
v0.0.0-...-c1cea3c Latest Latest

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Published: May 12, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 13




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const (
	DiscordEventReady                      = "READY"
	DiscordEventResumed                    = "RESUMED"
	DiscordEventApplicationCommandCreate   = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_CREATE"
	DiscordEventApplicationCommandUpdate   = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventApplicationCommandDelete   = "APPLICATION_COMMAND_DELETE"
	DiscordEventGuildMembersChunk          = "GUILD_MEMBERS_CHUNK"
	DiscordEventChannelCreate              = "CHANNEL_CREATE"
	DiscordEventChannelUpdate              = "CHANNEL_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventChannelDelete              = "CHANNEL_DELETE"
	DiscordEventChannelPinsUpdate          = "CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventThreadCreate               = "THREAD_CREATE"
	DiscordEventThreadUpdate               = "THREAD_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventThreadDelete               = "THREAD_DELETE"
	DiscordEventThreadListSync             = "THREAD_LIST_SYNC"
	DiscordEventThreadMemberUpdate         = "THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventThreadMembersUpdate        = "THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildCreate                = "GUILD_CREATE"
	DiscordEventGuildUpdate                = "GUILD_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildDelete                = "GUILD_DELETE"
	DiscordEventGuildBanAdd                = "GUILD_BAN_ADD"
	DiscordEventGuildBanRemove             = "GUILD_BAN_REMOVE"
	DiscordEventGuildEmojisUpdate          = "GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildStickersUpdate        = "GUILD_STICKERS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildIntegrationsUpdate    = "GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildMemberAdd             = "GUILD_MEMBER_ADD"
	DiscordEventGuildMemberRemove          = "GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE"
	DiscordEventGuildMemberUpdate          = "GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildRoleCreate            = "GUILD_ROLE_CREATE"
	DiscordEventGuildRoleUpdate            = "GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildRoleDelete            = "GUILD_ROLE_DELETE"
	DiscordEventIntegrationCreate          = "INTEGRATION_CREATE"
	DiscordEventIntegrationUpdate          = "INTEGRATION_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventIntegrationDelete          = "INTEGRATION_DELETE"
	DiscordEventInteractionCreate          = "INTERACTION_CREATE"
	DiscordEventInviteCreate               = "INVITE_CREATE"
	DiscordEventInviteDelete               = "INVITE_DELETE"
	DiscordEventMessageCreate              = "MESSAGE_CREATE"
	DiscordEventMessageUpdate              = "MESSAGE_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventMessageDelete              = "MESSAGE_DELETE"
	DiscordEventMessageDeleteBulk          = "MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK"
	DiscordEventMessageReactionAdd         = "MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD"
	DiscordEventMessageReactionRemove      = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE"
	DiscordEventMessageReactionRemoveAll   = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL"
	DiscordEventMessageReactionRemoveEmoji = "MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI"
	DiscordEventPresenceUpdate             = "PRESENCE_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventStageInstanceCreate        = "STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE"
	DiscordEventStageInstanceUpdate        = "STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventStageInstanceDelete        = "STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE"
	DiscordEventTypingStart                = "TYPING_START"
	DiscordEventUserUpdate                 = "USER_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventVoiceStateUpdate           = "VOICE_STATE_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventVoiceServerUpdate          = "VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventWebhookUpdate              = "WEBHOOKS_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventGuildJoinRequestDelete     = "GUILD_JOIN_REQUEST_DELETE"

	DiscordEventEntitlementCreate = "ENTITLEMENT_CREATE"
	DiscordEventEntitlementUpdate = "ENTITLEMENT_UPDATE"
	DiscordEventEntitlementDelete = "ENTITLEMENT_DELETE"

	DiscordEventGuildJoin        = "GUILD_JOIN"
	DiscordEventGuildAvailable   = "GUILD_AVAILABLE"
	DiscordEventGuildLeave       = "GUILD_LEAVE"
	DiscordEventGuildUnavailable = "GUILD_UNAVAILABLE"
View Source
const (
	CloseUnknownError = 4000 + iota


Gateway close codes.

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const (
	PermissionCreateInstantInvite              = iota << 1          // Allows creation of instant invites.
	PermissionKickMembers                      = 0x0000000000000002 // Allows kicking members.
	PermissionBanMembers                       = 0x0000000000000004 // Allows banning members.
	PermissionAdministrator                    = 0x0000000000000008 // Allows all permissions and bypasses channel permission overwrites.
	PermissionManageChannels                   = 0x0000000000000010 // Allows management and editing of channels.
	PermissionManageServer                     = 0x0000000000000020 // Allows management and editing of the guild.
	PermissionAddReactions                     = 0x0000000000000040 // Allows for the addition of reactions to messages.
	PermissionViewAuditLogs                    = 0x0000000000000080 // Allows for viewing of audit logs.
	PermissionVoicePrioritySpeaker             = 0x0000000000000100 // Allows for using priority speaker in a voice channel.
	PermissionVoiceStreamVideo                 = 0x0000000000000200 // Allows the user to go live.
	PermissionViewChannel                      = 0x0000000000000400 // Allows guild members to view a channel, which includes reading messages in text channels and joining voice channels.
	PermissionSendMessages                     = 0x0000000000000800 // Allows for sending messages in a channel and creating threads in a forum (does not allow sending messages in threads).
	PermissionSendTTSMessages                  = 0x0000000000001000 // Allows for sending of /tts messages.
	PermissionManageMessages                   = 0x0000000000002000 // Allows for deletion of other users messages.
	PermissionEmbedLinks                       = 0x0000000000004000 // Links sent by users with this permission will be auto-embedded.
	PermissionAttachFiles                      = 0x0000000000008000 // Allows for uploading images and files.
	PermissionReadMessageHistory               = 0x0000000000010000 // Allows for reading of message history.
	PermissionMentionEveryone                  = 0x0000000000020000 // Allows for using the @everyone tag to notify all users in a channel, and the @here tag to notify all online users in a channel.
	PermissionUseExternalEmojis                = 0x0000000000040000 // Allows the usage of custom emojis from other servers.
	PermissionViewGuildInsights                = 0x0000000000080000 // Allows for viewing guild insights.
	PermissionVoiceConnect                     = 0x0000000000100000 // Allows for joining of a voice channel.
	PermissionVoiceSpeak                       = 0x0000000000200000 // Allows for speaking in a voice channel.
	PermissionVoiceMuteMembers                 = 0x0000000000400000 // Allows for muting members in a voice channel.
	PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers               = 0x0000000000800000 // Allows for deafening of members in a voice channel.
	PermissionVoiceMoveMembers                 = 0x0000000001000000 // Allows for moving of members between voice channels.
	PermissionVoiceUseVAD                      = 0x0000000002000000 // Allows for using voice-activity-detection in a voice channel.
	PermissionChangeNickname                   = 0x0000000004000000 // Allows for modification of own nickname.
	PermissionManageNicknames                  = 0x0000000008000000 // Allows for modification of other users nicknames.
	PermissionManageRoles                      = 0x0000000010000000 // Allows management and editing of roles.
	PermissionManageWebhooks                   = 0x0000000020000000 // Allows management and editing of webhooks.
	PermissionManageEmojis                     = 0x0000000040000000 // Allows management and editing of emojis and stickers.
	PermissionUseSlashCommands                 = 0x0000000080000000 // Allows members to use application commands, including slash commands and context menu commands.
	PermissionVoiceRequestToSpeak              = 0x0000000100000000 // Allows for requesting to speak in stage channels.
	PermissionManageEvents                     = 0x0000000200000000 // Allows for creating, editing, and deleting scheduled events.
	PermissionManageThreads                    = 0x0000000400000000 // Allows for deleting and archiving threads, and viewing all private threads.
	PermissionCreatePublicThreads              = 0x0000000800000000 // Allows for creating public and announcement threads.
	PermissionCreatePrivateThreads             = 0x0000001000000000 // Allows for creating private threads.
	PermissionUseExternalStickers              = 0x0000002000000000 // Allows the usage of custom stickers from other servers.
	PermissionSendMessagesInThreads            = 0x0000004000000000 // Allows for sending messages in threads.
	PermissionUseActivities                    = 0x0000008000000000 // Allows for using Activities (applications with the EMBEDDED flag) in a voice channel.
	PermissionModerateMembers                  = 0x0000010000000000 // Allows for timing out users to prevent them from sending or reacting to messages.
	PermissionViewCreatorMonetizationAnalytics = 0x0000020000000000 // Allows for viewing role subscription insights
	PermissionUseSoundboard                    = 0x0000040000000000 // Allows for using soundboard in a voice channel
	PermissionCreateGuildExpressions           = 0x0000080000000000 // Allows for creating emojis, stickers, and soundboard sounds, and editing and deleting those created by the current user. Not yet available to developers, see changelog.
	PermissionCreateEvents                     = 0x0000100000000000 // Allows for creating scheduled events, and editing and deleting those created by the current user. Not yet available to developers, see changelog.
	PermissionUseExternalSounds                = 0x0000200000000000 // Allows the usage of custom soundboard sounds from other servers.
	PermissionSendVoiceMessages                = 0x0000400000000000 // Allows sending voice messages.

	PermissionAllText = PermissionViewChannel |
		PermissionSendMessages |
		PermissionSendTTSMessages |
		PermissionManageMessages |
		PermissionEmbedLinks |
		PermissionAttachFiles |
		PermissionReadMessageHistory |

	PermissionAllVoice = PermissionViewChannel |
		PermissionVoiceConnect |
		PermissionVoiceSpeak |
		PermissionVoiceMuteMembers |
		PermissionVoiceDeafenMembers |
		PermissionVoiceMoveMembers |
		PermissionVoiceUseVAD |

	PermissionAllChannel = PermissionAllText |
		PermissionAllVoice |
		PermissionCreateInstantInvite |
		PermissionManageRoles |
		PermissionManageChannels |
		PermissionAddReactions |

	PermissionAll = PermissionAllChannel |
		PermissionKickMembers |
		PermissionBanMembers |
		PermissionManageServer |
		PermissionAdministrator |
		PermissionManageWebhooks |

	PermissionElevated = PermissionKickMembers |
		PermissionBanMembers |
		PermissionAdministrator |
		PermissionManageChannels |
		PermissionManageServer |
		PermissionManageMessages |
		PermissionManageRoles |
		PermissionManageWebhooks |
		PermissionManageEmojis |
		PermissionManageThreads |
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const (
	APIVersion = "v10"
	UserAgent  = "Sandwich (github.com/WelcomerTeam/Discord)"
View Source
const AuditLogReasonHeader = "X-Audit-Log-Reason"
View Source
const (
	DiscordCreation = 1420070400000


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var (
	EndpointDiscord = "https://discord.com"
	EndpointCDN     = "https://cdn.discordapp.com"

	EndpointGuilds     = "/guilds/"
	EndpointChannels   = "/channels/"
	EndpointUsers      = "/users/"
	EndpointGateway    = "/gateway"
	EndpointGatewayBot = EndpointGateway + "/bot"
	EndpointWebhooks   = "/webhooks/"

	EndpointCDNAttachments  = "/attachments/"
	EndpointCDNAvatars      = "/avatars/"
	EndpointCDNIcons        = "/icons/"
	EndpointCDNSplashes     = "/splashes/"
	EndpointCDNChannelIcons = "/channel-icons/"
	EndpointCDNBanners      = "/banners/"

	EndpointUser = func(userID string) string {
		return EndpointUsers + userID
	EndpointUserAvatar = func(userID string, avatarID string) string {
		return EndpointCDNAvatars + userID + "/" + avatarID + ".png"
	EndpointUserAvatarAnimated = func(userID string, avatarID string) string {
		return EndpointCDNAvatars + userID + "/" + avatarID + ".gif"
	EndpointDefaultUserAvatar = func(index string) string {
		return "/embed/avatars/" + index + ".png"
	EndpointUserGuilds = func(userID string) string {
		return EndpointUsers + userID + "/guilds"
	EndpointUserGuild = func(userID, guildID string) string {
		return EndpointUsers + userID + "/guilds/" + guildID
	EndpointUserGuildMember = func(userID, guildID string) string {
		return EndpointUserGuild(userID, guildID) + "/member"
	EndpointUserChannels = func(userID string) string {
		return EndpointUsers + userID + "/channels"

	EndpointGuild = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID
	EndpointGuildVanityURL = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/vanity-url"
	EndpointGuildPreview = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/preview"
	EndpointGuildChannels = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/channels"
	EndpointGuildMembers = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/members"
	EndpointGuildMembersSearch = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuildMembers(guildID) + "/search"
	EndpointGuildMember = func(guildID, userID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/members/" + userID
	EndpointGuildMemberRole = func(guildID, userID, roleID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/members/" + userID + "/roles/" + roleID
	EndpointGuildBans = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/bans"
	EndpointGuildBan = func(guildID, userID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/bans/" + userID
	EndpointGuildIntegrations = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/integrations"
	EndpointGuildIntegration = func(guildID, integrationID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/integrations/" + integrationID
	EndpointGuildIntegrationSync = func(guildID, integrationID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/integrations/" + integrationID + "/sync"
	EndpointGuildRoles = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/roles"
	EndpointGuildRole = func(guildID, roleID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/roles/" + roleID
	EndpointGuildInvites = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/invites"
	EndpointGuildWidget = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/widget"

	EndpointGuildEmbed = EndpointGuildWidget

	EndpointGuildPrune = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/prune"
	EndpointGuildIcon = func(guildID string, hash string) string {
		return EndpointCDNIcons + guildID + "/" + hash + ".png"
	EndpointGuildIconAnimated = func(guildID string, hash string) string {
		return EndpointCDNIcons + guildID + "/" + hash + ".gif"
	EndpointGuildSplash = func(guildID string, hash string) string {
		return EndpointCDNSplashes + guildID + "/" + hash + ".png"
	EndpointGuildWebhooks = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/webhooks"
	EndpointGuildAuditLogs = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/audit-logs"
	EndpointGuildEmojis = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/emojis"
	EndpointGuildEmoji = func(guildID, emojiID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/emojis/" + emojiID
	EndpointGuildBanner = func(guildID string, hash string) string {
		return EndpointCDNBanners + guildID + "/" + hash + ".png"

	EndpointGuildScheduledEvents = func(guildID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/scheduled-events"
	EndpointGuildScheduledEvent = func(guildID, eventID string) string {
		return EndpointGuilds + guildID + "/scheduled-events/" + eventID
	EndpointGuildScheduledEventUsers = func(guildID, eventID string) string {
		return EndpointGuildScheduledEvent(guildID, eventID) + "/users"

	EndpointChannel = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID
	EndpointChannelPermissions = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/permissions"
	EndpointChannelPermission = func(channelID, overwriteID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/permissions/" + overwriteID
	EndpointChannelInvites = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/invites"
	EndpointChannelTyping = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/typing"
	EndpointChannelMessages = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/messages"
	EndpointChannelMessage = func(channelID, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/messages/" + messageID
	EndpointChannelMessageAck = func(channelID, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointChannels + channelID + "/messages/" + messageID + "/ack"
	EndpointChannelMessagesBulkDelete = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/messages/bulk-delete"
	EndpointChannelMessagesPins = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/pins"
	EndpointChannelMessagePin = func(channelID, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/pins/" + messageID
	EndpointChannelMessageCrosspost = func(channelID, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/messages/" + messageID + "/crosspost"
	EndpointChannelFollow = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/followers"

	EndpointGroupIcon = func(channelID string, hash string) string {
		return EndpointCDNChannelIcons + channelID + "/" + hash + ".png"

	EndpointChannelWebhooks = func(channelID string) string {
		return EndpointChannel(channelID) + "/webhooks"
	EndpointWebhook = func(webhookID string) string {
		return EndpointWebhooks + webhookID
	EndpointWebhookToken = func(webhookID string, token string) string {
		return EndpointWebhooks + webhookID + "/" + token
	EndpointWebhookMessage = func(webhookID string, token string, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointWebhookToken(webhookID, token) + "/messages/" + messageID

	EndpointMessageReactionsAll = func(channelID, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointChannelMessage(channelID, messageID) + "/reactions"
	EndpointMessageReactions = func(channelID, messageID, emojiID string) string {
		return EndpointChannelMessage(channelID, messageID) + "/reactions/" + emojiID
	EndpointMessageReaction = func(channelID, messageID, emojiID, targetID string) string {
		return EndpointMessageReactions(channelID, messageID, emojiID) + "/" + targetID

	EndpointApplicationGlobalCommands = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointApplication(applicationID) + "/commands"
	EndpointApplicationGlobalCommand = func(applicationID, channelID string) string {
		return EndpointApplicationGlobalCommands(applicationID) + "/" + channelID

	EndpointApplicationGuildCommands = func(applicationID, guildID string) string {
		return EndpointApplication(applicationID) + "/guilds/" + guildID + "/commands"
	EndpointApplicationGuildCommandsPermissions = func(applicationID, guildID string) string {
		return EndpointApplication(applicationID) + "/guilds/" + guildID + "/commands/permissions"
	EndpointApplicationGuildCommand = func(applicationID, guildID, commandID string) string {
		return EndpointApplicationGuildCommands(applicationID, guildID) + "/" + commandID
	EndpointApplicationGuildCommandPermissions = func(applicationID, guildID, commandID string) string {
		return EndpointApplicationGuildCommands(applicationID, guildID) + "/" + commandID + "/permissions"
	EndpointInteraction = func(applicationID string, interactionToken string) string {
		return "/interactions/" + applicationID + "/" + interactionToken
	EndpointInteractionResponse = func(interactionID string, interactionToken string) string {
		return EndpointInteraction(interactionID, interactionToken) + "/callback"
	EndpointInteractionResponseActions = func(applicationID string, interactionToken string) string {
		return EndpointWebhookMessage(applicationID, interactionToken, "@original")
	EndpointFollowupMessage = func(applicationID string, interactionToken string) string {
		return EndpointWebhookToken(applicationID, interactionToken)
	EndpointFollowupMessageActions = func(applicationID string, interactionToken string, messageID string) string {
		return EndpointWebhookMessage(applicationID, interactionToken, messageID)

	EndpointGuildCreate = "/guilds"

	EndpointInvite = func(inviteID string) string {
		return "/invites/" + inviteID

	EndpointIntegrationsJoin = func(interactionID string) string {
		return "/integrations/" + interactionID + "/join"

	EndpointEmoji = func(emojiID string) string {
		return "/emojis/" + emojiID + ".png"
	EndpointEmojiAnimated = func(emojiID string) string {
		return "/emojis/" + emojiID + ".gif"

	EndpointApplications = "/applications"
	EndpointApplication  = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointApplications + "/" + applicationID

	EndpointEntitlements = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointApplication(applicationID) + "/entitlements"

	EndpointEntitlement = func(applicationID, entitlementID string) string {
		return EndpointEntitlements(applicationID) + "/" + entitlementID

	EndpointOAuth2             = "/oauth2"
	EndpointOAuth2Me           = EndpointOAuth2 + "/@me"
	EndpointOAuth2Applications = EndpointOAuth2 + "/applications"
	EndpointOAuth2Authorize    = EndpointOAuth2 + "/authorize"
	EndpointOAuth2Token        = EndpointOAuth2 + "/token"
	EndpointOAuth2TokenRevoke  = EndpointOAuth2Token + "/revoke"

	EndpointOAuth2Application = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointOAuth2Applications + "/" + applicationID
	EndpointOAuth2ApplicationsBot = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointOAuth2Applications + "/" + applicationID + "/bot"
	EndpointOAuth2ApplicationAssets = func(applicationID string) string {
		return EndpointOAuth2Applications + "/" + applicationID + "/assets"


View Source
var (
	ErrUnauthorized         = errors.New("improper token was passed")
	ErrUnsupportedImageType = errors.New("unsupported image type given")


func AddGuildMemberRole

func AddGuildMemberRole(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, roleID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func BeginGuildPrune

func BeginGuildPrune(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, days *int32, includedRoles []Snowflake, computePruneCount bool, reason *string) (*int32, error)

func BulkDeleteMessages

func BulkDeleteMessages(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageIDs []Snowflake, reason *string) error

func CreateGuildBan

func CreateGuildBan(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func CreateInteractionResponse

func CreateInteractionResponse(s *Session, interactionID Snowflake, interactionToken string, interactionResponse InteractionResponse) error

func CreateReaction

func CreateReaction(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, emoji string) error

func DeleteAllReactions

func DeleteAllReactions(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake) error

func DeleteAllReactionsEmoji

func DeleteAllReactionsEmoji(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, emoji string) error

func DeleteChannel

func DeleteChannel(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteChannelPermission

func DeleteChannelPermission(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, overwriteID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteFollowupMessage

func DeleteFollowupMessage(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string, messageID Snowflake) error

func DeleteGlobalApplicationCommand

func DeleteGlobalApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake) error

func DeleteGuild

func DeleteGuild(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) error

func DeleteGuildApplicationCommand

func DeleteGuildApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake) error

func DeleteGuildEmoji

func DeleteGuildEmoji(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, emojiID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteGuildIntegration

func DeleteGuildIntegration(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, integrationID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteGuildRole

func DeleteGuildRole(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, roleID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteInvite

func DeleteInvite(s *Session, inviteCode string, reason *string) error

func DeleteMessage

func DeleteMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteOriginalInteractionResponse

func DeleteOriginalInteractionResponse(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string) error

func DeleteOwnReaction

func DeleteOwnReaction(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, emoji string) error

func DeleteTestEntitlement

func DeleteTestEntitlement(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, entitlementID Snowflake) error

func DeleteUserReaction

func DeleteUserReaction(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, emoji string, userID Snowflake) error

func DeleteWebhook

func DeleteWebhook(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func DeleteWebhookMessage

func DeleteWebhookMessage(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string, messageID Snowflake) error

func DeleteWebhookWithToken

func DeleteWebhookWithToken(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string) error

func EditChannelPermissions

func EditChannelPermissions(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, overwriteID Snowflake, overwriteArg ChannelOverwrite, reason *string) error

func GetGuildPruneCount

func GetGuildPruneCount(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, days *int32, includedRoles []Snowflake) (*int32, error)

func LeaveGuild

func LeaveGuild(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) error

func ModifyGuildChannelPositions

func ModifyGuildChannelPositions(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, channelPermissionsArgs []ChannelPermissionsParams, reason *string) error

func PinMessage

func PinMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func RemoveGuildBan

func RemoveGuildBan(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func RemoveGuildMember

func RemoveGuildMember(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func RemoveGuildMemberRole

func RemoveGuildMemberRole(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, roleID Snowflake, reason *string) error

func TriggerTypingIndicator

func TriggerTypingIndicator(s *Session, channelID Snowflake) error

func UnpinMessage

func UnpinMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, reason *string) error


type Activity

type Activity struct {
	Timestamps    *Timestamps   `json:"timestamps,omitempty"`
	ApplicationID *Snowflake    `json:"application_id"`
	Party         *Party        `json:"party,omitempty"`
	Assets        *Assets       `json:"assets,omitempty"`
	Secrets       *Secrets      `json:"secrets,omitempty"`
	Flags         *ActivityFlag `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	Name          string        `json:"name"`
	URL           string        `json:"url"`
	Details       string        `json:"details"`
	State         string        `json:"state"`
	Type          ActivityType  `json:"type"`
	Instance      bool          `json:"instance"`

Activity represents an activity as sent as part of other packets.

type ActivityFlag

type ActivityFlag uint16

ActivityFlag represents an activity's flags.

const (
	ActivityFlagInstance ActivityFlag = 1 << iota

Activity flags.

type ActivityType

type ActivityType int

ActivityType represents an activity's type.

const (
	ActivityTypeGame ActivityType = iota

Activity types.

type Application

type Application struct {
	Owner               *User            `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	Bot                 *User            `json:"bot,omitempty"`
	PrimarySKUID        *Snowflake       `json:"primary_sku_id,omitempty"`
	GuildID             *Snowflake       `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Team                *ApplicationTeam `json:"team,omitempty"`
	PrivacyPolicyURL    string           `json:"privacy_policy_url,omitempty"`
	TermsOfServiceURL   string           `json:"terms_of_service,omitempty"`
	VerifyKey           string           `json:"verify_key"`
	Description         string           `json:"description"`
	Icon                string           `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Slug                string           `json:"slug,omitempty"`
	CoverImage          string           `json:"cover_image,omitempty"`
	Name                string           `json:"name"`
	RPCOrigins          []string         `json:"rpc_origins,omitempty"`
	ID                  Snowflake        `json:"id"`
	Flags               int32            `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	BotRequireCodeGrant bool             `json:"bot_require_code_grant"`
	BotPublic           bool             `json:"bot_public"`

Application response from REST.

func GetCurrentBotApplicationInformation

func GetCurrentBotApplicationInformation(s *Session) (*Application, error)

type ApplicationCommand

type ApplicationCommand struct {
	DefaultMemberPermission  *Int64                      `json:"default_member_permissions,omitempty"`
	Type                     *ApplicationCommandType     `json:"type,omitempty"`
	ApplicationID            *Snowflake                  `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
	GuildID                  *Snowflake                  `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	NameLocalizations        map[string]string           `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
	DescriptionLocalizations map[string]string           `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
	ID                       *Snowflake                  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	DMPermission             *bool                       `json:"dm_permission,omitempty"`
	DefaultPermission        *bool                       `json:"default_permission,omitempty"`
	Name                     string                      `json:"name"`
	Description              string                      `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Options                  []*ApplicationCommandOption `json:"options,omitempty"`
	Version                  Int64                       `json:"version,omitempty"`

ApplicationCommand represents an application's command.

func BulkOverwriteGlobalApplicationCommands

func BulkOverwriteGlobalApplicationCommands(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, commandArgs []*ApplicationCommand) ([]*ApplicationCommand, error)

func BulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommands

func BulkOverwriteGuildApplicationCommands(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandArgs []*ApplicationCommand) ([]*ApplicationCommand, error)

func CreateGlobalApplicationCommand

func CreateGlobalApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, commandArg ApplicationCommand) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func CreateGuildApplicationCommand

func CreateGuildApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandArg ApplicationCommand) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func EditGlobalApplicationCommand

func EditGlobalApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake, commandArg ApplicationCommand) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func EditGuildApplicationCommand

func EditGuildApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake, commandArg ApplicationCommand) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func GetGlobalApplicationCommand

func GetGlobalApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake, withLocalizations bool) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func GetGlobalApplicationCommands

func GetGlobalApplicationCommands(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, withLocalizations bool) ([]*ApplicationCommand, error)

func GetGuildApplicationCommand

func GetGuildApplicationCommand(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake) (*ApplicationCommand, error)

func GetGuildApplicationCommands

func GetGuildApplicationCommands(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake) ([]*ApplicationCommand, error)

type ApplicationCommandCreate

type ApplicationCommandCreate *ApplicationCommand

ApplicationCommandCreate represents the application command create event.

type ApplicationCommandDelete

type ApplicationCommandDelete *ApplicationCommand

ApplicationCommandDelete represents the application command delete event.

type ApplicationCommandOption

type ApplicationCommandOption struct {
	MinValue                 *int32                            `json:"min_value,omitempty"`
	Autocomplete             *bool                             `json:"autocomplete,omitempty"`
	NameLocalizations        map[string]string                 `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
	MaxLength                *int32                            `json:"max_length,omitempty"`
	DescriptionLocalizations map[string]string                 `json:"description_localizations,omitempty"`
	MinLength                *int32                            `json:"min_length,omitempty"`
	MaxValue                 *int32                            `json:"max_value,omitempty"`
	Description              string                            `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Name                     string                            `json:"name"`
	ChannelTypes             []ChannelType                     `json:"channel_types,omitempty"`
	Options                  []*ApplicationCommandOption       `json:"options,omitempty"`
	Choices                  []*ApplicationCommandOptionChoice `json:"choices,omitempty"`
	Required                 bool                              `json:"required,omitempty"`
	Type                     ApplicationCommandOptionType      `json:"type"`

ApplicationCommandOption represents the options for an application command.

type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice

type ApplicationCommandOptionChoice struct {
	Name              string            `json:"name"`
	NameLocalizations map[string]string `json:"name_localizations,omitempty"`
	Value             json.RawMessage   `json:"value"`

ApplicationCommandOptionChoice represents the different choices.

type ApplicationCommandOptionType

type ApplicationCommandOptionType uint8

ApplicationCommandOptionType represents the different types of options.

const (
	ApplicationCommandOptionTypeSubCommand ApplicationCommandOptionType = 1 + iota

type ApplicationCommandPermissionType

type ApplicationCommandPermissionType uint8

ApplicationCommandPermissionType represents the target for a command permission.

const (
	ApplicationCommandPermissionTypeRole ApplicationCommandPermissionType = 1 + iota

type ApplicationCommandPermissions

type ApplicationCommandPermissions struct {
	ID      Snowflake                        `json:"id"`
	Type    ApplicationCommandPermissionType `json:"type"`
	Allowed bool                             `json:"permission"`

ApplicationCommandPermissions represents the rules for enabling or disabling a command.

type ApplicationCommandType

type ApplicationCommandType uint8

ApplicationCommandType represents the different types of application command.

const (
	ApplicationCommandTypeChatInput ApplicationCommandType = 1 + iota

type ApplicationCommandUpdate

type ApplicationCommandUpdate *ApplicationCommand

ApplicationCommandUpdate represents the application command update event.

type ApplicationSelectOption

type ApplicationSelectOption struct {
	Emoji       *Emoji `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
	Label       string `json:"label"`
	Value       string `json:"value"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Default     bool   `json:"default,omitempty"`

ApplicationSelectOption represents the structure of select options.

type ApplicationTeam

type ApplicationTeam struct {
	Icon        string                   `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Name        string                   `json:"name"`
	Members     []*ApplicationTeamMember `json:"members"`
	ID          Snowflake                `json:"id"`
	OwnerUserID Snowflake                `json:"owner_user_id"`

ApplicationTeam represents the team of an application.

type ApplicationTeamMember

type ApplicationTeamMember struct {
	User            User                        `json:"user"`
	MembershipState *ApplicationTeamMemberState `json:"membership_state"`
	Permissions     []string                    `json:"permissions"`
	TeamID          Snowflake                   `json:"team_id"`

ApplicationTeamMembers represents a member of a team.

type ApplicationTeamMemberState

type ApplicationTeamMemberState uint8

ApplicationTeamMemberState represents the state of a member in a team.

const (
	ApplicationTeamMemberStateInvited ApplicationTeamMemberState = 1 + iota

type Assets

type Assets struct {
	LargeImage string `json:"large_image"`
	LargeText  string `json:"large_text"`
	SmallImage string `json:"small_image"`
	SmallText  string `json:"small_text"`

Assets represents an activity's images and their hover texts.

type AuditLogActionType

type AuditLogActionType uint8
const (
	AuditLogActionGuildUpdate AuditLogActionType = 1

	AuditLogActionChannelCreate          AuditLogActionType = 10
	AuditLogActionChannelUpdate          AuditLogActionType = 11
	AuditLogActionChannelDelete          AuditLogActionType = 12
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteCreate AuditLogActionType = 13
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteUpdate AuditLogActionType = 14
	AuditLogActionChannelOverwriteDelete AuditLogActionType = 15

	AuditLogActionMemberKick       AuditLogActionType = 20
	AuditLogActionMemberPrune      AuditLogActionType = 21
	AuditLogActionMemberBanAdd     AuditLogActionType = 22
	AuditLogActionMemberBanRemove  AuditLogActionType = 23
	AuditLogActionMemberUpdate     AuditLogActionType = 24
	AuditLogActionMemberRoleUpdate AuditLogActionType = 25
	AuditLogActionMemberMove       AuditLogActionType = 26
	AuditLogActionMemberDisconnect AuditLogActionType = 27
	AuditLogActionBotAdd           AuditLogActionType = 28

	AuditLogActionRoleCreate AuditLogActionType = 30
	AuditLogActionRoleUpdate AuditLogActionType = 31
	AuditLogActionRoleDelete AuditLogActionType = 32

	AuditLogActionInviteCreate AuditLogActionType = 40
	AuditLogActionInviteUpdate AuditLogActionType = 41
	AuditLogActionInviteDelete AuditLogActionType = 42

	AuditLogActionWebhookCreate AuditLogActionType = 50
	AuditLogActionWebhookUpdate AuditLogActionType = 51
	AuditLogActionWebhookDelete AuditLogActionType = 52

	AuditLogActionEmojiCreate AuditLogActionType = 60
	AuditLogActionEmojiUpdate AuditLogActionType = 61
	AuditLogActionEmojiDelete AuditLogActionType = 62

	AuditLogActionMessageDelete     AuditLogActionType = 72
	AuditLogActionMessageBulkDelete AuditLogActionType = 73
	AuditLogActionMessagePin        AuditLogActionType = 74
	AuditLogActionMessageUnpin      AuditLogActionType = 75

	AuditLogActionIntegrationCreate AuditLogActionType = 80
	AuditLogActionIntegrationUpdate AuditLogActionType = 81
	AuditLogActionIntegrationDelete AuditLogActionType = 82

	AuditLogActionStageInstanceCreate AuditLogActionType = 83
	AuditLogActionStageInstanceUpdate AuditLogActionType = 84
	AuditLogActionStageInstanceDelete AuditLogActionType = 85

	AuditLogActionStickerCreate AuditLogActionType = 90
	AuditLogActionStickerUpdate AuditLogActionType = 91
	AuditLogActionStickerDelete AuditLogActionType = 92

	AuditLogActionGuildScheduledEventCreate AuditLogActionType = 100
	AuditLogActionGuildScheduledEventUpdate AuditLogActionType = 101
	AuditLogActionGuildScheduledEventDelete AuditLogActionType = 102

	AuditLogActionThreadCreate AuditLogActionType = 110
	AuditLogActionThreadUpdate AuditLogActionType = 111
	AuditLogActionThreadDelete AuditLogActionType = 112

type AuditLogChangeKey

type AuditLogChangeKey string
const (
	AuditLogChangeKeyAfkChannelID                AuditLogChangeKey = "afk_channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAfkTimeout                  AuditLogChangeKey = "afk_timeout"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAllow                       AuditLogChangeKey = "allow"
	AuditLogChangeKeyApplicationID               AuditLogChangeKey = "application_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyArchived                    AuditLogChangeKey = "archived"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAsset                       AuditLogChangeKey = "asset"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAutoArchiveDuration         AuditLogChangeKey = "auto_archive_duration"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAvailable                   AuditLogChangeKey = "available"
	AuditLogChangeKeyAvatarHash                  AuditLogChangeKey = "avatar_hash"
	AuditLogChangeKeyBannerHash                  AuditLogChangeKey = "banner_hash"
	AuditLogChangeKeyBitrate                     AuditLogChangeKey = "bitrate"
	AuditLogChangeKeyChannelID                   AuditLogChangeKey = "channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyCode                        AuditLogChangeKey = "code"
	AuditLogChangeKeyColor                       AuditLogChangeKey = "color"
	AuditLogChangeKeyCommunicationDisabledUntil  AuditLogChangeKey = "communication_disabled_until"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDeaf                        AuditLogChangeKey = "deaf"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultAutoArchiveDuration  AuditLogChangeKey = "default_auto_archive_duration"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDefaultMessageNotifications AuditLogChangeKey = "default_message_notifications"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDeny                        AuditLogChangeKey = "deny"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDescription                 AuditLogChangeKey = "description"
	AuditLogChangeKeyDiscoverySplashHash         AuditLogChangeKey = "discovery_splash_hash"
	AuditLogChangeKeyEnableEmoticons             AuditLogChangeKey = "enable_emoticons"
	AuditLogChangeKeyEntityType                  AuditLogChangeKey = "entity_type"
	AuditLogChangeKeyExpireBehavior              AuditLogChangeKey = "expire_behavior"
	AuditLogChangeKeyExpireGracePeriod           AuditLogChangeKey = "expire_grace_period"
	AuditLogChangeKeyExplicitContentFilter       AuditLogChangeKey = "explicit_content_filter"
	AuditLogChangeKeyFormatType                  AuditLogChangeKey = "format_type"
	AuditLogChangeKeyGuildID                     AuditLogChangeKey = "guild_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyHoist                       AuditLogChangeKey = "hoist"
	AuditLogChangeKeyIconHash                    AuditLogChangeKey = "icon_hash"
	AuditLogChangeKeyID                          AuditLogChangeKey = "id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyInvitable                   AuditLogChangeKey = "invitable"
	AuditLogChangeKeyInviterID                   AuditLogChangeKey = "inviter_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyLocation                    AuditLogChangeKey = "location"
	AuditLogChangeKeyLocked                      AuditLogChangeKey = "locked"
	AuditLogChangeKeyMaxAge                      AuditLogChangeKey = "max_age"
	AuditLogChangeKeyMaxUses                     AuditLogChangeKey = "max_uses"
	AuditLogChangeKeyMentionable                 AuditLogChangeKey = "mentionable"
	AuditLogChangeKeyMfaLevel                    AuditLogChangeKey = "mfa_level"
	AuditLogChangeKeyMute                        AuditLogChangeKey = "mute"
	AuditLogChangeKeyName                        AuditLogChangeKey = "name"
	AuditLogChangeKeyNick                        AuditLogChangeKey = "nick"
	AuditLogChangeKeyNsfw                        AuditLogChangeKey = "nsfw"
	AuditLogChangeKeyOwnerID                     AuditLogChangeKey = "owner_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPermissionOverwrites        AuditLogChangeKey = "permission_overwrites"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPermissions                 AuditLogChangeKey = "permissions"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPosition                    AuditLogChangeKey = "position"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPreferredLocale             AuditLogChangeKey = "preferred_locale"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPrivacyLevel                AuditLogChangeKey = "privacy_level"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPruneDeleteDays             AuditLogChangeKey = "prune_delete_days"
	AuditLogChangeKeyPublicUpdatesChannelID      AuditLogChangeKey = "public_updates_channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyRateLimitPerUser            AuditLogChangeKey = "rate_limit_per_user"
	AuditLogChangeKeyRegion                      AuditLogChangeKey = "region"
	AuditLogChangeKeyRulesChannelID              AuditLogChangeKey = "rules_channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeySplashHash                  AuditLogChangeKey = "splash_hash"
	AuditLogChangeKeyStatus                      AuditLogChangeKey = "status"
	AuditLogChangeKeySystemChannelID             AuditLogChangeKey = "system_channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyTags                        AuditLogChangeKey = "tags"
	AuditLogChangeKeyTemporary                   AuditLogChangeKey = "temporary"
	AuditLogChangeKeyTopic                       AuditLogChangeKey = "topic"
	AuditLogChangeKeyType                        AuditLogChangeKey = "type"
	AuditLogChangeKeyUnicodeEmoji                AuditLogChangeKey = "unicode_emoji"
	AuditLogChangeKeyUserLimit                   AuditLogChangeKey = "user_limit"
	AuditLogChangeKeyUses                        AuditLogChangeKey = "uses"
	AuditLogChangeKeyVanityURLCode               AuditLogChangeKey = "vanity_url_code"
	AuditLogChangeKeyVerificationLevel           AuditLogChangeKey = "verification_level"
	AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetChannelID             AuditLogChangeKey = "widget_channel_id"
	AuditLogChangeKeyWidgetEnabled               AuditLogChangeKey = "widget_enabled"
	AuditLogChangeKeyRoleAdd                     AuditLogChangeKey = "$add"
	AuditLogChangeKeyRoleRemove                  AuditLogChangeKey = "$remove"

type AuditLogChanges

type AuditLogChanges struct {
	NewValue interface{}       `json:"new_value"`
	OldValue interface{}       `json:"old_value"`
	Key      AuditLogChangeKey `json:"key"`

type AuditLogEntry

type AuditLogEntry struct {
	TargetID   *Snowflake         `json:"target_id,omitempty"`
	UserID     *Snowflake         `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	Options    *AuditLogOptions   `json:"options,omitempty"`
	Reason     string             `json:"reason,omitempty"`
	Changes    []*AuditLogChanges `json:"changes,omitempty"`
	ID         Snowflake          `json:"id"`
	ActionType AuditLogActionType `json:"action_type"`

func GetGuildAuditLog

func GetGuildAuditLog(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID *Snowflake, actionType *AuditLogActionType, before *Snowflake, limit *int32) ([]*AuditLogEntry, error)

type AuditLogOptions

type AuditLogOptions struct {
	ChannelID        *Snowflake           `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	ID               *Snowflake           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	MessageID        *Snowflake           `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
	Type             *ChannelOverrideType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	RoleName         string               `json:"role_name,omitempty"`
	Count            int32                `json:"count,omitempty"`
	DeleteMemberDays int32                `json:"delete_member_days,omitempty"`
	MembersRemoved   int32                `json:"members_removed,omitempty"`

type AuthorizationInformation

type AuthorizationInformation struct {
	Expires     time.Time    `json:"expires"`
	Application *Application `json:"application"`
	User        *User        `json:"user"`
	Scopes      []string     `json:"scopes"`

AuthorizationInformation represents the current oauth authorization.

func GetCurrentAuthorizationInformation

func GetCurrentAuthorizationInformation(s *Session) (*AuthorizationInformation, error)

type BaseInterface

type BaseInterface struct {
	HTTP       *http.Client
	APIVersion string
	URLHost    string
	URLScheme  string
	UserAgent  string

	Debug bool

BaseInterface is the default HTTP Interface and simply handles routing to discord. Careful, this does not handle rate limiting.

func (*BaseInterface) Fetch

func (bi *BaseInterface) Fetch(session *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header) ([]byte, error)

func (*BaseInterface) FetchBJ

func (bi *BaseInterface) FetchBJ(session *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error

func (*BaseInterface) FetchJJ

func (bi *BaseInterface) FetchJJ(session *Session, method, endpoint string, payload interface{}, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error

func (*BaseInterface) SetDebug

func (bi *BaseInterface) SetDebug(value bool)

type Channel

type Channel struct {
	OwnerID                    *Snowflake          `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
	GuildID                    *Snowflake          `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Permissions                *Int64              `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	ThreadMember               *ThreadMember       `json:"member,omitempty"`
	ThreadMetadata             *ThreadMetadata     `json:"thread_metadata,omitempty"`
	VideoQualityMode           *VideoQualityMode   `json:"video_quality_mode,omitempty"`
	LastPinTimestamp           *time.Time          `json:"last_pin_timestamp,omitempty"`
	ParentID                   *Snowflake          `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
	ApplicationID              *Snowflake          `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
	RTCRegion                  string              `json:"rtc_region,omitempty"`
	Topic                      string              `json:"topic,omitempty"`
	Icon                       string              `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	Name                       string              `json:"name,omitempty"`
	LastMessageID              string              `json:"last_message_id,omitempty"`
	PermissionOverwrites       []*ChannelOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"`
	Recipients                 []*User             `json:"recipients,omitempty"`
	ID                         Snowflake           `json:"id"`
	UserLimit                  int32               `json:"user_limit,omitempty"`
	Bitrate                    int32               `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
	MessageCount               int32               `json:"message_count,omitempty"`
	MemberCount                int32               `json:"member_count,omitempty"`
	RateLimitPerUser           int32               `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`
	Position                   int32               `json:"position,omitempty"`
	DefaultAutoArchiveDuration int32               `json:"default_auto_archive_duration,omitempty"`
	NSFW                       bool                `json:"nsfw"`
	Type                       ChannelType         `json:"type"`

Channel represents a Discord channel.

func CreateDM

func CreateDM(s *Session, recipientID Snowflake) (*Channel, error)

func CreateGuildChannel

func CreateGuildChannel(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, channelParams ChannelParams, reason *string) (*Channel, error)

func GetChannel

func GetChannel(s *Session, channelID Snowflake) (*Channel, error)

func GetGuildChannels

func GetGuildChannels(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Channel, error)

func ModifyChannel

func ModifyChannel(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, channelParams ChannelParams, reason *string) (*Channel, error)

func (*Channel) CreateInvite

func (c *Channel) CreateInvite(s *Session, inviteParams InviteParams, reason *string) (*Invite, error)

CreateInvite creates an invite to a channel. inviteArg: Parameters passed for creating an invite. reason: Reason for creating the invite.

func (*Channel) CreateWebhook

func (c *Channel) CreateWebhook(s *Session, webhookArg WebhookParam, reason *string) (*Webhook, error)

CreateWebhook creates a webhook for a channel. webhookArg: Parameters passed for creating a webhook. reason: Reason for creating the webhook

func (*Channel) Delete

func (c *Channel) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes a webhook channel. reason: Reason for deleting the channel.

func (*Channel) DeleteMessages

func (c *Channel) DeleteMessages(s *Session, messageIDs []Snowflake, reason *string) error

DeleteMessages bulk deletes messages in a channel. messageIDs: List of message IDs to remove. reason: Reason for bulk delete.

func (*Channel) Edit

func (c *Channel) Edit(s *Session, channelParams ChannelParams, reason *string) error

Edit edits a channel. channelArg: Parameters passed for editing a channel. reason: Reason for editing the channel.

func (*Channel) History

func (c *Channel) History(s *Session, around *Snowflake, before *Snowflake, after *Snowflake, limit *int32) ([]*Message, error)

History returns channel messages. around: Get messages around this message ID. before: Get messages before this message ID. after: Get messages after this message ID. limit: Maximum number of messages to return.

func (*Channel) Invites

func (c *Channel) Invites(s *Session) ([]*Invite, error)

Invites returns all invites for this channel.

func (*Channel) Pins

func (c *Channel) Pins(s *Session) ([]*Message, error)

Pins returns all pinned messages in this channel.

func (*Channel) Purge

func (c *Channel) Purge(s *Session, around *Snowflake, before *Snowflake, after *Snowflake, limit *int32, reason *string) ([]*Message, error)

Purge acts similar to History() however the resulting messages are deleted. around: Get messages around this message ID. before: Get messages before this message ID. after: Get messages after this message ID. limit: Maximum number of messages to return.

func (*Channel) Send

func (c *Channel) Send(s *Session, messageParams MessageParams) (*Message, error)

Sends a message in a channel. messageArg: Parameters used to send a message.

func (*Channel) SetPermissions

func (c *Channel) SetPermissions(s *Session, overwriteID Snowflake, overwriteArg ChannelOverwrite, reason *string) error

SetPermissions sets permission overwrites. overwriteID: The role or user ID to overwrite permissions for. overwriteArg: Parameters used to to overwrite permissions. reason: Reason for setting permission overwrite.

func (*Channel) TriggerTyping

func (c *Channel) TriggerTyping(s *Session) error

TriggerTyping will show a typing indicator in the channel.

func (*Channel) Webhooks

func (c *Channel) Webhooks(s *Session) ([]*Webhook, error)

Webhooks returns all webhooks for a channel.

type ChannelCreate

type ChannelCreate *Channel

ChannelCreate represents a channel create event.

type ChannelDelete

type ChannelDelete *Channel

ChannelDelete represents a channel delete event.

type ChannelOverrideType

type ChannelOverrideType uint8

ChannelOverrideType represents the target of a channel override.

const (
	ChannelOverrideTypeRole ChannelOverrideType = iota

type ChannelOverwrite

type ChannelOverwrite struct {
	Type  *ChannelOverrideType `json:"type"`
	ID    Snowflake            `json:"id"`
	Allow Int64                `json:"allow"`
	Deny  Int64                `json:"deny"`

ChannelOverwrite represents a permission overwrite for a channel.

type ChannelParams

type ChannelParams struct {
	ParentID             *Snowflake          `json:"parent_id,omitempty"`
	Name                 string              `json:"name"`
	Topic                string              `json:"topic,omitempty"`
	PermissionOverwrites []*ChannelOverwrite `json:"permission_overwrites,omitempty"`
	Bitrate              int32               `json:"bitrate,omitempty"`
	UserLimit            int32               `json:"user_limit,omitempty"`
	RateLimitPerUser     int32               `json:"rate_limit_per_user,omitempty"`
	Position             int32               `json:"position,omitempty"`
	Type                 ChannelType         `json:"type"`
	NSFW                 bool                `json:"nsfw"`

ChannelParams the data that is provided when creating a channel.

type ChannelPermissionsParams

type ChannelPermissionsParams struct {
	ID              Snowflake `json:"id"`
	Position        int32     `json:"position"`
	LockPermissions bool      `json:"lock_permissions"`
	ParentID        Snowflake `json:"parent_id"`

ChannelPermissionsParams represents the arguments to modify guild channel permissions.

type ChannelPinsUpdate

type ChannelPinsUpdate struct {
	LastPinTimestamp time.Time `json:"last_pin_timestamp"`
	GuildID          Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`
	ChannelID        Snowflake `json:"channel_id"`

ChannelPinsUpdate represents a channel pins update event.

type ChannelType

type ChannelType uint8

ChannelType represents a channel's type.

const (
	ChannelTypeGuildText ChannelType = iota


type ChannelUpdate

type ChannelUpdate *Channel

ChannelUpdate represents a channel update event.

type ClientStatus

type ClientStatus struct {
	Desktop string `json:"desktop"`
	Mobile  string `json:"mobile"`
	Web     string `json:"web"`

ClientStatus represent's the status of a client.

type ClientUser

type ClientUser User

ClientUser aliases User to provide current user specific methods.

func (*ClientUser) Edit

func (u *ClientUser) Edit(s *Session, username *string, avatar *[]byte) error

Edit modifies the current user. username: The new username to change to. avatar: File of new avatar to change to.

type Embed

type Embed struct {
	Video       *EmbedVideo     `json:"video,omitempty"`
	Timestamp   *time.Time      `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	Footer      *EmbedFooter    `json:"footer,omitempty"`
	Image       *EmbedImage     `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Thumbnail   *EmbedThumbnail `json:"thumbnail,omitempty"`
	Provider    *EmbedProvider  `json:"provider,omitempty"`
	Author      *EmbedAuthor    `json:"author,omitempty"`
	Type        EmbedType       `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Description string          `json:"description,omitempty"`
	URL         string          `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Title       string          `json:"title,omitempty"`
	Fields      []*EmbedField   `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	Color       int32           `json:"color,omitempty"`

Embed represents a message embed.

func NewEmbed

func NewEmbed(embedType EmbedType) *Embed

func (*Embed) AddField

func (e *Embed) AddField(field *EmbedField) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetAuthor

func (e *Embed) SetAuthor(author *EmbedAuthor) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetColor

func (e *Embed) SetColor(color int32) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetDescription

func (e *Embed) SetDescription(description string) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetFooter

func (e *Embed) SetFooter(footer *EmbedFooter) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetImage

func (e *Embed) SetImage(image *EmbedImage) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetProvider

func (e *Embed) SetProvider(provider *EmbedProvider) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetThumbnail

func (e *Embed) SetThumbnail(thumbnail *EmbedThumbnail) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetTimestamp

func (e *Embed) SetTimestamp(timestamp *time.Time) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetTitle

func (e *Embed) SetTitle(title string) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetURL

func (e *Embed) SetURL(url string) *Embed

func (*Embed) SetVideo

func (e *Embed) SetVideo(video *EmbedVideo) *Embed

type EmbedAuthor

type EmbedAuthor struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	URL          string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	IconURL      string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"`
	ProxyIconURL string `json:"proxy_icon_url,omitempty"`

EmbedAuthor represents the author of an embed.

func NewEmbedAuthor

func NewEmbedAuthor(name, url, iconURL string) *EmbedAuthor

type EmbedField

type EmbedField struct {
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Value  string `json:"value"`
	Inline bool   `json:"inline"`

EmbedField represents a field in an embed.

func NewEmbedField

func NewEmbedField(name, value string, inline bool) *EmbedField

type EmbedFooter

type EmbedFooter struct {
	Text         string `json:"text"`
	IconURL      string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"`
	ProxyIconURL string `json:"proxy_icon_url,omitempty"`

EmbedFooter represents the footer of an embed.

func NewEmbedFooter

func NewEmbedFooter(text, iconURL string) *EmbedFooter

type EmbedImage

type EmbedImage struct {
	URL      string `json:"url"`
	ProxyURL string `json:"proxy_url,omitempty"`
	Height   int32  `json:"height,omitempty"`
	Width    int32  `json:"width,omitempty"`

EmbedImage represents an image in an embed.

func NewEmbedImage

func NewEmbedImage(url string) *EmbedImage

type EmbedProvider

type EmbedProvider struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	URL  string `json:"url,omitempty"`

EmbedProvider represents the provider of an embed.

func NewEmbedProvider

func NewEmbedProvider(name, url string) *EmbedProvider

type EmbedThumbnail

type EmbedThumbnail struct {
	URL      string `json:"url"`
	ProxyURL string `json:"proxy_url,omitempty"`
	Height   int32  `json:"height,omitempty"`
	Width    int32  `json:"width,omitempty"`

EmbedThumbnail represents the thumbnail of an embed.

func NewEmbedThumbnail

func NewEmbedThumbnail(url string) *EmbedThumbnail

type EmbedType

type EmbedType string
const (
	EmbedTypeDefault EmbedType = "rich"
	EmbedTypeRich    EmbedType = "rich"
	EmbedTypeImage   EmbedType = "image"
	EmbedTypeVideo   EmbedType = "video"
	EmbedTypeGif     EmbedType = "gifv"
	EmbedTypeArticle EmbedType = "article"
	EmbedTypeLink    EmbedType = "link"

type EmbedVideo

type EmbedVideo struct {
	URL    string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Height int32  `json:"height,omitempty"`
	Width  int32  `json:"width,omitempty"`

EmbedVideo represents the video of an embed.

func NewEmbedVideo

func NewEmbedVideo(url string) *EmbedVideo

type Emoji

type Emoji struct {
	GuildID       *Snowflake  `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	User          *User       `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Name          string      `json:"name"`
	Roles         []Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	ID            Snowflake   `json:"id"`
	RequireColons bool        `json:"require_colons"`
	Managed       bool        `json:"managed"`
	Animated      bool        `json:"animated"`
	Available     bool        `json:"available"`

Emoji represents an Emoji on discord.

func CreateGuildEmoji

func CreateGuildEmoji(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, emojiParams EmojiParams, reason *string) (*Emoji, error)

func GetGuildEmoji

func GetGuildEmoji(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, emojiID Snowflake) (*Emoji, error)

func ListGuildEmojis

func ListGuildEmojis(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Emoji, error)

func ModifyGuildEmoji

func ModifyGuildEmoji(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, emojiID Snowflake, emojiParams EmojiParams, reason *string) (*Emoji, error)

func (*Emoji) Delete

func (e *Emoji) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes the emoji. reason: Reason for deleting the emoji.

func (*Emoji) Edit

func (e *Emoji) Edit(s *Session, name string, roles []*Snowflake, reason *string) error

Edit edits the emoji. name: The name of the emoji roles: Roles this emoji is limited to. reason: Reason for editing the emoji.

type EmojiParams

type EmojiParams struct {
	Name  string       `json:"name"`
	Image string       `json:"image,omitempty"`
	Roles []*Snowflake `json:"roles"`

EmojiParams represents the payload sent to discord.

type Entitlement

type Entitlement struct {
	UserID         *Snowflake      `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	GiftCodeFlags  *GiftCodeFlags  `json:"gift_code_flags,omitempty"`
	StartsAt       *time.Time      `json:"starts_at,omitempty"`
	EndsAt         *time.Time      `json:"ends_at,omitempty"`
	GuildID        *Snowflake      `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	SubscriptionID *Snowflake      `json:"subscription_id,omitempty"`
	ID             Snowflake       `json:"id"`
	SkuID          Snowflake       `json:"sku_id"`
	ApplicationID  Snowflake       `json:"application_id"`
	Type           EntitlementType `json:"type"`
	Deleted        bool            `json:"deleted"`

func CreateTestEntitlement

func CreateTestEntitlement(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, entitlementParams EntitlementParams) (*Entitlement, error)

func ListEntitlements

func ListEntitlements(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake) ([]*Entitlement, error)

type EntitlementParams

type EntitlementParams struct {
	SkuID     Snowflake `json:"sku_id"`
	OwnerId   Snowflake `json:"owner_id"`
	OwnerType OwnerType `json:"owner_type"`

EntitlementParams represents the payload sent to discord.

type EntitlementType

type EntitlementType uint8

EntitlementType represents the type of an entitlement.

const (
	EntitlementTypeApplicationSubscription EntitlementType = 8

type ErrorMessage

type ErrorMessage struct {
	Message string          `json:"message"`
	Errors  json.RawMessage `json:"errors"`
	Code    int32           `json:"code"`

ErrorMessage represents a basic error message.

type EventMetadata

type EventMetadata struct {
	Location string `json:"location,omitempty"`

EventMetadata contains extra information about a scheduled event.

type EventStatus

type EventStatus uint8

EventStatus represents the status of an event.

const (
	EventStatusScheduled EventStatus = 1 + iota

type ExplicitContentFilterLevel

type ExplicitContentFilterLevel int

ExplicitContentFilterLevel represents a guild's explicit content filter level.

const (
	ExplicitContentFilterDisabled ExplicitContentFilterLevel = iota

Explicit content filter levels.

type File

type File struct {
	Reader      io.Reader
	Name        string
	ContentType string

File stores information about a file sent in a message.

type FollowedChannel

type FollowedChannel struct {
	ChannelID Snowflake `json:"channel_id"`
	WebhookID Snowflake `json:"webhook_id"`

FollowedChannel represents a followed channel.

func FollowNewsChannel

func FollowNewsChannel(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, webhookChannelID Snowflake) (*FollowedChannel, error)

type GatewayBotResponse

type GatewayBotResponse struct {
	URL               string `json:"url"`
	Shards            int32  `json:"shards"`
	SessionStartLimit struct {
		Total          int32 `json:"total"`
		Remaining      int32 `json:"remaining"`
		ResetAfter     int32 `json:"reset_after"`
		MaxConcurrency int32 `json:"max_concurrency"`
	} `json:"session_start_limit"`

GatewayBot represents a GET /gateway/bot response.

type GatewayIntent

type GatewayIntent uint32

IntentFlag represents a bitflag for intents.

const (
	IntentGuilds GatewayIntent = 1 << iota

type GatewayOp

type GatewayOp uint8

GatewayOp represents the operation codes of a gateway message.

const (
	GatewayOpDispatch GatewayOp = iota


type GatewayPayload

type GatewayPayload struct {
	Type     string          `json:"t"`
	Data     json.RawMessage `json:"d"`
	Sequence int32           `json:"s"`
	Op       GatewayOp       `json:"op"`

GatewayPayload represents the base payload received from discord gateway.

type GatewayResponse

type GatewayResponse struct {
	URL string `json:"url"`

Gateway represents a GET /gateway response.

type GiftCodeFlags

type GiftCodeFlags uint8

GiftCodeFlags is undocumented, but present in the API.

type Guild

type Guild struct {
	JoinedAt                    time.Time                  `json:"joined_at"`
	WidgetChannelID             *Snowflake                 `json:"widget_channel_id,omitempty"`
	NSFWLevel                   *GuildNSFWLevelType        `json:"nsfw_level"`
	PublicUpdatesChannelID      *Snowflake                 `json:"public_updates_channel_id,omitempty"`
	PremiumTier                 *PremiumTier               `json:"premium_tier,omitempty"`
	RulesChannelID              *Snowflake                 `json:"rules_channel_id,omitempty"`
	SystemChannelFlags          *SystemChannelFlags        `json:"system_channel_flags,omitempty"`
	OwnerID                     *Snowflake                 `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
	Permissions                 *Int64                     `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	SystemChannelID             *Snowflake                 `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"`
	AFKChannelID                *Snowflake                 `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"`
	ApplicationID               *Snowflake                 `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
	Description                 string                     `json:"description"`
	PreferredLocale             string                     `json:"preferred_locale"`
	Name                        string                     `json:"name"`
	Icon                        string                     `json:"icon"`
	IconHash                    string                     `json:"icon_hash"`
	Banner                      string                     `json:"banner"`
	VanityURLCode               string                     `json:"vanity_url_code"`
	Splash                      string                     `json:"splash"`
	DiscoverySplash             string                     `json:"discovery_splash"`
	Region                      string                     `json:"region"`
	Presences                   []*Activity                `json:"presences,omitempty"`
	GuildScheduledEvents        []*ScheduledEvent          `json:"guild_scheduled_events"`
	Stickers                    []*Sticker                 `json:"stickers"`
	Features                    []string                   `json:"features"`
	StageInstances              []*StageInstance           `json:"stage_instances,omitempty"`
	Roles                       []*Role                    `json:"roles"`
	Emojis                      []*Emoji                   `json:"emojis"`
	VoiceStates                 []*VoiceState              `json:"voice_states,omitempty"`
	Members                     []*GuildMember             `json:"members,omitempty"`
	Channels                    []*Channel                 `json:"channels,omitempty"`
	ID                          Snowflake                  `json:"id"`
	ExplicitContentFilter       ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter"`
	DefaultMessageNotifications MessageNotificationLevel   `json:"default_message_notifications"`
	ApproximateMemberCount      int32                      `json:"approximate_member_count"`
	MaxMembers                  int32                      `json:"max_members"`
	MemberCount                 int32                      `json:"member_count"`
	AFKTimeout                  int32                      `json:"afk_timeout"`
	MaxPresences                int32                      `json:"max_presences"`
	PremiumSubscriptionCount    int32                      `json:"premium_subscription_count"`
	ApproximatePresenceCount    int32                      `json:"approximate_presence_count"`
	MaxVideoChannelUsers        int32                      `json:"max_video_channel_users"`
	Unavailable                 bool                       `json:"unavailable"`
	WidgetEnabled               bool                       `json:"widget_enabled"`
	VerificationLevel           VerificationLevel          `json:"verification_level"`
	Large                       bool                       `json:"large"`
	MFALevel                    MFALevel                   `json:"mfa_level"`
	Owner                       bool                       `json:"owner"`
	PremiumProgressBarEnabled   bool                       `json:"premium_progress_bar_enabled"`

Guild represents a guild on discord.

func CreateGuild

func CreateGuild(s *Session, guildArg Guild) (*Guild, error)

func GetCurrentUserGuilds

func GetCurrentUserGuilds(s *Session) ([]*Guild, error)

func GetGuild

func GetGuild(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) (*Guild, error)

func GetGuildPreview

func GetGuildPreview(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) (*Guild, error)

func ModifyGuild

func ModifyGuild(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, guildArg GuildParam, reason *string) (*Guild, error)

func (*Guild) AuditLogs

func (g *Guild) AuditLogs(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID *Snowflake, actionType *AuditLogActionType, before *Snowflake, limit *int32) ([]*AuditLogEntry, error)

AuditLogs returns all audit logs matching query. userID: Filters audit logs by the userID provided. actionType: The action type to filter audit logs by. before: Only show audit logs before a certain snowflake. limit: Maximum number of audit log entries to return.

func (*Guild) Ban

func (g *Guild) Ban(s *Session, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

Ban bans a user. userID: ID of user that is getting banned. reason: Reason for ban.

func (*Guild) Bans

func (g *Guild) Bans(s *Session) ([]*GuildBan, error)

Bans returns a list of guild bans.

func (*Guild) CloneChannel

func (g *Guild) CloneChannel(s *Session, c *Channel, reason *string) (*Channel, error)

CloneChannel creates a copy of the target channel. reason: Reason for creating the channel.

func (*Guild) CreateChannel

func (g *Guild) CreateChannel(s *Session, channelParams ChannelParams, reason *string) (*Channel, error)

CreateChannel creates a channel. channelArg: Parameters passed for creating a channel. reason: Reason for creating the channel.

func (*Guild) CreateCustomEmoji

func (g *Guild) CreateCustomEmoji(s *Session, name string, image []byte, roles []*Snowflake, reason *string) (*Emoji, error)

CreateCustomEmojis creates an emoji for a guild. name: Name of the custom emoji. image: Bytes representing the image file to upload. roles: Roles that this emoji is limited to. reason: Reason for creating the emoji.

func (*Guild) CreateRole

func (g *Guild) CreateRole(s *Session, roleParams RoleParams, reason *string) (*Role, error)

CreateRole creates a role. roleArg: Parameters passed for creating a role. reason: Reason for creating the role.

func (*Guild) Delete

func (g *Guild) Delete(s *Session) error

Delete deletes a guild.

func (*Guild) Edit

func (g *Guild) Edit(s *Session, guildArg GuildParam, reason *string) error

Edit edits a guild. guildArg: Parameters passed for editing a guild. reason: Reason for editing the guild.

func (*Guild) EditRolePositions

func (g *Guild) EditRolePositions(s *Session, guildRolePositionArgs []ModifyGuildRolePosition, reason *string) ([]*Role, error)

EditRolePositions edits role positions in a guild. guildRolePositionArgs: List of roles and their new role position.

func (*Guild) EstimatePrunedMembers

func (g *Guild) EstimatePrunedMembers(s *Session, days *int32, includedRoles []Snowflake) (*int32, error)

EstimatePrunedMembers returns an estimate of how many people will be pruned from a guild based on arguments. days: The number of days since speaking. includedRoles: By default pruning only removes users with no roles, any role in this list will be included.

func (*Guild) Integrations

func (g *Guild) Integrations(s *Session) ([]*Integration, error)

Integrations returns all guild integrations.

func (*Guild) Invites

func (g *Guild) Invites(s *Session) ([]*Invite, error)

Invites returns all guild invites.

func (*Guild) Kick

func (g *Guild) Kick(s *Session, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

Kick kicks a user from the guild. userID: ID of user to kick. reason: Reason for kicking the user.

func (*Guild) Leave

func (g *Guild) Leave(s *Session) error

Leave leaves a guild.

func (*Guild) PruneMembers

func (g *Guild) PruneMembers(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, days *int32, includedRoles []Snowflake, computePruneCount bool, reason *string) (*int32, error)

PruneMembers prunes users from a guild based on arguments. days: The number of days since speaking. includedRoles: By default pruning only removes users with no roles, any role in this list will be included. computePruneCount: Returns how many users were pruned, usage on larger guilds is discouraged. reason: Reason for pruning members.

func (*Guild) QueryMembers

func (g *Guild) QueryMembers(s *Session, query string, limit *int32) ([]*GuildMember, error)

QueryMembers returns guild members whose username or nickname matches query. query: Query string to match usernames and nicknames against. limit: Maximum number of members to return.

func (*Guild) Unban

func (g *Guild) Unban(s *Session, userID Snowflake, reason *string) error

Unban unbans a user from a guild. userID: ID of user to unban. reason: Reason for unbanning.

func (*Guild) VanityInvite

func (g *Guild) VanityInvite(s *Session) (*Invite, error)

VanityInvite returns the vanity invite for a guild.

func (*Guild) Webhooks

func (g *Guild) Webhooks(s *Session) ([]*Webhook, error)

Webhooks returns all webhooks for a guild.

type GuildApplicationCommandPermissions

type GuildApplicationCommandPermissions struct {
	Permissions   []*ApplicationCommandPermissions `json:"permissions"`
	ID            Snowflake                        `json:"id"`
	ApplicationID Snowflake                        `json:"application_id"`
	GuildID       Snowflake                        `json:"guild_id"`

GuildApplicationCommandPermissions represent a guilds application permissions.

func BatchEditApplicationCommandPermissions

func BatchEditApplicationCommandPermissions(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, permissionsArg []GuildApplicationCommandPermissions) ([]*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, error)

func EditApplicationCommandPermissions

func EditApplicationCommandPermissions(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake, permissionsArg []*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions) ([]*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, error)

func GetApplicationCommandPermissions

func GetApplicationCommandPermissions(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake, commandID Snowflake) ([]*GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, error)

func GetGuildApplicationCommandPermissions

func GetGuildApplicationCommandPermissions(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, guildID Snowflake) ([]GuildApplicationCommandPermissions, error)

type GuildAuditLog

type GuildAuditLog struct {
	AuditLogEntries []*AuditLogEntry  `json:"audit_log_entries"`
	ScheduledEvents []*ScheduledEvent `json:"guild_scheduled_events"`
	Integrations    []*Integration    `json:"integrations"`
	Threads         []*Channel        `json:"threads"`
	Users           []*User           `json:"users"`
	Webhooks        []*Webhook        `json:"webhooks"`

type GuildBan

type GuildBan struct {
	GuildID *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	User    *User      `json:"user"`
	Reason  string

GuildBan represents a ban entry.

func GetGuildBan

func GetGuildBan(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake) (*GuildBan, error)

func GetGuildBans

func GetGuildBans(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*GuildBan, error)

type GuildBanAdd

type GuildBanAdd *GuildBan

GuildBanAdd represents a guild ban add event.

type GuildBanRemove

type GuildBanRemove *GuildBan

GuildBanRemove represents a guild ban remove event.

type GuildCreate

type GuildCreate *Guild

GuildCreate represents a guild create event.

type GuildDelete

type GuildDelete *UnavailableGuild

GuildDelete represents a guild delete event.

type GuildEmojisUpdate

type GuildEmojisUpdate struct {
	Emojis  []*Emoji  `json:"emojis"`
	GuildID Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

GuildEmojisUpdate represents a guild emojis update event.

type GuildIntegrationsUpdate

type GuildIntegrationsUpdate struct {
	GuildID Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

GuildIntegrationsUpdate represents a guild integrations update event.

type GuildJoinRequestDelete

type GuildJoinRequestDelete struct {
	UserID  Snowflake `json:"user_id"`
	GuildID Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

GuildJoinRequestDelete represents a guild join request delete event.

type GuildMember

type GuildMember struct {
	JoinedAt                   time.Time   `json:"joined_at"`
	User                       *User       `json:"user,omitempty"`
	GuildID                    *Snowflake  `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Permissions                *Int64      `json:"permissions"`
	Nick                       string      `json:"nick,omitempty"`
	Avatar                     string      `json:"avatar,omitempty"`
	PremiumSince               string      `json:"premium_since,omitempty"`
	CommunicationDisabledUntil string      `json:"communication_disabled_until,omitempty"`
	Roles                      []Snowflake `json:"roles"`
	Deaf                       bool        `json:"deaf"`
	Mute                       bool        `json:"mute"`
	Pending                    bool        `json:"pending"`

GuildMember represents a guild member on discord.

func GetCurrentUserGuildMember

func GetCurrentUserGuildMember(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) (*GuildMember, error)

func GetGuildMember

func GetGuildMember(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake) (*GuildMember, error)

func ListGuildMembers

func ListGuildMembers(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, limit *int32, after *Snowflake) ([]*GuildMember, error)

func ModifyCurrentMember

func ModifyCurrentMember(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, guildMemberArg GuildMember, reason *string) (*GuildMember, error)

func ModifyGuildMember

func ModifyGuildMember(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, userID Snowflake, guildMemberParams GuildMemberParams, reason *string) (*GuildMember, error)

func SearchGuildMembers

func SearchGuildMembers(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, query string, limit *int32) ([]*GuildMember, error)

func (*GuildMember) AddRoles

func (gm *GuildMember) AddRoles(s *Session, roles []Snowflake, reason *string, atomic bool) error

AddRoles adds roles to a guild member. roles: List of roles to add to the guild member. reason: Reason for adding the roles to the guild member. atomic: When true, will send multiple AddGuildMemberRole requests instead of at once.

func (*GuildMember) Ban

func (gm *GuildMember) Ban(s *Session, reason *string) error

Ban bans the guild member from the guild. reason: Reason for banning the guild member.

func (*GuildMember) CreateDM

func (gm *GuildMember) CreateDM(s *Session) (*Channel, error)

CreateDM creates a DMChannel with a user. This should not need to be called as Send() transparently does this. If the user already has a DMChannel created, this will return a partial channel with just an ID set.

func (*GuildMember) Edit

func (gm *GuildMember) Edit(s *Session, guildMemberParams GuildMemberParams, reason *string) error

Edit edits a guild member. guildMemberArg: Parameters used to update a guild member. reason: Reason for editing the guild member.

func (*GuildMember) Kick

func (gm *GuildMember) Kick(s *Session, reason *string) error

Kick kicks the guild member. reason: Reason for kicking the guild member.

func (*GuildMember) MoveTo

func (gm *GuildMember) MoveTo(s *Session, channelID *Snowflake, reason *string) error

MoveTo moves the guild member to a different voice channel. channelID: Channel to move the user to, if nil they are removed from voice. reason: Reason for moving the guild member

func (*GuildMember) RemoveRoles

func (gm *GuildMember) RemoveRoles(s *Session, roles []Snowflake, reason *string, atomic bool) error

RemoveRoles removes roles from a guild member.

func (*GuildMember) Send

func (gm *GuildMember) Send(s *Session, params MessageParams) (*Message, error)

Send sends a DM message to a user. This will create a DMChannel if one is not present. params: The message parameters used to send the message.

type GuildMemberAdd

type GuildMemberAdd *GuildMember

GuildMemberAdd represents a guild member add event.

type GuildMemberParams

type GuildMemberParams struct {
	Nick                       *string     `json:"nick,omitempty"`
	Deaf                       *bool       `json:"deaf,omitempty"`
	Mute                       *bool       `json:"mute,omitempty"`
	ChannelID                  *Snowflake  `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	CommunicationDisabledUntil *string     `json:"communication_disabled_until,omitempty"`
	Roles                      []Snowflake `json:"roles,omitempty"`

GuildMemberParams represents the arguments used to modify a guild member.

type GuildMemberRemove

type GuildMemberRemove struct {
	User    *User     `json:"user"`
	GuildID Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

GuildMemberRemove represents a guild member remove event.

type GuildMemberUpdate

type GuildMemberUpdate struct {

GuildMemberUpdate represents a guild member update event.

type GuildMembersChunk

type GuildMembersChunk struct {
	Nonce      string           `json:"nonce"`
	Members    []*GuildMember   `json:"members"`
	NotFound   []Snowflake      `json:"not_found,omitempty"`
	Presences  []PresenceStatus `json:"presences,omitempty"`
	GuildID    Snowflake        `json:"guild_id"`
	ChunkIndex int32            `json:"chunk_index"`
	ChunkCount int32            `json:"chunk_count"`

GuildMembersChunk represents a guild members chunk event.

type GuildNSFWLevelType

type GuildNSFWLevelType uint8

GuildNSFWLevelType represents the level of the guild.

const (
	GuildNSFWLevelTypDefault GuildNSFWLevelType = iota

type GuildParam

type GuildParam struct {
	AFKChannelID                *Snowflake                  `json:"afk_channel_id,omitempty"`
	SystemChannelFlags          *SystemChannelFlags         `json:"system_channel_flags,omitempty"`
	VerificationLevel           *VerificationLevel          `json:"verification_level,omitempty"`
	DefaultMessageNotifications *MessageNotificationLevel   `json:"default_message_notifications,omitempty"`
	ExplicitContentFilter       *ExplicitContentFilterLevel `json:"explicit_content_filter,omitempty"`
	Icon                        *string                     `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	OwnerID                     *Snowflake                  `json:"owner_id,omitempty"`
	Name                        *string                     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	PremiumProgressBarEnabled   *bool                       `json:"premium_progress_bar_enabled,omitempty"`
	Banner                      *string                     `json:"banner,omitempty"`
	Splash                      *string                     `json:"splash,omitempty"`
	AFKTimeout                  *int32                      `json:"afk_timeout,omitempty"`
	SystemChannelID             *Snowflake                  `json:"system_channel_id,omitempty"`
	Region                      *string                     `json:"region,omitempty"`
	RulesChannelID              *Snowflake                  `json:"rules_channel_id,omitempty"`
	PublicUpdatesChannelID      *Snowflake                  `json:"public_updates_channel_id,omitempty"`
	PreferredLocale             *string                     `json:"preferred_locale,omitempty"`
	DiscoverySplash             *string                     `json:"discovery_splash,omitempty"`
	Description                 *string                     `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Features                    []string                    `json:"features,omitempty"`

GuildParams represents the parameters sent when modifying a guild.

type GuildPruneParam

type GuildPruneParam struct {
	Days              *int32       `json:"days,omitempty"`
	IncludeRoles      []*Snowflake `json:"include_roles"`
	ComputePruneCount bool         `json:"compute_prune_count"`

GuildPruneParam represents the arguments for a guild prune.

type GuildRoleCreate

type GuildRoleCreate *Role

GuildRoleCreate represents a guild role create event.

type GuildRoleDelete

type GuildRoleDelete struct {
	GuildID Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`
	RoleID  Snowflake `json:"role_id"`

GuildRoleDelete represents a guild role delete event.

type GuildRoleUpdate

type GuildRoleUpdate *Role

GuildRoleUpdate represents a guild role update event.

type GuildStickersUpdate

type GuildStickersUpdate struct {
	Stickers []*Sticker `json:"stickers"`
	GuildID  Snowflake  `json:"guild_id"`

GuildStickersUpdate represents a guild stickers update event.

type GuildUpdate

type GuildUpdate *Guild

GuildUpdate represents a guild update event.

type Heartbeat

type Heartbeat int

Heartbeat represents the heartbeat packet.

type Hello

type Hello struct {
	HeartbeatInterval int32 `json:"heartbeat_interval"`

Hello represents a hello event when connecting.

type Identify

type Identify struct {
	Properties     *IdentifyProperties `json:"properties"`
	Presence       *UpdateStatus       `json:"presence,omitempty"`
	Token          string              `json:"token"`
	Shard          [2]int32            `json:"shard,omitempty"`
	LargeThreshold int32               `json:"large_threshold"`
	Intents        int32               `json:"intents"`
	Compress       bool                `json:"compress"`

Identify represents the initial handshake with the gateway.

type IdentifyProperties

type IdentifyProperties struct {
	OS      string `json:"$os"`
	Browser string `json:"$browser"`
	Device  string `json:"$device"`

IdentifyProperties are the extra properties sent in the identify packet.

type Int64

type Int64 int64

int64 to allow for marshalling support.

func (Int64) MarshalJSON

func (in Int64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Int64) String

func (in Int64) String() string

func (*Int64) UnmarshalJSON

func (in *Int64) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type Integration

type Integration struct {
	SyncedAt          time.Time                  `json:"synced_at,omitempty"`
	ExpireBehavior    *IntegrationExpireBehavior `json:"expire_behavior,omitempty"`
	User              *User                      `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Application       *Application               `json:"application,omitempty"`
	GuildID           *Snowflake                 `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	RoleID            *Snowflake                 `json:"role_id,omitempty"`
	Account           IntegrationAccount         `json:"account"`
	Type              IntegrationType            `json:"type"`
	Name              string                     `json:"name"`
	ID                Snowflake                  `json:"id"`
	ExpireGracePeriod int32                      `json:"expire_grace_period,omitempty"`
	SubscriberCount   int32                      `json:"subscriber_count,omitempty"`
	EnableEmoticons   bool                       `json:"enable_emoticons"`
	Syncing           bool                       `json:"syncing"`
	Revoked           bool                       `json:"revoked"`
	Enabled           bool                       `json:"enabled"`

Integration represents the structure of an integration.

func GetGuildIntegrations

func GetGuildIntegrations(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Integration, error)

type IntegrationAccount

type IntegrationAccount struct {
	ID   string `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

IntegrationAccount represents the account of the integration.

type IntegrationCreate

type IntegrationCreate *Integration

IntegrationCreate represents the integration create event.

type IntegrationDelete

type IntegrationDelete struct {
	ApplicationID *Snowflake `json:"application_id"`
	ID            Snowflake  `json:"id"`
	GuildID       Snowflake  `json:"guild_id"`

IntegrationDelete represents the integration delete event.

type IntegrationExpireBehavior

type IntegrationExpireBehavior uint8

IntegrationExpireBehavior represents the integration expiration.

const (
	IntegrationExpireBehaviorRemoveRole IntegrationExpireBehavior = iota

type IntegrationType

type IntegrationType string

IntegrationType represents the type of integration.

const (
	IntegrationTypeTwitch  IntegrationType = "twitch"
	IntegrationTypeYoutube IntegrationType = "youtube"
	IntegrationTypeDiscord IntegrationType = "discord"

type IntegrationUpdate

type IntegrationUpdate *Integration

IntegrationUpdate represents the integration update event.

type Interaction

type Interaction struct {
	Member         *GuildMember     `json:"member,omitempty"`
	Message        *Message         `json:"message,omitempty"`
	AppPermissions *Int64           `json:"app_permissions"`
	Data           *InteractionData `json:"data,omitempty"`
	GuildID        *Snowflake       `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelID      *Snowflake       `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	User           *User            `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Token          string           `json:"token"`
	Locale         string           `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	GuildLocale    string           `json:"guild_locale,omitempty"`
	Entitlements   []*Entitlement   `json:"entitlements,omitempty"`
	ID             Snowflake        `json:"id"`
	ApplicationID  Snowflake        `json:"application_id"`
	Version        int32            `json:"version"`
	Type           InteractionType  `json:"type"`

Interaction represents the structure of an interaction.

func (*Interaction) DeleteOriginalResponse

func (i *Interaction) DeleteOriginalResponse(s *Session) error

DeleteOriginalResponse deletes the original interaction response.

func (*Interaction) EditOriginalResponse

func (i *Interaction) EditOriginalResponse(s *Session, messageParams WebhookMessageParams) (*Message, error)

EditOriginalResponse edits the original interaction response. messageArg: arguments for editing message.

func (*Interaction) SendFollowup

func (i *Interaction) SendFollowup(s *Session, messageParams WebhookMessageParams) (*InteractionFollowup, error)

SendFollowup sends a followup message. messageArg: arguments for sending message.

func (*Interaction) SendResponse

func (i *Interaction) SendResponse(s *Session, interactionType InteractionCallbackType, interactionCallbackData *InteractionCallbackData) error

SendResponse sends an interacion response. interactionType: The type of interaction callback. messageArg: arguments for sending message. choices: optional autocomplete choices.

type InteractionCallbackData

type InteractionCallbackData struct {
	Content         string                            `json:"content,omitempty"`
	Title           string                            `json:"title,omitempty"`
	CustomID        string                            `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
	Embeds          []*Embed                          `json:"embeds,omitempty"`
	AllowedMentions []*MessageAllowedMentions         `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"`
	Attachments     []*MessageAttachment              `json:"attachments,omitempty"`
	Files           []*File                           `json:"-"`
	Components      []*InteractionComponent           `json:"components,omitempty"`
	Choices         []*ApplicationCommandOptionChoice `json:"choices,omitempty"`
	Flags           uint32                            `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	TTS             bool                              `json:"tts,omitempty"`

InteractionData represents the structure of the interaction callback data. Not all message fields are supported, allowed fields are: tts, content embeds, allowed_mentions, flags, components and attachments.

type InteractionCallbackType

type InteractionCallbackType uint8

InteractionCallbackType represents the type of interaction callbacks.

const (
	InteractionCallbackTypePong InteractionCallbackType = 1 + iota

	// InteractionCallbackTypeChannelMessageSource responds to an interaction with a message.

	// InteractionCallbackTypeDeferredChannelMessageSource acknowledges an interaction and
	// edits a response later, users see a loading state.

	// InteractionCallbackTypeDeferredUpdateMessage acknowledges an interaction and edits
	// a response later, users do not see a loading state.

	// InteractionCallbackTypeUpdateMessage edits the message the component was attached to.

	// InteractionCallbackTypeAutocompleteResult responds to an autocomplete interaction.

	// InteractionCallbackTypeModal responds to an interaction with a popup modal.

	// InteractionCallbackTypePremiumRequired creates an ephemeral message shown to the
	// user that ran the interaction, instructing them that whatever they tried to do requires
	// the premium benefits of your app. It also contains an "Upgrade" button to subscribe.

type InteractionComponent

type InteractionComponent struct {
	Emoji        *Emoji                     `json:"emoji,omitempty"`
	MaxValues    *int32                     `json:"max_values,omitempty"`
	MinValues    *int32                     `json:"min_values,omitempty"`
	Placeholder  string                     `json:"placeholder,omitempty"`
	CustomID     string                     `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
	URL          string                     `json:"url,omitempty"`
	Label        string                     `json:"label,omitempty"`
	Options      []*ApplicationSelectOption `json:"options,omitempty"`
	ChannelTypes []ChannelType              `json:"channel_types,omitempty"`
	Components   []*InteractionComponent    `json:"components,omitempty"`
	Disabled     bool                       `json:"disabled,omitempty"`
	Type         InteractionComponentType   `json:"type"`
	Style        InteractionComponentStyle  `json:"style,omitempty"`

InteractionComponent represents the structure of a component.

func NewInteractionComponent

func NewInteractionComponent(componentType InteractionComponentType) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) AddComponent

func (ic *InteractionComponent) AddComponent(component *InteractionComponent) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) AddOption

func (*InteractionComponent) SetCustomID

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetCustomID(customID string) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetDisabled

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetDisabled(disabled bool) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetEmoji

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetEmoji(emoji *Emoji) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetLabel

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetLabel(label string) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetMinMaxValues

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetMinMaxValues(minValue *int32, maxValue *int32) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetPlaceholder

func (ic *InteractionComponent) SetPlaceholder(placeholder string) *InteractionComponent

func (*InteractionComponent) SetStyle

func (*InteractionComponent) SetURL

type InteractionComponentStyle

type InteractionComponentStyle uint8

InteractionComponentStyle represents the style of a component.

const (
	InteractionComponentStylePrimary InteractionComponentStyle = 1 + iota
const (
	// InteractionComponentStyleShort allows for a single-line input on text inputs.
	InteractionComponentStyleShort InteractionComponentStyle = 1 + iota
	// InteractionComponentParagraph allows for a multi-line input on text inputs.

type InteractionComponentType

type InteractionComponentType uint8

InteractionComponentType represents the type of component.

const (
	// InteractionComponentTypeActionRow is a non-interactive container for other components.
	// You can have up to 5 action rows per message and cannot contain other action rows.
	// No extra attributes are required, just type and components.
	InteractionComponentTypeActionRow InteractionComponentType = 1 + iota
	// InteractionComponentTypeButton is an interactive component that renders in messages.
	// They can be clicked by users and must be in an action row. There is a limit of 5 buttons
	// per action row and cannot be in an action row with any select menu component.
	// InteractionComponentTypeStringSelect allows for users to select from predefined text options.
	// InteractionComponentTypeTextInput allows for users to freely input text.

type InteractionCreate

type InteractionCreate *Interaction

InteractionCreate represents the interaction create event.

type InteractionData

type InteractionData struct {
	TargetID      *Snowflake                 `json:"target_id,omitempty"`
	Resolved      *InteractionResolvedData   `json:"resolved,omitempty"`
	GuildID       *Snowflake                 `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	ComponentType *InteractionComponentType  `json:"component_type,omitempty"`
	Name          string                     `json:"name"`
	CustomID      string                     `json:"custom_id,omitempty"`
	Options       []*InteractionDataOption   `json:"options,omitempty"`
	Values        []*ApplicationSelectOption `json:"values,omitempty"`
	Components    []*InteractionComponent    `json:"components,omitempty"`
	Value         json.RawMessage            `json:"value,omitempty"`
	ID            Snowflake                  `json:"id"`
	Type          ApplicationCommandType     `json:"type"`
	Focused       bool                       `json:"focused,omitempty"`

InteractionData represents the structure of interaction data.

type InteractionDataOption

type InteractionDataOption struct {
	Name    string                       `json:"name"`
	Value   json.RawMessage              `json:"value,omitempty"`
	Options []*InteractionDataOption     `json:"options,omitempty"`
	Type    ApplicationCommandOptionType `json:"type"`
	Focused bool                         `json:"focused,omitempty"`

InteractionDataOption represents the structure of an interaction option.

type InteractionFollowup

type InteractionFollowup struct {

InteractionFollowup represents a follow up message containing both message and the interaction parent.

func (*InteractionFollowup) DeleteFollowup

func (inf *InteractionFollowup) DeleteFollowup(s *Session) error

DeleteFollowup deletes the followup message.

func (*InteractionFollowup) EditFollowup

func (inf *InteractionFollowup) EditFollowup(s *Session, messageParams WebhookMessageParams) (*Message, error)

EditFollowup edits the followup message. messageArg: arguments for editing message.

type InteractionResolvedData

type InteractionResolvedData struct {
	Users       map[Snowflake]*User              `json:"users,omitempty"`
	Members     map[Snowflake]*GuildMember       `json:"members,omitempty"`
	Roles       map[Snowflake]*Role              `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	Channels    map[Snowflake]*Channel           `json:"channels,omitempty"`
	Messages    map[Snowflake]*Message           `json:"messages,omitempty"`
	Attachments map[Snowflake]*MessageAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"`

InteractionResolvedData represents any extra payload data for an interaction.

type InteractionResponse

type InteractionResponse struct {
	Data *InteractionCallbackData `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Type InteractionCallbackType  `json:"type"`

InteractionResponse represents the interaction response object.

type InteractionType

type InteractionType uint8

InteractionType represents the type of interaction.

const (
	InteractionTypePing InteractionType = 1 + iota

type InvalidSession

type InvalidSession struct {
	Resumable bool `json:"d"`

Invalid Session represents the invalid session event.

type Invite

type Invite struct {
	ExpiresAt                time.Time            `json:"expires_at,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt                time.Time            `json:"created_at"`
	ScheduledEvent           *ScheduledEvent      `json:"guild_scheduled_event,omitempty"`
	StageInstance            *InviteStageInstance `json:"stage_instance,omitempty"`
	Inviter                  *User                `json:"inviter,omitempty"`
	TargetType               *InviteTargetType    `json:"target_type,omitempty"`
	TargetUser               *User                `json:"target_user,omitempty"`
	TargetApplication        *Application         `json:"target_application"`
	Guild                    *Guild               `json:"guild,omitempty"`
	Channel                  *Channel             `json:"channel,omitempty"`
	GuildID                  *Snowflake           `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Code                     string               `json:"code"`
	ApproximateMemberCount   int32                `json:"approximate_member_count,omitempty"`
	Uses                     int32                `json:"uses"`
	MaxUses                  int32                `json:"max_uses"`
	MaxAge                   int32                `json:"max_age"`
	ApproximatePresenceCount int32                `json:"approximate_presence_count,omitempty"`
	Temporary                bool                 `json:"temporary"`

Invite represents the structure of Invite data.

func CreateChannelInvite

func CreateChannelInvite(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, inviteParams InviteParams, reason *string) (*Invite, error)

func GetChannelInvites

func GetChannelInvites(s *Session, channelID Snowflake) ([]*Invite, error)

func GetGuildInvites

func GetGuildInvites(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Invite, error)

func GetGuildVanityURL

func GetGuildVanityURL(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) (*Invite, error)

func GetInvite

func GetInvite(s *Session, inviteCode string, withCounts *bool, withExpiration *bool, guildScheduledEventID *Snowflake) (*Invite, error)

func (*Invite) Delete

func (i *Invite) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes an invite. reason: Reason for deleting an invite.

type InviteCreate

type InviteCreate *Invite

InviteCreate represents the invite create event.

type InviteDelete

type InviteDelete *Invite

InviteDelete represents the invite delete event.

type InviteParams

type InviteParams struct {
	MaxAge    int32 `json:"max_age"`
	MaxUses   int32 `json:"max_uses"`
	Temporary bool  `json:"temporary"`
	Unique    bool  `json:"unique"`

InviteParams represents the params to create an invite.

type InviteStageInstance

type InviteStageInstance struct {
	Topic            string         `json:"topic"`
	Members          []*GuildMember `json:"members"`
	ParticipantCount int32          `json:"participant_count"`
	SpeakerCount     int32          `json:"speaker_count"`

InviteStageInstance represents the structure of an invite stage instance.

type InviteTargetType

type InviteTargetType uint8

InviteTargetType represents the type of an invites target.

const (
	InviteTargetTypeStream InviteTargetType = 1 + iota

type MFALevel

type MFALevel uint8

MFALevel represents a guild's MFA level.

const (
	MFALevelNone MFALevel = iota

MFA levels.

type Message

type Message struct {
	Timestamp         time.Time                `json:"timestamp"`
	EditedTimestamp   time.Time                `json:"edited_timestamp"`
	Author            *User                    `json:"author"`
	WebhookID         *Snowflake               `json:"webhook_id,omitempty"`
	Member            *GuildMember             `json:"member,omitempty"`
	GuildID           *Snowflake               `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Thread            *Channel                 `json:"thread,omitempty"`
	Interaction       *MessageInteraction      `json:"interaction,omitempty"`
	ReferencedMessage *Message                 `json:"referenced_message,omitempty"`
	Flags             *MessageFlags            `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	Application       *Application             `json:"application,omitempty"`
	Activity          *MessageActivity         `json:"activity,omitempty"`
	Content           string                   `json:"content"`
	Embeds            []*Embed                 `json:"embeds"`
	MentionRoles      []*Snowflake             `json:"mention_roles"`
	Reactions         []*MessageReaction       `json:"reactions"`
	StickerItems      []*MessageSticker        `json:"sticker_items,omitempty"`
	Attachments       []*MessageAttachment     `json:"attachments"`
	Components        []*InteractionComponent  `json:"components,omitempty"`
	MentionChannels   []*MessageChannelMention `json:"mention_channels,omitempty"`
	Mentions          []*User                  `json:"mentions"`
	MessageReference  []*MessageReference      `json:"message_referenced,omitempty"`
	ID                Snowflake                `json:"id"`
	ChannelID         Snowflake                `json:"channel_id"`
	MentionEveryone   bool                     `json:"mention_everyone"`
	TTS               bool                     `json:"tts"`
	Type              MessageType              `json:"type"`
	Pinned            bool                     `json:"pinned"`

Message represents a message on discord.

func CreateFollowupMessage

func CreateFollowupMessage(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string, messageParams WebhookMessageParams) (*Message, error)

func CreateMessage

func CreateMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageParams MessageParams) (*Message, error)

func CrosspostMessage

func CrosspostMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake) (*Message, error)

func EditFollowupMessage

func EditFollowupMessage(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string, messageID Snowflake, messageParams WebhookMessageParams) (*Message, error)

func EditMessage

func EditMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, messageParams MessageParams) (*Message, error)

func EditOriginalInteractionResponse

func EditOriginalInteractionResponse(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string, messageParam WebhookMessageParams) (*Message, error)

func GetChannelMessage

func GetChannelMessage(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake) (*Message, error)

func GetChannelMessages

func GetChannelMessages(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, around *Snowflake, before *Snowflake, after *Snowflake, limit *int32) ([]*Message, error)

func GetFollowupMessage

func GetFollowupMessage(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string, messageID Snowflake) (*Message, error)

func GetOriginalInteractionResponse

func GetOriginalInteractionResponse(s *Session, applicationID Snowflake, interactionToken string) (*Message, error)

func GetPinnedMessages

func GetPinnedMessages(s *Session, channelID Snowflake) ([]*Message, error)

func (*Message) AddReaction

func (m *Message) AddReaction(s *Session, emoji string) error

AddReaction adds a reaction to a message emoji: unicode representation or emoji id.

func (*Message) ClearReaction

func (m *Message) ClearReaction(s *Session, emoji string) error

ClearReaction clears a specific reaction from a message. emoji: unicode representation or emoji id.

func (*Message) ClearReactions

func (m *Message) ClearReactions(s *Session) error

ClearReactions clears all reactions from a message.

func (*Message) Delete

func (m *Message) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes a message. reason: reason for deleting the message.

func (*Message) Edit

func (m *Message) Edit(s *Session, messageParams MessageParams) (*Message, error)

Edit edits a message. messageArg: arguments for editing the message.

func (*Message) Pin

func (m *Message) Pin(s *Session, reason *string) error

Pin pins a message in a channel. reason: reason for pinning a message.

func (*Message) Publish

func (m *Message) Publish(s *Session) (*Message, error)

Publish publishes a message. This must be in an announcement channel.

func (*Message) RemoveReaction

func (m *Message) RemoveReaction(s *Session, emoji string, user User) error

RemoveReaction removes a specific reaction from a specific user. emoji: unicode representation or emoji id. user: The user to remove the reaction from.

func (*Message) Reply

func (m *Message) Reply(s *Session, messageParams MessageParams) (*Message, error)

Reply will send a new message in the same channel as the target message and references the target. This is the same as using Send() and setting the message as the MessageReference. messageArg: arguments for sending a message.

func (*Message) Unpin

func (m *Message) Unpin(s *Session, reason *string) error

Unpin unpins a message. reason: Reason for unpinning.

type MessageActivity

type MessageActivity struct {
	PartyID string              `json:"party_id,omitempty"`
	Type    MessageActivityType `json:"type"`

MessageActivity represents a message activity on discord.

type MessageActivityType

type MessageActivityType uint8

MessageActivityType represents the type of message activity.

const (
	MessageActivityTypeJoin MessageActivityType = 1 + iota

type MessageAllowedMentions

type MessageAllowedMentions struct {
	Parse       []MessageAllowedMentionsType `json:"parse"`
	Roles       []Snowflake                  `json:"roles"`
	Users       []Snowflake                  `json:"users"`
	RepliedUser bool                         `json:"replied_user"`

MessageAllowedMentions is the structure of the allowed mentions entry.

type MessageAllowedMentionsType

type MessageAllowedMentionsType string

MessageAllowedMentionsType represents all the allowed mention types.

const (
	MessageAllowedMentionsTypeRoles    MessageAllowedMentionsType = "roles"
	MessageAllowedMentionsTypeUsers    MessageAllowedMentionsType = "users"
	MessageAllowedMentionsTypeEveryone MessageAllowedMentionsType = "everyone"

type MessageAttachment

type MessageAttachment struct {
	Filename  string    `json:"filename"`
	URL       string    `json:"url"`
	ProxyURL  string    `json:"proxy_url"`
	ID        Snowflake `json:"id"`
	Size      int32     `json:"size"`
	Height    int32     `json:"height"`
	Width     int32     `json:"width"`
	Ephemeral bool      `json:"ephemeral"`

MessageAttachment represents a message attachment on discord.

type MessageChannelMention

type MessageChannelMention struct {
	Name    string      `json:"name"`
	ID      Snowflake   `json:"id"`
	GuildID Snowflake   `json:"guild_id"`
	Type    ChannelType `json:"type"`

MessageChannelMention represents a mentioned channel.

type MessageCreate

type MessageCreate *Message

MessageCreate represents the message create event.

type MessageDelete

type MessageDelete struct {
	GuildID   *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	ID        Snowflake  `json:"id"`
	ChannelID Snowflake  `json:"channel_id"`

MessageCreate represents the message delete event.

type MessageDeleteBulk

type MessageDeleteBulk struct {
	GuildID   *Snowflake  `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	IDs       []Snowflake `json:"ids"`
	ChannelID Snowflake   `json:"channel_id"`

MessageCreate represents the message bulk delete event.

type MessageFlags

type MessageFlags uint16

MessageFlags represents the extra information on a message.

const (
	MessageFlagCrossposted MessageFlags = 1 << iota

type MessageInteraction

type MessageInteraction struct {
	User User             `json:"user"`
	Type *InteractionType `json:"type"`
	Name string           `json:"name"`
	ID   Snowflake        `json:"id"`

MessageInteraction represents an executed interaction.

type MessageNotificationLevel

type MessageNotificationLevel int

MessageNotificationLevel represents a guild's message notification level.

const (
	MessageNotificationsAllMessages MessageNotificationLevel = iota

Message notification levels.

type MessageParams

type MessageParams struct {
	MessageReference *MessageReference         `json:"message_reference,omitempty"`
	PayloadJSON      *json.RawMessage          `json:"payload_json,omitempty"`
	Content          string                    `json:"content"`
	Embeds           []*Embed                  `json:"embeds,omitempty"`
	AllowedMentions  []*MessageAllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"`
	Components       []*InteractionComponent   `json:"components,omitempty"`
	StickerIDs       []*Snowflake              `json:"sticker_ids,omitempty"`
	Files            []*File                   `json:"-"`
	Attachments      []*MessageAttachment      `json:"attachments,omitempty"`
	Flags            MessageFlags              `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	TTS              bool                      `json:"tts"`

MessageParams represents the structure for sending a message on discord.

func NewMessage

func NewMessage(content string) *MessageParams

func (*MessageParams) AddAllowedMention

func (m *MessageParams) AddAllowedMention(allowedMention MessageAllowedMentions) *MessageParams

func (*MessageParams) AddComponent

func (m *MessageParams) AddComponent(component InteractionComponent) *MessageParams

func (*MessageParams) AddEmbed

func (m *MessageParams) AddEmbed(embed Embed) *MessageParams

func (*MessageParams) AddFile

func (m *MessageParams) AddFile(file File) *MessageParams

func (*MessageParams) SetTTS

func (m *MessageParams) SetTTS(tts bool) *MessageParams

type MessageReaction

type MessageReaction struct {
	Emoji        Emoji                       `json:"emoji"`
	BurstColors  []string                    `json:"burst_colors"`
	CountDetails MessageReactionCountDetails `json:"count_details"`
	Count        int32                       `json:"count"`
	BurstCount   int32                       `json:"burst_count"`
	MeBurst      bool                        `json:"me_burst"`
	BurstMe      bool                        `json:"burst_me"`
	Me           bool                        `json:"me"`

MessageReaction represents a reaction to a message on discord.

type MessageReactionAdd

type MessageReactionAdd struct {
	Member    *GuildMember `json:"member,omitempty"`
	Emoji     *Emoji       `json:"emoji"`
	UserID    Snowflake    `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelID Snowflake    `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID Snowflake    `json:"message_id"`
	GuildID   Snowflake    `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`

MessageReactionAdd represents a message reaction add event.

type MessageReactionCountDetails

type MessageReactionCountDetails struct {
	Burst  int32 `json:"burst"`
	Normal int32 `json:"normal"`

MessageReactionCountDetails represents the count details of a message reaction.

type MessageReactionRemove

type MessageReactionRemove struct {
	GuildID   *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Emoji     *Emoji     `json:"emoji"`
	UserID    Snowflake  `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelID Snowflake  `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID Snowflake  `json:"message_id"`

MessageReactionRemove represents a message reaction remove event.

type MessageReactionRemoveAll

type MessageReactionRemoveAll struct {
	ChannelID Snowflake `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID Snowflake `json:"message_id"`
	GuildID   Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`

MessageReactionRemoveAll represents a message reaction remove all event.

type MessageReactionRemoveEmoji

type MessageReactionRemoveEmoji struct {
	GuildID   *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Emoji     *Emoji     `json:"emoji"`
	ChannelID Snowflake  `json:"channel_id"`
	MessageID Snowflake  `json:"message_id"`

MessageReactionRemoveEmoji represents a message reaction remove emoji event.

type MessageReference

type MessageReference struct {
	ID              *Snowflake `json:"message_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelID       *Snowflake `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	GuildID         *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	FailIfNotExists bool       `json:"fail_if_not_exists"`

MessageReference represents crossposted messages or replys.

type MessageSticker

type MessageSticker struct {
	FormatType *StickerFormatType `json:"format_type"`
	Name       string             `json:"name"`
	ID         Snowflake          `json:"id"`

MessageSticker represents a sticker in a message.

type MessageType

type MessageType uint8

MessageType represents the type of message that has been sent.

const (
	MessageTypeDefault MessageType = iota


type MessageUpdate

type MessageUpdate *Message

MessageUpdate represents the message update event.

type ModifyGuildRolePosition

type ModifyGuildRolePosition struct {
	Position *int32    `json:"position,omitempty"`
	ID       Snowflake `json:"id"`

ModifyGuildRolePosition represents the argument for modifying guild role positions.

type OwnerType

type OwnerType uint8

OwnerType represents who owns the entitlement.

const (
	OwnerTypeGuild OwnerType = 1
	OwnerTypeUser  OwnerType = 2

type Party

type Party struct {
	ID   string  `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Size []int32 `json:"size,omitempty"`

Party represents an activity's current party information.

type PremiumTier

type PremiumTier uint8

PremiumTier represents the current boosting tier of a guild.

const (
	PremiumTierNone PremiumTier = iota

type PresenceStatus

type PresenceStatus string

PresenceStatus represents a presence's status.

const (
	PresenceStatusIdle    PresenceStatus = "idle"
	PresenceStatusDND     PresenceStatus = "dnd"
	PresenceStatusOnline  PresenceStatus = "online"
	PresenceStatusOffline PresenceStatus = "offline"

Presence statuses.

type PresenceUpdate

type PresenceUpdate struct {
	User         *User          `json:"user"`
	ClientStatus *ClientStatus  `json:"clienbt_status"`
	Status       PresenceStatus `json:"status"`
	Activities   []*Activity    `json:"activities"`
	GuildID      Snowflake      `json:"guild_id"`

PresenceUpdate represents a presence update event.

type RESTInterface

type RESTInterface interface {
	// Fetch constructs a request. It will return a response body along with any errors.
	// Errors can include ErrInvalidToken, ErrRateLimited,
	Fetch(s *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header) ([]byte, error)
	FetchBJ(s *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error
	FetchJJ(s *Session, method, endpoint string, payload interface{}, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error

	SetDebug(value bool)

func NewBaseInterface

func NewBaseInterface() RESTInterface

func NewInterface

func NewInterface(httpClient *http.Client, endpoint string, version string, useragent string) RESTInterface

func NewTwilightProxy

func NewTwilightProxy(url url.URL) RESTInterface

type Ready

type Ready struct {
	Application Application         `json:"application"`
	User        User                `json:"user"`
	SessionID   string              `json:"session_id"`
	Guilds      []*UnavailableGuild `json:"guilds"`
	Shard       []int32             `json:"shard,omitempty"`
	Version     int32               `json:"v"`

Ready represents when the client has completed the initial handshake.

type Reconnect

type Reconnect void

Reconnect represents the reconnect event.

type RequestGuildMembers

type RequestGuildMembers struct {
	Query     string      `json:"query"`
	Nonce     string      `json:"nonce"`
	UserIDs   []Snowflake `json:"user_ids"`
	GuildID   Snowflake   `json:"guild_id"`
	Limit     int32       `json:"limit"`
	Presences bool        `json:"presences"`

Request guild members requests members for a guild.

type RestError

type RestError struct {
	Request      *http.Request
	Response     *http.Response
	Message      *ErrorMessage
	ResponseBody []byte

RestError contains the error structure that is returned by discord.

func NewRestError

func NewRestError(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response, body []byte) *RestError

func (*RestError) Error

func (r *RestError) Error() string

type Resume

type Resume struct {
	Token     string `json:"token"`
	SessionID string `json:"session_id"`
	Sequence  int32  `json:"seq"`

Resume resumes a dropped gateway connection.

type Resumed

type Resumed void

Resumed represents the response to a resume event.

type Role

type Role struct {
	GuildID      *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Tags         *RoleTag   `json:"tags,omitempty"`
	Name         string     `json:"name"`
	Icon         string     `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	UnicodeEmoji string     `json:"unicode_emoji,omitempty"`
	ID           Snowflake  `json:"id"`
	Permissions  Int64      `json:"permissions"`
	Color        int32      `json:"color"`
	Position     int32      `json:"position"`
	Hoist        bool       `json:"hoist"`
	Managed      bool       `json:"managed"`
	Mentionable  bool       `json:"mentionable"`

Role represents a role on discord.

func CreateGuildRole

func CreateGuildRole(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, roleParams RoleParams, reason *string) (*Role, error)

func GetGuildRoles

func GetGuildRoles(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Role, error)

func ModifyGuildRole

func ModifyGuildRole(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, roleID Snowflake, roleArg Role, reason *string) (*Role, error)

func ModifyGuildRolePositions

func ModifyGuildRolePositions(s *Session, guildID Snowflake, guildRolePositionArgs []ModifyGuildRolePosition, reason *string) ([]*Role, error)

func (*Role) Delete

func (r *Role) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes a guild role. reason: Reason for deleting a guild role.

func (*Role) Edit

func (r *Role) Edit(s *Session, params Role, reason *string) error

Edit edits a guild role. params: The role parameters to update the role with. reason: Reason for editing a guild role.

type RoleParams

type RoleParams struct {
	Name         *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Permissions  *Int64  `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	Color        *int32  `json:"color,omitempty"`
	Hoist        *bool   `json:"hoist,omitempty"`
	Icon         *string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
	UnicodeEmoji *string `json:"unicode_emoji,omitempty"`
	Mentionable  *bool   `json:"mentionable,omitempty"`

RoleParams represents the structure used to create a role.

type RoleTag

type RoleTag struct {
	BotID             *Snowflake `json:"bot_id,omitempty"`
	IntegrationID     *Snowflake `json:"integration_id,omitempty"`
	PremiumSubscriber bool       `json:"premium_subscriber"`

RoleTag represents extra information about a role.

type ScheduledEntityType

type ScheduledEntityType uint8

ScheduledEntityType represents the type of event.

const (
	ScheduledEntityTypeStage ScheduledEntityType = 1 + iota

type ScheduledEvent

type ScheduledEvent struct {
	Status             *EventStatus              `json:"status"`
	EntityType         *ScheduledEntityType      `json:"entity_type"`
	ChannelID          *Snowflake                `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	CreatorID          *Snowflake                `json:"creator_id,omitempty"`
	Creator            *User                     `json:"creator,omitempty"`
	EntityMetadata     *EventMetadata            `json:"entity_metadata,omitempty"`
	EntityID           *Snowflake                `json:"entity_id,omitempty"`
	PrivacyLevel       *StageChannelPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"`
	ScheduledStartTime string                    `json:"scheduled_start_time"`
	ScheduledEndTime   string                    `json:"scheduled_end_time"`
	Description        string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Name               string                    `json:"name"`
	ID                 Snowflake                 `json:"id"`
	GuildID            Snowflake                 `json:"guild_id"`
	UserCount          int32                     `json:"user_count,omitempty"`

ScheduledEvent represents an scheduled event.

type ScheduledEventUser

type ScheduledEventUser struct {
	User    User         `json:"user"`
	Member  *GuildMember `json:"member,omitempty"`
	EventID Snowflake    `json:"guild_scheduled_event_id"`

ScheduledEventUser represents a user subscribed to an event.

type Secrets

type Secrets struct {
	Join     string `json:"join"`
	Spectate string `json:"spectate"`
	Match    string `json:"match"`

Secrets represents an activity's secrets for Rich Presence joining and spectating.

type SentPayload

type SentPayload struct {
	Data interface{} `json:"d"`
	Op   GatewayOp   `json:"op"`

SentPayload represents the base payload we send to discords gateway.

type Session

type Session struct {
	Context   context.Context
	Interface RESTInterface
	Token     string

Session contains the context for the discord rest interface.

func NewSession

func NewSession(context context.Context, token string, httpInterface RESTInterface) *Session

type Snowflake

type Snowflake int64

Placeholder type for easy identification.

func (Snowflake) MarshalJSON

func (s Snowflake) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

func (Snowflake) String

func (s Snowflake) String() string

func (Snowflake) Time

func (s Snowflake) Time() time.Time

Time returns the creation time of the Snowflake.

func (*Snowflake) UnmarshalJSON

func (s *Snowflake) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error

type StageChannelPrivacyLevel

type StageChannelPrivacyLevel uint8

StageChannelPrivacyLevel represents the privacy level of a stage channel.

const (
	StageChannelPrivacyLevelPublic StageChannelPrivacyLevel = 1 + iota

type StageInstance

type StageInstance struct {
	PrivacyLabel         *StageChannelPrivacyLevel `json:"privacy_level"`
	Topic                string                    `json:"topic"`
	ID                   Snowflake                 `json:"id"`
	GuildID              Snowflake                 `json:"guild_id"`
	ChannelID            Snowflake                 `json:"channel_id"`
	DiscoverableDisabled bool                      `json:"discoverable_disabled"`

StageInstance represents a stage channel instance.

type StageInstanceCreate

type StageInstanceCreate *StageInstance

StageInstanceCreate represents a stage instance create event.

type StageInstanceDelete

type StageInstanceDelete *StageInstance

StageInstanceDelete represents a stage instance delete event.

type StageInstanceUpdate

type StageInstanceUpdate *StageInstance

StageInstanceUpdate represents a stage instance update event.

type Sticker

type Sticker struct {
	PackID      *Snowflake         `json:"pack_id,omitempty"`
	Type        *StickerType       `json:"type"`
	FormatType  *StickerFormatType `json:"format_type"`
	GuildID     *Snowflake         `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	User        *User              `json:"user,omitempty"`
	Name        string             `json:"name"`
	Description string             `json:"description"`
	Tags        string             `json:"tags"`
	ID          Snowflake          `json:"id"`
	SortValue   int32              `json:"sort_value"`
	Available   bool               `json:"available"`

Sticker represents a sticker object.

type StickerFormatType

type StickerFormatType uint8

StickerFormatType represents the sticker format.

const (
	StickerFormatTypePNG StickerFormatType = 1 + iota

type StickerType

type StickerType uint8

StickerType represents the type of sticker.

const (
	StickerTypeStandard StickerType = 1 + iota

type SystemChannelFlags

type SystemChannelFlags uint16

SystemChannelFlags represents the flags of a system channel.

const (
	SystemChannelFlagsSuppressJoin SystemChannelFlags = 1 << iota

type ThreadCreate

type ThreadCreate *Channel

ThreadCreate represents a thread create event.

type ThreadDelete

type ThreadDelete *Channel

ThreadDelete represents a thread delete event.

type ThreadListSync

type ThreadListSync struct {
	ChannelIDs []Snowflake     `json:"channel_ids,omitempty"`
	Threads    []*Channel      `json:"threads"`
	Members    []*ThreadMember `json:"members"`
	GuildID    Snowflake       `json:"guild_id"`

ThreadListSync represents a thread list sync event.

type ThreadMember

type ThreadMember struct {
	ID            *Snowflake `json:"id,omitempty"`
	UserID        *Snowflake `json:"user_id,omitempty"`
	GuildID       *Snowflake `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	JoinTimestamp time.Time  `json:"join_timestamp"`
	Flags         int32      `json:"flags"`

ThreadMember is used to indicate whether a user has joined a thread or not.

type ThreadMemberUpdate

type ThreadMemberUpdate *ThreadMember

ThreadMemberUpdate represents a thread member update event.

type ThreadMembersUpdate

type ThreadMembersUpdate struct {
	AddedMembers     []*ThreadMember `json:"added_members,omitempty"`
	RemovedMemberIDs []Snowflake     `json:"removed_member_ids,omitempty"`
	ID               Snowflake       `json:"id"`
	GuildID          Snowflake       `json:"guild_id"`
	MemberCount      int32           `json:"member_count"`

ThreadMembersUpdate represents a thread members update event.

type ThreadMetadata

type ThreadMetadata struct {
	ArchiveTimestamp    time.Time `json:"archive_timestamp"`
	AutoArchiveDuration int32     `json:"auto_archive_duration"`
	Archived            bool      `json:"archived"`
	Locked              bool      `json:"locked"`

ThreadMetadata contains thread-specific channel fields.

type ThreadUpdate

type ThreadUpdate *Channel

ThreadUpdate represents a thread update event.

type Timestamps

type Timestamps struct {
	Start int32 `json:"start"`
	End   int32 `json:"end"`

Timestamps represents the starting and ending timestamp of an activity.

type TwilightProxy

type TwilightProxy struct {
	HTTP       *http.Client
	APIVersion string
	URLHost    string
	URLScheme  string
	UserAgent  string

	Debug bool

TwilightProxy is a proxy that requests are sent through, instead of directly to discord that will handle distributed requests and ratelimits automatically. See more at: https://github.com/twilight-rs/http-proxy

func (*TwilightProxy) Fetch

func (tl *TwilightProxy) Fetch(session *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header) ([]byte, error)

func (*TwilightProxy) FetchBJ

func (tl *TwilightProxy) FetchBJ(session *Session, method, endpoint, contentType string, body []byte, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error

func (*TwilightProxy) FetchJJ

func (tl *TwilightProxy) FetchJJ(session *Session, method, endpoint string, payload interface{}, headers http.Header, response interface{}) error

func (*TwilightProxy) SetDebug

func (tl *TwilightProxy) SetDebug(value bool)

type TypingStart

type TypingStart struct {
	GuildID   *Snowflake   `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Member    *GuildMember `json:"member,omitempty"`
	ChannelID Snowflake    `json:"channel_id"`
	UserID    Snowflake    `json:"user_id"`
	Timestamp int32        `json:"timestamp"`

TypingStart represents a typing start event.

type UnavailableGuild

type UnavailableGuild struct {
	ID          Snowflake `json:"id"`
	Unavailable bool      `json:"unavailable"`

UnavailableGuild represents an unavailable guild.

type UpdateStatus

type UpdateStatus struct {
	Status     string      `json:"status"`
	Activities []*Activity `json:"activities,omitempty"`
	Since      int32       `json:"since,omitempty"`
	AFK        bool        `json:"afk"`

Update Presence updates a client's presence.

type User

type User struct {
	DMChannelID   *Snowflake      `json:"dm_channel_id,omitempty"`
	Banner        string          `json:"banner,omitempty"`
	GlobalName    string          `json:"global_name"`
	Avatar        string          `json:"avatar"`
	Username      string          `json:"username"`
	Discriminator string          `json:"discriminator"`
	Locale        string          `json:"locale,omitempty"`
	Email         string          `json:"email,omitempty"`
	ID            Snowflake       `json:"id"`
	PremiumType   UserPremiumType `json:"premium_type,omitempty"`
	Flags         UserFlags       `json:"flags,omitempty"`
	AccentColor   int32           `json:"accent_color"`
	PublicFlags   UserFlags       `json:"public_flags,omitempty"`
	MFAEnabled    bool            `json:"mfa_enabled,omitempty"`
	Verified      bool            `json:"verified,omitempty"`
	Bot           bool            `json:"bot"`
	System        bool            `json:"system,omitempty"`

User represents a user on discord.

func GetCurrentUser

func GetCurrentUser(s *Session) (*User, error)

func GetReactions

func GetReactions(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, messageID Snowflake, emoji string, after *Snowflake, limit *int) ([]*User, error)

func GetUser

func GetUser(s *Session, userID Snowflake) (*User, error)

func ModifyCurrentUser

func ModifyCurrentUser(s *Session, userParam UserParam) (*User, error)

func (*User) CreateDM

func (u *User) CreateDM(s *Session) (*Channel, error)

CreateDM creates a DMChannel with a user. This should not need to be called as Send() transparently does this. If the user already has a DMChannel created, this will return a partial channel with just an ID set.

func (*User) Send

func (u *User) Send(s *Session, params MessageParams) (*Message, error)

Send sends a DM message to a user. This will create a DMChannel if one is not present. params: The message parameters used to send the message.

type UserFlags

type UserFlags uint32

UserFlags represents the flags on a user's account.

const (
	UserFlagsDiscordEmployee UserFlags = 1 << iota





User flags.

type UserParam

type UserParam struct {
	Username *string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Avatar   *string `json:"avatar,omitempty"`

UserParam represents the payload sent to modify a user.

type UserPremiumType

type UserPremiumType int

UserPremiumType represents the type of Nitro on a user's account.

const (
	UserPremiumTypeNone UserPremiumType = iota

User premium type.

type UserUpdate

type UserUpdate *User

UserUpdate represents a user update event.

type VerificationLevel

type VerificationLevel uint8

VerificationLevel represents a guild's verification level.

const (
	VerificationLevelNone VerificationLevel = iota

type VideoQualityMode

type VideoQualityMode uint8

VideoQualityMode represents the quality of the video.

const (
	VideoQualityModeAuto VideoQualityMode = 1 + iota

type VoiceServerUpdate

type VoiceServerUpdate struct {
	Token    string    `json:"token"`
	Endpoint string    `json:"endpoint"`
	GuildID  Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

VoiceServerUpdate represents a voice server update event.

type VoiceState

type VoiceState struct {
	RequestToSpeakTimestamp time.Time    `json:"request_to_speak_timestamp"`
	GuildID                 *Snowflake   `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	Member                  *GuildMember `json:"member,omitempty"`
	SessionID               string       `json:"session_id"`
	UserID                  Snowflake    `json:"user_id"`
	ChannelID               Snowflake    `json:"channel_id"`
	Mute                    bool         `json:"mute"`
	SelfDeaf                bool         `json:"self_deaf"`
	SelfMute                bool         `json:"self_mute"`
	SelfStream              bool         `json:"self_stream"`
	SelfVideo               bool         `json:"self_video"`
	Suppress                bool         `json:"suppress"`
	Deaf                    bool         `json:"deaf"`

VoiceState represents the voice state on discord.

type VoiceStateUpdate

type VoiceStateUpdate *VoiceState

VoiceStateUpdate represents the voice state update event.

type Webhook

type Webhook struct {
	GuildID       *Snowflake  `json:"guild_id,omitempty"`
	ChannelID     *Snowflake  `json:"channel_id,omitempty"`
	User          *User       `json:"user,omitempty"`
	ApplicationID *Snowflake  `json:"application_id,omitempty"`
	Name          string      `json:"name"`
	Avatar        string      `json:"avatar"`
	Token         string      `json:"token"`
	ID            Snowflake   `json:"id"`
	Type          WebhookType `json:"type"`

Webhook represents a webhook on discord.

func CreateWebhook

func CreateWebhook(s *Session, channelID Snowflake, webhookParam WebhookParam, reason *string) (*Webhook, error)

func GetChannelWebhooks

func GetChannelWebhooks(s *Session, channelID Snowflake) ([]*Webhook, error)

func GetGuildWebhooks

func GetGuildWebhooks(s *Session, guildID Snowflake) ([]*Webhook, error)

func GetWebhook

func GetWebhook(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake) (*Webhook, error)

func GetWebhookWithToken

func GetWebhookWithToken(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string) (*Webhook, error)

func ModifyWebhook

func ModifyWebhook(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookParam WebhookParam, reason *string) (*Webhook, error)

func ModifyWebhookWithToken

func ModifyWebhookWithToken(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string, webhookParam WebhookParam) (*Webhook, error)

func (*Webhook) Delete

func (w *Webhook) Delete(s *Session, reason *string) error

Delete deletes this webhook. reason: The reason for deleting this webhook.

func (*Webhook) DeleteMessage

func (w *Webhook) DeleteMessage(s *Session, messageID Snowflake) error

DeleteMessage deletes a webhook message. messageID: The message id you are deleting.

func (*Webhook) Edit

func (w *Webhook) Edit(s *Session, name *string, avatar *[]byte, reason *string) error

Edit edits this webhook. name: The webhooks new default name. avatar: bytes representing the webhooks new avatar. reason: The reason for editing this webhook.

func (*Webhook) EditMessage

func (w *Webhook) EditMessage(s *Session, messageID Snowflake, params WebhookMessageParams) (*WebhookMessage, error)

EditMessage edits a webhook message. messageID: The message id you are editing. params: The message parameters used to update the message.

func (*Webhook) Send

func (w *Webhook) Send(s *Session, params WebhookMessageParams, wait bool) (*WebhookMessage, error)

Send sends a webhook message. params: The message parameters to send.

type WebhookMessage

type WebhookMessage Message

WebhookMessage aliases Message to provide webhook specific methods.

func EditWebhookMessage

func EditWebhookMessage(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string, messageID Snowflake, messageParam WebhookMessageParams) (*WebhookMessage, error)

func ExecuteWebhook

func ExecuteWebhook(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string, messageParams WebhookMessageParams, wait bool) (*WebhookMessage, error)

func GetWebhookMessage

func GetWebhookMessage(s *Session, webhookID Snowflake, webhookToken string, messageID Snowflake) (*WebhookMessage, error)

func (*WebhookMessage) Delete

func (wm *WebhookMessage) Delete(s *Session, token string) error

Delete deletes a webhook message. token: The token of the parent webhook.

func (*WebhookMessage) Edit

func (wm *WebhookMessage) Edit(s *Session, token string, params WebhookMessageParams) (*WebhookMessage, error)

Edit edits a webhook message. token: The token of the parent webhook. params: The message parameters used to update the message.

type WebhookMessageParams

type WebhookMessageParams struct {
	PayloadJSON     *json.RawMessage          `json:"payload_json,omitempty"`
	Content         string                    `json:"content,omitempty"`
	Username        string                    `json:"username,omitempty"`
	AvatarURL       string                    `json:"avatar_url,omitempty"`
	Embeds          []*Embed                  `json:"embeds,omitempty"`
	AllowedMentions []*MessageAllowedMentions `json:"allowed_mentions,omitempty"`
	Components      []*InteractionComponent   `json:"components,omitempty"`
	Files           []*File                   `json:"-"`
	Attachments     []*MessageAttachment      `json:"attachments,omitempty"`
	TTS             bool                      `json:"tts,omitempty"`

WebhookMessage represents the structure for sending a webhook message.

type WebhookParam

type WebhookParam struct {
	Name   *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Avatar *string `json:"avatar,omitempty"`

WebhookParam represents the data sent to discord to create a webhook.

type WebhookType

type WebhookType uint8

WebhookType is the type of webhook.

const (
	WebhookTypeIncoming WebhookType = iota + 1

Webhook type.

type WebhookUpdate

type WebhookUpdate struct {
	ChannelID Snowflake `json:"channel_id"`
	GuildID   Snowflake `json:"guild_id"`

WebhookUpdate represents a webhook update packet.

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL