
package module
v0.0.0-...-7a4cc94 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 17, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 0



这是一个 gin 的魔改版本,旨在让其更加简单。


r := sgin.New(sgin.Config{
    Mode: gin.DebugMode, // 默认值
    // 相当于 LoadHTMLGlob() 或 LoadHTMLFiles()
    Views: []string{"./views/index.tmpl"},
    ErrorHandler: func(c *sgin.Ctx, err error) { // 默认
      code := http.StatusInternalServerError
      var e *Error
      if errors.As(err, &e) && e.Code != 0 {
          code = e.Code
      return c.Status(code).Send(err)




处理方法的签名是:gin.HandlerFunc, func(*Ctx[, *T]) <error | T> | (int, T) | (T, error)。 处理方法的第二个参数是可选的,它接收任意请求传来的数据。用法如下:

type Request struct {
    Name   string `form:"name" json:"name"`
    Age    string `form:"age" json:"age" binding:"required"`
    Milli  string `header:"milli" json:"milli"`
    uid    string `uri:"uid" json:"uri"`

r.Get("/index", func(c *sgin.Ctx, r *Request) error {
    return c.Send(r) // 将 r 当做响应体发送

r.Get("/index/v2", func(c *sgin.Ctx) (r *sgin.Response) {
    // 返回原理与 `Send()` 方法相同
    return &sgin.Response{Message: "OK"}

Send(any, format ...string) 方法会自动根据请求头 Accept 返回对应类型的数据,也可以指定其他类型发送,如 sgin.FmtJSON


  • error | T:返回一个错误或具体的响应;
  • T:返回任意的响应体;
  • (int, T):返回状态码和响应体;
  • (T, error):任意响应体,错误。


r.GET("/index", &sgin.Handler{
    Binding: []binding.Binding{sgin.Uri, sgin.Header},
    Fn: func(c *sgin.Ctx, req *Request) error {
        return c.Send(r)
    Error: func(c *sgin.Ctx, err error) error {
        return c.Status(500).Send(err)

该处理将添加 uriheader 参数到你的输入 ( req ) 中,并且在发生错误时,错误将回调到该单独错误处理中,而不会再在其他地方调用。


  • Args() map[string]any:该方法根据不同的请求方式返回请求参数的集合;

    例如有一个查询请求为 name=xx&age=10,调用 Args() 方法将返回 {"name": "xx", "age": 10},同样的 POST 或 JSON 请求也会返回该 map

    这样我们就可以不再用区分是何种请求方式,直接调用 Args() 就能拿到你想要的数据。其他如 ArgInt()ArgBool()... 方法都是该方法的快捷方式。

  • Send(any, format ...string) 发送响应。

  • SendHTML(string, any)HTML 模板作为响应发送。

  • Set(key string, ...any) any:设置或将值存储在上下文中。

  • Header(key string, ...any) any:设置或将值写入响应头中。此外 sgin 定义了许多枚举来帮助你快速找到某个请求头,例如要获取内容类型:Header(sgin.HeaderContentType)

  • Status(int) *Ctx:设置响应状态码;

  • StatusCode() int:获取响应状态码;

  • Method() string:获取请求方法;

  • Path() string:返回 Request.URL.Path

  • IP() string:返回远程客户端 IP,如果是本机则返回;

  • 其他继承自 gin.Context 的方法。




View Source
const (
	FmtJSON   = "JSON"
	FmtXML    = "XML"
	FmtFile   = "File"
	FmtDown   = "Download"
	FmtStatus = "Status"
View Source
const (
	MIMETextXML         = "text/xml"
	MIMETextHTML        = "text/html"
	MIMETextPlain       = "text/plain"
	MIMETextJavaScript  = "text/javascript"
	MIMEApplicationXML  = "application/xml"
	MIMEApplicationJSON = "application/json"
	MIMEApplicationForm = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	MIMEOctetStream     = "application/octet-stream"
	MIMEMultipartForm   = "multipart/form-data"

	MIMETextXMLCharsetUTF8         = "text/xml; charset=utf-8"
	MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8        = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
	MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8       = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
	MIMETextJavaScriptCharsetUTF8  = "text/javascript; charset=utf-8"
	MIMEApplicationXMLCharsetUTF8  = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"
	MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8 = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

MIME types that are commonly used

View Source
const (
	StatusContinue           = 100 // RFC 9110, 15.2.1
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = 101 // RFC 9110, 15.2.2
	StatusProcessing         = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1
	StatusEarlyHints         = 103 // RFC 8297

