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Published: Jan 11, 2023 License: Apache-2.0, MIT Imports: 25 Imported by: 0



The storagemarket module is intended for Filecoin node implementations written in Go. It implements functionality to allow execution of storage market deals, and for Providers to set their storage price on the Filecoin network. The node implementation must provide access to chain operations, and persistent data storage.

Table of Contents

Background reading

Please see the Filecoin Storage Market Specification.


The build process for storagemarket requires Go >= v1.13.

To install:

go get


The storagemarket package provides high level APIs to execute data storage deals between a storage client and a storage provider (a.k.a. storage miner) on the Filecoin network. The Filecoin node must implement the StorageCommon, StorageProviderNode, and StorageClientNode interfaces in order to construct and use the module.

Deals are expected to survive a node restart; deals and related information are expected to be stored on disk.

storagemarket communicates its deal operations and requested data via go-data-transfer using go-graphsync.


General Steps
  1. Decide if your node can be configured as a Storage Provider, a Storage Client or both.
  2. Determine how and where your retrieval calls to StorageProvider and StorageClient functions will be made.
  3. Implement the required interfaces as described in this section.
  4. Construct a StorageClient and/or StorageProvider in your node's startup. Call the StorageProvider's Start function it in the appropriate place, and its Stop function in the appropriate place.
  5. Expose desired storagemarket functionality to whatever internal modules desired, such as command line interface, JSON RPC, or HTTP API.

Implement the StorageCommon, StorageProviderNode, and StorageClientNode interfaces in storagemarket/types.go, described below:


StorageCommon is an interface common to both StorageProviderNode and StorageClientNode. Its functions are:

func AddFunds(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Send amount to addr by posting a message on chain. Return the message CID.

func ReserveFunds(ctx context.Context, addr, wallet address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Add amount to the total reserved funds for addr. If total available balance for addr in StorageMarketActor is not greater than total reserved, wallet should send any needed balance to addr by posting a message on chain. Returns the message CID.

func ReleaseFunds(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

Release amount funds from reserved total for addr. No withdrawal is performed for addr in the storage market actor but the funds released become available for future withdrawal (if new total reserved < total available in SMA)

func GetBalance(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (Balance, error)

Retrieve the Balance of FIL in addr. A Balance consists of Locked and Available abi.TokenAmounts

func VerifySignature(ctx context.Context, signature crypto.Signature, signer address.Address, 
                plaintext []byte, tok shared.TipSetToken) (bool, error)

Verify that signature is valid, cryptographically and otherwise, for the given signer, plaintext, and tok.

func WaitForMessage(ctx context.Context, mcid cid.Cid, 
               onCompletion func(exitcode.ExitCode, []byte, error) error) error

Wait for message CID mcid to appear on chain, and call onCompletion when it does so.

func SignBytes(ctx context.Context, signer address.Address, b []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error)

Cryptographically sign bytes b using the private key referenced by address signer.

func GetMinerWorkerAddress(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                     ) (address.Address, error)

Get the miner worker address for the given miner owner, as of tok.


StorageProviderNode is the interface for dependencies for a StorageProvider. It contains:

func GetChainHead(ctx context.Context) (shared.TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)

Get the current chain head. Return its TipSetToken and its abi.ChainEpoch.

func PublishDeals(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal) (cid.Cid, error)

Post the deal to chain, returning the posted message CID.

func OnDealComplete(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal, pieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, 
               pieceReader io.Reader) error

The function to be called when MinerDeal deal has reached the storagemarket.StorageDealCompleted state. A MinerDeal contains more information than a StorageDeal, including paths, addresses, and CIDs pertinent to the deal. See storagemarket/types.go

func OnDealSectorCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider address.Address, dealID abi.DealID, 
                      cb DealSectorCommittedCallback) error

Register the function to be called once provider has committed sector(s) for dealID.

func LocatePieceForDealWithinSector(ctx context.Context, dealID abi.DealID, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                              ) (sectorID uint64, offset uint64, length uint64, err error)

Find the piece associated with dealID as of tok and return the sector id, plus the offset and length of the data within the sector.

func OnDealExpiredOrSlashed(
    ctx context.Context,
    dealID abi.DealID,
    onDealExpired DealExpiredCallback,
    onDealSlashed DealSlashedCallback) error

Register callbacks to be called when a deal expires or is slashed.


StorageClientNode implements dependencies for a StorageClient. It contains:


StorageClientNode implements StorageCommon, described above.

func GetChainHead(ctx context.Context) (shared.TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)

Get the current chain head. Return its TipSetToken and its abi.ChainEpoch.

func ListStorageProviders(ctx context.Context, tok shared.TipSetToken
                         ) ([]*StorageProviderInfo, error)

Return a slice of StorageProviderInfo, for all known storage providers.

func ValidatePublishedDeal(ctx context.Context, deal ClientDeal) (abi.DealID, error)

Query the chain for deal and inspect the message parameters to make sure they match the expected deal. Return the deal ID.

func SignProposal(ctx context.Context, signer address.Address, proposal market.DealProposal
                 ) (*market.ClientDealProposal, error)

Cryptographically sign proposal using the private key of signer and return a ClientDealProposal (includes signature data).

func GetDefaultWalletAddress(ctx context.Context) (address.Address, error)

Get the Client's default wallet address, which will be used to add Storage Market funds (collateral and payment).

func OnDealSectorCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider address.Address, dealID abi.DealID, 
                          cb DealSectorCommittedCallback) error

Register a callback to be called once the Deal's sector(s) are committed.

func OnDealExpiredOrSlashed(
    ctx context.Context,
    dealID abi.DealID,
    onDealExpired DealExpiredCallback,
    onDealSlashed DealSlashedCallback) error

Register callbacks to be called when a deal expires or is slashed.

func GetMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, maddr address.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken,
                         ) (*StorageProviderInfo, error)

Returns StorageProviderInfo for a specific provider at the given address



To construct a new StorageClient:

func NewClient(
	net network.StorageMarketNetwork,
	bs blockstore.Blockstore,
	dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager,
	discovery *discovery.Local,
	ds datastore.Batching,
	scn storagemarket.StorageClientNode,
) (*Client, error)


  • net network.StorageMarketNetwork is a network abstraction for the storage market. To create it, use:

    package network
    func NewFromLibp2pHost(h host.Host) StorageMarketNetwork
  • bs blockstore.Blockstore is an IPFS blockstore for storing and retrieving data for deals. See

  • dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager is an interface from There is more than one implementation, but one way to create a new datatransfer.Manager is:

    package graphsyncimpl
    func NewGraphSyncDataTransfer(host host.Host, gs graphsync.GraphExchange, storedCounter *storedcounter.StoredCounter) datatransfer.Manager


     package datatransfer
     // NewDAGServiceDataTransfer returns a data transfer manager based on
     // an IPLD DAGService
     func NewDAGServiceDataTransfer(dag ipldformat.DAGService) datatransfer.Manager

    Please see the go-data-transfer repo for more information.

