
package module
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Published: Jun 25, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 2


package pure

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Pure is a fast radix-tree based HTTP router that sticks to the native implementations of Go's "net/http" package; in essence, keeping the handler implementations 'pure' by using Go 1.7's "context" package.

Why Another HTTP Router?

I initially created lars, which I still maintain, that wraps the native implementation, think of this package as a Go pure implementation of lars

Key & Unique Features

  • It sticks to Go's native implementations while providing helper functions for convenience
  • Fast & Efficient - pure uses a custom version of httprouter's radix tree, so incredibly fast and efficient.


Use go get

go get -u github.com/go-playground/pure


package main

import (

	mw "github.com/go-playground/pure/_examples/middleware/logging-recovery"

func main() {

	p := pure.New()

	p.Get("/", helloWorld)

	http.ListenAndServe(":3007", p.Serve())

func helloWorld(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Write([]byte("Hello World"))


This is an interface that is used to pass request scoped variables and functions using context.Context. It is implemented in this way because retrieving values from context isn't the fastest, and so using this the router can store multiple pieces of information while reducing lookup time to a single stored RequestVars.

Currently only the URL/SEO params are stored on the RequestVars but if/when more is added they can merely be added to the RequestVars and there will be no additional lookup time.

URL Params

p := p.New()

// the matching param will be stored in the context's params with name "id"
p.Get("/user/:id", UserHandler)

// extract params like so
rv := pure.RequestVars(r) // done this way so only have to extract from context once, read above

// serve css, js etc.. pure.RequestVars(r).URLParam(pure.WildcardParam) will return the remaining path if 
// you need to use it in a custom handler...
p.Get("/static/*", http.FileServer(http.Dir("static/").ServeHTTP)) 


Note: Since this router has only explicit matches, you can not register static routes and parameters for the same path segment. For example you can not register the patterns /user/new and /user/:user for the same request method at the same time. The routing of different request methods is independent from each other. I was initially against this, however it nearly cost me in a large web application where the dynamic param value say :type actually could have matched another static route and that's just too dangerous and so it is not allowed.


p.Use(LoggingAndRecovery, Gzip...)
p.Post("/users/add", ...)

// creates a group for /user/:userid + inherits all middleware registered previously by p
user := p.Group("/user/:userid")
user.Get("", ...)
user.Post("", ...)
user.Delete("/delete", ...)

contactInfo := user.Group("/contact-info/:cid")
contactinfo.Delete("/delete", ...)

// creates a group for /others, inherits all middleware registered previously by p + adds 
// OtherHandler to middleware
others := p.GroupWithMore("/others", OtherHandler)

// creates a group for /admin WITH NO MIDDLEWARE... more can be added using admin.Use()
admin := p.GroupWithNone("/admin")

Decoding Body

currently JSON, XML, FORM, Multipart Form and url.Values are support out of the box; there are also individual functions for each as well when you know the Content-Type.

	// second argument denotes yes or no I would like URL query parameter fields
	// to be included. i.e. 'id' and 'id2' in route '/user/:id?id2=val' should it be included.
	if err := pure.Decode(r, true, maxBytes, &user); err != nil {


// set custom 404 ( not Found ) handler
p.Register404(404Handler, middleware_like_logging)

// Redirect to or from ending slash if route not found, default is true

// Handle 405 ( Method Not allowed ), default is false

// automatically handle OPTION requests; manually configured
// OPTION handlers take precedence. default false


There are some pre-defined middlewares within the middleware folder; NOTE: that the middleware inside will comply with the following rule(s):

  • Are completely reusable by the community without modification

Other middleware will be listed under the _examples/middleware/... folder for a quick copy/paste modify. As an example a LoddingAndRecovery middleware is very application dependent and therefore will be listed under the _examples/middleware/...


Run on i5-7600 16 GB DDR4-2400 using Go version go1.8.1 linux/amd64

NOTICE: pure uses a custom version of httprouter's radix tree, benchmarks can be found here the slowdown is with the use of the context package, as you can see when no SEO params are defined, and therefore no need to store anything in the context, it is faster than even lars.

go test -bench=. -benchmem=true
#GithubAPI Routes: 203
   Pure: 37544 Bytes

#GPlusAPI Routes: 13
   Pure: 2792 Bytes

#ParseAPI Routes: 26
   Pure: 5056 Bytes

#Static Routes: 157
   Pure: 21208 Bytes

BenchmarkPure_Param        	10000000	       130 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_Param5       	10000000	       171 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_Param20      	 5000000	       316 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_ParamWrite   	10000000	       171 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GithubStatic 	50000000	        35.8 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GithubParam  	10000000	       187 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GithubAll    	   50000	     35691 ns/op	   42754 B/op	     167 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GPlusStatic  	100000000	        22.7 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GPlusParam   	10000000	       152 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GPlus2Params 	10000000	       173 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_GPlusAll     	 1000000	      1902 ns/op	    2816 B/op	      11 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_ParseStatic  	100000000	        23.5 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_ParseParam   	10000000	       136 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_Parse2Params 	10000000	       149 ns/op	     256 B/op	       1 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_ParseAll     	  500000	      3091 ns/op	    4096 B/op	      16 allocs/op
BenchmarkPure_StaticAll    	  200000	      8547 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op

Package Versioning

I'm jumping on the vendoring bandwagon, you should vendor this package as I will not be creating different version with gopkg.in like allot of my other libraries.

Why? because my time is spread pretty thin maintaining all of the libraries I have + LIFE, it is so freeing not to worry about it and will help me keep pouring out bigger and better things for you the community.

I am open versioning with gopkg.in should anyone request it, but this should be stable going forward.


  • MIT License (MIT), Copyright (c) 2016 Dean Karn
  • BSD License, Copyright (c) 2013 Julien Schmidt. All rights reserved.




View Source
const (
	ApplicationJSON                  = "application/json"
	ApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8       = ApplicationJSON + "; " + CharsetUTF8
	ApplicationJavaScript            = "application/javascript"
	ApplicationJavaScriptCharsetUTF8 = ApplicationJavaScript + "; " + CharsetUTF8
	ApplicationXML                   = "application/xml"
	ApplicationXMLCharsetUTF8        = ApplicationXML + "; " + CharsetUTF8
	ApplicationForm                  = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	ApplicationQueryParams           = ""
	ApplicationProtobuf              = "application/protobuf"
	ApplicationMsgpack               = "application/msgpack"
	TextHTML                         = "text/html"
	TextHTMLCharsetUTF8              = TextHTML + "; " + CharsetUTF8
	TextPlain                        = "text/plain"
	TextPlainCharsetUTF8             = TextPlain + "; " + CharsetUTF8
	MultipartForm                    = "multipart/form-data"
	OctetStream                      = "application/octet-stream"

	CharsetUTF8 = "charset=utf-8"

	AcceptedLanguage   = "Accept-Language"
	AcceptEncoding     = "Accept-Encoding"
	Authorization      = "Authorization"
	ContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"
	ContentEncoding    = "Content-Encoding"
	ContentLength      = "Content-Length"
	ContentType        = "Content-Type"
	Location           = "Location"
	Upgrade            = "Upgrade"
	Vary               = "Vary"
	WWWAuthenticate    = "WWW-Authenticate"
	XForwardedFor      = "X-Forwarded-For"
	XRealIP            = "X-Real-Ip"
	Allow              = "Allow"
	Origin             = "Origin"

	Gzip = "gzip"

	WildcardParam = "*wildcard"

HTTP Constant Terms and Variables


This section is empty.


func AcceptedLanguages

func AcceptedLanguages(r *http.Request) (languages []string)

AcceptedLanguages returns an array of accepted languages denoted by the Accept-Language header sent by the browser NOTE: some stupid browsers send in locales lowercase when all the rest send it properly

func Attachment

func Attachment(w http.ResponseWriter, r io.Reader, filename string) (err error)

Attachment is a helper method for returning an attachement file to be downloaded, if you with to open inline see function Inline

func ClientIP

func ClientIP(r *http.Request) (clientIP string)

ClientIP implements a best effort algorithm to return the real client IP, it parses X-Real-IP and X-Forwarded-For in order to work properly with reverse-proxies such us: nginx or haproxy.

func Decode

func Decode(r *http.Request, includeQueryParams bool, maxMemory int64, v interface{}) (err error)

Decode takes the request and attempts to discover it's content type via the http headers and then decode the request body into the provided struct. Example if header was "application/json" would decode using json.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(r.Body, maxMemory)).Decode(v).

NOTE: when includeQueryParams=true both query params and SEO query params will be parsed and included eg. route /user/:id?test=true both 'id' and 'test' are treated as query params and added to the request.Form prior to decoding or added to parsed JSON or XML; in short SEO query params are treated just like normal query params.

func DecodeForm

func DecodeForm(r *http.Request, includeQueryParams bool, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeForm parses the requests form data into the provided struct.

The Content-Type and http method are not checked.

NOTE: when includeQueryParams=true both query params and SEO query params will be parsed and included eg. route /user/:id?test=true both 'id' and 'test' are treated as query params and added to the request.Form prior to decoding; in short SEO query params are treated just like normal query params.

func DecodeJSON

func DecodeJSON(r *http.Request, includeQueryParams bool, maxMemory int64, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeJSON decodes the request body into the provided struct and limits the request size via an io.LimitReader using the maxMemory param.

The Content-Type e.g. "application/json" and http method are not checked.

NOTE: when includeQueryParams=true both query params and SEO query params will be parsed and included eg. route /user/:id?test=true both 'id' and 'test' are treated as query params and added to parsed JSON; in short SEO query params are treated just like normal query params.

func DecodeMultipartForm

func DecodeMultipartForm(r *http.Request, includeQueryParams bool, maxMemory int64, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeMultipartForm parses the requests form data into the provided struct.

The Content-Type and http method are not checked.

NOTE: when includeQueryParams=true both query params and SEO query params will be parsed and included eg. route /user/:id?test=true both 'id' and 'test' are treated as query params and added to the request.Form prior to decoding; in short SEO query params are treated just like normal query params.

func DecodeQueryParams

func DecodeQueryParams(r *http.Request, includeSEOQueryParams bool, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeQueryParams takes the URL Query params, adds SEO params or not based on the includeSEOQueryParams flag.

NOTE: DecodeQueryParams is also used/called from Decode when no ContentType is specified the only difference is that it will always pass true for includeSEOQueryParams

func DecodeSEOQueryParams

func DecodeSEOQueryParams(r *http.Request, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeSEOQueryParams decodes the SEO Query params only and ignores the normal URL Query params.

func DecodeXML

func DecodeXML(r *http.Request, includeQueryParams bool, maxMemory int64, v interface{}) (err error)

DecodeXML decodes the request body into the provided struct and limits the request size via an io.LimitReader using the maxMemory param.

The Content-Type e.g. "application/xml" and http method are not checked.

NOTE: when includeQueryParams=true both query params and SEO query params will be parsed and included eg. route /user/:id?test=true both 'id' and 'test' are treated as query params and added to parsed XML; in short SEO query params are treated just like normal query params.

func Inline

func Inline(w http.ResponseWriter, r io.Reader, filename string) (err error)

Inline is a helper method for returning a file inline to be rendered/opened by the browser

func JSON

func JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, i interface{}) error

JSON marshals provided interface + returns JSON + status code

func JSONBytes

func JSONBytes(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, b []byte) (err error)

JSONBytes returns provided JSON response with status code

func JSONP

func JSONP(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, i interface{}, callback string) error

JSONP sends a JSONP response with status code and uses `callback` to construct the JSONP payload.

func ParseForm added in v1.1.0

func ParseForm(r *http.Request) error

ParseForm calls the underlying http.Request ParseForm but also adds the URL params to the request Form as if they were defined as query params i.e. ?id=13&ok=true but does not add the params to the http.Request.URL.RawQuery for SEO purposes

func ParseMultipartForm added in v1.1.0

func ParseMultipartForm(r *http.Request, maxMemory int64) error

ParseMultipartForm calls the underlying http.Request ParseMultipartForm but also adds the URL params to the request Form as if they were defined as query params i.e. ?id=13&ok=true but does not add the params to the http.Request.URL.RawQuery for SEO purposes

func QueryParams

func QueryParams(r *http.Request, includeSEOQueryParams bool) (values url.Values)

QueryParams returns the r.URL.Query() values and optionally have them include the SEO query params eg. route /users/:id?test=val if includeSEOQueryParams=true then values will include 'id' and 'test' values

func XML

func XML(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, i interface{}) error

XML marshals provided interface + returns XML + status code

func XMLBytes

func XMLBytes(w http.ResponseWriter, status int, b []byte) (err error)

XMLBytes returns provided XML response with status code


type FormDecoder

type FormDecoder interface {
	Decode(interface{}, url.Values) error

FormDecoder is the type used for decoding a form for use

var (
	// DefaultDecoder is pure's default form decoder
	DefaultDecoder FormDecoder = form.NewDecoder()

type IRouteGroup

type IRouteGroup interface {
	GroupWithNone(prefix string) IRouteGroup
	GroupWithMore(prefix string, middleware ...Middleware) IRouteGroup
	Group(prefix string) IRouteGroup

IRouteGroup interface for router group

type IRoutes

IRoutes interface for routes

type Middleware

type Middleware func(h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc

Middleware is pure's middleware definition

type Mux

type Mux struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Mux is the main request multiplexer

func New

func New() *Mux

New Creates and returns a new Pure instance

func (*Mux) Any

func (g *Mux) Any(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Any adds a route & handler to the router for all HTTP methods.

func (*Mux) Connect

func (g *Mux) Connect(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Connect adds a CONNECT route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Delete

func (g *Mux) Delete(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Delete adds a DELETE route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Get

func (g *Mux) Get(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Get adds a GET route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Group

func (g *Mux) Group(prefix string) IRouteGroup

Group creates a new sub router with specified prefix and retains existing middleware.

func (*Mux) GroupWithMore

func (g *Mux) GroupWithMore(prefix string, middleware ...Middleware) IRouteGroup

GroupWithMore creates a new sub router with specified prefix, retains existing middleware and adds new middleware.

func (*Mux) GroupWithNone

func (g *Mux) GroupWithNone(prefix string) IRouteGroup

GroupWithNone creates a new sub router with specified prefix and no middleware attached.

func (*Mux) Handle

func (g *Mux) Handle(method string, path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Handle allows for any method to be registered with the given route & handler. Allows for non standard methods to be used like CalDavs PROPFIND and so forth.

func (*Mux) Head

func (g *Mux) Head(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Head adds a HEAD route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Match

func (g *Mux) Match(methods []string, path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Match adds a route & handler to the router for multiple HTTP methods provided.

func (*Mux) Options

func (g *Mux) Options(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Options adds an OPTIONS route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Patch

func (g *Mux) Patch(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Patch adds a PATCH route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Post

func (g *Mux) Post(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Post adds a POST route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Put

func (g *Mux) Put(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Put adds a PUT route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Register404

func (p *Mux) Register404(notFound http.HandlerFunc, middleware ...Middleware)

Register404 alows for overriding of the not found handler function. NOTE: this is run after not finding a route even after redirecting with the trailing slash

func (*Mux) RegisterAutomaticOPTIONS

func (p *Mux) RegisterAutomaticOPTIONS(middleware ...Middleware)

RegisterAutomaticOPTIONS tells pure whether to automatically handle OPTION requests; manually configured OPTION handlers take precedence. default true

func (*Mux) RegisterMethodNotAllowed

func (p *Mux) RegisterMethodNotAllowed(middleware ...Middleware)

RegisterMethodNotAllowed tells pure whether to handle the http 405 Method Not Allowed status code

func (*Mux) Serve

func (p *Mux) Serve() http.Handler

Serve returns an http.Handler to be used.

func (*Mux) SetRedirectTrailingSlash

func (p *Mux) SetRedirectTrailingSlash(set bool)

SetRedirectTrailingSlash tells pure whether to try and fix a URL by trying to find it lowercase -> with or without slash -> 404

func (*Mux) Trace

func (g *Mux) Trace(path string, h http.HandlerFunc)

Trace adds a TRACE route & handler to the router.

func (*Mux) Use

func (g *Mux) Use(m ...Middleware)

Use adds a middleware handler to the group middleware chain.

type ReqVars

type ReqVars interface {
	URLParam(pname string) string

ReqVars is the interface of request scoped variables tracked by pure

func RequestVars

func RequestVars(r *http.Request) ReqVars

RequestVars returns the request scoped variables tracked by pure


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL