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Published: Aug 8, 2023 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 101 Imported by: 0



Package api MinIO Console Server

Host: localhost
BasePath: /api/v1
Version: 0.1.0

  - application/json

  - application/json




View Source
const (
	OperatorSAToken = "OPERATOR_SA_TOKEN"
	Marketplace     = "OPERATOR_MARKETPLACE"

	// Constants for DirectPV

	KESImageVersion = "minio/kes:2023-07-26T11-13-07Z"

	// Constants for common configuration
	MinioImage         = "OPERATOR_MINIO_IMAGE"
	OperatorUIHostname = "OPERATOR_HOSTNAME"
	OperatorUIPort     = "OPERATOR_PORT"

	// K8sAPIServer address of the K8s API
	// K8SAPIServerTLSRootCA location of the root CA

	// Constants for Secure middleware
	SecureAllowedHosts                    = "OPERATOR_SECURE_ALLOWED_HOSTS"
	SecureAllowedHostsAreRegex            = "OPERATOR_SECURE_ALLOWED_HOSTS_ARE_REGEX"
	SecureFrameDeny                       = "OPERATOR_SECURE_FRAME_DENY"
	SecureContentTypeNoSniff              = "OPERATOR_SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NO_SNIFF"
	SecureBrowserXSSFilter                = "OPERATOR_SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER"
	SecureContentSecurityPolicy           = "OPERATOR_SECURE_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY"
	SecureHostsProxyHeaders               = "OPERATOR_SECURE_HOSTS_PROXY_HEADERS"
	SecureSTSSeconds                      = "OPERATOR_SECURE_STS_SECONDS"
	SecureSTSIncludeSubdomains            = "OPERATOR_SECURE_STS_INCLUDE_SUB_DOMAINS"
	SecureSTSPreload                      = "OPERATOR_SECURE_STS_PRELOAD"
	SecureTLSRedirect                     = "OPERATOR_SECURE_TLS_REDIRECT"
	SecureTLSHost                         = "OPERATOR_SECURE_TLS_HOST"
	SecureTLSTemporaryRedirect            = "OPERATOR_SECURE_TLS_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT"
	SecureForceSTSHeader                  = "OPERATOR_SECURE_FORCE_STS_HEADER"
	SecurePublicKey                       = "OPERATOR_SECURE_PUBLIC_KEY"
	SecureReferrerPolicy                  = "OPERATOR_SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY"
	SecureFeaturePolicy                   = "OPERATOR_SECURE_FEATURE_POLICY"
	SecureExpectCTHeader                  = "OPERATOR_SECURE_EXPECT_CT_HEADER"
	SlashSeparator                        = "/"

list of all console environment constants

View Source
const (
	// KesConfigVersion1 identifier v1
	KesConfigVersion1 = "v1"
	// KesConfigVersion2 identifier v2
	KesConfigVersion2 = "v2"
View Source
const (
	// SubPath path for hosting ui


View Source
var (
	// Port console default port
	Port = "9090"

	// Hostname console hostname
	// avoid listening on by default
	// instead listen on all IPv4 and IPv6
	// - Hostname should be empty.
	Hostname = ""

	// TLSPort console tls port
	TLSPort = "9443"

	// TLSRedirect console tls redirect rule
	TLSRedirect = "on"

