWarGift         = 20 // 奇迹战礼包
	MRS_GM                     = 21 // GM后台发放
	MRS_ActivityEndRecycle     = 22 // 活动结束回收道具
	MRS_ActivityGift           = 23 // 活动礼包
	MRS_CancelAtkRefond        = 24 // 取消攻击alpha或集结返还
	MRS_TBUserRank             = 25 // 跨服决战玩家排行榜奖励
	MRS_TBLeagueRank           = 26 // 跨服决战联盟排行榜奖励
	MRS_MonsterAtkCity         = 27 // 怪物攻城
	MRS_PrepareForWarRank      = 28 // 全力备战活动排行榜
	MRS_TBStageWinReward       = 29 // 跨服决战阶段胜利奖励
	MRS_TBWinReward            = 30 // 跨服决战 备战期 胜利奖励
	MRS_TBLoseReward           = 31 // 跨服决战 备战期 失败奖励
	MRS_GlobaRanking           = 32 // 跨服排行榜
	MRS_FeedBack               = 33 // 反馈弹窗
	MRS_MainCityLevelUp        = 34 // 主城升级
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const (
	SignInTypeUnknown = SignType(0)
	SignInTypeDaily   = SignType(1)
	SignInTypeOnline  = SignType(2)
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const (
	TopicOPTypeUnknown  = TopicOPType(0)
	TopicOPTypeDianZhan = TopicOPType(1)
	TopicOPTypeHuiFu    = TopicOPType(2)
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const (
	AirDropCostType_Gem  AirDropCostType = 1
	AirDropCostType_Item AirDropCostType = 2
	AirDropCostType_Free AirDropCostType = 3
	AirDropReward_Items  AirDropReward   = 1
	AirDropReward_Gem    AirDropReward   = 2
	AirDropReward_Extra  AirDropReward   = 3
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const (
	OSRTP_STAMINA OssSpecialResourceType = 1
	OSRTP_ENERGY  OssSpecialResourceType = 2

	OSGT_None   OssSrcGotType = 0
	OSGT_Item   OssSrcGotType = 1
	OSGT_Skill  OssSrcGotType = 2
	OSGT_GM     OssSrcGotType = 3
	OSGT_Refond OssSrcGotType = 4

	OSATP_COST      OssSrcActionType = 1
	OSACV_Monster                    = 1
	OSACV_Dungeon                    = 2
	OSACV_DungeonH                   = 3
	OSATP_EARN      OssSrcActionType = 2
	OSAGV_UseItem                    = 1
	OSAGV_MainQuest                  = 2
View Source
const (
	OQOP_Challenge OssQuestOpType = 1
	OQOP_Reward    OssQuestOpType = 2

	OQBTP_Normal OssQuestBattleType = 1
	OQBTP_Rush   OssQuestBattleType = 2
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const (
	CPT_Normal CardPoolType = 1
	CPT_Super  CardPoolType = 2
	CDT_Free   CardDrawType = 1
	CDT_Once   CardDrawType = 2
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const (
	OssSpecialLandType_Truck = 3001 // 特殊类型,矿车


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var (
	OSSEnable uint32 = 0


func ConvertCashToString

func ConvertCashToString(cashAsset *Protocol.ST_CashAsset_PB) string

func ConvertUnitsToString

func ConvertUnitsToString(units *Protocol.ST_UnitAsset_PB) string

func ExitNewOss

func ExitNewOss()

func GetCodString

func GetCodString(tileId int32) string

func Initialize

func Initialize()

* @brief 初始化OSS

func NewOssMapToJson

func NewOssMapToJson(value map[interface{}]interface{}) string

func OSSInitialize

func OSSInitialize(ip string, port, serverId, productId uint32, region, channel string)

* @brief 初始化 @param ip 上报服务器ip @param port 上报服务器端口 @param serverId 上报服务器id @param productId 产品id @param region 区域


type ActionWorkType

type ActionWorkType uint32
const (
	AWT_ActionStart ActionWorkType = iota

type AirDropCostType

type AirDropCostType uint32

type AirDropReward

type AirDropReward int32

type CardDrawType

type CardDrawType uint32

type CardPoolType

type CardPoolType uint32

type EquipActionType

type EquipActionType uint32
const (
	EAT_Craft  EquipActionType = 1
	EAT_UnWear EquipActionType = 2
	EAT_Wear   EquipActionType = 3

type FoolsDayTask

type FoolsDayTask struct {
	League       uint64
	ActiveID     uint64
	LogicType    uint64
	ActivityType uint32
	Type         uint32
	Item         string

type HeroUpgradeType

type HeroUpgradeType uint32


const (
	HUT_Unknown  HeroUpgradeType = iota
	HUT_ShengJi                  //升级
	HUT_JinJie                   //升阶
	HUT_Equip                    //装备
	HUT_Rank                     //升星
	HUT_Skill                    //技能
	HUT_Garrison                 //驻防
	HUT_Recuit                   //招募

type LeagueBoxOpType

type LeagueBoxOpType uint32
const (
	LeagueBox_Open_Self LeagueBoxOpType = 1
	LeagueBox_Open_Help LeagueBoxOpType = 2
	LeagueBox_Take_Self LeagueBoxOpType = 3
	LeagueBox_Take_Help LeagueBoxOpType = 4
	LeagueBox_Speed     LeagueBoxOpType = 5

type LeagueCupAction

type LeagueCupAction uint32
const (
	LCA_Accept LeagueCupAction = iota + 1

type MailOpType

type MailOpType uint32

type NewLotterCard

type NewLotterCard struct {
	Type     uint32
	Count    uint32
	Btype    string
	ItemList string

type NewOss

type NewOss struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields
var NewOssInstance *NewOss

func (*NewOss) ProcessOssMsg

func (this *NewOss) ProcessOssMsg(param *OSSParam, ossData interface{})

func (*NewOss) SendOssMsg

func (this *NewOss) SendOssMsg(data *SSData)

type NewOssActivity

type NewOssActivity struct {
	TaskID     uint32
	Type       uint32
	Score      uint32
	BoxLevel   uint32
	TaskScore  uint32
	TotalCount uint32
	Count      uint32

type NewOssAddCash

type NewOssAddCash struct {
	SrcType    uint32
	Type       uint32
	TotalCount uint64
	Count      uint64
	Effect     int64

addCash, reduceCash, addItem, removeItem 共用此结构体

type NewOssBattle

type NewOssBattle struct {
	Type       uint32
	Xtype      uint32
	Cod        string
	SquareID   uint32
	Hero       string
	Unit       string
	IsWin      uint32
	BattleType uint32

type NewOssBlackStore

type NewOssBlackStore struct {
	Renovate  uint32
	Type      uint32
	Count     uint32
	CostType  uint32
	CostCount uint32
	Discount  float32

type NewOssBuildingUpgrade

type NewOssBuildingUpgrade struct {
	ObjectID       uint32
	ObjectLV       uint32
	ComsumeRorTime string
	Comsume        string
	SubTime        uint64
	RemainTime     uint64
	Status         uint32

buildingUpgrade 和 researchUpgrade 共用此结构体

type NewOssChat

type NewOssChat struct {
	Type     uint32
	Title    string
	Content  string
	OPType   uint32
	Language uint32

type NewOssCommanderEvent

type NewOssCommanderEvent struct {
	RewardType uint32
	BType      uint32
	SType      uint32
	Point      uint32
	Rank       uint32

type NewOssCrossing

type NewOssCrossing struct {
	LogicType     uint32
	TaskID        uint32
	League        uint64
	Type          uint32
	Count         uint64
	AllianceCount uint64
	AllianceRank  uint32
	PersonelRank  uint32
	Itemlist      string

type NewOssDailyActive

type NewOssDailyActive struct {
	League       uint64
	LeagueName   string
	LogicType    int64
	ActivityType int64
	ActivityID   int
	Type         uint32
	Item         string

type NewOssDailyTask

type NewOssDailyTask struct {
	Type         uint32
	ActivityType uint32
	TaskID       uint32
	Score        uint32
	ItemList     string

type NewOssEquipment

type NewOssEquipment struct {
	ObjectID   uint32
	Count      uint32
	TotalCount uint32
	Type       uint32

type NewOssExtract

type NewOssExtract struct {
	Type     uint32
	TaskType uint32
	ItemList string

type NewOssHero

type NewOssHero struct {
	HeroID      uint32
	Type        uint32
	Skill       uint32
	BeforeLevel uint32
	AfterLevel  uint32
	Hero        string
	DeHeroNum   int

type NewOssKingdomManage

type NewOssKingdomManage struct {
	League      uint64
	GiftLV      uint32
	LeaguePower uint64
	LeagueNum   uint32
	UserLX      int32
	Type        int32
	Content     string
	ToUser      string

