
v1.0.24 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 20, 2023 License: ISC Imports: 26 Imported by: 0




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var (
	RPCListeners      cli.StringSlice
	Modules           cli.StringSlice
	MiningAddrs       cli.StringSlice
	BlockMinSize      uint
	BlockMaxSize      uint
	BlockPrioritySize uint
	AddPeers          cli.StringSlice
	BootstrapNodes    cli.StringSlice
	Whitelist         cli.StringSlice
	Blacklist         cli.StringSlice
	GBTNotify         cli.StringSlice

	Flags = []cli.Flag{
			Name:        "appdata",
			Aliases:     []string{"A"},
			Usage:       "Path to application home directory",
			Value:       defaultHomeDir,
			Destination: &cfg.HomeDir,
			Name:        "ShowVersion",
			Aliases:     []string{"V"},
			Usage:       "Display version information and exit",
			Destination: &cfg.ShowVersion,
			Name:        "configfile",
			Aliases:     []string{"C"},
			Usage:       "Path to configuration file",
			Value:       defaultConfigFile,
			Destination: &cfg.ConfigFile,
			Name:        "datadir",
			Aliases:     []string{"b"},
			Usage:       "Directory to store data",
			Value:       defaultDataDir,
			Destination: &cfg.DataDir,
			Name:        "logdir",
			Usage:       "Directory to log output.",
			Value:       defaultLogDir,
			Destination: &cfg.LogDir,
			Name:        "logrotatorsize",
			Usage:       "Directory to log output.",
			Value:       defaultLogRotatorSize,
			Destination: &cfg.LogRotatorSize,
			Name:        "nofilelogging",
			Usage:       "Disable file logging.",
			Destination: &cfg.NoFileLogging,
			Name:        "listen",
			Usage:       "Add an IP to listen for connections",
			Destination: &cfg.Listener,
			Name:        "port",
			Usage:       "Default p2p port.",
			Destination: &cfg.DefaultPort,
			Name:        "rpclisten",
			Usage:       "Add an interface/port to listen for RPC connections",
			Destination: &RPCListeners,
			Name:        "maxpeers",
			Usage:       "Max number of inbound and outbound peers",
			Value:       defaultMaxPeers,
			Destination: &cfg.MaxPeers,
			Name:        "nolisten",
			Usage:       "Disable listening for incoming connections",
			Destination: &cfg.DisableListen,
			Name:        "rpcuser",
			Aliases:     []string{"u"},
			Usage:       "Username for RPC connections",
			Value:       defaultRPCUser,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCUser,
			Name:        "rpcpass",
			Aliases:     []string{"P"},
			Usage:       "Password for RPC connections",
			Value:       defaultRPCPass,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCPass,
			Name:        "rpccert",
			Usage:       "File containing the certificate file",
			Value:       defaultRPCCertFile,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCCert,
			Name:        "rpckey",
			Usage:       "File containing the certificate key",
			Value:       defaultRPCKeyFile,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCKey,
			Name:        "rpcmaxclients",
			Usage:       "Max number of RPC clients for standard connections",
			Value:       defaultMaxRPCClients,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCMaxClients,
			Name:        "norpc",
			Usage:       "Disable built-in RPC server -- NOTE: The RPC server is disabled by default if no rpcuser/rpcpass or rpclimituser/rpclimitpass is specified",
			Destination: &cfg.DisableRPC,
			Name:        "notls",
			Usage:       "Disable TLS for the RPC server -- NOTE: This is only allowed if the RPC server is bound to localhost",
			Destination: &cfg.DisableTLS,
			Name:        "modules",
			Usage:       "Modules is a list of API modules(See GetNodeInfo) to expose via the HTTP RPC interface. If the module list is empty, all RPC API endpoints designated public will be exposed.",
			Destination: &Modules,
			Name:        "nocheckpoints",
			Usage:       "Disable built-in checkpoints.  Don't do this unless you know what you're doing.",
			Destination: &cfg.DisableCheckpoints,
			Name:        "droptxindex",
			Usage:       "Deletes the hash-based transaction index from the database on start up and then exits",
			Destination: &cfg.DropTxIndex,
			Name:        "addrindex",
			Usage:       "Maintain a full address-based transaction index which makes the getrawtransactions RPC available",
			Destination: &cfg.AddrIndex,
			Name:        "dropaddrindex",
			Usage:       "Deletes the address-based transaction index from the database on start up and then exits.",
			Destination: &cfg.DropAddrIndex,
			Name:        "light",
			Usage:       "start as a qitmeer light node",
			Destination: &cfg.LightNode,
			Name:        "sigcachemaxsize",
			Usage:       "The maximum number of entries in the signature verification cache",
			Value:       defaultSigCacheMaxSize,
			Destination: &cfg.SigCacheMaxSize,
			Name:        "testnet",
			Usage:       "Use the test network",
			Destination: &cfg.TestNet,
			Name:        "mixnet",
			Usage:       "Use the test mix pow network",
			Destination: &cfg.MixNet,
			Name:        "privnet",
			Usage:       "Use the private network",
			Destination: &cfg.PrivNet,
			Name:        "dbtype",
			Usage:       "Database backend to use for the Block Chain",
			Value:       defaultDbType,
			Destination: &cfg.DbType,
			Name:        "profile",
			Usage:       "Enable HTTP profiling on given [addr:]port -- NOTE port must be between 1024 and 65536",
			Destination: &cfg.Profile,
			Name:        "cpuprofile",
			Usage:       "Write CPU profile to the specified file",
			Destination: &cfg.CPUProfile,
			Name:        "trackheap",
			Usage:       "tracks the size of the heap and dumps a profile",
			Destination: &cfg.TrackHeap,
			Name:        "trackheaplimit",
			Usage:       "track heap when limit in gigabytes (default:7G)",
			Destination: &cfg.TrackHeapLimit,
			Value:       profiling.DefaultTrackHeapLimit,
			Name:        "debuglevel",
			Aliases:     []string{"d"},
			Usage:       "Logging level {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical}",
			Value:       defaultLogLevel,
			Destination: &cfg.DebugLevel,
			Name:        "printorigin",
			Usage:       "Print log debug location (file:line)",
			Destination: &cfg.DebugPrintOrigins,
			Name:        "norelaypriority",
			Usage:       "Do not require free or low-fee transactions to have high priority for relaying",
			Destination: &cfg.NoRelayPriority,
			Name:        "limitfreerelay",
			Usage:       "Limit relay of transactions with no transaction fee to the given amount in thousands of bytes per minute",
			Destination: &cfg.FreeTxRelayLimit,
			Name:        "acceptnonstd",
			Usage:       "Accept and relay non-standard transactions to the network regardless of the default settings for the active network.",
			Destination: &cfg.AcceptNonStd,
			Value:       true,
			Name:        "maxorphantx",
			Usage:       "Max number of orphan transactions to keep in memory",
			Destination: &cfg.MaxOrphanTxs,
			Name:        "mintxfee",
			Usage:       "The minimum transaction fee in AtomMEER/kB.",
			Value:       mempool.DefaultMinRelayTxFee,
			Destination: &cfg.MinTxFee,
			Name:        "mempoolexpiry",
			Usage:       "Do not keep transactions in the mempool more than mempoolexpiry",
			Value:       defaultMempoolExpiry,
			Destination: &cfg.MempoolExpiry,
			Name:        "persistmempool",
			Usage:       "Whether to save the mempool on shutdown and load on restart",
			Destination: &cfg.Persistmempool,
			Name:        "nomempoolbar",
			Usage:       "Whether to show progress bar when load mempool from file",
			Destination: &cfg.NoMempoolBar,
			Name:        "miner",
			Usage:       "Enable miner module",
			Destination: &cfg.Miner,
			Name:        "generate",
			Usage:       "Generate (mine) coins using the CPU",
			Destination: &cfg.Generate,
			Name:        "miningaddr",
			Usage:       "Add the specified payment address to the list of addresses to use for generated blocks -- At least one address is required if the generate option is set",
			Destination: &MiningAddrs,
			Name:        "miningtimeoffset",
			Usage:       "Offset the mining timestamp of a block by this many seconds (positive values are in the past)",
			Destination: &cfg.MiningTimeOffset,
			Name:        "blockminsize",
			Usage:       "Mininum block size in bytes to be used when creating a block",
			Value:       defaultBlockMinSize,
			Destination: &BlockMinSize,
			Name:        "blockmaxsize",
			Usage:       "Maximum block size in bytes to be used when creating a block",
			Value:       defaultBlockMaxSize,
			Destination: &BlockMaxSize,
			Name:        "blockprioritysize",
			Usage:       "Size in bytes for high-priority/low-fee transactions when creating a block",
			Destination: &BlockPrioritySize,
			Name:        "rpcmaxwebsockets",
			Usage:       "Max number of RPC websocket connections",
			Value:       defaultMaxRPCWebsockets,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCMaxWebsockets,
			Name:        "rpcmaxconcurrentreqs",
			Usage:       "Max number of concurrent RPC requests that may be processed concurrently",
			Value:       defaultMaxRPCConcurrentReqs,
			Destination: &cfg.RPCMaxConcurrentReqs,
			Name:        "blocksonly",
			Usage:       "Do not accept transactions from remote peers",
			Destination: &cfg.BlocksOnly,
			Name:        "miningstatesync",
			Usage:       "Synchronizing the mining state with other nodes",
			Destination: &cfg.MiningStateSync,
			Name:        "addpeer",
			Aliases:     []string{"a"},
			Usage:       "Add a peer to connect with at startup",
			Destination: &AddPeers,
			Name:        "upnp",
			Usage:       "Use UPnP to map our listening port outside of NAT",
			Destination: &cfg.Upnp,
			Name:        "maxinbound",
			Usage:       "The max total of inbound peer for host",
			Value:       defaultMaxInboundPeersPerHost,
			Destination: &cfg.MaxInbound,
			Name:        "banning",
			Usage:       "Enable banning of misbehaving peers",
			Destination: &cfg.Banning,
			Value:       true,
			Name:        "dagtype",
			Aliases:     []string{"G"},
			Usage:       "DAG type {phantom,spectre}",
			Value:       defaultDAGType,
			Destination: &cfg.DAGType,
			Name:        "cleanup",
			Aliases:     []string{"L"},
			Usage:       "Cleanup the block database",
			Destination: &cfg.Cleanup,
			Name:        "buildledger",
			Usage:       "Generate the genesis ledger for the next qitmeer version",
			Destination: &cfg.BuildLedger,
			Name:        "zmqpubhashblock",
			Usage:       "Enable publish hash block  in <address>",
			Destination: &cfg.Zmqpubhashblock,
			Name:        "zmqpubrawblock",
			Usage:       "Enable publish raw block in <address>",
			Destination: &cfg.Zmqpubrawblock,
			Name:        "zmqpubhashtx",
			Usage:       "Enable publish hash transaction in <address>",
			Destination: &cfg.Zmqpubhashtx,
			Name:        "zmqpubrawtx",
			Usage:       "Enable publish raw transaction in <address>",
			Destination: &cfg.Zmqpubrawtx,
			Name:        "invalidtxindex",
			Usage:       "invalid transaction index.",
			Destination: &cfg.InvalidTxIndex,
			Name:        "ntp",
			Usage:       "Auto sync time.",
			Destination: &cfg.NTP,
			Name:        "bootstrapnode",
			Usage:       "The address of bootstrap node.",
			Destination: &BootstrapNodes,
			Name:        "nodiscovery",
			Usage:       "Enable only local network p2p and do not connect to cloud bootstrap nodes.",
			Destination: &cfg.NoDiscovery,
			Name:        "metadatadir",
			Usage:       "meta data dir for p2p",
			Destination: &cfg.MetaDataDir,
			Name:        "p2pudpport",
			Usage:       "The udp port used by P2P",
			Destination: &cfg.P2PUDPPort,
			Name:        "p2ptcpport",
			Usage:       "The tcp port used by P2P.",
			Destination: &cfg.P2PTCPPort,
			Name:        "externalip",
			Usage:       "The IP address advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external IP.",
			Destination: &cfg.HostIP,
			Name:        "externaldns",
			Usage:       "The DNS address advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external DNS.",
			Destination: &cfg.HostDNS,
			Name:        "relaynode",
			Usage:       "The address of relay node that routes traffic between two peers over a qitmeer “relay” peer.",
			Destination: &cfg.RelayNode,
			Name:        "whitelist",
			Usage:       "Add an IP network or IP,PeerID that will not be banned or ignore dual channel mode detection. (eg. or ::1 or [peer id])",
			Destination: &Whitelist,
			Name:        "blacklist",
			Usage:       "Add some IP network or IP that will be banned. (eg. or ::1)",
			Destination: &Blacklist,
			Name:        "maxbadresp",
			Usage:       "maxbadresp is the maximum number of bad responses from a peer before we stop talking to it.",
			Destination: &cfg.MaxBadResp,
			Name:        "circuit",
			Usage:       "All peers will ignore dual channel mode detection",
			Destination: &cfg.Circuit,
			Value:       true,
			Name:        "evmenv",
			Usage:       "meer EVM environment",
			Destination: &cfg.EVMEnv,
			Name:        "estimatefee",
			Usage:       "Enable estimate fee",
			Destination: &cfg.Estimatefee,
			Name:        "gbtnotify",
			Usage:       "HTTP URL list to be notified of new block template",
			Destination: &GBTNotify,
			Name:        "acctmode",
			Usage:       "Enable support account system mode",
			Destination: &cfg.AcctMode,
			Name:        "dagcachesize",
			Usage:       "DAG block cache size",
			Value:       meerdag.MinBlockPruneSize,
			Destination: &cfg.DAGCacheSize,
			Name:        "bdcachesize",
			Usage:       "Block data cache size",
			Value:       meerdag.MinBlockDataCache,
			Destination: &cfg.BlockDataCacheSize,
			Name:        "amanaenv",
			Usage:       "Amana environment",
			Destination: &cfg.AmanaEnv,
			Name:        "amana",
			Usage:       "Enable Amana",
			Destination: &cfg.Amana,
			Name:        "consistency",
			Usage:       "Detect data consistency through P2P",
			Destination: &cfg.Consistency,
			Value:       true,


func CleanupBlockDB

func CleanupBlockDB(cfg *config.Config)

func DefaultConfig added in v1.0.19

func DefaultConfig(homeDir string) *config.Config

func LoadBlockDB

func LoadBlockDB(cfg *config.Config) (database.DB, error)

loadBlockDB loads (or creates when needed) the block database taking into account the selected database backend and returns a handle to it. It also contains additional logic such warning the user if there are multiple databases which consume space on the file system and ensuring the regression test database is clean when in regression test mode.

func LoadConfig

func LoadConfig(ctx *cli.Context, parsefile bool) (*config.Config, error)

loadConfig initializes and parses the config using a config file and command line options.

func ParseAndSetDebugLevels

func ParseAndSetDebugLevels(debugLevel string) error

parseAndSetDebugLevels attempts to parse the specified debug level and set the levels accordingly. An appropriate error is returned if anything is invalid.

func StandardScriptVerifyFlags

func StandardScriptVerifyFlags() (txscript.ScriptFlags, error)

standardScriptVerifyFlags returns the script flags that should be used when executing transaction scripts to enforce additional checks which are required for the script to be considered standard. Note these flags are different than what is required for the consensus rules in that they are more strict.


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