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Published: Nov 13, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0


Using SQLite For Fun & Profit

SQLite is an embedded SQL database. SQLite is small, fast and the most used database. It's also by far my favorite way to exchange large amounts of data.

I prefer to use relational (SQL) databases in general since they provide several features that are very helpful when working with data:

Transactions : You insert data into an SQL database inside a transaction. This means that either all of the data gets in, or none of it. Transactions simplify retry logic in data pipelines by order of magnitude.

Schema : Data in relational databases has a schema, which means it's easier to check the validity of your data.

SQL : SQL (Structured Query Language) is a language for selecting and changing data. You don't need to invent yet another way to select interesting parts of data. SQL is an established format and there's a lot of knowledge and tooling around it.

I like SQLite since the database is a single file, which makes it easier to share data. Even though it's a single file, SQLite can handle up to 281 terabytes of data. SQLite also comes with a command line client called sqlite3 which is great for quick prototyping.

The Project

We'll write an HTTP server in Go that will get notifications on trades and will store them in an SQLite database. Then we'll write a Python program that will process this data.

In Go, we'll be using github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 which is a wrapper around the SQLite C library.

Note: Since go-sqlite uses cgo, the initial build time will be longer than usual. Using cgo means that the resulting executable depends on some shared libraries, making distribution slightly more complicated.

In Python, we'll use the built-in sqlite3 module and Pandas read_sql function to load the data.

The Go HTTP Server - trades.go

Listing 1: Trade struct

38 // Trade is a buy/sell trade for symbol
39 type Trade struct {
40 	Time   time.Time
41 	Symbol string
42 	Price  float64
43 	IsBuy  bool `json:"buy"`
44 }

Listing one shows the Trade data structure. It has a Time field for the trade time, a Symbol field for the stock symbol (e.g. AAPL) the Price and a boolean flag that tells if it's a buy or a sell trade. On line 43 we use a field tag to tell the JSON decoder to fill the IsBuy field from the buy field in the incoming JSON object.

Listing 2: Database Schema

25 	schemaSQL = `
27     time TIMESTAMP,
28     symbol VARCHAR(32),
29     price FLOAT,
30     buy BOOLEAN
31 );
33 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trades_time ON trades(time);
34 CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS trades_symbol ON trades(symbol);

Listing 2 describes the database schema. On line 26 we create a table called trades. On lines 27-30 we define the table columns that correspond to the Trade struct fields. On lines 33-34 we create indexes on the table to allow fast selection of rows by time and symbol.

Inserting records one-by-one is a slow process. We're going to store records in a buffer and once it's full insert all the records in the buffer to the database. This has the advantage of being fast, on my machine about 60,000 records/sec, but carries the risk that we'll lose data on server crash.

Listing 3: Insert Record SQL*

17 	insertSQL = `
18 INSERT INTO trades (
19 	time, symbol, price, buy
20 ) VALUES (
21 	?, ?, ?, ?
22 )
23 `

Listing 3 defines the SQL to insert a record to the database. On line 21 we use ? as place holders for the parameters to this query. Never use fmt.Sprintf to craft an SQL query - you're risking an SQL injection.

Listing 4: TradesDB

46 // TradesDB is a database of stocks
47 type TradesDB struct {
48 	db     *sql.DB
49 	stmt   *sql.Stmt
50 	buffer []Trade
51 }

Listing 4 describes the TradesDB struct. On line 48 we hold the connection to the database. On line 49 we store a prepared (pre-compiled) statement for inserting and on line 50 we have the in-memory buffer of pending transactions.