type NewOssLeagueBuilding

type NewOssLeagueBuilding struct {
	Allianceid uint64
	Type       uint64
	Action     uint64
	Rsslist    string
	Cod        string
	Baselist   string

type NewOssLeagueCupActivity

type NewOssLeagueCupActivity struct {
	League      uint64
	Group       uint32
	UserLX      int32
	Type        uint32
	MaxType     uint32
	MinType     uint32
	RewardType  uint32
	Time        uint32
	ObjectNum   uint32
	TaskScore   uint32
	PlayerScore uint32
	LeagueScore uint32
	Num         uint32
	Rank        uint32
	ItemList    string

type NewOssLeagueDaily

type NewOssLeagueDaily struct {
	League       uint64
	LeagueName   string
	ShortName    string
	LeagueLV     uint32
	Date         uint64
	Leader       uint64
	MAX          uint32
	LeagueNum    uint32
	LeaguePower  uint64
	LeagueLg     uint32
	GiftLV       uint32
	Cityid       string
	Devotelist   string
	Recomtech    uint32
	RecomTechLV  uint32
	Rank         string
	ActiveNum    uint32
	TotalPoint   uint64
	MemberList   string
	BuildingList string

type NewOssLeagueDevote

type NewOssLeagueDevote struct {
	League    uint64
	ObjectID  uint32
	ObjectLV  uint32
	Type      uint32
	Count     uint32
	Point     uint32
	LeftPoint uint32
	Time      uint32
	FundsAdd  uint32
	Funds     uint64
	Exp       uint32
	UserLX    int32

type NewOssLeagueGift

type NewOssLeagueGift struct {
	League uint64
	GiftLV uint32
	Type   uint32
	OpType uint32

type NewOssLeagueHelp

type NewOssLeagueHelp struct {
	League          uint64
	Type            uint32
	LeagueHelp      uint64
	DefID           uint64
	LeaguePoint     uint32
	LeaguePointLeft uint32
	UserLX          int32

type NewOssLeagueMemberManage

type NewOssLeagueMemberManage struct {
	League     uint64
	LeagueName string
	ShortName  string
	LeagueNum  uint32
	PType      string
	ToUser     uint64

type NewOssLeagueTransport

type NewOssLeagueTransport struct {
	ReceiverId    uint64
	TransportList string

type NewOssLeagueTreasure

type NewOssLeagueTreasure struct {
	League   uint64
	Type     uint32
	PType    uint32
	Gems     uint32
	ItemCost string
	ItemList string
	Count    uint32

type NewOssLogin

type NewOssLogin struct {
	LastLogout    uint64 `json:"LastLogout"`
	Hrank         uint64
	Rank          uint64
	Srank         uint64
	Cod           string `json:"Cod"`
	League        uint64 `json:"League"`
	Mac           string `json:"Mac"`
	Resolution    string `json:"Resolution"`
	Did           string `json:"Did"`
	DeviceIDFA    string `json:"DeviceIDFA"`
	DeviceIDFV    string `json:"DeviceIDFV"`
	TimeRegion    string `json:"TimeRegion"`
	Network       string `json:"Network"`
	Platform      uint32 `json:"Platform"`
	UserName      string `json:"UserName"`
	Language      uint32 `json:"Language"`
	SystemVersion string `json:"SystemVersion"`
	DeviceModel   string `json:"DeviceModel"`

type NewOssLogistics

type NewOssLogistics struct {
	Gems          uint32
	Type          uint32
	QuantityBase  uint32
	QuantityExtra uint32
	Quantity      uint32
	Crit          uint32

type NewOssLogout

type NewOssLogout struct {
	Cod        string `json:"Cod"`
	OnlineTime uint64 `json:"OnlineTime"`
	League     uint64 `json:"League"`
	Did        string `json:"Did"`
	DeviceIDFA string `json:"DeviceIDFA"`
	Mac        string `json:"Mac"`
	DeviceIDFV string `json:"DeviceIDFV"`
	TimeRegion string `json:"TimeRegion"`
	Network    string `json:"Network"`
	UserName   string `json:"UserName"`
	Platform   uint32 `json:"Platform"`
	Language   uint32 `json:"Language"`

type NewOssLuckyStar

type NewOssLuckyStar struct {
	DeviceIDFA string
	LuckID     uint32
	GoodsID    int64
	GoodsPrice string
	OrderID    string
	THOrderID  string
	Status     uint32

type NewOssMail

type NewOssMail struct {
	Type         uint32
	Id           uint64
	Title        string
	Content      string
	Sender       uint64
	Reward       string
	OpType       uint32
	RewardSource int32

type NewOssMineTruck

type NewOssMineTruck struct {
	ItemList string

type NewOssMiracleBattleTime

type NewOssMiracleBattleTime struct {
	Status int32
	City   int

type NewOssMonsterAtkCity

type NewOssMonsterAtkCity struct {
	Number      uint32
	Name        string
	League      string
	Score       uint32
	LeagueScore uint32
	LeagueHelp  string
	Type        uint32
	HeroID      string
	Unit        string

type NewOssMonsterBattle

type NewOssMonsterBattle struct {
	League       uint64
	Count        uint64
	Type         uint32
	MonsterID    int64
	MonsterLV    int64
	Presbyter    uint64
	Partner      string
	Exp          uint64
	Hero         string
	Unit         string
	IsWin        int
	AttackHP     uint64
	LeftHP       uint64
	ItemList     string
	Num          uint32
	LanguageName string
	Name         string

type NewOssMoveMainCity

type NewOssMoveMainCity struct {
	Type        uint32
	Old         string
	New         string
	ServerIDNew int32

type NewOssOnlineTime

type NewOssOnlineTime struct {
	DeviceIDFA string
	OnlineTime uint64
	Did        string
	Platform   uint32

type NewOssPay

type NewOssPay struct {
	DeviceIDFA string
	Did        string
	Platform   uint32
	GoodsID    int64
	GoodsPrice string
	OrderID    string
	THOrderID  string
	Status     uint32
	AllPrice   string
	League     string
	UserName   string
	Hrank      uint64
	Rank       uint64
	Srank      uint64
	Lasttime   uint64

type NewOssPrison

type NewOssPrison struct {
	Type        uint32
	Count       uint32
	Information string
	Words       string
	SelfRescue  string
	Post        string
	PVP         string
	RescueList  string

type NewOssQuest

type NewOssQuest struct {
	Type       uint32
	Chapter    uint32
	Level      uint32
	Star       uint32
	TaskType   int64
	BattleType uint32
	Num        uint32
	IsWin      uint32
	Hero       string
	Unit       string
	ItemList   string

type NewOssQuestionaire

type NewOssQuestionaire struct {
	ActivityId uint32
	ItemList   string

type NewOssRegister

type NewOssRegister struct {
	Did           string `json:"Did"`
	DeviceIDFA    string `json:"DeviceIDFA"`
	DeviceIDFV    string `json:"DeviceIDFV"`
	Mac           string `json:"Mac"`
	DeviceModel   string `json:"DeviceModel"`
	DeviceType    string `json:"DeviceType"`
	SystemVersion string `json:"SystemVersion"`
	SystemName    string `json:"SystemName"`
	TimeRegion    string `json:"TimeRegion"`
	Network       string `json:"Network"`
	Platform      uint32 `json:"Platform"`
	Language      uint32 `json:"Language"`

type NewOssServerState

type NewOssServerState struct {
	Count uint64

type NewOssSevenDayChallenge

type NewOssSevenDayChallenge struct {
	Type       uint32
	TaskType   uint32
	TaskID     uint32
	TotalCount uint32
	ItemList   string

type NewOssSpy

type NewOssSpy struct {
	League    uint64
	Cod       string
	Type      string
	ID        uint64
	ALevel    uint32
	Owner     uint64
	DefLeague uint64

type NewOssStatue

type NewOssStatue struct {
	Type       uint32
	OpNum      uint32
	Quality    uint32
	SrcType    uint32
	Attributes string
	Gems       uint32
	ItemList   string
	Cod        string
	StatueList string
	TotalNum   uint32

type NewOssTalentLevelUp

type NewOssTalentLevelUp struct {
	Type        uint32
	ObjectID    uint32
	Count       uint32
	TotalCount  uint32
	TalentLevel uint32

type NewOssTaskFinish

type NewOssTaskFinish struct {
	Type     uint32
	TaskID   uint32
	ItemList string

type NewOssTrap

type NewOssTrap struct {
	Type       uint32
	ObjectID   uint32
	Count      uint64
	TotalCount uint64

type NewOssUnitChange

type NewOssUnitChange struct {
	Type       uint32
	UnitType   uint32
	ChangeNum  int32
	Count      int32
	TotalCount uint64

type NewOssUserChangeInfo

type NewOssUserChangeInfo struct {
	Type uint32
	Old  string
	New  string

type NewOssUserDaily

type NewOssUserDaily struct {
	Username                  string
	League                    uint64
	LeagueName                string
	Cod                       string
	Hero                      string
	HeroNum                   int
	Gems                      uint64
	Metal                     uint64
	Crystal                   uint64
	Deuterium                 uint64
	Gas                       uint64
	Cola                      uint64
	ForgingFactoryLevel       uint32
	RecruitmentCenterLevel    uint32
	LeagueCenterLevel         uint32
	TradingPostLevel          uint32
	ResearchCenterLevel       uint32
	DefenseSystemLevel        uint32
	DepotLevel                uint32
	BarracksLevel             uint32
	MechFactoryLevel          uint32
	TankFactoryLevel          uint32
	AircraftFactoryLevel      uint32
	MaintenanceStationLevel   uint32
	WarSquareLevel            uint32
	PrisonLevel               uint32
	RadarLevel                uint32
	GemMineLevel              uint32
	MetalMineLevel            uint32
	CrystalOreLevel           uint32
	DeuteriumSynthesizerLevel uint32
	VespeneGasLevel           uint32
	ColaFactoryLevel          uint32
	PrisonerList              string

type NewOssUserGather

type NewOssUserGather struct {
	ObjectID uint32
	ObjectLV uint32
	Status   uint32
	Count    uint32
	Time     uint64
	Remain   uint32
	Cod      string
	Unit     string

type NewOssUserMarch

type NewOssUserMarch struct {
	Type   uint32
	Status uint32
	Hero   string
	Unit   string
	Cod    string
	ToCod  string
	PType  int64
	Time   uint64
	Item   string

type NewOssUserPVP

type NewOssUserPVP struct {
	PVPType        uint32
	Type           uint32
	Hero           string
	DeHero         string
	AttServerID    uint32
	AttUid         uint64
	AttLeague      uint64
	AttLeaguePower uint64
	AttCod         string
	DefServerID    uint32
	DefUid         uint64
	DefLeague      uint64
	DefLeaguePower uint64
	DefCod         string
	Cod            string
	IsWin          uint32
	AttPower       int64
	DefPower       int64
	AttUnit        string
	DefUnit        string
	AttType        string
	DefType        string
	AttSubPower    int64
	DefSubPower    int64
	AttSubUnit     string
	DefSubUnit     string
	AttInjuredUnit string
	DefInjuredUnit string
	WorldEntryId   int64
	AttTime        uint32
	DefTime        uint32

type NewOssUserSign

type NewOssUserSign struct {
	ID       uint32
	Type     uint32
	Num      uint32
	ItemList string

type NewOssUserTrain

type NewOssUserTrain struct {
	ObjectID       uint32
	Count          uint64
	TotalCount     uint64
	ComsumeRorTime string
	Comsume        string
	SubTime        uint64
	Remain         uint64
	Status         uint32

type NewOssVip

type NewOssVip struct {
	League    uint64
	Point     uint32
	LeftPoint uint32
	Type      uint32
	PType     uint32
	Count     uint32

type OSSBattleType

type OSSBattleType uint32
const (
	OBT_PVP     OSSBattleType = 1
	OBT_Monster OSSBattleType = 2
	OBT_Dungeon OSSBattleType = 3

type OSSObject

type OSSObject struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * @brief OSS对象

var (
	TheOSSObject *OSSObject

func (*OSSObject) Exit

func (object *OSSObject) Exit()
func (object *OSSObject) run() {
	for v := range object.receiveChan {
func (object *OSSObject) run1() {
	var count = 0
	msgList := make([]*SSData, 0)
	for v := range object.receiveSSChan {
		if count >= 5 {
			tmpData, err := json.Marshal(msgList)
			if err != nil {
			msgList = make([]*SSData, 0)
			count = 0
		} else {
			msgList = append(msgList, v)

	// 如果停止发送了,清除缓存的oss数据
	if len(msgList) > 0 {
		tmpData, err := json.Marshal(msgList)
		if err == nil {
		} else {
		msgList = make([]*SSData, 0)
	object.exitSS <- struct{}{}

* @brief 退出

type OSSParam

type OSSParam struct {
	EventID              uint32 `json:"-"`
	UserId               uint32 `json:"-"`
	UserCharId           string `json:"-"`
	UserLevel            uint32 `json:"-"`
	VipLevel             uint32 `json:"-"`
	Platform             uint32 `json:"-"`
	Version              string `json:"-"`
	DeviceId             string `json:"-"`
	DeviceMode           string `json:"-"`
	DeviceName           string `json:"-"`
	DeviceType           string `json:"-"`
	DeviceIp             string `json:"-"`
	DeviceVersion        string `json:"-"`
	SystemVersion        string `json:"-"`
	SystemName           string `json:"-"`
	IDFA                 string `json:"-"`
	IDFV                 string `json:"-"`
	MAC                  string `json:"-"`
	CountryCode          string `json:"-"`
	NSFileSystemSize     uint64 `json:"-"`
	NSFileSystemFreeSize uint64 `json:"-"`
	JailBroken           uint32 `json:"-"`
	MainCityLevel        uint32 `json:"MainCityLV"`
	Power                uint64 `json:"-"`
	CreateTime           uint64 `json:"CreateTime"`
	Channel              string `json:"-"`
	Language             uint32 `json:"-"`
	InsertTime           uint64 `json:"-"`

* @brief OSS上报基本参数

type OssActivityType

type OssActivityType uint32
const (
	OATP_None OssActivityType = iota

type OssNumberPair

type OssNumberPair struct {
	ID  uint32
	Num uint64

type OssQuestBattleType

type OssQuestBattleType uint32 //战斗类型

type OssQuestOpType

type OssQuestOpType uint32 //操作类型

type OssSpecialResourceType

type OssSpecialResourceType uint32

type OssSrcActionType

type OssSrcActionType uint32

type OssSrcGotType

type OssSrcGotType uint32

type OssStatueOpType

type OssStatueOpType uint32
const (
	OSOP_Build   OssStatueOpType = 1 //制造
	OSOP_Hurry   OssStatueOpType = 2 //加速
	OSOP_Place   OssStatueOpType = 3 //放置
	OSOP_Recycle OssStatueOpType = 4 //回收
	OSOP_Buff    OssStatueOpType = 5 //加成

type PrisonActionType

type PrisonActionType uint32
const (
	PAT_Catch PrisonActionType = iota + 1

type PrisonBBS

type PrisonBBS struct {
	Content string

func (*PrisonBBS) ToString

func (p *PrisonBBS) ToString() string

type PrisonBattleInfo

type PrisonBattleInfo struct {
	Attacker []uint64
	Defender []uint64
	Result   uint32

func (*PrisonBattleInfo) ToJson

func (p *PrisonBattleInfo) ToJson() string

type PrisonBounty

type PrisonBounty struct {
	ItemID  uint32
	ItemNum uint32
	Tp      uint32 // 1:设置悬赏 2:追加悬赏

func (*PrisonBounty) ToString

func (p *PrisonBounty) ToString() string

type PrisonHijacker

type PrisonHijacker struct {
	Publisher uint64
	Recipient uint64
	ItemID    uint32
	ItemNum   uint32

func (*PrisonHijacker) ToJson

func (p *PrisonHijacker) ToJson() string

type PrisonRansom

type PrisonRansom struct {
	ItemID  uint32
	ItemNum uint32

func (*PrisonRansom) ToString

func (p *PrisonRansom) ToString() string

type Prisoner

type Prisoner struct {
	VicOwner uint64
	Villian  uint64

func (*Prisoner) ToString

func (p *Prisoner) ToString() string

type SSData

type SSData struct {
	AppID      string            `json:"AppID"`
	Source     string            `json:"Source"`
	IP         string            `json:"IP"`
	Country    string            `json:"Country"`
	Time       uint64            `json:"Time"`
	ServerID   uint32            `json:"ServerID"`
	Uid        string            `json:"UserID"`
	CharID     uint32            `json:"charID"`
	VIPLevel   uint32            `json:"VIPLevel"`
	Version    string            `json:"Version"`
	Channel    string            `json:"Channel"`
	Level      uint32            `json:"Level"`
	Platform   uint32            `json:"Platform"`
	EventName  string            `json:"EventName"`
	Power      uint64            `json:"Power"`
	DeviceID   string            `json:"DeviceID"`
	Properties map[string]string `json:"Properties"`

type SignType

type SignType uint32


type TopicOPType

type TopicOPType uint32


type UserActivityOpType

type UserActivityOpType uint32

* @brief OSS活跃度任务

const (
	UAOP_Task UserActivityOpType = 1
	UAOP_Box  UserActivityOpType = 2

type VIPSource

type VIPSource uint32


type WeekChallengeOpType

type WeekChallengeOpType uint32
const (
	WCOP_Error WeekChallengeOpType = iota

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