	// SessionDuration cookie validity duration
	SessionDuration = 45 * time.Minute

	// LicenseKey in memory license key used by console ui
	LicenseKey = ""
	// GlobalRootCAs is CA root certificates, a nil value means system certs pool will be used
	GlobalRootCAs *x509.CertPool
	// GlobalPublicCerts has certificates Console will use to serve clients
	GlobalPublicCerts []*x509.Certificate
	// GlobalTLSCertsManager custom TLS Manager for SNI support
	GlobalTLSCertsManager *xcerts.Manager
View Source
var (
	// SwaggerJSON embedded version of the swagger document used at generation time
	SwaggerJSON json.RawMessage
	// FlatSwaggerJSON embedded flattened version of the swagger document used at generation time
	FlatSwaggerJSON json.RawMessage
View Source
var (
	ErrDefault                          = errors.New("an error occurred, please try again")
	ErrInvalidLogin                     = errors.New("invalid Login")
	ErrForbidden                        = errors.New("403 Forbidden")
	ErrBadRequest                       = errors.New("400 Bad Request")
	ErrFileTooLarge                     = errors.New("413 File too Large")
	ErrInvalidSession                   = errors.New("invalid session")
	ErrNotFound                         = errors.New("not found")
	ErrGroupAlreadyExists               = errors.New("error group name already in use")
	ErrInvalidErasureCodingValue        = errors.New("invalid Erasure Coding Value")
	ErrBucketBodyNotInRequest           = errors.New("error bucket body not in request")
	ErrBucketNameNotInRequest           = errors.New("error bucket name not in request")
	ErrGroupBodyNotInRequest            = errors.New("error group body not in request")
	ErrGroupNameNotInRequest            = errors.New("error group name not in request")
	ErrPolicyNameNotInRequest           = errors.New("error policy name not in request")
	ErrPolicyBodyNotInRequest           = errors.New("error policy body not in request")
	ErrPolicyNameContainsSpace          = errors.New("error policy name cannot contain spaces")
	ErrInvalidEncryptionAlgorithm       = errors.New("error invalid encryption algorithm")
	ErrSSENotConfigured                 = errors.New("error server side encryption configuration not found")
	ErrBucketLifeCycleNotConfigured     = errors.New("error bucket life cycle configuration not found")
	ErrChangePassword                   = errors.New("error please check your current password")
	ErrInvalidLicense                   = errors.New("invalid license key")
	ErrLicenseNotFound                  = errors.New("license not found")
	ErrAvoidSelfAccountDelete           = errors.New("logged in user cannot be deleted by itself")
	ErrAccessDenied                     = errors.New("access denied")
	ErrOauth2Provider                   = errors.New("unable to contact configured identity provider")
	ErrNonUniqueAccessKey               = errors.New("access key already in use")
	ErrRemoteTierExists                 = errors.New("specified remote tier already exists")
	ErrRemoteTierNotFound               = errors.New("specified remote tier was not found")
	ErrRemoteTierUppercase              = errors.New("tier name must be in uppercase")
	ErrRemoteTierBucketNotFound         = errors.New("remote tier bucket not found")
	ErrRemoteInvalidCredentials         = errors.New("invalid remote tier credentials")
	ErrUnableToGetTenantUsage           = errors.New("unable to get tenant usage")
	ErrTooManyNodes                     = errors.New("cannot request more nodes than what is available in the cluster")
	ErrTooFewNodes                      = errors.New("there are not enough nodes in the cluster to support this tenant")
	ErrTooFewAvailableNodes             = errors.New("there is not enough available nodes to satisfy this requirement")
	ErrFewerThanFourNodes               = errors.New("at least 4 nodes are required for a tenant")
	ErrUnableToGetTenantLogs            = errors.New("unable to get tenant logs")
	ErrUnableToUpdateTenantCertificates = errors.New("unable to update tenant certificates")
	ErrUpdatingEncryptionConfig         = errors.New("unable to update encryption configuration")
	ErrDeletingEncryptionConfig         = errors.New("error disabling tenant encryption")
	ErrEncryptionConfigNotFound         = errors.New("encryption configuration not found")
	ErrPolicyNotFound                   = errors.New("policy does not exist")
	ErrLoginNotAllowed                  = errors.New("login not allowed")
	ErrPoolExists                       = errors.New("pool exists")

Generic errors

View Source
var (
	LogInfo  = logInfo
	LogError = logError
	LogIf    = logIf

globally changeable logger styles

View Source
var InstanceLicensePlan = PlanAGPL

InstanceLicensePlan default assumed plan

View Source
var KesConfigVersionsMap = map[string]interface{}{
	KesConfigVersion1: kes.ServerConfigV1{},
	KesConfigVersion2: kes.ServerConfigV2{},

KesConfigVersionsMap is a map of kes config version types

View Source
var (
	// MinioServerInfoMock is the mc admin info server client mock
	MinioServerInfoMock func(ctx context.Context) (madmin.InfoMessage, error)


func AuditLogMiddleware

func AuditLogMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler

AuditLogMiddleware notifies audit webhook regarding the request

func AuthenticationMiddleware

func AuthenticationMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler

AuthenticationMiddleware handles aut

func BaseURL

func BaseURL() string

BaseURL returns subnet base url

func ContextMiddleware

func ContextMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler

ContextMiddleware attachs request info to context

func Error

func Error(err ...interface{}) *models.Error

Error receives an errors object and parse it against k8sErrors, returns the right errors code paired with a generic errors message

func ErrorWithContext

func ErrorWithContext(ctx context.Context, err ...interface{}) *models.Error

ErrorWithContext :

func ExpireSessionCookie

func ExpireSessionCookie() http.Cookie

ExpireSessionCookie expires a cookie

func FileServerMiddleware

func FileServerMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler

FileServerMiddleware serves files from the static folder

func GenerateTenantConfigurationFile

func GenerateTenantConfigurationFile(configuration map[string]string) string

GenerateTenantConfigurationFile generate config for tenant

func GetAPIKey

func GetAPIKey(token string) (string, error)

GetAPIKey returns api key from subnet

func GetConsoleCredentialsForOperator

func GetConsoleCredentialsForOperator(jwt string) (*credentials.Credentials, error)

GetConsoleCredentialsForOperator will validate the provided JWT (service account token) and return it in the form of credentials.Login

func GetConsoleHTTPClient

func GetConsoleHTTPClient(address string) *http.Client

GetConsoleHTTPClient caches different http clients depending on the target endpoint while taking in consideration CA certs stored in ${HOME}/.console/certs/CAs and ${HOME}/.minio/certs/CAs If the target endpoint points to a loopback device, skip the TLS verification.

func GetHTTPClient

func GetHTTPClient() *http.Client

GetHTTPClient returns a http client to communicate with subnet

func GetHostname

func GetHostname() string

GetHostname gets console hostname set on env variable, default one or defined on run command

func GetK8sAPIServer

func GetK8sAPIServer() string

GetK8sAPIServer returns the URL to use for the k8s api

func GetK8sConfig

func GetK8sConfig(token string) *rest.Config

GetK8sConfig returns the config for k8s api

func GetMinioImage

func GetMinioImage() (*string, error)

GetMinioImage returns the image URL to be used when deploying a MinIO instance, if there is a preferred image to be used (configured via ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES) GetMinioImage will return that if not, GetMinioImage will try to obtain the image URL for the latest version of MinIO and return that

func GetOperatorClient

func GetOperatorClient(token string) (*operator.Clientset, error)

GetOperatorClient returns an operator client using GetK8sConfig for its config

func GetParityInfo

func GetParityInfo(nodes int64, disksPerNode int64) (models.ParityResponse, error)

GetParityInfo returns the parity for nxd config

func GetPort

func GetPort() int

GetPort gets console por set on env variable or default one

func GetSecureAllowedHosts

func GetSecureAllowedHosts() []string

GetSecureAllowedHosts secure middleware env variable configurations

func GetSecureAllowedHostsAreRegex

func GetSecureAllowedHostsAreRegex() bool

GetSecureAllowedHostsAreRegex determines, if the provided AllowedHosts slice contains valid regular expressions. Default is false.

func GetSecureBrowserXSSFilter

func GetSecureBrowserXSSFilter() bool

GetSecureBrowserXSSFilter If BrowserXssFilter is true, adds the X-XSS-Protection header with the value `1; mode=block`. Default is true.

func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicy

func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicy() string

GetSecureContentSecurityPolicy allows the Content-Security-Policy header value to be set with a custom value. Default is "". Passing a template string will replace `$NONCE` with a dynamic nonce value of 16 bytes for each request which can be later retrieved using the Nonce function.

func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly

func GetSecureContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly() string

GetSecureContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly allows the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header value to be set with a custom value. Default is "".

func GetSecureContentTypeNonSniff

func GetSecureContentTypeNonSniff() bool

GetSecureContentTypeNonSniff If ContentTypeNosniff is true, adds the X-Content-Type-Options header with the value `nosniff`. Default is true.

func GetSecureExpectCTHeader

func GetSecureExpectCTHeader() string

GetSecureExpectCTHeader header

func GetSecureFeaturePolicy

func GetSecureFeaturePolicy() string

GetSecureFeaturePolicy FeaturePolicy allows the Feature-Policy header with the value to be set with a custom value. Default is "".

func GetSecureForceSTSHeader

func GetSecureForceSTSHeader() bool

GetSecureForceSTSHeader STS header is only included when the connection is HTTPS.

func GetSecureFrameDeny

func GetSecureFrameDeny() bool

GetSecureFrameDeny If FrameDeny is set to true, adds the X-Frame-Options header with the value of `DENY`. Default is true.

func GetSecureHostsProxyHeaders

func GetSecureHostsProxyHeaders() []string

GetSecureHostsProxyHeaders is a set of header keys that may hold a proxied hostname value for the request.

func GetSecurePublicKey

func GetSecurePublicKey() string

GetSecurePublicKey PublicKey implements HPKP to prevent MITM attacks with forged certificates. Default is "".

func GetSecureReferrerPolicy

func GetSecureReferrerPolicy() string

GetSecureReferrerPolicy ReferrerPolicy allows the Referrer-Policy header with the value to be set with a custom value. Default is "".

func GetSecureSTSIncludeSubdomains

func GetSecureSTSIncludeSubdomains() bool

GetSecureSTSIncludeSubdomains If STSIncludeSubdomains is set to true, the `includeSubdomains` will be appended to the Strict-Transport-Security header. Default is false.

func GetSecureSTSPreload

func GetSecureSTSPreload() bool

GetSecureSTSPreload If STSPreload is set to true, the `preload` flag will be appended to the Strict-Transport-Security header. Default is false.

func GetSecureSTSSeconds

func GetSecureSTSSeconds() int64

GetSecureSTSSeconds is the max-age of the Strict-Transport-Security header. Default is 0, which would NOT include the header.

func GetSecureTLSHost

func GetSecureTLSHost() string

GetSecureTLSHost is the host name that is used to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS. Default is "", which indicates to use the same host.

func GetSecureTLSTemporaryRedirect

func GetSecureTLSTemporaryRedirect() bool

GetSecureTLSTemporaryRedirect If TLSTemporaryRedirect is true, the a 302 will be used while redirecting. Default is false (301).

func GetSubPath

func GetSubPath() string

GetSubPath is the sub-path where Operator UI will run

func GetTLSPort

func GetTLSPort() int

GetTLSPort gets console tls port set on env variable or default one

func GetTLSRedirect

func GetTLSRedirect() string

GetTLSRedirect if is set to true, then only allow HTTPS requests. Default is true.

func GetTenantConfiguration

func GetTenantConfiguration(ctx context.Context, clientSet K8sClientI, tenant *miniov2.Tenant) (map[string]string, error)

GetTenantConfiguration returns the config for a tenant

func GetTenantServiceURL

func GetTenantServiceURL(mi *miniov2.Tenant) (svcURL string)

GetTenantServiceURL gets tenant's service url with the proper scheme and port

func K8sClient

func K8sClient(token string) (*kubernetes.Clientset, error)

K8sClient returns kubernetes client using GetK8sConfig for its config

func KeyURL

func KeyURL() string

KeyURL returns subnet api key url

func Login

func Login() (string, error)

Login helper function to login to subnet in a terminal

func LoginURL

func LoginURL() string

LoginURL returns subnet login url


func MFAURL() string

MFAURL returns subnet mfa url

func NewAdminClientWithInsecure

func NewAdminClientWithInsecure(url, accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken string, insecure bool) (*madmin.AdminClient, *probe.Error)

NewAdminClientWithInsecure gives a new madmin client interface either secure or insecure based on parameter

func NewSessionCookieForConsole

func NewSessionCookieForConsole(token string) http.Cookie

NewSessionCookieForConsole creates a cookie for a token

func PrepareClientTransport

func PrepareClientTransport(insecure bool) *http.Transport

PrepareClientTransport prepares http transport

func PrepareConsoleHTTPClient

func PrepareConsoleHTTPClient(insecure bool) *http.Client

PrepareConsoleHTTPClient returns an http.Client with custom configurations need it by *credentials.STSAssumeRole custom configurations include the use of CA certificates

func PrepareSTSClientTransport

func PrepareSTSClientTransport(insecure bool) *http.Transport

PrepareSTSClientTransport :

func RegisterURL

func RegisterURL() string

RegisterURL returns subnet register url

func SetPolicy

func SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, client MinioAdmin, name, entityName string, entityType models.PolicyEntity) error

SetPolicy calls MinIO server to assign policy to a group or user.

func SubnetLogin

func SubnetLogin(client xhttp.ClientI, username, password string) (string, string, error)

SubnetLogin start login

func SubnetRegisterWithAPIKey

func SubnetRegisterWithAPIKey(ctx context.Context, minioClient MinioAdmin, apiKey string) (bool, error)

SubnetRegisterWithAPIKey start registration with api key


type AdminClient

type AdminClient struct {
	Client *madmin.AdminClient

AdminClient Interface implementation

Define the structure of a minIO Client and define the functions that are actually used from minIO api.

func (AdminClient) AccountInfo

func (ac AdminClient) AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error)

AccountInfo implements madmin.AccountInfo()

type AdminClientMock

type AdminClientMock struct{}

AdminClientMock mock client

func (AdminClientMock) AccountInfo

func (ac AdminClientMock) AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error)

AccountInfo mock

type ConsoleCredentials

type ConsoleCredentials struct {
	ConsoleCredentials *credentials.Credentials
	AccountAccessKey   string

ConsoleCredentials Interface implementation

func (ConsoleCredentials) Expire

func (c ConsoleCredentials) Expire()

Expire implements *Login.Expire()

func (ConsoleCredentials) Get

Get implements *Login.Get()

func (ConsoleCredentials) GetAccountAccessKey

func (c ConsoleCredentials) GetAccountAccessKey() string

GetAccountAccessKey implementation

type ConsoleCredentialsI

type ConsoleCredentialsI interface {
	Get() (credentials.Value, error)
	GetAccountAccessKey() string

ConsoleCredentialsI interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all needed consoleCredentials.Login api calls that are used within this project.

type Context

type Context struct {
	Host                string
	HTTPPort, HTTPSPort int
	TLSRedirect         string
	// Legacy options, TODO: remove in future
	TLSCertificate, TLSKey, TLSca string

Context captures all command line flags values

func (*Context) Load

func (c *Context) Load(ctx *cli.Context) error

Load loads restapi Context from command line context.

type K8sClientI

type K8sClientI interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

K8sClientI interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all K8sClientI respective api calls that are used within this project.

type LicenseTokenConfig

type LicenseTokenConfig struct {
	APIKey  string
	License string
	Proxy   string

LicenseTokenConfig stores subnet license information

func GetSubnetKeyFromMinIOConfig

func GetSubnetKeyFromMinIOConfig(ctx context.Context, adminClient MinioAdmin) (*LicenseTokenConfig, error)

GetSubnetKeyFromMinIOConfig return subnet config stored in minio

func RegisterWithAPIKey

func RegisterWithAPIKey(admInfo madmin.InfoMessage, apiKey string) (*LicenseTokenConfig, error)

RegisterWithAPIKey registers minio instance in subnet

type MCClient

type MCClient interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

MCClient interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all mc/S3Client respective api calls that are used within this project.

type MinIOConfig

type MinIOConfig struct {
	OpenIDProviders oauth2.OpenIDPCfg

MinIOConfig represents application configuration passed in from the MinIO server to the console.

type MinioAdmin

type MinioAdmin interface {
	AccountInfo(ctx context.Context) (madmin.AccountInfo, error)
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

MinioAdmin interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all MinioAdmin respective api calls that are used within this project.

type MinioClient

type MinioClient interface {
	GetBucketTagging(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) (*tags.Tags, error)
	SetBucketTagging(ctx context.Context, bucketName string, tags *tags.Tags) error
	RemoveBucketTagging(ctx context.Context, bucketName string) error
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

MinioClient interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all MinioClient respective api calls that are used within this project.

type NodeResourceInfo

type NodeResourceInfo struct {
	Name              string
	AllocatableMemory int64
	AllocatableCPU    int64

NodeResourceInfo node information

type OperatorClient

type OperatorClient interface {
	Authenticate(context.Context) ([]byte, error)

OperatorClient interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all OperatorClient respective api calls that are used within this project.

type OperatorClientI

type OperatorClientI interface {
	TenantDelete(ctx context.Context, namespace string, instanceName string, options metav1.DeleteOptions) error
	TenantGet(ctx context.Context, namespace string, instanceName string, options metav1.GetOptions) (*miniov2.Tenant, error)
	TenantPatch(ctx context.Context, namespace string, instanceName string, pt types.PatchType, data []byte, options metav1.PatchOptions) (*miniov2.Tenant, error)
	TenantUpdate(ctx context.Context, tenant *miniov2.Tenant, opts metav1.UpdateOptions) (*miniov2.Tenant, error)
	TenantList(ctx context.Context, namespace string, opts metav1.ListOptions) (*miniov2.TenantList, error)

OperatorClientI interface with all functions to be implemented by mock when testing, it should include all OperatorClientI respective api calls that are used within this project.

type Server

type Server struct {
	EnabledListeners []string         `long:"scheme" description:"the listeners to enable, this can be repeated and defaults to the schemes in the swagger spec"`
	CleanupTimeout   time.Duration    `long:"cleanup-timeout" description:"grace period for which to wait before killing idle connections" default:"10s"`
	GracefulTimeout  time.Duration    `long:"graceful-timeout" description:"grace period for which to wait before shutting down the server" default:"15s"`
	MaxHeaderSize    flagext.ByteSize `` /* 231-byte string literal not displayed */

	SocketPath flags.Filename `long:"socket-path" description:"the unix socket to listen on" default:"/var/run/operator.sock"`

	Host         string        `long:"host" description:"the IP to listen on" default:"localhost" env:"HOST"`
	Port         int           `long:"port" description:"the port to listen on for insecure connections, defaults to a random value" env:"PORT"`
	ListenLimit  int           `long:"listen-limit" description:"limit the number of outstanding requests"`
	KeepAlive    time.Duration `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */
	ReadTimeout  time.Duration `long:"read-timeout" description:"maximum duration before timing out read of the request" default:"30s"`
	WriteTimeout time.Duration `long:"write-timeout" description:"maximum duration before timing out write of the response" default:"60s"`

	TLSHost           string         `long:"tls-host" description:"the IP to listen on for tls, when not specified it's the same as --host" env:"TLS_HOST"`
	TLSPort           int            `long:"tls-port" description:"the port to listen on for secure connections, defaults to a random value" env:"TLS_PORT"`
	TLSCertificate    flags.Filename `long:"tls-certificate" description:"the certificate to use for secure connections" env:"TLS_CERTIFICATE"`
	TLSCertificateKey flags.Filename `long:"tls-key" description:"the private key to use for secure connections" env:"TLS_PRIVATE_KEY"`
	TLSCACertificate  flags.Filename `long:"tls-ca" description:"the certificate authority file to be used with mutual tls auth" env:"TLS_CA_CERTIFICATE"`
	TLSListenLimit    int            `long:"tls-listen-limit" description:"limit the number of outstanding requests"`
	TLSKeepAlive      time.Duration  `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
	TLSReadTimeout    time.Duration  `long:"tls-read-timeout" description:"maximum duration before timing out read of the request"`
	TLSWriteTimeout   time.Duration  `long:"tls-write-timeout" description:"maximum duration before timing out write of the response"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Server for the operator API

func NewServer

func NewServer(api *operations.OperatorAPI) *Server

NewServer creates a new api operator server but does not configure it

func (*Server) ConfigureAPI

func (s *Server) ConfigureAPI()

ConfigureAPI configures the API and handlers.

func (*Server) ConfigureFlags

func (s *Server) ConfigureFlags()

ConfigureFlags configures the additional flags defined by the handlers. Needs to be called before the parser.Parse

func (*Server) Fatalf

func (s *Server) Fatalf(f string, args ...interface{})

Fatalf logs message either via defined user logger or via system one if no user logger is defined. Exits with non-zero status after printing

func (*Server) GetHandler

func (s *Server) GetHandler() http.Handler

GetHandler returns a handler useful for testing

func (*Server) HTTPListener

func (s *Server) HTTPListener() (net.Listener, error)

HTTPListener returns the http listener

func (*Server) Listen

func (s *Server) Listen() error

Listen creates the listeners for the server

func (*Server) Logf

func (s *Server) Logf(f string, args ...interface{})

Logf logs message either via defined user logger or via system one if no user logger is defined.

func (*Server) Serve

func (s *Server) Serve() (err error)

Serve the api

func (*Server) SetAPI

func (s *Server) SetAPI(api *operations.OperatorAPI)

SetAPI configures the server with the specified API. Needs to be called before Serve

func (*Server) SetHandler

func (s *Server) SetHandler(handler http.Handler)

SetHandler allows for setting a http handler on this server

func (*Server) Shutdown

func (s *Server) Shutdown() error

Shutdown server and clean up resources

func (*Server) TLSListener

func (s *Server) TLSListener() (net.Listener, error)

TLSListener returns the https listener

func (*Server) UnixListener

func (s *Server) UnixListener() (net.Listener, error)

UnixListener returns the domain socket listener

type SubnetPlan

type SubnetPlan int

SubnetPlan stores the plan

const (
	PlanAGPL SubnetPlan = iota

license enums

func (SubnetPlan) String

func (sp SubnetPlan) String() string

type UsageInfo

type UsageInfo struct {
	Buckets          int64
	Objects          int64
	Usage            int64
	DisksUsage       int64
	Servers          []*models.ServerProperties
	EndpointNotReady bool
	Backend          *models.BackendProperties

UsageInfo usage info

func GetAdminInfo

func GetAdminInfo(ctx context.Context, client MinioAdmin) (*UsageInfo, error)

GetAdminInfo invokes admin info and returns a parsed `UsageInfo` structure


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL