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Published: Dec 23, 2022 License: Apache-2.0



build Go Report Card

The CMC repository provides tools and software to enable remote attestation of computing platforms, as well as remote attested TLS channels between those platforms. Currently, the CMC repository supports Trusted Platform Module (TPM) as well as AMD SEV-SNP attestation.

Architecture Overview

CMC, drivers and exemplary testtool as well as interface descriptions

The figure shows how the core components interact with each other. The main software components are:

  • The cmcd daemon acts as an attestation prover and verifier: It collects measurements from different hardware trust anchors and assembles this data together with signed metadata describing the platform to an attestation report (prover), or validates the measurements against the metadata. The cmcd provides a gRPC as well as a CoAP REST API.
  • The testtool is an exemplary application that make use of the cmcd to generate and verify attestation reports and to create an attested tls connections.
  • Drivers for trusted hardware provides the attestation reports and, if available, key storage and signing functionalities

Refer to the Architecture Readme for more information.

Basic Principle

The overall exchanged data structure Attestation Report does not only contain measurements of the software running on the platform, but also metadata in the form of Manifests and Descriptions. This metadata describes the entire state of the platform and must be signed by a trusted entity. This allows a verifier to validate the attestation report without knowing the platform in advance. Examples and tools for creating the metadata on the prover side are given below.


  • Running the cmcd currently requires a Linux platform. If the cmcd is configured to use a TPM, the cmcd must be able to access /dev/tpm0. If AMD SEV-SNP is used for measurements, the cmcd must be run on an AMD server within an SNP Virtual Machine.
  • Building the cmcd requires go (

Note: If configured to be used with a TPM, The cmcd accesses the TPM and creates keys within the TPM. You should not run it on your normal work laptop, as it might require the TPM and its keys storage for secure boot, disk encryption or other purposes. Instead, run it on a dedicated Virtual Machine (VM) or server.

Quick Demo Setup

The CMC repository contains a complete local example setup including a demo CA and all required configurations and metadata. The setup script example-setup/setup-full-simple clones this repository to a folder cmc-workspace in the home directory and sets up everything to quickly test remote attestation. It was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Note: You should run this only for testing on a development machine


Afterwards, continue with Run the CMC

Manual Setup

This setup shows step-by-step how to install the tools, generate the metadata describing the platform and run and test the tools. It was tested on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Install Prerequisites
# Install utils
sudo apt install moreutils golang-cfssl build-essential

# Install tpm-pcr-tools for calculating/parsing TPM PCR values for TPM-based attestation
sudo apt install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libssl-dev
git clone
cd tpm-pcr-tools
sudo make install # Or launch from individual folders
Build and Install
# 1. Setup a folder for the cmc workspace (e.g. in your home directory)

# 2. Clone the CMC repo
git clone $CMC_ROOT/cmc

# 3. Build CMC
cd $CMC_ROOT/cmc
go build ./...

# 4. Install CMC $GOPATH/bin (export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin -> .profile/.bashrc)
go install ./...
Setup PKI and Metadata

1. Create a folder for your CMC configuration

mkdir -p $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data

2. Copy and adjust the example metadata templates For the example, it is sufficient to copy the templates. For information on how to adjust the metadata, see Generating Metadata and Setup Alternatives

cp -r $CMC_ROOT/cmc/example-setup/* $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data
# 3. Generate a PKI suitable for your needs. You can use the simple PKI example-setup for testing:
$CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/setup-simple-pki -i $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data -o $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/pki

3. Generate metadata

This example uses a TPM as hardware trust anchor and an SRTM measured boot. For other setups, see Generating Metadata and Setup Alternatives

# Parse the values of the RTM PCRs from the kernel's binary bios measurements as reference values
referenceValues=$(sudo parse-srtm-pcrs -p 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -f json)
# Delete existing reference values in the RTM Manifest
jq 'del(.referenceValues[])' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json
jq --argjson ver "$referenceValues" '.referenceValues += $ver' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json

referenceValues=$(sudo parse-srtm-pcrs -p 8,9 -f json)
jq 'del(.referenceValues[])' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json
jq --argjson ver "$referenceValues" '.referenceValues += $ver' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json

4. Sign the metadata

This example uses JSON/JWS as serialization format. For different formats see Serialization Format


mkdir -p $OUT

signing-tool -in $IN/rtm.manifest.json        -out $OUT/rtm.manifest.json        -keys $KEY -x5cs $CHAIN -format json
signing-tool -in $IN/os.manifest.json         -out $OUT/os.manifest.json         -keys $KEY -x5cs $CHAIN -format json
signing-tool -in $IN/device.description.json  -out $OUT/device.description.json  -keys $KEY -x5cs $CHAIN --format json
signing-tool -in $IN/ak.certparams.json       -out $OUT/ak.certparams.json       -keys $KEY -x5cs $CHAIN --format json
signing-tool -in $IN/tlskey.certparams.json   -out $OUT/tlskey.certparams.json   -keys $KEY -x5cs $CHAIN --format json

5. Adjust the cmcd configuration

Open the cmcd-configuration in $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/cmcd-conf.json and adjust it if required. For more information about the configuration see CMCD Configuration or run cmcd -help

6. Adjust the provisioning server configuration Open the provisioning server configuration in $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/prov-server-conf.json and adjust it if required. For more information about the configuration see Provisioning Server Configuration or run provserver -help

Run the CMC

# Start the provisioning server that supplies the certificates and metadata for the cmcd
provserver -config $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/prov-server-conf.json

# Build and run the cmcd
cmcd -config $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/cmcd-conf.json -addr

# Run the testtool to retrieve an attestation report (stored in current folder unless otherwise specified)
testtool -mode generate

# Run the testtool to verify the attestation report (stored in current folder unless otherwise specified)
testtool -mode verify -ca $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/pki/ca.pem [-policies $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/policies.json]
Establish an attested TLS connection
# Run an attested TLS server
testtool -mode listen -addr -ca $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/pki/ca.pem

# Run an attested TLS client estblishing a mutually attested TLS connection to the server
testtool -mode dial -addr -ca $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/pki/ca.pem -mtls

Note: by default, cmcd and testtool use localhost port 9955 to communicate. This can be changed in the cmcd configuration and using the -cmc <host:port> command line argument for the testtool.

Note: The cmcd -addr parameter is the server address where metadata can be found and must correspond to the address in the provserver config

Note: The cmcd TPM provisioning process includes the verification of the TPM's EK certificate chain. In the example setup, this verification is turned off, as the database might not contain the certificate chain for the TPM of the machine the cmcd is running on. Instead, simply a warning is printed. The intermediate and root CA for this chain can be downloaded from the TPM vendor. The certificates can then be added in to the cmc/example-setup/tpm-ek-certs.db database. The verifyEkCert parameter in the provserver config can then be set to true.

Generating Metadata and Setup Alternatives

Metadata and PKI can be generated in different formats and configurations, which is shortly described in this section.


The example setup contains templates for the required metadata files in JSON. The attributes of these files can be adjusted according to individual requirements:

  • rtm.manifest.json: Contains information about the Root of Trust for Measurements, which usually comprises the reference values (hashes) for BIOS/UEFI, bootloader and other early boot components
  • os.manifest.json: Contains the operating system reference values and information
  • company.description.json: Optional, metadata describing the operater of the computing platform
  • device.description.json: Metadata describing the overall platform, contains links to RTM Manifest, OS Manifest and App Manifests
  • ak.certparams.json: Certificate Parameters for the TPM Attestation Key certificate to be generated by the provisioning server during TPM credential activation
  • tlskey.certparams.json: Certificate Parameters for the TLS Key certificate to be generated by the provisioning server during
Serialization Format

The attestation report can be serialized to JSON and signed via JSON Web signatures (JWS), or to CBOR and signed via CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE). This must be specified in the configuration of the cmcd (see CMCD Configuration and the provisioning server (see Provisioning Server Configuration)

As CBOR is a binary serialization format, the serialized data is not human-readable. Therefore, the metadata templates are always in JSON. A converter tool is provided to convert the metadata files to CBOR before signing them. To convert a metadata file from JSON to CBOR:

# Convert JSON to CBOR using the converter-tool
$CMC_ROOT/cmc/tools/converter/converter -in <input-file>.json -out <output-file.cbor> -format json
TPM Setup using Calculated Values

In the example setup, the platform is simply seen as a "good reference platform" and the reference values are generated through parsing the TPM measurements from the sysfs. Ideally, the reference values are generated from the single software artefacts running on the platform. For QEMU VMs with OVMF and a kernel with appended initramfs, the calculate-srtm-pcrs tool can be used:

# 5. a) TPM Setup using calculated values
# Calculate reference values
referenceValues=$(calculate-srtm-pcrs --kernel linux-amd64-virtio-systemd-debug.bzImage --ovmf OVMF-DEBUG.fd --format json --pcrs 0,1,2,3,6,7 --eventlog --config configs/ovmf-f80580f56b.cfg)
# Delete all existing reference values
jq 'del(.referenceValues[])' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json
# Insert new reference values
jq --argjson ver "$referenceValues" '.referenceValues += $ver' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/rtm.manifest.json

referenceValues=$(calculate-srtm-pcrs --kernel linux-amd64-virtio-systemd-debug.bzImage --ovmf OVMF-DEBUG.fd --format json --pcrs 4,5 --eventlog --config configs/ovmf-f80580f56b.cfg)
jq 'del(.referenceValues[])' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json
jq --argjson ver "$referenceValues" '.referenceValues += $ver' $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json | sponge $CMC_ROOT/cmc-data/metadata-raw/os.manifest.json

Config Files

The cmcd and provserver require JSON configuration files. An example setup with all required configuration files is provided in the examples/ folder of this repository. Paths in the configuration files can either be absolute, or relative to the path of the configuration file.

CMCD Configuration

The cmcd requires a JSON configuration file with the following information:

  • addr: The address the cmcd should listen on, e.g.
  • provServerAddr: The URL of the provisioning server. The server issues certificates for the TPM or software keys. In case of the TPM, the TPM Credential Activation process is performed.
  • localPath: the local path to store the meta-data and internal files. In a local setup, all manifests and descriptions must be placed in this folder. If the provisioning server is used for the meta-data (cmcd command line argument -fetch-metadata), the cmcd will store those files in this folder. In this case, it is not required that the folder already exists, the cmcd will handle everything automatically
  • fetchMetadata: Boolean to specify whether the cmcd should load/update its metadata from the provisioning server. If set to false, the cmcd expects all files to be present in the localPath
  • measurementInterfaces: Tells the cmcd prover which measurement interfaces to use, currently supported are "TPM" and "SNP".
  • signingInterface: Tells the cmcd prover with which interface to sign the overall generated attestation report. Currently supported are "TPM", "SNP", and "SW". Note: This is only for the overall report. The hardware-based measurements are signed by the respective hardware-based keys of the measurement interface itself. E.g. if the TPM is selected as measurement interface, the TPM quote will always be signed with the TPM's AK.
  • useIma: Bool that indicates whether the Integrity Measurement Architecture (IMA) shall be used
  • imaPcr: TPM PCR where the IMA measurements are recorded (must match the kernel configuration). The linux kernel default is 10
  • keyConfig: The algorithm to be used for the cmcd keys. Possible values are: RSA2048, RSA4096, EC256, EC384, EC521
  • serialization: The serialiazation format to use for the attestation report. Can be either cbor or json
    "addr": "",
    "provServerAddr": "",
    "serverPath": "drtm-example/",
    "localPath": "metadata/",
    "fetchMetadata": true,
    "measurementInterfaces": [ "TPM", "SNP" ],
    "signingInterface": "TPM",
    "useIma": false,
    "imaPcr": 10,
    "keyConfig": "EC256",
    "serialization": "json",
Provisioning Server Configuration

The provisioning server requires a configuration file with the following information:

  • port: The port the server should listen on
  • deviceSubCaKey: The private key of the CA used to sign the device certificates. For the demo, the Device Sub CA key from the ids-pcp tool located in ids-pcp/examples/demo_setup/pki/ca/device_sub_ca-key.pem can be used
  • deviceSubCaCert: The certificate of the CA used to sign the device certificates. For the demo, the Device Sub CA certificate from the ids-pcp tool located in ids-pcp/examples/demo_setup/pki/ca/device_sub_ca.pem can be used
  • caCert: The root CA. For the demo, the CA certification from the ids-pcp tool located in ids-pcp/examples/demo_setup/pki/ca/ca.pem can be used
  • httpFolder: The root folder containing metadata (manifests and descriptions) that is served by the provisioning server. This root folder must contain folders that match the serverPath from the cmcd config of the individual devices. Inside the folders, the metadata (manifests and descriptions) for the device must be stored. The files can be generated with the ids-pcp tool.
  • verifyEkCert: Boolean, specifies if the EK certificate chain should be validated via the tpmEkCertDb
  • tpmEkCertDb: SQLite database containing intermediate CA and CA certificates from the TPM manufacturers. The provisioning server uses these certificates to verify the TPM Endorsement Key (EK) certificate. The repository contains an example database with the certificates of some TPM manufacturers which can be used. For different manufacturers, certificates might need to be added.
  • vcekOfflineCaching: Boolean, specifies whether AMD SEV-SNP VCEK certificates downloaded from the AMD KDS server should be stored locally for later offline retrieval
  • vcekCacheFolder: The folder the downloaded VCEK certificates should locally be stored (only relevant if vcekOfflineCaching is set to true)
    "port": 9000,
    "signingKey": "pki/ca-key.pem",
    "certChain": [
    "httpFolder": "./",
    "verifyEkCert": true,
    "tpmEkCertDb": "tpm-ek-certs.db",
    "vcekOfflineCaching": true,
    "vcekCacheFolder": "ca/vceks",
    "serialization": "json"
Platform Configuration

The cmcd does not provide platform security itself, it only allows to make verifiable claims about the software running on a platform. Thus, a secure base plaftorm is essential for the overall security of the platform. This includes the kernel configuration, OS configuration, file systems and software running on the host. Some configurations are mandatory for the cmcd to work (e.g., if used, TPM-support must be enabled in the kernel configuration).

Further information about the platform configuration can be found here

Custom Policies

The basic validation verifies all signatures, certificate chains and reference values against the measurements. To enable custom policies, such as the verification of certain certificate properties, the blacklisting of certain software artifacts with known vulnerabilities or the enforcement of a four eyes principle mandating different PKIs for the manifests, the attestation report module implements a generic policies interface.

The current implementation contains the attestationpolicies module which implements a javascript engine. This allows passing arbitrary javascript files via the testtool -policies parameter. The policies javascript file is then used to evaluate arbitrary attributes of the JSON attestation result output by the cmcd and stored by the testtool. The attestation result can be referenced via the json variable in the script. The javascript code must return a single boolean indicating success or failure of the custom policy validation. A minimal policies file, verifying only the type field of the attesation result could look as follows:

// Parse the verification result
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
var success = true;

// Check the type field of the verification result
if (obj.type != "Verification Result") {
    console.log("Invalid type");
    success = false;



All binaries can be built with the go-compiler. For an explanation of the various flags run -help

Build and Run the Provisioning Server
cd provserver
go build
./provserver -config <config-file>
Build and Run the CMC Daemon

The below commands show how to build and run the cmcd. At runtime, a client can provide the cmcd with root certificates that are to be used during the verification of the attestation report. If these are not provided, the cmcd uses the system's root certificates instead. Under Linux, these are commonly stored under /etc/ssl/certs. To temporarily add certificates, see the commands using SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR below.

cd cmcd
go build
./cmcd -config <config-file> -addr <server-metadata-address>
# with added custom certificates
SSL_CERT_FILE=../example-setup/pki/ca/ca.pem ./cmcd -config <config-file> -addr <server-metadata-address>
SSL_CERT_DIR=../example-setup/pki/ca/ ./cmcd -config <config-file> -addr <server-metadata-address>
Build and Run the Test Tool
cd testtool
go build
./testtool [-mode < generate | verify | dial | listen >] [-addr <remote-address>] [-cmc <cmc-address>] [-report <attestationreport-file>] [-result <attestationresult-file>] [-nonce <nonce-file>] [-ca <file>] [-mtls][-policies <file>] [-api < coap | grpc >]
Customize Builds
Reduce General Size

The size of all binaries can be reduced via go linker flags:

go build ldflags="-s -w"

For more information see the go documentation.

Reduce Size by Disabling Features

The size of the binaries can further be reduced by a considerable amount through disabling unused features during build time. The go build command builds each binary with all features enabled. The project uses the go build system with build tags to disable features.

To disable all features, use the custom nodefaults tag. You can then enable the features you want to build via additional tags.

Currently supported tags for the cmcd and testtool are:

  • grpc Enables the gRPC API
  • coap Enables the CoAP API

To build all binaries with coap but without grpc support:

go build -tags nodefaults,coap

Note: disabling features during build-time but specifying to use them in the configuration files will lead to errors during runtime

Regenerate Protobuf gRPC Interface

see: for newer versions

sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler
go install
go install
cd grpcapi/

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