Listing 5: NewTradesDB

53 // NewTradesDB connect to SQLite database in dbFile
54 // Tables will be created if they don't exist
55 func NewTradesDB(dbFile string) (*TradesDB, error) {
56 	db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", dbFile)
57 	if err != nil {
58 		return nil, err
59 	}
61 	_, err = db.Exec(schemaSQL)
62 	if err != nil {
63 		return nil, err
64 	}
66 	stmt, err := db.Prepare(insertSQL)
67 	if err != nil {
68 		return nil, err
69 	}
71 	buffer := make([]Trade, 0, 1024)
72 	return &TradesDB{db, stmt, buffer}, nil
73 }

Listing 5 shows the creation of a TradesDB. On line 56 we connect to the database using the "sqlite3" driver. On line 61 we execute the schema SQL to create the trades table if it doesn't already exist. On line 66 we pre-compile the insert SQL statement. On line 71 we create the internal buffer with 0 length and a capacity of 1024.

Listing 6: AddTrade

104 // AddTrade adds a new trade.
105 // The new trade is only added to the internal buffer and will be inserted
106 // to the database later on Flush
107 func (db *TradesDB) AddTrade(t Trade) error {
108 	// FIXME: We might grow buffer indefinitely on persistent Flush errors
109 	db.buffer = append(db.buffer, t)
110 	if len(db.buffer) == cap(db.buffer) {
111 		if err := db.Flush(); err != nil {
112 			return err
113 		}
114 	}
115 	return nil
116 }

Listing 6 shows the AddTrade method. On line 109 we append the trade to the in-memory buffer. On line 110 we check to see if the buffer is full and if it is we call Flush on line 111 that will insert the records from the buffer into the database.

Listing 7: Flush

83 // Flush inserts trades from internal buffer to the database
84 func (db *TradesDB) Flush() error {
85 	tx, err := db.db.Begin()
86 	if err != nil {
87 		return err
88 	}
90 	for _, t := range db.buffer {
91 		_, err := tx.Stmt(db.stmt).Exec(t.Time, t.Symbol, t.Price, t.IsBuy)
92 		if err != nil {
93 			tx.Rollback()
94 			return err
95 		}
96 	}
97 	err = tx.Commit()
98 	if err == nil {
99 		db.buffer = db.buffer[:0]
100 	}
101 	return err
102 }

Listing 7 shows the Flush method. On line 85 we start a transaction. On line 90 we iterate over the internal buffer and on line 91 insert each trade. On line 93 we issue a rollback. On line 97 we issue a commit. On line 99, if there are no errors, we reset the in-memory trades buffer.

Listing 8: Close

75 // Close closes all database related resources
76 func (db *TradesDB) Close() error {
77 	// TODO: Check errors from Flush & stmt.Close
78 	db.Flush()
79 	db.stmt.Close()
80 	return db.db.Close()
81 }

Listing 8 shows the Close methods. On line 78 we call Flush to insert any remaining trades into the database. On line 79 and 80 we close the statement and the database. Functions creating a TradesDB should have a defer db.Close() to make sure the database connection is freed. In our case the database is global and the connection is alive for the life of the program - so we don't call Close.

Listing 9: HTTP Handler

118 // tradeHandler handles a new trade notification
119 func tradeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
120 	if r.Method != "POST" {
121 		http.Error(w, "only POST", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
122 		return
123 	}
125 	if db == nil {
126 		log.Printf("DB uninitialized")
127 		http.Error(w, "Database not initialized", http.StatusInternalServerError)
128 		return
129 	}
131 	defer r.Body.Close()
133 	var tr Trade
134 	if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&tr); err != nil {
135 		log.Printf("json decode error: %s", err)
136 		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
137 		return
138 	}
140 	if err := db.AddTrade(tr); err != nil {
141 		log.Printf("add error: %s", err)
142 		http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
143 		return
144 	}
145 }

Listing 9 shows the HTTP handler for new trades. On line 134 we decode the JSON input into a Trade struct. On line 140 we add the trade struct to the global TradesDB called db

Listing 10: main

147 func main() {
148 	dbFile := os.Getenv("DB_FILE")
149 	if dbFile == "" {
150 		dbFile = "trades.db"
151 	}
153 	var err error
154 	db, err = NewTradesDB(dbFile)
155 	if err != nil {
156 		log.Fatal(err)
157 	}
158 	log.Printf("conneted to %s", dbFile)
160 	http.HandleFunc("/trade", tradeHandler)
162 	addr := os.Getenv("HTTPD_ADDR")
163 	if addr == "" {
164 		addr = ":8080"
165 	}
167 	log.Printf("server listening on %s", addr)
168 	if err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil); err != nil {
169 		log.Fatal(err)
170 	}
171 }

Listing 10 shows how we run the server. On line 148 we use the DB_FILE environment variable to know the location of the database file. If it doesn't exist, SQLite will create it. On line 154 we create the global database db. On lines 160 to 170 we set the HTTP server routing and start the HTTP server.

Listing 11: imports

03 import (
04 	"database/sql"
05 	"encoding/json"
06 	"log"
07 	"net/http"
08 	"os"
09 	"time"
11 	_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
12 )

Listing 11 shows the imports for the file. On line 04 we import database/sql that defines the API for working with SQL databases. database/sql does not contain any specific database driver. On line 11 we import the github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 package. Since we import github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 only for the side effect of registering the "sqlite3" protocol. Since unused imports are a compilation error, we use _ in front of the import - telling the Go compiler it's OK we don't use this package in the code.

The Python Code - analyze_trades.py

Listing 12: imports

02 import sqlite3
03 from contextlib import closing
04 from datetime import datetime
06 import pandas as pd

Listing 12 shows the libraries we're using in the Python code. On line 02 we import the built-in sqlite3 module and on line 06 we import the pandas library.

Listing 13: Select SQL

08 select_sql = """
09 SELECT * FROM trades
10 WHERE time >= ? AND time <= ?
11 """

Listing 13 shows the SQL for selecting data. On line 10 we select all the columns from the trades table. On line 10 we add a WHERE clause for selecting in time range. As in the Go code, we use ? as placeholders for arguments and not construct the SQL manually.

Listing 14: Loading Trades

14 def load_trades(db_file, start_time, end_time):
15     """Load trades from db_file in given time range."""
16     conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
17     with closing(conn) as db:
18         df = pd.read_sql(select_sql, db, params=(start_time, end_time))
20     # We can't use detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES here since Go is
21     # inserting time zone and Python's sqlite3 doesn't handle it.
22     # See https://bugs.python.org/issue29099
23     df["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df["time"])
24     return df

Listing 14 shows the code for loading trades at a given time range. On line 16 we connect to the database. On lines 17 we use a context manager, somewhat like Go's defer to make sure the database is closed. On line 18 we use pandas read_sql function to load data from an SQL query to a DataFrame. Python has an API for connection to databases (like database/sql) and Pandas can use any compatible driver. On line 23 we convert the time column to pandas Timestamp. This is specific to SQLite that doesn't have built-in support for TIMESTAMP types.

Listing 15: Average Price

27 def average_price(df):
28     """Return average price in df grouped by (stock, buy)"""
29     return df.groupby(["symbol", "buy"], as_index=False)["price"].mean()

Listing 15 shows how to calculate the average price per symbol and buy. On line 29 we use the DataFrame groupby to group by symbol and buy. We use as_index=False to get the symbol and buy as columns in the resulting data frame. Then we take the price column and calculate the mean per group.

Listing 16: Output


Listing 16 shows the output of running the Python code on dummy data.


I highly recommend you consider using SQLite in your next project. It's a mature and stable project that can handle huge amounts of data. Many programming languages have drivers to SQLite database, which makes it a good storage option.

I've simplified the code as much as I could to show the more interesting points. There are several places where you can try and improve it:

  • Add a retry logic to Flush
  • Do more error checking in Close
  • Have the Go HTTP server invoke the Python code every hour
  • Run more analysis on the Python side

Have fun with the code, let me know what crazy things you did.


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Path Synopsis
Package trades provides an SQLite based trades database.
Package trades provides an SQLite based trades database.

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