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Published: Apr 22, 2024 License: LGPL-2.1 Imports: 12 Imported by: 1



AnyType is a Go library providing dynamic data structures with JSON support. It contains a number of advanced features with API inspired by Java collections.

It supports following data types compatible with JSON standard:

  • string
  • integer (number)
  • float (number)
  • boolean
  • object
  • list (array)
  • nil (null)

Types can be referenced by the Type enum (e.g. anytype.TypeObject, anytype.TypeInt, ...).


Object is an unordered set of key-value pairs. The default implementation is based on built-in Go maps. It is possible to make custom implementations by implementing the Object interface.

  • NewObject(values ...any) Object - initial object values are specified as key value pairs. The function panics if an odd number of arguments is given,
emptyObject := anytype.NewObject()
object := anytype.NewObject(
    "first", 1,
    "second", 2, 
  • NewObjectFrom(dict any) Object - object can be also created from a given Go map. Any map with string as a key and a compatible type as a value can be used,
object := anytype.NewObjectFrom(map[string]int{
	"first":  1,
	"second": 2,
  • ParseObject(json string) (Object, error) - loads an object from a JSON string,
object, err := anytype.ParseObject(`{"first":1,"second":2}`)
if err != nil {
    // ...
  • ParseFile(path string) (Object, error) - loads an object from an UTF-8 encoded JSON file.
object, err := anytype.ParseFile("file.json")
if err != nil {
    // ...
Manipulation With Fields
  • Set(values ...any) Object - multiple new values can be set as key-value pairs, analogically to the constructor,
    "first", 1,
    "second", 2, 
  • Unset(keys ...string) Object - removes the given keys from the object,
object.Unset("first", "second")
  • Clear() Object - removes all keys from the object.
Getting Fields
  • Universal getter (requires type assertion),
nested := object.Get("nested").(anytype.Object)
list := object.Get("list").(anytype.List)
str := object.Get("str").(string)
boolean := object.Get("boolean").(bool)
integer := object.Get("integer").(int)
float := object.Get("float").(float64)
  • type-specific getters.
nested := object.GetObject("nested")
list := object.GetList("list")
str := object.GetString("str")
boolean := object.GetBool("boolean")
integer := object.GetInt("integer")
float := object.GetFloat("float")
Type Check
  • TypeOf(key string) Type.
if object.TypeOf("integer") == anytype.TypeInt {
    // ...
  • String() string - exports the object to a JSON string,
  • FormatString(indent int) string - exports the object to a well-arranged JSON string with the given indentation,
  • Dict() map[string]any - exports the object to a Go map,
var dict map[string]any
dict = object.Dict()
  • Keys() List - exports all keys of the object to an AnyType list,
var keys anytype.List
keys = object.Keys()
  • Values() List - exports all values of the object to an AnyType list.
var values anytype.List
values = object.Values()
Features Over Whole Object
  • Clone() Object - performs a deep copy of the object,
copy := object.Clone()
  • Count() int - returns a number of fileds of the object,
for i := 0; i < object.Count(); i++ {
    // ...
  • Empty() bool - checks whether the object is empty,
if object.Empty() {
    // ...
  • Equals(another Object) bool - checks whether all fields of the object are equal to the fields of another object,
if object.Equals(another) {
    // ...
  • Merge(another Object) Object - merges two objects together,
merged := object.Merge(another)
  • Pluck(keys ...string) Object - creates a new object containing only the selected keys from existing object,
plucked := object.Pluck("first", "second")
  • Contains(elem any) bool - checks whether the object contains a value,
if object.Contains(1) {
    // ...
  • KeyOf(elem any) string - returns any key containing the given value,
first := object.KeyOf(1)
  • KeyExists(key string) bool - checks whether a key exists in the object.
if object.KeyExists("first") {
    // ...
  • ForEach(function func(string, any)) Object - executes a given function over an every field of the object,
object.ForEach(func(key string, value any) {
    // ...
  • ForEachValue(function func(any)) Object - ForEach without the key variable within the anonymous function,
object.ForEachValue(func(value any) {
    // ...
  • type-specific ForEaches - anonymous function is only executed over values of the corresponding type.
object.ForEachObject(func(object anytype.Object) {
    // ...
object.ForEachList(func(list anytype.List) {
    // ...
object.ForEachString(func(str string) {
    // ...
object.ForEachBool(func(object bool) {
    // ...
object.ForEachInt(func(integer int) {
    // ...
object.ForEachFloat(func(float float64) {
    // ...
  • Map(function func(string, any) any) Object - returns a new object with fields modified by a given function,
mapped := object.Map(func(key string, value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • MapValues(function func(any) any) Object - Map without the key variable within the anonymous function,
mapped := object.MapValues(func(value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • type-specific Maps - selects only fields of the corresponding type.
objects := object.MapObjects(func(object anytype.Object) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
lists := object.MapLists(func(list anytype.List) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
strs := object.MapStrings(func(str string) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
integers := object.MapInts(func(integer int) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
floats := object.MapFloats(func(float float64) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • ForEachAsync(function func(string, any)) Object - performs the ForEach paralelly,
object.ForEachAsync(func(key string, value any) {
    // ...
  • MapAsync(function func(string, any) any) Object - performs the Map paralelly.
mapped := object.MapAsync(func(key string, value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
Tree Form
  • GetTF(tf string) any - returns a value specified by the given tree form string,
value := object.GetTF(".first#2")
  • SetTF(tf string, value any) Object - sets a value on the path specified by the given tree form string.
object.SetTF(".first#2", 2)


List is an ordered sequence of elements. The default implementation is based on built-in Go slices. It is possible to make custom implementations by implementing the List interface.

  • NewList(values ...any) List - initial list elements could be given as variadic arguments,
emptyList := anytype.NewList()
list := anytype.NewList(1, 2, 3)
  • NewListOf(value any, count int) List - creates a list of n repeated values,
list := anytype.NewListOf(nil, 10)
  • NewListFrom(slice any) List - creates a list from a given Go slice. Any slice of a compatible type (including any) can be used,
list := anytype.NewListOf(nil, 10)
  • ParseList(json string) (List, error) - loads a list from a JSON string,
list, err := anytype.ParseList(`[1, 2, 3]`)
if err != nil {
    // ...
Manipulation With Elements
  • Add(val ...any) List - adds any amount of new elements to the list,
list.Add(1, 2, 3)
  • Insert(index int, value any) List - inserts new element to a specific position in the list,
list.Insert(1, 1.5)
  • Replace(index int, value any) List - replaces an existing element,
list.Replace(1, "2")
  • Delete(index List - deletes specified elements,
list.Delete(1, 2)
  • Pop() List - Deletes the last element in the list,
  • Clear() List - removes all elements from the list.
Getting Elements
  • Universal getter (requires type assertion),
object := list.Get(0).(anytype.Object)
nested := list.Get(1).(anytype.List)
str := list.Get(2).(string)
boolean := list.Get(3).(bool)
integer := list.Get(4).(int)
float := list.Get(5).(float64)
  • type-specific getters.
object := list.GetObject(0)
nested := list.GetList(1)
str := list.GetString(2)
boolean := list.GetBool(3)
integer := list.GetInt(4)
float := list.GetFloat(5)
Type Check
  • TypeOf(index int) Type.
if list.TypeOf(0) == anytype.TypeInt {
    // ...
  • String() string - exports the list to a JSON string,
  • FormatString(indent int) string - exports the list to a well-arranged JSON string with the given indentation,
  • Slice() []any - exports the list to a Go slice,
var slice []any
slice = list.Slice()
  • export to type-specific slices - panics if the list is not homogeneous,
var objects []anytype.Object
objects = list.ObjectSlice()
var lists []anytype.List
lists = list.ListSlice()
var strs []string
strs = list.StringSlice()
var bools []bool
bools = list.BoolSlice()
var ints []int
ints = list.IntSlice()
var floats []float64
floats = list.FloatSlice()
Features Over Whole List
  • Clone() List - performs a deep copy of the list,
copy := list.Clone()
  • Count() int - returns a number of elements of the list,
for i := 0; i < list.Count(); i++ {
    // ...
  • Empty() bool - checks whether the list is empty,
if list.Empty() {
    // ...
  • Equals(another List) bool - checks whether all elements of the list are equal to the elements of another list,
if list.Equals(another) {
    // ...
  • Concat(another List) List - concates two lists together,
concated := list.Concat(another)
  • SubList(start int, end int) List - cuts a part of the list,
subList := list.SubList(1, 3)
  • Contains(elem any) bool - checks whether the list contains a value,
if list.Contains("value") {
    // ...
  • IndexOf(elem any) int - returns a position of the first occurrence of the given value,
elem := list.IndexOf("value")
  • Sort() List - sorts the elements in the list. List has to be homogeneous and the elements have to be either numeric or strings,
  • Reverse() List - reverses the list,
Checks For Homogeneity
  • AllNumeric() bool - checks if all elements are numbers (either ints or floats),
if list.AllNumeric() {
    // ...
  • type-specific asserts.
if list.AllObjects() {
    // ...
} else if list.AllLists() {
    // ...
} else if list.AllStrings() {
    // ...
} else if list.AllBools() {
    // ...
} else if list.AllInts() {
    // ...
} else if list.AllFloats() {
    // ...
} else {
    // ...
  • ForEach(function func(int, any)) List - executes a given function over an every element of the list,
list.ForEach(func(index int, value any) {
    // ...
  • ForEachValue(function func(any)) List - ForEach without the index variable within the anonymous function,
list.ForEachValue(func(value any) {