	StatusOK                          = 200 // RFC 9110, 15.3.1
	StatusCreated                     = 201 // RFC 9110, 15.3.2
	StatusAccepted                    = 202 // RFC 9110, 15.3.3
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInformation = 203 // RFC 9110, 15.3.4
	StatusNoContent                   = 204 // RFC 9110, 15.3.5
	StatusResetContent                = 205 // RFC 9110, 15.3.6
	StatusPartialContent              = 206 // RFC 9110, 15.3.7
	StatusMultiStatus                 = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1
	StatusAlreadyReported             = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1
	StatusIMUsed                      = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1

	StatusMultipleChoices   = 300 // RFC 9110, 15.4.1
	StatusMovedPermanently  = 301 // RFC 9110, 15.4.2
	StatusFound             = 302 // RFC 9110, 15.4.3
	StatusSeeOther          = 303 // RFC 9110, 15.4.4
	StatusNotModified       = 304 // RFC 9110, 15.4.5
	StatusUseProxy          = 305 // RFC 9110, 15.4.6
	StatusSwitchProxy       = 306 // RFC 9110, 15.4.7 (Unused)
	StatusTemporaryRedirect = 307 // RFC 9110, 15.4.8
	StatusPermanentRedirect = 308 // RFC 9110, 15.4.9

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400 // RFC 9110, 15.5.1
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401 // RFC 9110, 15.5.2
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402 // RFC 9110, 15.5.3
	StatusForbidden                    = 403 // RFC 9110, 15.5.4
	StatusNotFound                     = 404 // RFC 9110, 15.5.5
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405 // RFC 9110, 15.5.6
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406 // RFC 9110, 15.5.7
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407 // RFC 9110, 15.5.8
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408 // RFC 9110, 15.5.9
	StatusConflict                     = 409 // RFC 9110, 15.5.10
	StatusGone                         = 410 // RFC 9110, 15.5.11
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411 // RFC 9110, 15.5.12
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412 // RFC 9110, 15.5.13
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413 // RFC 9110, 15.5.14
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414 // RFC 9110, 15.5.15
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415 // RFC 9110, 15.5.16
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 // RFC 9110, 15.5.17
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417 // RFC 9110, 15.5.18
	StatusTeapot                       = 418 // RFC 9110, 15.5.19 (Unused)
	StatusMisdirectedRequest           = 421 // RFC 9110, 15.5.20
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = 422 // RFC 9110, 15.5.21
	StatusLocked                       = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3
	StatusFailedDependency             = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4
	StatusTooEarly                     = 425 // RFC 8470, 5.2.
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = 426 // RFC 9110, 15.5.22
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = 428 // RFC 6585, 3
	StatusTooManyRequests              = 429 // RFC 6585, 4
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = 431 // RFC 6585, 5
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = 451 // RFC 7725, 3

	StatusInternalServerError           = 500 // RFC 9110, 15.6.1
	StatusNotImplemented                = 501 // RFC 9110, 15.6.2
	StatusBadGateway                    = 502 // RFC 9110, 15.6.3
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = 503 // RFC 9110, 15.6.4
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = 504 // RFC 9110, 15.6.5
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = 505 // RFC 9110, 15.6.6
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5
	StatusLoopDetected                  = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2
	StatusNotExtended                   = 510 // RFC 2774, 7
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 // RFC 6585, 6

HTTP status codes were copied from net/http with the following updates: - Rename StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo to StatusNonAuthoritativeInformation - Add StatusSwitchProxy (306) NOTE: Keep this list in sync with statusMessage

View Source
const (
	HeaderAuthorization                   = "Authorization"
	HeaderProxyAuthenticate               = "Proxy-Authenticate"
	HeaderProxyAuthorization              = "Proxy-Authorization"
	HeaderWWWAuthenticate                 = "WWW-Authenticate"
	HeaderAge                             = "Age"
	HeaderCacheControl                    = "Cache-Control"
	HeaderClearSiteData                   = "Clear-Site-Data"
	HeaderExpires                         = "Expires"
	HeaderPragma                          = "Pragma"
	HeaderWarning                         = "Warning"
	HeaderAcceptCH                        = "Accept-CH"
	HeaderAcceptCHLifetime                = "Accept-CH-Lifetime"
	HeaderContentDPR                      = "Content-DPR"
	HeaderDPR                             = "DPR"
	HeaderEarlyData                       = "Early-Data"
	HeaderSaveData                        = "Save-Data"
	HeaderViewportWidth                   = "Viewport-Width"
	HeaderWidth                           = "Width"
	HeaderETag                            = "ETag"
	HeaderIfMatch                         = "If-Match"
	HeaderIfModifiedSince                 = "If-Modified-Since"
	HeaderIfNoneMatch                     = "If-None-Match"
	HeaderIfUnmodifiedSince               = "If-Unmodified-Since"
	HeaderLastModified                    = "Last-Modified"
	HeaderVary                            = "Vary"
	HeaderConnection                      = "Connection"
	HeaderKeepAlive                       = "Keep-Alive"
	HeaderAccept                          = "Accept"
	HeaderAcceptCharset                   = "Accept-Charset"
	HeaderAcceptEncoding                  = "Accept-Encoding"
	HeaderAcceptLanguage                  = "Accept-Language"
	HeaderCookie                          = "Cookie"
	HeaderExpect                          = "Expect"
	HeaderMaxForwards                     = "Max-Forwards"
	HeaderSetCookie                       = "Set-Cookie"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials   = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders       = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods       = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin        = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders      = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlMaxAge             = "Access-Control-Max-Age"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders     = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod      = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
	HeaderOrigin                          = "Origin"
	HeaderTimingAllowOrigin               = "Timing-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderXPermittedCrossDomainPolicies   = "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies"
	HeaderDNT                             = "DNT"
	HeaderTk                              = "Tk"
	HeaderContentDisposition              = "Content-Disposition"
	HeaderContentEncoding                 = "Content-Encoding"
	HeaderContentLanguage                 = "Content-Language"
	HeaderContentLength                   = "Content-Length"
	HeaderContentLocation                 = "Content-Location"
	HeaderContentType                     = "Content-Type"
	HeaderForwarded                       = "Forwarded"
	HeaderVia                             = "Via"
	HeaderXForwardedFor                   = "X-Forwarded-For"
	HeaderXForwardedHost                  = "X-Forwarded-Host"
	HeaderXForwardedProto                 = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
	HeaderXForwardedProtocol              = "X-Forwarded-Protocol"
	HeaderXForwardedSsl                   = "X-Forwarded-Ssl"
	HeaderXUrlScheme                      = "X-Url-Scheme"
	HeaderLocation                        = "Location"
	HeaderFrom                            = "From"
	HeaderHost                            = "Host"
	HeaderReferer                         = "Referer"
	HeaderReferrerPolicy                  = "Referrer-Policy"
	HeaderUserAgent                       = "User-Agent"
	HeaderAllow                           = "Allow"
	HeaderServer                          = "Server"
	HeaderAcceptRanges                    = "Accept-Ranges"
	HeaderContentRange                    = "Content-Range"
	HeaderIfRange                         = "If-Range"
	HeaderRange                           = "Range"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicy           = "Content-Security-Policy"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
	HeaderCrossOriginResourcePolicy       = "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"
	HeaderExpectCT                        = "Expect-CT"
	HeaderPermissionsPolicy               = "Permissions-Policy"
	HeaderPublicKeyPins                   = "Public-Key-Pins"
	HeaderPublicKeyPinsReportOnly         = "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only"
	HeaderStrictTransportSecurity         = "Strict-Transport-Security"
	HeaderUpgradeInsecureRequests         = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"
	HeaderXContentTypeOptions             = "X-Content-Type-Options"
	HeaderXDownloadOptions                = "X-Download-Options"
	HeaderXFrameOptions                   = "X-Frame-Options"
	HeaderXPoweredBy                      = "X-Powered-By"
	HeaderXXSSProtection                  = "X-XSS-Protection"
	HeaderLastEventID                     = "Last-Event-ID"
	HeaderNEL                             = "NEL"
	HeaderPingFrom                        = "Ping-From"
	HeaderPingTo                          = "Ping-To"
	HeaderReportTo                        = "Report-To"
	HeaderTE                              = "TE"
	HeaderTrailer                         = "Trailer"
	HeaderTransferEncoding                = "Transfer-Encoding"
	HeaderSecWebSocketAccept              = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
	HeaderSecWebSocketExtensions          = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"
	HeaderSecWebSocketKey                 = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
	HeaderSecWebSocketProtocol            = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
	HeaderSecWebSocketVersion             = "Sec-WebSocket-Version"
	HeaderAcceptPatch                     = "Accept-Patch"
	HeaderAcceptPushPolicy                = "Accept-Push-Policy"
	HeaderAcceptSignature                 = "Accept-Signature"
	HeaderAltSvc                          = "Alt-Svc"
	HeaderDate                            = "Date"
	HeaderIndex                           = "Index"
	HeaderLargeAllocation                 = "Large-Allocation"
	HeaderLink                            = "Link"
	HeaderPushPolicy                      = "Push-Policy"
	HeaderRetryAfter                      = "Retry-After"
	HeaderServerTiming                    = "Server-Timing"
	HeaderSignature                       = "Signature"
	HeaderSignedHeaders                   = "Signed-Headers"
	HeaderSourceMap                       = "SourceMap"
	HeaderUpgrade                         = "Upgrade"
	HeaderXDNSPrefetchControl             = "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"
	HeaderXPingback                       = "X-Pingback"
	HeaderXRequestID                      = "X-Request-ID"
	HeaderXRequestedWith                  = "X-Requested-With"
	HeaderXRobotsTag                      = "X-Robots-Tag"
	HeaderXUACompatible                   = "X-UA-Compatible"

