
v0.0.5-developer-preview Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 12, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 0




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const SwapConfigKey contextKey = 0


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func CreateTenderlyFork

func CreateTenderlyFork(tenderlyApiKey string, chainId int, alias string) (string, error)

func DeleteTenderlyFork

func DeleteTenderlyFork(tenderlyApiKey string, forkId string) error

func GetStorageSlotHash

func GetStorageSlotHash(address string, slot int64) string

GetStorageSlotHash returns the hash of the storage slot for the given address and slot This is used to override the state of a contract in a Tenderly simulation


type ForkRequest

type ForkRequest struct {
	NetworkID string `json:"network_id"`
	ForkName  string `json:"alias"`

type ForkResponse

type ForkResponse struct {
	SimulationFork struct {
		ForkID string `json:"id"`
	} `json:"simulation_fork"`

type ForksResponse

type ForksResponse struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Alias string `json:"alias"`

type GetForksResponse

type GetForksResponse struct {
	Forks []ForksResponse `json:"simulation_forks"`

func GetTenderlyForks

func GetTenderlyForks(tenderlyApiKey string) (*GetForksResponse, error)

type InputData

type InputData struct {
	Contract string
	Calldata string
	GasLimit int
	Root     string

type ResponseError

type ResponseError struct {
	ErrorStruct struct {
		Message string `json:"message"`
		Slug    string `json:"slug"`
	} `json:"error"`

func (ResponseError) Error

func (te ResponseError) Error() string

type RunConfiguration

type RunConfiguration struct {
	Environment           string `yaml:"environment"`           // Determines the Pathfinder and Swapbuilder services to use
	ChainId               string `yaml:"chainId"`               // The ID of the chainId to use (ex. Ethereum would be chain-id=1)
	DexId                 string `yaml:"dexId"`                 // The ID of the DEX to test (ex. dex-id=INTEGRAL)
	FromToken             string `yaml:"fromToken"`             // The token address to swap from (source token) - will be lowercased automatically
	ToToken               string `yaml:"toToken"`               // The token address to swap to (destination token) - will be lowercased automatically
	Amount                string `yaml:"amount"`                // Amount of from-token being swapped (ex. 1 ETH would be 1000000000000000000)
	AmountEth             string `yaml:"-"`                     // Populated dynamically if FromToken is ETH
	FromWallet            string `yaml:"fromWallet"`            // The wallet that will be the source of the transaction
	OpenBrowserOnComplete bool   `yaml:"openBrowserOnComplete"` // When set to true, automatically opens the browser with the results of the Tenderly simulation
	PathfinderVersion     string `yaml:"pathfinderVersion"`     // The endpoint version of Pathfinder requests (only v1.2 is officially supported)
	SwapbuilderVersion    string `yaml:"swapbuilderVersion"`    // The endpoint version of Swapbuilder requests (only v5.0 is officially supported)

type SimulateRequest

type SimulateRequest struct {
	From               string                 `json:"from"`
	To                 string                 `json:"to"`
	Input              string                 `json:"input"`
	Gas                int                    `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice           string                 `json:"gas_price"`
	Value              string                 `json:"value"`
	Save               bool                   `json:"save"`
	GenerateAccessList bool                   `json:"generate_access_list"`
	SaveIfFails        bool                   `json:"save_if_fails"`
	Root               string                 `json:"root,omitempty"`
	SimulationType     string                 `json:"simulation_type"`
	StateObjects       map[string]StateObject `json:"state_objects"`

type SimulationConfig

type SimulationConfig struct {
	TenderlyApiKey string
	OverridesMap   map[string]StateObject

type SimulationResponse

type SimulationResponse struct {
	Transaction struct {
		Hash              string      `json:"hash"`
		BlockHash         string      `json:"block_hash"`
		BlockNumber       int         `json:"block_number"`
		From              string      `json:"from"`
		Gas               int         `json:"gas"`
		GasPrice          int64       `json:"gas_price"`
		GasFeeCap         int         `json:"gas_fee_cap"`
		GasTipCap         int         `json:"gas_tip_cap"`
		CumulativeGasUsed int         `json:"cumulative_gas_used"`
		GasUsed           int         `json:"gas_used"`
		EffectiveGasPrice int         `json:"effective_gas_price"`
		Input             string      `json:"input"`
		Nonce             int         `json:"nonce"`
		To                string      `json:"to"`
		Index             int         `json:"index"`
		Value             string      `json:"value"`
		AccessList        interface{} `json:"access_list"`
		Status            bool        `json:"status"`
		Addresses         interface{} `json:"addresses"`
		ContractIds       interface{} `json:"contract_ids"`
		NetworkID         string      `json:"network_id"`
		Timestamp         time.Time   `json:"timestamp"`
		FunctionSelector  string      `json:"function_selector"`
		L1BlockNumber     int         `json:"l1_block_number"`
		L1Timestamp       int         `json:"l1_timestamp"`
		DepositTx         bool        `json:"deposit_tx"`
		Mint              interface{} `json:"mint"`
		Sig               struct {
			V string `json:"v"`
			R string `json:"r"`
			S string `json:"s"`
		} `json:"sig"`
		TransactionInfo struct {
			ContractID      string      `json:"contract_id"`
			BlockNumber     int         `json:"block_number"`
			TransactionID   string      `json:"transaction_id"`
			ContractAddress string      `json:"contract_address"`
			Method          string      `json:"method"`
			Parameters      interface{} `json:"parameters"`
			IntrinsicGas    int         `json:"intrinsic_gas"`
			RefundGas       int         `json:"refund_gas"`
			CallTrace       struct {
				Hash               string `json:"hash"`
				ContractName       string `json:"contract_name"`
				FunctionName       string `json:"function_name"`
				FunctionPc         int    `json:"function_pc"`
				FunctionOp         string `json:"function_op"`
				FunctionFileIndex  int    `json:"function_file_index"`
				FunctionCodeStart  int    `json:"function_code_start"`
				FunctionLineNumber int    `json:"function_line_number"`
				FunctionCodeLength int    `json:"function_code_length"`
				AbsolutePosition   int    `json:"absolute_position"`
				CallerPc           int    `json:"caller_pc"`
				CallerOp           string `json:"caller_op"`
				CallType           string `json:"call_type"`
				From               string `json:"from"`
				FromBalance        string `json:"from_balance"`
				To                 string `json:"to"`
				ToBalance          string `json:"to_balance"`
				Value              string `json:"value"`
				Caller             struct {
					Address string `json:"address"`
					Balance string `json:"balance"`
				} `json:"caller"`
				BlockTimestamp time.Time `json:"block_timestamp"`
				Gas            int       `json:"gas"`
				GasUsed        int       `json:"gas_used"`
				IntrinsicGas   int       `json:"intrinsic_gas"`
				Input          string    `json:"input"`
				DecodedInput   []struct {
					Soltype struct {
						Name            string      `json:"name"`
						Type            string      `json:"type"`
						StorageLocation string      `json:"storage_location"`
						Components      interface{} `json:"components"`
						Offset          int         `json:"offset"`
						Index           string      `json:"index"`
						Indexed         bool        `json:"indexed"`
						SimpleType      struct {
							Type string `json:"type"`
						} `json:"simple_type"`
					} `json:"soltype,omitempty"`
					Value    string `json:"value"`
					Soltype0 struct {
						Name            string `json:"name"`
						Type            string `json:"type"`
						StorageLocation string `json:"storage_location"`
						Components      []struct {
							Name            string      `json:"name"`
							Type            string      `json:"type"`
							StorageLocation string      `json:"storage_location"`
							Components      interface{} `json:"components"`
							Offset          int         `json:"offset"`
							Index           string      `json:"index"`
							Indexed         bool        `json:"indexed"`
							SimpleType      struct {
								Type string `json:"type"`
							} `json:"simple_type"`
						} `json:"components"`
						Offset  int    `json:"offset"`
						Index   string `json:"index"`
						Indexed bool   `json:"indexed"`
					} `json:"soltype,omitempty"`
				} `json:"decoded_input"`
				BalanceDiff []struct {
					Address  string `json:"address"`
					Original string `json:"original"`
					Dirty    string `json:"dirty"`
					IsMiner  bool   `json:"is_miner"`
				} `json:"balance_diff"`
				NonceDiff []struct {
					Address  string `json:"address"`
					Original string `json:"original"`
					Dirty    string `json:"dirty"`
				} `json:"nonce_diff"`
				Output          string      `json:"output"`
				DecodedOutput   interface{} `json:"decoded_output"`
				Error           string      `json:"error"`
				ErrorOp         string      `json:"error_op"`
				ErrorFileIndex  int         `json:"error_file_index"`
				ErrorLineNumber int         `json:"error_line_number"`
				ErrorCodeStart  int         `json:"error_code_start"`
				ErrorCodeLength int         `json:"error_code_length"`
				NetworkID       string      `json:"network_id"`
				Calls           []struct {
					Hash               string      `json:"hash"`
					ContractName       string      `json:"contract_name"`
					FunctionName       string      `json:"function_name"`
					FunctionPc         int         `json:"function_pc"`
					FunctionOp         string      `json:"function_op"`
					FunctionFileIndex  int         `json:"function_file_index,omitempty"`
					FunctionCodeStart  int         `json:"function_code_start,omitempty"`
					FunctionLineNumber int         `json:"function_line_number,omitempty"`
					FunctionCodeLength int         `json:"function_code_length,omitempty"`
					AbsolutePosition   int         `json:"absolute_position"`
					CallerPc           int         `json:"caller_pc"`
					CallerOp           string      `json:"caller_op"`
					CallerFileIndex    int         `json:"caller_file_index,omitempty"`
					CallerLineNumber   int         `json:"caller_line_number,omitempty"`
					CallerCodeStart    int         `json:"caller_code_start,omitempty"`
					CallerCodeLength   int         `json:"caller_code_length,omitempty"`
					CallType           string      `json:"call_type,omitempty"`
					From               string      `json:"from"`
					FromBalance        interface{} `json:"from_balance"`
					To                 string      `json:"to"`
					ToBalance          interface{} `json:"to_balance"`
					Value              interface{} `json:"value"`
					Caller             struct {
						Address string `json:"address"`
						Balance string `json:"balance"`
					} `json:"caller,omitempty"`
					BlockTimestamp time.Time `json:"block_timestamp"`
					Gas            int       `json:"gas"`
					GasUsed        int       `json:"gas_used"`
					Input          string    `json:"input"`
					DecodedInput   []struct {
						Soltype struct {
							Name            string      `json:"name"`
							Type            string      `json:"type"`
							StorageLocation string      `json:"storage_location"`
							Components      interface{} `json:"components"`
							Offset          int         `json:"offset"`
							Index           string      `json:"index"`
							Indexed         bool        `json:"indexed"`
							SimpleType      struct {
								Type string `json:"type"`
							} `json:"simple_type"`
						} `json:"soltype"`
						Value string `json:"value"`
					} `json:"decoded_input,omitempty"`
					Output        string `json:"output"`
					DecodedOutput []struct {
						Soltype struct {
							Name            string      `json:"name"`
							Type            string      `json:"type"`
							StorageLocation string      `json:"storage_location"`
							Components      interface{} `json:"components"`
							Offset          int         `json:"offset"`
							Index           string      `json:"index"`
							Indexed         bool        `json:"indexed"`
							SimpleType      struct {
								Type string `json:"type"`
							} `json:"simple_type"`
						} `json:"soltype"`
						Value bool `json:"value"`
					} `json:"decoded_output"`
					NetworkID       string      `json:"network_id"`
					Calls           interface{} `json:"calls"`
					Error           string      `json:"error,omitempty"`
					ErrorOp         string      `json:"error_op,omitempty"`
					ErrorFileIndex  int         `json:"error_file_index,omitempty"`
					ErrorLineNumber int         `json:"error_line_number,omitempty"`
					ErrorCodeStart  int         `json:"error_code_start,omitempty"`
					ErrorCodeLength int         `json:"error_code_length,omitempty"`
				} `json:"calls"`
			} `json:"call_trace"`
			StackTrace []struct {
				FileIndex int    `json:"file_index"`
				Contract  string `json:"contract"`
				Name      string `json:"name"`
				Line      int    `json:"line"`
				Error     string `json:"error"`
				Code      string `json:"code"`
				Op        string `json:"op"`
				Length    int    `json:"length"`
			} `json:"stack_trace"`
			Logs        interface{} `json:"logs"`
			BalanceDiff []struct {
				Address  string `json:"address"`
				Original string `json:"original"`
				Dirty    string `json:"dirty"`
				IsMiner  bool   `json:"is_miner"`
			} `json:"balance_diff"`
			NonceDiff []struct {
				Address  string `json:"address"`
				Original string `json:"original"`
				Dirty    string `json:"dirty"`
			} `json:"nonce_diff"`
			StateDiff    interface{} `json:"state_diff"`
			RawStateDiff interface{} `json:"raw_state_diff"`
			ConsoleLogs  interface{} `json:"console_logs"`
			CreatedAt    time.Time   `json:"created_at"`
		} `json:"transaction_info"`
		ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"`
		ErrorInfo    struct {
			ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"`
			Address      string `json:"address"`
		} `json:"error_info"`
		Method       string      `json:"method"`
		DecodedInput interface{} `json:"decoded_input"`
		CallTrace    []struct {
			CallType    string `json:"call_type"`
			From        string `json:"from"`
			To          string `json:"to"`
			Gas         int    `json:"gas"`
			GasUsed     int    `json:"gas_used"`
			Value       string `json:"value"`
			Error       string `json:"error"`
			Type        string `json:"type"`
			Input       string `json:"input"`
			FromBalance string `json:"fromBalance"`
			ToBalance   string `json:"toBalance"`
		} `json:"call_trace"`
	} `json:"transaction"`
	Simulation struct {
		ID               string      `json:"id"`
		ProjectID        string      `json:"project_id"`
		OwnerID          string      `json:"owner_id"`
		NetworkID        string      `json:"network_id"`
		BlockNumber      int         `json:"block_number"`
		TransactionIndex int         `json:"transaction_index"`
		From             string      `json:"from"`
		To               string      `json:"to"`
		Input            string      `json:"input"`
		Gas              int         `json:"gas"`
		GasPrice         string      `json:"gas_price"`
		Value            string      `json:"value"`
		Status           bool        `json:"status"`
		AccessList       interface{} `json:"access_list"`
		QueueOrigin      string      `json:"queue_origin"`
		BlockHeader      struct {
			Number           string      `json:"number"`
			Hash             string      `json:"hash"`
			StateRoot        string      `json:"stateRoot"`
			ParentHash       string      `json:"parentHash"`
			Sha3Uncles       string      `json:"sha3Uncles"`
			TransactionsRoot string      `json:"transactionsRoot"`
			ReceiptsRoot     string      `json:"receiptsRoot"`
			LogsBloom        string      `json:"logsBloom"`
			Timestamp        string      `json:"timestamp"`
			Difficulty       string      `json:"difficulty"`
			GasLimit         string      `json:"gasLimit"`
			GasUsed          string      `json:"gasUsed"`
			Miner            string      `json:"miner"`
			ExtraData        string      `json:"extraData"`
			MixHash          string      `json:"mixHash"`
			Nonce            string      `json:"nonce"`
			BaseFeePerGas    string      `json:"baseFeePerGas"`
			Size             string      `json:"size"`
			TotalDifficulty  string      `json:"totalDifficulty"`
			Uncles           interface{} `json:"uncles"`
			Transactions     interface{} `json:"transactions"`
		} `json:"block_header"`
		CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	} `json:"simulation"`
	Contracts           []interface{} `json:"contracts"`
	GeneratedAccessList []struct {
		Address string `json:"address"`
	} `json:"generated_access_list"`

func ExecuteTenderlySimulationRequest

func ExecuteTenderlySimulationRequest(tenderlyApiKey string, forkId string, request *SimulateRequest) (*SimulationResponse, error)

func SimulateSwap

func SimulateSwap(config SwapConfig) (*SimulationResponse, error)

type StateObject

type StateObject struct {
	Balance string            `json:"balance,omitempty"`
	Storage map[string]string `json:"storage,omitempty"`
	Value   map[string]string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type SwapConfig

type SwapConfig struct {
	TenderlyApiKey  string
	OverridesMap    map[string]StateObject
	ChainId         int
	PublicAddress   string
	FromToken       string
	FromTokenSymbol string
	ToTokenSymbol   string
	Value           string
	TransactionData string
	ApproveFirst    bool

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