
v0.5.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 23, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 26 Imported by: 0




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const (
	// testing constant
	AccountNum     = 100
	InitAccountVal = 100000000
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const (
	MinimumCommSize = 4

	// when a sub-chain has not been confirmed for N>=ChainStoppedThreshold consecutive blocks
	// on the main chain, it is considered that the sub-chain has stopped.
	ChainStoppedThreshold = 1000
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const (
	BHPreviousHash     = 0
	BHHashHistory      = 1
	BHChainID          = 2
	BHHeight           = 3
	BHEmpty            = 4
	BHParentHeight     = 5
	BHParentHash       = 6
	BHRewardAddress    = 7
	BHCommitteeHash    = 8
	BHElectedNextRoot  = 9
	BHNewCommitteeSeed = 10
	BHMergedDeltaRoot  = 11
	BHBalanceDeltaRoot = 12
	BHStateRoot        = 13
	BHChainInfoRoot    = 14
	BHWaterlinesRoot   = 15
	BHVCCRoot          = 16
	BHCashedRoot       = 17
	BHTransactionRoot  = 18
	BHReceiptRoot      = 19
	BHHdsRoot          = 20
	BHTimeStamp        = 21
	BHAttendanceHash   = 22
	BHRewardedCursor   = 23
	BHRREra            = 24
	BHRRRoot           = 25
	BHRRNextRoot       = 26
	BHRRChangingRoot   = 27
	BHElectResultRoot  = 28
	BHPreElectedRoot   = 29
	BHFactorRoot       = 30
	BHRRReceiptRoot    = 31
	BHVersion          = 32
	BHConfirmedRoot    = 33
	BHRewardedEra      = 34
	BHBridgeRoot       = 35
	BHRandomHash       = 36
	BHSeedGenerated    = 37
	BHTxParams         = 38
	BHSize             = 39
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const (
	BridgeInfoCreate = "createMap"
	BridgeInfoRemove = "removeMap"
	BridgeInfoList   = "listMappingsOf"
	BridgeInfoGet    = "getMappingInfoTo"
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const (
	// no version
	ConfirmedV0 = 0
	// merkle hash
	ConfirmedV1      = 1
	ConfirmedVersion = ConfirmedV1
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const (
	MTDoubleSign            = MaliciousType(401) // signing for different blocks at the same height in the same chain
	MTDoubleAuditing        = MaliciousType(501) // double sign Audited and Revealed for the same block
	MTOneBlockMultiAuditing = MaliciousType(502) // Audited different blocks at the same height in the same chain
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const (
	TxVersion0 = 0
	// compatible with Ethereum's transaction hash, pay attention to the tx.Hash() and tx.HashValue()
	// methods when upgrading the version
	ETHHashTxVersion      = 2
	NewBaseChainTxVersion = 3
	ETHConvertVersion     = 4
	// 1: There is a bug in V0, which leads to insufficient amount when creating or invoking the
	//    contract, and the transaction will be packaged, but the nonce value does not increase
	// 2: ETH compatible, add base chain id for conversion to ETH chainid
	// 3: update base chain id from 100007 to 70000
	// 4: convert Transaction to ETHTransaction with correct TxType even if there is no TxType in Extras
	//    DyanamicFeeTx: if GasTipCap or GasFeeCap not nil, or
	//    AccessListTxType: if AccessList it not nil, or
	//    LegacyTxType: else
	TxVersion = ETHConvertVersion

	// V0's BlockSummary.Hash Only a through transmission of BlockHash, can't reflect the location
	// information of the block, and can't complete the proof of cross chain. V1 adds chainid and
	// height to hash
	SummaryVersion0 = 0 // original version
	SummaryVersion1 = 1 // add chainid and height to hash
	SummaryVersion2 = 2 // add HistoryProof and AuditorPass for auditing, use Header instead of chainid+height+BlockHash
	SummaryVersion3 = 3 // HashValue changes
	SummaryVersion4 = 4 // rollback to original version (ChainID+Height+HoB+Comm)
	SummaryVersion5 = 5 // use HistoryProof to proof NextComm.Hash() -> BlockHash, if NextComm exists
	SummaryVersion  = SummaryVersion5

	// RRInfoVersion:
	// 1: NodeCount
	// 2: statue
	// 3: newpos (Avail, Voted, VotedAmount, Settles)
	// 4: PoSv3 (Voted/VotedAmount removed, add Delegated)
	RRInfoVersion = 4
	RRInfoVNewPos = 3
	// RRActVersion: 1: Account
	RRActVersion = 1

	// BlockHeader version
	// 1: add RRReceiptRoot reserved for v2.11.0
	//    make merkle trie root with all properties in the object
	//    make receipt root as merkle trie hash of receipts
	//    Calculate blockHeader.TransactionRoot using transaction hash value with signature
	//    modify the calculation method of ElectedNextRoot
	// 2: since v2.11.03, add ConfirmedRoot
	// 3: since v2.12.0, add RewardedEra
	// 4: since v3.1.0, placeholder in v2.14.2, add BridgeRoot
	// 5: since v3.2.0, placeholder in v2.14.2, add Random
	// 6: since v3.2.1, placeholder in v2.14.2, new strategy of generating seed (Header.FactorRoot=Sign(Body.SeedFactor), NewCommitteeSeed=Header.FactorRoot[:SeedLength]|BlockNum>=SeedBlock)
	// 7: since v2.14.2, parameters generated by proposer for transactions: TxParams
	// 8: since v2.14.4, all integer fields use the hash value of uint64 big-endian serialized bytes (for the convenience of solidity)
	BlockVersionV0 = 0
	BlockVersionV1 = 1
	BlockVersionV2 = 2
	BlockVersionV3 = 3
	BlockVersionV4 = 4
	BlockVersionV5 = 5
	BlockVersionV6 = 6
	BlockVersionV7 = 7
	BlockVersionV8 = 8
	BlockVersion   = BlockVersionV8

	// RewardReqeust version
	// 1: add SubProof/MainProof/ProofedHeight/Version
	RewardReqV0      = 0
	RewardReqV1      = 1
	RewardReqVersion = RewardReqV1

	ReceiptV0      = 0
	ReceiptV1      = 1 // use RLP to serialize the Receipt object
	ReceiptV2      = 2 // use the merkle root of Logs to calculate the hash value of Receipt
	ReceiptVersion = ReceiptV2
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const (
	DefaultMinConsensusRR = 10000  // Lower limit of consensus node pledges, (202012: from 50000->10000)
	DefaultMaxConsensusRR = 10000  // The consensus node pledges is calculated at most according to this,(202012: from 50000->10000)
	DefaultMinDataRR      = 50000  // Lower limit of data node pledges, (202012: from 200000->50000)
	DefaultMaxDataRR      = 500000 // The data node pledges is calculated at most according to this, (202012: from 200000->50000, 202201: -> 500000)
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const (
	LengthOfSignature  = 65
	LengthOfPublicKey  = 65
	LengthOfPrivateKey = 32
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const (
	LegacyTxType = iota
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const (
	TxTypeMax = 0x7f
	TkmTxType = 0x7f
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const (
	Posv3ReportName     = "report"
	Posv3AuditedName    = "reportWithAudit"
	Posv3AwardName      = "award"
	Posv3WithdrawName   = "withdrawnDeposit"
	Posv3UnDelegateName = "delegationRevoked"
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const (
	ENRestarting       = ElectingName("RESTARTING")
	ENCommitRestarting = ElectingName("CO-RESTARTING")
	ENPreelect         = ElectingName("PREELECT")
	ENPreOrRestart     = ElectingName("PREELECT/RESTARTING")
	ENNormalVrf        = ElectingName("NORMALVRF")
	ENSyncRestart      = ElectingName("SYNC-RESTART")
	ENReboot           = ElectingName("REBOOT")
	ENCommitReboot     = ElectingName("CO-REBOOT")
	ENUnknown          = ElectingName("UNKNOWN")
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const (
	// ReceiptStatusFailed is the status code of a transaction if execution failed.
	ReceiptStatusFailed = 0

	// ReceiptStatusSuccessful is the status code of a transaction if execution succeeded.
	ReceiptStatusSuccessful = 1
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const (
	BridgeTransERC20     = "transferERC20"
	BridgeTransERC721    = "transferERC721"
	BridgeTransERC1155   = "transferERC1155"
	BridgeBurnERC20      = "burnERC20"
	BridgeBurnERC721     = "burnERC721"
	BridgeBurnERC1155    = "burnERC1155"
	BridgeWithdraw       = "withdraw"
	BridgeProcessReq20   = "processERC20Req"
	BridgeProcessReq721  = "processERC721Req"
	BridgeProcessReq1155 = "processERC1155Req"
	BridgeProcessFailed  = "processFailed"
	BridgeUpdateReq      = "updateReqStatus"
	BridgeRemoveReqs     = "removeProcessedReqs"
	BridgeRemoveResps    = "removeProcessedResps"
	BridgeOnERC721       = "onERC721Received"
	BridgeOnERC1155      = "onERC1155Received"

	// TKM Bridge ERC20
	TBE20Transfer  = "transfer"
	TBE20TransFrom = "transferFrom"
	TBE20Mint      = "sysBridgeMint"
	TBE20BurnFrom  = "sysBridgeBurn"

	// TKM Bridge ERC721
	TBE721TransFrom = "safeTransferFrom"
	TBE721Claim     = "sysBridgeClaim"
	TBE721Burn      = "sysBridgeBurn"

	// TKM Bridge ERC1155
	TBE1155TransFrom = "safeTransferFrom"
	TBE1155Mint      = "sysBridgeMint"
	TBE1155Burn      = "sysBridgeBurn"
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const (
	MChainCreateChain    = "createChain"
	MChainRemoveChain    = "removeChain"
	MChainStartChain     = "startChain"
	MChainGetInfo        = "getChainInfo"
	MChainAddBootNode    = "addBootNode"
	MChainRemoveBootNode = "removeBootNode"
	MChainAddDataNode    = "addDataNode"
	MChainRemoveDataNode = "removeDataNode"
	MChainAddAdmin       = "addAdmin"
	MChainDelAdmin       = "delAdmin"
	MChainSetNoGas       = "setNoGas"
	MChainClrNoGas       = "clrNoGas"
	MChainRestartChain   = "restartChain"
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const (
	MCommAddNode   = "addNodes"
	MCommDelNode   = "delNodes"
	MCommListNodes = "listNodes"
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const (
	CSNameSet   = "set"
	CSNameUnset = "unset"
	CSNameGet   = "get"
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const (
	RRMergedToEName          = "MergedTo"
	RRDepositMName           = "deposit"
	RRWithdrawMName          = "withdraw"
	RRWithdrawPartMName      = "withdrawPart"
	RRProofMName             = "proof"
	RRGetInfoMName           = "getInfo"
	RRGetDepositAmountMName  = "getDepositAmount"
	RRGetOngoingAmountMName  = "getOngoingAmount"
	RRSetStatusMName         = "setStatus"
	RRClrStatusMName         = "clrStatus"
	RRDelegateMName          = "delegate"
	RRUnDelegateMName        = "undelegate"
	RRAddPenaltyTypeMName    = "addPenaltyType"
	RRModifyPenaltyTypeMName = "modifyPenaltyType"
	RRDeletePenaltyTypeMName = "deletePenaltyType"
	RRGetPenaltyTypeMName    = "getPenaltyType"
	RRPenalizeMName          = "penalize"
	RRPendingPenaltyEName    = "PendingPenalty"
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const (
	SRShareRewardName  = "shareReward"
	SRRewardDetailName = "RewardDetail"
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const (
	UpdateVersionName = "updateVersion"
	GetVersionName    = "getVersion"
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const (
	BridgeExtraReqType         = 0
	BridgeExtraStatusType      = 1
	BridgeExtraRemoveReqsType  = 2
	BridgeExtraRemoveRespsType = 3
	BridgeExtraReqFailedType   = 4
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const (
	AccFlagBanned = iota // account banned
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const (
	ForwarderForwardMName = "forward"
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const (
	MaxGasLimit uint64 = 30000000
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const (
	PenaltyByAuditing uint16 = 0x10
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const Posv3AbiJson string = `` /* 2404-byte string literal not displayed */
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const Push4Op = 0x63
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const (
	// since v2.14.2, HisProof for the proof from CashRequest.ProofHeight or CancelCashCheckRequest.ConfirmedHeight
	// to ProposingBlock.Header.ParentHash
	TxParamV0 = 0
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const (
	WithdrawDelayEras = 2 // Withdraw lags 2 eras

Required Reserve related


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var (
	TypeOfAccountPtr      = reflect.TypeOf((*Account)(nil))
	TypeOfAccountDeltaPtr = reflect.TypeOf((*AccountDelta)(nil))
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var (
	// build-in accounts
	AddressOfChainInfoManage     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 0})
	AddressOfManageChains        = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 1, 0})
	AddressOfChainSettings       = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 1})
	AddressOfNewChainSettings    = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 1, 1})
	AddressOfRequiredReserve     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 2})
	AddressOfPenalty             = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 3})
	AddressOfManageCommittee     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 4})
	AddressOfUpdateVersion       = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 5})
	AddressOfBridgeInfo          = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 6})
	AddressOfForwarder           = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 7}) // forward the principal tx to vm by agent tx and all gas paid by agent. NEVER set to NoGas!!
	AddressOfTronProto           = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{1, 0, 8})
	AddressOfWriteCashCheck      = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{2, 0, 0})
	AddressOfCashCashCheck       = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{3, 0, 0})
	AddressOfCancelCashCheck     = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{4, 0, 0})
	AddressOfCurrencyExchanger   = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5, 0, 0})
	AddressOfLocalCurrencyMinter = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5, 0, 1})
	AddressOfShareReward         = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5, 0, 2})
	AddressOfTryPocFrom          = common.BytesToAddress([]byte{6, 0, 0})
	AddressOfRewardFrom          = common.HexToAddress("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111")   // reward account
	AddressOfRewardForGenesis    = common.HexToAddress("0x0b70e6f67512bcd07b7d1cbbd04dbbfadfbeaf37") // binding account of genesis nodes
	AddressOfBlackHole           = common.HexToAddress("2222222222222222222222222222222222222222")   // melt down currency
	AddressOfGasReward           = AddressOfBlackHole                                                // melt down gas
	AddressOfSysBridge           = common.HexToAddress("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")   // bridge

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var (
	ErrTxChainNotMatch = errors.New("chain id not match")
	ErrTxIllegalFrom   = errors.New("missing or an illegal from address")
	ErrTxIllegalValue  = errors.New("illegal value")
	ErrTxIllegalInput  = errors.New("value and to address needed when input is empty")
	ErrTxGasTooLarge   = fmt.Errorf("too large gas limit it must be less than %d", MaxGasLimit)
	ErrTxMainChain     = errors.New("system contract call is the only legal tx in main chain")
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var (
	TypeOfBridgeInfoPtr       = reflect.TypeOf((*BridgeInfo)(nil))
	TypeOfBridgeTargetNodePtr = reflect.TypeOf((*BridgeTargetNode)(nil))
	TypeOfBridgeReqPtr        = reflect.TypeOf((*BridgeReq)(nil))
	TypeOfBridgeRespPtr       = reflect.TypeOf((*BridgeResp)(nil))
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var (
	TypeOfConfirmedInfoPtr  = reflect.TypeOf((*ConfirmedInfo)(nil))
	TypeOfRestartHistoryPtr = reflect.TypeOf((*RestartHistory)(nil))
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var (
	DefaultMinConsensusRRBig = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(DefaultMinConsensusRR), BigTKM) // Pledge threshold for consensus nodes
	DefaultMaxConsensusRRBig = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(DefaultMaxConsensusRR), BigTKM)
	DefaultMinDataRRBig      = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(DefaultMinDataRR), BigTKM) // Pledge threshold for data node
	DefaultMaxDataRRBig      = new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(DefaultMaxDataRR), BigTKM)
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var (
	BigShannon = big.NewInt(1000000000)
	BigTKM     = big.NewInt(0).Mul(BigShannon, BigShannon)
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var (
	BridgeAbi        abi.ABI
	BridgeErc20Abi   abi.ABI
	BridgeErc721Abi  abi.ABI
	BridgeErc1155Abi abi.ABI
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var (
	RRAbi               abi.ABI
	RRMergedToEventSig  common.Hash
	RRPenalizedEventSig common.Hash
	RRPenalizeID        string
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var (
	SRAbi                  abi.ABI
	SRRewardDetailEventSig common.Hash
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var (
	ErrInvalidSig         = errors.New("invalid transaction v, r, s values")
	ErrTxTypeNotSupported = errors.New("transaction type not supported")
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var BridgeInfoAbi abi.ABI
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var CSAbi abi.ABI
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var (
	ErrDuplicatedMsg = errors.New("duplicated message")
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var ErrExecutionReverted = errors.New("execution reverted")
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var ForwarderAbi abi.ABI
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var MChainsAbi abi.ABI
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var MCommAbi abi.ABI
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var PbftBlockNumer func(bn common.BlockNum) PbftBlockNum
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var Posv3Abi abi.ABI
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var VersionAbi abi.ABI


func AuditingMessageHash

func AuditingMessageHash(id common.ChainID, height common.Height, hob common.Hash, audited bool) ([]byte, error)

func AvailableSignatureValues added in v0.1.2

func AvailableSignatureValues(v, r, s *big.Int) bool

func BridgeProcessingIdToName added in v0.4.0

func BridgeProcessingIdToName(id []byte) (string, bool)

func BridgeReqRespKey added in v0.4.0

func BridgeReqRespKey(height common.Height, addr common.Address, nonce uint64) []byte

func CheckElectedNextRoot

func CheckElectedNextRoot(blockVersion uint16, fromHeader *common.Hash, next, real *Committee) error

func CheckElectedNextRootByEpochComm

func CheckElectedNextRootByEpochComm(blockVersion uint16, root *common.Hash, epochComm *EpochCommittee) error

func ContractHasMethods added in v0.4.0

func ContractHasMethods(code []byte, ab abi.ABI, methodNames ...string) error

func DecodeSignature

func DecodeSignature(sig []byte) (r, s, v *big.Int)

func ETHChainID

func ETHChainID(tkmChainID common.ChainID, txVersion uint16) uint64

func EmptyBytesIfNil added in v0.4.0

func EmptyBytesIfNil(bs []byte) []byte

func Encode2Signature

func Encode2Signature(R, S, Vb *big.Int, homestead bool) ([]byte, error)

func FromETHChainID

func FromETHChainID(ethChainId *big.Int) (common.ChainID, error)

func GenElectedNextRoot

func GenElectedNextRoot(blockVersion uint16, next, real *Committee) *common.Hash

func HashSliceValueDecoder

func HashSliceValueDecoder(r io.Reader) (o interface{}, err error)

func HashSliceValueEncoder

func HashSliceValueEncoder(o interface{}, w io.Writer) error

func HashSliceValueExpander

func HashSliceValueExpander(hashBytes []byte, adpater db.DataAdapter) (valueBytes []byte, err error)

It's just a hash value, and the hash value is key, so you don't need to save it

func HashSliceValueHasher

func HashSliceValueHasher(value interface{}, valueBytes []byte) (hashBytes []byte, err error)

Only hash is reserved. The data of CashCheck is provided by the client, so the value itself is the hash value

func InPosv3Names

func InPosv3Names(input []byte, names ...string) bool

func InitBridgeAbi added in v0.4.0

func InitBridgeAbi()

func InitBridgeInfoAbi added in v0.4.0

func InitBridgeInfoAbi()

func InitCSAbi

func InitCSAbi()

func InitForwarderAbi

func InitForwarderAbi()

func InitMCommAbi

func InitMCommAbi()

func InitManageChainsAbi

func InitManageChainsAbi()

func InitRRAbi

func InitRRAbi()

func InitSRAbi

func InitSRAbi()

func InitVersionAbi

func InitVersionAbi()

func IsBlockValidateError

func IsBlockValidateError(err error) bool

func IsBlockValidateFailed

func IsBlockValidateFailed(err error) bool

func IsMalicious

func IsMalicious(err error) bool

func IsPosv3InputOf

func IsPosv3InputOf(name string, input []byte) bool

func LegacyTxVMatchChainID

func LegacyTxVMatchChainID(chainid common.ChainID, V *big.Int) error

func NewIdentifier

func NewIdentifier(priv []byte) (common.Identifier, error)

func NewIdentifierByHex

func NewIdentifierByHex(privHexString string) (common.Identifier, error)

func NewIdentifierByHexWithoutError

func NewIdentifierByHexWithoutError(privHexString string) common.Identifier

func NewNodeIdentifier

func NewNodeIdentifier(priv []byte) (common.NodeIdentifier, error)

func NewNodeIdentifierByHex

func NewNodeIdentifierByHex(privHexString string) (common.NodeIdentifier, error)

func NewNodeIdentifierByHexWithoutError

func NewNodeIdentifierByHexWithoutError(privHexString string) common.NodeIdentifier

func NewPosv3Award

func NewPosv3Award(rewardType RewardType, era common.EraNum) ([]byte, error)

func NewPosv3Report

func NewPosv3Report(nid common.NodeID, nodeType common.NodeType, chainid common.ChainID,
	epoch common.EpochNum, era common.EraNum, should, actual uint16, auditedCount int) ([]byte, error)

func NewPosv3UnDelegate

func NewPosv3UnDelegate(nidHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

func NewPosv3Withdraw

func NewPosv3Withdraw(nidHash common.Hash) ([]byte, error)

func NewRRPenalize added in v0.4.0

func NewRRPenalize(nodeId common.NodeID, typeCode uint16, subChainId common.ChainID, rewardEra common.EraNum) ([]byte, error)

func NewRevertError

func NewRevertError(revertMsg []byte) error

func PrefixedRlpHash

func PrefixedRlpHash(prefix byte, x interface{}) (h common.Hash)

PrefixedRlpHash writes the prefix into the hasher before rlp-encoding x. It's used for typed transactions.

func PrivateToPublicSlice

func PrivateToPublicSlice(priv []byte) ([]byte, error)

func PubKeyCanRecover

func PubKeyCanRecover() bool

func PubToNodeID

func PubToNodeID(pub []byte) (common.NodeID, error)

func RRDepositRequestHash

func RRDepositRequestHash(nodeId common.NodeID, nodeType common.NodeType,
	bindAddr common.Address, nonce uint64, amount *big.Int) []byte

func ReachAudited

func ReachAudited(auditorSize, auditedSize int) bool

func ReachCommit

func ReachCommit(commSize, committed int) bool

func ReachConfirm

func ReachConfirm(commSize, confirmed int) bool

func ReachPrepare

func ReachPrepare(commSize, prepared int) bool

func ReachRevealed

func ReachRevealed(auditorSize, revealedSize int) bool

func RebootMainChainHash

func RebootMainChainHash(lastHeight common.Height, lastHash common.Hash, comm *Committee) ([]byte, error)

func RlpHash

func RlpHash(x interface{}) (h common.Hash)

RlpHash encodes x and hashes the encoded bytes.

func SetupChains

func SetupChains(chains *ChainTrie, chaininfosMap map[common.ChainID]*common.ChainInfos)

func ToMalicious

func ToMalicious(err error, typ MaliciousType) error

func TransactionStringForHash

func TransactionStringForHash(chainid common.ChainID, from *common.Address, to *common.Address, nonce uint64,
	uselocal bool, val *big.Int, input []byte, extra []byte) string


func TrieRootEqual

func TrieRootEqual(a, b []byte) bool

func TrieRootHashEqual

func TrieRootHashEqual(h *common.Hash, root []byte) bool

func ValidateFailed

func ValidateFailed(err error) error

func VerifyHash

func VerifyHash(hash, pub, sig []byte) bool

VerifyHash verify msg hash signature

func VerifyHashWithPub

func VerifyHashWithPub(hash, pub, sig []byte) (bool, []byte)

func VerifyMsg

func VerifyMsg(v interface{}, pub, sig []byte) bool

verify msg signature

func VerifyMsgWithPub

func VerifyMsgWithPub(v interface{}, pub, sig []byte) (bool, []byte)

func WithdrawingExpireEra

func WithdrawingExpireEra(requestEra common.EraNum) common.EraNum


type AccessList

type AccessList []AccessTuple

AccessList is an EIP-2930 access list.

func (AccessList) Like added in v0.4.0

func (al AccessList) Like(ol AccessList) bool

func (AccessList) StorageKeys

func (al AccessList) StorageKeys() int

StorageKeys returns the total number of storage keys in the access list.

func (AccessList) String

func (al AccessList) String() string

type AccessListTx

type AccessListTx struct {
	ChainID    *big.Int        // destination chain ID
	Nonce      uint64          // nonce of sender account
	GasPrice   *big.Int        // wei per gas
	Gas        uint64          // gas limit
	To         *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
	Value      *big.Int        // wei amount
	Data       []byte          // contract invocation input data
	AccessList AccessList      // EIP-2930 access list
	V, R, S    *big.Int        // signature values

AccessListTx is the data of EIP-2930 access list transactions.

func (*AccessListTx) TxType

func (tx *AccessListTx) TxType() byte

TxType accessors for innerTx.

type AccessTuple

type AccessTuple struct {
	Address     common.Address `json:"address"        gencodec:"required"`
	StorageKeys []common.Hash  `json:"storageKeys"    gencodec:"required"`

AccessTuple is the element type of an access list.

func (AccessTuple) Like added in v0.4.0

func (a AccessTuple) Like(o AccessTuple) bool

type Account

type Account struct {
	Addr            common.Address  `json:"address"`         // account address
	Nonce           uint64          `json:"nonce"`           // next transaction nonce
	Balance         *big.Int        `json:"balance"`         // basic currency, never be nil
	LocalCurrency   *big.Int        `json:"localCurrency"`   // local currency (if exist), could be nil
	StorageRoot     []byte          `json:"storageRoot"`     // storage for contract,Trie(key: Hash, value: Hash)
	CodeHash        []byte          `json:"codeHash"`        // hash of contract code
	LongStorageRoot []byte          `json:"longStorageRoot"` // more complex storage for contract, Trie(key: Hash, value: []byte)
	Creator         *common.Address `json:"creator"`         // the creator of the current contract account
	Flags           *big.Int        `json:"flags"`           // one bit for one flag
	Properties      []byte          `json:"properties"`      // properties in json format

1. currency type can be determinded in a normal transfer, default is basic currency 2. in contract calling, value type can be determinded. solidity contract can only use local currency if it has a local currency in the chain.

func NewAccount added in v0.4.0

func NewAccount(addr common.Address, balance *big.Int) *Account

func (*Account) AddLocalCurrency

func (a *Account) AddLocalCurrency(amount *big.Int) error

func (*Account) Address

func (a *Account) Address() common.Address

func (*Account) Clone

func (a *Account) Clone() *Account

func (*Account) FlagOf added in v0.4.0

func (a *Account) FlagOf(bit int) bool

func (*Account) HashValue

func (a *Account) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

for compatible with old version, if there's no local currency and LongStorage, hash should same with the hash of old version account. TODO delete compatible when restart the chain with new version

func (*Account) IsUserContract

func (a *Account) IsUserContract() bool

func (*Account) String

func (a *Account) String() string

type AccountDelta

type AccountDelta struct {
	Addr          common.Address
	Delta         *big.Int // Balance modification
	CurrencyDelta *big.Int // LocalCurrency modification (if has)

func NewAccountDelta

func NewAccountDelta(addr common.Address, delta *big.Int, currencyDelta *big.Int) *AccountDelta

func (*AccountDelta) Add

func (d *AccountDelta) Add(delta *big.Int)

func (*AccountDelta) AddCurrency

func (d *AccountDelta) AddCurrency(delta *big.Int)

func (*AccountDelta) Address

func (d *AccountDelta) Address() common.Address

func (*AccountDelta) HashValue

func (d *AccountDelta) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

TODO delete compatible when restart the chain with new version

func (*AccountDelta) String

func (d *AccountDelta) String() string

type AccountState

type AccountState interface {
	Address() common.Address
	GetAccount() *Account

type Accounts

type Accounts []*Account

func (Accounts) Len

func (a Accounts) Len() int

func (Accounts) Less

func (a Accounts) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Accounts) Swap

func (a Accounts) Swap(i, j int)

type ActFailedResult

type ActFailedResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash
	Error  error

func (*ActFailedResult) Receipt

func (r *ActFailedResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*ActFailedResult) String

func (r *ActFailedResult) String() string

type ActResult

type ActResult interface {
	Receipt() *RRActReceipt
	String() string

type ActRptType

type ActRptType byte
const (
	ARMerged ActRptType = iota

func (ActRptType) String

func (t ActRptType) String() string

type AllCommEntries

type AllCommEntries []*CommEntry

func (AllCommEntries) Len

func (e AllCommEntries) Len() int

func (AllCommEntries) Less

func (e AllCommEntries) Less(i, j int) bool

func (AllCommEntries) String

func (e AllCommEntries) String() string

func (AllCommEntries) Swap

func (e AllCommEntries) Swap(i, j int)

type AllCommEntry

type AllCommEntry struct {
	ChainID  common.ChainID
	EpochNum common.EpochNum
	Comm     *EpochAllCommittee

func (*AllCommEntry) Available

func (e *AllCommEntry) Available() bool

func (*AllCommEntry) String

func (e *AllCommEntry) String() string

type AttendanceRecord

type AttendanceRecord struct {
	Epoch       common.EpochNum // current epoch
	Attendance  *big.Int        // Indicates by bit whether the corresponding data block is empty, Attendance.Bit(BlockNum)==1 is normal block and ==0 is empty block
	DataNodes   common.NodeIDs  // List of datanode nodeid in ascending order
	Stats       []int           // Stats of alive data nodes
	AuditChains common.ChainIDs // since v3.2.1, auditing chains, same order in each slot in the Audits bits, created when AttendanceRecord creating, no modifying allowed
	Audits      *big.Int        // since v3.2.1, audition record, EpochLength*NumberOfChains bits
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Even if it is an empty block, the attendance table must be filled in. Otherwise, when the last block of epoch is an empty block, the data node will not be able to report the attendance table (the previous block cannot prove the attendance of the following block). Therefore, the empty block should not only fill in the attendance table, but also fill in the attendance hash in the header. In this way, the attendance table of each block is locked in the header, so there is no need to record blocknum separately

func NewAttendanceRecord

func NewAttendanceRecord(epoch common.EpochNum, chainIds common.ChainIDs, dataNodes ...common.NodeID) *AttendanceRecord

func (*AttendanceRecord) AddDataNodeStat

func (a *AttendanceRecord) AddDataNodeStat(nodeId common.NodeID)

func (*AttendanceRecord) AuditString added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) AuditString(num common.BlockNum) string

func (*AttendanceRecord) AuditedChains added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) AuditedChains(num common.BlockNum) common.ChainIDs

func (*AttendanceRecord) CheckAudits added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) CheckAudits(num common.BlockNum, summaries []*BlockSummary) error

func (*AttendanceRecord) Clone

func (a *AttendanceRecord) Clone() *AttendanceRecord

func (*AttendanceRecord) Hash

func (a *AttendanceRecord) Hash() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*AttendanceRecord) HashValue added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*AttendanceRecord) IsLegalFirst

func (a *AttendanceRecord) IsLegalFirst(chainIds common.ChainIDs, datanodes common.NodeIDs) error

func (*AttendanceRecord) IsLegalNext

func (a *AttendanceRecord) IsLegalNext(next *AttendanceRecord) error

func (*AttendanceRecord) NoAudits added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) NoAudits() bool

func (*AttendanceRecord) Proposed

func (a *AttendanceRecord) Proposed(commId common.CommID, commSize int) int

func (*AttendanceRecord) SetAbsentness

func (a *AttendanceRecord) SetAbsentness(epoch common.EpochNum, block common.BlockNum)

func (*AttendanceRecord) SetAttendance

func (a *AttendanceRecord) SetAttendance(epoch common.EpochNum, block common.BlockNum)

func (*AttendanceRecord) SetAudits added in v0.4.0

func (a *AttendanceRecord) SetAudits(num common.BlockNum, summaries []*BlockSummary)

func (*AttendanceRecord) String

func (a *AttendanceRecord) String() string

type AttendanceReportTxFilter

type AttendanceReportTxFilter struct{}

func (AttendanceReportTxFilter) Filter

type AuditRequest

type AuditRequest struct {
	ChainId common.ChainID
	NodelId common.NodeID
	Height  common.Height

func (*AuditRequest) GetChainID

func (a *AuditRequest) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*AuditRequest) String

func (a *AuditRequest) String() string

type AuditingMessage

type AuditingMessage struct {
	ChainID   common.ChainID
	Height    common.Height
	BlockHash common.Hash
	Type      bool // true for audited, false for revealed
	Pas       *PubAndSig

func (*AuditingMessage) AuditHash

func (a *AuditingMessage) AuditHash() ([]byte, error)

func (*AuditingMessage) GetChainID

func (a *AuditingMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*AuditingMessage) InfoString

func (a *AuditingMessage) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*AuditingMessage) String

func (a *AuditingMessage) String() string

func (*AuditingMessage) Validate

func (a *AuditingMessage) Validate() ([]byte, error)

func (*AuditingMessage) Verify

func (a *AuditingMessage) Verify(ider func(nid common.NodeID) bool) error

func (*AuditingMessage) VerifyByList

func (a *AuditingMessage) VerifyByList(auditorIds common.NodeIDs) error

func (*AuditingMessage) VerifyByMap

func (a *AuditingMessage) VerifyByMap(auditors map[common.NodeID]struct{}) error

type AuditorMsgsForDB

type AuditorMsgsForDB struct {
	BlockHash common.Hash
	Pass      AuditorPass

func (*AuditorMsgsForDB) String

func (p *AuditorMsgsForDB) String() string

type AuditorMsgsForDBs

type AuditorMsgsForDBs []*AuditorMsgsForDB

func (AuditorMsgsForDBs) Len

func (ps AuditorMsgsForDBs) Len() int

func (AuditorMsgsForDBs) Less

func (ps AuditorMsgsForDBs) Less(i, j int) bool

func (AuditorMsgsForDBs) String

func (ps AuditorMsgsForDBs) String() string

func (AuditorMsgsForDBs) Swap

func (ps AuditorMsgsForDBs) Swap(i, j int)

type AuditorPas

type AuditorPas struct {
	Type bool // true for audited, false for revealing
	Pas  *PubAndSig

func (*AuditorPas) Clone

func (a *AuditorPas) Clone() *AuditorPas

func (*AuditorPas) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (a *AuditorPas) Equal(o *AuditorPas) bool

func (*AuditorPas) InfoString

func (a *AuditorPas) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*AuditorPas) Key

func (a *AuditorPas) Key() []byte

func (*AuditorPas) String

func (a *AuditorPas) String() string

func (*AuditorPas) Verify

func (a *AuditorPas) Verify(id common.ChainID, height common.Height, hob []byte) (pub []byte, err error)

type AuditorPass

type AuditorPass []*AuditorPas

func (AuditorPass) Clone

func (as AuditorPass) Clone() AuditorPass

func (AuditorPass) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (as AuditorPass) Equal(os AuditorPass) bool

func (AuditorPass) HashValue

func (as AuditorPass) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

merkel tree hash

func (AuditorPass) InfoString

func (as AuditorPass) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (AuditorPass) Len

func (as AuditorPass) Len() int

func (AuditorPass) Less

func (as AuditorPass) Less(i, j int) bool

func (AuditorPass) Merge

func (as AuditorPass) Merge(apass AuditorPass) AuditorPass

func (AuditorPass) Swap

func (as AuditorPass) Swap(i, j int)

func (AuditorPass) Verify

func (as AuditorPass) Verify(id common.ChainID, height common.Height, hashOfBlock []byte,
	auditors map[common.NodeID]struct{}) (audited, revealed map[common.NodeID]*AuditorPas, err error)

func (AuditorPass) VerifyByAuditors

func (as AuditorPass) VerifyByAuditors(id common.ChainID, height common.Height, hob []byte,
	auditors map[common.NodeID]struct{}) error

type BlockBody

type BlockBody struct {
	NextCommittee *Committee // election results of the next committee
	// Deprecated
	NCMsg             []*ElectMessage   // election requests for chains (in main chain)
	DeltaFroms        DeltaFroms        // deltas merged to current shard
	Txs               []*Transaction    // transactions
	TxsPas            []*PubAndSig      // signatures corresponding to packaged transactions
	Deltas            []*AccountDelta   // the delta generated by packaged transactions on current shard needs to be sent to other shards
	Hds               []*BlockSummary   // block summary reported by children chains
	Attendance        *AttendanceRecord // attendance table of the current epoch
	RewardReqs        RewardRequests    // self-proving reward request of each chain received on the main chain
	ElectingResults   ChainElectResults // Since v1.5.0, a list of election results, it's a preelection when Epoch.IsNil()==true, others are local election
	PreElectings      PreElectings      // Since v1.5.0, the list of preselections in progress, sorted by (expire, chainid)
	NextRealCommittee *Committee        // Since v1.5.0, when election finished, the result will be put into NextCommittee. If the election is failed, the current committee will continue to be used in the next epoch. At this time, the current committee needs to be written into this field, which can be brought with it when reporting.
	SeedFactor        SeedFactor        // Since v2.0.0, random factor of seed. since v3.2.1, used as the factor of generating seed
	Restarting        *RestartedComm    // Since v2.11.5, sub-chain restarting comm and its generation proof
	Rebooted          *RebootedComm     // Since v2.12.0, main chain rebooted comm and admin signatures
	RandomSig         []byte            // Since v3.2.0, placeholder in v2.14.2, random for chain, signature by proposer
	TxParams          [][]byte          // since v2.14.2, parameters generated by proposer for transactions

func (*BlockBody) AttendanceRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) AttendanceRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) AuditedInfoString added in v0.4.0

func (bb *BlockBody) AuditedInfoString(level common.IndentLevel, num common.BlockNum) string

func (*BlockBody) ConfirmedChains

func (bb *BlockBody) ConfirmedChains() []common.ChainID

func (*BlockBody) ElectResultRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) ElectResultRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) Formalize

func (bb *BlockBody) Formalize()

func (*BlockBody) GenElectedNextRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) GenElectedNextRoot(blockVersion uint16) *common.Hash

func (*BlockBody) HdsRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) HdsRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) InfoString

func (bb *BlockBody) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*BlockBody) PreElectRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) PreElectRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) ProofNextComm

func (bb *BlockBody) ProofNextComm(version uint16) (nextComm *Committee, commRoot *common.Hash,
	proof *common.MerkleProofs, err error)

the proof from hash of next committee to the value of header.ElectedNextRoot

func (*BlockBody) SeedFactorRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) SeedFactorRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) TransactionsRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) TransactionsRoot(blockVersion uint16) (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) TxParamsRoot

func (bb *BlockBody) TxParamsRoot() (*common.Hash, error)

func (*BlockBody) TxProofHash

func (bb *BlockBody) TxProofHash(blockVersion uint16, txIndex, rrIndex int, proofs *common.MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)

since v2.10.11, In order to generate the proof from the transaction hash with the signature, the calculation method of the TransactionRoot and the ReceiptRoot in the BlockHeader is changed, resulting in incompatibility with the historical data from the current version

type BlockCursor

type BlockCursor struct {
	Height common.Height
	Hash   []byte

BlockCursor Cursor information used to record blocks, including block height and block hash

type BlockEMessage

type BlockEMessage struct {
	BlockHeader *BlockHeader
	BlockBody   *BlockBody
	BlockPass   PubAndSigs

func (*BlockEMessage) BlockNum

func (b *BlockEMessage) BlockNum() common.BlockNum

func (*BlockEMessage) CheckHashs

func (b *BlockEMessage) CheckHashs() error

CheckHashs Recalculate and verify the data in the header according to the body data, and return the corresponding error if it fails

func (*BlockEMessage) EpochNum

func (b *BlockEMessage) EpochNum() common.EpochNum

func (*BlockEMessage) EraString

func (b *BlockEMessage) EraString() string

func (*BlockEMessage) Formalize

func (b *BlockEMessage) Formalize()

func (*BlockEMessage) FullString

func (b *BlockEMessage) FullString() string

func (*BlockEMessage) GenRestartedComm

func (b *BlockEMessage) GenRestartedComm(chainid common.ChainID) (*RestartedComm, error)

func (*BlockEMessage) GetChainID

func (b *BlockEMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockEMessage) GetHeight

func (b *BlockEMessage) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockEMessage) HasTx added in v0.2.2

func (b *BlockEMessage) HasTx() bool

func (*BlockEMessage) Hash

func (b *BlockEMessage) Hash() common.Hash

func (*BlockEMessage) InfoString

func (b *BlockEMessage) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*BlockEMessage) IsValid

func (b *BlockEMessage) IsValid() bool

func (*BlockEMessage) Logger added in v0.2.2

func (b *BlockEMessage) Logger(logger logrus.FieldLogger, defaultLevel ...logrus.Level) func(string, ...interface{})

func (*BlockEMessage) MakeHdsProof

func (b *BlockEMessage) MakeHdsProof(subId common.ChainID, height common.Height, proofChain *trie.ProofChain) ([]byte, error)

func (*BlockEMessage) SetRestarting added in v0.4.0

func (b *BlockEMessage) SetRestarting(pheight common.Height, phash *common.Hash, restarted *RestartedComm)

func (*BlockEMessage) String

func (b *BlockEMessage) String() string

type BlockHeader

type BlockHeader struct {
	PreviousHash   common.Hash    `json:"previoushash" short:"Prev"` // the hash of the previous block header on current chain
	HashHistory    common.Hash    `json:"history" short:"History"`   // hash of the history tree of hash for each block recorded in height order
	ChainID        common.ChainID `json:"chainid"`                   // current chain id
	Height         common.Height  `json:"height"`                    // height of current block
	Empty          bool           `json:"empty"`                     // empty block
	ParentHeight   common.Height  `json:"-" short:"Parent"`          // height of parent height, is 0 if current is main chain
	ParentHash     *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"PHash"`           // block hash of main chain block at ParentHeight, nil if current is main chain
	RewardAddress  common.Address `json:"-"`                         // reward to
	AttendanceHash *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Attendence"`      // The current epoch attendance record hash
	RewardedCursor *common.Height `json:"-" short:"Rewarded"`        // The last processed main chain height for rewarding, while the current chain is the reward chain

	CommitteeHash   *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Comm"`     // current epoch Committee member trie root hash
	ElectedNextRoot *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"NextComm"` // root hash of the election result of next epoch committee members
	Seed            *common.Seed   `json:"seed" short:"Seed"`  // Current election seeds, only in the main chain. Since v3.2.1, never be nil in main chain, the seed for election.
	RREra           *common.EraNum `json:"-" short:"Era"`      // the era corresponding to the root of the current Required Reserve tree. When this value is inconsistent with the height of main chain, it indicates that a new RR tree needs to be calculated
	RRRoot          *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"RRR"`      // root hash of the Required Reserve tree in current era. Only in the reward chain and the main chain
	RRNextRoot      *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"RRN"`      // root hash of the Required Reserve tree in next era. Only in the reward chain and the main chain
	RRChangingRoot  *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"RRC"`      // changes waiting to be processed in current era

	MergedDeltaRoot  *common.Hash `json:"mergeroot" short:"Merged"` // Root hash of the merged delta sent from other shards
	BalanceDeltaRoot *common.Hash `json:"deltaroot"`                // Root hash of the generated deltas by this block which needs to be sent to the other shards
	StateRoot        common.Hash  `json:"stateroot" short:"Root"`   // account on current chain state trie root hash
	ChainInfoRoot    *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"Chains"`         // for main chain only: all chain info trie root hash
	WaterlinesRoot   *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"Waterline"`      // since v2.3.0, the waterlines of other shards to current chain after the execution of this block. nil represent all zeros. Because the value of the previous block needs to be inherited when the block is empty, values after block execution recorded.
	VCCRoot          *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"VCC"`            // Root hash of transfer out check tree in business chain
	CashedRoot       *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"Cashed"`         // Root hash of transfer in check tree in business chain
	TransactionRoot  *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"TxRoot"`         // transactions in current block trie root hash
	ReceiptRoot      *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"Receipts"`       // receipts for transactions in current block trie root hash
	HdsRoot          *common.Hash `json:"-" short:"Hds"`            // if there's any child chain of current chain, this is the Merkle trie root hash generated by the reported block header information of the child chain in order

	TimeStamp uint64 `json:"timestamp"`

	ElectResultRoot *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"ElectResult"` // Since v1.5.0, Election result hash root (including pre election and ordinary election, ordinary one has not been provided yet)
	PreElectRoot    *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"PreElect"`    // Since v1.5.0, the root hash of current preelecting list sorted by (Expire, ChainID), only in the main chain
	FactorRoot      *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Factor"`      // since v2.0.0, seed random factor hash. Since v3.2.1, used for generating vrf seed by Hash(body.SeedFactor) at the first non-empty block after pbft.consts.SeedBlock.
	RRReceiptRoot   *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"RRRpts"`      // since v2.10.12, in v2.11.0 receipts of RRActs applied in current block
	Version         uint16         `json:"-" short:"V"`           // since v2.10.12
	ConfirmedRoot   *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Confirmed"`   // since v2.11.3, trie root of all sub-confirmed infos
	RewardedEra     *common.EraNum `json:"-"`                     // since v2.12.0, record the next era that should issue the prize. If it is nil, it means that it is still in PoSv2, and the prize is issued according to epoch.
	BridgeRoot      *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Bridge"`      // since v3.1.0, placeholder in v2.14.2, bridge info root for main chain, bridge requests root for sub-chains
	RandomHash      *common.Hash   `json:"-" short:"Random"`      // since v3.2.0, placeholder in v2.14.2, used by PREVRANDAO opcode in EIP-4399, =signature(Hash(PreviousHash, Height), ProposerPrivateKey)
	SeedGenerated   bool           `json:"-"`                     // since v3.2.1, placeholder in v2.14.2, indicates whether a new round of seed is generated
	TxParamsRoot    *common.Hash   `json:"-"`                     // since v2.14.2, merkle hash root of tx parameters generated by proposer for the transaction

func (*BlockHeader) AllFullString

func (h *BlockHeader) AllFullString() string

func (*BlockHeader) AllString

func (h *BlockHeader) AllString() string

func (*BlockHeader) Clone

func (h *BlockHeader) Clone() *BlockHeader

func (*BlockHeader) ContentString

func (h *BlockHeader) ContentString(names []string, noNils ...bool) string

func (*BlockHeader) Equal

func (h *BlockHeader) Equal(o *BlockHeader) bool

func (*BlockHeader) Era

func (h *BlockHeader) Era() common.EraNum

func (*BlockHeader) FullString

func (h *BlockHeader) FullString() string

func (BlockHeader) GetHeight

func (h BlockHeader) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockHeader) Hash

func (h *BlockHeader) Hash() common.Hash

func (*BlockHeader) HashValue

func (h *BlockHeader) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*BlockHeader) InfoString

func (h *BlockHeader) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*BlockHeader) MakeProof

func (h *BlockHeader) MakeProof(typ trie.ProofType, proofChain *trie.ProofChain) (hashOfHeader []byte, err error)

func (*BlockHeader) RandomSeed added in v0.4.0

func (h *BlockHeader) RandomSeed() []byte

func (*BlockHeader) String

func (h *BlockHeader) String() string

func (*BlockHeader) Summary

func (h *BlockHeader) Summary() string

type BlockHeighter

type BlockHeighter interface {
	GetHeight() common.Height
	Hash() common.Hash

type BlockHistoryProof

type BlockHistoryProof trie.ProofChain

two blocks (A and B) in one chain, A.Height < B.Height 1. Hash(A) -> B.HashHistory 2. B.HashHistory -> Hash(B)

func (BlockHistoryProof) Proof

func (p BlockHistoryProof) Proof(heightOfA common.Height, hashOfA []byte) (hashOfB []byte, err error)

type BlockReport

type BlockReport struct {
	ToChainId    common.ChainID
	BlockHeader  *BlockHeader    // the header of the reporting block
	NextComm     *EpochCommittee // next committee when election finished
	BlockPass    []*PubAndSig    // signatures of committee members who comfirmed reporting block. can be changed to aggregate signature in the future
	HistoryProof trie.ProofChain // the proof from the hash of last confirmed block to HistoryRoot of current block
	AuditPass    AuditorPass

BlockReport report of Block

func (*BlockReport) CAS

func (r *BlockReport) CAS(o *BlockReport) (*BlockReport, error)

if two reports are for the same block: 1. merge signs and auditings 2. replacing HistoryProof if necessary 3. add NextComm if old report doesnot have but new one has

func (*BlockReport) Clone

func (r *BlockReport) Clone() *BlockReport

func (*BlockReport) DestChainID

func (r *BlockReport) DestChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockReport) GetChainID

func (r *BlockReport) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockReport) Hash

func (r *BlockReport) Hash() common.Hash

func (*BlockReport) ProofingHeight

func (r *BlockReport) ProofingHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockReport) String

func (r *BlockReport) String() string

func (*BlockReport) Verify

func (r *BlockReport) Verify(lastHeight common.Height, lastHob []byte, comm *Committee,
	auditors map[common.NodeID]struct{}) error

func (*BlockReport) VerifyHistoryProof

func (r *BlockReport) VerifyHistoryProof(proofingHeight common.Height, proofingHob []byte) error

type BlockRequest

type BlockRequest struct {
	ChainId common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height
	NodeId  common.NodeID
	RandNum int64

func (*BlockRequest) GetChainID

func (b *BlockRequest) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockRequest) GetHeight

func (b *BlockRequest) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockRequest) String

func (b *BlockRequest) String() string

type BlockResponse

type BlockResponse struct {
	ToNodeId common.NodeID
	Block    *BlockEMessage
	RandNum  int64

func (*BlockResponse) GetChainID

func (br *BlockResponse) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockResponse) GetHeight

func (br *BlockResponse) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockResponse) String

func (br *BlockResponse) String() string

type BlockSummary

type BlockSummary struct {
	ChainId   common.ChainID
	Height    common.Height
	BlockHash *common.Hash
	// since v1.5.0, the election result of the next committee whill be packaged together.
	// Because only the data and comm node will receive the report and record the next committee
	// of the sub chain. Since the new elected node has already been synchronizing the main chain,
	// it will not synchronize the data again, then it will not be able to synchronize all the sub
	// chain committee information, resulting in the nodes missing the corresponding information
	// when the new epoch begins.
	NextComm *EpochCommittee
	// V0's BlockSummary.Hash is same with blockhash, which can't reflect the location information
	// of the block, and can't complete the proof of cross chain. V1 adds chainid and height to hash
	Version uint16
	// since v2.11.0, record the continuity from the last confirmed block height on the sub-chain
	// to the current confirmed block
	// since v3.1.0, should be nil
	// since v3.2.6, used for proof NextComm.Hash() -> BlockHash
	Proofs trie.ProofChain
	// since v2.11.3, the size of a header is about 20 hashes, and one proof of a header content
	// is 6 hashes in the new version, so when there are more than 3 proofs (NextCommProof,
	// HisRootProof, ParentProof), use the header to replace the 3 sets of values and the proofs
	// is more cost-effective
	// since v3.2.1, deprecated
	// since v3.2.6, if sub-chain is the REWARD chain, use Header instead of (ChainID,Height,BlockHash)
	// 	for RREra/RRRoot/RRNextRoot
	Header *BlockHeader
	// since v2.11.0, record the audit result of the current block
	// since v3.1.0, should be nil
	// Deprecated
	AuditorPass AuditorPass

func (*BlockSummary) Compare added in v0.4.0

func (s *BlockSummary) Compare(o *BlockSummary) int

func (*BlockSummary) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (s *BlockSummary) Equal(o *BlockSummary) bool

func (*BlockSummary) FastEqual added in v0.4.0

func (s *BlockSummary) FastEqual(o *BlockSummary) bool

func (*BlockSummary) GetBlockHash added in v0.4.0

func (s *BlockSummary) GetBlockHash() common.Hash

func (*BlockSummary) GetChainID

func (s *BlockSummary) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*BlockSummary) GetHeight

func (s *BlockSummary) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*BlockSummary) HashValue

func (s *BlockSummary) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*BlockSummary) HeaderEqual added in v0.4.0

func (s *BlockSummary) HeaderEqual(header *BlockHeader) bool

func (*BlockSummary) HistoryProofing

func (s *BlockSummary) HistoryProofing() common.Height

func (*BlockSummary) Hob

func (s *BlockSummary) Hob() []byte

func (*BlockSummary) InfoString

func (s *BlockSummary) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*BlockSummary) IsValid

func (s *BlockSummary) IsValid() bool

func (*BlockSummary) MakeProof

func (s *BlockSummary) MakeProof() (*trie.NodeProof, error)

block hash proof

func (*BlockSummary) String

func (s *BlockSummary) String() string

func (*BlockSummary) Summary

func (s *BlockSummary) Summary() string

type BlockSummarys

type BlockSummarys []*BlockSummary

func (BlockSummarys) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (ss BlockSummarys) Equal(os BlockSummarys) bool

func (BlockSummarys) FastEqual added in v0.4.0

func (ss BlockSummarys) FastEqual(os BlockSummarys) bool

func (BlockSummarys) InfoString

func (ss BlockSummarys) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (BlockSummarys) Len

func (ss BlockSummarys) Len() int

func (BlockSummarys) Less

func (ss BlockSummarys) Less(i, j int) bool

func (BlockSummarys) Summary

func (ss BlockSummarys) Summary() string

func (BlockSummarys) Swap

func (ss BlockSummarys) Swap(i, j int)

type BlockValidateError

type BlockValidateError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BlockValidateError) Error

func (e *BlockValidateError) Error() string

func (*BlockValidateError) ValidateFailed

func (e *BlockValidateError) ValidateFailed() bool

type Bonus

type Bonus struct {
	Winner common.Address `json:"winner"` // bonus winner
	Val    *big.Int       `json:"value"`  // bonus value

func (*Bonus) Clone

func (b *Bonus) Clone() *Bonus

func (*Bonus) FormatForRLP

func (b *Bonus) FormatForRLP() *Bonus

func (*Bonus) String

func (b *Bonus) String() string

type Bonuses

type Bonuses []*Bonus

func (Bonuses) Clone

func (bs Bonuses) Clone() Bonuses

type BridgeExtra added in v0.4.0

type BridgeExtra struct {
	// Type==0: process request, mint or transfer tx generated by request
	// type==1: update request status by response
	// type==2: remove processed requests
	// type==3: remove processed responses
	Type uint8 `json:"type"`

func (*BridgeExtra) Reset added in v0.4.0

func (e *BridgeExtra) Reset()

func (*BridgeExtra) String added in v0.4.0

func (e *BridgeExtra) String() string

type BridgeInfo added in v0.4.0

type BridgeInfo struct {
	MappingChain    common.ChainID
	MappingContract common.Address
	FromChain       common.ChainID
	FromContract    common.Address
	Type            TokenType

defination of bridge stored in main chain

  1. there are two types of contracts: main contract and mapping contract, each mapping contract can only correspond to one main contract. To contract can only be a mapping contract.
  2. for safety, it is required that all the tokens on the mapping contract are mint from the system bridge, and others cannot mint, so as to ensure that the token on the account of the system bridge address on the main contract and the token on the mapping contract of all modified contracts can be the same. one-to-one
  3. creating the Trie with (ToChain, ToContract) as the unique key ensures that each mapping contract corresponds to only one main contract.
  4. the transfer from the main contract to the mapping contract uses TRANSFER-MINT
  5. the transfer from the mapping contract to the main contract uses BURN-TRANSFER
  6. mapping contracts of the same (FromChain, FromContract) can be transferred to each other using the BURN-MINT pair
  7. 合约分为主合约和映射合约两种,每一个映射合约只能对应一个主合约。to合约只能是映射合约。
  8. 为了安全,需要所有映射合约上的token都是由系统桥mint出来的,其他人无法mint,这样才能保 证主合约上系统桥地址的账户上的token与所有改合约的映射合约上的token才能一一对应
  9. 以 (ToChain, ToContract)为唯一键创建Trie,可以保证每个映射合约只对应一个主合约。
  10. 从主合约到映射合约的转移使用 TRANSFER-MINT
  11. 从映射合约到主合约的转移使用 BURN-TRANSFER
  12. 相同(FromChain, FromContract)的合约可以互相转移,使用BURN-MINT对

func (*BridgeInfo) BridgeInfoKey added in v0.4.0

func (*BridgeInfo) BridgeInfoKey(chainId common.ChainID, contract common.Address) []byte

func (*BridgeInfo) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) Clone() *BridgeInfo

func (*BridgeInfo) ErcType added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) ErcType(chain common.ChainID, contract common.Address) (typ MappingType, exist bool)

func (*BridgeInfo) IsMainContract added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) IsMainContract(chain common.ChainID, contract common.Address) bool

func (*BridgeInfo) IsMapping added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) IsMapping(chain common.ChainID, contract common.Address) bool

func (*BridgeInfo) Key added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) Key() []byte

unique by (FromChain,FromContract,ToChain,ToContract)

func (*BridgeInfo) Match added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) Match(o *BridgeInfo) bool

func (*BridgeInfo) SameMain added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) SameMain(o *BridgeInfo) bool

func (*BridgeInfo) String added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) String() string

DONOT change because used in system bridge contract returned error

func (*BridgeInfo) Validate added in v0.4.0

func (b *BridgeInfo) Validate() error

type BridgeInfos added in v0.4.0

type BridgeInfos []*BridgeInfo

func (BridgeInfos) String added in v0.4.0

func (s BridgeInfos) String() string

type BridgeReq added in v0.4.0

type BridgeReq struct {
	FromChain          common.ChainID  //
	FromContract       common.Address  // mapping contract if BURNING, main contract if TRANSFERING
	Height             common.Height   // the height of the block in which the requested transaction packed
	ToChain            common.ChainID  // bridge target chain
	ToContract         common.Address  // bridge target contract, get from BridgeInfo in main chain
	ToAccount          common.Address  // request user
	Nonce              uint64          // nonce of transaction generate this request
	Value              *big.Int        // value of erc20, amount of 721/1155
	TokenID            *big.Int        // not nil if Type is 721 or 1155
	Data               []byte          // used for mint1155
	TokenType          TokenType       // token type
	FromContractType   MappingType     // used to determine which method should be called when generating a withdraw transaction
	TargetContractType MappingType     // used to determine which method should be called when generating a proccess transaction, regardless of whether the BridgeInfo in the main chain has changed
	Status             BridgeReqStatus // 0: not responded, 1: process successful, 2: process failed

bridge mint or burn request, generated and stored in from-chain, processed in target-chain key: Height(8)+ToAccount(20)+Nonce(8), ordered with height and unique by account+nonce

func (*BridgeReq) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Clone() *BridgeReq

func (*BridgeReq) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Equal(o *BridgeReq) bool

func (*BridgeReq) Failed added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Failed() bool

func (*BridgeReq) Key added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Key() []byte

func (*BridgeReq) MakeWithdrawingInput added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) MakeWithdrawingInput() ([]byte, error)

func (*BridgeReq) String added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) String() string

DONOT change because this method is used in system bridge contract returned error value

func (*BridgeReq) Succeeded added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Succeeded() bool

func (*BridgeReq) ToFailedTx added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) ToFailedTx(nonce uint64) (*Transaction, error)

func (*BridgeReq) ToProcessingTx added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) ToProcessingTx(nonce uint64) (*Transaction, error)

func (*BridgeReq) Validate added in v0.4.0

func (r *BridgeReq) Validate() error

type BridgeReqExtra added in v0.4.0

type BridgeReqExtra struct {
	Type    uint8          `json:"type"`    // Type==0: mint or transfer tx generated by request
	From    common.ChainID `json:"from"`    // from chain id
	Height  common.Height  `json:"height"`  // the height of the block where bridge request packed
	Account common.Address `json:"account"` // the requester of the bridge request
	Nonce   uint64         `json:"nonce"`   // the nonce of the tx of bridge request

func (*BridgeReqExtra) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (e *BridgeReqExtra) IsValid() bool

func (*BridgeReqExtra) Reset added in v0.4.0

func (e *BridgeReqExtra) Reset()

func (*BridgeReqExtra) String added in v0.4.0

func (e *BridgeReqExtra) String() string

type BridgeReqInfo added in v0.4.0

type BridgeReqInfo struct {
	FromChain    *big.Int       `abi:"fromChain"`
	Height       *big.Int       `abi:"height"`
	Account      common.Address `abi:"account"`
	Nonce        *big.Int       `abi:"nonce"`
	ContractType *big.Int       `abi:"contractType"`

func (*BridgeReqInfo) FromReq added in v0.4.0

func (i *BridgeReqInfo) FromReq(req *BridgeReq) (*BridgeReqInfo, error)

func (*BridgeReqInfo) GetFromChain added in v0.4.0

func (i *BridgeReqInfo) GetFromChain() common.ChainID

func (*BridgeReqInfo) String added in v0.4.0

func (i *BridgeReqInfo) String() string

func (*BridgeReqInfo) Validate added in v0.4.0

func (i *BridgeReqInfo) Validate() (sourceChain common.ChainID, reqHeight common.Height, nonce uint64, mt MappingType, err error)

type BridgeReqStatus added in v0.4.0

type BridgeReqStatus uint8
const (
	BReqNotRespond BridgeReqStatus = 0
	BReqSuccess    BridgeReqStatus = 1
	BReqFailed     BridgeReqStatus = 2

func (BridgeReqStatus) IsFailed added in v0.4.0

func (s BridgeReqStatus) IsFailed() bool

func (BridgeReqStatus) IsSuccess added in v0.4.0

func (s BridgeReqStatus) IsSuccess() bool

func (BridgeReqStatus) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (s BridgeReqStatus) IsValid() bool

func (BridgeReqStatus) String added in v0.4.0

func (s BridgeReqStatus) String() string

type BridgeResp added in v0.4.0

type BridgeResp struct {
	SourceChain common.ChainID // where the request generated
	ReqHeight   common.Height  // the height of from chain block where the request generated
	TargetChain common.ChainID // where the request processed and also where the response generated
	BlockHeight common.Height  // the height of block where the request processed
	Account     common.Address // request.ToAccount
	Nonce       uint64         // request.Nonce
	Status      uint8          // 0: failed, 1: succeed

the response of the request send from SourceChain to TargetChain a response should be send from TargetChain to SourceChain to update the status of the request SourceChain is the key in the upper level of the trie which is not included in the struct

func (*BridgeResp) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) Clone() *BridgeResp

func (*BridgeResp) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) Equal(o *BridgeResp) bool

func (*BridgeResp) Key added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) Key() []byte

same with the key of BridgeReq: BlockHeight + Account + Nonce, FromChain is the key in upper level

func (*BridgeResp) StatusString added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) StatusString() string

func (*BridgeResp) String added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) String() string

func (*BridgeResp) Succeeded added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) Succeeded() bool

func (*BridgeResp) ToUpdateTx added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeResp) ToUpdateTx(nonce uint64) (*Transaction, error)

type BridgeTargetNode added in v0.4.0

type BridgeTargetNode struct {
	ToChainID  common.ChainID // the target chain of generated bridge requests, and the from chain of all processed requests
	ReqCursor  common.Height  // the last height of processed requests from ToChainID
	ReqRoot    []byte         // trie root of requests to ToChainID
	RespCursor common.Height  // the last height of processed responses from ToChainID
	RespRoot   []byte         // trie root of responses to ToChainID

Bridge request trie node, generate trie root for block header TargetChainID -> (Height, Account, Nonce) -> Requests

func (*BridgeTargetNode) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (n *BridgeTargetNode) Clone() *BridgeTargetNode

func (*BridgeTargetNode) HashValue added in v0.4.0

func (n *BridgeTargetNode) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*BridgeTargetNode) Key added in v0.4.0

func (n *BridgeTargetNode) Key() []byte

func (*BridgeTargetNode) MakeProof added in v0.4.0

func (n *BridgeTargetNode) MakeProof(index BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex, proofs *common.MerkleProofs) ([]byte, *common.MerkleProofs, error)

func (*BridgeTargetNode) String added in v0.4.0

func (n *BridgeTargetNode) String() string

type BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex added in v0.4.0

type BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex int
const (
	BridgeTargetNodeToChain    BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex = 0
	BridgeTargetNodeReqCursor  BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex = 1
	BridgeTargetNodeReqRoot    BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex = 2
	BridgeTargetNodeRespCursor BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex = 3
	BridgeTargetNodeRespRoot   BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex = 4

func (BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (i BridgeTargetNodeProofIndex) IsValid() bool

type BridgeTxFilter added in v0.4.0

type BridgeTxFilter struct{}

func (BridgeTxFilter) Filter added in v0.4.0

func (f BridgeTxFilter) Filter(tx *Transaction) bool

type BridgeUpdateReqParams added in v0.4.0

type BridgeUpdateReqParams struct {
	ReqHeight   uint64         `abi:"_reqHeight"`
	TargetChain uint32         `abi:"_targetChain"`
	RespHeight  uint64         `abi:"_respHeight"`
	Account     common.Address `abi:"_account"`
	Nonce       uint64         `abi:"_nonce"`
	Success     bool           `abi:"_success"`

func (*BridgeUpdateReqParams) GetRespHeight added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeUpdateReqParams) GetRespHeight() common.Height

func (*BridgeUpdateReqParams) GetTargetChain added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeUpdateReqParams) GetTargetChain() common.ChainID

func (*BridgeUpdateReqParams) Params added in v0.4.0

func (p *BridgeUpdateReqParams) Params() (common.ChainID, common.Height, common.Address, uint64, BridgeReqStatus)

type CancelCashCheckRequest

type CancelCashCheckRequest struct {
	Check           *CashCheck      `json:"check"`           // cheque to be voided
	AbsenceChainID  common.ChainID  `json:"chain"`           // the target chain of the proof
	AbsenceHeight   common.Height   `json:"height"`          // block height of target chain which proof prove to
	ProofedHash     common.Hash     `json:"header"`          // the proof target hash of Proofs
	CCCProofs       trie.ProofChain `json:"absence"`         // CashedTrie's proof of non-existence of check
	Proofs          trie.ProofChain `json:"proofs"`          // from CashedTrie.Root Proof chain to the target of proof
	ConfirmedHeight common.Height   `json:"confirmedHeight"` // the main chain block height which confirmed target block header

a valid cancel request must:

  1. CCCProofs.IsExist(Hash(Check))==false, means the check not cashed
  2. Proofs[0].PType==trie.ProofHeaderCCCRoot, to proof it's a CashedTrie proof
  3. Proofs[0].IsHeaderOf(Check.ToChain, AbsenceHeight)==true, to proof that the current proof is actually generated by the block of target height of the target chain
  4. ProofedHash==Hash(Block(ChainID:MainChainID, Height:ConfirmedHeight)), the proof target is the main chain block hash at ConfirmedHeight
  5. Proofs.Proof(CCCProofs.ExistenceHash())==AbsenceHeaderHash, that is the proof required.

func (*CancelCashCheckRequest) InfoString

func (c *CancelCashCheckRequest) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*CancelCashCheckRequest) String

func (c *CancelCashCheckRequest) String() string

func (*CancelCashCheckRequest) Verify

func (c *CancelCashCheckRequest) Verify(existence bool) (hashOfCheck []byte, hashOfTrie []byte, hashOfProof []byte, err error)

type CashCheck

type CashCheck struct {
	ParentChain  common.ChainID `json:"ParentChain"`  // parent of source chain
	IsShard      bool           `json:"IsShard"`      // whether the source chain is a sharding chain
	FromChain    common.ChainID `json:"FromChain"`    // id of source chain
	FromAddress  common.Address `json:"FromAddr"`     // address of source account
	Nonce        uint64         `json:"Nonce"`        // nonce of the tx to write the CashCheck
	ToChain      common.ChainID `json:"ToChain"`      // target chain id
	ToAddress    common.Address `json:"ToAddr"`       // address of the target account
	ExpireHeight common.Height  `json:"ExpireHeight"` // The expired height refers to that when the height of the target chain exceeds (excluding) this value, the check cannot be withdrawn and can only be returned
	UserLocal    bool           `json:"UseLocal"`     // true: local currency, false: basic currency, default is false
	Amount       *big.Int       `json:"Amount"`       // amount of the check
	CurrencyID   common.CoinID  `json:"CoinID"`       // Currency ID, new field, 0 when uselocal==false, currency ID when =true, and 0 for old version data

Verifiable Cash Check, for cross chain transfer In order to avoid synchronous recovery of ChainInfos in main chain when recovering data, the chain information is input by the user, and it is enough to check whether the local data is legal when executing (because even if the main chain data is not synchronized, the local chain information can still be known). If the input error can be retrieved through cancel 为了避免恢复数据时还要同步恢复0链的chains,链信息由用户输入,在执行时检查本侧数据是否合法即可(因为就算不同步0链 数据,本地链信息还是可以知道的)。输入错误可以通过cancel找回

func (*CashCheck) Deserialization

func (c *CashCheck) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)

func (*CashCheck) Equal

func (c *CashCheck) Equal(o *CashCheck) bool

func (*CashCheck) Serialization

func (c *CashCheck) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

4 bytes FromChain + 20 bytes FromAddress + 8 bytes Nonce + 4 bytes ToChain + 20 bytes ToAddress + 8 bytes ExpireHeight + 1 byte len(Amount.Bytes()) + Amount.Bytes() all BigEndian

func (*CashCheck) String

func (c *CashCheck) String() string

type CashRequest

type CashRequest struct {
	Check           *CashCheck      `json:"check"`  // check information to be cashed
	ProofedChainID  common.ChainID  `json:"chain"`  // the target chain of the proof (main chain)
	ProofHeight     common.Height   `json:"height"` // proof from check hash to block.hash of source chain, and then to main chain block.hash. this is the corresponding main chain block height
	ProofHeaderHash common.Hash     `json:"header"` // block hash which height is specified by ProofHeight
	Proofs          trie.ProofChain `json:"proofs"` // proof of check

Check cashing request object is generated by RPC interface and submitted to the target chain through TX. the whole transmission process uses the serialization of this object

func (*CashRequest) InfoString

func (r *CashRequest) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*CashRequest) String

func (r *CashRequest) String() string

func (*CashRequest) Verify

func (r *CashRequest) Verify() (hashOfCheck []byte, err error)

type ChainConfirmed

type ChainConfirmed struct {
	ChainID     common.ChainID   `json:"chainid"`
	Info        *ConfirmedInfo   `json:"info"`
	ReHistories RestartHistories `json:"restarts"`

func (*ChainConfirmed) Compare

func (c *ChainConfirmed) Compare(o *ChainConfirmed) int

func (*ChainConfirmed) InfoString

func (c *ChainConfirmed) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*ChainConfirmed) String

func (c *ChainConfirmed) String() string

func (*ChainConfirmed) Summary added in v0.4.0

func (c *ChainConfirmed) Summary() string

type ChainConfirmeds

type ChainConfirmeds []*ChainConfirmed

func (ChainConfirmeds) FromTrie

func (cs ChainConfirmeds) FromTrie(confirmedTrie *trie.Trie) ChainConfirmeds

func (ChainConfirmeds) Len

func (cs ChainConfirmeds) Len() int

func (ChainConfirmeds) Less

func (cs ChainConfirmeds) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ChainConfirmeds) Summary added in v0.4.0

func (cs ChainConfirmeds) Summary() string

func (ChainConfirmeds) Swap

func (cs ChainConfirmeds) Swap(i, j int)

type ChainElectResult

type ChainElectResult struct {
	ChainID    common.ChainID  // Election chain
	Epoch      common.EpochNum // The Epoch where the election took place, the value of the pre-election is NilEpoch
	Results    NodeResults
	LastHeight common.Height // since v2.11.5, last confirmed height of restarting sub-chain, 0 for normal and pre electing
	LastHash   *common.Hash  // since v2.11.5, last confirmed block hash of restarting sub-chain, nil for normal and pre electing

The compound data structure packed in the block, the memory and the form of the data set in the block

func (*ChainElectResult) Clone

func (c *ChainElectResult) Clone() *ChainElectResult

func (*ChainElectResult) ElectingName

func (c *ChainElectResult) ElectingName() ElectingName

func (*ChainElectResult) Equal

func (c *ChainElectResult) Equal(o *ChainElectResult) bool

func (*ChainElectResult) HashValue

func (c *ChainElectResult) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*ChainElectResult) IsNormal

func (c *ChainElectResult) IsNormal() bool

func (*ChainElectResult) IsPreElecting

func (c *ChainElectResult) IsPreElecting() bool

func (*ChainElectResult) IsPreElectingOrRestarting

func (c *ChainElectResult) IsPreElectingOrRestarting() bool

func (*ChainElectResult) IsRestarting

func (c *ChainElectResult) IsRestarting() bool

func (*ChainElectResult) Match

func (c *ChainElectResult) Match(comm *Committee) error

func (*ChainElectResult) ResultLen

func (c *ChainElectResult) ResultLen() int

func (*ChainElectResult) String

func (c *ChainElectResult) String() string

func (*ChainElectResult) Success

func (c *ChainElectResult) Success() bool

func (*ChainElectResult) ToCommittee

func (c *ChainElectResult) ToCommittee() *Committee

type ChainElectResults

type ChainElectResults []*ChainElectResult

func (ChainElectResults) Equal

func (ChainElectResults) HashValue

func (cs ChainElectResults) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (ChainElectResults) HavePreElectingsOrRestartings

func (cs ChainElectResults) HavePreElectingsOrRestartings() bool

Whether there has any pre-election or restarting result

func (ChainElectResults) InfoString

func (cs ChainElectResults) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (ChainElectResults) Len

func (cs ChainElectResults) Len() int

func (ChainElectResults) Less

func (cs ChainElectResults) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ChainElectResults) ProofHash

func (cs ChainElectResults) ProofHash(index int, proofs *common.MerkleProofs) ([]byte, error)

func (ChainElectResults) ProofRestarting

func (cs ChainElectResults) ProofRestarting(id common.ChainID, lastHeight common.Height,
	lastHob *common.Hash) (*ChainElectResult, *common.MerkleProofs, error)

func (ChainElectResults) String

func (cs ChainElectResults) String() string

func (ChainElectResults) Swap

func (cs ChainElectResults) Swap(i, j int)

func (ChainElectResults) ToMap

func (cs ChainElectResults) ToMap() map[common.ChainID]*ChainElectResult

type ChainEpochCommittee

type ChainEpochCommittee struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID
	Epoch   common.EpochNum
	Comm    *EpochAllCommittee

func (*ChainEpochCommittee) Compare

func (*ChainEpochCommittee) String

func (c *ChainEpochCommittee) String() string

type ChainInfoChange

type ChainInfoChange struct {
	Sender common.Address // TX.From
	Nonce  uint64         // TX.Nonce, Sender + Nonce combination should prevent replay attacks
	Data   []byte         // information to be modified

func (*ChainInfoChange) Deserialization

func (s *ChainInfoChange) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)

func (*ChainInfoChange) Serialization

func (s *ChainInfoChange) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

func (*ChainInfoChange) String

func (s *ChainInfoChange) String() string

type ChainSetting

type ChainSetting struct {
	Sender common.Address // Address of sender, should same with TX.From
	Nonce  uint64         // TX.Nonce, Sender+Nonce combination should prevent replay attacks
	Name   string         // setting name to be set
	Data   []byte         // setting value to be set

func (*ChainSetting) Deserialization

func (s *ChainSetting) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)

func (*ChainSetting) Serialization

func (s *ChainSetting) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

func (*ChainSetting) String

func (s *ChainSetting) String() string

type ChainStats

type ChainStats struct {
	ChainID            common.ChainID    `json:"chainid"`            // id of current chain
	BaseChainID        uint64            `json:"basechainid"`        // common.BigChainIDBase
	ETHChainID         string            `json:"ethchainid"`         // eth chain id of current chain
	CurrentHeight      uint64            `json:"currentheight"`      // current height of the chain
	SumTxCount         uint64            `json:"txcount"`            // The number of current chain transactions after this launch
	AllTps             uint64            `json:"tps"`                // Current chain TPS after this launch
	LastEpochTps       uint64            `json:"tpsLastEpoch"`       // TPS of the previous epoch after this launch
	LastNTps           uint64            `json:"tpsLastN"`           // TPS of previous %N blocks
	Lives              uint64            `json:"lives"`              // Running time after this launch (in seconds)
	AccountCount       uint64            `json:"accountcount"`       // 0
	EpochLength        uint64            `json:"epochlength"`        // The number of blocks in one epoch
	AvgEpochDuration   uint64            `json:"epochduration"`      // Average time of an epoch (in seconds)
	LastEpochDuration  uint64            `json:"lastepochduration"`  // The time spent in the last epoch (in seconds)
	LastNDuration      uint64            `json:"lastNduration"`      // Time spent in the previous %N blocks (in seconds)
	LastEpochBlockTime uint64            `json:"lastEpochBlockTime"` // The average block time of the last epcoh (in milliseconds)
	LastNBlockTime     uint64            `json:"lastNBlockTime"`     // Average block time of previous %N blocks (in milliseconds)
	N                  uint64            `json:"N"`                  // The value of N
	GasLimit           uint64            `json:"gaslimit"`           // Current chain default GasLimit
	GasPrice           string            `json:"gasprice"`           // Current chain default GasPrice
	CurrentComm        []common.NodeID   `json:"currentcomm"`        // The node list of the current committee of the chain
	LastConfirmed      []*ChainConfirmed `json:"confirmed"`          // last confirmed infos of sub-chains
	Version            string            `json:"version"`            // Version of current node

func (*ChainStats) InfoString

func (s *ChainStats) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*ChainStats) String

func (s *ChainStats) String() string

type ChainTrie

type ChainTrie struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewChainTrie

func NewChainTrie(origin *trie.Trie) *ChainTrie

func (*ChainTrie) CheckPoint

func (c *ChainTrie) CheckPoint() (checkpoint int, root []byte, err error)

func (*ChainTrie) Commit

func (c *ChainTrie) Commit() error

func (*ChainTrie) Copy

func (c *ChainTrie) Copy() *ChainTrie

func (*ChainTrie) DeleteInfo

func (c *ChainTrie) DeleteInfo(id common.ChainID) (changed bool, oldInfo *common.ChainInfos, err error)

func (*ChainTrie) GenesisNodes

func (c *ChainTrie) GenesisNodes() map[common.NodeID]common.NodeType

According to ChainTrie data, all genesis consensus nodes and genesisi data nodes are obtained to generate the genesis required reserve tree

func (*ChainTrie) GetAllChainInfos

func (c *ChainTrie) GetAllChainInfos() []*common.ChainInfos

func (*ChainTrie) GetChainChildren

func (c *ChainTrie) GetChainChildren(id common.ChainID) common.ChainIDs

func (*ChainTrie) GetChainInfos

func (c *ChainTrie) GetChainInfos(id common.ChainID) (*common.ChainInfos, bool)

func (*ChainTrie) GetChainList

func (c *ChainTrie) GetChainList() common.ChainIDs

func (*ChainTrie) GetDataNodeList

func (c *ChainTrie) GetDataNodeList(id common.ChainID) common.NodeIDs

func (*ChainTrie) GetDataNodeMap

func (c *ChainTrie) GetDataNodeMap() map[common.ChainID]map[common.NodeID]struct{}

func (*ChainTrie) GetDataNodes

func (c *ChainTrie) GetDataNodes(id common.ChainID) (datas map[common.NodeID]struct{})

func (*ChainTrie) GetGenesisDataNodeList

func (c *ChainTrie) GetGenesisDataNodeList(id common.ChainID) common.NodeIDs

func (*ChainTrie) GetLiveChainInfos

func (c *ChainTrie) GetLiveChainInfos(id common.ChainID) (*common.ChainInfos, bool)

func (*ChainTrie) GetNodeType

func (c *ChainTrie) GetNodeType(nid common.NodeID) (isGen bool, nt common.NodeType, chainid common.ChainID, exist bool)

func (*ChainTrie) GetReportChildren

func (c *ChainTrie) GetReportChildren(id common.ChainID) common.ChainIDs

func (*ChainTrie) GetRewardChainID

func (c *ChainTrie) GetRewardChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ChainTrie) GetShardInfo

func (c *ChainTrie) GetShardInfo(id common.ChainID) (shardInfo common.ShardInfo)

func (*ChainTrie) GetVrfChainList

func (c *ChainTrie) GetVrfChainList() common.ChainIDs

func (*ChainTrie) HashValue

func (c *ChainTrie) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*ChainTrie) IsInUsingDataNode

func (c *ChainTrie) IsInUsingDataNode(nid common.NodeID) (common.ChainID, bool)

Whether the node is the data node in use. If yes, the chain ID and true are returned; otherwise, chainid is meaningless and false returned

func (*ChainTrie) IsNoGas

func (c *ChainTrie) IsNoGas(chainId common.ChainID) (bool, common.ChainID)

Whether the chain does not need pay gas feed. If true, the second value returns the chain ID with the AttrNoGas attribute

func (*ChainTrie) PreCommit

func (c *ChainTrie) PreCommit() ([]byte, error)

func (*ChainTrie) PutInfo

func (c *ChainTrie) PutInfo(info *common.ChainInfos) error

func (*ChainTrie) RangeAllInfos

func (c *ChainTrie) RangeAllInfos(oneInfosCallback func(oneInfos *common.ChainInfos))

func (*ChainTrie) Rebase

func (c *ChainTrie) Rebase(dbase db.Database) (*ChainTrie, error)

func (*ChainTrie) RevertTo

func (c *ChainTrie) RevertTo(checkpoint int, root []byte) error

func (*ChainTrie) Rollback

func (c *ChainTrie) Rollback()

func (*ChainTrie) SetTo

func (c *ChainTrie) SetTo(newTrie *trie.Trie) error

func (*ChainTrie) String

func (c *ChainTrie) String() string

type ChangeChainInfoRequest

type ChangeChainInfoRequest struct {
	Data *ChainInfoChange
	Sigs [][]byte // signature list
	Pubs [][]byte // public key list corresponding to signature one by one

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) DataDeserialize

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) DataDeserialize(vr rtl.ValueReader) error

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) DataSerialize

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) DataSerialize(w io.Writer) error

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) Deserialization

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetData

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetData() (o interface{}, exist bool)

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetPubs

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetPubs() [][]byte

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetSigs

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) GetSigs() [][]byte

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) Serialization

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) SetPubs

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) SetPubs(pubs [][]byte)

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) SetSigs

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) SetSigs(sigs [][]byte)

func (*ChangeChainInfoRequest) String

func (s *ChangeChainInfoRequest) String() string

type Cipher

type Cipher interface {
	Name() string
	Sign(priv []byte, hash []byte) (sig []byte, err error)
	Verify(pub []byte, hash []byte, sig []byte) bool
	RecoverPub(hash, sig []byte) ([]byte, error)
	PubFromNodeId(id []byte) []byte
	PubToNodeIdBytes(pub []byte) ([]byte, error)
	PubFromPriv(priv []byte) ([]byte, error)
	ValidateSignatureValues(v byte, r, s *big.Int, homestead bool) bool
var TKMCipher Cipher

type CommEntries

type CommEntries []*CommEntry

func (CommEntries) Len

func (e CommEntries) Len() int

func (CommEntries) Less

func (e CommEntries) Less(i, j int) bool

func (CommEntries) String

func (e CommEntries) String() string

func (CommEntries) Swap

func (e CommEntries) Swap(i, j int)

type CommEntry

type CommEntry struct {
	ChainID  common.ChainID
	EpochNum common.EpochNum
	Comm     *EpochAllCommittee

func (*CommEntry) Available

func (e *CommEntry) Available() bool

func (*CommEntry) String

func (e *CommEntry) String() string

type Committee

type Committee struct {
	Members []common.NodeID
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCommittee

func NewCommittee() *Committee

func (*Committee) Add

func (c *Committee) Add(id common.NodeID)

func (*Committee) Clone

func (c *Committee) Clone() *Committee

func (*Committee) Compare

func (c *Committee) Compare(o *Committee) int

func (*Committee) CopyMembers

func (c *Committee) CopyMembers(committee *Committee)

func (*Committee) Equal

func (c *Committee) Equal(o *Committee) bool

func (*Committee) FromPublicKeys

func (c *Committee) FromPublicKeys(pks [][]byte) (*Committee, error)

func (*Committee) FullString

func (c *Committee) FullString() string

func (*Committee) Hash

func (c *Committee) Hash() common.Hash

func (*Committee) Index

func (c *Committee) Index(id common.NodeID) common.CommID

func (*Committee) InfoString

func (c *Committee) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*Committee) IsAvailable

func (c *Committee) IsAvailable() bool

func (*Committee) IsIn

func (c *Committee) IsIn(id common.NodeID) bool

func (*Committee) IsProposor

func (c *Committee) IsProposor(id common.NodeID, num common.BlockNum) bool

func (*Committee) ProposerAt added in v0.4.0

func (c *Committee) ProposerAt(num common.BlockNum) common.NodeID

func (*Committee) PublicKeys

func (c *Committee) PublicKeys() [][]byte

func (*Committee) ReachRequires

func (c *Committee) ReachRequires(ok int) bool

func (*Committee) Reset

func (c *Committee) Reset()

func (*Committee) SetMembers

func (c *Committee) SetMembers(ids common.NodeIDs) *Committee

func (*Committee) Size

func (c *Committee) Size() int

func (*Committee) String

func (c *Committee) String() string

type CommitteeIndex

type CommitteeIndex struct {
	// height of the block where the committee has been announced
	At common.Height
	// the proof from hash of block at height of last committee announced to current block root hash (history trie)
	HistoryProof trie.ProofChain
	// the history height proofed by HistoryProof
	ProofedHeight common.Height

preifx+NextEpochNum -> CommitteeIndex(block info of next committee announced) It is used to record the height of the block where the current chain releases the election results of the next consensus committee, and record the proof of the block height Hash recorded by the previous CommitteeIndex to the current block hash. Use this record to generate proof of legality for any consensus committee of current chain.

  1. currentComm=(genesis committee from a trusted source), currentEpoch=0, lastIndex=index
  2. index=(CommitteeIndex at currentEpoch+1), check lastIndex.HistoryProof legality
  3. block=getBlock(index.At), check signatures with currentComm, headerProof=(proof from block.header.ElectedNextRoot to Hash(block.header))

fixme: For compatibility with old data, allow HistoryProof in CommitteeIndex of Epoch>1 to be

nil and ProofedHeight==NilHeight.
Because the CommitteeIndex before the upgrade does not exist, the first CommitteeIndex after
the upgrade cannot generate the corresponding HistoryProof.
Doing so will lead to security breaches. For example, after malicious nodes are replaced with
illegal Committee data, HistoryProof is not provided, making the client unable to verify. Only
when all the CommitteeIndex starting from Epoch=1 are connected in series with HistoryProof,
can the authenticity of the last CommitteeIndex be proved.

func (*CommitteeIndex) String

func (c *CommitteeIndex) String() string

type CompatibleDelta

type CompatibleDelta struct {
	Addr  common.Address
	Delta *big.Int

for compatible with old version hash of AccountDelta TODO delete compatible when restart the chain with new version

type ConfirmedInfo

type ConfirmedInfo struct {
	// the main chain height confirmed current info
	By common.Height `json:"main" rtlorder:"0"`
	// since v2.11.5, the height at which the latest restart committee was confirmed
	// 1. When the current main chain height exceeds the By field ChainStoppedThreshold, then
	//    By>=RestartConfirmed, enter the sub-chain restart election stage, and prevent repeated
	//    elections through the records in Preelecting
	// 2. Set RestartConfirmed when the restart committee election is successful, and enter the
	//    sub-chain restart phase. At this time, RestartConfirmed>By.
	// 3. In the restart phase, when the current main chain height exceeds the ChainStoppedThreshold
	//    of the RestartConfirmed field, it is considered that the restart has failed, and the
	//    sub-chain restart election phase is entered again.
	// 最近一次重启委员会被确认的高度。
	// 1. 当前主链高度超过By字段ChainStoppedThreshold时,此时By>=RestartConfirmed,进入子链重启选举阶段,并通过
	//    Preelecting中的记录防止重复启动选举
	// 2. 重启委员会选举成功时设置LastRestart,进入子链重启阶段,此时LastRestart>By。
	// 3. 重启阶段中,当前主链高度超过LastRestart字段ChainStoppedThreshold时,认为重启失败,则再次进入子链
	//    重启选举阶段。
	RestartConfirmed common.Height `json:"lastRestart" rtlorder:"4"`
	// last confirmed height
	Height common.Height `json:"height" rtlorder:"1"`
	// hash of the last confirmed block which height is the last confirmed height
	Hob []byte `json:"hob" rtlorder:"2"`
	// last confirmed epoch for the committee to take effect, should be height.EpochNum() or height.EpochNum()+1
	CommEpoch common.EpochNum `json:"commEpoch" rtlorder:"3"`
	// since v2.12.0, the last confirmed RewardRequest.Epoch
	LastRewardEpoch *common.EpochNum `json:"rewardEpoch" rtlorder:"5"`
	// since v2.12.0, record the restarted history of the chain
	// ReHistories RestartHistories `json:"rehistories" rtlorder:"6"`
	ReHistoryRoot []byte `json:"rehistoryroot" rtlorder:"6"`
	// since v2.14.3,
	Version uint16 `json:"version" rtlorder:"7"`

func (*ConfirmedInfo) CanProofHob

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) CanProofHob() bool

func (*ConfirmedInfo) Clone

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) Clone() *ConfirmedInfo

func (*ConfirmedInfo) CommConfirmed

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) CommConfirmed() bool

func (*ConfirmedInfo) Compare

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) Compare(o *ConfirmedInfo) int

func (*ConfirmedInfo) Copy

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) Copy() *ConfirmedInfo

func (*ConfirmedInfo) GetHeight added in v0.4.0

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*ConfirmedInfo) GetLastConfirmedBy added in v0.4.0

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) GetLastConfirmedBy() common.Height

func (*ConfirmedInfo) HashValue

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*ConfirmedInfo) InfoString

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*ConfirmedInfo) ProofHob

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) ProofHob() (*trie.NodeProof, error)

func (*ConfirmedInfo) ShouldRestart

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) ShouldRestart(current common.Height) bool

func (*ConfirmedInfo) String

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) String() string

func (*ConfirmedInfo) UnConfirmComm

func (c *ConfirmedInfo) UnConfirmComm()

type ConfirmedSummary

type ConfirmedSummary struct {
	Block     *BlockEMessage  // used to generate ConfirmedRoot -> Hash(block) and provides block sigs
	TrieProof trie.ProofChain // Hash(ConfirmedInfo) -> ConfirmedRoot
	SubChain  common.ChainID
	Confirmed *ConfirmedInfo // use to generate Hash(confirmed block) -> Hash(ConfirmedInfo)

func (*ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedChain

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedChain() common.ChainID

func (*ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedHeight

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedHeight() common.Height

func (*ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedHob added in v0.2.2

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) ConfirmedHob() []byte

func (*ConfirmedSummary) HeaderProof

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) HeaderProof(proofs *trie.ProofChain) (proofedHob []byte, err error)

func (*ConfirmedSummary) MainBlock

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) MainBlock() *BlockEMessage

func (*ConfirmedSummary) MainHeader

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) MainHeader() *BlockHeader

func (*ConfirmedSummary) MainHeight

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) MainHeight() common.Height

func (*ConfirmedSummary) ShortHeaderProof added in v0.2.2

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) ShortHeaderProof(proofs *trie.ProofChain) error

func (*ConfirmedSummary) String

func (s *ConfirmedSummary) String() string

type Confirmer added in v0.4.0

type Confirmer interface {
	LegalLatency(current common.Height) (confirming common.Height)
	IsLegalLatency(current, confirming common.Height) bool
	NeedIntegrity(mainCurrent, confirmedBy common.Height) bool
	CheckIntegrity(mainCurrent, confirmedBy common.Height) bool

type ConfirmingProof

type ConfirmingProof interface {
	ConfirmedChain() common.ChainID
	ConfirmedHeight() common.Height
	ConfirmedHob() []byte
	MainHeight() common.Height
	MainHeader() *BlockHeader
	MainBlock() *BlockEMessage
	// generate a proof from the hash of the confirmed block in sub-chain to the hash of
	// main-chain block which containing the confirmation.
	// proofingHob: hash of confirmed block in sub-chain
	// proofedHob: hash of main-chain block contains the confirmation
	HeaderProof(proofs *trie.ProofChain) (proofedHob []byte, err error)
	ShortHeaderProof(proofs *trie.ProofChain) error
	String() string

type ConsNodeRewardExtra

type ConsNodeRewardExtra struct {
	Type    common.NodeType `json:"type"`  // reward type == node type
	ChainID common.ChainID  `json:"chain"` // chain
	Epoch   common.EpochNum `json:"epoch"` // epoch the node in the committee
	Turn    int             `json:"turn"`  // position in committee
	Blocks  int             `json:"block"` // number of block proposed by this node in this epoch
	Fault   int             `json:"fault"` // number of empty blocks occurs by this node in the epoch
	Units   string          `json:"units"` // rat string of deposit unit count

func NewConsNodeRewardExtra

func NewConsNodeRewardExtra(chainid common.ChainID, epoch common.EpochNum, pos, blocks, empties int, unitCount *big.Rat) *ConsNodeRewardExtra

type ConsensusContext added in v0.4.0

type ConsensusContext struct {
	ChainID   common.ChainID
	Stage     ConsensusStage
	Reviving  bool // reviving consensus
	Replaying bool // replaying blocks in data node
	Syncing   bool // syncing blocks for get world state of the chain

func (*ConsensusContext) RealTime added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) RealTime() bool

func (*ConsensusContext) Restoring added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) Restoring() bool

func (*ConsensusContext) SetCommitting added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) SetCommitting() *ConsensusContext

func (*ConsensusContext) SetPreparing added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) SetPreparing() *ConsensusContext

func (*ConsensusContext) SetProposing added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) SetProposing() *ConsensusContext

func (*ConsensusContext) String added in v0.4.0

func (ctx *ConsensusContext) String() string

type ConsensusStage added in v0.4.0

type ConsensusStage uint8
const (
	CSProposing ConsensusStage = iota

func (ConsensusStage) Committing added in v0.4.0

func (s ConsensusStage) Committing() bool

func (ConsensusStage) Preparing added in v0.4.0

func (s ConsensusStage) Preparing() bool

func (ConsensusStage) Proposing added in v0.4.0

func (s ConsensusStage) Proposing() bool

func (ConsensusStage) Short added in v0.4.0

func (s ConsensusStage) Short() string

func (ConsensusStage) String added in v0.4.0

func (s ConsensusStage) String() string

type ContractLogger

type ContractLogger interface {
	Register(address common.Address, ab abi.ABI)
	Has(address *common.Address) bool
	InputString(address common.Address, input []byte) string
	ReturnsString(address common.Address, funcSig []byte, output []byte) string
	EventString(address common.Address, txLog *Log) string
	FindAbi(address common.Address) (abi.ABI, bool)
var SysContractLogger ContractLogger

type CreateResult

type CreateResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash    `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash    `json:"nidh"`
	Addr   common.Address `json:"binding"`
	Amount *big.Int       `json:"amount"`

func (*CreateResult) Receipt

func (r *CreateResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*CreateResult) String

func (r *CreateResult) String() string

type DSError

type DSError interface {
	error // static err message
	Dynamic() error

dynamic and static error messages

type DataNodeRewardExtra

type DataNodeRewardExtra struct {
	Type         common.NodeType `json:"type"` // reward type == node type
	Era          common.EraNum   `json:"era"`
	Nidh         common.Hash     `json:"nidh"`
	OldAmount    *big.Int        `json:"-"`
	NewAmount    *big.Int        `json:"-"`
	Ratio        *big.Rat        `json:"-"`
	Reward       *big.Int        `json:"-"`
	OldAmountStr string          `json:"oldamount"`
	NewAmountStr string          `json:"newamount"`
	RatioStr     string          `json:"ratio"`

func NewDataNodeRewardExtra

func NewDataNodeRewardExtra(nidh common.Hash, era common.EraNum, oldamount, newamount *big.Int, ratio *big.Rat,
	reward *big.Int) *DataNodeRewardExtra

func (*DataNodeRewardExtra) String

func (e *DataNodeRewardExtra) String() string

type DataRequester

type DataRequester interface {
	DataSerialize(w io.Writer) error
	DataDeserialize(vr rtl.ValueReader) error
	GetData() (o interface{}, exist bool)
	GetSigs() [][]byte
	SetSigs(sigs [][]byte)
	GetPubs() [][]byte
	SetPubs(pubs [][]byte)

type DelegateResult

type DelegateResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType  `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash `json:"nidh"`
	Prev   *big.Int    `json:"pervAmount,omitempty"`
	New    *big.Int    `json:"newAmount,omitempty"`

func (*DelegateResult) Receipt

func (r *DelegateResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*DelegateResult) String

func (r *DelegateResult) String() string

type DeltaFrom

type DeltaFrom struct {
	Key    DeltaFromKey
	Deltas []*AccountDelta

func (DeltaFrom) String

func (d DeltaFrom) String() string

type DeltaFromKey

type DeltaFromKey struct {
	ShardID common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height

func BytesToDeltaFromKey

func BytesToDeltaFromKey(bytes []byte) DeltaFromKey

func (DeltaFromKey) Bytes

func (d DeltaFromKey) Bytes() []byte

func (DeltaFromKey) Cmp

func (d DeltaFromKey) Cmp(to DeltaFromKey) int

func (DeltaFromKey) String

func (d DeltaFromKey) String() string

type DeltaFroms

type DeltaFroms []DeltaFrom

func (DeltaFroms) Len

func (f DeltaFroms) Len() int

func (DeltaFroms) Less

func (f DeltaFroms) Less(i, j int) bool

func (DeltaFroms) Summary

func (f DeltaFroms) Summary() string

func (DeltaFroms) Swap

func (f DeltaFroms) Swap(i, j int)

type DeltaRequestMessage

type DeltaRequestMessage struct {
	FromID common.ChainID // source chain of requested delta
	ToID   common.ChainID // target chain of requested delta
	Start  common.Height  // The starting height of the source chain where the requested delta is located
	Length int            // The number of delta requested, starting from start (including start)

func (*DeltaRequestMessage) A

func (m *DeltaRequestMessage) A() common.Height

func (*DeltaRequestMessage) B

func (m *DeltaRequestMessage) B() common.Height

func (*DeltaRequestMessage) DestChainID

func (m *DeltaRequestMessage) DestChainID() common.ChainID

func (*DeltaRequestMessage) GetChainID

func (m *DeltaRequestMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*DeltaRequestMessage) String

func (m *DeltaRequestMessage) String() string

type DeltasGroup

type DeltasGroup []*OneDeltas

Pack deltas generated by multiple blocks together. It is sent to the target chain at one time. Proof chain:root of the trie generated with deltas in block A (1)-> A.BalanceDeltaRoot (2)-> A.BlockHeader.Hash

(3)-> current block B.HashHistory (4)-> B.BlockHeader.Hash
(5)-> (block C in main chain which confirmed block B).HdsRoot (6)-> C.BlockHeader.Hash

func (DeltasGroup) Len

func (g DeltasGroup) Len() int

func (DeltasGroup) Less

func (g DeltasGroup) Less(i, j int) bool

func (DeltasGroup) Summary

func (g DeltasGroup) Summary() string

func (DeltasGroup) Swap

func (g DeltasGroup) Swap(i, j int)

type DeltasPack

type DeltasPack struct {
	FromID        common.ChainID  // source chain id
	ToChainID     common.ChainID  // target shard id
	ProofedHeight common.Height   // block B of source shard was confirmed by the main chain
	ProofToMain   trie.ProofChain // proof from B.Hash to C.Hash
	MainHeight    common.Height   // the height of main chain block C which packed and confirmed block B
	Pack          DeltasGroup     // deltas of each block from source chain

ProofToMain.Proof(BlockHash of ProofedHeight) == BlockHash of MainHeight (5)(6)

func (*DeltasPack) DestChainID

func (d *DeltasPack) DestChainID() common.ChainID

func (*DeltasPack) GetChainID

func (d *DeltasPack) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*DeltasPack) String

func (d *DeltasPack) String() string

type DepositResult

type DepositResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash    `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType     `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash    `json:"nidh"`
	Addr   common.Address `json:"address"`
	Prev   *big.Int       `json:"pervAmount,omitempty"`
	New    *big.Int       `json:"newAmount,omitempty"`

func (*DepositResult) Receipt

func (r *DepositResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*DepositResult) String

func (r *DepositResult) String() string

type DynamicFeeTx

type DynamicFeeTx struct {
	ChainID    *big.Int
	Nonce      uint64
	GasTipCap  *big.Int
	GasFeeCap  *big.Int
	Gas        uint64
	To         *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
	Value      *big.Int
	Data       []byte
	AccessList AccessList

	// Signature values
	V *big.Int `json:"v" gencodec:"required"`
	R *big.Int `json:"r" gencodec:"required"`
	S *big.Int `json:"s" gencodec:"required"`

func (*DynamicFeeTx) TxType

func (tx *DynamicFeeTx) TxType() byte

TxType accessors for innerTx.

type EIP155Signer

type EIP155Signer struct {

EIP155Signer implements Signer using the EIP-155 rules. This accepts transactions which are replay-protected as well as unprotected homestead transactions.

func NewEIP155Signer

func NewEIP155Signer() EIP155Signer

func NewEIP155Signer(chainId *big.Int) EIP155Signer {

func (EIP155Signer) Equal

func (s EIP155Signer) Equal(s2 Signer) bool

func (EIP155Signer) Hash

func (s EIP155Signer) Hash(tx *ETHTransaction) common.Hash

Hash returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (EIP155Signer) HashGtkm

func (s EIP155Signer) HashGtkm(tx *Transaction) common.Hash

HashGtkm returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (EIP155Signer) HashGtkmWithSig

func (s EIP155Signer) HashGtkmWithSig(tx *Transaction) common.Hash

HashGtkmWithSig returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (EIP155Signer) RecoverSigAndPub

func (s EIP155Signer) RecoverSigAndPub(tx *ETHTransaction) (sig, pub []byte, err error)

func (EIP155Signer) Sender

func (s EIP155Signer) Sender(tx *ETHTransaction) (common.Address, error)

func (EIP155Signer) SignatureValues

func (s EIP155Signer) SignatureValues(ethChainid *big.Int, txType byte, sig []byte) (R, S, V *big.Int, err error)

SignatureValues returns signature values. This signature needs to be in the [R || S || V] format where V is 0 or 1.

type ETHTransaction

type ETHTransaction struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ETHTransaction is an Ethereum transaction.

func NewEthTx

func NewEthTx(inner TxData) *ETHTransaction

NewEthTx creates a new transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) AccessList

func (tx *ETHTransaction) AccessList() AccessList

AccessList returns the access list of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) ChainId

func (tx *ETHTransaction) ChainId() *big.Int

ChainId returns the EIP155 chain ID of the transaction. The return value will always be non-nil. For legacy transactions which are not replay-protected, the return value is zero.

func (*ETHTransaction) Data

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Data() []byte

Data returns the input data of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) From

func (tx *ETHTransaction) From() *common.Address

func (*ETHTransaction) Gas

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Gas() uint64

Gas returns the gas limit of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) GasFeeCap

func (tx *ETHTransaction) GasFeeCap() *big.Int

GasFeeCap returns the fee cap per gas of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) GasPrice

func (tx *ETHTransaction) GasPrice() *big.Int

GasPrice returns the gas price of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) GasTipCap

func (tx *ETHTransaction) GasTipCap() *big.Int

GasTipCap returns the gasTipCap per gas of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) GetSigner

func (tx *ETHTransaction) GetSigner() Signer

func (*ETHTransaction) HasSignatureValues

func (tx *ETHTransaction) HasSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int, exist bool)

func (*ETHTransaction) Hash

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Hash() common.Hash

Hash returns the transaction hash. should same with Transaction.Hash()

func (*ETHTransaction) HashValue

func (tx *ETHTransaction) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

Signer is different with Signer in ethereum. there's no chainid in it. If LegacyTx does not have a legal (V,R,S), the calculation of signature hash will be wrong. Therefore, ETHTransaction does not support signature operations, and therefore the Signer.Hash method is deleted

func (*ETHTransaction) MarshalBinary

func (tx *ETHTransaction) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)

func (*ETHTransaction) Nonce

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Nonce() uint64

Nonce returns the sender account nonce of the transaction.

func (*ETHTransaction) Protected

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Protected() bool

Protected says whether the transaction is replay-protected.

func (*ETHTransaction) RawSignatureValues

func (tx *ETHTransaction) RawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int)

func (*ETHTransaction) To

func (tx *ETHTransaction) To() *common.Address

To returns the recipient address of the transaction. For contract-creation transactions, To returns nil.

func (*ETHTransaction) ToTransaction

func (tx *ETHTransaction) ToTransaction() (*Transaction, error)

func (*ETHTransaction) Type

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Type() uint8

Type returns the transaction type.

func (*ETHTransaction) UnmarshalBinary

func (tx *ETHTransaction) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error

func (*ETHTransaction) Value

func (tx *ETHTransaction) Value() *big.Int

Value returns the ether amount of the transaction.

type ElectMessage

type ElectMessage struct {
	// EpochNum is the current epoch number
	// I.e., the elected committee is for epoch EpochNum+1
	EpochNum     common.EpochNum `json:"epoch"` // the epoch when election starts
	ElectChainID common.ChainID  `json:"chainid"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ElectMessage) GetChainID

func (p *ElectMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ElectMessage) GetHeader added in v0.4.0

func (p *ElectMessage) GetHeader() *BlockHeader

func (*ElectMessage) Hash

func (p *ElectMessage) Hash() common.Hash

func (*ElectMessage) SetHeader added in v0.4.0

func (p *ElectMessage) SetHeader(header *BlockHeader)

func (*ElectMessage) String

func (p *ElectMessage) String() string

type ElectMessages

type ElectMessages []*ElectMessage

func (ElectMessages) InfoString

func (s ElectMessages) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (ElectMessages) String

func (s ElectMessages) String() string

type ElectResult

type ElectResult struct {
	NodeID   common.NodeID   // Node ID participating in the election
	ChainID  common.ChainID  // Election chain
	Epoch    common.EpochNum // Epoch of the election
	Sorthash *common.Hash    // The result of the VRF algorithm
	Proof    []byte          // Proof of VRF algorithm results
	RRProof  *RRProofs       // The proof of the deposit of the nodes participating in the election

Election results in a unified format, used when transmitting separately In order to be compatible with VRFResultEMessage, the format is compatible

func (*ElectResult) FromResulter

func (r *ElectResult) FromResulter(resulter ElectResulter) *ElectResult

func (*ElectResult) GetChainID

func (r *ElectResult) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ElectResult) GetElectingChainID

func (r *ElectResult) GetElectingChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ElectResult) GetEpochNum

func (r *ElectResult) GetEpochNum() common.EpochNum

func (*ElectResult) GetNodeID

func (r *ElectResult) GetNodeID() common.NodeID

func (*ElectResult) GetRRProof

func (r *ElectResult) GetRRProof() *RRProofs

func (*ElectResult) GetVrfResult

func (r *ElectResult) GetVrfResult() (*common.Hash, []byte, *common.Hash, uint32)

func (*ElectResult) IsPreElecting

func (r *ElectResult) IsPreElecting() bool

func (*ElectResult) String

func (r *ElectResult) String() string

type ElectResulter

type ElectResulter interface {
	// The chain ID where the election occurs should be distinguished from the GetChainID()
	// method of the ChainEvent interface
	GetElectingChainID() common.ChainID
	// The Epoch where the election took place, the value of the pre-election is NilEpoch
	GetEpochNum() common.EpochNum

Election result interface

type ElectResults

type ElectResults []*ElectResult

func (ElectResults) HashValue

func (rs ElectResults) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (ElectResults) Len

func (rs ElectResults) Len() int

func (ElectResults) Less

func (rs ElectResults) Less(i, j int) bool

sorted by (ChainID, EpochNum, Sorthash, NodeID)

func (ElectResults) Swap

func (rs ElectResults) Swap(i, j int)

func (ElectResults) ToPreElectMap

func (rs ElectResults) ToPreElectMap() map[common.ChainID]map[common.NodeID]*ElectResult

type ElectingName

type ElectingName string

func (ElectingName) String

func (n ElectingName) String() string

type EpochAllCommittee

type EpochAllCommittee struct {
	Result    *Committee
	Real      *Committee
	Restarted RestartComms // restarted comm list if exist

the type persisted in database, compatible with serialized data of EpochCommittee in database

func NewEpochAllComm

func NewEpochAllComm(result *Committee, current *Committee) *EpochAllCommittee

func (*EpochAllCommittee) AddReComm

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) AddReComm(start, elected common.Height, comm *Committee) (changed bool, err error)

func (*EpochAllCommittee) AppendReComm

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) AppendReComm(start common.Height, elected common.Height, comm *Committee) error

func (*EpochAllCommittee) Clone

func (*EpochAllCommittee) CommAt

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) CommAt(height common.Height) (*Committee, error)

func (*EpochAllCommittee) CommGetAndCompare

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) CommGetAndCompare(last, current common.Height) (comm *Committee, changed bool, err error)

Returns the committee corresponding to the current height, and returns whether the committee corresponding to the two heights has changed

func (*EpochAllCommittee) Compare

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) Compare(o *EpochAllCommittee) int

func (*EpochAllCommittee) Equal

func (*EpochAllCommittee) FirstComm

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) FirstComm() *Committee

func (*EpochAllCommittee) From

func (*EpochAllCommittee) InfoString

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*EpochAllCommittee) IsAvailable

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) IsAvailable() bool

func (*EpochAllCommittee) LastComm

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) LastComm() (startAt common.Height, comm *Committee)

func (*EpochAllCommittee) String

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) String() string

func (*EpochAllCommittee) ToNormalComm

func (c *EpochAllCommittee) ToNormalComm() *EpochCommittee

type EpochCommittee

type EpochCommittee struct {
	Result *Committee // actual election results
	Real   *Committee // the final result, if Result.IsAvailable()==false, then Real is the actual Committee. Otherwise, it is nil

the type in Event (BlockReport/BlockSummary)

func NewEpochComm

func NewEpochComm(result *Committee, current *Committee) *EpochCommittee

func (*EpochCommittee) Clone

func (c *EpochCommittee) Clone() *EpochCommittee

func (*EpochCommittee) Comm

func (c *EpochCommittee) Comm() *Committee

func (*EpochCommittee) Equal

func (c *EpochCommittee) Equal(o *EpochCommittee) bool

func (*EpochCommittee) Hash

func (c *EpochCommittee) Hash(blockVersion uint16) common.Hash

used for generating BlockHeader.ElectedNextRoot

func (*EpochCommittee) InfoString

func (c *EpochCommittee) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*EpochCommittee) IsAvailable

func (c *EpochCommittee) IsAvailable() bool

func (*EpochCommittee) IsEmpty

func (c *EpochCommittee) IsEmpty() bool

func (*EpochCommittee) String

func (c *EpochCommittee) String() string

type Extra

type Extra struct {
	Type       byte       `json:"type"`
	Gas        uint64     `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice   *big.Int   `json:"gasPrice,omitempty"` // wei per gas
	GasTipCap  *big.Int   `json:",omitempty"`
	GasFeeCap  *big.Int   `json:",omitempty"`
	AccessList AccessList `json:",omitempty"`
	V          *big.Int   `json:",omitempty"` // V=v+35+2*ethChainId if Type==0, V=v if Type==1 or Type==2, (v==0||v==1)
	R          *big.Int   `json:",omitempty"`
	S          *big.Int   `json:",omitempty"`
	TkmExtra   []byte     `json:",omitempty"`

func (*Extra) GetTkmExtra

func (x *Extra) GetTkmExtra() ([]byte, error)

func (*Extra) SetTkmExtra

func (x *Extra) SetTkmExtra(extra []byte) error

func (*Extra) String

func (x *Extra) String() string

type FrontierSigner

type FrontierSigner struct{}

func (FrontierSigner) ChainID

func (f FrontierSigner) ChainID() *big.Int

func (FrontierSigner) Equal

func (f FrontierSigner) Equal(s2 Signer) bool

func (FrontierSigner) Hash

func (f FrontierSigner) Hash(tx *ETHTransaction) common.Hash

Hash returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (FrontierSigner) HashGtkm

func (f FrontierSigner) HashGtkm(tx *Transaction) common.Hash

HashGtkm returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (FrontierSigner) HashGtkmWithSig

func (f FrontierSigner) HashGtkmWithSig(tx *Transaction) common.Hash

HashGtkm returns the hash to be signed by the sender. It does not uniquely identify the transaction.

func (FrontierSigner) RecoverSig

func (f FrontierSigner) RecoverSig(tx *ETHTransaction) (sig []byte)

func (FrontierSigner) RecoverSigAndPub

func (f FrontierSigner) RecoverSigAndPub(tx *ETHTransaction) (sig, pub []byte, err error)

func (FrontierSigner) Sender

func (f FrontierSigner) Sender(tx *ETHTransaction) (common.Address, error)

func (FrontierSigner) SignatureValues

func (f FrontierSigner) SignatureValues(ethChainid *big.Int, txType byte, sig []byte) (r, s, v *big.Int, err error)

SignatureValues returns signature values. This signature needs to be in the [R || S || V] format where V is 0 or 1.

type GasExtra

type GasExtra struct {
	Gas uint64 `json:"gas"` // gasLimit for the tx

func (*GasExtra) Bytes

func (g *GasExtra) Bytes() ([]byte, error)

type HdsSummary added in v0.2.2

type HdsSummary struct {
	Block     *BlockEMessage
	Summaries []*BlockSummary
	SubChain  common.ChainID
	Height    common.Height
	Index     int

func MakeHdsSummary added in v0.2.2

func MakeHdsSummary(mainBlock *BlockEMessage, subId common.ChainID, height common.Height) (*HdsSummary, error)

func (*HdsSummary) ConfirmedChain added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) ConfirmedChain() common.ChainID

func (*HdsSummary) ConfirmedHeight added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) ConfirmedHeight() common.Height

func (*HdsSummary) ConfirmedHob added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) ConfirmedHob() []byte

func (*HdsSummary) HeaderProof added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) HeaderProof(proofChain *trie.ProofChain) (proofedHob []byte, err error)

HeaderProof Get the proof from a packaged HdsSummary in the current block to the hash of this block

func (*HdsSummary) MainBlock added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) MainBlock() *BlockEMessage

func (*HdsSummary) MainHeader added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) MainHeader() *BlockHeader

func (*HdsSummary) MainHeight added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) MainHeight() common.Height

func (*HdsSummary) ShortHeaderProof added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) ShortHeaderProof(proofChain *trie.ProofChain) error

func (*HdsSummary) String added in v0.2.2

func (s *HdsSummary) String() string

type HisTree

type HisTree trie.HistoryTree

func (*HisTree) CommitAndHash

func (t *HisTree) CommitAndHash() ([]byte, error)

type HistoryBlock

type HistoryBlock struct {
	Block *BlockEMessage

func (*HistoryBlock) BlockNum

func (b *HistoryBlock) BlockNum() common.BlockNum

func (*HistoryBlock) EpochNum

func (b *HistoryBlock) EpochNum() common.EpochNum

func (*HistoryBlock) GetChainID

func (b *HistoryBlock) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*HistoryBlock) GetHeight

func (b *HistoryBlock) GetHeight() common.Height

func (*HistoryBlock) Hash

func (b *HistoryBlock) Hash() common.Hash

func (*HistoryBlock) String

func (b *HistoryBlock) String() string

type HistoryProof

type HistoryProof trie.ProofChain

func (HistoryProof) InfoString

func (p HistoryProof) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (HistoryProof) String

func (p HistoryProof) String() string

type HomesteadSigner

type HomesteadSigner struct{ FrontierSigner }

HomesteadSigner HomesteadTransaction implements TransactionInterface using the homestead rules.

func (HomesteadSigner) ChainID

func (h HomesteadSigner) ChainID() *big.Int

func (HomesteadSigner) Equal

func (h HomesteadSigner) Equal(s2 Signer) bool

func (HomesteadSigner) RecoverSigAndPub

func (h HomesteadSigner) RecoverSigAndPub(tx *ETHTransaction) (sig, pub []byte, err error)

func (HomesteadSigner) Sender

func (h HomesteadSigner) Sender(tx *ETHTransaction) (common.Address, error)

func (HomesteadSigner) SignatureValues

func (h HomesteadSigner) SignatureValues(ethChainid *big.Int, txType byte, sig []byte) (r, s, v *big.Int, err error)

SignatureValues returns signature values. This signature needs to be in the [R || S || V] format where V is 0 or 1.

type KeccakState

type KeccakState interface {
	Read([]byte) (int, error)

KeccakState wraps sha3.state. In addition to the usual hash methods, it also supports Read to get a variable amount of data from the hash state. Read is faster than Sum because it doesn't copy the internal state, but also modifies the internal state.

type LegacyTx

type LegacyTx struct {
	Nonce    uint64          // nonce of sender account
	GasPrice *big.Int        // wei per gas
	Gas      uint64          // gas limit
	To       *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
	Value    *big.Int        // wei amount
	Data     []byte          // contract invocation input data
	V, R, S  *big.Int        // signature values

为了使ETHSigner无状态,Signer中的chainId被取消。因此,当VRS信息不全时,会导致LegacyTx的chainID()和Hash()方法的错误 Hash()方法返回错误的signature hash值,会影响签名等一系列问题。 所以,在GTKM中,LegacyTx只能存储有签名的完全信息。这一点,由所有创建ETHTransaction的地方确保。 需要签名时,可以使用Transaction对象 LegacyTx is the transaction data of regular Ethereum transactions.

func (*LegacyTx) TxType

func (tx *LegacyTx) TxType() byte

accessors for innerTx.

type Log

type Log struct {
	// Consensus fields:
	// address of the contract that generated the event
	Address common.Address `json:"address" gencodec:"required"`
	// list of topics provided by the contract.
	Topics []common.Hash `json:"topics" gencodec:"required"`
	// supplied by the contract, usually ABI-encoded
	Data []byte `json:"data" gencodec:"required"`

	// Derived fields. These fields are filled in by the node
	// but not secured by consensus.
	// block in which the transaction was included
	BlockNumber uint64 `json:"blockNumber" gencodec:"required"`
	// hash of the transaction
	TxHash common.Hash `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
	// index of the transaction in the block
	TxIndex uint `json:"transactionIndex" gencodec:"required"`
	// index of the log in the receipt
	Index uint `json:"logIndex" gencodec:"required"`
	// hash of the block in which the transaction was included
	BlockHash *common.Hash `json:"blockHash"`

func (*Log) Clone

func (l *Log) Clone() *Log

func (*Log) HashValue added in v0.3.2

func (l *Log) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*Log) InfoString

func (l *Log) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (Log) MarshalJSON

func (l Log) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON marshals as JSON.

func (*Log) String

func (l *Log) String() string

func (*Log) UnmarshalJSON

func (l *Log) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON unmarshals from JSON.

type Logs

type Logs []*Log

func (Logs) Clone

func (ls Logs) Clone() Logs

func (Logs) MerkleRoot added in v0.3.2

func (ls Logs) MerkleRoot(toBeProof int, proofs *trie.ProofChain) ([]byte, error)

type MChainBootNode

type MChainBootNode struct {
	NodeID []byte `abi:"nodeId"`
	IP     string `abi:"ip"`
	BPort  uint16 `abi:"bport"`
	CPort0 uint16 `abi:"cport0"`
	CPort1 uint16 `abi:"cport1"`
	DPort0 uint16 `abi:"dport0"`
	DPort1 uint16 `abi:"dport1"`
	RPort  uint16 `abi:"rport"`

func DataserverToBootNode

func DataserverToBootNode(server common.Dataserver) MChainBootNode

func DataserversToBootNodes

func DataserversToBootNodes(servers []common.Dataserver) []MChainBootNode

func (MChainBootNode) InfoString

func (n MChainBootNode) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (MChainBootNode) ToDataserver

func (n MChainBootNode) ToDataserver(chainId common.ChainID) (*common.Dataserver, error)

type MChainBootNodeShouldBe

type MChainBootNodeShouldBe struct {
	NodeID []byte `abi:"nodeId"`
	IP     string `abi:"ip"`
	BPort  uint16 `abi:"bport"`
	CPort0 uint16 `abi:"cport0"`
	CPort1 uint16 `abi:"cport1"`
	DPort  uint16 `abi:"dport"`

type MChainCommInput

type MChainCommInput struct {
	ID       uint32   `abi:"id"`
	EpochNum uint64   `abi:"epochNum"`
	CommIds  [][]byte `abi:"commIds"`

type MChainDataNodeShouldBe

type MChainDataNodeShouldBe struct {
	NodeID     []byte `abi:"nodeId"`
	IsGenesis  bool   `abi:"isGenesis"`
	RpcAddress string `abi:"rpcAddress"`

type MChainInfoInput

type MChainInfoInput struct {
	ID             uint32           `abi:"id"`
	ParentChain    uint32           `abi:"parentChain"`
	CoinID         uint16           `abi:"coinId"`
	CoinName       string           `abi:"coinName"`
	Admins         [][]byte         `abi:"adminPubs"`
	GenesisCommIds [][]byte         `abi:"genesisCommIds"`
	BootNodes      []MChainBootNode `abi:"bootNodes"`
	ElectionType   string           `abi:"electionType"`
	ChainVersion   string           `abi:"chainVersion"`
	GenesisDatas   [][]byte         `abi:"genesisDatas"`
	RRProofs       [][]byte         `abi:"rrProofs"`
	Attrs          []string         `abi:"attrs"`

func (*MChainInfoInput) ToChainInfo

func (req *MChainInfoInput) ToChainInfo(mode common.ChainMode) (*common.ChainInfos, error)

func (*MChainInfoInput) VerifyProofs

func (req *MChainInfoInput) VerifyProofs(rrRoot common.Hash) error

type MChainInfoInputShouldBe

type MChainInfoInputShouldBe struct {
	ID           uint32                   `abi:"id"`
	ParentChain  uint32                   `abi:"parentChain"`
	CoinID       uint16                   `abi:"coinId"`
	CoinName     string                   `abi:"coinName"`
	Admins       [][]byte                 `abi:"adminPubs"`
	BootNodes    []MChainBootNodeShouldBe `abi:"bootNodes"`
	ElectionType string                   `abi:"electionType"`
	ChainVersion string                   `abi:"chainVersion"`
	GenesisDatas []MChainDataNodeShouldBe `abi:"genesisDatas"`
	RRProofs     [][]byte                 `abi:"rrProofs"`
	Attrs        []string                 `abi:"attrs"`

type MChainInfoOutput

type MChainInfoOutput struct {
	ID             uint32           `abi:"id"`
	ParentChain    uint32           `abi:"parentChain"`
	Mode           string           `abi:"mode"`
	CoinID         uint16           `abi:"coinId"`
	CoinName       string           `abi:"coinName"`
	Admins         [][]byte         `abi:"adminPubs"`
	GenesisCommIds [][]byte         `abi:"genesisCommIds"`
	BootNodes      []MChainBootNode `abi:"bootNodes"`
	ElectionType   string           `abi:"electionType"`
	ChainVersion   string           `abi:"chainVersion"`
	GenesisDatas   [][]byte         `abi:"genesisDatas"`
	DataNodeIds    [][]byte         `abi:"dataNodeIds"`
	Attrs          []string         `abi:"attrs"`

func ChainInfosToOutput

func ChainInfosToOutput(infos *common.ChainInfos) (output MChainInfoOutput)

func (*MChainInfoOutput) InfoString

func (o *MChainInfoOutput) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

type MChainInfoOutputShouldBe

type MChainInfoOutputShouldBe struct {
	ID             uint32                   `abi:"id"`
	ParentChain    uint32                   `abi:"parentChain"`
	Mode           string                   `abi:"mode"`
	CoinID         uint16                   `abi:"coinId"`
	CoinName       string                   `abi:"coinName"`
	Admins         [][]byte                 `abi:"adminPubs"`
	GenesisCommIds [][]byte                 `abi:"genesisCommIds"`
	BootNodes      []MChainBootNodeShouldBe `abi:"bootNodes"`
	ElectionType   string                   `abi:"electionType"`
	ChainVersion   string                   `abi:"chainVersion"`
	DataNodeIds    []MChainDataNodeShouldBe `abi:"dataNodeIds"`
	Attrs          []string                 `abi:"attrs"`

type MaliciousError

type MaliciousError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MaliciousError) Error

func (m *MaliciousError) Error() string

type MaliciousType

type MaliciousType int

type MappingType added in v0.4.0

type MappingType byte
const (
	MT_MAIN    MappingType = 0
	MT_MAPPING MappingType = 1

func (MappingType) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (e MappingType) IsValid() bool

func (MappingType) String added in v0.4.0

func (e MappingType) String() string

func (MappingType) ToBig added in v0.4.0

func (e MappingType) ToBig() *big.Int

type MissingHeights

type MissingHeights map[common.ChainID][2]uint64

shardid -> [0]:start height, [1]:length of missing heights

func (MissingHeights) Get

func (m MissingHeights) Get(id common.ChainID) (start common.Height, length int, exist bool)

func (MissingHeights) IDs

func (m MissingHeights) IDs() common.ChainIDs

func (MissingHeights) MostUrgent

func (m MissingHeights) MostUrgent() (id common.ChainID, start common.Height, length int, exist bool)

func (MissingHeights) Put

func (m MissingHeights) Put(id common.ChainID, start common.Height, length int)

type NodeAddresses

type NodeAddresses struct {
	NIDH  common.Hash
	Addrs []common.Address

func (*NodeAddresses) Compare

func (n *NodeAddresses) Compare(o *NodeAddresses) int

func (*NodeAddresses) String

func (n *NodeAddresses) String() string

type NodeAddressesList

type NodeAddressesList []*NodeAddresses

func (NodeAddressesList) String

func (l NodeAddressesList) String() string

func (NodeAddressesList) ToMap

func (l NodeAddressesList) ToMap() map[common.Hash][]common.Address

type NodeResult

type NodeResult struct {
	NodeID     common.NodeID // The ID of the node participating in the election. For ManagedComm, only this field is needed, and the other fields are empty
	Sorthash   *common.Hash  // The result of the VRF algorithm
	Proof      []byte        // Proof of VRF algorithm results
	RRProof    *RRProofs     // The proof of the deposit of the nodes participating in the election
	FactorHash *common.Hash  // since v2.0.0 The node declares the hash of the random factor participating in the seed calculation
	RandNum    uint32        // since v2.10.12