    // ...
  • type-specific ForEaches - anonymous function is only executed over values of the corresponding type.
list.ForEachObject(func(object anytype.Object) {
    // ...
list.ForEachList(func(list anytype.List) {
    // ...
list.ForEachString(func(str string) {
    // ...
list.ForEachBool(func(object bool) {
    // ...
list.ForEachInt(func(integer int) {
    // ...
list.ForEachFloat(func(float float64) {
    // ...
  • Map(function func(int, any) any) List - returns a new list with elements modified by a given function,
mapped := list.Map(func(index int, value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • MapValues(function func(any) any) List - Map without the index variable within the anonymous function,
mapped := list.MapValues(func(value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • type-specific Maps - selects only elements of the corresponding type.
objects := list.MapObjects(func(object anytype.Object) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
lists := list.MapLists(func(list anytype.List) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
strs := list.MapStrings(func(str string) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
integers := list.MapInts(func(integer int) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
floats := list.MapFloats(func(float float64) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
  • Reduce(initial any, function func(any, any) any) any - reduces all elements of the list into a single value,
result := list.Reduce(0, func(sum, value any) any {
	return sum.(int) + value.(int)
  • type-specific Reductions - selects only elements of the corresponding type. Return value has to be of the same type.
result := list.ReduceStrings("", func(concated, value string) string {
	return concated + value
result := list.ReduceInts(0, func(sum, value int) int {
	return sum + value
result := list.ReduceFloats(0, func(sum, value float64) float64 {
	return sum + value
  • Filter(function func(any) bool) List - filters elements in the list based on a condition,
filtered := list.Filter(func(value any) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
  • type-specific Filters - filters only elements of the corresponding type.
objects := list.FilterObjects(func(value anytype.Object) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
lists := list.FilterLists(func(value anytype.List) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
strs := list.FilterStrings(func(value string) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
integers := list.FilterInts(func(value int) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
floats := list.FilterFloats(func(value float64) bool {
    // ...
	return condition
Numeric Operations
  • IntSum() int - computes a sum of all elements in the list if all of them are ints,
sum := list.IntSum()
  • Sum() float64 - works with both numeric types, returns float,
sum := list.Sum()
  • IntProd() int - computes a product of all elements in the list if all of them are ints,
product := list.IntProd()
  • Prod() float64 - works with both numeric types, returns float,
product := list.Prod()
  • Avg() float64 - computes and arithmetic mean of all elements in the list,
average := list.Avg()
  • IntMin() int - returns a minimum value in the list (if all elements are ints),
minimum := list.IntMin()
  • Min() float64 - works with both numeric types, returns float,
minimum := list.Min()
  • IntMax() int - returns a maximum value in the list (if all elements are ints),
maximum := list.IntMax()
  • Max() float64 - works with both numeric types, returns float,
maximum := list.Max()
  • ForEachAsync(function func(int, any)) List - performs the ForEach paralelly,
list.ForEachAsync(func(index int, value any) {
    // ...
  • MapAsync(function func(int, any) any) List - performs the Map paralelly.
mapped := list.MapAsync(func(index int, value any) any {
    // ...
	return newValue
Tree Form
  • GetTF(tf string) any - returns a value specified by the given tree form string,
value := list.GetTF("#2.first")
  • SetTF(tf string, value any) List - sets a value on the path specified by the given tree form string.
list.SetTF("#2.first", 2)

Derived Structures

AnyType supports inheritance and method overriding by defining custom structures with object or list embedded in them. As Go uses the embedded pointer as receiver instead of the structure itself, the pointer to the derived structure ("ego pointer") has to be stored using the method Init(ptr Object)/Init(ptr List). When overriding a method, the ego pointer can be obtained with Ego() Object/Ego() List.

// Embeds an object
type Animal struct {
	name string

func NewAnimal(name string, age int) *Animal {
	ego := &Animal{
		Object: anytype.NewObject(
			"age", age,
		name: name,
	ego.Init(ego) // Ego pointer initialization
	return ego

// Method overriding
func (ego *Animal) Clear() anytype.Object {
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "fields of an animal cannot be cleared")
	return ego.Ego() // Using stored pointer to return Animal insted of embedded object

func (ego *Animal) Breathe() {

// Inherits from animal, adds another field
type Dog struct {
	breed string

func NewDog(name string, age int, breed string) *Dog {
	ego := &Dog{
		Animal: NewAnimal(name, age),
		breed:  breed,
	ego.Init(ego) // Ego pointer initialization
	return ego

// Method overriding
func (ego *Dog) Unset(keys ...string) anytype.Object {
	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "fields of a dog cannot be unset")
	return ego.Ego() // Using stored pointer to return Dog insted of object

func (ego *Dog) Bark() {

func main() {

	dog := NewDog("Rex", 2, "German Shepherd")

	// Methods from both Dog and Animal can be used

    // Methods of the object can be used, too
	dog.Set("color", "black")

	// Printing the object inside

	// Both methods have been overridden





This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type List

type List interface {

		Initializes the ego pointer, which allows deriving.

		  - ptr - ego pointer.
	Init(ptr List)

		Acquires the ego pointer previously set by Init.

		  - ego pointer.
	Ego() List

		Adds new elements at the end of the list.

		  - values... - any amount of elements to add.

		  - updated list.
	Add(val ...any) List

		Inserts a new element at the specified position in the list.

		  - index - position where the element should be inserted,
		  - value - element to insert.

		  - updated list.
	Insert(index int, value any) List

		Replaces an existing element with a new one.

		  - index - position of the element which should be replaced,
		  - value - new element.

		  - updated list.
	Replace(index int, value any) List

		Deletes the elements at the specified positions in the list.

		  - indexes... - any amount of positions of the elements to delete.

		  - updated list.
	Delete(index List

		Deletes the last element in the list.

		  - updated list.
	Pop() List

		Deletes all elements in the list.

		  - updated list.
	Clear() List

		Acquires the element at the specified position in the list.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value (any type, has to be asserted).
	Get(index int) any

		Acquires the object at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as object.
	GetObject(index int) Object

		Acquires the list at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as list.
	GetList(index int) List

		Acquires the string at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as string.
	GetString(index int) string

		Acquires the boolean at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as bool.
	GetBool(index int) bool

		Acquires the integer at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as int.
	GetInt(index int) int

		Acquires the float at the specified position in the list.
		Causes a panic if the element has another type.

		  - index - position of the element to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as float64.
	GetFloat(index int) float64

		Gives a type of the element at the specified position in the list.

		  - index - position of the element.

		  - integer constant representing the type (see type enum).
	TypeOf(index int) Type

		Gives a JSON representation of the list, including nested lists and objects.

		  - JSON string.
	String() string

		Gives a JSON representation of the list in standardized format with the given indentation.

		  - indent - indentation spaces (0-10).

		  - JSON string.
	FormatString(indent int) string

		Converts the list into a Go slice of empty interfaces.

		  - slice.
	Slice() []any

		Converts the list of objects into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be objects.

		  - slice.
	ObjectSlice() []Object

		Converts the list of lists into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be lists.

		  - slice.
	ListSlice() []List

		Converts the list of strings into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be strings.

		  - slice.
	StringSlice() []string

		Converts the list of bools into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be bools.

		  - slice.
	BoolSlice() []bool

		Converts the list of ints into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be ints.

		  - slice.
	IntSlice() []int

		Converts the list of floats into a Go slice.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all elements have to be floats.

		  - slice.
	FloatSlice() []float64

		Creates a deep copy of the list.

		  - copied list.
	Clone() List

		Gives a number of elements in the list.

		  - number of elements.
	Count() int

		Checks whether the list is empty.

		  - true if the list is empty, false otherwise.
	Empty() bool

		Checks if the content of the list is equal to the content of another list.
		Nested objects and lists are compared recursively (by value).

		  - another - a list to compare with.

		  - true if the lists are equal, false otherwise.
	Equals(another List) bool

		Creates a new list containing all elements of the old list and another list.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - another - a list to append.

		  - new list.
	Concat(another List) List

		Creates a new list containing the elements from the starting index (including) to the ending index (excluding).
		If the ending index is zero, it is set to the length of the list. If negative, it is counted from the end of the list.
		Starting index has to be non-negative and cannot be higher than the ending index.

		  - start - starting index,
		  - end - ending index.

		  - created sub list.
	SubList(start int, end int) List

		Checks if the list contains a given element.
		Objects and lists are compared by reference.

		  - elem - the element to check.

		  - true if the list contains the element, false otherwise.
	Contains(elem any) bool

		Gives a position of the first occurrence of a given element.

		  - elem - the element to check.

		  - index of the element (-1 if the list does not contain the element).
	IndexOf(elem any) int

		Sorts elements in the list (ascending).
		The list has to be homogeneous, all elements have to be either strings, ints or floats.

		  - updated list.
	Sort() List

		Reverses the order of elements in the list.

		  - updated list.
	Reverse() List

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are objects.

		  - true if all elements are objects, false otherwise.
	AllObjects() bool

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are lists.

		  - true if all elements are lists, false otherwise.
	AllLists() bool

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are strings.

		  - true if all elements are strings, false otherwise.
	AllStrings() bool

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are bools.

		  - true if all elements are bools, false otherwise.
	AllBools() bool

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are ints.

		  - true if all elements are ints, false otherwise.
	AllInts() bool

		Checks if the list is homogeneous and all of its elements are floats.

		  - true if all elements are floats, false otherwise.
	AllFloats() bool

		Checks if all elements of the list are numeric (ints or floats).

		  - true if all elements are numeric, false otherwise.
	AllNumeric() bool

		Executes a given function over an every element of the list.
		The function has two parameters: index of the current element and its value.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEach(function func(int, any)) List

		Executes a given function over an every element of the list.
		The function has one parameter, value of the current element.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachValue(function func(any)) List

		Executes a given function over all objects in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current object.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachObject(function func(Object)) List

		Executes a given function over all lists nested in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current list.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachList(function func(List)) List

		Executes a given function over all strings in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current string.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachString(function func(string)) List

		Executes a given function over all bools in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current bool.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachBool(function func(bool)) List

		Executes a given function over all ints in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current int.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachInt(function func(int)) List

		Executes a given function over all floats in the list.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current float.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachFloat(function func(float64)) List

		Copies the list and modifies each element by a given mapping function.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has two parameters: current index and value of the current element. Returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	Map(function func(int, any) any) List

		Copies the list and modifies each element by a given mapping function.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, value of the current element, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapValues(function func(any) any) List

		Selects all objects from the list and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current object, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapObjects(function func(Object) any) List

		Selects all nested lists from the list and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current list, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapLists(function func(List) any) List

		Selects all strings from the list and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current string, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapStrings(function func(string) any) List

		Selects all ints from the list and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current int, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapInts(function func(int) any) List

		Selects all floats from the list and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current float, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapFloats(function func(float64) any) List

		Reduces all elements of the list into a single value.
		The function has two parameters: value returned by the previous iteration and value of the current element. Returns empty interface.
		The list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - computed value.
	Reduce(initial any, function func(any, any) any) any

		Reduces all strings in the list into a single string.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has two parameters: string returned by the previous iteration and current string. Returns string.
		The list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - computed value.
	ReduceStrings(initial string, function func(string, string) string) string

		Reduces all ints in the list into a single int.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has two parameters: int returned by the previous iteration and current int. Returns int.
		The list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - computed value.
	ReduceInts(initial int, function func(int, int) int) int

		Reduces all floats in the list into a single float.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has two parameters: float returned by the previous iteration and current float. Returns float.
		The list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - computed value.
	ReduceFloats(initial float64, function func(float64, float64) float64) float64

		Creates a new list containing elements of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		The function has one parameter, value of the current element, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	Filter(function func(any) bool) List

		Creates a new list containing objects of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, current object, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	FilterObjects(function func(Object) bool) List

		Creates a new list containing nested lists of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, current list, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	FilterLists(function func(List) bool) List

		Creates a new list containing strings of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, current string, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	FilterStrings(function func(string) bool) List

		Creates a new list containing ints of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, current int, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	FilterInts(function func(int) bool) List

		Creates a new list containing floats of the old one, satisfying a condition.
		Elements with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, current float, and returns bool.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - filtered list.
	FilterFloats(function func(float64) bool) List

		Computes a sum of all elements in the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be ints.

		  - computed sum (int).
	IntSum() int

		Computes a sum of all elements in the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be numeric.

		  - computed sum (float).
	Sum() float64

		Computes a product of all elements in the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be ints.

		  - computed product (int).
	IntProd() int

		Computes a product of all elements in the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be numeric.

		  - computed pruduct (float).
	Prod() float64

		Computes an arithmetic mean of all elements in the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be numeric.

		  - computed average value (float).
	Avg() float64

		Finds a minimum of the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be ints.

		  - found minimum (int).
	IntMin() int

		Finds a minimum of the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be numeric.

		  - found minimum (float).
	Min() float64

		Finds a maximum of the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be ints.

		  - found maximum (int).
	IntMax() int

		Finds a maximum of the list.
		The list has to be homogeneous and all its elements have to be numeric.

		  - found maximum (float).
	Max() float64

		Parallelly executes a given function over an every element of the list.
		The function has two parameters: index of the current element and its value.
		The order of the iterations is random.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged list.
	ForEachAsync(function func(int, any)) List

		Copies the list and paralelly modifies each element by a given mapping function.
		The resulting element can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has two parameters: index of the current element and its value.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	MapAsync(function func(int, any) any) List

		Acquires the element specified by the given tree form.

		  - tf - tree form string.

		  - corresponding value (any type, has to be asserted).
	GetTF(tf string) any

		Sets the element specified by the given tree form.

		  - tf - tree form string,
		  - value - value to set.

		  - updated list.
	SetTF(tf string, value any) List
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Interface for a list.


  • field.

func NewList

func NewList(values ...any) List

List constructor. Creates a new list.


  • values... - any amount of initial elements.


  • pointer to the created list.

func NewListFrom

func NewListFrom(slice any) List

List constructor. Converts a slice of supported types to a list.


  • slice - original slice.


  • created list.

func NewListOf

func NewListOf(value any, count int) List

List constructor. Creates a new list of n repeated values.


  • value - value to repeat,
  • count - number of repetitions.


  • pointer to the created list.

func ParseList

func ParseList(json string) (List, error)

Creates a new list from JSON. Patameters:

  • json - JSON string to parse.


  • created list,
  • error if any occurred.

type Object

type Object interface {

		Initializes the ego pointer, which allows deriving.

		  - ptr - ego pointer.
	Init(ptr Object)

		Acquires the ego pointer previously set by Init.

		  - ego pointer.
	Ego() Object

		Sets a values of the fields.
		If the key already exists, the value is overwritten, if not, new field is created.
		If one key is given multiple times, the value is set to the last one.

		  - values... - any amount of key-value pairs to set.

		  - updated object.
	Set(values ...any) Object

		Deletes the fields with given keys.

		  - keys... - any amount of keys to delete.

		  - updated object.
	Unset(keys ...string) Object

		Deletes all field of the object.

		  - updated object.
	Clear() Object

		Acquires the value under the specified key of the object.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value (any type, has to be asserted).
	Get(key string) any

		Acquires the nested object under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as object.
	GetObject(key string) Object

		Acquires the list under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as list.
	GetList(key string) List

		Acquires the string under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as string.
	GetString(key string) string

		Acquires the bool under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as bool.
	GetBool(key string) bool

		Acquires the int under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as int.
	GetInt(key string) int

		Acquires the float under the specified key of the object.
		Causes a panic if the field has another type.

		  - key - key of the field to get.

		  - corresponding value asserted as float.
	GetFloat(key string) float64

		Gives a type of the field under the specified key of the object.

		  - key - key of the field.

		  - integer constant representing the type (see type enum).
	TypeOf(key string) Type

		Gives a JSON representation of the object, including nested objects and lists.

		  - JSON string.
	String() string

		Gives a JSON representation of the object in standardized format with the given indentation.

		  - indent - indentation spaces (0-10).

		  - JSON string.
	FormatString(indent int) string

		Converts the object into a Go map of empty interfaces.

		  - map.
	Dict() map[string]any

		Convers the object to a list of its keys.

		  - list of keys of the object.
	Keys() List

		Convers the object to a list of its values.

		  - list of values of the object.
	Values() List

		Creates a deep copy of the object.

		  - copied object.
	Clone() Object

		Gives a number of fields of the object.

		  - number of fields.
	Count() int

		Checks whether the object is empty.

		  - true if the object is empty, false otherwise.
	Empty() bool

		Checks if the content of the object is equal to the content of another object.
		Nested objects and lists are compared recursively (by value).

		  - another - an object to compare with.

		  - true if the objects are equal, false otherwise.
	Equals(another Object) bool

		Creates a new object containing all elements of the old object and another object.
		The old object remains unchanged.
		If both objects contain a key, the value from another object is used.

		  - another - an object to merge.

		  - new object.
	Merge(another Object) Object

		Creates a new object containing the given fields of the existing object.

		  - keys... - any amount of keys to be in the new object.

		  - created plucked object.
	Pluck(keys ...string) Object

		Checks if the object contains a field with a given value.
		Objects and lists are compared by reference.

		  - value - the value to check.

		  - true if the object contains the value, false otherwise.
	Contains(value any) bool

		Gives a key containing a given value.
		If multiple keys contain the value, any of them is returned.

		  - value - the value to check.

		  - key for the value (empty string if the object does not contain the value).
	KeyOf(value any) string

		Checks if a given key exists within the object.

		  - key - the key to check.

		  - true if the key exists, false otherwise.
	KeyExists(key string) bool

		Executes a given function over an every field of the object.
		The function has two parameters: key of the current field and its value.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEach(function func(string, any)) Object

		Executes a given function over an every field of the object.
		The function has one parameter, value of the current field.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachValue(function func(any)) Object

		Executes a given function over all objects nested in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current object.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachObject(function func(Object)) Object

		Executes a given function over all lists in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current list.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachList(function func(List)) Object

		Executes a given function over all strings in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current string.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachString(function func(string)) Object

		Executes a given function over all bools in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current bool.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachBool(function func(bool)) Object

		Executes a given function over all ints in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current int.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachInt(function func(int)) Object

		Executes a given function over all floats in the object.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The function has one parameter, the current float.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachFloat(function func(float64)) Object

		Copies the object and modifies each field by a given mapping function.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has two parameters: current key and value of the current element. Returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new list.
	Map(function func(string, any) any) Object

		Copies the object and modifies each field by a given mapping function.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, value of the current field, and returns empty interface.
		The old list remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapValues(function func(any) any) Object

		Selects all nested objects of the object and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current object, and returns empty interface.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapObjects(function func(Object) any) Object

		Selects all lists of the object and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current list, and returns empty interface.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapLists(function func(List) any) Object

		Selects all nested strings of the object and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current string, and returns empty interface.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapStrings(function func(string) any) Object

		Selects all nested ints of the object and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current int, and returns empty interface.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapInts(function func(int) any) Object

		Selects all nested floats of the object and modifies each of them by a given mapping function.
		Fields with other types are ignored.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has one parameter, the current float, and returns empty interface.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapFloats(function func(float64) any) Object

		Parallelly executes a given function over an every field of the object.
		The function has two parameters: key of the current field and its value.
		The order of the iterations is random.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - unchanged object.
	ForEachAsync(function func(string, any)) Object

		Copies the object and paralelly modifies each field by a given mapping function.
		The resulting field can have a different type than the original one.
		The function has two parameters: key of the current field and its value.
		The old object remains unchanged.

		  - function - anonymous function to be executed.

		  - new object.
	MapAsync(function func(string, any) any) Object

		Acquires the element specified by the given tree form.

		  - tf - tree form string.

		  - corresponding value (any type, has to be asserted).
	GetTF(tf string) any

		Sets the element specified by the given tree form.

		  - tf - tree form string,
		  - value - value to set.

		  - updated object.
	SetTF(tf string, value any) Object
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

Interface for an object.


  • field.

func NewObject

func NewObject(values ...any) Object

Object constructor. Creates a new object.


  • values... - any amount of key-value pairs to set after the object creation.


  • pointer to the created object.

func NewObjectFrom

func NewObjectFrom(dict any) Object

Object constructor. Converts a map of supported types to an object.


  • dict - original map.


  • created object.

func ParseFile

func ParseFile(path string) (Object, error)

Creates a new object from JSON file. Patameters:

  • path - path to the file to parse.


  • created object,
  • error if any occurred.

func ParseObject

func ParseObject(json string) (Object, error)

Creates a new object from JSON. Patameters:

  • json - JSON string to parse.


  • created object,
  • error if any occurred.

type Type

type Type uint8

Type for AnyType data types.

const (
	TypeNil Type = iota

Enum of AnyType data types.

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