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Published: Jun 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0


Go API client for bombbomb

We make it easy to build relationships using simple videos.


This API client was generated by the swagger-codegen project. By using the swagger-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2.0.831
  • Package version: 2.0.25798
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following in import:


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi AccountDetails Get /accounts Get account details.
AccountsApi CreateAccount Post /accounts Create Account
AccountsApi GetClientStatistics Get /accounts/stats Get Client Statistics
AccountsApi GetUserCountry Get /accounts/{clientId}/country Gets user country
AccountsApi ResetApiKey Put /accounts/apikey Reset API key
AccountsApi SubscriptionPurchaseAllowed Get /accounts/purchaseable Check if subscription purchase allowed.
AccountsApi UpdateProfileData Post /account/profile/ Add profile information.
AutomationsApi GetDripDropStats Get /automation/{dripId}/dripdrop/{dripDropId}/stats Get Automation Email Stats
AutomationsApi GetDripStats Get /automation/{id}/stats Get Automation Stats
AutomationsApi GetSchedulingStatus Get /automation/{id}/scheduling/status Get the number of pending scheduling calculations
ContactsApi AddContactsCSV Post /contacts/import_csv Add contacts from a CSV file.
ContactsApi AddNewContact Post /contacts/ Add a contact.
ContactsApi AddNewCustomField Post /contacts/custom_fields/ Add custom fields.
ContactsApi AddPastedContacts Post /contacts/paste Add pasted contacts.
ContactsApi CSVToObject Post /csv-to-object Format CSV.
ContactsApi DeleteContacts Put /contacts/delete Delete Contacts
ContactsApi GetContactById Get /contact/{id} Get Contact Details
ContactsApi GetCustomFields Get /contacts/custom_fields/ Get custom fields.
CurriculumApi GetCurricula Get /curricula/ Get Curricula
CurriculumApi GetUserCurriculumWithProgress Get /curriculum/getForUserWithProgress Get Detailed For User
EmailsApi CreatePrintingPressEmail Post /emails/print Create an Email with Printing Press
EmailsApi GetAllTemplatesForCurrentUser Get /emails/templates Get all user templates
EmailsApi GetEmailTracking Get /emails/{emailId}/tracking Get Email Tracking
EmailsApi GetEmailTrackingInteractions Get /emails/{emailId}/tracking/interactions Get Email Tracking Interactions
EmailsApi GetHourlyEmailTracking Get /emails/{emailId}/tracking/hourly Get Hourly Email Tracking
EmailsApi GetLiveFireData Get /emails/livefire Get livefire feed data
EmailsApi GetQuickSendTemplates Get /emails/quicksend/templates Get all quicksend templates
EmailsApi GetTemplateHtmlForTemplateId Get /emails/templates/{templateId}/html Get the HTML for a given template
EmailsApi GetVideoQuickSenderData Get /emails/quicksend Get quicksend data
EmailsApi SaveQuickSenderSettings Post /emails/quicksend/settings Save quicksender settings
EmailsApi VideoQuickSender Post /emails/quicksend Send a quicksend email
FilesApi DocHostDelete Delete /files/{docId} Delete file
FilesApi DocHostGet Get /files/{docId} Get file
FilesApi DocHostList Get /files List all files
FilesApi DocHostUploadV2 Post /files Upload a file
FilesApi GetHostedImagesPaged Get /files/images/paged Get paged hosted images
FormsApi GetFormTrackingAsCsv Get /forms/{id}/tracking/export Get csv
IntegrationsApi ConnectIntegration Post /integrations Activate an integration for a user.
IntegrationsApi DeleteIntegration Delete /integrations Remove an integration for a user.
IntegrationsApi GetIntegrationHealth Get /integrations/health/{code} Get health for a given integration
IntegrationsApi GetIntegrationPageComponents Get /integrations/pageComponents Get page components for a given integration
IntegrationsApi SyncUsersIntegratedLists Get /integrations/sync Synchronize your integration list or lists.
ListsApi AddNewList Post /lists/ Add list.
ListsApi ClearList Put /lists/{listId}/clear Clear Contacts from List
ListsApi CopyListContacts Post /lists/{listId}/copy Copy All Contacts from a List
ListsApi GetAllLists Get /lists/ Get all Lists
ListsApi SuppressAllInList Put /lists/{listId}/suppress Suppress All Contacts from List
OrdersApi TemplateAssetDelete Delete /orders/templates/images Deletes image from user s3 store
PromptsApi CreatePromptBot Post /prompts/bots Create a running Prompt Bot for a list
PromptsApi CreateVideoEmailPrompt Post /prompt Prompts user to send a video
PromptsApi GetAlternateCampaignContent Get /campaign/{campaignId}/content/alternate List alternate campaign content
PromptsApi GetPendingVideoEmailPrompts Get /prompt/pending List pending prompts
PromptsApi GetPromptBots Get /prompts/bots List Prompt Bots
PromptsApi GetPromptCampaigns Get /prompts/{userId}/campaigns List Prompt Campaigns
PromptsApi GetVideoEmailPrompt Get /prompt/{id} Gets a prompt
PromptsApi GetVideoEmailPrompts Get /prompt/ List prompts
PromptsApi RespondToVideoEmailPrompt Post /prompt/{id}/response Respond to a prompt
PromptsApi SendPromptImmediately Post /prompt/{id}/sendit
PromptsApi SyncPromptSubscriptions Post /prompts/campaigns/sync Syncs Campaigns and One to Ones Subscriptions for User
PromptsApi UpdatePrompt Put /prompts/{id} Update Prompt
PromptsApi UpdatePromptBot Put /prompts/bots/{id} Update Prompt Bot
PromptsApi UpdatePromptCampaign Put /prompts/campaigns/{clientGroupId} Update Prompt Campaign
PromptsApi UpdatePromptTemplate Put /prompts/{id}/content Update Prompt Content
SocialsApi GetFacebookPages Get /socials/facebook/pages Gets facebook pages
SocialsApi GetSocialArticleProperties Get /socials/properties Gets the social email properties
SocialsApi GetSocialAuthorizations Get /socials/authorizations Get authorizations for all social integration
SocialsApi GetSocialProfileProperties Get /socials/profile Gets the profile properties
SocialsApi GetSocialStats Get /socials/{promptId}/stats Get social stats for a prompt
SocialsApi PostSocialContent Post /socials/content Creates social content
SocialsApi RetrySocialSend Post /socials/send/retry Sends social content
SocialsApi SendSocial Post /socials/send Sends social content
SocialsApi UpdateClientGroupSendMechanism Put /socials/client/sendMechanism Gets the auto shares from the client group assoc id
SocialsApi UpdateClientGroupsSendMechanism Put /socials/client/sendMechanisms Toggles the prompt campaigns in a users account
SocialsApi UpdateFacebookPages Put /socials/facebook/pages Updates facebook page Ids
SocialsApi UpdateSocialContent Put /socials/content Updates social content
TeamsApi AddTeamMember Post /team/{teamId}/member Add Member to Team
TeamsApi AddUsers Post /team/{teamId}/members Add users to group.
TeamsApi AddUsersFromCsv Post /team/{teamId}/members/csv Add members to group from CSV
TeamsApi CancelJerichoSend Delete /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId} Cancel a Jericho Send
TeamsApi CreateSubteam Post /team/{teamId}/subteam Add a Subteam
TeamsApi DeleteSubteam Delete /team/{teamId}/subteam Delete Subteam
TeamsApi GetAllClientGroupAssociations Get /team/associations/ Lists team associations
TeamsApi GetClientGroupAssets Get /team/assets/ Lists team assets
TeamsApi GetClientGroupStatistics Get /team/{teamId}/stats Get Team statistics
TeamsApi GetJerichoSends Get /team/{teamId}/jericho List Jericho Sends
TeamsApi GetJerichoStats Get /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId}/performance Gets Jericho performance statistics
TeamsApi GetPagedClientGroupMembers Get /team/{teamId}/members List Team Members
TeamsApi GetPromptMonthlyStats Get /team/{month}/{year}/monthStats Jericho Monthly Stats
TeamsApi GetPromptOverview Get /team/promptOverview Get Prompt Overview
TeamsApi GetSubteams Get /team/{teamId}/subteam List Subteams
TeamsApi GetTeamPromptAggregateStats Get /team/{clientGroupId}/campaign/stats Get aggregate stats for campaigns
TeamsApi GetTeamPromptCampaigns Get /team/{clientGroupId}/campaign Get campaigns for team
TeamsApi InviteToSocialPromptTeam Post /teams/prompt/invite Invite a list to join the admin's social prompt team
TeamsApi QueueJerichoSend Post /team/{teamId}/jericho Creates a Jericho send.
TeamsApi RemoveMemberFromTeam Delete /team/{teamId}/member/{userId} Remove Member from Team
TeamsApi ResendTeamMemberInvitation Post /team/{teamId}/{memberUserId}/rewelcome Resend invite
TeamsApi UpdateJerichoPromptSend Put /team/{teamId}/jericho/{jerichoId} Updates the Jericho Prompt Settings
TeamsApi UpdateTeam Post /team/{teamId} Update a team
TeamsApi UpdateTeamMember Put /team/{teamId}/member Update Member of Team
UsersApi GetClientContactInformation Get /clients/contact/information Get client contact information.
UsersApi GetUserProfileInfo Get /users/profile/information Get user profile information.
UtilitiesApi CreateOAuthClient Post /oauthclient Create an OAuth Client
UtilitiesApi DeleteOAuthClient Delete /oauthclient/{id} Delete an OAuth Client
UtilitiesApi GetOAuthClients Get /oauthclient Lists OAuth Clients
UtilitiesApi GetSpec Get /spec Describes this api
VideosApi GetVideoEncodingStatus Get /videos/{videoId}/status Video Encoding Status
VideosApi GetVideoRecorder Get /videos/live/getRecorder Get Live Video Recorder HTML
VideosApi MarkLiveRecordingComplete Post /videos/live/markComplete Completes a live recording
VideosApi SignUpload Post /video/signedUpload Generate Signed Url
VideosApi UpdateVideoThumbnailV2 Put /videos/thumbnail Upload thumbnail
WebhooksApi AddWebHook Post /webhook Add Webhook
WebhooksApi DeleteWebHook Delete /webhook/{hookId} Deletes Webhook
WebhooksApi GetWebHooks Get /webhook/ Lists Webhooks
WebhooksApi ListWebHookEvents Get /webhook/events Describe WebHook Events
WebhooksApi SendWebhookExample Post /webhook/test Sends test Webhook

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: implicit
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes:
  • all:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb information
  • all:read: View your BombBomb information
  • email:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb emails
  • email:read: View your BombBomb emails
  • video:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb videos
  • video:read: View your BombBomb videos
  • contact:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb contacts
  • contact:read: View your BombBomb contacts
  • curriculum:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb challenges
  • curriculum:read: View your BombBomb challenges
  • automation:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb automations
  • automation:read: View your BombBomb automations
  • form:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb forms
  • form:read: View your BombBomb forms
  • list:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb lists
  • team:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb teams
  • team:read: View your BombBomb teams
  • order:manage: Manage your BombBomb orders
  • settings:manage: Manage your BombBomb settings
  • file:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb files
  • file:read: View your BombBomb files
  • account:manage: View & Manage your BombBomb account
  • account:read: View your BombBomb account


	auth := context.WithValue(context.Background(), sw.ContextAccessToken, "ACCESSTOKENSTRING")
    r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)

Or via OAuth2 module to automatically refresh tokens and perform user authentication.

	import 	""

    / .. Perform OAuth2 round trip request and obtain a token .. //

    tokenSource := oauth2cfg.TokenSource(createContext(httpClient), &token)
	auth := context.WithValue(oauth2.NoContext, sw.ContextOAuth2, tokenSource)
    r, err := client.Service.Operation(auth, args)



We implement pipeline secret scanning on all pull request events to prevent credentials from being merged. If the pipeline scanner detects a secret in your changed files it will gate the pull request and you will need to purge the found credential from your code and re-open the PR. To prevent getting gated by this tool and as best practice you should install the secret scanner locally in a pre-commit hook to prevent the secret from ever being committed to the repo in the first place. You can find documentation on how to set it up locally here
Ripsecrets has ways to bypass secret scanning although we should not be ignoring secrets that turn up in the scans. If something is out of your control and blocking the pipeline you can bypass it in one of the following ways

  1. Adding "# pragma: allowlist secret" to the end of the line with the secret.
  2. Adding the specific secret underneath the "[secrets]" block in .secretsignore
  3. Adding the filepath to ignore the whole file aboove the "[secrets]" block in .secretsignore




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ContextOAuth2 takes a oauth2.TokenSource as authentication for the request.
	ContextOAuth2 = contextKey("token")

	// ContextBasicAuth takes BasicAuth as authentication for the request.
	ContextBasicAuth = contextKey("basic")

	// ContextAccessToken takes a string oauth2 access token as authentication for the request.
	ContextAccessToken = contextKey("accesstoken")

	// ContextAPIKey takes an APIKey as authentication for the request
	ContextAPIKey = contextKey("apikey")


func CacheExpires

func CacheExpires(r *http.Response) time.Time

CacheExpires helper function to determine remaining time before repeating a request.


type APIClient

type APIClient struct {

	// API Services
	AccountsApi     *AccountsApiService
	AutomationsApi  *AutomationsApiService
	ContactsApi     *ContactsApiService
	CurriculumApi   *CurriculumApiService
	EmailsApi       *EmailsApiService
	FilesApi        *FilesApiService
	FormsApi        *FormsApiService
	IntegrationsApi *IntegrationsApiService
	ListsApi        *ListsApiService
	OrdersApi       *OrdersApiService
	PromptsApi      *PromptsApiService
	SocialsApi      *SocialsApiService
	TeamsApi        *TeamsApiService
	UsersApi        *UsersApiService
	UtilitiesApi    *UtilitiesApiService
	VideosApi       *VideosApiService
	WebhooksApi     *WebhooksApiService
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

APIClient manages communication with the BombBomb API v2.0.831 In most cases there should be only one, shared, APIClient.

func NewAPIClient

func NewAPIClient(cfg *Configuration) *APIClient

NewAPIClient creates a new API client. Requires a userAgent string describing your application. optionally a custom http.Client to allow for advanced features such as caching.

func (*APIClient) ChangeBasePath

func (c *APIClient) ChangeBasePath(path string)

Change base path to allow switching to mocks

type APIKey

type APIKey struct {
	Key    string
	Prefix string

APIKey provides API key based authentication to a request passed via context using ContextAPIKey

type APIResponse

type APIResponse struct {
	*http.Response `json:"-"`
	Message        string `json:"message,omitempty"`
	// Operation is the name of the swagger operation.
	Operation string `json:"operation,omitempty"`
	// RequestURL is the request URL. This value is always available, even if the
	// embedded *http.Response is nil.
	RequestURL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
	// Method is the HTTP method used for the request.  This value is always
	// available, even if the embedded *http.Response is nil.
	Method string `json:"method,omitempty"`
	// Payload holds the contents of the response body (which may be nil or empty).
	// This is provided here as the raw response.Body() reader will have already
	// been drained.
	Payload []byte `json:"-"`

func NewAPIResponse

func NewAPIResponse(r *http.Response) *APIResponse

func NewAPIResponseWithError

func NewAPIResponseWithError(errorMessage string) *APIResponse

type AccountsApiService

type AccountsApiService service

func (*AccountsApiService) AccountDetails

func (a *AccountsApiService) AccountDetails(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Get account details. Get the details of the user's account. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*AccountsApiService) CreateAccount

func (a *AccountsApiService) CreateAccount(ctx context.Context, teamId string, firstName string, lastName string, emailAddress string, companyName string, phone string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (string, *http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Create Account Creates a new BombBomb account. This method is currently only available to paid seat admins. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param firstName First name of the user. @param lastName Last name of the user. @param emailAddress Email address of the user. @param companyName Company of the user. @param phone Phone number of the user. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "country" (string) Country of the user.
@param "industry" (string) Industry of the user.
@param "address" (string) Street Address of the user.
@param "city" (string) City of the user.
@param "postalCode" (string) Postal/Zip code of the user.
@param "preventWelcomeEmail" (bool) prevent an email with login credentials from being sent to the new account. must be set to 'true'

@return string

func (*AccountsApiService) GetClientStatistics

func (a *AccountsApiService) GetClientStatistics(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Get Client Statistics Gets general statics for a Client * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "clientId" (string) Client ID of the account to retrieve. Defaults to yourself.
@param "refresh" (bool) Boolean for whether data returned should be from cache or not.
@param "statisticValues" (string) Array of data that should be returned, used exclusively for cacheless data


func (*AccountsApiService) GetUserCountry

func (a *AccountsApiService) GetUserCountry(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Gets user country Gets the users country * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*AccountsApiService) ResetApiKey

func (a *AccountsApiService) ResetApiKey(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Reset API key Resets the current user's API key and returns the new key * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*AccountsApiService) SubscriptionPurchaseAllowed

func (a *AccountsApiService) SubscriptionPurchaseAllowed(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Check if subscription purchase allowed. Check whether the user can purchase a subscription. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*AccountsApiService) UpdateProfileData

func (a *AccountsApiService) UpdateProfileData(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

AccountsApiService Add profile information. Add profile information to this users account * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "profileData" (string) Profile field information for the account


type AutomationsApiService

type AutomationsApiService service

func (*AutomationsApiService) GetDripDropStats

func (a *AutomationsApiService) GetDripDropStats(ctx context.Context, dripId string, dripDropId string) (*http.Response, error)

AutomationsApiService Get Automation Email Stats Get Automation Email Stats * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param dripId The id of the drip @param dripDropId The id of the drip drop @return

func (*AutomationsApiService) GetDripStats

func (a *AutomationsApiService) GetDripStats(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

AutomationsApiService Get Automation Stats Get Automation Stats * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The id of the automation @return

func (*AutomationsApiService) GetSchedulingStatus

func (a *AutomationsApiService) GetSchedulingStatus(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

AutomationsApiService Get the number of pending scheduling calculations Get the number of pending scheduling calculations * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The id of the automation @return

type BasicAuth

type BasicAuth struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

BasicAuth provides basic http authentication to a request passed via context using ContextBasicAuth

type BbWebHook

type BbWebHook struct {

	// The user to whom the webhook belongs
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// The id of the hook
	HookId int32 `json:"hookId,omitempty"`

	// the url to send hook requests to
	Url string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// Whether the hook is displayed to the user
	IsHidden bool `json:"isHidden,omitempty"`

The BBWebHook class

type ClientGroupAssetMetaData

type ClientGroupAssetMetaData struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	ThumbUrl string `json:"thumbUrl,omitempty"`

type Configuration

type Configuration struct {
	BasePath      string            `json:"basePath,omitempty"`
	Host          string            `json:"host,omitempty"`
	Scheme        string            `json:"scheme,omitempty"`
	DefaultHeader map[string]string `json:"defaultHeader,omitempty"`
	UserAgent     string            `json:"userAgent,omitempty"`
	HTTPClient    *http.Client

func NewConfiguration

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration

func (*Configuration) AddDefaultHeader

func (c *Configuration) AddDefaultHeader(key string, value string)

type ContactsApiService

type ContactsApiService service

func (*ContactsApiService) AddContactsCSV

func (a *ContactsApiService) AddContactsCSV(ctx context.Context, mappingData string, listData string) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Add contacts from a CSV file. Add multiple contacts through the upload importer from a CSV file. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param mappingData The info sent for the contacts @param listData The info sent with the import for the list @return

func (*ContactsApiService) AddNewContact

func (a *ContactsApiService) AddNewContact(ctx context.Context, contactEmail string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Add a contact. Add a contact to the users list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param contactEmail Email of the new contact we are adding @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "contactInfo" (string) The info sent for this contact


func (*ContactsApiService) AddNewCustomField

func (a *ContactsApiService) AddNewCustomField(ctx context.Context, fieldName string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Add custom fields. Add a new custom field. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param fieldName Custom field name to be added @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "fieldType" (string) Custom field type for the field to be added


func (*ContactsApiService) AddPastedContacts

func (a *ContactsApiService) AddPastedContacts(ctx context.Context, contactEmails string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Add pasted contacts. Add the pasted contacts to the users list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param contactEmails Emails array of the new contacts we are adding @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "listInfo" (string) Information about the lists id, recalculations on totals, consent etc


func (*ContactsApiService) CSVToObject

func (a *ContactsApiService) CSVToObject(ctx context.Context, file string) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Format CSV. Format a CSV file to an object. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param file The CSV file being uploaded @return

func (*ContactsApiService) DeleteContacts

func (a *ContactsApiService) DeleteContacts(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Delete Contacts Delete all contacts within a list, or provide a comma separated list of contactIds to delete. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "listId" (string) The list of contacts to be deleted.
@param "contactIds" (string) comma separated list of contact ids to delete


func (*ContactsApiService) GetContactById

func (a *ContactsApiService) GetContactById(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Get Contact Details Get the contact details * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id Guid for the contact. @return

func (*ContactsApiService) GetCustomFields

func (a *ContactsApiService) GetCustomFields(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

ContactsApiService Get custom fields. Get the current users custom fields. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

type Curriculum

type Curriculum struct {

	// Id
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// Name
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// HTML formatted intro
	HtmlIntro string `json:"htmlIntro,omitempty"`

	// URI of header image
	ImgUrl string `json:"imgUrl,omitempty"`

	// Number of curriculum items
	ItemCount int32 `json:"itemCount,omitempty"`

	// Render method for curriculum
	RenderAs string `json:"renderAs,omitempty"`

	// Globally visible
	VisibleToAllUsers bool `json:"visibleToAllUsers,omitempty"`

	// Collection of User Progress for Curriculum
	Progress []CurriculumUserProgress `json:"progress,omitempty"`

The Curriculum class

type CurriculumApiService

type CurriculumApiService service

func (*CurriculumApiService) GetCurricula

func (a *CurriculumApiService) GetCurricula(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) ([]Curriculum, *http.Response, error)

CurriculumApiService Get Curricula Get Curricula, optionally with progress included. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "includeProgress" (bool) Whether to return progress with the curriculum.

@return []Curriculum

func (*CurriculumApiService) GetUserCurriculumWithProgress

func (a *CurriculumApiService) GetUserCurriculumWithProgress(ctx context.Context) ([]CurriculumWithProgress, *http.Response, error)

CurriculumApiService Get Detailed For User Get all curricula for user including progress for each curriculum. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []CurriculumWithProgress

type CurriculumUserProgress

type CurriculumUserProgress struct {

	// Id
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// User Id
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// Curriculum Item Id
	CurriculumItemId string `json:"curriculumItemId,omitempty"`

	// Curriculum Id
	CurriculumId string `json:"curriculumId,omitempty"`

	// When the final email is scheduled to be sent
	CompletedDate time.Time `json:"completedDate,omitempty"`

The CurriculumUserProgress class

type CurriculumWithProgress

type CurriculumWithProgress struct {

	// Collection of User Progress for Curriculum
	Progress []CurriculumUserProgress `json:"progress,omitempty"`

	// Id
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// Name
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// HTML formatted intro
	HtmlIntro string `json:"htmlIntro,omitempty"`

	// URI of header image
	ImgUrl string `json:"imgUrl,omitempty"`

	// Number of curriculum items
	ItemCount int32 `json:"itemCount,omitempty"`

	// Render method for curriculum
	RenderAs string `json:"renderAs,omitempty"`

	// Globally visible
	VisibleToAllUsers bool `json:"visibleToAllUsers,omitempty"`

The CurriculumWithProgress class

type EmailsApiService

type EmailsApiService service

func (*EmailsApiService) CreatePrintingPressEmail

func (a *EmailsApiService) CreatePrintingPressEmail(ctx context.Context, templateId string, content string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Create an Email with Printing Press Prints an email using the template id and content to the users account.If a video id is included, it will replace any video placeholders with that video. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param templateId The template id to be printed. @param content The content of the email. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "emailId" (string) The email id to be printed to.
@param "videoId" (string) A video to replace video place holders with.
@param "subjectLine" (string) The subject line to be printed.


func (*EmailsApiService) GetAllTemplatesForCurrentUser

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetAllTemplatesForCurrentUser(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get all user templates Get all templates accessible to the current user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "quickSendOnly" (bool) Whether to return only quick send templates.


func (*EmailsApiService) GetEmailTracking

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetEmailTracking(ctx context.Context, emailId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get Email Tracking Get Tracking data for all sends of an Email * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId ID of the email @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "jobId" (string) ID of the Job (or null for all jobs)


func (*EmailsApiService) GetEmailTrackingInteractions

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetEmailTrackingInteractions(ctx context.Context, emailId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get Email Tracking Interactions Get Contact detail interactions for an Email * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId ID of the email @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "jobId" (string) ID of the Job (or null for all jobs)
@param "interactionType" (string) Interaction type to order and filter by
@param "searchTerm" (string) Search term to filer by


func (*EmailsApiService) GetHourlyEmailTracking

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetHourlyEmailTracking(ctx context.Context, emailId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get Hourly Email Tracking Get Tracking data for an Email, broken down by the hour and filterable by an Interaction type * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId ID of the email @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "jobId" (string) ID of the Job (or null for all jobs)
@param "interactionType" (string) Interaction type to filter by


func (*EmailsApiService) GetLiveFireData

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetLiveFireData(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get livefire feed data Get the user data for the live fire feed emails * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*EmailsApiService) GetQuickSendTemplates

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetQuickSendTemplates(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get all quicksend templates Get all quicksend templates accessible to the user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*EmailsApiService) GetTemplateHtmlForTemplateId

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetTemplateHtmlForTemplateId(ctx context.Context, templateId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get the HTML for a given template Get the HTML for a given template, with or without rendered variables * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param templateId The id of the template. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "renderVariables" (string) Whether to render profile variables in the returned HTML.


func (*EmailsApiService) GetVideoQuickSenderData

func (a *EmailsApiService) GetVideoQuickSenderData(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Get quicksend data Get the user data for quicksender, including templates and lists. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "message" (string) A message for the video content.
@param "subject" (string) A subject for the video content.
@param "videoId" (string) A video ID.
@param "templateId" (string) A template ID.
@param "commaDelimEmails" (string) Comma delimited emails


func (*EmailsApiService) SaveQuickSenderSettings

func (a *EmailsApiService) SaveQuickSenderSettings(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Save quicksender settings Save the quicksender notification and default template settings * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "alertOnPlay" (string) A preference setting for whether or not to notify user on quicksend email video plays.
@param "alertOnOpen" (string) A preference setting for whether or not to notify user on quicksend email opens.
@param "templateId" (string) Id of a template to use for this send. A null value means use the default for this user.


func (*EmailsApiService) VideoQuickSender

func (a *EmailsApiService) VideoQuickSender(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

EmailsApiService Send a quicksend email Send a quicksend video email to the list or users provided. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "videoId" (string) A guid id for the video.
@param "emailAddresses" (string) A semi-colon separated list of email addresses to send to.
@param "subject" (string) Subject line for the email.
@param "message" (string) Message for the body of the email.
@param "listIds" (string) An array of list ids
@param "scheduledSendTimestamp" (int32) When to schedule the send (seconds since epoch). null value means send immediately.
@param "extendedProperties" (string) Bool value that when checked will send back both emailId as well as extra properties
@param "templateId" (string) Id of a template to use for this send. A null value means use the default for this user.
@param "stripHTML" (string) remove HTML elements


type FilesApiService

type FilesApiService service

func (*FilesApiService) DocHostDelete

func (a *FilesApiService) DocHostDelete(ctx context.Context, docId string) (*http.Response, error)

FilesApiService Delete file Deletes a users file * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param docId Id of document @return

func (*FilesApiService) DocHostGet

func (a *FilesApiService) DocHostGet(ctx context.Context, docId string) (HostedDoc, *http.Response, error)

FilesApiService Get file Get a single file by id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param docId Id of document @return HostedDoc

func (*FilesApiService) DocHostList

func (a *FilesApiService) DocHostList(ctx context.Context) ([]HostedDoc, *http.Response, error)

FilesApiService List all files List all uploaded user files * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []HostedDoc

func (*FilesApiService) DocHostUploadV2

func (a *FilesApiService) DocHostUploadV2(ctx context.Context, file string) ([]HostedDoc, *http.Response, error)

FilesApiService Upload a file Upload a new file * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param file The file being uploaded @return []HostedDoc

func (*FilesApiService) GetHostedImagesPaged

func (a *FilesApiService) GetHostedImagesPaged(ctx context.Context, pageSize string, page string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

FilesApiService Get paged hosted images Get a specific page of uploaded images available to the user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pageSize The number of items to retrieve in a single db query. @param page Zero-based index of the page of data to retrieve from the db. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "search" (string) Filter results with names that match the search term.


type FormsApiService

type FormsApiService service

func (*FormsApiService) GetFormTrackingAsCsv

func (a *FormsApiService) GetFormTrackingAsCsv(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

FormsApiService Get csv Get form tracking as csv * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id Id of the form @return

type HostedDoc

type HostedDoc struct {

	// The doc's id.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The doc's owner.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// docs file name.
	FileName string `json:"fileName,omitempty"`

	// The doc's short url.
	ShortUrl string `json:"shortUrl,omitempty"`

	// The doc's long url.
	LongUrl string `json:"longUrl,omitempty"`

	// The doc's upload date.
	UploadDate time.Time `json:"uploadDate,omitempty"`

The HostedDoc class

type InlineResponse200

type InlineResponse200 struct {
	TotalPages int32 `json:"totalPages,omitempty"`

	Items []ClientGroupAssetMetaData `json:"items,omitempty"`

type InlineResponse200Items

type InlineResponse200Items struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	ThumbUrl string `json:"thumbUrl,omitempty"`

type IntegrationsApiService

type IntegrationsApiService service

func (*IntegrationsApiService) ConnectIntegration

func (a *IntegrationsApiService) ConnectIntegration(ctx context.Context, code string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

IntegrationsApiService Activate an integration for a user. Provide the correct parameters to enable an integration. Required Parameters vary based on the desired integration. Integrations requiring OAuth will provide the OAuth link that the user must be presented. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param code The identifier of the integration. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "key" (string) The key value.
@param "secret" (string) The secret value.
@param "token" (string) The token value.
@param "data" (string) The data value as JSON.
@param "overwrite" (string) Boolean value to know whether or not to delete the integration if it already exists


func (*IntegrationsApiService) DeleteIntegration

func (a *IntegrationsApiService) DeleteIntegration(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

IntegrationsApiService Remove an integration for a user. Remove an integration by providing the integration id or integration code. Only provide one of the parameters. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "id" (string) Integration ID
@param "code" (string) Integration Code


func (*IntegrationsApiService) GetIntegrationHealth

func (a *IntegrationsApiService) GetIntegrationHealth(ctx context.Context, code string) (*http.Response, error)

IntegrationsApiService Get health for a given integration Get health for an integration. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param code The integration code for which to retrieve the information from @return

func (*IntegrationsApiService) GetIntegrationPageComponents

func (a *IntegrationsApiService) GetIntegrationPageComponents(ctx context.Context, integrationName string) (*http.Response, error)

IntegrationsApiService Get page components for a given integration Get all page components for an integration. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param integrationName The integration for which to retrieve HTML page components. @return

func (*IntegrationsApiService) SyncUsersIntegratedLists

func (a *IntegrationsApiService) SyncUsersIntegratedLists(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (string, *http.Response, error)

IntegrationsApiService Synchronize your integration list or lists. Synchronize your integration contact list with the service you are integrated with. If no integration code is provided, all integrations will be synchronized. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "integrationId" (string) The integration to sync lists for. All integrations will sync if nothing is provided.

@return string

type JerichoConfiguration

type JerichoConfiguration struct {
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	ClientGroupId string `json:"clientGroupId,omitempty"`

	// When the email should be sent.
	SendDate time.Time `json:"sendDate,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: Determines whether this is a static or prompted send.
	IsPrompt bool `json:"isPrompt"`

	// Controls whether or not the content is printed into a template.
	PrintToTemplate bool `json:"printToTemplate,omitempty"`

	// Static send: The Email to send on behalf of the group members.
	EmailId string `json:"emailId,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The Video to include as an example for prompted users.
	ExampleVideoId string `json:"exampleVideoId,omitempty"`

	// The Video to include in the tracking follow up.
	FollowUpVideoId string `json:"followUpVideoId,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The intro text directed toward prompted users.
	PromptIntro string `json:"promptIntro,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The subject line prompting the user to record a video.
	PromptSubject string `json:"promptSubject,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The HTML body of the email prompting the user to record a video.
	PromptBody string `json:"promptBody,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The subject line of the final sent email
	EmailSubject string `json:"emailSubject,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: The HTML body of the final sent email.
	EmailBody string `json:"emailBody,omitempty"`

	// Video Prompt: Whether to send the final email if no video was recorded.
	SendWithoutVideo bool `json:"sendWithoutVideo,omitempty"`

	// The state of the send.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// The type of media used for a social send
	MediaType string `json:"mediaType,omitempty"`

	// The custom subject line for the prompt initial email
	CustomInitialEmailSubjectLine string `json:"customInitialEmailSubjectLine,omitempty"`

type JerichoPerformance

type JerichoPerformance struct {

	// The jericho id
	JerichoId int32 `json:"jerichoId,omitempty"`

	// The number of emails sent
	Sent int32 `json:"sent,omitempty"`

	// The unique number of people that viewed the email
	UniqueViews int32 `json:"uniqueViews,omitempty"`

	// The unique number of people that visited the landing page
	UniqueLandingPageViews int32 `json:"uniqueLandingPageViews,omitempty"`

	// The total number of people that visisted the landing page
	LandingPageViews int32 `json:"landingPageViews,omitempty"`

	// The number of emails delivered, likely less than sent due to bounces, and other common delivery issues
	Delivered int32 `json:"delivered,omitempty"`

	// The number of emails that bounced as undeliverable
	Bounce int32 `json:"bounce,omitempty"`

	// The total number of times the emails were viewed
	Open int32 `json:"open,omitempty"`

	// The total number of times links in the emails were clicked
	Click int32 `json:"click,omitempty"`

	// The total number of times videos in the emails were played
	VideoPlay int32 `json:"videoPlay,omitempty"`

	// The number of recipients that marked the message as abusive
	AbuseComplaints int32 `json:"abuseComplaints,omitempty"`

	// The total number of contacts submitted to be sent, may be more than was sent to
	Contacts int32 `json:"contacts,omitempty"`

	// The total number of prompts sent to members of the client group
	PromptsSent int32 `json:"promptsSent,omitempty"`

	// The total number of prompts sent that included a personal recording
	PromptsWithRecordings int32 `json:"promptsWithRecordings,omitempty"`

	// The total number of members that chose not to send a prompt
	PromptsOptedOut int32 `json:"promptsOptedOut,omitempty"`

Reports on the aggregate performance of a Jericho send

type ListsApiService

type ListsApiService service

func (*ListsApiService) AddNewList

func (a *ListsApiService) AddNewList(ctx context.Context, listName string) (*http.Response, error)

ListsApiService Add list. Add a list to the users account. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param listName Name of the new list being added @return

func (*ListsApiService) ClearList

func (a *ListsApiService) ClearList(ctx context.Context, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

ListsApiService Clear Contacts from List Clears all contacts from a list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param listId The list to be cleared. @return

func (*ListsApiService) CopyListContacts

func (a *ListsApiService) CopyListContacts(ctx context.Context, fromListId string, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

ListsApiService Copy All Contacts from a List Copy all contacts from a list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param fromListId The list to be cleared. @param listId The list to be cleared. @return

func (*ListsApiService) GetAllLists

func (a *ListsApiService) GetAllLists(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

ListsApiService Get all Lists Get all the lists for a specific user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*ListsApiService) SuppressAllInList

func (a *ListsApiService) SuppressAllInList(ctx context.Context, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

ListsApiService Suppress All Contacts from List Suppresses all contacts in a list. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param listId The list to be cleared. @return

type ModelString

type ModelString struct {

type OAuthClient

type OAuthClient struct {

	// The id of the OAuth Client
	Identifier string `json:"identifier,omitempty"`

	// The user-facing name of the client. Eg. MyCrm
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// The secret supplied to the OAuth Application
	ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret,omitempty"`

	// The grants allowed
	GrantsAllowed string `json:"grantsAllowed,omitempty"`

	// The user who controls the OAuth App
	OwningUserId string `json:"owningUserId,omitempty"`

	// Where OAuth authorization sessions are returned to
	RedirectUri string `json:"redirectUri,omitempty"`

type OrdersApiService

type OrdersApiService service

func (*OrdersApiService) TemplateAssetDelete

func (a *OrdersApiService) TemplateAssetDelete(ctx context.Context, fileName string) (*http.Response, error)

OrdersApiService Deletes image from user s3 store Deletes image from user s3 store * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param fileName Filename for deletion @return

type PromptBot

type PromptBot struct {

	// The identifier of the prompt bot. Read Only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The prompt bot's owner. Read Only.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// The default email being sent to contacts in the prompt bot list.
	EmailId string `json:"emailId,omitempty"`

	// The list to attach the Prompt Bot to.
	ListId string `json:"listId,omitempty"`

	// The name of the bot.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// The custom contact field value column used for this bot.
	ContactFieldValueColumn string `json:"contactFieldValueColumn,omitempty"`

	// The status of the prompt bot. Read Only.
	Status int32 `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// when the bot started
	StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`

	// when the bot should finish
	EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`

	// The type of bot.
	BotTypeId string `json:"botTypeId,omitempty"`

	// The template id used to generate the default email.
	TemplateId string `json:"templateId,omitempty"`

	// The video that was added to the prompt.
	VideoId string `json:"videoId,omitempty"`

	// The content to use in the email.
	Content string `json:"content,omitempty"`

	// The subject of the default email.
	Subject string `json:"subject,omitempty"`

	// Set when generated as a default by a bot.
	GeneratedBy string `json:"generatedBy,omitempty"`

The Prompt\\Bot class

type PromptBotBot

type PromptBotBot struct {

	// The identifier of the prompt bot. Read Only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The prompt bot's owner. Read Only.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// The default email being sent to contacts in the prompt bot list.
	EmailId string `json:"emailId,omitempty"`

	// The list to attach the Prompt Bot to.
	ListId string `json:"listId,omitempty"`

	// The prompt subject.
	PromptSubject string `json:"promptSubject,omitempty"`

	// The prompt body.
	PromptBody string `json:"promptBody,omitempty"`

	// The status of the prompt bot. Read Only.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// when the bot started
	StartDate time.Time `json:"startDate,omitempty"`

	// when the bot should finish
	EndDate time.Time `json:"endDate,omitempty"`

	// The type of bot.
	BotTypeId string `json:"botTypeId,omitempty"`

	// The template id used to generate the default email.
	TemplateId string `json:"templateId,omitempty"`

The PromptBot\\Bot class

type PromptMonthlyPerformance

type PromptMonthlyPerformance struct {

	// The startDate property
	StartDate string `json:"startDate,omitempty"`

	// The endDate property
	EndDate string `json:"endDate,omitempty"`

	// The userBatchListsIdHelper property
	UserBatchListsIdHelper string `json:"userBatchListsIdHelper,omitempty"`

	// The promptIdHelper property
	PromptIdHelper string `json:"promptIdHelper,omitempty"`

The PromptMonthlyPerformance class

type PromptOverview

type PromptOverview struct {

	// The startDate property
	StartDate string `json:"startDate,omitempty"`

	// The endDate property
	EndDate string `json:"endDate,omitempty"`

	// The userBatchListsIdHelper property
	UserBatchListsIdHelper string `json:"userBatchListsIdHelper,omitempty"`

	// The promptIdHelper property
	PromptIdHelper string `json:"promptIdHelper,omitempty"`

The PromptOverview class

type PromptSocialPrompt

type PromptSocialPrompt struct {

	// The identifier of the prompt. Read Only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The prompt's owner. Read Only.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// If sent in a jericho context, this will have the jericho id
	JerichoId string `json:"jerichoId,omitempty"`

	// The prompt's subject line
	PromptSubject string `json:"promptSubject,omitempty"`

	// The suggested script of the prompt.
	PromptHtml string `json:"promptHtml,omitempty"`

	// When the final email is scheduled to be sent
	ScheduledSendDate time.Time `json:"scheduledSendDate,omitempty"`

	// The client group campaign that created the prompt.
	ClientGroupId string `json:"clientGroupId,omitempty"`

	// The URL of a thumbnail image for this prompt
	ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnailUrl,omitempty"`

	// The status of the prompt: created = 0, sent = 10, recorded = 20, job_created = 30, timed_out = 40, declined = 50 Read Only
	Status int32 `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// When the email was first sent out
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`

	// When the user was last notified about a prompt email waiting for a video
	LastNotified time.Time `json:"lastNotified,omitempty"`

	// The sendMechanism property
	SendMechanism time.Time `json:"sendMechanism,omitempty"`

	// The types of mechanisms this prompt can send.
	SendTypes []string `json:"sendTypes,omitempty"`

The Prompt\\SocialPrompt class

type PromptsApiService

type PromptsApiService service

func (*PromptsApiService) CreatePromptBot

func (a *PromptsApiService) CreatePromptBot(ctx context.Context, emailId string, name string, subject string, content string, contactFieldValueColumn string, botTypeId string, templateId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (PromptBot, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Create a running Prompt Bot for a list Creates a Prompt Bot that sends emails to contacts on a list over the span of time defined. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId The default email to use. @param name The name of the bot. @param subject The subject of the default email. @param content The content used in the email. @param contactFieldValueColumn The custom field value column with dates for this bot. @param botTypeId The type of bot to create. @param templateId The template used to create the email id. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "listId" (string) The list id to attach the bot to.
@param "videoId" (string) The video used in the email.
@param "endDate" (string) The time frame to complete sending to the list.

@return PromptBot

func (*PromptsApiService) CreateVideoEmailPrompt

func (a *PromptsApiService) CreateVideoEmailPrompt(ctx context.Context, prompt VideoEmailPrompt) (VideoEmailPrompt, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Prompts user to send a video Sends the account holder an email prompting them to add a video to a scheduled outgoing message. Recipients, content and timing is all preset for the user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param prompt The Video Email Prompt to be created @return VideoEmailPrompt

func (*PromptsApiService) GetAlternateCampaignContent

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetAlternateCampaignContent(ctx context.Context, clientGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService List alternate campaign content Returns a list of alternate campaign content by campaign id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param clientGroupId Id for the campaign @return

func (*PromptsApiService) GetPendingVideoEmailPrompts

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetPendingVideoEmailPrompts(ctx context.Context) ([]VideoEmailPrompt, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService List pending prompts Returns a list of prompts that have not been sent yet, and can still be customized. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []VideoEmailPrompt

func (*PromptsApiService) GetPromptBots

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetPromptBots(ctx context.Context) ([]PromptBot, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService List Prompt Bots Returns a list of all Prompt Bots for the user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []PromptBot

func (*PromptsApiService) GetPromptCampaigns

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetPromptCampaigns(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService List Prompt Campaigns Returns a list of all Prompt Campaigns for the user. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*PromptsApiService) GetVideoEmailPrompt

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetVideoEmailPrompt(ctx context.Context, id string) (VideoEmailPrompt, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Gets a prompt Gets a prompt * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The Id of the prompt @return VideoEmailPrompt

func (*PromptsApiService) GetVideoEmailPrompts

func (a *PromptsApiService) GetVideoEmailPrompts(ctx context.Context) ([]VideoEmailPrompt, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService List prompts Returns a list of all prompts. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []VideoEmailPrompt

func (*PromptsApiService) RespondToVideoEmailPrompt

func (a *PromptsApiService) RespondToVideoEmailPrompt(ctx context.Context, id string, choice string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (VideoEmailPrompt, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Respond to a prompt Respond to a prompt by either adding a video, sending without a video or cancelling the prompt. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The id of the prompt. @param choice The users' selection. Can be: WithVideo, WithEmail, Cancel, Restore, Reset, Manual @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "videoId" (string) The id of the video.
@param "emailId" (string) The id of the email.
@param "subject" (string) The subject of the email

@return VideoEmailPrompt

func (*PromptsApiService) SendPromptImmediately

func (a *PromptsApiService) SendPromptImmediately(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Ignore send date and send the prompt now. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The Id of the prompt @return

func (*PromptsApiService) SyncPromptSubscriptions

func (a *PromptsApiService) SyncPromptSubscriptions(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Syncs Campaigns and One to Ones Subscriptions for User Syncs Campaigns and One to Ones Subscriptions for User based on their profile information. The user must be a Prompt Subscriber. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "migrate" (bool) After syncing, migrate away from old campaigns.


func (*PromptsApiService) UpdatePrompt

func (a *PromptsApiService) UpdatePrompt(ctx context.Context, id string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Update Prompt Updates a Prompt * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The prompt's id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "sendMechanism" (string) The mechanism for the prompt to be sent
@param "facebookMessage" (string) The facebook message assigned to the prompt
@param "twitterMessage" (string) The twitter message assigned to the prompt
@param "videoId" (string) The id of the video.
@param "emailId" (string) The id of the email.
@param "subject" (string) The subject of the email
@param "resetCache" (string) The subject of the email
@param "resetEmailContent" (string) The subject of the email
@param "status" (string) The status of the prompt


func (*PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptBot

func (a *PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptBot(ctx context.Context, id string, emailId string, name string, subject string, content string, contactFieldValueColumn string, templateId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (PromptBot, *http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Update Prompt Bot Updates a Prompt Bot's settings. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The bot id. @param emailId The default email to use. @param name The name of the bot. @param subject The subject of the default email. @param content The content used in the default email. @param contactFieldValueColumn The custom field value column with dates for this bot. @param templateId The template used to create the email id. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "listId" (string) The list id to attach the bot to.
@param "videoId" (string) The video used in the default email.
@param "endDate" (string) The time frame to complete sending to the list.
@param "status" (string) The status of the bot.

@return PromptBot

func (*PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptCampaign

func (a *PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptCampaign(ctx context.Context, clientGroupId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Update Prompt Campaign Updates a Prompt Campaign's Settings * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param clientGroupId The client group of the campaign. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "brandedTemplateId" (string) The template to use for branded feel emails.
@param "personalTemplateId" (string) The template to use for personal feel emails.
@param "enabled" (bool) Set whether the user is able to start receiving prompts.
@param "sendMechanism" (string) The way to send the prompt


func (*PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptTemplate

func (a *PromptsApiService) UpdatePromptTemplate(ctx context.Context, id string, alternateContentId string, newEmailId string, ogEmailId string, newExampleVideoId string) (*http.Response, error)

PromptsApiService Update Prompt Content Updates a Prompt Content * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The prompt's id @param alternateContentId The alternate content id @param newEmailId The prompt's new email id @param ogEmailId The prompt's original email id @param newExampleVideoId The prompt's new tutorial video id @return

type SignUploadRequest

type SignUploadRequest struct {

	// when the upload will expire.
	Expiration time.Time `json:"expiration,omitempty"`

	// Key/Value object of request conditions.
	Conditions *interface{} `json:"conditions,omitempty"`

The SignUploadRequest class

type SignUploadResponse

type SignUploadResponse struct {

	// Base64 encoded policy.
	Policy string `json:"policy,omitempty"`

	// Signature for policy.
	Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"`

The SignUploadResponse class

type SocialsApiService

type SocialsApiService service

func (*SocialsApiService) GetFacebookPages

func (a *SocialsApiService) GetFacebookPages(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Gets facebook pages Gets facebook pages by client id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*SocialsApiService) GetSocialArticleProperties

func (a *SocialsApiService) GetSocialArticleProperties(ctx context.Context, emailId string, socialContentId string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Gets the social email properties Gets the social email properties * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId This is the email Id for the email url @param socialContentId This is the social content Id @return

func (*SocialsApiService) GetSocialAuthorizations

func (a *SocialsApiService) GetSocialAuthorizations(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Get authorizations for all social integration Get authorizations and autoshares for all social integration and has redirect for user to login * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "clientGroupId" (string) ID of the client group association


func (*SocialsApiService) GetSocialProfileProperties

func (a *SocialsApiService) GetSocialProfileProperties(ctx context.Context, socialType string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Gets the profile properties Gets the social profile properties * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param socialType The social type @return

func (*SocialsApiService) GetSocialStats

func (a *SocialsApiService) GetSocialStats(ctx context.Context, promptId string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Get social stats for a prompt Get social stats for a prompt by id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param promptId ID of the prompt @return

func (*SocialsApiService) PostSocialContent

func (a *SocialsApiService) PostSocialContent(ctx context.Context, emailId string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Creates social content Creates social content for an email * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param emailId The email's id @return

func (*SocialsApiService) RetrySocialSend

func (a *SocialsApiService) RetrySocialSend(ctx context.Context, promptId string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Sends social content Sends social content that failed for a user via their associated prompt * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param promptId The prompt id @return

func (*SocialsApiService) SendSocial

func (a *SocialsApiService) SendSocial(ctx context.Context, promptId string, socialType string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Sends social content Sends social content for a user via their associated prompt * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param promptId The prompt id @param socialType The destination for social content @return

func (*SocialsApiService) UpdateClientGroupSendMechanism

func (a *SocialsApiService) UpdateClientGroupSendMechanism(ctx context.Context, sendMechanism string, clientGroupId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Gets the auto shares from the client group assoc id Gets the auto shares from the client group assoc id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param sendMechanism The send mechanism for the prompt @param clientGroupId ID of the client group association @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "enabled" (string) Is the send mechanism enabled?


func (*SocialsApiService) UpdateClientGroupsSendMechanism

func (a *SocialsApiService) UpdateClientGroupsSendMechanism(ctx context.Context, sendMechanism string, enabled string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Toggles the prompt campaigns in a users account Toggles the prompt campaigns in a users account for a social integrations on or off * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param sendMechanism The send mechanism for the prompt @param enabled Is the send mechanism enabled? @return

func (*SocialsApiService) UpdateFacebookPages

func (a *SocialsApiService) UpdateFacebookPages(ctx context.Context, pageIds string) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Updates facebook page Ids Updates facebook page Ids to be sent to for prompts * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param pageIds Page Ids for the prompt @return

func (*SocialsApiService) UpdateSocialContent

func (a *SocialsApiService) UpdateSocialContent(ctx context.Context, socialId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

SocialsApiService Updates social content Updates social content for an email * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param socialId The social id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "title" (string) The title for the article
@param "description" (string) The article description
@param "pictureUrl" (string) The article picture url
@param "suggestedMessage" (string) The suggested message to use


type String

type String struct {

type TeamPublicRepresentation

type TeamPublicRepresentation struct {

	// The id of the team
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The name of the team
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// The date the team was created
	CreatedDate string `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`

The TeamPublicRepresentation class

type TeamsApiService

type TeamsApiService service

func (*TeamsApiService) AddTeamMember

func (a *TeamsApiService) AddTeamMember(ctx context.Context, teamId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (string, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Add Member to Team Adds a member to a team. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "admin" (bool) Set if the user is an admin of this team.
@param "subgroupIds" (string) Subgroup IDs to add user to
@param "userEmail" (string) The email of the member being added to the team.
@param "userId" (string) The user id of the member being added to the team.

@return string

func (*TeamsApiService) AddUsers

func (a *TeamsApiService) AddUsers(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userDetails string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Add users to group. Add a new or existing user to group. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param userDetails Array of emails or objects containing details needed to create user @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "sendWelcomeEmail" (string) Whether to send welcome email to new users
@param "subgroupIds" (string) Subgroup IDs to add user to


func (*TeamsApiService) AddUsersFromCsv

func (a *TeamsApiService) AddUsersFromCsv(ctx context.Context, teamId string, csvImportId string, map_ string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Add members to group from CSV Imports members to a group from a given CSV ID. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param csvImportId ID of the CSV to import @param map_ Object to use when mapping import to AccountCreateDetails. Key is property name on details, value is CSV column number. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "sendWelcomeEmail" (string) Whether to send welcome email to new users
@param "subgroupIds" (string) Subgroup IDs to add user to


func (*TeamsApiService) CancelJerichoSend

func (a *TeamsApiService) CancelJerichoSend(ctx context.Context, jerichoId string) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Cancel a Jericho Send Cancels a scheduled Jericho send from being sent. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param jerichoId ID of the Jericho Job to cancel @return

func (*TeamsApiService) CreateSubteam

func (a *TeamsApiService) CreateSubteam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, name string) (TeamPublicRepresentation, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Add a Subteam Adds a subteam to a parent team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param name The subteam's name. @return TeamPublicRepresentation

func (*TeamsApiService) DeleteSubteam

func (a *TeamsApiService) DeleteSubteam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, subteamId string) (string, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Delete Subteam Deletes a subteam * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param subteamId The subteam you wish to delete. @return string

func (*TeamsApiService) GetAllClientGroupAssociations

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetAllClientGroupAssociations(ctx context.Context, clientId string) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Lists team associations Returns a collection of team associations for a given user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param clientId The clientId requesting group associations. @return

func (*TeamsApiService) GetClientGroupAssets

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetClientGroupAssets(ctx context.Context, assetType string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (InlineResponse200, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Lists team assets Returns a collection of assets * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param assetType The type of assets. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "teamId" (string) The team containing the assets.
@param "autoTagName" (string) The auto tag name containing the assets.
@param "pageSize" (string) The number of items to retrieve in a single db query.
@param "page" (string) Zero-based index of the page of data to retrieve from the db.
@param "search" (string) Search words.

@return InlineResponse200

func (*TeamsApiService) GetClientGroupStatistics

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetClientGroupStatistics(ctx context.Context, teamId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Get Team statistics Get top level statistic data for a Team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "memberStatus" (string) The status of members to query for


func (*TeamsApiService) GetJerichoSends

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetJerichoSends(ctx context.Context, teamId string) ([]JerichoConfiguration, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService List Jericho Sends Lists Jericho sends, both pending and sent. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team whose Jericho sends you wish to see. @return []JerichoConfiguration

func (*TeamsApiService) GetJerichoStats

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetJerichoStats(ctx context.Context, jerichoId string, teamId string) (JerichoPerformance, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Gets Jericho performance statistics Returns an aggregate view of the performance of a Jericho send * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param jerichoId ID of the Jericho job @param teamId ID of team through which Jericho was sent @return JerichoPerformance

func (*TeamsApiService) GetPagedClientGroupMembers

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetPagedClientGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, teamId string, pageSize string, page string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService List Team Members Get a paginated listing of Team members * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param pageSize Amount of records to return in a page. @param page The page to return. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "status" (string) The status type to filter by.
@param "search" (string) Filter results with names that match the search term.
@param "orderBy" (string) Key to order results by
@param "orderDirection" (string) ASC or DESC


func (*TeamsApiService) GetPromptMonthlyStats

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetPromptMonthlyStats(ctx context.Context, month string, year string) (string, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Jericho Monthly Stats Jericho Monthly Stats * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param month The month whose Jericho sends you wish to see. @param year The year whose Jericho sends you wish to see. @return string

func (*TeamsApiService) GetPromptOverview

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetPromptOverview(ctx context.Context) (string, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Get Prompt Overview Get Prompt Overview * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return string

func (*TeamsApiService) GetSubteams

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetSubteams(ctx context.Context, teamId string) ([]TeamPublicRepresentation, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService List Subteams Returns a collection of subteams for a parent team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @return []TeamPublicRepresentation

func (*TeamsApiService) GetTeamPromptAggregateStats

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetTeamPromptAggregateStats(ctx context.Context, clientGroupId string) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Get aggregate stats for campaigns Get all the campaigns aggregate stats * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param clientGroupId ID of the client group association @return

func (*TeamsApiService) GetTeamPromptCampaigns

func (a *TeamsApiService) GetTeamPromptCampaigns(ctx context.Context, clientGroupId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Get campaigns for team Get campaigns for the team and their stats * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param clientGroupId ID of the client group association @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "searchTerm" (string) The value to search for in prompt subject
@param "currentPage" (string) The current page


func (*TeamsApiService) InviteToSocialPromptTeam

func (a *TeamsApiService) InviteToSocialPromptTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, listId string) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Invite a list to join the admin's social prompt team Invite to Social Prompt Team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param listId List to invite to the social prompt team. @return

func (*TeamsApiService) QueueJerichoSend

func (a *TeamsApiService) QueueJerichoSend(ctx context.Context, config JerichoConfiguration, teamId string) (JerichoConfiguration, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Creates a Jericho send. Sends email content on behalf of members of a client group. There are two forms this send can take: Static Email, and Video Prompt. Static emails require only an emailId. Video Prompts build emails dynamically and require most of the other fields. You must be an administrator of a Team Account to use this method. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param config JSON representing a Jericho configuration @param teamId The ID of the team. @return JerichoConfiguration

func (*TeamsApiService) RemoveMemberFromTeam

func (a *TeamsApiService) RemoveMemberFromTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userId string) (string, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Remove Member from Team Removes a member from a team. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param userId The user id of the member being removed. @return string

func (*TeamsApiService) ResendTeamMemberInvitation

func (a *TeamsApiService) ResendTeamMemberInvitation(ctx context.Context, teamId string, memberUserId string) (TeamPublicRepresentation, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Resend invite Resend invitation to a member of a team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param memberUserId The user id of the member being resent an invitation. @return TeamPublicRepresentation

func (*TeamsApiService) UpdateJerichoPromptSend

func (a *TeamsApiService) UpdateJerichoPromptSend(ctx context.Context, teamId string, jerichoId string) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Updates the Jericho Prompt Settings Updates the prompt settings based on the original email id * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param jerichoId ID of the Jericho job @return

func (*TeamsApiService) UpdateTeam

func (a *TeamsApiService) UpdateTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (TeamPublicRepresentation, *http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Update a team Update fields on a team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "name" (string) The name of the team
@param "state" (string) The status of the login permissions
@param "subteamsCanAddMembers" (bool) Updates subteam member adding setting on group

@return TeamPublicRepresentation

func (*TeamsApiService) UpdateTeamMember

func (a *TeamsApiService) UpdateTeamMember(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userId string, admin bool, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

TeamsApiService Update Member of Team Updates a member of a team * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param teamId The team id @param userId The user id of the member being added to the team. @param admin Set if the user is an admin of this team. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "permissionSuiteId" (string) Set if the user is an admin of this team.


type UsersApiService

type UsersApiService service

func (*UsersApiService) GetClientContactInformation

func (a *UsersApiService) GetClientContactInformation(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

UsersApiService Get client contact information. Get the client contact information of the user's account. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*UsersApiService) GetUserProfileInfo

func (a *UsersApiService) GetUserProfileInfo(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

UsersApiService Get user profile information. Get the users profile information. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

type UtilitiesApiService

type UtilitiesApiService service

func (*UtilitiesApiService) CreateOAuthClient

func (a *UtilitiesApiService) CreateOAuthClient(ctx context.Context, name string, redirectUri string) (OAuthClient, *http.Response, error)

UtilitiesApiService Create an OAuth Client Creates an OAuth Client managed by the user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param name The name of the OAuth client. e.g. MyCrm DEV, or MyCrm PROD @param redirectUri The URI to direct the client to after logging in. @return OAuthClient

func (*UtilitiesApiService) DeleteOAuthClient

func (a *UtilitiesApiService) DeleteOAuthClient(ctx context.Context, id string) (*http.Response, error)

UtilitiesApiService Delete an OAuth Client Deletes an OAuth Client managed by the user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param id The id of the OAuth Client @return

func (*UtilitiesApiService) GetOAuthClients

func (a *UtilitiesApiService) GetOAuthClients(ctx context.Context) ([]OAuthClient, *http.Response, error)

UtilitiesApiService Lists OAuth Clients Enumerates OAuth Clients managed by the user * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []OAuthClient

func (*UtilitiesApiService) GetSpec

func (a *UtilitiesApiService) GetSpec(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

UtilitiesApiService Describes this api Describes methods available through the API. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

type VideoEmailPrompt

type VideoEmailPrompt struct {

	// Optional. The email template to be used in the sent email, if none supplied, the users' default will be applied.
	TemplateId string `json:"templateId,omitempty"`

	// The subject line of the final email
	EmailSubjectLine string `json:"emailSubjectLine,omitempty"`

	// The HTML content of the final email
	EmailContent string `json:"emailContent,omitempty"`

	// Contact Id to send the final email to
	ContactId string `json:"contactId,omitempty"`

	// List Ids to send the final email to
	ToLists []string `json:"toLists,omitempty"`

	// A paragraph intro statement about the purpose of the email you're recording a video for.
	PromptIntro string `json:"promptIntro,omitempty"`

	// An example or explanatory video to help the user understand what to say.
	ExampleVideoId string `json:"exampleVideoId,omitempty"`

	// An example or explanatory video to help the user understand what to say.
	FollowupVideoId string `json:"followupVideoId,omitempty"`

	// Whether to send the email if no video is recorded. If set to require a video, and none is added before the videoDueDate, the prompt is cancelled.
	SendWithoutVideo bool `json:"sendWithoutVideo,omitempty"`

	// When the video must be recorded by
	VideoDueDate time.Time `json:"videoDueDate,omitempty"`

	// The video that was added to the prompt. Read Only.
	VideoId string `json:"videoId,omitempty"`

	// The email that was created by the prompt Read Only.
	EmailId string `json:"emailId,omitempty"`

	// The job sent by the prompt Read Only.
	JobId string `json:"jobId,omitempty"`

	// The bot that created the prompt.
	PromptBotId string `json:"promptBotId,omitempty"`

	// Controls whether a user template is applied to the message as it is sent
	ApplyTemplate bool `json:"applyTemplate,omitempty"`

	// The facebook message to be passed off to social sender
	FacebookMessage string `json:"facebookMessage,omitempty"`

	// The twitter message to be passed off to social sender
	TwitterMessage string `json:"twitterMessage,omitempty"`

	// The linkedin message to be passed off to social sender
	LinkedinMessage string `json:"linkedinMessage,omitempty"`

	// The id for the alternate content id
	AlternateContentId string `json:"alternateContentId,omitempty"`

	// The identifier of the prompt. Read Only.
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The prompt's owner. Read Only.
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// If sent in a jericho context, this will have the jericho id
	JerichoId string `json:"jerichoId,omitempty"`

	// The prompt's subject line
	PromptSubject string `json:"promptSubject,omitempty"`

	// The suggested script of the prompt.
	PromptHtml string `json:"promptHtml,omitempty"`

	// When the final email is scheduled to be sent
	ScheduledSendDate time.Time `json:"scheduledSendDate,omitempty"`

	// The client group campaign that created the prompt.
	ClientGroupId string `json:"clientGroupId,omitempty"`

	// The URL of a thumbnail image for this prompt
	ThumbnailUrl string `json:"thumbnailUrl,omitempty"`

	// The status of the prompt: created = 0, sent = 10, recorded = 20, job_created = 30, timed_out = 40, declined = 50 Read Only
	Status int32 `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// When the email was first sent out
	CreatedDate time.Time `json:"createdDate,omitempty"`

	// When the user was last notified about a prompt email waiting for a video
	LastNotified time.Time `json:"lastNotified,omitempty"`

	// The sendMechanism property
	SendMechanism time.Time `json:"sendMechanism,omitempty"`

	// The types of mechanisms this prompt can send.
	SendTypes []string `json:"sendTypes,omitempty"`

Configures a single prompt which asks a user to record a video into an outgoing email.

type VideoEncodingStatusResponse

type VideoEncodingStatusResponse struct {

	// Returns true if the video is done encoding and finalized.
	IsReady bool `json:"isReady,omitempty"`

	// Returns true if the video encoding process failed.
	IsFailed bool `json:"isFailed,omitempty"`

	// 0-100 value indicating progress of video encoding process.
	Progress int32 `json:"progress,omitempty"`

The VideoEncodingStatusResponse class

type VideoPublicRepresentation

type VideoPublicRepresentation struct {

	// The id of the video
	Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// The is of the owning user
	UserId string `json:"userId,omitempty"`

	// The status of the video
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// The name of the video
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// A description of the video
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// The url of the thumbnail for the video
	ThumbUrl string `json:"thumbUrl,omitempty"`

	// Urls to different formats of the video
	VideoUrls []string `json:"videoUrls,omitempty"`

	// The url to use to link to the video
	ShortUrl string `json:"shortUrl,omitempty"`

	// The height of the video in pixels
	Height int32 `json:"height,omitempty"`

	// The width of the video in pixels
	Width int32 `json:"width,omitempty"`

	// The date the video was uploaded
	UploadDate string `json:"uploadDate,omitempty"`

The VideoPublicRepresentation class

type VideoRecorderMethodResponse

type VideoRecorderMethodResponse struct {

	// The id of the user for whom this video will be recorded
	UserId string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`

	// The email address of the user for whom this video will be recorded
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`

	// The client_id of the user for whom this video will be recorded
	ClientId string `json:"client_id,omitempty"`

	// The id of the video that will be recorded
	VidId string `json:"vid_id,omitempty"`

	// An HTML blob that displays a video recorder
	Content string `json:"content,omitempty"`

	// The width of the video recorder
	Width int32 `json:"width,omitempty"`

	// the Height of the video recorder
	Height int32 `json:"height,omitempty"`

	// Whether communication from the recorder will be handled via HTTPS (always true)
	Https bool `json:"https,omitempty"`

The VideoRecorderMethodResponse class

type VideosApiService

type VideosApiService service

func (*VideosApiService) GetVideoEncodingStatus

func (a *VideosApiService) GetVideoEncodingStatus(ctx context.Context, videoId string) (VideoEncodingStatusResponse, *http.Response, error)

VideosApiService Video Encoding Status Get information about the current state of encoding for a given video id. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param videoId The video's id. @return VideoEncodingStatusResponse

func (*VideosApiService) GetVideoRecorder

func (a *VideosApiService) GetVideoRecorder(ctx context.Context, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (VideoRecorderMethodResponse, *http.Response, error)

VideosApiService Get Live Video Recorder HTML Returns an object with a number of properties to help you put a video recorder on your site. This is to be used in conjunction with the VideoRecordedLive call one the user has confirmed in your UI that the video is how they want it. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "width" (int32) The width of the recorder to present.
@param "videoId" (string) The id of the video to record

@return VideoRecorderMethodResponse

func (*VideosApiService) MarkLiveRecordingComplete

func (a *VideosApiService) MarkLiveRecordingComplete(ctx context.Context, videoId string, filename string, title string) (VideoPublicRepresentation, *http.Response, error)

VideosApiService Completes a live recording Used in conjunction with the live recorder method to mark a video recording as complete. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param videoId The id of the video to mark as done. @param filename The filename that was chosen as the final video. @param title The title to give the video @return VideoPublicRepresentation

func (*VideosApiService) SignUpload

func (a *VideosApiService) SignUpload(ctx context.Context, policy SignUploadRequest, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (string, *http.Response, error)

VideosApiService Generate Signed Url Generates a signed url to be used for video uploads. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param policy The policy to sign @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "v4" (bool) Whether to do v4 signing

@return string

func (*VideosApiService) UpdateVideoThumbnailV2

func (a *VideosApiService) UpdateVideoThumbnailV2(ctx context.Context, videoId string, thumbnail string, localVarOptionals map[string]interface{}) (*http.Response, error)

VideosApiService Upload thumbnail Upload a new video thumbnail * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param videoId The id of the video @param thumbnail The thumbnail being uploaded @param optional (nil or map[string]interface{}) with one or more of:

@param "custom" (bool) The default email to use.


type WebhooksApiService

type WebhooksApiService service

func (*WebhooksApiService) AddWebHook

func (a *WebhooksApiService) AddWebHook(ctx context.Context, hookUrl string) (BbWebHook, *http.Response, error)

WebhooksApiService Add Webhook Idempotently adds a Webhook url * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param hookUrl The Url of your listener @return BbWebHook

func (*WebhooksApiService) DeleteWebHook

func (a *WebhooksApiService) DeleteWebHook(ctx context.Context, hookId string) (string, *http.Response, error)

WebhooksApiService Deletes Webhook Deletes a Webhook * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @param hookId The id of the webhook to delete @return string

func (*WebhooksApiService) GetWebHooks

func (a *WebhooksApiService) GetWebHooks(ctx context.Context) ([]BbWebHook, *http.Response, error)

WebhooksApiService Lists Webhooks Lists all registered Webhooks * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return []BbWebHook

func (*WebhooksApiService) ListWebHookEvents

func (a *WebhooksApiService) ListWebHookEvents(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

WebhooksApiService Describe WebHook Events Returns example Webhook events for each kind of possible event. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

func (*WebhooksApiService) SendWebhookExample

func (a *WebhooksApiService) SendWebhookExample(ctx context.Context) (*http.Response, error)

WebhooksApiService Sends test Webhook Triggers a test webhook to be sent to your endpoints. * @param ctx context.Context for authentication, logging, tracing, etc. @return

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