Because the ChainID/Epoch information is missing, it cannot be used alone and needs to be used in conjunction with ChainElectResult

func (*NodeResult) Clone

func (n *NodeResult) Clone() *NodeResult

func (*NodeResult) Equal

func (n *NodeResult) Equal(o *NodeResult) bool

func (*NodeResult) FromVrfResulter

func (n *NodeResult) FromVrfResulter(resulter VrfResulter) *NodeResult

func (*NodeResult) GetNodeID

func (n *NodeResult) GetNodeID() common.NodeID

func (*NodeResult) GetRRProof

func (n *NodeResult) GetRRProof() *RRProofs

func (*NodeResult) GetVrfResult

func (n *NodeResult) GetVrfResult() (sorthash *common.Hash, proof []byte, factorHash *common.Hash, randNum uint32)

func (*NodeResult) String

func (n *NodeResult) String() string

type NodeResults

type NodeResults []*NodeResult

func (NodeResults) AgreeWith

func (ns NodeResults) AgreeWith(os NodeResults) error

func (NodeResults) Clone

func (ns NodeResults) Clone() NodeResults

func (NodeResults) Equal

func (ns NodeResults) Equal(os NodeResults) bool

func (NodeResults) Len

func (ns NodeResults) Len() int

func (NodeResults) Less

func (ns NodeResults) Less(i, j int) bool

func (NodeResults) ManagedCommVerifyAll

func (ns NodeResults) ManagedCommVerifyAll(nidHashes []common.Hash) error

func (NodeResults) Remove

func (ns NodeResults) Remove(os NodeResults) NodeResults

the difference of ns - os

func (NodeResults) Swap

func (ns NodeResults) Swap(i, j int)

func (NodeResults) ToMap

func (ns NodeResults) ToMap() map[common.NodeID]*NodeResult

type NodeState

type NodeState struct {
	NodeId    common.NodeID
	ChainId   common.ChainID
	Height    common.Height
	BlockSig  []byte
	Ip        string
	BasicPort uint16
	DataPort  uint16
	ConPort0  uint16
	ConPort1  uint16

func (*NodeState) GetChainID

func (b *NodeState) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*NodeState) Hash

func (b *NodeState) Hash() common.Hash

func (*NodeState) String

func (b *NodeState) String() string

type OneDeltas

type OneDeltas struct {
	// the height of the block A where delta generated
	Height common.Height
	// All deltas in a block corresponding to a shard to another shard
	Deltas []*AccountDelta
	// The proof of this group of delta to the hash of block A at Height (1)(2)
	Proof trie.ProofChain
	// The proof to HashHistory of block B (specified by DeltasPack) used in this transmission (3).
	// You can use this proof.Key() judge the authenticity of Height. When Height==DeltasPack.ProofedHeight,
	// this proof is nil. At this time, verify with ProofedHeight in DeltasPack.
	// 到本次传输统一使用的块B(由DeltasPack指定)的HashHistory的证明(3)。可以用此proof.Key()判
	// 断Height的真实性。当Height==DeltasPack.ProofedHeight时,此证明为nil。此时与DeltasPack
	// 中的ProofedHeight做验证。
	HistoryProof trie.ProofChain
	// Proof from the HashHistory of block B to the Hash of block B (4).
	// When Height==DeltasPack.ProofedHeight, this proof is nil.
	// At this time, verify with ProofedHeight in DeltasPack.
	// 从块B的HashHistory到块B的Hash的证明(4)。当Height==DeltasPack.ProofedHeight时,此证明为nil。
	// 此时与DeltasPack中的ProofedHeight做验证。
	ProofToB trie.ProofChain

Proof.Proof(MerkleHash(Deltas)) == BlockHash of Height (1)(2) HistoryProof.Proof(BlockHash of Height) == BlockHash of DeltasPack.ProofedHeight (3)(4)

func (*OneDeltas) String

func (o *OneDeltas) String() string

type POSInfo

type POSInfo struct {
	NidHash        []byte         `abi:"nidHash"`
	Height         uint64         `abi:"height"`
	NodeType       uint8          `abi:"nodeType"`
	Depositing     *big.Int       `abi:"depositing"`
	ValidAmount    *big.Int       `abi:"validAmount"`
	Available      *big.Int       `abi:"available"`
	RewardAddr     common.Address `abi:"rewardAddr"`
	Version        uint16         `abi:"version"`
	NodeCount      uint32         `abi:"nodeCount"`
	Status         uint16         `abi:"status"`
	Delegated      *big.Int       `abi:"delegated"`
	ValidDelegated *big.Int       `abi:"validDelegated"`

func (*POSInfo) Empty

func (p *POSInfo) Empty() *POSInfo

func (*POSInfo) FromInfo

func (p *POSInfo) FromInfo(info *RRInfo) *POSInfo

func (*POSInfo) String

func (p *POSInfo) String() string

type PbftBlockNum

type PbftBlockNum interface {
	ElectionStarted() bool
	NeedElection() bool
	EmitElection() bool
	SyncStarting() bool
	SyncStarted() bool
	SyncingOrSynced() bool
	IsSendVrf() bool
	JustBeforeElected() bool
	Elected() bool
	ElectionEnded() bool
	ShouldGenSeed() bool

type PenalizeResult added in v0.4.0

type PenalizeResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType  `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash `json:"nidh"`
	Amount *big.Int    `json:"penalized"`

func (*PenalizeResult) Receipt added in v0.4.0

func (p *PenalizeResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*PenalizeResult) String added in v0.4.0

func (p *PenalizeResult) String() string

type PenaltySet added in v0.4.0

type PenaltySet struct {
	Type  uint16
	Rate  *big.Rat
	Value *big.Int

PenaltySet is used to record the info of penalty set specified by Type. When Rate is not nil, the penalty mechanism will take effect according to the pledge ratio. Rate must not be less than or equal to 0. When Value is not nil, the absolute value penalty mechanism takes effect, and Value must not be less than or equal to 0. Rate/Value cannot be non-nil at the same time. When they are all nil, it means a penalty record with no pledge will be deducted.

func NewPenaltySet added in v0.4.0

func NewPenaltySet(typeCode uint16, rateNum, rateDenom *big.Int, value *big.Int) (*PenaltySet, error)

func (*PenaltySet) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) Clone() *PenaltySet

func (*PenaltySet) CompareType added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) CompareType(o *PenaltySet) int

func (*PenaltySet) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) IsValid() bool

func (*PenaltySet) Penalize added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) Penalize(depositing *big.Int) *big.Int

func (*PenaltySet) String added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) String() string

func (*PenaltySet) Values added in v0.4.0

func (s *PenaltySet) Values() (num, denom, value *big.Int)

type PenaltySets added in v0.4.0

type PenaltySets []*PenaltySet

func (PenaltySets) Formalize added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) Formalize() (PenaltySets, error)

func (PenaltySets) Get added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) Get(typeCode uint16) (int, *PenaltySet)

must be sorted

func (PenaltySets) Len added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) Len() int

func (PenaltySets) Less added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) Less(i, j int) bool

func (PenaltySets) String added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) String() string

func (PenaltySets) Swap added in v0.4.0

func (ps PenaltySets) Swap(i, j int)

type PostState

type PostState struct {
	GasFee string `json:"fee"`
	Root   []byte `json:"root"`

record the transaction process result

func NewPostState

func NewPostState(gasFee *big.Int, root []byte) *PostState

func ParsePostState

func ParsePostState(bs []byte) *PostState

func (*PostState) Bytes

func (s *PostState) Bytes() ([]byte, error)

type PreElectPhase

type PreElectPhase byte
const (
	PECreating PreElectPhase = 0x0 + iota // new pre-election
	PEElecting                            // pre-electing
	PEStarting                            // starting
	PEExiting                             // exiting

Create pre-election stage: Create when the contract is successfully executed, enter the Creating

stage, broadcast and delete when proposing, there is no CachedHash at this time.

Pre-election phase: In the commit block phase, use block.PreElectings to overwrite the electings

in the cache, and clear the corresponding creating/results/elected cache.

For different stages:

Creating: Enter the Electing phase, add CachedHash, and generate a PreelectionStart control
          event, which is responsible for sending out the election information of this node
Electing: Add CachedHash
Starting: No need to deal with
Exiting: When the Starting timeout, switch to Exiting package, when receiving Exiting in the
         package, you need to send a control event to check whether the target chain is started,
         if not you need to exit

Pre-launch phase: When reaching Electing.Expire, if the election result is successful, enter the

Starting phase and pack

创建预选举阶段: 合约执行成功时创建,进入Creating阶段,打包时广播并删除,此时没有CachedHash。 预选举阶段: 在commit block阶段,使用block.PreElectings覆盖缓存中的electings, 并清除相应creating/results/elected缓存。针对不同阶段:

Creating: 进入Electing阶段,补CachedHash,并产生PreelectionStart控制消息,该消息负责向外发送本节点的参选信息
Electing: 补CachedHash
Starting: 无需处理
Exiting: 当Starting超时时,转为Exiting打包,接收到包中Exiting时,需要发送控制消息检查目标链是否启动了,没有启动需要退出

预启动阶段: 到达Electing.Expire时,如果选举结果成功,则进入Starting阶段并打包

func (PreElectPhase) String

func (p PreElectPhase) String() string

type PreElecting

type PreElecting struct {
	// Chain of pre-election
	ChainID common.ChainID
	// Current execution stage
	Phase PreElectPhase
	// Seed of main chain when pre-electing
	Seed *common.Seed
	// Count the number of election retrys, because the election may not be successful, and the
	// election can be automatically started again (3 times in total)
	Count int
	// The height of the main chain when the pre-election starts. Because the Hash value of the
	// current block is required when creating PreElecting, it cannot be stored in the object and
	// needs to be obtained from the data node when synchronizing data
	Start common.Height
	// Hash of the main chain block at preelecting startup, with value in cache, nil in BlockBody
	CachedHash *common.Hash
	// When the new chain is a ManagedComm chain, NidHashes saves the hash values of all authorized
	// node IDs, which are the basis for the pre-election. The election type can also be judged
	// based on whether this field is empty
	NidHashes []common.Hash
	// Electing phase: the height of the main chain at which the pre-election ends;
	// Starting phase: the height of the main chain at which consensus is initiated
	Expire common.Height
	// since v2.11.5, added support for restarting subchains, using LastConsHeight/LastConsHash
	// to record the world state at restart of sub-chain
	LastConsHeight common.Height
	LastConsHash   *common.Hash

The pre-election records, generated by the contract call of creation of the chain or the start of the pre-election, are put into the block after the main chain is generated. The consensused pre-election, which is generated from the Start block of the main chain and continues until the Expire block, has been kept in the main chain block until it is deleted. Makes the pre-election well documented. And it is necessary to synchronize the preElectCache in the main chain DataHolder when the new node synchronizes the main chain data, because the seed required by the VRF algorithm will be recorded in the cache. 由创建链或启动预选举合约产生的预选举记录,在主链生成后放入块中,以此 发布经过共识的预选举,从主链的第Start块生成,一直持续到Expire块之后 被主链共识删除为止一直保存在主链块中。使得预选举有据可查。 且需要在新节点同步主链数据时将主链DataHolder中的preElectCache一起 同步,因为在cache中会记录VRF算法需要的seed。

func (*PreElecting) Clone

func (pe *PreElecting) Clone() *PreElecting

func (*PreElecting) Equal

func (pe *PreElecting) Equal(o *PreElecting) bool

func (*PreElecting) HashValue

func (pe *PreElecting) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*PreElecting) IsManagedComm

func (pe *PreElecting) IsManagedComm() bool

func (*PreElecting) IsRestarting

func (pe *PreElecting) IsRestarting() bool

func (*PreElecting) IsValidManagedComm

func (pe *PreElecting) IsValidManagedComm() bool

func (*PreElecting) IsVrf

func (pe *PreElecting) IsVrf() bool

func (*PreElecting) PreSeed

func (pe *PreElecting) PreSeed() (*common.Seed, error)

func (*PreElecting) RestartSeed

func (pe *PreElecting) RestartSeed() (*common.Seed, error)

func (*PreElecting) RestartingPart added in v0.4.0

func (pe *PreElecting) RestartingPart() RestartingPart

func (*PreElecting) String

func (pe *PreElecting) String() string

func (*PreElecting) ToPack

func (pe *PreElecting) ToPack() *PreElecting

Generate objects for packaging, the pre-election information in the block does not include BlockHash

func (*PreElecting) TypeString

func (pe *PreElecting) TypeString() string

func (*PreElecting) VrfSeed

func (pe *PreElecting) VrfSeed() (vrfseed *common.Seed, isRestarting bool, err error)

type PreElectings

type PreElectings []*PreElecting

Objects placed in the block, the ongoing pre-election list sorted by (Expire, ChainID), and generate MerkleTreeHash into the block header

func (PreElectings) Equal

func (p PreElectings) Equal(o PreElectings) bool

func (PreElectings) HashValue

func (p PreElectings) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

Calculate MerkelHash, need to sort before calling

func (PreElectings) InfoString

func (p PreElectings) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (PreElectings) Len

func (p PreElectings) Len() int

func (PreElectings) Less

func (p PreElectings) Less(i, j int) bool

func (PreElectings) String

func (p PreElectings) String() string

func (PreElectings) Swap

func (p PreElectings) Swap(i, j int)

type PreelectionConnect

type PreelectionConnect struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID // The chain that needs to be connected after the pre-election
	Height  common.Height  // Record the height of the main chain generating the message, and to distinguish different events (to avoid Hash duplication)
	Comm    *Committee     // Committee after pre-election

Node internal control event. When the pre-election enters the startup phase, and the node is selected, this message is sent to connect to the network, and the corresponding identity of the chain is set to PREELECT Create at performing commitPreelects.checkElected when executing StateDB.Commit.

func (*PreelectionConnect) GetChainID

func (p *PreelectionConnect) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionConnect) StartingEpoch

func (p *PreelectionConnect) StartingEpoch() common.EpochNum

func (*PreelectionConnect) String

func (p *PreelectionConnect) String() string

type PreelectionExamine

type PreelectionExamine struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height

Node internal control event, the consensus node checks whether the consensus is normal during the pre-election startup phase Create at preforming commitPreelects.checkElected when executing StateDB.Commit

func (PreelectionExamine) GetChainID

func (p PreelectionExamine) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionExamine) String

func (p *PreelectionExamine) String() string

type PreelectionExit

type PreelectionExit struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height

Node internal control event, consensus node found failure in the pre-election during the startup phase, exit the network, and close consensus Create at performing commitPreelects when executing StateDB.Commit. (Fault tolerance mechanism) or create at preforming commitPreelects.checkElected when executing StateDB.Commit

func (PreelectionExit) GetChainID

func (p PreelectionExit) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionExit) String

func (p *PreelectionExit) String() string

type PreelectionPrepare

type PreelectionPrepare struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height
	Comm    *Committee // Committee after pre-election

func (*PreelectionPrepare) GetChainID

func (p *PreelectionPrepare) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionPrepare) StartingEpoch

func (p *PreelectionPrepare) StartingEpoch() common.EpochNum

func (*PreelectionPrepare) String

func (p *PreelectionPrepare) String() string

type PreelectionStart

type PreelectionStart struct {
	ChainID      common.ChainID // the chain starting preelection
	ParentHeight common.Height  // the main chain height when starting the preelection

Node internal control event. When you need to start a preelection, just send a message to the queue Create at performing commitPreelects when executing StateDB.Commit.

func (*PreelectionStart) GetChainID

func (p *PreelectionStart) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionStart) String

func (p *PreelectionStart) String() string

type PreelectionSync

type PreelectionSync struct {
	ChainID common.ChainID
	Height  common.Height

Node internal control event, the data node starts to broadcast synchronous data during the pre-election startup phase Create at preforming commitPreelects.checkElected when executing StateDB.Commit

func (PreelectionSync) GetChainID

func (p PreelectionSync) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*PreelectionSync) String

func (p *PreelectionSync) String() string

type PubAndSig

type PubAndSig struct {
	PublicKey []byte `json:"pk"`
	Signature []byte `json:"sig"`

func (*PubAndSig) Clone

func (p *PubAndSig) Clone() *PubAndSig

func (*PubAndSig) Compare

func (p *PubAndSig) Compare(o *PubAndSig) int

order by (signature, public key)

func (*PubAndSig) Equal

func (p *PubAndSig) Equal(o *PubAndSig) bool

func (*PubAndSig) Equals

func (p *PubAndSig) Equals(v interface{}) bool

func (*PubAndSig) FullString

func (p *PubAndSig) FullString() string

func (*PubAndSig) GetPublicKey

func (p *PubAndSig) GetPublicKey(hashOfMsg []byte) ([]byte, error)

func (*PubAndSig) InfoString

func (p *PubAndSig) InfoString(_ common.IndentLevel) string

func (*PubAndSig) IsValid

func (p *PubAndSig) IsValid() bool

func (*PubAndSig) Key

func (p *PubAndSig) Key() []byte

func (*PubAndSig) Signer

func (p *PubAndSig) Signer(hashOfMsg []byte) (common.NodeID, error)

func (*PubAndSig) String

func (p *PubAndSig) String() string

func (*PubAndSig) VerifiedNodeID

func (p *PubAndSig) VerifiedNodeID(hashOfMsg []byte) (common.NodeID, error)

func (*PubAndSig) Verify

func (p *PubAndSig) Verify(hashOfMsg []byte) (pubKey []byte, err error)

type PubAndSigs

type PubAndSigs []*PubAndSig

func VerifyRebootMainChain

func VerifyRebootMainChain(lastHeight common.Height, lastHash common.Hash, comm *Committee,
	pass PubAndSigs, adminPks [][]byte) (PubAndSigs, error)

func (PubAndSigs) Clone

func (ps PubAndSigs) Clone() PubAndSigs

func (PubAndSigs) Equal

func (ps PubAndSigs) Equal(os PubAndSigs) bool

func (PubAndSigs) Equals

func (ps PubAndSigs) Equals(o interface{}) bool

func (PubAndSigs) FromPubsAndSigs

func (ps PubAndSigs) FromPubsAndSigs(pubs, sigs [][]byte) (PubAndSigs, error)

create new PubAndSigs with pubs & sigs

func (PubAndSigs) InfoString

func (ps PubAndSigs) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (PubAndSigs) Len

func (ps PubAndSigs) Len() int

func (PubAndSigs) Less

func (ps PubAndSigs) Less(i, j int) bool

sort by (signature, public key), in order to be compatible with the original bug version

func (PubAndSigs) Merge

func (ps PubAndSigs) Merge(os PubAndSigs) PubAndSigs

func (PubAndSigs) Swap

func (ps PubAndSigs) Swap(i, j int)

func (PubAndSigs) Verify

func (ps PubAndSigs) Verify(h []byte) (int, error)

func (PubAndSigs) VerifyByComm

func (ps PubAndSigs) VerifyByComm(comm *Committee, h []byte) error

func (PubAndSigs) VerifyByNodeIDs

func (ps PubAndSigs) VerifyByNodeIDs(nids common.NodeIDs, hashOfObject []byte, sizeChecker func(int) error) (PubAndSigs, error)

func (PubAndSigs) VerifyByPubs

func (ps PubAndSigs) VerifyByPubs(pks [][]byte, hashOfObject []byte, sizeChecker func(int) error) (PubAndSigs, error)

type RRAType

type RRAType byte

Required Reserve Act Type

const (
	RRADeposit    RRAType = iota // Deposit
	RRAPenalty                   // Confiscation deposit
	RRAWithdraw                  // Withdraw
	RRAStatus                    // since v2.11.0, NewStatus>0: RRInfo.Status |= uint16(NewStatus), NewStatus<0:RRInfo.Status &= (^uint16(-NewStatus))
	RRADelegate                  // since v2.12.0, account delegate to a consensus node
	RRAUnDelegate                // since v2.12.0, account un-delegate from a consensus node
	RRAMax                       // The valid value must be less than this value

func (RRAType) Compare

func (t RRAType) Compare(typ RRAType) int

Compare the priority of the two types, the higher the priority of the execution order, the smaller the Compare, the higher the execution priority

func (RRAType) Order

func (t RRAType) Order() int

func (RRAType) String

func (t RRAType) String() string

func (RRAType) Valid

func (t RRAType) Valid() bool

type RRAct

type RRAct struct {
	// current operation type
	Typ RRAType `rtlorder:"0"`
	// main chain block height at the time of request
	Height common.Height `rtlorder:"1"`
	// nil when withdrawing all, or (since v2.9.17) positive numbers (could be negative when clear status)
	// or (since 2.11.0) voting data node id (BytesToNodeID(Amount.Bytes()))
	Amount *big.Int `rtlorder:"2"`
	// since v2.11.0, pool deposit or withdraw account
	Account *common.Address `rtlorder:"5"`
	// since v2.11.0, charge ratio for pool node
	ChargeRatio *big.Rat `rtlorder:"6"`
	// chain id of the transaction executed that generated this action
	RelatingChainID common.ChainID `rtlorder:"3"`
	// the transaction that caused this action (Deposit/Withdraw/Status refers to the transaction
	// submitted by the user, and the penalty refers to the report transaction, etc.)
	RelatingTxHash common.Hash `rtlorder:"4"`
	// since v2.11.0, version: 1-Account
	Version uint16 `rtlorder:"7"`

Record changes for the same node, because all changes must be compatible, that is, NodeID/Addr must be equal, and effective Typ must also be equal, so these three pieces of information can only be recorded in RRC.

func NewRRAct

func NewRRAct(typ RRAType, height common.Height, amount *big.Int, account *common.Address, chargeRatio *big.Rat,
	id common.ChainID, txHash common.Hash) (*RRAct, error)

func (*RRAct) Clone

func (a *RRAct) Clone() *RRAct

func (*RRAct) Copy

func (a *RRAct) Copy() *RRAct

func (*RRAct) FailedResult

func (a *RRAct) FailedResult(err error) *ActFailedResult

func (*RRAct) IsValid

func (a *RRAct) IsValid() bool

func (*RRAct) Serialization

func (a *RRAct) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

func (*RRAct) String

func (a *RRAct) String() string

func (*RRAct) ToUnDelegating

func (a *RRAct) ToUnDelegating() *UnDelegating

func (*RRAct) ToWithdrawing

func (a *RRAct) ToWithdrawing() *Withdrawing

func (*RRAct) WithdrawAll

func (a *RRAct) WithdrawAll() bool

type RRActReceipt

type RRActReceipt struct {
	TxHash common.Hash `json:"txHash"`
	Status uint8       `json:"status"`
	Type   ActRptType  `json:"type"`
	Msg    string      `json:"msg"` // json format of returned value

used to record the result of each RRAct generated by the transaction specified by (TxChainID, TxHash) after asynchronous execution

func (*RRActReceipt) InfoString

func (r *RRActReceipt) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RRActReceipt) String

func (r *RRActReceipt) String() string

type RRActReceipts

type RRActReceipts []*RRActReceipt

func (RRActReceipts) HashValue

func (rs RRActReceipts) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (RRActReceipts) String

func (rs RRActReceipts) String() string

type RRActs

type RRActs []*RRAct

func (RRActs) Clone

func (s RRActs) Clone() RRActs

func (RRActs) Delegating

func (s RRActs) Delegating(delegated *big.Int) *big.Int

func (RRActs) Depositing

func (s RRActs) Depositing(amount *big.Int) *big.Int

func (RRActs) FailedResults

func (s RRActs) FailedResults(err error) RRActReceipts

func (RRActs) Filter

func (s RRActs) Filter(typs ...RRAType) RRActs

func (RRActs) InfoString

func (s RRActs) InfoString(indentLevel common.IndentLevel) string

func (RRActs) Len

func (s RRActs) Len() int

func (RRActs) Less

func (s RRActs) Less(i, j int) bool

func (RRActs) Swap

func (s RRActs) Swap(i, j int)

type RRC

type RRC struct {
	NodeIDHash common.Hash     // NodeID hash of the changing node
	Addr       common.Address  // Binding address
	Typ        common.NodeType // Node type
	Acts       RRActs          // Changing list according to the order of transaction execution, execute in the order of priority during execution

Required Reserve Change

func (*RRC) Clone

func (rr *RRC) Clone() *RRC

func (*RRC) InfoString

func (rr *RRC) InfoString(indentLevel common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RRC) Key

func (rr *RRC) Key() []byte

func (*RRC) String

func (rr *RRC) String() string

func (*RRC) Summary

func (rr *RRC) Summary() string

type RRInfo

type RRInfo struct {
	// The hash value of the NodeID of the node is used to store information in a more
	// private way. It can also reduce storage capacity
	NodeIDHash common.Hash `rtlorder:"0"`
	// The main chain block height at the time of the last deposit
	// because we use Height==0 to indicate that it's a genesis node, so there should be
	// no user node deposit at this moment.
	// since v3.2.1, use NilHeight for genesis node.
	// First, both 0 and NilHeight of Height are judged as genesis node, and when switching
	// era, replace all Height==0 with NilHeight. Then,
	// TODO: through the upgrade, the judgment condition of genesis node is set to NilHeight.
	//  Only after that can support stateful chain startup
	Height common.Height `rtlorder:"1"`
	// Which type of node, supports common.Consensus/common.Data
	Type common.NodeType `rtlorder:"2"`
	// If it is not nil, it means that this deposit has been applied for withdrawing and
	// will no longer participate in the calculation. When the value >= current era, execute
	// the withdrawing. Redemption will be executed at the end of the era.
	// since v2.14.2 always set to nil
	WithdrawDemand *common.EraNum `rtlorder:"3"`
	// Record the number of penalties, initially 0, +1 after each Penalty execution
	PenalizedTimes int `rtlorder:"4"`
	// Depositing: sum of all the deposits of the node
	Amount *big.Int `rtlorder:"5"`
	// The percentage of the effective pledge amount of the current node in the total
	// effective pledge. If it is nil, it indicates that the current pledge does not
	// account for the proportion. It may be waiting for withdrawing at this time.
	Ratio *big.Rat `rtlorder:"6"`
	// Reward binding address
	RewardAddr common.Address `rtlorder:"7"`
	// Since v1.3.4. When WithdrawDemand!=nil, record all pending withdrawing records. If it
	// exists, the withdrawing due in the list will be executed every era.
	Withdrawings Withdrawings `rtlorder:"8"`
	// since v1.5.0. Version number, used for compatible
	Version uint16 `rtlorder:"9"`
	// since v1.5.0。Used to record a total of valid pledged consensus nodes, only valid
	// when Type==common.Consensus, others are 0
	NodeCount uint32 `rtlorder:"10"`
	// since v2.9.17, node status
	Status uint16 `rtlorder:"11"`
	// since v2.11.0, available amount of the node, use for election and settle
	Avail *big.Int `rtlorder:"12"`
	// removed by v2.12.0
	// // since v2.11.0, voted data node id hash
	// Voted *common.Hash `rtlorder:"13"`
	// // since v2.11.0, voted amount of current data node
	// VotedAmount *big.Int `rtlorder:"14"`
	// // since v2.11.0, if not nil means it's a pool node (only Type==common.Consensus supports pool mode)
	// Settles *SettleInfo `rtlorder:"15"`
	// since v2.12.0, record the total amount delegated to this node by different accounts
	// The Voted/VotedAmount/Settles of all nodes on the test chain are nil, so directly
	// delete Voted/VotedAmount and add a new field here, which will not affect the
	// deserialized value, but versioning is still required
	Delegated *big.Int `rtlorder:"14"`
	// since v2.12.0, revoking delegation list
	Undelegatings UnDelegatings `rtlorder:"15"`

Required Reserve Information of the node

func CreateGenesisRRInfo

func CreateGenesisRRInfo(nodeIdHash common.Hash, nodeType common.NodeType, minConsensusRR, minDataRR *big.Int) (*RRInfo, error)

func (*RRInfo) Available

func (r *RRInfo) Available() bool

func (*RRInfo) AvailableAmount

func (r *RRInfo) AvailableAmount() *big.Int

Returns the pledge amount of the specified type of nodeType of the current node

func (*RRInfo) Clone

func (r *RRInfo) Clone() *RRInfo

func (*RRInfo) Compatible

func (r *RRInfo) Compatible(nodeIdHash common.Hash, _ common.NodeType, _ common.Address) bool

Compatibility check

func (*RRInfo) Copy

func (r *RRInfo) Copy() *RRInfo

func (*RRInfo) Depositing

func (r *RRInfo) Depositing() *big.Int

Return the pledge amount after subtracting the amount to be redeemed

func (*RRInfo) Equal

func (r *RRInfo) Equal(o *RRInfo) bool

func (*RRInfo) HashValue

func (r *RRInfo) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*RRInfo) InfoEquals

func (r *RRInfo) InfoEquals(v *RRInfo) bool

Compare the immutable information except Ratio and NodeCount because ratio and nodecount are generated as a whole at the end, there is no need to compare

func (*RRInfo) InfoString

func (r *RRInfo) InfoString(indentLevel common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RRInfo) IsGenesis

func (r *RRInfo) IsGenesis() (bool, common.NodeType)

func (*RRInfo) Key

func (r *RRInfo) Key() []byte

func (*RRInfo) ShouldRemove

func (r *RRInfo) ShouldRemove() bool

func (*RRInfo) String

func (r *RRInfo) String() string

func (*RRInfo) Summary

func (r *RRInfo) Summary() string

func (*RRInfo) ValidAmount

func (r *RRInfo) ValidAmount() *big.Int

The current effective pledge amount (minus the part being redeemed)

func (*RRInfo) ValidDelegated

func (r *RRInfo) ValidDelegated() *big.Int

type RRProofs

type RRProofs struct {
	Info  *RRInfo
	Proof trie.ProofChain

func (*RRProofs) Clone

func (p *RRProofs) Clone() *RRProofs

func (*RRProofs) Equal

func (p *RRProofs) Equal(o *RRProofs) bool

func (*RRProofs) InfoString

func (p *RRProofs) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RRProofs) IsValid

func (p *RRProofs) IsValid() bool

func (*RRProofs) PrintString

func (p *RRProofs) PrintString() string

func (*RRProofs) String

func (p *RRProofs) String() string

func (*RRProofs) VerifyProof

func (p *RRProofs) VerifyProof(nodeIdHash common.Hash, root common.Hash) error

type RRProofsMessage

type RRProofsMessage struct {
	NodeId   common.NodeID
	Era      common.EraNum
	RootHash common.Hash
	Proofs   *RRProofs

func (*RRProofsMessage) GetChainID

func (rm *RRProofsMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RRProofsMessage) String

func (rm *RRProofsMessage) String() string

type RRProofsRequest

type RRProofsRequest struct {
	ToChainId common.ChainID
	NodeId    common.NodeID
	Era       common.EraNum
	RootHash  common.Hash

func (*RRProofsRequest) GetChainID

func (rr *RRProofsRequest) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RRProofsRequest) String

func (rr *RRProofsRequest) String() string

type RRReceiptIndex

type RRReceiptIndex struct {
	RootOfReceipts common.Hash
	Index          uint32

func NewRRActReceiptIndex

func NewRRActReceiptIndex(rootOfReceipts []byte, index uint32) *RRReceiptIndex

type RRStatus

type RRStatus uint16

func (RRStatus) Change

func (s RRStatus) Change(value *big.Int) (newStatus RRStatus, msg string, changed bool)

func (RRStatus) Match

func (s RRStatus) Match(bits uint16) bool

type RRStatusAct

type RRStatusAct big.Int

func (*RRStatusAct) Ignored

func (a *RRStatusAct) Ignored() bool

func (*RRStatusAct) Merge

func (a *RRStatusAct) Merge(b *RRStatusAct) error

func (*RRStatusAct) Todo

func (a *RRStatusAct) Todo() (act uint16, setOrClr bool)

type RRSyncData

type RRSyncData struct {
	CurrentInfos     []*RRInfo
	NextChangedInfos []*RRInfo
	Deleted          []common.Hash
	Changing         []*RRC

func (*RRSyncData) InfoString

func (d *RRSyncData) InfoString() string

func (*RRSyncData) String

func (d *RRSyncData) String() string

type RebootMainChainMessage

type RebootMainChainMessage struct {
	// the last consensused block info
	LastHeight common.Height
	LastHash   common.Hash
	// reboot committee, start consensus at LastHeight+1
	Comm *Committee
	// multi sig by main chain administrators
	PaSs PubAndSigs

when there is a problem with the main chain (such as stop, or a bad block), broadcast this message in the main chain to restart the main chain consensus. there's no way to call a contract function because the consensus has stopped.

func (*RebootMainChainMessage) GetChainID

func (r *RebootMainChainMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RebootMainChainMessage) String

func (r *RebootMainChainMessage) String() string

func (*RebootMainChainMessage) Verify

func (r *RebootMainChainMessage) Verify(adminPks [][]byte) (PubAndSigs, error)

type RebootedComm

type RebootedComm struct {
	Comm      *Committee
	AdminPass PubAndSigs

主链出现问题时,需要通过广播带有主链管理员多签的RebootMainChainMessage进行主链重启。 主链重启后的第一个块,无论是否为空块,都需要:

  1. 将BlockHeader.CommitteeHash修改为新comm的hash,使用BlockBody.Rebooted校验合法性
  2. 不管是因为故障还是作恶被发现,当前committee已经不可用,又因为有可能会Keep Comm,所以为了简单,直接取消 当前comm的权利,如果已经选出下一届comm,则一起作废,并由新的RebootedComm替代,同时,如果下一届Comm已 被主链确认,则还需要将ConfirmedInfo.CommEpoch回滚。
  3. 使用 BlockHeader.Height-1(LastHeight), BlockHeader.PreviousHash(LastHash), BlockBody.Rebooted.Comm, BlockBody.Rebooted.AdminPass, 以及当前主链管理员公钥列表 对BlockBody.Rebooted信息进行校验
  4. 更新主链对应ConfirmedInfo中的RestartedHistory

func (*RebootedComm) InfoString

func (r *RebootedComm) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RebootedComm) String

func (r *RebootedComm) String() string

type Receipt

type Receipt struct {
	// Consensus fields
	PostState         []byte `json:"root"` // It is used to record the information of transaction execution in JSON format, such as gas, cost "gas", and world state "root" after execution.
	Status            uint64 `json:"status"`
	CumulativeGasUsed uint64 `json:"cumulativeGasUsed" gencodec:"required"`
	Logs              []*Log `json:"logs" gencodec:"required"`

	// Implementation fields (don't reorder!)
	TxHash          common.Hash     `json:"transactionHash" gencodec:"required"`
	ContractAddress *common.Address `json:"contractAddress"`
	GasUsed         uint64          `json:"gasUsed" gencodec:"required"`
	Out             []byte          `json:"out" gencodec:"required"`
	Error           string          `json:"error"`
	GasBonuses      []*Bonus        `json:"gasBonuses"`
	Version         uint16          `json:"version"`

Receipt represents the results of a transaction.

func NewRawReceipt

func NewRawReceipt(postStates []byte, status uint64) *Receipt

func NewReceipt

func NewReceipt(gasFee *big.Int, root []byte, err error, cumulativeGasUsed uint64) *Receipt

NewReceipt creates a barebone transaction receipt, copying the init fields. since v2.10.11, In order to generate the proof from the transaction hash with the signature, the calculation method of the TransactionRoot and the ReceiptRoot in the BlockHeader is changed, resulting in incompatibility with the historical data from the current version

func ReadReceipt

func ReadReceipt(receipts Receipts, index int) (*Receipt, error)

ReadReceipt retrieves a specific transaction receipt from the database, along with its added positional metadata.

func (*Receipt) Clone

func (r *Receipt) Clone() *Receipt

func (*Receipt) Err

func (r *Receipt) Err() error

func (*Receipt) GasFeeString

func (r *Receipt) GasFeeString() string

func (*Receipt) GetPostRoot

func (r *Receipt) GetPostRoot() []byte

func (*Receipt) HashValue

func (r *Receipt) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*Receipt) InfoString

func (r *Receipt) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*Receipt) Revert

func (r *Receipt) Revert() []byte

func (*Receipt) String

func (r *Receipt) String() string

func (*Receipt) Success

func (r *Receipt) Success() bool

type Receipts

type Receipts []*Receipt

func (Receipts) Clone

func (r Receipts) Clone() Receipts

func (Receipts) HashValue

func (r Receipts) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (Receipts) Len

func (r Receipts) Len() int

Len returns the number of receipts in this list.

func (Receipts) Proof

func (r Receipts) Proof(toBeProof int, proofs *trie.ProofChain) ([]byte, error)

func (Receipts) String

func (r Receipts) String() string

type RestartComm

type RestartComm struct {
	Start         common.Height // the height of the restarted comm start consensus
	ElectedHeight common.Height // the height of the main chain block where the restarting comm elected
	Comm          *Committee    // restarted comm

func (*RestartComm) Clone

func (r *RestartComm) Clone() *RestartComm

func (*RestartComm) CmpOrder

func (r *RestartComm) CmpOrder(o *RestartComm) int

func (*RestartComm) Compare

func (r *RestartComm) Compare(o *RestartComm) int

func (*RestartComm) HeightString

func (r *RestartComm) HeightString() string

func (*RestartComm) InfoString

func (r *RestartComm) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RestartComm) IsValid

func (r *RestartComm) IsValid() bool

func (*RestartComm) String

func (r *RestartComm) String() string

func (*RestartComm) Summary

func (r *RestartComm) Summary() string

type RestartCommEMessage

type RestartCommEMessage struct {
	Comm *CommEntry

func (*RestartCommEMessage) GetChainID

func (m *RestartCommEMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RestartCommEMessage) Hash

func (m *RestartCommEMessage) Hash() common.Hash

func (*RestartCommEMessage) String

func (m *RestartCommEMessage) String() string

type RestartComms

type RestartComms []*RestartComm

func (RestartComms) Clone

func (rs RestartComms) Clone() RestartComms

func (RestartComms) Compare

func (rs RestartComms) Compare(os RestartComms) int

func (RestartComms) Len

func (rs RestartComms) Len() int

func (RestartComms) Less

func (rs RestartComms) Less(i, j int) bool

func (RestartComms) LocateBy

func (rs RestartComms) LocateBy(height common.Height) (*RestartComm, error)

func (RestartComms) Summary

func (rs RestartComms) Summary() string

func (RestartComms) Swap

func (rs RestartComms) Swap(i, j int)

type RestartHistories

type RestartHistories []*RestartHistory

func (RestartHistories) Clone

func (RestartHistories) Compare

func (hs RestartHistories) Compare(os RestartHistories) int

func (RestartHistories) JustBefore

func (hs RestartHistories) JustBefore(height common.Height) *RestartHistory

func (RestartHistories) Len

func (hs RestartHistories) Len() int

func (RestartHistories) Less

func (hs RestartHistories) Less(i, j int) bool

func (RestartHistories) Summary

func (hs RestartHistories) Summary() string

func (RestartHistories) Swap

func (hs RestartHistories) Swap(i, j int)

type RestartHistory

type RestartHistory struct {
	LastHeight    common.Height // the last block height when the chain stopped, restart height would be LastHeight+1
	LastHash      common.Hash   // hash of the last block when the chain stopped
	ElectedHeight common.Height // the height of the main chain block where the restarting comm elected (packed)
	Comm          *Committee    // the elected restarting comm

func (*RestartHistory) Clone

func (h *RestartHistory) Clone() *RestartHistory

func (*RestartHistory) Compare

func (h *RestartHistory) Compare(o *RestartHistory) int

func (*RestartHistory) HeightCompare

func (h *RestartHistory) HeightCompare(o *RestartHistory) int

func (*RestartHistory) InfoString

func (h *RestartHistory) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RestartHistory) Key

func (h *RestartHistory) Key() []byte

implements trie.TrieValue

func (*RestartHistory) StartHeight

func (h *RestartHistory) StartHeight() common.Height

func (*RestartHistory) String

func (h *RestartHistory) String() string

func (*RestartHistory) Summary

func (h *RestartHistory) Summary() string

type RestartedComm

type RestartedComm struct {
	// the restarting comm election result which packaged in the block
	Result *ChainElectResult
	// 1. one of Body.ElectingResults -> Header.ElectResultRoot
	// 2. Header.ElectResultRoot -> root hash of Header
	Proof trie.ProofChain

Since v2.11.5 When the sub-chain has not been confirmed by the main chain for a long time due to various reasons (such as: the consensus committee is evil, the available nodes of the consensus committee do not meet the consensus conditions, etc.), it is considered that the sub-chain needs to be restarted. The restarted new committee is elected on the main chain, so the election information of this RestartComm needs to be packaged into the first block after the restart of the sub-chain (regardless of whether it is an empty block or not) 当子链因为各种原因长时间没有被主链确认(如:共识委员会作恶、共识委员会可用节点不满足共识条件等),则认为该子链 需要重启。重启所使用的新的委员会是在主链上进行的选举,因此需要将此RestartComm的选举信息打包到子链重启后的第 一个块中(无论其是否为空块) Add the RestartedComm item in BlockBody to save the election result and proof of RestartComm on the main chain. At the same time, BlockBody.ParentHeight must be the block height containing the election result information, and ParentHash is the Hash of the main chain block, which can be used to verify the proof in RestartedComm 在BlockBody中增加RestartedComm项,用来保存RestartComm在主链上的选举结果及其证明。同时 BlockBody.ParentHeight必须是包含此选举结果信息的块高,ParentHash则是该主链块Hash,可以用来验证 RestartedComm中的证明 The first block after the sub-chain restarts, whether it is an empty block or not, requires:

  1. Modify BlockHeader.CommitteeHash to the hash of the new restarting comm, and use BlockBody.Restarting to verify the legitimacy
  2. No matter if it is discovered due to malfunction or malicious actions, the current committee is no longer available, and because it is possible to keep Comm, so for simplicity, the next committee is directly cancelled. Alternative to RestartedComm. At the same time, if the next Comm has been confirmed by the main chain, the ConfirmedInfo.CommEpoch needs to be rolled back.
  3. Record the value of the restart committee and its legality proof in BlockBody.Restarting, and use ParentHash to verify the legality
  4. Set BlockHeader.ParentHeight/BlockHeader.ParentHash to the block information when the current RestartComm is successfully elected on the main chain


  1. 将BlockHeader.CommitteeHash修改为新comm的hash,使用BlockBody.Restarting验证合法性
  2. 不管是因为故障还是作恶被发现,当前committee已经不可用,又因为有可能会Keep Comm,所以为了简单,直接取消 当前comm的权利,如果已经选出下一届comm,则一起作废,并由新的RestartedComm替代,同时,如果下一届Comm已 被主链确认,则还需要将ConfirmedInfo.CommEpoch回滚。
  3. 在BlockBody.Restarting中记录重启委员会的值及其合法性证明,使用ParentHash验证合法性
  4. 将BlockHeader.ParentHeight/BlockHeader.ParentHash设置为当前RestartComm在主链上被选举成功时的块信息

func (*RestartedComm) Clone

func (r *RestartedComm) Clone() *RestartedComm

func (*RestartedComm) Comm

func (r *RestartedComm) Comm() *Committee

func (*RestartedComm) Equal

func (r *RestartedComm) Equal(o *RestartedComm) bool

func (*RestartedComm) String

func (r *RestartedComm) String() string

func (*RestartedComm) Verify

func (r *RestartedComm) Verify(parentHash *common.Hash) error

type RestartingPart

type RestartingPart struct {
	LastHeight common.Height // since v2.11.5, last confirmed height of restarting sub-chain
	LashHash   *common.Hash  // since v2.11.5, last confirmed block hash of restarting sub-chain

func (RestartingPart) IsRestarting

func (p RestartingPart) IsRestarting() bool

func (RestartingPart) NameString

func (p RestartingPart) NameString() ElectingName

func (RestartingPart) PartString

func (p RestartingPart) PartString() string

type RewardAndRedemptionTxFilter

type RewardAndRedemptionTxFilter struct{}

func (RewardAndRedemptionTxFilter) Filter

type RewardRequest

type RewardRequest struct {
	ChainId      common.ChainID
	CommitteePks [][]byte          // The public key list of the members of the current committee in the order of proposing
	Epoch        common.EpochNum   // Epoch where the reward is declared
	LastHeader   *BlockHeader      // The block header of the last block of the epoch declared
	Attendance   *AttendanceRecord // The attendance table of the last block, which contains the attendance records of the entire epoch
	PASs         PubAndSigs        // Signature list for the last block
	// since v2.12.0, add proof of legitimacy for reward requests.
	// Since the reward request has been proven to the confirmed block, the signature list (PASs) and
	// the public key list (CommitteePks) of the block in the original request can be nil.
	// 1. let A be the block of the reward request (the last block in rewarding epoch).
	// 2. let B be the block of the current sub-chain confirmed by the main chain (for sub chains only).
	// 3. let C be the block of main chain which confirmed B (or A for main chain)
	// 4. sub-chains: Hash(A) -> B.HashHistory (verify by BigKey()) -> Hash(B)(verify by
	//                SubProof[len(SubProof)-1].IsHeaderOf() and Proof()), could be nil if A==B
	//    main-chain: nil
	// 5. sub-chains: Hash(B) -> C.HdsRoot -> Hash(C)
	//    main-chain: Hash(A) -> C.HashHistory -> Hash(C)
	// 6. height of C
	// 7. if ChainID is main chain id, SubProof/MainProof could be nil, ProofedHeight could be 0
	// The requester of sub-chain must use the latest confirmed block in the main chain to prove
	// the request. At this time, the main chain committee must have the block information
	// corresponding to the proofedHeight. If the block specified by ProofedHeight is not in the
	// local disk when the committee member verifies, the verification can be considered to have
	// failed. None-validating nodes should record directly.
	// Verification steps:
	// 1. Attendance.Hash() == LastHeader.AttendanceHash
	// 2. SubProof is the proof of LastHeader: SubProof[:len(Proof)-1].BigKey() equals LastHeader.Height
	// 3. get block hash (BoH) of ProofedHeight in local database
	// 4. verify whether BoH == MainProof.Proof(SubProof.Proof(LastHeader.Hash()))
	// Since the 0-chain data or consensus node may not be able to obtain the 0-chain block earlier than
	// the sub-chain data node, it is possible that when the sub-chain reqeusts a new request, the proofed
	// height of the proofs may be higher than the current height in main chain holder of the 0-chain data
	// or consensus node.
	// In order to prevent this kind of request from being lost, the 0-chain node does not check the proofed
	// height of proof when receiving the RewardRequest message, checks it when it is packaged.
	SubProof      trie.ProofChain // 4
	MainProof     trie.ProofChain // 5
	ProofedHeight common.Height   // 6
	Version       uint16

TODO: add the proof from the LastHeader.Hash to the hash of the block where it's been confirmed

in main chain to ensure its validity. When the sub-chain receives confirmation from the main
chain that the height has exceeded the last block of the Epoch to which the LastHeader belongs,
it can be prooved and reported.

TODO: 增加从LastHeader到主链某高度block哈希的证明,以确保其有效性。需要在子链收到主链确认高度已超过LastHeader


func (*RewardRequest) AuditResult added in v0.4.0

func (a *RewardRequest) AuditResult() (countMap map[common.NodeID]int, penaltyMap map[common.NodeID]common.ChainID, err error)

func (*RewardRequest) CheckFields

func (a *RewardRequest) CheckFields() error

func (*RewardRequest) Clone

func (a *RewardRequest) Clone() *RewardRequest

func (*RewardRequest) DestChainID

func (a *RewardRequest) DestChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RewardRequest) Formalize

func (a *RewardRequest) Formalize()

func (*RewardRequest) GetChainID

func (a *RewardRequest) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*RewardRequest) Hash

func (a *RewardRequest) Hash() common.Hash

func (*RewardRequest) HashValue

func (a *RewardRequest) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (*RewardRequest) InfoString

func (a *RewardRequest) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*RewardRequest) IsValid

func (a *RewardRequest) IsValid() bool

func (*RewardRequest) String

func (a *RewardRequest) String() string

func (*RewardRequest) Verify

func (a *RewardRequest) Verify(proofedHash common.Hash) error

type RewardRequests

type RewardRequests []*RewardRequest

func (RewardRequests) InfoString

func (rs RewardRequests) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (RewardRequests) LastRewardEpochs

func (rs RewardRequests) LastRewardEpochs() map[common.ChainID]common.EpochNum

func (RewardRequests) Len

func (rs RewardRequests) Len() int

func (RewardRequests) Less

func (rs RewardRequests) Less(i, j int) bool

func (RewardRequests) String

func (rs RewardRequests) String() string

func (RewardRequests) Swap

func (rs RewardRequests) Swap(i, j int)

type RewardType

type RewardType uint8
const (
	RTConsensus RewardType = iota

func (RewardType) String added in v0.4.0

func (r RewardType) String() string

type RpcFilter

type RpcFilter struct {
	Addrs      []common.Address
	Topics     [][]common.Hash
	BlockHash  *common.Hash
	Begin, End common.Height
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RpcFilter) Logs

func (f *RpcFilter) Logs(receipts Receipts) []*Log

type ScErcInfo added in v0.4.0

type ScErcInfo struct {
	Chain *big.Int       `abi:"chain"`
	Addr  common.Address `abi:"addr"`

func NewErcInfo added in v0.4.0

func NewErcInfo(chain common.ChainID, addr common.Address) *ScErcInfo

func (*ScErcInfo) ChainID added in v0.4.0

func (i *ScErcInfo) ChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ScErcInfo) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (i *ScErcInfo) Equal(o *ScErcInfo) bool

func (*ScErcInfo) String added in v0.4.0

func (i *ScErcInfo) String() string

type SeedFactor

type SeedFactor []byte

func (SeedFactor) Clone added in v0.4.0

func (s SeedFactor) Clone() SeedFactor

func (SeedFactor) Equal added in v0.4.0

func (s SeedFactor) Equal(o SeedFactor) bool

type SetChainSettingRequest

type SetChainSettingRequest struct {
	Data *ChainSetting // request content of setting
	Sigs [][]byte      // signature list
	Pubs [][]byte      // public key list corresponding to signature one by one

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) DataDeserialize

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) DataDeserialize(vr rtl.ValueReader) error

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) DataSerialize

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) DataSerialize(w io.Writer) error

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) Deserialization

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) Deserialization(r io.Reader) (shouldBeNil bool, err error)

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) GetData

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) GetData() (o interface{}, exist bool)

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) GetPubs

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) GetPubs() [][]byte

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) GetSigs

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) GetSigs() [][]byte

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) Serialization

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) Serialization(w io.Writer) error

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) SetPubs

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) SetPubs(pubs [][]byte)

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) SetSigs

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) SetSigs(sigs [][]byte)

func (*SetChainSettingRequest) String

func (s *SetChainSettingRequest) String() string

type ShardDeltaMessage

type ShardDeltaMessage struct {
	ToChainID       common.ChainID
	FromBlockHeader *BlockHeader
	Proof           []common.Hash
	Deltas          []*AccountDelta

The shard chain is used to send to other shards the AccountDelta list processed by this shard should fall on the other shard. Including block header and the proof

func (*ShardDeltaMessage) DestChainID

func (m *ShardDeltaMessage) DestChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ShardDeltaMessage) GetChainID

func (m *ShardDeltaMessage) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*ShardDeltaMessage) String

func (m *ShardDeltaMessage) String() string

type ShardTransaction

type ShardTransaction struct {
	ToChainID common.ChainID
	Tx        *Transaction

func (*ShardTransaction) GetChainID

func (s *ShardTransaction) GetChainID() common.ChainID

type ShardWaterline

type ShardWaterline struct {
	ShardID common.ChainID // shard id
	Line    common.Height  // the height of the shard that deltas are to be merged next

func (ShardWaterline) Equal

func (s ShardWaterline) Equal(o ShardWaterline) bool

func (ShardWaterline) HashValue

func (s ShardWaterline) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (ShardWaterline) String

func (s ShardWaterline) String() string

type Signer

type Signer interface {
	// Sender returns the sender address of the transaction.
	Sender(tx *ETHTransaction) (common.Address, error)

	// SignatureValues returns the raw R, S, V values corresponding to the
	// given signature.
	SignatureValues(ethChainid *big.Int, txType byte, sig []byte) (r, s, v *big.Int, err error)

	// // Hash returns 'signature hash', i.e. the transaction hash that is signed by the
	// // private key. This hash does not uniquely identify the transaction.
	Hash(tx *ETHTransaction) common.Hash
	HashGtkm(tx *Transaction) common.Hash
	HashGtkmWithSig(tx *Transaction) common.Hash
	// Equal returns true if the given signer is the same as the receiver.
	Equal(Signer) bool
	RecoverSigAndPub(tx *ETHTransaction) (sig, pub []byte, err error)

Signer encapsulates transaction signature handling. The name of this type is slightly misleading because Signers don't actually sign, they're just for validating and processing of signatures.

Note that this interface is not a stable API and may change at any time to accommodate new protocol rules.

var (
	ETHSigner Signer = NewLondonSigner()
	ETHDefaultChainID = big.NewInt(1)

func NewEIP2930Signer

func NewEIP2930Signer() Signer

NewEIP2930Signer returns a signer that accepts EIP-2930 access list transactions, EIP-155 replay protected transactions, and legacy Homestead transactions.

func NewEIP2930Signer(chainId *big.Int) Signer {
	return eip2930Signer{NewEIP155Signer(chainId)}

func NewLondonSigner

func NewLondonSigner() Signer

NewLondonSigner returns a signer that accepts - EIP-1559 dynamic fee transactions - EIP-2930 access list transactions, - EIP-155 replay protected transactions, and - legacy Homestead transactions.

func NewLondonSigner(chainId *big.Int) Signer {
	return londonSigner{eip2930Signer{NewEIP155Signer(chainId)}}

func NewTkmSigner added in v0.4.0

func NewTkmSigner() Signer

type SigsAndPubs

type SigsAndPubs struct {
	Sigs [][]byte // signature list
	Pubs [][]byte // List of public keys corresponding to the signature list one-to-one

func (*SigsAndPubs) GetPubs

func (sp *SigsAndPubs) GetPubs() [][]byte

func (*SigsAndPubs) GetSigs

func (sp *SigsAndPubs) GetSigs() [][]byte

func (*SigsAndPubs) SetPubs

func (sp *SigsAndPubs) SetPubs(pubs [][]byte)

func (*SigsAndPubs) SetSigs

func (sp *SigsAndPubs) SetSigs(sigs [][]byte)

type StatusResult

type StatusResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType  `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash `json:"nidh"`
	Prev   uint16      `json:"prev"`
	New    uint16      `json:"new"`

func (*StatusResult) Receipt

func (r *StatusResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*StatusResult) String

func (r *StatusResult) String() string

type StorageSize

type StorageSize float64

type TXIndex

type TXIndex struct {
	BlockHeight uint64
	BlockHash   common.Hash
	Index       uint32

TXIndex Transaction index

func NewTXIndex

func NewTXIndex(blockHeight uint64, blockHash common.Hash, index uint32) *TXIndex

func (*TXIndex) String

func (i *TXIndex) String() string

type TkmTx added in v0.4.0

type TkmTx struct {
	ChainID    *big.Int
	Nonce      uint64
	To         *common.Address `rlp:"nil"`
	UseLocal   bool
	Value      *big.Int
	Data       []byte
	Gas        uint64
	GasPrice   *big.Int
	GasTipCap  *big.Int
	GasFeeCap  *big.Int
	AccessList AccessList
	Extra      []byte
	Version    uint16
	MultiSigs  [][]byte
	V, R, S    *big.Int

the TxData compactible with ETHTransaction that support all properties in TKM Transaction including all properties in LegacyTxType/AccessListTxType/DynamicFeeTxType

func (*TkmTx) TxType added in v0.4.0

func (t *TkmTx) TxType() byte

type TokenType added in v0.4.0

type TokenType byte
const (
	// source ERC20:
	// function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success);
	// target ERC20:
	// function mint(address _to, uint256 _value) external;
	// function burnFrom(address _to, uint256 _value) external;
	TT_ERC20 TokenType = 0
	// source ERC721:
	// function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId, bytes calldata data) external payable;
	// target ERC721:
	// function claim(uint256 _tokenId, address _to) external;
	// function mint(address _to) external returns(uint256 _tokenId);
	// function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external;
	TT_ERC721 TokenType = 1
	// source ERC1155:
	// function safeTransferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data) external;
	// target ERC1155:
	// function mint(address _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data) external;
	// function burn(address _to, uint256 _id, uint256 _value) external;
	TT_ERC1155 TokenType = 2

func (TokenType) IsValid added in v0.4.0

func (t TokenType) IsValid() bool

func (TokenType) String added in v0.4.0

func (t TokenType) String() string

type Transaction

type Transaction struct {
	ChainID   common.ChainID  `json:"chainID"`   // The chain ID that needs to process this transaction
	From      *common.Address `json:"from"`      // Address of transaction transmitter
	To        *common.Address `json:"to"`        // Address of transaction receiver
	Nonce     uint64          `json:"nonce"`     // Nonce of sender account
	UseLocal  bool            `json:"uselocal"`  // true: local currency,false: basic currency; default false
	Val       *big.Int        `json:"value"`     // Amount of the transaction
	Input     hexutil.Bytes   `json:"input"`     // Contract code/initial parameters when creating a contract, or input parameters when calling a contract
	Extra     hexutil.Bytes   `json:"extra"`     // Store transaction additional information
	Version   uint16          `json:"version"`   // Version number used to distinguish different execution methods when the transaction execution is incompatible due to upgrade
	MultiSigs PubAndSigs      `json:"multiSigs"` // The signatures used to sign this transaction will only be used when there are multiple signatures. The signature of the transaction sender is not here. Not included in Hash
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeTx

func MakeTx(chainid common.ChainID, from, to *common.Address, nonce uint64, val *big.Int, input []byte,
	uselocal bool, gas uint64, extraBytes []byte, priv []byte, mprivs ...[]byte) (*Transaction, error)

func NewNormalTx

func NewNormalTx(chainid common.ChainID, from, to *common.Address, nonce uint64, val *big.Int, input []byte) *Transaction

func NewTx

func NewTx(chainid common.ChainID, from, to *common.Address, nonce uint64, uselocal bool, val *big.Int, input []byte) *Transaction

func (*Transaction) AccessList

func (tx *Transaction) AccessList() AccessList

func (*Transaction) Clone

func (tx *Transaction) Clone() *Transaction

func (Transaction) DeprecatedHash

func (tx Transaction) DeprecatedHash() ([]byte, error)


func (*Transaction) ETHChainID

func (tx *Transaction) ETHChainID() *big.Int

func (*Transaction) ETHTxType

func (tx *Transaction) ETHTxType() byte

func (*Transaction) Equal

func (tx *Transaction) Equal(o *Transaction) bool

func (*Transaction) ExtraKeys

func (tx *Transaction) ExtraKeys() (extra *Extra)

EthKeys Type returns the ethtransaction type.

func (*Transaction) ForwardTimes

func (tx *Transaction) ForwardTimes() (times int, innerTx *Transaction)

func (Transaction) FullString

func (tx Transaction) FullString() string

func (*Transaction) Gas

func (tx *Transaction) Gas() uint64

func (*Transaction) GasFeeCap

func (tx *Transaction) GasFeeCap() *big.Int

func (*Transaction) GasPrice

func (tx *Transaction) GasPrice() *big.Int

func (*Transaction) GasTipCap

func (tx *Transaction) GasTipCap() *big.Int

func (Transaction) GetChainID

func (tx Transaction) GetChainID() common.ChainID

func (*Transaction) GetSignature

func (tx *Transaction) GetSignature() (*PubAndSig, error)

func (*Transaction) GetTkmExtra

func (tx *Transaction) GetTkmExtra() []byte

func (*Transaction) HasSig

func (tx *Transaction) HasSig() bool

func (*Transaction) Hash

func (tx *Transaction) Hash() common.Hash

transaction hash

func (Transaction) HashValue

func (tx Transaction) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

transaction signature hash

func (*Transaction) InfoString

func (tx *Transaction) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*Transaction) IsLegalIncomingTx

func (tx *Transaction) IsLegalIncomingTx(expectingChainId common.ChainID) error

func (*Transaction) IsLegalVmTx

func (tx *Transaction) IsLegalVmTx(expectingChainId common.ChainID) error

func (*Transaction) MultiSign

func (tx *Transaction) MultiSign(privs ...[]byte) error

func (*Transaction) RawSignatureValues

func (tx *Transaction) RawSignatureValues() (v, r, s *big.Int)

func (*Transaction) SetExtraKeys

func (tx *Transaction) SetExtraKeys(extras *Extra) error

func (*Transaction) SetSignatureValues

func (tx *Transaction) SetSignatureValues(V, R, S *big.Int) error

func (*Transaction) SetTkmExtra

func (tx *Transaction) SetTkmExtra(extra []byte) error

func (*Transaction) Sign

func (tx *Transaction) Sign(priv []byte) error

func (Transaction) String

func (tx Transaction) String() string

func (*Transaction) Summary

func (tx *Transaction) Summary() string

func (*Transaction) ToETH

func (tx *Transaction) ToETH(sig []byte) (*ETHTransaction, error)

func (*Transaction) VerifySig

func (tx *Transaction) VerifySig(pas *PubAndSig) error

type TxData

type TxData interface {
	TxType() byte // returns the type ID
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

TxData This is implemented by DynamicFeeTx, LegacyTx and AccessListTx.

type TxFilter

type TxFilter interface {
	Filter(tx *Transaction) bool

type TxFinalProof

type TxFinalProof struct {
	Header  *BlockHeader // block header verified by committee of Header.Height.Epoch in TKMClients
	Sigs    PubAndSigs   // committee signature list
	Tx      *Transaction // proofing transaction
	Receipt *Receipt     // receipt of proofing transaction
	// proof Hash(Receipt) -> Hash(Header). Otherwise, we need to distinguish whether
	// the proven transaction is on the main chain or the sub-chain to prove to
	// Header.ReceiptRoot or Header.ConfirmedRoot respectively
	ReceiptProof trie.ProofChain

data structure of SPV of any transaction packed in any chain (main-chain or sub-chains) only blocks blocks that have been confirmed by the main chain on the sub-chain are considered final confirmation

func (*TxFinalProof) FinalVerify added in v0.3.1

func (p *TxFinalProof) FinalVerify() error

use the main chain block to prove the transaction on any chain Hash(Receipt) -> Hash(Sub.BlockA) -> Hash(Sub.BlockX) -> Main.BlockB.ConfirmedRoot or Hash(Main.BlockB), or: Hash(Receipt) -> Hash(Main.BlockA) -> Main.BlockB.HashHistory or Hash(Main.BlockB)

func (*TxFinalProof) InfoString

func (p *TxFinalProof) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*TxFinalProof) LocalVerify added in v0.3.1

func (p *TxFinalProof) LocalVerify() error

prove the transaction receipt using the block containing the transaction Hash(Receipt) -> block.ReceiptRoot or Hash(block)

func (*TxFinalProof) Validate

func (p *TxFinalProof) Validate(comm *Committee) error

type TxParam

type TxParam struct {
	Version  uint64          // for rtl compatibility
	HisProof trie.ProofChain // the history proof from ProofHeight/ConfirmedHeight in requests of cashing or cancelling CashCheck to ParentHeight in block header

由于节点不能保证存储各链的历史数据,当一个节点重新执行历史块时,很有可能无法从本地获得历史数据进行验证, 导致执行结果与打包时不一致。为此,增加TxParam,由Proposer节点在打包块时,将这部分信息以自证方式保存 在块中,后续的校验则不用再使用历史数据。 Since the nodes cannot guarantee to store the historical data of each chain, when a node re-executes the historical block, it is very likely that the historical data cannot be obtained locally for verification, resulting in inconsistent execution results and packaging. To this end, TxParam is added, and when the Proposer node packs the block, this part of the information is stored in the block in a self-certified manner, and the subsequent verification does not need to use historical data. Always used for system contracts since v2.14.2

func (*TxParam) Clone

func (p *TxParam) Clone() *TxParam

func (*TxParam) InfoString

func (p *TxParam) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (*TxParam) String

func (p *TxParam) String() string

type TxParams

type TxParams struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func EmptyTxParams

func EmptyTxParams() *TxParams

func NewTxParams

func NewTxParams(params [][]byte, size (*TxParams, error)

func NewTxParamsWithSlice

func NewTxParamsWithSlice(params [][]byte) *TxParams

func NilTxParams

func NilTxParams(size int) *TxParams

func (*TxParams) Append

func (p *TxParams) Append(param *TxParam) error

func (*TxParams) AppendBytes

func (p *TxParams) AppendBytes(param []byte)

func (*TxParams) AppendSlice

func (p *TxParams) AppendSlice(params [][]byte, size int) error

func (*TxParams) Appends

func (p *TxParams) Appends(tps *TxParams)

func (*TxParams) Clone

func (p *TxParams) Clone() *TxParams

func (*TxParams) Equal

func (p *TxParams) Equal(o *TxParams) bool

func (*TxParams) GetParam

func (p *TxParams) GetParam(at int) []byte

func (*TxParams) GetTxParam

func (p *TxParams) GetTxParam(at int) (*TxParam, error)

func (*TxParams) IsEmpty

func (p *TxParams) IsEmpty() bool

func (*TxParams) MustSlice

func (p *TxParams) MustSlice() [][]byte

func (*TxParams) Slice

func (p *TxParams) Slice(i int, js *TxParams

func (*TxParams) String

func (p *TxParams) String() string

func (*TxParams) ToSlice

func (p *TxParams) ToSlice() [][]byte

type Txs

type Txs []*Transaction

func (Txs) Equal

func (s Txs) Equal(o Txs) bool

func (Txs) InfoString

func (s Txs) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (Txs) Prefix

func (s Txs) Prefix(filter TxFilter) Txs

func (Txs) String

func (s Txs) String() string

func (Txs) Summary

func (s Txs) Summary() string

func (Txs) TotalValue

func (s Txs) TotalValue() *big.Int

type UnDelegateResult

type UnDelegateResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash   `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType    `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash   `json:"nidh"`
	Result *UnDelegating `json:"result,omitempty"`

func (*UnDelegateResult) Receipt

func (r *UnDelegateResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*UnDelegateResult) String

func (r *UnDelegateResult) String() string

type UnDelegating

type UnDelegating struct {
	Demand common.EraNum `json:"demand"` // the era on when the revocation was issued
	Amount *big.Int      `json:"amount"` // should not be nil

since v2.12.0, delegation to be revoked

func (*UnDelegating) Clone

func (u *UnDelegating) Clone() *UnDelegating

func (*UnDelegating) Compare

func (u *UnDelegating) Compare(o *UnDelegating) int

func (*UnDelegating) Equal

func (u *UnDelegating) Equal(o *UnDelegating) bool

func (*UnDelegating) ExpireEra

func (u *UnDelegating) ExpireEra() common.EraNum

func (*UnDelegating) Expired

func (u *UnDelegating) Expired(era common.EraNum) bool

func (*UnDelegating) IsValid

func (u *UnDelegating) IsValid() bool

func (*UnDelegating) String

func (u *UnDelegating) String() string

type UnDelegatings

type UnDelegatings []*UnDelegating

func (UnDelegatings) Add

func (us UnDelegatings) Add(txHash common.Hash, ud *UnDelegating) (rs UnDelegatings, changed bool, result *UnDelegateResult, err error)

func (UnDelegatings) AddAct

func (us UnDelegatings) AddAct(act *RRAct) (rs UnDelegatings, changed bool, result *UnDelegateResult, err error)

func (UnDelegatings) All

func (us UnDelegatings) All() *big.Int

func (UnDelegatings) Clone

func (us UnDelegatings) Clone() UnDelegatings

func (UnDelegatings) Copy

func (us UnDelegatings) Copy() UnDelegatings

func (UnDelegatings) Equal

func (us UnDelegatings) Equal(os UnDelegatings) bool

func (UnDelegatings) InfoString

func (us UnDelegatings) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (UnDelegatings) Len

func (us UnDelegatings) Len() int

func (UnDelegatings) Less

func (us UnDelegatings) Less(i, j int) bool

func (UnDelegatings) String

func (us UnDelegatings) String() string

func (UnDelegatings) Swap

func (us UnDelegatings) Swap(i, j int)

type VrfResulter

type VrfResulter interface {
	GetNodeID() common.NodeID
	GetVrfResult() (sortHash *common.Hash, proof []byte, factorHash *common.Hash, randNum uint32)
	GetRRProof() *RRProofs
	VrfVerify(seed common.Seed, rootHashAtEra common.Hash) error

Election type interface based on VRF algorithm

type Waterlines

type Waterlines []ShardWaterline

It is used to save the ordered waterlines of all other shards in the same group after the execution of this block in this chain

func (Waterlines) Equal

func (ws Waterlines) Equal(os Waterlines) bool

func (Waterlines) HashValue

func (ws Waterlines) HashValue() ([]byte, error)

func (Waterlines) Len

func (ws Waterlines) Len() int

func (Waterlines) Less

func (ws Waterlines) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Waterlines) Swap

func (ws Waterlines) Swap(i, j int)

type WithdrawResult

type WithdrawResult struct {
	TxHash common.Hash  `json:"-"`
	Type   ActRptType   `json:"-"`
	NIDH   common.Hash  `json:"nidh"`
	Result *Withdrawing `json:"result,omitempty"`

func (*WithdrawResult) Receipt

func (r *WithdrawResult) Receipt() *RRActReceipt

func (*WithdrawResult) String

func (r *WithdrawResult) String() string

type Withdrawing

type Withdrawing struct {
	// since v2.11.0, change to the era of withdraw request execution, will cause the
	// generated withdraws to be delayed by one more WithdrawDelayEras.
	Demand common.EraNum `json:"demand"`
	// Withdraw amount, if nil, it means withdrawing all
	Amount *big.Int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

expireEra >= (Withdrawing.Demand + WithdrawDelayEras) Withdrawing.Demand >= (DepositIndex.Era + MinDepositEras)

func (*Withdrawing) Clone

func (w *Withdrawing) Clone() *Withdrawing

func (*Withdrawing) Compare

func (w *Withdrawing) Compare(o *Withdrawing) int

order by (Demand, Account, Amount)

func (*Withdrawing) Equal

func (w *Withdrawing) Equal(o *Withdrawing) bool

func (*Withdrawing) ExpireEra

func (w *Withdrawing) ExpireEra() common.EraNum

func (*Withdrawing) Expired

func (w *Withdrawing) Expired(era common.EraNum) bool

func (*Withdrawing) IsValid

func (w *Withdrawing) IsValid() bool

func (*Withdrawing) String

func (w *Withdrawing) String() string

func (*Withdrawing) WithdrawingAll

func (w *Withdrawing) WithdrawingAll() bool

PoolAddr==nil && Amount==nil means the node is exiting from pledge

type Withdrawings

type Withdrawings []*Withdrawing

func (Withdrawings) Add

func (ws Withdrawings) Add(act *RRAct) (rs Withdrawings, changed bool, result *WithdrawResult, err error)

Create Withdrawing according to act, and insert or merge into ws according to the requested time and return, and return WithdrawResult at the same time. ws will not be modified.

func (Withdrawings) After

func (ws Withdrawings) After(era common.EraNum) (after Withdrawings, removed int)

func (Withdrawings) All

func (ws Withdrawings) All() (withdrawing *big.Int, withdrawingAll bool)

The total amount withdrawing to be withdrawed in the current withdrawing list. If all withdrawing are made, withdrawingAll is true, and the withdrawing value is meaningless

func (Withdrawings) Clone

func (ws Withdrawings) Clone() Withdrawings

func (Withdrawings) Copy

func (ws Withdrawings) Copy() Withdrawings

func (Withdrawings) Equal

func (ws Withdrawings) Equal(os Withdrawings) bool

func (Withdrawings) GetWithdrawing

func (ws Withdrawings) GetWithdrawing(expireEra common.EraNum) *Withdrawing

func (Withdrawings) HasWithdrawingAll

func (ws Withdrawings) HasWithdrawingAll() (int, bool)

func (Withdrawings) InfoString

func (ws Withdrawings) InfoString(level common.IndentLevel) string

func (Withdrawings) Len

func (ws Withdrawings) Len() int

func (Withdrawings) Less

func (ws Withdrawings) Less(i, j int) bool

func (Withdrawings) String

func (ws Withdrawings) String() string

func (Withdrawings) Swap

func (ws Withdrawings) Swap(i, j int)

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