
v0.0.0-...-2c0b272 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 8, 2018 License: Zlib Imports: 9 Imported by: 0



Package raylib - Go bindings for raylib, a simple and easy-to-use library to learn videogames programming



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const (
	Pi      = 3.1415927
	Deg2rad = 0.017453292
	Rad2deg = 57.295776

	FlagShowLogo = 1
	// Set to run program in fullscreen
	FlagFullscreenMode = 2
	// Set to allow resizable window
	FlagWindowResizable = 4
	// Set to show window decoration (frame and buttons)
	FlagWindowDecorated = 8
	// Set to allow transparent window
	FlagWindowTransparent = 16
	// Set to try enabling MSAA 4X
	FlagMsaa4xHint = 32
	// Set to try enabling V-Sync on GPU
	FlagVsyncHint = 64

	// Keyboard Function Keys
	KeySpace        = 32
	KeyEscape       = 256
	KeyEnter        = 257
	KeyBackspace    = 259
	KeyRight        = 262
	KeyLeft         = 263
	KeyDown         = 264
	KeyUp           = 265
	KeyF1           = 290
	KeyF2           = 291
	KeyF3           = 292
	KeyF4           = 293
	KeyF5           = 294
	KeyF6           = 295
	KeyF7           = 296
	KeyF8           = 297
	KeyF9           = 298
	KeyF10          = 299
	KeyF11          = 300
	KeyF12          = 301
	KeyLeftShift    = 340
	KeyLeftControl  = 341
	KeyLeftAlt      = 342
	KeyRightShift   = 344
	KeyRightControl = 345
	KeyRightAlt     = 346

	// Keyboard Alpha Numeric Keys
	KeyZero  = 48
	KeyOne   = 49
	KeyTwo   = 50
	KeyThree = 51
	KeyFour  = 52
	KeyFive  = 53
	KeySix   = 54
	KeySeven = 55
	KeyEight = 56
	KeyNine  = 57
	KeyA     = 65
	KeyB     = 66
	KeyC     = 67
	KeyD     = 68
	KeyE     = 69
	KeyF     = 70
	KeyG     = 71
	KeyH     = 72
	KeyI     = 73
	KeyJ     = 74
	KeyK     = 75
	KeyL     = 76
	KeyM     = 77
	KeyN     = 78
	KeyO     = 79
	KeyP     = 80
	KeyQ     = 81
	KeyR     = 82
	KeyS     = 83
	KeyT     = 84
	KeyU     = 85
	KeyV     = 86
	KeyW     = 87
	KeyX     = 88
	KeyY     = 89
	KeyZ     = 90

	// Android keys
	KeyBack       = 4
	KeyMenu       = 82
	KeyVolumeUp   = 24
	KeyVolumeDown = 25

	// Mouse Buttons
	MouseLeftButton   = 0
	MouseRightButton  = 1
	MouseMiddleButton = 2

	// Touch points registered
	MaxTouchPoints = 2

	// Gamepad Number
	GamepadPlayer1 = 0
	GamepadPlayer2 = 1
	GamepadPlayer3 = 2
	GamepadPlayer4 = 3

	// PS3 USB Controller Buttons
	GamepadPs3ButtonTriangle = 0
	GamepadPs3ButtonCircle   = 1
	GamepadPs3ButtonCross    = 2
	GamepadPs3ButtonSquare   = 3
	GamepadPs3ButtonL1       = 6
	GamepadPs3ButtonR1       = 7
	GamepadPs3ButtonL2       = 4
	GamepadPs3ButtonR2       = 5
	GamepadPs3ButtonStart    = 8
	GamepadPs3ButtonSelect   = 9
	GamepadPs3ButtonUp       = 24
	GamepadPs3ButtonRight    = 25
	GamepadPs3ButtonDown     = 26
	GamepadPs3ButtonLeft     = 27
	GamepadPs3ButtonPs       = 12

	// PS3 USB Controller Axis
	GamepadPs3AxisLeftX  = 0
	GamepadPs3AxisLeftY  = 1
	GamepadPs3AxisRightX = 2
	GamepadPs3AxisRightY = 5
	// [1..-1] (pressure-level)
	GamepadPs3AxisL2 = 3
	// [1..-1] (pressure-level)
	GamepadPs3AxisR2 = 4

	// Xbox360 USB Controller Buttons
	GamepadXboxButtonA      = 0
	GamepadXboxButtonB      = 1
	GamepadXboxButtonX      = 2
	GamepadXboxButtonY      = 3
	GamepadXboxButtonLb     = 4
	GamepadXboxButtonRb     = 5
	GamepadXboxButtonSelect = 6
	GamepadXboxButtonStart  = 7
	GamepadXboxButtonUp     = 10
	GamepadXboxButtonRight  = 11
	GamepadXboxButtonDown   = 12
	GamepadXboxButtonLeft   = 13
	GamepadXboxButtonHome   = 8

	// Xbox360 USB Controller Axis
	// [-1..1] (left->right)
	GamepadXboxAxisLeftX = 0
	// [1..-1] (up->down)
	GamepadXboxAxisLeftY = 1
	// [-1..1] (left->right)
	GamepadXboxAxisRightX = 2
	// [1..-1] (up->down)
	GamepadXboxAxisRightY = 3
	// [-1..1] (pressure-level)
	GamepadXboxAxisLt = 4
	// [-1..1] (pressure-level)
	GamepadXboxAxisRt = 5

Some basic Defines

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const (
	RRESTypeRaw = iota

rRES data types

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const (
	// No data compression
	RRESCompNone = iota
	// DEFLATE compression
	// LZ4 compression
	// LZMA compression
	// BROTLI compression

Compression types

View Source
const (
	// 8 bit per pixel (no alpha)
	RRESImUncompGrayscale = iota + 1
	// 16 bpp (2 channels)
	// 16 bpp
	// 24 bpp
	// 16 bpp (1 bit alpha)
	// 16 bpp (4 bit alpha)
	// 32 bpp
	// 4 bpp (no alpha)
	// 4 bpp (1 bit alpha)
	// 8 bpp
	// 8 bpp
	// 4 bpp
	// 4 bpp
	// 8 bpp
	// 4 bpp
	// 4 bpp
	// 8 bpp
	// 2 bpp

Image formats

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const (
	RRESVertPosition = iota


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const (
	RRESVertByte = iota


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const (
	LogInfo = iota

Log message types


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var (
	// Light Gray
	LightGray = NewColor(200, 200, 200, 255)
	// Gray
	Gray = NewColor(130, 130, 130, 255)
	// Dark Gray
	DarkGray = NewColor(80, 80, 80, 255)
	// Yellow
	Yellow = NewColor(253, 249, 0, 255)
	// Gold
	Gold = NewColor(255, 203, 0, 255)
	// Orange
	Orange = NewColor(255, 161, 0, 255)
	// Pink
	Pink = NewColor(255, 109, 194, 255)
	// Red
	Red = NewColor(230, 41, 55, 255)
	// Maroon
	Maroon = NewColor(190, 33, 55, 255)
	// Green
	Green = NewColor(0, 228, 48, 255)
	// Lime
	Lime = NewColor(0, 158, 47, 255)
	// Dark Green
	DarkGreen = NewColor(0, 117, 44, 255)
	// Sky Blue
	SkyBlue = NewColor(102, 191, 255, 255)
	// Blue
	Blue = NewColor(0, 121, 241, 255)
	// Dark Blue
	DarkBlue = NewColor(0, 82, 172, 255)
	// Purple
	Purple = NewColor(200, 122, 255, 255)
	// Violet
	Violet = NewColor(135, 60, 190, 255)
	// Dark Purple
	DarkPurple = NewColor(112, 31, 126, 255)
	// Beige
	Beige = NewColor(211, 176, 131, 255)
	// Brown
	Brown = NewColor(127, 106, 79, 255)
	// Dark Brown
	DarkBrown = NewColor(76, 63, 47, 255)
	// White
	White = NewColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
	// Black
	Black = NewColor(0, 0, 0, 255)
	// Blank (Transparent)
	Blank = NewColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
	// Magenta
	Magenta = NewColor(255, 0, 255, 255)
	// Ray White (RayLib Logo White)
	RayWhite = NewColor(245, 245, 245, 255)

Some Basic Colors NOTE: Custom raylib color palette for amazing visuals on WHITE background


func Begin2dMode

func Begin2dMode(camera Camera2D)

Begin2dMode - Initialize 2D mode with custom camera

func Begin3dMode

func Begin3dMode(camera Camera)

Begin3dMode - Initializes 3D mode for drawing (Camera setup)

func BeginBlendMode

func BeginBlendMode(mode BlendMode)

BeginBlendMode - Begin blending mode (alpha, additive, multiplied)

func BeginDrawing

func BeginDrawing()

BeginDrawing - Setup drawing canvas to start drawing

func BeginShaderMode

func BeginShaderMode(shader Shader)

BeginShaderMode - Begin custom shader drawing

func BeginTextureMode

func BeginTextureMode(target RenderTexture2D)

BeginTextureMode - Initializes render texture for drawing

func BeginVrDrawing

func BeginVrDrawing()

BeginVrDrawing - Begin VR simulator stereo rendering

func CheckCollisionBoxSphere

func CheckCollisionBoxSphere(box BoundingBox, centerSphere Vector3, radiusSphere float32) bool

CheckCollisionBoxSphere - Detect collision between box and sphere

func CheckCollisionBoxes

func CheckCollisionBoxes(box1 BoundingBox, box2 BoundingBox) bool

CheckCollisionBoxes - Detect collision between two bounding boxes

func CheckCollisionCircleRec

func CheckCollisionCircleRec(center Vector2, radius float32, rec Rectangle) bool

CheckCollisionCircleRec - Check collision between circle and rectangle

func CheckCollisionCircles

func CheckCollisionCircles(center1 Vector2, radius1 float32, center2 Vector2, radius2 float32) bool

CheckCollisionCircles - Check collision between two circles

func CheckCollisionPointCircle

func CheckCollisionPointCircle(point Vector2, center Vector2, radius float32) bool

CheckCollisionPointCircle - Check if point is inside circle

func CheckCollisionPointRec

func CheckCollisionPointRec(point Vector2, rec Rectangle) bool

CheckCollisionPointRec - Check if point is inside rectangle

func CheckCollisionPointTriangle

func CheckCollisionPointTriangle(point Vector2, p1 Vector2, p2 Vector2, p3 Vector2) bool

CheckCollisionPointTriangle - Check if point is inside a triangle

func CheckCollisionRayBox

func CheckCollisionRayBox(ray Ray, box BoundingBox) bool

CheckCollisionRayBox - Detect collision between ray and box

func CheckCollisionRaySphere

func CheckCollisionRaySphere(ray Ray, spherePosition Vector3, sphereRadius float32) bool

CheckCollisionRaySphere - Detect collision between ray and sphere

func CheckCollisionRaySphereEx

func CheckCollisionRaySphereEx(ray Ray, spherePosition Vector3, sphereRadius float32, collisionPoint Vector3) bool

CheckCollisionRaySphereEx - Detect collision between ray and sphere with extended parameters and collision point detection

func CheckCollisionRecs

func CheckCollisionRecs(rec1 Rectangle, rec2 Rectangle) bool

CheckCollisionRecs - Check collision between two rectangles

func CheckCollisionSpheres

func CheckCollisionSpheres(centerA Vector3, radiusA float32, centerB Vector3, radiusB float32) bool

CheckCollisionSpheres - Detect collision between two spheres

func ClearBackground

func ClearBackground(color Color)

ClearBackground - Sets Background Color

func ClearDroppedFiles

func ClearDroppedFiles()

ClearDroppedFiles - Clear dropped files paths buffer

func CloseAudioDevice

func CloseAudioDevice()

CloseAudioDevice - Close the audio device and context

func CloseAudioStream

func CloseAudioStream(stream AudioStream)

CloseAudioStream - Close audio stream and free memory

func CloseVrSimulator

func CloseVrSimulator()

CloseVrSimulator - Close VR simulator for current device

func CloseWindow

func CloseWindow()

CloseWindow - Close Window and Terminate Context

func ColorToFloat

func ColorToFloat(color Color) []float32

ColorToFloat - Converts Color to float array and normalizes

func DisableCursor

func DisableCursor()

DisableCursor - Disables cursor

func DrawBillboard

func DrawBillboard(camera Camera, texture Texture2D, center Vector3, size float32, tint Color)

DrawBillboard - Draw a billboard texture

func DrawBillboardRec

func DrawBillboardRec(camera Camera, texture Texture2D, sourceRec Rectangle, center Vector3, size float32, tint Color)

DrawBillboardRec - Draw a billboard texture defined by sourceRec

func DrawBoundingBox

func DrawBoundingBox(box BoundingBox, color Color)

DrawBoundingBox - Draw bounding box (wires)

func DrawCircle

func DrawCircle(centerX int32, centerY int32, radius float32, color Color)

DrawCircle - Draw a color-filled circle

func DrawCircle3D

func DrawCircle3D(center Vector3, radius float32, rotationAxis Vector3, rotationAngle float32, color Color)

DrawCircle3D - Draw a circle in 3D world space

func DrawCircleGradient

func DrawCircleGradient(centerX int32, centerY int32, radius float32, color1 Color, color2 Color)

DrawCircleGradient - Draw a gradient-filled circle

func DrawCircleLines

func DrawCircleLines(centerX int32, centerY int32, radius float32, color Color)

DrawCircleLines - Draw circle outline

func DrawCircleV

func DrawCircleV(center Vector2, radius float32, color Color)

DrawCircleV - Draw a color-filled circle (Vector version)

func DrawCube

func DrawCube(position Vector3, width float32, height float32, length float32, color Color)

DrawCube - Draw cube

func DrawCubeTexture

func DrawCubeTexture(texture Texture2D, position Vector3, width float32, height float32, length float32, color Color)

DrawCubeTexture - Draw cube textured

func DrawCubeV

func DrawCubeV(position Vector3, size Vector3, color Color)

DrawCubeV - Draw cube (Vector version)

func DrawCubeWires

func DrawCubeWires(position Vector3, width float32, height float32, length float32, color Color)

DrawCubeWires - Draw cube wires

func DrawCylinder

func DrawCylinder(position Vector3, radiusTop float32, radiusBottom float32, height float32, slices int32, color Color)

DrawCylinder - Draw a cylinder/cone

func DrawCylinderWires

func DrawCylinderWires(position Vector3, radiusTop float32, radiusBottom float32, height float32, slices int32, color Color)

DrawCylinderWires - Draw a cylinder/cone wires

func DrawFPS

func DrawFPS(posX int32, posY int32)

DrawFPS - Shows current FPS

func DrawGizmo

func DrawGizmo(position Vector3)

DrawGizmo - Draw simple gizmo

func DrawGrid

func DrawGrid(slices int32, spacing float32)

DrawGrid - Draw a grid (centered at (0, 0, 0))

func DrawLine

func DrawLine(startPosX int32, startPosY int32, endPosX int32, endPosY int32, color Color)

DrawLine - Draw a line

func DrawLine3D

func DrawLine3D(startPos Vector3, endPos Vector3, color Color)

DrawLine3D - Draw a line in 3D world space

func DrawLineBezier

func DrawLineBezier(startPos Vector2, endPos Vector2, thick float32, color Color)

DrawLineBezier - Draw a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out

func DrawLineEx

func DrawLineEx(startPos Vector2, endPos Vector2, thick float32, color Color)

DrawLineEx - Draw a line defining thickness

func DrawLineV

func DrawLineV(startPos Vector2, endPos Vector2, color Color)

DrawLineV - Draw a line (Vector version)

func DrawModel

func DrawModel(model Model, position Vector3, scale float32, tint Color)

DrawModel - Draw a model (with texture if set)

func DrawModelEx

func DrawModelEx(model Model, position Vector3, rotationAxis Vector3, rotationAngle float32, scale Vector3, tint Color)

DrawModelEx - Draw a model with extended parameters

func DrawModelWires

func DrawModelWires(model Model, position Vector3, scale float32, tint Color)

DrawModelWires - Draw a model wires (with texture if set)

func DrawModelWiresEx

func DrawModelWiresEx(model Model, position Vector3, rotationAxis Vector3, rotationAngle float32, scale Vector3, tint Color)

DrawModelWiresEx - Draw a model wires (with texture if set) with extended parameters

func DrawPixel

func DrawPixel(posX int32, posY int32, color Color)

DrawPixel - Draw a pixel

func DrawPixelV

func DrawPixelV(position Vector2, color Color)

DrawPixelV - Draw a pixel (Vector version)

func DrawPlane

func DrawPlane(centerPos Vector3, size Vector2, color Color)

DrawPlane - Draw a plane XZ

func DrawPoly

func DrawPoly(center Vector2, sides int32, radius float32, rotation float32, color Color)

DrawPoly - Draw a regular polygon (Vector version)

func DrawPolyEx

func DrawPolyEx(points []Vector2, numPoints int32, color Color)

DrawPolyEx - Draw a closed polygon defined by points

func DrawPolyExLines

func DrawPolyExLines(points []Vector2, numPoints int32, color Color)

DrawPolyExLines - Draw polygon lines

func DrawRay

func DrawRay(ray Ray, color Color)

DrawRay - Draw a ray line

func DrawRectangle

func DrawRectangle(posX int32, posY int32, width int32, height int32, color Color)

DrawRectangle - Draw a color-filled rectangle

func DrawRectangleGradient

func DrawRectangleGradient(posX int32, posY int32, width int32, height int32, color1 Color, color2 Color)

DrawRectangleGradient - Draw a gradient-filled rectangle

func DrawRectangleLines

func DrawRectangleLines(posX int32, posY int32, width int32, height int32, color Color)

DrawRectangleLines - Draw rectangle outline

func DrawRectanglePro

func DrawRectanglePro(rec Rectangle, origin Vector2, rotation float32, color Color)

DrawRectanglePro - Draw a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters

func DrawRectangleRec

func DrawRectangleRec(rec Rectangle, color Color)

DrawRectangleRec - Draw a color-filled rectangle

func DrawRectangleV

func DrawRectangleV(position Vector2, size Vector2, color Color)

DrawRectangleV - Draw a color-filled rectangle (Vector version)

func DrawSphere

func DrawSphere(centerPos Vector3, radius float32, color Color)

DrawSphere - Draw sphere

func DrawSphereEx

func DrawSphereEx(centerPos Vector3, radius float32, rings int32, slices int32, color Color)

DrawSphereEx - Draw sphere with extended parameters

func DrawSphereWires

func DrawSphereWires(centerPos Vector3, radius float32, rings int32, slices int32, color Color)

DrawSphereWires - Draw sphere wires

func DrawText

func DrawText(text string, posX int32, posY int32, fontSize int32, color Color)

DrawText - Draw text (using default font)

func DrawTextEx

func DrawTextEx(spriteFont SpriteFont, text string, position Vector2, fontSize float32, spacing int32, tint Color)

DrawTextEx - Draw text using SpriteFont and additional parameters

func DrawTexture

func DrawTexture(texture Texture2D, posX int32, posY int32, tint Color)

DrawTexture - Draw a Texture2D

func DrawTextureEx

func DrawTextureEx(texture Texture2D, position Vector2, rotation float32, scale float32, tint Color)

DrawTextureEx - Draw a Texture2D with extended parameters

func DrawTexturePro

func DrawTexturePro(texture Texture2D, sourceRec Rectangle, destRec Rectangle, origin Vector2, rotation float32, tint Color)

DrawTexturePro - Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle with 'pro' parameters

func DrawTextureRec

func DrawTextureRec(texture Texture2D, sourceRec Rectangle, position Vector2, tint Color)

DrawTextureRec - Draw a part of a texture defined by a rectangle

func DrawTextureV

func DrawTextureV(texture Texture2D, position Vector2, tint Color)

DrawTextureV - Draw a Texture2D with position defined as Vector2

func DrawTriangle

func DrawTriangle(v1 Vector2, v2 Vector2, v3 Vector2, color Color)

DrawTriangle - Draw a color-filled triangle

func DrawTriangleLines

func DrawTriangleLines(v1 Vector2, v2 Vector2, v3 Vector2, color Color)

DrawTriangleLines - Draw triangle outline

func EnableCursor

func EnableCursor()

EnableCursor - Enables cursor

func End2dMode

func End2dMode()

End2dMode - Ends 2D mode custom camera usage

func End3dMode

func End3dMode()

End3dMode - Ends 3D mode and returns to default 2D orthographic mode

func EndBlendMode

func EndBlendMode()

EndBlendMode - End blending mode (reset to default: alpha blending)

func EndDrawing

func EndDrawing()

EndDrawing - End canvas drawing and Swap Buffers (Double Buffering)

func EndShaderMode

func EndShaderMode()

EndShaderMode - End custom shader drawing (use default shader)

func EndTextureMode

func EndTextureMode()

EndTextureMode - Ends drawing to render texture

func EndVrDrawing

func EndVrDrawing()

EndVrDrawing - End VR simulator stereo rendering

func GenTextureMipmaps

func GenTextureMipmaps(texture *Texture2D)

GenTextureMipmaps - Generate GPU mipmaps for a texture

func GetDroppedFiles

func GetDroppedFiles(count *int32) []string

GetDroppedFiles - Retrieve dropped files into window

func GetFPS

func GetFPS() float32

GetFPS - Returns current FPS

func GetFrameTime

func GetFrameTime() float32

GetFrameTime - Returns time in seconds for one frame

func GetGamepadAxisCount

func GetGamepadAxisCount(gamepad int32) int32

GetGamepadAxisCount - Return gamepad axis count for a gamepad

func GetGamepadAxisMovement

func GetGamepadAxisMovement(gamepad int32, axis int32) float32

GetGamepadAxisMovement - Return axis movement value for a gamepad axis

func GetGamepadButtonPressed

func GetGamepadButtonPressed() int32

GetGamepadButtonPressed - Get the last gamepad button pressed

func GetGamepadName

func GetGamepadName(gamepad int32) string

GetGamepadName - Return gamepad internal name id

func GetGestureDragAngle

func GetGestureDragAngle() float32

GetGestureDragAngle - Get gesture drag angle

func GetGestureHoldDuration

func GetGestureHoldDuration() float32

GetGestureHoldDuration - Get gesture hold time in milliseconds

func GetGesturePinchAngle

func GetGesturePinchAngle() float32

GetGesturePinchAngle - Get gesture pinch angle

func GetHexValue

func GetHexValue(color Color) int32

GetHexValue - Returns hexadecimal value for a Color

func GetImageData

func GetImageData(image *Image) unsafe.Pointer

GetImageData - Get pixel data from image

func GetKeyPressed

func GetKeyPressed() int32

GetKeyPressed - Get latest key pressed

func GetMouseWheelMove

func GetMouseWheelMove() int32

GetMouseWheelMove - Returns mouse wheel movement Y

func GetMouseX

func GetMouseX() int32

GetMouseX - Returns mouse position X

func GetMouseY

func GetMouseY() int32

GetMouseY - Returns mouse position Y

func GetMusicTimeLength

func GetMusicTimeLength(music Music) float32

GetMusicTimeLength - Get music time length (in seconds)

func GetMusicTimePlayed

func GetMusicTimePlayed(music Music) float32

GetMusicTimePlayed - Get current music time played (in seconds)

func GetRandomValue

func GetRandomValue(min int32, max int32) int32

GetRandomValue - Returns a random value between min and max (both included)

func GetScreenHeight

func GetScreenHeight() int32

GetScreenHeight - Get current screen height

func GetScreenWidth

func GetScreenWidth() int32

GetScreenWidth - Get current screen width

func GetShaderLocation

func GetShaderLocation(shader Shader, uniformName string) int32

GetShaderLocation - Get shader uniform location

func GetTouchPointsCount

func GetTouchPointsCount() int32

GetTouchPointsCount - Get touch points count

func GetTouchX

func GetTouchX() int32

GetTouchX - Returns touch position X for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)

func GetTouchY

func GetTouchY() int32

GetTouchY - Returns touch position Y for touch point 0 (relative to screen size)

func GetWaveData

func GetWaveData(wave Wave) []float32

GetWaveData - Get samples data from wave as a floats array

func HideCursor

func HideCursor()

HideCursor - Hides cursor

func HomeDir

func HomeDir() string

HomeDir - Returns user home directory

func ImageAlphaMask

func ImageAlphaMask(image *Image, alphaMask *Image)

ImageAlphaMask - Apply alpha mask to image

func ImageColorBrightness

func ImageColorBrightness(image *Image, brightness int32)

ImageColorBrightness - Modify image color: brightness (-255 to 255)

func ImageColorContrast

func ImageColorContrast(image *Image, contrast float32)

ImageColorContrast - Modify image color: contrast (-100 to 100)

func ImageColorGrayscale

func ImageColorGrayscale(image *Image)

ImageColorGrayscale - Modify image color: grayscale

func ImageColorInvert

func ImageColorInvert(image *Image)

ImageColorInvert - Modify image color: invert

func ImageColorTint

func ImageColorTint(image *Image, color Color)

ImageColorTint - Modify image color: tint

func ImageCrop

func ImageCrop(image *Image, crop Rectangle)

ImageCrop - Crop an image to a defined rectangle

func ImageDither

func ImageDither(image *Image, rBpp int32, gBpp int32, bBpp int32, aBpp int32)

ImageDither - Dither image data to 16bpp or lower (Floyd-Steinberg dithering)

func ImageDraw

func ImageDraw(dst *Image, src *Image, srcRec Rectangle, dstRec Rectangle)

ImageDraw - Draw a source image within a destination image

func ImageDrawText

func ImageDrawText(dst *Image, position Vector2, text string, fontSize int32, color Color)

ImageDrawText - Draw text (default font) within an image (destination)

func ImageDrawTextEx

func ImageDrawTextEx(dst *Image, position Vector2, font SpriteFont, text string, fontSize float32, spacing int32, color Color)

ImageDrawTextEx - Draw text (custom sprite font) within an image (destination)

func ImageFlipHorizontal

func ImageFlipHorizontal(image *Image)

ImageFlipHorizontal - Flip image horizontally

func ImageFlipVertical

func ImageFlipVertical(image *Image)

ImageFlipVertical - Flip image vertically

func ImageFormat

func ImageFormat(image *Image, newFormat int32)

ImageFormat - Convert image data to desired format

func ImageResize

func ImageResize(image *Image, newWidth int32, newHeight int32)

ImageResize - Resize an image (bilinear filtering)

func ImageResizeNN

func ImageResizeNN(image *Image, newWidth int32, newHeight int32)

ImageResizeNN - Resize an image (Nearest-Neighbor scaling algorithm)

func ImageToPOT

func ImageToPOT(image *Image, fillColor Color)

ImageToPOT - Convert image to POT (power-of-two)

func InitAudioDevice

func InitAudioDevice()

InitAudioDevice - Initialize audio device and context

func InitVrSimulator

func InitVrSimulator(vdDevice VrDevice)

InitVrSimulator - Init VR simulator for selected device

func InitWindow

func InitWindow(width int32, height int32, t interface{})

InitWindow - Initialize Window and OpenGL Graphics

func IsAudioBufferProcessed

func IsAudioBufferProcessed(stream AudioStream) bool

IsAudioBufferProcessed - Check if any audio stream buffers requires refill

func IsAudioDeviceReady

func IsAudioDeviceReady() bool

IsAudioDeviceReady - Check if audio device has been initialized successfully

func IsCursorHidden

func IsCursorHidden() bool

IsCursorHidden - Returns true if cursor is not visible

func IsFileDropped

func IsFileDropped() bool

IsFileDropped - Check if a file have been dropped into window

func IsGamepadAvailable

func IsGamepadAvailable(gamepad int32) bool

IsGamepadAvailable - Detect if a gamepad is available

func IsGamepadButtonDown

func IsGamepadButtonDown(gamepad int32, button int32) bool

IsGamepadButtonDown - Detect if a gamepad button is being pressed

func IsGamepadButtonPressed

func IsGamepadButtonPressed(gamepad int32, button int32) bool

IsGamepadButtonPressed - Detect if a gamepad button has been pressed once

func IsGamepadButtonReleased

func IsGamepadButtonReleased(gamepad int32, button int32) bool

IsGamepadButtonReleased - Detect if a gamepad button has been released once

func IsGamepadButtonUp

func IsGamepadButtonUp(gamepad int32, button int32) bool

IsGamepadButtonUp - Detect if a gamepad button is NOT being pressed

func IsGamepadName

func IsGamepadName(gamepad int32, name string) bool

IsGamepadName - Check gamepad name (if available)

func IsGestureDetected

func IsGestureDetected(gesture Gestures) bool

IsGestureDetected - Check if a gesture have been detected

func IsKeyDown

func IsKeyDown(key int32) bool

IsKeyDown - Detect if a key is being pressed

func IsKeyPressed

func IsKeyPressed(key int32) bool

IsKeyPressed - Detect if a key has been pressed once

func IsKeyReleased

func IsKeyReleased(key int32) bool

IsKeyReleased - Detect if a key has been released once

func IsKeyUp

func IsKeyUp(key int32) bool

IsKeyUp - Detect if a key is NOT being pressed

func IsMouseButtonDown

func IsMouseButtonDown(button int32) bool

IsMouseButtonDown - Detect if a mouse button is being pressed

func IsMouseButtonPressed

func IsMouseButtonPressed(button int32) bool

IsMouseButtonPressed - Detect if a mouse button has been pressed once

func IsMouseButtonReleased

func IsMouseButtonReleased(button int32) bool

IsMouseButtonReleased - Detect if a mouse button has been released once

func IsMouseButtonUp

func IsMouseButtonUp(button int32) bool

IsMouseButtonUp - Detect if a mouse button is NOT being pressed

func IsMusicPlaying

func IsMusicPlaying(music Music) bool

IsMusicPlaying - Check if music is playing

func IsSoundPlaying

func IsSoundPlaying(sound Sound) bool

IsSoundPlaying - Check if a sound is currently playing

func IsVrSimulatorReady

func IsVrSimulatorReady() bool

IsVrSimulatorReady - Detect if VR simulator is ready

func IsWindowMinimized

func IsWindowMinimized() bool

IsWindowMinimized - Detect if window has been minimized (or lost focus)

func LoadResource

func LoadResource(fileName string) []byte

LoadResource - Load resource from file (only one) NOTE: Returns uncompressed data with parameters, only first resource found

func LoadResourceByID

func LoadResourceByID(fileName string, rresID int) (data []byte)

LoadResourceByID - Load resource from file by id NOTE: Returns uncompressed data with parameters, search resource by id

func MatrixToFloat

func MatrixToFloat(mat Matrix) []float32

MatrixToFloat - Converts Matrix to float array

func MeasureText

func MeasureText(text string, fontSize int32) int32

MeasureText - Measure string width for default font

func PauseAudioStream

func PauseAudioStream(stream AudioStream)

PauseAudioStream - Pause audio stream

func PauseMusicStream

func PauseMusicStream(music Music)

PauseMusicStream - Pause music playing

func PauseSound

func PauseSound(sound Sound)

PauseSound - Pause a sound

func PlayAudioStream

func PlayAudioStream(stream AudioStream)

PlayAudioStream - Play audio stream

func PlayMusicStream

func PlayMusicStream(music Music)

PlayMusicStream - Start music playing

func PlaySound

func PlaySound(sound Sound)

PlaySound - Play a sound

func ResumeAudioStream

func ResumeAudioStream(stream AudioStream)

ResumeAudioStream - Resume audio stream

func ResumeMusicStream

func ResumeMusicStream(music Music)

ResumeMusicStream - Resume playing paused music

func ResumeSound

func ResumeSound(sound Sound)

ResumeSound - Resume a paused sound

func SetCallbackFunc

func SetCallbackFunc(func(unsafe.Pointer))

SetCallbackFunc - Sets callback function

func SetCameraAltControl

func SetCameraAltControl(altKey int32)

SetCameraAltControl - Set camera alt key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)

func SetCameraMode

func SetCameraMode(camera Camera, mode CameraMode)

SetCameraMode - Set camera mode (multiple camera modes available)

func SetCameraMoveControls

func SetCameraMoveControls(frontKey int32, backKey int32, rightKey int32, leftKey int32, upKey int32, downKey int32)

SetCameraMoveControls - Set camera move controls (1st person and 3rd person cameras)

func SetCameraPanControl

func SetCameraPanControl(panKey int32)

SetCameraPanControl - Set camera pan key to combine with mouse movement (free camera)

func SetCameraSmoothZoomControl

func SetCameraSmoothZoomControl(szKey int32)

SetCameraSmoothZoomControl - Set camera smooth zoom key to combine with mouse (free camera)

func SetConfigFlags

func SetConfigFlags(flags byte)

SetConfigFlags - Setup some window configuration flags

func SetDebug

func SetDebug(enabled bool)

SetDebug - Set debug messages

func SetExitKey

func SetExitKey(key int32)

SetExitKey - Set a custom key to exit program (default is ESC)

func SetGesturesEnabled

func SetGesturesEnabled(gestureFlags uint32)

SetGesturesEnabled - Enable a set of gestures using flags

func SetMasterVolume

func SetMasterVolume(volume float32)

SetMasterVolume - Set master volume (listener)

func SetMatrixModelview

func SetMatrixModelview(view Matrix)

SetMatrixModelview - Set a custom modelview matrix (replaces internal modelview matrix)

func SetMatrixProjection

func SetMatrixProjection(proj Matrix)

SetMatrixProjection - Set a custom projection matrix (replaces internal projection matrix)

func SetMousePosition

func SetMousePosition(position Vector2)

SetMousePosition - Set mouse position XY

func SetMusicLoopCount

func SetMusicLoopCount(music Music, count float32)

SetMusicLoopCount - Set music loop count (loop repeats) NOTE: If set to -1, means infinite loop

func SetMusicPitch

func SetMusicPitch(music Music, pitch float32)

SetMusicPitch - Set pitch for a music (1.0 is base level)

func SetMusicVolume

func SetMusicVolume(music Music, volume float32)

SetMusicVolume - Set volume for music (1.0 is max level)

func SetShaderValue

func SetShaderValue(shader Shader, uniformLoc int32, value []float32, size int32)

SetShaderValue - Set shader uniform value (float)

func SetShaderValueMatrix

func SetShaderValueMatrix(shader Shader, uniformLoc int32, mat Matrix)

SetShaderValueMatrix - Set shader uniform value (matrix 4x4)

func SetShaderValuei

func SetShaderValuei(shader Shader, uniformLoc int32, value []int32, size int32)

SetShaderValuei - Set shader uniform value (int)

func SetSoundPitch

func SetSoundPitch(sound Sound, pitch float32)

SetSoundPitch - Set pitch for a sound (1.0 is base level)

func SetSoundVolume

func SetSoundVolume(sound Sound, volume float32)

SetSoundVolume - Set volume for a sound (1.0 is max level)

func SetTargetFPS

func SetTargetFPS(fps int32)

SetTargetFPS - Set target FPS (maximum)

func SetTextureFilter

func SetTextureFilter(texture Texture2D, filterMode TextureFilterMode)

SetTextureFilter - Set texture scaling filter mode

func SetTextureWrap

func SetTextureWrap(texture Texture2D, wrapMode TextureWrapMode)

SetTextureWrap - Set texture wrapping mode

func SetWindowIcon

func SetWindowIcon(image Image)

SetWindowIcon - Set icon for window (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

func SetWindowMonitor

func SetWindowMonitor(monitor int32)

SetWindowMonitor - Set monitor for the current window (fullscreen mode)

func SetWindowPosition

func SetWindowPosition(x, y int32)

SetWindowPosition - Set window position on screen (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

func ShowCursor

func ShowCursor()

ShowCursor - Shows cursor

func ShowLogo()

ShowLogo - Activates raylib logo at startup (can be done with flags)

func StopAudioStream

func StopAudioStream(stream AudioStream)

StopAudioStream - Stop audio stream

func StopMusicStream

func StopMusicStream(music Music)

StopMusicStream - Stop music playing

func StopSound

func StopSound(sound Sound)

StopSound - Stop playing a sound

func StorageLoadValue

func StorageLoadValue(position int32) int32

StorageLoadValue - Storage load integer value (from defined position)

func StorageSaveValue

func StorageSaveValue(position int32, value int32)

StorageSaveValue - Storage save integer value (to defined position)

func TakeScreenshot

func TakeScreenshot()

TakeScreenshot - Takes a screenshot and saves it in the same folder as executable

func ToggleFullscreen

func ToggleFullscreen()

ToggleFullscreen - Fullscreen toggle (only PLATFORM_DESKTOP)

func ToggleVrMode

func ToggleVrMode()

ToggleVrMode - Enable/Disable VR experience (device or simulator)

func TraceLog

func TraceLog(msgType int, text string, v ...interface{})

TraceLog - Show trace log messages (INFO, WARNING, ERROR, DEBUG)

func UnloadImage

func UnloadImage(image *Image)

UnloadImage - Unload image from CPU memory (RAM)

func UnloadMaterial

func UnloadMaterial(material Material)

UnloadMaterial - Unload material textures from VRAM

func UnloadMesh

func UnloadMesh(mesh *Mesh)

UnloadMesh - Unload mesh from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

func UnloadModel

func UnloadModel(model Model)

UnloadModel - Unload model from memory (RAM and/or VRAM)

func UnloadMusicStream

func UnloadMusicStream(music Music)

UnloadMusicStream - Unload music stream

func UnloadRenderTexture

func UnloadRenderTexture(target RenderTexture2D)

UnloadRenderTexture - Unload render texture from GPU memory

func UnloadShader

func UnloadShader(shader Shader)

UnloadShader - Unload a custom shader from memory

func UnloadSound

func UnloadSound(sound Sound)

UnloadSound - Unload sound

func UnloadSpriteFont

func UnloadSpriteFont(spriteFont SpriteFont)

UnloadSpriteFont - Unload SpriteFont from GPU memory (VRAM)

func UnloadTexture

func UnloadTexture(texture Texture2D)

UnloadTexture - Unload texture from GPU memory

func UnloadWave

func UnloadWave(wave Wave)

UnloadWave - Unload wave data

func UpdateAudioStream

func UpdateAudioStream(stream AudioStream, data unsafe.Pointer, samplesCount int32)

UpdateAudioStream - Update audio stream buffers with data

func UpdateCamera

func UpdateCamera(camera *Camera)

UpdateCamera - Update camera position for selected mode

func UpdateMusicStream

func UpdateMusicStream(music Music)

UpdateMusicStream - Updates buffers for music streaming

func UpdateSound

func UpdateSound(sound Sound, data unsafe.Pointer, samplesCount int32)

UpdateSound - Update sound buffer with new data

func UpdateTexture

func UpdateTexture(texture Texture2D, pixels unsafe.Pointer)

UpdateTexture - Update GPU texture with new data

func UpdateVrTracking

func UpdateVrTracking(camera *Camera)

UpdateVrTracking - Update VR tracking (position and orientation) and camera

func VectorToFloat

func VectorToFloat(vec Vector3) []float32

VectorToFloat - Converts Vector3 to float array

func WaveCrop

func WaveCrop(wave Wave, initSample int32, finalSample int32)

WaveCrop - Crop a wave to defined samples range

func WaveFormat

func WaveFormat(wave Wave, sampleRate int32, sampleSize int32, channels int32)

WaveFormat - Convert wave data to desired format

func WindowShouldClose

func WindowShouldClose() bool

WindowShouldClose - Detect if KEY_ESCAPE pressed or Close icon pressed


type Asset

type Asset interface {

Asset file

func OpenAsset

func OpenAsset(name string) (Asset, error)

OpenAsset - Open asset

type AudioStream

type AudioStream struct {
	// Frequency (samples per second)
	SampleRate uint32
	// Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)
	SampleSize uint32
	// Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo)
	Channels uint32
	// OpenAL audio format specifier
	Format int32
	// OpenAL audio source id
	Source uint32
	// OpenAL audio buffers (double buffering)
	Buffers [2]uint32

AudioStream type NOTE: Useful to create custom audio streams not bound to a specific file

func InitAudioStream

func InitAudioStream(sampleRate uint32, sampleSize uint32, channels uint32) AudioStream

InitAudioStream - Init audio stream (to stream raw audio pcm data)

func NewAudioStream

func NewAudioStream(sampleRate, sampleSize, channels uint32, format int32, source uint32, buffers [2]uint32) AudioStream

NewAudioStream - Returns new AudioStream

func NewAudioStreamFromPointer

func NewAudioStreamFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) AudioStream

NewAudioStreamFromPointer - Returns new AudioStream from pointer

type BlendMode

type BlendMode int32

BlendMode type

const (
	BlendAlpha      BlendMode = C.BLEND_ALPHA
	BlendAdditive   BlendMode = C.BLEND_ADDITIVE
	BlendMultiplied BlendMode = C.BLEND_MULTIPLIED

Color blending modes (pre-defined)

type BoundingBox

type BoundingBox struct {
	// Minimum vertex box-corner
	Min Vector3
	// Maximum vertex box-corner
	Max Vector3

BoundingBox type

func CalculateBoundingBox

func CalculateBoundingBox(mesh Mesh) BoundingBox

CalculateBoundingBox - Calculate mesh bounding box limits

func NewBoundingBox

func NewBoundingBox(min, max Vector3) BoundingBox

NewBoundingBox - Returns new BoundingBox

func NewBoundingBoxFromPointer

func NewBoundingBoxFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) BoundingBox

NewBoundingBoxFromPointer - Returns new BoundingBox from pointer

type Camera

type Camera struct {
	// Camera position
	Position Vector3
	// Camera target it looks-at
	Target Vector3
	// Camera up vector (rotation over its axis)
	Up Vector3
	// Camera field-of-view apperture in Y (degrees)
	Fovy float32

Camera type, defines a camera position/orientation in 3d space

func NewCamera

func NewCamera(pos, target, up Vector3, fovy float32) Camera

NewCamera - Returns new Camera

func NewCameraFromPointer

func NewCameraFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Camera

NewCameraFromPointer - Returns new Camera from pointer

type Camera2D

type Camera2D struct {
	// Camera offset (displacement from target)
	Offset Vector2
	// Camera target (rotation and zoom origin)
	Target Vector2
	// Camera rotation in degrees
	Rotation float32
	// Camera zoom (scaling), should be 1.0f by default
	Zoom float32

Camera2D type, defines a 2d camera

func NewCamera2D

func NewCamera2D(offset, target Vector2, rotation, zoom float32) Camera2D

NewCamera2D - Returns new Camera2D

func NewCamera2DFromPointer

func NewCamera2DFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Camera2D

NewCamera2DFromPointer - Returns new Camera2D from pointer

type CameraMode

type CameraMode int32

CameraMode type

const (
	CameraCustom      CameraMode = C.CAMERA_CUSTOM
	CameraFree        CameraMode = C.CAMERA_FREE
	CameraOrbital     CameraMode = C.CAMERA_ORBITAL
	CameraFirstPerson CameraMode = C.CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON
	CameraThirdPerson CameraMode = C.CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON

Camera system modes

type CharInfo

type CharInfo struct {
	// Character value (Unicode)
	Value int32
	// Character rectangle in sprite font
	Rec Rectangle
	// Character offset X when drawing
	OffsetX int32
	// Character offset Y when drawing
	OffsetY int32
	// Character advance position X
	AdvanceX int32

CharInfo - SpriteFont character info

func NewCharInfo

func NewCharInfo(value int32, rec Rectangle, offsetX, offsetY, advanceX int32) CharInfo

NewCharInfo - Returns new SpriteFont

func NewCharInfoFromPointer

func NewCharInfoFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) CharInfo

NewCharInfoFromPointer - Returns new SpriteFont from pointer

type Color

type Color struct {
	R uint8
	G uint8
	B uint8
	A uint8

Color type, RGBA (32bit)

func Fade

func Fade(color Color, alpha float32) Color

Fade - Color fade-in or fade-out, alpha goes from 0.0f to 1.0f

func GetColor

func GetColor(hexValue int32) Color

GetColor - Returns a Color struct from hexadecimal value

func NewColor

func NewColor(r, g, b, a uint8) Color

NewColor - Returns new Color

func NewColorFromPointer

func NewColorFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Color

NewColorFromPointer - Returns new Color from pointer

type Gestures

type Gestures int32

Gestures type

const (
	GestureNone       Gestures = C.GESTURE_NONE
	GestureTap        Gestures = C.GESTURE_TAP
	GestureDoubletap  Gestures = C.GESTURE_DOUBLETAP
	GestureHold       Gestures = C.GESTURE_HOLD
	GestureDrag       Gestures = C.GESTURE_DRAG
	GestureSwipeRight Gestures = C.GESTURE_SWIPE_RIGHT
	GestureSwipeLeft  Gestures = C.GESTURE_SWIPE_LEFT
	GestureSwipeUp    Gestures = C.GESTURE_SWIPE_UP
	GestureSwipeDown  Gestures = C.GESTURE_SWIPE_DOWN
	GesturePinchIn    Gestures = C.GESTURE_PINCH_IN
	GesturePinchOut   Gestures = C.GESTURE_PINCH_OUT

Gestures types NOTE: It could be used as flags to enable only some gestures

func GetGestureDetected

func GetGestureDetected() Gestures

GetGestureDetected - Get latest detected gesture

type Image

type Image struct {
	// Image raw data
	Data unsafe.Pointer
	// Image base width
	Width int32
	// Image base height
	Height int32
	// Mipmap levels, 1 by default
	Mipmaps int32
	// Data format (TextureFormat)
	Format TextureFormat

Image type, bpp always RGBA (32bit) NOTE: Data stored in CPU memory (RAM)

func GetTextureData

func GetTextureData(texture Texture2D) *Image

GetTextureData - Get pixel data from GPU texture and return an Image

func ImageCopy

func ImageCopy(image *Image) *Image

ImageCopy - Create an image duplicate (useful for transformations)

func ImageText

func ImageText(text string, fontSize int32, color Color) *Image

ImageText - Create an image from text (default font)

func ImageTextEx

func ImageTextEx(font SpriteFont, text string, fontSize float32, spacing int32, tint Color) *Image

ImageTextEx - Create an image from text (custom sprite font)

func LoadImage

func LoadImage(fileName string) *Image

LoadImage - Load an image into CPU memory (RAM)

func LoadImageEx

func LoadImageEx(pixels []Color, width int32, height int32) *Image

LoadImageEx - Load image data from Color array data (RGBA - 32bit)

func LoadImagePro

func LoadImagePro(data []byte, width int32, height int32, format TextureFormat) *Image

LoadImagePro - Load image from raw data with parameters

func LoadImageRaw

func LoadImageRaw(fileName string, width int32, height int32, format TextureFormat, headerSize int32) *Image

LoadImageRaw - Load image data from RAW file

func NewImage

func NewImage(data unsafe.Pointer, width, height, mipmaps int32, format TextureFormat) *Image

NewImage - Returns new Image

func NewImageFromPointer

func NewImageFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *Image

NewImageFromPointer - Returns new Image from pointer

type Mat2

type Mat2 struct {
	M00 float32
	M01 float32
	M10 float32
	M11 float32

Mat2 type (used for polygon shape rotation matrix)

func NewMat2

func NewMat2(m0, m1, m10, m11 float32) Mat2

NewMat2 - Returns new Mat2

type Material

type Material struct {
	// Standard shader (supports 3 map textures)
	Shader Shader
	// Diffuse texture  (binded to shader mapTexture0Loc)
	TexDiffuse Texture2D
	// Normal texture   (binded to shader mapTexture1Loc)
	TexNormal Texture2D
	// Specular texture (binded to shader mapTexture2Loc)
	TexSpecular Texture2D
	// Diffuse color
	ColDiffuse Color
	// Ambient color
	ColAmbient Color
	// Specular color
	ColSpecular Color
	// Glossiness level (Ranges from 0 to 1000)
	Glossiness float32

Material type

func LoadDefaultMaterial

func LoadDefaultMaterial() Material

LoadDefaultMaterial - Load default material (uses default models shader)

func LoadMaterial

func LoadMaterial(fileName string) Material

LoadMaterial - Load material data (.MTL)

func NewMaterial

func NewMaterial(shader Shader, texDiffuse, texNormal, texSpecular Texture2D, colDiffuse, colAmbient, colSpecular Color, glossiness float32) Material

NewMaterial - Returns new Material

func NewMaterialFromPointer

func NewMaterialFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Material

NewMaterialFromPointer - Returns new Material from pointer

type Matrix

type Matrix struct {
	M0, M4, M8, M12  float32
	M1, M5, M9, M13  float32
	M2, M6, M10, M14 float32
	M3, M7, M11, M15 float32

Matrix type (OpenGL style 4x4 - right handed, column major)

func GetCameraMatrix

func GetCameraMatrix(camera Camera) Matrix

GetCameraMatrix - Returns camera transform matrix (view matrix)

func NewMatrix

func NewMatrix(m0, m4, m8, m12, m1, m5, m9, m13, m2, m6, m10, m14, m3, m7, m11, m15 float32) Matrix

NewMatrix - Returns new Matrix

func NewMatrixFromPointer

func NewMatrixFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Matrix

NewMatrixFromPointer - Returns new Matrix from pointer

type Mesh

type Mesh struct {
	// Number of vertices stored in arrays
	VertexCount int32
	// Number of triangles stored (indexed or not)
	TriangleCount int32
	// Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 0)
	Vertices *[]float32
	// Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) (shader-location = 1)
	Texcoords *[]float32
	// Vertex second texture coordinates (useful for lightmaps) (shader-location = 5)
	Texcoords2 *[]float32
	// Vertex normals (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 2)
	Normals *[]float32
	// Vertex tangents (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) (shader-location = 4)
	Tangents *[]float32
	// Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) (shader-location = 3)
	Colors *[]uint8
	// Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed)
	Indices *[]uint16
	// OpenGL Vertex Array Object id
	VaoID uint32
	// OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (7 types of vertex data)
	VboID [7]uint32

Mesh - Vertex data definning a mesh

func LoadMesh

func LoadMesh(fileName string) Mesh

LoadMesh - Load mesh from file

func LoadMeshEx

func LoadMeshEx(numVertex int32, vData []float32, vtData []float32, vnData []float32, cData []Color) Mesh

LoadMeshEx - Load mesh from vertex data

func NewMesh

func NewMesh(vertexCount, triangleCount int32, vertices, texcoords, texcoords2, normals, tangents *[]float32, colors *[]uint8, indices *[]uint16, vaoID uint32, vboID [7]uint32) Mesh

NewMesh - Returns new Mesh

func NewMeshFromPointer

func NewMeshFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Mesh

NewMeshFromPointer - Returns new Mesh from pointer

type Model

type Model struct {
	// Vertex data buffers (RAM and VRAM)
	Mesh Mesh
	// Local transform matrix
	Transform Matrix
	// Shader and textures data
	Material Material
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Model type

func LoadCubicmap

func LoadCubicmap(cubicmap *Image) Model

LoadCubicmap - Load cubes-based map model from image data

func LoadHeightmap

func LoadHeightmap(heightmap *Image, size Vector3) Model

LoadHeightmap - Load heightmap model from image data

func LoadModel

func LoadModel(fileName string) Model

LoadModel - Load model from file

func LoadModelFromMesh

func LoadModelFromMesh(data Mesh, dynamic bool) Model

LoadModelFromMesh - Load model from mesh data

func NewModel

func NewModel(mesh Mesh, transform Matrix, material Material) Model

NewModel - Returns new Model

func NewModelFromPointer

func NewModelFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Model

NewModelFromPointer - Returns new Model from pointer

type Music

type Music C.Music

Music type (file streaming from memory) NOTE: Anything longer than ~10 seconds should be streamed

func LoadMusicStream

func LoadMusicStream(fileName string) Music

LoadMusicStream - Load music stream from file

type Quaternion

type Quaternion struct {
	X float32
	Y float32
	Z float32
	W float32

Quaternion type

func NewQuaternion

func NewQuaternion(x, y, z, w float32) Quaternion

NewQuaternion - Returns new Quaternion

type RRESFileHeader

type RRESFileHeader struct {
	// File identifier: rRES (4 byte)
	ID [4]int8
	// File version and subversion (2 byte)
	Version uint16
	// Number of resources in this file (2 byte)
	Count uint16

RRESFileHeader - rRES file header (8 byte)

type RRESInfoHeader

type RRESInfoHeader struct {
	// Resource unique identifier (4 byte)
	ID uint32
	// Resource data type (1 byte)
	DataType uint8
	// Resource data compression type (1 byte)
	CompType uint8
	// Resource data encryption type (1 byte)
	CryptoType uint8
	// Resource data parts count, used for splitted data (1 byte)
	PartsCount uint8
	// Resource data size (compressed or not, only DATA) (4 byte)
	DataSize uint32
	// Resource data size (uncompressed, only DATA) (4 byte)
	UncompSize uint32
	// Resouce parameter 1 (4 byte)
	Param1 uint32
	// Resouce parameter 2 (4 byte)
	Param2 uint32
	// Resouce parameter 3 (4 byte)
	Param3 uint32
	// Resouce parameter 4 (4 byte)
	Param4 uint32

RRESInfoHeader - rRES info header, every resource includes this header (16 byte + 16 byte)

type Ray

type Ray struct {
	// Ray position (origin)
	Position Vector3
	// Ray direction
	Direction Vector3

Ray type (useful for raycast)

func GetMouseRay

func GetMouseRay(mousePosition Vector2, camera Camera) Ray

GetMouseRay - Returns a ray trace from mouse position

func NewRay

func NewRay(position, direction Vector3) Ray

NewRay - Returns new Ray

func NewRayFromPointer

func NewRayFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Ray

NewRayFromPointer - Returns new Ray from pointer

type Rectangle

type Rectangle struct {
	X      int32
	Y      int32
	Width  int32
	Height int32

Rectangle type

func GetCollisionRec

func GetCollisionRec(rec1 Rectangle, rec2 Rectangle) Rectangle

GetCollisionRec - Get collision rectangle for two rectangles collision

func NewRectangle

func NewRectangle(x, y, width, height int32) Rectangle

NewRectangle - Returns new Rectangle

func NewRectangleFromPointer

func NewRectangleFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Rectangle

NewRectangleFromPointer - Returns new Rectangle from pointer

type RenderTexture2D

type RenderTexture2D struct {
	// Render texture (fbo) id
	ID uint32
	// Color buffer attachment texture
	Texture Texture2D
	// Depth buffer attachment texture
	Depth Texture2D

RenderTexture2D type, for texture rendering

func LoadRenderTexture

func LoadRenderTexture(width int32, height int32) RenderTexture2D

LoadRenderTexture - Load a texture to be used for rendering

func NewRenderTexture2D

func NewRenderTexture2D(id uint32, texture, depth Texture2D) RenderTexture2D

NewRenderTexture2D - Returns new RenderTexture2D

func NewRenderTexture2DFromPointer

func NewRenderTexture2DFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) RenderTexture2D

NewRenderTexture2DFromPointer - Returns new RenderTexture2D from pointer

type Shader

type Shader struct {
	// Shader program id
	ID uint32
	// Vertex attribute location point (default-location = 0)
	VertexLoc int32
	// Texcoord attribute location point (default-location = 1)
	TexcoordLoc int32
	// Texcoord2 attribute location point (default-location = 5)
	Texcoord2Loc int32
	// Normal attribute location point (default-location = 2)
	NormalLoc int32
	// Tangent attribute location point (default-location = 4)
	TangentLoc int32
	// Color attibute location point (default-location = 3)
	ColorLoc int32
	// ModelView-Projection matrix uniform location point (vertex shader)
	MvpLoc int32
	// Diffuse color uniform location point (fragment shader)
	ColDiffuseLoc int32
	// Ambient color uniform location point (fragment shader)
	ColAmbientLoc int32
	// Specular color uniform location point (fragment shader)
	ColSpecularLoc int32
	// Map texture uniform location point (default-texture-unit = 0)
	MapTexture0Loc int32
	// Map texture uniform location point (default-texture-unit = 1)
	MapTexture1Loc int32
	// Map texture uniform location point (default-texture-unit = 2)
	MapTexture2Loc int32

Shader type (generic shader)

func GetDefaultShader

func GetDefaultShader() Shader

GetDefaultShader - Get default shader

func LoadShader

func LoadShader(vsFileName string, fsFileName string) Shader

LoadShader - Load a custom shader and bind default locations

func NewShader

func NewShader(id uint32, vertexLoc, texcoordLoc, texcoord2Loc, normalLoc, tangentLoc, colorLoc, mvpLoc, colDiffuseLoc, colAmbientLoc, colSpecularLoc, mapTexture0Loc, mapTexture1Loc, mapTexture2Loc int32) Shader

NewShader - Returns new Shader

func NewShaderFromPointer

func NewShaderFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Shader

NewShaderFromPointer - Returns new Shader from pointer

type Sound

type Sound struct {
	// OpenAL audio source id
	Source uint32
	// OpenAL audio buffer id
	Buffer uint32
	// OpenAL audio format specifier
	Format int32

Sound source type

func LoadSound

func LoadSound(fileName string) Sound

LoadSound - Load sound to memory

func LoadSoundFromWave

func LoadSoundFromWave(wave Wave) Sound

LoadSoundFromWave - Load sound to memory from wave data

func NewSound

func NewSound(source, buffer uint32, format int32) Sound

NewSound - Returns new Sound

func NewSoundFromPointer

func NewSoundFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Sound

NewSoundFromPointer - Returns new Sound from pointer

type SpriteFont

type SpriteFont struct {
	// Font texture
	Texture Texture2D
	// Base size (default chars height)
	BaseSize int32
	// Number of characters
	CharsCount int32
	// Characters info data
	Chars *CharInfo

SpriteFont type, includes texture and charSet array data

func GetDefaultFont

func GetDefaultFont() SpriteFont

GetDefaultFont - Get the default SpriteFont

func LoadSpriteFont

func LoadSpriteFont(fileName string) SpriteFont

LoadSpriteFont - Load a SpriteFont image into GPU memory (VRAM)

func LoadSpriteFontEx

func LoadSpriteFontEx(fileName string, fontSize int32, charsCount int32, fontChars *int32) SpriteFont

LoadSpriteFontEx - Load SpriteFont from file with extended parameters

func NewSpriteFont

func NewSpriteFont(texture Texture2D, baseSize, charsCount int32, chars *CharInfo) SpriteFont

NewSpriteFont - Returns new SpriteFont

func NewSpriteFontFromPointer

func NewSpriteFontFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) SpriteFont

NewSpriteFontFromPointer - Returns new SpriteFont from pointer

type Texture2D

type Texture2D struct {
	// OpenGL texture id
	ID uint32
	// Texture base width
	Width int32
	// Texture base height
	Height int32
	// Mipmap levels, 1 by default
	Mipmaps int32
	// Data format (TextureFormat)
	Format TextureFormat

Texture2D type, bpp always RGBA (32bit) NOTE: Data stored in GPU memory

func GetDefaultTexture

func GetDefaultTexture() *Texture2D

GetDefaultTexture - Get default texture

func LoadTexture

func LoadTexture(fileName string) Texture2D

LoadTexture - Load an image as texture into GPU memory

func LoadTextureFromImage

func LoadTextureFromImage(image *Image) Texture2D

LoadTextureFromImage - Load a texture from image data

func NewTexture2D

func NewTexture2D(id uint32, width, height, mipmaps int32, format TextureFormat) Texture2D

NewTexture2D - Returns new Texture2D

func NewTexture2DFromPointer

func NewTexture2DFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Texture2D

NewTexture2DFromPointer - Returns new Texture2D from pointer

type TextureFilterMode

type TextureFilterMode int32

TextureFilterMode - Texture filter mode

const (
	// No filter, just pixel aproximation
	FilterPoint TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_POINT
	// Linear filtering
	FilterBilinear TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_BILINEAR
	// Trilinear filtering (linear with mipmaps)
	FilterTrilinear TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_TRILINEAR
	// Anisotropic filtering 4x
	FilterAnisotropic4x TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_4X
	// Anisotropic filtering 8x
	FilterAnisotropic8x TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_8X
	// Anisotropic filtering 16x
	FilterAnisotropic16x TextureFilterMode = C.FILTER_ANISOTROPIC_16X

Texture parameters: filter mode NOTE 1: Filtering considers mipmaps if available in the texture NOTE 2: Filter is accordingly set for minification and magnification

type TextureFormat

type TextureFormat int32

TextureFormat - Texture format

const (
	// 8 bit per pixel (no alpha)
	UncompressedGrayscale TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_GRAYSCALE
	// 16 bpp (2 channels)
	UncompressedGrayAlpha TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_GRAY_ALPHA
	// 16 bpp
	UncompressedR5g6b5 TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_R5G6B5
	// 24 bpp
	UncompressedR8g8b8 TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8
	// 16 bpp (1 bit alpha)
	UncompressedR5g5b5a1 TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_R5G5B5A1
	// 16 bpp (4 bit alpha)
	UncompressedR4g4b4a4 TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_R4G4B4A4
	// 32 bpp
	UncompressedR8g8b8a8 TextureFormat = C.UNCOMPRESSED_R8G8B8A8
	// 4 bpp (no alpha)
	CompressedDxt1Rgb TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGB
	// 4 bpp (1 bit alpha)
	CompressedDxt1Rgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_DXT1_RGBA
	// 8 bpp
	CompressedDxt3Rgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_DXT3_RGBA
	// 8 bpp
	CompressedDxt5Rgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_DXT5_RGBA
	// 4 bpp
	CompressedEtc1Rgb TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_ETC1_RGB
	// 4 bpp
	CompressedEtc2Rgb TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_ETC2_RGB
	// 8 bpp
	CompressedEtc2EacRgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_ETC2_EAC_RGBA
	// 4 bpp
	CompressedPvrtRgb TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGB
	// 4 bpp
	CompressedPvrtRgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_PVRT_RGBA
	// 8 bpp
	CompressedAstc4x4Rgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_ASTC_4x4_RGBA
	// 2 bpp
	CompressedAstc8x8Rgba TextureFormat = C.COMPRESSED_ASTC_8x8_RGBA

Texture formats NOTE: Support depends on OpenGL version and platform

type TextureWrapMode

type TextureWrapMode int32

TextureWrapMode - Texture wrap mode

const (
	WrapRepeat TextureWrapMode = C.WRAP_REPEAT
	WrapClamp  TextureWrapMode = C.WRAP_CLAMP
	WrapMirror TextureWrapMode = C.WRAP_MIRROR

Texture parameters: wrap mode

type Vector2

type Vector2 struct {
	X float32
	Y float32

Vector2 type

func GetGestureDragVector

func GetGestureDragVector() Vector2

GetGestureDragVector - Get gesture drag vector

func GetGesturePinchVector

func GetGesturePinchVector() Vector2

GetGesturePinchVector - Get gesture pinch delta

func GetMousePosition

func GetMousePosition() Vector2

GetMousePosition - Returns mouse position XY

func GetTouchPosition

func GetTouchPosition(index int32) Vector2

GetTouchPosition - Returns touch position XY for a touch point index (relative to screen size)

func GetWorldToScreen

func GetWorldToScreen(position Vector3, camera Camera) Vector2

GetWorldToScreen - Returns the screen space position from a 3d world space position

func MeasureTextEx

func MeasureTextEx(spriteFont SpriteFont, text string, fontSize float32, spacing int32) Vector2

MeasureTextEx - Measure string size for SpriteFont

func NewVector2

func NewVector2(x, y float32) Vector2

NewVector2 - Returns new Vector2

func NewVector2FromPointer

func NewVector2FromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Vector2

NewVector2FromPointer - Returns new Vector2 from pointer

type Vector3

type Vector3 struct {
	X float32
	Y float32
	Z float32

Vector3 type

func NewVector3

func NewVector3(X, Y, Z float32) Vector3

NewVector3 - Returns new Vector3

func NewVector3FromPointer

func NewVector3FromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Vector3

NewVector3FromPointer - Returns new Vector3 from pointer

type VrDevice

type VrDevice int32

VrDevice type

const (
	HmdDefaultDevice     VrDevice = C.HMD_DEFAULT_DEVICE
	HmdOculusRiftDk2     VrDevice = C.HMD_OCULUS_RIFT_DK2
	HmdOculusRiftCv1     VrDevice = C.HMD_OCULUS_RIFT_CV1
	HmdValveHtcVive      VrDevice = C.HMD_VALVE_HTC_VIVE
	HmdSamsungGearVr     VrDevice = C.HMD_SAMSUNG_GEAR_VR
	HmdGoogleCardboard   VrDevice = C.HMD_GOOGLE_CARDBOARD
	HmdSonyPlaystationVr VrDevice = C.HMD_SONY_PLAYSTATION_VR
	HmdRazerOsvr         VrDevice = C.HMD_RAZER_OSVR
	HmdFoveVr            VrDevice = C.HMD_FOVE_VR

Head Mounted Display devices

type Wave

type Wave struct {
	// Number of samples
	SampleCount uint32
	// Frequency (samples per second)
	SampleRate uint32
	// Bit depth (bits per sample): 8, 16, 32 (24 not supported)
	SampleSize uint32
	// Number of channels (1-mono, 2-stereo)
	Channels uint32
	// Buffer data pointer
	Data unsafe.Pointer

Wave type, defines audio wave data

func LoadWave

func LoadWave(fileName string) Wave

LoadWave - Load wave data from file into RAM

func LoadWaveEx

func LoadWaveEx(data unsafe.Pointer, sampleCount int32, sampleRate int32, sampleSize int32, channels int32) Wave

LoadWaveEx - Load wave data from float array data (32bit)

func NewWave

func NewWave(sampleCount, sampleRate, sampleSize, channels uint32, data unsafe.Pointer) Wave

NewWave - Returns new Wave

func NewWaveFromPointer

func NewWaveFromPointer(ptr unsafe.Pointer) Wave

NewWaveFromPointer - Returns new Wave from pointer

func WaveCopy

func WaveCopy(wave Wave) Wave

WaveCopy - Copy a wave to a new wave

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