HTTP Headers were copied from net/http.


View Source
var (
	Uri    = _uri{}
	Form   = binding.Form
	JSON   = binding.JSON
	XML    = binding.XML
	TOML   = binding.TOML
	YAML   = binding.YAML
	Header = binding.Header
View Source
var (
	ErrBadRequest                   = NewError(StatusBadRequest)                   // 400
	ErrUnauthorized                 = NewError(StatusUnauthorized)                 // 401
	ErrPaymentRequired              = NewError(StatusPaymentRequired)              // 402
	ErrForbidden                    = NewError(StatusForbidden)                    // 403
	ErrNotFound                     = NewError(StatusNotFound)                     // 404
	ErrMethodNotAllowed             = NewError(StatusMethodNotAllowed)             // 405
	ErrNotAcceptable                = NewError(StatusNotAcceptable)                // 406
	ErrProxyAuthRequired            = NewError(StatusProxyAuthRequired)            // 407
	ErrRequestTimeout               = NewError(StatusRequestTimeout)               // 408
	ErrConflict                     = NewError(StatusConflict)                     // 409
	ErrGone                         = NewError(StatusGone)                         // 410
	ErrLengthRequired               = NewError(StatusLengthRequired)               // 411
	ErrPreconditionFailed           = NewError(StatusPreconditionFailed)           // 412
	ErrRequestEntityTooLarge        = NewError(StatusRequestEntityTooLarge)        // 413
	ErrRequestURITooLong            = NewError(StatusRequestURITooLong)            // 414
	ErrUnsupportedMediaType         = NewError(StatusUnsupportedMediaType)         // 415
	ErrRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = NewError(StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable) // 416
	ErrExpectationFailed            = NewError(StatusExpectationFailed)            // 417
	ErrTeapot                       = NewError(StatusTeapot)                       // 418
	ErrMisdirectedRequest           = NewError(StatusMisdirectedRequest)           // 421
	ErrUnprocessableEntity          = NewError(StatusUnprocessableEntity)          // 422
	ErrLocked                       = NewError(StatusLocked)                       // 423
	ErrFailedDependency             = NewError(StatusFailedDependency)             // 424
	ErrTooEarly                     = NewError(StatusTooEarly)                     // 425
	ErrUpgradeRequired              = NewError(StatusUpgradeRequired)              // 426
	ErrPreconditionRequired         = NewError(StatusPreconditionRequired)         // 428
	ErrTooManyRequests              = NewError(StatusTooManyRequests)              // 429
	ErrRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = NewError(StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge)  // 431
	ErrUnavailableForLegalReasons   = NewError(StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons)   // 451

	ErrInternalServerError           = NewError(StatusInternalServerError)           // 500
	ErrNotImplemented                = NewError(StatusNotImplemented)                // 501
	ErrBadGateway                    = NewError(StatusBadGateway)                    // 502
	ErrServiceUnavailable            = NewError(StatusServiceUnavailable)            // 503
	ErrGatewayTimeout                = NewError(StatusGatewayTimeout)                // 504
	ErrHTTPVersionNotSupported       = NewError(StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported)       // 505
	ErrVariantAlsoNegotiates         = NewError(StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates)         // 506
	ErrInsufficientStorage           = NewError(StatusInsufficientStorage)           // 507
	ErrLoopDetected                  = NewError(StatusLoopDetected)                  // 508
	ErrNotExtended                   = NewError(StatusNotExtended)                   // 510
	ErrNetworkAuthenticationRequired = NewError(StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired) // 511



func DefaultErrorHandler

func DefaultErrorHandler(c *Ctx, err error) error

DefaultErrorHandler 该进程从处理程序返回错误


type AnyHandler

type AnyHandler = any // func(<*gin.Context | *Ctx>[, *T]) <error | T> | (int, T) | (T, error)

type Config

type Config struct {
	Mode         string   // gin.DebugMode | gin.ReleaseMode
	Views        []string // filepath.Glob pattern | []file
	Recovery     func(*Ctx, string)
	ErrorHandler func(*Ctx, error) error

type Ctx

type Ctx struct {
	Request *http.Request
	Writer  gin.ResponseWriter
	Params  gin.Params
	Keys    map[string]any
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Ctx) Arg

func (c *Ctx) Arg(key string, e ...string) string

func (*Ctx) ArgBool

func (c *Ctx) ArgBool(key string) bool

func (*Ctx) ArgInt

func (c *Ctx) ArgInt(key string, e int

func (*Ctx) ArgInt64

func (c *Ctx) ArgInt64(key string, e ...int64) int64

func (*Ctx) Args

func (c *Ctx) Args() (args map[string]any)

func (*Ctx) Cookie

func (c *Ctx) Cookie(name string) (string, error)

func (*Ctx) GinCtx

func (c *Ctx) GinCtx() *gin.Context

func (*Ctx) Header

func (c *Ctx) Header(key string, value ...string) string

func (*Ctx) HeaderOrQuery

func (c *Ctx) HeaderOrQuery(key string) (value string)

func (*Ctx) IP

func (c *Ctx) IP() (ip string)

func (*Ctx) Locals

func (c *Ctx) Locals(key string, value ...any) any

Locals 设置或将值存储在上下文中。

func (*Ctx) Method

func (c *Ctx) Method() string

func (*Ctx) Next

func (c *Ctx) Next() error

func (*Ctx) Param

func (c *Ctx) Param(key string) string

func (*Ctx) Path

func (c *Ctx) Path(full ...bool) string

func (*Ctx) RawBody

func (c *Ctx) RawBody() (body []byte)

func (*Ctx) SaveFile

func (c *Ctx) SaveFile(file *multipart.FileHeader, dst string) error

func (*Ctx) Send

func (c *Ctx) Send(body any, format ...string) error

func (*Ctx) SendHTML

func (c *Ctx) SendHTML(name string, data any) error

func (*Ctx) SetCookie

func (c *Ctx) SetCookie(name, value string, maxAge int, path, domain string, secure, httpOnly bool)

func (*Ctx) Status

func (c *Ctx) Status(code int) *Ctx

func (*Ctx) StatusCode

func (c *Ctx) StatusCode() int

type Engine

type Engine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(config ...Config) *Engine

func (*Engine) Routes

func (e *Engine) Routes() gin.RoutesInfo

func (*Engine) Run

func (e *Engine) Run(addr string, certAndKeyFile ...string) error

func (*Engine) RunListener

func (e *Engine) RunListener(listener net.Listener) error

type Error

type Error struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

Error represents an error that occurred while handling a request.

func NewError

func NewError(code int, message ...string) *Error

NewError creates a new Error instance with an optional message

func (*Error) Error

func (e *Error) Error() string

type Handler

type Handler struct {
	Binding []binding.Binding
	Fn      AnyHandler

type Response

type Response struct {
	Event  string `json:"event"`
	Status int    `json:"status"`
	Code   int    `json:"code"`
	Count  int    `json:"count"`
	Msg    string `json:"msg"`
	Data   any    `json:"data"`

func (*Response) OK

func (r *Response) OK(data ...any) *Response

func (*Response) WithCode

func (r *Response) WithCode(code any) *Response

func (*Response) WithCount

func (r *Response) WithCount(count int) *Response

func (*Response) WithData

func (r *Response) WithData(data any) *Response

func (*Response) WithMsg

func (r *Response) WithMsg(message any) *Response

func (*Response) WithStatus

func (r *Response) WithStatus(status int) *Response

type Router

type Router interface {
	Use(args ...AnyHandler) Router
	GET(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router
	POST(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router
	Group(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router
	Handle(method, path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router
	Static(path, root string) Router

type Routers

type Routers struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Routers) GET

func (r *Routers) GET(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router

func (*Routers) Group

func (r *Routers) Group(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router

func (*Routers) Handle

func (r *Routers) Handle(method string, path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router

func (*Routers) POST

func (r *Routers) POST(path string, handlers ...AnyHandler) Router

func (*Routers) Static

func (r *Routers) Static(path, root string) Router

func (*Routers) Use

func (r *Routers) Use(args ...AnyHandler) Router


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL