
command module
v1.25.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 25, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



Build Status codecov Go Report Card License Tag


insight-plugin is the insight plugin of devops-pipeflow written in Go.


  • Go >= 1.22.0


# Run agent
version=latest make build
# Run insight
version=latest make build
./bin/insight --config-file="$PWD"/config/config.yml


usage: name [<flags>]

insight agent

  --[no-]help         Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --log-level="INFO"  Log level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR)
usage: insight --config-file=CONFIG-FILE [<flags>]

insight plugin

  --[no-]help                Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --config-file=CONFIG-FILE  Config file (.yml)
  --log-level="INFO"         Log level (DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR)


insight-plugin parameters can be set in the directory config.

An example of configuration in config.yml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: insight
  name: insight
      start: 1
      len: 2
      count: 3
    duration: 10s
      - name: lintcpp
          - .c
          - .cc
          - .cpp
          - .h
          - .hpp
          - name
          - name
      approval: +1
      disapproval: -1
      label: Code-Review
      message: Voting Code-Review by codesight
    user: user
    pass: pass
    user: user
    pass: pass
    user: user
    pass: pass
    user: user
    pass: pass
    port: 22
    user: user
    pass: pass
    key: key
    timeout: 10s

sshConfig: SSH config

timeout: SSH connection timeout (h:hour, m:minute, s:second)


syntax = "proto3";

package server.plugins.insight.proto;

option go_package = "";

service Insight {
  rpc Config(ConfigRequest) returns (ConfigResponse) {};
  rpc Trigger(TriggerRequest) returns (TriggerResponse) {};

message ConfigRequest {
  BuildConfig buildConfig = 1;  // buildsight config
  CodeConfig codeConfig = 2;  // codesight config
  NodeConfig nodeConfig = 3;  // nodesight config
  ToolchainConfig toolchainConfig = 4;  // toolchainsight config
  ArtifactConfig artifactConfig = 5;  // artifactory config
  GptConfig gptConfig = 6;  // gpt config
  RepoConfig repoConfig = 7;  // repo config
  ReviewConfig reviewConfig = 8;  // review config

message BuildConfig {
  LoggingConfig loggingConfig = 1;  // logging config

message CodeConfig {
  string duration = 1;  // duration time in string (h:hour, m:minute, s:second)
  repeated LintConfig lintConfigs = 2;  // lint configs
  LintVote lintVote = 3;  // vote config (Gerrit, pingview)

message NodeConfig {}

message ToolchainConfig {}

message ArtifactConfig {
  string url = 1;  // artifactory url
  string user = 2;  // artifactory user
  string pass = 3;  // artifactory pass

message GptConfig {
  string url = 1;  // gpt url (codegpt)
  string user = 2;  // gpt user (codegpt)
  string pass = 3;  // gpt pass (codegpt)

message RepoConfig {
  string url = 1;  // repo url (Gitiles)
  string user = 2;  // repo user (Gitiles)
  string pass = 3;  // repo pass (Gitiles)

message ReviewConfig {
  string url = 1;  // review url (Gerrit, pingview)
  string user = 2;  // review user (Gerrit, pingview)
  string pass = 3;  // review pass (Gerrit, pingview)

message LoggingConfig {
  int64 start = 1;  // logging lines start (>=1)
  int64 len = 2;  // logging lines length
  int64 count = 3;  // logging lines count (total size: len*count)

message LintConfig {
  string name = 1;  // lint name
  repeated string extensions = 2;  // extension names
  repeated string files = 3;  // file names
  repeated string projects = 4;  // project names

message LintVote {
  string approval = 1;  // approval vote
  string disapproval = 2;  // disapproval vote
  string label = 3;  //  vote label
  string message = 4;  // vote message

message ConfigResponse {}

message TriggerRequest {
  ArtifactTrigger artifactTrigger = 1;  // artifactsight trigger
  BuildTrigger buildTrigger = 2;  // buildsight trigger
  CodeTrigger codeTrigger = 3;  // codesight trigger
  NodeTrigger nodeTrigger = 4;  // nodesight trigger
  ToolchainTrigger toolchainTrigger = 5;  // toolchainsight trigger

message ArtifactTrigger {}

message BuildTrigger {
  repeated EnvVariable envVariables = 1;  // environment variables in list
  LoggingTrigger loggingTrigger = 2;  // logging trigger
  ReviewTrigger  reviewTrigger = 3;  // review trigger

message CodeTrigger {
  ReviewTrigger  reviewTrigger = 1;  // review trigger

message NodeTrigger {
  SshConfig sshConfig = 1;  // ssh config

message ToolchainTrigger {}

message EnvVariable {
  string name = 1;  // variable name
  string value = 2;  // variable value

message LoggingTrigger {
  repeated string lines = 1;  // logging lines in list
  int64 start = 2;  // logging lines start (>=1)
  int64 len = 3;  // logging lines length

message ReviewTrigger {
  string host = 1;
  string port = 2;
  string project = 3;
  string topic = 4;
  string branch = 5;
  string eventType = 6;
  string scheme = 7;
  string refspec = 8;
  string changeID = 9;
  string changeUrl = 10;
  string changeNumber = 11;
  string changeSubject = 12;
  string changeOwner = 13;
  string changeOwnerName = 14;
  string changeOwnerEmail = 15;
  string changeWIPState = 16;
  string changePrivateState = 17;
  string changeCommitMessage = 18;
  string patchsetNumber = 19;
  string patchsetRevision = 20;
  string patchsetUploader = 21;
  string patchsetUploaderName = 22;
  string patchsetUploaderEmail = 23;

message SshConfig {
  string host = 1;  // ssh host
  int64 port = 2;  // ssh port
  string user = 3;  // ssh user
  string pass = 4;  // ssh pass
  string key = 5;  // ssh private key
  string timeout = 6; // ssh timeout time in string (h:hour, m:minute, s:second)

message TriggerResponse {
  ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = 1;  // artifactsight info
  repeated BuildInfo buildInfos = 2;  // buildsight infos
  CodeInfo codeInfo = 3;  // codesight info
  MailInfo mailInfo = 4;  // mail info
  NodeInfo nodeInfo = 5;  // nodesight info
  ToolchainInfo toolchainInfo = 6;  // toolchainsight info

message ArtifactInfo {}

message BuildInfo {
  LoggingInfo loggingInfo = 1;  // logging info
  RepoInfo repoInfo = 2;  // repo info (Gitiles)
  ReviewInfo reviewInfo = 3;  // review info (Gerrit, pingview)

message CodeInfo {}

message MailInfo {
  string contentType = 1; // content type (e.g., "text/html" or "text/plain")
  string fromAddress = 2; // from address (e.g., "pipeflow")
  repeat string toAddresses = 3; // to addresses (e.g., "")
  repeat string ccAddresses = 4; // cc addresses (e.g., "")
  string subject = 5; // subject content (e.g., "[buildsight]: ...")
  string body = 6; // body content
  repeat string attachments = 7; // attachment files (e.g., "attach.txt")

message NodeInfo {
  NodeStat nodeStat = 1;  // node statistic (shown on web)
  NodeReport nodeReport = 2;  // node report (empty: pass, nonempty: fail)

message ToolchainInfo {}

message LoggingInfo {
  string file = 1;  // file name
  int64 line = 2;  // file line
  string type = 3;  // error type (info, warn, error)
  string detail = 4;  // error detail (e.g., type="info" detail="Build completed successfully.")

message RepoInfo {
  string project = 1;  // project name in repo
  string branch = 2;  // branch name in repo
  string commit = 3;  // commit id in repo
  string committer = 4;  // committer name in repo
  string author = 5;  // author name in repo
  string message = 6;  // commit message in repo
  string date = 7;  // commit updated date in repo

message ReviewInfo {
  string project = 1;  // project name in review
  string branch = 2;  // branch name in review
  int64 change = 3;  // change id in review
  string owner = 4;  // owner name in review
  string author = 5;  // author name in review
  string message = 6;  // commit message in review
  string date = 7;  // commit updated date in review

message NodeStat {
  CpuStat cpuStat = 1;  // cpu statistic
  DiskStat diskStat = 2;  // dist statistic
  DockerStat dockerStat = 3;  // docker statistic
  HostStat hostStat = 4;  // host statistic
  LoadStat loadStat = 5;  // load statistic
  MemStat memStat = 6;  // memory statistic
  NetStat netStat = 7;  // net statistic
  ProcessStat processStat = 8;  // process statistic

message NodeReport {
  string cpuReport = 1; // cpu report
  string diskReport = 2; // disk report
  string dockerReport = 3; // docker report
  string healthReport = 4; // health report
  string hostReport = 5; // host report
  string loadReport = 6; // load report
  string memReport = 7; // memory report
  string netReport = 8; // net report
  string processReport = 9; // process report

message CpuStat {
  int64 physicalCount = 1; // physical cores
  int64 logicalCount = 2;  // logical cores
  repeated CpuTime cpuTimes = 3;  // the time of cpu used per cpu in list

message DiskStat {
  repeated DiskPartition diskPartitions = 1;  // disk partitions in list (for physical devices only)
  DiskUsage diskUsage = 2;  // file system usage

message DockerStat {
  repeated double cgroupCpuDockerUsages = 1;  // cpu usage for docker in list
  repeated CgroupDockerStat cgroupDockerStats = 2; // cgroup docker stat in list
  repeated CgroupMemDocker cgroupMemDockers = 3; // cgroup memory stat in list

message HostStat {
  string hostname = 1;  // host name
  uint64 procs = 2;  // number of processes
  string os = 3;  // OS name (linux)
  string platform = 4;  // platform name (ubuntu)
  string platformFamily = 5;  // platform family (debian)
  string platformVersion = 6;  // the complete OS version
  string kernelVersion = 7;  // the kernel version
  string kernelArch = 8;  // native cpu architecture (`uname -r`)
  string hostID = 9;  // host id (uuid)

message LoadStat {
  LoadAvg loadAvg = 1;  // load average
  LoadMisc loadMisc = 2;  // load misc

message MemStat {
  repeated MemSwapDevice memSwapDevices = 1;  // swap device in list
  MemSwapMemory memSwapMemory = 2;  // swap memory
  MemVirtual memVirtual = 3;  // virtual memory

message NetStat {
  repeated NetIo netIos = 1;  // network I/O statistics in list
  repeated NetInterface netInterfaces = 2;  // network interface in list

message ProcessStat {
  repeated ProcessInfo processInfos = 1;  // process info in list

message CpuTime {
  string cpu = 1;
  double user = 2;
  double system = 3;
  double idle = 4;
  double nice = 5;
  double iowait = 6;
  double irq = 7;
  double softirq = 8;
  double steal = 9;
  double guest = 10;
  double guestNice = 11;

message DiskPartition {
  string device = 1;
  string mountpoint = 2;
  string fstype = 3;
  repeated string opts = 4;

message DiskUsage {
  string path = 1;
  string fstype = 2;
  uint64 total = 3;
  uint64 free = 4;
  uint64 used = 5;
  double usedPercent = 6;

message CgroupDockerStat {
  string containerId = 1;
  string name = 2;
  string image = 3;
  string status = 4;
  bool running = 5;

message CgroupMemDocker {
  uint64 cache = 1;
  uint64 rss = 2;
  uint64 rssHuge = 3;
  uint64 mappedFile = 4;
  uint64 totalCache = 5;
  uint64 totalRss = 6;
  uint64 totalRssHuge = 7;
  uint64 totalMappedFile = 8;
  uint64 memUsageInBytes = 9;
  uint64 memMaxUsageInBytes = 10;
  uint64 memLimitInBytes = 11;

message LoadAvg {
  double load1 = 1;
  double load5 = 2;
  double load15 = 3;

message LoadMisc {
  int64 procsTotal = 1;
  int64 procsCreated = 2;
  int64 procsRunning = 3;
  int64 procsBlocked = 4;
  int64 ctxt = 5;

message MemSwapDevice {
  string name = 1;
  uint64 usedBytes = 2;
  uint64 freeBytes = 3;

message MemSwapMemory {
  uint64 total = 1;
  uint64 used = 2;
  uint64 free = 3;
  double usedPercent = 4;

message MemVirtual {
  uint64 total = 1;
  uint64 available = 2;
  uint64 used = 3;
  double usedPercent = 4;
  uint64 free = 5;
  uint64 buffer = 6;
  uint64 cached = 7;
  uint64 swapCached = 8;
  uint64 swapTotal = 9;
  uint64 swapFree = 10;
  uint64 mapped = 11;
  uint64 vmallocTotal = 12;
  uint64 vmallocUsed = 13;
  uint64 vmallocChunk = 14;
  uint64 hugePagesTotal = 15;
  uint64 hugePagesFree = 16;
  uint64 hugePagesRsvd = 17;
  uint64 hugePagesSurp = 18;
  uint64 hugePageSize = 19;
  uint64 anonHugePage = 20;

message NetIo {
  string name = 1;
  uint64 bytesSent = 2;
  uint64 bytesRecv = 3;
  uint64 packetsSent = 4;
  uint64 packetsRecv = 5;

message NetInterface {
  int64 index = 1;
  int64 mtu = 2;
  string name = 3;
  string hardwareAddr = 4;
  repeated string flags = 5;
  repeated string addrs = 6;

message ProcessInfo {
  bool background = 1;
  double cpuPercent = 2;
  repeated int32 children = 3;
  string cmdline = 4;
  repeated string environs = 5;
  int32 ionice = 6;
  bool isRunning = 7;
  ProcessMemoryInfo processMemoryInfo = 8;
  float memoryPercent = 9;
  string name = 10;
  int32 numFd = 11;
  int32 numThread = 12;
  int32 parent = 13;
  int32 ppid = 14;
  repeated ProcessRlimit processRlimits = 15;
  repeated string statuses = 16;
  repeated int32 uids = 17;
  string username = 18;

message ProcessMemoryInfo {
  uint64 rss = 1;
  uint64 vms = 2;
  uint64 hwm = 3;
  uint64 data = 4;
  uint64 stack = 5;
  uint64 locked = 6;
  uint64 swap = 7;

message ProcessRlimit {
  int32 resource = 1;
  uint64 soft = 2;
  uint64 hard = 3;
  uint64 used = 4;


Project License can be found here.



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Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL