
package module
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Published: Mar 18, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 21 Imported by: 0


MySQL Wear Specification


Before you start using mysql-wear package, you need to init mysql connection, like in this test sample:

import (
  mw ""

func main() {
  dsn := fmt.Sprintf(
  mysqlDB, err := sql.Open("mysql", dsn)
  if err != nil {

Important! Make sure db connection has an option parseTime=true, othervise time.Time struct will not be parsed correctly!

Then, we can initialize mysql-wear wrapper for dealing with CRUD mysql operations:

db := mw.New(mysqlDB)

Also, instead of using whole *sql.DB instance, we can wrap single sql connection for using mysql-wear helpers:

tx, err := db.Begin()
if err != nil {
  t.Fatalf("cannot begin transaction: %s", err)

// now its possible to use crud operations against transaction connection!
a := Wrap(tx)
res, err := a.Insert(fu)
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("failed to insert row: %s", err)
num, err := res.RowsAffected()
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("%v", err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {

Using Code Generation To Get Started

You can use the following example script to generate a simple service for use with mw. You should put this code into a main.go and run it using go run main.go:

mwcmd gen init Article a

This command tells mwcmd to generate file that produces sql migration, crud, and crud test files for a specified struct. Article - name of a struct, a - short name that will be used in code. Command produces following code:

package main

import (
  mw ""

type Article struct {
  ID          string // IMPORTANT: this field required or field with tag `mw:"pk"`.
  Name        string
  Description string

func main() {
  fmt.Println(mw.GenerateModel(&Article{}, "a"))
  fmt.Println(mw.GenerateModelTest(&Article{}, "a"))
  • mw.GenerateSchema - prints sql code for creating a table for the specified model.
  • mw.GenerateModel - prints golang model crud file.
  • mw.GenerateModelTest - prints golang test for current model.

Normally when you are ready to create a new data model, you can first design and create your struct, then pop it into an example file like this then build out the service or supporting code based on the generated code.

  • Note you will need to copy the struct into the example service file.


All sql queries usually have 2 methods: first starts with Must (MustInsert) and the second just the naming of a method (Insert), where MustInsert panics in case of an error, and Insert returns an error. First advantage is readability, it's a common naming style in go (like MustExec in template lib), and newcomer usually awares that MustInsert may panic, while Insert returns just an error.

found, err := db.Get(&user)
if err != nil {
if !found { // user not exist

Sometimes helpers may be used to fetch additional info in case of an error:

err = db.Insert(f2)
if mw.IsUniqueViolationError(err) {
  return errors.New("user with the same email already exists") // supposing email is unique for each row

Struct Tags

  • mw

    • mw:"pk" detects whether a field is a primary key. If not such tag set, mw will set ID field as primary.
    • mw:"nullable" tells mw that a field can be NULL.
    • mw:"-" tells mw to skip this field from all sql operations.


    • It is strongly encouraged for your models to have ONLY one of the following (to define the primary key):
      • A ID string field OR
      • A UserID string `mw:"pk"` field where UserID can be whatever
      • Having both or none will cause an error
    • Custom time.Time fields are not supported. Your models must use time.Time directly.
    • If you have custom times for json output see this
  • sql_name By default mw converts struct name (usually CamelCased) into underscored name. But sometimes we have such field names like RedirectURL, which may be converted in not a proper way, so all one needs to do is to add sql_name tag:

    type blog struct {
      ID string
      RedirectURL string `sql_name:"redirect_url"`


There are 2 methods: Insert(structPtrs ...interface{}) and MustInsert(structPtrs ...interface{}). Multiple items from the same struct may be inserted per one sql query. Attempt to call insert without models or more than 1000 items, or insert models that are different structs will cause an error.

u1 := &User{
  ID:   "id1",
  Name: "John",
u2 := &User{
  ID:   "id2",
  Name: "Forest",

db.MustInsert(u1, u2)

In case struct's primary key is int, its possible to get inserted id from sql result:

type blog struct {
  ID int64
  Name string
b := &blog{ Name: "my blog" }
res := db.MustInsert(b)
id, err := res.LastInsertId()
if err != nil {
  log.Fatalf("fail get last id: %v", err)
b.ID = id


The idea is that we usually use the same patterns for building raw queries, such as limit, ordering, IN construction, where, etc. The purpose of method is to simplify quering, which can make using mw more fun.

For example, in order to query by IN with limit 5 ordering by created column, one'd need to type:

err := db.Select(
  sqlq.IN("id", 111, 222, 333),
  sqlq.Order("created", sqlq.DESC),

Or in case of more complicated conditions:

    sqlq.Equal("name", "blog4"),
      sqlq.Equal("descr", "descr3"),
      sqlq.IN("id", blog1ID, blog2ID),

The method is implemented using functional options pattern, which is super lightweight and is easy extendable for adding common constructions.


opts := []sqlq.Option{
  sqlq.Order("id", sqlq.ASC),

if excludeEmail {
  opts = append(opts, sqlq.NotEqual("email", "some@email"))

db.MustSelect(&users, opts...)
Default limit

If no limit specified for select, the default limit will be added (1000). If you really need to fetch all rows, you need to add sqlq.All() option:

db.MustSelect(&blogs, sqlq.Order("updated", sqlq.DESC), sqlq.All())

Select specific columns

In case one needs to fetch only custom columns (for example table have a column html_content, which is too expensive to load each time), they can simply use sqlq.Columns query option:

var users []User
db.MustSelect(&users, sqlq.Columns("id", "name", "salary"), sqlq.Limit(2), sqlq.GreaterThan("salary", 500))

for _, u := range users {
  fmt.Printf("user (%s) has salary (%d) (not secret anymore!)\n", u.Name, u.Salary))


Get is almost the same as select except it returns exactly 1 row and returns flag whether row exists and an error if some has occured.

user := &user{ID: "111"}
found, err := db.Get(&user) // by default gets by primary key
if err != nil {
  return fmt.Error("db error: %v", err)
if !found {
  return errors.New("user not found")

user2 := &user{}
found := db.MustGet(&user2, sqlq.Equal("email", "")) // this one will fetch by email
if !found {
  return errors.New("user not found by email")

user3 := &user{ID: "333"}
// if only few fields needed form db
found := db.MustGet(&user3, sqlq.Columns("company_id")) // by default gets by primary key
if !found {
  return errors.New("user not found")


Update updates struct by primary key

if err := db.Update(&user); err != nil {
  return fmt.Errorf("fail update user: %v", err)


It is also posible to update multiple rows at once:

num, err := db.UpdateRows(&user{}, mw.Map{"scores": 50, "is_active": false}, sqlq.Equal("company_id", "555"), sqlq.NotEqual("is_active", false))
if err != nil {
  return fmt.Errorf("db error: %v", err)
  • &user{}, first argument, is a struct that represents table for update, mw greps metadata from it.
  • mw.Map is an alias for map[string]interface{}, represents updated data
  • sqlq.Equal("company_id", "555"), sqlq.NotEqual("is_active", false) - optional query options for updating rows.

The sample above will produce something like:

UPDATE `user` SET `scores`=50, `is_active`=fase WHERE `company_id`="555" AND `is_active` != false;
Update all rows

By default, if you try to call db.UpdateRows without any query option, it will produce an error: query options cannot be empty

In case when you really need to update all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass sqlq.All() option. It is done to avoid unintentional update of all rows:

num, err := db.UpdateRows(&user{}, mw.Map{"is_active": false}, sqlq.All())
if err != nil {
  return err


Delete deletes struct by primary key

if err := db.Delete(&user); err != nil {
  return fmt.Errorf("fail delete user: %v", err)


It is also posible to delete multiple rows at once:

num, err := db.DeleteRows(&user{}, sqlq.Equal("company_id", "555"), sqlq.NotEqual("is_active", false))
if err != nil {
  return fmt.Errorf("db error: %v", err)
  • &user{}, first argument, is a struct that represents table, mw greps metadata from it.
  • sqlq.Equal("company_id", "555"), sqlq.NotEqual("is_active", false) - optional query options for deleting rows.

The sample above will produce something like:

DELETE FROM "user" WHERE "company_id"="555";
Delete all rows

By default, if you try to call db.DeleteRows without any query option, it will produce an error: query options cannot be empty

In case when you really need to delete all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass sqlq.All() option. It is done to avoid unintentional deleting of all rows:

num, err := db.DeleteRows(&user{}, sqlq.All())
if err != nil {
  return err


In order to get count of all rows by query, just call something like a sample below:

count := db.MustCount(&user{}, sqlq.LessThan("score", 1000))
fmt.Printf("found %d rows\n", count)


To get joined data, use next approach:

// add field with tag `mw:"join"`
type User struct {
  Emails []UserEmail `mw:"join"`

user := make([]User, 0)
err := db.Select(
  sqlq.Join(&UserEmail{}, " = user_email.user_id", "email"),
  sqlq.Equal("id", "2"),

Or you may use approach with 2 queries:

// query 1: find user
user := &User{ID: 2}
found := db.MustGet(user)

// query 2: find user's emails
emails := make([]Email, 0)
db.MustSelect(&emails, sqlq.Equal("user_id", user.ID))

// assign emails
user.Emails = emails

Generate sum Codez!

The easiest way to understand how to use the code generator is to view examples/generate_print.go

Then run it via go run examples/generate_print.go

It will print out the sql create table statement and a stub model and test.

You can use the following two step process to create everything from scratch:

Run the command mwcmd gen init StructName shortStructName where StructName is something like "User" and shortStructName could be "user" and is the lowercase self/this reference for class methods (will make more sense in a second).

mwcmd gen init User user

This will print a main go program. Place this code in a go file called main.go. You should then spend some time and fill out the struct and look over this code. Once the struct looks good, run:

go run main.go

This will print a create table statement, sample struct methods, and a simple test stub. The create table should go in a new up.sql in a new schema migration folder (see instructions below). From the user example, you would put the struct and methods in a model_user.go file and the test in a model_user_test.go file.

Delete your main.go file now and start building out your model/service!

Versioning (schema migrations)

In order to use the schema migration capabilities, you need to follow next steps:

1. Install mwcmd tool
go install

So now you can operate migrations.

Before using

mwcmd tool initializes db connection from ENV vars:

  • DB_NAME - name of the database, required.
  • DB_MIGRATION_PATH - path to migrations directory, required. Example: ./db/migrations
  • DB_USER - db user name, root by default.
  • DB_PASSWORD - db password.
  • DB_PORT - db port, 3306 by default
  • DB_HOST - db host, by default
  • DB_USE_TLS - whether to use tls, false by default

IMPORTANT: don't forget to run next command (to initialize migrations tables in db):

mwcmd init

Example usage:

DB_PASSWORD=root DB_PORT=3406 DB_MIGRATION_PATH=./migrations DB_NAME=mw_tmp mwcmd status
2. Init new migration

mwcmd inits mysql connection from default env vars, and migration path also taken from DB_MIGRATION_PATH variable.

In order to init migration:

mwcmd new-migration

This command creates 2 migration files (like 2017-09-19:15:08:52.sql and 2017-09-19:15:08:52_down.sql), up and rollback sql commands, the second one is optional and can be safely deleted.

If you are running migration by your app, you need to register the migration path before mw init:

import (


So the migration handler knows where to take migration from. Now mw nows where to take migrations from, and you are able to call mw.InitSchema(), or db.UpdateSchema():

if err := mw.InitSchema(false); err != nil {
  panic(fmt.Sprintf("Fail init schema: %v\n", err))
mw commands

In order to deal with mysql migration, you can install mwcmd tool:

  • go to mwcmd directory, then execute:
go install
  • mwcmd init

    Creates required mw schema tables. mwcmd init also ensures all executed migrations exist in corresponding files.

  • mwcmd up

    Checks is there any migration that needs to be executed, and executes them in ascending order.

  • mwcmd new-migration [default]

    Generates new migration file, see Migration file internals for more info. If the next argument is default, the migration 0000-00-00:00:00:00.sql will be generated. It won't be added to migration log and won't be executed unless you explicitly call exec default. It is made in order to have an ability to keep existing schema, which needs to be executed only once, and most likely, only in local environment.

  • mwcmd status

    Prints latest migration logs and most recent migrations.

  • mwcmd exec [version]

    Executes specific migration and markes it as applied if needed. Type mwcmd exec default, if you want to execute the default migration.

  • mwcmd rollback [version]

    Rollbacks specific version. If no version specified, just rollbacks the latest one.

  • mwcmd gen

    Run the command mwcmd gen init StructName shortStructName where StructName is something like "User" and shortStructName could be "user" and is the lowercase self/this reference for class methods (will make more sense in a second).

    mwcmd gen init User user

    This will print a main go program. Place this code in a go file called main.go. You should then spend some time and fill out the struct and look over this code. Once the struct looks good, run:

    go run main.go

    This will print a create table statement, sample struct methods, and a simple test stub. The create table should go in a new up.sql in a new schema migration folder (see instructions below). From the user example, you would put the struct and methods in a model_user.go file and the test in a model_user_test.go file.

    Delete your main.go file now and start building out your model/service!





View Source
const (
	// NAMES of variables NOT to be confused with their values
	// Compare to ConnectVals which is the final product of this file
	EnvHost          = "MYSQL_HOST"
	EnvPort          = "MYSQL_PORT"
	EnvDBName        = "MYSQL_DB_NAME"
	EnvUserName      = "MYSQL_USER_NAME"
	EnvPassword      = "MYSQL_PASSWORD"
	EnvMigrationPath = "MYSQL_MIGRATION_PATH"
	EnvUseTLS        = "MYSQL_USE_TLS"
	MaxPort          = 65535 // 2^16 - 1
View Source
const (
	VersionTimeFormat = "2006-01-02:15:04:05"

	// DefaultVersion is used for keeping the default schema that we don't want to execute (but still can if needed)
	DefaultVersion = "0000-00-00:00:00:00"
View Source
const (
	LimitInsert = 1000

Limits for db ops.


This section is empty.


func GenerateInit

func GenerateInit(structName, shortName string) string

This will be (probably) only used by our mwcmd to create this stub for doing other generation. There is not an easy way to dynamically generate things from structs like in other languages

func GenerateModel

func GenerateModel(structPtr interface{}, shortName string) string

Get the create SQL statement which is generally the most useful since we need to add this to a schema migration file.

package main

import (

	mw ""

// Example email struct used for generating sql, model, test
type Email struct {
	ID              string
	EmailID         string
	RejectionReason string `mw:nullable`
	Sent            time.Time
	Created         time.Time
	Updated         time.Time

func main() {
	fmt.Println(mw.GenerateModel(&Email{}, "email"))
	fmt.Println(mw.GenerateModelTest(&Email{}, "email"))

func GenerateModelTest

func GenerateModelTest(structPtr interface{}, shortName string) string

func GenerateSchema

func GenerateSchema(structPtr interface{}) string

GenerateSchema generates table schema from struct model.

func GetColumnName

func GetColumnName(modPtr interface{}, colName string) string

GetColumnName returns the column name with prepending table name.

func InitFromEnvVars

func InitFromEnvVars()

InitFromEnvVars Loads everything up from os.Env vars

func InitMigration

func InitMigration(isDefault bool) error

InitMigration generates new migration file.

func IsTableExistsError

func IsTableExistsError(err error) bool

IsTableExistsError checks whether an error is table already exists error.

func IsUniqueViolationError

func IsUniqueViolationError(err error) bool

func MakeOrderBy

func MakeOrderBy(modelPtr interface{}, sortBy string) (orderField, direction string, ok bool)

MakeOrderBy makes "order by" sql clause by parsing incoming field string and model type. Field string is expected to be either struct field name, or underscored pg column name, For "userID" field name the output will be "order by user_id asc", for the field with "-" prefix, like "-userID", the output is "order by user_id desc". if there is no userID (or UserID, userid etc) field in struct, or no user_id column name, empty string returned.

func PathExists

func PathExists(path string) bool

func RegisterMigrationPath

func RegisterMigrationPath(migrationPath string) error

RegisterMigrationPath registers migration path for performing migration operations.


type Adapter

type Adapter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Adapter handles basic operations with mysql.

func Wrap

func Wrap(con Connection) *Adapter

Wrap wraps connection for dealing with select, insert, delete operaion Connection can be one of *sql.DB, *sql.Tx.

func (*Adapter) Count

func (a *Adapter) Count(model interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) (int, error)

Count gets rows count by query.

func (*Adapter) Delete

func (a *Adapter) Delete(structPtr interface{}) error

Delete deletes struct by primary key or by specified options.

func (*Adapter) DeleteRows

func (a *Adapter) DeleteRows(structPtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) (int64, error)

DeleteRows deletes rows by specified options. Returns number of affected rows. In case when you really need to update all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass mw.QueryAll() option. It is done to avoid unintentional update of all rows.

func (*Adapter) Get

func (a *Adapter) Get(structPtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) (found bool, err error)

Get gets struct by primary key or by specified options.

func (*Adapter) Insert

func (a *Adapter) Insert(structPtrs ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)

Insert inserts one or more struct into db. If no options specied, struct will be updated by primary key. Limit of items to insert at once is 1000 items.

func (*Adapter) MustCount

func (a *Adapter) MustCount(model interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) int

MustCount gets rows count, panics in case of an error.

func (*Adapter) MustDelete

func (a *Adapter) MustDelete(structPtr interface{})

MustDelete ensures struct will be deleted without errors, panics othervise.

func (*Adapter) MustDeleteRows

func (a *Adapter) MustDeleteRows(structPtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) int64

MustDeleteRows ensures rows are deleted without errors, panics othervise. Returns number of affected rows. In case when you really need to update all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass mw.QueryAll() option. It is done to avoid unintentional update of all rows.

func (*Adapter) MustGet

func (a *Adapter) MustGet(structPtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) bool

MustGet returns whether or not it found the item and panic on errors.

func (*Adapter) MustInsert

func (a *Adapter) MustInsert(structPtrs ...interface{}) sql.Result

MustInsert ensures structs are inserted without errors, panics othervise. Limit of items to insert at once is 1000 items.

func (*Adapter) MustSelect

func (a *Adapter) MustSelect(structPtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option)

MustSelect ensures select will not produce any error, panics othervise.

func (*Adapter) MustUpdate

func (a *Adapter) MustUpdate(structPtr interface{})

MustUpdate ensures struct will be updated without errors, panics othervise.

func (*Adapter) MustUpdateRows

func (a *Adapter) MustUpdateRows(structPtr interface{}, dataMap Map, opts ...sqlq.Option) int64

MustUpdateRows ensures rows are updated without errors, panics othervise. Returns number of affected rows. In case when you really need to update all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass mw.QueryAll() option. It is done to avoid unintentional update of all rows.

func (*Adapter) Select

func (a *Adapter) Select(destSlicePtr interface{}, opts ...sqlq.Option) error

Select performs select using query options. If no options specified, all rows will be returned. destSlicePtr parameter expects pointer to a slice

func (*Adapter) Update

func (a *Adapter) Update(structPtr interface{}) error

Update updates struct by primary key.

func (*Adapter) UpdateRows

func (a *Adapter) UpdateRows(structPtr interface{}, dataMap Map, opts ...sqlq.Option) (int64, error)

UpdateRows updates rows with specified map data by query, returns number of affected rows. In case when you really need to update all rows (e.g. migration script), you need to pass mw.QueryAll() option. It is done to avoid unintentional update of all rows.

type ConnectVals

type ConnectVals struct {
	Host       string
	UnixSocket string // Supersedes tcp connection
	Port       int
	DBName     string
	UserName   string
	Password   string

	// Required for InitWithSchema
	MigrationPath string
	UseTLS        bool // Should default to true

ConnectVals hold connection info for mysql UnixSocket should be a full path like for CloudSQL: /cloudsql/PROJECT_ID:REGION_ID:INSTANCE_ID

func ParseEnvFromOS

func ParseEnvFromOS() (*ConnectVals, error)


func ReadEnvFile

func ReadEnvFile(fileName string) (*ConnectVals, error)

Use a very simple .mysqlenv file

func (ConnectVals) ConnectString

func (cv ConnectVals) ConnectString() string

TODO test me

func (ConnectVals) TLS

func (cv ConnectVals) TLS() string

type Connection

type Connection interface {
	Exec(sql string, arguments ...interface{}) (res sql.Result, err error)
	Query(sql string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
	QueryRow(sql string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row

type DB

type DB struct {
	DB *sql.DB

DB is a wrapper around standard sql db that also wraps common sql opperations.

func InitOnly

func InitOnly(cv ConnectVals) (*DB, error)

InitOnly simply creates the connection to mysql and doesn't mess with schema updates at all

func InitWithSchema

func InitWithSchema(cv ConnectVals) (*DB, error)

Init mysql, mw, load and update any schema

func New

func New(db *sql.DB) *DB

New initializes new mysql-wear client assuming that sql connection already has been configured. Use this when you want to manually configure your mysql connection string (not recommended)

func (*DB) Begin

func (db *DB) Begin() (*sql.Tx, error)

Begin starts the transaction.

func (*DB) CreateTable

func (db *DB) CreateTable(structPtr interface{}) error

CreateTable creates table from struct.

func (*DB) ExecFile

func (db *DB) ExecFile(fileName string) error

ExecFile executes sql file.

func (*DB) ExecuteMigration

func (db *DB) ExecuteMigration(version string) error

ExecuteMigration executes particular migration.

func (*DB) InitSchema

func (db *DB) InitSchema(execDefault bool) error

Set up mw schema migration on a new mysql database without mw_schema_migration OR mw_migration_log tables. We'll fail if either exists.

Passing execDefault=true will run the default schema 000-00-00:00:00:00.sql

func (*DB) MustCreateTable

func (db *DB) MustCreateTable(structPtr interface{})

MustCreateTable ensures table is created from struct.

func (*DB) PrintVersionStatus

func (db *DB) PrintVersionStatus() error

TODO print the version and latest X logs in a less retarded way

func (*DB) Reset

func (db *DB) Reset() error

Reset resets all migration data.

func (*DB) Rollback

func (db *DB) Rollback(version string) error

Rollback rollbacks particular migration.

func (*DB) RollbackLatest

func (db *DB) RollbackLatest() error

RollbackLatest rollbacks latest migration.

func (*DB) UpdateSchema

func (db *DB) UpdateSchema(execDefault bool) error

UpdateSchema updates schema in case if new migrations appear. if execDefault param is set to true, default schema will be executed if exists.

type Map

type Map map[string]interface{}

Map is a short representation of map[string]interface{}, used in adapter ops.

type MigrationHandler

type MigrationHandler struct {

	// migration paht is used to determine absolute path to each migration so mw cmd tool may be called from everywhere.
	// If not set, relative path is used to find migration file.
	MigrationPath string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

migrationHandler handles all db migrations.

func (*MigrationHandler) MigrationVersions

func (h *MigrationHandler) MigrationVersions() []string

MigrationVersions returns slice of sorted migration versions.

func (*MigrationHandler) RegisterMigration

func (h *MigrationHandler) RegisterMigration(name string, upSQL, downSQL string)

RegisterMigration registers migration to process during migration update.

type MigrationLog

type MigrationLog struct {
	Action  string
	Created time.Time
	ID      int `mw:"pk"`
	Message string
	Success bool
	Version string

MigrationLog tracks all migration activity.

func NewLog

func NewLog(action, message string, version string) *MigrationLog

If this wasn't successful, manually set that fact after calling this

func (MigrationLog) TableName

func (mwsv MigrationLog) TableName() string

type SchemaMigration

type SchemaMigration struct {
	Version string `mw:"pk"`
	Created time.Time

SchemaMigration tracks all performed migrations.

func (SchemaMigration) TableName

func (SchemaMigration) TableName() string


Path Synopsis
Package sqlq deals with building of sql query.
Package sqlq deals with building of sql query.

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