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Published: Mar 7, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


Go API client for swagger

VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI is a new API that is defined using the OpenAPI standards.
This ReSTful API borrows some elements of the legacy VMware Cloud Director API and establishes new patterns for use as described below.


Authentication and Authorization schemes are the same as those for the legacy APIs. You can authenticate using the JWT token via the Authorization header or specifying a session using x-vcloud-authorization (The latter form is deprecated).

Operation Patterns

This API follows the following general guidelines to establish a consistent CRUD pattern:
OperationDescriptionResponse CodeResponse Content
GET /itemsReturns a paginated list of items200Response will include Navigational links to the items in the list.
POST /itemsReturns newly created item201Content-Location header links to the newly created item
GET /items/urnReturns an individual item200A single item using same data type as that included in list above
PUT /items/urnUpdates an individual item200Updated view of the item is returned
DELETE /items/urnDeletes the item204No content is returned.
Asynchronous operations
Asynchronous operations are determined by the server. In those cases, instead of responding as described above, the server responds with an HTTP Response code 202 and an empty body. The tracking task (which is the same task as all legacy API operations use) is linked via the URI provided in the Location header.
All API calls can choose to service a request asynchronously or synchronously as determined by the server upon interpreting the request. Operations that choose to exhibit this dual behavior will have both options documented by specifying both response code(s) below. The caller must be prepared to handle responses to such API calls by inspecting the HTTP Response code.
Error Conditions
All operations report errors using the following error reporting rules:
  • 400: Bad Request - In event of bad request due to incorrect data or other user error
  • 401: Bad Request - If user is unauthenticated or their session has expired
  • 403: Forbidden - If the user is not authorized or the entity does not exist

OpenAPI Design Concepts and Principles

  • IDs are full Uniform Resource Names (URNs).
  • OpenAPI's Content-Type is always application/json
  • REST links are in the Link header.
    • Multiple relationships for any link are represented by multiple values in a space-separated list.
    • Links have a custom VMware Cloud Director-specific "model" attribute that hints at the applicable data type for the links.
    • title + rel + model attributes evaluates to a unique link.
    • Links follow Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS) principles. Links are present if certain operations are present and permitted for the user"s current role and the state of the referred entities.
  • APIs follow a flat structure relying on cross-referencing other entities instead of the navigational style used by the legacy VMware Cloud Director APIs.
  • Most endpoints that return a list support filtering and sorting similar to the query service in the legacy VMware Cloud Director APIs.
  • Accept header must be included to specify the API version for the request similar to calls to existing legacy VMware Cloud Director APIs.
  • Each feature has a version in the path element present in its URL.
    Note API URL's without a version in their paths must be considered experimental.


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 36.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit https://code.vmware.com


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:

import "./swagger"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/cloudapi

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccessControlsApi CreateEntityAccessControlGrant Post /1.0.0/entities/{objectId}/accessControls Creates an access-control grant
AccessControlsApi GetEntityAccessControlGrant Get /1.0.0/entities/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Get the specified access-control grant.
AccessControlsApi QueryEntityAccessControlGrants Get /1.0.0/entities/{objectId}/accessControls Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity.
AccessControlsApi RemoveEntityAccessControlGrant Delete /1.0.0/entities/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entities access-control list.
AccessControlsApi UpdateEntityAccessControlGrant Put /1.0.0/entities/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Updates the specified access-control grant.
AccessLevelsApi GetAccessLevel Get /1.0.0/accessLevels/{accessLevelUrn} Get the specified access level.
AccessLevelsApi QueryAccessLevels Get /1.0.0/accessLevels Get all access levels.
AdvisoryApi CreateAdvisoryDefinition Post /1.0.0/definitions/advisories Create a new advisory definition.
AdvisoryApi DeleteAdvisoryDefinition Delete /1.0.0/definitions/advisories/{advisoryId} Delete the advisory with the associated specified id.
AdvisoryApi GetAdvisory Get /1.0.0/advisories/{advisoryId} Get the advisory with the specified id.
AdvisoryApi GetAdvisoryDefinition Get /1.0.0/definitions/advisories/{advisoryId} Get the advisory definition with the specified id.
AdvisoryApi QueryAdvisories Get /1.0.0/advisories Get a list of all advisories accessible to the user.
AdvisoryApi QueryAdvisoryDefinitions Get /1.0.0/definitions/advisories Get a list of all advisory definitions.
AdvisoryApi UpdateAdvisory Put /1.0.0/advisories/{advisoryId} Updates an advisory.
ApplicationPortProfileApi DeleteApplicationPortProfile Delete /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles/{applicationPortProfileId} Deletes a specific user-defined Application Port Profile
ApplicationPortProfileApi GetApplicationPortProfile Get /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles/{applicationPortProfileId} Retrieves a specific user-defined Application Port Profile
ApplicationPortProfileApi UpdateApplicationPortProfile Put /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles/{applicationPortProfileId} Updates a specific user-defined Application Port Profile
ApplicationPortProfilesApi CreateApplicationPortProfile Post /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles Create a user-defined application port profile.
ApplicationPortProfilesApi GetApplicationPortProfiles Get /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles Get all Application Port Profiles.
ApplicationPortProfilesApi SyncApplicationPortProfiles Post /1.0.0/applicationPortProfiles/sync Sync the application port profiles from the network provider to VCD.
AuditTrailApi QueryAuditTrail Get /1.0.0/auditTrail Get list of audit trail events
BrandingApi CreateBrandingTheme Post /branding/themes Create a new custom theme
BrandingApi DeleteBrandingTheme Delete /branding/themes/{name} Delete an existing custom theme
BrandingApi DeleteBrandingThemeContents Delete /branding/themes/{name}/contents Delete an existing custom theme's contents
BrandingApi DeleteSystemIcon Delete /branding/icon Delete system level icon
BrandingApi DeleteSystemLogo Delete /branding/logo Delete system level logo
BrandingApi DeleteTenantIcon Delete /branding/tenant/{org}/icon Delete system level icon
BrandingApi DeleteTenantLogo Delete /branding/tenant/{org}/logo Delete the org-specific logo
BrandingApi GetBrandingTheme Get /branding/themes/{name} Retrieve a specified theme identified by name
BrandingApi GetBrandingThemeCss Get /branding/themes/{name}/css Retrieve the custom CSS for this theme, if any
BrandingApi GetBrandingThemes Get /branding/themes Get a list of themes
BrandingApi GetSystemBranding Get /branding Gets the system level branding
BrandingApi GetSystemIcon Get /branding/icon Gets the system level browser icon
BrandingApi GetSystemLogo Get /branding/logo Gets the system level logo
BrandingApi GetTenantBranding Get /branding/tenant/{org} Gets org-specific branding
BrandingApi GetTenantIcon Get /branding/tenant/{org}/icon Gets the system level browser icon
BrandingApi GetTenantLogo Get /branding/tenant/{org}/logo Gets the org-specific logo
BrandingApi PutSystemBranding Put /branding Sets default branding
BrandingApi PutSystemIcon Put /branding/icon Sets the system level icon
BrandingApi PutSystemLogo Put /branding/logo Sets the system level logo
BrandingApi PutTenantBranding Put /branding/tenant/{org} Sets org-specific branding
BrandingApi PutTenantIcon Put /branding/tenant/{org}/icon Sets the system level icon
BrandingApi PutTenantLogo Put /branding/tenant/{org}/logo Sets the org-specific logo
BrandingApi RemoveTenantBranding Delete /branding/tenant/{org} Remove org-specific branding
BrandingApi UpdateBrandingTheme Put /branding/themes/{name} Update an existing custom theme
BrandingApi UploadBrandingThemeContents Post /branding/themes/{name}/contents Upload the contents for this theme
CapabilitiesApi GetOrgVdcStoragePolicyCapabilities Get /1.0.0/orgVdcStoragePolicies/{id}/capabilities Retrieves capabilities of a specific organization VDC storage policy.
CapabilitiesApi GetPvdcStoragePolicyCapabilities Get /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{id}/capabilities Retrieves capabilities of a specific provider VDC storage policy.
CapabilitiesApi GetQuotaPolicyCapabilities Get /1.0.0/quotaPolicy/capabilities Retrieves capabilities for quotaPolicy feature.
CapabilitiesApi GetVdcCapabilities Get /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/capabilities Retrieves capabilities for the given Organization vDC.
CapabilitiesApi GetVdcGroupCapabilities Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/capabilities Retrieves the supported capabilities of the specified vDC Group.
CellApi DeleteCell Delete /1.0.0/cells/{cellUrn} Deletes a specified cell.
CellApi GetCell Get /1.0.0/cells/{cellUrn} Get cell.
CellApi QueryCells Get /1.0.0/cells Get cells.
CertificateLibraryApi AddCertificateLibraryItem Post /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary Add an item to the certificate library
CertificateLibraryApi AddConsumerRefToCertLibraryItem Post /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{certLibraryItemId}/consumers Adds the specified consumer reference to a library item.
CertificateLibraryApi DeleteCertificateLibraryItem Delete /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{id} Remove certificate library item.
CertificateLibraryApi GetCertificateLibraryItem Get /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{id} Get the specified certificate library item
CertificateLibraryApi QueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs Get /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{certLibraryItemId}/consumers Gets a paged list of consumers (as references) of a particular certificate library item
CertificateLibraryApi QueryCertificateLibrary Get /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary Get the certificate libray items
CertificateLibraryApi ReplaceCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs Put /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{certLibraryItemId}/consumers Replaces the existing consumer refs with the used by references supplied.
CertificateLibraryApi UpdateCertificateLibraryItem Put /1.0.0/ssl/certificateLibrary/{id} Update the specified certificate library item.
CloudApiBaseApi GetBaseLinks Get / Get base navigation links
CodegenPlaceholderApi GetQueryResult Get /query/page This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of Page.
ConfigurationsApi GetConfig Get /1.0.0/site/configurations/{urn} Get the current setting for the specified configuration property.
ConfigurationsApi GetConfigs Get /1.0.0/site/configurations Returns all configuration properties. At present this will always return an EMPTY list.
ConfigurationsApi SetConfig Put /1.0.0/site/configurations/{urn} Sets a configuration property to the provided value.
CorsApi QueryAllowedOrigins Get /1.0.0/site/settings/cors Queries CORS allowed origins.
CorsApi SetAllowedOrigins Put /1.0.0/site/settings/cors Sets allowed origins to the given set of origins.
CrossVdcNetworkApi DeleteCrossVdcNetwork Delete /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks/{crossVdcNetworkId} Deletes a specific Cross vDC network
CrossVdcNetworkApi GetCrossVdcNetwork Get /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks/{crossVdcNetworkId} Retrieves a specific Cross vDC network.
CrossVdcNetworkApi SyncCrossVdcNetwork Post /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks/{crossVdcNetworkId}/sync Sync/repair a specific Cross vDC network.
CrossVdcNetworkApi UpdateCrossVdcNetwork Put /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks/{crossVdcNetworkId} Updates a specific Cross vDC network.
CrossVdcNetworksApi CreateCrossVdcNetwork Post /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks Creates a Cross vDC network.
CrossVdcNetworksApi GetAllCrossVdcNetworks Get /1.0.0/crossVdcNetworks Get all Cross vDC networks in the system.
CrossVdcNetworksApi GetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroup Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/crossVdcNetworks Get all Cross vDC networks of a vDC group.
CustomEntitiesApi CreateCustomEntityType Post /customEntityTypes Creates a new custom entity type
CustomEntitiesApi CreateCustomEntityTypeAction Post /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/actions Creates a new custom entity type action.
CustomEntitiesApi DeleteCustomEntityType Delete /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId} Delete specified custom entity type.
CustomEntitiesApi DeleteCustomEntityTypeAction Delete /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/actions/{workflowId} Delete specified custom entity type action
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntities Get /customEntities Get list of all custom entities
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntity Get /customEntities/{customEntityId} Get specified custom entity
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntityAsSdkObject Get /customEntities/{customEntityId}/sdkObject Get specified custom entity represented as on Sdk-Object
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntityType Get /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId} Get specified custom entity type
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntityTypeActions Get /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/actions Get all actions associated with this custom entity type
CustomEntitiesApi GetCustomEntityTypeTenants Get /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants Retrieves list of tenants for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published
CustomEntitiesApi PostCustomEntityTypePublish Post /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants/publish Publishes the custom entity type to the specified tenants
CustomEntitiesApi PostCustomEntityTypePublishAll Post /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants/publishAll Publishes the custom entity type to all tenants
CustomEntitiesApi PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublish Post /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants/unpublish Revokes publication of the custom entity type to the specified tenants
CustomEntitiesApi PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublishAll Post /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants/unpublishAll Unpublishes the custom entity type from all tenants
CustomEntitiesApi QueryCustomEntityTypes Get /customEntityTypes Get list of all custom entity types
CustomEntitiesApi SetCustomEntityTypeTenants Put /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId}/tenants Resets list of tenants for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published
CustomEntitiesApi UpdateCustomEntityType Put /customEntityTypes/{customEntityTypeId} Update specified custom entity type
DefinedEntityApi CreateDefinedEntity Post /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id} Creates a defined entity based on the entity type (URN).
DefinedEntityApi CreateMetadataEntry Post /1.0.0/entities/{id}/metadata Creates a new entry.
DefinedEntityApi DeleteDefinedEntity Delete /1.0.0/entities/{id} Deletes the defined entity with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedEntityApi DeleteMetadataEntry Delete /1.0.0/entities/{id}/metadata/{metadataId} Delete a single metadata entry.
DefinedEntityApi GetDefinedEntitiesByEntityType Get /1.0.0/entities/types/{vendor}/{nss}/{version} Gets the collection of defined entities for the vCD-defined type with the specified vendor, nss and version.
DefinedEntityApi GetDefinedEntitiesByInterface Get /1.0.0/entities/interfaces/{vendor}/{nss}/{version} Gets the collection of defined entities for the vCD-defined interface with the specified vendor, nss and version
DefinedEntityApi GetDefinedEntity Get /1.0.0/entities/{id} Gets the defined entity with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedEntityApi GetMetadata Get /1.0.0/entities/{id}/metadata Retrieves all the metadata for the entity.
DefinedEntityApi GetMetadataEntry Get /1.0.0/entities/{id}/metadata/{metadataId} Get a single metadata entry.
DefinedEntityApi ResolveDefinedEntity Post /1.0.0/entities/{id}/resolve Validates the defined entity against the entity type schema.
DefinedEntityApi UpdateDefinedEntity Put /1.0.0/entities/{id} Updates the defined entity with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedEntityApi UpdateMetadataEntry Put /1.0.0/entities/{id}/metadata/{metadataId} Update the value of a single key-value metadata entry.
DefinedEntityTypeApi CreateDefinedEntityType Post /1.0.0/entityTypes/ Creates a defined entity type.
DefinedEntityTypeApi DeleteDefinedEntityType Delete /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id} Deletes the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedEntityTypeApi GetDefinedEntityType Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id} Gets the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedEntityTypeApi GetDefinedEntityTypes Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/ Gets the collection of entity types defined in the vCD instance. Allows collection refinement through traditional FIQL-based filtering
DefinedEntityTypeApi UpdateDefinedEntityType Put /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id} Updates the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedInterfaceApi CreateInterface Post /1.0.0/interfaces Creates a defined interface.
DefinedInterfaceApi DeleteInterface Delete /1.0.0/interfaces/{id} Deletes the interface with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedInterfaceApi GetInterface Get /1.0.0/interfaces/{id} Gets the interface with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedInterfaceApi QueryInterfaces Get /1.0.0/interfaces Gets the collection of interfaces defined in the vCD instance. Allows collection refinement through traditional FIQL-based filtering
DefinedInterfaceApi UpdateInterface Put /1.0.0/interfaces/{id} Updates the interface with the unique identifier (URN)
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi AddDefinedEntityTypeAccess Post /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviorAccessControls Adds an access control configuration of an entity type's behavior
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi AddInterfaceBehavior Post /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors Add a new interface Behavior if the Interface is not in use
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi DeleteInterfaceBehavior Delete /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Remove a Behavior from the Defined Interface.
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi GetDefinedEntityTypeAccess Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviorAccessControls Gets the access control configuration of the entity type's behaviors
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi GetDefinedEntityTypeBehaviors Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviors Get the Behaviors of the Defined Entity Type.
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi GetInterfaceBehavior Get /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Get a Behavior in the Defined Interface.
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi GetInterfaceBehaviors Get /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors Get the Behaviors of the Defined Interface.
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi GetTypeBehavior Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Get a Behavior in the Defined Type
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi InvokeDefinedEntityBehavior Post /1.0.0/entities/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId}/invocations Invokes a behavior on a defined entity
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi RemoveBehaviorOverride Delete /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Remove a Behavior override from the Defined Entity Type.
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi SetDefinedEntityTypeAccess Put /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviorAccessControls Sets the access control configuration of the entity type's behaviors
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi UpdateInterfaceBehavior Put /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Update the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Interface
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi UpdateInterfaceBehaviors Put /1.0.0/interfaces/{id}/behaviors Update all the executions of the specified Behaviors (possibly removing or adding some)
DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi UpdateTypeBehavior Put /1.0.0/entityTypes/{id}/behaviors/{behaviorId} Update the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Entity Type
DfwPoliciesApi GetDfwPolicies Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies Retrieves DFW security policies configuration.
DfwPoliciesApi UpdateDfwPolicies Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies Update DFW security policies configuration.
DfwPolicyApi DeleteDfwPolicy Delete /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId} Deletes a specific DFW security policy. Removing a security policy will result in removal of the policy and all of its associated firewall rules.
DfwPolicyApi DeleteDfwRule Delete /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} Deletes a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi GetDfwPolicy Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId} Retrieves a specific DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi GetDfwRule Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} Retrieves a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi GetDfwRules Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId}/rules Retrieves all firewall rules for a given DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi UpdateDfwPolicy Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId} Updates a specific DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi UpdateDfwRule Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId}/rules/{ruleId} Updates a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.
DfwPolicyApi UpdateDfwRules Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/dfwPolicies/{policyId}/rules Updates firewall rules for a given DFW security policy.
DvpgPropertiesApi GetDvpgProperties Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dvpgProperties Returns the DVPG properties, such as promiscuous mode and forged transmit, of a specific Org vDC network. This is a SysAdmin only API.
DvpgPropertiesApi UpdateDvpgProperties Put /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dvpgProperties Toggles the DVPG properties of a specific Org vDC network. Allows for update of promiscuous mode and forged transmit. This is a SysAdmin only API.
EdgeClusterApi DeleteEdgeCluster Delete /1.0.0/edgeClusters/{edgeClusterId} Deletes a specific Edge Cluster
EdgeClusterApi GetEdgeCluster Get /1.0.0/edgeClusters/{edgeClusterId} Retrieves a specific Edge Cluster
EdgeClusterApi UpdateEdgeCluster Put /1.0.0/edgeClusters/{edgeClusterId} Updates a specific Edge Cluster
EdgeClustersApi CreateEdgeCluster Post /1.0.0/edgeClusters Create a new Edge Cluster
EdgeClustersApi GetEdgeClusters Get /1.0.0/edgeClusters Get all Edge Clusters in the system
EdgeGatewayApi DeleteEdgeGateway Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId} Deletes a specific Edge Gateway
EdgeGatewayApi GetEdgeGateway Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId} Retrieves a specific Edge Gateway
EdgeGatewayApi GetUsedIpAddresses Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/usedIpAddresses Retrieve the list of IP addresses which are being used by the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayApi UpdateEdgeGateway Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId} Updates a specific Edge Gateway
EdgeGatewayBgpApi GetBgpConfig Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp Retrieves the BGP configuration for a given Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpApi UpdateBgpConfig Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp Updates the BGP configuration on the Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApi DeleteBgpNeighbor Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighborId} Deletes a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApi GetBgpNeighbor Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighborId} Retrieves a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApi GetBgpNeighborStatus Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighborId}/status Retrieves status of a specific BGP neighbor configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApi UpdateBgpNeighbor Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors/{neighborId} Updates a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApi CreateBgpNeighbor Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors Creates a new BGP neighbor for the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApi GetBgpNeighbors Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/neighbors Retrieves all BGP neighbors configured for the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayDhcpApi GetDhcpForwarder Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/dhcpForwarder Retrieves DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayDhcpApi UpdateDhcpForwarder Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/dhcpForwarder Update DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayDnsApi DeleteEdgeGatewayDns Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/dns Deletes DNS configuration of the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayDnsApi GetEdgeGatewayDns Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/dns Retrieves DNS configuration of the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayDnsApi UpdateEdgeGatewayDns Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/dns Updates DNS configuration of the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApi DeleteFirewallRule Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules/{ruleId} Deletes a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApi GetFirewallRule Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules/{ruleId} Retrieves a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApi UpdateFirewallRule Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules/{ruleId} Updates a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApi DeleteFirewallRules Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules Deletes all the firewall rules for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApi GetFirewallRules Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules Retrieves all firewall rules for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApi UpdateFirewallRules Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/firewall/rules Updates firewall rules for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi DeleteIpSecVpnTunnel Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId} Deletes a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi GetIpSecVpnTunnel Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId} Retrieves a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi GetIpSecVpnTunnelDefaultConnectionProperties Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/defaultConnectionProperties Retrieves the default connection properties that are used for a given IPSec Tunnel in NSX-T when default is set or no security type is specified.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId}/statistics Retrieves connection statistics for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatus Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId}/status Retrieves status of a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi UpdateIpSecVpnTunnel Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId} Updates a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApi GetIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId}/connectionProperties Retrieves connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApi UpdateIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels/{tunnelId}/connectionProperties Updates the connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApi CreateIpSecVpnTunnel Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels Creates an IPSec tunnel on the Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApi GetIpSecVpnTunnels Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/ipsec/tunnels Retrieves all IPSec tunnels for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi DeleteL2VpnTunnel Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels/{tunnelId} Deletes a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi GetL2VpnTunnel Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels/{tunnelId} Retrieves a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi GetL2VpnTunnelStatistics Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels/{tunnelId}/metrics Retrieves connection statistics for a given L2 VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi GetL2VpnTunnelStatus Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels/{tunnelId}/status Retrieves status of a given L2 VPN Tunnel.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi UpdateL2VpnTunnel Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels/{tunnelId} Updates a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApi CreateL2VpnTunnel Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels Creates an L2 VPN tunnel on the Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApi GetL2VpnTunnels Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/l2vpn/tunnels Retrieves all L2 VPN tunnels for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApi GetLoadBalancerConfig Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/loadBalancer Retrieves Load Balancer configuration on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApi UpdateLoadBalancerConfig Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/loadBalancer Update Load Balancer configuration on an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApi GetLoadBalancerAnalyticReports Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/analyticReports Retrieves analytics for a specific load balancer.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApi GetLoadBalancerSupportedAnalyticMetrics Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/analyticReports/supportedMetrics Retrieves all the supported metrics for load balancer analytic reports.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApi DeleteLoadBalancerPool Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/pools/{poolId} Deletes a specific Load Balancer Pool.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApi GetLoadBalancerPool Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/pools/{poolId} Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Pool.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApi UpdateLoadBalancerPool Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/pools/{poolId} Updates a specific Load Balancer Pool.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApi CreateLoadBalancerPool Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/pools Creates a Load Balancer Pool.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApi GetPoolSummariesForGateway Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/loadBalancer/poolSummaries Retrieves all Load Balancer Pool Summaries for a given Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApi DeleteVirtualService Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/virtualServices/{virtualServiceId} Delete the specified Virtual Service.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApi GetVirtualService Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/virtualServices/{virtualServiceId} Get Virtual Service.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApi UpdateVirtualService Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/virtualServices/{virtualServiceId} Update specified Virtual Service.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApi CreateVirtualService Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/virtualServices Create a new Virtual Service for a specific Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApi GetVirtualServiceSummariesForGateway Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/loadBalancer/virtualServiceSummaries Get all Virtual Service Summaries for an Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayNatRuleApi DeleteNatRule Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/nat/rules/{ruleId} Deletes a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.
EdgeGatewayNatRuleApi GetNatRule Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/nat/rules/{ruleId} Retrieves a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.
EdgeGatewayNatRuleApi UpdateNatRule Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/nat/rules/{ruleId} Update a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.
EdgeGatewayNatRulesApi CreateNatRule Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/nat/rules Creates a NAT Rule on the Edge Gateway.
EdgeGatewayNatRulesApi GetNatRules Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/nat/rules Retrieves all NAT Rules on the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayPrefixListApi DeletePrefixList Delete /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/prefixLists/{listId} Deletes a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayPrefixListApi GetPrefixList Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/prefixLists/{listId} Retrieves a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayPrefixListApi UpdatePrefixList Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/prefixLists/{listId} Updates a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApi CreatePrefixList Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/prefixLists Creates a new Prefix list on the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApi GetPrefixLists Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/bgp/prefixLists Retrieves all Prefix lists for a given edge gateway.
EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApi GetRouteAdvertisement Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/advertisement Retrieve the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.
EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApi UpdateRouteAdvertisement Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/routing/advertisement Updates the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.
EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApi GetSLAACProfile Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/slaacProfile Retrieves the SLAAC profile on the edge gateway.
EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApi UpdateSLAACProfile Put /1.0.0/edgeGateways/{gatewayId}/slaacProfile Creates a SLAAC profile or updates the existing one if it already exists.
EdgeGatewaysApi CreateEdgeGateway Post /1.0.0/edgeGateways Create a new edge gateway
EdgeGatewaysApi GetAllEdgeGateways Get /1.0.0/edgeGateways Get all the edge gateways
EgressPointApi DeleteEgressPoint Delete /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/egressPoints/{egressPointId} Deletes a specific Universal Egress Point.
EgressPointApi GetEgressPoint Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/egressPoints/{egressPointId} Retrieves a specific Universal Egress Point.
EgressPointApi SyncEgressPoint Post /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/egressPoints/{egressPointId}/sync Sync/repair the egress point.
EgressPointsApi CreateEgressPoint Post /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/egressPoints Creates a new Universal Egress Point from a specified Edge Gateway and Org vDC.
EgressPointsApi GetEgressPoints Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/egressPoints Get a list of Universal Egress Points for a Universal Router.
EmailSettingsApi TestEmailSettings Post /1.0.0/smtp/test Tests Email Settings and Connection
EntityApi ResolveEntity Get /1.0.0/entity/{id} Get specified entity object
EntityQuotasApi AssignQuotasToGroup Put /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn}/quotas Assign quotas to given target group.
EntityQuotasApi AssignQuotasToOrg Put /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn}/quotas Assign quotas to given target organization.
EntityQuotasApi AssignQuotasToUser Put /1.0.0/users/{userUrn}/quotas Assign quotas to given target user.
EntityQuotasApi GetQuotasForGroup Get /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn}/quotas Get the effective quotas applicable for the given group.
EntityQuotasApi GetQuotasForOrg Get /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn}/quotas Get the effective quotas applicable for the given organization.
EntityQuotasApi GetQuotasForUser Get /1.0.0/users/{userUrn}/quotas Get the effective quotas applicable for the given user.
EntityQuotasApi GetQuotasForVApp Get /1.0.0/vapps/{vappUrn}/quotas Get the effective quotas applicable for the given vapp.
ExternalNetworkApi CreateExternalNetwork Post /1.0.0/externalNetworks Create an external network
ExternalNetworkApi DeleteExternalNetwork Delete /1.0.0/externalNetworks/{externalNetworkId} Deletes a specific external network.
ExternalNetworkApi GetAvailableIpAddresses Get /1.0.0/externalNetworks/{externalNetworkId}/availableIpAddresses Retrieve the list of IP addresses available for use on the network.
ExternalNetworkApi GetExternalNetwork Get /1.0.0/externalNetworks/{externalNetworkId} Retrieves a specific external network.
ExternalNetworkApi GetUsedIpAddresses Get /1.0.0/externalNetworks/{externalNetworkId}/usedIpAddresses Retrieve the list of IP addresses which are being used from the network.
ExternalNetworkApi UpdateExternalNetwork Put /1.0.0/externalNetworks/{externalNetworkId} Updates a specific external network.
ExternalNetworksApi GetAllExternalNetworks Get /1.0.0/externalNetworks Get all external networks.
ExternalServiceApi CreateExternalService Post /extensions/api Create external service.
ExternalServiceApi DeleteExternalService Delete /extensions/api/{id} Delete an external service.
ExternalServiceApi GetExternalService Get /extensions/api/{id} Retrieve an external service.
ExternalServiceApi GetExternalServices Get /extensions/api Query external services.
ExternalServiceApi UpdateExternalService Put /extensions/api/{id} Update an external service.
FeatureFlagApi GetFeatureFlag Get /1.0.0/featureFlags/{urn} Retrieves a specific feature flag.
FeatureFlagApi UpdateFeatureFlag Put /1.0.0/featureFlags/{urn} Updates a specific feature flag to either enable or disable it.
FeatureFlagsApi GetFeatureFlags Get /1.0.0/featureFlags Get list of all feature flags.
FirewallGroupApi DeleteFirewallGroup Delete /1.0.0/firewallGroups/{firewallGroupId} Deletes a Firewall Group.
FirewallGroupApi GetFirewallGroup Get /1.0.0/firewallGroups/{firewallGroupId} Retrieves a specific firewall group.
FirewallGroupApi GetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMs Get /1.0.0/firewallGroups/{firewallGroupId}/associatedVMs Retrieves associated VMs for a specific firewall group.
FirewallGroupApi UpdateFirewallGroup Put /1.0.0/firewallGroups/{firewallGroupId} Updates the Firewall Group.
FirewallGroupsApi CreateFirewallGroup Post /1.0.0/firewallGroups Create a firewall group
FirewallGroupsApi GetFirewallGroups Get /1.0.0/firewallGroups/summaries Retrieves the Firewall Groups.
GlobalRolesApi AddRightsToGlobalRole Post /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/rights Adds the specified rights to a global role.
GlobalRolesApi CreateGlobalRole Post /1.0.0/globalRoles Creates a new global role
GlobalRolesApi DeleteGlobalRole Delete /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id} Delete specified global role
GlobalRolesApi GetGlobalRole Get /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id} Get specified global role
GlobalRolesApi PostGlobalRolePublish Post /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants/publish Publishes the global role to the specified tenants
GlobalRolesApi PostGlobalRolePublishAll Post /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants/publishAll Publishes the global role to all tenants
GlobalRolesApi PostGlobalRoleUnpublish Post /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants/unpublish Revokes publication of the global role to the specified tenants
GlobalRolesApi PostGlobalRoleUnpublishAll Post /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants/unpublishAll Unpublishes the global role from all tenants
GlobalRolesApi QueryGlobalRoleRights Get /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/rights Gets a paged list of rights (as references) contained by a particular global role
GlobalRolesApi QueryGlobalRoleTenants Get /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants Retrieves list of tenants for whom the global role is explicitly published
GlobalRolesApi QueryGlobalRoles Get /1.0.0/globalRoles Get list of global roles
GlobalRolesApi ReplaceRightsInGlobalRole Put /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/rights Replaces the existing set of rights in global role with the rights (as references) supplied.
GlobalRolesApi SetGlobalRoleTenants Put /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id}/tenants Resets list of tenants for whom the global role is explicitly published
GlobalRolesApi UpdateGlobalRole Put /1.0.0/globalRoles/{id} Update specified global role
GroupApi CreateGroup Post /1.0.0/groups Create a new group.
GroupApi DeleteGroup Delete /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn} Delete the specified group.
GroupApi GetGroup Get /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn} Get a specified group.
GroupApi QueryGroupUsers Get /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn}/users Get a list of users of any type that belong to the specified group.
GroupApi QueryGroups Get /1.0.0/groups Get a list of groups.
GroupApi UpdateGroup Put /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn} Modify the details of the specified group.
K8sClusterApi CreateK8sCluster Post /1.0.0/tkgClusters Creates a new Kubernetes cluster. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.
K8sClusterApi DeleteK8sCluster Delete /1.0.0/tkgClusters/{urn}
K8sClusterApi GenerateKubeconfig Post /1.0.0/tkgClusters/{urn}/kubeconfig Generate kubeconfig file for corresponding cluster
K8sClusterApi GetK8sCluster Get /1.0.0/tkgClusters/{urn} Get specified Kubernetes Cluster
K8sClusterApi QueryK8sClusters Get /1.0.0/tkgClusters Retrieves all K8s clusters
K8sClusterApi UpdateK8sCluster Put /1.0.0/tkgClusters/{urn} Update the desired state of the Kubernetes cluster. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.
LDAPApi SearchLdapGroups Get /1.0.0/ldap/search/group Search LDAP Groups
LDAPApi SearchLdapUsers Get /1.0.0/ldap/search/user Search LDAP Users
LDAPApi SyncLdap Post /1.0.0/ldap/sync Synchronize LDAP users/settings
LDAPApi TestLdap Post /1.0.0/ldap/test Tests LDAP Connection and Settings
LoadBalancerCloudApi GetLoadBalancerCloud Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/clouds/{loadBalancerCloudId} Get Load Balancer Cloud.
LoadBalancerCloudApi UnregisterLoadBalancerCloud Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/clouds/{loadBalancerCloudId} Unregister the specified Load Balancer Cloud.
LoadBalancerCloudApi UpdateLoadBalancerCloud Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/clouds/{loadBalancerCloudId} Update specified Load Balancer Cloud.
LoadBalancerCloudsApi GetLoadBalancerClouds Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/clouds Get all registered Load Balancer Clouds in the system.
LoadBalancerCloudsApi RegisterLoadBalancerCloud Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/clouds Register a new Load Balancer Cloud.
LoadBalancerControllerApi GetLoadBalancerController Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/controllers/{loadBalancerControllerId} Get Load Balancer Controller
LoadBalancerControllerApi UnregisterLoadBalancerController Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/controllers/{loadBalancerControllerId} Unregister the specified Load Balancer Controller.
LoadBalancerControllerApi UpdateLoadBalancerController Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/controllers/{loadBalancerControllerId} Update specified Load Balancer Controller
LoadBalancerControllersApi GetLoadBalancerControllers Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/controllers Get all registered Load Balancer Controllers in the system.
LoadBalancerControllersApi RegisterLoadBalancerController Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/controllers Register a new Load Balancer Controller
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApi DeleteServiceEngineGroup Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/{loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId} Delete the specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApi GetServiceEngineGroup Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/{loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId} Get Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApi SyncServiceEngineGroup Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/{loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId}/sync Sync Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApi UpdateServiceEngineGroup Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/{loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId} Update specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApi DeleteServiceEngineGroupAssignment Delete /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/assignments/{assignmentId} Delete the specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApi GetServiceEngineGroupAssignment Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/assignments/{assignmentId} Get a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApi UpdateServiceEngineGroupAssignment Put /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/assignments/{assignmentId} Update a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApi CreateServiceEngineGroupAssignment Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/assignments Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApi GetServiceEngineGroupAssignments Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups/assignments Get the assignments for a Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApi CreateServiceEngineGroup Post /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApi GetServiceEngineGroups Get /1.0.0/loadBalancer/serviceEngineGroups Get all Load Balancer Service Engine Groups in the system.
LogicalVmGroupsApi AddNamedVmGroupsToLogicalVmGroup Post /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId}/namedVmGroups Assign named vm groups to logical vm group.
LogicalVmGroupsApi CreateLogicalVmGroup Post /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups Creates a new logical vm group
LogicalVmGroupsApi DeleteLogicalVmGroup Delete /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId} Delete specified logical vm group.
LogicalVmGroupsApi GetLogicalVmGroup Get /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId} Get specified logical vm group
LogicalVmGroupsApi GetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroups Get /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId}/namedVmGroups Get all named vm groups associated with logical vm group
LogicalVmGroupsApi GetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroup Get /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId}/pvdcPolicies Get all pvdc policies associated with logical vm group
LogicalVmGroupsApi QueryLogicalVmGroups Get /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups Get list of logical vm groups.
LogicalVmGroupsApi UpdateLogicalVmGroup Put /1.0.0/logicalVmGroups/{logicalVmGroupId} Update specified logical vm group
NetworkContextProfileApi DeleteNetworkContextProfile Delete /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles/{profileId} Deletes a specific network context profile, removing the associated firewall rule and permitting the traffic this profile restricts.
NetworkContextProfileApi GetNetworkContextProfile Get /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles/{profileId} Get a specific network context profile.
NetworkContextProfileApi UpdateNetworkContextProfile Put /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles/{profileId} Updates a specific user-defined network context profile, changing the associated firewall and modifying the traffic this profile restricts.
NetworkContextProfileAttributesApi GetNetworkContextProfileAttributes Get /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles/attributes List all supported network context profile attributes and sub-attributes for the given NSX-T manager.
NetworkContextProfilesApi CreateNetworkContextProfile Post /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles Create a user-defined network context profile.
NetworkContextProfilesApi GetNetworkContextProfiles Get /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles Get all network context profiles.
NetworkContextProfilesApi SyncNetworkContextProfiles Post /1.0.0/networkContextProfiles/sync Sync the network context profiles from the network provider to VCD.
NetworkPoolApi DeleteNetworkPool Delete /1.0.0/networkPools/{networkPoolId} Deletes a specific network pool.
NetworkPoolApi GetNetworkPool Get /1.0.0/networkPools/{networkPoolId} Retrieves a specific Network Pool.
NetworkPoolApi SyncNetworkPool Post /1.0.0/networkPools/{networkPoolId}/sync Synchronize the VXLAN network pool.
NetworkPoolApi UpdateNetworkPool Put /1.0.0/networkPools/{networkPoolId} Updates a specific network pool.
NetworkPoolsApi CreateNetworkPool Post /1.0.0/networkPools Create a new network pool.
NetworkPoolsApi GetNetworkPoolsSummary Get /1.0.0/networkPools/networkPoolSummaries Get summary of all the Network Pools in the system.
NsxAlbResourcesApi GetImportableClouds Get /1.0.0/nsxAlbResources/importableClouds Get all NSX-ALB Clouds from an NSX-ALB Controller.
NsxAlbResourcesApi GetImportableServiceEngineGroups Get /1.0.0/nsxAlbResources/importableServiceEngineGroups Get all importable Service Engine Groups from an NSX-ALB Cloud.
NsxTResourcesApi GetImportableTier0Routers Get /1.0.0/nsxTResources/importableTier0Routers Get all importable Tier-0 routers that are accessible to an organization vDC.
NsxTResourcesApi GetImportableTransportZones Get /1.0.0/nsxTResources/importableTransportZones Get all importable overlay transport zones that are configured on an NSX-T manager.
NsxTResourcesApi GetNsxTEdgeClusters Get /1.0.0/nsxTResources/edgeClusters Get all edge clusters that are configured on an NSX-T manager.
NsxVResourcesApi GetImportableTransportZones Get /1.0.0/nsxVResources/importableTransportZones Get all importable vxlan transport zones that are configured on a vCenter backed by a NSX-V manager.
OrgApi CreateOrg Post /1.0.0/orgs Create a new organization
OrgApi DeleteOrg Delete /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn} Delete the specified org.
OrgApi GetOrg Get /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn} Get specified organization.
OrgApi QueryOrgs Get /1.0.0/orgs Get list of all orgs accessible to the user.
OrgApi UpdateOrg Put /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn} Updates an organization.
OrgVdcNetworkApi DeleteNetwork Delete /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId} Deletes a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi GetAdditionalProperties Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/additionalProperties Returns the additional properties of a specific Org VDC network. This is a System Administrator only API.
OrgVdcNetworkApi GetAllocatedIpAddresses Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/allocatedIpAddresses Retrieve the list of IP addresses allocated to the network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi GetOrgVdcNetwork Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId} Retrieves a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi GetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddresses Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/secondaryAllocatedIpAddresses Retrieve the list of secondary IP addresses allocated to the network, if the network is a dual stack network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi ResetNetwork Post /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/reset Reset a specific isolated Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi SyncOrgVdcNetwork Post /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/sync Sync/repair a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi SyncSyslogSettingsOfNetwork Post /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/syncSyslog Synchronize syslog server settings for a Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkApi UpdateNetwork Put /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId} Updates a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi CreateDhcpBinding Post /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp/bindings Creates a DHCP binding on an Org vDC Network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi DeleteDhcpBinding Delete /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp/bindings/{bindingId} Delete a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi DeleteNetworkDhcpConfig Delete /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp Removes Dhcp configuration on a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi GetDhcpBinding Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp/bindings/{bindingId} Retrieve a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi GetDhcpBindings Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp/bindings Retrieves all DHCP bindings for an Org vDC Network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi GetNetworkDhcpConfig Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp Retrieves Dhcp configuration of a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi UpdateDhcpBinding Put /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp/bindings/{bindingId} Update a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.
OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi UpdateNetworkDhcpConfig Put /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks/{vdcNetworkId}/dhcp Updates Dhcp configuration of a specific Org vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworksApi CreateNetwork Post /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks Create an organization vDC network.
OrgVdcNetworksApi GetAllVdcNetworks Get /1.0.0/orgVdcNetworks Get all Org vDC networks.
OrgVdcStoragePolicyApi GetOrgVdcStoragePolicies Get /1.0.0/orgVdcStoragePolicies Get a paged list of all organization VDC level storage policies in the system
OrgVdcStoragePolicyApi GetOrgVdcStoragePolicy Get /1.0.0/orgVdcStoragePolicies/{orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn} Get specified Org VDC storage policy.
OrgVdcStoragePolicyApi GetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes Get /1.0.0/orgVdcStoragePolicies/{orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn}/supportedEntityTypes Get a paged list of the supported entity types for the specified Organization VDC storage policy.
PreferencesApi GetPreference Get /1.0.0/preferences/{classifier} Get specified user preference.
PreferencesApi GetPreferenceDefinition Get /1.0.0/definitions/preferences/{preferenceDefinitionId} Get specified preference definition.
PreferencesApi QueryPreferenceDefinitions Get /1.0.0/definitions/preferences Get list of preference definitions.
PreferencesApi QueryPreferences Get /1.0.0/preferences Query user preferences.
PreferencesApi UpdatePreference Put /1.0.0/preferences/{classifier} Update specified user preference
ProviderVdcApi GetAllProviderVDCs Get /1.0.0/providerVdcs Get all provider VDCs.
ProviderVdcApi GetChildResourcePools Get /1.0.0/providerVdcs/{pvdcUrn}/infra/resourcePools/browse/{moref} Browse valid root resource pools hierarchy to back a Provider VDC.
ProviderVdcApi GetRootResourcePools Get /1.0.0/providerVdcs/{pvdcUrn}/infra/resourcePools/browse/ Browse valid root resource pools hierarchy to back a Provider VDC.
ProxyApi CreateProxy Post /1.0.0/proxies Creates a proxy.
ProxyApi DeleteProxy Delete /1.0.0/proxies/{id} Delete a specific proxy. Will not delete an enabled proxy unless force is specified.
ProxyApi GetProxies Get /1.0.0/proxies Gets a paged list of proxies for a tenant.
ProxyApi GetProxiesPacFileForTenant Get /1.0.0/sddcProxiesPac/{id} Gets the tenant-specific .pac file listing proxies accessible to the tenant.
ProxyApi GetProxy Get /1.0.0/proxies/{id} Retrieves a specific proxy.
ProxyApi GetProxyCRL Get /1.0.0/proxies/{id}/crl Retrieve a proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.
ProxyApi GetProxyCertificate Get /1.0.0/proxies/{id}/cert Retrieve a proxy SSL certificate chain in PEM format.
ProxyApi GetProxyCertificateThumbprint Get /1.0.0/proxies/{id}/thumbprint Retrieve a Proxy SSL certificate thumbprint and algorithm used for calculation. Only SHA-256 is supported.
ProxyApi UpdateProxy Put /1.0.0/proxies/{id} Update a specific proxy.
ProxyApi UpdateProxyCRL Put /1.0.0/proxies/{id}/crl Update a proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.
ProxyApi UpdateProxyCertificate Put /1.0.0/proxies/{id}/cert Update a proxy certificate chain in PEM format.
ProxyConfigurationApi CreateProxyConfiguration Post /1.0.0/proxyConfigurations Creates a proxy configuration.
ProxyConfigurationApi DeleteProxyConfiguration Delete /1.0.0/proxyConfigurations/{id} Delete a specific proxy configuration.
ProxyConfigurationApi GetProxyConfiguration Get /1.0.0/proxyConfigurations/{id} Retrieves a specific proxy configuration.
ProxyConfigurationApi QueryProxyConfigurations Get /1.0.0/proxyConfigurations Gets a paged list of proxy configurations.
ProxyConfigurationApi UpdateProxyConfiguration Put /1.0.0/proxyConfigurations/{id} Update a specific proxy configuration.
PvdcComputePoliciesApi CreatePvdcComputePolicy Post /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies Creates a new provider vDC compute policy
PvdcComputePoliciesApi DeletePvdcComputePolicy Delete /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Delete specified provider vDC compute policy.
PvdcComputePoliciesApi GetPvdcComputePolicy Get /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Get specified provider vDC compute policy
PvdcComputePoliciesApi GetPvdcComputePolicyVms Get /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId}/vms Get all VMs associated with this pVDC compute policy
PvdcComputePoliciesApi QueryPvdcComputePolicies Get /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies Get list of provider vDC compute policies.
PvdcComputePoliciesApi UpdatePvdcComputePolicy Put /1.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Update specified provider vDC compute policy
PvdcComputePolicies2Api CreatePvdcComputePolicy Post /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies Creates a new provider vDC compute policy
PvdcComputePolicies2Api DeletePvdcComputePolicy Delete /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Delete specified provider vDC compute policy.
PvdcComputePolicies2Api GetPvdcComputePolicy Get /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Get specified provider vDC compute policy
PvdcComputePolicies2Api QueryPvdcComputePolicies Get /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies Get list of provider vDC compute policies.
PvdcComputePolicies2Api QueryVirtualMachineClasses Get /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId}/virtualMachineClasses Get a list of Virtual Machine Classes associated with this policy.
PvdcComputePolicies2Api UpdatePvdcComputePolicy Put /2.0.0/pvdcComputePolicies/{pvdcComputePolicyId} Update specified provider vDC compute policy
PvdcStoragePolicyApi GetAllSupportedStorageEntityTypes Get /1.0.0/storagePolicySupportedEntityTypes Get a paged list of all supported entity types configured for storage policies in the system
PvdcStoragePolicyApi GetPvdcStoragePolicies Get /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies Get a paged list of all Provider VDC level storage policies in the system
PvdcStoragePolicyApi GetPvdcStoragePolicy Get /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{pvdcStoragePolicyUrn} Get specified Provider VDC storage policy.
PvdcStoragePolicyApi GetPvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings Get /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{id}/inheritableSettings Retrieves the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit.
PvdcStoragePolicyApi GetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes Get /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{pvdcStoragePolicyUrn}/supportedEntityTypes Get a paged list of the supported entity types for the specified Provider VDC storage policy.
PvdcStoragePolicyApi UpdateAllStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes Put /1.0.0/storagePolicySupportedEntityTypes Updates the supported entity types for the specified provider VDC storage policy.
PvdcStoragePolicyApi UpdatePvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings Put /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{id}/inheritableSettings Updates the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit.
PvdcStoragePolicyApi UpdatePvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes Put /1.0.0/pvdcStoragePolicies/{pvdcStoragePolicyUrn}/supportedEntityTypes Updates the supported entity types for the specified provider VDC storage policy.
QuotaPoliciesApi CreateQuotaPolicy Post /1.0.0/quotaPolicies Creates a new quota policy
QuotaPoliciesApi DeleteQuotaPolicy Delete /1.0.0/quotaPolicies/{quotaPolicyId} Delete the specified quota policy.
QuotaPoliciesApi GetQuotaPolicy Get /1.0.0/quotaPolicies/{quotaPolicyId} Get the specified quota policy
QuotaPoliciesApi QueryQuotaPolicies Get /1.0.0/quotaPolicies Get list of quota policies.
QuotaPoliciesApi UpdateQuotaPolicy Put /1.0.0/quotaPolicies/{quotaPolicyId} Update the specified quota policy
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi AssignQuotaPolicyToGroup Put /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn}/quotaPolicy Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target group. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given group.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi AssignQuotaPolicyToOrg Put /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn}/quotaPolicy Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target organization. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given organization.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi AssignQuotaPolicyToUser Put /1.0.0/users/{userUrn}/quotaPolicy Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target user. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given user.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi AssignQuotaPolicyToVApp Put /1.0.0/vapps/{vappUrn}/quotaPolicy Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target vapp. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given vapp.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi GetGroupAssignedQuotaPolicy Get /1.0.0/groups/{groupUrn}/quotaPolicy Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given group.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi GetOrgAssignedQuotaPolicy Get /1.0.0/orgs/{orgUrn}/quotaPolicy Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given organization.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi GetUserAssignedQuotaPolicy Get /1.0.0/users/{userUrn}/quotaPolicy Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given user.
QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi GetVAppAssignedQuotaPolicy Get /1.0.0/vapps/{vappUrn}/quotaPolicy Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given vapp.
RightsApi GetRight Get /1.0.0/rights/{id} Retrieve an individual right.
RightsApi QueryRights Get /1.0.0/rights Get list of rights visible to logged-in user
RightsBundlesApi AddRightsToRightsBundle Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/rights Adds the specified rights to a rights bundle.
RightsBundlesApi CreateRightsBundle Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles Creates a new rights bundle
RightsBundlesApi DeleteRightsBundle Delete /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id} Delete specified rights bundle
RightsBundlesApi GetRightsBundle Get /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id} Get specified rights bundle
RightsBundlesApi PostRightsBundlePublish Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants/publish Publishes the rights bundle to the specified tenants
RightsBundlesApi PostRightsBundlePublishAll Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants/publishAll Publishes the rights bundle to all tenants
RightsBundlesApi PostRightsBundleUnpublish Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants/unpublish Revokes publication of the rights bundle to the specified tenants
RightsBundlesApi PostRightsBundleUnpublishAll Post /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants/unpublishAll Unpublishes the rights bundle from all tenants
RightsBundlesApi QueryRightsBundleRights Get /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/rights Gets a paged list of rights (as references) contained by a particular bundle
RightsBundlesApi QueryRightsBundleTenants Get /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants Retrieves list of tenants for whom the rights bundle is explicitly published
RightsBundlesApi QueryRightsBundles Get /1.0.0/rightsBundles Get list of rights bundles
RightsBundlesApi ReplaceRightsInRightsBundle Put /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/rights Replaces the existing set of rights in bundle with the rights (as references) supplied.
RightsBundlesApi SetRightsBundleTenants Put /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id}/tenants Resets list of tenants for whom the rights bundle is explicitly published
RightsBundlesApi UpdateRightsBundle Put /1.0.0/rightsBundles/{id} Update specified rights bundle
RightsCategoriesApi GetRightsCategory Get /1.0.0/rightsCategories/{id} Retrieve an individual Right category.
RightsCategoriesApi QueryRightsCategories Get /1.0.0/rightsCategories Get a list of Rights Categories visible to the logged in user
RolesApi AddRightsToRole Post /1.0.0/roles/{id}/rights Adds the specified rights to a role.
RolesApi CreateRole Post /1.0.0/roles Creates a new role
RolesApi DeleteRole Delete /1.0.0/roles/{id} Delete specified role
RolesApi GetRole Get /1.0.0/roles/{id} Get specified role
RolesApi QueryRoleRights Get /1.0.0/roles/{id}/rights Gets a paged list of rights (as references) contained by a particular role
RolesApi QueryTenantRoles Get /1.0.0/roles Get list of roles for a tenant
RolesApi ReplaceRightsInRole Put /1.0.0/roles/{id}/rights Replaces the existing set of rights in role with the rights (as references) supplied.
RolesApi UpdateRole Put /1.0.0/roles/{id} Update specified role
SddcProxyApi CreateSddcProxy Post /1.0.0/sddcProxies Creates an SDDC proxy.
SddcProxyApi DeleteSddcProxy Delete /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id} Delete a specific SDDC proxy. Will not delete an enabled proxy unless force is specified.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxies Get /1.0.0/sddcProxies Gets a paged list of SDDC proxies for a tenant.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxiesPacFile Get /1.0.0/sddcProxiesPac Gets the .pac file for the user's accessible proxies.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxy Get /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id} Retrieves a specific SDDC proxy.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxyCRL Get /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id}/crl Retrieve a SDDC proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxyCertificate Get /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id}/cert Retrieve a SDDC proxy SSL certificate chain in PEM format.
SddcProxyApi GetSddcProxyCertificateThumbprint Get /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id}/thumbprint Retrieve a SDDC Proxy SSL certificate thumbprint. The thumbprint is the SHA-1 hash of the DER encoding of the certificate.
SddcProxyApi UpdateSddcProxy Put /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id} Update a specific SDDC proxy.
SddcProxyApi UpdateSddcProxyCRL Put /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id}/crl Update a SDDC proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.
SddcProxyApi UpdateSddcProxyCertificate Put /1.0.0/sddcProxies/{id}/cert Update a SDDC proxy certificate chain in PEM format.
SddcsApi CreateSddc Post /1.0.0/sddcs Create a Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi CreateSddcEndpoint Post /1.0.0/endpoints Creates an SDDC endpoint.
SddcsApi DeleteSddc Delete /1.0.0/sddcs/{id} Delete a specific Software-Defined Datacenter. Unless force is specified, SDDC & its proxies must be disabled before they can be deleted.
SddcsApi DeleteSddcEndpoint Delete /1.0.0/endpoints/{id} Delete a specific SDDC endpoint. Will not delete a default endpoint.
SddcsApi GetEndpointsForSddc Get /1.0.0/endpoints Retrieve the endpoints for the SDDC.
SddcsApi GetProxiesForSddc Get /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/proxies Retrieve the proxies for the Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi GetSddc Get /1.0.0/sddcs/{id} Retrieve a specific Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi GetSddcEndpoint Get /1.0.0/endpoints/{id} Retrieves a specific SDDC endpoint.
SddcsApi GetSddcOwner Get /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/owner Retrieve the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi GetSddcs Get /1.0.0/sddcs Get the list of Software-Defined Datacenters accessible to the user.
SddcsApi QuerySddcTenants Get /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/tenants Retrieve the list of tenants a Software-Defined Datacenter is published to.
SddcsApi SddcPublishToTenants Post /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/tenants/publish Publish a Software-Defined Datacenter to the given tenants.
SddcsApi SddcUnpublishFromTenants Post /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/tenants/unpublish Revoke publication of the Software-Defined Datacenter for the tenants.
SddcsApi SetSddcOwner Put /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/owner Update the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi SetSddcTenants Put /1.0.0/sddcs/{id}/tenants Reset the list of tenants a Software-Defined Datacenter is published to.
SddcsApi UpdateSddc Put /1.0.0/sddcs/{id} Update a specific Software-Defined Datacenter.
SddcsApi UpdateSddcEndpoint Put /1.0.0/endpoints/{id} Update a specific SDDC endpoint.
SecurityTagsApi GetSecurityTaggedEntities Get /1.0.0/securityTags/entities Retrieves the list of entities that have at least one tag assigned to it.
SecurityTagsApi GetTagValues Get /1.0.0/securityTags/values Retrieves the list of security tags that are in the organization.
SecurityTagsApi GetVmTags Get /1.0.0/securityTags/vm/{id} Retrieves the list of tags for a specific VM.
SecurityTagsApi UpdateSecurityTag Put /1.0.0/securityTags/tag Updates a specific tag
SecurityTagsApi UpdateVmTags Put /1.0.0/securityTags/vm/{id} Update the list of tags for a specific VM.
ServiceAppApi DeleteServiceApp Delete /1.0.0/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} Deletes a specific VMware service application.
ServiceAppApi GetServiceApp Get /1.0.0/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} Retrieves a specific VMware service application
ServiceAppApi UpdateServiceApp Put /1.0.0/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} Updates a specific VMware service application.
ServiceAppsApi CreateServiceApp Post /1.0.0/serviceApps Create a VMware service app
ServiceAppsApi QueryServiceApps Get /1.0.0/serviceApps Get all registered VMware service applications
ServicesApi CreateService Post /serviceLibrary Creates a new service
ServicesApi DeleteService Delete /serviceLibrary/{id} Delete specified service
ServicesApi DeleteServiceItem Delete /serviceItem/{id} Deletes specified service item
ServicesApi GetService Get /serviceLibrary/{id} Get specified service
ServicesApi GetServiceItem Get /serviceItem/{id} Get the specified item
ServicesApi GetServiceItemTenants Get /serviceItem/{id}/tenants Retrieves list of tenants for whom the service item is explicitly published
ServicesApi GetWorkflowServiceItems Get /serviceLibrary/{id}/workflows This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of VroWorkflowServiceItem
ServicesApi ImportVroWorkflows Post /serviceLibrary/{id}/workflows Add VRO remote workflows to this service
ServicesApi PostServiceItemPublish Post /serviceItem/{id}/tenants/publish Publishes the service item to the specified tenants
ServicesApi PostServiceItemPublishAll Post /serviceItem/{id}/tenants/publishAll Publishes the service item to all tenants
ServicesApi PostServiceItemUnpublish Post /serviceItem/{id}/tenants/unpublish Revokes publication of the service item to the specified tenants
ServicesApi PostServiceItemUnpublishAll Post /serviceItem/{id}/tenants/unpublishAll Unpublishes the service item from all tenants
ServicesApi QueryServiceItems Get /serviceItem Get all items across all services
ServicesApi QueryServices Get /serviceLibrary Get list of services
ServicesApi SetServiceItemTenants Put /serviceItem/{id}/tenants Resets list of tenants for whom the service item is explicitly published
ServicesApi UpdateService Put /serviceLibrary/{id} Update specified service
ServicesApi UpdateServiceItem Put /serviceItem/{id} Update specified service item
SessionsApi GetAccessibleLocations Get /1.0.0/sessions/{id:((?!provider current).)*}/accessibleLocations
SessionsApi GetCurrentSession Get /1.0.0/sessions/current Returns the current session identified by credentials supplied using the Authorization header
SessionsApi GetCurrentSessions Get /1.0.0/sessions List all sessions for current user
SessionsApi GetSession Get /1.0.0/sessions/{id:((?!provider current).)*}
SessionsApi GetToken Get /1.0.0/sessions/{id:((?!provider current).)*}/token
SessionsApi Login Post /1.0.0/sessions Logs in a user
SessionsApi Logout Delete /1.0.0/sessions/{id:((?!provider current).)*}
SessionsApi LogoutCurrentSession Delete /1.0.0/sessions/current Logout current session
SessionsApi ProviderLogin Post /1.0.0/sessions/provider Logs in a user (Provider only)
SiteSettingsApi GetSiteSettingsLinks Get /1.0.0/site/settings Retrieve links for navigating site settings.
SslSettingsApi GetSslSettings Get /1.0.0/ssl/settings Get the SSL settings
SslSettingsApi UpdateSslSettings Put /1.0.0/ssl/settings Updates the SSL settings.
StorageContainerApi GetDatastoreClusterDatastores Get /1.0.0/storageContainers/{storageContainerUrn}/datastores Retrieves all Datastores associated with the specified Datastore Cluster.
StorageContainerApi GetStorageContainer Get /1.0.0/storageContainers/{storageContainerUrn} Get specified Datastore or Datastore Cluster.
StorageContainerApi GetStorageContainers Get /1.0.0/storageContainers Get a paged list of all standalone Datastores and Datastore Clusters in the system
StoragePolicyApi GetStoragePolicies Get /1.0.0/storagePolicies Get a paged list of all Provider Storage Policies in the system
StoragePolicyApi GetStoragePolicy Get /1.0.0/storagePolicies/{storagePolicyUrn} Get specified Storage Policy.
TestConnectionApi Test Post /1.0.0/testConnection Test a connection
TokenApi CreateToken Post /1.0.0/tokens Creates a new token of the specified type
TokenApi DeleteToken Delete /1.0.0/tokens/{id} Delete a specific token. Use this to revoke the current token in case of a leak.
TokenApi GetToken Get /1.0.0/tokens/{id} Retrieves a specific token
TokenApi GetTokens Get /1.0.0/tokens Retrieve tokens
TrustedCertificatesApi DeleteCertificate Delete /1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates/{trustedCertificate} Revoke trusting specified certificate
TrustedCertificatesApi GetCertificate Get /1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates/{trustedCertificate} Get specified certificate
TrustedCertificatesApi QueryTrustedCertificates Get /1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates Get currently trusted certificates
TrustedCertificatesApi TrustCertificate Post /1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates Add to list of currently trusted certificates
TrustedCertificatesApi UpdateCertificate Put /1.0.0/ssl/trustedCertificates/{trustedCertificate} Updates an existing trusted certificate
TypeAccessControlsApi CreateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant Post /1.0.0/entityTypes/{objectId}/accessControls Creates an access-control grant for an entity type
TypeAccessControlsApi GetEntityTypeAccessControlGrant Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Get the specified access-control grant.
TypeAccessControlsApi QueryEntityTypeAccessControlGrants Get /1.0.0/entityTypes/{objectId}/accessControls Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity type.
TypeAccessControlsApi RemoveEntityTypeAccessControlGrant Delete /1.0.0/entityTypes/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entity type access-control list.
TypeAccessControlsApi UpdateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant Put /1.0.0/entityTypes/{objectId}/accessControls/{accessControlId} Updates the specified access-control grant.
UiPluginApi DeleteUiPlugin Delete /extensions/ui/{id} Delete system level logo
UiPluginApi GetExtensionPointSummary Get /extensions/ui/extensionPoints Retrieves a map of extension Points and an ordered list of items registered with that extension point
UiPluginApi GetUiPlugin Get /extensions/ui/{id} Retrieves extension specific plugin metadata
UiPluginApi PutExtensionPointSummary Put /extensions/ui/extensionPoints Customizes the order and enables/disables extension Points
UiPluginApi PutUiPlugin Put /extensions/ui/{id} Updates extension specific plugin's metadata
UiPluginResourceApi DeleteUiPluginResource Delete /extensions/ui/{id}/plugin Delete the plugin for this extension
UiPluginResourceApi UploadUiPluginResource Post /extensions/ui/{id}/plugin Upload the plugin for this extension
UiPluginTenantsApi GetUiPluginTenants Get /extensions/ui/{id}/tenants Retrieves list of tenants for whom the plugin is explicitly published
UiPluginTenantsApi PostUiPluginPublish Post /extensions/ui/{id}/tenants/publish Publishes the UI plugin to the specified tenants
UiPluginTenantsApi PostUiPluginPublishAll Post /extensions/ui/{id}/tenants/publishAll Publishes the UI plugin to all tenants
UiPluginTenantsApi PostUiPluginUnpublish Post /extensions/ui/{id}/tenants/unpublish Revokes publication of the UI plugin to the specified tenants
UiPluginTenantsApi PostUiPluginUnpublishAll Post /extensions/ui/{id}/tenants/unpublishAll Unpublishes the UI plugin from all tenants
UiPluginsApi AddUiPlugin Post /extensions/ui Adds plugin metadata for a new UI Extension
UiPluginsApi GetUiPlugins Get /extensions/ui Get a list of all UI Extensions
UniversalRouterApi DeleteUniversalRouter Delete /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId} Deletes a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterApi GetUniversalRouter Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId} Retrieves a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterApi SyncUniversalRouter Post /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/sync Sync/repair the Universal Router
UniversalRouterApi UpdateUniversalRouter Put /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId} Updates a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterDhcpApi DeleteDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter Delete /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dhcp Deletes Dhcp configuration of a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterDhcpApi GetDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dhcp Retrieves Dhcp configuration of a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterDhcpApi UpdateDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter Put /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dhcp Updates Dhcp configuration for a specific Universal Router
UniversalRouterDnsApi DeleteDnsConfigForRouter Delete /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dns Deletes dns configuration of a universal router
UniversalRouterDnsApi GetDnsConfigForRouter Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dns Retrieves dns configuration of a universal router
UniversalRouterDnsApi UpdateDnsConfigForRouter Put /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/dns Updates dns configuration of a universal Router
UniversalRouterHealthApi GetUniversalRouterHealth Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/health Get Health information of a universal router
UniversalRoutersApi CreateUniversalRouter Post /1.0.0/universalRouters Create a new universal router
UniversalRoutersApi GetAllUniversalRoutersForVdcGroup Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/universalRouters Get all the universal routers defined for a vDC group
UniversalRoutingApi GetUniversalEgressRouting Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing Retrieves Universal Egress Points and routing configuration for a Universal Router.
UniversalRoutingApi GetUniversalRoutes Get /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/routes Retrieves routing configuration for a Universal Router.
UniversalRoutingApi SyncUniversalRoutes Post /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/routes/sync Sync/repair the routing configuration for a Universal Router.
UniversalRoutingApi UpdateUniversalEgressRouting Put /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing Updates the routing configuration using the specified egress points in the universal routes. Any egress point that does not exist will be created before updating routing. Any egress point that currently exists and is not in use by any of the specified routes will be deleted. If the new egress points for routing fail to create, routing will not be updated.
UniversalRoutingApi UpdateUniversalRoutes Put /1.0.0/universalRouters/{universalRouterId}/routing/routes Updates routing configuration for a Universal Router.
UserApi CreateUser Post /1.0.0/users Create a new user.
UserApi DeleteUser Delete /1.0.0/users/{userUrn} Delete the specified user.
UserApi GetUser Get /1.0.0/users/{userUrn} Get a specified user by id.
UserApi QueryUserGroups Get /1.0.0/users/{userUrn}/groups Get a list of groups that the user with the given id belongs to.
UserApi QueryUsers Get /1.0.0/users Get a list of users.
UserApi UpdateUser Put /1.0.0/users/{userUrn} Modify the details of a user. A non-administrator user may only modify their own password. An administrator can edit any user.
VCenterResourcesApi GetDvSwitches Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/resources/dvSwitches Retrieves all distributed virtual switches.
VCenterResourcesApi GetImportableDvpgs Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/resources/importableDvpgs Get all DVPG network backings that are available.
VCenterResourcesApi GetImportablePortgroups Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/resources/importablePortgroups Get all standard porgroups available as backings.
VRealizeOrchestratorApi GetRegisteredVRO Get /vro/servers/{id} Retrieves service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator
VRealizeOrchestratorApi PatchService Patch /vro/servers/{id} Updates service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator
VRealizeOrchestratorApi Unregister Delete /vro/servers/{id} Unregisters a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint from vCloud Director
VRealizeOrchestratorApi UpdateService Put /vro/servers/{id} Updates service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator
VRealizeOrchestratorsApi DiscoverVroVcenter Post /vro/servers/discovery Discover vCenter to work with the provided vRealize Orchestrator service
VRealizeOrchestratorsApi GetRegisteredVROs Get /vro/servers Get a list of registered vRealize Orchestrator services
VRealizeOrchestratorsApi Register Post /vro/servers Register a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint with vCloud Director
VdcApi GetComputePolicies Get /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/computePolicies Retrieves all compute policies of a vDC
VdcApi GetVdc Get /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId} Retrieves a specific vDC via URN.
VdcApi GetVdcMaxComputePolicy Get /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/maxComputePolicy Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC.
VdcApi QueryVdcs Get /1.0.0/vdcs Retrieves a list of vDCs
VdcApi UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy Put /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/maxComputePolicy Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC.
Vdc2Api GetComputePolicies Get /2.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/computePolicies Retrieves all compute policies of a vDC
Vdc2Api GetVdcMaxComputePolicy Get /2.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/maxComputePolicy Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC.
Vdc2Api UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy Put /2.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/maxComputePolicy Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC.
VdcComputePoliciesApi AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs Post /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/vdcs Assign this organization vDC compute policy to list of vDCs.
VdcComputePoliciesApi CreateVdcComputePolicy Post /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies Creates a new organization vDC compute policy
VdcComputePoliciesApi DeleteVdcComputePolicy Delete /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Delete specified organization vDC compute policy.
VdcComputePoliciesApi GetVdcComputePolicy Get /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Get specified organization vDC compute policy
VdcComputePoliciesApi GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs Get /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/vdcs Get organization vDCs associated with this vDC compute policy
VdcComputePoliciesApi GetVdcComputePolicyVms Get /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/vms Get all VMs associated with this vDC compute policy
VdcComputePoliciesApi QueryVdcComputePolicies Get /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies Get list of organization vDC compute policies.
VdcComputePoliciesApi UpdateVdcComputePolicy Put /1.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Update specified organization vDC compute policy
VdcComputePolicies2Api AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs Post /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/vdcs Assign this organization VDC compute policy to list of VDCs.
VdcComputePolicies2Api CreateVdcComputePolicy Post /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies Creates a new organization VDC compute policy
VdcComputePolicies2Api DeleteVdcComputePolicy Delete /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Delete specified organization VDC compute policy.
VdcComputePolicies2Api GetVdcComputePolicy Get /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Get specified organization VDC compute policy
VdcComputePolicies2Api GetVdcComputePolicyMetrics Get /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/metrics Get specified organization VDC compute policy metrics.
VdcComputePolicies2Api GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs Get /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/vdcs Get orgatization VDCs this VDC compute policy has been assigned/published to
VdcComputePolicies2Api QueryVdcComputePolicies Get /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies Get list of organization VDC compute policies.
VdcComputePolicies2Api QueryVirtualMachineClasses Get /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId}/virtualMachineClasses Get a list of Virtual Machine Classes associated with this policy.
VdcComputePolicies2Api UpdateVdcComputePolicy Put /2.0.0/vdcComputePolicies/{vdcComputePolicyId} Update specified organization VDC compute policy
VdcGroupApi DeleteVdcGroup Delete /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId} Deletes a vDC Group
VdcGroupApi GetVdcGroup Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId} Retrieves a specific vDC Group.
VdcGroupApi SyncVdcGroup Post /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId}/sync Sync/repair the vDC group. An example usage is to detect if a vDC still exists/is valid. If an Organization vDC referenced by the VDC group is deleted or if it is not participating in universal networking, it's status will be updated to OBJECT_NOT_FOUND and the vdc group will be marked as NOT_REALIZED. This will also initiate a sync of associated router, if any. The router entities like egress points and universal routes will also be marked as NOT_REALIZED if they reference the removed Organization vDC.
VdcGroupApi UpdateVdcGroup Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/{vdcGroupId} Updates a specific vDC Group. Example is to add/remove a participarting vDC.
VdcGroupCandidatesApi GetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidates Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/networkingCandidateVdcs Get a list of candidate vDCs that can be added to a single vDC Group in the networking context.
VdcGroupsApi CreateVdcGroup Post /1.0.0/vdcGroups Creates a vDC Group. A universal router will also be created if universalNetworkingEnabled is set to true.
VdcGroupsApi GetVdcGroups Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups Get a list of vDC Groups.
VdcGroupsSettingsApi GetVdcGroupSettings Get /1.0.0/vdcGroups/settings Retrieves the global vDC groups settings. These settings apply to all vDC Groups in the system and can only be retrieved by the provider.
VdcGroupsSettingsApi UpdateVdcGroupSettings Put /1.0.0/vdcGroups/settings Updates the global vDC groups settings. These settings apply to all vDC Groups in the system and can only be updated by the provider.
VdcNetworkProfileApi DeleteVdcNetworkProfile Delete /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/networkProfile Deletes/Reset a vDC Network Profile.
VdcNetworkProfileApi GetVdcNetworkProfile Get /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/networkProfile Retrieves the vDC Network Profile.
VdcNetworkProfileApi UpdateVdcNetworkProfile Put /1.0.0/vdcs/{orgVdcId}/networkProfile Updates the vDC Network Profile.
VirtualCenterApi AttachVirtualCenter Post /1.0.0/virtualCenters Attach a Virtual Center server
VirtualCenterApi DeleteVirtualCenter Delete /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn} Detach the specified Virtual Center server
VirtualCenterApi GetChildResourcePools Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/resourcePools/browse/{moref} Get resource pools of a VC
VirtualCenterApi GetNsxVManagerSettings Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/nsxVSettings Get Virtual Center server network settings
VirtualCenterApi GetResourcePoolKubernetesConfig Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/resourcePools/{moref}/kubernetesConfig Get kubernetes configuration for a resource pool.
VirtualCenterApi GetRootResourcePools Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/resourcePools/browse Get resource pools of a VC
VirtualCenterApi GetStorageProfiles Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/storageProfiles Get storage profiles of a VC
VirtualCenterApi GetSupportedHardwareVersions Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/resourcePools/{moref}/hwv Get supported hardware versions of a resource pool
VirtualCenterApi GetUnmanagedVirtualMachines Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/unmanagedVirtualMachines Get a list of unmanaged virtual machines from vCenter Server
VirtualCenterApi GetVcStoragePolicyCapabilities Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/storageProfiles/{moref}/capabilities Retrieves capabilities of a specific Virtual Center storage policy.
VirtualCenterApi GetVirtualCenter Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn} Get Virtual Center server
VirtualCenterApi GetVirtualCenterMetrics Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/metrics Get Virtual Center server metrics
VirtualCenterApi QueryVirtualCenters Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters Gets a paged list of Virtual Center servers.
VirtualCenterApi QueryVirtualMachineClasses Get /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/resourcePools/{moref}/virtualMachineClasses Get a list of Virtual Machine Classes associated with this resource pool.
VirtualCenterApi UpdateNsxVManagerSettings Put /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn}/nsxVSettings Update specified Virtual Center server network settings
VirtualCenterApi UpdateVirtualCenter Put /1.0.0/virtualCenters/{vcUrn} Update specified Virtual Center server
VmcSddcsApi GetVmcSddcs Get /1.0.0/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/sddcs Retrieves a list of SDDCs for a specific VMware service application that are available
VmcSddcsApi RegisterVmcSDDC Post /1.0.0/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/sddcs Register a VMware service application SDDC's components
VrealizeBrowseApi BrowseSdkObjects Get /vro/servers/{vroId}/sdkObjects/{target}/{browsePaths:.+} Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory
VrealizeBrowseApi GetPluginList Get /vro/servers/{vroId}/entityTypes Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory
VrealizeBrowseApi GetPluginTypeList Get /vro/servers/{vroId}/entityTypes/{pluginName} Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory
VrealizeBrowseApi GetRemoteInventory Get /vro/servers/{vroId}/inventory{any:.*} Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory
VrealizeBrowseApi SearchSdkObjects Get /vro/servers/{vroId}/sdkObjects/{target} Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory
VrealizeWorkflowsApi GetRemoteWorkflows Get /vro/servers/{vroServerId}/workflows Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator workflows
VroWorkflowExecutionApi CancelWorkflowExecution Delete /workflows/{workflowId}/executions/{executionId}/state Cancel workflow run
VroWorkflowExecutionApi DeleteWorkflowExecution Delete /workflows/{workflowId}/executions/{executionId} Delete workflow run
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetAllWorkflowExecutions Get /workflows/{workflowId}/executions Get all executions
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetParameterTypes Get /workflows/parameterTypes This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of ParameterTypes.
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetSupportedDecorators Get /workflows/decorators This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedDecorators.
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetSupportedPresentationElements Get /workflows/presentationElements This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedPresentationElements.
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetSupportedconstraints Get /workflows/constraints This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedConstraints.
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetWorkflowExecution Get /workflows/{workflowId}/executions/{executionId} Get workflow execution
VroWorkflowExecutionApi GetWorkflowExecutionState Get /workflows/{workflowId}/executions/{executionId}/state Get workflow execution state
VroWorkflowExecutionApi StartWorkflowExecution Post /workflows/{workflowId}/executions Start workflow execution
VroWorkflowPresentationApi DeleteWorkflowPresenationInstance Delete /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation/instances/{presentationExecutionId} Delete workflow presentation execution
VroWorkflowPresentationApi GetAllWorkflowPresentationInstances Get /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation/instances Get all presentations
VroWorkflowPresentationApi GetWorkflowPresentation Get /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation Get presentation
VroWorkflowPresentationApi GetWorkflowPresentationInstance Get /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation/instances/{presentationExecutionId} Load Execution
VroWorkflowPresentationApi StartWorkflowPresentation Post /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation/instances Start presentation
VroWorkflowPresentationApi UpdateWorkflowPresentationInstance Put /workflows/{workflowId}/presentation/instances/{presentationExecutionId} Update presentation

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key


auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAPIKey, sw.APIKey{
	Key: "APIKEY",
	Prefix: "Bearer", // Omit if not necessary.
r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)



Documentation ¶

Index ¶

Constants ¶

View Source
const (

Variables ¶

View Source
var (
	// ContextOAuth2 takes a oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
	ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")

	// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
	ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")

	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextAPIKey takes an APIKey as authentication for the request
	ContextAPIKey = contextKey("apikey")

Functions ¶

func CacheExpires ¶

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.

Types ¶

type APIClient ¶

type APIClient struct {
	AccessControlsApi *AccessControlsApiService

	AccessLevelsApi *AccessLevelsApiService

	AdvisoryApi *AdvisoryApiService

	ApplicationPortProfileApi *ApplicationPortProfileApiService

	ApplicationPortProfilesApi *ApplicationPortProfilesApiService

	AuditTrailApi *AuditTrailApiService

	BrandingApi *BrandingApiService

	CapabilitiesApi *CapabilitiesApiService

	CellApi *CellApiService

	CertificateLibraryApi *CertificateLibraryApiService

	CloudApiBaseApi *CloudApiBaseApiService

	CodegenPlaceholderApi *CodegenPlaceholderApiService

	ConfigurationsApi *ConfigurationsApiService

	CorsApi *CorsApiService

	CrossVdcNetworkApi *CrossVdcNetworkApiService

	CrossVdcNetworksApi *CrossVdcNetworksApiService

	CustomEntitiesApi *CustomEntitiesApiService

	DefinedEntityApi *DefinedEntityApiService

	DefinedEntityTypeApi *DefinedEntityTypeApiService

	DefinedInterfaceApi *DefinedInterfaceApiService

	DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApi *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService

	DfwPoliciesApi *DfwPoliciesApiService

	DfwPolicyApi *DfwPolicyApiService

	DvpgPropertiesApi *DvpgPropertiesApiService

	EdgeClusterApi *EdgeClusterApiService

	EdgeClustersApi *EdgeClustersApiService

	EdgeGatewayApi *EdgeGatewayApiService

	EdgeGatewayBgpApi *EdgeGatewayBgpApiService

	EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApi *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService

	EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApi *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService

	EdgeGatewayDhcpApi *EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService

	EdgeGatewayDnsApi *EdgeGatewayDnsApiService

	EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApi *EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService

	EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApi *EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService

	EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApi *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService

	EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApi *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService

	EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApi *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService

	EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApi *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService

	EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApi *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService

	EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApi *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService

	EdgeGatewayNatRuleApi *EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService

	EdgeGatewayNatRulesApi *EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService

	EdgeGatewayPrefixListApi *EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService

	EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApi *EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService

	EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApi *EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService

	EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApi *EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService

	EdgeGatewaysApi *EdgeGatewaysApiService

	EgressPointApi *EgressPointApiService

	EgressPointsApi *EgressPointsApiService

	EmailSettingsApi *EmailSettingsApiService

	EntityApi *EntityApiService

	EntityQuotasApi *EntityQuotasApiService

	ExternalNetworkApi *ExternalNetworkApiService

	ExternalNetworksApi *ExternalNetworksApiService

	ExternalServiceApi *ExternalServiceApiService

	FeatureFlagApi *FeatureFlagApiService

	FeatureFlagsApi *FeatureFlagsApiService

	FirewallGroupApi *FirewallGroupApiService

	FirewallGroupsApi *FirewallGroupsApiService

	GlobalRolesApi *GlobalRolesApiService

	GroupApi *GroupApiService

	K8sClusterApi *K8sClusterApiService

	LDAPApi *LDAPApiService

	LoadBalancerCloudApi *LoadBalancerCloudApiService

	LoadBalancerCloudsApi *LoadBalancerCloudsApiService

	LoadBalancerControllerApi *LoadBalancerControllerApiService

	LoadBalancerControllersApi *LoadBalancerControllersApiService

	LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApi *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService

	LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApi *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService

	LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApi *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService

	LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApi *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService

	LogicalVmGroupsApi *LogicalVmGroupsApiService

	NetworkContextProfileApi *NetworkContextProfileApiService

	NetworkContextProfileAttributesApi *NetworkContextProfileAttributesApiService

	NetworkContextProfilesApi *NetworkContextProfilesApiService

	NetworkPoolApi *NetworkPoolApiService

	NetworkPoolsApi *NetworkPoolsApiService

	NsxAlbResourcesApi *NsxAlbResourcesApiService

	NsxTResourcesApi *NsxTResourcesApiService

	NsxVResourcesApi *NsxVResourcesApiService

	OrgApi *OrgApiService

	OrgVdcNetworkApi *OrgVdcNetworkApiService

	OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApi *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService

	OrgVdcNetworksApi *OrgVdcNetworksApiService

	OrgVdcStoragePolicyApi *OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService

	PreferencesApi *PreferencesApiService

	ProviderVdcApi *ProviderVdcApiService

	ProxyApi *ProxyApiService

	ProxyConfigurationApi *ProxyConfigurationApiService

	PvdcComputePoliciesApi *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService

	PvdcComputePolicies2Api *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService

	PvdcStoragePolicyApi *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService

	QuotaPoliciesApi *QuotaPoliciesApiService

	QuotaPolicyAssignmentApi *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService

	RightsApi *RightsApiService

	RightsBundlesApi *RightsBundlesApiService

	RightsCategoriesApi *RightsCategoriesApiService

	RolesApi *RolesApiService

	SddcProxyApi *SddcProxyApiService

	SddcsApi *SddcsApiService

	SecurityTagsApi *SecurityTagsApiService

	ServiceAppApi *ServiceAppApiService

	ServiceAppsApi *ServiceAppsApiService

	ServicesApi *ServicesApiService

	SessionsApi *SessionsApiService

	SiteSettingsApi *SiteSettingsApiService

	SslSettingsApi *SslSettingsApiService

	StorageContainerApi *StorageContainerApiService

	StoragePolicyApi *StoragePolicyApiService

	TestConnectionApi *TestConnectionApiService

	TokenApi *TokenApiService

	TrustedCertificatesApi *TrustedCertificatesApiService

	TypeAccessControlsApi *TypeAccessControlsApiService

	UiPluginApi *UiPluginApiService

	UiPluginResourceApi *UiPluginResourceApiService

	UiPluginTenantsApi *UiPluginTenantsApiService

	UiPluginsApi *UiPluginsApiService

	UniversalRouterApi *UniversalRouterApiService

	UniversalRouterDhcpApi *UniversalRouterDhcpApiService

	UniversalRouterDnsApi *UniversalRouterDnsApiService

	UniversalRouterHealthApi *UniversalRouterHealthApiService

	UniversalRoutersApi *UniversalRoutersApiService

	UniversalRoutingApi *UniversalRoutingApiService

	UserApi *UserApiService

	VCenterResourcesApi *VCenterResourcesApiService

	VRealizeOrchestratorApi *VRealizeOrchestratorApiService

	VRealizeOrchestratorsApi *VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService

	VdcApi *VdcApiService

	Vdc2Api *Vdc2ApiService

	VdcComputePoliciesApi *VdcComputePoliciesApiService

	VdcComputePolicies2Api *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService

	VdcGroupApi *VdcGroupApiService

	VdcGroupCandidatesApi *VdcGroupCandidatesApiService

	VdcGroupsApi *VdcGroupsApiService

	VdcGroupsSettingsApi *VdcGroupsSettingsApiService

	VdcNetworkProfileApi *VdcNetworkProfileApiService

	VirtualCenterApi *VirtualCenterApiService

	VmcSddcsApi *VmcSddcsApiService

	VrealizeBrowseApi *VrealizeBrowseApiService

	VrealizeWorkflowsApi *VrealizeWorkflowsApiService

	VroWorkflowExecutionApi *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService

	VroWorkflowPresentationApi *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI API v36.0 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient ¶

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath ¶

func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string)

Change base path to allow switching to mocks

type APIKey ¶

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse ¶

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the swagger operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

func NewAPIResponse ¶

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

func NewAPIResponseWithError ¶

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

type AccessControlGrant ¶

type AccessControlGrant struct {
	// VcloudId URN identifier for ACL grant
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The tenant this grant applies in. This is referenced by their organization ID.
	MemberId string `json:"memberId,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether this access control grant is based on user memberships or entitlements
	GrantType string `json:"grantType"`
	// The object that this access control grant applies to
	ObjectId string `json:"objectId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of the level of access which the subject will be granted.
	AccessLevelId string `json:"accessLevelId"`

type AccessControlGrants ¶

type AccessControlGrants struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of access-control entries.
	Values []AccessControlGrant `json:"values,omitempty"`

A pageable list of access-control grants.

type AccessControlsApiService ¶

type AccessControlsApiService service

func (*AccessControlsApiService) CreateEntityAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *AccessControlsApiService) CreateEntityAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlGrant AccessControlGrant) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

AccessControlsApiService Creates an access-control grant Creates an access-control grant, giving the user the level of access for the vCD entity.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlGrant

@return AccessControlGrant

func (*AccessControlsApiService) GetEntityAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *AccessControlsApiService) GetEntityAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

AccessControlsApiService Get the specified access-control grant. Get the specified access-control grant.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId

@return AccessControlGrant

func (*AccessControlsApiService) QueryEntityAccessControlGrants ¶

func (a *AccessControlsApiService) QueryEntityAccessControlGrants(ctx context.Context, objectId string, page int32, pageSize int32) (AccessControlGrants, *http.Response, error)

AccessControlsApiService Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity. Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return AccessControlGrants

func (*AccessControlsApiService) RemoveEntityAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *AccessControlsApiService) RemoveEntityAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string) (*http.Response, error)

AccessControlsApiService Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entities access-control list. Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entities access-control list.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId

func (*AccessControlsApiService) UpdateEntityAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *AccessControlsApiService) UpdateEntityAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string, accessControlGrant AccessControlGrant) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

AccessControlsApiService Updates the specified access-control grant. Updates the specified access-control grant.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId
  • @param accessControlGrant

@return AccessControlGrant

type AccessLevel ¶

type AccessLevel struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`

type AccessLevels ¶

type AccessLevels struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// All access levels.
	Values []AccessLevel `json:"values,omitempty"`

type AccessLevelsApiQueryAccessLevelsOpts ¶

type AccessLevelsApiQueryAccessLevelsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type AccessLevelsApiService ¶

type AccessLevelsApiService service

func (*AccessLevelsApiService) GetAccessLevel ¶

func (a *AccessLevelsApiService) GetAccessLevel(ctx context.Context, accessLevelUrn string) (AccessLevel, *http.Response, error)

AccessLevelsApiService Get the specified access level. Get the specified access level.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param accessLevelUrn

@return AccessLevel

func (*AccessLevelsApiService) QueryAccessLevels ¶

func (a *AccessLevelsApiService) QueryAccessLevels(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *AccessLevelsApiQueryAccessLevelsOpts) (AccessLevels, *http.Response, error)

type AccessibleLocation ¶

type AccessibleLocation struct {
	LocationId      string           `json:"locationId,omitempty"`
	Site            *EntityReference `json:"site,omitempty"`
	Org             *EntityReference `json:"org,omitempty"`
	RestApiEndpoint string           `json:"restApiEndpoint,omitempty"`
	UiEndpoint      string           `json:"uiEndpoint,omitempty"`
	ApiVersion      string           `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`

A location accessible to this session.

type AccessibleLocations ¶

type AccessibleLocations struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of accessible locations.
	Values []AccessibleLocation `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of locations accessible to this session.

type Advisories ¶

type Advisories struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of advisories.
	Values []Advisory `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Advisories.

type Advisory ¶

type Advisory struct {
	// A unique identifier for the advisory (read-only).
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The id reference to the target entity this advisory is for.
	TargetId string `json:"targetId,omitempty"`
	// A localized message for this advisory.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Priority for an advisory that indicates the level of urgency. These priorities are listed in ascending sort order. <ul>   <li>     <em>MANDATORY</em>: A mandatory message which is always displayed;     these advisories cannot be snoozed or dismissed (see documentation     on displayStart and displayEnd)   </li>   <li>     <em>CRITICAL</em>: A high priority, potentially actionable message which can be     snoozed or dismissed   </li>   <li>     <em>IMPORTANT</em>: A potentially actionable message which can be snoozed or dismissed   </li>   <li>     <em>NOTICE</em>: An informational message which can be dismissed (but not snoozed)   </li> </ul>
	Priority string `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	// The ISO-8601 timestamp from which this advisory is applicable. Defaults to the server's current time if unspecified. If permissible, users may update this value to a time in the future to snooze this advisory.
	DisplayStart time.Time `json:"displayStart,omitempty"`
	// The ISO-8601 timestamp representing when this advisory is no longer applicable. If permissible, users may update this value to a time in the past to dismiss this advisory. The displayEnd timestamp must be >= displayStart.
	DisplayEnd time.Time `json:"displayEnd,omitempty"`
	// Represents where the advisory is being generated from. This is a read-only field. Can be of type USER or INTERNAL.
	Source string `json:"source,omitempty"`

A message specified by a system administrator org administrator. It is to be displayed to users to alert them to general conditions that may affect them.

type AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoriesOpts ¶

type AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoriesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoryDefinitionsOpts ¶

type AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoryDefinitionsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type AdvisoryApiService ¶

type AdvisoryApiService service

func (*AdvisoryApiService) CreateAdvisoryDefinition ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) CreateAdvisoryDefinition(ctx context.Context, newAdvisoryDefinition AdvisoryDefinition) (AdvisoryDefinition, *http.Response, error)

AdvisoryApiService Create a new advisory definition.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newAdvisoryDefinition

@return AdvisoryDefinition

func (*AdvisoryApiService) DeleteAdvisoryDefinition ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) DeleteAdvisoryDefinition(ctx context.Context, advisoryId string) (*http.Response, error)

AdvisoryApiService Delete the advisory with the associated specified id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param advisoryId advisory URN

func (*AdvisoryApiService) GetAdvisory ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) GetAdvisory(ctx context.Context, advisoryId string) (Advisory, *http.Response, error)

AdvisoryApiService Get the advisory with the specified id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param advisoryId advisory URN

@return Advisory

func (*AdvisoryApiService) GetAdvisoryDefinition ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) GetAdvisoryDefinition(ctx context.Context, advisoryId string) (AdvisoryDefinition, *http.Response, error)

AdvisoryApiService Get the advisory definition with the specified id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param advisoryId advisory URN

@return AdvisoryDefinition

func (*AdvisoryApiService) QueryAdvisories ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) QueryAdvisories(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoriesOpts) (Advisories, *http.Response, error)

func (*AdvisoryApiService) QueryAdvisoryDefinitions ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) QueryAdvisoryDefinitions(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *AdvisoryApiQueryAdvisoryDefinitionsOpts) (AdvisoryDefinitions, *http.Response, error)

func (*AdvisoryApiService) UpdateAdvisory ¶

func (a *AdvisoryApiService) UpdateAdvisory(ctx context.Context, modifiedAdvisory Advisory, advisoryId string) (Advisory, *http.Response, error)

AdvisoryApiService Updates an advisory. Updates an advisory for the active session using a specified id. Advisories that have a MANDATORY priority may not be updated.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param modifiedAdvisory
  • @param advisoryId advisory URN

@return Advisory

type AdvisoryDefinition ¶

type AdvisoryDefinition struct {
	// A unique identifier for the advisory (read-only).
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The id reference to the target entity this advisory is for.
	TargetId string `json:"targetId,omitempty"`
	// A localized message for this advisory.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Priority for an advisory that indicates the level of urgency. These priorities are listed in ascending sort order. <ul>   <li>     <em>MANDATORY</em>: A mandatory message which is always displayed;     these advisories cannot be snoozed or dismissed (see documentation     on displayStart and displayEnd)   </li>   <li>     <em>CRITICAL</em>: A high priority, potentially actionable message which can be     snoozed or dismissed   </li>   <li>     <em>IMPORTANT</em>: A potentially actionable message which can be snoozed or dismissed   </li>   <li>     <em>NOTICE</em>: An informational message which can be dismissed (but not snoozed)   </li> </ul>
	Priority string `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	// The ISO-8601 timestamp from which this advisory is applicable. Defaults to the server's current time if unspecified. If permissible, users may update this value to a time in the future to snooze this advisory.
	DisplayStart time.Time `json:"displayStart,omitempty"`
	// The ISO-8601 timestamp representing when this advisory is no longer applicable. If permissible, users may update this value to a time in the past to dismiss this advisory. The displayEnd timestamp must be >= displayStart.
	DisplayEnd time.Time `json:"displayEnd,omitempty"`
	// Represents where the advisory is being generated from. This is a read-only field. Can be of type USER or INTERNAL.
	Source string `json:"source,omitempty"`

type AdvisoryDefinitions ¶

type AdvisoryDefinitions struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of advisory definitions.
	Values []AdvisoryDefinition `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Advisories definitions.

type AllocatedIpAddress ¶

type AllocatedIpAddress struct {
	// Unique identifier for record. This is to support UI operations.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Id of the entity to which the IP address is allocated such as a VM.
	EntityId string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// Name of the entity to which the IP address is allocated.
	EntityName string `json:"entityName,omitempty"`
	// Name of the vApp whose VM is using allocated IP address.
	VAppName string `json:"vAppName,omitempty"`
	// The allocated IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	// Whether the entity using this IP address is currently deployed.
	Deployed bool `json:"deployed,omitempty"`
	// The possible allocation types for allocated network address like VSM allocated, VM allocated or NAT routed.
	AllocationType *AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType `json:"allocationType,omitempty"`
	// The vApp network or Org vDC network to which this entity is connected.
	NetworkRef *EntityReference `json:"networkRef,omitempty"`
	// The organization that this entity belongs to.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`

Describes an allocated IP address for a network. IP addresses can be allocated to a vApp VM, an edge gateway interface or may be used in a NAT routed environment. If the address is allocated to an edge gateway, the name of the entity will be 'Edge Gateway'.

type AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType ¶

type AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType string

AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType : The possible allocation types for allocated network address. VM_ALLOCATED means that the IP address is allocated by a VM, NAT_ROUTED means that the IP address is used in a NAT routed environment and VSM_ALLOCATED means that the IP address is allocated to an NSX edge gateway interface.

const (
	VM_ALLOCATED_AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType  AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType = "VM_ALLOCATED"
	NAT_ROUTED_AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType    AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType = "NAT_ROUTED"
	VSM_ALLOCATED_AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType = "VSM_ALLOCATED"

List of AllocatedIpAddressAllocationType

type AllocatedIpAddresses ¶

type AllocatedIpAddresses struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association        `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []AllocatedIpAddress `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of allocated IP addresses.

type AllowedOrigin ¶

type AllowedOrigin struct {
	// The origin that will be allowed.
	Origin string `json:"origin,omitempty"`

An origin for which CORS is allowed.

type AllowedOrigins ¶

type AllowedOrigins struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of allowed origins.
	Values []AllowedOrigin `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Allowed Origins.

type ApplicationPortList ¶

type ApplicationPortList struct {
	// The display name.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The protocol this services applies to.
	Protocol *ApplicationPortsProtocolType `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
	// The set of ports on the destination that the profile applies to. Valid values include single ports and a range of ports.
	DestinationPorts []string `json:"destinationPorts,omitempty"`

A set of ports and the protocol supported by a application port profile.

type ApplicationPortProfile ¶

type ApplicationPortProfile struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The organization that this object belongs to. This property is required during creation and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The context under which this object is created. The context can the id of the organization vDC, vDC Group, or network provider. This field is required on object creation and is unset on object reads. This same context ID can be used in the context filter field when querying for the list of objects.
	ContextEntityId string `json:"contextEntityId,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// The id of the Application Port Profile in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Application Port Profile.
	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The scope of the application port profile definition.
	Scope *ApplicationPortProfileScopeType `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	// A list of protocol and ports supported by this application port profile.
	ApplicationPorts []ApplicationPortList `json:"applicationPorts,omitempty"`
	// True means that the port profile can be used for NAT configuration.  A port profile can be used for NAT if there is only 1 application port with at most 1 destination port.
	UsableForNAT bool `json:"usableForNAT,omitempty"`

An Application Port Profile object. The application port profile represents a set of ports and protocols that can be used when defining network service rules.

type ApplicationPortProfileApiService ¶

type ApplicationPortProfileApiService service

func (*ApplicationPortProfileApiService) DeleteApplicationPortProfile ¶

func (a *ApplicationPortProfileApiService) DeleteApplicationPortProfile(ctx context.Context, applicationPortProfileId string) (*http.Response, error)

ApplicationPortProfileApiService Deletes a specific user-defined Application Port Profile

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param applicationPortProfileId

func (*ApplicationPortProfileApiService) GetApplicationPortProfile ¶

func (a *ApplicationPortProfileApiService) GetApplicationPortProfile(ctx context.Context, applicationPortProfileId string) (ApplicationPortProfile, *http.Response, error)

ApplicationPortProfileApiService Retrieves a specific user-defined Application Port Profile

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param applicationPortProfileId

@return ApplicationPortProfile

func (*ApplicationPortProfileApiService) UpdateApplicationPortProfile ¶

func (a *ApplicationPortProfileApiService) UpdateApplicationPortProfile(ctx context.Context, applicationPortProfile ApplicationPortProfile, applicationPortProfileId string) (*http.Response, error)

ApplicationPortProfileApiService Updates a specific user-defined Application Port Profile

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param applicationPortProfile
  • @param applicationPortProfileId

type ApplicationPortProfileScopeType ¶

type ApplicationPortProfileScopeType string

ApplicationPortProfileScopeType : The definition scope of an Application Port Profile. SYSTEM profiles are available to all tenants. They are default profiles from the backing networking provider. PROVIDER profiles are available to all tenants. They are defined by the provider at a system level. TENANT profiles are available only to the specific tenant organization. They are defined by the tenant or by a provider on behalf of a tenant.

const (
	SYSTEM_ApplicationPortProfileScopeType   ApplicationPortProfileScopeType = "SYSTEM"
	PROVIDER_ApplicationPortProfileScopeType ApplicationPortProfileScopeType = "PROVIDER"
	TENANT_ApplicationPortProfileScopeType   ApplicationPortProfileScopeType = "TENANT"

List of ApplicationPortProfileScopeType

type ApplicationPortProfiles ¶

type ApplicationPortProfiles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association            `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ApplicationPortProfile `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Application Port Profiles.

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiGetApplicationPortProfilesOpts ¶

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiGetApplicationPortProfilesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiService ¶

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiService service

func (*ApplicationPortProfilesApiService) CreateApplicationPortProfile ¶

func (a *ApplicationPortProfilesApiService) CreateApplicationPortProfile(ctx context.Context, applicationPortProfile ApplicationPortProfile) (*http.Response, error)

ApplicationPortProfilesApiService Create a user-defined application port profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param applicationPortProfile

func (*ApplicationPortProfilesApiService) GetApplicationPortProfiles ¶

func (*ApplicationPortProfilesApiService) SyncApplicationPortProfiles ¶

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiSyncApplicationPortProfilesOpts ¶

type ApplicationPortProfilesApiSyncApplicationPortProfilesOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type ApplicationPortsProtocolType ¶

type ApplicationPortsProtocolType string

ApplicationPortsProtocolType : The supported protocols for an application port profile.

const (
	TCP_ApplicationPortsProtocolType     ApplicationPortsProtocolType = "TCP"
	UDP_ApplicationPortsProtocolType     ApplicationPortsProtocolType = "UDP"
	ICM_PV4_ApplicationPortsProtocolType ApplicationPortsProtocolType = "ICMPv4"
	ICM_PV6_ApplicationPortsProtocolType ApplicationPortsProtocolType = "ICMPv6"

List of ApplicationPortsProtocolType

type ArrayParam ¶

type ArrayParam struct {
	InputType string      `json:"inputType"`
	Value     []Parameter `json:"value,omitempty"`

type AssignedQuotaPolicy ¶

type AssignedQuotaPolicy struct {
	// The quota policy reference assigned.
	QuotaPolicyReference *EntityReference `json:"quotaPolicyReference,omitempty"`

type Association ¶

type Association struct {
	// ID of the entity.
	EntityId string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// ID of the association.
	AssociationId string `json:"associationId,omitempty"`

Site association information for an entity

type AuditTrailApiQueryAuditTrailOpts ¶

type AuditTrailApiQueryAuditTrailOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type AuditTrailApiService ¶

type AuditTrailApiService service

func (*AuditTrailApiService) QueryAuditTrail ¶

func (a *AuditTrailApiService) QueryAuditTrail(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *AuditTrailApiQueryAuditTrailOpts) (AuditTrailEvents, *http.Response, error)

type AuditTrailEvent ¶

type AuditTrailEvent struct {
	EventId              string           `json:"eventId,omitempty"`
	Description          string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	OperatingOrg         *EntityReference `json:"operatingOrg,omitempty"`
	User                 *EntityReference `json:"user,omitempty"`
	EventEntity          *EntityReference `json:"eventEntity,omitempty"`
	TaskId               string           `json:"taskId,omitempty"`
	TaskCellId           string           `json:"taskCellId,omitempty"`
	CellId               string           `json:"cellId,omitempty"`
	EventType            string           `json:"eventType,omitempty"`
	ServiceNamespace     string           `json:"serviceNamespace,omitempty"`
	EventStatus          string           `json:"eventStatus,omitempty"`
	Timestamp            time.Time        `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	External             bool             `json:"external,omitempty"`
	AdditionalProperties *interface{}     `json:"additionalProperties,omitempty"`


type AuditTrailEvents ¶

type AuditTrailEvents struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of audit trail events.
	Values []AuditTrailEvent `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of audit trail events.

type AvailableIpPoolSubnet ¶

type AvailableIpPoolSubnet struct {
	// The gateway for the subnet on which IPs are available.
	Gateway string `json:"gateway,omitempty"`
	// The netmask prefix length of the subnet.
	PrefixLength int32 `json:"prefixLength,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the network subnet is currently enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Range of IPs which are available for use.
	IpRanges *IpRanges `json:"ipRanges,omitempty"`
	// The total number of available IP addresses.
	TotalIpCount int32 `json:"totalIpCount,omitempty"`

Describes an available IP address.

type AvailableIpPoolSubnets ¶

type AvailableIpPoolSubnets struct {
	Values []AvailableIpPoolSubnet `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of available IP addresses.

type BackingNetworkType ¶

type BackingNetworkType string

BackingNetworkType : The backing network type.

const (
	DV_PORTGROUP_BackingNetworkType              BackingNetworkType = "DV_PORTGROUP"
	VIRTUAL_WIRE_BackingNetworkType              BackingNetworkType = "VIRTUAL_WIRE"
	OPAQUE_NETWORK_BackingNetworkType            BackingNetworkType = "OPAQUE_NETWORK"
	NSXT_FIXED_SEGMENT_BackingNetworkType        BackingNetworkType = "NSXT_FIXED_SEGMENT"
	NSXT_FLEXIBLE_SEGMENT_BackingNetworkType     BackingNetworkType = "NSXT_FLEXIBLE_SEGMENT"

List of BackingNetworkType

type BackingRef ¶

type BackingRef struct {
	// The id/moref of the backing entity.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of backing entity.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

Backing Id for an entity not owned by VCD.

type BasicAuth ¶

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type Behavior ¶

type Behavior struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The Behavior ID is generated and is an output-only property
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The Behavior invocation reference to be used for polymorphic behavior invocations. It is generated and is an output-only property
	Ref string `json:"ref,omitempty"`
	// A description specifying the contract of the Behavior
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The Behavior execution mechanism. Can be defined both in an Interface and in a Defined Entity Type as an override.
	Execution map[string]interface{} `json:"execution,omitempty"`

The descriptor of a Defined Entity Behavior

type BehaviorAccess ¶

type BehaviorAccess struct {
	// The ID of the Behavior. It can be both a behavior-interface or an overriden behavior-type ID.
	BehaviorId string `json:"behaviorId,omitempty"`
	// The ID of an AccessLevel.
	AccessLevelId string `json:"accessLevelId,omitempty"`

A definition of an access control configuration of a Behavior.

type BehaviorAccesses ¶

type BehaviorAccesses struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of behavior access entries
	Values []BehaviorAccess `json:"values,omitempty"`

The access control configuration of all Defined Enitty Type's Behaviors.

type BehaviorInvocation ¶

type BehaviorInvocation struct {
	// The arguments to be passed to the invoked Behavior
	Arguments *interface{} `json:"arguments,omitempty"`
	// Metadata to be passed to the invoked Behavior
	Metadata *interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

An invocation of a Behavior on a Defined Entity instance. Currently the Behavior interfaces are key-value maps specified in the Behavior description.

type Behaviors ¶

type Behaviors struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Behavior    `json:"values,omitempty"`

An array ofs Defined Entity Behaviors

type BooleanParam ¶

type BooleanParam struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`
	Value     bool   `json:"value,omitempty"`

type BrandingApiService ¶

type BrandingApiService service

func (*BrandingApiService) CreateBrandingTheme ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) CreateBrandingTheme(ctx context.Context, newTheme UiTheme) (UiTheme, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Create a new custom theme Create a new custom theme, uniquely identified by name. This can be used to set the theme in \&quot;/branding\&quot;.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newTheme

@return UiTheme

func (*BrandingApiService) DeleteBrandingTheme ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteBrandingTheme(ctx context.Context, name string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete an existing custom theme Delete a custom theme

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param name

func (*BrandingApiService) DeleteBrandingThemeContents ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteBrandingThemeContents(ctx context.Context, name string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete an existing custom theme&#39;s contents Delete a custom theme&#39;s contents

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param name

func (*BrandingApiService) DeleteSystemIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteSystemIcon(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete system level icon Delete the system level icon, forcing the get method to return the vCloud Director default icon.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteSystemLogo(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete system level logo Delete the system level logo, forcing the get method to return the vCloud Director default logo.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

func (*BrandingApiService) DeleteTenantIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteTenantIcon(ctx context.Context, org string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete system level icon Delete the system level icon, forcing the get method to return the vCloud Director default icon.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set
func (a *BrandingApiService) DeleteTenantLogo(ctx context.Context, org string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Delete the org-specific logo Delete the org-specific logo, forcing the get method to return the system default logo.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

func (*BrandingApiService) GetBrandingTheme ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetBrandingTheme(ctx context.Context, name string) (UiTheme, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Retrieve a specified theme identified by name Update an existing theme, uniquely identified by name.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param name

@return UiTheme

func (*BrandingApiService) GetBrandingThemeCss ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetBrandingThemeCss(ctx context.Context, name string) (string, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Retrieve the custom CSS for this theme, if any Retrieve the CSS for this theme if it has been set

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param name

@return string

func (*BrandingApiService) GetBrandingThemes ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetBrandingThemes(ctx context.Context) ([]UiTheme, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Get a list of themes Get a list of supported themes, uniquely identified by their names. This can be used to set the theme in \&quot;/branding\&quot;.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return []UiTheme

func (*BrandingApiService) GetSystemBranding ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetSystemBranding(ctx context.Context) (UiBranding, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets the system level branding Get the system level branding information including the portal name, portal color, selected theme and custom URLs.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return UiBranding

func (*BrandingApiService) GetSystemIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetSystemIcon(ctx context.Context) (string, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets the system level browser icon Get the system level icon as raw image data suitable for use in an image tag&#39;s src attribute. If a custom icon is not set then the vCloud Director default icon is sent.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return string

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetSystemLogo(ctx context.Context) (string, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets the system level logo Get the system level logo as raw image data suitable for use in an image tag&#39;s src attribute. If a custom logo is not set then the vCloud Director default logo is sent.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return string

func (*BrandingApiService) GetTenantBranding ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetTenantBranding(ctx context.Context, org string) (UiBranding, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets org-specific branding Get org-specific branding information including the portal name, portal color, selected theme and custom URLs. If no org branding has been specified, retrieve the default system branding.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

@return UiBranding

func (*BrandingApiService) GetTenantIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetTenantIcon(ctx context.Context, org string) (string, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets the system level browser icon Get the system level icon as raw image data suitable for use in an image tag&#39;s src attribute. If a custom icon is not set then the vCloud Director default icon is sent.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

@return string

func (a *BrandingApiService) GetTenantLogo(ctx context.Context, org string) (string, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Gets the org-specific logo Get the org-specific logo as raw image data suitable for use in an image tag&#39;s src attribute. If an org-specific logo is not set, get the default system logo. If a custom logo is not set then the vCloud Director default logo is sent.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

@return string

func (*BrandingApiService) PutSystemBranding ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) PutSystemBranding(ctx context.Context, body UiBranding) (UiBranding, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets default branding Sets the branding information including the portal name, portal color, selected theme and custom URLs for a specific org or system default.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body

@return UiBranding

func (*BrandingApiService) PutSystemIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) PutSystemIcon(ctx context.Context, contentType interface{}, body string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets the system level icon Set the system icon data.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param contentType
  • @param body
func (a *BrandingApiService) PutSystemLogo(ctx context.Context, contentType interface{}, body string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets the system level logo Set the system logo data.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param contentType
  • @param body

func (*BrandingApiService) PutTenantBranding ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) PutTenantBranding(ctx context.Context, body UiBranding, org string) (UiBranding, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets org-specific branding Sets the branding information including the portal name, portal color, selected theme and custom URLs for a specific org.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

@return UiBranding

func (*BrandingApiService) PutTenantIcon ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) PutTenantIcon(ctx context.Context, contentType interface{}, body string, org string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets the system level icon Set the system icon data.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param contentType
  • @param body
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set
func (a *BrandingApiService) PutTenantLogo(ctx context.Context, contentType interface{}, body string, org string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Sets the org-specific logo Set the org-specific data.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param contentType
  • @param body
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

func (*BrandingApiService) RemoveTenantBranding ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) RemoveTenantBranding(ctx context.Context, org string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Remove org-specific branding Removes org-specific branding information if specified

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param org Organization for whom branding is being set

func (*BrandingApiService) UpdateBrandingTheme ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) UpdateBrandingTheme(ctx context.Context, updatedTheme UiTheme, name string) (UiTheme, *http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Update an existing custom theme Update an existing custom theme, uniquely identified by name. This can be used to set the theme in \&quot;/branding\&quot;.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedTheme
  • @param name

@return UiTheme

func (*BrandingApiService) UploadBrandingThemeContents ¶

func (a *BrandingApiService) UploadBrandingThemeContents(ctx context.Context, pluginUploadSpec UploadSpec, name string) (*http.Response, error)

BrandingApiService Upload the contents for this theme Update an existing custom theme&#39;s contents, uniquely identified by name. Currently, this is limited to a single CSS file.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pluginUploadSpec
  • @param name

type Capabilities ¶

type Capabilities struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Capability  `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of read-only capabilities.

type CapabilitiesApiService ¶

type CapabilitiesApiService service

func (*CapabilitiesApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicyCapabilities ¶

func (a *CapabilitiesApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicyCapabilities(ctx context.Context, id string) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

CapabilitiesApiService Retrieves capabilities of a specific organization VDC storage policy. Retrieves the current capabilities configured on a specific organization VDC storage policy. These cannot be edited.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Capabilities

func (*CapabilitiesApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicyCapabilities ¶

func (a *CapabilitiesApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicyCapabilities(ctx context.Context, id string) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

CapabilitiesApiService Retrieves capabilities of a specific provider VDC storage policy. Retrieves the current capabilities configured on a specific provider VDC storage policy. These cannot be edited.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Capabilities

func (*CapabilitiesApiService) GetQuotaPolicyCapabilities ¶

func (a *CapabilitiesApiService) GetQuotaPolicyCapabilities(ctx context.Context) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

CapabilitiesApiService Retrieves capabilities for quotaPolicy feature.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return Capabilities

func (*CapabilitiesApiService) GetVdcCapabilities ¶

func (a *CapabilitiesApiService) GetVdcCapabilities(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

CapabilitiesApiService Retrieves capabilities for the given Organization vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

@return Capabilities

func (*CapabilitiesApiService) GetVdcGroupCapabilities ¶

func (a *CapabilitiesApiService) GetVdcGroupCapabilities(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

CapabilitiesApiService Retrieves the supported capabilities of the specified vDC Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId

@return Capabilities

type Capability ¶

type Capability struct {
	// The name of the capability.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Description of the capability as it relates to the entity.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The value of the capability.
	Value *interface{} `json:"value,omitempty"`
	// The type of the value.
	Type_ *CapabilityValueType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The category of the capabilities listed.
	Category *CapabilityCategory `json:"category,omitempty"`

Describes a capability of an entity.

type CapabilityCategory ¶

type CapabilityCategory string

CapabilityCategory : Describes the category of the capability.

const (
	EDGE_GATEWAY_CapabilityCategory    CapabilityCategory = "EdgeGateway"
	V_APP_NETWORK_CapabilityCategory   CapabilityCategory = "VAppNetwork"
	ORG_VDC_NETWORK_CapabilityCategory CapabilityCategory = "OrgVdcNetwork"
	INFRA_CapabilityCategory           CapabilityCategory = "Infra"
	SECURITY_CapabilityCategory        CapabilityCategory = "Security"
	STORAGE_POLICY_CapabilityCategory  CapabilityCategory = "StoragePolicy"
	QUOTA_POLICY_CapabilityCategory    CapabilityCategory = "QuotaPolicy"
	VDC_GROUP_CapabilityCategory       CapabilityCategory = "VdcGroup"
	NAMED_DISK_CapabilityCategory      CapabilityCategory = "NamedDisk"
	VIRTUAL_MACHINE_CapabilityCategory CapabilityCategory = "VirtualMachine"

List of CapabilityCategory

type CapabilityValueType ¶

type CapabilityValueType string

CapabilityValueType : Describes the object type of the capability value.

const (
	BOOLEAN_CapabilityValueType CapabilityValueType = "Boolean"
	STRING__CapabilityValueType CapabilityValueType = "String"
	LIST_CapabilityValueType    CapabilityValueType = "List"

List of CapabilityValueType

type Cell ¶

type Cell struct {
	// The unique id of the cell.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The build date for the version of the product installed on this cell.
	ProductBuildDate time.Time `json:"productBuildDate,omitempty"`
	// Cell active state.
	IsActive bool `json:"isActive,omitempty"`
	// The name of the cell.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The primary ip address of the cell.
	PrimaryIP string `json:"primaryIP,omitempty"`
	// The product version of the cell.
	ProductVersion string `json:"productVersion,omitempty"`

A vCloud Director cell.

type CellApiQueryCellsOpts ¶

type CellApiQueryCellsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CellApiService ¶

type CellApiService service

func (*CellApiService) DeleteCell ¶

func (a *CellApiService) DeleteCell(ctx context.Context, cellUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

CellApiService Deletes a specified cell.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param cellUrn cellUrn

func (*CellApiService) GetCell ¶

func (a *CellApiService) GetCell(ctx context.Context, cellUrn string) (Cell, *http.Response, error)

CellApiService Get cell. Retrieve a cell. Read only.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param cellUrn cellUrn

@return Cell

func (*CellApiService) QueryCells ¶

func (a *CellApiService) QueryCells(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *CellApiQueryCellsOpts) (Cells, *http.Response, error)

type Cells ¶

type Cells struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Cell        `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of vCloud Director cells.

type CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefsOpts ¶

type CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertificateLibraryOpts ¶

type CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertificateLibraryOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CertificateLibraryApiService ¶

type CertificateLibraryApiService service

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) AddCertificateLibraryItem ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) AddCertificateLibraryItem(ctx context.Context, newCertificateLibraryItem CertificateLibraryItem) (CertificateLibraryItem, *http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Add an item to the certificate library Add an item to the certificate library

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newCertificateLibraryItem

@return CertificateLibraryItem

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) AddConsumerRefToCertLibraryItem ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) AddConsumerRefToCertLibraryItem(ctx context.Context, consumerReference EntityReference, certLibraryItemId string) (EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Adds the specified consumer reference to a library item. Adds the specified consumer reference to a library item.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param consumerReference
  • @param certLibraryItemId

@return EntityReference

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) DeleteCertificateLibraryItem ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) DeleteCertificateLibraryItem(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Remove certificate library item. Delete the specified certificate library item. Only items that are not in use can be deleted. Note: This API also supports a former (erroneously spelt) alternate path /cetificateLibrary/{id} as a Deprecated API (deprecated-in and removed after API version 36.0)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) GetCertificateLibraryItem ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) GetCertificateLibraryItem(ctx context.Context, id string) (CertificateLibraryItem, *http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Get the specified certificate library item Retrieves the specified certificate library item. Note: This API also supports a former (erroneously spelt) alternate path /cetificateLibrary/{id} as a Deprecated API (deprecated-in and removed after API version 36.0)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return CertificateLibraryItem

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) QueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) QueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, certLibraryItemId string, localVarOptionals *CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertLibraryItemConsumerRefsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) QueryCertificateLibrary ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) QueryCertificateLibrary(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32,
	localVarOptionals *CertificateLibraryApiQueryCertificateLibraryOpts,
	orgID string) (CertificateLibraryItems, *http.Response, error)

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) ReplaceCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) ReplaceCertLibraryItemConsumerRefs(ctx context.Context, consumerRefs EntityReferences, certLibraryItemId string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Replaces the existing consumer refs with the used by references supplied. Replaces the existing consumer refs with the consumer references supplied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param consumerRefs
  • @param certLibraryItemId

@return EntityReferences

func (*CertificateLibraryApiService) UpdateCertificateLibraryItem ¶

func (a *CertificateLibraryApiService) UpdateCertificateLibraryItem(ctx context.Context, modifiedCertificatLibraryItem CertificateLibraryItem, id string) (CertificateLibraryItem, *http.Response, error)

CertificateLibraryApiService Update the specified certificate library item. Updates the specified certificate library item. Only the alias and description fields may be edited Note: This API also supports a former (erroneously spelt) alternate path /cetificateLibrary/{id} as a Deprecated API (deprecated-in and removed after API version 36.0)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param modifiedCertificatLibraryItem
  • @param id

@return CertificateLibraryItem

type CertificateLibraryItem ¶

type CertificateLibraryItem struct {
	Id    string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Alias string `json:"alias"`
	// PEM encoded private key. Required if providing a certificate chain
	PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"`
	// passphrase for the private key. Required if the private key is encrypted
	PrivateKeyPassphrase string `json:"privateKeyPassphrase,omitempty"`
	// PEM encoded certificate
	Certificate string `json:"certificate"`
	// Description of the certificate library item
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

A certificate library item.

type CertificateLibraryItems ¶

type CertificateLibraryItems struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of certificate library items.
	Values []CertificateLibraryItem `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of certificate library items.

type Certificates ¶

type Certificates struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of certificates.
	Values []TrustedCertificate `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of certificates.

type Chooser ¶

type Chooser struct {
	DecoratorType string     `json:"decoratorType"`
	SdkObject     *SdkObject `json:"sdkObject,omitempty"`
	Type_         string     `json:"type,omitempty"`

type CloudApiBaseApiService ¶

type CloudApiBaseApiService service
func (a *CloudApiBaseApiService) GetBaseLinks(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

CloudApiBaseApiService Get base navigation links Retrieves links to start navigation

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

type Cluster ¶

type Cluster struct {
	Kind       string                 `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	ApiVersion string                 `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
	Metadata   map[string]interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Spec       map[string]interface{} `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status     map[string]interface{} `json:"status,omitempty"`

A Kubernetes cluster.

type Clusters ¶

type Clusters struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of Kubernetes clusters.
	Values []Cluster `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Kubernetes clusters.

type CodegenPlaceholderApiService ¶

type CodegenPlaceholderApiService service

func (*CodegenPlaceholderApiService) GetQueryResult ¶

func (a *CodegenPlaceholderApiService) GetQueryResult(ctx context.Context) (Page, *http.Response, error)

CodegenPlaceholderApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of Page. This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of Page.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return Page

type CommonNsxTRouterFields ¶

type CommonNsxTRouterFields struct {
	// The unique id of the router. Field is sortable.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The description of the router.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Name used in NSX-T's logs or GUI. Field is sortable.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`

Common fields that all Tier-0 or Tier-1 routers have.

type CompositeType ¶

type CompositeType struct {
	InputType string           `json:"inputType"`
	Property  []CompositeValue `json:"property,omitempty"`
	Type_     string           `json:"type,omitempty"`

type CompositeValue ¶

type CompositeValue struct {
	InputType string     `json:"inputType"`
	Id        string     `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Property  *Parameter `json:"property,omitempty"`

type Config ¶

type Config struct {
	// Name of the configuration property.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The value of the configuration property (at present all configuration values are treated as the \"string\" type).
	TypedValue *TypedValue `json:"typedValue,omitempty"`

A site-wide configuration value.

type Configs ¶

type Configs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of configurations.
	Values []Config `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of site-wide configuration properties.

type Configuration ¶

type Configuration struct {
	BasePath      string            `json:"basePath,omitempty"`
	Host          string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme        string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent     string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	HTTPClient    *http.Client

func NewConfiguration ¶

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader ¶

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

type ConfigurationsApiGetConfigsOpts ¶

type ConfigurationsApiGetConfigsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ConfigurationsApiService ¶

type ConfigurationsApiService service

func (*ConfigurationsApiService) GetConfig ¶

ConfigurationsApiService Get the current setting for the specified configuration property.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param urn URN containing the name of the configuration property such as (urn:vcloud:configuration:&lt;configuration name&gt;)

@return Config

func (*ConfigurationsApiService) GetConfigs ¶

func (a *ConfigurationsApiService) GetConfigs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ConfigurationsApiGetConfigsOpts) (Configs, *http.Response, error)

func (*ConfigurationsApiService) SetConfig ¶

func (a *ConfigurationsApiService) SetConfig(ctx context.Context, newConfigValue Config, urn string) (Config, *http.Response, error)

ConfigurationsApiService Sets a configuration property to the provided value.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newConfigValue The configuration with the desired value.
  • @param urn URN containing the name of the configuration property such as (urn:vcloud:configuration:&lt;configuration name&gt;)

@return Config

type Connection ¶

type Connection struct {
	// The host (or IP address) to connect to.
	Host string `json:"host"`
	// The port to use when connecting.
	Port int32 `json:"port"`
	// If the connection should use https.
	Secure bool `json:"secure,omitempty"`
	// Maximum time (in seconds) any step in the test should wait for a response.
	Timeout int32 `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
	// Endpoint/Hostname verification algorithm to be used during SSL/TLS/DTLS handshake. Their values are as follows: <ul>   <li>     <em>HTTPS</em>: use https hostname verification algorithm as described in     <a href=\"https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2818\">RFC 2818</a>   </li>   <li>     <em>LDAPS</em>: use ldaps hostname verification algorithm as described in     <a href=\"https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2830\">RFC 2830</a>   </li> </ul> When this field is not set, the default value <em>null</em> indicates no hostname verification will be performed.
	HostnameVerificationAlgorithm string `json:"hostnameVerificationAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	// A list of URLs being authorized by the user to retrieve additional CA certificates from,  if necessary, to complete the certificate chain to its trust anchor. <p> Upon retrieving the certificate chain presented during the handshake, if signing CA certificates were not included, but a location is specified for the 'caIssuers' access method of the 'Authority Info Access' extension  (as described in <a href=\"https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5280#section-\">RFC 5280 Section</a>) of those certificates and that location is one of these supplied URLs, then additional certificates will be retrieved from those URLs in accordance with the protocol laid out in the RFC. <p> Any failure to retrieve this certificate will NOT fail the test connection request, nor will the error associated with this failure be returned. <p> In the unlikely event that the CA Issuers URL specifies `https` instead of `http`, the original certificate, that included that URL, will be temporarily used to trust the server during ssl handshake
	AdditionalCAIssuers []string         `json:"additionalCAIssuers,omitempty"`
	ProxyConnection     *ProxyConnection `json:"proxyConnection,omitempty"`

Connection to test.

type ConnectorInitiationMode ¶

type ConnectorInitiationMode string

ConnectorInitiationMode : This is used by a local endpoint to establish ike connection with the remote site.

const (
	INITIATOR_ConnectorInitiationMode    ConnectorInitiationMode = "INITIATOR"
	RESPOND_ONLY_ConnectorInitiationMode ConnectorInitiationMode = "RESPOND_ONLY"
	ON_DEMAND_ConnectorInitiationMode    ConnectorInitiationMode = "ON_DEMAND"

List of ConnectorInitiationMode

type Constraint ¶

type Constraint struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`

type CorsApiQueryAllowedOriginsOpts ¶

type CorsApiQueryAllowedOriginsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CorsApiService ¶

type CorsApiService service

func (*CorsApiService) QueryAllowedOrigins ¶

func (a *CorsApiService) QueryAllowedOrigins(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *CorsApiQueryAllowedOriginsOpts) (AllowedOrigins, *http.Response, error)

func (*CorsApiService) SetAllowedOrigins ¶

func (a *CorsApiService) SetAllowedOrigins(ctx context.Context, allowedOrigins AllowedOrigins) (AllowedOrigins, *http.Response, error)

CorsApiService Sets allowed origins to the given set of origins.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param allowedOrigins

@return AllowedOrigins

type CreateCustomEntityTypeAction ¶

type CreateCustomEntityTypeAction struct {
	// uuid of workflow.
	WorkflowId string `json:"workflowId"`
	// Name of input parameter of given workflow to which this custom entity type should be mapped.
	WorkflowInputParameter string `json:"workflowInputParameter"`

type CrossVdcNetwork ¶

type CrossVdcNetwork struct {
	// The unique ID for the network. This field is read-only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the network.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the network.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of subnets configured for the network.
	Subnets *Subnets `json:"subnets,omitempty"`
	// The vDC group that this network belongs to.
	VdcGroupRef *EntityReference `json:"vdcGroupRef,omitempty"`
	// The router that this network is attached to.
	RouterRef *EntityReference `json:"routerRef,omitempty"`
	// The status of the network.
	Status *VdcGroupEntityStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// If the network has an error status, a more detailed error message is set here.
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

A CrossVdcNetwork object

type CrossVdcNetworkApiDeleteCrossVdcNetworkOpts ¶

type CrossVdcNetworkApiDeleteCrossVdcNetworkOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type CrossVdcNetworkApiService ¶

type CrossVdcNetworkApiService service

func (*CrossVdcNetworkApiService) DeleteCrossVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworkApiService) DeleteCrossVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, crossVdcNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *CrossVdcNetworkApiDeleteCrossVdcNetworkOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*CrossVdcNetworkApiService) GetCrossVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworkApiService) GetCrossVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, crossVdcNetworkId string) (CrossVdcNetwork, *http.Response, error)

CrossVdcNetworkApiService Retrieves a specific Cross vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param crossVdcNetworkId

@return CrossVdcNetwork

func (*CrossVdcNetworkApiService) SyncCrossVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworkApiService) SyncCrossVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, crossVdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

CrossVdcNetworkApiService Sync/repair a specific Cross vDC network. Sync/repair the specific cross vdc network

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param crossVdcNetworkId

func (*CrossVdcNetworkApiService) UpdateCrossVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworkApiService) UpdateCrossVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, crossVdcNetwork CrossVdcNetwork, crossVdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

CrossVdcNetworkApiService Updates a specific Cross vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param crossVdcNetwork
  • @param crossVdcNetworkId

type CrossVdcNetworks ¶

type CrossVdcNetworks struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association     `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []CrossVdcNetwork `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of cross vDC networks

type CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroupOpts ¶

type CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroupOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksOpts ¶

type CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CrossVdcNetworksApiService ¶

type CrossVdcNetworksApiService service

func (*CrossVdcNetworksApiService) CreateCrossVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworksApiService) CreateCrossVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, crossVdcNetwork CrossVdcNetwork) (*http.Response, error)

CrossVdcNetworksApiService Creates a Cross vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param crossVdcNetwork

func (*CrossVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllCrossVdcNetworks ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllCrossVdcNetworks(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksOpts) (CrossVdcNetworks, *http.Response, error)

func (*CrossVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroup ¶

func (a *CrossVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, vdcGroupId string, localVarOptionals *CrossVdcNetworksApiGetAllCrossVdcNetworksForVdcGroupOpts) (CrossVdcNetworks, *http.Response, error)

type CustomEntities ¶

type CustomEntities struct {
	Entities []CustomEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"`

type CustomEntitiesApiGetCustomEntitiesOpts ¶

type CustomEntitiesApiGetCustomEntitiesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CustomEntitiesApiQueryCustomEntityTypesOpts ¶

type CustomEntitiesApiQueryCustomEntityTypesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type CustomEntitiesApiService ¶

type CustomEntitiesApiService service

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) CreateCustomEntityType ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) CreateCustomEntityType(ctx context.Context, newCustomEntityType CustomEntityType) (CustomEntityType, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Creates a new custom entity type Creates a new custom entity type

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newCustomEntityType

@return CustomEntityType

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) CreateCustomEntityTypeAction ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) CreateCustomEntityTypeAction(ctx context.Context, newCustomEntityTypeAction CreateCustomEntityTypeAction, customEntityTypeId string) (CustomEntityTypeAction, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Creates a new custom entity type action. Creates a new custom entity type action

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newCustomEntityTypeAction
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return CustomEntityTypeAction

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) DeleteCustomEntityType ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) DeleteCustomEntityType(ctx context.Context, recursive bool, customEntityTypeId string) (*http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Delete specified custom entity type.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param recursive if true, will recursively delete both custom entity type, all its instances and associated actions
  • @param customEntityTypeId

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) DeleteCustomEntityTypeAction ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) DeleteCustomEntityTypeAction(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string, workflowId string) (*http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Delete specified custom entity type action

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId
  • @param workflowId

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntities ¶

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntity ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntity(ctx context.Context, customEntityId string) (CustomEntity, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Get specified custom entity

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityId

@return CustomEntity

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityAsSdkObject ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityAsSdkObject(ctx context.Context, customEntityId string) (SdkObject, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Get specified custom entity represented as on Sdk-Object

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityId

@return SdkObject

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityType ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityType(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string) (CustomEntityType, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Get specified custom entity type

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return CustomEntityType

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityTypeActions ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityTypeActions(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string) (CustomEntityTypeActions, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Get all actions associated with this custom entity type

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return CustomEntityTypeActions

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityTypeTenants ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) GetCustomEntityTypeTenants(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Retrieves list of tenants for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published Retrieves list of item for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypePublish ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypePublish(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Publishes the custom entity type to the specified tenants Publishes the custom entity type to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypePublishAll ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypePublishAll(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Publishes the custom entity type to all tenants Publishes the custom entity type to all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublish ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublish(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody []EntityReference, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Revokes publication of the custom entity type to the specified tenants Revokes publication of the custom entity type to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublishAll ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) PostCustomEntityTypeUnpublishAll(ctx context.Context, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Unpublishes the custom entity type from all tenants Unpublishes the custom entity type from all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) QueryCustomEntityTypes ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) QueryCustomEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *CustomEntitiesApiQueryCustomEntityTypesOpts) (CustomEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) SetCustomEntityTypeTenants ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) SetCustomEntityTypeTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, customEntityTypeId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Resets list of tenants for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published Resets list of tenants for whom the custom entity type is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return []EntityReference

func (*CustomEntitiesApiService) UpdateCustomEntityType ¶

func (a *CustomEntitiesApiService) UpdateCustomEntityType(ctx context.Context, updatedCustomEntityType CustomEntityType, customEntityTypeId string) (CustomEntityType, *http.Response, error)

CustomEntitiesApiService Update specified custom entity type

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedCustomEntityType
  • @param customEntityTypeId

@return CustomEntityType

type CustomEntity ¶

type CustomEntity struct {
	// UUID of custom entity
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// This refers to UUID of custom entity type
	CustomEntityTypeId string `json:"customEntityTypeId,omitempty"`

type CustomEntityType ¶

type CustomEntityType struct {
	// UUID for custom entity type. This is immutable.
	Id    string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	VroId string `json:"vroId,omitempty"`
	// This refers to VRO's dynamic type.
	VroDynamicType string `json:"vroDynamicType,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// This refers to a unique namespace specific string.
	Nss            string `json:"nss,omitempty"`
	Description    string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	TenantScoped   bool   `json:"tenantScoped,omitempty"`
	ProviderScoped bool   `json:"providerScoped,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll bool `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`

type CustomEntityTypeAction ¶

type CustomEntityTypeAction struct {
	// Name of workflow
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// UUID of workflow.
	WorkflowId string `json:"workflowId"`
	// Name of input parameter of given workflow to which this custom entity type should be mapped.
	WorkflowInputParameter string `json:"workflowInputParameter,omitempty"`

type CustomEntityTypeActions ¶

type CustomEntityTypeActions struct {
	Actions []CustomEntityTypeAction `json:"actions,omitempty"`

type CustomEntityTypes ¶

type CustomEntityTypes struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of custom entity types.
	Values []CustomEntityType `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of custom entity types.

type CustomValidator ¶

type CustomValidator struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`

type DateParam ¶

type DateParam struct {
	InputType string    `json:"inputType"`
	Value     time.Time `json:"value,omitempty"`

type Decorator ¶

type Decorator struct {
	DecoratorType string `json:"decoratorType"`

type DefinedEntities ¶

type DefinedEntities struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of defined entities.
	Values []DefinedEntity `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of defined entities.

type DefinedEntity ¶

type DefinedEntity struct {
	// The id of the defined entity in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The URN ID of the defined entity type that the entity is an instance of. This is a read-only field.
	EntityType string `json:"entityType,omitempty"`
	// The name of the defined entity.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// An external entity's id that this entity may have a relation to.
	ExternalId string `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	// A JSON value representation. The JSON will be validated against the schema of the entityType that the entity is an instance of.
	Entity map[string]interface{} `json:"entity"`
	// Every entity is created in the \"PRE_CREATED\" state. Once an entity is ready to be validated against its schema, it will transition in another state - RESOLVED, if the entity is valid according to the schema, or RESOLUTION_ERROR otherwise. If an entity in an \"RESOLUTION_ERROR\" state is updated, it will transition to the inital \"PRE_CREATED\" state without performing any validation. If its in the \"RESOLVED\" state, then it will be validated against the entity type schema and throw an exception if its invalid.
	State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
	// The owner of the defined entity.
	Owner *EntityReference `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	// The organization of the defined entity.
	Org *EntityReference `json:"org,omitempty"`

Describes what a defined entity should look like.

type DefinedEntityApiCreateDefinedEntityOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityApiCreateDefinedEntityOpts struct {
	InvokeHooks optional.Interface

type DefinedEntityApiDeleteDefinedEntityOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityApiDeleteDefinedEntityOpts struct {
	InvokeHooks optional.Interface

type DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByEntityTypeOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByEntityTypeOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByInterfaceOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByInterfaceOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type DefinedEntityApiService ¶

type DefinedEntityApiService service

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) CreateDefinedEntity ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) CreateDefinedEntity(ctx context.Context, entity DefinedEntity, id string, orgID string, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityApiCreateDefinedEntityOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) DeleteDefinedEntity ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) DeleteDefinedEntity(ctx context.Context, id string, orgID string, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityApiDeleteDefinedEntityOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntitiesByEntityType ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntitiesByEntityType(ctx context.Context, vendor string, nss string, version string, orgID string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByEntityTypeOpts) (DefinedEntities, *http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntitiesByInterface ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntitiesByInterface(ctx context.Context, vendor string, nss string, version string, orgID string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityApiGetDefinedEntitiesByInterfaceOpts) (DefinedEntities, *http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntity ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) GetDefinedEntity(ctx context.Context, id string, orgID string) (DefinedEntity, *http.Response, string, error)

DefinedEntityApiService Gets the defined entity with the unique identifier (URN) Gets the defined entity with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return DefinedEntity

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) ResolveDefinedEntity ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) ResolveDefinedEntity(ctx context.Context, id string, orgID string) (EntityState, *http.Response, error)

DefinedEntityApiService Validates the defined entity against the entity type schema. Validates the defined entity against the entity type schema. If the validation is successful, the entity will transition to a \&quot;RESOLVED\&quot; state. Otherwise, it will transition to an \&quot;ERROR\&quot; state.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityState

func (*DefinedEntityApiService) UpdateDefinedEntity ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityApiService) UpdateDefinedEntity(ctx context.Context, entity DefinedEntity, etag string, id string, orgID string, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityApiUpdateDefinedEntityOpts) (DefinedEntity, *http.Response, error)

type DefinedEntityApiUpdateDefinedEntityOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityApiUpdateDefinedEntityOpts struct {
	InvokeHooks optional.Interface

type DefinedEntityType ¶

type DefinedEntityType struct {
	// The id of the defined entity type in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the defined entity type.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Description of the defined entity type.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A unique namespace specific string. The combination of nss and version must be unique.
	Nss string `json:"nss,omitempty"`
	// The version of the defined entity type. The combination of nss and version must be unique. The version string must follow semantic versioning rules.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// To be used when creating a new version of a defined entity type. Specifies the version of the type that will be the template for the authorization configuration of a the new version. The Type ACLs and the access requirements of the Type Behaviors of the new version will be copied from those of the inherited version. If the value of this property is '0', then the new type version will not inherit another version and will have the default authorization settings, just like the first version of a new type.
	InheritedVersion string `json:"inheritedVersion,omitempty"`
	// An external entity's id that this definition may apply to.
	ExternalId string `json:"externalId,omitempty"`
	// The JSON-Schema valid definition of the defined entity type. If no JSON Schema version is specified, version 4 will be assumed.
	Schema map[string]interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"`
	// The vendor name.
	Vendor string `json:"vendor,omitempty"`
	// List of interface ids that this defined entity type is referenced by.
	Interfaces []string `json:"interfaces,omitempty"`
	// A mapping defining which behaviors should be invoked upon specific lifecycle events, like PostCreate, PostUpdate, PreDelete. For example: \"hooks\": { \"PostCreate\": \"urn:vcloud:behavior-interface:postCreateHook:vendorA:containerCluster:1.0.0\" }
	Hooks map[string]interface{} `json:"hooks,omitempty"`
	// True if the entity type cannot be modified.
	Readonly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`

Describes what a defined entity type should look like.

type DefinedEntityTypeApiGetDefinedEntityTypesOpts ¶

type DefinedEntityTypeApiGetDefinedEntityTypesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type DefinedEntityTypeApiService ¶

type DefinedEntityTypeApiService service

func (*DefinedEntityTypeApiService) CreateDefinedEntityType ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityTypeApiService) CreateDefinedEntityType(ctx context.Context, definition DefinedEntityType) (DefinedEntityType, *http.Response, error)

DefinedEntityTypeApiService Creates a defined entity type. Creates a defined entity type.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definition

@return DefinedEntityType

func (*DefinedEntityTypeApiService) DeleteDefinedEntityType ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityTypeApiService) DeleteDefinedEntityType(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

DefinedEntityTypeApiService Deletes the entity type with the unique identifier (URN) Deletes the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*DefinedEntityTypeApiService) GetDefinedEntityType ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityTypeApiService) GetDefinedEntityType(ctx context.Context, id string) (DefinedEntityType, *http.Response, error)

DefinedEntityTypeApiService Gets the entity type with the unique identifier (URN) Gets the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return DefinedEntityType

func (*DefinedEntityTypeApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypes ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityTypeApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *DefinedEntityTypeApiGetDefinedEntityTypesOpts) (DefinedEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedEntityTypeApiService) UpdateDefinedEntityType ¶

func (a *DefinedEntityTypeApiService) UpdateDefinedEntityType(ctx context.Context, definition DefinedEntityType, id string) (DefinedEntityType, *http.Response, error)

DefinedEntityTypeApiService Updates the entity type with the unique identifier (URN) Updates the entity type with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definition
  • @param id

@return DefinedEntityType

type DefinedEntityTypes ¶

type DefinedEntityTypes struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of defined entity types.
	Values []DefinedEntityType `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of defined entity types.

type DefinedInterface ¶

type DefinedInterface struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The interface's version. The version should follow semantic versioning rules.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// The vendor name.
	Vendor string `json:"vendor,omitempty"`
	// A unique namespace associated with the interface.
	Nss string `json:"nss,omitempty"`
	// True if the entity type cannot be modified.
	Readonly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"`

Interface for a defined entity. The combination of nss+version+vendor should be unique.

type DefinedInterfaceApiQueryInterfacesOpts ¶

type DefinedInterfaceApiQueryInterfacesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type DefinedInterfaceApiService ¶

type DefinedInterfaceApiService service

func (*DefinedInterfaceApiService) CreateInterface ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceApiService) CreateInterface(ctx context.Context, definedInterface DefinedInterface) (DefinedInterface, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceApiService Creates a defined interface. Creates a defined interface. The version must follow semantic versioning rules.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definedInterface

@return DefinedInterface

func (*DefinedInterfaceApiService) DeleteInterface ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceApiService) DeleteInterface(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceApiService Deletes the interface with the unique identifier (URN) Deletes the interface with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*DefinedInterfaceApiService) GetInterface ¶

DefinedInterfaceApiService Gets the interface with the unique identifier (URN) Gets the interface with the unique identifier (URN)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return DefinedInterface

func (*DefinedInterfaceApiService) QueryInterfaces ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceApiService) QueryInterfaces(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *DefinedInterfaceApiQueryInterfacesOpts) (DefinedInterfaces, *http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedInterfaceApiService) UpdateInterface ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceApiService) UpdateInterface(ctx context.Context, definedInterface DefinedInterface, id string) (DefinedInterface, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceApiService Updates the interface with the unique identifier (URN) Updates the interface with the unique identifier (URN) The version must follow semantic versioning rules.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definedInterface
  • @param id

@return DefinedInterface

type DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiInvokeDefinedEntityBehaviorOpts ¶

type DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiInvokeDefinedEntityBehaviorOpts struct {
	Invocation optional.Interface

type DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService ¶

type DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService service

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) AddDefinedEntityTypeAccess ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) AddDefinedEntityTypeAccess(ctx context.Context, definition BehaviorAccess, id string) (BehaviorAccess, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Adds an access control configuration of an entity type&#39;s behavior Adds an access control configuration of an entity type&#39;s behavior

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definition
  • @param id

@return BehaviorAccess

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) AddInterfaceBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) AddInterfaceBehavior(ctx context.Context, behavior Behavior, id string) (Behavior, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Add a new interface Behavior if the Interface is not in use Add a new Behavior to the Interface. Only allowed if the Interface is not in use.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param behavior
  • @param id

@return Behavior

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) DeleteInterfaceBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) DeleteInterfaceBehavior(ctx context.Context, id string, behaviorId string) (*http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Remove a Behavior from the Defined Interface. Remove a Behavior from the Defined Interface. The Behaviors can be specified by ID or by name.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypeAccess ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypeAccess(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string) (BehaviorAccesses, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Gets the access control configuration of the entity type&#39;s behaviors Gets the access control configuration of the entity type&#39;s behaviors

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.
  • @param id

@return BehaviorAccesses

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypeBehaviors ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetDefinedEntityTypeBehaviors(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string) (Behaviors, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Get the Behaviors of the Defined Entity Type. Retrieve the Behaviors of the specified Defined Entity Type.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.
  • @param id

@return Behaviors

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetInterfaceBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetInterfaceBehavior(ctx context.Context, id string, behaviorId string) (Behavior, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Get a Behavior in the Defined Interface. Retrieve a specific Behavior in the specified Defined Interface.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

@return Behavior

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetInterfaceBehaviors ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetInterfaceBehaviors(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string) (Behaviors, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Get the Behaviors of the Defined Interface. Retrieve the Behaviors of the specified Defined Interface.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.
  • @param id

@return Behaviors

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetTypeBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) GetTypeBehavior(ctx context.Context, id string, behaviorId string) (Behavior, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Get a Behavior in the Defined Type Retrieve a specific Behavior in the Defined Type. The Behavior must be specified by ID.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

@return Behavior

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) InvokeDefinedEntityBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) InvokeDefinedEntityBehavior(ctx context.Context, id string, behaviorId string, localVarOptionals *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiInvokeDefinedEntityBehaviorOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) RemoveBehaviorOverride ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) RemoveBehaviorOverride(ctx context.Context, id string, behaviorId string) (*http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Remove a Behavior override from the Defined Entity Type. Remove a Behavior override in the Defined Entity Type. The Behavior must be specified by ID.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) SetDefinedEntityTypeAccess ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) SetDefinedEntityTypeAccess(ctx context.Context, definition BehaviorAccesses, id string) (BehaviorAccesses, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Sets the access control configuration of the entity type&#39;s behaviors Sets the access control configuration of the entity type&#39;s behaviors

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param definition
  • @param id

@return BehaviorAccesses

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateInterfaceBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateInterfaceBehavior(ctx context.Context, behavior Behavior, id string, behaviorId string) (Behavior, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Update the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Interface Update the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Interface. The Behaviors can be specified by ID or by name.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param behavior
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

@return Behavior

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateInterfaceBehaviors ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateInterfaceBehaviors(ctx context.Context, behaviors Behaviors, id string) (Behaviors, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Update all the executions of the specified Behaviors (possibly removing or adding some) Update all Behaviors, possibly adding or removing some if the Interface is not in use. If the Interface is in use, then only the executions of the existing Behaviors can be updated. The Behaviors can be specified by ID or by name.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param behaviors
  • @param id

@return Behaviors

func (*DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateTypeBehavior ¶

func (a *DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService) UpdateTypeBehavior(ctx context.Context, behavior Behavior, id string, behaviorId string) (Behavior, *http.Response, error)

DefinedInterfaceBehaviorsApiService Update the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Entity Type Override the execution of the specified Behavior in the Defined Entity Type. The Behavior must be specified by ID.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param behavior
  • @param id
  • @param behaviorId

@return Behavior

type DefinedInterfaces ¶

type DefinedInterfaces struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association      `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []DefinedInterface `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of defined interfaces.

type DfPolicyType ¶

type DfPolicyType string

DfPolicyType : Defragmentation Policy helps to handle defragmentation bits present in the inner packet. COPY copies the defragmentation bit from the inner IP packet into the outer packet. CLEAR ignores the defragmentation bit present in the inner packet.

const (
	COPY_DfPolicyType  DfPolicyType = "COPY"
	CLEAR_DfPolicyType DfPolicyType = "CLEAR"

List of DfPolicyType

type DfwPolicies ¶

type DfwPolicies struct {
	// A flag indicating whether DFW configuration is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The default DFW security policy for the security domain.
	DefaultPolicy *DfwPolicy `json:"defaultPolicy,omitempty"`

Describes DFW security policies configuration.

type DfwPoliciesApiService ¶

type DfwPoliciesApiService service

func (*DfwPoliciesApiService) GetDfwPolicies ¶

func (a *DfwPoliciesApiService) GetDfwPolicies(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string) (DfwPolicies, *http.Response, error)

DfwPoliciesApiService Retrieves DFW security policies configuration. Retrieves the current state of DFW along with all the DFW security policies for a given networking and security domain.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId

@return DfwPolicies

func (*DfwPoliciesApiService) UpdateDfwPolicies ¶

func (a *DfwPoliciesApiService) UpdateDfwPolicies(ctx context.Context, dfwPolicies DfwPolicies, vdcGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPoliciesApiService Update DFW security policies configuration. Updates the DFW security policies for a given networking and security domain. A default security policy will be created when DFW is enabled. Removing a security policy will result in removal of the policy and all of its associated firewall rules.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dfwPolicies
  • @param vdcGroupId

type DfwPolicy ¶

type DfwPolicy struct {
	// The unique id of this security policy. On updates, the id is required for the policy, while for create a new id will be generated. This id is not a VCD URN.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the security policy.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for the security policy.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Whether this security policy is enabled.
	Enabled bool           `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes a DFW security policy.

type DfwPolicyApiService ¶

type DfwPolicyApiService service

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) DeleteDfwPolicy ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) DeleteDfwPolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, policyId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Deletes a specific DFW security policy. Removing a security policy will result in removal of the policy and all of its associated firewall rules.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) DeleteDfwRule ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) DeleteDfwRule(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, policyId string, ruleId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Deletes a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId
  • @param ruleId

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwPolicy ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwPolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, policyId string) (DfwPolicy, *http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Retrieves a specific DFW security policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId

@return DfwPolicy

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwRule ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwRule(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, policyId string, ruleId string) (DfwRule, *http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Retrieves a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId
  • @param ruleId

@return DfwRule

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwRules ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) GetDfwRules(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, policyId string) (DfwRules, *http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Retrieves all firewall rules for a given DFW security policy. Retrieves all firewall rules for a given DFW security policy. The rules are returned in the order of precedence.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId

@return DfwRules

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwPolicy ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwPolicy(ctx context.Context, dfwPolicy DfwPolicy, vdcGroupId string, policyId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Updates a specific DFW security policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dfwPolicy
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwRule ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwRule(ctx context.Context, dfwRule DfwRule, vdcGroupId string, policyId string, ruleId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Updates a specific firewall rule for a given DFW security policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dfwRule
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId
  • @param ruleId

func (*DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwRules ¶

func (a *DfwPolicyApiService) UpdateDfwRules(ctx context.Context, dfwRules DfwRules, vdcGroupId string, policyId string) (*http.Response, error)

DfwPolicyApiService Updates firewall rules for a given DFW security policy. Updates all the firewall rules for a given DFW security policy. If a rule with the ruleId is not already present, a new rule will be created. If it already exists, the rule will be updated. Any existing rule that is not specified in the update payload will be deleted. The order of rules in payload will define the actual order in which this rules will be applied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dfwRules
  • @param vdcGroupId
  • @param policyId

type DfwRule ¶

type DfwRule struct {
	// The unique id of this firewall rule. If a rule with the ruleId is not already present, a new rule will be created. If it already exists, the rule will be updated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the rule.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the sources of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic from any source. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	SourceFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"sourceFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the destinations of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic to any destination. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	DestinationFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"destinationFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// The list of application ports where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all ports.
	ApplicationPortProfiles []EntityReference `json:"applicationPortProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Type of IP packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. Default value is IPV4_IPV6.
	IpProtocol *FirewallRuleIpProtocol `json:"ipProtocol,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. This property is now deprecated and replaced with actionValue. Property is required if actionValue is not set.
	Action *FirewallRuleAction `json:"action,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. Property is required if action is not set. Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> ALLOW </code> permits traffic to go through the firewall.   <li> <code> DROP </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. No response is sent back to the source.   <li> <code> REJECT </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. A response is sent back to the source. </ul>
	ActionValue string `json:"actionValue,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the direction of the network traffic. Default value is IN_OUT.
	Direction *FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"`
	// Whether packet logging is enabled for firewall rule.
	Logging bool `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	// The list of layer 7 network context profiles where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all applications and domains.
	NetworkContextProfiles []EntityReference `json:"networkContextProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Whether the firewall rule is enabled.
	Enabled bool           `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes a DFW rule.

type DfwRules ¶

type DfwRules struct {
	// The ordered list of DFW rules.
	Values []DfwRule `json:"values,omitempty"`

DFW rules.

type DhGroupType ¶

type DhGroupType string

DhGroupType : The type of Diffie-Helman group. Diffie-Helman groups represent the algorithm used to derive shared keys between the IPSec VPN initiator and responder over an unsecured network.

const (
	GROUP2_DhGroupType  DhGroupType = "GROUP2"
	GROUP5_DhGroupType  DhGroupType = "GROUP5"
	GROUP14_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP14"
	GROUP15_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP15"
	GROUP16_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP16"
	GROUP19_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP19"
	GROUP20_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP20"
	GROUP21_DhGroupType DhGroupType = "GROUP21"

List of DhGroupType

type DhcpBinding ¶

type DhcpBinding struct {
	// The unique id of the DHCP binding.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Display name for the DHCP binding.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for the DHCP binding.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// MAC address of the host.
	MacAddress string `json:"macAddress"`
	// IP Address assigned to host. This address must belong to the subnet of Org vDC network. For IPv4, this is required. For IPv6, when not specified, no ip address will be assigned to client host.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	// The amount of time in seconds of how long a DHCP IP will be leased out for. The minimum is 60s while the maximum is 4,294,967,295s, which is roughly 49,710 days. Default is 24 hours.
	LeaseTime int64 `json:"leaseTime,omitempty"`
	// DNS nameservers to be set to client host.
	DnsServers []string `json:"dnsServers,omitempty"`
	// The type of DHCP binding. <ul>   <li>IPV4 - an IPv4 DHCP binding.   <li>IPV6 - an IPv6 DHCP binding. </ul>
	BindingType string `json:"bindingType,omitempty"`
	// Additional configuration for IPv4 DHCP binding. This is ignored for IPV6 binding.
	DhcpV4BindingConfig *DhcpV4BindingConfig `json:"dhcpV4BindingConfig,omitempty"`
	// Additional configuration for IPv6 DHCP binding. This is ignored for IPV4 binding.
	DhcpV6BindingConfig *DhcpV6BindingConfig `json:"dhcpV6BindingConfig,omitempty"`
	Version             *ObjectVersion       `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes the DHCP Binding configuration of an Org vDC Network.

type DhcpBindings ¶

type DhcpBindings struct {
	// The list of DHCP Bindings.
	Values []DhcpBinding `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of DHCP Bindings.

type DhcpV4BindingConfig ¶

type DhcpV4BindingConfig struct {
	// Gateway IP Address. When not specified, Gateway IP of Org vDC network will be used.
	GatewayIpAddress string `json:"gatewayIpAddress,omitempty"`
	// Hostname to assign to the host.
	HostName string `json:"hostName,omitempty"`

Describes the additional configuration for IPv4 DHCP Binding of an Org vDC Network.

type DhcpV6BindingConfig ¶

type DhcpV6BindingConfig struct {
	// IP addresses of SNTP servers.
	SntpServers []string `json:"sntpServers,omitempty"`
	// Domain names to be assigned to client host.
	DomainNames []string `json:"domainNames,omitempty"`

Describes the additional configuration for IPv6 DHCP Binding of an Org vDC Network.

type DistributedPortGroup ¶

type DistributedPortGroup struct {
	// Contains the backing id and name of the distributed portgroup.
	BackingRef *BackingRef `json:"backingRef,omitempty"`
	// The entity reference for the vCenter that contains this distributed portgroup.
	VirtualCenter *EntityReference `json:"virtualCenter,omitempty"`
	// The VLAN associated with this distributed portgroup. This can be a single number or a numerical range(1-10).
	Vlan string `json:"vlan,omitempty"`
	// The distributed virtual switch on which this distributed virtual portgroup was created.
	DvSwitch *DvSwitch `json:"dvSwitch,omitempty"`

Distributed portgroup.

type DistributedPortGroups ¶

type DistributedPortGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association          `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []DistributedPortGroup `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of distributed portgroups.

type DpdConfig ¶

type DpdConfig struct {
	// The value of the probe interval in seconds. This defines a periodic interval for DPD probes. The minimum is 3 seconds and the maximum is 60 seconds.
	ProbeInterval int32 `json:"probeInterval"`

Specifies the Dead Peer Detection Profile. This configurations determines the number of seconds to wait in time between probes to detect if an IPSec peer is alive or not. The default value for the DPD probe interval is 60 seconds.

type DropDown struct {
	DecoratorType string      `json:"decoratorType"`
	Array         *ArrayParam `json:"array,omitempty"`

type DvSwitch ¶

type DvSwitch struct {
	// Contains the backing id and name of the distributed virtual switch.
	BackingRef *BackingRef `json:"backingRef,omitempty"`
	// The entity reference for the vCenter that contains this distributed virtual switch.
	VirtualCenter *EntityReference `json:"virtualCenter,omitempty"`

Distributed virtual switch.

type DvSwitches ¶

type DvSwitches struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []DvSwitch    `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of distributed virtual switches.

type DvpgProperties ¶

type DvpgProperties struct {
	// List of DvpgProperty for each DVPG backing this network
	DvpgProperties []DvpgProperty `json:"dvpgProperties,omitempty"`

A list of DvpgProperty for all the DVPG's backing a network

type DvpgPropertiesApiService ¶

type DvpgPropertiesApiService service

func (*DvpgPropertiesApiService) GetDvpgProperties ¶

func (a *DvpgPropertiesApiService) GetDvpgProperties(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (DvpgProperties, *http.Response, error)

DvpgPropertiesApiService Returns the DVPG properties, such as promiscuous mode and forged transmit, of a specific Org vDC network. This is a SysAdmin only API.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

@return DvpgProperties

func (*DvpgPropertiesApiService) UpdateDvpgProperties ¶

func (a *DvpgPropertiesApiService) UpdateDvpgProperties(ctx context.Context, dvpgProperties DvpgProperties, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

DvpgPropertiesApiService Toggles the DVPG properties of a specific Org vDC network. Allows for update of promiscuous mode and forged transmit. This is a SysAdmin only API.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dvpgProperties
  • @param vdcNetworkId

type DvpgProperty ¶

type DvpgProperty struct {
	// The VC Moref of the DVPG
	DvpgMoref string `json:"dvpgMoref,omitempty"`
	// VLAN Id for the DVPG
	VlanId int32 `json:"vlanId,omitempty"`
	// Whether promiscuous mode is currently enabled
	PromiscuousMode bool `json:"promiscuousMode,omitempty"`
	// Whether forged transmit is currently enabled
	ForgedTransmit bool `json:"forgedTransmit,omitempty"`
	// The DVSwitch that this DVPG was created on
	DvSwitch *DvSwitch `json:"dvSwitch,omitempty"`

A set of properties which can be managed on a DVPG

type EdgeBgpBfdConfig ¶

type EdgeBgpBfdConfig struct {
	// A flag indicating whether BFD configuration is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the time interval (in milliseconds) between heartbeat packets.
	BfdInterval int32 `json:"bfdInterval,omitempty"`
	// Number of times heartbeat packet is missed before BFD declares that the neighbor is down.
	DeclareDeadMultiple int32 `json:"declareDeadMultiple,omitempty"`

Describes BFD configuration for failure detection.

type EdgeBgpConfig ¶

type EdgeBgpConfig struct {
	// A flag indicating whether BGP configuration is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether ECMP is enabled or not.
	Ecmp bool `json:"ecmp,omitempty"`
	// BGP AS number to advertise to BGP peers. BGP AS number can be specified in either ASPLAIN or ASDOT formats, like ASPLAIN format :- '65546', ASDOT format :- '1.10'. Read only if using a VRF-Lite backed external network.
	LocalASNumber string `json:"localASNumber,omitempty"`
	// BGP Graceful Restart configuration. Not specifying a value results in default bahavior. Read only if using a VRF-Lite backed external network.
	GracefulRestart *EdgeBgpGracefulRestartConfig `json:"gracefulRestart,omitempty"`
	Version         *ObjectVersion                `json:"version"`

Specifies the Edge Gateway BGP configuration.

type EdgeBgpGracefulRestartConfig ¶

type EdgeBgpGracefulRestartConfig struct {
	// Currently configured graceful restart mode. Default is HELPER_ONLY.
	Mode *GracefulRestartModeTypes `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	// Maximum time taken (in seconds) for a BGP session to be established after a restart. If the session is not re-established within this timer, the receiving speaker will delete all the stale routes from that peer.
	RestartTimer int32 `json:"restartTimer,omitempty"`
	// Maximum time (in seconds) before stale routes are removed when BGP restarts.
	StaleRouteTimer int32 `json:"staleRouteTimer,omitempty"`

Describes current graceful restart configuration mode and timer for BGP configuration on an edge gateway.

type EdgeBgpNeighbor ¶

type EdgeBgpNeighbor struct {
	// The unique id of this BGP neighbor. On updates, the id is required for the object, while for create a new id will be generated. This id is not a VCD URN.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The IP address of the BGP neighbor. Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported.
	NeighborAddress string `json:"neighborAddress"`
	// The remote AS number of a BGP neighbor in ASPLAIN format.
	RemoteASNumber string `json:"remoteASNumber"`
	// Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between keep alive messages sent to peer.
	KeepAliveTimer int32 `json:"keepAliveTimer,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the time interval (in seconds) before declaring a peer dead.
	HoldDownTimer int32 `json:"holdDownTimer,omitempty"`
	// Currently configured graceful restart configuration mode. Default is HELPER_ONLY.
	GracefulRestartMode *GracefulRestartModeTypes `json:"gracefulRestartMode,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the BFD configuration for failure detection. Not specifying a value results in default bahavior.
	Bfd *EdgeBgpBfdConfig `json:"bfd,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether AllowAS-in is enabled or not. This specifies whether BGP neighbors can receive routes with same AS.
	AllowASIn bool `json:"allowASIn,omitempty"`
	// Password for BGP neighbor authentication. Empty string (\"\") clears existing password. Not specifying a value will be treated as \"no password\".
	NeighborPassword string `json:"neighborPassword,omitempty"`
	// Specifies IP address type based filtering in each direction. Setting the value to 'DISABLED' will disable address family based filtering.
	IpAddressTypeFiltering string `json:"ipAddressTypeFiltering,omitempty"`
	// Specifies route filtering configuration for the BGP neighbor in IN direction. It is the reference to the prefix list, indicating which routes to filter for IN direction. Not specifying a value will be treated as \"no IN route filters\".
	InRoutesFilterRef *ExtObjectReference `json:"inRoutesFilterRef,omitempty"`
	// Specifies route filtering configuration for the BGP neighbor in OUT direction. It is the reference to the prefix list, indicating which routes to filter for OUT direction. Not specifying a value will be treated as \"no OUT route filters\".
	OutRoutesFilterRef *ExtObjectReference `json:"outRoutesFilterRef,omitempty"`
	Version            *ObjectVersion      `json:"version,omitempty"`

A BGP neighbor configuration.

type EdgeBgpNeighbors ¶

type EdgeBgpNeighbors struct {
	// All BGP neighbors for an edge gateway.
	Values []EdgeBgpNeighbor `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of all configured BGP neighbors for an edge gateway.

type EdgeCluster ¶

type EdgeCluster struct {
	// The id of the Edge Cluster in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Edge Cluster. Names for Edge Clusters must be unique across the system.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The Resource Pool in vCenter where the Edge VM will be deployed.
	ResourcePool *ResourcePool `json:"resourcePool,omitempty"`
	// Name of the Storage Profile. This will define the set of datastores where the edge vm will be deployed.
	StorageProfileName string `json:"storageProfileName"`

An Edge Cluster object.

type EdgeClusterApiService ¶

type EdgeClusterApiService service

func (*EdgeClusterApiService) DeleteEdgeCluster ¶

func (a *EdgeClusterApiService) DeleteEdgeCluster(ctx context.Context, edgeClusterId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeClusterApiService Deletes a specific Edge Cluster

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeClusterId

func (*EdgeClusterApiService) GetEdgeCluster ¶

func (a *EdgeClusterApiService) GetEdgeCluster(ctx context.Context, edgeClusterId string) (EdgeCluster, *http.Response, error)

EdgeClusterApiService Retrieves a specific Edge Cluster

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeClusterId

@return EdgeCluster

func (*EdgeClusterApiService) UpdateEdgeCluster ¶

func (a *EdgeClusterApiService) UpdateEdgeCluster(ctx context.Context, edgeCluster EdgeCluster, edgeClusterId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeClusterApiService Updates a specific Edge Cluster

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeCluster
  • @param edgeClusterId

type EdgeClusters ¶

type EdgeClusters struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []EdgeCluster `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Edge Clusters.

type EdgeClustersApiGetEdgeClustersOpts ¶

type EdgeClustersApiGetEdgeClustersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeClustersApiService ¶

type EdgeClustersApiService service

func (*EdgeClustersApiService) CreateEdgeCluster ¶

func (a *EdgeClustersApiService) CreateEdgeCluster(ctx context.Context, edgeCluster EdgeCluster) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeClustersApiService Create a new Edge Cluster Create a new Edge Cluster. An Edge Cluster is defined by a Resouce Pool and Storage Profile for deploying Edge Gateways. It can subsequently be assigned to a given vDC Network Profile as a Primary or Secondary Edge Cluster.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeCluster

func (*EdgeClustersApiService) GetEdgeClusters ¶

func (a *EdgeClustersApiService) GetEdgeClusters(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *EdgeClustersApiGetEdgeClustersOpts) (EdgeClusters, *http.Response, error)

type EdgeDhcpForwarder ¶

type EdgeDhcpForwarder struct {
	// A flag indicating whether DHCP Forwarder is enabled or not. This should be enabled in order to use the DHCP relay on routed Org vDC networks.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// DHCP server IP addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported. The DHCP servers can be in any subnet, outside the SDDC, or in the physical network.
	DhcpServers []string       `json:"dhcpServers,omitempty"`
	Version     *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes the DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway.

type EdgeDnsConfig ¶

type EdgeDnsConfig struct {
	// True means that the forwarder is enabled. False means it's disabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The IP on which the DNS forwarder listens. If the Edge Gateway has a dedicated external network, this can be changed.
	ListenerIp string `json:"listenerIp,omitempty"`
	// The default forwarder zone to use if there's no matching domain in the conditional forwarder zone.
	DefaultForwarderZone *NsxtDnsForwarderZoneConfig `json:"defaultForwarderZone,omitempty"`
	// The list of forwarder zones with its matching DNS domains.
	ConditionalForwarderZones []NsxtDnsForwarderZoneConfig `json:"conditionalForwarderZones,omitempty"`
	Version                   *ObjectVersion               `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// Whether there is an SNAT rule exists for the DNS forwarder or not. In NAT routed environments, an SNAT rule is required for the Edge DNS forwarder to send traffic to an upstream server. In fully routed environments, this is not needed if the listener IP is on an advertised subnet. If the Edge Gateway has a dedicated external network and the listener IP has been changed, there will not be an SNAT rule for the DNS forwarder. In all other cases the SNAT rule will exist.
	SnatRuleEnabled bool `json:"snatRuleEnabled,omitempty"`

Specifies the DNS forwarder configuration for an edge gateway backed by NSX-T.

type EdgeFirewallRule ¶

type EdgeFirewallRule struct {
	// The unique id of this firewall rule. If a rule with the ruleId is not already present, a new rule will be created. If it already exists, the rule will be updated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the rule.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the sources of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic from any source. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	SourceFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"sourceFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the destinations of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic to any destination. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	DestinationFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"destinationFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// The list of application ports where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all ports.
	ApplicationPortProfiles []EntityReference `json:"applicationPortProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Type of IP packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. Default value is IPV4_IPV6.
	IpProtocol *FirewallRuleIpProtocol `json:"ipProtocol,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. This property is now deprecated and replaced with actionValue. Property is required if actionValue is not set.
	Action *FirewallRuleAction `json:"action,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. Property is required if action is not set. Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> ALLOW </code> permits traffic to go through the firewall.   <li> <code> DROP </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. No response is sent back to the source.   <li> <code> REJECT </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. A response is sent back to the source. </ul>
	ActionValue string `json:"actionValue,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the direction of the network traffic. Default value is IN_OUT.
	Direction *FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"`
	// Whether packet logging is enabled for firewall rule.
	Logging bool `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	// The list of layer 7 network context profiles where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all applications and domains.
	NetworkContextProfiles []EntityReference `json:"networkContextProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Whether the firewall rule is enabled.
	Enabled bool           `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes a Firewall rule for an edge gateway backed by NSX-T.

type EdgeFirewallRules ¶

type EdgeFirewallRules struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The ordered list of system defined edge firewall rules. System rules are applied before user defined rules in the order in which they are returned.
	SystemRules []EdgeFirewallRule `json:"systemRules,omitempty"`
	// The ordered list of user defined edge firewall rules. Users are allowed to add/modify/delete rules only to this list.
	UserDefinedRules []EdgeFirewallRule `json:"userDefinedRules,omitempty"`
	// The ordered list of default edge firewall rules. Default rules are applied after the user defined rules in the order in which they are returned.
	DefaultRules []EdgeFirewallRule `json:"defaultRules,omitempty"`

Firewall rules for an edge gateway. This contains an ordered list of system, user defined and default firewall rules. All the rules are returned in the order of type and precedence.

type EdgeGateway ¶

type EdgeGateway struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The unique identifier of the edge gateway.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the edge gateway.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the edge gateway(optional).
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The uplink connections for the edge gateway.
	EdgeGatewayUplinks []EdgeGatewayUplink `json:"edgeGatewayUplinks,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether distributed routing is enabled or not. The default is false.
	DistributedRoutingEnabled bool `json:"distributedRoutingEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The number of Org vDC networks connected to the gateway.
	OrgVdcNetworkCount int32 `json:"orgVdcNetworkCount,omitempty"`
	// The backing details of the edge gateway; only required if importing an NSX-T router.
	GatewayBacking *EdgeGatewayBacking `json:"gatewayBacking,omitempty"`
	// The organization vDC which the gateway belongs to. Property is deprecated. Please use ownerRef.
	OrgVdc *EntityReference `json:"orgVdc,omitempty"`
	// The organization vDC or vDC Group that this edge gateway belongs to. If the ownerRef is set to a vDC Group, this gateway will be available across all the participating Organization vDCs in the vDC Group.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// The organization to which the gateway belongs.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The network definition in CDIR form that DNS and DHCP service on an NSX-T edge will run on. The subnet prefix length must be 27. This property applies to creating or importing an NSX-T Edge. This is not supported for VMC. If nothing is set, the default is  The DHCP listener IP network is on The DNS listener IP network is on  This field cannot be updated.
	ServiceNetworkDefinition string `json:"serviceNetworkDefinition,omitempty"`
	// The uplink network is the network that is used to connect the distributed router to the gateway. This is in CIDR form. This is not set if distributed routing is disabled. This field cannot be updated. This applies to NSX-V edges only.
	DistributedRouterUplinkNetworkDefinition string `json:"distributedRouterUplinkNetworkDefinition,omitempty"`
	// Edge Cluster Configuration for the Edge Gateway. Can be specified if a gateway needs to be placed on a specific set of Edge Clusters. For NSX-T Edges, user should specify the ID of the NSX-T edge cluster as the value of primaryEdgeCluster's backingId. The gateway defaults to the Edge Cluster of the connected External Network's backing Tier-0 router, if nothing is specified. The value of secondaryEdgeCluster will be set to NULL for NSX-T edge gateways. For NSX-V Edges, this is read-only and the legacy API must be used for edge specific placement.
	EdgeClusterConfig *GatewayEdgeClusterConfig `json:"edgeClusterConfig,omitempty"`

An edge gateway object

type EdgeGatewayApiDeleteEdgeGatewayOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayApiDeleteEdgeGatewayOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type EdgeGatewayApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayApiService) DeleteEdgeGateway ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayApiService) DeleteEdgeGateway(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, localVarOptionals *EdgeGatewayApiDeleteEdgeGatewayOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*EdgeGatewayApiService) GetEdgeGateway ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayApiService) GetEdgeGateway(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, orgID string) (EdgeGateway, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayApiService Retrieves a specific Edge Gateway

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeGateway

func (*EdgeGatewayApiService) GetUsedIpAddresses ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayApiService) GetUsedIpAddresses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, gatewayId string, orgID string, localVarOptionals *EdgeGatewayApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts) (GatewayUsedIpAddresses, *http.Response, error)

func (*EdgeGatewayApiService) UpdateEdgeGateway ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayApiService) UpdateEdgeGateway(ctx context.Context, gateway EdgeGateway, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayApiService Updates a specific Edge Gateway Update a specific Edge Gateway. Only NSX-T Edge Gateways can be created with this endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gateway
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayBacking ¶

type EdgeGatewayBacking struct {
	// The identifier of the edge gateways backing router.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId,omitempty"`
	// The type of the gateway. Describes if this is an NSX-T edge gateway or an NSX-V edge gateway.
	GatewayType *EdgeGatewayType `json:"gatewayType,omitempty"`
	// The backing network provider, either NSX-T or NSX-V.
	NetworkProvider *EntityReference `json:"networkProvider,omitempty"`

The backing details of the edge gateway

type EdgeGatewayBgpApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayBgpApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpApiService) GetBgpConfig ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpApiService) GetBgpConfig(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (EdgeBgpConfig, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpApiService Retrieves the BGP configuration for a given Edge Gateway. Retrieves the general BGP configuration for an edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeBgpConfig

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpApiService) UpdateBgpConfig ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpApiService) UpdateBgpConfig(ctx context.Context, bgpConfig EdgeBgpConfig, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpApiService Updates the BGP configuration on the Edge Gateway. Updates the general BGP configuration on an edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param bgpConfig
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) DeleteBgpNeighbor ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) DeleteBgpNeighbor(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, neighborId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService Deletes a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param neighborId

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) GetBgpNeighbor ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) GetBgpNeighbor(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, neighborId string) (EdgeBgpNeighbor, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService Retrieves a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param neighborId

@return EdgeBgpNeighbor

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) GetBgpNeighborStatus ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) GetBgpNeighborStatus(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, neighborId string) (NetworkingObjectStatus, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService Retrieves status of a specific BGP neighbor configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param neighborId

@return NetworkingObjectStatus

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) UpdateBgpNeighbor ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService) UpdateBgpNeighbor(ctx context.Context, bgpNeighbor EdgeBgpNeighbor, gatewayId string, neighborId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborApiService Updates a specific BGP neighbor of edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param bgpNeighbor
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param neighborId

type EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService) CreateBgpNeighbor ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService) CreateBgpNeighbor(ctx context.Context, bgpNeighbor EdgeBgpNeighbor, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService Creates a new BGP neighbor for the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param bgpNeighbor
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService) GetBgpNeighbors ¶

EdgeGatewayBgpNeighborsApiService Retrieves all BGP neighbors configured for the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeBgpNeighbors

type EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService) GetDhcpForwarder ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService) GetDhcpForwarder(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (EdgeDhcpForwarder, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService Retrieves DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway. Retrieves the DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway. A routed Org vDC network connected to this edge can choose to configure its DHCP configuration in RELAY mode which will use this DHCP forwarder.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeDhcpForwarder

func (*EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpForwarder ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpForwarder(ctx context.Context, dhcpForwarder EdgeDhcpForwarder, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayDhcpApiService Update DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway. Updates the DHCP Forwarder configuration on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dhcpForwarder
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayDnsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayDnsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) DeleteEdgeGatewayDns ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) DeleteEdgeGatewayDns(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayDnsApiService Deletes DNS configuration of the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) GetEdgeGatewayDns ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) GetEdgeGatewayDns(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (EdgeDnsConfig, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayDnsApiService Retrieves DNS configuration of the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeDnsConfig

func (*EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) UpdateEdgeGatewayDns ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayDnsApiService) UpdateEdgeGatewayDns(ctx context.Context, dnsConfig EdgeDnsConfig, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayDnsApiService Updates DNS configuration of the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dnsConfig
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) DeleteFirewallRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) DeleteFirewallRule(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, ruleId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService Deletes a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) GetFirewallRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) GetFirewallRule(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, ruleId string) (EdgeFirewallRule, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService Retrieves a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

@return EdgeFirewallRule

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) UpdateFirewallRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService) UpdateFirewallRule(ctx context.Context, firewallRule EdgeFirewallRule, gatewayId string, ruleId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayFirewallRuleApiService Updates a specific firewall rule for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallRule
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

type EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService) DeleteFirewallRules ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService) DeleteFirewallRules(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService Deletes all the firewall rules for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService) GetFirewallRules ¶

EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService Retrieves all firewall rules for a given edge gateway. Retrieves all user-defined and default firewall rules for a given edge gateway. The rules are returned in the order of precedence.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeFirewallRules

func (*EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService) UpdateFirewallRules ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService) UpdateFirewallRules(ctx context.Context, firewallRules EdgeFirewallRules, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayFirewallRulesApiService Updates firewall rules for a given edge gateway. Updates all the firewall rules for a given edge gateway. If a rule with the ruleId is not already present, a new rule will be created. If it already exists, the rule will be updated. Any existing rule that is not specified in the update payload will be deleted. The order of rules in payload will define the actual order in which this rules will be applied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallRules
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) DeleteIpSecVpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) DeleteIpSecVpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Deletes a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Retrieves a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelDefaultConnectionProperties ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelDefaultConnectionProperties(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Retrieves the default connection properties that are used for a given IPSec Tunnel in NSX-T when default is set or no security type is specified.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Retrieves connection statistics for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatus ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelStatus(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatus, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Retrieves status of a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatus

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) UpdateIpSecVpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService) UpdateIpSecVpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, ipsecVpnTunnel EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelApiService Updates a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param ipsecVpnTunnel
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties ¶

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService Retrieves connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService) UpdateIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService) UpdateIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties(ctx context.Context, ipSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionPropertiesApiService Updates the connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param ipSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiGetIpSecVpnTunnelsOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiGetIpSecVpnTunnelsOpts struct {
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService) CreateIpSecVpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService) CreateIpSecVpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, ipsecVpnTunnel EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService Creates an IPSec tunnel on the Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param ipsecVpnTunnel
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayIpSecVpnTunnelsApiService) GetIpSecVpnTunnels ¶

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) DeleteL2VpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) DeleteL2VpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService Deletes a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeL2VpnTunnel, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService Retrieves a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeL2VpnTunnel

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnelStatistics ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnelStatistics(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatistics, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService Retrieves connection statistics for a given L2 VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatistics

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnelStatus ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) GetL2VpnTunnelStatus(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatus, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService Retrieves status of a given L2 VPN Tunnel.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

@return EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatus

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) UpdateL2VpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService) UpdateL2VpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, l2VpnTunnel EdgeL2VpnTunnel, gatewayId string, tunnelId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelApiService Updates a specific L2 VPN tunnel for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param l2VpnTunnel
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param tunnelId

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiGetL2VpnTunnelsOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiGetL2VpnTunnelsOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService) CreateL2VpnTunnel ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService) CreateL2VpnTunnel(ctx context.Context, l2VpnTunnel EdgeL2VpnTunnel, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService Creates an L2 VPN tunnel on the Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param l2VpnTunnel
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayL2VpnTunnelsApiService) GetL2VpnTunnels ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiGetLoadBalancerAnalyticReportsOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiGetLoadBalancerAnalyticReportsOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiGetLoadBalancerSupportedAnalyticMetricsOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiGetLoadBalancerSupportedAnalyticMetricsOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerAnalyticsApiService service

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService) GetLoadBalancerConfig ¶

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService Retrieves Load Balancer configuration on an Edge Gateway. Retrieves the current state of Load Balancer service on Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerConfig

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerConfig ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerConfig(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerConfig EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerConfig, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerApiService Update Load Balancer configuration on an Edge Gateway. Updates the Load Balancer service configuration on Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerConfig
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerConfig ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerConfig struct {
	// A flag indicating whether Load Balancer Service is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The network definition in Gateway CIDR format which will be used by Load Balancer service on edge. All the load balancer service engines associated with the Service Engine Group will be attached to this network. The subnet prefix length must be 25. If nothing is set, the default is <code></code>. Default cidr can be configured. This field cannot be updated.
	ServiceNetworkDefinition string `json:"serviceNetworkDefinition,omitempty"`
	// Reference to the Load Balancer Cloud. This cloud is used by Edge Gateway's Load Balancer Virtual Services and Pools.
	LoadBalancerCloudRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerCloudRef,omitempty"`
	// The license type of the backing Load Balancer Cloud. <ul> <li>BASIC - Basic edition of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer. <li>ENTERPRISE - Full featured edition of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer. </ul>
	LicenseType string `json:"licenseType,omitempty"`

Describes Load Balancer Service configuration on an Edge Gateway.

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService) DeleteLoadBalancerPool ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService) DeleteLoadBalancerPool(ctx context.Context, poolId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService Deletes a specific Load Balancer Pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param poolId

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService) GetLoadBalancerPool ¶

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param poolId

@return EdgeLoadBalancerPool

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerPool ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerPool(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerPool EdgeLoadBalancerPool, poolId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolApiService Updates a specific Load Balancer Pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerPool
  • @param poolId

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiGetPoolSummariesForGatewayOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiGetPoolSummariesForGatewayOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService) CreateLoadBalancerPool ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService) CreateLoadBalancerPool(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerPool EdgeLoadBalancerPool, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService Creates a Load Balancer Pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerPool

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerPoolsApiService) GetPoolSummariesForGateway ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService) DeleteVirtualService ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService) DeleteVirtualService(ctx context.Context, virtualServiceId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService Delete the specified Virtual Service. Delete a Virtual Service.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param virtualServiceId

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService) GetVirtualService ¶

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService Get Virtual Service. Retrieves a specific Virtual Service.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param virtualServiceId

@return EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualService

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService) UpdateVirtualService ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService) UpdateVirtualService(ctx context.Context, virtualServiceConfig EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualService, virtualServiceId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServiceApiService Update specified Virtual Service. Update a Virtual Service.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param virtualServiceConfig
  • @param virtualServiceId

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiGetVirtualServiceSummariesForGatewayOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiGetVirtualServiceSummariesForGatewayOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService) CreateVirtualService ¶

EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService Create a new Virtual Service for a specific Edge Gateway. Create a new Virtual Service for a specific Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param virtualServiceConfig

func (*EdgeGatewayLoadBalancerVirtualServicesApiService) GetVirtualServiceSummariesForGateway ¶

type EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) DeleteNatRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) DeleteNatRule(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, ruleId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService Deletes a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

func (*EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) GetNatRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) GetNatRule(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, ruleId string, orgID string) (EdgeNatRule, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService Retrieves a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

@return EdgeNatRule

func (*EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) UpdateNatRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService) UpdateNatRule(ctx context.Context, edgeNatRule EdgeNatRule, gatewayId string, ruleId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayNatRuleApiService Update a specific NAT Rule configuration of the edge gateway based on the rule id passed in.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeNatRule
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param ruleId

type EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiGetNatRulesOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiGetNatRulesOpts struct {
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService) CreateNatRule ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService) CreateNatRule(ctx context.Context, edgeNatRule EdgeNatRule, gatewayId string, orgID string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService Creates a NAT Rule on the Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeNatRule
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService) GetNatRules ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiService) GetNatRules(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, gatewayId string, orgID string, localVarOptionals *EdgeGatewayNatRulesApiGetNatRulesOpts) (EdgeNatRules, *http.Response, error)

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) DeletePrefixList ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) DeletePrefixList(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService Deletes a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param listId

func (*EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) GetPrefixList ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) GetPrefixList(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string, listId string) (EdgePrefixList, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService Retrieves a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param listId

@return EdgePrefixList

func (*EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) UpdatePrefixList ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService) UpdatePrefixList(ctx context.Context, prefixList EdgePrefixList, gatewayId string, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayPrefixListApiService Updates a specific Prefix list for a given edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param prefixList
  • @param gatewayId
  • @param listId

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiGetPrefixListsOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiGetPrefixListsOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService) CreatePrefixList ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService) CreatePrefixList(ctx context.Context, prefixList EdgePrefixList, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService Creates a new Prefix list on the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param prefixList
  • @param gatewayId

func (*EdgeGatewayPrefixListsApiService) GetPrefixLists ¶

type EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService) GetRouteAdvertisement ¶

EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService Retrieve the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network. Retrieve the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network. Org vDC networks that are in any of these subnets can then be routed out to the external networks.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return RouteAdvertisement

func (*EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService) UpdateRouteAdvertisement ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService) UpdateRouteAdvertisement(ctx context.Context, routeAdvertisement RouteAdvertisement, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewayRouteAdvertisementApiService Updates the list of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param routeAdvertisement
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService) GetSLAACProfile ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService) GetSLAACProfile(ctx context.Context, gatewayId string) (SlaacProfile, *http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService Retrieves the SLAAC profile on the edge gateway. Retrieves the SLAAC profile on the edge gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param gatewayId

@return SlaacProfile

func (*EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService) UpdateSLAACProfile ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService) UpdateSLAACProfile(ctx context.Context, sLAACProfile SlaacProfile, gatewayId string) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewaySLAACProfileApiService Creates a SLAAC profile or updates the existing one if it already exists.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param sLAACProfile
  • @param gatewayId

type EdgeGatewaySubnet ¶

type EdgeGatewaySubnet struct {
	// The gateway for the subnet.
	Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
	// The prefix length of the subnet.
	PrefixLength int32 `json:"prefixLength"`
	// The DNS suffix that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsSuffix string `json:"dnsSuffix,omitempty"`
	// The first DNS server that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsServer1 string `json:"dnsServer1,omitempty"`
	// The second DNS server that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsServer2 string `json:"dnsServer2,omitempty"`
	// Range of IPs within the subnet that can be used in this network. A VM attached to this network is assigned one of these IPs.
	IpRanges *IpRanges `json:"ipRanges,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the external network subnet is currently enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP addresses defined by the static IP ranges.
	TotalIpCount int32 `json:"totalIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP address used from the static IP ranges.
	UsedIpCount int32 `json:"usedIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The primary IP address allocated for this subnet. If not specified, this IP is auto-allocated.  This IP belongs to the external network and can be used for system-configured NAT rules such as DNS forwarder configuration.
	PrimaryIp string `json:"primaryIp,omitempty"`
	// Used for create and update api calls. If set to true, IP Ranges are automatically generated based on totalIpCount.
	AutoAllocateIpRanges bool `json:"autoAllocateIpRanges,omitempty"`

Subnet for edge gateway that contains the IPs from the external network that are allocated to the edge.

type EdgeGatewaySubnets ¶

type EdgeGatewaySubnets struct {
	Values []EdgeGatewaySubnet `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Subnets of an edge gateway

type EdgeGatewayType ¶

type EdgeGatewayType string

EdgeGatewayType : The type of the edge gateway.

const (
	NSXV_BACKED_EdgeGatewayType   EdgeGatewayType = "NSXV_BACKED"
	NSXT_BACKED_EdgeGatewayType   EdgeGatewayType = "NSXT_BACKED"
	NSXT_IMPORTED_EdgeGatewayType EdgeGatewayType = "NSXT_IMPORTED"

List of EdgeGatewayType

type EdgeGatewayUplink struct {
	// The identifier of the external network this edge gateway is connected to.
	UplinkId string `json:"uplinkId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the external network this edge gateway is connected to.
	UplinkName string `json:"uplinkName,omitempty"`
	// Set of subnets this edge will have access to.
	Subnets *EdgeGatewaySubnets `json:"subnets,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not the gateway is connected to this uplink. This value defaults to true if it is not set. When filtering by this field, if the filter is false, all gateways that have 0 connected uplinks will be returned, while if it is true, all gateways with at least one connected uplink will be returned.
	Connected bool `json:"connected,omitempty"`
	// If set on create or update api calls, the specified number of IP addresses will be additionally allocated for this uplink. IPs will be allocated from multiple subnets if needed.
	QuickAddAllocatedIpCount int32 `json:"quickAddAllocatedIpCount,omitempty"`
	// If set to true, then the associated external network is exclusively used by this edge gateway.
	Dedicated bool `json:"dedicated,omitempty"`
	// Whether the associated external network is backed by a NSX-T VRF-Lite Tier-0.
	VrfLiteBacked bool `json:"vrfLiteBacked,omitempty"`

The uplink (i.e. external network) that the edge gateway is connected to. This also contains the external network IPs that are allocated to the edge.

type EdgeGateways ¶

type EdgeGateways struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// A list of EdgeGateways.
	Values []EdgeGateway `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of edge gateways

type EdgeGatewaysApiGetAllEdgeGatewaysOpts ¶

type EdgeGatewaysApiGetAllEdgeGatewaysOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type EdgeGatewaysApiService ¶

type EdgeGatewaysApiService service

func (*EdgeGatewaysApiService) CreateEdgeGateway ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewaysApiService) CreateEdgeGateway(ctx context.Context, edgeGateway EdgeGateway) (*http.Response, error)

EdgeGatewaysApiService Create a new edge gateway Create a new edge gateway for a vDC. Only NSX-T Edge Gateways can be created with this endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param edgeGateway

func (*EdgeGatewaysApiService) GetAllEdgeGateways ¶

func (a *EdgeGatewaysApiService) GetAllEdgeGateways(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *EdgeGatewaysApiGetAllEdgeGatewaysOpts) (EdgeGateways, *http.Response, error)

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel ¶

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel struct {
	// The unique id of this IPSec VPN tunnel. On updates, the id is required for the tunnel, while for create a new id will be generated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the tunnel.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Described whether the tunnel is enabled or not. The default is true.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The Local Endpoint which corresponds to the Edge Gateway the tunnel is being configured on. Local Endpoint requires an IP. That IP must be suballocated to the edge gateway.
	LocalEndpoint *LocalEndpoint `json:"localEndpoint"`
	// The Remote Endpoints correspoinds to the device on the remote site terminating the VPN tunnel.
	RemoteEndpoint *RemoteEndpoint `json:"remoteEndpoint"`
	// The authentication mode this IPSec tunnel will use to authenticate with the peer endpoint. The default is a pre-shared key (PSK). <ul>   <li>PSK - A known key is shared between each site before the tunnel is established.</li>   <li>CERTIFICATE ? Incoming connections are required to present an identifying digital certificate, which VCD verifies has been signed by a trusted certificate authority.</li> </ul>
	AuthenticationMode string `json:"authenticationMode,omitempty"`
	// This is the Pre-shared key used for authentication.
	PreSharedKey string `json:"preSharedKey,omitempty"`
	// The server certificate which will be used to secure the tunnel's local endpoint.
	CertificateRef *EntityReference `json:"certificateRef,omitempty"`
	// The CA authority used to verify the remote endpoint?s certificate.
	CaCertificateRef *EntityReference `json:"caCertificateRef,omitempty"`
	// This is the mode used by the local endpoint to establish an IKE Connection with the remote site. The default is INITIATOR.
	ConnectorInitiationMode *ConnectorInitiationMode `json:"connectorInitiationMode,omitempty"`
	// This is the security type used for the IPSec Tunnel. If nothing is specified, this will be set to 'DEFAULT' in which the default settings in NSX will be used. For custom settings, one should use the connectionProperties endpoint to specify custom settings. The security type will then appropriately reflect itself as 'CUSTOM'.
	SecurityType string `json:"securityType,omitempty"`
	// Whether logging for the tunnel is enabled or not. The default is false.
	Logging bool           `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Specifies the IPSec VPN tunnel configuration.

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties ¶

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelConnectionProperties struct {
	// This is the security type used for the IPSec Tunnel. If nothing is specified, this will be set to 'DEFAULT' in which the default settings in NSX will be used. If 'CUSTOM' is specified, then ike, tunnel, and dpd configurations can be set.
	SecurityType string `json:"securityType,omitempty"`
	// The IKE Configuration to be used for the tunnel. If nothing is explictly set, the system defaults will be used.
	IkeConfiguration *IkeConfig `json:"ikeConfiguration,omitempty"`
	// The Tunnel Configuration, which contains parameters such as encryption algorithm to be used. If nothing is explicitly set, the system defaults will be used.
	TunnelConfiguration *TunnelConfig `json:"tunnelConfiguration,omitempty"`
	// The Dead Peer Detection configuration. If nothing is explictly set, the system defaults will be used.
	DpdConfiguration *DpdConfig `json:"dpdConfiguration,omitempty"`

This specifies the given security profile/connection properties of a given IP Sec VPN Tunnel, such as Dead Probe Interval and IKE settings. If a security type is set to 'CUSTOM', then ike, tunnel, and/or dpd configurations can be specified. Otherwise, those fields are read only and are set to the values based on the specific security type.

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics ¶

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatistics struct {
	// Local subnet to which a tunnel belongs.
	LocalSubnet string `json:"localSubnet,omitempty"`
	// Peer subnet to which a tunnel belongs.
	PeerSubnet string `json:"peerSubnet,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets received.
	PacketsIn int64 `json:"packetsIn,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets sent.
	PacketsOut int64 `json:"packetsOut,omitempty"`
	// Number of bytes received.
	BytesIn int64 `json:"bytesIn,omitempty"`
	// Number of bytes sent.
	BytesOut int64 `json:"bytesOut,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets sent with errors.
	PacketsSentError int64 `json:"packetsSentError,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets reveived with errors.
	PacketsReceivedError int64 `json:"packetsReceivedError,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets dropped while receiving.
	PacketsInDropped int64 `json:"packetsInDropped,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets dropped while sending.
	PacketsOutDropped int64 `json:"packetsOutDropped,omitempty"`
	// Number of encryption errors.
	EncryptionErrors int64 `json:"encryptionErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of decryption errors.
	DecryptionErrors int64 `json:"decryptionErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of errors due to overflow.
	OverflowErrors int64 `json:"overflowErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of replay errors.
	ReplayErrors int64 `json:"replayErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of integrity check errors.
	IntegrityErrors int64 `json:"integrityErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of SA mismatch errors while receiving.
	SaMismatchInErrors int64 `json:"saMismatchInErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of SA mismatch errors while sending.
	SaMismatchOutErrors int64 `json:"saMismatchOutErrors,omitempty"`
	// Number of packets dropped because of no matching policy is available.
	NoMatchingPolicyErrors int64 `json:"noMatchingPolicyErrors,omitempty"`

Specifies the statistics for the given IPSec VPN Tunnel.

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatus ¶

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnelStatus struct {
	// Gives the overall IPSec VPN Tunnel Status. If IKE is properly set and the tunnel is up, the tunnel status will be UP.
	TunnelStatus *TunnelStatus `json:"tunnelStatus,omitempty"`
	// Status for the actual IKE Session for the given tunnel.
	IkeStatus *IkeStatus `json:"ikeStatus,omitempty"`

This includes the IPSec Tunnel status such as whether the tunnel is up or down and the IKE Session status.

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnels ¶

type EdgeIpSecVpnTunnels struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The list of IPSec VPN tunnels.
	Values []EdgeIpSecVpnTunnel `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of configured IPSec VPN tunnels.

type EdgeL2VpnStretchedNetwork ¶

type EdgeL2VpnStretchedNetwork struct {
	// The reference to the  Org vDC network entity.
	NetworkRef *EntityReference `json:"networkRef"`
	// The tunnel ID assigned to the network for the L2 VPN Tunnel. Ranges from (1-4096)
	TunnelId int32 `json:"tunnelId,omitempty"`

Specifies the Org vDC network that is stretched through the given L2 VPN Tunnel.

type EdgeL2VpnTunnel ¶

type EdgeL2VpnTunnel struct {
	// The unique id of this L2 VPN tunnel. On updates, the id is required for the tunnel, while for create a new id will be generated. This id is not a VCD URN.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the tunnel.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for the tunnel.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The IP address of the local endpoint, which corresponds to the Edge Gateway the tunnel is being configured on.
	LocalEndpointIP string `json:"localEndpointIP"`
	// The IP address of the remote endpoint, which corresponds to the device on the remote site terminating the VPN tunnel.
	RemoteEndpointIP string `json:"remoteEndpointIP"`
	// The network CIDR block over which the session interfaces.
	TunnelInterface string `json:"tunnelInterface,omitempty"`
	// This is the Pre-shared key used for authentication, no specific format is required.
	PreSharedKey string `json:"preSharedKey,omitempty"`
	// This is the mode used by the local endpoint to establish an IKE Connection with the remote site. The default is INITIATOR. <ul>   <li>INITIATOR - Local endpoint initiates tunnel setup and will also respond to incoming tunnel setup requests from the peer gateway.</li>   <li>RESPOND_ONLY - Local endpoint shall only respond to incoming tunnel setup requests, it shall not initiate the tunnel setup.</li>   <li>ON_DEMAND - In this mode local endpoint will initiate tunnel creation once first packet matching the policy rule is received, and will also respond to   incoming initiation requests.</li> </ul>
	ConnectorInitiationMode string `json:"connectorInitiationMode,omitempty"`
	// Described whether the tunnel is enabled or not. The default is true.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The current session mode, one of either SERVER or CLIENT. <ul>   <li>SERVER - In which the edge gateway acts as the server side of the L2 VPN tunnel and generates peer codes to distribute to client sessions.</li>   <li>CLIENT - In which the edge gateway receives peer codes from the server side of the L2 VPN tunnel to establish a connection.</li> </ul>
	SessionMode string `json:"sessionMode"`
	// This property is a base64 encoded string of the full configuration for the tunnel, generated by the server-side L2 VPN session. An L2 VPN client session must receive and validate this string in order to successfully establish a tunnel, but be careful sharing or storing this code since it does contain the encoded PSK. Leave this property blank if this call is being used to establish a server-side session.
	PeerCode string `json:"peerCode,omitempty"`
	// The list of OrgVDC Network entity references which are currently attached to this L2VPN tunnel.
	AttachedNetworks []EntityReference `json:"attachedNetworks,omitempty"`
	// The list of OrgVDC Network entity references which are currently attached to this L2VPN tunnel.
	StretchedNetworks []EdgeL2VpnStretchedNetwork `json:"stretchedNetworks,omitempty"`
	// Whether logging for the tunnel is enabled or not.
	Logging bool           `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Specifies the L2 VPN tunnel configuration.

type EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatistics ¶

type EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatistics struct {
	// Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) bytes in.
	BumBytesIn int64 `json:"bumBytesIn,omitempty"`
	// Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) bytes out.
	BumBytesOut int64 `json:"bumBytesOut,omitempty"`
	// Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) packets in.
	BumPacketsIn int64 `json:"bumPacketsIn,omitempty"`
	// Broadcast, Unknown unicast, and Multicast (BUM) packets out.
	BumPacketsOut int64 `json:"bumPacketsOut,omitempty"`
	// Total number of incoming bytes.
	BytesIn int64 `json:"bytesIn,omitempty"`
	// Total number of outgoing bytes.
	BytesOut int64 `json:"bytesOut,omitempty"`
	// Total number of incoming packets.
	PacketsIn int64 `json:"packetsIn,omitempty"`
	// Total number of outgoing packets.
	PacketsOut int64 `json:"packetsOut,omitempty"`
	// Total number of incoming packets dropped.
	PacketsReceiveError int64 `json:"packetsReceiveError,omitempty"`
	// Total number of packets dropped while sending for any reason.
	PacketsSentError int64 `json:"packetsSentError,omitempty"`
	// Policy path referencing the segment on which stats are gathered.
	SegmentPath string `json:"segmentPath,omitempty"`

Specifies the statistics for the given L2 VPN Tunnel.

type EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatus ¶

type EdgeL2VpnTunnelStatus struct {
	// Gives the overall L2 VPN Runtime Status (one of either UP or DOWN). <ul>   <li>UP - Indicating that the tunnel connection has been successfully established.</li>   <li>DOWN - Indicating that the tunnel connection has not yet been successfully established.</li> </ul>
	RuntimeStatus string `json:"runtimeStatus,omitempty"`
	// The error message which led to this tunnel's failure (if applicable).
	FailureReason string `json:"failureReason,omitempty"`

This includes the L2 VPN tunnel status such as whether the tunnel is up or down and the IKE Session status.

type EdgeL2VpnTunnels ¶

type EdgeL2VpnTunnels struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The list of L2 VPN tunnels.
	Values []EdgeL2VpnTunnel `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of configured L2 VPN tunnels.

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticMetric ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticMetric struct {
	// The metric key to be used in report queries.
	Key         string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

A supported metrics.

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticMetrics ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticMetrics struct {
	Metrics []EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticMetric `json:"metrics,omitempty"`

The list of supported metrics. These metrics can be used for building report queries.

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticReport ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticReport struct {
	// The gateway URN identier.
	GatewayId string `json:"gatewayId,omitempty"`
	// The virtual service or pool URN identifier.
	ComponentId string `json:"componentId,omitempty"`
	// The metric for this specific report.  Supported metrics can be determined by using the supported metrics API.
	Metric string `json:"metric,omitempty"`
	// The units for this specific report.  Units may be one of the following <ul> <li>PER_SECOND <li>METRIC_COUNT <li>BITS_PER_SECOND <li>BYTES_PER_SECOND <li>MILLISECONDS <li>PERCENT </ul> Units are derived from the reported metric.
	Units      string                              `json:"units,omitempty"`
	Statistics *EdgeLoadBalancerMetricSummaryStats `json:"statistics,omitempty"`
	// The metric timeseries of data for this report.
	Data []EdgeLoadBalancerMetricData `json:"data,omitempty"`

A Load Balancer Analytic Report. It represents a timeseries of Edge Gateway Load Balancer runtime data.

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticReports ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticReports struct {
	Values []EdgeLoadBalancerAnalyticReport `json:"values,omitempty"`

A set of Load Balancer analytic reports. Each report in the list represents a timeseries of Edge Gateway Load Balancer runtime data.

type EdgeLoadBalancerApplicationProfile ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerApplicationProfile struct {
	// Name of the application profile. Name of the system defined monitors are prefixed with System for example 'System-HTTP'.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The profile type of application that this Virtual Service is configured with. A value of \"-\" represents an unknown type. Such profile can still be removed from the Virtual Service on update but is not valid on create. Values are below. <ul> <li>HTTP - Virtual Service supports HTTP protocol. <li>HTTPS - Virtual Service supports HTTPS protocol. <li>L4 - Virtual Service supports Layer 4 (Transport) using UDP/TCP protocol. <li>L4_TLS - Virtual Service supports Layer 4 (Transport) using UDP/TCP protocol with TLS. </ul> L4_TLS is allowed only with additional licensing.
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Whether the Application Profile is system defined.
	SystemDefined bool `json:"systemDefined,omitempty"`

Specifies the application profile for the virtual service such as whether it's HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP/UDP.

type EdgeLoadBalancerHealthMonitor ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerHealthMonitor struct {
	// Name of the Health monitor. Name of the system defined monitors are prefixed with System for example 'System-HTTP'.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Type of the health monitors. A value of \"-\" represents an unknown type. Such monitor can still be removed from the Load Balancer Pool on update but is not valid on create. Supported values are: <ul> <li>HTTP - HTTP request/response is used to validate health. <li>HTTPS - Used against HTTPS encrypted web servers to validate health. <li>TCP - TCP connection is used to validate health. <li>UDP - A UDP datagram is used to validate health. <li>PING - An ICMP ping is used to validate health. </ul>
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Whether the Health Monitor is system defined.
	SystemDefined bool `json:"systemDefined,omitempty"`

Specifies the health monitoring configuration for a Load Balancer Pool. Health monitors are used to monitor health of the Load Balancer Pool's member servers.

type EdgeLoadBalancerMetricData ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerMetricData struct {
	// Sampled data time.
	Timestamp string `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
	// Data value for the sampled time.  ISO 8601 format (i.e. 2020-07-24T00:00:00).
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

A data point in the metric timeseries.

type EdgeLoadBalancerMetricSummaryStats ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerMetricSummaryStats struct {
	// Mean value of sample.
	Mean float32 `json:"mean,omitempty"`
	// Min value of sample.
	Min float32 `json:"min,omitempty"`
	// Max value of sample.
	Max float32 `json:"max,omitempty"`
	// Sample trend.
	Trend float32 `json:"trend,omitempty"`
	// Sample size.
	SampleSize float32 `json:"sampleSize,omitempty"`
	// Start time of data series.  ISO 8601 format (i.e. 2020-07-24T00:00:00).
	StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"`
	// End time of data series.  ISO 8601 format (i.e. 2020-07-24T00:00:00).
	EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"`

A statistical summary of the data in the report.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPersistenceProfile ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPersistenceProfile struct {
	// Name of the Persistence profile.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Type of persistence strategy to use. Supported values are: <ul> <li>CLIENT_IP - The client?s IP is used as the identifier and mapped to the server. <li>HTTP_COOKIE - Load Balancer inserts a cookie into HTTP responses. Cookie name must be provided as value. <li>CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER - Custom, static mappings of header values to specific servers are used. Header name must be provided as value. <li>APP_COOKIE - Load Balancer reads existing server cookies or URI embedded data such as JSessionID. Cookie name must be provided as value. <li>TLS - Information is embedded in the client?s SSL/TLS ticket ID. This will use default system profile \"System-Persistence-TLS\". </ul> Using <em>CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER</em>, <em>APP_COOKIE</em>, <em>TLS</em> persistence types may require additional licensing.
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Value of attribute based on selected persistence type. This is required for HTTP_COOKIE, CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER and APP_COOKIE persistence types. HTTP_COOKIE, APP_COOKIE must have cookie name set as the value and CUSTOM_HTTP_HEADER must have header name set as the value.
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

Specifies the Persistence profile for a Load Balancer Pool. Persistence profile will ensure that the same user sticks to the same server for a desired duration of time. If the persistence profile is unmanaged by Cloud Director, updates that leave the values unchanged will continue to use the same unmanaged profile. Any changes made to the persistence profile will cause Cloud Director to switch the pool to a profile managed by Cloud Director.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPool ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPool struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The unique ID of this Load Balancer Pool. On updates, the ID is required for the pool, while for create a new ID will be generated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The description of the Load Balancer Pool.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// True if Load Balancer Pool is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether passive monitoring for this pool is enabled or not.
	PassiveMonitoringEnabled bool `json:"passiveMonitoringEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The current health status of the pool. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The pool is operational. <li> RUNNING - The pool is operational, but less than 50% of the pool members are up. <li> DOWN - All members in the pool are down. <li> DISABLED - Either the pool is disabled or all of the members are disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The pool is unavailable. Examples: pool has no members or pool is not assigned to any virtual service. <li> UNKNOWN - The pool state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The total number of members in the pool.
	MemberCount int32 `json:"memberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool.
	EnabledMemberCount int32 `json:"enabledMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool that are operational.
	UpMemberCount int32 `json:"upMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the pool.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`
	// Name for the Load Balancer Pool. Name is unique across all pools for an Edge Gateway.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The destination server port used by the traffic sent to the member.
	DefaultPort int32 `json:"defaultPort,omitempty"`
	// Maximum time (in minutes) to gracefully disable a member. Virtual service waits for the specified time before terminating the existing connections to the members that are disabled. <code>Special values: 0 represents 'Immediate', -1 represents 'Infinite'.</code>
	GracefulTimeoutPeriod int32 `json:"gracefulTimeoutPeriod,omitempty"`
	// The algorithm for choosing a member within the pool's list of available members for each new connection. Default value is \"LEAST_CONNECTIONS\". Supported algorithms are: <ul> <li>LEAST_CONNECTIONS <li>ROUND_ROBIN <li>CONSISTENT_HASH <li>FASTEST_RESPONSE <li>LEAST_LOAD <li>FEWEST_SERVERS <li>RANDOM <li>FEWEST_TASKS <li>CORE_AFFINITY </ul> <em>CONSISTENT_HASH</em> uses Source IP Address hash. Using <em>FASTEST_RESPONSE</em>, <em>LEAST_LOAD</em>, <em>FEWEST_SERVERS</em>, <em>RANDOM</em>, <em>FEWEST_TASKS</em>, <em>CORE_AFFINITY</em> algorithms may require additional licensing.
	Algorithm string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`
	// Member server's health can be monitored by using one or more health monitors. Active monitors generate synthetic traffic and mark a server up or down based on the response.
	HealthMonitors []EdgeLoadBalancerHealthMonitor `json:"healthMonitors,omitempty"`
	// Selected persistence profile for the Load Balancer Pool.
	PersistenceProfile *EdgeLoadBalancerPersistenceProfile `json:"persistenceProfile,omitempty"`
	// The list of destination servers which are used by the Load Balancer Pool to direct load balanced traffic.
	Members []EdgeLoadBalancerPoolMember `json:"members,omitempty"`
	// The list of Load Balancer Virtual Services associated with this Load balancer Pool.
	VirtualServiceRefs []EntityReference `json:"virtualServiceRefs,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Gateway associated with this Load Balancer Pool.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef"`
	// The root certificates to use when validating certificates presented by the pool members.
	CaCertificateRefs []EntityReference `json:"caCertificateRefs,omitempty"`
	// Whether to check the common name of the certificate presented by the pool member. This cannot be enabled if no caCertificateRefs are specified.
	CommonNameCheckEnabled bool `json:"commonNameCheckEnabled,omitempty"`
	// A list of domain names which will be used to verify the common names or subject alternative names presented by the pool member certificates. It is performed only when common name check (commonNameCheckEnabled) is enabled. If common name check is enabled, but domain names are not specified then the incoming host header will be used to check the certificate.
	DomainNames []string `json:"domainNames,omitempty"`

Specifies the Load Balancer pool configuration.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolCommonProperties ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolCommonProperties struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The unique ID of this Load Balancer Pool. On updates, the ID is required for the pool, while for create a new ID will be generated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The description of the Load Balancer Pool.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// True if Load Balancer Pool is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether passive monitoring for this pool is enabled or not.
	PassiveMonitoringEnabled bool `json:"passiveMonitoringEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The current health status of the pool. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The pool is operational. <li> RUNNING - The pool is operational, but less than 50% of the pool members are up. <li> DOWN - All members in the pool are down. <li> DISABLED - Either the pool is disabled or all of the members are disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The pool is unavailable. Examples: pool has no members or pool is not assigned to any virtual service. <li> UNKNOWN - The pool state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The total number of members in the pool.
	MemberCount int32 `json:"memberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool.
	EnabledMemberCount int32 `json:"enabledMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool that are operational.
	UpMemberCount int32 `json:"upMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the pool.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`

Specifies common properties for Load Balancer Pool objects.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolMember ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolMember struct {
	// The ip address of the Load Balancer Pool member.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress"`
	// The port number of the Load Balancer Pool member. If unset, the port that the client used to connect will be used.
	Port int32 `json:"port,omitempty"`
	// The ratio of selecting eligible servers in the pool.
	Ratio int32 `json:"ratio,omitempty"`
	// Whether the Load Balancer Pool member is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The current health status of the pool member. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The member is operational. <li> DOWN - The member is down. <li> DISABLED - The member is disabled <li> UNKNOWN - The state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// When the member is DOWN, the value gives the names of the health monitors that marked the member as down. If a monitor cannot be determined, the value will be UNKNOWN.
	MarkedDownBy []string `json:"markedDownBy,omitempty"`
	// The non-localized detailed message on the health of the pool member.
	DetailedHealthMessage string `json:"detailedHealthMessage,omitempty"`

Defines a member (a destination server) in a Load Balancer Pool.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolSummaries ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolSummaries struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The list of Load Balancer pool summaries.
	Values []EdgeLoadBalancerPoolSummary `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Load Balancer pool summaries.

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolSummary ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerPoolSummary struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The unique ID of this Load Balancer Pool. On updates, the ID is required for the pool, while for create a new ID will be generated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The description of the Load Balancer Pool.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// True if Load Balancer Pool is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether passive monitoring for this pool is enabled or not.
	PassiveMonitoringEnabled bool `json:"passiveMonitoringEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The current health status of the pool. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The pool is operational. <li> RUNNING - The pool is operational, but less than 50% of the pool members are up. <li> DOWN - All members in the pool are down. <li> DISABLED - Either the pool is disabled or all of the members are disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The pool is unavailable. Examples: pool has no members or pool is not assigned to any virtual service. <li> UNKNOWN - The pool state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The total number of members in the pool.
	MemberCount int32 `json:"memberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool.
	EnabledMemberCount int32 `json:"enabledMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of enabled members in the pool that are operational.
	UpMemberCount int32 `json:"upMemberCount,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the pool.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`
	// Name for the Load Balancer Pool. Name is unique across all pools for an Edge Gateway.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Whether active monitoring for this pool is enabled or not.
	ActiveMonitoringEnabled bool `json:"activeMonitoringEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The list of Load Balancer Virtual Services associated with this Load balancer Pool. Only first 10 Virtual Services will be returned.
	VirtualServiceRefs []EntityReference `json:"virtualServiceRefs,omitempty"`
	// Whether SSL is enabled for communicatation between the Load Balancer Virtual Services and the pool members
	MemberSslEnabled bool `json:"memberSslEnabled,omitempty"`

Specifies a summary of a Load Balancer pool.

type EdgeLoadBalancerServicePort ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerServicePort struct {
	// Specifies the TCP/UDP profile for the service ports such as TCP_PROXY or TCP_FAST_PATH. If unset, a profile using the system-defined type of TCP_PROXY is used. This is valid for all Application Profiles. For L4 application profile type, user can set the profile to a different type such as TCP_FAST_PATH. For any other application profile type, the TCP/UDP profile type must be TCP_PROXY.
	TcpUdpProfile *EdgeLoadBalancerTcpUdpProfile `json:"tcpUdpProfile,omitempty"`
	// The starting port number in the port range of the Virtual Service. If a single port is desired, only this field needs to be specified. An example is that HTTP uses port 80.
	PortStart int32 `json:"portStart"`
	// The ending port number in the port range of the Virtual Service.  This is not required if a single port is desired.
	PortEnd int32 `json:"portEnd,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether SSL termination is enabled at the port or not. This can only be enabled if HTTPS and L4_TLS Application Profile types are used. At least one service port must have ssl enabled when using HTTPS or L4_TLS Application Profile types. For HTTPS, if SSL is disabled for a specific port, traffic from that port will be redirected to the first SSL port specified. This allows for automatic HTTP to HTTPS redirects. Disabling SSL for HTTPS and L4_TLS is allowed only with additional licensing.
	SslEnabled bool `json:"sslEnabled,omitempty"`

A Virtual Service port configuration.

type EdgeLoadBalancerTcpUdpProfile ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerTcpUdpProfile struct {
	// Name of the TCP/UDP profile. Name of the system defined monitors are prefixed with System for example 'System-TCP-Proxy'.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// This property specifies the different ways in which TCP/UDP packets are sent to the destination server. A value of \"-\" represents an unknown type. Such profile can still be removed from the Virtual Service on update but is not valid on create. <ul> <li>TCP_PROXY - TCP connection is terminated at the Virtual Service and a new TCP connection is made to the destination server. <li>TCP_FAST_PATH - TCP packets are directly forwarded to the destination server. <li>UDP_FAST_PATH - UDP packets are directly forwarded to the destination server. </ul>
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Whether the TCP/UDP profile is system defined.
	SystemDefined bool `json:"systemDefined,omitempty"`

Specifies the TCP/UDP profile for the service ports such as TCP_PROXY or TCP_FAST_PATH.

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualService ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualService struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The identifier of the Virtual Service in URN format
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Virtual Service. Name is unique across all Virtual Services for an Edge Gateway.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the Virtual Service.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether Virtual Service is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The virtual IP Address (VIP) of the Virtual Service. This IP can be an allocated IP to the Gateway from the External Network or it can be an arbitrary internal IP address used for internal load balancing. It it's an internal IP Address, this IP cannot be part of any existing subnet attached to the Edge Gateway or any vDC Group network if the Edge Gateway is scoped accordingly.
	VirtualIpAddress string `json:"virtualIpAddress"`
	// The Load Balancer Pool associated with this Virtual Service.
	LoadBalancerPoolRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerPoolRef"`
	// The Edge Gateway associated with this Virtual Service.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef"`
	// The Load Balancer Service Engine Group that is assigned to the Edge Gateway. This Virtual Service will be deployed to this Service Engine Group.
	ServiceEngineGroupRef *EntityReference `json:"serviceEngineGroupRef"`
	// The certificate used for SSL termination for the Virtual Service. This is required if the service port type is \"HTTPS\" or \"L4_TLS\".
	CertificateRef *EntityReference `json:"certificateRef,omitempty"`
	// A list of service ports supported by this Virtual Service.  Multiple service ports are allowed only with additional licensing.
	ServicePorts []EdgeLoadBalancerServicePort `json:"servicePorts"`
	// The current health status of the virtual service. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The virtual service is healthy. <li> DOWN - The virtual service is down, inactive, or has failed. <li> DISABLED - The virtual service is disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The virtual service is unavailable. <li> PENDING - The virtual service is being creating or resources are being allocated. <li> UNKNOWN - The virtual service state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the virtual service.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`
	// The non-localized detailed message on the health of the virtual service.
	DetailedHealthMessage string `json:"detailedHealthMessage,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the application profile for the virtual service such as whether it's HTTP, HTTPS, or TCP/UDP.
	ApplicationProfile *EdgeLoadBalancerApplicationProfile `json:"applicationProfile"`

A Virtual Service for an Edge Gateway.

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceCommonProperties ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceCommonProperties struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The identifier of the Virtual Service in URN format
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Virtual Service. Name is unique across all Virtual Services for an Edge Gateway.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the Virtual Service.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether Virtual Service is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The virtual IP Address (VIP) of the Virtual Service. This IP can be an allocated IP to the Gateway from the External Network or it can be an arbitrary internal IP address used for internal load balancing. It it's an internal IP Address, this IP cannot be part of any existing subnet attached to the Edge Gateway or any vDC Group network if the Edge Gateway is scoped accordingly.
	VirtualIpAddress string `json:"virtualIpAddress"`
	// The Load Balancer Pool associated with this Virtual Service.
	LoadBalancerPoolRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerPoolRef"`
	// The Edge Gateway associated with this Virtual Service.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef"`
	// The Load Balancer Service Engine Group that is assigned to the Edge Gateway. This Virtual Service will be deployed to this Service Engine Group.
	ServiceEngineGroupRef *EntityReference `json:"serviceEngineGroupRef"`
	// The certificate used for SSL termination for the Virtual Service. This is required if the service port type is \"HTTPS\" or \"L4_TLS\".
	CertificateRef *EntityReference `json:"certificateRef,omitempty"`
	// A list of service ports supported by this Virtual Service.  Multiple service ports are allowed only with additional licensing.
	ServicePorts []EdgeLoadBalancerServicePort `json:"servicePorts"`
	// The current health status of the virtual service. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The virtual service is healthy. <li> DOWN - The virtual service is down, inactive, or has failed. <li> DISABLED - The virtual service is disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The virtual service is unavailable. <li> PENDING - The virtual service is being creating or resources are being allocated. <li> UNKNOWN - The virtual service state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the virtual service.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`
	// The non-localized detailed message on the health of the virtual service.
	DetailedHealthMessage string `json:"detailedHealthMessage,omitempty"`

Specifies common properties for Virtual Service objects.

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceSummaries ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceSummaries struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association                           `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceSummary `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Virtual Service Summaries.

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceSummary ¶

type EdgeLoadBalancerVirtualServiceSummary struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The identifier of the Virtual Service in URN format
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Virtual Service. Name is unique across all Virtual Services for an Edge Gateway.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the Virtual Service.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether Virtual Service is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// The virtual IP Address (VIP) of the Virtual Service. This IP can be an allocated IP to the Gateway from the External Network or it can be an arbitrary internal IP address used for internal load balancing. It it's an internal IP Address, this IP cannot be part of any existing subnet attached to the Edge Gateway or any vDC Group network if the Edge Gateway is scoped accordingly.
	VirtualIpAddress string `json:"virtualIpAddress"`
	// The Load Balancer Pool associated with this Virtual Service.
	LoadBalancerPoolRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerPoolRef"`
	// The Edge Gateway associated with this Virtual Service.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef"`
	// The Load Balancer Service Engine Group that is assigned to the Edge Gateway. This Virtual Service will be deployed to this Service Engine Group.
	ServiceEngineGroupRef *EntityReference `json:"serviceEngineGroupRef"`
	// The certificate used for SSL termination for the Virtual Service. This is required if the service port type is \"HTTPS\" or \"L4_TLS\".
	CertificateRef *EntityReference `json:"certificateRef,omitempty"`
	// A list of service ports supported by this Virtual Service.  Multiple service ports are allowed only with additional licensing.
	ServicePorts []EdgeLoadBalancerServicePort `json:"servicePorts"`
	// The current health status of the virtual service. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The virtual service is healthy. <li> DOWN - The virtual service is down, inactive, or has failed. <li> DISABLED - The virtual service is disabled. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The virtual service is unavailable. <li> PENDING - The virtual service is being creating or resources are being allocated. <li> UNKNOWN - The virtual service state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The localized message on the health of the virtual service.
	HealthMessage string `json:"healthMessage,omitempty"`
	// The non-localized detailed message on the health of the virtual service.
	DetailedHealthMessage string `json:"detailedHealthMessage,omitempty"`
	// The profile type of application that this Virtual Service is configured with. A value of \"-\" represents an unknown type. <ul> <li>HTTP - Virtual Service supports HTTP protocol. <li>HTTPS - Virtual Service supports HTTPS protocol. <li>L4 - Virtual Service supports Layer 4 (Transport) using UDP/TCP protocol. <li>L4_TLS - Virtual Service supports Layer 4 (Transport) using UDP/TCP protocol with TLS. </ul>
	ApplicationProfileType string `json:"applicationProfileType,omitempty"`

A Virtual Service for an Edge Gateway.

type EdgeNatRule ¶

type EdgeNatRule struct {
	// The unique id of the NAT Rule. This must be supplied when updating a given NAT Rule. On creation, an unique id is generated for the NAT Rule.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// User friendly name for the NAT Rule. Name must be provided.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether the individual nat rule is enabled or not. The default is true.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Represents the type of NAT Rule. SNAT translates an internal IP to an external IP and is used for outbound traffic. DNAT translates the external IP to an internal IP and is used for inbound traffic. This property is now deprecated and replaced with type.
	RuleType *NatRuleType `json:"ruleType,omitempty"`
	// Represents the type of NAT Rule.  Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> SNAT </code> - This translates an internal IP to an external IP and is used for outbound traffic.   <li> <code> DNAT </code> - This translates the external IP to an internal IP and is used for inbound traffic.   <li> <code> NO_SNAT </code> - No internal IP translation takes place.   <li> <code> NO_DNAT </code> - No external IP translation takes place.   <li> <code> REFLEXIVE </code> - Also known as Stateless NAT. This translates an internal IP to an external IP and vice versa.   The number of internal addresses should be exactly the same as that of external addresses. </ul>
	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// Represents the application ports on which the NAT Rule will be applied. An application port profile id in the form of URN format must be provided. If not provided then the port will be considered as \"ANY\". This should not be set for a REFLEXIVE Rule. For a DNAT Rule, the source port on the application port profile represents the port from which the traffic is originating from. For a DNAT rule, the destination port on the application port profile represents the internal port on the workloads where the traffic is terminating. For a SNAT rule, the source port on the application port profile represents the internal port on the workloads where the traffic is originating from. For a SNAT rule, the destination port application port profile represents the port where the traffic is terminating.
	ApplicationPortProfile *EntityReference `json:"applicationPortProfile,omitempty"`
	// The external addresses for the NAT Rule. This must be supplied as a single IP or Network CIDR. For a DNAT rule, this is the external facing IP Address for incoming traffic. For an SNAT rule, this is the external facing IP Address for outgoing traffic. These ips are typically allocated/suballocated IP Addresses on the Edge Gateway. For a REFLEXIVE rule, these are the external facing IPs.
	ExternalAddresses string `json:"externalAddresses"`
	// The internal addresses for the NAT Rule. This must be supplied as a single IP or Network CIDR. For a DNAT rule, this is the internal IP Address for incoming traffic. For an SNAT rule, this is the internal IP Address for outgoing traffic. For a REFLEXIVE rule, these are the internal IPs. These ips are typically the Private IPs that are allocated to workloads.
	InternalAddresses string `json:"internalAddresses"`
	// Port number or port range for incoming network traffic. If Any Traffic is selected for the Service, the default internal port is \"ANY\". Note that this field has been deprecated. Please use dnatExternalPort to set port forwarding for DNAT rules. This typically should not be set for SNAT rules as the rule would not be able to support IP Translation with multiple ports.
	InternalPort string `json:"internalPort,omitempty"`
	// This represents the external port number or port range when doing DNAT port forwarding from external to internal. The default dnatExternalPort is \"ANY\" meaning traffic on any port for the given IPs selected will be translated.
	DnatExternalPort string `json:"dnatExternalPort,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether logging for the individual nat rule is enabled or not. The default is false.
	Logging bool `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	// A flag indicating whether this NAT rule is managed by the system. This is not user editable
	SystemRule bool `json:"systemRule,omitempty"`
	// The destination addresses to match in the SNAT Rule. This must be supplied as a single IP or Network CIDR. Providing no value for this field results in match with ANY destination network. These IPs are typically the Private IPs that are allocated to destination workloads.
	SnatDestinationAddresses string `json:"snatDestinationAddresses,omitempty"`
	// Determines how the firewall matches the address during NATing if firewall stage is not skipped.  Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> MATCH_INTERNAL_ADDRESS </code> indicates the firewall will be applied to internal address of a NAT rule. For SNAT, the internal address is        the original source address before NAT is done. For DNAT, the internal address is the translated destination address after NAT is done.        For REFLEXIVE, to egress traffic, the internal address is the original source address before NAT is done; to ingress traffic, the internal address is        the translated destination address after NAT is done.   <li> <code> MATCH_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS </code> indicates the firewall will be applied to external address of a NAT rule. For SNAT, the external address is        the translated source address after NAT is done. For DNAT, the external address is the original destination address before NAT is done.        For REFLEXIVE, to egress traffic, the external address is the translated internal address after NAT is done; to ingress traffic, the external address is        the original destination address before NAT is done.   <li> <code> BYPASS </code> firewall stage will be skipped. </ul> The default is MATCH_INTERNAL_ADDRESS.
	FirewallMatch string `json:"firewallMatch,omitempty"`
	// If an address has multiple NAT rules, the rule with the highest priority is applied. A lower value means a higher precedence for this rule.
	Priority int32          `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	Version  *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

The configuration for a given NAT Rule.

type EdgeNatRules ¶

type EdgeNatRules struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The list of NAT Rules.
	Values []EdgeNatRule `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of configured NAT Rules.

type EdgePrefixList ¶

type EdgePrefixList struct {
	// The unique id of this prefix list. On updates, the id is required for the list, while for create a new id will be generated. This id is not a VCD URN.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the prefix list.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for this prefix list.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of network prefixes.
	Prefixes []EdgePrefixListEntry `json:"prefixes"`
	Version  *ObjectVersion        `json:"version,omitempty"`

A list of prefixes for routing purposes. Prefix list contains one or more ordered entries which are processed sequentially.

type EdgePrefixListEntry ¶

type EdgePrefixListEntry struct {
	// The network prefix in CIDR format. If the value is not specified, it will be treated as \"ANY\" which means match all networks. Both IPv4 and IPv6 formats are supported.
	Network string `json:"network,omitempty"`
	// Action for the prefix list. This specifies whether the packet from specified network is advertised or not for routing purposes.
	Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
	// The value which the prefix length must be greater than or equal to. Must be less than or equal to 'lessThanEqualTo'
	GreaterThanEqualTo int32 `json:"greaterThanEqualTo,omitempty"`
	// The value which the prefix length must be less than or equal to. Must be greater than or equal to 'greaterThanEqualTo'
	LessThanEqualTo int32 `json:"lessThanEqualTo,omitempty"`

A network prefix entry used for routing purposes.

type EdgePrefixLists ¶

type EdgePrefixLists struct {
	// All Prefix lists.
	Values []EdgePrefixList `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of all configured Prefix lists for an edge gateway.

type EgressPoint ¶

type EgressPoint struct {
	// The unique ID for the Universal Egress Point (read-only).
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The Org vDC the Universal Egress Point belongs to.
	VdcRef *EntityReference `json:"vdcRef,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Gateway the Egress Point is referring to.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef,omitempty"`
	// Read-only field that specifies the network provider scope of the Universal Egress Point (inherited from the Org vDC).
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// Specifies whether the egress point is being used for Universal Routing. This is a read-only field.
	IsUsedForRouting bool `json:"isUsedForRouting,omitempty"`
	// The status of the Universal Egress Point.
	Status       *VdcGroupEntityStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ErrorMessage string                `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

An Egress Point.

type EgressPointApiDeleteEgressPointOpts ¶

type EgressPointApiDeleteEgressPointOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type EgressPointApiService ¶

type EgressPointApiService service

func (*EgressPointApiService) DeleteEgressPoint ¶

func (a *EgressPointApiService) DeleteEgressPoint(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string, egressPointId string, localVarOptionals *EgressPointApiDeleteEgressPointOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*EgressPointApiService) GetEgressPoint ¶

func (a *EgressPointApiService) GetEgressPoint(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string, egressPointId string) (EgressPoint, *http.Response, error)

EgressPointApiService Retrieves a specific Universal Egress Point.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId
  • @param egressPointId

@return EgressPoint

func (*EgressPointApiService) SyncEgressPoint ¶

func (a *EgressPointApiService) SyncEgressPoint(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string, egressPointId string) (*http.Response, error)

EgressPointApiService Sync/repair the egress point.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId
  • @param egressPointId

type EgressPointReference ¶

type EgressPointReference struct {
	// The id of the Universal Egress Point reference.
	EgressPointId string `json:"egressPointId,omitempty"`
	// The Org vDC of the Universal Egress Point reference.
	VdcRef *EntityReference `json:"vdcRef,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Gateway of the Universal Egress Point reference.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef,omitempty"`

An EgressPoint reference object for use in universal routing.

type EgressPoints ¶

type EgressPoints struct {
	// The list of Universal Egress Points.
	Values []EgressPoint `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Egress Points.

type EgressPointsApiService ¶

type EgressPointsApiService service

func (*EgressPointsApiService) CreateEgressPoint ¶

func (a *EgressPointsApiService) CreateEgressPoint(ctx context.Context, egressPoint EgressPoint, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

EgressPointsApiService Creates a new Universal Egress Point from a specified Edge Gateway and Org vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param egressPoint
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*EgressPointsApiService) GetEgressPoints ¶

func (a *EgressPointsApiService) GetEgressPoints(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (EgressPoints, *http.Response, error)

EgressPointsApiService Get a list of Universal Egress Points for a Universal Router.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return EgressPoints

type EmailSettings ¶

type EmailSettings struct {
	// Flag indicating if the smtp server settings are system default (true) or a particular organization (false)
	DefaultSmtpServer bool `json:"defaultSmtpServer,omitempty"`
	// Flag indicating if the email settings are system default (true) or for a particular organization (false)
	DefaultOrgEmail bool            `json:"defaultOrgEmail,omitempty"`
	SmtpServer      *SmtpServerSpec `json:"smtpServer,omitempty"`
	// Sender email address in an email notification or alert
	SenderEmailAddress string `json:"senderEmailAddress,omitempty"`
	// The prefix used in the email subject line for all email notifications and alerts from the system
	DefaultEmailSubjectPrefix string `json:"defaultEmailSubjectPrefix,omitempty"`
	// A flag to indicate the choice between sending alert emails to all system administrators in the system and designated list of email recipients
	AlertEmailToAllAdmins bool `json:"alertEmailToAllAdmins,omitempty"`
	// A comma separated email addresses to send all alert messages to
	AlertEmailTo string `json:"alertEmailTo,omitempty"`

Email related settings for a system

type EmailSettingsApiService ¶

type EmailSettingsApiService service

func (*EmailSettingsApiService) TestEmailSettings ¶

func (a *EmailSettingsApiService) TestEmailSettings(ctx context.Context, testEmailRequest TestEmailRequest) (*http.Response, error)

EmailSettingsApiService Tests Email Settings and Connection Tests that Email SMTP Settings are valid

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param testEmailRequest Email Settings and destination email address for Email Test call

type EncryptedString ¶

type EncryptedString struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`
	Value     string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type EnforcingQuotaPolicy ¶

type EnforcingQuotaPolicy struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The entity from which enforcing quota policy is inherited.
	InheritedFrom *EntityReference `json:"inheritedFrom,omitempty"`

Quota policy that enforces this quota.

type EntityApiService ¶

type EntityApiService service

func (*EntityApiService) ResolveEntity ¶

func (a *EntityApiService) ResolveEntity(ctx context.Context, id interface{}) (interface{}, *http.Response, error)

EntityApiService Get specified entity object

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id the URN of the entity to be resolved

@return interface{}

type EntityQuotasApiService ¶

type EntityQuotasApiService service

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToGroup ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToGroup(ctx context.Context, quotas Quotas, groupUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Assign quotas to given target group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotas
  • @param groupUrn

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToOrg ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToOrg(ctx context.Context, quotas Quotas, orgUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Assign quotas to given target organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotas
  • @param orgUrn

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToUser ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) AssignQuotasToUser(ctx context.Context, quotas Quotas, userUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Assign quotas to given target user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotas
  • @param userUrn

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForGroup ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForGroup(ctx context.Context, groupUrn string) (Quotas, *http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Get the effective quotas applicable for the given group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param groupUrn

@return Quotas

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForOrg ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForOrg(ctx context.Context, orgUrn string) (Quotas, *http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Get the effective quotas applicable for the given organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgUrn

@return Quotas

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForUser ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForUser(ctx context.Context, userUrn string) (Quotas, *http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Get the effective quotas applicable for the given user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userUrn

@return Quotas

func (*EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForVApp ¶

func (a *EntityQuotasApiService) GetQuotasForVApp(ctx context.Context, vappUrn string) (Quotas, *http.Response, error)

EntityQuotasApiService Get the effective quotas applicable for the given vapp.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vappUrn

@return Quotas

type EntityReference ¶

type EntityReference struct {
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`

Entity reference used to describe VCD entities

type EntityReferences ¶

type EntityReferences struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of entity references.
	Values []EntityReference `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of entity references.

type EntitySecurityTags ¶

type EntitySecurityTags struct {
	// The list of tags. The value is case-agnostic and will be converted to lower-case.
	Tags []string `json:"tags,omitempty"`

List of a tags assigned to a specific entity

type EntityState ¶

type EntityState struct {
	// The id of the defined entity in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// A JSON entity. This entity will be validated against the provided entityType.
	Entity map[string]interface{} `json:"entity,omitempty"`
	// The current state of the entity
	State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
	// The error message(s), if the entity could not be resolved.
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`

Describes what the current state of the entity is.

type ExecutionContext ¶

type ExecutionContext struct {
	Parameters []WsParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"`

type ExecutionState ¶

type ExecutionState string
const (
	CANCELED_ExecutionState       ExecutionState = "canceled"
	COMPLETED_ExecutionState      ExecutionState = "completed"
	RUNNING_ExecutionState        ExecutionState = "running"
	SUSPENDED_ExecutionState      ExecutionState = "suspended"
	WAITING_ExecutionState        ExecutionState = "waiting"
	WAITING_SIGNAL_ExecutionState ExecutionState = "waiting-signal"
	FAILED_ExecutionState         ExecutionState = "failed"
	INITIALIZING_ExecutionState   ExecutionState = "initializing"

List of ExecutionState

type ExecutionSummary ¶

type ExecutionSummary struct {
	Id        string          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name      string          `json:"name,omitempty"`
	StartDate string          `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
	EndDate   string          `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
	StartedBy string          `json:"startedBy,omitempty"`
	State     *ExecutionState `json:"state,omitempty"`

type ExtObjectReference ¶

type ExtObjectReference struct {
	// The id of the entity.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of entity.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

Reference for entities which are external to VCD and do not have a VCD URN identifier.

type ExtensionPoint ¶

type ExtensionPoint struct {
	ExtensionPointId string `json:"extensionPointId"`
	PluginId         string `json:"pluginId"`
	Name             string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Enabled          bool   `json:"enabled"`

Extension Point of a UI Plugin

type ExtensionPointSummary ¶

type ExtensionPointSummary struct {
	ExtensionPointRegistrations map[string][]ExtensionPoint `json:"extensionPointRegistrations,omitempty"`

A map of extension Points and an ordered list of items registered with that extension point

type ExternalNetwork ¶

type ExternalNetwork struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The unique ID for the network. This field is read-only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the network.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the network.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of subnets configured for the network.
	Subnets *Subnets `json:"subnets,omitempty"`
	// Backings for this external network. Describes if this external network is backed by port groups, vCenter standard switch or an NSX-T Tier-0 router.
	NetworkBackings *ExternalNetworkBackings `json:"networkBackings,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP addresses defined by the static ip pools. If the network contains any IpV6 subnets, the total ip count will be null.
	TotalIpCount int32 `json:"totalIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP address used from the static ip pools.
	UsedIpCount int32 `json:"usedIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The Organization that this external network is dedicated to. This is null if this is not a dedicated external network.
	DedicatedOrg *EntityReference `json:"dedicatedOrg,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Gateway that this external network is dedicated to. This is null if this is not a dedicated external network.
	DedicatedEdgeGateway *EntityReference `json:"dedicatedEdgeGateway,omitempty"`

An external network.

type ExternalNetworkApiDeleteExternalNetworkOpts ¶

type ExternalNetworkApiDeleteExternalNetworkOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type ExternalNetworkApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts ¶

type ExternalNetworkApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ExternalNetworkApiService ¶

type ExternalNetworkApiService service

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) CreateExternalNetwork ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) CreateExternalNetwork(ctx context.Context, externalNetwork ExternalNetwork) (*http.Response, error)

ExternalNetworkApiService Create an external network

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param externalNetwork

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) DeleteExternalNetwork ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) DeleteExternalNetwork(ctx context.Context, externalNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *ExternalNetworkApiDeleteExternalNetworkOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) GetAvailableIpAddresses ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) GetAvailableIpAddresses(ctx context.Context, externalNetworkId string) (AvailableIpPoolSubnets, *http.Response, error)

ExternalNetworkApiService Retrieve the list of IP addresses available for use on the network. Get all the available IPs for a given external network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param externalNetworkId

@return AvailableIpPoolSubnets

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) GetExternalNetwork ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) GetExternalNetwork(ctx context.Context, externalNetworkId string) (ExternalNetwork, *http.Response, error)

ExternalNetworkApiService Retrieves a specific external network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param externalNetworkId

@return ExternalNetwork

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) GetUsedIpAddresses ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) GetUsedIpAddresses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, externalNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *ExternalNetworkApiGetUsedIpAddressesOpts) (UsedIpAddresses, *http.Response, error)

func (*ExternalNetworkApiService) UpdateExternalNetwork ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworkApiService) UpdateExternalNetwork(ctx context.Context, externalNetwork ExternalNetwork, externalNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

ExternalNetworkApiService Updates a specific external network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param externalNetwork
  • @param externalNetworkId

type ExternalNetworkBacking ¶

type ExternalNetworkBacking struct {
	// Unique identifier for the network backing in NSX/vCenter.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId,omitempty"`
	// Type of network backing. This is deprecated in favor of string based enums going forward.
	BackingType *ExternalNetworkBackingType `json:"backingType,omitempty"`
	// Backing type for the network. <ul> <li>PORTGROUP</li> <li>DV_PORTGROUP</li> <li>NSXT_TIER0</li> <li>NSXT_VRF_TIER0</li> <li>IMPORTED_T_LOGICAL_SWITCH</li> <li>UNKNOWN</li> </ul>
	BackingTypeValue string `json:"backingTypeValue,omitempty"`
	// The Network Provider for the backing, either a vCenter Server or NSX-T Manager.
	NetworkProvider *EntityReference `json:"networkProvider,omitempty"`
	// The name of this external network backing, if it exists.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// If this external network is backed by a NSX-T VRF-Lite Tier0, then this field is set to be the parent Tier0 Router.  Otherwise, field is unset.
	ParentTier0Ref *ExtObjectReference `json:"parentTier0Ref,omitempty"`

Information about an external network backing.

type ExternalNetworkBackingType ¶

type ExternalNetworkBackingType string

ExternalNetworkBackingType : The type of the external network backing.

const (
	PORTGROUP_ExternalNetworkBackingType    ExternalNetworkBackingType = "PORTGROUP"
	DV_PORTGROUP_ExternalNetworkBackingType ExternalNetworkBackingType = "DV_PORTGROUP"
	NSXT_TIER0_ExternalNetworkBackingType   ExternalNetworkBackingType = "NSXT_TIER0"
	UNKNOWN_ExternalNetworkBackingType      ExternalNetworkBackingType = "UNKNOWN"

List of ExternalNetworkBackingType

type ExternalNetworkBackings ¶

type ExternalNetworkBackings struct {
	Values []ExternalNetworkBacking `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of External Network backings.

type ExternalNetworks ¶

type ExternalNetworks struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association     `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ExternalNetwork `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of External Networks

type ExternalNetworksApiGetAllExternalNetworksOpts ¶

type ExternalNetworksApiGetAllExternalNetworksOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ExternalNetworksApiService ¶

type ExternalNetworksApiService service

func (*ExternalNetworksApiService) GetAllExternalNetworks ¶

func (a *ExternalNetworksApiService) GetAllExternalNetworks(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ExternalNetworksApiGetAllExternalNetworksOpts) (ExternalNetworks, *http.Response, error)

type ExternalService ¶

type ExternalService struct {
	// The name of the external service.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The unique id of the external service.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The extension's version. The version should follow semantic versioning rules. The combination of vendor-namespace-version must be unique.
	Version string `json:"version"`
	// The vendor name. The combination of vendor-namespace-version must be unique.
	Vendor string `json:"vendor"`
	// Extension service priority. An integer between 0-100. A value of 50 denotes a neutral priority.
	Priority int32 `json:"priority,omitempty"`
	// Whether the extension is enabled or not.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
	// Whether authorization is enabled for the service.
	AuthorizationEnabled bool   `json:"authorizationEnabled,omitempty"`
	Description          string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The map of MQTT topics this extension will communicate through.
	MqttTopics map[string]string `json:"mqttTopics,omitempty"`

The central concept in vCD API extensibility framework. It serves as a namespace for all other objects and holds top level settings like - enable/disable and API filters.

type ExternalServiceApiGetExternalServicesOpts ¶

type ExternalServiceApiGetExternalServicesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ExternalServiceApiService ¶

type ExternalServiceApiService service

func (*ExternalServiceApiService) CreateExternalService ¶

func (a *ExternalServiceApiService) CreateExternalService(ctx context.Context, service ExternalService) (ExternalService, *http.Response, error)

ExternalServiceApiService Create external service. Create an external service. Once created, the combination of vendor, name and version cannot be modified and must be unique. Each extension will have its own MQTT topics.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param service

@return ExternalService

func (*ExternalServiceApiService) DeleteExternalService ¶

func (a *ExternalServiceApiService) DeleteExternalService(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

ExternalServiceApiService Delete an external service. Delete an external service. The extension must be disabled or the deletion will fail.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*ExternalServiceApiService) GetExternalService ¶

func (a *ExternalServiceApiService) GetExternalService(ctx context.Context, id string) (ExternalService, *http.Response, error)

ExternalServiceApiService Retrieve an external service. Extensions, created from other APIs will not be returned.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return ExternalService

func (*ExternalServiceApiService) GetExternalServices ¶

func (a *ExternalServiceApiService) GetExternalServices(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ExternalServiceApiGetExternalServicesOpts) (ExternalServices, *http.Response, error)

func (*ExternalServiceApiService) UpdateExternalService ¶

func (a *ExternalServiceApiService) UpdateExternalService(ctx context.Context, service ExternalService, id string) (ExternalService, *http.Response, error)

ExternalServiceApiService Update an external service. Update an external service. Vendor, name and version cannot be updated.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param service
  • @param id

@return ExternalService

type ExternalServices ¶

type ExternalServices struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association     `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ExternalService `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of external services.

type FeatureFlag ¶

type FeatureFlag struct {
	// The id of the feature flag in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The unique name of the flag.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// In what context this flag should be use. <ul>   <li> <code> PROD </code> Indicates that this feature is production ready.   <li> <code> ALPHA </code> Indicates that this feature is considered to be an alpha feature and may change in future releases. </ul>
	Usage string `json:"usage,omitempty"`
	// True if the feature is toggled on.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Localized readable name of this feature.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Localized readable description of this feature.
	DisplayDescription string `json:"displayDescription,omitempty"`

A feature flag.

type FeatureFlagApiService ¶

type FeatureFlagApiService service

func (*FeatureFlagApiService) GetFeatureFlag ¶

func (a *FeatureFlagApiService) GetFeatureFlag(ctx context.Context, urn string) (FeatureFlag, *http.Response, error)

FeatureFlagApiService Retrieves a specific feature flag.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param urn URN containing the name of the feature flag such as (urn:vcloud:featureflag:&lt;feature flag name&gt;)

@return FeatureFlag

func (*FeatureFlagApiService) UpdateFeatureFlag ¶

func (a *FeatureFlagApiService) UpdateFeatureFlag(ctx context.Context, featureFlag FeatureFlag, urn string) (FeatureFlag, *http.Response, error)

FeatureFlagApiService Updates a specific feature flag to either enable or disable it.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param featureFlag
  • @param urn URN containing the name of the feature flag such as (urn:vcloud:featureflag:&lt;feature flag name&gt;)

@return FeatureFlag

type FeatureFlags ¶

type FeatureFlags struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []FeatureFlag `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Feature Flags

type FeatureFlagsApiGetFeatureFlagsOpts ¶

type FeatureFlagsApiGetFeatureFlagsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type FeatureFlagsApiService ¶

type FeatureFlagsApiService service

func (*FeatureFlagsApiService) GetFeatureFlags ¶

func (a *FeatureFlagsApiService) GetFeatureFlags(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *FeatureFlagsApiGetFeatureFlagsOpts) (FeatureFlags, *http.Response, error)

type Field ¶

type Field struct {
	ElementType       string                    `json:"elementType"`
	Description       string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DisplayName       string                    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Hidden            bool                      `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
	Id                string                    `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Messages          []PresentationMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`
	Decorators        []Decorator               `json:"decorators,omitempty"`
	Constraints       []Constraint              `json:"constraints,omitempty"`
	Type_             string                    `json:"type,omitempty"`
	AffectedFieldsIds []string                  `json:"affectedFieldsIds,omitempty"`

type FirewallGroupApiGetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMsOpts ¶

type FirewallGroupApiGetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type FirewallGroupApiService ¶

type FirewallGroupApiService service

func (*FirewallGroupApiService) DeleteFirewallGroup ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupApiService) DeleteFirewallGroup(ctx context.Context, firewallGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

FirewallGroupApiService Deletes a Firewall Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallGroupId

func (*FirewallGroupApiService) GetFirewallGroup ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupApiService) GetFirewallGroup(ctx context.Context, firewallGroupId string) (FirewallGroupDetails, *http.Response, error)

FirewallGroupApiService Retrieves a specific firewall group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallGroupId

@return FirewallGroupDetails

func (*FirewallGroupApiService) GetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMs ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupApiService) GetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, firewallGroupId string, localVarOptionals *FirewallGroupApiGetFirewallGroupAssociatedVMsOpts) (FirewallGroupAssociatedVMs, *http.Response, error)

func (*FirewallGroupApiService) UpdateFirewallGroup ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupApiService) UpdateFirewallGroup(ctx context.Context, firewallGroup FirewallGroupDetails, firewallGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

FirewallGroupApiService Updates the Firewall Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallGroup
  • @param firewallGroupId

type FirewallGroupAssociatedVMs ¶

type FirewallGroupAssociatedVMs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association               `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []FirewallGroupAssociatedVm `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of associated VMs for firewall group

type FirewallGroupAssociatedVm ¶

type FirewallGroupAssociatedVm struct {
	// Reference to the vm associated with this firewall group.
	VmRef *EntityReference `json:"vmRef,omitempty"`
	// Reference to the vApp of the associated vm.
	VappRef *EntityReference `json:"vappRef,omitempty"`
	// Reference to the vDC of the associated vm.
	VdcRef *EntityReference `json:"vdcRef,omitempty"`
	// Reference to the organization of the associated vm.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`

Represents an associated virtual machine. Contains the VM name and parent vApp name.

type FirewallGroupDetails ¶

type FirewallGroupDetails struct {
	// The organization that this firewall group belongs to. This property is read-only and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The edge gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This means that this firewall group can be used when configuring firewall rules for the edge gateway. This property is now deprecated. ownerRef should be used instead
	EdgeGatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"edgeGatewayRef,omitempty"`
	// The vDC Group or Edge Gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This group can be used for configuring rules for either an Edge Gateway or vDC Group. If an Edge Gateway is specified that belongs to a vDC Group, the the firewall group will be scoped to the vDC Group.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The id of the firewall group.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the firewall group.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the firewall group
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Defines the type of Firewall Group which determines what can be members of this group such as IP Addresses, Org vDC networks, or VMs based on dynamic criteria. This property is now deprecated and replaced with typeValue.
	Type_ *FirewallGroupType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// Defines the type of Firewall Group which determines what can be members of this group such as IP Addresses, Org vDC networks, or VMs based on dynamic criteria.  Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> IP_SET </code> should be used when using particular IP Addresses of VMs, Networks, etc.   <li> <code> STATIC_MEMBERS </code> should be used when specifying exact members such as a particular Org vDC Network.   <li> <code> VM_CRITERIA </code> should be used when specifying some dynamic criteria that matches a VM member such as VM name or Operating System name.        This type is valid only if the firewall group is scoped to a vDC Group. </ul> The default is IP_SET.
	TypeValue string `json:"typeValue,omitempty"`
	// IP Addresses included in the group. This is only applicable for IP_SET Firewall Groups. This can support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in single, range, and CIDR formats.
	IpAddresses []string `json:"ipAddresses,omitempty"`
	// The list of static member entities such as Org vDC Networks to be used. This is only applicable for SECURITY_GROUP/STATIC_MEMBERS Firewall Groups. The objects used must be scoped to the particular Edge Gateway / vDC Group specified.
	Members []EntityReference `json:"members,omitempty"`
	// The list of dynamic criteria that determines whether a VM belongs to a firewall group.  A VM needs to meet at least one criteria to belong to the firewall group. In other words, the logical AND is used for rules within a single criteria and the logical OR is used in between each criteria. This is only applicable for VM_CRITERIA Firewall Groups.
	VmCriteria []VmCriteria `json:"vmCriteria,omitempty"`

A Firewall Group object.

type FirewallGroupScope ¶

type FirewallGroupScope struct {
	// The organization that this firewall group belongs to. This property is read-only and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The edge gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This means that this firewall group can be used when configuring firewall rules for the edge gateway. This property is now deprecated. ownerRef should be used instead
	EdgeGatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"edgeGatewayRef,omitempty"`
	// The vDC Group or Edge Gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This group can be used for configuring rules for either an Edge Gateway or vDC Group. If an Edge Gateway is specified that belongs to a vDC Group, the the firewall group will be scoped to the vDC Group.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`

Describes the scope and relationship that this firewall group has with other VCD entities.

type FirewallGroupSummary ¶

type FirewallGroupSummary struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The organization that this firewall group belongs to. This property is read-only and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The edge gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This means that this firewall group can be used when configuring firewall rules for the edge gateway. This property is now deprecated. ownerRef should be used instead
	EdgeGatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"edgeGatewayRef,omitempty"`
	// The vDC Group or Edge Gateway that this firewall group is scoped to. This group can be used for configuring rules for either an Edge Gateway or vDC Group. If an Edge Gateway is specified that belongs to a vDC Group, the the firewall group will be scoped to the vDC Group.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// The id of the firewall group.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the firewall group.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of the firewall group
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Defines the type of Firewall Group which determines what can be members of this group such as IP Addresses, Org vDC networks, or VMs based on dynamic criteria. This property is now deprecated and replaced with typeValue.
	Type_ *FirewallGroupType `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// Defines the type of Firewall Group which determines what can be members of this group such as IP Addresses, Org vDC networks, or VMs based on dynamic criteria.  Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> IP_SET </code> should be used when using particular IP Addresses of VMs, Networks, etc.   <li> <code> STATIC_MEMBERS </code> should be used when specifying exact members such as a particular Org vDC Network.   <li> <code> VM_CRITERIA </code> should be used when specifying some dynamic criteria that matches a VM member such as VM name or Operating System name.        This type is valid only if the firewall group is scoped to a vDC Group. </ul> The default is IP_SET.
	TypeValue string `json:"typeValue,omitempty"`

A Firewall Group object.

type FirewallGroupType ¶

type FirewallGroupType string

FirewallGroupType : Defines the type of Firewall Group. These groups can be used in Firewall Rules to define rules that are scoped to the IP Addresses/Members defined in a Firewall Group. <ul> <li> <code> IP_SET </code> should be used when using particular IP Addresses of VMs, Networks, etc. <li> <code> SECURITY_GROUP </code> should be used when specifying exact members such as a particular Org vDC Network. </ul> The default is IP_SET.

const (
	IP_SET_FirewallGroupType         FirewallGroupType = "IP_SET"
	SECURITY_GROUP_FirewallGroupType FirewallGroupType = "SECURITY_GROUP"

List of FirewallGroupType

type FirewallGroups ¶

type FirewallGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association          `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []FirewallGroupSummary `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Firewall Groups

type FirewallGroupsApiGetFirewallGroupsOpts ¶

type FirewallGroupsApiGetFirewallGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type FirewallGroupsApiService ¶

type FirewallGroupsApiService service

func (*FirewallGroupsApiService) CreateFirewallGroup ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupsApiService) CreateFirewallGroup(ctx context.Context, firewallGroup FirewallGroupDetails) (*http.Response, error)

FirewallGroupsApiService Create a firewall group Create a firewall group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param firewallGroup

func (*FirewallGroupsApiService) GetFirewallGroups ¶

func (a *FirewallGroupsApiService) GetFirewallGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *FirewallGroupsApiGetFirewallGroupsOpts) (FirewallGroups, *http.Response, error)

type FirewallRule ¶

type FirewallRule struct {
	// The unique id of this firewall rule. If a rule with the ruleId is not already present, a new rule will be created. If it already exists, the rule will be updated.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the rule.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the sources of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic from any source. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	SourceFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"sourceFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// List of source groups for firewall rule. It specifies the destinations of network traffic for the firewall rule. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means traffic to any destination. For Distributed Firewall rules, an entry with an id of urn:vcloud:firewallGroup:internal can be used to specify all internal vDC Group network traffic.
	DestinationFirewallGroups []EntityReference `json:"destinationFirewallGroups,omitempty"`
	// The list of application ports where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all ports.
	ApplicationPortProfiles []EntityReference `json:"applicationPortProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Type of IP packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. Default value is IPV4_IPV6.
	IpProtocol *FirewallRuleIpProtocol `json:"ipProtocol,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. This property is now deprecated and replaced with actionValue. Property is required if actionValue is not set.
	Action *FirewallRuleAction `json:"action,omitempty"`
	// The action to be applied to all the traffic that meets the firewall rule criteria. It determines if the rule permits or blocks traffic. Property is required if action is not set. Below are valid values. <ul>   <li> <code> ALLOW </code> permits traffic to go through the firewall.   <li> <code> DROP </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. No response is sent back to the source.   <li> <code> REJECT </code> blocks the traffic at the firewall. A response is sent back to the source. </ul>
	ActionValue string `json:"actionValue,omitempty"`
	// Specifies the direction of the network traffic. Default value is IN_OUT.
	Direction *FirewallRuleDirection `json:"direction,omitempty"`
	// Whether packet logging is enabled for firewall rule.
	Logging bool `json:"logging,omitempty"`
	// The list of layer 7 network context profiles where this firewall rule is applicable. Null value or an empty list will be treated as \"ANY\" which means rule applies to all applications and domains.
	NetworkContextProfiles []EntityReference `json:"networkContextProfiles,omitempty"`
	// Whether the firewall rule is enabled.
	Enabled bool           `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Version *ObjectVersion `json:"version,omitempty"`

Describes a Firewall rule.

type FirewallRuleAction ¶

type FirewallRuleAction string

FirewallRuleAction : Defines the firewall rule action to be applied.

const (
	ALLOW_FirewallRuleAction FirewallRuleAction = "ALLOW"
	DROP_FirewallRuleAction  FirewallRuleAction = "DROP"

List of FirewallRuleAction

type FirewallRuleDirection ¶

type FirewallRuleDirection string

FirewallRuleDirection : Defines direction of traffic for firewall rule.

const (
	IN_FirewallRuleDirection     FirewallRuleDirection = "IN"
	OUT_FirewallRuleDirection    FirewallRuleDirection = "OUT"
	IN_OUT_FirewallRuleDirection FirewallRuleDirection = "IN_OUT"

List of FirewallRuleDirection

type FirewallRuleIpProtocol ¶

type FirewallRuleIpProtocol string

FirewallRuleIpProtocol : Specifies the IP protocol for the network packet that should be matched while enforcing the rule. IPV4_IPV6 means both IPV4 and IPV6 packet type.

const (
	IPV4_FirewallRuleIpProtocol      FirewallRuleIpProtocol = "IPV4"
	IPV6_FirewallRuleIpProtocol      FirewallRuleIpProtocol = "IPV6"
	IPV4_IPV6_FirewallRuleIpProtocol FirewallRuleIpProtocol = "IPV4_IPV6"

List of FirewallRuleIpProtocol

type GatewayEdgeClusterConfig ¶

type GatewayEdgeClusterConfig struct {
	// This represents the Primary Edge Cluster used for the gateway. For NSX-T Edges, this means the Edge Cluster the Tier 1 SR resides on. The user should specify the ID of the NSX-T edge cluster as the value of primaryEdgeCluster's backingId. For NSX-V Edges, this means the primary appliance for the gateway.
	PrimaryEdgeCluster *GatewayEdgeClusterReference `json:"primaryEdgeCluster"`
	// This represents the Secondary Edge Cluster used for the gateway. It is only applicable for NSX-V Edges when High Availability is enabled. If HA is enabled and no secondary edge cluster is specified, both appliances will be deployed on the primary edge cluster. If there is a specific secondary edge cluster, the standby/secondary appliance will be deployed on the secondary edge cluster. For NSX-T Edges, the value of secondaryEdgeCluster should be set to NULL.
	SecondaryEdgeCluster *GatewayEdgeClusterReference `json:"secondaryEdgeCluster,omitempty"`

Represents the Edge Cluster Configuration for a given Edge Gateway.

type GatewayEdgeClusterReference ¶

type GatewayEdgeClusterReference struct {
	// The reference to VCD Edge Cluster.
	EdgeClusterRef *EntityReference `json:"edgeClusterRef,omitempty"`
	// The Id of the edge cluster in NSX-T manager. The user should specify the id of NSX-T edge cluster during edge gateway create/update. VCD will automatically create a corresponding VCD Edge cluster object referencing the specified NSX-T edge cluster. For NSX-V Edges, this is set to NULL.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId,omitempty"`

This represents the reference to an Edge Cluster used for the gateway.

type GatewayUsedIpAddress ¶

type GatewayUsedIpAddress struct {
	// The external network that this IP Address belongs to.
	NetworkRef *EntityReference `json:"networkRef,omitempty"`
	// The IP address in used.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	// The catagory that an IP can be used for.
	Category *GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory `json:"category,omitempty"`

Describes an IP address currently be used by the edge gateway. The IP belongs to the IPs allocated to the edge.

type GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory ¶

type GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory string

GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory : The categories that an IP can be used for.

const (
	SNAT_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory          GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "SNAT"
	DNAT_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory          GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "DNAT"
	LOAD_BALANCER_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "Load_Balancer"
	I_PSEC_VPN_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory    GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "IPsec_VPN"
	SSL_VPN_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory       GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "SSL_VPN"
	L2_VPN_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory        GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "L2_VPN"
	PRIMARY_IP_GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory    GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory = "PRIMARY_IP"

List of GatewayUsedIpAddressCategory

type GatewayUsedIpAddresses ¶

type GatewayUsedIpAddresses struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association          `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []GatewayUsedIpAddress `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of IP addresses used by an edge gateway.

type GenericSwaggerError ¶

type GenericSwaggerError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GenericSwaggerError Provides access to the body, error and model on returned errors.

func (GenericSwaggerError) Body ¶

func (e GenericSwaggerError) Body() []byte

Body returns the raw bytes of the response

func (GenericSwaggerError) Error ¶

func (e GenericSwaggerError) Error() string

Error returns non-empty string if there was an error.

func (GenericSwaggerError) Model ¶

func (e GenericSwaggerError) Model() interface{}

Model returns the unpacked model of the error

type GlobalRole ¶

type GlobalRole struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll bool `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`

type GlobalRoles ¶

type GlobalRoles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of global roles.
	Values []GlobalRole `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of global roles.

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleRightsOpts ¶

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleRightsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleTenantsOpts ¶

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleTenantsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRolesOpts ¶

type GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRolesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type GlobalRolesApiService ¶

type GlobalRolesApiService service

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) AddRightsToGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) AddRightsToGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Adds the specified rights to a global role. Adds the list of rights (passed as references) to a global role.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) CreateGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) CreateGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, newGlobalRole GlobalRole) (GlobalRole, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Creates a new global role Creates a new global role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newGlobalRole

@return GlobalRole

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) DeleteGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) DeleteGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Delete specified global role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) GetGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) GetGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, id string) (GlobalRole, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Get specified global role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return GlobalRole

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRolePublish ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRolePublish(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Publishes the global role to the specified tenants Publishes the global role to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRolePublishAll ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRolePublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Publishes the global role to all tenants Publishes the global role to all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRoleUnpublish ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRoleUnpublish(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Revokes publication of the global role to the specified tenants Revokes publication of the global role to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRoleUnpublishAll ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) PostGlobalRoleUnpublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Unpublishes the global role from all tenants Unpublishes the global role from all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoleRights ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoleRights(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleRightsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoleTenants ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoleTenants(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRoleTenantsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoles ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) QueryGlobalRoles(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *GlobalRolesApiQueryGlobalRolesOpts) (GlobalRoles, *http.Response, error)

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) ReplaceRightsInGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) ReplaceRightsInGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Replaces the existing set of rights in global role with the rights (as references) supplied. Replaces the existing set of rights in global role with the rights (as references) supplied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) SetGlobalRoleTenants ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) SetGlobalRoleTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Resets list of tenants for whom the global role is explicitly published Resets list of tenants for whom the global role is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*GlobalRolesApiService) UpdateGlobalRole ¶

func (a *GlobalRolesApiService) UpdateGlobalRole(ctx context.Context, updatedGlobalRole GlobalRole, id string) (GlobalRole, *http.Response, error)

GlobalRolesApiService Update specified global role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedGlobalRole
  • @param id

@return GlobalRole

type GracefulRestartModeTypes ¶

type GracefulRestartModeTypes string

GracefulRestartModeTypes : Describes Graceful Restart configuration Modes for BGP configuration on an edge gateway. HELPER_ONLY mode is the ability for a BGP speaker to indicate its ability to preserve forwarding state during BGP restart. GRACEFUL_RESTART mode is the ability of a BGP speaker to advertise its restart to its peers. <ul> <li> DISABLE - Both graceful restart and helper modes are disabled. <li> HELPER_ONLY - Only helper mode is enabled. <li> GRACEFUL_AND_HELPER - Both graceful restart and helper modes are enabled. </ul>

const (
	DISABLE_GracefulRestartModeTypes             GracefulRestartModeTypes = "DISABLE"
	HELPER_ONLY_GracefulRestartModeTypes         GracefulRestartModeTypes = "HELPER_ONLY"
	GRACEFUL_AND_HELPER_GracefulRestartModeTypes GracefulRestartModeTypes = "GRACEFUL_AND_HELPER"

List of GracefulRestartModeTypes

type Group ¶

type Group struct {
	ElementType string                    `json:"elementType"`
	Description string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DisplayName string                    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Hidden      bool                      `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
	Id          string                    `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Messages    []PresentationMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`
	Fields      []PrimaryField            `json:"fields,omitempty"`

type GroupApiQueryGroupUsersOpts ¶

type GroupApiQueryGroupUsersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type GroupApiQueryGroupsOpts ¶

type GroupApiQueryGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type GroupApiService ¶

type GroupApiService service

func (*GroupApiService) CreateGroup ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, newGroup UserGroup) (UserGroup, *http.Response, error)

GroupApiService Create a new group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newGroup

@return UserGroup

func (*GroupApiService) DeleteGroup ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, groupUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

GroupApiService Delete the specified group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param groupUrn groupUrn

func (*GroupApiService) GetGroup ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, groupUrn string) (UserGroup, *http.Response, error)

GroupApiService Get a specified group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param groupUrn groupUrn

@return UserGroup

func (*GroupApiService) QueryGroupUsers ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) QueryGroupUsers(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, groupUrn string, localVarOptionals *GroupApiQueryGroupUsersOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*GroupApiService) QueryGroups ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) QueryGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *GroupApiQueryGroupsOpts) (UserGroups, *http.Response, error)

func (*GroupApiService) UpdateGroup ¶

func (a *GroupApiService) UpdateGroup(ctx context.Context, updatedGroup UserGroup, groupUrn string) (UserGroup, *http.Response, error)

GroupApiService Modify the details of the specified group. Modify details of the specified group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedGroup
  • @param groupUrn groupUrn

@return UserGroup

type HardwareVersions ¶

type HardwareVersions struct {
	Versions          []string                   `json:"versions,omitempty"`
	SupportedVersions []SupportedHardwareVersion `json:"supportedVersions,omitempty"`

Set of supported ESXi virtual hardware versions.

type IkeConfig ¶

type IkeConfig struct {
	// IKE Protocol Version to use. The default is IKE_V2.
	IkeVersion *IkeVersionType `json:"ikeVersion"`
	// The list of Diffie-Helman groups to be used is PFS is enabled. Default is GROUP14.
	DhGroups []DhGroupType `json:"dhGroups"`
	// The list of Digest algorithms for IKE. This is used during IKE negotiation. Default is SHA2_256.
	DigestAlgorithms []IkeDigestAlgorithmType `json:"digestAlgorithms,omitempty"`
	// The list of Encryption algorithms for IKE. This is used during IKE negotiation. Default is AES_128.
	EncryptionAlgorithms []IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType `json:"encryptionAlgorithms"`
	// The Security Association life time in seconds. Default is 86400 seconds (1 day).
	SaLifeTime int32 `json:"saLifeTime,omitempty"`

This configuration captures the IKE and phase one negotiation parameters. This configuration can be set for peering properly with remote peers.

type IkeDigestAlgorithmType ¶

type IkeDigestAlgorithmType string

IkeDigestAlgorithmType : Digest Algorithms are used to verify message integrity during IKE negotiation.

const (
	SHA1_IkeDigestAlgorithmType     IkeDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA1"
	SHA2_256_IkeDigestAlgorithmType IkeDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_256"
	SHA2_384_IkeDigestAlgorithmType IkeDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_384"
	SHA2_512_IkeDigestAlgorithmType IkeDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_512"

List of IkeDigestAlgorithmType

type IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType ¶

type IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType string

IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType : Encryption algorithms are used to ensure confidentiality of messages exchanged during IKE negotiations.

const (
	AES128__IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_128"
	AES256__IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_256"
	GCM_128_IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_128"
	GCM_192_IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_192"
	GCM_256_IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_256"

List of IkeEncryptionAlgorithmType

type IkeServiceStatus ¶

type IkeServiceStatus string

IkeServiceStatus : The service status for the IKE Session.

const (
	UP_IkeServiceStatus          IkeServiceStatus = "UP"
	DOWN_IkeServiceStatus        IkeServiceStatus = "DOWN"
	NEGOTIATING_IkeServiceStatus IkeServiceStatus = "NEGOTIATING"

List of IkeServiceStatus

type IkeStatus ¶

type IkeStatus struct {
	// The overall IKE Session service status.
	IkeServiceStatus *IkeServiceStatus `json:"ikeServiceStatus,omitempty"`
	// The reason for the IKE Session establishment failure. This will only be set if the status is DOWN.
	FailReason string `json:"failReason,omitempty"`

The status for the IPSec VPN IKE Session/Tunnel. The values are UP, DOWN, and NEGOTIATING. A fail reason is also provided if the Service Status is down.

type IkeVersionType ¶

type IkeVersionType string

IkeVersionType : The IKE Protocol version type.

const (
	V1_IkeVersionType   IkeVersionType = "IKE_V1"
	V2_IkeVersionType   IkeVersionType = "IKE_V2"
	FLEX_IkeVersionType IkeVersionType = "IKE_FLEX"

List of IkeVersionType

type IpRange ¶

type IpRange struct {
	// Starting IP address in the range.
	StartAddress string `json:"startAddress,omitempty"`
	// Ending IP address in the range.
	EndAddress string `json:"endAddress,omitempty"`

An IpRange

type IpRanges ¶

type IpRanges struct {
	Values []IpRange `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of IpRange

type K8sClusterApiQueryK8sClustersOpts ¶

type K8sClusterApiQueryK8sClustersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type K8sClusterApiService ¶

type K8sClusterApiService service

func (*K8sClusterApiService) CreateK8sCluster ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) CreateK8sCluster(ctx context.Context, k8sCluster Cluster) (*http.Response, error)

K8sClusterApiService Creates a new Kubernetes cluster. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param k8sCluster &lt;strong&gt;Example Value&lt;/strong&gt; for CSE Native cluster &lt;pre&gt; { \&quot;metadata\&quot;: { \&quot;name\&quot;: \&quot;my-CSE-Native-cluster\&quot;, \&quot;site\&quot;: \&quot;\&quot;, \&quot;orgName\&quot;: \&quot;my-organization\&quot;, \&quot;virtualDataCenterName\&quot;: \&quot;my-org-vdc\&quot; }, \&quot;apiVersion\&quot;: \&quot;cse.vmware.com/v2.0\&quot;, \&quot;kind\&quot;: \&quot;native\&quot;, \&quot;spec\&quot;: { \&quot;expose\&quot;: false, \&quot;settings\&quot;: { \&quot;sshKey\&quot;: null, \&quot;network\&quot;: null, \&quot;ovdcNetwork\&quot;: \&quot;network-in-my-org-vdc\&quot;, \&quot;rollbackOnFailure\&quot;: true }, \&quot;topology\&quot;: { \&quot;workers\&quot;: { \&quot;count\&quot;: 1 }, \&quot;controlPlane\&quot;: { \&quot;count\&quot;: 1 } }, \&quot;distribution\&quot;: { \&quot;templateName\&quot;: \&quot;ubuntu-16.04_k8-1.18_weave-2.6.5\&quot;, \&quot;templateRevision\&quot;: 2 } } } &lt;/pre&gt; &lt;strong&gt;Example Value&lt;/strong&gt; for TKGS cluster &lt;pre&gt; { \&quot;kind\&quot;: \&quot;TanzuKubernetesCluster\&quot;, \&quot;metadata\&quot;: { \&quot;name\&quot;: \&quot;my-TKGS-cluster\&quot;, \&quot;placementPolicy\&quot;: \&quot;my-placement-policy\&quot;, \&quot;virtualDataCenterName\&quot;: \&quot;my-org-vdc\&quot; }, \&quot;spec\&quot;: { \&quot;distribution\&quot;: { \&quot;version\&quot;: \&quot;v1.20.2\&quot; }, \&quot;topology\&quot;: { \&quot;controlPlane\&quot;: { \&quot;class\&quot;: \&quot;best-effort-xsmall\&quot;, \&quot;count\&quot;: 1, \&quot;storageClass\&quot;: \&quot;my-storage-class\&quot; }, \&quot;workers\&quot;: { \&quot;class\&quot;: \&quot;best-effort-xsmall\&quot;, \&quot;count\&quot;: 1, \&quot;storageClass\&quot;: \&quot;my-storage-class\&quot; } } } } &lt;/pre&gt;

func (*K8sClusterApiService) DeleteK8sCluster ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) DeleteK8sCluster(ctx context.Context, urn string) (*http.Response, error)

K8sClusterApiService Deletes the Kubernetes cluster with the unique identifier (URN). This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param urn A URN corresponding to a Kubernetes cluster previously created by a POST to OpenAPI tkgClusters endpoint.

func (*K8sClusterApiService) GenerateKubeconfig ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) GenerateKubeconfig(ctx context.Context, urn string) (*http.Response, error)

K8sClusterApiService Generate kubeconfig file for corresponding cluster

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param urn A URN corresponding to a Kubernetes cluster previously created by a POST to OpenAPI tkgClusters endpoint.

func (*K8sClusterApiService) GetK8sCluster ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) GetK8sCluster(ctx context.Context, urn string) (Cluster, *http.Response, error)

K8sClusterApiService Get specified Kubernetes Cluster

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param urn A URN corresponding to a Kubernetes cluster previously created by a POST to OpenAPI tkgClusters endpoint.

@return Cluster

func (*K8sClusterApiService) QueryK8sClusters ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) QueryK8sClusters(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *K8sClusterApiQueryK8sClustersOpts) (Clusters, *http.Response, error)

func (*K8sClusterApiService) UpdateK8sCluster ¶

func (a *K8sClusterApiService) UpdateK8sCluster(ctx context.Context, k8sCluster Cluster, urn string) (*http.Response, error)

K8sClusterApiService Update the desired state of the Kubernetes cluster. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param k8sCluster
  • @param urn A URN corresponding to a Kubernetes cluster previously created by a POST to OpenAPI tkgClusters endpoint.

type KeyValue ¶

type KeyValue struct {
	// Only meaningful for providers. Allows them to share entries with their tenants. Currently accepted values are: 'TENANT', 'PROVIDER', where that is the ascending sort order of the enumeration.
	Domain    string      `json:"domain"`
	Namespace string      `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
	Key       string      `json:"key"`
	Value     *TypedValue `json:"value"`

Containins core metadata entry data.

type KeyValuePair ¶

type KeyValuePair struct {
	InputType string     `json:"inputType"`
	Key       string     `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Value     *Parameter `json:"value,omitempty"`

type LDAPApiSearchLdapGroupsOpts ¶

type LDAPApiSearchLdapGroupsOpts struct {
	Q optional.String

type LDAPApiSearchLdapUsersOpts ¶

type LDAPApiSearchLdapUsersOpts struct {
	Q optional.String

type LDAPApiService ¶

type LDAPApiService service

func (*LDAPApiService) SearchLdapGroups ¶

func (a *LDAPApiService) SearchLdapGroups(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals *LDAPApiSearchLdapGroupsOpts) ([]UserGroup, *http.Response, error)

func (*LDAPApiService) SearchLdapUsers ¶

func (a *LDAPApiService) SearchLdapUsers(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals *LDAPApiSearchLdapUsersOpts) ([]User, *http.Response, error)

func (*LDAPApiService) SyncLdap ¶

func (a *LDAPApiService) SyncLdap(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

LDAPApiService Synchronize LDAP users/settings Begins the LDAP sync task

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

func (*LDAPApiService) TestLdap ¶

func (a *LDAPApiService) TestLdap(ctx context.Context, ldapSettings LdapSettings, localVarOptionals *LDAPApiTestLdapOpts) (LdapTestResult, *http.Response, error)

type LDAPApiTestLdapOpts ¶

type LDAPApiTestLdapOpts struct {
	Username optional.String

type LdapConnectionTestResult ¶

type LdapConnectionTestResult struct {
	// Flag for whether connection test was successful
	Successful bool        `json:"successful"`
	Error_     *ModelError `json:"error,omitempty"`

Provides LDAP connection test results

type LdapGroupAttributesType ¶

type LdapGroupAttributesType struct {
	ObjectClass          string `json:"objectClass,omitempty"`
	ObjectIdentifier     string `json:"objectIdentifier,omitempty"`
	GroupName            string `json:"groupName,omitempty"`
	Membership           string `json:"membership,omitempty"`
	MembershipIdentifier string `json:"membershipIdentifier,omitempty"`
	BackLinkIdentifier   string `json:"backLinkIdentifier,omitempty"`

Defines how a group is imported from LDAP.

type LdapSettings ¶

type LdapSettings struct {
	HostName                 string                   `json:"hostName,omitempty"`
	Port                     int32                    `json:"port,omitempty"`
	IsSsl                    bool                     `json:"isSsl,omitempty"`
	IsSslAcceptAll           bool                     `json:"isSslAcceptAll,omitempty"`
	Realm                    string                   `json:"realm,omitempty"`
	PagedSearchDisabled      bool                     `json:"pagedSearchDisabled,omitempty"`
	PageSize                 int32                    `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	MaxResults               int32                    `json:"maxResults,omitempty"`
	MaxUserGroups            int32                    `json:"maxUserGroups,omitempty"`
	SearchBase               string                   `json:"searchBase,omitempty"`
	UserName                 string                   `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password                 string                   `json:"password,omitempty"`
	AuthenticationMechanism  string                   `json:"authenticationMechanism,omitempty"`
	GroupSearchBase          string                   `json:"groupSearchBase,omitempty"`
	IsGroupSearchBaseEnabled bool                     `json:"isGroupSearchBaseEnabled,omitempty"`
	ConnectorType            string                   `json:"connectorType,omitempty"`
	UserAttributes           *LdapUserAttributesType  `json:"userAttributes,omitempty"`
	GroupAttributes          *LdapGroupAttributesType `json:"groupAttributes,omitempty"`
	UseExternalKerberos      bool                     `json:"useExternalKerberos,omitempty"`

LDAP Settings Specification

type LdapSettingsTestResult ¶

type LdapSettingsTestResult struct {
	// LDAP attribute being tested
	Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"`
	// Value of LDAP user attribute being tested
	AttributeValue string `json:"attributeValue,omitempty"`
	// Result of LADP user attribute being tested (what LDAP server returned)
	Result string `json:"result,omitempty"`
	// Flag to indicate if the attribute is successful or not
	Successful bool `json:"successful"`

Provides test attribute, result, and success boolean

type LdapTestResult ¶

type LdapTestResult struct {
	ConnectionTest *LdapConnectionTestResult `json:"connectionTest,omitempty"`
	SettingsTest   []LdapSettingsTestResult  `json:"settingsTest,omitempty"`

Provides LDAP connection and settings test results

type LdapUserAttributesType ¶

type LdapUserAttributesType struct {
	ObjectClass               string `json:"objectClass,omitempty"`
	ObjectIdentifier          string `json:"objectIdentifier,omitempty"`
	UserName                  string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Email                     string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	FullName                  string `json:"fullName,omitempty"`
	GivenName                 string `json:"givenName,omitempty"`
	Surname                   string `json:"surname,omitempty"`
	Telephone                 string `json:"telephone,omitempty"`
	GroupMembershipIdentifier string `json:"groupMembershipIdentifier,omitempty"`
	GroupBackLinkIdentifier   string `json:"groupBackLinkIdentifier,omitempty"`

Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user.

type Link struct {
	Attributes []WsAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	Href       string        `json:"href,omitempty"`
	Rel        string        `json:"rel,omitempty"`
	Type_      string        `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Name       string        `json:"name,omitempty"`

type LoadBalancerCloud ¶

type LoadBalancerCloud struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The identifier of the registered Load Balancer Cloud in URN format
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Load Balancer Cloud.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for the registered Load Balancer Cloud.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The backing that uniquely identifies a Load Balancer Cloud configured within a Load Balancer Controller.  At the present, VCD only supports NSX-T Clouds configured within an NSX-ALB Controller deployment. This is not updatable once it's created.
	LoadBalancerCloudBacking *LoadBalancerCloudBacking `json:"loadBalancerCloudBacking"`
	// The Network Pool associated with this Cloud
	NetworkPoolRef *EntityReference `json:"networkPoolRef,omitempty"`
	// The current health status of the Load Balancer Cloud. Possible values are: <ul> <li> UP - The cloud is healthy and ready to enable Load Balancer for an Edge Gateway. <li> DOWN - The cloud is in a failure state. Enabling Load balancer on an Edge Gateway may not be possible. <li> RUNNING - The cloud is currently processing. An example is if it's enabling a Load Balancer for an Edge Gateway. <li> UNAVAILABLE - The cloud is unavailable. <li> UNKNOWN - The cloud state is unknown. </ul>
	HealthStatus string `json:"healthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The non-localized detailed message on the health of the Cloud.
	DetailedHealthMessage string `json:"detailedHealthMessage,omitempty"`

A Load Balancer Cloud.

type LoadBalancerCloudApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerCloudApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerCloudApiService) GetLoadBalancerCloud ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerCloudApiService) GetLoadBalancerCloud(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerCloudId string) (LoadBalancerCloud, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerCloudApiService Get Load Balancer Cloud. Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Cloud.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerCloudId

@return LoadBalancerCloud

func (*LoadBalancerCloudApiService) UnregisterLoadBalancerCloud ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerCloudApiService) UnregisterLoadBalancerCloud(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerCloudId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerCloudApiService Unregister the specified Load Balancer Cloud. Unregister an Load Balancer Cloud.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerCloudId

func (*LoadBalancerCloudApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerCloud ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerCloudApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerCloud(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerCloud LoadBalancerCloud, loadBalancerCloudId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerCloudApiService Update specified Load Balancer Cloud. Update an Load Balancer Cloud.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerCloud
  • @param loadBalancerCloudId

type LoadBalancerCloudBacking ¶

type LoadBalancerCloudBacking struct {
	// The unique identifier of the Load Balancer Cloud.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId"`
	// The type of Load Balancer Cloud.  Valid values are NSXALB_NSXT.
	BackingType string `json:"backingType,omitempty"`
	// The managing Load Balancer Controller.
	LoadBalancerControllerRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerControllerRef"`

A Load Balancer Cloud Backing.

type LoadBalancerClouds ¶

type LoadBalancerClouds struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association       `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []LoadBalancerCloud `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Load Balancer Clouds.

type LoadBalancerCloudsApiGetLoadBalancerCloudsOpts ¶

type LoadBalancerCloudsApiGetLoadBalancerCloudsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LoadBalancerCloudsApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerCloudsApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerCloudsApiService) GetLoadBalancerClouds ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerCloudsApiService) GetLoadBalancerClouds(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *LoadBalancerCloudsApiGetLoadBalancerCloudsOpts) (LoadBalancerClouds, *http.Response, error)

func (*LoadBalancerCloudsApiService) RegisterLoadBalancerCloud ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerCloudsApiService) RegisterLoadBalancerCloud(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerCloud LoadBalancerCloud) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerCloudsApiService Register a new Load Balancer Cloud. Register a new Load Balancer Cloud to be used with vCloud Director. If the Load Balancer Cloud is backed by NSXALB, DHCP on the NSXALB Cloud is required. vCloud Director will enable DHCP on the NSXALB Cloud if needed.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerCloud

type LoadBalancerController ¶

type LoadBalancerController struct {
	// The id of the Load Balancer Controller in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Load Balancer Controller. Names for Load Balancer Controllers must be unique across the system.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for the registered Load Balancer Controller.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The URL of the Load Balancer Controller. URLs for Load Balancer Controllers must be unique across the system.
	Url string `json:"url"`
	// Username to connect to the Load Balancer Controller.
	Username string `json:"username"`
	// Cleartext password to connect to the Load Balancer Controller.
	Password string `json:"password"`
	// The license type of the Load Balancer Controller. <ul> <li>BASIC - Basic edition of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer. <li>ENTERPRISE - Full featured edition of the NSX Advanced Load Balancer. </ul>
	LicenseType string `json:"licenseType,omitempty"`
	// The version of the load balancer controller.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`

A Load Balancer Controller.

type LoadBalancerControllerApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerControllerApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerController ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) GetLoadBalancerController(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerControllerId string) (LoadBalancerController, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Get Load Balancer Controller Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Controller.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerControllerId

@return LoadBalancerController

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) UnregisterLoadBalancerController ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) UnregisterLoadBalancerController(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerControllerId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Unregister the specified Load Balancer Controller. Unregister an Load Balancer Controller.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerControllerId

func (*LoadBalancerControllerApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerController ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerControllerApiService) UpdateLoadBalancerController(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerController LoadBalancerController, loadBalancerControllerId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllerApiService Update specified Load Balancer Controller Update an Load Balancer Controller.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerController
  • @param loadBalancerControllerId

type LoadBalancerControllers ¶

type LoadBalancerControllers struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association            `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []LoadBalancerController `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Load Balancer Controllers.

type LoadBalancerControllersApiGetLoadBalancerControllersOpts ¶

type LoadBalancerControllersApiGetLoadBalancerControllersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LoadBalancerControllersApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerControllersApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerControllersApiService) GetLoadBalancerControllers ¶

func (*LoadBalancerControllersApiService) RegisterLoadBalancerController ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerControllersApiService) RegisterLoadBalancerController(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerController LoadBalancerController) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerControllersApiService Register a new Load Balancer Controller Register a new Load Balancer Controller to be used with vCloud Director.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerController

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The identifier of the Load Balancer Service Engine Groups in URN format
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description of the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The backing that uniquely identifies a Load Balancer Service Engine Group configured within a Load Balancer Cloud.
	ServiceEngineGroupBacking *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupBacking `json:"serviceEngineGroupBacking"`
	// The service engine group's High Availability Mode. <ul> <li>ELASTIC_N_PLUS_M_BUFFER - Service Engines will scale out to N active nodes with M nodes as buffer. <li>ELASTIC_ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Active-Active with scale out. <li>LEGACY_ACTIVE_STANDBY - Traditional single Active-Standby configuration </ul>
	HaMode string `json:"haMode,omitempty"`
	// The reservation model for virutal services on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group. <ul> <li>DEDICATED - Dedicated to a single Edge Gateway and can only be assigned to a single Edge Gateway. <li>SHARED - Shared between multiple Edge Gateways. Can be assigned to multiple Edge Gateways. </ul>
	ReservationType string `json:"reservationType,omitempty"`
	// The maximum number of virtual services supported on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	MaxVirtualServices int32 `json:"maxVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// The number of virtual services currently deployed on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	NumDeployedVirtualServices int32 `json:"numDeployedVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// The number of virtual services already reserved on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group. This value is the sum of the guaranteed virtual services given to Edge Gateways assigned to the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	ReservedVirtualServices int32 `json:"reservedVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the maximum number of virtual services supported on the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has been surpassed by the current number of reserved virtual services.
	OverAllocated bool `json:"overAllocated,omitempty"`

A Load Balancer Service Engine Group.

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) DeleteServiceEngineGroup ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) DeleteServiceEngineGroup(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService Delete the specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Delete a Load Balancer Service Engine Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) GetServiceEngineGroup ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) GetServiceEngineGroup(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId string) (LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup, *http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService Get Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Service Engine Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId

@return LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) SyncServiceEngineGroup ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) SyncServiceEngineGroup(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService Sync Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Syncs a specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Requests the HA mode and the maximum number of supported Virtual Services for this Service Engine Group from the Load Balancer, and updates vCD&#39;s local record of these properties.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) UpdateServiceEngineGroup ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService) UpdateServiceEngineGroup(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroup LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupApiService Update specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Update a Load Balancer Service Engine Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroup
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroupId

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignment struct {
	// The identifier of the Load Balancer Service Engine Groups in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The maximum number of virtual services the Edge Gateway is allowed to use. This is required if the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has reservation type 'SHARED'. This must be unset if the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has reservation type 'DEDICATED'.
	MaxVirtualServices int32 `json:"maxVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// The number of guaranteed virtual services available to the Edge Gateway. This is required if the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has reservation type 'SHARED'. This must be unset if the Load Balancer Service Engine Group has reservation type 'DEDICATED'.
	MinVirtualServices int32 `json:"minVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// The current number of deployed virutal services.
	NumDeployedVirtualServices int32 `json:"numDeployedVirtualServices,omitempty"`
	// The associated Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	ServiceEngineGroupRef *EntityReference `json:"serviceEngineGroupRef"`
	// The associated Edge Gateway.
	GatewayRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayRef"`
	// The owner of the associated Edge Gateway. This can be a vDC or vDC Group.
	GatewayOwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayOwnerRef,omitempty"`
	// The organization of the associated Edge Gateway.
	GatewayOrgRef *EntityReference `json:"gatewayOrgRef,omitempty"`

An assignment of a Load Balancer Service Engine Group to an Edge Gateway

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService) DeleteServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService) DeleteServiceEngineGroupAssignment(ctx context.Context, assignmentId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService Delete the specified Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. Delete a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. The Edge Gateway will no longer be able to use the Load Balancer Service Engine Group for load balancing resources.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param assignmentId

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService) GetServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService Get a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. Retrieves a specific Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param assignmentId

@return LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignment

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService) UpdateServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService) UpdateServiceEngineGroupAssignment(ctx context.Context, assignment LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignment, assignmentId string) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentApiService Update a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. Update a Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. Updates are not allowed if the associated Load Balancer Service Engine Group has reservation type &#39;DEDICATED&#39;.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param assignment
  • @param assignmentId

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignments ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignments struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association                              `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignment `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignments.

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiGetServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsOpts ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiGetServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService) CreateServiceEngineGroupAssignment ¶

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group Assignment. The assignment links a Load Balancer Service Engine Group with an Edge Gateway to provide load balancing resources to the Edge Gateway.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param assignment

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupAssignmentsApiService) GetServiceEngineGroupAssignments ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupBacking ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupBacking struct {
	// The unique backing identifier of the Load Balancer Service Engine Group.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId"`
	// The associated Load Balancer Cloud.
	LoadBalancerCloudRef *EntityReference `json:"loadBalancerCloudRef"`

A Load Balancer Service Engine Group Backing.

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroups ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association                    `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Load Balancer Service Engine Groups.

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiGetServiceEngineGroupsOpts ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiGetServiceEngineGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService ¶

type LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService service

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService) CreateServiceEngineGroup ¶

func (a *LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService) CreateServiceEngineGroup(ctx context.Context, loadBalancerServiceEngineGroup LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroup) (*http.Response, error)

LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group. Create a new Load Balancer Service Engine Group to be used with VMware Cloud Director.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param loadBalancerServiceEngineGroup

func (*LoadBalancerServiceEngineGroupsApiService) GetServiceEngineGroups ¶

type LocalEndpoint ¶

type LocalEndpoint struct {
	// The local identifier for the endpoint.
	LocalId string `json:"localId,omitempty"`
	// The IPV4 Address for the endpoint. This has to be a suballocated IP on the Edge Gateway. This is required.
	LocalAddress string `json:"localAddress"`
	// List of local networks. These must be specified in normal Network CIDR format. Specifying no value is interpreted as
	LocalNetworks []string `json:"localNetworks"`

This represents the endpoint/IP Address on the Edge Gateway where the tunnel needs to be terminated.

type LogicalVmGroup ¶

type LogicalVmGroup struct {
	// UUID for LogicalVmGroup. This is immutable.
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// List of named vm groups associated with logical vm group.
	NamedVmGroupReferences []EntityReference `json:"namedVmGroupReferences,omitempty"`
	// URN for Provider vDC.
	PvdcId string `json:"pvdcId,omitempty"`

type LogicalVmGroups ¶

type LogicalVmGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of LogicalVmGroups.
	Values []LogicalVmGroup `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of LogicalVmGroups.

type LogicalVmGroupsApiGetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroupsOpts ¶

type LogicalVmGroupsApiGetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroupsOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LogicalVmGroupsApiGetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroupOpts ¶

type LogicalVmGroupsApiGetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroupOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LogicalVmGroupsApiQueryLogicalVmGroupsOpts ¶

type LogicalVmGroupsApiQueryLogicalVmGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type LogicalVmGroupsApiService ¶

type LogicalVmGroupsApiService service

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) AddNamedVmGroupsToLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) AddNamedVmGroupsToLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, namedVmGroupRefs []EntityReference, logicalVmGroupId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

LogicalVmGroupsApiService Assign named vm groups to logical vm group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param namedVmGroupRefs
  • @param logicalVmGroupId

@return []EntityReference

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) CreateLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) CreateLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, newLogicalVmGroupParams LogicalVmGroup) (LogicalVmGroup, *http.Response, error)

LogicalVmGroupsApiService Creates a new logical vm group Creates a new logical vm group

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newLogicalVmGroupParams

@return LogicalVmGroup

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) DeleteLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) DeleteLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, logicalVmGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

LogicalVmGroupsApiService Delete specified logical vm group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param logicalVmGroupId

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, logicalVmGroupId string) (LogicalVmGroup, *http.Response, error)

LogicalVmGroupsApiService Get specified logical vm group

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param logicalVmGroupId

@return LogicalVmGroup

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroups ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, logicalVmGroupId string, localVarOptionals *LogicalVmGroupsApiGetLogicalVmGroupNamedVmGroupsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) GetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, logicalVmGroupId string, localVarOptionals *LogicalVmGroupsApiGetPvdcPoliciesForLogicalVmGroupOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) QueryLogicalVmGroups ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) QueryLogicalVmGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *LogicalVmGroupsApiQueryLogicalVmGroupsOpts) (LogicalVmGroups, *http.Response, error)

func (*LogicalVmGroupsApiService) UpdateLogicalVmGroup ¶

func (a *LogicalVmGroupsApiService) UpdateLogicalVmGroup(ctx context.Context, updateLogicalVmGroupParams LogicalVmGroup, logicalVmGroupId string) (LogicalVmGroup, *http.Response, error)

LogicalVmGroupsApiService Update specified logical vm group

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updateLogicalVmGroupParams
  • @param logicalVmGroupId

@return LogicalVmGroup

type Mandatory ¶

type Mandatory struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`

type MetadataEntries ¶

type MetadataEntries struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of key value entries.
	Values []MetadataEntry `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of key value entries.

type MetadataEntry ¶

type MetadataEntry struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Persistent entries can be copied over on some entity operation, for example: | Creating a copy of an Org VDC | Capturing a vApp to a template | Instantiating a catalog item as a VM
	Persistent bool `json:"persistent,omitempty"`
	// The kind of level of access organizations of the entry's domain have
	ReadOnly bool      `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	KeyValue *KeyValue `json:"keyValue"`

Metadata entry

type MimeAttachment ¶

type MimeAttachment struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`
	Content   string `json:"content,omitempty"`
	Name      string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	MimeType  string `json:"mimeType,omitempty"`

type ModelError ¶

type ModelError struct {
	MinorErrorCode string `json:"minorErrorCode"`
	Message        string `json:"message"`
	StackTrace     string `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"`

Error type format displayed to users for exceptions emerging from openapi endpoints.

type MultiLine ¶

type MultiLine struct {
	DecoratorType string `json:"decoratorType"`

type NatRuleType ¶

type NatRuleType string

NatRuleType : The Nat Rule Type for a given NAT rule.

const (
	DNAT_NatRuleType    NatRuleType = "DNAT"
	SNAT_NatRuleType    NatRuleType = "SNAT"
	NO_DNAT_NatRuleType NatRuleType = "NO_DNAT"
	NO_SNAT_NatRuleType NatRuleType = "NO_SNAT"

List of NatRuleType

type Network ¶

type Network struct {
	// The unique ID for the network. This field is read-only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the network.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the network.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of subnets configured for the network.
	Subnets *Subnets `json:"subnets,omitempty"`

A network Object.

type NetworkContextProfile ¶

type NetworkContextProfile struct {
	// The organization that this object belongs to. This property is required during creation and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The context under which this object is created. The context can the id of the organization vDC, vDC Group, or network provider. This field is required on object creation and is unset on object reads. This same context ID can be used in the context filter field when querying for the list of objects.
	ContextEntityId string `json:"contextEntityId,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// The unique id of this network context profile in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the network context profile.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Description for the network context profile.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The scope of the network context profile.
	Scope *NetworkContextProfileScopeType `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	// Array of network context profile attributes.
	Attributes []NetworkContextProfileAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"`

Describes a networking context profile. Context profiles are groups of similar type of values where each value specifies some layer 7 App Id, or Domain Name.

type NetworkContextProfileApiService ¶

type NetworkContextProfileApiService service

func (*NetworkContextProfileApiService) DeleteNetworkContextProfile ¶

func (a *NetworkContextProfileApiService) DeleteNetworkContextProfile(ctx context.Context, profileId string) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkContextProfileApiService Deletes a specific network context profile, removing the associated firewall rule and permitting the traffic this profile restricts.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param profileId

func (*NetworkContextProfileApiService) GetNetworkContextProfile ¶

func (a *NetworkContextProfileApiService) GetNetworkContextProfile(ctx context.Context, profileId string) (NetworkContextProfile, *http.Response, error)

NetworkContextProfileApiService Get a specific network context profile. Retrieves a single network context profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param profileId

@return NetworkContextProfile

func (*NetworkContextProfileApiService) UpdateNetworkContextProfile ¶

func (a *NetworkContextProfileApiService) UpdateNetworkContextProfile(ctx context.Context, networkContextProfile NetworkContextProfile, profileId string) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkContextProfileApiService Updates a specific user-defined network context profile, changing the associated firewall and modifying the traffic this profile restricts.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkContextProfile
  • @param profileId

type NetworkContextProfileAttribute ¶

type NetworkContextProfileAttribute struct {
	// This describes the type of attribute value. <ul>   <li> APP_ID - Values represents layer 7 App Ids. For example: ACTIVDIR   <li> DOMAIN_NAME - Values represents Domain names (FQDN). For example: *.live.com </ul>
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Values for attribute.
	Values []string `json:"values"`
	// List of sub attributes for an attribute. These are specified with the attributes such as SSL or CIFS, which can have different cipher suites or TLS versions as values.
	SubAttributes []NetworkContextProfileSubAttribute `json:"subAttributes,omitempty"`

Describes an attribute of a networking context profile. An attribute is defined as a type and its associated values for some layer 7 App Id or Domain names.

type NetworkContextProfileAttributes ¶

type NetworkContextProfileAttributes struct {
	// Array of network context profile attributes.
	Attributes []NetworkContextProfileAttribute `json:"attributes"`

A wrapper object for an array of network context profile attributes.

type NetworkContextProfileAttributesApiGetNetworkContextProfileAttributesOpts ¶

type NetworkContextProfileAttributesApiGetNetworkContextProfileAttributesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NetworkContextProfileAttributesApiService ¶

type NetworkContextProfileAttributesApiService service

type NetworkContextProfileScopeType ¶

type NetworkContextProfileScopeType string

NetworkContextProfileScopeType : The scope of a network context profile. <ul> <li><code>SYSTEM</code> profiles are available to all tenants. They are default profiles from the backing networking provider. <li><code>PROVIDER</code> profiles are available to all tenants. They are defined by the provider at a system level. <li><code>TENANT</code> profiles are available only to the specific tenant organization. They are defined by the tenant or by a provider on behalf of a tenant. </ul>

const (
	SYSTEM_NetworkContextProfileScopeType   NetworkContextProfileScopeType = "SYSTEM"
	PROVIDER_NetworkContextProfileScopeType NetworkContextProfileScopeType = "PROVIDER"
	TENANT_NetworkContextProfileScopeType   NetworkContextProfileScopeType = "TENANT"

List of NetworkContextProfileScopeType

type NetworkContextProfileSubAttribute ¶

type NetworkContextProfileSubAttribute struct {
	// This describes the type of sub attribute's values.
	Type_ string `json:"type"`
	// Values for sub attribute.
	Values []string `json:"values"`

Describes a sub attribute of a networking context profile attribute.

type NetworkContextProfiles ¶

type NetworkContextProfiles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association           `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []NetworkContextProfile `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Network context profiles.

type NetworkContextProfilesApiGetNetworkContextProfilesOpts ¶

type NetworkContextProfilesApiGetNetworkContextProfilesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NetworkContextProfilesApiService ¶

type NetworkContextProfilesApiService service

func (*NetworkContextProfilesApiService) CreateNetworkContextProfile ¶

func (a *NetworkContextProfilesApiService) CreateNetworkContextProfile(ctx context.Context, networkContextProfile NetworkContextProfile) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkContextProfilesApiService Create a user-defined network context profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkContextProfile

func (*NetworkContextProfilesApiService) GetNetworkContextProfiles ¶

func (*NetworkContextProfilesApiService) SyncNetworkContextProfiles ¶

type NetworkContextProfilesApiSyncNetworkContextProfilesOpts ¶

type NetworkContextProfilesApiSyncNetworkContextProfilesOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type NetworkPool ¶

type NetworkPool struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The id of the Network Pool in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Network Pool. Names for Network Pools must be unique across the system.
	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The network pool backing type.
	PoolType *NetworkPoolBackingType `json:"poolType,omitempty"`
	// Whether promiscuous mode is enabled on the network pool. This is only applicable for VLAN network pools.
	PromiscuousMode bool `json:"promiscuousMode,omitempty"`
	// The number of backings available for use.
	TotalBackingsCount int32 `json:"totalBackingsCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of network pool backings in use.
	UsedBackingsCount int32 `json:"usedBackingsCount,omitempty"`
	// The Id of vCenter server or the NSX-T manager that manages backings for this network pool.
	ManagingOwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"managingOwnerRef,omitempty"`
	// The network pool backing information.
	Backing *NetworkPoolBacking `json:"backing,omitempty"`

A network pool is a group of undifferentiated networks that is available for use within an organization vDC to create certain type of vDC networks such as Organization vDC and Cross vDC networks.

type NetworkPoolApiService ¶

type NetworkPoolApiService service

func (*NetworkPoolApiService) DeleteNetworkPool ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolApiService) DeleteNetworkPool(ctx context.Context, networkPoolId string) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkPoolApiService Deletes a specific network pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkPoolId

func (*NetworkPoolApiService) GetNetworkPool ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolApiService) GetNetworkPool(ctx context.Context, networkPoolId string) (NetworkPool, *http.Response, error)

NetworkPoolApiService Retrieves a specific Network Pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkPoolId

@return NetworkPool

func (*NetworkPoolApiService) SyncNetworkPool ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolApiService) SyncNetworkPool(ctx context.Context, networkPoolId string) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkPoolApiService Synchronize the VXLAN network pool. Synchronize the VXLAN network pool. If the user changes a transport zone in NSX by adding or removing clusters, synchronizing the VXLAN network pool ensures that the defined scope of the network pool is reflected in the scope of its corresponding transport zone.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkPoolId

func (*NetworkPoolApiService) UpdateNetworkPool ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolApiService) UpdateNetworkPool(ctx context.Context, networkPool NetworkPool, networkPoolId string) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkPoolApiService Updates a specific network pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkPool
  • @param networkPoolId

type NetworkPoolBacking ¶

type NetworkPoolBacking struct {
	// The range of backing VLAN Id's. This information is available only for VLAN backed network pools.
	VlanIdRanges *VlanIdRanges `json:"vlanIdRanges,omitempty"`
	// The information about virtual distributed switches. This information is available only for VLAN, VXLAN and Universal VXLAN backed network pools.
	VdsRefs []BackingRef `json:"vdsRefs,omitempty"`
	// All the vSphere port groups that will be used by this network pool. This information is available only for Portgroup backed network pools.
	PortGroupRefs []BackingRef `json:"portGroupRefs,omitempty"`
	// The Id of the backing transport zone in NSX.
	TransportZoneRef *BackingRef `json:"transportZoneRef,omitempty"`
	// The Id of vCenter server or the NSX-T manager that owns this backing entity.
	ProviderRef *EntityReference `json:"providerRef,omitempty"`

Describes the backing information for a network pool. A network pool is backed by vSphere network resources such as VLAN Ids, portgroups, Transport Zones, etc.

type NetworkPoolBackingType ¶

type NetworkPoolBackingType string

NetworkPoolBackingType : Represents the network pool's backing type.

const (
	VLAN_NetworkPoolBackingType             NetworkPoolBackingType = "VLAN"
	VXLAN_NetworkPoolBackingType            NetworkPoolBackingType = "VXLAN"
	GENEVE_NetworkPoolBackingType           NetworkPoolBackingType = "GENEVE"
	PORTGROUP_BACKED_NetworkPoolBackingType NetworkPoolBackingType = "PORTGROUP_BACKED"
	UNIVERSAL_VXLAN_NetworkPoolBackingType  NetworkPoolBackingType = "UNIVERSAL_VXLAN"
	UNKNOWN_NetworkPoolBackingType          NetworkPoolBackingType = "UNKNOWN"

List of NetworkPoolBackingType

type NetworkPoolSummary ¶

type NetworkPoolSummary struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// The id of the Network Pool in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Network Pool. Names for Network Pools must be unique across the system.
	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The network pool backing type.
	PoolType *NetworkPoolBackingType `json:"poolType,omitempty"`
	// Whether promiscuous mode is enabled on the network pool. This is only applicable for VLAN network pools.
	PromiscuousMode bool `json:"promiscuousMode,omitempty"`
	// The number of backings available for use.
	TotalBackingsCount int32 `json:"totalBackingsCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of network pool backings in use.
	UsedBackingsCount int32 `json:"usedBackingsCount,omitempty"`
	// The Id of vCenter server or the NSX-T manager that manages backings for this network pool.
	ManagingOwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"managingOwnerRef,omitempty"`

Common fields that NetworkPoolSummary and NetworkPool have.

type NetworkPoolsApiGetNetworkPoolsSummaryOpts ¶

type NetworkPoolsApiGetNetworkPoolsSummaryOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NetworkPoolsApiService ¶

type NetworkPoolsApiService service

func (*NetworkPoolsApiService) CreateNetworkPool ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolsApiService) CreateNetworkPool(ctx context.Context, networkPool NetworkPool) (*http.Response, error)

NetworkPoolsApiService Create a new network pool. Create a network pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param networkPool

func (*NetworkPoolsApiService) GetNetworkPoolsSummary ¶

func (a *NetworkPoolsApiService) GetNetworkPoolsSummary(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *NetworkPoolsApiGetNetworkPoolsSummaryOpts) (NetworkPoolsSummary, *http.Response, error)

type NetworkPoolsSummary ¶

type NetworkPoolsSummary struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association        `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []NetworkPoolSummary `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Network Pool Summary Objects.

type NetworkProviderContext ¶

type NetworkProviderContext struct {
	// The organization that this object belongs to. This property is required during creation and cannot be updated.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The context under which this object is created. The context can the id of the organization vDC, vDC Group, or network provider. This field is required on object creation and is unset on object reads. This same context ID can be used in the context filter field when querying for the list of objects.
	ContextEntityId string `json:"contextEntityId,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope that this object belongs to. This is a read-only property and is determined by the input context entity ID during object creation.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`

Describes the network provider context of the network object.

type NetworkingCandidateVdc ¶

type NetworkingCandidateVdc struct {
	// The id of the candidate vDC.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the candidate vDC.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The reference to the organization this vDC is in.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The site ID that this vDC belongs to.
	SiteRef *EntityReference `json:"siteRef,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope of the vDC.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// Represents the fault domain of a given organization vDC. For NSX_V backed organization vDCs, this is the network provider scope. For NSX_T backed organization vDCs, this can vary (for example name of the provider vDC or compute provider scope).
	FaultDomainTag string `json:"faultDomainTag,omitempty"`

A candidate vDC that can be added to a vDC Group.

type NetworkingCandidateVdcs ¶

type NetworkingCandidateVdcs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association            `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []NetworkingCandidateVdc `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of candidate vDCs that can be added to a single vDC Group in the networking context.

type NetworkingObjectStatus ¶

type NetworkingObjectStatus struct {
	// Represents current status of the networking object.
	Status *NetworkingObjectStatusType `json:"status,omitempty"`

Represents status of a networking entity.

type NetworkingObjectStatusType ¶

type NetworkingObjectStatusType string

NetworkingObjectStatusType : Represents status type of a networking entity. <ul> <li> PENDING - Desired entity configuration has been received by system and is pending realization. <li> CONFIGURING - The system is in process of realizing the entity. <li> REALIZED - The entity is successfully realized in the system. <li> REALIZATION_FAILED - There are some issues and the system is not able to realize the entity. <li> UNKNOWN - Current state of entity is unknown. </ul>

const (
	PENDING_NetworkingObjectStatusType            NetworkingObjectStatusType = "PENDING"
	CONFIGURING_NetworkingObjectStatusType        NetworkingObjectStatusType = "CONFIGURING"
	REALIZED_NetworkingObjectStatusType           NetworkingObjectStatusType = "REALIZED"
	REALIZATION_FAILED_NetworkingObjectStatusType NetworkingObjectStatusType = "REALIZATION_FAILED"
	UNKNOWN_NetworkingObjectStatusType            NetworkingObjectStatusType = "UNKNOWN"

List of NetworkingObjectStatusType

type NsxAlbCloud ¶

type NsxAlbCloud struct {
	// The unique id of the cloud.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of the Cloud used in NSX-ALB Controller's logs or GUI.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// True if the Cloud is already imported. Cloud cannot be imported again.
	AlreadyImported bool `json:"alreadyImported,omitempty"`
	// The Network Pool associated with this Cloud. If unset, this Cloud cannot be imported.
	NetworkPoolRef *EntityReference `json:"networkPoolRef,omitempty"`
	// Name of the transport zone in NSX-T associated with the NSX-ALB Cloud. If unset, the tranport zone associated with the Load Balancer Cloud is not found in NSX-T.
	TransportZoneName string `json:"transportZoneName,omitempty"`

An NSX-ALB Controller's Cloud.

type NsxAlbClouds ¶

type NsxAlbClouds struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []NsxAlbCloud `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of NSX-ALB Controller's Clouds.

type NsxAlbResourcesApiGetImportableCloudsOpts ¶

type NsxAlbResourcesApiGetImportableCloudsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NsxAlbResourcesApiGetImportableServiceEngineGroupsOpts ¶

type NsxAlbResourcesApiGetImportableServiceEngineGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NsxAlbResourcesApiService ¶

type NsxAlbResourcesApiService service

func (*NsxAlbResourcesApiService) GetImportableClouds ¶

func (a *NsxAlbResourcesApiService) GetImportableClouds(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *NsxAlbResourcesApiGetImportableCloudsOpts) (NsxAlbClouds, *http.Response, error)

func (*NsxAlbResourcesApiService) GetImportableServiceEngineGroups ¶

type NsxAlbServiceEngineGroup ¶

type NsxAlbServiceEngineGroup struct {
	// The unique id of the service engine group.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of the service engine group used in NSX-ALB Controller's logs or GUI.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// The service engine group's High Availability Mode. ELASTIC_N_PLUS_M_BUFFER - Service Engines will scale out to N active nodes with M nodes as buffer. ELASTIC_ACTIVE_ACTIVE - Active-Active with scale out. LEGACY_ACTIVE_STANDBY - Traditional single Active-Standby configuration
	HaMode string `json:"haMode,omitempty"`

An NSX-ALB Cloud's Service Engine Group

type NsxAlbServiceEngineGroups ¶

type NsxAlbServiceEngineGroups struct {
	Values []NsxAlbServiceEngineGroup `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of NSX-ALB Cloud's Service Engine Groups

type NsxTEdgeCluster ¶

type NsxTEdgeCluster struct {
	// The unique id of the edge cluster on the NSX-T manager.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of edge cluster.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Description of the edge cluster.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Number of edge transport nodes in the edge cluster.
	NodeCount int32 `json:"nodeCount,omitempty"`
	// Type of transport nodes in the edge cluster. All the nodes in the edge cluster are of same type.
	NodeType *NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType `json:"nodeType,omitempty"`
	// Deployment type for transport nodes in the edge cluster. The nodes in the edge cluster may have different deployment types.
	DeploymentType *NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType `json:"deploymentType,omitempty"`

Information about a configured edge cluster on an NSX-T manager. An Edge cluster is a group of edge transport nodes.

type NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType ¶

type NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType string

NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType : Represents the deployment type for an edge cluster. This is derived from the deplyment type of the nodes in an edge cluster. If all the edge nodes are of same type then that type is returned, otherwise if the cluster contains nodes with different deployment types then HYBRID is returned.

const (
	VIRTUAL_MACHINE_NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType  NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType = "VIRTUAL_MACHINE"
	PHYSICAL_MACHINE_NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType = "PHYSICAL_MACHINE"
	HYBRID_NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType           NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType = "HYBRID"
	UNKNOWN_NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType          NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType = "UNKNOWN"

List of NsxTEdgeClusterDeploymentType

type NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType ¶

type NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType string

NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType : Represents the type of transport nodes in an edge cluster. All of the transport nodes in an edge cluster must belong to the same type.

const (
	EDGE_NODE_NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType                 NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType = "EDGE_NODE"
	UNKNOWN_NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType                   NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType = "UNKNOWN"

List of NsxTEdgeClusterNodeType

type NsxTEdgeClusters ¶

type NsxTEdgeClusters struct {
	Values []NsxTEdgeCluster `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of edge clusters configured on an NSX-T manager.

type NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTier0RoutersOpts ¶

type NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTier0RoutersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTransportZonesOpts ¶

type NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTransportZonesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NsxTResourcesApiGetNsxTEdgeClustersOpts ¶

type NsxTResourcesApiGetNsxTEdgeClustersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	Cursor   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type NsxTResourcesApiService ¶

type NsxTResourcesApiService service

func (*NsxTResourcesApiService) GetImportableTier0Routers ¶

func (a *NsxTResourcesApiService) GetImportableTier0Routers(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTier0RoutersOpts) (Tier0Routers, *http.Response, error)

func (*NsxTResourcesApiService) GetImportableTransportZones ¶

func (a *NsxTResourcesApiService) GetImportableTransportZones(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *NsxTResourcesApiGetImportableTransportZonesOpts) (NsxTTransportZones, *http.Response, error)

func (*NsxTResourcesApiService) GetNsxTEdgeClusters ¶

func (a *NsxTResourcesApiService) GetNsxTEdgeClusters(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *NsxTResourcesApiGetNsxTEdgeClustersOpts) (NsxTEdgeClusters, *http.Response, error)

type NsxTTransportZone ¶

type NsxTTransportZone struct {
	// The unique id of the transport zone on the NSX-T manager.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of Transport Zone in NSX-T Manager.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Type of a transport zone.
	Type_ *NsxTTransportZoneType `json:"type,omitempty"`

Information about a configured transport zone on an NSX-T manager. NSX uses transport zones to provide connectivity between hypervisors.

type NsxTTransportZoneType ¶

type NsxTTransportZoneType string

NsxTTransportZoneType : Represents an NSX-T transport zone's traffic type.

const (
	GENEVE_NsxTTransportZoneType NsxTTransportZoneType = "GENEVE"

List of NsxTTransportZoneType

type NsxTTransportZones ¶

type NsxTTransportZones struct {
	Values []NsxTTransportZone `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of transport zones configured on an NSX-T manager.

type NsxVManager ¶

type NsxVManager struct {
	// User name to connect to the NSX-V server.
	Username string `json:"username"`
	// Cleartext password to connect to the NSX-V server.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	// URL of the server.
	Url string `json:"url"`
	// Version of the NSX-V Manager
	SoftwareVersion string `json:"softwareVersion,omitempty"`

An object representing an NSX-V server.

type NsxVManagerSettings ¶

type NsxVManagerSettings struct {
	// URN of the associated vCenter server.
	VcId string `json:"vcId"`
	// Public label of this NSX server visible to all tenants.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope"`
	// Path to the resource pool to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
	ControlVmResourcePoolVcPath string `json:"controlVmResourcePoolVcPath"`
	// Name of the Datastore to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
	ControlVmDatastoreName string `json:"controlVmDatastoreName"`
	// Name of the management interface to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
	ControlVmManagementInterfaceName string `json:"controlVmManagementInterfaceName"`

An object representing networking configuration of a vCenter server.

type NsxVResourcesApiGetImportableTransportZonesOpts ¶

type NsxVResourcesApiGetImportableTransportZonesOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type NsxVResourcesApiService ¶

type NsxVResourcesApiService service

func (*NsxVResourcesApiService) GetImportableTransportZones ¶

type NsxVTransportZone ¶

type NsxVTransportZone struct {
	// The unique id of the transport zone on the NSX manager.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of Transport Zone in NSX Manager.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Type of a transport zone.
	Type_ *NsxVTransportZoneType `json:"type,omitempty"`

Information about a configured transport zone on an NSX-V manager. NSX uses transport zones to provide connectivity between hypervisors.

type NsxVTransportZoneType ¶

type NsxVTransportZoneType string

NsxVTransportZoneType : Represents an NSX-V transport zone's traffic type.

const (
	VXLAN_NsxVTransportZoneType           NsxVTransportZoneType = "VXLAN"
	UNIVERSAL_VXLAN_NsxVTransportZoneType NsxVTransportZoneType = "UNIVERSAL_VXLAN"

List of NsxVTransportZoneType

type NsxVTransportZones ¶

type NsxVTransportZones struct {
	Values []NsxVTransportZone `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of transport zones configured on an NSX-V manager.

type NsxtDnsForwarderZoneConfig ¶

type NsxtDnsForwarderZoneConfig struct {
	// The unique id of the DNS forwarder zone. If value is unset, a new zone is created. If value is set, an update is done on the zone.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// User friendly name for the zone.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// List of domain names on which conditional forwarding is based. This field is required if the DNS Zone is being used for a conditional forwarder. This field will also be used for conditional reverse lookup. This field should not be set if the zone is used as default forwarder zone.
	DnsDomainNames []string `json:"dnsDomainNames,omitempty"`
	// DNS servers to which the DNS request needs to be forwarded.
	UpstreamServers []string `json:"upstreamServers,omitempty"`

Specifies the list of domains and the DNS servers that handle those domains.

type NumberFormat ¶

type NumberFormat struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`
	Value          string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type NumberParam ¶

type NumberParam struct {
	InputType string  `json:"inputType"`
	Value     float32 `json:"value,omitempty"`

type NumberRange ¶

type NumberRange struct {
	ConstraintType string  `json:"constraintType"`
	Min            float32 `json:"min,omitempty"`
	Max            float32 `json:"max,omitempty"`

type ObjectVersion ¶

type ObjectVersion struct {
	// version number for the given entity.
	Version int32 `json:"version"`

This property describes the current version of the entity. To prevent clients from overwriting each other's changes, update operations must include the version which can be obtained by issuing a GET operation. If the version number on an update call is missing, the operation will be rejected. This is only needed on update calls.

type Org ¶

type Org struct {
	// A unique identifier for the organization.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name of the organization.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Full display name of the organization.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName"`
	// Description of the organization.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Whether the organization is enabled or not.
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The number of VDCs in the org.
	OrgVdcCount int32 `json:"orgVdcCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of catalogs in the org.
	CatalogCount int32 `json:"catalogCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of vApps in the org.
	VappCount int32 `json:"vappCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of running VMs in the org.
	RunningVMCount int32 `json:"runningVMCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of users in the org.
	UserCount int32 `json:"userCount,omitempty"`
	// Whether the organization can publish catalogs externally.
	CanPublish bool `json:"canPublish,omitempty"`

An Organization.

type OrgApiDeleteOrgOpts ¶

type OrgApiDeleteOrgOpts struct {
	Force     optional.Bool
	Recursive optional.Bool

type OrgApiQueryOrgsOpts ¶

type OrgApiQueryOrgsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgApiService ¶

type OrgApiService service

func (*OrgApiService) CreateOrg ¶

func (a *OrgApiService) CreateOrg(ctx context.Context, newOrg Org) (Org, *http.Response, error)

OrgApiService Create a new organization

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newOrg

@return Org

func (*OrgApiService) DeleteOrg ¶

func (a *OrgApiService) DeleteOrg(ctx context.Context, orgUrn string, localVarOptionals *OrgApiDeleteOrgOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*OrgApiService) GetOrg ¶

func (a *OrgApiService) GetOrg(ctx context.Context, orgUrn string) (Org, *http.Response, error)

OrgApiService Get specified organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgUrn orgUrn

@return Org

func (*OrgApiService) QueryOrgs ¶

func (a *OrgApiService) QueryOrgs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *OrgApiQueryOrgsOpts) (Orgs, *http.Response, error)

func (*OrgApiService) UpdateOrg ¶

func (a *OrgApiService) UpdateOrg(ctx context.Context, modifiedOrg Org, orgUrn string) (Org, *http.Response, error)

OrgApiService Updates an organization. Updates an organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param modifiedOrg
  • @param orgUrn orgUrn

@return Org

type OrgVdc ¶

type OrgVdc struct {
	// A unique identifier for the vdc.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the vdc.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the vdc.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The allocation type of the vdc, one of:   ALLOCATION_VAPP,   ALLOCATION_POOL,   RESERVATION_POOL,   FLEX
	AllocationType string `json:"allocationType,omitempty"`
	// The reference to the organization that the VDC belongs to
	Org *EntityReference `json:"org,omitempty"`

An object representing an Organization Virtual Datacenter in VCD.

type OrgVdcNetworkAdditionalProperties ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkAdditionalProperties struct {
	// Overlay Id of the virtual wire backing this network.
	OverlayId int32 `json:"overlayId,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not this network is eligible as an uplink to a vApp network
	VAppUplinkEligible bool `json:"vAppUplinkEligible,omitempty"`

Addition information about an Org VDC Network

type OrgVdcNetworkApiDeleteNetworkOpts ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkApiDeleteNetworkOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type OrgVdcNetworkApiGetAllocatedIpAddressesOpts ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkApiGetAllocatedIpAddressesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgVdcNetworkApiGetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddressesOpts ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkApiGetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddressesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgVdcNetworkApiService ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkApiService service

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) DeleteNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) DeleteNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcNetworkApiDeleteNetworkOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetAllocatedIpAddresses ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetAllocatedIpAddresses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, vdcNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcNetworkApiGetAllocatedIpAddressesOpts) (AllocatedIpAddresses, *http.Response, error)

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetOrgVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetOrgVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string, orgID string) (VdcNetwork, *http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkApiService Retrieves a specific Org vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

@return VdcNetwork

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddresses ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) GetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddresses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, vdcNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcNetworkApiGetSecondaryAllocatedIpAddressesOpts) (AllocatedIpAddresses, *http.Response, error)

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) ResetNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) ResetNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkApiService Reset a specific isolated Org vDC network. Reset a specific isolated Org vDC network. Reset involves redeploying the internal edge gateway of the isolated Org vDC Network if present. An error is returned if the network is not isolated.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) SyncOrgVdcNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) SyncOrgVdcNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkApiService Sync/repair a specific Org vDC network. Sync/repair the vDC Group Cross vDC network. An example usage is to realize a network in the participating vDC which was unreachable when the network was created. This operation is only allowed for VIRTUAL_WIRE backed cross vDC networks.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) SyncSyslogSettingsOfNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) SyncSyslogSettingsOfNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkApiService Synchronize syslog server settings for a Org vDC network. When the IP addresses of the primary or secondary syslog server are updated, this api can synchronize syslog server settings of an Isolated Org VDC Network against the vCD Syslog Settings. An error is returned if network is a direct network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkApiService) UpdateNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkApiService) UpdateNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetwork VdcNetwork, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkApiService Updates a specific Org vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetwork
  • @param vdcNetworkId

type OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiGetDhcpBindingsOpts ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiGetDhcpBindingsOpts struct {
	Cursor optional.String

type OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService service

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) CreateDhcpBinding ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) CreateDhcpBinding(ctx context.Context, dhcpBinding DhcpBinding, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Creates a DHCP binding on an Org vDC Network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dhcpBinding
  • @param vdcNetworkId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) DeleteDhcpBinding ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) DeleteDhcpBinding(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string, bindingId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Delete a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId
  • @param bindingId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) DeleteNetworkDhcpConfig ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) DeleteNetworkDhcpConfig(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Removes Dhcp configuration on a specific Org vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetDhcpBinding ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetDhcpBinding(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string, bindingId string) (DhcpBinding, *http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Retrieve a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId
  • @param bindingId

@return DhcpBinding

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetDhcpBindings ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetDhcpBindings(ctx context.Context, pageSize int32, vdcNetworkId string, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiGetDhcpBindingsOpts) (DhcpBindings, *http.Response, error)

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetNetworkDhcpConfig ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) GetNetworkDhcpConfig(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkId string) (VdcNetworkDhcpConfig, *http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Retrieves Dhcp configuration of a specific Org vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkId

@return VdcNetworkDhcpConfig

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpBinding ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpBinding(ctx context.Context, dhcpBinding DhcpBinding, vdcNetworkId string, bindingId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Update a specific DHCP binding of the Org vDC Network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dhcpBinding
  • @param vdcNetworkId
  • @param bindingId

func (*OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) UpdateNetworkDhcpConfig ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService) UpdateNetworkDhcpConfig(ctx context.Context, dhcpConfig VdcNetworkDhcpConfig, vdcNetworkId string) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworkDhcpApiService Updates Dhcp configuration of a specific Org vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dhcpConfig
  • @param vdcNetworkId

type OrgVdcNetworkStatus ¶

type OrgVdcNetworkStatus string

OrgVdcNetworkStatus : Represents status of a Org Vdc network. This value will be PENDING if the network has been recorded by VCD but has not been fully configured, CONFIGURING if the network is in transition, REALIZED if the existing state of the network has been fully realized, or REALIZED_FAILED if there was an error creating the network.

const (
	PENDING_OrgVdcNetworkStatus            OrgVdcNetworkStatus = "PENDING"
	CONFIGURING_OrgVdcNetworkStatus        OrgVdcNetworkStatus = "CONFIGURING"
	REALIZED_OrgVdcNetworkStatus           OrgVdcNetworkStatus = "REALIZED"

List of OrgVdcNetworkStatus

type OrgVdcNetworksApiGetAllVdcNetworksOpts ¶

type OrgVdcNetworksApiGetAllVdcNetworksOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgVdcNetworksApiService ¶

type OrgVdcNetworksApiService service

func (*OrgVdcNetworksApiService) CreateNetwork ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworksApiService) CreateNetwork(ctx context.Context, vdcNetwork VdcNetwork) (*http.Response, error)

OrgVdcNetworksApiService Create an organization vDC network.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetwork

func (*OrgVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllVdcNetworks ¶

func (a *OrgVdcNetworksApiService) GetAllVdcNetworks(ctx context.Context, orgID string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcNetworksApiGetAllVdcNetworksOpts) (VdcNetworks, *http.Response, error)

type OrgVdcStoragePolicies ¶

type OrgVdcStoragePolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of OrgVDC storage policies.
	Values []OrgVdcStoragePolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of organization VDC storage policies.

type OrgVdcStoragePolicy ¶

type OrgVdcStoragePolicy struct {
	// Unique VCD Id for the policy.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Unique name for the policy.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Enabled state of the policy, defaults to true.
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// Storage policy is marked as default, defaults to false.
	IsDefaultStoragePolicy bool `json:"isDefaultStoragePolicy,omitempty"`
	// Storage limit for the policy.
	StorageLimitMb int64 `json:"storageLimitMb,omitempty"`
	// The Org VDC that this policy belongs to.
	OrgVdcRef *EntityReference `json:"orgVdcRef,omitempty"`
	// The parent PVDC storage policy for this Organization VDC storage policy.
	PvdcStoragePolicyRef *EntityReference `json:"pvdcStoragePolicyRef,omitempty"`

An organization VDC storage policy.

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiGetOrgVdcStoragePoliciesOpts ¶

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiGetOrgVdcStoragePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiGetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts ¶

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiGetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService ¶

type OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService service

func (*OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicies ¶

func (*OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicy ¶

func (a *OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicy(ctx context.Context, orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn string) (OrgVdcStoragePolicy, *http.Response, error)

OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService Get specified Org VDC storage policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn

@return OrgVdcStoragePolicy

func (*OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes ¶

func (a *OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, orgVdcStoragePolicyUrn string, localVarOptionals *OrgVdcStoragePolicyApiGetOrgVdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts) (StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

type OrgVdcs ¶

type OrgVdcs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []OrgVdc      `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of vDCs.

type Orgs ¶

type Orgs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of organizations.
	Values []Org `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Organizations.

type OverallStatus ¶

type OverallStatus string

OverallStatus : Overall status of the entity

const (
	GRAY_OverallStatus   OverallStatus = "GRAY"
	RED_OverallStatus    OverallStatus = "RED"
	YELLOW_OverallStatus OverallStatus = "YELLOW"
	GREEN_OverallStatus  OverallStatus = "GREEN"

List of OverallStatus

type Page ¶

type Page struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`

Collection of paging-related metadata to be included by composition via allOf. This type should be included in pageable responses to avoid duplicating these common properties. It is intended to be included by composition rather than inheritance. Because of this, it has no discriminator and should be embedded via allOf. See QueryResults for a reference usage.

type Parameter ¶

type Parameter struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`

type ParameterTypes ¶

type ParameterTypes struct {
	SdkObject       *SdkObject       `json:"sdkObject,omitempty"`
	String_         *StringParam     `json:"string,omitempty"`
	SecureString    *SecureString    `json:"secureString,omitempty"`
	Number          *NumberParam     `json:"number,omitempty"`
	MimeAttachment  *MimeAttachment  `json:"mimeAttachment,omitempty"`
	Properties      *Properties      `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	Date            *DateParam       `json:"date,omitempty"`
	Boolean         *BooleanParam    `json:"boolean,omitempty"`
	Composite       *CompositeType   `json:"composite,omitempty"`
	Regex           *Regex           `json:"regex,omitempty"`
	EncryptedString *EncryptedString `json:"encryptedString,omitempty"`
	KeyValuePair    *KeyValuePair    `json:"keyValuePair,omitempty"`
	CompositeValue  *CompositeValue  `json:"compositeValue,omitempty"`
	Array           *ArrayParam      `json:"array,omitempty"`

type ParticipatingVdcReference ¶

type ParticipatingVdcReference struct {
	// The reference to the vDC that is part of this a vDC group.
	VdcRef *EntityReference `json:"vdcRef"`
	// Read-only field that specifies what organization this vDC is in.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The site ID that this vDC belongs to. Required for universal vDC groups.
	SiteRef *EntityReference `json:"siteRef,omitempty"`
	// Read-only field that specifies the network provider scope of the vDC.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope,omitempty"`
	// Represents the fault domain of a given organization vDC. For NSX_V backed organization vDCs, this is the network provider scope. For NSX_T backed organization vDCs, this can vary (for example name of the provider vDC or compute provider scope).
	FaultDomainTag string `json:"faultDomainTag,omitempty"`
	// Read-only field that specifies whether the vDC is local to this VCD site.
	RemoteOrg bool `json:"remoteOrg,omitempty"`
	// The status that the vDC can be in. An example is if the vDC has been deleted from the system but is still part of the group.
	Status *VdcGroupEntityStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

A participating vDC

type PortGroup ¶

type PortGroup struct {
	// Contains the backing id and name of the standard portgroup.
	BackingRef *BackingRef `json:"backingRef,omitempty"`
	// The entity reference for the vCenter that contains this portgroup.
	VirtualCenter *EntityReference `json:"virtualCenter,omitempty"`

Standard portgroup.

type PortGroups ¶

type PortGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []PortGroup   `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of standard portgroups.

type Preference ¶

type Preference struct {
	// unique indetifier for this preference definition. It will be of type <scope>:<name>. e.g vrops:myworkflow. This is immutable
	Classifier string `json:"classifier"`
	// Display name. This is same as preference definition name and is immutable.
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

type PreferenceDefinition ¶

type PreferenceDefinition struct {
	// UUID for preference definition. This is immutable.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Description for user preference
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// unique indetifier for this preference definition. It should be of type <scope>:<name>. e.g vrops:myworkflow. This is immutable.
	Classifier string `json:"classifier"`
	// user preference value data type. This is immutable.
	DataType string `json:"dataType"`
	// true if user preference is selected from list of values (dataType should be number or string), false otherwise. This is immutable.
	Constrained bool `json:"constrained"`
	// minimum value for user preference. Only valid if user preference type is number. This is immutable.
	MinValue float32 `json:"minValue,omitempty"`
	// maximum value for user preference. Only valid if user preference type is number. This is immutable.
	MaxValue     float32 `json:"maxValue,omitempty"`
	DefaultValue string  `json:"defaultValue"`
	// array of allowed values to select from when constrained is true.. This is immutable after creation.
	AllowedValues []string `json:"allowedValues,omitempty"`

The Preference Definition is immutable.

type PreferenceDefinitions ¶

type PreferenceDefinitions struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page for preference definitions.
	Values []PreferenceDefinition `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of preference definitions

type Preferences ¶

type Preferences struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The list of user preferences.
	Values []Preference `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of user preferences

type PreferencesApiQueryPreferenceDefinitionsOpts ¶

type PreferencesApiQueryPreferenceDefinitionsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PreferencesApiQueryPreferencesOpts ¶

type PreferencesApiQueryPreferencesOpts struct {
	Filter optional.String

type PreferencesApiService ¶

type PreferencesApiService service

func (*PreferencesApiService) GetPreference ¶

func (a *PreferencesApiService) GetPreference(ctx context.Context, classifier string) (Preference, *http.Response, error)

PreferencesApiService Get specified user preference.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param classifier

@return Preference

func (*PreferencesApiService) GetPreferenceDefinition ¶

func (a *PreferencesApiService) GetPreferenceDefinition(ctx context.Context, preferenceDefinitionId string) (PreferenceDefinition, *http.Response, error)

PreferencesApiService Get specified preference definition.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param preferenceDefinitionId

@return PreferenceDefinition

func (*PreferencesApiService) QueryPreferenceDefinitions ¶

func (a *PreferencesApiService) QueryPreferenceDefinitions(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *PreferencesApiQueryPreferenceDefinitionsOpts) (PreferenceDefinitions, *http.Response, error)

func (*PreferencesApiService) QueryPreferences ¶

func (a *PreferencesApiService) QueryPreferences(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals *PreferencesApiQueryPreferencesOpts) (Preferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*PreferencesApiService) UpdatePreference ¶

func (a *PreferencesApiService) UpdatePreference(ctx context.Context, updatePreferenceParams Preference, classifier string) (Preference, *http.Response, error)

PreferencesApiService Update specified user preference

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatePreferenceParams
  • @param classifier

@return Preference

type Presentation ¶

type Presentation struct {
	Description      string        `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Id               string        `json:"id,omitempty"`
	VroId            string        `json:"vroId,omitempty"`
	InputParameters  []WsParameter `json:"inputParameters,omitempty"`
	Name             string        `json:"name,omitempty"`
	OutputParameters []WsParameter `json:"outputParameters,omitempty"`
	Steps            []StepInfo    `json:"steps,omitempty"`

type PresentationElement ¶

type PresentationElement struct {
	ElementType string                    `json:"elementType"`
	Description string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DisplayName string                    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Hidden      bool                      `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
	Id          string                    `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Messages    []PresentationMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`

type PresentationExecution ¶

type PresentationExecution struct {
	Description string        `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Id          string        `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        string        `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ObjectId    string        `json:"objectId,omitempty"`
	Parameters  []WsParameter `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
	StartDate   time.Time     `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
	StartedBy   string        `json:"startedBy,omitempty"`
	Steps       []StepInfo    `json:"steps,omitempty"`
	Valid       bool          `json:"valid,omitempty"`

type PresentationExecutionsList ¶

type PresentationExecutionsList struct {
	Total      int32              `json:"total,omitempty"`
	Executions []ExecutionSummary `json:"executions,omitempty"`
	Start      int32              `json:"start,omitempty"`

type PresentationMessageInfo ¶

type PresentationMessageInfo struct {
	Code     string `json:"code,omitempty"`
	Details  string `json:"details,omitempty"`
	Severity string `json:"severity,omitempty"`
	Summary  string `json:"summary,omitempty"`

type PrimaryField ¶

type PrimaryField struct {
	ElementType       string                    `json:"elementType"`
	Description       string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DisplayName       string                    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Hidden            bool                      `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
	Id                string                    `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Messages          []PresentationMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`
	Decorators        []Decorator               `json:"decorators,omitempty"`
	Constraints       []Constraint              `json:"constraints,omitempty"`
	Type_             string                    `json:"type,omitempty"`
	AffectedFieldsIds []string                  `json:"affectedFieldsIds,omitempty"`
	Fields            []Field                   `json:"fields,omitempty"`
	Value             *Parameter                `json:"value,omitempty"`

type ProbeResult ¶

type ProbeResult struct {
	// Localized message describing the connection result stating success or an error message with a brief summary.
	Result string `json:"result,omitempty"`
	// The IP address the host was resolved to.
	ResolvedIp string `json:"resolvedIp,omitempty"`
	// If vCD can establish a connection on the specified port.
	CanConnect bool `json:"canConnect,omitempty"`
	// If an SSL Handshake succeeded (secure requests only).
	SslHandshake bool `json:"sslHandshake,omitempty"`
	// The SSL certificate chain presented by the server if a secure connection was made.
	CertificateChain string `json:"certificateChain,omitempty"`
	// URLs supplied by Certificate Authorities to retrieve signing certificates, when those certificates are not included in the chain. These URLs are the locations for the 'caIssuers' access method in the 'Authority Info Access' extension (as described in <a href=\"https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5280#section-\">RFC 5280 Section</a>) of the certificates and gives the caller an indication where additional CA certificates may be retrieved from, to complete the chain to the trust anchor.
	AdditionalCAIssuers []string `json:"additionalCAIssuers,omitempty"`

Results of a connection test to a specific endpoint.

type Properties ¶

type Properties struct {
	InputType string         `json:"inputType"`
	Property  []KeyValuePair `json:"property,omitempty"`

type ProviderVdc ¶

type ProviderVdc struct {
	// A unique identifier for the pvdc.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the pvdc.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the pvdc.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Whether the pvdc is enabled or not.
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The maximum hardware version this pvdc supports.
	MaxSupportedHwVersion string `json:"maxSupportedHwVersion,omitempty"`
	// The NSX-T manager of the pvdc, if any.
	NsxTManager *EntityReference `json:"nsxTManager,omitempty"`
	// The vCenter server the pvdc belongs to.
	VimServer *EntityReference `json:"vimServer,omitempty"`

A provider vdc.

type ProviderVdcApiGetAllProviderVDCsOpts ¶

type ProviderVdcApiGetAllProviderVDCsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ProviderVdcApiService ¶

type ProviderVdcApiService service

func (*ProviderVdcApiService) GetAllProviderVDCs ¶

func (a *ProviderVdcApiService) GetAllProviderVDCs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ProviderVdcApiGetAllProviderVDCsOpts) (ProviderVdcs, *http.Response, error)

func (*ProviderVdcApiService) GetChildResourcePools ¶

func (a *ProviderVdcApiService) GetChildResourcePools(ctx context.Context, pvdcUrn string, moref string, page int32, pageSize int32) (ResourcePools, *http.Response, error)

ProviderVdcApiService Browse valid root resource pools hierarchy to back a Provider VDC. Get list of child resource pools of the specified parent. If a resource pool is ineligible, but is in the response, this means it has children, which are eligible. A resource pool will be ineligible, unless the cluster has an ESXi host on it. The list will be sorted by name, case insensitive.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcUrn
  • @param moref
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return ResourcePools

func (*ProviderVdcApiService) GetRootResourcePools ¶

func (a *ProviderVdcApiService) GetRootResourcePools(ctx context.Context, pvdcUrn string, page int32, pageSize int32) (ResourcePools, *http.Response, error)

ProviderVdcApiService Browse valid root resource pools hierarchy to back a Provider VDC. Get a list of all root resource pools. If a resource pool is ineligible, but is in the response, this means it has children, which are eligible. A resource pool will be ineligible, unless the cluster has an ESXi host on it. The list will be sorted by name, case insensitive.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcUrn
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return ResourcePools

type ProviderVdcs ¶

type ProviderVdcs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ProviderVdc `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Provider VDCs.

type Proxies ¶

type Proxies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Proxy       `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of proxies

type Proxy ¶

type Proxy struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The EntityReference of the parent entity (e.g. vCenter Server, SDDC) . This is not editable once the proxy has been created.
	Parent    *EntityReference `json:"parent"`
	ProxyType string           `json:"proxyType"`
	// True if the proxy is enabled. Proxy can only be enabled/disabled by privileged users. A disabled proxy cannot be activated and thus, cannot be used. When a proxy is disabled, all active sessions are terminated.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether this proxy has been published to tenants.
	TenantVisible bool `json:"tenantVisible,omitempty"`
	// True if the proxy is currently active for the user session associated with the request made to get the proxy. An inactive proxy cannot be used.
	Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"`
	// The generated read-only token that should be used as the password when using this proxy. To generate a new token, activate the proxy. The token is tied to the user session that activated the proxy. If the proxy is inactive, this value will be null.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	// The EntityReference of the parent proxy. If a proxy has a parent, the proxy is activated along with its parent and shares the token with its parent. Each proxy may only have one parent. A parent proxy cannot have a parent of its own.
	ParentProxy *EntityReference `json:"parentProxy,omitempty"`
	// IP address or FQDN of the host being proxied. Lower case formatting will be applied to the value of the property. This is not editable once the proxy has been created.
	TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
	// The URL of the proxied component's UI endpoint. This is the URL that the browser tab  will be pointed to when the proxy is launched via the H5 UI of VCD.
	UiUrl string `json:"uiUrl,omitempty"`

proxy configuration. This configures the vCD proxying capability for one specific server within the vSphere/NSX/ESX estate known to vCD.

type ProxyApiDeleteProxyOpts ¶

type ProxyApiDeleteProxyOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type ProxyApiGetProxiesOpts ¶

type ProxyApiGetProxiesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ProxyApiService ¶

type ProxyApiService service

func (*ProxyApiService) CreateProxy ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) CreateProxy(ctx context.Context, proxy Proxy) (*http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Creates a proxy. Creates a proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxy The new proxy model.

func (*ProxyApiService) DeleteProxy ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) DeleteProxy(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals *ProxyApiDeleteProxyOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxies ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ProxyApiGetProxiesOpts) (Proxies, *http.Response, error)

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxiesPacFileForTenant ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxiesPacFileForTenant(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Gets the tenant-specific .pac file listing proxies accessible to the tenant. Gets the tenant-specific .pac file listing proxies accessible to the tenant.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id identifier for the pac file configured for your organization

@return string

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxy ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxy(ctx context.Context, id string) (Proxy, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Retrieves a specific proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Proxy ID URN

@return Proxy

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxyCRL ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxyCRL(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Retrieve a proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return string

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxyCertificate ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxyCertificate(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Retrieve a proxy SSL certificate chain in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Proxy ID URN

@return string

func (*ProxyApiService) GetProxyCertificateThumbprint ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) GetProxyCertificateThumbprint(ctx context.Context, id string) (ThumbprintAndAlgorithm, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Retrieve a Proxy SSL certificate thumbprint and algorithm used for calculation. Only SHA-256 is supported.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Proxy ID URN

@return ThumbprintAndAlgorithm

func (*ProxyApiService) UpdateProxy ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) UpdateProxy(ctx context.Context, updatedProxy Proxy, id string) (Proxy, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Update a specific proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedProxy The updated proxy model.
  • @param id Proxy ID URN

@return Proxy

func (*ProxyApiService) UpdateProxyCRL ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) UpdateProxyCRL(ctx context.Context, proxyCRL string, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Update a proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxyCRL
  • @param id

@return string

func (*ProxyApiService) UpdateProxyCertificate ¶

func (a *ProxyApiService) UpdateProxyCertificate(ctx context.Context, proxyTrustAnchor string, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

ProxyApiService Update a proxy certificate chain in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxyTrustAnchor The updated proxy certificate chain in PEM format.
  • @param id Proxy ID URN

@return string

type ProxyConfiguration ¶

type ProxyConfiguration struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Optional description.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	AuthType    string `json:"authType"`
	// username to connect to the proxy server.
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	// password to connect to the proxy server, when auth type is Basic.
	Password string `json:"password"`
	// authentication token to connect to the proxy server, when auth type is Bearer.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	// hostname of the proxy server.
	Host string `json:"host"`
	// port of the proxy server.
	Port int32 `json:"port"`

A Proxy Configuration. This configuration object declares a backend proxy that sits between vCD and the vSphere/NSX/ESX estate.

type ProxyConfigurationApiQueryProxyConfigurationsOpts ¶

type ProxyConfigurationApiQueryProxyConfigurationsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ProxyConfigurationApiService ¶

type ProxyConfigurationApiService service

func (*ProxyConfigurationApiService) CreateProxyConfiguration ¶

func (a *ProxyConfigurationApiService) CreateProxyConfiguration(ctx context.Context, proxyConfiguration ProxyConfiguration) (*http.Response, error)

ProxyConfigurationApiService Creates a proxy configuration. Creates a proxy configuration.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxyConfiguration The new proxy configuration API model.

func (*ProxyConfigurationApiService) DeleteProxyConfiguration ¶

func (a *ProxyConfigurationApiService) DeleteProxyConfiguration(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

ProxyConfigurationApiService Delete a specific proxy configuration.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Proxy Configuration ID URN

func (*ProxyConfigurationApiService) GetProxyConfiguration ¶

ProxyConfigurationApiService Retrieves a specific proxy configuration.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Proxy Configuration ID URN

@return ProxyConfiguration

func (*ProxyConfigurationApiService) QueryProxyConfigurations ¶

func (a *ProxyConfigurationApiService) QueryProxyConfigurations(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ProxyConfigurationApiQueryProxyConfigurationsOpts) (ProxyConfigurations, *http.Response, error)

func (*ProxyConfigurationApiService) UpdateProxyConfiguration ¶

func (a *ProxyConfigurationApiService) UpdateProxyConfiguration(ctx context.Context, updatedProxyConfiguration ProxyConfiguration, id string) (ProxyConfiguration, *http.Response, error)

ProxyConfigurationApiService Update a specific proxy configuration.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedProxyConfiguration The updated proxy configuration API model.
  • @param id Proxy Configuration ID URN

@return ProxyConfiguration

type ProxyConfigurations ¶

type ProxyConfigurations struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association        `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ProxyConfiguration `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of proxy configurations

type ProxyConnection ¶

type ProxyConnection struct {
	// The host (or IP address) of the proxy.
	ProxyHost string `json:"proxyHost"`
	// The port to use when connecting to the proxy.
	ProxyPort int32 `json:"proxyPort"`
	// Username to authenticate to the proxy.
	ProxyUsername string `json:"proxyUsername,omitempty"`
	// Password to authenticate to the proxy.
	ProxyPassword string `json:"proxyPassword,omitempty"`
	// If the connection to the proxy should use https.
	ProxySecure bool `json:"proxySecure,omitempty"`

Proxy connection to use for test. If none is specified, then no proxy is used to test the connection.

type PublishableRightsMapping ¶

type PublishableRightsMapping struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll bool `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`

RightsMapping that can be published to tenants

type PvdcComputePolicies ¶

type PvdcComputePolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of provider VDC compute policies.
	Values []PvdcComputePolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of provider VDC compute policies.

type PvdcComputePolicies2 ¶

type PvdcComputePolicies2 struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of provider vDC compute policies.
	Values []PvdcComputePolicy2 `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of provider vDC compute policies. (Version 2.0.0)

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryPvdcComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryPvdcComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts ¶

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService ¶

type PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService service

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) CreatePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) CreatePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicy PvdcComputePolicy2) (PvdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService Creates a new provider vDC compute policy Creates a new pVDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicy

@return PvdcComputePolicy2

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) DeletePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) DeletePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string) (*http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService Delete specified provider vDC compute policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider vDC Compute Policy

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string) (PvdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService Get specified provider vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider vDC Compute Policy

@return PvdcComputePolicy2

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryPvdcComputePolicies ¶

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, pvdcComputePolicyId string, localVarOptionals *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts) (VirtualMachineClasses, *http.Response, error)

func (*PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) UpdatePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService) UpdatePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string, pvdcComputePolicy PvdcComputePolicy2) (PvdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePolicies2ApiService Update specified provider vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider vDC Compute Policy
  • @param pvdcComputePolicy

@return PvdcComputePolicy2

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiGetPvdcComputePolicyVmsOpts ¶

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiGetPvdcComputePolicyVmsOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiQueryPvdcComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiQueryPvdcComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiService ¶

type PvdcComputePoliciesApiService service

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) CreatePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) CreatePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicy PvdcComputePolicy) (PvdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePoliciesApiService Creates a new provider vDC compute policy Creates a new pVDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicy

@return PvdcComputePolicy

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) DeletePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) DeletePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string) (*http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePoliciesApiService Delete specified provider vDC compute policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider VDC Compute Policy

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string) (PvdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePoliciesApiService Get specified provider vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider VDC Compute Policy

@return PvdcComputePolicy

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicyVms ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetPvdcComputePolicyVms(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *PvdcComputePoliciesApiGetPvdcComputePolicyVmsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) QueryPvdcComputePolicies ¶

func (*PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) UpdatePvdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcComputePoliciesApiService) UpdatePvdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcComputePolicyId string, pvdcComputePolicy PvdcComputePolicy) (PvdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

PvdcComputePoliciesApiService Update specified provider vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcComputePolicyId ID of provider VDC Compute Policy
  • @param pvdcComputePolicy

@return PvdcComputePolicy

type PvdcComputePolicy ¶

type PvdcComputePolicy struct {
	// UUID for pVDC compute policy. This is immutable.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// URN for Provider VDC. If not provided, then this policy is considered Global.
	PvdcId string `json:"pvdcId,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client after creation. Deprecated in Api 33.0, this property will be removed in future release.
	NamedVmGroupReferences []EntityReference `json:"namedVmGroupReferences,omitempty"`
	// List of list of vmGroups grouped together in a meaningful manner. A group of vmGroups would consist of one functionally equal vmGroup picked from each cluster of the pvdc.
	NamedVmGroups [][]EntityReference `json:"namedVmGroups,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field after creation.
	LogicalVmGroupReferences []EntityReference `json:"logicalVmGroupReferences,omitempty"`

type PvdcComputePolicy2 ¶

type PvdcComputePolicy2 struct {
	// UUID for pVDC compute policy. This is immutable.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The discriminator type is used to differentiate among various sub policy types.
	PolicyType  string `json:"policyType"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// URN for Provider vDC. If not provided, then this policy is considered Global.
	PvdcId string `json:"pvdcId,omitempty"`

Pvdc compute policy that contains PVDC specific configuration for workloads. (Version 2.0.0)

type PvdcStoragePolicies ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of PVDC storage policies.
	Values []PvdcStoragePolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Provider VDC storage policies.

type PvdcStoragePolicy ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicy struct {
	// Unique VCD Id for the policy.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Unique name for the policy.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Unique Id in Virtual Center of the policy.
	StoragePolicyMoref string `json:"storagePolicyMoref"`
	// Enabled state of the policy, defaults to true.
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The PVDC that this policy belongs to.
	ProviderVdcRef *EntityReference `json:"providerVdcRef,omitempty"`
	// The VC that this policy belongs to.
	VcRef *EntityReference `json:"vcRef,omitempty"`
	// Total capacity in MB for this storage policy
	TotalCapacityMb int64 `json:"totalCapacityMb,omitempty"`

A Provider VDC storage policy.

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetAllSupportedStorageEntityTypesOpts ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetAllSupportedStorageEntityTypesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePoliciesOpts ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiService ¶

type PvdcStoragePolicyApiService service

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetAllSupportedStorageEntityTypes ¶

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicies ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePoliciesOpts) (PvdcStoragePolicies, *http.Response, error)

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicy ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicy(ctx context.Context, pvdcStoragePolicyUrn string) (PvdcStoragePolicy, *http.Response, error)

PvdcStoragePolicyApiService Get specified Provider VDC storage policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pvdcStoragePolicyUrn pvdcStoragePolicyUrn

@return PvdcStoragePolicy

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings(ctx context.Context, id string) (StoragePolicySettings, *http.Response, error)

PvdcStoragePolicyApiService Retrieves the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit. Retrieves the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return StoragePolicySettings

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) GetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, pvdcStoragePolicyUrn string, localVarOptionals *PvdcStoragePolicyApiGetPvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypesOpts) (StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdateAllStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdateAllStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, updatedSupportedEntityTypes []StoragePolicySupportedEntityType) (StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

PvdcStoragePolicyApiService Updates the supported entity types for the specified provider VDC storage policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSupportedEntityTypes The updated list of supported entity types.

@return StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdatePvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdatePvdcStoragePolicyInheritableSettings(ctx context.Context, updatedSettings StoragePolicySettings, id string) (StoragePolicySettings, *http.Response, error)

PvdcStoragePolicyApiService Updates the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit. Updates the settings that child Org VDC storage policies of this provider VDC storage policy should inherit.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSettings The updated inheritable settings.
  • @param id

@return StoragePolicySettings

func (*PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdatePvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes ¶

func (a *PvdcStoragePolicyApiService) UpdatePvdcStoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes(ctx context.Context, updatedSupportedEntityTypes []StoragePolicySupportedEntityType, pvdcStoragePolicyUrn string) (StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes, *http.Response, error)

PvdcStoragePolicyApiService Updates the supported entity types for the specified provider VDC storage policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSupportedEntityTypes The updated list of supported entity types.
  • @param pvdcStoragePolicyUrn pvdcStoragePolicyUrn

@return StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes

type QuotaPolicies ¶

type QuotaPolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of quota policies.
	Values []QuotaPolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of quota policies.

type QuotaPoliciesApiQueryQuotaPoliciesOpts ¶

type QuotaPoliciesApiQueryQuotaPoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type QuotaPoliciesApiService ¶

type QuotaPoliciesApiService service

func (*QuotaPoliciesApiService) CreateQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPoliciesApiService) CreateQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyParams QuotaPolicy) (QuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPoliciesApiService Creates a new quota policy Creates a new quota policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyParams

@return QuotaPolicy

func (*QuotaPoliciesApiService) DeleteQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPoliciesApiService) DeleteQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyId string) (*http.Response, error)

QuotaPoliciesApiService Delete the specified quota policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyId

func (*QuotaPoliciesApiService) GetQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPoliciesApiService) GetQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyId string) (QuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPoliciesApiService Get the specified quota policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyId

@return QuotaPolicy

func (*QuotaPoliciesApiService) QueryQuotaPolicies ¶

func (a *QuotaPoliciesApiService) QueryQuotaPolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *QuotaPoliciesApiQueryQuotaPoliciesOpts) (QuotaPolicies, *http.Response, error)

func (*QuotaPoliciesApiService) UpdateQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPoliciesApiService) UpdateQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, updateQuotaPolicyParams QuotaPolicy, quotaPolicyId string) (QuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPoliciesApiService Update the specified quota policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updateQuotaPolicyParams
  • @param quotaPolicyId

@return QuotaPolicy

type QuotaPolicy ¶

type QuotaPolicy struct {
	// URN for quota policy. This is immutable.
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Display name for the quota policy.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// URN of org in which this policy is created. This is immutable
	OrgId string `json:"orgId,omitempty"`
	// A list of quota pool definitions.
	QuotaPoolDefinitions []QuotaPoolDefinition `json:"quotaPoolDefinitions"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client. It defines if the quota policy is auto-generated.
	IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"`

type QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService ¶

type QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService service

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToGroup ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToGroup(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyReference AssignedQuotaPolicy, groupUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target group. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyReference
  • @param groupUrn

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToOrg ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToOrg(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyReference AssignedQuotaPolicy, orgUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target organization. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyReference
  • @param orgUrn

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToUser ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToUser(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyReference AssignedQuotaPolicy, userUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target user. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyReference
  • @param userUrn

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToVApp ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) AssignQuotaPolicyToVApp(ctx context.Context, quotaPolicyReference AssignedQuotaPolicy, vappUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Assign or unassign a quota policy to a given target vapp. An empty payload is used to unassign an existing quota policy from a given vapp.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param quotaPolicyReference
  • @param vappUrn

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetGroupAssignedQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetGroupAssignedQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, groupUrn string) (AssignedQuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param groupUrn

@return AssignedQuotaPolicy

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetOrgAssignedQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetOrgAssignedQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, orgUrn string) (AssignedQuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given organization.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgUrn

@return AssignedQuotaPolicy

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetUserAssignedQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetUserAssignedQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, userUrn string) (AssignedQuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userUrn

@return AssignedQuotaPolicy

func (*QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetVAppAssignedQuotaPolicy ¶

func (a *QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService) GetVAppAssignedQuotaPolicy(ctx context.Context, vappUrn string) (AssignedQuotaPolicy, *http.Response, error)

QuotaPolicyAssignmentApiService Get the assigned quota policy reference for the given vapp.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vappUrn

@return AssignedQuotaPolicy

type QuotaPoolDefinition ¶

type QuotaPoolDefinition struct {
	// The localized name of quota resource type.
	QuotaResourceName string `json:"quotaResourceName,omitempty"`
	// The quota resource type such as memory, cpu, vm etc. Available resource types: memory, cpu, storage, urn:vcloud:legacy:vm, urn:vcloud:type:vmware.tkgcluster:1.0.0
	ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"`
	// The unit of quota defined for quota resource type. Available quota units for resource types: memory - MB cpu - MHz storage - MB urn:vcloud:legacy:vm - count
	QuotaResourceUnit string `json:"quotaResourceUnit,omitempty"`
	// The quota amount for this resource.
	Quota int64 `json:"quota"`
	// The qualifiers for quota resource type, such as vm.guestOs == Windows. This is optional. Qualifiers just helps in narrowing down quota resource based on values of one or more of its properties. If vm is a quota resource, from the above example, only VMs with Windows guest OS will be considered for quota eligibility. If more than one qualifier is provided, system will use AND operator to process them.
	Qualifiers []string `json:"qualifiers,omitempty"`

type Quotas ¶

type Quotas struct {
	QuotaPools []QuotasQuotaPools `json:"quotaPools,omitempty"`

A list of quota pools.

type QuotasQuotaPools ¶

type QuotasQuotaPools struct {
	// The quota policy that enforced this quota.
	EnforcingQuotaPolicy *EnforcingQuotaPolicy `json:"enforcingQuotaPolicy,omitempty"`
	// The quota pool definition used for the consumed quota resource.
	QuotaPoolDefinition *QuotaPoolDefinition `json:"quotaPoolDefinition,omitempty"`
	// The quota amount consumed for this resource. This field is conditional and for group quotas it is not returned.
	QuotaConsumed int64 `json:"quotaConsumed,omitempty"`

type RefreshOnChange ¶

type RefreshOnChange struct {
	DecoratorType string `json:"decoratorType"`

type Regex ¶

type Regex struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`
	Value     string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type Regexp ¶

type Regexp struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`
	Expression     string `json:"expression,omitempty"`

type Relations ¶

type Relations struct {
	Total int32  `json:"total,omitempty"`
	Link  []Link `json:"link,omitempty"`
	Start int32  `json:"start,omitempty"`

type RemoteEndpoint ¶

type RemoteEndpoint struct {
	// This Remote ID is needed to uniquely identify the peer site. If this tunnel is using PSK authentication, the Remote ID is the public IP Address of the remote device terminating the VPN Tunnel. When NAT is configured on the Remote ID, enter the private IP Address of the Remote Site. If the remote ID is not set, VCD will set the remote id to the remote address. If this tunnel is using certificate authentication, enter the distinguished name of the certificate used to secure the remote endpoint (for example, C=US,ST=Massachusetts,O=VMware,OU=VCD,CN=Edge1). The remote id must be provided in this case.
	RemoteId string `json:"remoteId,omitempty"`
	// IPV4 Address of the remote endpoint on the remote site. This is the Public IPv4 Address of the remote device terminating the VPN connection.
	RemoteAddress string `json:"remoteAddress"`
	// List of remote networks. These must be specified in normal Network CIDR format. Specifying no value is interpreted as
	RemoteNetworks []string `json:"remoteNetworks,omitempty"`

This represents the remote endpoint i.e. the endpoint which the tunnel from the Edge Gateway will connect to.

type ResourcePool ¶

type ResourcePool struct {
	// The vCenter Id of the Resource Pool. It must be in the format (resgroup-#).
	Moref string `json:"moref,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Resource Pool.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The vCenter the Resource Pool belongs to.
	VcId string `json:"vcId,omitempty"`
	// Used in resource pool tree navigation. Indicates whether the resource pool is eligible or not.
	Eligible bool `json:"eligible,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the resource pool's cluster is enabled for vSphere Kubernetes.
	KubernetesEnabled bool `json:"kubernetesEnabled,omitempty"`

A vCenter Resource Pool.

type ResourcePoolKubernetesConfig ¶

type ResourcePoolKubernetesConfig struct {
	// Endpoint for the kubernetes enabled cluster backed by this Resource Pool.
	ControlPlaneEndpoint string `json:"controlPlaneEndpoint,omitempty"`

Kubernetes configuration for a resource pool backed by kubernetes enabled cluster.

type ResourcePools ¶

type ResourcePools struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association  `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ResourcePool `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Resource Pools

type RestrictDuplicates ¶

type RestrictDuplicates struct {
	ConstraintType string `json:"constraintType"`
type Right struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	Id               string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description      string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey        string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	Category         string `json:"category,omitempty"`
	ServiceNamespace string `json:"serviceNamespace,omitempty"`
	RightType        string `json:"rightType,omitempty"`
	// The set of implied rights.
	ImpliedRights []EntityReference `json:"impliedRights,omitempty"`


type Rights ¶

type Rights struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of rights.
	Values []Right `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of rights.

type RightsApiQueryRightsOpts ¶

type RightsApiQueryRightsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RightsApiService ¶

type RightsApiService service

func (*RightsApiService) GetRight ¶

func (a *RightsApiService) GetRight(ctx context.Context, id string) (Right, *http.Response, error)

RightsApiService Retrieve an individual right. Retrieves the requested Right by id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Right

func (*RightsApiService) QueryRights ¶

func (a *RightsApiService) QueryRights(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *RightsApiQueryRightsOpts) (Rights, *http.Response, error)

type RightsBundle ¶

type RightsBundle struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll bool `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`

type RightsBundles ¶

type RightsBundles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of rights bundles.
	Values []RightsBundle `json:"values,omitempty"`

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleRightsOpts ¶

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleRightsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleTenantsOpts ¶

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleTenantsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundlesOpts ¶

type RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundlesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RightsBundlesApiService ¶

type RightsBundlesApiService service

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) AddRightsToRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) AddRightsToRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Adds the specified rights to a rights bundle. Adds the list of rights (passed as references) to a rights bundle.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) CreateRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) CreateRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, newRightsBundle RightsBundle) (RightsBundle, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Creates a new rights bundle Creates a new rights bundle

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newRightsBundle

@return RightsBundle

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) DeleteRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) DeleteRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Delete specified rights bundle

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) GetRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) GetRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, id string) (RightsBundle, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Get specified rights bundle

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return RightsBundle

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundlePublish ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundlePublish(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Publishes the rights bundle to the specified tenants Publishes the rights bundle to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundlePublishAll ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundlePublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Publishes the rights bundle to all tenants Publishes the rights bundle to all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundleUnpublish ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundleUnpublish(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Revokes publication of the rights bundle to the specified tenants Revokes publication of the rights bundle to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundleUnpublishAll ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) PostRightsBundleUnpublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Unpublishes the rights bundle from all tenants Unpublishes the rights bundle from all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundleRights ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundleRights(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleRightsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundleTenants ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundleTenants(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundleTenantsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundles ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) QueryRightsBundles(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *RightsBundlesApiQueryRightsBundlesOpts) (RightsBundles, *http.Response, error)

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) ReplaceRightsInRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) ReplaceRightsInRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Replaces the existing set of rights in bundle with the rights (as references) supplied. Replaces the existing set of rights in bundle with the rights (as references) supplied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) SetRightsBundleTenants ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) SetRightsBundleTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Resets list of tenants for whom the rights bundle is explicitly published Resets list of tenants for whom the rights bundle is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RightsBundlesApiService) UpdateRightsBundle ¶

func (a *RightsBundlesApiService) UpdateRightsBundle(ctx context.Context, updatedRightsBundle RightsBundle, id string) (RightsBundle, *http.Response, error)

RightsBundlesApiService Update specified rights bundle

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedRightsBundle
  • @param id

@return RightsBundle

type RightsCategoriesApiQueryRightsCategoriesOpts ¶

type RightsCategoriesApiQueryRightsCategoriesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RightsCategoriesApiService ¶

type RightsCategoriesApiService service

func (*RightsCategoriesApiService) GetRightsCategory ¶

RightsCategoriesApiService Retrieve an individual Right category. Retrieves the requested Rights Category by id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return RightsCategoryNode

func (*RightsCategoriesApiService) QueryRightsCategories ¶

func (a *RightsCategoriesApiService) QueryRightsCategories(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *RightsCategoriesApiQueryRightsCategoriesOpts) (RightsCategoryNodes, *http.Response, error)

type RightsCategoryNode ¶

type RightsCategoryNode struct {
	Name          string       `json:"name"`
	Id            string       `json:"id,omitempty"`
	BundleKey     string       `json:"bundleKey"`
	Parent        string       `json:"parent,omitempty"`
	RightsCount   *RightsCount `json:"rightsCount,omitempty"`
	SubCategories []string     `json:"subCategories,omitempty"`


type RightsCategoryNodes ¶

type RightsCategoryNodes struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of rights category nodes.
	Values []RightsCategoryNode `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of rights category nodes.

type RightsCount ¶

type RightsCount struct {
	View   int32 `json:"view,omitempty"`
	Modify int32 `json:"modify,omitempty"`

RightsCount - A count of rights in a given category by type

type RightsMapping ¶

type RightsMapping struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`


type Role ¶

type Role struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	BundleKey   string `json:"bundleKey,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool   `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`

type Roles ¶

type Roles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of roles.
	Values []Role `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of roles.

type RolesApiQueryRoleRightsOpts ¶

type RolesApiQueryRoleRightsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RolesApiQueryTenantRolesOpts ¶

type RolesApiQueryTenantRolesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type RolesApiService ¶

type RolesApiService service

func (*RolesApiService) AddRightsToRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) AddRightsToRole(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Adds the specified rights to a role. Adds the list of rights (passed as references) to a role.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RolesApiService) CreateRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) CreateRole(ctx context.Context, newRole Role) (Role, *http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Creates a new role Creates a new role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newRole

@return Role

func (*RolesApiService) DeleteRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) DeleteRole(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Delete specified role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*RolesApiService) GetRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) GetRole(ctx context.Context, id string) (Role, *http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Get specified role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Role

func (*RolesApiService) QueryRoleRights ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) QueryRoleRights(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *RolesApiQueryRoleRightsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*RolesApiService) QueryTenantRoles ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) QueryTenantRoles(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *RolesApiQueryTenantRolesOpts) (Roles, *http.Response, error)

func (*RolesApiService) ReplaceRightsInRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) ReplaceRightsInRole(ctx context.Context, rightsReferencesBody EntityReferences, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Replaces the existing set of rights in role with the rights (as references) supplied. Replaces the existing set of rights in role with the rights (as references) supplied.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param rightsReferencesBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*RolesApiService) UpdateRole ¶

func (a *RolesApiService) UpdateRole(ctx context.Context, updatedRole Role, id string) (Role, *http.Response, error)

RolesApiService Update specified role

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedRole
  • @param id

@return Role

type RouteAdvertisement ¶

type RouteAdvertisement struct {
	// True means that the subnets will be advertised. The default is true.
	Enable bool `json:"enable,omitempty"`
	// List of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network. Each value is in CIDR format. Note that the CIDR value will automatically be converted to its network definition based on the prefix length.
	Subnets []string `json:"subnets,omitempty"`

List of subnets that will be advertised so that the Edge Gateway can route out to the connected external network.

type RouterComponentHealth ¶

type RouterComponentHealth struct {
	Component string                 `json:"component,omitempty"`
	Status    *RouterComponentStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	Message   string                 `json:"message,omitempty"`
	Action    string                 `json:"action,omitempty"`
	Code      int32                  `json:"code,omitempty"`

A ComponentHealth object

type RouterComponentStatus ¶

type RouterComponentStatus string

RouterComponentStatus : Status of a router component.

const (
	UP_RouterComponentStatus   RouterComponentStatus = "UP"
	DOWN_RouterComponentStatus RouterComponentStatus = "DOWN"

List of RouterComponentStatus

type RouterConnection ¶

type RouterConnection struct {
	// The edge gateway that this network is attached to.
	RouterRef *EntityReference `json:"routerRef,omitempty"`
	// How the network is connected to the edge gateway. This field is updatable to allow conversions between different types. If owner is a VDC group that is backed by a NSX-V network provider, this field does not need to be set. The organization VDC network will be automatically connected to the distributed router associated with the VDC group.
	ConnectionType *VdcNetworkConnectionType `json:"connectionType,omitempty"`
	// Whether network is marked as connected in NSX.
	Connected bool `json:"connected,omitempty"`

Describes the connection between a routed network and an edge gateway. This must be set if converting from an isolated to a routed network.

type RouterDnsConfig ¶

type RouterDnsConfig struct {
	Enabled     bool     `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	NameServers []string `json:"nameServers,omitempty"`

A RouterDnsConfig object

type RouterHealthReport ¶

type RouterHealthReport struct {
	// Status of all the nsx managers spanned by the universal router.
	NsxManagersHealth []RouterComponentHealth `json:"nsxManagersHealth,omitempty"`
	// Status of all the universal router control VMs within each network provider scope. This also includes status of egress points and routes configured for the universal router.
	ControlVmHealth []RouterComponentHealth `json:"controlVmHealth,omitempty"`
	// Status of the nsx controller cluster associated with the nsx managers.
	ControlPlaneHealth *RouterComponentHealth `json:"controlPlaneHealth,omitempty"`
	// Reachability status for local and remote participating vDC's of referenced vDC group. States whether a vDC is reachable from this local site.
	VdcReachabilityStatus []RouterComponentHealth `json:"vdcReachabilityStatus,omitempty"`

Health Report of a Router

type Sddc ¶

type Sddc struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Enabled     bool   `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// URN of the associated vCenter. This is not editable once the SDDC has been created.
	VcId string `json:"vcId"`
	// Version of the associated vCenter. This is not editable.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// Overall status of the associated vCenter. This is not editable.
	OverallStatus *OverallStatus `json:"overallStatus,omitempty"`
	// Associated read-only statistics.
	Stats *SddcStats `json:"stats,omitempty"`
	// Default proxy for the SDDC. This field is read-only. To set a new default, edit the proxy you wish to make the new default by modifying its defaultProxy flag. Deprecated in Api 34.0.
	DefaultProxy *SddcProxy `json:"defaultProxy,omitempty"`
	// Default endpoint for the SDDC. There is an endpoint available for an SDDC even if there are no proxies configured for the SDDC. This indicates that an endpoint is available that doesn't require proxying, either because it is publicly accessible or because it assumes an established VPM connection. The field is read-only.
	DefaultEndpoint *SddcEndpoint `json:"defaultEndpoint,omitempty"`

Software-defined data center

type SddcEndpoint ¶

type SddcEndpoint struct {
	// This is a required property.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// A network endpoint that the SDDC exposes for communication.Deprecated in Api 35.0.
	Endpoint string `json:"endpoint,omitempty"`
	// An optional identifier to a Proxy that can be used to establish a connection to the endpoint. Deprecated in Api 35.0 and replaced by proxy.
	ProxyId string `json:"proxyId,omitempty"`
	// The URL target of the SDDC endpoint. This is the URL that the browser tab  will be pointed to when the endpoint is launched via the H5 UI of VCD. This is a required property.
	TargetUrl string `json:"targetUrl,omitempty"`
	// A reference to an optional Proxy that can be used to establish a connection to the endpoint
	Proxy *EntityReference `json:"proxy,omitempty"`
	// The EntityReference of the parent SDDC entity. This is a required property to create the endpoint and once set cannot be edited.
	Sddc *EntityReference `json:"sddc,omitempty"`
	// True if this is the default endpoint for the parent SDDC. An endpoint being the default for the SDDC means that this endpoint's target will be launched when the SDDC tile is clicked in the H5 Tenant UI of VCD.
	IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"`

An available network connections exposed by the SDDC

type SddcEndpoints ¶

type SddcEndpoints struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association  `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []SddcEndpoint `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of SDDC endpoints

type SddcProxies ¶

type SddcProxies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []SddcProxy   `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of SDDC proxies

type SddcProxy ¶

type SddcProxy struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Id   string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// URN of the parent SDDC. This is not editable once the proxy has been created.
	SddcId string `json:"sddcId"`
	// True if the proxy is enabled. Proxy can only be enabled/disabled by privileged users. A disabled proxy cannot be activated and thus, cannot be used. When a proxy is disabled, all active sessions are terminated.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether this proxy has been published to tenants.
	TenantVisible bool `json:"tenantVisible,omitempty"`
	// IP address or FQDN of the host being proxied. Lower case formatting will be applied to the value of the property. This is not editable once the proxy has been created.
	TargetHost string `json:"targetHost"`
	// True if the proxy is currently active for the user session associated with the request made to get the proxy. An inactive proxy cannot be used.
	Active bool `json:"active,omitempty"`
	// The generated read-only token that should be used as the password when using this proxy. To generate a new token, activate the proxy. The token is tied to the user session that activated the proxy. If the proxy is inactive, this value will be null.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	// True if this is the default proxy for the parent SDDC. A proxy being the default for the SDDC means that this proxy's UI will be launched when the SDDC tile is clicked in the H5 Tenant UI of VCD. If no default proxy is set, clicking the SDDC tile will be a no-op.
	DefaultProxy bool `json:"defaultProxy,omitempty"`
	// The URN of the parent proxy. If a proxy has a parent, the proxy is activated along with its parent and shares the token with its parent. Each proxy may only have one parent. A parent proxy cannot have a parent of its own.
	ParentProxyId string `json:"parentProxyId,omitempty"`
	// The URL of the proxied component's UI endpoint. This is the URL that the browser tab  will be pointed to when the proxy is launched via the H5 UI of VCD.
	UiUrl string `json:"uiUrl,omitempty"`

SDDC proxy configuration

type SddcProxyApiDeleteSddcProxyOpts ¶

type SddcProxyApiDeleteSddcProxyOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type SddcProxyApiGetSddcProxiesOpts ¶

type SddcProxyApiGetSddcProxiesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SddcProxyApiService ¶

type SddcProxyApiService service

func (*SddcProxyApiService) CreateSddcProxy ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) CreateSddcProxy(ctx context.Context, proxy SddcProxy) (*http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Creates an SDDC proxy. Creates an SDDC proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxy The new SDDC proxy model.

func (*SddcProxyApiService) DeleteSddcProxy ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) DeleteSddcProxy(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals *SddcProxyApiDeleteSddcProxyOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxies ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *SddcProxyApiGetSddcProxiesOpts) (SddcProxies, *http.Response, error)

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxiesPacFile ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxiesPacFile(ctx context.Context) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Gets the .pac file for the user&#39;s accessible proxies. Gets the .pac file for the user&#39;s accessible proxies.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return string

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxy ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxy(ctx context.Context, id string) (SddcProxy, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Retrieves a specific SDDC proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC Proxy ID URN

@return SddcProxy

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCRL ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCRL(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Retrieve a SDDC proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return string

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCertificate ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCertificate(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Retrieve a SDDC proxy SSL certificate chain in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC Proxy ID URN

@return string

func (*SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCertificateThumbprint ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) GetSddcProxyCertificateThumbprint(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Retrieve a SDDC Proxy SSL certificate thumbprint. The thumbprint is the SHA-1 hash of the DER encoding of the certificate.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC Proxy ID URN

@return string

func (*SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxy ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxy(ctx context.Context, updatedSddcProxy SddcProxy, id string) (SddcProxy, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Update a specific SDDC proxy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSddcProxy The updated SDDC proxy model.
  • @param id SDDC Proxy ID URN

@return SddcProxy

func (*SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxyCRL ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxyCRL(ctx context.Context, proxyCRL string, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Update a SDDC proxy certificate revocation list in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxyCRL
  • @param id

@return string

func (*SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxyCertificate ¶

func (a *SddcProxyApiService) UpdateSddcProxyCertificate(ctx context.Context, proxyTrustAnchor string, id string) (string, *http.Response, error)

SddcProxyApiService Update a SDDC proxy certificate chain in PEM format.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param proxyTrustAnchor The updated SDDC proxy certificate chain in PEM format.
  • @param id SDDC Proxy ID URN

@return string

type SddcStat ¶

type SddcStat struct {
	// Total resource allocation.
	NumTotal int64 `json:"numTotal,omitempty"`
	// Used resource allocation.
	NumUsed int64 `json:"numUsed,omitempty"`
	// Reserved resource allocation.
	NumReserved int64 `json:"numReserved,omitempty"`

A collection of measurements for the SDDC resource

type SddcStats ¶

type SddcStats struct {
	// Number of VMs within the SDDC.
	TotalVMs int32 `json:"totalVMs,omitempty"`
	// Number of powered on VMs within the SDDC.
	PoweredOnVMs int32 `json:"poweredOnVMs,omitempty"`
	// CPUs statistics of the SDDC (values in MHz).
	Cpu *SddcStat `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
	// Memory statistics of the SDDC (values in MB).
	Memory *SddcStat `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	// Storage statistics of the SDDC (values in MB).
	Storage *SddcStat `json:"storage,omitempty"`

A read-only list of resource allocations for the associated SDDC

type Sddcs ¶

type Sddcs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Sddc        `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of software-defined data centers

type SddcsApiDeleteSddcOpts ¶

type SddcsApiDeleteSddcOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type SddcsApiGetEndpointsForSddcOpts ¶

type SddcsApiGetEndpointsForSddcOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SddcsApiGetProxiesForSddcOpts ¶

type SddcsApiGetProxiesForSddcOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SddcsApiGetSddcsOpts ¶

type SddcsApiGetSddcsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SddcsApiQuerySddcTenantsOpts ¶

type SddcsApiQuerySddcTenantsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SddcsApiService ¶

type SddcsApiService service

func (*SddcsApiService) CreateSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) CreateSddc(ctx context.Context, newSddc Sddc) (*http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Create a Software-Defined Datacenter. Create a Software-Defined Datacenter.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newSddc The new SDDC model.

func (*SddcsApiService) CreateSddcEndpoint ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) CreateSddcEndpoint(ctx context.Context, endpoint SddcEndpoint) (SddcEndpoint, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Creates an SDDC endpoint. Creates an SDDC endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param endpoint The new SDDC endpoint model.

@return SddcEndpoint

func (*SddcsApiService) DeleteSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) DeleteSddc(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals *SddcsApiDeleteSddcOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*SddcsApiService) DeleteSddcEndpoint ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) DeleteSddcEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Delete a specific SDDC endpoint. Will not delete a default endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC Endpoint ID URN

func (*SddcsApiService) GetEndpointsForSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetEndpointsForSddc(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *SddcsApiGetEndpointsForSddcOpts) (SddcEndpoints, *http.Response, error)

func (*SddcsApiService) GetProxiesForSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetProxiesForSddc(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *SddcsApiGetProxiesForSddcOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*SddcsApiService) GetSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetSddc(ctx context.Context, id string) (Sddc, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Retrieve a specific Software-Defined Datacenter. Retrieve a specific Software-Defined Datacenter.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return Sddc

func (*SddcsApiService) GetSddcEndpoint ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetSddcEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id string) (SddcEndpoint, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Retrieves a specific SDDC endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC Endpoint ID URN

@return SddcEndpoint

func (*SddcsApiService) GetSddcOwner ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetSddcOwner(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Retrieve the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter. Retrieve the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return EntityReference

func (*SddcsApiService) GetSddcs ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) GetSddcs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *SddcsApiGetSddcsOpts) (Sddcs, *http.Response, error)

func (*SddcsApiService) QuerySddcTenants ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) QuerySddcTenants(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, id string, localVarOptionals *SddcsApiQuerySddcTenantsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*SddcsApiService) SddcPublishToTenants ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) SddcPublishToTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Publish a Software-Defined Datacenter to the given tenants. Publish a Software-Defined Datacenter to the tenants.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody The list of tenant EntityReferences that a Software-Defined Datacenter should be published to.
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return EntityReferences

func (*SddcsApiService) SddcUnpublishFromTenants ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) SddcUnpublishFromTenants(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Revoke publication of the Software-Defined Datacenter for the tenants. Revoke publication of the Software-Defined Datacenter for the tenants.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody The list of tenant EntityReferences that a Software-Defined Datacenter should be unpublished from.
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return EntityReferences

func (*SddcsApiService) SetSddcOwner ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) SetSddcOwner(ctx context.Context, newOwner EntityReference, id string) (EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Update the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter. Update the owner of the Software-Defined Datacenter.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newOwner The EntityReference to the owner of the SDDC.
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return EntityReference

func (*SddcsApiService) SetSddcTenants ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) SetSddcTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Reset the list of tenants a Software-Defined Datacenter is published to. Reset the list of tenants a Software-Defined Datacenter is published to.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody The list of tenant EntityReferences that a Software-Defined Datacenter should be published to.
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return EntityReferences

func (*SddcsApiService) UpdateSddc ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) UpdateSddc(ctx context.Context, updatedSddc Sddc, id string) (Sddc, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Update a specific Software-Defined Datacenter. Update a specific Software-Defined Datacenter.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSddc The updated SDDC model.
  • @param id SDDC ID URN

@return Sddc

func (*SddcsApiService) UpdateSddcEndpoint ¶

func (a *SddcsApiService) UpdateSddcEndpoint(ctx context.Context, updatedSddcEndpoint SddcEndpoint, id string) (SddcEndpoint, *http.Response, error)

SddcsApiService Update a specific SDDC endpoint.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedSddcEndpoint The updated SDDC endpoint model.
  • @param id SDDC Endpoint ID URN

@return SddcEndpoint

type SdkObject ¶

type SdkObject struct {
	InputType    string `json:"inputType"`
	Type_        string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Href         string `json:"href,omitempty"`
	Id           string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	DisplayValue string `json:"displayValue,omitempty"`

type SecureString ¶

type SecureString struct {
	InputType   string `json:"inputType"`
	Value       string `json:"value,omitempty"`
	IsPlainText bool   `json:"isPlainText,omitempty"`

type SecurityTag ¶

type SecurityTag struct {
	// The tag to use.
	Tag string `json:"tag"`
	// List of entities to tag in urn format.
	Entities []string `json:"entities"`

An individual security tag

type SecurityTagValue ¶

type SecurityTagValue struct {
	// The value of the tag. The value is case-agnostic and will be converted to lower-case.
	Tag string `json:"tag,omitempty"`

Describes the most basic tag structure: its value.

type SecurityTagValues ¶

type SecurityTagValues struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association      `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []SecurityTagValue `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of a tags that users can use to assign to entities.

type SecurityTaggedEntities ¶

type SecurityTaggedEntities struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association          `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []SecurityTaggedEntity `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of entities that are tagged.

type SecurityTaggedEntity ¶

type SecurityTaggedEntity struct {
	// The unique identifier of the entity in URN format.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the entity.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The parent of the entity such as vApp if the entity is a VM. If not applicable, field is not set.
	ParentRef *EntityReference `json:"parentRef,omitempty"`
	// The owner of the specified entity such as vDC or vDC Group. If not applicable, field is not set.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// The type of entity. Currently only \"vm\" is supported.
	EntityType string `json:"entityType,omitempty"`

An entity that has a tag.

type SecurityTagsApiGetSecurityTaggedEntitiesOpts ¶

type SecurityTagsApiGetSecurityTaggedEntitiesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SecurityTagsApiGetTagValuesOpts ¶

type SecurityTagsApiGetTagValuesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type SecurityTagsApiService ¶

type SecurityTagsApiService service

func (*SecurityTagsApiService) GetSecurityTaggedEntities ¶

func (a *SecurityTagsApiService) GetSecurityTaggedEntities(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *SecurityTagsApiGetSecurityTaggedEntitiesOpts) (SecurityTaggedEntities, *http.Response, error)

func (*SecurityTagsApiService) GetTagValues ¶

func (a *SecurityTagsApiService) GetTagValues(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *SecurityTagsApiGetTagValuesOpts) (SecurityTagValues, *http.Response, error)

func (*SecurityTagsApiService) GetVmTags ¶

SecurityTagsApiService Retrieves the list of tags for a specific VM. Retrieves the list of tags for a specific VM. If user has view right to the VM, user can view its tags.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id the URN of the VM to manage tags for.

@return EntitySecurityTags

func (*SecurityTagsApiService) UpdateSecurityTag ¶

func (a *SecurityTagsApiService) UpdateSecurityTag(ctx context.Context, securityTag SecurityTag) (*http.Response, error)

SecurityTagsApiService Updates a specific tag Only the list of tagged entities can be updated. The name cannot be updated. Any other existing entities not in the list will be untagged.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param securityTag

func (*SecurityTagsApiService) UpdateVmTags ¶

SecurityTagsApiService Update the list of tags for a specific VM. Update the list of tags for a specific VM. An empty list of tags means to delete all dags for the VM. If user has edit permission on the VM, user can edit its tags.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param entityTags the list of tags to update.
  • @param id the URN of the VM to manage tags for.

@return EntitySecurityTags

type Service ¶

type Service struct {
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description  string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	IconMimeType string `json:"iconMimeType,omitempty"`
	IconData     string `json:"iconData,omitempty"`
	Id           string `json:"id,omitempty"`

type ServiceApp ¶

type ServiceApp struct {
	// The unique ID for the service application. This field is read-only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the service application
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The client ID
	ClientId string `json:"clientId"`
	// The client secret
	ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"`
	// The external organization id of the service application
	OrgId string `json:"orgId,omitempty"`
	// The scope of the service application
	ServiceScope *ServiceAppScope `json:"serviceScope"`
	// The read-only time-to-live of the access token in seconds.
	AccessTokenTTL int32 `json:"accessTokenTTL,omitempty"`
	// The read-only expiration date of the access token.
	AccessTokenExpiration time.Time `json:"accessTokenExpiration,omitempty"`
	// Whether the application is currently enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

A VMware service application

type ServiceAppApiService ¶

type ServiceAppApiService service

func (*ServiceAppApiService) DeleteServiceApp ¶

func (a *ServiceAppApiService) DeleteServiceApp(ctx context.Context, serviceAppId string) (*http.Response, error)

ServiceAppApiService Deletes a specific VMware service application.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceAppId

func (*ServiceAppApiService) GetServiceApp ¶

func (a *ServiceAppApiService) GetServiceApp(ctx context.Context, serviceAppId string) (ServiceApp, *http.Response, error)

ServiceAppApiService Retrieves a specific VMware service application

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceAppId

@return ServiceApp

func (*ServiceAppApiService) UpdateServiceApp ¶

func (a *ServiceAppApiService) UpdateServiceApp(ctx context.Context, serviceApp ServiceApp, serviceAppId string) (ServiceApp, *http.Response, error)

ServiceAppApiService Updates a specific VMware service application.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceApp
  • @param serviceAppId

@return ServiceApp

type ServiceAppScope ¶

type ServiceAppScope string

ServiceAppScope : Describes the type of service application. VMC_REFRESH_TOKEN: The application authtenticates to VMC via a refresh token VMC_CLIENT_CREDENTIAL: The application authenticates to VMC using client credentials VMC: Deprecated. Defaults to VMC_REFRESH_TOKEN.

const (
	VMC_ServiceAppScope                   ServiceAppScope = "VMC"
	VMC_REFRESH_TOKEN_ServiceAppScope     ServiceAppScope = "VMC_REFRESH_TOKEN"

List of ServiceAppScope

type ServiceApps ¶

type ServiceApps struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []ServiceApp  `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of VMware service applications

type ServiceAppsApiQueryServiceAppsOpts ¶

type ServiceAppsApiQueryServiceAppsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ServiceAppsApiService ¶

type ServiceAppsApiService service

func (*ServiceAppsApiService) CreateServiceApp ¶

func (a *ServiceAppsApiService) CreateServiceApp(ctx context.Context, serviceAppId ServiceApp) (ServiceApp, *http.Response, error)

ServiceAppsApiService Create a VMware service app

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceAppId

@return ServiceApp

func (*ServiceAppsApiService) QueryServiceApps ¶

func (a *ServiceAppsApiService) QueryServiceApps(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ServiceAppsApiQueryServiceAppsOpts) (ServiceApps, *http.Response, error)

type ServiceItem ¶

type ServiceItem struct {
	Id              string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ServiceItemType string `json:"serviceItemType"`
	Description     string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	CanExecute      bool   `json:"canExecute,omitempty"`
	ServiceName     string `json:"serviceName,omitempty"`
	ServiceId       string `json:"serviceId,omitempty"`
	IconMimeType    string `json:"iconMimeType,omitempty"`
	IconData        string `json:"iconData,omitempty"`
	TenantScoped    bool   `json:"tenantScoped,omitempty"`
	ProviderScoped  bool   `json:"providerScoped,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll bool `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`

type ServiceItems ¶

type ServiceItems struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of service items.
	Values []ServiceItem `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of service items.

type Services ¶

type Services struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of services.
	Values []Service `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of services.

type ServicesApiDeleteServiceOpts ¶

type ServicesApiDeleteServiceOpts struct {
	Recursive optional.Bool

type ServicesApiQueryServiceItemsOpts ¶

type ServicesApiQueryServiceItemsOpts struct {
	Filter          optional.String
	SortAsc         optional.String
	SortDesc        optional.String
	GetExternalData optional.Bool

type ServicesApiQueryServicesOpts ¶

type ServicesApiQueryServicesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type ServicesApiService ¶

type ServicesApiService service

func (*ServicesApiService) CreateService ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) CreateService(ctx context.Context, newService Service) (Service, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Creates a new service Creates a new service

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newService

@return Service

func (*ServicesApiService) DeleteService ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) DeleteService(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals *ServicesApiDeleteServiceOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*ServicesApiService) DeleteServiceItem ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) DeleteServiceItem(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Deletes specified service item Deletes specified service item

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*ServicesApiService) GetService ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) GetService(ctx context.Context, id string) (Service, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Get specified service

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Service

func (*ServicesApiService) GetServiceItem ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) GetServiceItem(ctx context.Context, id string) (ServiceItem, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Get the specified item

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return ServiceItem

func (*ServicesApiService) GetServiceItemTenants ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) GetServiceItemTenants(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Retrieves list of tenants for whom the service item is explicitly published Retrieves list of item for whom the service item is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) GetWorkflowServiceItems ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) GetWorkflowServiceItems(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]VroWorkflowServiceItem, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of VroWorkflowServiceItem

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return []VroWorkflowServiceItem

func (*ServicesApiService) ImportVroWorkflows ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) ImportVroWorkflows(ctx context.Context, remoteWorkflows []VroRemoteWorkflowItem, id string) ([]ServiceItem, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Add VRO remote workflows to this service

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param remoteWorkflows
  • @param id

@return []ServiceItem

func (*ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemPublish ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemPublish(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Publishes the service item to the specified tenants Publishes the service item to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemPublishAll ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemPublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Publishes the service item to all tenants Publishes the service item to all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemUnpublish ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemUnpublish(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Revokes publication of the service item to the specified tenants Revokes publication of the service item to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemUnpublishAll ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) PostServiceItemUnpublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Unpublishes the service item from all tenants Unpublishes the service item from all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) QueryServiceItems ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) QueryServiceItems(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ServicesApiQueryServiceItemsOpts) (ServiceItems, *http.Response, error)

func (*ServicesApiService) QueryServices ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) QueryServices(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *ServicesApiQueryServicesOpts) (Services, *http.Response, error)

func (*ServicesApiService) SetServiceItemTenants ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) SetServiceItemTenants(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Resets list of tenants for whom the service item is explicitly published Resets list of tenants for whom the service item is explicitly published

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return []EntityReference

func (*ServicesApiService) UpdateService ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) UpdateService(ctx context.Context, updatedService Service, id string) (Service, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Update specified service

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedService
  • @param id

@return Service

func (*ServicesApiService) UpdateServiceItem ¶

func (a *ServicesApiService) UpdateServiceItem(ctx context.Context, updatedService ServiceItem, id string) (ServiceItem, *http.Response, error)

ServicesApiService Update specified service item

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedService
  • @param id

@return ServiceItem

type ServicesEdgeCluster ¶

type ServicesEdgeCluster struct {
	// The reference to VCD Edge Cluster, if it exists.
	EdgeClusterRef *EntityReference `json:"edgeClusterRef,omitempty"`
	// The Id of the Edge Cluster in the NSX-T manager. If the user provides the id of NSX-T edge cluster during update, VCD will automatically create a corresponding VCD Edge cluster object referencing the specified NSX-T edge cluster. For NSX-V Edges, this is set to NULL.
	BackingId string `json:"backingId,omitempty"`

This represents the Edge Cluster to be used for network services. This can only be used to represent Edge Clusters managed by NSX-T.

type Session ¶

type Session struct {
	// ID of session
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// User of this session
	User *EntityReference `json:"user,omitempty"`
	// Organization user is logged into for this session
	Org *EntityReference `json:"org,omitempty"`
	// The accessible location this session is valid for
	Location string `json:"location,omitempty"`
	// User's roles for this session
	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	// References to user's roles
	RoleRefs []EntityReference `json:"roleRefs,omitempty"`
	// The session idle timeout in minutes
	SessionIdleTimeoutMinutes int32 `json:"sessionIdleTimeoutMinutes,omitempty"`


type Sessions ¶

type Sessions struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of sessions.
	Values []Session `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of sessions.

type SessionsApiService ¶

type SessionsApiService service

func (*SessionsApiService) GetAccessibleLocations ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) GetAccessibleLocations(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32) (AccessibleLocations, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Get locations accessible to this session. Gets locations accessible to this session.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return AccessibleLocations

func (*SessionsApiService) GetCurrentSession ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) GetCurrentSession(ctx context.Context) (Session, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Returns the current session identified by credentials supplied using the Authorization header Returns the specified session for the authorization token

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return Session

func (*SessionsApiService) GetCurrentSessions ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) GetCurrentSessions(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32) (Sessions, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService List all sessions for current user List all sessions for current user

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return Sessions

func (*SessionsApiService) GetSession ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) GetSession(ctx context.Context, id string) (Session, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Returns the specified session for current user Returns the specified session for current user

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Session

func (*SessionsApiService) GetToken ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) GetToken(ctx context.Context, id string) (Token, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Get token associated with this session. Gets token associated with this session.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return Token

func (*SessionsApiService) Login ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) Login(ctx context.Context, authorization interface{}) (Session, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Logs in a user Logs in a user

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization

@return Session

func (*SessionsApiService) Logout ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) Logout(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Logs out the current user Logs out the current user

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*SessionsApiService) LogoutCurrentSession ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) LogoutCurrentSession(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Logout current session Logs out and terminates the current session identified by credentials supplied using the Authorization header

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

func (*SessionsApiService) ProviderLogin ¶

func (a *SessionsApiService) ProviderLogin(ctx context.Context, authorization interface{}) (Session, *http.Response, error)

SessionsApiService Logs in a user (Provider only) Logs in a user (Provider only)

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param authorization

@return Session

type SiteSettingsApiService ¶

type SiteSettingsApiService service
func (a *SiteSettingsApiService) GetSiteSettingsLinks(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

SiteSettingsApiService Retrieve links for navigating site settings.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

type SlaacDnsConfig ¶

type SlaacDnsConfig struct {
	// The list of domain names used as nameservers to configure on virtual machines connected to the gateway this profile is associated with.
	DomainNames []string `json:"domainNames,omitempty"`
	// The IP addresses of the DNS servers to be configured on virtual machines connected to the network using this profile. They must be valid IPv6 addresses.
	DnsServerIpv6Addresses []string `json:"dnsServerIpv6Addresses,omitempty"`

The DNS settings for this SLAAC profile.

type SlaacProfile ¶

type SlaacProfile struct {
	// A flag indicating whether or not this profile is enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Represents the various modes with which to configure SLAAC with. Supported values are SLAAC and DHCPv6.
	Mode      string          `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	DnsConfig *SlaacDnsConfig `json:"dnsConfig,omitempty"`

The SLAAC profile containing the mode, the DNS configuration settings, and whether or not it is enabled. Only NSX-T edge gateways support a SLAAC profile.

type SmtpServerSpec ¶

type SmtpServerSpec struct {
	// A flag to indicate if the SMTP requires login authentication. If this flag is set to true, caller must provide user name and password
	UseAuthentication bool `json:"useAuthentication,omitempty"`
	// Security mode used to connect to the SMTP server
	SecureMode string `json:"secureMode,omitempty"`
	Url        *Url   `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// The custom ssl trust certs if ssl is enabled
	SslTrustStore string `json:"sslTrustStore,omitempty"`
	// Username to login to server
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	// Password to login to the server
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	// A human readable description of the entity
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// A human readable name of the entity
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

Represent the settings of an SMTP Server which the system uses to send email notifications and alerts

type SslSettings ¶

type SslSettings struct {
	// SSL protocols
	EnabledSslProtocols []string `json:"enabledSslProtocols,omitempty"`
	// SSL ciphers
	EnabledSslCiphers []string `json:"enabledSslCiphers,omitempty"`
	// Size of keys generated
	KeySize int32 `json:"keySize,omitempty"`
	// Number of days generated certificates are valid for
	CertificateValidityDays int32 `json:"certificateValidityDays,omitempty"`
	// Algorithm used to sign generated certificates
	CertificateSignatureAlgorithm string `json:"certificateSignatureAlgorithm,omitempty"`
	// The desired FIPS mode of this server group. <ul>   <li>     <em>ON</em>: Indicates FIPS mode is desired for this server group.   </li>   <li>     <em>OFF</em>: Indicates FIPS mode is not desired for this server group.   </li> </ul>
	FipsMode string `json:"fipsMode,omitempty"`
	// The current SSL settings status for this server group. <ul>   <li>     <em>CURRENT</em>: Indicates that all of the SSL settings for this server group are up to date.   </li>   <li>     <em>UPDATING</em>: Indicates that there is at least one cell in the server group which has not yet     applied the SSL settings.   </li>   <li>     <em>AWAITING_RESTART</em>: Indicates that the SSL settings for this server group have been applied on each cell,     and that each cell needs to be rebooted for the settings to take place. When each cell has been rebooted this field     will change to CURRENT.   </li> </ul>
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

The VCD SSL settings

type SslSettingsApiService ¶

type SslSettingsApiService service

func (*SslSettingsApiService) GetSslSettings ¶

func (a *SslSettingsApiService) GetSslSettings(ctx context.Context) (SslSettings, *http.Response, error)

SslSettingsApiService Get the SSL settings Get the current VCD SSL settings

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SslSettings

func (*SslSettingsApiService) UpdateSslSettings ¶

func (a *SslSettingsApiService) UpdateSslSettings(ctx context.Context, modifiedSslSettings SslSettings) (*http.Response, error)

SslSettingsApiService Updates the SSL settings. Updates the current VCD SSL settings

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param modifiedSslSettings

type StepInfo ¶

type StepInfo struct {
	ElementType string                    `json:"elementType"`
	Description string                    `json:"description,omitempty"`
	DisplayName string                    `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	Hidden      bool                      `json:"hidden,omitempty"`
	Id          string                    `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Messages    []PresentationMessageInfo `json:"messages,omitempty"`
	ReadOnly    bool                      `json:"readOnly,omitempty"`
	Elements    []PresentationElement     `json:"elements,omitempty"`

type StorageContainer ¶

type StorageContainer struct {
	// Unique VCD Id for the Storage Container.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the Storage Container.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Datastore Type of the Storage Container.
	DatastoreType string `json:"datastoreType,omitempty"`
	// True if this Storage Container is a Datastore Cluster.
	IsDatastoreCluster bool `json:"isDatastoreCluster,omitempty"`
	// True if this Storage Container is enabled. Unset if this storage container is part of a Datastore Cluster
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// Deleted state of the Storage Container.
	IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted,omitempty"`
	// Unique Id in Virtual Center of the Storage Container.
	Moref string `json:"moref,omitempty"`
	// The VC that this Storage Container belongs to.
	VcRef *EntityReference `json:"vcRef,omitempty"`
	// Total storage in MB for this Storage Container.
	TotalStorageMb int64 `json:"totalStorageMb,omitempty"`
	// Total used storage in MB for this Storage Container.
	UsedStorageMb int64 `json:"usedStorageMb,omitempty"`
	// Total provisioned storage in MB for this Storage Container.
	ProvisionedStorageMb int64 `json:"provisionedStorageMb,omitempty"`
	// Total IOPS capacity for this Storage Container.
	IopsCapacity int64 `json:"iopsCapacity,omitempty"`

A Storage Container, which can be a Datastore or a Datastore Cluster.

type StorageContainerApiGetDatastoreClusterDatastoresOpts ¶

type StorageContainerApiGetDatastoreClusterDatastoresOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type StorageContainerApiGetStorageContainersOpts ¶

type StorageContainerApiGetStorageContainersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type StorageContainerApiService ¶

type StorageContainerApiService service

func (*StorageContainerApiService) GetDatastoreClusterDatastores ¶

func (a *StorageContainerApiService) GetDatastoreClusterDatastores(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, storageContainerUrn string, localVarOptionals *StorageContainerApiGetDatastoreClusterDatastoresOpts) (StorageContainers, *http.Response, error)

func (*StorageContainerApiService) GetStorageContainer ¶

func (a *StorageContainerApiService) GetStorageContainer(ctx context.Context, storageContainerUrn string) (StorageContainer, *http.Response, error)

StorageContainerApiService Get specified Datastore or Datastore Cluster.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param storageContainerUrn storageContainerUrn

@return StorageContainer

func (*StorageContainerApiService) GetStorageContainers ¶

func (a *StorageContainerApiService) GetStorageContainers(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *StorageContainerApiGetStorageContainersOpts) (StorageContainers, *http.Response, error)

type StorageContainers ¶

type StorageContainers struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of Storage Containers.
	Values []StorageContainer `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Storage Containers.

type StoragePolicies ¶

type StoragePolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of Storage Policies.
	Values []StoragePolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Storage Policies.

type StoragePolicy ¶

type StoragePolicy struct {
	// Unique VCD Id for the Storage Policy.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// Name for the Storage Policy.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

A Provider Storage Policy.

type StoragePolicyApiGetStoragePoliciesOpts ¶

type StoragePolicyApiGetStoragePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type StoragePolicyApiService ¶

type StoragePolicyApiService service

func (*StoragePolicyApiService) GetStoragePolicies ¶

func (a *StoragePolicyApiService) GetStoragePolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *StoragePolicyApiGetStoragePoliciesOpts) (StoragePolicies, *http.Response, error)

func (*StoragePolicyApiService) GetStoragePolicy ¶

func (a *StoragePolicyApiService) GetStoragePolicy(ctx context.Context, storagePolicyUrn string) (StoragePolicy, *http.Response, error)

StoragePolicyApiService Get specified Storage Policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param storagePolicyUrn storagePolicyUrn

@return StoragePolicy

type StoragePolicySettings ¶

type StoragePolicySettings struct {
	// If true, designates that this storage policy can be used with all valid entity types
	SupportsAllValidEntityTypes bool `json:"supportsAllValidEntityTypes,omitempty"`
	// Maximum IOPS for any disk associated with this storage policy.
	DiskIopsMax int64 `json:"diskIopsMax,omitempty"`
	// Maximum IOPS that can be assigned to any disk associated with this storage policy based on the size of the disk (in GB). This is also the default IOPS value used for any disk associated with this policy. If set to zero, Default Disk IOPS is used as the default IOPS to be assigned to any disk associated with this storage policy.
	DiskIopsPerGbMax int64 `json:"diskIopsPerGbMax,omitempty"`
	// Default IOPS value to use for any disk associated with the storage policy. This default is only used when Disk IOPS Per GB Max is set to zero.
	DiskIopsDefault int64 `json:"diskIopsDefault,omitempty"`
	// The sum of IOPS across all disks associated with this policy will be limited to this value.
	StoragePolicyIopsLimit int64 `json:"storagePolicyIopsLimit,omitempty"`
	// Whether IOPS limiting is enabled.
	IsIopsLimitingEnabled bool `json:"isIopsLimitingEnabled,omitempty"`
	// Whether VCD IOPS placement should be ignored for disks using this policy.
	IgnoreIopsPlacement bool `json:"ignoreIopsPlacement,omitempty"`

Various settings for a storage policy.

type StoragePolicySupportedEntityType ¶

type StoragePolicySupportedEntityType struct {
	// The name of the supported entity type. Can be either a static VCD type or a defined entity type.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

A supported entity type for a storage policy.

type StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes ¶

type StoragePolicySupportedEntityTypes struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of supported entity types.
	Values []StoragePolicySupportedEntityType `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of supported entity types for a Provider VDC storage policy.

type StorageProfile ¶

type StorageProfile struct {
	// The Moref of the Storage Profile.
	Moref string `json:"moref,omitempty"`
	// The name of the Storage Profile.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

A Storage Profile.

type StorageProfiles ¶

type StorageProfiles struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association    `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []StorageProfile `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Storage Profiles

type StringParam ¶

type StringParam struct {
	InputType string `json:"inputType"`
	Value     string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type Subnet ¶

type Subnet struct {
	// The gateway for the subnet.
	Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
	// The prefix length of the subnet.
	PrefixLength int32 `json:"prefixLength"`
	// The DNS suffix that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsSuffix string `json:"dnsSuffix,omitempty"`
	// The first DNS server that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsServer1 string `json:"dnsServer1,omitempty"`
	// The second DNS server that VMs attached to this network will use.
	DnsServer2 string `json:"dnsServer2,omitempty"`
	// Range of IPs within the subnet that can be used in this network. A VM attached to this network is assigned one of these IPs.
	IpRanges *IpRanges `json:"ipRanges,omitempty"`
	// Indicates whether the external network subnet is currently enabled.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP addresses defined by the static IP ranges.
	TotalIpCount int32 `json:"totalIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP address used from the static IP ranges.
	UsedIpCount int32 `json:"usedIpCount,omitempty"`

A network subnet defined by its gateway,

type Subnets ¶

type Subnets struct {
	Values []Subnet `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Subnets of a network

type SupportedConstraints ¶

type SupportedConstraints struct {
	Constraint         *Constraint         `json:"constraint,omitempty"`
	Mandatory          *Mandatory          `json:"mandatory,omitempty"`
	RestrictDuplicates *RestrictDuplicates `json:"restrictDuplicates,omitempty"`
	CustomValidator    *CustomValidator    `json:"customValidator,omitempty"`
	NumberRange        *NumberRange        `json:"numberRange,omitempty"`
	Regexp             *Regexp             `json:"regexp,omitempty"`
	NumberFormat       *NumberFormat       `json:"numberFormat,omitempty"`

type SupportedDecorators ¶

type SupportedDecorators struct {
	Decorator       *Decorator       `json:"decorator,omitempty"`
	RefreshOnChange *RefreshOnChange `json:"refreshOnChange,omitempty"`
	MultiLine       *MultiLine       `json:"multiLine,omitempty"`
	Chooser         *Chooser         `json:"chooser,omitempty"`
	DropDown        *DropDown        `json:"dropDown,omitempty"`

type SupportedHardwareVersion ¶

type SupportedHardwareVersion struct {
	// indicates whether this virtual hardware version is the default in vCenter.
	IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault,omitempty"`
	// The name of the virtual hardware version.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

supported ESXi virtual hardware version.

type SupportedPresentationElements ¶

type SupportedPresentationElements struct {
	PresentationElement *PresentationElement `json:"presentationElement,omitempty"`
	StepInfo            *StepInfo            `json:"stepInfo,omitempty"`
	Group               *Group               `json:"group,omitempty"`
	Field               *Field               `json:"field,omitempty"`
	PrimaryField        *PrimaryField        `json:"primaryField,omitempty"`

type TestConnectionApiService ¶

type TestConnectionApiService service

func (*TestConnectionApiService) Test ¶

TestConnectionApiService Test a connection Tests a connection, including SSL handshake and hostname verification.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param connection

@return TestResult

type TestEmailRequest ¶

type TestEmailRequest struct {
	EmailSettings *EmailSettings `json:"emailSettings,omitempty"`
	Destination   string         `json:"destination,omitempty"`

type TestResult ¶

type TestResult struct {
	TargetProbe *ProbeResult `json:"targetProbe,omitempty"`
	ProxyProbe  *ProbeResult `json:"proxyProbe,omitempty"`

Results of a connection test.

type ThumbprintAndAlgorithm ¶

type ThumbprintAndAlgorithm struct {
	// The SDDC Proxy SSL certificate thumbprint.
	Thumbprint string `json:"thumbprint,omitempty"`
	// Algorithm used for the thumbprint calculation.
	Algorithm string `json:"algorithm,omitempty"`

Specifies a SSL certificate thumbprint and the algorithm used for calculation.

type Tier0Router ¶

type Tier0Router struct {
	// The unique id of the router. Field is sortable.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The description of the router.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Name used in NSX-T's logs or GUI. Field is sortable.
	DisplayName string `json:"displayName,omitempty"`
	// Id of parent Tier0 if this Tier0 Router is a VRF-Lite Tier0.
	ParentTier0Id string `json:"parentTier0Id,omitempty"`

An NSX-T's Tier-0 router.

type Tier0Routers ¶

type Tier0Routers struct {
	Values []Tier0Router `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of NSX-T's Tier-0 routers.

type Token ¶

type Token struct {
	// ID of this token. Sorting on this field is not supported.
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// Name of the token
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// User specific token that can be used to access proxies. Sorting on this field is not supported.
	Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
	// Time stamp representing when the token will expire (in UTC).
	ExpirationTimeUtc time.Time `json:"expirationTimeUtc,omitempty"`
	// Owner of the token. Either a user or an extension
	Owner *EntityReference `json:"owner,omitempty"`
	// Name of the user that this token is assigned to.
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	// ID of the user that this token is assigned to. Sorting on this field is not supported.  Can not be updated.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`
	// Name of the organization that the assigned user belongs to. Sorting and filtering on this field is not supported.
	OrgName string           `json:"orgName,omitempty"`
	Org     *EntityReference `json:"org,omitempty"`
	// Type of the token. Can be of type PROXY or EXTENSION
	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`

Specifies a user, the user's organization, and the user assigned token that can be used to access proxies as well as the expiration timestamp of the token (in UTC). Parameters cannot be edited once a token is created.

type TokenApiCreateTokenOpts ¶

type TokenApiCreateTokenOpts struct {
	TokenParameters optional.Interface

type TokenApiGetTokensOpts ¶

type TokenApiGetTokensOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type TokenApiService ¶

type TokenApiService service

func (*TokenApiService) CreateToken ¶

func (a *TokenApiService) CreateToken(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals *TokenApiCreateTokenOpts) (Token, *http.Response, error)

func (*TokenApiService) DeleteToken ¶

func (a *TokenApiService) DeleteToken(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

TokenApiService Delete a specific token. Use this to revoke the current token in case of a leak.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Token ID URN

func (*TokenApiService) GetToken ¶

func (a *TokenApiService) GetToken(ctx context.Context, id string) (Token, *http.Response, error)

TokenApiService Retrieves a specific token

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id Token ID URN

@return Token

func (*TokenApiService) GetTokens ¶

func (a *TokenApiService) GetTokens(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *TokenApiGetTokensOpts) (Tokens, *http.Response, error)

type TokenParameters ¶

type TokenParameters struct {
	// Name of the token to create
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The type of token to be created. Valid types are [\"PROXY\", \"EXTENSION\"]
	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The urn id of the extension to get a token for
	ExtensionId string `json:"extensionId,omitempty"`

Information for the token to be created. Required for API v35.0+

type Tokens ¶

type Tokens struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []Token       `json:"values,omitempty"`

A paginated list of user specific tokens used for accessing proxies.

type TrustedCertificate ¶

type TrustedCertificate struct {
	Id    string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Alias string `json:"alias"`
	// PEM encoded certificate
	Certificate string `json:"certificate"`

SSL certificate in PEM format.

type TrustedCertificatesApiQueryTrustedCertificatesOpts ¶

type TrustedCertificatesApiQueryTrustedCertificatesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type TrustedCertificatesApiService ¶

type TrustedCertificatesApiService service

func (*TrustedCertificatesApiService) DeleteCertificate ¶

func (a *TrustedCertificatesApiService) DeleteCertificate(ctx context.Context, trustedCertificate string) (*http.Response, error)

TrustedCertificatesApiService Revoke trusting specified certificate Revoke trusting specified certificate

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param trustedCertificate

func (*TrustedCertificatesApiService) GetCertificate ¶

func (a *TrustedCertificatesApiService) GetCertificate(ctx context.Context, trustedCertificate string) (TrustedCertificate, *http.Response, error)

TrustedCertificatesApiService Get specified certificate Get the PEM-encoded certificate with the requested URN

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param trustedCertificate

@return TrustedCertificate

func (*TrustedCertificatesApiService) QueryTrustedCertificates ¶

func (a *TrustedCertificatesApiService) QueryTrustedCertificates(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *TrustedCertificatesApiQueryTrustedCertificatesOpts) (Certificates, *http.Response, error)

func (*TrustedCertificatesApiService) TrustCertificate ¶

TrustedCertificatesApiService Add to list of currently trusted certificates Add to list of currently trusted certificates

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newCertificate

@return TrustedCertificate

func (*TrustedCertificatesApiService) UpdateCertificate ¶

func (a *TrustedCertificatesApiService) UpdateCertificate(ctx context.Context, modifiedCertificate TrustedCertificate, trustedCertificate string) (TrustedCertificate, *http.Response, error)

TrustedCertificatesApiService Updates an existing trusted certificate Updates an existing trusted certificate

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param modifiedCertificate
  • @param trustedCertificate

@return TrustedCertificate

type TunnelConfig ¶

type TunnelConfig struct {
	// If true, perfect forward secrecy is enabled. The default value is true.
	PerfectForwardSecrecyEnabled bool `json:"perfectForwardSecrecyEnabled,omitempty"`
	// Policy for handling degragmentation bit. The default is COPY.
	DfPolicy *DfPolicyType `json:"dfPolicy,omitempty"`
	// The list of Diffie-Helman groups to be used is PFS is enabled. Default is GROUP14.
	DhGroups []DhGroupType `json:"dhGroups"`
	// The list of Digest algorithms to be used for message digest. The default digest algorithm is implictly covered by default encrpyption algorithm AES_GCM_128.
	DigestAlgorithms []TunnelDigestAlgorithmType `json:"digestAlgorithms,omitempty"`
	// The list of Encryption algorithms to use in IPSec tunnel establishment. Default is AES_GCM_128. NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_* enables authentication on input data without encryption. If one of these options is used, digest algorithm should be empty.
	EncryptionAlgorithms []TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType `json:"encryptionAlgorithms"`
	// The Security Association life time in seconds. Default is 3600 seconds.
	SaLifeTime int32 `json:"saLifeTime,omitempty"`

This configuration captures phase two negotiation parameters and tunnel properties.

type TunnelDigestAlgorithmType ¶

type TunnelDigestAlgorithmType string

TunnelDigestAlgorithmType : This is the algorithm used to verify message integruty during tunnel establishment.

const (
	SHA1_TunnelDigestAlgorithmType     TunnelDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA1"
	SHA2_256_TunnelDigestAlgorithmType TunnelDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_256"
	SHA2_384_TunnelDigestAlgorithmType TunnelDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_384"
	SHA2_512_TunnelDigestAlgorithmType TunnelDigestAlgorithmType = "SHA2_512"

List of TunnelDigestAlgorithmType

type TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType ¶

type TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType string

TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType : Encryption algorithm to use in IPSec tunnel establishment.

const (
	AES_128_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                         TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_128"
	AES_256_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                         TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_256"
	AES_GCM_128_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                     TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_128"
	AES_GCM_192_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                     TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_192"
	AES_GCM_256_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                     TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "AES_GCM_256"
	NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_128_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_128"
	NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_192_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_192"
	NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_256_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "NO_ENCRYPTION_AUTH_AES_GMAC_256"
	NO_ENCRYPTION_TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType                   TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType = "NO_ENCRYPTION"

List of TunnelEncryptionAlgorithmType

type TunnelStatus ¶

type TunnelStatus string

TunnelStatus : The overall tunnel status which is consolidated using the Tunnel Status and IKE Status. If the tunnel is up, the status is UP. If the tunnel is down, the status is DOWN. The tunnel may also be in a DEGRADED state due to other issues.

const (
	UP_TunnelStatus       TunnelStatus = "UP"
	DOWN_TunnelStatus     TunnelStatus = "DOWN"
	DEGRADED_TunnelStatus TunnelStatus = "DEGRADED"

List of TunnelStatus

type TypeAccessControlsApiService ¶

type TypeAccessControlsApiService service

func (*TypeAccessControlsApiService) CreateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *TypeAccessControlsApiService) CreateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlGrant AccessControlGrant) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

TypeAccessControlsApiService Creates an access-control grant for an entity type Creates an access-control grant, giving the user the level of access for the vCD entity type.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlGrant

@return AccessControlGrant

func (*TypeAccessControlsApiService) GetEntityTypeAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *TypeAccessControlsApiService) GetEntityTypeAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

TypeAccessControlsApiService Get the specified access-control grant. Get the specified access-control grant.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId

@return AccessControlGrant

func (*TypeAccessControlsApiService) QueryEntityTypeAccessControlGrants ¶

func (a *TypeAccessControlsApiService) QueryEntityTypeAccessControlGrants(ctx context.Context, objectId string, page int32, pageSize int32) (AccessControlGrants, *http.Response, error)

TypeAccessControlsApiService Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity type. Get the access-control list for the specified vCD entity type.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return AccessControlGrants

func (*TypeAccessControlsApiService) RemoveEntityTypeAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *TypeAccessControlsApiService) RemoveEntityTypeAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string) (*http.Response, error)

TypeAccessControlsApiService Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entity type access-control list. Removes the specified access-control grant from the vCD entity type access-control list.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId

func (*TypeAccessControlsApiService) UpdateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant ¶

func (a *TypeAccessControlsApiService) UpdateEntityTypeAccessControlGrant(ctx context.Context, objectId string, accessControlId string, accessControlGrant AccessControlGrant) (AccessControlGrant, *http.Response, error)

TypeAccessControlsApiService Updates the specified access-control grant. Updates the specified access-control grant.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param objectId
  • @param accessControlId
  • @param accessControlGrant

@return AccessControlGrant

type TypedValue ¶

type TypedValue struct {
	// This object's value.
	Value *interface{} `json:"value"`
	// The data type of the value, Valid values are StringEntry, NumberEntry, and BoolEntry.
	Type_ string `json:"type"`

Value with type information

type UiBranding ¶

type UiBranding struct {
	PortalName string `json:"portalName"`
	// A custom color defined by the administrator and used to theme the site. The color should be in rgb hex color format such as \"FFFFFF\" all capitalized. Can be set to an empty string to use the selected theme's default colors.
	PortalColor   string               `json:"portalColor,omitempty"`
	SelectedTheme *UiTheme             `json:"selectedTheme,omitempty"`
	CustomLinks   []UiBrandingMenuItem `json:"customLinks"`

A branding object with the portal name, portal color, selected theme and custom URLs.

type UiBrandingMenuItem ¶

type UiBrandingMenuItem struct {
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	MenuItemType string `json:"menuItemType"`
	Url          string `json:"url,omitempty"`

An ordered list of menu items which can be customized and used in the application. Can be defined as a link, override (well known links that can be overridden, Default values are About, Help, VMRC), section, separator(section without a name) of the drop down menu.

type UiPluginApiService ¶

type UiPluginApiService service

func (*UiPluginApiService) DeleteUiPlugin ¶

func (a *UiPluginApiService) DeleteUiPlugin(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

UiPluginApiService Delete system level logo Delete the system level logo, forcing the get method to return the vCloud Director default logo.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*UiPluginApiService) GetExtensionPointSummary ¶

func (a *UiPluginApiService) GetExtensionPointSummary(ctx context.Context) (ExtensionPointSummary, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginApiService Retrieves a map of extension Points and an ordered list of items registered with that extension point Retrieves a map of extension Points and an ordered list of items registered with that extension point

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return ExtensionPointSummary

func (*UiPluginApiService) GetUiPlugin ¶

UiPluginApiService Retrieves extension specific plugin metadata Retrieve the plugin metadata for this extension

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return UiPluginMetadataResponse

func (*UiPluginApiService) PutExtensionPointSummary ¶

func (a *UiPluginApiService) PutExtensionPointSummary(ctx context.Context, extensionPointSummaryBody ExtensionPointSummary) (ExtensionPointSummary, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginApiService Customizes the order and enables/disables extension Points Customizes the order and enables/disables extension Points

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param extensionPointSummaryBody

@return ExtensionPointSummary

func (*UiPluginApiService) PutUiPlugin ¶

func (a *UiPluginApiService) PutUiPlugin(ctx context.Context, pluginMetadataBody UiPluginMetadata, id string) (UiPluginMetadataResponse, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginApiService Updates extension specific plugin&#39;s metadata Update the plugin metadata for this extension clobbering existing information and returns the updated plugin metadata

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pluginMetadataBody
  • @param id

@return UiPluginMetadataResponse

type UiPluginMetadata ¶

type UiPluginMetadata struct {
	PluginName     string `json:"pluginName"`
	Vendor         string `json:"vendor"`
	Description    string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Version        string `json:"version"`
	License        string `json:"license"`
	Link           string `json:"link"`
	TenantScoped   bool   `json:"tenant_scoped,omitempty"`
	ProviderScoped bool   `json:"provider_scoped,omitempty"`
	Enabled        bool   `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

Meta information about a UI Plugin

type UiPluginMetadataResponse ¶

type UiPluginMetadataResponse struct {
	PluginName     string `json:"pluginName"`
	Vendor         string `json:"vendor"`
	Description    string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Version        string `json:"version"`
	License        string `json:"license"`
	Link           string `json:"link"`
	TenantScoped   bool   `json:"tenant_scoped,omitempty"`
	ProviderScoped bool   `json:"provider_scoped,omitempty"`
	Enabled        bool   `json:"enabled,omitempty"`

type UiPluginResourceApiService ¶

type UiPluginResourceApiService service

func (*UiPluginResourceApiService) DeleteUiPluginResource ¶

func (a *UiPluginResourceApiService) DeleteUiPluginResource(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

UiPluginResourceApiService Delete the plugin for this extension Deletes the actual plugin for this extension

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*UiPluginResourceApiService) UploadUiPluginResource ¶

func (a *UiPluginResourceApiService) UploadUiPluginResource(ctx context.Context, pluginUploadSpec UploadSpec, id string) (*http.Response, error)

UiPluginResourceApiService Upload the plugin for this extension Initiates an upload for the plugin for this extension using the Transfer service A unique transfer service URL is returned where the plugin may be uploaded.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param pluginUploadSpec
  • @param id

type UiPluginTenantsApiGetUiPluginTenantsOpts ¶

type UiPluginTenantsApiGetUiPluginTenantsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type UiPluginTenantsApiService ¶

type UiPluginTenantsApiService service

func (*UiPluginTenantsApiService) GetUiPluginTenants ¶

func (a *UiPluginTenantsApiService) GetUiPluginTenants(ctx context.Context, id string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *UiPluginTenantsApiGetUiPluginTenantsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginPublish ¶

func (a *UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginPublish(ctx context.Context, publishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginTenantsApiService Publishes the UI plugin to the specified tenants Publishes the UI plugin to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param publishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginPublishAll ¶

func (a *UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginPublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginTenantsApiService Publishes the UI plugin to all tenants Publishes the UI plugin to all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginUnpublish ¶

func (a *UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginUnpublish(ctx context.Context, unpublishTenantsBody []EntityReference, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginTenantsApiService Revokes publication of the UI plugin to the specified tenants Revokes publication of the UI plugin to the specified tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param unpublishTenantsBody
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

func (*UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginUnpublishAll ¶

func (a *UiPluginTenantsApiService) PostUiPluginUnpublishAll(ctx context.Context, id string) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

UiPluginTenantsApiService Unpublishes the UI plugin from all tenants Unpublishes the UI plugin from all tenants

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return EntityReferences

type UiPluginsApiService ¶

type UiPluginsApiService service

func (*UiPluginsApiService) AddUiPlugin ¶

UiPluginsApiService Adds plugin metadata for a new UI Extension Creates a new UI extension and sets the provided plugin metadata for it.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body

@return UiPluginMetadataResponse

func (*UiPluginsApiService) GetUiPlugins ¶

UiPluginsApiService Get a list of all UI Extensions

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return []UiPluginMetadataResponse

type UiTheme ¶

type UiTheme struct {
	ThemeType string `json:"themeType"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`

A theme supported by vCloud Director.

type UniversalEgressRoutes ¶

type UniversalEgressRoutes struct {
	// The list of Egress Points for routing configuration. This is read-only.
	EgressPoints *EgressPoints `json:"egressPoints,omitempty"`
	// The list of Universal Routes for routing configuration.
	UniversalRoutes *UniversalRoutes `json:"universalRoutes,omitempty"`

Object consisting of Egress Points and Universal Routes for a Universal Router.

type UniversalRoute ¶

type UniversalRoute struct {
	// For a given route, routing by default will go through the default egress point. Every valid/configured route will have a default egress point.
	DefaultEgress *EgressPointReference `json:"defaultEgress,omitempty"`
	// A standby egress point can be configured for failover of routes in case there is an issue routign to the default egress point.
	StandbyEgress *EgressPointReference `json:"standbyEgress,omitempty"`
	// The network provider scope for the given route. There can only be one route per fault domain for a Universal Route.
	NetworkProviderScope string `json:"networkProviderScope"`
	// The status of the route (whether it's realized, failed, etc.).
	Status       *UniversalRoutingStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ErrorMessage string                  `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

A Route for a Universal Router.

type UniversalRouter ¶

type UniversalRouter struct {
	Id           string                `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name         string                `json:"name"`
	Description  string                `json:"description,omitempty"`
	VdcGroupRef  *EntityReference      `json:"vdcGroupRef"`
	LocalEgress  bool                  `json:"localEgress,omitempty"`
	Status       *VdcGroupEntityStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	ErrorMessage string                `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

A UniversalRouter object

type UniversalRouterApiDeleteUniversalRouterOpts ¶

type UniversalRouterApiDeleteUniversalRouterOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type UniversalRouterApiService ¶

type UniversalRouterApiService service

func (*UniversalRouterApiService) DeleteUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterApiService) DeleteUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string, localVarOptionals *UniversalRouterApiDeleteUniversalRouterOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*UniversalRouterApiService) GetUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterApiService) GetUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (UniversalRouter, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterApiService Retrieves a specific Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return UniversalRouter

func (*UniversalRouterApiService) SyncUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterApiService) SyncUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterApiService Sync/repair the Universal Router Sync/repair the Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*UniversalRouterApiService) UpdateUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterApiService) UpdateUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, router UniversalRouter, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterApiService Updates a specific Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param router
  • @param universalRouterId

type UniversalRouterDhcpApiService ¶

type UniversalRouterDhcpApiService service

func (*UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) DeleteDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) DeleteDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDhcpApiService Deletes Dhcp configuration of a specific Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) GetDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) GetDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (UniversalRouterDhcpConfig, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDhcpApiService Retrieves Dhcp configuration of a specific Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return UniversalRouterDhcpConfig

func (*UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDhcpApiService) UpdateDhcpConfigForUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, dhcpConfig UniversalRouterDhcpConfig, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDhcpApiService Updates Dhcp configuration for a specific Universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dhcpConfig
  • @param universalRouterId

type UniversalRouterDhcpConfig ¶

type UniversalRouterDhcpConfig struct {
	Enabled bool                        `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Servers []UniversalRouterDhcpServer `json:"servers,omitempty"`

A UniversalRouterDhcpConfig object.

type UniversalRouterDhcpServer ¶

type UniversalRouterDhcpServer struct {
	EgressRef     *EntityReference `json:"egressRef,omitempty"`
	ServerAddress string           `json:"serverAddress,omitempty"`

List of Dhcp servers for universal router. Either egressRef or serverAddress is required to identify Dhcp server.

type UniversalRouterDnsApiService ¶

type UniversalRouterDnsApiService service

func (*UniversalRouterDnsApiService) DeleteDnsConfigForRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDnsApiService) DeleteDnsConfigForRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDnsApiService Deletes dns configuration of a universal router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*UniversalRouterDnsApiService) GetDnsConfigForRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDnsApiService) GetDnsConfigForRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (RouterDnsConfig, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDnsApiService Retrieves dns configuration of a universal router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return RouterDnsConfig

func (*UniversalRouterDnsApiService) UpdateDnsConfigForRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterDnsApiService) UpdateDnsConfigForRouter(ctx context.Context, dnsConfig RouterDnsConfig, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterDnsApiService Updates dns configuration of a universal Router

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param dnsConfig
  • @param universalRouterId

type UniversalRouterHealthApiService ¶

type UniversalRouterHealthApiService service

func (*UniversalRouterHealthApiService) GetUniversalRouterHealth ¶

func (a *UniversalRouterHealthApiService) GetUniversalRouterHealth(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (RouterHealthReport, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRouterHealthApiService Get Health information of a universal router Get Health information of a universal router and its associated entities such as egress points and routing. It includes information about reachability status of all the participating vDC&#39;s of referenced vDC group and it also includes information about all the nsx managers covered by this universal router along with associated nsx controller cluster.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return RouterHealthReport

type UniversalRouters ¶

type UniversalRouters struct {
	Values []UniversalRouter `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Universal Routers

type UniversalRoutersApiService ¶

type UniversalRoutersApiService service

func (*UniversalRoutersApiService) CreateUniversalRouter ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutersApiService) CreateUniversalRouter(ctx context.Context, universalRouter UniversalRouter) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutersApiService Create a new universal router Create a new universal router for a vDC group

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouter

func (*UniversalRoutersApiService) GetAllUniversalRoutersForVdcGroup ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutersApiService) GetAllUniversalRoutersForVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string) (UniversalRouters, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutersApiService Get all the universal routers defined for a vDC group Get all the universal routers defined for a vDC group in the system.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId

@return UniversalRouters

type UniversalRoutes ¶

type UniversalRoutes struct {
	// The Keep Alive Timer is the frequency (in seconds) at which the Universal Router seeds Keep Alive messages to its egress peers.
	KeepAliveTimer int32 `json:"keepAliveTimer,omitempty"`
	// The list of Universal Routes.
	Values []UniversalRoute `json:"values,omitempty"`
	// The list network provider scopes whose route will be unconfigure forcefully. This means that a route that is in state that normally shouldn't be unconfigurable (i.e. NSX or remote vCD site is down) will still be unconfigured. Errors may be ignored. Note that this force option also affects any route update where a network provider's egress point is modified/changed. vCD will first unconfigure any existing egress point before configuring the new egress point.
	ProviderScopesToForceUnconfigure []string `json:"providerScopesToForceUnconfigure,omitempty"`

List of routes associated with a Universal Router.

type UniversalRoutingApiService ¶

type UniversalRoutingApiService service

func (*UniversalRoutingApiService) GetUniversalEgressRouting ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutingApiService) GetUniversalEgressRouting(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (UniversalEgressRoutes, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutingApiService Retrieves Universal Egress Points and routing configuration for a Universal Router.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return UniversalEgressRoutes

func (*UniversalRoutingApiService) GetUniversalRoutes ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutingApiService) GetUniversalRoutes(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (UniversalRoutes, *http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutingApiService Retrieves routing configuration for a Universal Router.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

@return UniversalRoutes

func (*UniversalRoutingApiService) SyncUniversalRoutes ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutingApiService) SyncUniversalRoutes(ctx context.Context, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutingApiService Sync/repair the routing configuration for a Universal Router. Sync/repair the universal routes

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*UniversalRoutingApiService) UpdateUniversalEgressRouting ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutingApiService) UpdateUniversalEgressRouting(ctx context.Context, universalEgressRoutes UniversalEgressRoutes, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutingApiService Updates the routing configuration using the specified egress points in the universal routes. Any egress point that does not exist will be created before updating routing. Any egress point that currently exists and is not in use by any of the specified routes will be deleted. If the new egress points for routing fail to create, routing will not be updated.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param universalEgressRoutes
  • @param universalRouterId

func (*UniversalRoutingApiService) UpdateUniversalRoutes ¶

func (a *UniversalRoutingApiService) UpdateUniversalRoutes(ctx context.Context, routes UniversalRoutes, universalRouterId string) (*http.Response, error)

UniversalRoutingApiService Updates routing configuration for a Universal Router.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param routes
  • @param universalRouterId

type UniversalRoutingStatus ¶

type UniversalRoutingStatus string

UniversalRoutingStatus : Represents status of given routing configuration, such as realized, universal router routing configuration failed, egress routing configuration failed, etc.

const (
	SAVING_UniversalRoutingStatus                                      UniversalRoutingStatus = "SAVING"
	SAVED_UniversalRoutingStatus                                       UniversalRoutingStatus = "SAVED"
	CONFIGURING_UniversalRoutingStatus                                 UniversalRoutingStatus = "CONFIGURING"
	REALIZED_UniversalRoutingStatus                                    UniversalRoutingStatus = "REALIZED"
	REALIZATION_FAILED_UniversalRoutingStatus                          UniversalRoutingStatus = "REALIZATION_FAILED"
	UNCONFIGURED_UniversalRoutingStatus                                UniversalRoutingStatus = "UNCONFIGURED"
	DELETING_UniversalRoutingStatus                                    UniversalRoutingStatus = "DELETING"

List of UniversalRoutingStatus

type UnmanagedVirtualMachine ¶

type UnmanagedVirtualMachine struct {
	// The name of the virtual machine.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The total memory (in MB) of the virtual machine.
	Memory int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	// The total number of CPUs of the virtual machine.
	CpuCount int32 `json:"cpuCount,omitempty"`
	// The total storage (in KB) of the virtual machine.
	Storage int64 `json:"storage,omitempty"`
	// The absolute path of the virtual machine in the vCenter's datastore.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// The virtual hardware version of the virtual machine.
	VirtualHardwareVersion int32 `json:"virtualHardwareVersion,omitempty"`
	// The following strings are valid states of the virtual machine. <ul> <li>INVALID</li> <li>OFF</li> <li>ON</li> <li>SUSPENDED</li> <li>UNKNOWN</li> <li>STUCK</li> </ul>
	State string `json:"state,omitempty"`
	// The vSphere Managed Object Reference.
	MoRef string `json:"moRef,omitempty"`

An unmanaged Virtual Machine is a Virtual Machine that is not managed by Cloud Director but is present in vCenter.

type UnmanagedVirtualMachines ¶

type UnmanagedVirtualMachines struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association             `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []UnmanagedVirtualMachine `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of unmanaged Virtual Machines

type UploadMetadataResponse ¶

type UploadMetadataResponse struct {

Description of an upload (in progress or complete)

type UploadSpec ¶

type UploadSpec struct {
	FileName     string `json:"fileName"`
	Size         int64  `json:"size"`
	Checksum     string `json:"checksum,omitempty"`
	ChecksumAlgo string `json:"checksumAlgo,omitempty"`

Information about upload

type Url ¶

type Url struct {
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Port int32  `json:"port,omitempty"`
	Ssl  bool   `json:"ssl,omitempty"`

type UsedIpAddress ¶

type UsedIpAddress struct {
	// Id of the entity using the IP address, such as a VM.
	EntityId string `json:"entityId,omitempty"`
	// Name of the entity using the IP address.
	EntityName string `json:"entityName,omitempty"`
	// Name of the vApp whose VM is using this IP address.
	VAppName string `json:"vAppName,omitempty"`
	// The IP address in use.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	// Whether the entity using this IP address is currently deployed.
	Deployed bool `json:"deployed,omitempty"`
	// The possible allocation types for network address like VSM allocated, VM allocated or NAT routed.
	AllocationType *UsedIpAddressAllocationType `json:"allocationType,omitempty"`
	// The vApp network or Org vDC network to which this entity is connected.
	NetworkRef *EntityReference `json:"networkRef,omitempty"`
	// The organization that this entity belongs to.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`

Describes a used IP address for a network.

type UsedIpAddressAllocationType ¶

type UsedIpAddressAllocationType string

UsedIpAddressAllocationType : The possible allocation types for allocated network IP address. VM_ALLOCATED means that the IP address is used by a VM, EDGE means that the IP address is in use by an NSX edge gateway interface.

const (
	VM_ALLOCATED_UsedIpAddressAllocationType UsedIpAddressAllocationType = "VM_ALLOCATED"
	EDGE_UsedIpAddressAllocationType         UsedIpAddressAllocationType = "EDGE"

List of UsedIpAddressAllocationType

type UsedIpAddresses ¶

type UsedIpAddresses struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association   `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []UsedIpAddress `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of used IP addresses.

type User ¶

type User struct {
	Username     string           `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Description  string           `json:"description,omitempty"`
	OrgEntityRef *EntityReference `json:"orgEntityRef,omitempty"`
	Fullname     string           `json:"fullname,omitempty"`
	Email        string           `json:"email,omitempty"`
	PhoneNumber  string           `json:"phoneNumber,omitempty"`
	Im           string           `json:"im,omitempty"`
	External     bool             `json:"external,omitempty"`
	NameInSource string           `json:"nameInSource,omitempty"`
	// This field is under accelerated deprecation and will be removed next release.
	SourceEntityRef          *EntityReference `json:"sourceEntityRef,omitempty"`
	Enabled                  bool             `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	Locked                   bool             `json:"locked,omitempty"`
	AlertEmailPrefix         string           `json:"alertEmailPrefix,omitempty"`
	AlertEmail               string           `json:"alertEmail,omitempty"`
	RoleEntityRef            *EntityReference `json:"roleEntityRef,omitempty"`
	RoleInherited            bool             `json:"roleInherited,omitempty"`
	DelayAfterPowerOnSeconds int32            `json:"delayAfterPowerOnSeconds,omitempty"`
	// The stored VM quota for this user. Defaults to 0 which means unlimited. This property is deprecated in 35.0. Use user quotas API.
	StoredVMQuota int32 `json:"storedVMQuota,omitempty"`
	// The deployed VM quota for this user. Defaults to 0 which means unlimited. This property is deprecated in 35.0. Use user quotas API.
	DeployedVMQuota int32 `json:"deployedVMQuota,omitempty"`
	InSync          bool  `json:"inSync,omitempty"`

LDAP User Spec object.

type UserApiQueryUserGroupsOpts ¶

type UserApiQueryUserGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type UserApiQueryUsersOpts ¶

type UserApiQueryUsersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type UserApiService ¶

type UserApiService service

func (*UserApiService) CreateUser ¶

func (a *UserApiService) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, newUser VcdUser) (VcdUser, *http.Response, error)

UserApiService Create a new user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newUser

@return VcdUser

func (*UserApiService) DeleteUser ¶

func (a *UserApiService) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

UserApiService Delete the specified user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userUrn userUrn

func (*UserApiService) GetUser ¶

func (a *UserApiService) GetUser(ctx context.Context, userUrn string) (VcdUser, *http.Response, error)

UserApiService Get a specified user by id. Get a specified user by id.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param userUrn userUrn

@return VcdUser

func (*UserApiService) QueryUserGroups ¶

func (a *UserApiService) QueryUserGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, userUrn string, localVarOptionals *UserApiQueryUserGroupsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*UserApiService) QueryUsers ¶

func (a *UserApiService) QueryUsers(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *UserApiQueryUsersOpts) (VcdUsers, *http.Response, error)

func (*UserApiService) UpdateUser ¶

func (a *UserApiService) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, updatedUser VcdUser, userUrn string) (VcdUser, *http.Response, error)

UserApiService Modify the details of a user. A non-administrator user may only modify their own password. An administrator can edit any user. Modify basic details of the specified user.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updatedUser
  • @param userUrn userUrn

@return VcdUser

type UserGroup ¶

type UserGroup struct {
	Name         string           `json:"name"`
	Id           string           `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description  string           `json:"description"`
	OrgEntityRef *EntityReference `json:"orgEntityRef"`
	// This field is under accelerated deprecation and will be removed next release.
	SourceEntityRef *EntityReference `json:"sourceEntityRef,omitempty"`
	RoleEntityRef   *EntityReference `json:"roleEntityRef"`
	NameInSource    string           `json:"nameInSource,omitempty"`
	// The provider type of the group. Valid values are: <ul>     <li> LDAP     <li> SAML     <li> OAUTH </ul>
	ProviderType string `json:"providerType"`

Group Spec object.

type UserGroups ¶

type UserGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of groups.
	Values []UserGroup `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of groups.

type VCenterResourcesApiGetDvSwitchesOpts ¶

type VCenterResourcesApiGetDvSwitchesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VCenterResourcesApiGetImportableDvpgsOpts ¶

type VCenterResourcesApiGetImportableDvpgsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VCenterResourcesApiGetImportablePortgroupsOpts ¶

type VCenterResourcesApiGetImportablePortgroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VCenterResourcesApiService ¶

type VCenterResourcesApiService service

func (*VCenterResourcesApiService) GetDvSwitches ¶

func (a *VCenterResourcesApiService) GetDvSwitches(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VCenterResourcesApiGetDvSwitchesOpts) (DvSwitches, *http.Response, error)

func (*VCenterResourcesApiService) GetImportableDvpgs ¶

func (a *VCenterResourcesApiService) GetImportableDvpgs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VCenterResourcesApiGetImportableDvpgsOpts) (DistributedPortGroups, *http.Response, error)

func (*VCenterResourcesApiService) GetImportablePortgroups ¶

func (a *VCenterResourcesApiService) GetImportablePortgroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VCenterResourcesApiGetImportablePortgroupsOpts) (PortGroups, *http.Response, error)

type VCenterServer ¶

type VCenterServer struct {
	// URN of the associated vCenter server.
	VcId string `json:"vcId,omitempty"`
	// The name of the vCenter server.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// Optional description.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// User name to connect to the server.
	Username string `json:"username"`
	// Cleartext password to connect to the server.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	// URL of the server.
	Url string `json:"url"`
	// True if the vCenter server is enabled for use with vCloud Director.
	IsEnabled bool `json:"isEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The URL of vCenter web client server.
	VsphereWebClientServerUrl string `json:"vsphereWebClientServerUrl,omitempty"`
	// When present, indicates that a proxy exists within vCloud Director that proxies this vCenter server for access by authorized end-users. Setting this field to true when registering a vCenter server will result in a proxy being created for the vCenter server, and another for the corresponding SSO endpoint (if different from the vCenter server's endpoint). This field is immutable after the vCenter Server is registered, and will be updated by the system when/if the proxy is removed.
	HasProxy bool `json:"hasProxy,omitempty"`
	// vCenter root folder in which the vCloud Director system folder will be created. This parameter only takes the folder name and not directory structure.
	RootFolder string `json:"rootFolder,omitempty"`
	// Network in Vcenter to be used as 'NONE' network by vCD.
	VcNoneNetwork string `json:"vcNoneNetwork,omitempty"`
	// Public label of this vCenter server visible to all tenants.
	TenantVisibleName string `json:"tenantVisibleName,omitempty"`
	// True if the vCenter server is connected.
	IsConnected bool `json:"isConnected,omitempty"`
	// The vcenter mode. One of <ul> <li>NONE - undetermined</li> <li>IAAS - provider scoped</li> <li>SDDC - tenant scoped</li> <li>MIXED</li> </ul> IAAS indicates this vCenter server is scoped to the provider. SDDC indicates that this vCenter server is scoped to tenants, while MIXED indicates mixed mode, where both uses are allowed in this vCenter server.
	Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	// The vcenter listener state. One of <ul> <li>INITIAL</li> <li>INVALID_SETTINGS</li> <li>UNSUPPORTED</li> <li>DISCONNECTED</li> <li>CONNECTING</li> <li>CONNECTED_SYNCING</li> <li>CONNECTED</li> <li>STOP_REQ</li> <li>STOP_AND_PURGE_REQ</li> <li>STOP_ACK</li> </ul>
	ListenerState string `json:"listenerState,omitempty"`
	// The overall health status of clusters in this vCenter server. One of <ul> <li>GRAY</li> <li>RED</li> <li>YELLOW</li> <li>GREEN</li> </ul>
	ClusterHealthStatus string `json:"clusterHealthStatus,omitempty"`
	// The version of the VIM server.
	VcVersion string `json:"vcVersion,omitempty"`
	// The build number of the VIM server.
	BuildNumber string `json:"buildNumber,omitempty"`
	// The instance UUID property of the vCenter server.
	Uuid string `json:"uuid,omitempty"`
	// the NSX-V attached to this Virtual Center server, when present.
	NsxVManager           *NsxVManager `json:"nsxVManager,omitempty"`
	ProxyConfigurationUrn string       `json:"proxyConfigurationUrn,omitempty"`

An object representing a vCenter server.

type VCenterServerMetrics ¶

type VCenterServerMetrics struct {
	// URN of the associated vCenter server.
	VcId string `json:"vcId,omitempty"`
	// The number of clusters in this vCenter server.
	ClustersCount int32 `json:"clustersCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of VMs in this vCenter server.
	TotalVmCount int32 `json:"totalVmCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of powered-on VMs in this vCenter server.
	PoweredOnVmCount int32 `json:"poweredOnVmCount,omitempty"`
	// The total memory (in MB) in this vCenter server.
	TotalMemMb int32 `json:"totalMemMb,omitempty"`
	// The reserved memory (in MB) in this vCenter server.
	ReservedMemMb int32 `json:"reservedMemMb,omitempty"`
	// The demanded memory (in MB) in this vCenter server.
	DemandedMemMb int32 `json:"demandedMemMb,omitempty"`
	// The total CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter server.
	TotalCpuMhz int32 `json:"totalCpuMhz,omitempty"`
	// The reserved CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter server.
	ReservedCpuMhz int32 `json:"reservedCpuMhz,omitempty"`
	// The demanded CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter server.
	DemandedCpuMhz int32 `json:"demandedCpuMhz,omitempty"`
	// The size (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter server.
	TotalStorageMb int32 `json:"totalStorageMb,omitempty"`
	// The size of free storage (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter server.
	FreeStorageMb int32 `json:"freeStorageMb,omitempty"`
	// The size of uncommitted storage (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter server.
	UncommittedStorageMb int32 `json:"uncommittedStorageMb,omitempty"`

An object representing metrics of a vCenter server.

type VCenterServers ¶

type VCenterServers struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of vCenter server.
	Values []VCenterServer `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of vCenter servers.

type VRealizeOrchestratorApiService ¶

type VRealizeOrchestratorApiService service

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorApiService) GetRegisteredVRO ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorApiService Retrieves service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

@return VroServiceInfo

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorApiService) PatchService ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorApiService Updates service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body
  • @param id

@return VroServiceInfo

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorApiService) Unregister ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorApiService Unregisters a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint from vCloud Director

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param id

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorApiService) UpdateService ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorApiService Updates service specific metadata for a vRealize Orchestrator

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body
  • @param id

@return VroServiceInfo

type VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService ¶

type VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService service

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService) DiscoverVroVcenter ¶

func (a *VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService) DiscoverVroVcenter(ctx context.Context, body VroServiceInfo) (*http.Response, error)

VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService Discover vCenter to work with the provided vRealize Orchestrator service

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService) GetRegisteredVROs ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService Get a list of registered vRealize Orchestrator services

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return []VroServiceInfo

func (*VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService) Register ¶

VRealizeOrchestratorsApiService Register a vRealize Orchestrator endpoint with vCloud Director

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param body

@return VroServiceInfo

type VcdUser ¶

type VcdUser struct {
	// Immutable user name of the user.
	Username string `json:"username"`
	// Full name (display name) of the user.
	FullName string `json:"fullName,omitempty"`
	// Description of the user.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Unique id for the user.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The role(s) of the user. If isGroupRole is true, this user inherits their role(s) from group membership(s)
	RoleEntityRefs []EntityReference `json:"roleEntityRefs"`
	// Organization that the user belongs to.
	OrgEntityRef *EntityReference `json:"orgEntityRef,omitempty"`
	// Password for the user. Must be null for external users.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	// The deployed VM quota for this user. Defaults to 0 which means unlimited. This property is deprecated in 35.0. Use user quotas API.
	DeployedVmQuota int32 `json:"deployedVmQuota,omitempty"`
	// The stored VM quota for this user. Defaults to 0 which means unlimited. This property is deprecated in 35.0. Use user quotas API.
	StoredVmQuota int32 `json:"storedVmQuota,omitempty"`
	// A user's email address. Based on org email preferences, notifications can be sent to the user via email.
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
	// Name of the user in its source.
	NameInSource string `json:"nameInSource,omitempty"`
	// Enabled state of the user. Defaults to true.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// Determines if this user's role is inherited from a group. Defaults to false.
	IsGroupRole bool `json:"isGroupRole,omitempty"`
	// Provider type of the user. It is immutable and must be one of: LOCAL, LDAP, SAML, OAUTH.
	ProviderType string `json:"providerType,omitempty"`

User Spec object.

type VcdUsers ¶

type VcdUsers struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of users.
	Values []VcdUser `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Users of an organization.

type Vdc2ApiGetComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type Vdc2ApiGetComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type Vdc2ApiService ¶

type Vdc2ApiService service

func (*Vdc2ApiService) GetComputePolicies ¶

func (a *Vdc2ApiService) GetComputePolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, orgVdcId string, localVarOptionals *Vdc2ApiGetComputePoliciesOpts) (VdcComputePolicies2, *http.Response, error)

func (*Vdc2ApiService) GetVdcMaxComputePolicy ¶

func (a *Vdc2ApiService) GetVdcMaxComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (VdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

Vdc2ApiService Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC. Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

@return VdcComputePolicy2

func (*Vdc2ApiService) UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy ¶

func (a *Vdc2ApiService) UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, newVdcComputePolicy2Params VdcComputePolicy2, orgVdcId string) (VdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

Vdc2ApiService Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC. Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC. Returns 400 if policy type is not VdcVmPolicy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newVdcComputePolicy2Params
  • @param orgVdcId

@return VdcComputePolicy2

type VdcApiGetComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type VdcApiGetComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcApiQueryVdcsOpts ¶

type VdcApiQueryVdcsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcApiService ¶

type VdcApiService service

func (*VdcApiService) GetComputePolicies ¶

func (a *VdcApiService) GetComputePolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, orgVdcId string, localVarOptionals *VdcApiGetComputePoliciesOpts) (VdcComputePolicies, *http.Response, error)

func (*VdcApiService) GetVdc ¶

func (a *VdcApiService) GetVdc(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (OrgVdc, *http.Response, error)

VdcApiService Retrieves a specific vDC via URN.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

@return OrgVdc

func (*VdcApiService) GetVdcMaxComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcApiService) GetVdcMaxComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (VdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

VdcApiService Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC. Retrieves Max Compute Policy of the vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

@return VdcComputePolicy

func (*VdcApiService) QueryVdcs ¶

func (a *VdcApiService) QueryVdcs(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VdcApiQueryVdcsOpts) (OrgVdcs, *http.Response, error)

func (*VdcApiService) UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcApiService) UpdateVdcMaxComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, newVdcComputePolicyParams VdcComputePolicy, orgVdcId string) (VdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

VdcApiService Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC. Updates Max Compute Policy of the vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newVdcComputePolicyParams
  • @param orgVdcId

@return VdcComputePolicy

type VdcComputePolicies ¶

type VdcComputePolicies struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of VDC compute policies.
	Values []VdcComputePolicy `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of VDC compute policies.

type VdcComputePolicies2 ¶

type VdcComputePolicies2 struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of vDC compute policies.
	Values []VdcComputePolicy2 `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of vDC compute policies. (Version 2.0.0)

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVdcComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVdcComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts ¶

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiService ¶

type VdcComputePolicies2ApiService service

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs(ctx context.Context, vdcRefs []EntityReference, vdcComputePolicyId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Assign this organization VDC compute policy to list of VDCs.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcRefs
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return []EntityReference

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) CreateVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) CreateVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, newVdcComputePolicyParams VdcComputePolicy2) (VdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Creates a new organization VDC compute policy Creates a new VDC compute policy. if PolicyType is VdcKubernetesPolicy, then the response is a 202 with task URL in location header. For VdcVmPolicy type, the response is 201 with created policy in response body.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newVdcComputePolicyParams

@return VdcComputePolicy2

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) DeleteVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) DeleteVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Delete specified organization VDC compute policy. Deletes vDC compute policy. if PolicyType is VdcKubernetesPolicy, then the response is a 202 with task URL in location header, else 204 is returned.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) (VdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Get specified organization VDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return VdcComputePolicy2

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyMetrics ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyMetrics(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) (VdcComputePolicyMetrics, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Get specified organization VDC compute policy metrics. Returns metrics for the given compute policy. Returns 400 if the policyType does not support metrics. For example, if type of the policy is VdcVmPolicy, then this API returns a 400 BadRequest response.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return VdcComputePolicyMetrics

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Get orgatization VDCs this VDC compute policy has been assigned/published to

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return []EntityReference

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryVdcComputePolicies ¶

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, vdcComputePolicyId string, localVarOptionals *VdcComputePolicies2ApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts) (VirtualMachineClasses, *http.Response, error)

func (*VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) UpdateVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePolicies2ApiService) UpdateVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, updateVdcComputePolicyParams VdcComputePolicy2, vdcComputePolicyId string) (VdcComputePolicy2, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePolicies2ApiService Update specified organization VDC compute policy Updates vDC compute policy. if PolicyType is VdcKubernetesPolicy, then the response is a 202 with task URL in location header. For VdcVmPolicy type, the response is 200 with updated policy in response body.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updateVdcComputePolicyParams
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return VdcComputePolicy2

type VdcComputePoliciesApiGetVdcComputePolicyVmsOpts ¶

type VdcComputePoliciesApiGetVdcComputePolicyVmsOpts struct {
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcComputePoliciesApiQueryVdcComputePoliciesOpts ¶

type VdcComputePoliciesApiQueryVdcComputePoliciesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcComputePoliciesApiService ¶

type VdcComputePoliciesApiService service

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) AddVdcComputePolicyToVdcs(ctx context.Context, vdcRefs []EntityReference, vdcComputePolicyId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Assign this organization vDC compute policy to list of vDCs.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcRefs
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return []EntityReference

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) CreateVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) CreateVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, newVdcComputePolicyParams VdcComputePolicy) (VdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Creates a new organization vDC compute policy Creates a new vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param newVdcComputePolicyParams

@return VdcComputePolicy

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) DeleteVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) DeleteVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Delete specified organization vDC compute policy.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) (VdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Get specified organization vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return VdcComputePolicy

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVdcs(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string) ([]EntityReference, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Get organization vDCs associated with this vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return []EntityReference

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVms ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) GetVdcComputePolicyVms(ctx context.Context, vdcComputePolicyId string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VdcComputePoliciesApiGetVdcComputePolicyVmsOpts) (EntityReferences, *http.Response, error)

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) QueryVdcComputePolicies ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) QueryVdcComputePolicies(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VdcComputePoliciesApiQueryVdcComputePoliciesOpts) (VdcComputePolicies, *http.Response, error)

func (*VdcComputePoliciesApiService) UpdateVdcComputePolicy ¶

func (a *VdcComputePoliciesApiService) UpdateVdcComputePolicy(ctx context.Context, updateVdcComputePolicyParams VdcComputePolicy, vdcComputePolicyId string) (VdcComputePolicy, *http.Response, error)

VdcComputePoliciesApiService Update specified organization vDC compute policy

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param updateVdcComputePolicyParams
  • @param vdcComputePolicyId

@return VdcComputePolicy

type VdcComputePolicy ¶

type VdcComputePolicy struct {
	// UUID for vDC compute policy. This is immutable.
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The CPU speed in MHz of this VM. This is optional. When provided, VMs with this policy cannot have more than CPU speed defined by this field.
	CpuSpeed int64 `json:"cpuSpeed,omitempty"`
	// The maximum memory in MB allowed for a VM. This is optional. When provided, VMs with this policy cannot have configured memory more than defined by this field.
	Memory int64 `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	// The maximum number of CPUs allowed for a VM. This is optional. When provided, VMs with this policy cannot have more than number of CPUs defined by this field.
	CpuCount int32 `json:"cpuCount,omitempty"`
	// The cores per socket to be configured for the VM where this policy is applied.
	CoresPerSocket int32 `json:"coresPerSocket,omitempty"`
	// The factor of the configured memory reserved for the VM on which this policy is applied.
	MemoryReservationGuarantee float64 `json:"memoryReservationGuarantee,omitempty"`
	// The factor of the configured CPU reserved for the VM on which this policy is applied.
	CpuReservationGuarantee float64 `json:"cpuReservationGuarantee,omitempty"`
	// The limit of CPU in MHz for the VM on which this policy is applied. -1 means unlimited. This is optional. If not provided, limit would be equal to the vCPUSpeed multiplied by numCPU.
	CpuLimit int64 `json:"cpuLimit,omitempty"`
	// The limit of memory in MB for the VM on which this policy is applied. -1 means unlimited. This is optional. If not provided, limit would be equal to the configured memory of the VM.
	MemoryLimit int64 `json:"memoryLimit,omitempty"`
	// The number of CPU shares for the VM on which this policy is applied. This is optional. If not provided, Normal shares would be applied to the VM.
	CpuShares int32 `json:"cpuShares,omitempty"`
	// The number of memory shares for the VM on which this policy is applied. This is optional. If not provided, Normal shares would be applied to the VM.
	MemoryShares int32 `json:"memoryShares,omitempty"`
	// Map of extra configs to be set on the VM with this policy.
	ExtraConfigs map[string]string `json:"extraConfigs,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated in Api 32.0, this property will be removed in future release.
	PvdcComputePolicyRef *EntityReference `json:"pvdcComputePolicyRef,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client after creation.
	PvdcComputePolicy *EntityReference `json:"pvdcComputePolicy,omitempty"`
	// A list of read-only compatible vDC types for this policy.
	CompatibleVdcTypes []string `json:"compatibleVdcTypes,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client after creation. It defines whether the policy is SIZING_ONLY or if it also contains affinity information.
	IsSizingOnly bool `json:"isSizingOnly,omitempty"`
	// URN for Provider VDC.
	PvdcId string `json:"pvdcId,omitempty"`
	// List of list of vmGroups grouped together in a meaningful manner. A group of vmGroups would consist of one functionally equal vmGroup picked from each cluster of the pvdc.
	NamedVmGroups [][]EntityReference `json:"namedVmGroups,omitempty"`
	// List of logical vm group references. This value is set at creation time and cannot be edited later.
	LogicalVmGroupReferences []EntityReference `json:"logicalVmGroupReferences,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client. It defines if the policy is auto-generated.
	IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"`

type VdcComputePolicy2 ¶

type VdcComputePolicy2 struct {
	// UUID for vDC compute policy. This is immutable.
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// The discriminator type is used to differentiate among various sub policy types.
	PolicyType string `json:"policyType"`
	// Display name.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client after creation.
	PvdcComputePolicy *EntityReference `json:"pvdcComputePolicy,omitempty"`
	// A list of read-only compatible vDC types for this policy.
	CompatibleVdcTypes []string `json:"compatibleVdcTypes,omitempty"`
	// This field cannot be updated and is a read-only field in the client after creation. It defines whether the policy is SIZING_ONLY or if it also contains affinity information.
	IsSizingOnly bool `json:"isSizingOnly,omitempty"`
	// URN for Provider vDC.
	PvdcId string `json:"pvdcId,omitempty"`
	// It is a read-only field. It indicates whether the policy is auto-generated.
	IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"`

vDC compute policy that contains vDC specific configuration for workloads. (Version 2.0.0)

type VdcComputePolicyMetrics ¶

type VdcComputePolicyMetrics struct {
	// The discriminator type is used to differentiate among various sub policy type metrics.
	PolicyMetricsType string `json:"policyMetricsType"`

Metrics for Vdc compute policy

type VdcGroup ¶

type VdcGroup struct {
	// The unique ID for the vDC Group (read-only).
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The organization that this group belongs to.
	OrgId string `json:"orgId"`
	// The name of this group. The name must be unique.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The description of this group.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// Determines whether local egress is enabled for a universal router belonging to a universal vDC group. This value is used on create if universalNetworkingEnabled is set to true. This cannot be updated. This value is always false for local vDC groups.
	LocalEgress bool `json:"localEgress,omitempty"`
	// The list of organization vDCs that are participating in this group.
	ParticipatingOrgVdcs []ParticipatingVdcReference `json:"participatingOrgVdcs"`
	// True means that a vDC group router has been created. If set to true for vdc group creation, a universal router will also be created.
	UniversalNetworkingEnabled bool `json:"universalNetworkingEnabled,omitempty"`
	// The network provider's universal id that is backing the universal network pool. This field is read-only and is derived from the list of participating vDCs if a universal vDC group is created. For universal vDC groups, each participating vDC should have a universal network pool that is backed by this same id.
	NetworkPoolUniversalId string `json:"networkPoolUniversalId,omitempty"`
	// ID of network pool to use if creating a local vDC group router. Must be set if creating a local group. Ignored if creating a universal group.
	NetworkPoolId string `json:"networkPoolId,omitempty"`
	// The status that the group can be in.
	Status *VdcGroupEntityStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// Defines the group as LOCAL or UNIVERSAL. This cannot be changed. Local vDC Groups can have networks stretched across multiple vDCs in a single Cloud Director instance. Local vDC Groups share the same broadcast domain/transport zone and network provider scope. Universal vDC groups can have networks stretched across multiple vDCs in a single or multiple Cloud Director instance(s). Universal vDC groups are backed by a broadcast domain/transport zone that strectches across a single or multiple Cloud Director instance(s). Local vDC groups are supported for both NSX-V and NSX-T Network Provider Types. Universal vDC Groups are supported for only NSX_V Network Provider Type.
	Type_ string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	// The values currently supported are NSX_V and NSX_T. Defines the networking provider backing the vDC Group. This is used on create. If not specified, NSX_V value will be used. NSX_V is used for existing vDC Groups and vDC Groups where Cross-VC NSX is used for the underlying technology. NSX_T is used when the networking provider type for the Organization vDCs in the group is NSX-T. NSX_T only supports groups of type LOCAL (single site).
	NetworkProviderType string `json:"networkProviderType,omitempty"`
	// Whether Distributed Firewall is enabled for this vDC Group. Only applicable for NSX_T vDC Groups.
	DfwEnabled bool `json:"dfwEnabled,omitempty"`
	// If the group has an error status, a more detailed error message is set here.
	ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

A vDC Group holds a list of vDCs that can have a network be stretched across the vDCs.

type VdcGroupApiDeleteVdcGroupOpts ¶

type VdcGroupApiDeleteVdcGroupOpts struct {
	Force optional.Bool

type VdcGroupApiService ¶

type VdcGroupApiService service

func (*VdcGroupApiService) DeleteVdcGroup ¶

func (a *VdcGroupApiService) DeleteVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string, localVarOptionals *VdcGroupApiDeleteVdcGroupOpts) (*http.Response, error)

func (*VdcGroupApiService) GetVdcGroup ¶

func (a *VdcGroupApiService) GetVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string) (VdcGroup, *http.Response, error)

VdcGroupApiService Retrieves a specific vDC Group.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId

@return VdcGroup

func (*VdcGroupApiService) SyncVdcGroup ¶

func (a *VdcGroupApiService) SyncVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcGroupApiService Sync/repair the vDC group. An example usage is to detect if a vDC still exists/is valid. If an Organization vDC referenced by the VDC group is deleted or if it is not participating in universal networking, it&#39;s status will be updated to OBJECT_NOT_FOUND and the vdc group will be marked as NOT_REALIZED. This will also initiate a sync of associated router, if any. The router entities like egress points and universal routes will also be marked as NOT_REALIZED if they reference the removed Organization vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupId

func (*VdcGroupApiService) UpdateVdcGroup ¶

func (a *VdcGroupApiService) UpdateVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroup VdcGroup, vdcGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcGroupApiService Updates a specific vDC Group. Example is to add/remove a participarting vDC.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroup
  • @param vdcGroupId

type VdcGroupCandidatesApiGetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidatesOpts ¶

type VdcGroupCandidatesApiGetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidatesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcGroupCandidatesApiService ¶

type VdcGroupCandidatesApiService service

func (*VdcGroupCandidatesApiService) GetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidates ¶

func (a *VdcGroupCandidatesApiService) GetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidates(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VdcGroupCandidatesApiGetNetworkingVdcGroupCandidatesOpts) (NetworkingCandidateVdcs, *http.Response, error)

type VdcGroupEntityStatus ¶

type VdcGroupEntityStatus string

VdcGroupEntityStatus : Represents status of vDC group components such as participating vdc's configured routing, egress points, etc.

const (
	SAVING_VdcGroupEntityStatus             VdcGroupEntityStatus = "SAVING"
	SAVED_VdcGroupEntityStatus              VdcGroupEntityStatus = "SAVED"
	CONFIGURING_VdcGroupEntityStatus        VdcGroupEntityStatus = "CONFIGURING"
	REALIZED_VdcGroupEntityStatus           VdcGroupEntityStatus = "REALIZED"
	REALIZATION_FAILED_VdcGroupEntityStatus VdcGroupEntityStatus = "REALIZATION_FAILED"
	DELETING_VdcGroupEntityStatus           VdcGroupEntityStatus = "DELETING"
	DELETE_FAILED_VdcGroupEntityStatus      VdcGroupEntityStatus = "DELETE_FAILED"
	OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_VdcGroupEntityStatus   VdcGroupEntityStatus = "OBJECT_NOT_FOUND"
	UNCONFIGURED_VdcGroupEntityStatus       VdcGroupEntityStatus = "UNCONFIGURED"

List of VdcGroupEntityStatus

type VdcGroupSettings ¶

type VdcGroupSettings struct {
	// <ul> Defines the fault domain tag that will be shown for participating/candidate Organization vDCs during creation or update of a vDC Group whose networkProviderType is NSX_T. The options a provider can choose from are COMPUTE_PROVIDER_SCOPE and NETWORK_PROVIDER_SCOPE. This should be selected based on the provider's compute or networking infrastructure. The default value is COMPUTE_PROVIDER_SCOPE.  <li> NETWORK_PROVIDER_SCOPE: This represents the tenant-facing name of the backing network provider for the organization vDC (NSX-V/NSX-T manager). This should be used when the fault domains in the provider infrastructure are separated by network provider. </li> <li> COMPUTE_PROVIDER_SCOPE: This represents the tenant-facing name of the backing compute provider for the organization vDC (Provider VDC). This should be used when the fault domains in the provider infrastructure are separated by compute provider. </li> </ul>
	NsxTVdcGroupFaultDomainTagType string `json:"nsxTVdcGroupFaultDomainTagType,omitempty"`

Defines the global settings for all vDC Groups in the system. These can be changed by the provider only.

type VdcGroups ¶

type VdcGroups struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []VdcGroup    `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of vDC Groups.

type VdcGroupsApiGetVdcGroupsOpts ¶

type VdcGroupsApiGetVdcGroupsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VdcGroupsApiService ¶

type VdcGroupsApiService service

func (*VdcGroupsApiService) CreateVdcGroup ¶

func (a *VdcGroupsApiService) CreateVdcGroup(ctx context.Context, vdcGroup VdcGroup) (*http.Response, error)

VdcGroupsApiService Creates a vDC Group. A universal router will also be created if universalNetworkingEnabled is set to true.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroup

func (*VdcGroupsApiService) GetVdcGroups ¶

func (a *VdcGroupsApiService) GetVdcGroups(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VdcGroupsApiGetVdcGroupsOpts) (VdcGroups, *http.Response, error)

type VdcGroupsSettingsApiService ¶

type VdcGroupsSettingsApiService service

func (*VdcGroupsSettingsApiService) GetVdcGroupSettings ¶

VdcGroupsSettingsApiService Retrieves the global vDC groups settings. These settings apply to all vDC Groups in the system and can only be retrieved by the provider.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return VdcGroupSettings

func (*VdcGroupsSettingsApiService) UpdateVdcGroupSettings ¶

func (a *VdcGroupsSettingsApiService) UpdateVdcGroupSettings(ctx context.Context, vdcGroupSettings VdcGroupSettings) (VdcGroupSettings, *http.Response, error)

VdcGroupsSettingsApiService Updates the global vDC groups settings. These settings apply to all vDC Groups in the system and can only be updated by the provider.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcGroupSettings

@return VdcGroupSettings

type VdcNetwork ¶

type VdcNetwork struct {
	// The unique ID for the network. This field is read-only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	// The name of the network.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// The description of the network.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	// List of subnets configured for the network.
	Subnets *Subnets `json:"subnets,omitempty"`
	// The NSX id of the backing network.
	BackingNetworkId string `json:"backingNetworkId,omitempty"`
	// The object type of the backing network.
	BackingNetworkType *BackingNetworkType `json:"backingNetworkType,omitempty"`
	// The parent network if the network is a direct network, otherwise it will be null.
	ParentNetworkId *EntityReference `json:"parentNetworkId,omitempty"`
	// The type of network. Changing the network type allows converting between an isolated and routed network. Note that the \"connection\" field must also be set if converting from isolated to routed network.
	NetworkType *VdcNetworkFenceType `json:"networkType,omitempty"`
	// The organization vDC the network belongs to. This should be unset if the network is owned by a vDC Group. For API version 35.0 and above, this field will be treated as read only. Please use ownerRef for new network creation.
	OrgVdc *EntityReference `json:"orgVdc,omitempty"`
	// The org vDC or vDC Group that this network belongs to. If the ownerRef is set to a vDC Group, this network will be available across all the vDCs in the vDC Group. If the vDC Group is backed by a NSX-V network provider, the org vDC network is automatically connected to the distributed router associated with the vDC Group and the \"connection\" field does not need to be set. For API version 35.0 and above, this field should be set for network creation.
	OwnerRef *EntityReference `json:"ownerRef,omitempty"`
	// For an Org vDC network, whether the vDC is backed by NSX-T.
	OrgVdcIsNsxTBacked bool `json:"orgVdcIsNsxTBacked,omitempty"`
	// The organization to which the network belongs.
	OrgRef *EntityReference `json:"orgRef,omitempty"`
	// The edge gateway that the network is attached to.
	Connection *RouterConnection `json:"connection,omitempty"`
	// Deprecated unused field, this property will be removed in future release.
	IsDefaultNetwork bool `json:"isDefaultNetwork,omitempty"`
	// Whether this network is shared with other organization vDCs.
	Shared bool `json:"shared,omitempty"`
	// Whether or not this network will support two subnets
	EnableDualSubnetNetwork bool `json:"enableDualSubnetNetwork,omitempty"`
	// Description of the network's status.
	Status *OrgVdcNetworkStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
	// Brief failure message if the last configuration task failed. Deprecated in Api 33.0, this property will be removed in next release.
	LastTaskFailureMessage string `json:"lastTaskFailureMessage,omitempty"`
	// Whether guest VLAN tagging is allowed.
	GuestVlanTaggingAllowed bool `json:"guestVlanTaggingAllowed,omitempty"`
	// Whether network resources such as IP/MAC Addresses are to be retained.
	RetainNicResources bool `json:"retainNicResources,omitempty"`
	// The id of the cross vdc network if this is a stretched network, otherwise it will be null.
	CrossVdcNetworkId string `json:"crossVdcNetworkId,omitempty"`
	// The id of the org from which this network can be managed if this is a stretched network, otherwise it will be null.
	CrossVdcNetworkLocationId string `json:"crossVdcNetworkLocationId,omitempty"`
	// Overlay connectivity ID for this Network. This field is used on creation during POST only and will not be displayed on an object returned through GET or PUT.
	OverlayId int32 `json:"overlayId,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP addresses defined by the static ip pools. If the network contains any IpV6 subnets, the total ip count will be null.
	TotalIpCount int32 `json:"totalIpCount,omitempty"`
	// The number of IP address used from the static ip pools.
	UsedIpCount int32 `json:"usedIpCount,omitempty"`
	// Whether this network is advertised so that it can be routed out to the external networks. This applies only to network backed by NSX-T. Value will be unset if route advertisement is not applicable.
	RouteAdvertised bool `json:"routeAdvertised,omitempty"`
	// The list of firewall groups of type SECURITY_GROUP/STATIC_MEMBERS that are assigned to the Org VDC Network. These groups can then be used in firewall rules to protect the Org VDC Network and allow/deny traffic.
	SecurityGroups []EntityReference `json:"securityGroups,omitempty"`

An organization vDC network.

type VdcNetworkConnectionType ¶

type VdcNetworkConnectionType string

VdcNetworkConnectionType : Describes how a network is connected to a gateway.

const (
	DISTRIBUTED_VdcNetworkConnectionType  VdcNetworkConnectionType = "DISTRIBUTED"
	INTERNAL_VdcNetworkConnectionType     VdcNetworkConnectionType = "INTERNAL"
	SUBINTERFACE_VdcNetworkConnectionType VdcNetworkConnectionType = "SUBINTERFACE"

List of VdcNetworkConnectionType

type VdcNetworkDhcpConfig ¶

type VdcNetworkDhcpConfig struct {
	// Whether the DHCP service is currently enabled on network.
	Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	// The amount of time in seconds of how long a DHCP IP will be leased out for. The minimum is 60s while the maximum is 4,294,967,295s, which is roughly 49,710 days.
	LeaseTime int64 `json:"leaseTime,omitempty"`
	// Range of DHCP IP addresses
	DhcpPools []VdcNetworkDhcpPool `json:"dhcpPools,omitempty"`
	// This value describes how the DHCP service is configured for this network. Once a DHCP service has been created, the mode attribute cannot be changed. The mode field will default to 'EDGE' if it is not provided. This field only applies to networks backed by an NSX-T network provider. <ul> <li>The supported values are EDGE and NETWORK.</li> <li>If EDGE is specified, the DHCP service of the edge is used to obtain DHCP IPs.</li> <li>If NETWORK is specified, a DHCP server is created for use by this network.</li> </ul> In order to use DHCP for IPV6, NETWORK mode must be used. Routed networks which are using NETWORK DHCP services can be disconnected from the edge gateway and still retain their DHCP configuration, however network using EDGE DHCP cannot be disconnected from the gateway until DHCP has been disabled.
	Mode string `json:"mode,omitempty"`
	// The IP address of the DHCP service. This is required upon create if using NETWORK mode. This field only applies to networks backed by an NSX-T network provider.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

Configuration for the DHCP service that runs for the network. In order to use DHCPv6 in NSX-T, the network must be configured in EDGE mode, the network must be attached to a router, and the router must have a SLAAC profile configured with DHCPv6 mode.

type VdcNetworkDhcpPool ¶

type VdcNetworkDhcpPool struct {
	// Whether the DHCP address pool is currently enabled
	Enabled bool     `json:"enabled,omitempty"`
	IpRange *IpRange `json:"ipRange,omitempty"`
	// Max lease time in seconds
	MaxLeaseTime int32 `json:"maxLeaseTime,omitempty"`
	// Default lease time in seconds
	DefaultLeaseTime int32 `json:"defaultLeaseTime,omitempty"`

A range of DHCP ip addresses and its lease time configuration.

type VdcNetworkFenceType ¶

type VdcNetworkFenceType string

VdcNetworkFenceType : The network type.

const (
	DIRECT_VdcNetworkFenceType        VdcNetworkFenceType = "DIRECT"
	DIRECT_UPLINK_VdcNetworkFenceType VdcNetworkFenceType = "DIRECT_UPLINK"
	ISOLATED_VdcNetworkFenceType      VdcNetworkFenceType = "ISOLATED"
	OPAQUE_VdcNetworkFenceType        VdcNetworkFenceType = "OPAQUE"
	NAT_ROUTED_VdcNetworkFenceType    VdcNetworkFenceType = "NAT_ROUTED"
	CROSS_VDC_VdcNetworkFenceType     VdcNetworkFenceType = "CROSS_VDC"

List of VdcNetworkFenceType

type VdcNetworkProfile ¶

type VdcNetworkProfile struct {
	// The Edge Cluster where the primary appliance for an NSX-V Edge Gateway will be deployed.
	PrimaryEdgeCluster *EntityReference `json:"primaryEdgeCluster,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Cluster where the secondary appliance for an NSX-V Edge Gateway will be deployed if HA is enabled on the Edge.
	SecondaryEdgeCluster *EntityReference `json:"secondaryEdgeCluster,omitempty"`
	// The Edge Cluster where the DHCP server profile will be stored for NSX-T networks using NETWORK mode DHCP.
	ServicesEdgeCluster *ServicesEdgeCluster `json:"servicesEdgeCluster,omitempty"`

A vDC Network Profile object.

type VdcNetworkProfileApiService ¶

type VdcNetworkProfileApiService service

func (*VdcNetworkProfileApiService) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile ¶

func (a *VdcNetworkProfileApiService) DeleteVdcNetworkProfile(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcNetworkProfileApiService Deletes/Reset a vDC Network Profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

func (*VdcNetworkProfileApiService) GetVdcNetworkProfile ¶

func (a *VdcNetworkProfileApiService) GetVdcNetworkProfile(ctx context.Context, orgVdcId string) (VdcNetworkProfile, *http.Response, error)

VdcNetworkProfileApiService Retrieves the vDC Network Profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param orgVdcId

@return VdcNetworkProfile

func (*VdcNetworkProfileApiService) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile ¶

func (a *VdcNetworkProfileApiService) UpdateVdcNetworkProfile(ctx context.Context, vdcNetworkProfile VdcNetworkProfile, orgVdcId string) (*http.Response, error)

VdcNetworkProfileApiService Updates the vDC Network Profile.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vdcNetworkProfile
  • @param orgVdcId

type VdcNetworks ¶

type VdcNetworks struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []VdcNetwork  `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of Org vDC networks

type VirtualCenterApiGetStorageProfilesOpts ¶

type VirtualCenterApiGetStorageProfilesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VirtualCenterApiGetUnmanagedVirtualMachinesOpts ¶

type VirtualCenterApiGetUnmanagedVirtualMachinesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualCentersOpts ¶

type VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualCentersOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts ¶

type VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VirtualCenterApiService ¶

type VirtualCenterApiService service

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) AttachVirtualCenter ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) AttachVirtualCenter(ctx context.Context, vimserver VCenterServer) (*http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Attach a Virtual Center server Attach a Virtual Center server.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vimserver

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) DeleteVirtualCenter ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) DeleteVirtualCenter(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string) (*http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Detach the specified Virtual Center server Unregister a vCenter server. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetChildResourcePools ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetChildResourcePools(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, moref string, page int32, pageSize int32) (ResourcePools, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get resource pools of a VC Get list of child resource pools of the specified parent. If a resource pool is ineligible, but is in the response, this means it has children, which are eligible. A resource pool will be ineligible, unless the cluster has an ESXi host on it. The list will be sorted by name, case insensitive.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param moref
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return ResourcePools

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetNsxVManagerSettings ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetNsxVManagerSettings(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string) (NsxVManagerSettings, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get Virtual Center server network settings Retrieve the networking configuration of a registered vCenter server.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn

@return NsxVManagerSettings

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetResourcePoolKubernetesConfig ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetResourcePoolKubernetesConfig(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, moref string) (ResourcePoolKubernetesConfig, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get kubernetes configuration for a resource pool. Get kubernetes configuration for a resource pool which is backed by a kubernetes enabled cluster.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param moref

@return ResourcePoolKubernetesConfig

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetRootResourcePools ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetRootResourcePools(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, page int32, pageSize int32) (ResourcePools, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get resource pools of a VC Get a list of all root resource pools. If a resource pool is ineligible, but is in the response, this means it has children, which are eligible. A resource pool will be ineligible, unless the cluster has an ESXi host on it. The list will be sorted by name, case insensitive.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param page Page to fetch, zero offset.
  • @param pageSize Results per page to fetch.

@return ResourcePools

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetStorageProfiles ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetStorageProfiles(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VirtualCenterApiGetStorageProfilesOpts) (StorageProfiles, *http.Response, error)

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetSupportedHardwareVersions ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetSupportedHardwareVersions(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, moref string) (HardwareVersions, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get supported hardware versions of a resource pool Get a set of all supported hardware versions by the ESXi hosts in the resource pool.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param moref

@return HardwareVersions

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetUnmanagedVirtualMachines ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetUnmanagedVirtualMachines(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VirtualCenterApiGetUnmanagedVirtualMachinesOpts) (UnmanagedVirtualMachines, *http.Response, error)

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetVcStoragePolicyCapabilities ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetVcStoragePolicyCapabilities(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, moref string) (Capabilities, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Retrieves capabilities of a specific Virtual Center storage policy. Retrieves the current capabilities configured on a specific Virtual Center storage policy. These cannot be edited.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param moref

@return Capabilities

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetVirtualCenter ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetVirtualCenter(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string) (VCenterServer, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get Virtual Center server Retrieve the representation of a vCenter server registered and managed by vCD.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn

@return VCenterServer

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) GetVirtualCenterMetrics ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) GetVirtualCenterMetrics(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string) (VCenterServerMetrics, *http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Get Virtual Center server metrics Retrieve the metrics of a registered vCenter server.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn

@return VCenterServerMetrics

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) QueryVirtualCenters ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) QueryVirtualCenters(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualCentersOpts) (VCenterServers, *http.Response, error)

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) QueryVirtualMachineClasses(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, moref string, page int32, pageSize int32, localVarOptionals *VirtualCenterApiQueryVirtualMachineClassesOpts) (VirtualMachineClasses, *http.Response, error)

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) UpdateNsxVManagerSettings ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) UpdateNsxVManagerSettings(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, updateVCenterServerParams NsxVManagerSettings) (*http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Update specified Virtual Center server network settings Update the network settings of a registered vCenter server. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param updateVCenterServerParams

func (*VirtualCenterApiService) UpdateVirtualCenter ¶

func (a *VirtualCenterApiService) UpdateVirtualCenter(ctx context.Context, vcUrn string, updateVCenterServerParams VCenterServer) (*http.Response, error)

VirtualCenterApiService Update specified Virtual Center server Update the representation of a registered vCenter server. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request. Starting with API version 36.0, a null nsxVManager will attempt to remove the NSX-V Manager from the vCenter, and a non-null nsxVManager will attempt to add the NSX-V Manager to the vCenter if there is none registered or update the NSX-V Manager if there is one already registered to the vCenter. If you don&#39;t want to update the NSX-V Manager, provide the same NSX-V Manager settings as the existing one. For API versions before 36.0, no changes or updates to the nsxVManager will be made, regardless of whether an nsxVManger is provided or if it&#39;s different than the existing one.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vcUrn
  • @param updateVCenterServerParams

type VirtualMachineClass ¶

type VirtualMachineClass struct {
	// Name of the Virtual Machine Class.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// CPU in MHz that a node reserves when this VirtualMachineClass is applied to the node of a Kubernetes cluster.
	CpuReservationRequestedMHz int64 `json:"cpuReservationRequestedMHz,omitempty"`
	// Memory in MB that a node reserves when this VirtualMachineClass is applied to the node of a Kubernetes cluster.
	MemoryReservationRequestedMB int64 `json:"memoryReservationRequestedMB,omitempty"`
	// Number of CPUs that a node gets when this VirtualMachineClass is applied to the node of a Kubernetes cluster.
	CpuCount int32 `json:"cpuCount,omitempty"`
	// Memory in MB that a node gets when this VirtualMachineClass is applied to the node of a Kubernetes cluster.
	MemoryMB int64 `json:"memoryMB,omitempty"`
	// This read-only field conveys whether CPU and memory resources are fully reserved or not when this VirtualMachineClass is applied to the node of the Kubernetes cluster.
	IsFullyReserved bool `json:"isFullyReserved,omitempty"`

In a Tanzu Kubernetes cluster Virtual Machine Classes reserve a set of resources for the VM including cpu, memory, and storage.

type VirtualMachineClasses ¶

type VirtualMachineClasses struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page Virtual Machine Classes.
	Values []VirtualMachineClass `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of Virtual Machine Classes.

type VlanIdRange ¶

type VlanIdRange struct {
	// Starting VLAN Id in the range.
	StartId int32 `json:"startId,omitempty"`
	// Ending VLAN Id in the range.
	EndId int32 `json:"endId,omitempty"`

An object representing VLAN Id range.

type VlanIdRanges ¶

type VlanIdRanges struct {
	Values []VlanIdRange `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of IpRange

type VmCriteria ¶

type VmCriteria struct {
	// List of rules that a VM must all match for the criteria to be true (VM is part of the firewall group).
	Rules []VmCriteriaRule `json:"rules,omitempty"`

List of rules that a VM must all match for the criteria to be true (VM is part of the firewall group).

type VmCriteriaRule ¶

type VmCriteriaRule struct {
	// The attribute type of a VM used for VM matching.  Below are supported types: <ul> <li> VM_TAG - Match the VM based on the tags associated with that VM. <li> VM_NAME - Match the VM based on the name of the VM. Only CONTAINS and STARTS_WITH operators are supported for this type. </ul>
	AttributeType string `json:"attributeType"`
	// The attribute value that is used to determine if a VM's attribute value matches the rule. Example: if the attribute type is VM_NAME, user should set this value to the name of the VM to match with.
	AttributeValue string `json:"attributeValue"`
	// The operator to perform to determine whether the rule's attribute value matches a VM's attribute value.  Example: if the attribute type is VM_NAME, user can set this operator to determine whether a VM's name must be an exact match or starts with that name. Below are supported types: <ul> <li> EQUALS - Match occurs if the VM's attribute value is exactly the same as the rule's attribute value. <li> CONTAINS - Match occurs if the VM's attribute value is contains the rule's attribute value. <li> STARTS_WITH - Match occurs if the VM's attribute value starts with the rule's attribute value. <li> ENDS_WITH - Match occurs if the VM's attribute value ends with the rule's attribute value. </ul>
	Operator string `json:"operator"`

A criteria rule that contains specific attributes that a VM can match with.

type VmcSddc ¶

type VmcSddc struct {
	// The unique ID for the VMC SDDC.
	Id string `json:"id"`
	// The name of the VMC SDDC. This field is read-only.
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// The username for the account to use to register Virtual Center, if not using the VMC default.
	VcUsername string `json:"vcUsername,omitempty"`
	// The password for the account to use to register Virtual Center, if not using the VMC default.
	VcPassword string `json:"vcPassword,omitempty"`
	// The URN for the proxy configuration to use for connecting to Virtual Center.
	ProxyConfigUrn string `json:"proxyConfigUrn,omitempty"`

A VMware Cloud on AWS SDDC

type VmcSddcs ¶

type VmcSddcs struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	Values       []VmcSddc     `json:"values,omitempty"`

List of VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs

type VmcSddcsApiService ¶

type VmcSddcsApiService service

func (*VmcSddcsApiService) GetVmcSddcs ¶

func (a *VmcSddcsApiService) GetVmcSddcs(ctx context.Context, serviceAppId string) (VmcSddcs, *http.Response, error)

VmcSddcsApiService Retrieves a list of SDDCs for a specific VMware service application that are available

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceAppId

@return VmcSddcs

func (*VmcSddcsApiService) RegisterVmcSDDC ¶

func (a *VmcSddcsApiService) RegisterVmcSDDC(ctx context.Context, serviceAppSddc VmcSddc, serviceAppId string) (*http.Response, error)

VmcSddcsApiService Register a VMware service application SDDC&#39;s components

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param serviceAppSddc
  • @param serviceAppId

type VrealizeBrowseApiSearchSdkObjectsOpts ¶

type VrealizeBrowseApiSearchSdkObjectsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VrealizeBrowseApiService ¶

type VrealizeBrowseApiService service

func (*VrealizeBrowseApiService) BrowseSdkObjects ¶

func (a *VrealizeBrowseApiService) BrowseSdkObjects(ctx context.Context, vroId string, target string, browsePaths string) (VroRemoteItems, *http.Response, error)

VrealizeBrowseApiService Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vroId The ID of the server to browse inventory items on
  • @param target The &#39;plugin[:type]&#39; to serve as the starting point for the browsing
  • @param browsePaths Inventory search path to identify the VRO inventory node to get contents of

@return VroRemoteItems

func (*VrealizeBrowseApiService) GetPluginList ¶

VrealizeBrowseApiService Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vroId The ID of the server to browse inventory items on

@return VroRemotePluginItems

func (*VrealizeBrowseApiService) GetPluginTypeList ¶

func (a *VrealizeBrowseApiService) GetPluginTypeList(ctx context.Context, vroId string, pluginName string) (VroRemotePluginTypes, *http.Response, error)

VrealizeBrowseApiService Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vroId The ID of the server to browse inventory items on
  • @param pluginName Inventory search path to identify the VRO inventory node to get contents of

@return VroRemotePluginTypes

func (*VrealizeBrowseApiService) GetRemoteInventory ¶

func (a *VrealizeBrowseApiService) GetRemoteInventory(ctx context.Context, vroId string, any string) (VroRemoteInventoryItem, *http.Response, error)

VrealizeBrowseApiService Browse remote vRealize Orchestrator inventory

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param vroId The ID of the server to browse inventory items on
  • @param any Inventory search path to identify the VRO inventory node to get contents of

@return VroRemoteInventoryItem

func (*VrealizeBrowseApiService) SearchSdkObjects ¶

func (a *VrealizeBrowseApiService) SearchSdkObjects(ctx context.Context, vroId string, target string, localVarOptionals *VrealizeBrowseApiSearchSdkObjectsOpts) (VroRemoteItems, *http.Response, error)

type VrealizeWorkflowsApiGetRemoteWorkflowsOpts ¶

type VrealizeWorkflowsApiGetRemoteWorkflowsOpts struct {
	Filter   optional.String
	SortAsc  optional.String
	SortDesc optional.String

type VrealizeWorkflowsApiService ¶

type VrealizeWorkflowsApiService service

func (*VrealizeWorkflowsApiService) GetRemoteWorkflows ¶

func (a *VrealizeWorkflowsApiService) GetRemoteWorkflows(ctx context.Context, page int32, pageSize int32, vroServerId string, localVarOptionals *VrealizeWorkflowsApiGetRemoteWorkflowsOpts) (VroRemoteWorkflowItems, *http.Response, error)

type VroRemoteInventoryItem ¶

type VroRemoteInventoryItem struct {
	Href       string        `json:"href,omitempty"`
	Attributes []WsAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
	Relations  *Relations    `json:"relations,omitempty"`

Meta information about an inventory item on a vRealize Orchestrator server

type VroRemoteItem ¶

type VroRemoteItem struct {
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description     string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	Id              string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	VroServerId     string `json:"vroServerId,omitempty"`
	DunesId         string `json:"dunesId,omitempty"`
	Type_           string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Selectable      bool   `json:"selectable,omitempty"`
	CanHaveChildren bool   `json:"canHaveChildren,omitempty"`
	Href            string `json:"href,omitempty"`
	Rel             string `json:"rel,omitempty"`

Information about various objects in vRealize Orchestrator server

type VroRemoteItems ¶

type VroRemoteItems struct {
	RemoteItems []VroRemoteItem `json:"remoteItems,omitempty"`
	ResultTotal int32           `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	PageCount   int32           `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`

A list of objects in vRealize orchestrator server

type VroRemotePluginItem ¶

type VroRemotePluginItem struct {
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	TypeHref        string `json:"typeHref,omitempty"`
	Selectable      bool   `json:"selectable,omitempty"`
	CanHaveChildren bool   `json:"canHaveChildren,omitempty"`

A plugin namespaces for whom type information can be retrieved

type VroRemotePluginItems ¶

type VroRemotePluginItems struct {
	Items []VroRemotePluginItem `json:"items,omitempty"`

List of plugin namespaces

type VroRemotePluginType ¶

type VroRemotePluginType struct {
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Selectable      bool   `json:"selectable,omitempty"`
	CanHaveChildren bool   `json:"canHaveChildren,omitempty"`

Type definition for a plugin namespace

type VroRemotePluginTypes ¶

type VroRemotePluginTypes struct {
	Types     []VroRemotePluginType `json:"types,omitempty"`
	Namespace string                `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

A list of defined types for a particular plugin namespace

type VroRemoteWorkflowItem ¶

type VroRemoteWorkflowItem struct {
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description  string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	CategoryName string `json:"categoryName,omitempty"`
	CanExecute   bool   `json:"canExecute,omitempty"`
	Id           string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	VroServerId  string `json:"vroServerId,omitempty"`

Meta information about a workflow on a vRealize Orchestrator server

type VroRemoteWorkflowItems ¶

type VroRemoteWorkflowItems struct {
	// How many results there are in total (i.e., considering all pages).
	ResultTotal int32 `json:"resultTotal,omitempty"`
	// How many pages there are in total.
	PageCount int32 `json:"pageCount,omitempty"`
	// The page that was fetched, 1-indexed.
	Page int32 `json:"page,omitempty"`
	// Result count for page that was fetched.
	PageSize int32 `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`
	// Association info for each result.
	Associations []Association `json:"associations,omitempty"`
	// The current page of remove VRO workflows.
	Values []VroRemoteWorkflowItem `json:"values,omitempty"`

A list of remote VRO workflows.

type VroServiceInfo ¶

type VroServiceInfo struct {
	// This is a read-only field in the client. Values set on this field will be ignored by the server.
	Id          string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name        string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	VroEndpoint string `json:"vroEndpoint,omitempty"`
	Username    string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	// The password is hidden using a Password Mask represented by a series of 6 asterisks (\"******\") in the response. The Password Mask is not an acceptable password during VRO Server registration. During an update, the Password Mask set for the 'password' field is interpreted as no change to the field and is ignored.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
	Version  string `json:"version,omitempty"`
	// SSL Certificate chain for the VRO endpoint (deprecated)
	TrustAnchor string `json:"trustAnchor,omitempty"`
	// Reference to the associated vCenter server.
	VcId *EntityReference `json:"vcId,omitempty"`

Response type with meta information about a vRealize Orchestrator Service

type VroWorkflowExecutionApiService ¶

type VroWorkflowExecutionApiService service

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) CancelWorkflowExecution ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) CancelWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionId string) (*http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Cancel workflow run Cancels a workflow run

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param executionId executionId

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) DeleteWorkflowExecution ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) DeleteWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionId string) (*http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Delete workflow run Deletes a specific workflow run

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param executionId executionId

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetAllWorkflowExecutions ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetAllWorkflowExecutions(ctx context.Context, workflowId string) (PresentationExecutionsList, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Get all executions Retrieves all workflow runs for a given workflow

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId

@return PresentationExecutionsList

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetParameterTypes ¶

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of ParameterTypes. This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of ParameterTypes.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return ParameterTypes

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetSupportedDecorators ¶

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedDecorators. This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedDecorators.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedDecorators

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetSupportedPresentationElements ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetSupportedPresentationElements(ctx context.Context) (SupportedPresentationElements, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedPresentationElements. This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedPresentationElements.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedPresentationElements

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetSupportedconstraints ¶

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedConstraints. This endpoint will not produce results. It is a placeholder to enforce code generation of SupportedConstraints.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().

@return SupportedConstraints

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetWorkflowExecution ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionId string) (WsWorkflowExecution, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Get workflow execution Retrieves a workflow run for a given workflow.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param executionId executionId

@return WsWorkflowExecution

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetWorkflowExecutionState ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) GetWorkflowExecutionState(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionId string) (ExecutionState, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Get workflow execution state Retrieves the current state for a requested workflow run

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param executionId executionId

@return ExecutionState

func (*VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) StartWorkflowExecution ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowExecutionApiService) StartWorkflowExecution(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionContext ExecutionContext) (WsWorkflowExecution, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowExecutionApiService Start workflow execution Instantiates a workflow run, by using the passed parameters. The workflow run is asynchronous, so the call returns a pointer to a task that can be used to track the workflow run.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param executionContext executionContext

@return WsWorkflowExecution

type VroWorkflowPresentationApiService ¶

type VroWorkflowPresentationApiService service

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) DeleteWorkflowPresenationInstance ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) DeleteWorkflowPresenationInstance(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, presentationExecutionId string) (*http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Delete workflow presentation execution Cancels the execution of a workflow presentation instance. This API call cancels only the workflow presentation execution. To cancel the workflow execution, use APIs under &lt;b&gt;/cloudapi/workflows/{workflowId}/instances&lt;/b&gt;.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param presentationExecutionId presentationExecutionId

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetAllWorkflowPresentationInstances ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetAllWorkflowPresentationInstances(ctx context.Context, workflowId string) (PresentationExecutionsList, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Get all presentations Retrieves a list of the presentation instances for a workflow that you specify. To retrieve the list of workflow presentations, make an HTTP GET request at the workflow presentations list URL. The returned list contains all of the currently running workflow presentation instances, and all completed instances based on the data from the workflow executions. If the user has admin rights, all presentation instances for all users are returned.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId

@return PresentationExecutionsList

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetWorkflowPresentation ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetWorkflowPresentation(ctx context.Context, workflowId string) (Presentation, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Get presentation Retrieves the definition of a workflow presentation. To retrieve the workflow presentation definition localized, add Accept-Language header, with the appropriate locale. In advance, localization resource should be present for the workflow, otherwise it defaults to the standard workflow presentation definition.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId

@return Presentation

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetWorkflowPresentationInstance ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) GetWorkflowPresentationInstance(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, presentationExecutionId string) (PresentationExecution, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Load Execution Retrieves a specific workflow presentation instance. Presentation instances are removed after the workflow starts. If the presentation instance under requested &lt;b&gt;executionId&lt;/b&gt; does not exists, a new presentation instance is created by using the parameters from the workflow execution with the same ID. To retrieve the workflow presentation localized, add Accept-Language header, with the appropriate locale. In advance, localization resource should be present for the workflow, otherwise it defaults to the standard workflow presentation.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param presentationExecutionId presentationExecutionId

@return PresentationExecution

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) StartWorkflowPresentation ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) StartWorkflowPresentation(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, executionContext ExecutionContext) (PresentationExecution, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Start presentation

Creates a new instance of the presentation of a workflow, by using the passed parameters. To create a new instance of a workflow presentation, make an HTTP GET request at the URL that contains the instances of the workflow presentation. Presentation&#39;s fields are populated with input parameter values and are validated. If there are any validation errors, they are collected and attached to each field. The presentation is marked as invalid. In order the returned workflow presentation to be localized, add Accept-Language header, with the appropriate locale. In advance, localization resource should be present for the workflow, otherwise it defaults to the standard workflow presentation.
* @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
* @param workflowId workflowId
* @param executionContext executionContext

@return PresentationExecution

func (*VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) UpdateWorkflowPresentationInstance ¶

func (a *VroWorkflowPresentationApiService) UpdateWorkflowPresentationInstance(ctx context.Context, workflowId string, presentationExecutionId string, executionContext ExecutionContext) (PresentationExecution, *http.Response, error)

VroWorkflowPresentationApiService Update presentation Update a specific workflow presentation instance. Presentation fields are populated with input parameter values and are validated. If there are any validation errors, they are collected and attached to each field. The presentation is marked as invalid. If the parameter&#39;s &#39;updated&#39; flag is set to true, the dependent field values are recalculated.

  • @param ctx context.Context - for authentication, logging, cancellation, deadlines, tracing, etc. Passed from http.Request or context.Background().
  • @param workflowId workflowId
  • @param presentationExecutionId presentationExecutionId
  • @param executionContext executionContext

@return PresentationExecution

type VroWorkflowServiceItem ¶

type VroWorkflowServiceItem struct {
	Id              string `json:"id,omitempty"`
	Name            string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ServiceItemType string `json:"serviceItemType"`
	Description     string `json:"description,omitempty"`
	CanExecute      bool   `json:"canExecute,omitempty"`
	ServiceName     string `json:"serviceName,omitempty"`
	ServiceId       string `json:"serviceId,omitempty"`
	IconMimeType    string `json:"iconMimeType,omitempty"`
	IconData        string `json:"iconData,omitempty"`
	TenantScoped    bool   `json:"tenantScoped,omitempty"`
	ProviderScoped  bool   `json:"providerScoped,omitempty"`
	// Read-only value indicating publishAll state
	PublishAll    bool   `json:"publishAll,omitempty"`
	VroWorkflowId string `json:"vroWorkflowId,omitempty"`
	VroServerId   string `json:"vroServerId,omitempty"`

type WsAttribute ¶

type WsAttribute struct {
	DisplayValue string `json:"displayValue,omitempty"`
	Name         string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Value        string `json:"value,omitempty"`

type WsParameter ¶

type WsParameter struct {
	Description  string     `json:"description,omitempty"`
	EncryptValue bool       `json:"encryptValue,omitempty"`
	Name         string     `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Scope        string     `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	Type_        string     `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Updated      bool       `json:"updated,omitempty"`
	Value        *Parameter `json:"value,omitempty"`

type WsWorkflowExecution ¶

type WsWorkflowExecution struct {
	BusinessState          string          `json:"businessState,omitempty"`
	ContentException       string          `json:"contentException,omitempty"`
	CurrentItemDisplayName string          `json:"currentItemDisplayName,omitempty"`
	EndDate                time.Time       `json:"endDate,omitempty"`
	Id                     string          `json:"id,omitempty"`
	InputParameters        []WsParameter   `json:"inputParameters,omitempty"`
	Name                   string          `json:"name,omitempty"`
	OutputParameters       []WsParameter   `json:"outputParameters,omitempty"`
	Relations              *Relations      `json:"relations,omitempty"`
	StartDate              time.Time       `json:"startDate,omitempty"`
	StartedBy              string          `json:"startedBy,omitempty"`
	State                  *ExecutionState `json:"state,omitempty"`

Source Files ¶

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