  • discovery *discovery.Local implements the PeerResolver interface. To initialize a new discovery.Local:

    func NewLocal(ds datastore.Batching) *Local
  • ds datastore.Batching is a datastore for the deal's state machine. It is typically the node's own datastore that implements the IPFS datastore.Batching interface. See

  • scn storagemarket.StorageClientNode is the implementation of the StorageClientNode API that was written for your node.


To construct a new StorageProvider:

func NewProvider(net network.StorageMarketNetwork, 
                ds datastore.Batching, 
                bs blockstore.Blockstore, 
                fs filestore.FileStore, 
                pieceStore piecestore.PieceStore, 
                dataTransfer datatransfer.Manager, 
                spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode, 
                minerAddress address.Address, 
                rt abi.RegisteredProof, 
                storedAsk StoredAsk, 
                options ...StorageProviderOption,
) (storagemarket.StorageProvider, error) {


  • net network.StorageMarketNetwork is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • ds datastore.Batching is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • bs blockstore.Blockstore is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • fs filestore.FileStore is an instance of the filestore.FileStore struct from the go-fil-markets repo.
  • pieceStore piecestore.PieceStore is the database of deals and pieces associated with them. See this repo's piecestore module.
  • dataTransfer is the same interface as for StorageClientNode
  • spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode is the implementation of the StorageProviderNode API that was written for your node.
  • minerAddress address.Address is the miner owner address.
  • rt abi.RegisteredProof is an int64 indicating the type of proof to use when generating a piece commitment (CommP). see for the list and meaning of accepted values.
  • storedAsk StoredAsk is an interface for getting and adding storage Asks. It is implemented in storagemarket. To create a StoredAsk:
    package storedask
    func NewStoredAsk(ds datastore.Batching, dsKey datastore.Key, spn storagemarket.StorageProviderNode, 
                      actor address.Address) (*StoredAsk, error)
  • options ...StorageProviderOption options is a variable length parameter to provide functions that change the StorageProvider default configuration. See provider.go for the available options.

Technical Documentation

  • GoDoc contains an architectural overview and robust API documentation

  • Storage Client FSM diagram:

Diagram of StorageClientFSM

  • Storage Provider FSM diagram:

Diagram of StorageClientFSM



Package storagemarket implements the Filecoin storage protocol.

An overview of the storage protocol can be found in the Filecoin specification:

The following architectural components provide a brief overview of the design of the storagemarket module:

Public Interfaces And Node Dependencies

A core goal of this module is to isolate the negotiation of deals from the actual chain operations performed by the node to put the deal on chain. The module primarily orchestrates the storage deal flow, rather than performing specific chain operations which are delegated to the node.

As such, for both the client and the provider in the storage market, the module defines a top level public interface which it provides an implementation for, and a node interface that must be implemented by the Filecoin node itself, and provided as a dependency. These node interfaces provide a universal way to talk to potentially multiple different Filecoin node implementations, and can be implemented using HTTP or some other interprocess communication to talk to a node implementation running in a different process.

The top level interfaces this package implements are StorageClient & StorageProvider. The dependencies the Filecoin node is expected to implement are StorageClientNode & StorageProviderNode. Further documentation of exactly what those dependencies should do can be found in the readme.

Finite State Machines and Resumability

Making deals in Filecoin is a highly asynchronous process. For a large piece of data, it's possible that the entire process of proposing a deal, transferring data, publishing the deal, putting the data in a sector and sealing it could take hours or even days. Not surprisingly, many things can go wrong along the way. To manage the process of orchestrating deals, we use finite state machines that update deal state when discrete events occur. State updates always persist state to disk. This means we have a permanent record of exactly what's going on with deals at any time, and we can ideally survive our Filecoin processes shutting down and restarting.

The following diagrams visualize the statemachine flows for the client and the provider:

Client FSM -

Provider FSM -

Identifying Providers For A Deal

The StorageClient provides two functions to locate a provider with whom to make a deal:

`ListProviders` returns a list of storage providers on the Filecoin network. This list is assembled by querying the chain state for active storage miners.

`QueryAsk` queries a single provider for more specific details about the kinds of deals they accept, as expressed through a `StorageAsk`.

Deal Flow

The primary mechanism for initiating storage deals is the `ProposeStorageDeal` method on the StorageClient.

When `ProposeStorageDeal` is called, it constructs and signs a DealProposal, initiates tracking of deal state and hands the deal to the Client FSM, returning the CID of the DealProposal which constitutes the identifier for that deal.

After some preparation steps, the FSM will send the deal proposal to the StorageProvider, which receives the deal in `HandleDealStream`. `HandleDealStream` initiates tracking of deal state on the Provider side and hands the deal to the Provider FSM, which handles the rest of deal flow.

From this point forward, deal negotiation is completely asynchronous and runs in the FSMs.

A user of the modules can monitor deal progress through `SubscribeToEvents` methods on StorageClient and StorageProvider, or by simply calling `ListLocalDeals` to get all deal statuses.

The FSMs implement every step in deal negotiation up to deal publishing. However, adding the deal to a sector and sealing it is handled outside this module. When a deal is published, the StorageProvider calls `OnDealComplete` on the StorageProviderNode interface (the node itself likely delegates management of sectors and sealing to an implementation of the Storage Mining subsystem of the Filecoin spec). At this point, the markets implementations essentially shift to being monitors of deal progression: they wait to see and record when the deal becomes active and later expired or slashed.

When a deal becomes active on chain, the provider records the location of where it's stored in a sector in the PieceStore, so that it's available for retrieval.

Major Dependencies

Other libraries in go-fil-markets: - used to store pieces and other temporary data before it's transferred to either a sector or the PieceStore. - used to convert back and forth between raw payload data and pieces that fit in sector. Also provides utilities for generating CommP. - used to write information about where data lives in sectors so that it can later be retrieved. - types and utility functions shared with retrievalmarket package.

Other Filecoin Repos: - for transferring data, via go-graphsync - a finite state machine that tracks deal state - for generating and persisting unique deal IDs - the Filecoin actors

IPFS Project Repos: - used by go-data-transfer - for persisting statemachine state for deals - for storing and retrieving block data for deals

Other Repos: the network over which retrieval deal data is exchanged. - for pub/sub notifications external to the statemachine

Root Package

This top level package defines top level enumerations and interfaces. The primary implementation lives in the `impl` directory



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const (
	// StorageDealUnknown means the current status of a deal is undefined
	StorageDealUnknown = StorageDealStatus(iota)

	// StorageDealProposalNotFound is a status returned in responses when the deal itself cannot
	// be located

	// StorageDealProposalRejected is returned by a StorageProvider when it chooses not to accept
	// a DealProposal

	// StorageDealProposalAccepted indicates an intent to accept a storage deal proposal

	// StorageDealStaged means a deal has been published and data is ready to be put into a sector

	// StorageDealSealing means a deal is in a sector that is being sealed

	// StorageDealFinalizing means a deal is in a sealed sector and we're doing final
	// housekeeping before marking it active

	// StorageDealActive means a deal is in a sealed sector and the miner is proving the data
	// for the deal

	// StorageDealExpired means a deal has passed its final epoch and is expired

	// StorageDealSlashed means the deal was in a sector that got slashed from failing to prove

	// StorageDealRejecting means the Provider has rejected the deal, and will send a rejection response

	// StorageDealFailing means something has gone wrong in a deal. Once data is cleaned up the deal will finalize on
	// StorageDealError

	// StorageDealFundsReserved means we've deposited funds as necessary to create a deal, ready to move forward

	// StorageDealCheckForAcceptance means the client is waiting for a provider to seal and publish a deal

	// StorageDealValidating means the provider is validating that deal parameters are good for a proposal

	// StorageDealAcceptWait means the provider is running any custom decision logic to decide whether or not to accept the deal

	// StorageDealStartDataTransfer means data transfer is beginning

	// StorageDealTransferring means data is being sent from the client to the provider via the data transfer module

	// StorageDealWaitingForData indicates either a manual transfer
	// or that the provider has not received a data transfer request from the client

	// StorageDealVerifyData means data has been transferred and we are attempting to verify it against the PieceCID

	// StorageDealReserveProviderFunds means that provider is making sure it has adequate funds for the deal in the StorageMarketActor

	// StorageDealReserveClientFunds means that client is making sure it has adequate funds for the deal in the StorageMarketActor

	// StorageDealProviderFunding means that the provider has deposited funds in the StorageMarketActor and it is waiting
	// to see the funds appear in its balance

	// StorageDealClientFunding means that the client has deposited funds in the StorageMarketActor and it is waiting
	// to see the funds appear in its balance

	// StorageDealPublish means the deal is ready to be published on chain

	// StorageDealPublishing means the deal has been published but we are waiting for it to appear on chain

	// StorageDealError means the deal has failed due to an error, and no further updates will occur

	// StorageDealProviderTransferAwaitRestart means the provider has restarted while data
	// was being transferred from client to provider, and will wait for the client to
	// resume the transfer

	// StorageDealClientTransferRestart means a storage deal data transfer from client to provider will be restarted
	// by the client

	// StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit means a deal is ready and must be pre-committed

	// StorageDealTransferQueued means the data transfer request has been queued and will be executed soon.
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const (
	// TTGraphsync means data for a deal will be transferred by graphsync
	TTGraphsync = "graphsync"

	// TTManual means data for a deal will be transferred manually and imported
	// on the provider
	TTManual = "manual"
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const AskProtocolID = "/fil/storage/ask/1.1.0"
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const DealProtocolID101 = "/fil/storage/mk/1.0.1"

The ID for the libp2p protocol for proposing storage deals.

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const DealProtocolID110 = "/fil/storage/mk/1.1.0"
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const DealProtocolID111 = "/fil/storage/mk/1.1.1"
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const DealStatusProtocolID = "/fil/storage/status/1.1.0"
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const OldAskProtocolID = "/fil/storage/ask/1.0.1"

AskProtocolID is the ID for the libp2p protocol for querying miners for their current StorageAsk.

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const OldDealStatusProtocolID = "/fil/storage/status/1.0.1"

DealStatusProtocolID is the ID for the libp2p protocol for querying miners for the current status of a deal.


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var ClientEvents = map[ClientEvent]string{
	ClientEventOpen:                       "ClientEventOpen",
	ClientEventReserveFundsFailed:         "ClientEventReserveFundsFailed",
	ClientEventFundingInitiated:           "ClientEventFundingInitiated",
	ClientEventFundsReserved:              "ClientEventFundsReserved",
	ClientEventFundsReleased:              "ClientEventFundsReleased",
	ClientEventFundingComplete:            "ClientEventFundingComplete",
	ClientEventWriteProposalFailed:        "ClientEventWriteProposalFailed",
	ClientEventInitiateDataTransfer:       "ClientEventInitiateDataTransfer",
	ClientEventDataTransferInitiated:      "ClientEventDataTransferInitiated",
	ClientEventDataTransferComplete:       "ClientEventDataTransferComplete",
	ClientEventWaitForDealState:           "ClientEventWaitForDealState",
	ClientEventDataTransferFailed:         "ClientEventDataTransferFailed",
	ClientEventReadResponseFailed:         "ClientEventReadResponseFailed",
	ClientEventResponseVerificationFailed: "ClientEventResponseVerificationFailed",
	ClientEventResponseDealDidNotMatch:    "ClientEventResponseDealDidNotMatch",
	ClientEventUnexpectedDealState:        "ClientEventUnexpectedDealState",
	ClientEventStreamCloseError:           "ClientEventStreamCloseError",
	ClientEventDealRejected:               "ClientEventDealRejected",
	ClientEventDealAccepted:               "ClientEventDealAccepted",
	ClientEventDealPublishFailed:          "ClientEventDealPublishFailed",
	ClientEventDealPublished:              "ClientEventDealPublished",
	ClientEventDealActivationFailed:       "ClientEventDealActivationFailed",
	ClientEventDealActivated:              "ClientEventDealActivated",
	ClientEventDealCompletionFailed:       "ClientEventDealCompletionFailed",
	ClientEventDealExpired:                "ClientEventDealExpired",
	ClientEventDealSlashed:                "ClientEventDealSlashed",
	ClientEventFailed:                     "ClientEventFailed",
	ClientEventRestart:                    "ClientEventRestart",
	ClientEventDataTransferRestarted:      "ClientEventDataTransferRestarted",
	ClientEventDataTransferRestartFailed:  "ClientEventDataTransferRestartFailed",
	ClientEventDataTransferStalled:        "ClientEventDataTransferStalled",
	ClientEventDataTransferCancelled:      "ClientEventDataTransferCancelled",
	ClientEventDataTransferQueued:         "ClientEventDataTransferQueued",

ClientEvents maps client event codes to string names

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var DealStates = map[StorageDealStatus]string{
	StorageDealUnknown:                      "StorageDealUnknown",
	StorageDealProposalNotFound:             "StorageDealProposalNotFound",
	StorageDealProposalRejected:             "StorageDealProposalRejected",
	StorageDealProposalAccepted:             "StorageDealProposalAccepted",
	StorageDealAcceptWait:                   "StorageDealAcceptWait",
	StorageDealStartDataTransfer:            "StorageDealStartDataTransfer",
	StorageDealStaged:                       "StorageDealStaged",
	StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit:            "StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit",
	StorageDealSealing:                      "StorageDealSealing",
	StorageDealActive:                       "StorageDealActive",
	StorageDealExpired:                      "StorageDealExpired",
	StorageDealSlashed:                      "StorageDealSlashed",
	StorageDealRejecting:                    "StorageDealRejecting",
	StorageDealFailing:                      "StorageDealFailing",
	StorageDealFundsReserved:                "StorageDealFundsReserved",
	StorageDealCheckForAcceptance:           "StorageDealCheckForAcceptance",
	StorageDealValidating:                   "StorageDealValidating",
	StorageDealTransferring:                 "StorageDealTransferring",
	StorageDealWaitingForData:               "StorageDealWaitingForData",
	StorageDealVerifyData:                   "StorageDealVerifyData",
	StorageDealReserveProviderFunds:         "StorageDealReserveProviderFunds",
	StorageDealReserveClientFunds:           "StorageDealReserveClientFunds",
	StorageDealProviderFunding:              "StorageDealProviderFunding",
	StorageDealClientFunding:                "StorageDealClientFunding",
	StorageDealPublish:                      "StorageDealPublish",
	StorageDealPublishing:                   "StorageDealPublishing",
	StorageDealError:                        "StorageDealError",
	StorageDealFinalizing:                   "StorageDealFinalizing",
	StorageDealClientTransferRestart:        "StorageDealClientTransferRestart",
	StorageDealProviderTransferAwaitRestart: "StorageDealProviderTransferAwaitRestart",
	StorageDealTransferQueued:               "StorageDealTransferQueued",

DealStates maps StorageDealStatus codes to string names

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var DealStatesDescriptions = map[StorageDealStatus]string{
	StorageDealUnknown:                      "Unknown",
	StorageDealProposalNotFound:             "Proposal not found",
	StorageDealProposalRejected:             "Proposal rejected",
	StorageDealProposalAccepted:             "Proposal accepted",
	StorageDealAcceptWait:                   "AcceptWait",
	StorageDealStartDataTransfer:            "Starting data transfer",
	StorageDealStaged:                       "Staged",
	StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit:            "Awaiting a PreCommit message on chain",
	StorageDealSealing:                      "Sealing",
	StorageDealActive:                       "Active",
	StorageDealExpired:                      "Expired",
	StorageDealSlashed:                      "Slashed",
	StorageDealRejecting:                    "Rejecting",
	StorageDealFailing:                      "Failing",
	StorageDealFundsReserved:                "FundsReserved",
	StorageDealCheckForAcceptance:           "Checking for deal acceptance",
	StorageDealValidating:                   "Validating",
	StorageDealTransferring:                 "Transferring",
	StorageDealWaitingForData:               "Waiting for data",
	StorageDealVerifyData:                   "Verifying data",
	StorageDealReserveProviderFunds:         "Reserving provider funds",
	StorageDealReserveClientFunds:           "Reserving client funds",
	StorageDealProviderFunding:              "Provider funding",
	StorageDealClientFunding:                "Client funding",
	StorageDealPublish:                      "Publish",
	StorageDealPublishing:                   "Publishing",
	StorageDealError:                        "Error",
	StorageDealFinalizing:                   "Finalizing",
	StorageDealClientTransferRestart:        "Client transfer restart",
	StorageDealProviderTransferAwaitRestart: "ProviderTransferAwaitRestart",

DealStatesDescriptions maps StorageDealStatus codes to string description for better UX

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var DealStatesDurations = map[StorageDealStatus]string{
	StorageDealUnknown:                      "",
	StorageDealProposalNotFound:             "",
	StorageDealProposalRejected:             "",
	StorageDealProposalAccepted:             "a few minutes",
	StorageDealAcceptWait:                   "a few minutes",
	StorageDealStartDataTransfer:            "a few minutes",
	StorageDealStaged:                       "a few minutes",
	StorageDealAwaitingPreCommit:            "a few minutes",
	StorageDealSealing:                      "a few hours",
	StorageDealActive:                       "",
	StorageDealExpired:                      "",
	StorageDealSlashed:                      "",
	StorageDealRejecting:                    "",
	StorageDealFailing:                      "",
	StorageDealFundsReserved:                "a few minutes",
	StorageDealCheckForAcceptance:           "a few minutes",
	StorageDealValidating:                   "a few minutes",
	StorageDealTransferring:                 "a few minutes",
	StorageDealWaitingForData:               "a few minutes",
	StorageDealVerifyData:                   "a few minutes",
	StorageDealReserveProviderFunds:         "a few minutes",
	StorageDealReserveClientFunds:           "a few minutes",
	StorageDealProviderFunding:              "a few minutes",
	StorageDealClientFunding:                "a few minutes",
	StorageDealPublish:                      "a few minutes",
	StorageDealPublishing:                   "a few minutes",
	StorageDealError:                        "",
	StorageDealFinalizing:                   "a few minutes",
	StorageDealClientTransferRestart:        "depending on data size, anywhere between a few minutes to a few hours",
	StorageDealProviderTransferAwaitRestart: "a few minutes",
View Source
var ProviderEvents = map[ProviderEvent]string{
	ProviderEventOpen:                        "ProviderEventOpen",
	ProviderEventNodeErrored:                 "ProviderEventNodeErrored",
	ProviderEventDealRejected:                "ProviderEventDealRejected",
	ProviderEventRejectionSent:               "ProviderEventRejectionSent",
	ProviderEventDealAccepted:                "ProviderEventDealAccepted",
	ProviderEventDealDeciding:                "ProviderEventDealDeciding",
	ProviderEventInsufficientFunds:           "ProviderEventInsufficientFunds",
	ProviderEventFundsReserved:               "ProviderEventFundsReserved",
	ProviderEventFundsReleased:               "ProviderEventFundsReleased",
	ProviderEventFundingInitiated:            "ProviderEventFundingInitiated",
	ProviderEventFunded:                      "ProviderEventFunded",
	ProviderEventDataTransferFailed:          "ProviderEventDataTransferFailed",
	ProviderEventDataRequested:               "ProviderEventDataRequested",
	ProviderEventDataTransferInitiated:       "ProviderEventDataTransferInitiated",
	ProviderEventDataTransferCompleted:       "ProviderEventDataTransferCompleted",
	ProviderEventManualDataReceived:          "ProviderEventManualDataReceived",
	ProviderEventDataVerificationFailed:      "ProviderEventDataVerificationFailed",
	ProviderEventVerifiedData:                "ProviderEventVerifiedData",
	ProviderEventSendResponseFailed:          "ProviderEventSendResponseFailed",
	ProviderEventDealPublishInitiated:        "ProviderEventDealPublishInitiated",
	ProviderEventDealPublished:               "ProviderEventDealPublished",
	ProviderEventDealPublishError:            "ProviderEventDealPublishError",
	ProviderEventFileStoreErrored:            "ProviderEventFileStoreErrored",
	ProviderEventDealHandoffFailed:           "ProviderEventDealHandoffFailed",
	ProviderEventDealHandedOff:               "ProviderEventDealHandedOff",
	ProviderEventDealActivationFailed:        "ProviderEventDealActivationFailed",
	ProviderEventDealActivated:               "ProviderEventDealActivated",
	ProviderEventPieceStoreErrored:           "ProviderEventPieceStoreErrored",
	ProviderEventFinalized:                   "ProviderEventCleanupFinished",
	ProviderEventDealCompletionFailed:        "ProviderEventDealCompletionFailed",
	ProviderEventMultistoreErrored:           "ProviderEventMultistoreErrored",
	ProviderEventDealExpired:                 "ProviderEventDealExpired",
	ProviderEventDealSlashed:                 "ProviderEventDealSlashed",
	ProviderEventFailed:                      "ProviderEventFailed",
	ProviderEventTrackFundsFailed:            "ProviderEventTrackFundsFailed",
	ProviderEventRestart:                     "ProviderEventRestart",
	ProviderEventDataTransferRestarted:       "ProviderEventDataTransferRestarted",
	ProviderEventDataTransferRestartFailed:   "ProviderEventDataTransferRestartFailed",
	ProviderEventDataTransferStalled:         "ProviderEventDataTransferStalled",
	ProviderEventDataTransferCancelled:       "ProviderEventDataTransferCancelled",
	ProviderEventDealPrecommitFailed:         "ProviderEventDealPrecommitFailed",
	ProviderEventDealPrecommitted:            "ProviderEventDealPrecommitted",
	ProviderEventAwaitTransferRestartTimeout: "ProviderEventAwaitTransferRestartTimeout",

ProviderEvents maps provider event codes to string names

View Source
var SignedStorageAskUndefined = SignedStorageAsk{}

SignedStorageAskUndefined represents the empty value for SignedStorageAsk

View Source
var StorageAskUndefined = StorageAsk{}

StorageAskUndefined represents an empty value for StorageAsk


This section is empty.


type Balance

type Balance struct {
	Locked    abi.TokenAmount
	Available abi.TokenAmount

Balance represents a current balance of funds in the StorageMarketActor.

func (*Balance) MarshalCBOR

func (t *Balance) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*Balance) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *Balance) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type BlockstoreAccessor

type BlockstoreAccessor interface {
	Get(PayloadCID) (bstore.Blockstore, error)
	Done(PayloadCID) error

BlockstoreAccessor is used by the storage market client to get a blockstore when needed, concretely to send the payload to the provider. This abstraction allows the caller to provider any blockstore implementation: a CARv2 file, an IPFS blockstore, or something else.

They key is a payload CID because this is the unique top-level key of a client-side data import.

type ClientDeal

type ClientDeal struct {
	ProposalCid       cid.Cid
	AddFundsCid       *cid.Cid
	State             StorageDealStatus
	Miner             peer.ID
	MinerWorker       address.Address
	DealID            abi.DealID
	DataRef           *DataRef
	Message           string
	DealStages        *DealStages
	PublishMessage    *cid.Cid
	SlashEpoch        abi.ChainEpoch
	PollRetryCount    uint64
	PollErrorCount    uint64
	FastRetrieval     bool
	FundsReserved     abi.TokenAmount
	CreationTime      cbg.CborTime
	TransferChannelID *datatransfer.ChannelID
	SectorNumber      abi.SectorNumber

ClientDeal is the local state tracked for a deal by a StorageClient

func (*ClientDeal) AddLog

func (d *ClientDeal) AddLog(msg string, a ...interface{})

AddLog adds a log inside the DealStages object of the deal. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*ClientDeal) MarshalCBOR

func (t *ClientDeal) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*ClientDeal) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *ClientDeal) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type ClientDealProposal

type ClientDealProposal = market.ClientDealProposal

type ClientEvent

type ClientEvent uint64

ClientEvent is an event that happens in the client's deal state machine

const (
	// ClientEventOpen indicates a new deal was started
	ClientEventOpen ClientEvent = iota

	// ClientEventReserveFundsFailed happens when attempting to reserve funds for a deal fails

	// ClientEventFundingInitiated happens when a client has sent a message adding funds to its balance

	// ClientEventFundsReserved happens when a client reserves funds for a deal (updating our tracked funds)

	// ClientEventFundsReleased happens when a client released funds for a deal (updating our tracked funds)

	// ClientEventFundingComplete happens when a client successfully reserves funds for a deal

	// ClientEventWriteProposalFailed indicates an attempt to send a deal proposal to a provider failed

	// ClientEventInitiateDataTransfer happens when a a client is ready to transfer data to a provider

	// ClientEventDataTransferInitiated happens when piece data transfer has started

	// ClientEventDataTransferRestarted happens when a data transfer from client to provider is restarted by the client

	// ClientEventDataTransferComplete happens when piece data transfer has been completed

	// ClientEventWaitForDealState happens when the client needs to continue waiting for an actionable deal state

	// ClientEventDataTransferFailed happens the client can't initiate a push data transfer to the provider

	// ClientEventDataTransferRestartFailed happens when the client can't restart an existing data transfer

	// ClientEventReadResponseFailed means a network error occurred reading a deal response

	// ClientEventResponseVerificationFailed means a response was not verified

	// ClientEventResponseDealDidNotMatch means a response was sent for the wrong deal

	// ClientEventUnexpectedDealState means a response was sent but the state wasn't what we expected

	// ClientEventStreamCloseError happens when an attempt to close a deals stream fails

	// ClientEventDealRejected happens when the provider does not accept a deal

	// ClientEventDealAccepted happens when a client receives a response accepting a deal from a provider

	// ClientEventDealPublishFailed happens when a client cannot verify a deal was published

	// ClientEventDealPublished happens when a deal is successfully published

	// ClientEventDealPrecommitFailed happens when an error occurs waiting for deal pre-commit

	// ClientEventDealPrecommitted happens when a deal is successfully pre-commited

	// ClientEventDealActivationFailed happens when a client cannot verify a deal was activated

	// ClientEventDealActivated happens when a deal is successfully activated

	// ClientEventDealCompletionFailed happens when a client cannot verify a deal expired or was slashed

	// ClientEventDealExpired happens when a deal expires

	// ClientEventDealSlashed happens when a deal is slashed

	// ClientEventFailed happens when a deal terminates in failure

	// ClientEventRestart is used to resume the deal after a state machine shutdown

	// ClientEventDataTransferStalled happens when the clients data transfer experiences a disconnect

	// ClientEventDataTransferCancelled happens when a data transfer is cancelled

	// ClientEventDataTransferQueued happens when we queue the provider's request to transfer data to it
	// in response to the push request we send to the provider.

func (ClientEvent) String

func (e ClientEvent) String() string

type ClientSubscriber

type ClientSubscriber func(event ClientEvent, deal ClientDeal)

ClientSubscriber is a callback that is run when events are emitted on a StorageClient

type DataRef

type DataRef struct {
	TransferType string
	Root         cid.Cid

	PieceCid     *cid.Cid              // Optional for non-manual transfer, will be recomputed from the data if not given
	PieceSize    abi.UnpaddedPieceSize // Optional for non-manual transfer, will be recomputed from the data if not given
	RawBlockSize uint64                // Optional: used as the denominator when calculating transfer %

DataRef is a reference for how data will be transferred for a given storage deal

func (*DataRef) MarshalCBOR

func (t *DataRef) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*DataRef) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *DataRef) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type DealExpiredCallback

type DealExpiredCallback func(err error)

DealExpiredCallback is a callback that runs when a deal expires

type DealSectorCommittedCallback

type DealSectorCommittedCallback func(err error)

DealSectorCommittedCallback is a callback that runs when a sector is committed

type DealSectorPreCommittedCallback

type DealSectorPreCommittedCallback func(sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, isActive bool, err error)

DealSectorPreCommittedCallback is a callback that runs when a sector is pre-committed sectorNumber: the number of the sector that the deal is in isActive: the deal is already active

type DealSlashedCallback

type DealSlashedCallback func(slashEpoch abi.ChainEpoch, err error)

DealSlashedCallback is a callback that runs when a deal gets slashed

type DealStage

type DealStage struct {
	// Human-readable fields.
	// TODO: these _will_ need to be converted to canonical representations, so
	//  they are machine readable.
	Name             string
	Description      string
	ExpectedDuration string

	// Timestamps.
	// TODO: may be worth adding an exit timestamp. It _could_ be inferred from
	//  the start of the next stage, or from the timestamp of the last log line
	//  if this is a terminal stage. But that's non-determistic and it relies on
	//  assumptions.
	CreatedTime cbg.CborTime
	UpdatedTime cbg.CborTime

	// Logs contains a detailed timeline of events that occurred inside
	// this stage.
	Logs []*Log

DealStages captures data about the execution of a deal stage. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*DealStage) MarshalCBOR

func (t *DealStage) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*DealStage) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *DealStage) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type DealStages

type DealStages struct {
	// Stages contains an entry for every stage that the deal has gone through.
	// Each stage then contains logs.
	Stages []*DealStage

DealStages captures a timeline of the progress of a deal, grouped by stages. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func NewDealStages

func NewDealStages() *DealStages

NewDealStages creates a new DealStages object ready to be used. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*DealStages) AddStageLog

func (ds *DealStages) AddStageLog(stage, description, expectedDuration, msg string)

AddStageLog adds a log to the specified stage, creating the stage if it doesn't exist yet. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*DealStages) GetStage

func (ds *DealStages) GetStage(stage string) *DealStage

GetStage returns the DealStage object for a named stage, or nil if not found.

TODO: the input should be a strongly-typed enum instead of a free-form string. TODO: drop Get from GetStage to make this code more idiomatic. Return a

second ok boolean to make it even more idiomatic.

EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*DealStages) MarshalCBOR

func (t *DealStages) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*DealStages) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *DealStages) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type Log

type Log struct {
	// Log is a human readable message.
	// TODO: this _may_ need to be converted to a canonical data model so it
	//  is machine-readable.
	Log string

	UpdatedTime cbg.CborTime

Log represents a point-in-time event that occurred inside a deal stage. EXPERIMENTAL; subject to change.

func (*Log) MarshalCBOR

func (t *Log) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*Log) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *Log) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type MinerDeal

type MinerDeal struct {
	ProposalCid           cid.Cid
	AddFundsCid           *cid.Cid
	PublishCid            *cid.Cid
	Miner                 peer.ID
	Client                peer.ID
	State                 StorageDealStatus
	PiecePath             filestore.Path
	MetadataPath          filestore.Path
	SlashEpoch            abi.ChainEpoch
	FastRetrieval         bool
	Message               string
	FundsReserved         abi.TokenAmount
	Ref                   *DataRef
	AvailableForRetrieval bool

	DealID       abi.DealID
	CreationTime cbg.CborTime

	TransferChannelId *datatransfer.ChannelID
	SectorNumber      abi.SectorNumber

	InboundCAR string

MinerDeal is the local state tracked for a deal by a StorageProvider

func (*MinerDeal) MarshalCBOR

func (t *MinerDeal) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*MinerDeal) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *MinerDeal) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type PackingResult

type PackingResult struct {
	SectorNumber abi.SectorNumber
	Offset       abi.PaddedPieceSize
	Size         abi.PaddedPieceSize

PackingResult returns information about how a deal was put into a sector

type PayloadCID

type PayloadCID = cid.Cid

type ProposeStorageDealParams

type ProposeStorageDealParams struct {
	Addr          address.Address
	Info          *StorageProviderInfo
	Data          *DataRef
	StartEpoch    abi.ChainEpoch
	EndEpoch      abi.ChainEpoch
	Price         abi.TokenAmount
	Collateral    abi.TokenAmount
	Rt            abi.RegisteredSealProof
	FastRetrieval bool
	VerifiedDeal  bool

ProposeStorageDealParams describes the parameters for proposing a storage deal

type ProposeStorageDealResult

type ProposeStorageDealResult struct {
	ProposalCid cid.Cid

ProposeStorageDealResult returns the result for a proposing a deal

type ProviderDealState

type ProviderDealState struct {
	State         StorageDealStatus
	Message       string
	Proposal      *market.DealProposal
	ProposalCid   *cid.Cid
	AddFundsCid   *cid.Cid
	PublishCid    *cid.Cid
	DealID        abi.DealID
	FastRetrieval bool

ProviderDealState represents a Provider's current state of a deal

func (*ProviderDealState) MarshalCBOR

func (t *ProviderDealState) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*ProviderDealState) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *ProviderDealState) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type ProviderEvent

type ProviderEvent uint64

ProviderEvent is an event that happens in the provider's deal state machine

const (
	// ProviderEventOpen indicates a new deal proposal has been received
	ProviderEventOpen ProviderEvent = iota

	// ProviderEventNodeErrored indicates an error happened talking to the node implementation

	// ProviderEventDealDeciding happens when a deal is being decided on by the miner

	// ProviderEventDealRejected happens when a deal proposal is rejected for not meeting criteria

	// ProviderEventRejectionSent happens after a deal proposal rejection has been sent to the client

	// ProviderEventDealAccepted happens when a deal is accepted based on provider criteria

	// ProviderEventInsufficientFunds indicates not enough funds available for a deal

	// ProviderEventFundsReserved indicates we've reserved funds for a deal, adding to our overall total

	// ProviderEventFundsReleased indicates we've released funds for a deal

	// ProviderEventFundingInitiated indicates provider collateral funding has been initiated

	// ProviderEventFunded indicates provider collateral has appeared in the storage market balance

	// ProviderEventDataTransferFailed happens when an error occurs transferring data

	// ProviderEventDataRequested happens when a provider requests data from a client

	// ProviderEventDataTransferInitiated happens when a data transfer starts

	// ProviderEventDataTransferRestarted happens when a data transfer restarts

	// ProviderEventDataTransferCompleted happens when a data transfer is successful

	// ProviderEventManualDataReceived happens when data is received manually for an offline deal

	// ProviderEventDataVerificationFailed happens when an error occurs validating deal data

	// ProviderEventVerifiedData happens when received data is verified as matching the pieceCID in a deal proposal

	// ProviderEventSendResponseFailed happens when a response cannot be sent to a deal

	// ProviderEventDealPublishInitiated happens when a provider has sent a PublishStorageDeals message to the chain

	// ProviderEventDealPublished happens when a deal is successfully published

	// ProviderEventDealPublishError happens when PublishStorageDeals returns a non-ok exit code

	// ProviderEventFileStoreErrored happens when an error occurs accessing the filestore

	// ProviderEventDealHandoffFailed happens when an error occurs handing off a deal with OnDealComplete

	// ProviderEventDealHandedOff happens when a deal is successfully handed off to the node for processing in a sector

	// ProviderEventDealPrecommitFailed happens when an error occurs waiting for deal pre-commit

	// ProviderEventDealPrecommitted happens when a deal is successfully pre-commited

	// ProviderEventDealActivationFailed happens when an error occurs activating a deal

	// ProviderEventDealActivated happens when a deal is successfully activated and commited to a sector

	// ProviderEventPieceStoreErrored happens when an attempt to save data in the piece store errors

	// ProviderEventFinalized happens when final housekeeping is complete and a deal is active

	// ProviderEventDealCompletionFailed happens when a miner cannot verify a deal expired or was slashed

	// ProviderEventMultistoreErrored indicates an error happened with a store for a deal

	// ProviderEventDealExpired happens when a deal expires

	// ProviderEventDealSlashed happens when a deal is slashed

	// ProviderEventFailed indicates a deal has failed and should no longer be processed

	// ProviderEventTrackFundsFailed indicates a failure trying to locally track funds needed for deals

	// ProviderEventRestart is used to resume the deal after a state machine shutdown

	// ProviderEventDataTransferRestartFailed means a data transfer that was restarted by the provider failed
	// Deprecated: this event is no longer used

	// ProviderEventDataTransferStalled happens when the providers data transfer experiences a disconnect

	// ProviderEventDataTransferCancelled happens when a data transfer is cancelled

	// ProviderEventAwaitTransferRestartTimeout is dispatched after a certain amount of time a provider has been
	// waiting for a data transfer to restart. If transfer hasn't restarted, the provider will fail the deal

func (ProviderEvent) String

func (e ProviderEvent) String() string

type ProviderSubscriber

type ProviderSubscriber func(event ProviderEvent, deal MinerDeal)

ProviderSubscriber is a callback that is run when events are emitted on a StorageProvider

type PublishDealsWaitResult

type PublishDealsWaitResult struct {
	DealID   abi.DealID
	FinalCid cid.Cid

PublishDealsWaitResult is the result of a call to wait for publish deals to appear on chain

type SignedStorageAsk

type SignedStorageAsk struct {
	Ask       *StorageAsk
	Signature *crypto.Signature

SignedStorageAsk is an ask signed by the miner's private key

func (*SignedStorageAsk) MarshalCBOR

func (t *SignedStorageAsk) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*SignedStorageAsk) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *SignedStorageAsk) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type StorageAsk

type StorageAsk struct {
	// Price per GiB / Epoch
	Price         abi.TokenAmount
	VerifiedPrice abi.TokenAmount

	MinPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize
	MaxPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize
	Miner        address.Address
	Timestamp    abi.ChainEpoch
	Expiry       abi.ChainEpoch
	SeqNo        uint64

StorageAsk defines the parameters by which a miner will choose to accept or reject a deal. Note: making a storage deal proposal which matches the miner's ask is a precondition, but not sufficient to ensure the deal is accepted (the storage provider may run its own decision logic).

func (*StorageAsk) MarshalCBOR

func (t *StorageAsk) MarshalCBOR(w io.Writer) error

func (*StorageAsk) UnmarshalCBOR

func (t *StorageAsk) UnmarshalCBOR(r io.Reader) (err error)

type StorageAskOption

type StorageAskOption func(*StorageAsk)

StorageAskOption allows custom configuration of a storage ask

func MaxPieceSize

func MaxPieceSize(maxPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize) StorageAskOption

MaxPieceSize configures maxiumum piece size of a StorageAsk

func MinPieceSize

func MinPieceSize(minPieceSize abi.PaddedPieceSize) StorageAskOption

MinPieceSize configures a minimum piece size of a StorageAsk

type StorageClient

type StorageClient interface {

	// Start initializes deal processing on a StorageClient and restarts
	// in progress deals
	Start(ctx context.Context) error

	// OnReady registers a listener for when the client comes on line

	// Stop ends deal processing on a StorageClient
	Stop() error

	// ListProviders queries chain state and returns active storage providers
	ListProviders(ctx context.Context) (<-chan StorageProviderInfo, error)

	// ListLocalDeals lists deals initiated by this storage client
	ListLocalDeals(ctx context.Context) ([]ClientDeal, error)

	// GetLocalDeal lists deals that are in progress or rejected
	GetLocalDeal(ctx context.Context, cid cid.Cid) (ClientDeal, error)

	// GetAsk returns the current ask for a storage provider
	GetAsk(ctx context.Context, info StorageProviderInfo) (*StorageAsk, error)

	// GetProviderDealState queries a provider for the current state of a client's deal
	GetProviderDealState(ctx context.Context, proposalCid cid.Cid) (*ProviderDealState, error)

	// ProposeStorageDeal initiates deal negotiation with a Storage Provider
	ProposeStorageDeal(ctx context.Context, params ProposeStorageDealParams) (*ProposeStorageDealResult, error)

	// GetPaymentEscrow returns the current funds available for deal payment
	GetPaymentEscrow(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address) (Balance, error)

	// AddStorageCollateral adds storage collateral
	AddPaymentEscrow(ctx context.Context, addr address.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) error

	// SubscribeToEvents listens for events that happen related to storage deals on a provider
	SubscribeToEvents(subscriber ClientSubscriber) shared.Unsubscribe

StorageClient is a client interface for making storage deals with a StorageProvider

type StorageClientNode

type StorageClientNode interface {

	// GetStorageProviders returns information about known miners
	ListStorageProviders(ctx context.Context, tok shared.TipSetToken) ([]*StorageProviderInfo, error)

	// ValidatePublishedDeal verifies a deal is published on chain and returns the dealID
	ValidatePublishedDeal(ctx context.Context, deal ClientDeal) (abi.DealID, error)

	// SignProposal signs a DealProposal
	SignProposal(ctx context.Context, signer addr.Address, proposal market.DealProposal) (*market.ClientDealProposal, error)

	// GetDefaultWalletAddress returns the addr for this client
	GetDefaultWalletAddress(ctx context.Context) (addr.Address, error)

	// GetMinerInfo returns info for a single miner with the given addr
	GetMinerInfo(ctx context.Context, maddr addr.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (*StorageProviderInfo, error)

StorageClientNode are node dependencies for a StorageClient

type StorageCommon

type StorageCommon interface {

	// GetChainHead returns a tipset token for the current chain head
	GetChainHead(ctx context.Context) (shared.TipSetToken, abi.ChainEpoch, error)

	// Adds funds with the StorageMinerActor for a storage participant.  Used by both providers and clients.
	AddFunds(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, amount abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

	// ReserveFunds reserves the given amount of funds is ensures it is available for the deal
	ReserveFunds(ctx context.Context, wallet, addr addr.Address, amt abi.TokenAmount) (cid.Cid, error)

	// ReleaseFunds releases funds reserved with ReserveFunds
	ReleaseFunds(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, amt abi.TokenAmount) error

	// GetBalance returns locked/unlocked for a storage participant.  Used by both providers and clients.
	GetBalance(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (Balance, error)

	// VerifySignature verifies a given set of data was signed properly by a given addr's private key
	VerifySignature(ctx context.Context, signature crypto.Signature, signer addr.Address, plaintext []byte, tok shared.TipSetToken) (bool, error)

	// WaitForMessage waits until a message appears on chain. If it is already on chain, the callback is called immediately
	WaitForMessage(ctx context.Context, mcid cid.Cid, onCompletion func(exitcode.ExitCode, []byte, cid.Cid, error) error) error

	// SignsBytes signs the given data with the given addr's private key
	SignBytes(ctx context.Context, signer addr.Address, b []byte) (*crypto.Signature, error)

	// DealProviderCollateralBounds returns the min and max collateral a storage provider can issue.
	DealProviderCollateralBounds(ctx context.Context, size abi.PaddedPieceSize, isVerified bool) (abi.TokenAmount, abi.TokenAmount, error)

	// OnDealSectorPreCommitted waits for a deal's sector to be pre-committed
	OnDealSectorPreCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider addr.Address, dealID abi.DealID, proposal market.DealProposal, publishCid *cid.Cid, cb DealSectorPreCommittedCallback) error

	// OnDealSectorCommitted waits for a deal's sector to be sealed and proved, indicating the deal is active
	OnDealSectorCommitted(ctx context.Context, provider addr.Address, dealID abi.DealID, sectorNumber abi.SectorNumber, proposal market.DealProposal, publishCid *cid.Cid, cb DealSectorCommittedCallback) error

	// OnDealExpiredOrSlashed registers callbacks to be called when the deal expires or is slashed
	OnDealExpiredOrSlashed(ctx context.Context, dealID abi.DealID, onDealExpired DealExpiredCallback, onDealSlashed DealSlashedCallback) error

StorageCommon are common interfaces provided by a filecoin Node to both StorageClient and StorageProvider

type StorageDealStatus

type StorageDealStatus = uint64

StorageDealStatus is the local status of a StorageDeal. Note: this status has meaning in the context of this module only - it is not recorded on chain

type StorageProvider

type StorageProvider interface {

	// Start initializes deal processing on a StorageProvider and restarts in progress deals.
	// It also registers the provider with a StorageMarketNetwork so it can receive incoming
	// messages on the storage market's libp2p protocols
	Start(ctx context.Context) error

	// OnReady registers a listener for when the provider comes on line

	// Stop terminates processing of deals on a StorageProvider
	Stop() error

	// SetAsk configures the storage miner's ask with the provided prices (for unverified and verified deals),
	// duration, and options. Any previously-existing ask is replaced.
	SetAsk(price abi.TokenAmount, verifiedPrice abi.TokenAmount, duration abi.ChainEpoch, options ...StorageAskOption) error

	// GetAsk returns the storage miner's ask, or nil if one does not exist.
	GetAsk() *SignedStorageAsk

	// GetLocalDeal gets a deal by signed proposal cid
	GetLocalDeal(cid cid.Cid) (MinerDeal, error)

	// LocalDealCount gets the number of local deals
	LocalDealCount() (int, error)

	// ListLocalDeals lists deals processed by this storage provider
	ListLocalDeals() ([]MinerDeal, error)

	// ListLocalDealsPage lists deals by creation time descending, starting
	// at the deal with the given signed proposal cid, skipping offset deals
	// and returning up to limit deals
	ListLocalDealsPage(startPropCid *cid.Cid, offset int, limit int) ([]MinerDeal, error)

	// AddStorageCollateral adds storage collateral
	AddStorageCollateral(ctx context.Context, amount abi.TokenAmount) error

	// GetStorageCollateral returns the current collateral balance
	GetStorageCollateral(ctx context.Context) (Balance, error)

	// ImportDataForDeal manually imports data for an offline storage deal
	ImportDataForDeal(ctx context.Context, propCid cid.Cid, data io.Reader) error

	// SubscribeToEvents listens for events that happen related to storage deals on a provider
	SubscribeToEvents(subscriber ProviderSubscriber) shared.Unsubscribe

	RetryDealPublishing(propCid cid.Cid) error

	AnnounceDealToIndexer(ctx context.Context, proposalCid cid.Cid) error

	AnnounceAllDealsToIndexer(ctx context.Context) error

StorageProvider provides an interface to the storage market for a single storage miner.

type StorageProviderInfo

type StorageProviderInfo struct {
	Address    address.Address // actor address
	Owner      address.Address
	Worker     address.Address // signs messages
	SectorSize uint64
	PeerID     peer.ID
	Addrs      []ma.Multiaddr

StorageProviderInfo describes on chain information about a StorageProvider (use QueryAsk to determine more specific deal parameters)

type StorageProviderNode

type StorageProviderNode interface {

	// PublishDeals publishes a deal on chain, returns the message cid, but does not wait for message to appear
	PublishDeals(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal) (cid.Cid, error)

	// WaitForPublishDeals waits for a deal publish message to land on chain.
	WaitForPublishDeals(ctx context.Context, mcid cid.Cid, proposal market.DealProposal) (*PublishDealsWaitResult, error)

	// OnDealComplete is called when a deal is complete and on chain, and data has been transferred and is ready to be added to a sector
	OnDealComplete(ctx context.Context, deal MinerDeal, pieceSize abi.UnpaddedPieceSize, pieceReader shared.ReadSeekStarter) (*PackingResult, error)

	// GetMinerWorkerAddress returns the worker addr associated with a miner
	GetMinerWorkerAddress(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (addr.Address, error)

	// GetDataCap gets the current data cap for addr
	GetDataCap(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (*verifreg.DataCap, error)

	// GetProofType gets the current seal proof type for the given miner.
	GetProofType(ctx context.Context, addr addr.Address, tok shared.TipSetToken) (abi.RegisteredSealProof, error)

StorageProviderNode are node dependencies for a StorageProvider


Path Synopsis
Package storageimpl provides the primary implementation of storage market top level interfaces
Package storageimpl provides the primary implementation of storage market top level interfaces
Package blockrecorder provides utilits to record locations of CIDs to a temporary metadata file, since writing a CAR happens BEFORE we actually hand off for sealing.
Package blockrecorder provides utilits to record locations of CIDs to a temporary metadata file, since writing a CAR happens BEFORE we actually hand off for sealing.
Package clientstates contains state machine logic relating to the `StorageMarket`.
Package clientstates contains state machine logic relating to the `StorageMarket`.
Package clientutils provides utility functions for the storage client & client FSM
Package clientutils provides utility functions for the storage client & client FSM
Package connmanager tracks open connections maping storage proposal CID -> StorageDealStream
Package connmanager tracks open connections maping storage proposal CID -> StorageDealStream
Package dtutils provides event listeners for the client and provider to listen for events on the data transfer module and dispatch FSM events based on them
Package dtutils provides event listeners for the client and provider to listen for events on the data transfer module and dispatch FSM events based on them
Package providerstates contains state machine logic relating to the `StorageProvider`.
Package providerstates contains state machine logic relating to the `StorageProvider`.
Package providerutils provides utility functions for the storage provider & provider FSM
Package providerutils provides utility functions for the storage provider & provider FSM
Package requestvalidation implements a request validator for the data transfer module to validate data transfer requests for storage deals
Package requestvalidation implements a request validator for the data transfer module to validate data transfer requests for storage deals
Package network providers an abstraction over a libp2p host for managing storage markets's Libp2p protocols:
Package network providers an abstraction over a libp2p host for managing storage markets's Libp2p protocols:
Package testnodes contains stubbed implementations of the StorageProviderNode and StorageClientNode interface to simulate communications with a filecoin node
Package testnodes contains stubbed implementations of the StorageProviderNode and StorageClientNode interface to simulate communications with a filecoin node

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