
command module
v0.0.0-...-13c19bd Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 23, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 0



Generate command-line interface for Go library functions

The intent of goshfun is to automatically generate a command-line interface to much of the Go standard library. This means functions like strings.Join, path/filepath.Split, math.Min/math.Max, and a vast number of other really useful utilities, some of which not directly available in most modern shells, can be used directly from the command-line, using shell syntax, without having to write and compile any Go code whatsoever.


Running goshfun without any arguments will generate shell interfaces for the default packages strings, math, math/bits, and path/filepath.

  1. Install package: $ go get -v github.com/ardnew/gosh/cmd/goshfun

    • Make sure goimports is also installed: $ go get -v golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports
  2. Generate Go source code and build for default packages: $ goshfun

    • By default, this will create a new subdirectory named fun in your current working directory with the following contents:
    $  tree -L 1 fun/
    ├── gosh/         # symlinks for all exported functions
    ├── fun*          # generated executable
    └── main.go       # generated source file
    1 directory, 2 files

At this point you now have a shell interface for all of the functions discovered. You can review those functions by just running fun/fun without any arguments (or run fun/fun -h, or list the directory contents of fun/gosh containing the symlinks).


There are two ways to invoke one of the Go library functions packaged into the fun executable:

  1. Use the -f flag:

Provide the function name as argument to the -f flag as either its base name, exported name, or fully-qualified package export name (replace slashes / with periods .). For example, the library function path/filepath.Split can be called as any of the following: fun -f Split, fun -f filepath.Split, or fun -f path.filepath.Split.

Note that the base function name Split exists in multiple packages (strings and path/filepath). Currently, no attempt is made to normalize which package is resolved, so simply using Split may invoke either one of these functions. Qualify the function with a package name to prevent ambiguous behavior.

  1. Symlink the function name:

Alternatively, in the same spirit as Busybox, symlinks - whose names match their corresponding library function - are automatically created that point to the fun executable that gets generated when calling goshfun. Calling the symlink will in turn call the library function with matching name. Using the previous example path/filepath.Split, calling a symlink named Split, filepath.Split, or path.filepath.Split, created with ln -s fun Split, ln -s fun filepath.Split, or ln -s fun path.filepath.Split, respectively, is the same as invoking the library function fun -f filepath.Split.

The same condition regarding ambiguous function names mentioned above applies to symlinks as well.

All available command-line arguments for goshfun:

Flag name Type Description
-out string name of the output directory and generated executable (default fun)
-pkg string generate interfaces for functions from package path. may be specified multiple times. (default strings,math,math/bits,path/filepath)
-root string path to GOROOT (must contain src) (default /usr/local/src/go/dev)
-sym string path to install generated symlinks (or do not generate if empty) (default fun/gosh)

And all available command-line arguments for the goshfun-generated executable (fun by default):

Flag name Type Description
-0 bool delimit ouput parameters with a null byte (\0) instead of a newline (\n).
-f string invoke function with given name


Of course, not all library subroutines are supported. Currently, this means only functions are supported (no methods, i.e., anything with a receiver). Also, only functions with the following primitive argument and return types are supported:

  • rune, string
  • error
  • bool
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • byte, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • uintptr
  • float32, float64
  • complex64, complex128

Also, the following compositions are supported on any individual named argument or named/unnamed return variable:

  • Pointer * to primitive
  • Slice/array [] of: primitive or pointer to primitive
  • Variable list ... of: primitive or pointer to primitive

With these limitations, the following functions are automatically included based on the default package selections (strings, math, math/bits, and path/filepath), and have the indicated shell command prototype/signature. Many more functions from the Go standard library are supported, but must be explicitly requested via the -pkg flag to goshfun.

        package math:
                Abs: x -> float64
                Acos: x -> float64
                Acosh: x -> float64
                Asin: x -> float64
                Asinh: x -> float64
                Atan: x -> float64
                Atan2: y x -> float64
                Atanh: x -> float64
                Cbrt: x -> float64
                Ceil: x -> float64
                Copysign: x y -> float64
                Cos: x -> float64
                Cosh: x -> float64
                Dim: x y -> float64
                Erf: x -> float64
                Erfc: x -> float64
                Erfcinv: x -> float64
                Erfinv: x -> float64
                Exp: x -> float64
                Exp2: x -> float64
                Expm1: x -> float64
                FMA: x y z -> float64
                Float32bits: f -> uint32
                Float32frombits: b -> float32
                Float64bits: f -> uint64
                Float64frombits: b -> float64
                Floor: x -> float64
                Frexp: f -> frac exp
                Gamma: x -> float64
                Hypot: p q -> float64
                Ilogb: x -> int
                Inf: sign -> float64
                IsInf: f sign -> bool
                IsNaN: f -> is
                J0: x -> float64
                J1: x -> float64
                Jn: n x -> float64
                Ldexp: frac exp -> float64
                Lgamma: x -> lgamma sign
                Log: x -> float64
                Log10: x -> float64
                Log1p: x -> float64
                Log2: x -> float64
                Logb: x -> float64
                Max: x y -> float64
                Min: x y -> float64
                Mod: x y -> float64
                Modf: f -> int frac
                NaN: -> float64
                Nextafter: x y -> r
                Nextafter32: x y -> r
                Pow: x y -> float64
                Pow10: n -> float64
                Remainder: x y -> float64
                Round: x -> float64
                RoundToEven: x -> float64
                Signbit: x -> bool
                Sin: x -> float64
                Sincos: x -> sin cos
                Sinh: x -> float64
                Sqrt: x -> float64
                Tan: x -> float64
                Tanh: x -> float64
                Trunc: x -> float64
                Y0: x -> float64
                Y1: x -> float64
                Yn: n x -> float64
        package math/bits:
                Add: x y carry -> sum carryOut
                Add32: x y carry -> sum carryOut
                Add64: x y carry -> sum carryOut
                Div: hi lo y -> quo rem
                Div32: hi lo y -> quo rem
                Div64: hi lo y -> quo rem
                LeadingZeros: x -> int
                LeadingZeros16: x -> int
                LeadingZeros32: x -> int
                LeadingZeros64: x -> int
                LeadingZeros8: x -> int
                Len: x -> int
                Len16: x -> n
                Len32: x -> n
                Len64: x -> n
                Len8: x -> int
                Mul: x y -> hi lo
                Mul32: x y -> hi lo
                Mul64: x y -> hi lo
                OnesCount: x -> int
                OnesCount16: x -> int
                OnesCount32: x -> int
                OnesCount64: x -> int
                OnesCount8: x -> int
                Rem: hi lo y -> uint
                Rem32: hi lo y -> uint32
                Rem64: hi lo y -> uint64
                Reverse: x -> uint
                Reverse16: x -> uint16
                Reverse32: x -> uint32
                Reverse64: x -> uint64
                Reverse8: x -> uint8
                ReverseBytes: x -> uint
                ReverseBytes16: x -> uint16
                ReverseBytes32: x -> uint32
                ReverseBytes64: x -> uint64
                RotateLeft: x k -> uint
                RotateLeft16: x k -> uint16
                RotateLeft32: x k -> uint32
                RotateLeft64: x k -> uint64
                RotateLeft8: x k -> uint8
                Sub: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
                Sub32: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
                Sub64: x y borrow -> diff borrowOut
                TrailingZeros: x -> int
                TrailingZeros16: x -> int
                TrailingZeros32: x -> int
                TrailingZeros64: x -> int
                TrailingZeros8: x -> int
        package path/filepath:
                Abs: path -> string error
                Base: path -> string
                Clean: path -> string
                Dir: path -> string
                EvalSymlinks: path -> string error
                Ext: path -> string
                FromSlash: path -> string
                Glob: pattern -> ...matches err
                HasPrefix: p prefix -> bool
                IsAbs: path -> bool
                Join: ...elem -> string
                Match: pattern name -> matched err
                Rel: basepath targpath -> string error
                Split: path -> dir file
                SplitList: path -> ...string
                ToSlash: path -> string
                VolumeName: path -> string
        package strings:
                Compare: a b -> int
                Contains: s substr -> bool
                ContainsAny: s chars -> bool
                ContainsRune: s r -> bool
                Count: s substr -> int
                EqualFold: s t -> bool
                Fields: s -> ...string
                HasPrefix: s prefix -> bool
                HasSuffix: s suffix -> bool
                Index: s substr -> int
                IndexAny: s chars -> int
                IndexByte: s c -> int
                IndexRune: s r -> int
                Join: ...elems sep -> string
                LastIndex: s substr -> int
                LastIndexAny: s chars -> int
                LastIndexByte: s c -> int
                Repeat: s count -> string
                Replace: s old new n -> string
                ReplaceAll: s old new -> string
                Split: s sep -> ...string
                SplitAfter: s sep -> ...string
                SplitAfterN: s sep n -> ...string
                SplitN: s sep n -> ...string
                Title: s -> string
                ToLower: s -> string
                ToTitle: s -> string
                ToUpper: s -> string
                ToValidUTF8: s replacement -> string
                Trim: s cutset -> string
                TrimLeft: s cutset -> string
                TrimPrefix: s prefix -> string
                TrimRight: s cutset -> string
                TrimSpace: s -> string
                TrimSuffix: s suffix -> string



Command goshfun exposes functions from named packages in the Go standard library by generating a single standalone executable capable of calling each discovered function directly from the command line.


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL