
v1.1.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 9, 2024 License: ISC Imports: 9 Imported by: 0




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const (
	DCRBTCMarket  = "DCR-BTC"
	LTCBTCMarket  = "LTC-BTC"

These are a list of markets supported by rate sources.

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const (
	DefaultExchangeValue = "none"
	BittrexExchange      = "bittrex"
	BinanceExchange      = "binance"

These are a list of supported rate sources.

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const (
	TransparentBlack    = "black"
	TransparentWhite    = "white"
	TransparentDeepBlue = "deepBlue"
	TransparentPrimary  = "primary"
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const (
	TxDropdownGroup = iota
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const (
	StrAbandoned                             = "abandoned"
	StrAbout                                 = "about"
	StrAbstain                               = "abstain"
	StrAccount                               = "account"
	StrAccountList                           = "accountList"
	StrAccountMixer                          = "accountMixer"
	StrAcctCreated                           = "acctCreated"
	StrAcctDetailsKey                        = "acctDetailsKey"
	StrAcctName                              = "acctName"
	StrAcctNum                               = "acctNum"
	StrAcctRenamed                           = "accRenamed"
	StrAddAcctWarn                           = "addAcctWarn"
	StrAddDexServer                          = "addDexServer"
	StrAddNewAccount                         = "addNewAccount"
	StrAddRecipient                          = "addRecipient"
	StrAddress                               = "address"
	StrAddressCopied                         = "addressCopied"
	StrAddressDiscoveryInProgress            = "addressDiscoveryInProgress"
	StrAddressDiscoveryStarted               = "addressDiscoveryStarted"
	StrAddressDiscoveryStartedBody           = "addressDiscoveryStartedBody"
	StrAddressDiscovering                    = "addressDiscovering"
	StrAddrNotOwned                          = "addrNotOwned"
	StrAddVSP                                = "addVSP"
	StrAddWallet                             = "addWallet"
	StrAdminToTriggerVoting                  = "adminToTriggerVoting"
	StrAdvanced                              = "advanced"
	StrAdvancedOptions                       = "advancedOptions"
	StrAdvancedSettingsMsg                   = "advancedSettingsMsg"
	StrAgendas                               = "agendas"
	StrAgo                                   = "ago"
	StrAll                                   = "all"
	StrAllowSpendingFromUnmixedAccount       = "allowSpendingFromUnmixedAccount"
	StrAllowUnspendUnmixedAcct               = "allowUnspendUnmixedAcct"
	StrAllTickets                            = "allTickets"
	StrAmount                                = "amount"
	StrAppLog                                = "appLog"
	StrAppName                               = "appName"
	StrApproved                              = "approved"
	StrAppTitle                              = "appTitle"
	StrAppWallet                             = "appWallet"
	StrAskedEnterSeedWords                   = "askedEnterSeedWords"
	StrAuthorToAuthorizeVoting               = "authorToAuthorizeVoting"
	StrAutomatic                             = "automatic"
	StrAutoSetUp                             = "autoSetUp"
	StrAutoSync                              = "autoSync"
	StrAutoTicketInfo                        = "autoTicketInfo"
	StrAutoTicketPurchase                    = "autoTicketPurchase"
	StrAutoTicketWarn                        = "autoTicketWarn"
	StrAwareOfRisk                           = "imawareOfRisk"
	StrBackAndRename                         = "backAndRename"
	StrBackStaking                           = "backStaking"
	StrBackToWallets                         = "backToWallets"
	StrBackupInfo                            = "backupInfo"
	StrBackupLater                           = "backupLater"
	StrBackupNow                             = "backupNow"
	StrBackupSeedPhrase                      = "backupSeedPhrase"
	StrBackupWarning                         = "backupWarning"
	StrBalance                               = "balance"
	StrBalanceAfter                          = "balanceAfter"
	StrBalanceToMaintain                     = "balanceToMaintain"
	StrBalToMaintain                         = "balToMaintain"
	StrBalToMaintainValue                    = "balToMaintainValue"
	StrBeepForNewBlocks                      = "beepForNewBlocks"
	StrBestBlockAge                          = "bestBlockAge"
	StrBestBlocks                            = "bestBlocks"
	StrBestBlockTimestamp                    = "bestBlockTimestamp"
	StrCurrencyConverterRate                 = "currencyConverterRate"
	StrBlockHeaderFetched                    = "blockHeaderFetched"
	StrBlockHeaderFetchedCount               = "blockHeaderFetchedCount"
	StrBlocksLeft                            = "blocksLeft"
	StrBlocksScanned                         = "blocksScanned"
	StrBuild                                 = "build"
	StrBuildDate                             = "buildDate"
	StrCanBuy                                = "canBuy"
	StrCancel                                = "cancel"
	StrCanceling                             = "canceling"
	StrCancelMixer                           = "cancelMixer"
	StrCentralizedExchange                   = "centralizedExchange"
	StrCentralizedExchangeCex                = "centralizedExchangeCex"
	StrCexContent                            = "cexContent"
	StrChangeAccount                         = "changeAccount"
	StrChangeSpecificPeer                    = "changeSpecificPeer"
	StrChangeSpendingPass                    = "changeSpendingPass"
	StrChangeStartupPassword                 = "changeStartupPassword"
	StrChangeUserAgent                       = "changeUserAgent"
	StrChangeWalletName                      = "changeWalletName"
	StrCheckGovernace                        = "checkGovernace"
	StrCheckMixerStatus                      = "checkMixerStatus"
	StrCheckStatistics                       = "checkStatistics"
	StrCheckWalletLog                        = "checkWalletLog"
	StrChooseSetupType                       = "chooseSetupType"
	StrClear                                 = "clear"
	StrClearAll                              = "clearAll"
	StrClearSelection                        = "clearSelection"
	StrClosingWallet                         = "closingWallet"
	StrCoinSelection                         = "coinSelection"
	StrColon                                 = "colon"
	StrComplete                              = "complete"
	StrConfirm                               = "confirm"
	StrConfirmations                         = "confirmations"
	StrConfirmed                             = "confirmed"
	StrConfirmNewSpendingPassword            = "confirmNewSpendingPassword"
	StrConfirmNewStartupPass                 = "confirmNewStartupPass"
	StrConfirmOrder                          = "confirmOrder"
	StrConfirmPending                        = "confirmPending"
	StrConfirmPurchase                       = "confirmPurchase"
	StrConfirmRemoveStartupPass              = "confirmRemoveStartupPass"
	StrConfirmSend                           = "confirmSend"
	StrConfirmShowSeed                       = "confirmToShowSeed"
	StrConfirmSpendingPassword               = "confirmSpendingPassword"
	StrConfirmStartupPass                    = "confirmStartupPass"
	StrConfirmToCreateAccs                   = "confirmtoCreateAccs"
	StrConfirmToMixAccount                   = "confirmToMixAcc"
	StrConfirmToRemove                       = "confirmToRemove"
	StrConfirmToSetMixer                     = "confirmToSetMixer"
	StrConfirmToSign                         = "confirmToSign"
	StrConfirmToVerifySeed                   = "confirmToVerifySeed"
	StrConfirmUmixedSpending                 = "confirmUmixedSpending"
	StrConfirmVote                           = "confirmVote"
	StrConfirmYourOrder                      = "confirmYourOrder"
	StrConfStatus                            = "confStatus"
	StrConnectedPeersCount                   = "connectedPeersCount"
	StrConnectedTo                           = "connectedTo"
	StrConnecting                            = "connecting"
	StrConnection                            = "connection"
	StrConnectToSpecificPeer                 = "connectToSpecificPeer"
	StrConsensusChange                       = "consensusChange"
	StrConsensusDashboard                    = "consensusDashboard"
	StrContinue                              = "continue"
	StrCoordinationServer                    = "coordinationServer"
	StrCopied                                = "copied"
	StrCopy                                  = "copy"
	StrCopyBlockLink                         = "copyBlockLink"
	StrCopyLink                              = "copyLink"
	StrCopySeed                              = "copyseed"
	StrCost                                  = "cost"
	StrCreate                                = "create"
	StrCreateANewWallet                      = "createANewWallet"
	StrCreateNewAccount                      = "createNewAccount"
	StrCreateNewOrder                        = "createNewOrder"
	StrCreateNSetUpAccs                      = "createNSetUpAccs"
	StrCreateOrder                           = "createOrder"
	StrCreateOrderPageInfo                   = "createOrderPageInfo"
	StrCreateStartupPassword                 = "createStartupPassword"
	StrCreateWallet                          = "createWallet"
	StrCrossPlatform                         = "crossPlatform"
	StrCrossPlatformSubtext                  = "crossPlatformSubtext"
	StrCurrentSpendingPassword               = "currentSpendingPassword"
	StrCurrentStartupPass                    = "currentStartupPass"
	StrCurrentTotalBalance                   = "currentTotalBalance"
	StrCustomUserAgent                       = "CustomUserAgent"
	StrDangerZone                            = "dangerZone"
	StrDarkMode                              = "darkMode"
	StrDateCreated                           = "dateCreated"
	StrDateSize                              = "dateSize"
	StrDayAgo                                = "dayAgo"
	StrDays                                  = "days"
	StrDaysAgo                               = "daysAgo"
	StrDaysToMiss                            = "daysToMiss"
	StrDaysToVote                            = "daysToVote"
	StrDCRCaps                               = "dcrCaps"
	StrDcrDex                                = "dcrDex"
	StrDcrReceived                           = "dcrReceived"
	StrDebug                                 = "debug"
	StrDecentralized                         = "decentralized"
	StrDefault                               = "default"
	StrDelete                                = "delete"
	StrDescriptionNote                       = "descriptionNote"
	StrDestAddr                              = "destAddr"
	StrDestination                           = "destination"
	StrDestinationMissing                    = "destinationMissing"
	StrDestinationModalInfo                  = "destinationModalInfo"
	StrDestinationWalletNotSynced            = "destinationWalletNotSynced"
	StrDEX                                   = "dex"
	StrDexContent                            = "dexContent"
	StrDexDataReset                          = "dexDataReset"
	StrDexDataResetFalse                     = "dexDataResetFalse"
	StrTradeSettingsMsg                      = "tradeSettingsMsg"
	StrDexResetInfo                          = "dexResetInfo"
	StrDexStartupErr                         = "dexStartupErr"
	StrDisable                               = "disable"
	StrDisabled                              = "disabled"
	StrDisconnect                            = "disconnect"
	StrDiscoverAddressUsage                  = "discoverAddressUsage"
	StrDiscoveringWalletAddress              = "discoveringWalletAddress"
	StrDiscussions                           = "discussions"
	StrDocumentation                         = "documentation"
	StrDone                                  = "done"
	StrDuration                              = "duration"
	StrEdit                                  = "edit"
	StrEmptyMsg                              = "emptyMsg"
	StrEmptySign                             = "emptySign"
	StrEnableAPI                             = "enableAPI"
	StrEnabled                               = "enabled"
	StrEnglish                               = "english"
	StrEnterAddressToSign                    = "enterAddressToSign"
	StrEnterExtendedPubKey                   = "enterXpubKey"
	StrEnterHex                              = "enterHex"
	StrEnterSeedPhrase                       = "enterSeedPhrase"
	StrEnterSpendingPassword                 = "enterSpendingPassword"
	StrEnterValidAddress                     = "enterValidAddress"
	StrEnterValidMsg                         = "enterValidMsg"
	StrEnterWalDetails                       = "enterWalletDetails"
	StrEnterWalletHex                        = "enterWalletHex"
	StrEnterWalletName                       = "enterWalletName"
	StrEnterWalletSeed                       = "enterWalletSeed"
	StrErrorMovingFunds                      = "errorMovingFunds"
	StrErrPassEmpty                          = "errPassEmpty"
	StrEstimatedSize                         = "estimatedSize"
	StrEstimatedTime                         = "estimatedTime"
	StrExchange                              = "exchange"
	StrExchangeAPI                           = "exchangeAPI"
	StrExchangeIntro                         = "exchangeIntro"
	StrExchangeRate                          = "exchangeRate"
	StrExistingWalletName                    = "existingWalletName"
	StrExit                                  = "exit"
	StrExpired                               = "expired"
	StrExpiredInfo                           = "expiredInfo"
	StrExpiredInfoDisc                       = "expiredInfoDisc"
	StrExpiredInfoDiscSub                    = "expiredInfoDiscSub"
	StrExpiredOn                             = "expiredOn"
	StrExpiresIn                             = "expiresIn"
	StrExplorerURL                           = "explorerURL"
	StrExtendedCopied                        = "extendedKeyCopied"
	StrExtendedInfo                          = "extendedInfo"
	StrExtendedKey                           = "extendedKey"
	StrExtendedPubKey                        = "extendedPubKey"
	StrExternal                              = "external"
	StrFailed                                = "failed"
	StrFee                                   = "fee"
	StrFeeRateAPI                            = "feeRateAPI"
	StrFeeRates                              = "feerates"
	StrFetchingAgenda                        = "fetchingAgenda"
	StrFetchingBlockHeaders                  = "fetchingBlockHeaders"
	StrFetchingOrders                        = "fetchingOrders"
	StrFetchingPolicies                      = "fetchingPolicies"
	StrFetchingProposals                     = "fetchingProposals"
	StrFetchProposals                        = "fetchProposals"
	StrFetchRateError                        = "fetchRateError"
	StrFetchRates                            = "fetchRates"
	StrFetched                               = "fetched"
	StrFinished                              = "finished"
	StrFrench                                = "french"
	StrFrequency                             = "frequency"
	StrFrom                                  = "from"
	StrFunctionUnavailable                   = "functionUnavailable"
	StrGapLimit                              = "gapLimit"
	StrGapLimitInputErr                      = "gapLimitInputErr"
	StrGeneral                               = "general"
	StrGenerateAddress                       = "generateAddress"
	StrGotIt                                 = "gotIt"
	StrGovernance                            = "governance"
	StrGovernanceAPI                         = "governanceAPI"
	StrGovernanceInfo                        = "governanceInfo"
	StrGovernanceSettingsInfo                = "governanceSettingsInfo"
	StrHash                                  = "hash"
	StrHDPath                                = "hdPath"
	StrHelp                                  = "help"
	StrHelpInfo                              = "helpInfo"
	StrHex                                   = "hex"
	StrHideDetails                           = "hideDetails"
	StrHideSeedPhrase                        = "hideSeedPhrase"
	StrHint                                  = "hint"
	StrHistory                               = "history"
	StrHourAgo                               = "hourAgo"
	StrHours                                 = "hours"
	StrHoursAgo                              = "hoursAgo"
	StrHowGovernanceWork                     = "howGovernanceWork"
	StrHowNotToStoreSeedPhrase               = "howNotToStoreSeedPhrase"
	StrHowToCopy                             = "howToCopy"
	StrHowToStoreSeedPhrase                  = "howToStoreSeedPhrase"
	StrHTTPRequest                           = "httpReq"
	StrImmature                              = "immature"
	StrImmatureInfo                          = "immatureInfo"
	StrImmatureRewards                       = "immatureRewards"
	StrImmatureStakeGen                      = "immatureStakeGen"
	StrImport                                = "import"
	StrImportantSeedPhrase                   = "importantSeedPhrase"
	StrImported                              = "imported"
	StrImportExistingWallet                  = "importExistingWallet"
	StrImportWatchingOnlyWallet              = "importWatchingOnlyWallet"
	StrIncludedInBlock                       = "includedInBlock"
	StrInDiscussion                          = "inDiscussion"
	StrInfo                                  = "info"
	StrInitiateSetup                         = "initiateSetup"
	StrInProgress                            = "inprogress"
	StrInsufficientFund                      = "insufficientFund"
	StrInvalidAddress                        = "invalidAddress"
	StrInvalidAmount                         = "invalidAmount"
	StrInvalidHex                            = "invalidHex"
	StrInvalidPassphrase                     = "invalidPassphrase"
	StrInvalidSeedPhrase                     = "invalidSeedPhrase"
	StrInvalidSignature                      = "invalidSignature"
	StrIntegratedExchangeFunctionality       = "integratedExchangeFunctionality"
	StrIntegratedExchangeSubtext             = "integratedExchangeSubtext"
	StrIPAddress                             = "ipAddress"
	StrJustNow                               = "justNow"
	StrKeepAppOpen                           = "keepAppOpen"
	StrKeepInMind                            = "keepInMind"
	StrKey                                   = "key"
	StrLabelSpendable                        = "labelSpendable"
	StrLanguage                              = "language"
	StrLastBlockHeight                       = "lastBlockHeight"
	StrLatestBlock                           = "latestBlock"
	StrLicense                               = "license"
	StrLifeSpan                              = "lifeSpan"
	StrLive                                  = "live"
	StrLiveIn                                = "liveIn"
	StrLiveInfo                              = "liveInfo"
	StrLiveInfoDisc                          = "liveInfoDisc"
	StrLiveInfoDiscSub                       = "liveInfoDiscSub"
	StrLiveTickets                           = "liveTickets"
	StrLoading                               = "loading"
	StrLoadingPrice                          = "loadingPrice"
	StrLoadingVSP                            = "loadingVSP"
	StrLocked                                = "locked"
	StrLockedByTickets                       = "lockedByTickets"
	StrLockedIn                              = "lockedin"
	StrLogLevel                              = "logLevel"
	StrLogLevelCritical                      = "logLevelCritical"
	StrLogLevelDebug                         = "logLevelDebug"
	StrLogLevelError                         = "logLevelError"
	StrLogLevelInfo                          = "logLevelInfo"
	StrLogLevelOff                           = "logLevelOff"
	StrLogLevelTrace                         = "logLevelTrace"
	StrLogLevelWarn                          = "logLevelWarn"
	StrManual                                = "manual"
	StrManualSetUp                           = "manualSetUp"
	StrMaturity                              = "maturity"
	StrMax                                   = "max"
	StrMessage                               = "message"
	StrMinimumAssetType                      = "minimumAssetType"
	StrMinMax                                = "minMax"
	StrMinuteAgo                             = "minuteAgo"
	StrMinutes                               = "mins"
	StrMinutesAgo                            = "minutesAgo"
	StrMissedOn                              = "missedOn"
	StrMissedTickets                         = "missedTickets"
	StrMix                                   = "mix"
	StrMixed                                 = "mixed"
	StrMixedAccDisabled                      = "mixedAccDisabled"
	StrMixedAccHidden                        = "mixedAccHidden"
	StrMixedAccount                          = "mixedAccount"
	StrMixer                                 = "mixer"
	StrMixerAccErrorMsg                      = "mixerAccErrorMsg"
	StrMixerRunning                          = "mixerRunning"
	StrMixerShutdown                         = "mixerShutdown"
	StrMixerStart                            = "mixerStart"
	StrMixingActivity                        = "mixingActivity"
	StrMonthAgo                              = "monthAgo"
	StrMonthsAgo                             = "monthsAgo"
	StrMore                                  = "more"
	StrMoveFundsFrmDefaultToUnmixed          = "moveFundsFrmDefaultToUnmixed"
	StrMoveToUnmixed                         = "moveToUnmixed"
	StrMultipleMixerAccNeeded                = "multipleMixerAccNeeded"
	StrMultiWalletSupport                    = "multiWalletSupport"
	StrMultiWalletSupportSubtext             = "multiWalletSubtext"
	StrMyAcct                                = "myAcct"
	StrNConfirmations                        = "nConfirmations"
	StrNetwork                               = "network"
	StrNeverSynced                           = "neverSynced"
	StrNewest                                = "newest"
	StrNewProposalUpdate                     = "newProposalUpdate"
	StrNewSpendingPassword                   = "newSpendingPassword"
	StrNewStartupPass                        = "newStartupPass"
	StrNewWallet                             = "newWallet"
	StrNext                                  = "next"
	StrNo                                    = "no"
	StrNoActiveTickets                       = "noActiveTickets"
	StrNoAgendaYet                           = "noAgendaYet"
	StrNoConnectedPeer                       = "noConnectedPeer"
	StrNoExchangeOnTestnet                   = "noExchangeOnTestnet"
	StrNoInternet                            = "noInternet"
	StrNoMixable                             = "errNoMixable"
	StrNonAccSelector                        = "nonAccSelector"
	StrNone                                  = "none"
	StrNoOrders                              = "noOrders"
	StrNoPoliciesYet                         = "noPoliciesYet"
	StrNoProposals                           = "noProposal"
	StrNoReward                              = "noReward"
	StrNoStaking                             = "noStaking"
	StrNotAllowed                            = "notAllowed"
	StrNotApplicable                         = "notApplicable"
	StrNotAvailable                          = "notAvailable"
	StrNotBackedUp                           = "notBackedUp"
	StrNotConnected                          = "notConnected"
	StrNote                                  = "note"
	StrNotEnoughVotes                        = "notEnoughVotes"
	StrNoTickets                             = "noTickets"
	StrNotifications                         = "notifications"
	StrNotOwned                              = "notOwned"
	StrNoRecentTrades                        = "noRecentTrades"
	StrNoTransactions                        = "noTransactions"
	StrNotSameAccoutMixUnmix                 = "notSameAccoutMixUnmix"
	StrNotSupported                          = "notSupported"
	StrNoUTXOs                               = "noUTXOs"
	StrNoValidAccountFound                   = "noValidAccountFound"
	StrnoValidWalletFound                    = "noValidWalletFound"
	StrNoVSPLoaded                           = "noVSPLoaded"
	StrNoWalletLoaded                        = "noWalletLoaded"
	StrNumberOfVotes                         = "numberOfVotes"
	StrOffChainVote                          = "offChainVote"
	StrOffline                               = "offline"
	StrOk                                    = "ok"
	StrOK                                    = "ok"
	StrOldest                                = "oldest"
	StrOnChainVote                           = "onChainVote"
	StrOnline                                = "online"
	StrOpeningWallet                         = "openingWallet"
	StrOrderCeated                           = "orderCreated"
	StrOrderDetails                          = "orderDetails"
	StrOrderHistory                          = "orderHistory"
	StrOrderReceivingTo                      = "orderReceivingTo"
	StrOrderScheduler                        = "orderScheduler"
	StrOrderSchedulerInfo                    = "orderSchedulerInfo"
	StrOrderSendingFrom                      = "orderSendingFrom"
	StrOrderSettingsSaved                    = "orderSettingsSaved"
	StrOrderSubmitted                        = "orderSubmitted"
	StrOverview                              = "overview"
	StrOwned                                 = "owned"
	StrPageWarningNotSync                    = "pageWarningNotSync"
	StrPageWarningSync                       = "pageWarningSync"
	StrPasswordNotMatch                      = "passwordNotMatch"
	StrPasteSeedWords                        = "pasteSeedWords"
	StrPeer                                  = "peer"
	StrPeers                                 = "peers"
	StrPeersConnected                        = "peersConnected"
	StrPending                               = "pending"
	StrPercentageMixed                       = "percentageMixed"
	StrPiKey                                 = "piKey"
	StrPolicySetSuccessful                   = "policySetSuccessfully"
	StrPriority                              = "priority"
	StrPrivacyInfo                           = "privacyInfo"
	StrPrivacyModeActive                     = "privacyModeActive"
	StrPrivacyModeInfo                       = "privacyModeInfo"
	StrPrivacyModeInfoDesc                   = "privacyModeInfoDesc"
	StrPrivacySettings                       = "privacySettings"
	StrPropFetching                          = "propFetching"
	StrPropNotif                             = "propNotif"
	StrPropNotification                      = "propNotification"
	StrProposal                              = "proposals"
	StrProposalAddedNotif                    = "proposalAddedNotif"
	StrProposalInfo                          = "proposalInfo"
	StrProposalVoteDetails                   = "proposalVoteDetails"
	StrPublished                             = "published"
	StrPublished2                            = "published2"
	StrPurchased                             = "purchased"
	StrPurchasedOn                           = "purchasedOn"
	StrPurchasingAcct                        = "purchasingAcct"
	StrQuorumRequirement                     = "quorumRequirement"
	StrRate                                  = "rate"
	StrReadyToMix                            = "readyToMix"
	StrRebroadcast                           = "rebroadcast"
	StrReceive                               = "receive"
	StrReceived                              = "received"
	StrReceiveInfo                           = "receiveInfo"
	StrReceiving                             = "receiving"
	StrRecipient                             = "recipient"
	StrReceivingAddress                      = "receivingAddress"
	StrRecentOrders                          = "recentOrders"
	StrRecentProposals                       = "recentProposals"
	StrRecentTransactions                    = "recentTransactions"
	StrRecommended                           = "recommended"
	StrRecommendedSettingsMsg                = "recommendedSettingsMsg"
	StrRecentTrades                          = "recentTrades"
	StrReconnect                             = "reconnect"
	StrRefresh                               = "refresh"
	StrRejected                              = "rejected"
	StrRemove                                = "remove"
	StrRemovePeer                            = "removePeer"
	StrRemovePeerWarn                        = "removePeerWarn"
	StrRemoveUserAgent                       = "removeUserAgent"
	StrRemoveUserAgentWarn                   = "removeUserAgentWarn"
	StrRemoveWallet                          = "removeWallet"
	StrRemoveWalletInfo                      = "removeWalletInfo"
	StrRename                                = "rename"
	StrRenameAcct                            = "renameAcct"
	StrRenameWalletSheetTitle                = "renameWalletSheetTitle"
	StrRepublished                           = "republished"
	StrRescan                                = "rescan"
	StrRescanBlockchain                      = "rescanBlockchain"
	StrRescanInfo                            = "rescanInfo"
	StrRescanningBlocks                      = "rescanningBlocks"
	StrRescanningHeaders                     = "rescanningHeaders"
	StrRescanProgressNotification            = "rescanProgressNotification"
	StrRestore                               = "restore"
	StrRestoreExistingWallet                 = "restoreExistingWallet"
	StrRestoreWallet                         = "restoreWallet"
	StrRestoreWithHex                        = "restoreWithHex"
	StrResumeAccountDiscoveryTitle           = "resumeAccountDiscoveryTitle"
	StrRetry                                 = "retry"
	StrRevocation                            = "revocation"
	StrRevoke                                = "revoke"
	StrRevokeCause                           = "revokeCause"
	StrRevoked                               = "revoked"
	StrRevokeInfo                            = "revokeInfo"
	StrRevokeInfoDisc                        = "revokeInfoDisc"
	StrReward                                = "reward"
	StrRewardsEarned                         = "rewardsEarned"
	StrSave                                  = "save"
	StrScheduler                             = "scheduler"
	StrSchedulerRunning                      = "schedulerRunning"
	StrSearch                                = "search"
	StrSeconds                               = "secs"
	StrSecurity                              = "security"
	StrSecurityTools                         = "securityTools"
	StrSecurityToolsInfo                     = "securityToolsInfo"
	StrSeeAll                                = "seeAll"
	StrSeedAlreadyExist                      = "seedAlreadyExist"
	StrSeedHex                               = "seedHex"
	StrSeedPhraseToRestore                   = "seedPhraseToRestore"
	StrSeedPhraseVerified                    = "seedPhraseVerified"
	StrSeedValidationFailed                  = "seedValidationFailed"
	StrSelectAcc                             = "selectAcc"
	StrSelectAServer                         = "selectAServer"
	StrSelectAssetType                       = "selectAssetType"
	StrSelectChangeAcc                       = "selectChangeAcc"
	StrSelectDexServerToOpen                 = "selectDexServerToOpen"
	StrSelectedAccount                       = "selectedAcct"
	StrSelectedUTXO                          = "selectedUTXO"
	StrSelectFrequency                       = "selectFrequency"
	StrSelectMixedAcc                        = "selectMixedAcc"
	StrSelectOption                          = "selectOption"
	StrSelectPhrasesToVerify                 = "selectPhrasesToVerify"
	StrSelectServerTitle                     = "selectServerTitle"
	StrSelectTicket                          = "selectTicket"
	StrSelectUTXO                            = "selectUTXO"
	StrSelectVSP                             = "selectVSP"
	StrSelectWallet                          = "selectWallet"
	StrSelectWalletToOpen                    = "selectWalletToOpen"
	StrSelectWalletType                      = "selectWalletType"
	StrSend                                  = "send"
	StrSendConfModalTitle                    = "sendConfModalTitle"
	StrSendInfo                              = "sendInfo"
	StrSending                               = "sending"
	StrSendingAcct                           = "sendingAcct"
	StrSendingFrom                           = "sendingFrom"
	StrSendWarning                           = "sendWarning"
	StrSent                                  = "sent"
	StrServer                                = "server"
	StrServerRate                            = "serverRate"
	StrSetChoice                             = "setchoice"
	StrSetGapLimit                           = "setGapLimit"
	StrSetGapLimitInfo                       = "setGapLimitInfo"
	StrSettings                              = "settings"
	StrSetTreasuryPolicy                     = "setTreasuryPolicy"
	StrSetUp                                 = "setUp"
	StrSetupMixerInfo                        = "setupMixerInfo"
	StrMixingNotSetUp                        = "mixingNotSetUp"
	StrSetUpNeededAccs                       = "setUpNeededAccs"
	StrSetupStartupPassword                  = "setupStartupPassword"
	StrSignature                             = "signature"
	StrSignCopied                            = "signCopied"
	StrSignMessage                           = "signMessage"
	StrSignMessageInfo                       = "signMessageInfo"
	StrSkip                                  = "skip"
	StrSkipWalletCreation                    = "skipWalletCreation"
	StrSource                                = "source"
	StrSourceAccount                         = "sourceAccount"
	StrSourceModalInfo                       = "sourceModalInfo"
	StrSourceWallet                          = "sourceWallet"
	StrSourceWalletNotSynced                 = "sourceWalletNotSynced"
	StrSpanish                               = "spanish"
	StrSpendableIn                           = "spendableIn"
	StrSpendingPassword                      = "spendingPassword"
	StrSpendingPasswordInfo                  = "spendingPasswordInfo"
	StrSpendingPasswordInfo2                 = "spendingPasswordInfo2"
	StrSpendingPasswordUpdated               = "spendingPasswordUpdated"
	StrStake                                 = "stake"
	StrStakeAge                              = "stakeAge"
	StrStaked                                = "staked"
	StrStakeShuffle                          = "stakeShuffle"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleIntro                = "setUpStakeShuffleIntro"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleIntroDesc            = "setUpStakeShuffleIntroDesc"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleIntroSubDesc         = "setUpStakeShuffleIntroSubDesc"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleIntroButton          = "setUpStakeShuffleIntroButton"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualA        = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualA"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualB        = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualB"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualC        = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualC"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualD        = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoOrManualD"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoTitle            = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoTitle"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleAutoDesc             = "setUpStakeShuffleAutoDesc"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleManualTitle          = "setUpStakeShuffleManualTitle"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleManualDesc           = "setUpStakeShuffleManualDesc"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleWarningTitle         = "setUpStakeShuffleWarningTitle"
	StrSetUpStakeShuffleWarningDesc          = "setUpStakeShuffleWarningDesc"
	StrNotEnoughAccounts                     = "notEnoughAccounts"
	StrStaking                               = "staking"
	StrStakingActivity                       = "stakingActivity"
	StrStart                                 = "start"
	StrStartTrading                          = "startTrading"
	StrStartupPassConfirm                    = "startupPassConfirm"
	StrStartupPassword                       = "startupPassword"
	StrStartupPasswordEnabled                = "startupPasswordEnabled"
	StrStartupPasswordInfo                   = "startupPasswordInfo"
	StrStatistics                            = "statistics"
	StrStatus                                = "status"
	StrStep1                                 = "step1"
	StrStep2of2                              = "step2of2"
	StrSubmit                                = "submit"
	StrSummary                               = "summary"
	StrSureToCancelMixer                     = "sureToCancelMixer"
	StrSureToExitBackup                      = "sureToExitBackup"
	StrSureToSafeStoreSeed                   = "sureToSafeStoreSeed"
	StrSync                                  = "sync"
	StrSyncCompTime                          = "syncCompTime"
	StrSynced                                = "synced"
	StrSyncingProgress                       = "syncingProgress"
	StrSyncingProgressStat                   = "syncingProgressStat"
	StrSyncingState                          = "syncingState"
	StrSyncSteps                             = "syncSteps"
	StrTakenAccount                          = "takenAccount"
	StrTapToCopy                             = "tapToCopy"
	StrTicketVoted                           = "ticketVoted"
	StrTicket                                = "ticket"
	StrTicketConfirmed                       = "ticketConfirmed"
	StrTicketDetails                         = "ticketDetails"
	StrTicketError                           = "ticketError"
	StrTicketPrice                           = "ticketPrice"
	StrTicketRecord                          = "ticketRecord"
	StrTicketRevoked                         = "ticketRevoked"
	StrTicketRevokedTitle                    = "ticketRevokedTitle"
	StrTickets                               = "tickets"
	StrTicketSettingSaved                    = "ticketSettingSaved"
	StrTicketVotedTitle                      = "ticketVotedTitle"
	StrTimeLeftFmt                           = "timeLeftFmt"
	StrTo                                    = "to"
	StrToken                                 = "token"
	StrTotal                                 = "total"
	StrTotalAmount                           = "totalAmount"
	StrTotalBalance                          = "totalBalance"
	StrTotalCost                             = "totalCost"
	StrTotalValue                            = "totalValue"
	StrTotalVotes                            = "totalVotes"
	StrTotalValueMsg                         = "totalValueMsg"
	StrTotalVotesReverse                     = "totalVotesReverse"
	StrTransactionDetails                    = "transactionDetails"
	StrTransactionID                         = "transactionId"
	StrTransactions                          = "transactions"
	StrTransferred                           = "transferred"
	StrTreasury                              = "treasury"
	StrTreasurySpending                      = "treasurySpending"
	StrTreasurySpendingInfo                  = "treasurySpendingInfo"
	StrTxConfModalInfoTxt                    = "txConfModalInfoTxt"
	StrTxdetailsInfo                         = "txDetailsInfo"
	StrTxEstimateErr                         = "txEstimateErr"
	StrTxFee                                 = "txFee"
	StrTxHashCopied                          = "txHashCopied"
	StrTxNotification                        = "txNotification"
	StrTxOverview                            = "txOverview"
	StrTxSent                                = "txSent"
	StrTxSize                                = "txSize"
	StrTxStatusPending                       = "txStatusPending"
	StrType                                  = "type"
	StrUmined                                = "unmined"
	StrUnconfirmedFunds                      = "unconfirmedFunds"
	StrUnconfirmedTx                         = "unconfirmedTx"
	StrUnderReview                           = "underReview"
	StrUnknown                               = "unknown"
	StrUnlock                                = "unlock"
	StrUnlockWithPassword                    = "unlockWithPassword"
	StrUnminedInfo                           = "unminedInfo"
	StrUnmixed                               = "unmixed"
	StrUnmixedAccount                        = "unmixedAccount"
	StrUnmixedBalance                        = "unmixedBalance"
	StrUpcoming                              = "upcoming"
	StrUpdated                               = "updated"
	StrUpdatePreference                      = "updatePreference"
	StrUpdatevotePref                        = "updateVotePref"
	StrUptime                                = "uptime"
	StrUsdBinance                            = "usdBinance"
	StrUsdBittrex                            = "usdBittrex"
	StrUseMixer                              = "useMixer"
	StrUserAgent                             = "userAgent"
	StrUserAgentDialogTitle                  = "userAgentDialogTitle"
	StrUserAgentSummary                      = "userAgentSummary"
	StrValidAddress                          = "validAddress"
	StrValidate                              = "validate"
	StrValidateAddr                          = "validateAddr"
	StrValidateHostErr                       = "validateHostErr"
	StrValidateMsg                           = "validateMsg"
	StrValidateNote                          = "validateNote"
	StrValidateWalHex                        = "validateWalHex"
	StrValidateWalSeed                       = "validateWalSeed"
	StrValidSignature                        = "validSignature"
	StrVerify                                = "verify"
	StrVerifyGovernanceKeys                  = "verifyGovernanceKeys"
	StrVerifyMessage                         = "verifyMessage"
	StrVerifyMessageInfo                     = "verifyMessageInfo"
	StrVerifyMsgError                        = "verifyMsgError"
	StrVerifyMsgNote                         = "verifyMsgNote"
	StrVerifySeed                            = "verifySeed"
	StrVerifySeedInfo                        = "verifySeedInfo"
	StrVersion                               = "version"
	StrViewAll                               = "viewAll"
	StrViewAllOrders                         = "viewAllOrders"
	StrViewAppLog                            = "viewAppLog"
	StrViewDetails                           = "viewDetails"
	StrViewOnExplorer                        = "viewOnExplorer"
	StrViewOnPoliteia                        = "viewOnPoliteia"
	StrViewProperty                          = "viewProperty"
	StrViewSeedPhrase                        = "viewSeedPhrase"
	StrViewTicket                            = "viewTicket"
	StrVote                                  = "vote"
	StrVotes                                 = "votes"
	StrVoteChoice                            = "votechoice"
	StrVoteConfirm                           = "voteConfirm"
	StrVoted                                 = "voted"
	StrVotedInfo                             = "votedInfo"
	StrVotedInfoDisc                         = "votedInfoDisc"
	StrVotedOn                               = "votedOn"
	StrVoteEndedNotif                        = "voteEndedNotif"
	StrVoteSent                              = "voteSent"
	StrVoteStartedNotif                      = "voteStartedNotif"
	StrVoteTooltip                           = "voteTooltip"
	StrVoteUpdated                           = "voteUpdated"
	StrVoting                                = "voting"
	StrVotingAuthority                       = "votingAuthority"
	StrVotingDashboard                       = "votingDashboard"
	StrVotingInProgress                      = "votingInProgress"
	StrVotingPreference                      = "votingPreference"
	StrVotingServiceProvider                 = "votingServiceProvider"
	StrVotingWallet                          = "votingWallet"
	StrVsp                                   = "vsp"
	StrVSPAPI                                = "vspAPI"
	StrVspFee                                = "vspFee"
	StrWaitingAuthor                         = "waitingForAuthor"
	StrWaitingForAdmin                       = "waitingForAdmin"
	StrWaitingState                          = "waitingState"
	StrWalletCreated                         = "walletCreated"
	StrWalletDirectory                       = "walletDirectory"
	StrWalletExist                           = "walletExist"
	StrWalletLog                             = "walletLog"
	StrWalletName                            = "walletName"
	StrWalletNameLengthError                 = "walletLengthError"
	StrWalletNameMismatch                    = "walletNameMismatch"
	StrWalletNotExist                        = "walletNotExist"
	StrWalletNotSynced                       = "walletNotSynced"
	StrWalletRemoved                         = "walletRemoved"
	StrWalletRemoveInfo                      = "walletRemoveInfo"
	StrWalletRenamed                         = "walletRenamed"
	StrWalletRestored                        = "walletRestored"
	StrWalletRestoreMsg                      = "walletRestoreMsg"
	StrWallet                                = "wallet"
	StrWallets                               = "wallets"
	StrWalletsEnabledPrivacy                 = "walletsEnabledPrivacy"
	StrWalletSettings                        = "walletSettings"
	StrWalletStatus                          = "walletStatus"
	StrWalletSyncing                         = "walletSyncing"
	StrWalletToPurchaseFrom                  = "walletToPurchaseFrom"
	StrWarningWatchWallet                    = "warningWatchWallet"
	StrWatchOnly                             = "watchOnly"
	StrWatchOnlyWalletImported               = "watchOnlyWalletImported"
	StrWatchOnlyWalletRemoveInfo             = "watchOnlyWalletRemoveInfo"
	StrWatchOnlyWallets                      = "watchOnlyWallets"
	StrWebURL                                = "webURL"
	StrWeekAgo                               = "weekAgo"
	StrWeeksAgo                              = "weeksAgo"
	StrWelcomeNote                           = "welcomeNote"
	StrWhatIsDex                             = "whatIsDex"
	StrWhatIsCex                             = "whatIsCex"
	StrWhatToCallWallet                      = "whatToCallWallet"
	StrWord                                  = "word"
	StrWouldTradeCex                         = "wouldTradeCex"
	StrWriteDownAll33Words                   = "writeDownAll33Words"
	StrWriteDownSeed                         = "writeDownSeed"
	StrWroteAllWords                         = "wroteAllWords"
	StrXInputsConsumed                       = "xInputsConsumed"
	StrXOutputCreated                        = "xOutputCreated"
	StrXpubKeyErr                            = "xpubKeyErr"
	StrXpubWalletExist                       = "xpubWalletExist"
	StrYearAgo                               = "yearAgo"
	StrYearsAgo                              = "yearsAgo"
	StrYes                                   = "yes"
	StrYesterday                             = "yesterday"
	StrYourAddress                           = "yourAddress"
	StrYourSeedWords                         = "yourSeedWord"
	StrYourself                              = "yourself"
	StrTrade                                 = "trade"
	StrSetTradePassword                      = "setTradePassword"
	StrSetTradePasswordDesc                  = "setTradePasswordDesc"
	StrNewPassword                           = "newPassword"
	StrConfirmPassword                       = "confirmPassword"
	StrSelectServer                          = "selectServer"
	StrSelectDEXServerDesc                   = "selectDEXServerDesc"
	StrSetPassword                           = "setPassword"
	StrPostBond                              = "postBond"
	StrPostBondDesc                          = "postBondDesc"
	StrDCRDEXWelcomeMessage                  = "dcrdexWelcomeMessage"
	StrAddServer                             = "addServer"
	StrAddServerDesc                         = "addServerDesc"
	StrServerURL                             = "serverURL"
	StrInputURL                              = "inputURL"
	StrCertificateOPtional                   = "certificateOPtional"
	StrInputCertificate                      = "inputCertificate"
	StrDEXServerAddrWarning                  = "DEXServerAddrWarning"
	StrAdd                                   = "add"
	StrMarketOverview                        = "marketOverview"
	StrName                                  = "name"
	StrPrice                                 = "price"
	StrRefreshState                          = "refreshState"
	Str24HChange                             = "24hChange"
	StrBack                                  = "back"
	StrSelectBondWalletMsg                   = "selectBondWalletMsg"
	StrSupportedWallets                      = "supportedWallets"
	StrSelectBondStrengthMsg                 = "selectBondStrengthMsg"
	StrNewTier                               = "newTier"
	StrBondStrength                          = "bondStrength"
	StrBondStrengthMsg                       = "bondStrengthMsg"
	StrCurrentTier                           = "currentTier"
	StrCurrency                              = "currency"
	StrWaitingForConfirmation                = "waitingForConfirmation"
	StrDEXBondConfirmationMsg                = "dexBondConfirmationMsg"
	StrConfirmationStatus                    = "confirmationStatus"
	StrPaymentDetails                        = "paymentDetails"
	StrConfirmationProgressMsg               = "confirmationProgressMsg"
	StrInsufficientFundsInAccount            = "insufficientFundsInAccount"
	StrBondStrengthErrMsg                    = "bondStrengthErrMsg"
	StrMinimumBondStrength                   = "minimumBondStrength"
	StrAssets                                = "assets"
	StrTotalVotesTit                         = "totalVotesTit"
	StrQuorumRequite                         = "quorumRequite"
	StrDiscussionsTit                        = "discussionsTit"
	StrTokenTit                              = "tokenTit"
	StrNoWalletsAvailable                    = "noWalletsAvailable"
	StrCreateAssetWalletToSwapMsg            = "createAssetWalletToSwapMsg"
	StrFound                                 = "found"
	StrRFP                                   = "rfp"
	StrProposedFor                           = "proposedFor"
	StrAccounts                              = "accounts"
	StrStakingInfo                           = "stakingInfo"
	StrTimeLeft                              = "timeLeft"
	StrTotalReward                           = "totalReward"
	StrMarket                                = "market"
	Str24hLow                                = "24hLow"
	Str24hVolume                             = "24hVolume"
	Str24hHigh                               = "24hHigh"
	StrLots                                  = "lots"
	StrInvalidLot                            = "invalidLot"
	StrInvalidPrice                          = "invalidPrice"
	StrBuy                                   = "buy"
	StrSell                                  = "sell"
	StrImmediate                             = "immediate"
	StrImmediateOrder                        = "immediateOrder"
	StrImmediateExplanation                  = "immediateExplanation"
	StrLimit                                 = "limit"
	StrEstimatedFee                          = "estimatedFee"
	StrEpoch                                 = "epoch"
	StrAge                                   = "age"
	StrFilled                                = "filled"
	StrSettled                               = "settled"
	StrOpenOrders                            = "openOrders"
	StrTradeHistory                          = "tradeHistory"
	StrNoOpenOrdersMsg                       = "noOpenOrdersMsg"
	StrNoTradeHistoryMsg                     = "noTradeHistoryMsg"
	StrCurrencyPair                          = "currencyPair"
	StrPair                                  = "pair"
	StrOrderBooks                            = "orderBooks"
	StrSeeMore                               = "seeMore"
	StrAssetPrice                            = "assetPrice"
	StrAssetAmount                           = "assetAmount"
	StrBooked                                = "booked"
	StrExecuted                              = "executed"
	StrCannotSpendWatchOnlyWallet            = "cannotSpendWatchOnlyWallet"
	StrAllWallets                            = "allWallets"
	StrMultipleAssetRequiredMsg              = "multipleAssetTypeRequiredToTradeDEX"
	StrNoSupportedBondAsset                  = "noSupportedBondAsset"
	StrDexPassword                           = "dexPassword"
	StrInsufficientBondAmount                = "insufficientBondAmount"
	StrTxRegular                             = "txRegular"
	StrStakingTx                             = "stakingTx"
	StrFilter                                = "filter"
	StrExport                                = "export"
	StrMyAddress                             = "myAddress"
	StrRegenerate                            = "regenerate"
	StrIntegratedExchange                    = "integratedExchange"
	StrSeedWords                             = "seedWords"
	StrAllservers                            = "allservers"
	StrReset                                 = "reset"
	StrResetDEXData                          = "resetDEXData"
	StrResetDEXDataWarning                   = "resetDEXDataWarning"
	StrDEXResetSuccessful                    = "dexResetSuccessful"
	StrNoRecentProposals                     = "noRecentProposals"
	StrRecommendedModalBody                  = "recommendedModalBody"
	StrAdvancedModalBody                     = "advancedModalBody"
	StrStartSync                             = "startSync"
	StrTelegram                              = "telegram"
	StrTwitter                               = "twitter"
	StrMatrix                                = "matrix"
	StrWebsite                               = "website"
	StrCreateAssetWalletToVoteMsg            = "createAssetWalletToVoteMsg"
	StrGetTicketsNow                         = "getTicketsNow"
	StrExportTransaction                     = "exportTransaction"
	StrExportTransactionsMsg                 = "exportTransactionsMsg"
	StrTime                                  = "time"
	StrDirection                             = "direction"
	StrExportTransactionSuccessMsg           = "exportTransactionSuccessMsg"
	StrNoSupportedMarket                     = "noSupportedMarket"
	StrNoSupportedMarketMsg                  = "noSupportedMarketMsg"
	StrIWillGet                              = "iWillGet"
	StrIWillGive                             = "iWillGive"
	StrPostBondMsg                           = "postBondMsg"
	StrBondPostingInProgressMsg              = "bondPostingInProgressMsg"
	StrMaxDEX                                = "maxDEX"
	StrAvailableBalance                      = "availableBalance"
	StrMissingDEXWalletMsg                   = "missingDEXWalletMsg"
	StrSwapAndRedeemFee                      = "swapAndRedeemFee"
	StrLoginWithDEXPassword                  = "loginWithDEXPassword"
	StrLoginDEXForPendingBonds               = "loginDEXForPendingBonds"
	StrLogin                                 = "login"
	StrDestinationWallet                     = "destinationWallet"
	StrSwitchToMainnet                       = "switchToMainnet"
	StrSwitchToTestnet                       = "switchToTestnet"
	StrDexMainnetNotReady                    = "dexMainnetNotReady"
	StrUpdateDEXWalletPasswordReason         = "updateDEXWalletPasswordReason"
	StrLoginDEXForActiveOrdersOrExpiredBonds = "loginDEXForActiveOrdersOrExpiredBonds"
	StrWalletsNeedToSync                     = "walletsNeedToSync"
	StrWalletsNeedToSyncMsg                  = "walletsNeedToSyncMsg"
	StrIWillSyncLater                        = "iWillSyncLater"
	StrIWillLoginLater                       = "iWillLoginLater"
	StrOkaySync                              = "okaySync"
	StrPaste                                 = "paste"
	StrBackupDEXSeed                         = "backupDEXSeed"
	StrDEXSeed                               = "dexSeed"
	StrOptionalRestorationSeed               = "optionalRestorationSeed"
	StrDEXServerDisconnected                 = "dexServerDisconnected"
	StrUpdateAPI                             = "updateAPI"
	StrNewUpdateText                         = "newUpdateText"
	StrUpdateAvailable                       = "updateAvailable"
	StrExportWalletSeed                      = "exportWalletSeed"
View Source
const (
	DefaultLanguage = localizable.ENGLISH


View Source
var (
	Size0_5 = unit.Dp(0.5)
	Size28  = unit.Dp(28)
	Size180 = unit.Dp(180)

	MarginPadding0        = unit.Dp(0)
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	MarginPadding3        = unit.Dp(3)
	MarginPadding4        = unit.Dp(4)
	MarginPadding5        = unit.Dp(5)
	MarginPaddingMinus5   = unit.Dp(-5)
	MarginPadding6        = unit.Dp(6)
	MarginPadding7        = unit.Dp(7)
	MarginPadding8        = unit.Dp(8)
	MarginPaddingMinus8   = unit.Dp(-8)
	MarginPadding9        = unit.Dp(9)
	MarginPadding10       = unit.Dp(10)
	MarginPaddingMinus10  = unit.Dp(-10)
	MarginPadding11       = unit.Dp(11)
	MarginPadding12       = unit.Dp(12)
	MarginPaddingMinus12  = unit.Dp(-12)
	MarginPadding14       = unit.Dp(14)
	MarginPadding13       = unit.Dp(13)
	MarginPadding15       = unit.Dp(15)
	MarginPaddingMinus15  = unit.Dp(-15)
	MarginPadding16       = unit.Dp(16)
	MarginPaddingMinus16  = unit.Dp(-16)
	MarginPadding17       = unit.Dp(17)
	MarginPadding18       = unit.Dp(18)
	MarginPadding18p5     = unit.Dp(18.5)
	MarginPadding20       = unit.Dp(20)
	MarginPadding22       = unit.Dp(22)
	MarginPaddingMinus22  = unit.Dp(-22)
	MarginPadding24       = unit.Dp(24)
	MarginPaddingMinus24  = unit.Dp(-24)
	MarginPadding25       = unit.Dp(25)
	MarginPadding26       = unit.Dp(26)
	MarginPadding28       = unit.Dp(28)
	MarginPadding30       = unit.Dp(30)
	MarginPaddingMinus30  = unit.Dp(-30)
	MarginPadding32       = unit.Dp(32)
	MarginPaddingMinus32  = unit.Dp(-32)
	MarginPadding33       = unit.Dp(33)
	MarginPadding35       = unit.Dp(35)
	MarginPadding36       = unit.Dp(36)
	MarginPadding38       = unit.Dp(38)
	MarginPadding40       = unit.Dp(40)
	MarginPadding44       = unit.Dp(44)
	DP45                  = unit.Dp(45)
	MarginPadding46       = unit.Dp(46)
	MarginPadding48       = unit.Dp(48)
	MarginPadding50       = unit.Dp(50)
	MarginPadding52       = unit.Dp(52)
	DP55                  = unit.Dp(55)
	MarginPadding56       = unit.Dp(56)
	MarginPadding60       = unit.Dp(60)
	DP61                  = unit.Dp(61)
	MarginPadding62       = unit.Dp(62)
	MarginPadding64       = unit.Dp(64)
	MarginPadding65       = unit.Dp(65)
	MarginPadding70       = unit.Dp(70)
	MarginPaddingMinus75  = unit.Dp(-75)
	MarginPadding75       = unit.Dp(75)
	MarginPadding80       = unit.Dp(80)
	MarginPadding90       = unit.Dp(90)
	MarginPadding96       = unit.Dp(96)
	MarginPadding85       = unit.Dp(85)
	MarginPaddingMinus90  = unit.Dp(-90)
	MarginPaddingMinus100 = unit.Dp(-100)
	MarginPadding100      = unit.Dp(100)
	MarginPadding110      = unit.Dp(110)
	DP118                 = unit.Dp(118)
	MarginPadding120      = unit.Dp(120)
	MarginPadding124      = unit.Dp(124)
	MarginPadding130      = unit.Dp(130)
	MarginPadding140      = unit.Dp(140)
	MarginPaddingMinus145 = unit.Dp(-145)
	MarginPadding150      = unit.Dp(150)
	DP160                 = unit.Dp(160)
	MarginPadding168      = unit.Dp(168)
	MarginPadding172      = unit.Dp(172)
	MarginPadding174      = unit.Dp(174)
	MarginPadding180      = unit.Dp(180)
	MarginPadding195      = unit.Dp(195)
	MarginPaddingMinus195 = unit.Dp(-195)
	MarginPadding200      = unit.Dp(200)
	DP210                 = unit.Dp(210)
	MarginPadding218      = unit.Dp(218)
	MarginPadding221      = unit.Dp(221)
	MarginPaddingMinus200 = unit.Dp(-200)
	MarginPadding250      = unit.Dp(250)
	MarginPaddingMinus230 = unit.Dp(-230)
	MarginPadding280      = unit.Dp(280)
	MarginPadding300      = unit.Dp(300)
	MarginPadding340      = unit.Dp(340)
	MarginPadding350      = unit.Dp(350)
	MarginPadding368      = unit.Dp(368)
	MarginPadding372      = unit.Dp(372)
	MarginPadding377      = unit.Dp(377)
	MarginPadding390      = unit.Dp(390)
	DP400                 = unit.Dp(400)
	MarginPadding420      = unit.Dp(420)
	MarginPadding450      = unit.Dp(450)
	MarginPadding500      = unit.Dp(500)
	MarginPadding510      = unit.Dp(510)
	MarginPadding550      = unit.Dp(550)
	MarginPadding570      = unit.Dp(570)
	MarginPadding600      = unit.Dp(600)
	MarginPadding650      = unit.Dp(650)
	MarginPadding700      = unit.Dp(700)
	DP850                 = unit.Dp(850)
	DP950                 = unit.Dp(950)

	TextSize10   = unit.Sp(10)
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	TextSize18   = unit.Sp(18)
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	TextSize28   = unit.Sp(28)
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	TextSize32   = unit.Sp(32)
	TextSize60   = unit.Sp(60)

	AppWidth  = unit.Dp(800)
	AppHeight = unit.Dp(650)

	// These define the dimensions at which we consider the user to be using a
	// mobile device. The dimensions specified are the default viewport for
	// iPhone 12 Pro Max (428 x 926).
	// TODO: The mobile app width should consider larger screens. Browsers considers mobile
	// devices starting from 600px below. While tablets and large phones are considered to be
	// between 600px and 768px. While Landscape tablets are considered to be between
	// 768px and 992px.
	MobileAppWidth  = unit.Dp(360)
	MobileAppHeight = unit.Dp(780)

	StartMobileView = unit.Dp(600)

	// MarginPaddingTransform is used to scale margin/padding for mobile view.
	MarginPaddingTransform = func(isMobileView bool, size unit.Dp) unit.Dp {
		if !isMobileView {
			return size

		switch size {
		case MarginPadding420:
			return MarginPadding340
		case MarginPadding24, MarginPadding30, MarginPadding32:
			return MarginPadding16
		case MarginPadding18, MarginPadding16:
			return MarginPadding12
			return size

	// TextSizeTransform is used to scale text sizes for mobile view.
	TextSizeTransform = func(isMobileView bool, size unit.Sp) unit.Sp {
		if !isMobileView {
			return size

		switch size {
		case TextSize16, TextSize18:
			return TextSize16
		case TextSize20:
			return TextSize18
		case TextSize22:
			return TextSize18
		case TextSize24:
			return TextSize20
		case TextSize28:
			return TextSize22
		case TextSize30:
			return TextSize24
		case TextSize34:
			return TextSize28
		case TextSize32:
			return TextSize28
		case TextSize60:
			return TextSize34
			return size
View Source
var (
	Languages     = []string{localizable.ENGLISH, localizable.CHINESE, localizable.FRENCH, localizable.SPANISH}
	UserLanguages = []string{DefaultLanguage} // order of preference

initialize an asset market value map

View Source
var ErrDCRSupportedOnly = errors.New("only DCR implementation is currently supported")


func SetUserLanguage

func SetUserLanguage(lang string)

func String

func String(key string) string

func StringF

func StringF(key string, a ...interface{}) string

func TranslateErr

func TranslateErr(errStr string) string

TranslateErr translates all server errors to user friendly messages.

func TransparentColor added in v1.1.0

func TransparentColor(colorType string, opacity float64) color.NRGBA


type ClickableStyle

type ClickableStyle struct {
	Color      color.NRGBA
	HoverColor color.NRGBA

ClickableStyle defines display properties that may be used to style a Clickable widget.

type Color

type Color struct {
	Primary          color.NRGBA
	Primary50        color.NRGBA
	PrimaryHighlight color.NRGBA

	// text colors
	PageNavText color.NRGBA
	Text        color.NRGBA // default color #091440
	InvText     color.NRGBA // inverted default color #ffffff
	GrayText1   color.NRGBA // darker shade #3D5873
	GrayText2   color.NRGBA // lighter shade of GrayText1 #596D81
	GrayText3   color.NRGBA // lighter shade of GrayText2 #8997A5 (hint)
	GrayText4   color.NRGBA // lighter shade of GrayText3 ##C4CBD2
	GreenText   color.NRGBA // green text #41BE53

	// background colors
	Background       color.NRGBA
	Black            color.NRGBA
	BlueProgressTint color.NRGBA
	Danger           color.NRGBA
	DeepBlue         color.NRGBA
	NavyBlue         color.NRGBA
	LightBlue        color.NRGBA
	LightBlue2       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue3       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue4       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue5       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue6       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue7       color.NRGBA
	LightBlue8       color.NRGBA
	Gray1            color.NRGBA
	Gray2            color.NRGBA
	Gray3            color.NRGBA
	Gray4            color.NRGBA
	Gray5            color.NRGBA
	Gray6            color.NRGBA
	Gray7            color.NRGBA
	Gray8            color.NRGBA
	Gray9            color.NRGBA
	Gray10           color.NRGBA
	LightGray        color.NRGBA
	Green50          color.NRGBA
	Green500         color.NRGBA
	Orange           color.NRGBA
	Orange2          color.NRGBA
	Orange3          color.NRGBA
	OrangeRipple     color.NRGBA
	Success          color.NRGBA
	Success2         color.NRGBA
	Surface          color.NRGBA
	SurfaceHighlight color.NRGBA
	Turquoise100     color.NRGBA
	Turquoise300     color.NRGBA
	Turquoise700     color.NRGBA
	Turquoise800     color.NRGBA
	Yellow           color.NRGBA
	OrangeYellow     color.NRGBA
	White            color.NRGBA

func (*Color) DarkThemeColors

func (c *Color) DarkThemeColors()

func (*Color) DefaultThemeColors

func (c *Color) DefaultThemeColors() *Color

type ColorStyle

type ColorStyle struct {
	Background color.NRGBA
	Foreground color.NRGBA

ColorStyle defines background and foreground colors that may be used to style a widget that requires either or both colors.

type SwitchStyle

type SwitchStyle struct {
	ActiveColor       color.NRGBA
	InactiveColor     color.NRGBA
	ThumbColor        color.NRGBA
	ActiveTextColor   color.NRGBA
	InactiveTextColor color.NRGBA

SwitchStyle defines display properties that may be used to style a Switch widget.

type WidgetStyles

type WidgetStyles struct {
	SwitchStyle            *SwitchStyle
	IconButtonColorStyle   *ColorStyle
	CollapsibleStyle       *ColorStyle
	ClickableStyle         *ClickableStyle
	DropdownClickableStyle *ClickableStyle

WidgetStyles is a collection of various widget styles.

func DefaultWidgetStyles

func DefaultWidgetStyles() *WidgetStyles

DefaultWidgetStyles returns a new collection of widget styles with default values.


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL