
command module
v0.4.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 22, 2015 License: MIT Imports: 15 Imported by: 0



Version: 0.4.0

A tiny static blog generator written in go.

The core functionality for scribble is finished and it is pretty stable. However, there might be some bugs and some things that will change before v1.0. I would caution anyone using scribble for production-grade blogs, but I would encourage exploring the codebase and trying it out. v1.0 will be released in the near future and will be completely production-ready.

If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please open a pull request :)



If you want scribble to compile sass for you, you must install sassc, which is a C port of the sass library. You may need to download and install sassc from source. Future versions of scribble may relax this requirement and fallback on the ruby implementation if you have it. If you don't want to use sass, you don't have to install it.

As of scribble v0.4.0, you can use either go's native html templates or jade for pages and layouts. If you want to use jade, you need to install it first. Jade requires node, so if you don't have node you will need to install that as well. After you are done installing, make sure the jade executable is in your PATH and that you can run jade from the command line. If you plan to use go's native html templates, you don't have to install anything.

Pkg Installer

If you are running mac os x 10.5+, you can download a pkg file from the Releases page which will guide you through the process of installing scribble automatically. For other platforms, you will need to install via go get for now.

Install via Go Get
  1. Download and install go.
  2. Follow these instructions for setting up your go workspace.
  3. Run go get -u To clone the latest version of scribble and install it into $GOPATH/bin.
  4. If you have added $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH, you can run scribble directly. Try running scribble with scribble version.

How it Works

Scribble is a command line tool that compiles different types of source files into a static blog made up of html, css, and js. It uses:

  • Markdown for writing posts
  • Toml for frontmatter and configuration
  • Sass for styling
  • Standard go html templates or jade for pages and layouts

Scribble is optimized for speed and usability. It compiles the source files for a medium-sized blog in next to no time. It uses sassc (a C port of the sass compiler) to compile sass. It also features a built in server and can automatically recompile whenever you change files.

Quickstart Guide

Basic Commands

You can run scribble --help to see a description of commands and flags. You can also run scribble help <command> to see a more detailed description of a specific command, including the flags it supports. The other commands are:

  • version: print the version number.
  • compile: compile your blog into static html, css, and javascript. The -w flag will tell scribble to watch for changes and recompile automatically.
  • serve: compile and serve your blog; also watches for changes and recompiles automatically.
File Structure

I've created a seed project for scribble which you can clone to get a basic blog working. In the future, there may be a scribble new command which will automatically create this skeleton for you, but for now you will need to clone the repository. On a unix-like system, you can run the following command to clone the version of scribble-seed corresponding to your scribble version:

git clone -b `scribble version` --depth 1

As of v0.4.0, scribble-seed uses jade as the default templating language. If you want to use go's native html templates instead, see the section on Html Templates below.

The file structure of the seed project looks like this:

├── config.toml
├── public
└── source
    ├── _includes
    │   ├── foot.jade
    │   └── head.jade
    ├── _layouts
    │   └── base.jade
    ├── _post_layouts
    │   └── post.jade
    ├── _posts
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    ├── index.jade
    ├── js
    │   └── main.js
    └── styles
        ├── _colors.scss
        ├── _fonts.scss
        └── main.scss
  • config.toml is required and stores some basic configuration in toml format. This consists of metadata such as your Blog's title, the author's name, and a description, but also tells scribble where to look for certain files. Every scribble project must have a config.toml file in the project root directory.

  • public is the folder where scribble will put your finished website after compiling. It's also the folder that scribble will serve from when using the scribble serve command. This is set via the destDir key in config.toml. destDir is required but you can set it to anything you want.

  • source is where all the source code you write will live. This includes things like stylesheets, posts, html templates, and javascript. This is set via the sourceDir key in config.toml. sourceDir is required but you can set it to anything you want.

  • source/_includes is an optional folder where you can put partial templates, i.e. templates which don't constitute a full page on their own, but are meant to be included in other templates. In the seed project, there are two files in source/_includes, one for filling in the <head> tag with metadata and stylesheets, and one for including any javascript files at the bottom of the <body> tag. If you are using go's native html/templates, you must tell scribble where the includes are located via the includesDir key in config.toml. If you are using jade, the includesDir key has no effect and you must specifiy includes by their full or relative paths. However it's still a good idea to organize your includes into a single directory.

  • source/_layouts is where you put html layouts. Layouts are reusable wrappers that define how certain pages will look. In the seed project, there is just one layout, called base.jade. It consists of html boilerplate like the <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. It includes the two files in our _includes directory. If you are using go's native templates, the layouts directory is required and must be defined via the layoutsDir key in config.toml. However, if you are using jade, the layoutsDir key has no effect and you must reference layouts by their full or relative paths. However it's still a good idea to organize your layouts into a single directory.

  • source/_post_layouts is where you put post layouts. Like html layouts, post layouts are reusable html wrappers that define how certain posts will look. In the seed project, there is just one post layout, called post.jade. The default template simply consists of the title of the post in a header and the content of the post wrapped in a div below it. The post layouts directory is defined via the postLayoutsDir key in config.toml. postLayoutsDir is required, along with at least one post layout. Post layouts can be a .tmpl file if you wish to use go's native templates instead of jade.

  • _posts is where your posts will reside. Posts are written in markdown and must include toml frontmatter which defines the post layout, and optionally the title, author's name, date, and description. The posts directory is defined via the postsDir key in config.toml. postsDir is required but you can set it to anything you want.

  • index.jade is the index page and will compile to index.html. It consists of an unordered list of links to the 5 most recent posts. You are not required to have an index.jade file, and you can organize your pages however you want (see compilation details below).

  • js is a folder where you can put javascript. Any files here will be copied to destDir directly. You can actually put your javascript files in a different folder if you want. Scribble will pick them up no matter what directory they're in (see compilation details below). If your blog doesn't need any javascript, you can simply remove this folder.

  • styles is where you can put sass stylesheets. They will be picked up by the sass compiler, and any sass files that don't start with an underscore will be compiled to css files in destDir. Just like javascript files, you can just put sass files in a different directory if you want. Scribble will pick them up no matter what directory they're in (see compilation details below). If you don't want to use sass at all, you can put css files here and they will also be picked up by the compiler.


In general, files and folders that start with an underscore have special meaning and will be ignored (i.e. not copied over to destDir). You can use this fact to prevent things like partial templates or sass imports from being published. More specifically, compilation follows these rules:

  1. Any markdown files (identified by the .md extension) in postsDir get treated as posts and are converted to html. Specifically, They are converted to an index.html file in a folder with the same name as the markdown file. So source/_posts/ becomes public/first/index.html and can be accessed by the url public/first. They are also added to an in-memory representation of posts and their metadata is accessible through the Posts function if you are using go's native templates, or the Posts key if you are using jade. Markdown files anywhere else are currently ignored, but may be converted to html in future versions. That's why your postsDir should start with an underscore, so that your posts will be distinct from markdown pages.
  2. Any sass files (identified by the .scss extension) that do not start with an underscore and are not in a directory that starts with an underscore are converted to css and retain the same filename and relative path. So source/styles/base/main.scss becomes public/styles/base/main.css, and source/styles/base/_fonts.scss is not copied over to destDir.
  3. Any go html template files (identified by the .tmpl extension) that do not start with an underscore and are not in a directory that starts with an underscore are converted to html and retain the same filename and relative path. So source/about/index.tmpl becomes public/about/index.html, and source/about/_partials.tmpl is not copied over to destDir. This is why your layoutsDir, includesDir, and postLayoutsDir should have names that start with underscores, because we don't want those files to be directly converted to html.
  4. Any jade files (identified by the .jade extension) that do not start with an underscore and are not in a directory that starts with an underscore are converted to html and retain the same filename and relative path. So source/about/index.jade becomes public/about/index.html, and source/about/_partials.jade is not copied over to destDir. This is why your layoutsDir, includesDir, and postLayoutsDir should have names that start with underscores, because we don't want those files to be directly converted to html.
  5. Any other files in sourceDir that do not start with an underscore and are not in a directory that starts with an underscore are simply copied over as is, retaining their relative paths. So source/js/main.js becomes public/js/main.js and source/js/_libs/watch.js would not be copied over to destDir.

If you compile the default seed project, the compiled blog would look like this:

├── index.html
├── js
│   └── main.js
├── one
│   └── index.html
├── styles
│   └── main.css
├── three
│   └── index.html
└── two
    └── index.html
  • index.html came from source/index.jade

  • js/main.js came from source/js/main.js

  • one/index.html came from source/_posts/, and the other posts - two and three came from their respective source files.

  • styles/main.css came from source/styles/main.scss

Note that the _includes, _layouts, and _post_layouts folders were not compiled because they started with underscores. Same with the imported sass files: _fonts.scss and _colors.scss.


Posts are markdown files located in postsDir. Post files should have toml frontmatter defining the layout that should be used, as well as other metadata such as the title, date, author, and description. In the future, you will be able to add your own metadata, but for now this is all that is supported.

Here's an example of a simple post file with all the frontmatter included:

title = "My First Blog Post"
author = "Your Name"
date = "2014-11-16T13:50:53-05:00"
layout = "post.jade"
description = "The first post I've ever written using scribble!"

This is a post.

### This is a header

This is a paragraph.

Any sass files that have the .scss extension will be compiled into css automatically (unless they start with an underscore as described above in the Compilation section). If you already know sass, you don't have to change anything about the way you write sass with scribble.

Learn more about sass.


You may use the jade templating language for html templates and layouts. If you already know jade, you don't have to change anything about the way that you write jade with scribble.

The official jade language reference

Html Templates

You may use go's html/template package for html templates and layouts. Admittedly, this may be the component that is the hardest to grok at first. I strongly recommend the related resources at the bottom of this section.

All templates should have the .tmpl extension. Scribble uses the following conventions, but you are not strictly required to adhere to them:

  1. Html layouts (which exist in layoutsDir) should be a wrapper around a named template, typically called "content". Templates which use the layout define a content named template and then render the layout with the content inside.
  2. Layouts and includes are identified by their base filename, including the extension. (This is the go default when using ParseFiles or ParseGlob).
  3. Post layouts define a content template and may use a layout as a wrapper.

Here are some examples of converting layouts from the seed project to go's native templates:

_layouts/base.tmpl: The default layout.

<!DOCTYPE html>
		"head.tmpl" references a file in the _includes folder.
		The . following the template name passes the current context through.
	{{ template "head.tmpl" . }}
		"content" references a named template which html templates should define
		using the define keyword. This is similar to "yeild" in other templating
	{{ template "content" . }}
		"foot.tmpl" is a file in the _includes folder, just like "head.tmpl".
	{{ template "foot.tmpl" . }}

index.tmpl: The index page (gets converted to index.html).

	We wrap the entire template in a define "content" block so that when
	the templates are executed and compiled, everything here will take the
	place of the corresponding {{ template "content" . }} block in base.tmpl
{{ define "content" }}
<h1>Recent Posts</h1>
		Posts is a function accessible in any template. It returns a number of
		posts sorted by date. It takes one argument, the maximum number of posts
		to return.
	{{range Posts 5}}
				Render a link to each post.
			<a href="{{.Url}}">{{.Title}}</a>
{{ end }}
<!-- Render the content named template inside of the base.tmpl layout -->
{{ template "base.tmpl" }}

_post_layouts/post.tmpl: The default layout for posts.

	We wrap the entire template in a define "content" block, just like we did
	in index.tmpl.
{{ define "content" }}
<a href="/">&larr; Back to Home</a>
	Simply render the title of the post in a header and the content wrapped
	in a div.
<h2 class="post-title">{{.Post.Title}}</h2>
<div class="post-content">
{{ end }}
<!-- Render the content named template inside of the base.tmpl layout -->
{{ template "base.tmpl" . }}


Scribble is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL