
v7.17.10 Latest Latest

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Published: May 3, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 363

Documentation ¶

Overview ¶

Package esapi provides the Go API for Elasticsearch.

It is automatically included in the client provided by the package:

es, _ := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()
res, _ := es.Info()

For each Elasticsearch API, such as "Index", the package exports two corresponding types: a function and a struct.

The function type allows you to call the Elasticsearch API as a method on the client, passing the parameters as arguments:

res, err := es.Index(
	"test",                                  // Index name
	strings.NewReader(`{"title" : "Test"}`), // Document body
	es.Index.WithDocumentID("1"),            // Document ID
	es.Index.WithRefresh("true"),            // Refresh
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s", err)
defer res.Body.Close()


// => [201 Created] {"_index":"test","_type":"_doc","_id":"1" ...

The struct type allows for a more hands-on approach, where you create a new struct, with the request configuration as fields, and call the Do() method with a context and the client as arguments:

req := esapi.IndexRequest{
	Index:      "test",                                  // Index name
	Body:       strings.NewReader(`{"title" : "Test"}`), // Document body
	DocumentID: "1",                                     // Document ID
	Refresh:    "true",                                  // Refresh

res, err := req.Do(context.Background(), es)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Error getting response: %s", err)
defer res.Body.Close()


// => [200 OK] {"_index":"test","_type":"_doc","_id":"1","_version":2 ...

The function type is a wrapper around the struct, and allows to configure and perform the request in a more expressive way. It has a minor overhead compared to using a struct directly; refer to the esapi_benchmark_test.go suite for concrete numbers.

See the documentation for each API function or struct at, or locally by:

go doc Index
go doc IndexRequest

Response ¶

The esapi.Response type is a lightweight wrapper around http.Response.

The res.Body field is an io.ReadCloser, leaving the JSON parsing to the calling code, in the interest of performance and flexibility (eg. to allow using a custom JSON parser).

It is imperative to close the response body for a non-nil response.

The Response type implements a couple of convenience methods for accessing the status, checking an error status code or printing the response body for debugging purposes.

Additional Information ¶

See the Elasticsearch documentation at for detailed information about the API endpoints and parameters.

The Go API is generated from the Elasticsearch JSON specification at by the internal package available at

The API is tested by integration tests common to all Elasticsearch official clients, generated from the source at The generator is provided by the internal package available at internal/cmd/generate/commands/gentests.

Index ¶

Examples ¶

Constants ¶

View Source
const Version = version.Client

Version returns the package version as a string.

Variables ¶

This section is empty.

Functions ¶

func BoolPtr ¶

func BoolPtr(v bool) *bool

BoolPtr returns a pointer to v.

It is used as a convenience function for converting a bool value into a pointer when passing the value to a function or struct field which expects a pointer.

func IntPtr ¶

func IntPtr(v int) *int

IntPtr returns a pointer to v.

It is used as a convenience function for converting an int value into a pointer when passing the value to a function or struct field which expects a pointer.

Types ¶

type API ¶

type API struct {
	Cat         *Cat
	Cluster     *Cluster
	Indices     *Indices
	Ingest      *Ingest
	Nodes       *Nodes
	Remote      *Remote
	Snapshot    *Snapshot
	Tasks       *Tasks
	AsyncSearch *AsyncSearch
	CCR         *CCR
	ILM         *ILM
	License     *License
	Migration   *Migration
	ML          *ML
	Monitoring  *Monitoring
	Rollup      *Rollup
	Security    *Security
	SQL         *SQL
	SSL         *SSL
	Watcher     *Watcher
	XPack       *XPack

	AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy            AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy
	AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity             AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity
	AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision             AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision
	AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy               AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy
	AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy               AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy
	Bulk                                          Bulk
	ClearScroll                                   ClearScroll
	ClosePointInTime                              ClosePointInTime
	Count                                         Count
	Create                                        Create
	DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex            DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex
	DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex            DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex
	DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices            DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform   DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform      DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform  DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform      DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform    DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform     DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform
	DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform   DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform
	DeleteByQuery                                 DeleteByQuery
	DeleteByQueryRethrottle                       DeleteByQueryRethrottle
	Delete                                        Delete
	DeleteScript                                  DeleteScript
	EnrichDeletePolicy                            EnrichDeletePolicy
	EnrichExecutePolicy                           EnrichExecutePolicy
	EnrichGetPolicy                               EnrichGetPolicy
	EnrichPutPolicy                               EnrichPutPolicy
	EnrichStats                                   EnrichStats
	EqlDelete                                     EqlDelete
	EqlGet                                        EqlGet
	EqlGetStatus                                  EqlGetStatus
	EqlSearch                                     EqlSearch
	Exists                                        Exists
	ExistsSource                                  ExistsSource
	Explain                                       Explain
	FeaturesGetFeatures                           FeaturesGetFeatures
	FeaturesResetFeatures                         FeaturesResetFeatures
	FieldCaps                                     FieldCaps
	FleetGlobalCheckpoints                        FleetGlobalCheckpoints
	FleetMsearch                                  FleetMsearch
	FleetSearch                                   FleetSearch
	Get                                           Get
	GetScriptContext                              GetScriptContext
	GetScriptLanguages                            GetScriptLanguages
	GetScript                                     GetScript
	GetSource                                     GetSource
	GraphExplore                                  GraphExplore
	Index                                         Index
	Info                                          Info
	LogstashDeletePipeline                        LogstashDeletePipeline
	LogstashGetPipeline                           LogstashGetPipeline
	LogstashPutPipeline                           LogstashPutPipeline
	Mget                                          Mget
	Msearch                                       Msearch
	MsearchTemplate                               MsearchTemplate
	Mtermvectors                                  Mtermvectors
	OpenPointInTime                               OpenPointInTime
	Ping                                          Ping
	PutScript                                     PutScript
	RankEval                                      RankEval
	Reindex                                       Reindex
	ReindexRethrottle                             ReindexRethrottle
	RenderSearchTemplate                          RenderSearchTemplate
	ScriptsPainlessExecute                        ScriptsPainlessExecute
	Scroll                                        Scroll
	SearchMvt                                     SearchMvt
	Search                                        Search
	SearchShards                                  SearchShards
	SearchTemplate                                SearchTemplate
	SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats                 SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats
	SearchableSnapshotsClearCache                 SearchableSnapshotsClearCache
	SearchableSnapshotsMount                      SearchableSnapshotsMount
	SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats            SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats
	SearchableSnapshotsStats                      SearchableSnapshotsStats
	ShutdownDeleteNode                            ShutdownDeleteNode
	ShutdownGetNode                               ShutdownGetNode
	ShutdownPutNode                               ShutdownPutNode
	SlmDeleteLifecycle                            SlmDeleteLifecycle
	SlmExecuteLifecycle                           SlmExecuteLifecycle
	SlmExecuteRetention                           SlmExecuteRetention
	SlmGetLifecycle                               SlmGetLifecycle
	SlmGetStats                                   SlmGetStats
	SlmGetStatus                                  SlmGetStatus
	SlmPutLifecycle                               SlmPutLifecycle
	SlmStart                                      SlmStart
	SlmStop                                       SlmStop
	TermsEnum                                     TermsEnum
	Termvectors                                   Termvectors
	TextStructureFindStructure                    TextStructureFindStructure
	TransformDeleteTransform                      TransformDeleteTransform
	TransformGetTransform                         TransformGetTransform
	TransformGetTransformStats                    TransformGetTransformStats
	TransformPreviewTransform                     TransformPreviewTransform
	TransformPutTransform                         TransformPutTransform
	TransformStartTransform                       TransformStartTransform
	TransformStopTransform                        TransformStopTransform
	TransformUpdateTransform                      TransformUpdateTransform
	TransformUpgradeTransforms                    TransformUpgradeTransforms
	UpdateByQuery                                 UpdateByQuery
	UpdateByQueryRethrottle                       UpdateByQueryRethrottle
	Update                                        Update

API contains the Elasticsearch APIs

func New ¶

func New(t Transport) *API

New creates new API

type AsyncSearch ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearch struct {
	Delete AsyncSearchDelete
	Get    AsyncSearchGet
	Status AsyncSearchStatus
	Submit AsyncSearchSubmit

AsyncSearch contains the AsyncSearch APIs

type AsyncSearchDelete ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchDelete func(id string, o ...func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

AsyncSearchDelete - Deletes an async search by ID. If the search is still running, the search request will be cancelled. Otherwise, the saved search results are deleted.

See full documentation at

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithErrorTrace() func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithHuman() func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchDelete) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchDelete) WithPretty() func(*AsyncSearchDeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AsyncSearchDeleteRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchDeleteRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncSearchDeleteRequest configures the Async Search Delete API request.

func (AsyncSearchDeleteRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AsyncSearchGet ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchGet func(id string, o ...func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

AsyncSearchGet - Retrieves the results of a previously submitted async search request given its ID.

See full documentation at

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithHuman() func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithKeepAlive(v time.Duration) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithKeepAlive - specify the time interval in which the results (partial or final) for this search will be available.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithPretty() func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithTypedKeys ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

func (AsyncSearchGet) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchGet) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*AsyncSearchGetRequest)

WithWaitForCompletionTimeout - specify the time that the request should block waiting for the final response.

type AsyncSearchGetRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchGetRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	KeepAlive                time.Duration
	TypedKeys                *bool
	WaitForCompletionTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncSearchGetRequest configures the Async Search Get API request.

func (AsyncSearchGetRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r AsyncSearchGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AsyncSearchStatus ¶ added in v7.10.0

type AsyncSearchStatus func(id string, o ...func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

AsyncSearchStatus - Retrieves the status of a previously submitted async search request given its ID.

See full documentation at

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithHuman() func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f AsyncSearchStatus) WithPretty() func(*AsyncSearchStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AsyncSearchStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type AsyncSearchStatusRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncSearchStatusRequest configures the Async Search Status API request.

func (AsyncSearchStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AsyncSearchSubmit ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchSubmit func(o ...func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)) (*Response, error)

AsyncSearchSubmit - Executes a search request asynchronously.

See full documentation at

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAllowPartialSearchResults ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAllowPartialSearchResults(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithAllowPartialSearchResults - indicate if an error should be returned if there is a partial search failure or timeout.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAnalyzer ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithBatchedReduceSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithBatchedReduceSize(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithBatchedReduceSize - the number of shard results that should be reduced at once on the coordinating node. this value should be used as the granularity at which progress results will be made available..

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithBody ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithBody - The search definition using the Query DSL.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithDefaultOperator ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithDf ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithDocvalueFields ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithDocvalueFields(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithDocvalueFields - a list of fields to return as the docvalue representation of a field for each hit.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithErrorTrace() func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithExplain ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithExplain(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithExplain - specify whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithFrom(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithFrom - starting offset (default: 0).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithHuman() func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - whether specified concrete, expanded or aliased indices should be ignored when throttled.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to search; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithKeepAlive(v time.Duration) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithKeepAlive - update the time interval in which the results (partial or final) for this search will be available.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithKeepOnCompletion ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithKeepOnCompletion(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithKeepOnCompletion - control whether the response should be stored in the cluster if it completed within the provided [wait_for_completion] time (default: false).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithLenient ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithLenient(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests - the number of concurrent shard requests per node this search executes concurrently. this value should be used to limit the impact of the search on the cluster in order to limit the number of concurrent shard requests.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithPreference ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithPreference(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithPretty() func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithQuery ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithQuery(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithRequestCache ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithRequestCache(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithRequestCache - specify if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to true.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithRouting ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSearchType ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSearchType(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm - specify whether to return sequence number and primary term of the last modification of each hit.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSize(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSize - number of hits to return (default: 10).

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSort ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSort(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSort - a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSource ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSource(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSourceExcludes ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSourceIncludes ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithStats ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithStats(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithStats - specific 'tag' of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithStoredFields ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return as part of a hit.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestField ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestField(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSuggestField - specify which field to use for suggestions.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestMode ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestMode(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSuggestMode - specify suggest mode.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestSize(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSuggestSize - how many suggestions to return in response.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestText ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithSuggestText(v string) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithSuggestText - the source text for which the suggestions should be returned.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTerminateAfter ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTerminateAfter(v int) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithTerminateAfter - the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early..

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTrackScores ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTrackScores(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithTrackScores - whether to calculate and return scores even if they are not used for sorting.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTrackTotalHits ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTrackTotalHits(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithTrackTotalHits - indicate if the number of documents that match the query should be tracked.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTypedKeys ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithVersion ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithVersion(v bool) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithVersion - specify whether to return document version as part of a hit.

func (AsyncSearchSubmit) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f AsyncSearchSubmit) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*AsyncSearchSubmitRequest)

WithWaitForCompletionTimeout - specify the time that the request should block waiting for the final response.

type AsyncSearchSubmitRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AsyncSearchSubmitRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices             *bool
	AllowPartialSearchResults  *bool
	Analyzer                   string
	AnalyzeWildcard            *bool
	BatchedReduceSize          *int
	DefaultOperator            string
	Df                         string
	DocvalueFields             []string
	ExpandWildcards            string
	Explain                    *bool
	From                       *int
	IgnoreThrottled            *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable          *bool
	KeepAlive                  time.Duration
	KeepOnCompletion           *bool
	Lenient                    *bool
	MaxConcurrentShardRequests *int
	Preference                 string
	Query                      string
	RequestCache               *bool
	Routing                    []string
	SearchType                 string
	SeqNoPrimaryTerm           *bool
	Size                       *int
	Sort                       []string
	Source                     []string
	SourceExcludes             []string
	SourceIncludes             []string
	Stats                      []string
	StoredFields               []string
	SuggestField               string
	SuggestMode                string
	SuggestSize                *int
	SuggestText                string
	TerminateAfter             *int
	Timeout                    time.Duration
	TrackScores                *bool
	TrackTotalHits             *bool
	TypedKeys                  *bool
	Version                    *bool
	WaitForCompletionTimeout   time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AsyncSearchSubmitRequest configures the Async Search Submit API request.

func (AsyncSearchSubmitRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy func(name string, o ...func(*AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy - Deletes an autoscaling policy. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicyRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicyRequest configures the Autoscaling Delete Autoscaling Policy API request.

func (AutoscalingDeleteAutoscalingPolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity ¶ added in v7.10.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity func(o ...func(*AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacityRequest)) (*Response, error)

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity - Gets the current autoscaling capacity based on the configured autoscaling policy. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacity) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacityRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacityRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacityRequest configures the Autoscaling Get Autoscaling Capacity API request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingCapacityRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision func(o ...func(*AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecisionRequest)) (*Response, error)

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision - Gets the current autoscaling decision based on the configured autoscaling policy, indicating whether or not autoscaling is needed.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecision) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecisionRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecisionRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecisionRequest configures the Autoscaling Get Autoscaling Decision API request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingDecisionRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy func(name string, o ...func(*AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy - Retrieves an autoscaling policy. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicyRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicyRequest configures the Autoscaling Get Autoscaling Policy API request.

func (AutoscalingGetAutoscalingPolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy - Creates a new autoscaling policy. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicyRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicyRequest configures the Autoscaling Put Autoscaling Policy API request.

func (AutoscalingPutAutoscalingPolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Bulk ¶

type Bulk func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*BulkRequest)) (*Response, error)

Bulk allows to perform multiple index/update/delete operations in a single request.

See full documentation at

func (Bulk) WithContext ¶

func (f Bulk) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*BulkRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Bulk) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Bulk) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithDocumentType - default document type for items which don't provide one.

func (Bulk) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Bulk) WithErrorTrace() func(*BulkRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Bulk) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Bulk) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Bulk) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Bulk) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Bulk) WithHuman ¶

func (f Bulk) WithHuman() func(*BulkRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Bulk) WithIndex ¶

func (f Bulk) WithIndex(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithIndex - default index for items which don't provide one.

func (Bulk) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Bulk) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Bulk) WithPipeline ¶

func (f Bulk) WithPipeline(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithPipeline - the pipeline ID to preprocess incoming documents with.

func (Bulk) WithPretty ¶

func (f Bulk) WithPretty() func(*BulkRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Bulk) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Bulk) WithRefresh(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes..

func (Bulk) WithRequireAlias ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f Bulk) WithRequireAlias(v bool) func(*BulkRequest)

WithRequireAlias - sets require_alias for all incoming documents. defaults to unset (false).

func (Bulk) WithRouting ¶

func (f Bulk) WithRouting(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Bulk) WithSource ¶

func (f Bulk) WithSource(v ...string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or default list of fields to return, can be overridden on each sub-request.

func (Bulk) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Bulk) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - default list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field, can be overridden on each sub-request.

func (Bulk) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Bulk) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - default list of fields to extract and return from the _source field, can be overridden on each sub-request.

func (Bulk) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Bulk) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*BulkRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Bulk) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Bulk) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*BulkRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the bulk operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type BulkRequest ¶

type BulkRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	Pipeline            string
	Refresh             string
	RequireAlias        *bool
	Routing             string
	Source              []string
	SourceExcludes      []string
	SourceIncludes      []string
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

BulkRequest configures the Bulk API request.

func (BulkRequest) Do ¶

func (r BulkRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCR ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCR struct {
	DeleteAutoFollowPattern CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern
	FollowInfo              CCRFollowInfo
	Follow                  CCRFollow
	FollowStats             CCRFollowStats
	ForgetFollower          CCRForgetFollower
	GetAutoFollowPattern    CCRGetAutoFollowPattern
	PauseAutoFollowPattern  CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern
	PauseFollow             CCRPauseFollow
	PutAutoFollowPattern    CCRPutAutoFollowPattern
	ResumeAutoFollowPattern CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern
	ResumeFollow            CCRResumeFollow
	Stats                   CCRStats
	Unfollow                CCRUnfollow

CCR contains the CCR APIs

type CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern func(name string, o ...func(*CCRDeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern - Deletes auto-follow patterns.

See full documentation at

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPattern) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRDeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRDeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRDeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest configures the CCR Delete Auto Follow Pattern API request.

func (CCRDeleteAutoFollowPatternRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRFollow ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollow func(index string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*CCRFollowRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRFollow - Creates a new follower index configured to follow the referenced leader index.

See full documentation at

func (CCRFollow) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRFollow) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRFollow) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRFollow) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollow) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithHuman() func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRFollow) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollow) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithPretty() func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CCRFollow) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollow) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*CCRFollowRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before returning. defaults to 0. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type CCRFollowInfo ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollowInfo func(index []string, o ...func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRFollowInfo - Retrieves information about all follower indices, including parameters and status for each follower index

See full documentation at

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithHuman() func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollowInfo) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowInfo) WithPretty() func(*CCRFollowInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRFollowInfoRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollowInfoRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRFollowInfoRequest configures the CCR Follow Info API request.

func (CCRFollowInfoRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRFollowInfoRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRFollowRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollowRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRFollowRequest configures the CCR Follow API request.

func (CCRFollowRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRFollowRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRFollowStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollowStats func(index []string, o ...func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRFollowStats - Retrieves follower stats. return shard-level stats about the following tasks associated with each shard for the specified indices.

See full documentation at

func (CCRFollowStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithHuman() func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRFollowStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRFollowStats) WithPretty() func(*CCRFollowStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRFollowStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRFollowStatsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRFollowStatsRequest configures the CCR Follow Stats API request.

func (CCRFollowStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRFollowStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRForgetFollower ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRForgetFollower func(index string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRForgetFollower - Removes the follower retention leases from the leader.

See full documentation at

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithHuman() func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRForgetFollower) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRForgetFollower) WithPretty() func(*CCRForgetFollowerRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRForgetFollowerRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRForgetFollowerRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRForgetFollowerRequest configures the CCR Forget Follower API request.

func (CCRForgetFollowerRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRGetAutoFollowPattern ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRGetAutoFollowPattern func(o ...func(*CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRGetAutoFollowPattern - Gets configured auto-follow patterns. Returns the specified auto-follow pattern collection.

See full documentation at

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithName ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithName - the name of the auto follow pattern..

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPattern) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest configures the CCR Get Auto Follow Pattern API request.

func (CCRGetAutoFollowPatternRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern ¶ added in v7.5.0

type CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern func(name string, o ...func(*CCRPauseAutoFollowPatternRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern - Pauses an auto-follow pattern

See full documentation at

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPattern) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRPauseAutoFollowPatternRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type CCRPauseAutoFollowPatternRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRPauseAutoFollowPatternRequest configures the CCR Pause Auto Follow Pattern API request.

func (CCRPauseAutoFollowPatternRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRPauseFollow ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRPauseFollow func(index string, o ...func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRPauseFollow - Pauses a follower index. The follower index will not fetch any additional operations from the leader index.

See full documentation at

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithHuman() func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPauseFollow) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPauseFollow) WithPretty() func(*CCRPauseFollowRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRPauseFollowRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRPauseFollowRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRPauseFollowRequest configures the CCR Pause Follow API request.

func (CCRPauseFollowRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRPauseFollowRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRPutAutoFollowPattern ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRPutAutoFollowPattern func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRPutAutoFollowPattern - Creates a new named collection of auto-follow patterns against a specified remote cluster. Newly created indices on the remote cluster matching any of the specified patterns will be automatically configured as follower indices.

See full documentation at

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPattern) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest configures the CCR Put Auto Follow Pattern API request.

func (CCRPutAutoFollowPatternRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern ¶ added in v7.5.0

type CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern func(name string, o ...func(*CCRResumeAutoFollowPatternRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern - Resumes an auto-follow pattern that has been paused

See full documentation at

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPattern) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRResumeAutoFollowPatternRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type CCRResumeAutoFollowPatternRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRResumeAutoFollowPatternRequest configures the CCR Resume Auto Follow Pattern API request.

func (CCRResumeAutoFollowPatternRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRResumeFollow ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRResumeFollow func(index string, o ...func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRResumeFollow - Resumes a follower index that has been paused

See full documentation at

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithBody - The name of the leader index and other optional ccr related parameters.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithHuman() func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRResumeFollow) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRResumeFollow) WithPretty() func(*CCRResumeFollowRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRResumeFollowRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRResumeFollowRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRResumeFollowRequest configures the CCR Resume Follow API request.

func (CCRResumeFollowRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRResumeFollowRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRStats func(o ...func(*CCRStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRStats - Gets all stats related to cross-cluster replication.

See full documentation at

func (CCRStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithHuman() func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRStats) WithPretty() func(*CCRStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRStatsRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRStatsRequest configures the CCR Stats API request.

func (CCRStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CCRUnfollow ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRUnfollow func(index string, o ...func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)) (*Response, error)

CCRUnfollow - Stops the following task associated with a follower index and removes index metadata and settings associated with cross-cluster replication.

See full documentation at

func (CCRUnfollow) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithErrorTrace() func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithHuman() func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CCRUnfollow) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CCRUnfollow) WithPretty() func(*CCRUnfollowRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type CCRUnfollowRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type CCRUnfollowRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CCRUnfollowRequest configures the CCR Unfollow API request.

func (CCRUnfollowRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r CCRUnfollowRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Cat ¶

type Cat struct {
	Aliases              CatAliases
	Allocation           CatAllocation
	Count                CatCount
	Fielddata            CatFielddata
	Health               CatHealth
	Help                 CatHelp
	Indices              CatIndices
	MLDataFrameAnalytics CatMLDataFrameAnalytics
	MLDatafeeds          CatMLDatafeeds
	MLJobs               CatMLJobs
	MLTrainedModels      CatMLTrainedModels
	Master               CatMaster
	Nodeattrs            CatNodeattrs
	Nodes                CatNodes
	PendingTasks         CatPendingTasks
	Plugins              CatPlugins
	Recovery             CatRecovery
	Repositories         CatRepositories
	Segments             CatSegments
	Shards               CatShards
	Snapshots            CatSnapshots
	Tasks                CatTasks
	Templates            CatTemplates
	ThreadPool           CatThreadPool
	Transforms           CatTransforms

Cat contains the Cat APIs

type CatAliases ¶

type CatAliases func(o ...func(*CatAliasesRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatAliases shows information about currently configured aliases to indices including filter and routing infos.

See full documentation at

func (CatAliases) WithContext ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatAliases) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatAliases) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatAliases) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (CatAliases) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatAliases) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatAliases) WithH ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatAliases) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatAliases) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatAliases) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatAliases) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithHuman() func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatAliases) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatAliases) WithName ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithName(v ...string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithName - a list of alias names to return.

func (CatAliases) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatAliases) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatAliases) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithPretty() func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatAliases) WithS ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatAliases) WithV ¶

func (f CatAliases) WithV(v bool) func(*CatAliasesRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatAliasesRequest ¶

type CatAliasesRequest struct {
	Name []string

	ExpandWildcards string
	Format          string
	H               []string
	Help            *bool
	Local           *bool
	S               []string
	V               *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatAliasesRequest configures the Cat Aliases API request.

func (CatAliasesRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatAliasesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatAllocation ¶

type CatAllocation func(o ...func(*CatAllocationRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatAllocation provides a snapshot of how many shards are allocated to each data node and how much disk space they are using.

See full documentation at

func (CatAllocation) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatAllocation) WithContext ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatAllocation) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatAllocation) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatAllocation) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatAllocation) WithH ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatAllocation) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatAllocation) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatAllocation) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatAllocation) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithHuman() func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatAllocation) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatAllocation) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatAllocation) WithNodeID ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information.

func (CatAllocation) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatAllocation) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatAllocation) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithPretty() func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatAllocation) WithS ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatAllocation) WithV ¶

func (f CatAllocation) WithV(v bool) func(*CatAllocationRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatAllocationRequest ¶

type CatAllocationRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	Bytes         string
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatAllocationRequest configures the Cat Allocation API request.

func (CatAllocationRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatAllocationRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatCount ¶

type CatCount func(o ...func(*CatCountRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatCount provides quick access to the document count of the entire cluster, or individual indices.

See full documentation at

func (CatCount) WithContext ¶

func (f CatCount) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatCount) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatCount) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatCountRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatCount) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatCount) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatCount) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatCount) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatCount) WithH ¶

func (f CatCount) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatCount) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatCount) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatCount) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatCount) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatCount) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatCount) WithHuman() func(*CatCountRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatCount) WithIndex ¶

func (f CatCount) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to limit the returned information.

func (CatCount) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatCount) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatCount) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatCount) WithPretty() func(*CatCountRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatCount) WithS ¶

func (f CatCount) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatCount) WithV ¶

func (f CatCount) WithV(v bool) func(*CatCountRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatCountRequest ¶

type CatCountRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Format string
	H      []string
	Help   *bool
	S      []string
	V      *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatCountRequest configures the Cat Count API request.

func (CatCountRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatCountRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatFielddata ¶

type CatFielddata func(o ...func(*CatFielddataRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatFielddata shows how much heap memory is currently being used by fielddata on every data node in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (CatFielddata) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatFielddata) WithContext ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatFielddata) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatFielddata) WithFields ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithFields(v ...string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields to return the fielddata size.

func (CatFielddata) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatFielddata) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatFielddata) WithH ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatFielddata) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatFielddata) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatFielddata) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatFielddata) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithHuman() func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatFielddata) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatFielddata) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatFielddata) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithPretty() func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatFielddata) WithS ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatFielddata) WithV ¶

func (f CatFielddata) WithV(v bool) func(*CatFielddataRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatFielddataRequest ¶

type CatFielddataRequest struct {
	Fields []string

	Bytes  string
	Format string
	H      []string
	Help   *bool
	S      []string
	V      *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatFielddataRequest configures the Cat Fielddata API request.

func (CatFielddataRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatFielddataRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatHealth ¶

type CatHealth func(o ...func(*CatHealthRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatHealth returns a concise representation of the cluster health.

See full documentation at

func (CatHealth) WithContext ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatHealth) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatHealth) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatHealth) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatHealth) WithH ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatHealth) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatHealth) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatHealth) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatHealth) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithHuman() func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatHealth) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatHealth) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatHealth) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithPretty() func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatHealth) WithS ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatHealth) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatHealth) WithTime(v string) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatHealth) WithTs ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithTs(v bool) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithTs - set to false to disable timestamping.

func (CatHealth) WithV ¶

func (f CatHealth) WithV(v bool) func(*CatHealthRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatHealthRequest ¶

type CatHealthRequest struct {
	Format string
	H      []string
	Help   *bool
	S      []string
	Time   string
	Ts     *bool
	V      *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatHealthRequest configures the Cat Health API request.

func (CatHealthRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatHealthRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatHelp ¶

type CatHelp func(o ...func(*CatHelpRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatHelp returns help for the Cat APIs.

See full documentation at

func (CatHelp) WithContext ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatHelp) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatHelp) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatHelp) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatHelp) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatHelp) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatHelp) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithHuman() func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatHelp) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatHelp) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatHelp) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithPretty() func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatHelp) WithS ¶

func (f CatHelp) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatHelpRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

type CatHelpRequest ¶

type CatHelpRequest struct {
	Help *bool
	S    []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatHelpRequest configures the Cat Help API request.

func (CatHelpRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatHelpRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatIndices ¶

type CatIndices func(o ...func(*CatIndicesRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatIndices returns information about indices: number of primaries and replicas, document counts, disk size, ...

See full documentation at

func (CatIndices) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatIndices) WithContext ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatIndices) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatIndices) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatIndices) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (CatIndices) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatIndices) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatIndices) WithH ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatIndices) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatIndices) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatIndices) WithHealth ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithHealth(v string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithHealth - a health status ("green", "yellow", or "red" to filter only indices matching the specified health status.

func (CatIndices) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatIndices) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithHuman() func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatIndices) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatIndices) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments(v bool) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithIncludeUnloadedSegments - if set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory.

func (CatIndices) WithIndex ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to limit the returned information.

func (CatIndices) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatIndices) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatIndices) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatIndices) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatIndices) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithPretty() func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatIndices) WithPri ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithPri(v bool) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithPri - set to true to return stats only for primary shards.

func (CatIndices) WithS ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatIndices) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatIndices) WithTime(v string) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatIndices) WithV ¶

func (f CatIndices) WithV(v bool) func(*CatIndicesRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatIndicesRequest ¶

type CatIndicesRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Bytes                   string
	ExpandWildcards         string
	Format                  string
	H                       []string
	Health                  string
	Help                    *bool
	IncludeUnloadedSegments *bool
	Local                   *bool
	MasterTimeout           time.Duration
	Pri                     *bool
	S                       []string
	Time                    string
	V                       *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatIndicesRequest configures the Cat Indices API request.

func (CatIndicesRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatIndicesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatMLDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLDataFrameAnalytics func(o ...func(*CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatMLDataFrameAnalytics - Gets configuration and usage information about data frame analytics jobs.

See full documentation at

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no configs. (this includes `_all` string or when no configs have been specified).

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithBytes ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithDocumentID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithDocumentID - the ID of the data frame analytics to fetch.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithH ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithHelp ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithS ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithTime ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalytics) WithV ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Bytes        string
	Format       string
	H            []string
	Help         *bool
	S            []string
	Time         string
	V            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the CatML Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (CatMLDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatMLDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLDatafeeds func(o ...func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatMLDatafeeds - Gets configuration and usage information about datafeeds.

See full documentation at

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithAllowNoDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithAllowNoDatafeeds(v bool) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithAllowNoDatafeeds - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithDatafeedID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithDatafeedID(v string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithDatafeedID - the ID of the datafeeds stats to fetch.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithH ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithHelp ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithHuman() func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithPretty() func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithS ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithTime ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithTime(v string) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatMLDatafeeds) WithV ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLDatafeeds) WithV(v bool) func(*CatMLDatafeedsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatMLDatafeedsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLDatafeedsRequest struct {
	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoDatafeeds *bool
	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	Format           string
	H                []string
	Help             *bool
	S                []string
	Time             string
	V                *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatMLDatafeedsRequest configures the CatML Datafeeds API request.

func (CatMLDatafeedsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r CatMLDatafeedsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatMLJobs ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLJobs func(o ...func(*CatMLJobsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatMLJobs - Gets configuration and usage information about anomaly detection jobs.

See full documentation at

func (CatMLJobs) WithAllowNoJobs ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithAllowNoJobs(v bool) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithAllowNoJobs - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (CatMLJobs) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (CatMLJobs) WithBytes ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatMLJobs) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatMLJobs) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatMLJobs) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatMLJobs) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatMLJobs) WithH ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatMLJobs) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLJobs) WithHelp ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatMLJobs) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithHuman() func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatMLJobs) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithJobID(v string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithJobID - the ID of the jobs stats to fetch.

func (CatMLJobs) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLJobs) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithPretty() func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatMLJobs) WithS ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatMLJobs) WithTime ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithTime(v string) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatMLJobs) WithV ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLJobs) WithV(v bool) func(*CatMLJobsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatMLJobsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLJobsRequest struct {
	JobID string

	AllowNoJobs  *bool
	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Bytes        string
	Format       string
	H            []string
	Help         *bool
	S            []string
	Time         string
	V            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatMLJobsRequest configures the CatML Jobs API request.

func (CatMLJobsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r CatMLJobsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatMLTrainedModels ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLTrainedModels func(o ...func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatMLTrainedModels - Gets configuration and usage information about inference trained models.

See full documentation at

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no trained models. (this includes `_all` string or when no trained models have been specified).

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithBytes ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithFrom(v int) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of trained models.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithH ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithHelp ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithHuman() func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithModelID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithModelID(v string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithModelID - the ID of the trained models stats to fetch.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithPretty() func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithS ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatMLTrainedModels) WithSize(v int) func(*CatMLTrainedModelsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of trained models to get.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithTime ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatMLTrainedModels) WithV ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatMLTrainedModelsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatMLTrainedModelsRequest struct {
	ModelID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Bytes        string
	Format       string
	From         *int
	H            []string
	Help         *bool
	S            []string
	Size         *int
	Time         string
	V            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatMLTrainedModelsRequest configures the CatML Trained Models API request.

func (CatMLTrainedModelsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatMaster ¶

type CatMaster func(o ...func(*CatMasterRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatMaster returns information about the master node.

See full documentation at

func (CatMaster) WithContext ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatMaster) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatMaster) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatMaster) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatMaster) WithH ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatMaster) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatMaster) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatMaster) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatMaster) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithHuman() func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatMaster) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatMaster) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatMaster) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatMaster) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatMaster) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithPretty() func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatMaster) WithS ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatMaster) WithV ¶

func (f CatMaster) WithV(v bool) func(*CatMasterRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatMasterRequest ¶

type CatMasterRequest struct {
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatMasterRequest configures the Cat Master API request.

func (CatMasterRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatMasterRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatNodeattrs ¶

type CatNodeattrs func(o ...func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatNodeattrs returns information about custom node attributes.

See full documentation at

func (CatNodeattrs) WithContext ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithH ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithHuman() func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatNodeattrs) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithPretty() func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithS ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatNodeattrs) WithV ¶

func (f CatNodeattrs) WithV(v bool) func(*CatNodeattrsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatNodeattrsRequest ¶

type CatNodeattrsRequest struct {
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatNodeattrsRequest configures the Cat Nodeattrs API request.

func (CatNodeattrsRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatNodeattrsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatNodes ¶

type CatNodes func(o ...func(*CatNodesRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatNodes returns basic statistics about performance of cluster nodes.

See full documentation at

func (CatNodes) WithBytes ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatNodes) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatNodes) WithContext ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatNodes) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatNodes) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatNodes) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatNodes) WithFullID ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithFullID(v bool) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithFullID - return the full node ID instead of the shortened version (default: false).

func (CatNodes) WithH ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatNodes) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatNodes) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatNodes) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatNodes) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithHuman() func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatNodes) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f CatNodes) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments(v bool) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithIncludeUnloadedSegments - if set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory.

func (CatNodes) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithLocal - calculate the selected nodes using the local cluster state rather than the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatNodes) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatNodes) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatNodes) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatNodes) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithPretty() func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatNodes) WithS ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatNodes) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatNodes) WithTime(v string) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatNodes) WithV ¶

func (f CatNodes) WithV(v bool) func(*CatNodesRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatNodesRequest ¶

type CatNodesRequest struct {
	Bytes                   string
	Format                  string
	FullID                  *bool
	H                       []string
	Help                    *bool
	IncludeUnloadedSegments *bool
	Local                   *bool
	MasterTimeout           time.Duration
	S                       []string
	Time                    string
	V                       *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatNodesRequest configures the Cat Nodes API request.

func (CatNodesRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatNodesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatPendingTasks ¶

type CatPendingTasks func(o ...func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatPendingTasks returns a concise representation of the cluster pending tasks.

See full documentation at

func (CatPendingTasks) WithContext ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithH ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithHuman() func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatPendingTasks) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithPretty() func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithS ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithTime(v string) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatPendingTasks) WithV ¶

func (f CatPendingTasks) WithV(v bool) func(*CatPendingTasksRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatPendingTasksRequest ¶

type CatPendingTasksRequest struct {
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	Time          string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatPendingTasksRequest configures the Cat Pending Tasks API request.

func (CatPendingTasksRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatPendingTasksRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatPlugins ¶

type CatPlugins func(o ...func(*CatPluginsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatPlugins returns information about installed plugins across nodes node.

See full documentation at

func (CatPlugins) WithContext ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatPlugins) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatPlugins) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatPlugins) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatPlugins) WithH ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatPlugins) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatPlugins) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatPlugins) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatPlugins) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithHuman() func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatPlugins) WithIncludeBootstrap ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f CatPlugins) WithIncludeBootstrap(v bool) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithIncludeBootstrap - include bootstrap plugins in the response.

func (CatPlugins) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatPlugins) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatPlugins) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatPlugins) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatPlugins) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithPretty() func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatPlugins) WithS ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatPlugins) WithV ¶

func (f CatPlugins) WithV(v bool) func(*CatPluginsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatPluginsRequest ¶

type CatPluginsRequest struct {
	Format           string
	H                []string
	Help             *bool
	IncludeBootstrap *bool
	Local            *bool
	MasterTimeout    time.Duration
	S                []string
	V                *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatPluginsRequest configures the Cat Plugins API request.

func (CatPluginsRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatPluginsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatRecovery ¶

type CatRecovery func(o ...func(*CatRecoveryRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatRecovery returns information about index shard recoveries, both on-going completed.

See full documentation at

func (CatRecovery) WithActiveOnly ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f CatRecovery) WithActiveOnly(v bool) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithActiveOnly - if `true`, the response only includes ongoing shard recoveries.

func (CatRecovery) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatRecovery) WithContext ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatRecovery) WithDetailed ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f CatRecovery) WithDetailed(v bool) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithDetailed - if `true`, the response includes detailed information about shard recoveries.

func (CatRecovery) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatRecovery) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatRecovery) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatRecovery) WithH ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatRecovery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatRecovery) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatRecovery) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatRecovery) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithHuman() func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatRecovery) WithIndex ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithIndex - comma-separated list or wildcard expression of index names to limit the returned information.

func (CatRecovery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatRecovery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatRecovery) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithPretty() func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatRecovery) WithS ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatRecovery) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatRecovery) WithTime(v string) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatRecovery) WithV ¶

func (f CatRecovery) WithV(v bool) func(*CatRecoveryRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatRecoveryRequest ¶

type CatRecoveryRequest struct {
	Index []string

	ActiveOnly *bool
	Bytes      string
	Detailed   *bool
	Format     string
	H          []string
	Help       *bool
	S          []string
	Time       string
	V          *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatRecoveryRequest configures the Cat Recovery API request.

func (CatRecoveryRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatRecoveryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatRepositories ¶

type CatRepositories func(o ...func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatRepositories returns information about snapshot repositories registered in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (CatRepositories) WithContext ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatRepositories) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatRepositories) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatRepositories) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatRepositories) WithH ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatRepositories) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatRepositories) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatRepositories) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatRepositories) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithHuman() func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatRepositories) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node.

func (CatRepositories) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatRepositories) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatRepositories) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatRepositories) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithPretty() func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatRepositories) WithS ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatRepositories) WithV ¶

func (f CatRepositories) WithV(v bool) func(*CatRepositoriesRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatRepositoriesRequest ¶

type CatRepositoriesRequest struct {
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatRepositoriesRequest configures the Cat Repositories API request.

func (CatRepositoriesRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatRepositoriesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatSegments ¶

type CatSegments func(o ...func(*CatSegmentsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatSegments provides low-level information about the segments in the shards of an index.

See full documentation at

func (CatSegments) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatSegments) WithContext ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatSegments) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatSegments) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatSegments) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatSegments) WithH ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatSegments) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatSegments) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatSegments) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatSegments) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithHuman() func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatSegments) WithIndex ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to limit the returned information.

func (CatSegments) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatSegments) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatSegments) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithPretty() func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatSegments) WithS ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatSegments) WithV ¶

func (f CatSegments) WithV(v bool) func(*CatSegmentsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatSegmentsRequest ¶

type CatSegmentsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Bytes  string
	Format string
	H      []string
	Help   *bool
	S      []string
	V      *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatSegmentsRequest configures the Cat Segments API request.

func (CatSegmentsRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatSegmentsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatShards ¶

type CatShards func(o ...func(*CatShardsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatShards provides a detailed view of shard allocation on nodes.

See full documentation at

func (CatShards) WithBytes ¶

func (f CatShards) WithBytes(v string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithBytes - the unit in which to display byte values.

func (CatShards) WithContext ¶

func (f CatShards) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatShards) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatShards) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatShards) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatShards) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatShards) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatShards) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatShards) WithH ¶

func (f CatShards) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatShards) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatShards) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatShards) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatShards) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatShards) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatShards) WithHuman() func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatShards) WithIndex ¶

func (f CatShards) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to limit the returned information.

func (CatShards) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatShards) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatShards) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatShards) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatShards) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatShards) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatShards) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatShards) WithPretty() func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatShards) WithS ¶

func (f CatShards) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatShards) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatShards) WithTime(v string) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatShards) WithV ¶

func (f CatShards) WithV(v bool) func(*CatShardsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatShardsRequest ¶

type CatShardsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Bytes         string
	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	Time          string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatShardsRequest configures the Cat Shards API request.

func (CatShardsRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatShardsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatSnapshots ¶

type CatSnapshots func(o ...func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatSnapshots returns all snapshots in a specific repository.

See full documentation at

func (CatSnapshots) WithContext ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatSnapshots) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatSnapshots) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatSnapshots) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatSnapshots) WithH ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatSnapshots) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatSnapshots) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatSnapshots) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatSnapshots) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithHuman() func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatSnapshots) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - set to true to ignore unavailable snapshots.

func (CatSnapshots) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatSnapshots) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatSnapshots) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatSnapshots) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithPretty() func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatSnapshots) WithRepository ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithRepository(v ...string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithRepository - name of repository from which to fetch the snapshot information.

func (CatSnapshots) WithS ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatSnapshots) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatSnapshots) WithTime(v string) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatSnapshots) WithV ¶

func (f CatSnapshots) WithV(v bool) func(*CatSnapshotsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatSnapshotsRequest ¶

type CatSnapshotsRequest struct {
	Repository []string

	Format            string
	H                 []string
	Help              *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	S                 []string
	Time              string
	V                 *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatSnapshotsRequest configures the Cat Snapshots API request.

func (CatSnapshotsRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatSnapshotsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatTasks ¶

type CatTasks func(o ...func(*CatTasksRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatTasks returns information about the tasks currently executing on one or more nodes in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (CatTasks) WithActions ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithActions(v ...string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithActions - a list of actions that should be returned. leave empty to return all..

func (CatTasks) WithContext ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatTasks) WithDetailed ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithDetailed(v bool) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithDetailed - return detailed task information (default: false).

func (CatTasks) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatTasks) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatTasks) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatTasks) WithH ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatTasks) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatTasks) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatTasks) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatTasks) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithHuman() func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatTasks) WithNodes ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f CatTasks) WithNodes(v ...string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithNodes - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (CatTasks) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatTasks) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatTasks) WithParentTaskID ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f CatTasks) WithParentTaskID(v string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithParentTaskID - return tasks with specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). set to -1 to return all..

func (CatTasks) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithPretty() func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatTasks) WithS ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatTasks) WithTime ¶ added in v7.4.1

func (f CatTasks) WithTime(v string) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatTasks) WithV ¶

func (f CatTasks) WithV(v bool) func(*CatTasksRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatTasksRequest ¶

type CatTasksRequest struct {
	Actions      []string
	Detailed     *bool
	Format       string
	H            []string
	Help         *bool
	Nodes        []string
	ParentTaskID string
	S            []string
	Time         string
	V            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatTasksRequest configures the Cat Tasks API request.

func (CatTasksRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatTasksRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatTemplates ¶

type CatTemplates func(o ...func(*CatTemplatesRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatTemplates returns information about existing templates.

See full documentation at

func (CatTemplates) WithContext ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatTemplates) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatTemplates) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatTemplates) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatTemplates) WithH ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatTemplates) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatTemplates) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatTemplates) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatTemplates) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithHuman() func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatTemplates) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatTemplates) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatTemplates) WithName ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithName(v string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithName - a pattern that returned template names must match.

func (CatTemplates) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatTemplates) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatTemplates) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithPretty() func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatTemplates) WithS ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatTemplates) WithV ¶

func (f CatTemplates) WithV(v bool) func(*CatTemplatesRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatTemplatesRequest ¶

type CatTemplatesRequest struct {
	Name string

	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatTemplatesRequest configures the Cat Templates API request.

func (CatTemplatesRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatTemplatesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatThreadPool ¶

type CatThreadPool func(o ...func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatThreadPool returns cluster-wide thread pool statistics per node. By default the active, queue and rejected statistics are returned for all thread pools.

See full documentation at

func (CatThreadPool) WithContext ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatThreadPool) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatThreadPool) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatThreadPool) WithFormat ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatThreadPool) WithH ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatThreadPool) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f CatThreadPool) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatThreadPool) WithHelp ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatThreadPool) WithHuman ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithHuman() func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatThreadPool) WithLocal ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithLocal(v bool) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (CatThreadPool) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (CatThreadPool) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f CatThreadPool) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatThreadPool) WithPretty ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithPretty() func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatThreadPool) WithS ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatThreadPool) WithSize ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithSize(v string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithSize - the multiplier in which to display values.

func (CatThreadPool) WithThreadPoolPatterns ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithThreadPoolPatterns(v ...string) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithThreadPoolPatterns - a list of regular-expressions to filter the thread pools in the output.

func (CatThreadPool) WithV ¶

func (f CatThreadPool) WithV(v bool) func(*CatThreadPoolRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatThreadPoolRequest ¶

type CatThreadPoolRequest struct {
	ThreadPoolPatterns []string

	Format        string
	H             []string
	Help          *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	S             []string
	Size          string
	V             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatThreadPoolRequest configures the Cat Thread Pool API request.

func (CatThreadPoolRequest) Do ¶

func (r CatThreadPoolRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type CatTransforms ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatTransforms func(o ...func(*CatTransformsRequest)) (*Response, error)

CatTransforms - Gets configuration and usage information about transforms.

See full documentation at

func (CatTransforms) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (CatTransforms) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (CatTransforms) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithErrorTrace() func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (CatTransforms) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (CatTransforms) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithFormat(v string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (CatTransforms) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithFrom(v int) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of transform configs, defaults to 0.

func (CatTransforms) WithH ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithH(v ...string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithH - comma-separated list of column names to display.

func (CatTransforms) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (CatTransforms) WithHelp ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithHelp(v bool) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithHelp - return help information.

func (CatTransforms) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithHuman() func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (CatTransforms) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (CatTransforms) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithPretty() func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (CatTransforms) WithS ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithS(v ...string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithS - comma-separated list of column names or column aliases to sort by.

func (CatTransforms) WithSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithSize(v int) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of transforms to get, defaults to 100.

func (CatTransforms) WithTime ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithTime(v string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithTime - the unit in which to display time values.

func (CatTransforms) WithTransformID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithTransformID(v string) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithTransformID - the ID of the transform for which to get stats. '_all' or '*' implies all transforms.

func (CatTransforms) WithV ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f CatTransforms) WithV(v bool) func(*CatTransformsRequest)

WithV - verbose mode. display column headers.

type CatTransformsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type CatTransformsRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Format       string
	From         *int
	H            []string
	Help         *bool
	S            []string
	Size         *int
	Time         string
	V            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CatTransformsRequest configures the Cat Transforms API request.

func (CatTransformsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r CatTransformsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClearScroll ¶

type ClearScroll func(o ...func(*ClearScrollRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClearScroll explicitly clears the search context for a scroll.

See full documentation at

func (ClearScroll) WithBody ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithBody - A comma-separated list of scroll IDs to clear if none was specified via the scroll_id parameter.

func (ClearScroll) WithContext ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClearScroll) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClearScroll) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClearScroll) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClearScroll) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClearScroll) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithHuman() func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClearScroll) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClearScroll) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClearScroll) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithPretty() func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClearScroll) WithScrollID ¶

func (f ClearScroll) WithScrollID(v ...string) func(*ClearScrollRequest)

WithScrollID - a list of scroll ids to clear.

type ClearScrollRequest ¶

type ClearScrollRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	ScrollID []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClearScrollRequest configures the Clear Scroll API request.

func (ClearScrollRequest) Do ¶

func (r ClearScrollRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClosePointInTime ¶ added in v7.10.0

type ClosePointInTime func(o ...func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClosePointInTime - Close a point in time

See full documentation at

func (ClosePointInTime) WithBody ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithBody - a point-in-time id to close.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithHuman() func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClosePointInTime) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f ClosePointInTime) WithPretty() func(*ClosePointInTimeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClosePointInTimeRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type ClosePointInTimeRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClosePointInTimeRequest configures the Close Point In Time API request.

func (ClosePointInTimeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Cluster ¶

type Cluster struct {
	AllocationExplain            ClusterAllocationExplain
	DeleteComponentTemplate      ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate
	DeleteVotingConfigExclusions ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions
	ExistsComponentTemplate      ClusterExistsComponentTemplate
	GetComponentTemplate         ClusterGetComponentTemplate
	GetSettings                  ClusterGetSettings
	Health                       ClusterHealth
	PendingTasks                 ClusterPendingTasks
	PostVotingConfigExclusions   ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions
	PutComponentTemplate         ClusterPutComponentTemplate
	PutSettings                  ClusterPutSettings
	RemoteInfo                   ClusterRemoteInfo
	Reroute                      ClusterReroute
	State                        ClusterState
	Stats                        ClusterStats

Cluster contains the Cluster APIs

type ClusterAllocationExplain ¶

type ClusterAllocationExplain func(o ...func(*ClusterAllocationExplainRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterAllocationExplain provides explanations for shard allocations in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithBody ¶

WithBody - The index, shard, and primary flag to explain. Empty means 'explain a randomly-chosen unassigned shard'.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithErrorTrace ¶

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterAllocationExplain) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterAllocationExplainRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithIncludeDiskInfo ¶

func (f ClusterAllocationExplain) WithIncludeDiskInfo(v bool) func(*ClusterAllocationExplainRequest)

WithIncludeDiskInfo - return information about disk usage and shard sizes (default: false).

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithIncludeYesDecisions ¶

func (f ClusterAllocationExplain) WithIncludeYesDecisions(v bool) func(*ClusterAllocationExplainRequest)

WithIncludeYesDecisions - return 'yes' decisions in explanation (default: false).

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterAllocationExplain) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClusterAllocationExplainRequest ¶

type ClusterAllocationExplainRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	IncludeDiskInfo     *bool
	IncludeYesDecisions *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterAllocationExplainRequest configures the Cluster Allocation Explain API request.

func (ClusterAllocationExplainRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*ClusterDeleteComponentTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate deletes a component template

See full documentation at

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplate) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterDeleteComponentTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterDeleteComponentTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterDeleteComponentTemplateRequest configures the Cluster Delete Component Template API request.

func (ClusterDeleteComponentTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions ¶ added in v7.8.0

type ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions func(o ...func(*ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusionsRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions clears cluster voting config exclusions.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithContext ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusions) WithWaitForRemoval ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithWaitForRemoval - specifies whether to wait for all excluded nodes to be removed from the cluster before clearing the voting configuration exclusions list..

type ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusionsRequest ¶ added in v7.8.0

type ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusionsRequest struct {
	WaitForRemoval *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusionsRequest configures the Cluster Delete Voting Config Exclusions API request.

func (ClusterDeleteVotingConfigExclusionsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.8.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterExistsComponentTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterExistsComponentTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*ClusterExistsComponentTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterExistsComponentTemplate returns information about whether a particular component template exist

See full documentation at

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClusterExistsComponentTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterExistsComponentTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterExistsComponentTemplateRequest configures the Cluster Exists Component Template API request.

func (ClusterExistsComponentTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterGetComponentTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterGetComponentTemplate func(o ...func(*ClusterGetComponentTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterGetComponentTemplate returns one or more component templates

See full documentation at

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithName ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithName - the comma separated names of the component templates.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClusterGetComponentTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterGetComponentTemplateRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterGetComponentTemplateRequest configures the Cluster Get Component Template API request.

func (ClusterGetComponentTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterGetSettings ¶

type ClusterGetSettings func(o ...func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterGetSettings returns cluster settings.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithHuman() func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithIncludeDefaults ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithIncludeDefaults(v bool) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithIncludeDefaults - whether to return all default clusters setting..

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterGetSettings) WithPretty() func(*ClusterGetSettingsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterGetSettings) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterGetSettingsRequest ¶

type ClusterGetSettingsRequest struct {
	FlatSettings    *bool
	IncludeDefaults *bool
	MasterTimeout   time.Duration
	Timeout         time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterGetSettingsRequest configures the Cluster Get Settings API request.

func (ClusterGetSettingsRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterHealth ¶

type ClusterHealth func(o ...func(*ClusterHealthRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterHealth returns basic information about the health of the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterHealth) WithContext ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterHealth) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterHealth) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterHealth) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (ClusterHealth) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterHealth) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterHealth) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterHealth) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithHuman() func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterHealth) WithIndex ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithIndex - limit the information returned to a specific index.

func (ClusterHealth) WithLevel ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithLevel(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithLevel - specify the level of detail for returned information.

func (ClusterHealth) WithLocal ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithLocal(v bool) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (ClusterHealth) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterHealth) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterHealth) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterHealth) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithPretty() func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterHealth) WithTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - wait until the specified number of shards is active.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForEvents ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForEvents(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForEvents - wait until all currently queued events with the given priority are processed.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNoInitializingShards ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNoInitializingShards(v bool) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForNoInitializingShards - whether to wait until there are no initializing shards in the cluster.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNoRelocatingShards ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNoRelocatingShards(v bool) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForNoRelocatingShards - whether to wait until there are no relocating shards in the cluster.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNodes ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForNodes(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForNodes - wait until the specified number of nodes is available.

func (ClusterHealth) WithWaitForStatus ¶

func (f ClusterHealth) WithWaitForStatus(v string) func(*ClusterHealthRequest)

WithWaitForStatus - wait until cluster is in a specific state.

type ClusterHealthRequest ¶

type ClusterHealthRequest struct {
	Index []string

	ExpandWildcards             string
	Level                       string
	Local                       *bool
	MasterTimeout               time.Duration
	Timeout                     time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards         string
	WaitForEvents               string
	WaitForNoInitializingShards *bool
	WaitForNoRelocatingShards   *bool
	WaitForNodes                string
	WaitForStatus               string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterHealthRequest configures the Cluster Health API request.

func (ClusterHealthRequest) Do ¶

func (r ClusterHealthRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterPendingTasks ¶

type ClusterPendingTasks func(o ...func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterPendingTasks returns a list of any cluster-level changes (e.g. create index, update mapping, allocate or fail shard) which have not yet been executed.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithHuman() func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithLocal ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithLocal(v bool) func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPendingTasks) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterPendingTasks) WithPretty() func(*ClusterPendingTasksRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClusterPendingTasksRequest ¶

type ClusterPendingTasksRequest struct {
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterPendingTasksRequest configures the Cluster Pending Tasks API request.

func (ClusterPendingTasksRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions ¶ added in v7.8.0

type ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions func(o ...func(*ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusionsRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions updates the cluster voting config exclusions by node ids or node names.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithContext ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithNodeIds ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithNodeIds - a list of the persistent ids of the nodes to exclude from the voting configuration. if specified, you may not also specify ?node_names..

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithNodeNames ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithNodeNames - a list of the names of the nodes to exclude from the voting configuration. if specified, you may not also specify ?node_ids..

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusions) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusionsRequest ¶ added in v7.8.0

type ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusionsRequest struct {
	NodeIds   string
	NodeNames string
	Timeout   time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusionsRequest configures the Cluster Post Voting Config Exclusions API request.

func (ClusterPostVotingConfigExclusionsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.8.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterPutComponentTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterPutComponentTemplate func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*ClusterPutComponentTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterPutComponentTemplate creates or updates a component template

See full documentation at

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithCreate ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithCreate - whether the index template should only be added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplate) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterPutComponentTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type ClusterPutComponentTemplateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Create        *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterPutComponentTemplateRequest configures the Cluster Put Component Template API request.

func (ClusterPutComponentTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterPutSettings ¶

type ClusterPutSettings func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterPutSettings updates the cluster settings.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithHuman() func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterPutSettings) WithPretty() func(*ClusterPutSettingsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterPutSettings) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterPutSettingsRequest ¶

type ClusterPutSettingsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	FlatSettings  *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterPutSettingsRequest configures the Cluster Put Settings API request.

func (ClusterPutSettingsRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterRemoteInfo ¶

type ClusterRemoteInfo func(o ...func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterRemoteInfo returns the information about configured remote clusters.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithHuman() func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterRemoteInfo) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterRemoteInfo) WithPretty() func(*ClusterRemoteInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ClusterRemoteInfoRequest ¶

type ClusterRemoteInfoRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterRemoteInfoRequest configures the Cluster Remote Info API request.

func (ClusterRemoteInfoRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterReroute ¶

type ClusterReroute func(o ...func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterReroute allows to manually change the allocation of individual shards in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterReroute) WithBody ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithBody - The definition of `commands` to perform (`move`, `cancel`, `allocate`).

func (ClusterReroute) WithContext ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterReroute) WithDryRun ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithDryRun(v bool) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithDryRun - simulate the operation only and return the resulting state.

func (ClusterReroute) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterReroute) WithExplain ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithExplain(v bool) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithExplain - return an explanation of why the commands can or cannot be executed.

func (ClusterReroute) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterReroute) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterReroute) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterReroute) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithHuman() func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterReroute) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (ClusterReroute) WithMetric ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithMetric - limit the information returned to the specified metrics. defaults to all but metadata.

func (ClusterReroute) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterReroute) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterReroute) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithPretty() func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterReroute) WithRetryFailed ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithRetryFailed(v bool) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithRetryFailed - retries allocation of shards that are blocked due to too many subsequent allocation failures.

func (ClusterReroute) WithTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterReroute) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterRerouteRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterRerouteRequest ¶

type ClusterRerouteRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DryRun        *bool
	Explain       *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Metric        []string
	RetryFailed   *bool
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterRerouteRequest configures the Cluster Reroute API request.

func (ClusterRerouteRequest) Do ¶

func (r ClusterRerouteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterState ¶

type ClusterState func(o ...func(*ClusterStateRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterState returns a comprehensive information about the state of the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterState) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (ClusterState) WithContext ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterState) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterState) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (ClusterState) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterState) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (ClusterState) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterState) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterState) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithHuman() func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterState) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (ClusterState) WithIndex ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (ClusterState) WithLocal ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithLocal(v bool) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (ClusterState) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (ClusterState) WithMetric ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithMetric - limit the information returned to the specified metrics.

func (ClusterState) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterState) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterState) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithPretty() func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterState) WithWaitForMetadataVersion ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithWaitForMetadataVersion(v int) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithWaitForMetadataVersion - wait for the metadata version to be equal or greater than the specified metadata version.

func (ClusterState) WithWaitForTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterState) WithWaitForTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterStateRequest)

WithWaitForTimeout - the maximum time to wait for wait_for_metadata_version before timing out.

type ClusterStateRequest ¶

type ClusterStateRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Metric []string

	AllowNoIndices         *bool
	ExpandWildcards        string
	FlatSettings           *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable      *bool
	Local                  *bool
	MasterTimeout          time.Duration
	WaitForMetadataVersion *int
	WaitForTimeout         time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterStateRequest configures the Cluster State API request.

func (ClusterStateRequest) Do ¶

func (r ClusterStateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ClusterStats ¶

type ClusterStats func(o ...func(*ClusterStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

ClusterStats returns high-level overview of cluster statistics.

See full documentation at

func (ClusterStats) WithContext ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ClusterStats) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ClusterStats) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ClusterStats) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (ClusterStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ClusterStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterStats) WithHuman ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithHuman() func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ClusterStats) WithNodeID ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (ClusterStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ClusterStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ClusterStats) WithPretty ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithPretty() func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ClusterStats) WithTimeout ¶

func (f ClusterStats) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ClusterStatsRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type ClusterStatsRequest ¶

type ClusterStatsRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	FlatSettings *bool
	Timeout      time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ClusterStatsRequest configures the Cluster Stats API request.

func (ClusterStatsRequest) Do ¶

func (r ClusterStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Count ¶

type Count func(o ...func(*CountRequest)) (*Response, error)

Count returns number of documents matching a query.

See full documentation at

func (Count) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f Count) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*CountRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (Count) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f Count) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*CountRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (Count) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f Count) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (Count) WithBody ¶

func (f Count) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*CountRequest)

WithBody - A query to restrict the results specified with the Query DSL (optional).

func (Count) WithContext ¶

func (f Count) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CountRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Count) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f Count) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (Count) WithDf ¶

func (f Count) WithDf(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (Count) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Count) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*CountRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of types to restrict the results.

func (Count) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Count) WithErrorTrace() func(*CountRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Count) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f Count) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (Count) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Count) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CountRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Count) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Count) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CountRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Count) WithHuman ¶

func (f Count) WithHuman() func(*CountRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Count) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶

func (f Count) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*CountRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - whether specified concrete, expanded or aliased indices should be ignored when throttled.

func (Count) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f Count) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*CountRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (Count) WithIndex ¶

func (f Count) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*CountRequest)

WithIndex - a list of indices to restrict the results.

func (Count) WithLenient ¶

func (f Count) WithLenient(v bool) func(*CountRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (Count) WithMinScore ¶

func (f Count) WithMinScore(v int) func(*CountRequest)

WithMinScore - include only documents with a specific `_score` value in the result.

func (Count) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Count) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CountRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Count) WithPreference ¶

func (f Count) WithPreference(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Count) WithPretty ¶

func (f Count) WithPretty() func(*CountRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Count) WithQuery ¶

func (f Count) WithQuery(v string) func(*CountRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (Count) WithRouting ¶

func (f Count) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*CountRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (Count) WithTerminateAfter ¶

func (f Count) WithTerminateAfter(v int) func(*CountRequest)

WithTerminateAfter - the maximum count for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early.

type CountRequest ¶

type CountRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	Analyzer          string
	AnalyzeWildcard   *bool
	DefaultOperator   string
	Df                string
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreThrottled   *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Lenient           *bool
	MinScore          *int
	Preference        string
	Query             string
	Routing           []string
	TerminateAfter    *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CountRequest configures the Count API request.

func (CountRequest) Do ¶

func (r CountRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Create ¶

type Create func(index string, id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*CreateRequest)) (*Response, error)

Create creates a new document in the index.

Returns a 409 response when a document with a same ID already exists in the index.

See full documentation at

func (Create) WithContext ¶

func (f Create) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*CreateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Create) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Create) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Create) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Create) WithErrorTrace() func(*CreateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Create) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Create) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Create) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Create) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Create) WithHuman ¶

func (f Create) WithHuman() func(*CreateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Create) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Create) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Create) WithPipeline ¶

func (f Create) WithPipeline(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithPipeline - the pipeline ID to preprocess incoming documents with.

func (Create) WithPretty ¶

func (f Create) WithPretty() func(*CreateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Create) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Create) WithRefresh(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes..

func (Create) WithRouting ¶

func (f Create) WithRouting(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Create) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Create) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*CreateRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Create) WithVersion ¶

func (f Create) WithVersion(v int) func(*CreateRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Create) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Create) WithVersionType(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

func (Create) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Create) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*CreateRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the index operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type CreateRequest ¶

type CreateRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Body io.Reader

	Pipeline            string
	Refresh             string
	Routing             string
	Timeout             time.Duration
	Version             *int
	VersionType         string
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CreateRequest configures the Create API request.

func (CreateRequest) Do ¶

func (r CreateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex func(index_uuid string, o ...func(*DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexRequest)) (*Response, error)

DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex deletes the specified dangling index

See full documentation at

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithAcceptDataLoss ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithAcceptDataLoss - must be set to true in order to delete the dangling index.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndex) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexRequest struct {
	IndexUUID string

	AcceptDataLoss *bool
	MasterTimeout  time.Duration
	Timeout        time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexRequest configures the Dangling Indices Delete Dangling Index API request.

func (DanglingIndicesDeleteDanglingIndexRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex func(index_uuid string, o ...func(*DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexRequest)) (*Response, error)

DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex imports the specified dangling index

See full documentation at

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithAcceptDataLoss ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithAcceptDataLoss - must be set to true in order to import the dangling index.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndex) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexRequest struct {
	IndexUUID string

	AcceptDataLoss *bool
	MasterTimeout  time.Duration
	Timeout        time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexRequest configures the Dangling Indices Import Dangling Index API request.

func (DanglingIndicesImportDanglingIndexRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices func(o ...func(*DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesRequest)) (*Response, error)

DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices returns all dangling indices.

See full documentation at

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndices) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesRequest configures the Dangling Indices List Dangling Indices API request.

func (DanglingIndicesListDanglingIndicesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform - Deletes an existing transform.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithForce ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithForce - when `true`, the transform is deleted regardless of its current state. the default value is `false`, meaning that the transform must be `stopped` before it can be deleted..

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	Force *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Delete Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedDeleteTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform func(o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform - Retrieves configuration information for transforms.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithExcludeGenerated - omits generated fields. allows transform configurations to be easily copied between clusters and within the same cluster.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFrom - skips a number of transform configs, defaults to 0.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithSize ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of transforms to get, defaults to 100.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransform) WithTransformID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithTransformID - the ID or comma delimited list of ID expressions of the transforms to get, '_all' or '*' implies get all transforms.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	ExcludeGenerated *bool
	From             *int
	Size             *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Get Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats func(transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats - Retrieves usage information for transforms.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFrom - skips a number of transform stats, defaults to 0.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStats) WithSize ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of transform stats to get, defaults to 100.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStatsRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	From         *int
	Size         *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStatsRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Get Transform Stats API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedGetTransformStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform - Previews a transform.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Preview Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPreviewTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform func(body io.Reader, transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform - Instantiates a transform.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithDeferValidation ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithDeferValidation - if validations should be deferred until transform starts, defaults to false..

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	TransformID string

	DeferValidation *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Put Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedPutTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform - Starts one or more transforms.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the transform to start.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Start Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStartTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform - Stops one or more transforms.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until the transform has stopped. default to 30 seconds.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransform) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithWaitForCompletion - whether to wait for the transform to fully stop before returning or not. default to false.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch      *bool
	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Stop Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedStopTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform func(body io.Reader, transform_id string, o ...func(*DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform - Updates certain properties of a transform.

This API is beta.

See full documentation at

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithDeferValidation ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithDeferValidation - if validations should be deferred until transform starts, defaults to false..

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	TransformID string

	DeferValidation *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransformRequest configures the Data Frame Transform Deprecated Update Transform API request.

func (DataFrameTransformDeprecatedUpdateTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Delete ¶

type Delete func(index string, id string, o ...func(*DeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

Delete removes a document from the index.

See full documentation at

func (Delete) WithContext ¶

func (f Delete) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Delete) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Delete) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Delete) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Delete) WithErrorTrace() func(*DeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Delete) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Delete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Delete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Delete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Delete) WithHuman ¶

func (f Delete) WithHuman() func(*DeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Delete) WithIfPrimaryTerm ¶

func (f Delete) WithIfPrimaryTerm(v int) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithIfPrimaryTerm - only perform the delete operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term.

func (Delete) WithIfSeqNo ¶

func (f Delete) WithIfSeqNo(v int) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithIfSeqNo - only perform the delete operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number.

func (Delete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Delete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Delete) WithPretty ¶

func (f Delete) WithPretty() func(*DeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Delete) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Delete) WithRefresh(v string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes..

func (Delete) WithRouting ¶

func (f Delete) WithRouting(v string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Delete) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Delete) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Delete) WithVersion ¶

func (f Delete) WithVersion(v int) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Delete) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Delete) WithVersionType(v string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

func (Delete) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Delete) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*DeleteRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the delete operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type DeleteByQuery ¶

type DeleteByQuery func(index []string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)) (*Response, error)

DeleteByQuery deletes documents matching the provided query.

See full documentation at

func (DeleteByQuery) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithConflicts ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithConflicts(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithConflicts - what to do when the delete by query hits version conflicts?.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithContext ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithDf ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithDf(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithErrorTrace() func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithFrom ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithFrom(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithFrom - starting offset (default: 0).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithHuman ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithHuman() func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithLenient ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithLenient(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithMaxDocs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithMaxDocs(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithMaxDocs - maximum number of documents to process (default: all documents).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithPreference ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithPreference(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithPretty ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithPretty() func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithQuery ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithQuery(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithRefresh ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithRefresh - should the effected indexes be refreshed?.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithRequestCache ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithRequestCache(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithRequestCache - specify if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle for this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means no throttle..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithRouting ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithScroll ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithScroll - specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithScrollSize ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithScrollSize(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithScrollSize - size on the scroll request powering the delete by query.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithSearchTimeout ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithSearchTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithSearchTimeout - explicit timeout for each search request. defaults to no timeout..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithSearchType ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithSearchType(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithSize ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithSize(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithSize - deprecated, please use `max_docs` instead.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithSlices ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithSlices(v interface{}) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithSlices - the number of slices this task should be divided into. defaults to 1, meaning the task isn't sliced into subtasks. can be set to `auto`..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithSort ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithSort(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithSort - a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithStats ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithStats(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithStats - specific 'tag' of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithTerminateAfter ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithTerminateAfter(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithTerminateAfter - the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithTimeout ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithTimeout - time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable..

func (DeleteByQuery) WithVersion ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithVersion(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithVersion - specify whether to return document version as part of a hit.

func (DeleteByQuery) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the delete by query operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (DeleteByQuery) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f DeleteByQuery) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*DeleteByQueryRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request should block until the delete by query is complete..

type DeleteByQueryRequest ¶

type DeleteByQueryRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	Analyzer            string
	AnalyzeWildcard     *bool
	Conflicts           string
	DefaultOperator     string
	Df                  string
	ExpandWildcards     string
	From                *int
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	Lenient             *bool
	MaxDocs             *int
	Preference          string
	Query               string
	Refresh             *bool
	RequestCache        *bool
	RequestsPerSecond   *int
	Routing             []string
	Scroll              time.Duration
	ScrollSize          *int
	SearchTimeout       time.Duration
	SearchType          string
	Size                *int
	Slices              interface{}
	Sort                []string
	Stats               []string
	TerminateAfter      *int
	Timeout             time.Duration
	Version             *bool
	WaitForActiveShards string
	WaitForCompletion   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteByQueryRequest configures the Delete By Query API request.

func (DeleteByQueryRequest) Do ¶

func (r DeleteByQueryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DeleteByQueryRethrottle ¶

type DeleteByQueryRethrottle func(task_id string, requests_per_second *int, o ...func(*DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest)) (*Response, error)

DeleteByQueryRethrottle changes the number of requests per second for a particular Delete By Query operation.

See full documentation at

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithErrorTrace() func(*DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f DeleteByQueryRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle to set on this request in floating sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle..

type DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest ¶

type DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest struct {
	TaskID string

	RequestsPerSecond *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest configures the Delete By Query Rethrottle API request.

func (DeleteByQueryRethrottleRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DeleteRequest ¶

type DeleteRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	IfPrimaryTerm       *int
	IfSeqNo             *int
	Refresh             string
	Routing             string
	Timeout             time.Duration
	Version             *int
	VersionType         string
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteRequest configures the Delete API request.

func (DeleteRequest) Do ¶

func (r DeleteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type DeleteScript ¶

type DeleteScript func(id string, o ...func(*DeleteScriptRequest)) (*Response, error)

DeleteScript deletes a script.

See full documentation at

func (DeleteScript) WithContext ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (DeleteScript) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithErrorTrace() func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (DeleteScript) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (DeleteScript) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f DeleteScript) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteScript) WithHuman ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithHuman() func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (DeleteScript) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (DeleteScript) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f DeleteScript) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (DeleteScript) WithPretty ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithPretty() func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (DeleteScript) WithTimeout ¶

func (f DeleteScript) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*DeleteScriptRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type DeleteScriptRequest ¶

type DeleteScriptRequest struct {
	ScriptID string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeleteScriptRequest configures the Delete Script API request.

func (DeleteScriptRequest) Do ¶

func (r DeleteScriptRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EnrichDeletePolicy ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichDeletePolicy func(name string, o ...func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

EnrichDeletePolicy - Deletes an existing enrich policy and its enrich index.

See full documentation at

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithErrorTrace() func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithHuman() func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichDeletePolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichDeletePolicy) WithPretty() func(*EnrichDeletePolicyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EnrichDeletePolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichDeletePolicyRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnrichDeletePolicyRequest configures the Enrich Delete Policy API request.

func (EnrichDeletePolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EnrichExecutePolicy ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichExecutePolicy func(name string, o ...func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

EnrichExecutePolicy - Creates the enrich index for an existing enrich policy.

See full documentation at

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithErrorTrace() func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithHuman() func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithPretty() func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (EnrichExecutePolicy) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichExecutePolicy) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*EnrichExecutePolicyRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request should block until the execution is complete..

type EnrichExecutePolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichExecutePolicyRequest struct {
	Name string

	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnrichExecutePolicyRequest configures the Enrich Execute Policy API request.

func (EnrichExecutePolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EnrichGetPolicy ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichGetPolicy func(o ...func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

EnrichGetPolicy - Gets information about an enrich policy.

See full documentation at

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithErrorTrace() func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithHuman() func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithName ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithName(v ...string) func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithName - a list of enrich policy names.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichGetPolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichGetPolicy) WithPretty() func(*EnrichGetPolicyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EnrichGetPolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichGetPolicyRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnrichGetPolicyRequest configures the Enrich Get Policy API request.

func (EnrichGetPolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (r EnrichGetPolicyRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EnrichPutPolicy ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichPutPolicy func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

EnrichPutPolicy - Creates a new enrich policy.

See full documentation at

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithErrorTrace() func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithHuman() func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichPutPolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichPutPolicy) WithPretty() func(*EnrichPutPolicyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EnrichPutPolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichPutPolicyRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnrichPutPolicyRequest configures the Enrich Put Policy API request.

func (EnrichPutPolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (r EnrichPutPolicyRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EnrichStats ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichStats func(o ...func(*EnrichStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

EnrichStats - Gets enrich coordinator statistics and information about enrich policies that are currently executing.

See full documentation at

func (EnrichStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EnrichStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EnrichStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EnrichStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithHuman() func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EnrichStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EnrichStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f EnrichStats) WithPretty() func(*EnrichStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EnrichStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type EnrichStatsRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EnrichStatsRequest configures the Enrich Stats API request.

func (EnrichStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (r EnrichStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EqlDelete ¶ added in v7.9.0

type EqlDelete func(id string, o ...func(*EqlDeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

EqlDelete - Deletes an async EQL search by ID. If the search is still running, the search request will be cancelled. Otherwise, the saved search results are deleted.

See full documentation at

func (EqlDelete) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EqlDelete) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithErrorTrace() func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EqlDelete) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EqlDelete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EqlDelete) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithHuman() func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EqlDelete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EqlDelete) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlDelete) WithPretty() func(*EqlDeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EqlDeleteRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type EqlDeleteRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EqlDeleteRequest configures the Eql Delete API request.

func (EqlDeleteRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (r EqlDeleteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EqlGet ¶ added in v7.9.0

type EqlGet func(id string, o ...func(*EqlGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

EqlGet - Returns async results from previously executed Event Query Language (EQL) search

See full documentation at

func (EqlGet) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EqlGet) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EqlGet) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EqlGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EqlGet) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithHuman() func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EqlGet) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithKeepAlive(v time.Duration) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithKeepAlive - update the time interval in which the results (partial or final) for this search will be available.

func (EqlGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EqlGet) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithPretty() func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (EqlGet) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlGet) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*EqlGetRequest)

WithWaitForCompletionTimeout - specify the time that the request should block waiting for the final response.

type EqlGetRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type EqlGetRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	KeepAlive                time.Duration
	WaitForCompletionTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EqlGetRequest configures the Eql Get API request.

func (EqlGetRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (r EqlGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EqlGetStatus ¶ added in v7.12.0

type EqlGetStatus func(id string, o ...func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

EqlGetStatus - Returns the status of a previously submitted async or stored Event Query Language (EQL) search

See full documentation at

func (EqlGetStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithHuman() func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EqlGetStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f EqlGetStatus) WithPretty() func(*EqlGetStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type EqlGetStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type EqlGetStatusRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EqlGetStatusRequest configures the Eql Get Status API request.

func (EqlGetStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (r EqlGetStatusRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type EqlSearch ¶ added in v7.7.0

type EqlSearch func(index string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*EqlSearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

EqlSearch - Returns results matching a query expressed in Event Query Language (EQL)

See full documentation at

func (EqlSearch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (EqlSearch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithErrorTrace() func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (EqlSearch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (EqlSearch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (EqlSearch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithHuman() func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (EqlSearch) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithKeepAlive(v time.Duration) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithKeepAlive - update the time interval in which the results (partial or final) for this search will be available.

func (EqlSearch) WithKeepOnCompletion ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithKeepOnCompletion(v bool) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithKeepOnCompletion - control whether the response should be stored in the cluster if it completed within the provided [wait_for_completion] time (default: false).

func (EqlSearch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (EqlSearch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithPretty() func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (EqlSearch) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f EqlSearch) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*EqlSearchRequest)

WithWaitForCompletionTimeout - specify the time that the request should block waiting for the final response.

type EqlSearchRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type EqlSearchRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	KeepAlive                time.Duration
	KeepOnCompletion         *bool
	WaitForCompletionTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

EqlSearchRequest configures the Eql Search API request.

func (EqlSearchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r EqlSearchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Exists ¶

type Exists func(index string, id string, o ...func(*ExistsRequest)) (*Response, error)

Exists returns information about whether a document exists in an index.

See full documentation at

func (Exists) WithContext ¶

func (f Exists) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Exists) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Exists) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types).

func (Exists) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Exists) WithErrorTrace() func(*ExistsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Exists) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Exists) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Exists) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Exists) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Exists) WithHuman ¶

func (f Exists) WithHuman() func(*ExistsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Exists) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Exists) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Exists) WithPreference ¶

func (f Exists) WithPreference(v string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Exists) WithPretty ¶

func (f Exists) WithPretty() func(*ExistsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Exists) WithRealtime ¶

func (f Exists) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (Exists) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Exists) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (Exists) WithRouting ¶

func (f Exists) WithRouting(v string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Exists) WithSource ¶

func (f Exists) WithSource(v ...string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Exists) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Exists) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Exists) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Exists) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Exists) WithStoredFields ¶

func (f Exists) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return in the response.

func (Exists) WithVersion ¶

func (f Exists) WithVersion(v int) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Exists) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Exists) WithVersionType(v string) func(*ExistsRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type ExistsRequest ¶

type ExistsRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	StoredFields   []string
	Version        *int
	VersionType    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExistsRequest configures the Exists API request.

func (ExistsRequest) Do ¶

func (r ExistsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ExistsSource ¶

type ExistsSource func(index string, id string, o ...func(*ExistsSourceRequest)) (*Response, error)

ExistsSource returns information about whether a document source exists in an index.

See full documentation at

func (ExistsSource) WithContext ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ExistsSource) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document; deprecated and optional starting with 7.0.

func (ExistsSource) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithErrorTrace() func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ExistsSource) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ExistsSource) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ExistsSource) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ExistsSource) WithHuman ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithHuman() func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ExistsSource) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ExistsSource) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ExistsSource) WithPreference ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithPreference(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (ExistsSource) WithPretty ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithPretty() func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ExistsSource) WithRealtime ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (ExistsSource) WithRefresh ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (ExistsSource) WithRouting ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithRouting(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (ExistsSource) WithSource ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithSource(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (ExistsSource) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (ExistsSource) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (ExistsSource) WithVersion ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithVersion(v int) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (ExistsSource) WithVersionType ¶

func (f ExistsSource) WithVersionType(v string) func(*ExistsSourceRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type ExistsSourceRequest ¶

type ExistsSourceRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	Version        *int
	VersionType    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExistsSourceRequest configures the Exists Source API request.

func (ExistsSourceRequest) Do ¶

func (r ExistsSourceRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Explain ¶

type Explain func(index string, id string, o ...func(*ExplainRequest)) (*Response, error)

Explain returns information about why a specific matches (or doesn't match) a query.

See full documentation at

func (Explain) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f Explain) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcards and prefix queries in the query string query should be analyzed (default: false).

func (Explain) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f Explain) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer for the query string query.

func (Explain) WithBody ¶

func (f Explain) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithBody - The query definition using the Query DSL.

func (Explain) WithContext ¶

func (f Explain) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Explain) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f Explain) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (Explain) WithDf ¶

func (f Explain) WithDf(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithDf - the default field for query string query (default: _all).

func (Explain) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Explain) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Explain) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Explain) WithErrorTrace() func(*ExplainRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Explain) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Explain) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Explain) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Explain) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Explain) WithHuman ¶

func (f Explain) WithHuman() func(*ExplainRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Explain) WithLenient ¶

func (f Explain) WithLenient(v bool) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (Explain) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Explain) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Explain) WithPreference ¶

func (f Explain) WithPreference(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Explain) WithPretty ¶

func (f Explain) WithPretty() func(*ExplainRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Explain) WithQuery ¶

func (f Explain) WithQuery(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (Explain) WithRouting ¶

func (f Explain) WithRouting(v string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Explain) WithSource ¶

func (f Explain) WithSource(v ...string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Explain) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Explain) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Explain) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Explain) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Explain) WithStoredFields ¶

func (f Explain) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*ExplainRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return in the response.

type ExplainRequest ¶

type ExplainRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Body io.Reader

	Analyzer        string
	AnalyzeWildcard *bool
	DefaultOperator string
	Df              string
	Lenient         *bool
	Preference      string
	Query           string
	Routing         string
	Source          []string
	SourceExcludes  []string
	SourceIncludes  []string
	StoredFields    []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ExplainRequest configures the Explain API request.

func (ExplainRequest) Do ¶

func (r ExplainRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FeaturesGetFeatures ¶ added in v7.12.0

type FeaturesGetFeatures func(o ...func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)) (*Response, error)

FeaturesGetFeatures gets a list of features which can be included in snapshots using the feature_states field when creating a snapshot

See full documentation at

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithErrorTrace() func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithHuman() func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FeaturesGetFeatures) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f FeaturesGetFeatures) WithPretty() func(*FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest struct {
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest configures the Features Get Features API request.

func (FeaturesGetFeaturesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FeaturesResetFeatures ¶ added in v7.13.0

type FeaturesResetFeatures func(o ...func(*FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest)) (*Response, error)

FeaturesResetFeatures resets the internal state of features, usually by deleting system indices

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FeaturesResetFeatures) WithErrorTrace() func(*FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FeaturesResetFeatures) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FeaturesResetFeatures) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest configures the Features Reset Features API request.

func (FeaturesResetFeaturesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FieldCaps ¶

type FieldCaps func(o ...func(*FieldCapsRequest)) (*Response, error)

FieldCaps returns the information about the capabilities of fields among multiple indices.

See full documentation at

func (FieldCaps) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (FieldCaps) WithBody ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f FieldCaps) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithBody - An index filter specified with the Query DSL.

func (FieldCaps) WithContext ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FieldCaps) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithErrorTrace() func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FieldCaps) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (FieldCaps) WithFields ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithFields(v ...string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithFields - a list of field names.

func (FieldCaps) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FieldCaps) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f FieldCaps) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FieldCaps) WithHuman ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithHuman() func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FieldCaps) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (FieldCaps) WithIncludeUnmapped ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f FieldCaps) WithIncludeUnmapped(v bool) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithIncludeUnmapped - indicates whether unmapped fields should be included in the response..

func (FieldCaps) WithIndex ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (FieldCaps) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f FieldCaps) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FieldCaps) WithPretty ¶

func (f FieldCaps) WithPretty() func(*FieldCapsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type FieldCapsRequest ¶

type FieldCapsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Fields            []string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeUnmapped   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FieldCapsRequest configures the Field Caps API request.

func (FieldCapsRequest) Do ¶

func (r FieldCapsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FleetGlobalCheckpoints ¶ added in v7.13.0

type FleetGlobalCheckpoints func(index string, o ...func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)) (*Response, error)

FleetGlobalCheckpoints returns the current global checkpoints for an index. This API is design for internal use by the fleet server project.

See full documentation at

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithCheckpoints ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithCheckpoints(v ...string) func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)

WithCheckpoints - comma separated list of checkpoints.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithErrorTrace() func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithTimeout - timeout to wait for global checkpoint to advance.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithWaitForAdvance ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithWaitForAdvance(v bool) func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)

WithWaitForAdvance - whether to wait for the global checkpoint to advance past the specified current checkpoints.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithWaitForIndex ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f FleetGlobalCheckpoints) WithWaitForIndex(v bool) func(*FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest)

WithWaitForIndex - whether to wait for the target index to exist and all primary shards be active.

type FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest struct {
	Index string

	Checkpoints    []string
	Timeout        time.Duration
	WaitForAdvance *bool
	WaitForIndex   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest configures the Fleet Global Checkpoints API request.

func (FleetGlobalCheckpointsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FleetMsearch ¶ added in v7.16.0

type FleetMsearch func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*FleetMsearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

FleetMsearch multi Search API where the search will only be executed after specified checkpoints are available due to a refresh. This API is designed for internal use by the fleet server project.

This API is experimental.

func (FleetMsearch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FleetMsearch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithErrorTrace() func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FleetMsearch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FleetMsearch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FleetMsearch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithHuman() func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FleetMsearch) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithIndex(v string) func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithIndex - the index name to use as the default.

func (FleetMsearch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FleetMsearch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetMsearch) WithPretty() func(*FleetMsearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type FleetMsearchRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type FleetMsearchRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FleetMsearchRequest configures the Fleet Msearch API request.

func (FleetMsearchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (r FleetMsearchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type FleetSearch ¶ added in v7.16.0

type FleetSearch func(index string, o ...func(*FleetSearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

FleetSearch search API where the search will only be executed after specified checkpoints are available due to a refresh. This API is designed for internal use by the fleet server project.

This API is experimental.

func (FleetSearch) WithAllowPartialSearchResults ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithAllowPartialSearchResults(v bool) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithAllowPartialSearchResults - indicate if an error should be returned if there is a partial search failure or timeout.

func (FleetSearch) WithBody ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithBody - The search definition using the Query DSL.

func (FleetSearch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (FleetSearch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithErrorTrace() func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (FleetSearch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (FleetSearch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (FleetSearch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithHuman() func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (FleetSearch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (FleetSearch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithPretty() func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (FleetSearch) WithWaitForCheckpoints ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithWaitForCheckpoints(v ...string) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithWaitForCheckpoints - comma separated list of checkpoints, one per shard.

func (FleetSearch) WithWaitForCheckpointsTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f FleetSearch) WithWaitForCheckpointsTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*FleetSearchRequest)

WithWaitForCheckpointsTimeout - explicit wait_for_checkpoints timeout.

type FleetSearchRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type FleetSearchRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowPartialSearchResults *bool
	WaitForCheckpoints        []string
	WaitForCheckpointsTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

FleetSearchRequest configures the Fleet Search API request.

func (FleetSearchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (r FleetSearchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Get ¶

type Get func(index string, id string, o ...func(*GetRequest)) (*Response, error)

Get returns a document.

See full documentation at

func (Get) WithContext ¶

func (f Get) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*GetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Get) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Get) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*GetRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document (use `_all` to fetch the first document matching the ID across all types).

func (Get) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Get) WithErrorTrace() func(*GetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Get) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Get) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Get) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Get) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Get) WithHuman ¶

func (f Get) WithHuman() func(*GetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Get) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Get) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Get) WithPreference ¶

func (f Get) WithPreference(v string) func(*GetRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Get) WithPretty ¶

func (f Get) WithPretty() func(*GetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Get) WithRealtime ¶

func (f Get) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*GetRequest)

WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (Get) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Get) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*GetRequest)

WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (Get) WithRouting ¶

func (f Get) WithRouting(v string) func(*GetRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Get) WithSource ¶

func (f Get) WithSource(v ...string) func(*GetRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Get) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Get) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*GetRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Get) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Get) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*GetRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Get) WithStoredFields ¶

func (f Get) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*GetRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return in the response.

func (Get) WithVersion ¶

func (f Get) WithVersion(v int) func(*GetRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Get) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Get) WithVersionType(v string) func(*GetRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type GetRequest ¶

type GetRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	StoredFields   []string
	Version        *int
	VersionType    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetRequest configures the Get API request.

func (GetRequest) Do ¶

func (r GetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type GetScript ¶

type GetScript func(id string, o ...func(*GetScriptRequest)) (*Response, error)

GetScript returns a script.

See full documentation at

func (GetScript) WithContext ¶

func (f GetScript) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (GetScript) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f GetScript) WithErrorTrace() func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (GetScript) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f GetScript) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (GetScript) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GetScript) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (GetScript) WithHuman ¶

func (f GetScript) WithHuman() func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (GetScript) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f GetScript) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (GetScript) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f GetScript) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (GetScript) WithPretty ¶

func (f GetScript) WithPretty() func(*GetScriptRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type GetScriptContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

type GetScriptContext func(o ...func(*GetScriptContextRequest)) (*Response, error)

GetScriptContext returns all script contexts.

See full documentation at

func (GetScriptContext) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (GetScriptContext) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithErrorTrace() func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (GetScriptContext) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (GetScriptContext) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (GetScriptContext) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithHuman() func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (GetScriptContext) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (GetScriptContext) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptContext) WithPretty() func(*GetScriptContextRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type GetScriptContextRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type GetScriptContextRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetScriptContextRequest configures the Get Script Context API request.

func (GetScriptContextRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type GetScriptLanguages ¶ added in v7.7.0

type GetScriptLanguages func(o ...func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)) (*Response, error)

GetScriptLanguages returns available script types, languages and contexts

See full documentation at

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithErrorTrace() func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithHuman() func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (GetScriptLanguages) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f GetScriptLanguages) WithPretty() func(*GetScriptLanguagesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type GetScriptLanguagesRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type GetScriptLanguagesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetScriptLanguagesRequest configures the Get Script Languages API request.

func (GetScriptLanguagesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type GetScriptRequest ¶

type GetScriptRequest struct {
	ScriptID string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetScriptRequest configures the Get Script API request.

func (GetScriptRequest) Do ¶

func (r GetScriptRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type GetSource ¶

type GetSource func(index string, id string, o ...func(*GetSourceRequest)) (*Response, error)

GetSource returns the source of a document.

See full documentation at

func (GetSource) WithContext ¶

func (f GetSource) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (GetSource) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f GetSource) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document; deprecated and optional starting with 7.0.

func (GetSource) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f GetSource) WithErrorTrace() func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (GetSource) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f GetSource) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (GetSource) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GetSource) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (GetSource) WithHuman ¶

func (f GetSource) WithHuman() func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (GetSource) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f GetSource) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (GetSource) WithPreference ¶

func (f GetSource) WithPreference(v string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (GetSource) WithPretty ¶

func (f GetSource) WithPretty() func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (GetSource) WithRealtime ¶

func (f GetSource) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (GetSource) WithRefresh ¶

func (f GetSource) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (GetSource) WithRouting ¶

func (f GetSource) WithRouting(v string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (GetSource) WithSource ¶

func (f GetSource) WithSource(v ...string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (GetSource) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f GetSource) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (GetSource) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f GetSource) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (GetSource) WithVersion ¶

func (f GetSource) WithVersion(v int) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (GetSource) WithVersionType ¶

func (f GetSource) WithVersionType(v string) func(*GetSourceRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type GetSourceRequest ¶

type GetSourceRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	Version        *int
	VersionType    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetSourceRequest configures the Get Source API request.

func (GetSourceRequest) Do ¶

func (r GetSourceRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type GraphExplore ¶ added in v7.2.0

type GraphExplore func(index []string, o ...func(*GraphExploreRequest)) (*Response, error)

GraphExplore - Explore extracted and summarized information about the documents and terms in an index.

See full documentation at

func (GraphExplore) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithBody - Graph Query DSL.

func (GraphExplore) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (GraphExplore) WithDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (GraphExplore) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithErrorTrace() func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (GraphExplore) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (GraphExplore) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (GraphExplore) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithHuman() func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (GraphExplore) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (GraphExplore) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithPretty() func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (GraphExplore) WithRouting ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithRouting(v string) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (GraphExplore) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f GraphExplore) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*GraphExploreRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type GraphExploreRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type GraphExploreRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	Routing string
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GraphExploreRequest configures the Graph Explore API request.

func (GraphExploreRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r GraphExploreRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILM ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILM struct {
	DeleteLifecycle    ILMDeleteLifecycle
	ExplainLifecycle   ILMExplainLifecycle
	GetLifecycle       ILMGetLifecycle
	GetStatus          ILMGetStatus
	MigrateToDataTiers ILMMigrateToDataTiers
	MoveToStep         ILMMoveToStep
	PutLifecycle       ILMPutLifecycle
	RemovePolicy       ILMRemovePolicy
	Retry              ILMRetry
	Start              ILMStart
	Stop               ILMStop

ILM contains the ILM APIs

type ILMDeleteLifecycle ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMDeleteLifecycle func(policy string, o ...func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMDeleteLifecycle - Deletes the specified lifecycle policy definition. A currently used policy cannot be deleted.

See full documentation at

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMDeleteLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest struct {
	Policy string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest configures the ILM Delete Lifecycle API request.

func (ILMDeleteLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMExplainLifecycle ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMExplainLifecycle func(index string, o ...func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMExplainLifecycle - Retrieves information about the index's current lifecycle state, such as the currently executing phase, action, and step.

See full documentation at

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOnlyErrors ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOnlyErrors(v bool) func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithOnlyErrors - filters the indices included in the response to ones in an ilm error state, implies only_managed.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOnlyManaged ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOnlyManaged(v bool) func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithOnlyManaged - filters the indices included in the response to ones managed by ilm.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMExplainLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMExplainLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*ILMExplainLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMExplainLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMExplainLifecycleRequest struct {
	Index string

	OnlyErrors  *bool
	OnlyManaged *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMExplainLifecycleRequest configures the ILM Explain Lifecycle API request.

func (ILMExplainLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMGetLifecycle ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMGetLifecycle func(o ...func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMGetLifecycle - Returns the specified policy definition. Includes the policy version and last modified date.

See full documentation at

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithPolicy ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithPolicy(v string) func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithPolicy - the name of the index lifecycle policy.

func (ILMGetLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*ILMGetLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMGetLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMGetLifecycleRequest struct {
	Policy string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMGetLifecycleRequest configures the ILM Get Lifecycle API request.

func (ILMGetLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMGetLifecycleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMGetStatus ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMGetStatus func(o ...func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMGetStatus - Retrieves the current index lifecycle management (ILM) status.

See full documentation at

func (ILMGetStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithHuman() func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMGetStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMGetStatus) WithPretty() func(*ILMGetStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMGetStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMGetStatusRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMGetStatusRequest configures the ILM Get Status API request.

func (ILMGetStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMGetStatusRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMMigrateToDataTiers ¶ added in v7.14.0

type ILMMigrateToDataTiers func(o ...func(*ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMMigrateToDataTiers - Migrates the indices and ILM policies away from custom node attribute allocation routing to data tiers routing

See full documentation at

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithBody ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithBody - Optionally specify a legacy index template name to delete and optionally specify a node attribute name used for index shard routing (defaults to "data").

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithDryRun ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithDryRun - if set to true it will simulate the migration, providing a way to retrieve the ilm policies and indices that need to be migrated. the default is false.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiers) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DryRun *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest configures the ILM Migrate To Data Tiers API request.

func (ILMMigrateToDataTiersRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMMoveToStep ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMMoveToStep func(index string, o ...func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMMoveToStep - Manually moves an index into the specified step and executes that step.

See full documentation at

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithBody - The new lifecycle step to move to.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithHuman() func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMMoveToStep) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMMoveToStep) WithPretty() func(*ILMMoveToStepRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMMoveToStepRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMMoveToStepRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMMoveToStepRequest configures the ILM Move To Step API request.

func (ILMMoveToStepRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMMoveToStepRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMPutLifecycle ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMPutLifecycle func(policy string, o ...func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMPutLifecycle - Creates a lifecycle policy

See full documentation at

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithBody - The lifecycle policy definition to register.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMPutLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMPutLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*ILMPutLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMPutLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMPutLifecycleRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Policy string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMPutLifecycleRequest configures the ILM Put Lifecycle API request.

func (ILMPutLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMPutLifecycleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMRemovePolicy ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMRemovePolicy func(index string, o ...func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMRemovePolicy - Removes the assigned lifecycle policy and stops managing the specified index

See full documentation at

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithHuman() func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMRemovePolicy) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRemovePolicy) WithPretty() func(*ILMRemovePolicyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMRemovePolicyRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMRemovePolicyRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMRemovePolicyRequest configures the ILM Remove Policy API request.

func (ILMRemovePolicyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMRemovePolicyRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMRetry ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMRetry func(index string, o ...func(*ILMRetryRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMRetry - Retries executing the policy for an index that is in the ERROR step.

See full documentation at

func (ILMRetry) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMRetry) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMRetry) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMRetry) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMRetry) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithHuman() func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMRetry) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMRetry) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMRetry) WithPretty() func(*ILMRetryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMRetryRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMRetryRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMRetryRequest configures the ILM Retry API request.

func (ILMRetryRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMRetryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMStart func(o ...func(*ILMStartRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMStart - Start the index lifecycle management (ILM) plugin.

See full documentation at

func (ILMStart) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMStart) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMStart) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMStart) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMStart) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithHuman() func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMStart) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMStart) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMStart) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStart) WithPretty() func(*ILMStartRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMStartRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMStartRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMStartRequest configures the ILM Start API request.

func (ILMStartRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMStartRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ILMStop ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMStop func(o ...func(*ILMStopRequest)) (*Response, error)

ILMStop - Halts all lifecycle management operations and stops the index lifecycle management (ILM) plugin

See full documentation at

func (ILMStop) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ILMStop) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithErrorTrace() func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ILMStop) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ILMStop) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ILMStop) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithHuman() func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ILMStop) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ILMStop) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ILMStop) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ILMStop) WithPretty() func(*ILMStopRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ILMStopRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ILMStopRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ILMStopRequest configures the ILM Stop API request.

func (ILMStopRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r ILMStopRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Index ¶

type Index func(index string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndexRequest)) (*Response, error)

Index creates or updates a document in an index.

See full documentation at

func (Index) WithContext ¶

func (f Index) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndexRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Index) WithDocumentID ¶

func (f Index) WithDocumentID(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithDocumentID - document ID.

func (Index) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Index) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Index) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Index) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndexRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Index) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Index) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Index) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Index) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Index) WithHuman ¶

func (f Index) WithHuman() func(*IndexRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Index) WithIfPrimaryTerm ¶

func (f Index) WithIfPrimaryTerm(v int) func(*IndexRequest)

WithIfPrimaryTerm - only perform the index operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term.

func (Index) WithIfSeqNo ¶

func (f Index) WithIfSeqNo(v int) func(*IndexRequest)

WithIfSeqNo - only perform the index operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number.

func (Index) WithOpType ¶

func (f Index) WithOpType(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithOpType - explicit operation type. defaults to `index` for requests with an explicit document ID, and to `create`for requests without an explicit document ID.

func (Index) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Index) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Index) WithPipeline ¶

func (f Index) WithPipeline(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithPipeline - the pipeline ID to preprocess incoming documents with.

func (Index) WithPretty ¶

func (f Index) WithPretty() func(*IndexRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Index) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Index) WithRefresh(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes..

func (Index) WithRequireAlias ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f Index) WithRequireAlias(v bool) func(*IndexRequest)

WithRequireAlias - when true, requires destination to be an alias. default is false.

func (Index) WithRouting ¶

func (f Index) WithRouting(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Index) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Index) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndexRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Index) WithVersion ¶

func (f Index) WithVersion(v int) func(*IndexRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Index) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Index) WithVersionType(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

func (Index) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Index) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndexRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the index operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type IndexRequest ¶

type IndexRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Body io.Reader

	IfPrimaryTerm       *int
	IfSeqNo             *int
	OpType              string
	Pipeline            string
	Refresh             string
	RequireAlias        *bool
	Routing             string
	Timeout             time.Duration
	Version             *int
	VersionType         string
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndexRequest configures the Index API request.

func (IndexRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndexRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Indices ¶

type Indices struct {
	AddBlock              IndicesAddBlock
	Analyze               IndicesAnalyze
	ClearCache            IndicesClearCache
	Clone                 IndicesClone
	Close                 IndicesClose
	CreateDataStream      IndicesCreateDataStream
	Create                IndicesCreate
	DataStreamsStats      IndicesDataStreamsStats
	DeleteAlias           IndicesDeleteAlias
	DeleteDataStream      IndicesDeleteDataStream
	DeleteIndexTemplate   IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate
	Delete                IndicesDelete
	DeleteTemplate        IndicesDeleteTemplate
	DiskUsage             IndicesDiskUsage
	ExistsAlias           IndicesExistsAlias
	ExistsDocumentType    IndicesExistsDocumentType
	ExistsIndexTemplate   IndicesExistsIndexTemplate
	Exists                IndicesExists
	ExistsTemplate        IndicesExistsTemplate
	FieldUsageStats       IndicesFieldUsageStats
	Flush                 IndicesFlush
	FlushSynced           IndicesFlushSynced
	Forcemerge            IndicesForcemerge
	Freeze                IndicesFreeze
	GetAlias              IndicesGetAlias
	GetDataStream         IndicesGetDataStream
	GetFieldMapping       IndicesGetFieldMapping
	GetIndexTemplate      IndicesGetIndexTemplate
	GetMapping            IndicesGetMapping
	Get                   IndicesGet
	GetSettings           IndicesGetSettings
	GetTemplate           IndicesGetTemplate
	GetUpgrade            IndicesGetUpgrade
	MigrateToDataStream   IndicesMigrateToDataStream
	ModifyDataStream      IndicesModifyDataStream
	Open                  IndicesOpen
	PromoteDataStream     IndicesPromoteDataStream
	PutAlias              IndicesPutAlias
	PutIndexTemplate      IndicesPutIndexTemplate
	PutMapping            IndicesPutMapping
	PutSettings           IndicesPutSettings
	PutTemplate           IndicesPutTemplate
	Recovery              IndicesRecovery
	Refresh               IndicesRefresh
	ReloadSearchAnalyzers IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers
	ResolveIndex          IndicesResolveIndex
	Rollover              IndicesRollover
	Segments              IndicesSegments
	ShardStores           IndicesShardStores
	Shrink                IndicesShrink
	SimulateIndexTemplate IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate
	SimulateTemplate      IndicesSimulateTemplate
	Split                 IndicesSplit
	Stats                 IndicesStats
	Unfreeze              IndicesUnfreeze
	UpdateAliases         IndicesUpdateAliases
	Upgrade               IndicesUpgrade
	ValidateQuery         IndicesValidateQuery

Indices contains the Indices APIs

type IndicesAddBlock ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesAddBlock func(index []string, block string, o ...func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesAddBlock adds a block to an index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithHuman() func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithPretty() func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesAddBlock) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesAddBlock) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesAddBlockRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IndicesAddBlockRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesAddBlockRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Block string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	Timeout           time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesAddBlockRequest configures the Indices Add Block API request.

func (IndicesAddBlockRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (r IndicesAddBlockRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesAnalyze ¶

type IndicesAnalyze func(o ...func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesAnalyze performs the analysis process on a text and return the tokens breakdown of the text.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithBody - Define analyzer/tokenizer parameters and the text on which the analysis should be performed.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithHuman() func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithIndex(v string) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithIndex - the name of the index to scope the operation.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesAnalyze) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesAnalyze) WithPretty() func(*IndicesAnalyzeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesAnalyzeRequest ¶

type IndicesAnalyzeRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesAnalyzeRequest configures the Indices Analyze API request.

func (IndicesAnalyzeRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesAnalyzeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesClearCache ¶

type IndicesClearCache func(o ...func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesClearCache clears all or specific caches for one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesClearCache) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesClearCache) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesClearCache) WithFielddata ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithFielddata(v bool) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithFielddata - clear field data.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithFields ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithFields(v ...string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields to clear when using the `fielddata` parameter (default: all).

func (IndicesClearCache) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithHuman() func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesClearCache) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index name to limit the operation.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithPretty() func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithQuery ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithQuery(v bool) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithQuery - clear query caches.

func (IndicesClearCache) WithRequest ¶

func (f IndicesClearCache) WithRequest(v bool) func(*IndicesClearCacheRequest)

WithRequest - clear request cache.

type IndicesClearCacheRequest ¶

type IndicesClearCacheRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Fielddata         *bool
	Fields            []string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Query             *bool
	Request           *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesClearCacheRequest configures the Indices Clear Cache API request.

func (IndicesClearCacheRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesClone ¶ added in v7.4.0

type IndicesClone func(index string, target string, o ...func(*IndicesCloneRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesClone clones an index

See full documentation at

func (IndicesClone) WithBody ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithBody - The configuration for the target index (`settings` and `aliases`).

func (IndicesClone) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesClone) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesClone) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesClone) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClone) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithHuman() func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesClone) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesClone) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClone) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithPretty() func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesClone) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesClone) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f IndicesClone) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesCloneRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - set the number of active shards to wait for on the cloned index before the operation returns..

type IndicesCloneRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type IndicesCloneRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Target string

	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCloneRequest configures the Indices Clone API request.

func (IndicesCloneRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (r IndicesCloneRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesClose ¶

type IndicesClose func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesCloseRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesClose closes an index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesClose) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesClose) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesClose) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesClose) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesClose) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesClose) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesClose) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClose) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithHuman() func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesClose) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesClose) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesClose) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesClose) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesClose) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithPretty() func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesClose) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesClose) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesClose) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesClose) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesCloseRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns. set to `index-setting` to wait according to the index setting `index.write.wait_for_active_shards`, or `all` to wait for all shards, or an integer. defaults to `0`..

type IndicesCloseRequest ¶

type IndicesCloseRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	ExpandWildcards     string
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCloseRequest configures the Indices Close API request.

func (IndicesCloseRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesCloseRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesCreate ¶

type IndicesCreate func(index string, o ...func(*IndicesCreateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesCreate creates an index with optional settings and mappings.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesCreate) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithBody - The configuration for the index (`settings` and `mappings`).

func (IndicesCreate) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesCreate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesCreate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesCreate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesCreate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesCreate) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithHuman() func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesCreate) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be expected in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesCreate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesCreate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesCreate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesCreate) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithPretty() func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesCreate) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesCreate) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f IndicesCreate) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesCreateRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - set the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns..

type IndicesCreateDataStream ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesCreateDataStream func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesCreateDataStream - Creates a data stream

See full documentation at

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesCreateDataStream) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesCreateDataStream) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesCreateDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Create Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesCreateDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesCreateRequest ¶

type IndicesCreateRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	IncludeTypeName     *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesCreateRequest configures the Indices Create API request.

func (IndicesCreateRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesCreateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDataStreamsStats ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesDataStreamsStats func(o ...func(*IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDataStreamsStats - Provides statistics on operations happening in a data stream.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithName ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithName - a list of data stream names; use _all to perform the operation on all data streams.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest configures the Indices Data Streams Stats API request.

func (IndicesDataStreamsStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDelete ¶

type IndicesDelete func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDelete deletes an index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDelete) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if a wildcard expression resolves to no concrete indices (default: false).

func (IndicesDelete) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDelete) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDelete) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open, closed, or hidden indices.

func (IndicesDelete) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDelete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesDelete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDelete) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithHuman() func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDelete) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (IndicesDelete) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesDelete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesDelete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDelete) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithPretty() func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesDelete) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesDelete) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesDeleteRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IndicesDeleteAlias ¶

type IndicesDeleteAlias func(index []string, name []string, o ...func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDeleteAlias deletes an alias.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithHuman() func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteAlias) WithPretty() func(*IndicesDeleteAliasRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesDeleteAlias) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit timestamp for the document.

type IndicesDeleteAliasRequest ¶

type IndicesDeleteAliasRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Name []string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteAliasRequest configures the Indices Delete Alias API request.

func (IndicesDeleteAliasRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDeleteDataStream ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesDeleteDataStream func(name []string, o ...func(*IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDeleteDataStream - Deletes a data stream.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest struct {
	Name []string

	ExpandWildcards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Delete Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesDeleteDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesDeleteIndexTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate deletes an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplate) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IndicesDeleteIndexTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesDeleteIndexTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteIndexTemplateRequest configures the Indices Delete Index Template API request.

func (IndicesDeleteIndexTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDeleteRequest ¶

type IndicesDeleteRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	Timeout           time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteRequest configures the Indices Delete API request.

func (IndicesDeleteRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesDeleteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDeleteTemplate ¶

type IndicesDeleteTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDeleteTemplate deletes an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplate) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest ¶

type IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest configures the Indices Delete Template API request.

func (IndicesDeleteTemplateRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesDiskUsage ¶ added in v7.15.0

type IndicesDiskUsage func(index string, o ...func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesDiskUsage analyzes the disk usage of each field of an index or data stream

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithFlush ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithFlush(v bool) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithFlush - whether flush or not before analyzing the index disk usage. defaults to true.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithHuman() func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithPretty() func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesDiskUsage) WithRunExpensiveTasks ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesDiskUsage) WithRunExpensiveTasks(v bool) func(*IndicesDiskUsageRequest)

WithRunExpensiveTasks - must be set to [true] in order for the task to be performed. defaults to false..

type IndicesDiskUsageRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type IndicesDiskUsageRequest struct {
	Index string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Flush             *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	RunExpensiveTasks *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesDiskUsageRequest configures the Indices Disk Usage API request.

func (IndicesDiskUsageRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesExists ¶

type IndicesExists func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesExistsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesExists returns information about whether a particular index exists.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesExists) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if a wildcard expression resolves to no concrete indices (default: false).

func (IndicesExists) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesExists) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesExists) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (IndicesExists) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesExists) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesExists) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExists) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExists) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithHuman() func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesExists) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (IndicesExists) WithIncludeDefaults ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithIncludeDefaults(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithIncludeDefaults - whether to return all default setting for each of the indices..

func (IndicesExists) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesExists) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesExists) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExists) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesExists) WithPretty() func(*IndicesExistsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesExistsAlias ¶

type IndicesExistsAlias func(name []string, o ...func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesExistsAlias returns information about whether a particular alias exists.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithHuman() func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to filter aliases.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsAlias) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesExistsAlias) WithPretty() func(*IndicesExistsAliasRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesExistsAliasRequest ¶

type IndicesExistsAliasRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Name []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Local             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsAliasRequest configures the Indices Exists Alias API request.

func (IndicesExistsAliasRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesExistsDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesExistsDocumentType func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesExistsDocumentType returns information about whether a particular document type exists. (DEPRECATED)

See full documentation at

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to check.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentType) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Local             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest configures the Indices Exists Document Type API request.

func (IndicesExistsDocumentTypeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesExistsIndexTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesExistsIndexTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesExistsIndexTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesExistsIndexTemplate returns information about whether a particular index template exists.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithFlatSettings ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesExistsIndexTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesExistsIndexTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	FlatSettings  *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsIndexTemplateRequest configures the Indices Exists Index Template API request.

func (IndicesExistsIndexTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesExistsRequest ¶

type IndicesExistsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	FlatSettings      *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeDefaults   *bool
	Local             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsRequest configures the Indices Exists API request.

func (IndicesExistsRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesExistsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesExistsTemplate ¶

type IndicesExistsTemplate func(name []string, o ...func(*IndicesExistsTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesExistsTemplate returns information about whether a particular index template exists.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesExistsTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesExistsTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesExistsTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesExistsTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesExistsTemplate) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesExistsTemplateRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithLocal ¶

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesExistsTemplate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesExistsTemplateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesExistsTemplate) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesExistsTemplateRequest ¶

type IndicesExistsTemplateRequest struct {
	Name []string

	FlatSettings  *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesExistsTemplateRequest configures the Indices Exists Template API request.

func (IndicesExistsTemplateRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesFieldUsageStats ¶ added in v7.15.0

type IndicesFieldUsageStats func(index string, o ...func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesFieldUsageStats returns the field usage stats for each field of an index

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithFields ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithFields - a list of fields to include in the stats if only a subset of fields should be returned (supports wildcards).

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest struct {
	Index string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Fields            []string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest configures the Indices Field Usage Stats API request.

func (IndicesFieldUsageStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesFlush ¶

type IndicesFlush func(o ...func(*IndicesFlushRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesFlush performs the flush operation on one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesFlush) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesFlush) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesFlush) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesFlush) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesFlush) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesFlush) WithForce ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithForce(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithForce - whether a flush should be forced even if it is not necessarily needed ie. if no changes will be committed to the index. this is useful if transaction log ids should be incremented even if no uncommitted changes are present. (this setting can be considered as internal).

func (IndicesFlush) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFlush) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFlush) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithHuman() func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesFlush) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesFlush) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all for all indices.

func (IndicesFlush) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesFlush) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFlush) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithPretty() func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesFlush) WithWaitIfOngoing ¶

func (f IndicesFlush) WithWaitIfOngoing(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushRequest)

WithWaitIfOngoing - if set to true the flush operation will block until the flush can be executed if another flush operation is already executing. the default is true. if set to false the flush will be skipped iff if another flush operation is already running..

type IndicesFlushRequest ¶

type IndicesFlushRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Force             *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	WaitIfOngoing     *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesFlushRequest configures the Indices Flush API request.

func (IndicesFlushRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesFlushRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesFlushSynced ¶

type IndicesFlushSynced func(o ...func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesFlushSynced performs a synced flush operation on one or more indices. Synced flush is deprecated and will be removed in 8.0. Use flush instead

See full documentation at

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithHuman() func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all for all indices.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFlushSynced) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesFlushSynced) WithPretty() func(*IndicesFlushSyncedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesFlushSyncedRequest ¶

type IndicesFlushSyncedRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesFlushSyncedRequest configures the Indices Flush Synced API request.

func (IndicesFlushSyncedRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesForcemerge ¶

type IndicesForcemerge func(o ...func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesForcemerge performs the force merge operation on one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithFlush ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithFlush(v bool) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithFlush - specify whether the index should be flushed after performing the operation (default: true).

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithHuman() func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithMaxNumSegments ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithMaxNumSegments(v int) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithMaxNumSegments - the number of segments the index should be merged into (default: dynamic).

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithOnlyExpungeDeletes ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithOnlyExpungeDeletes(v bool) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithOnlyExpungeDeletes - specify whether the operation should only expunge deleted documents.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesForcemerge) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesForcemerge) WithPretty() func(*IndicesForcemergeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesForcemergeRequest ¶

type IndicesForcemergeRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices     *bool
	ExpandWildcards    string
	Flush              *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable  *bool
	MaxNumSegments     *int
	OnlyExpungeDeletes *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesForcemergeRequest configures the Indices Forcemerge API request.

func (IndicesForcemergeRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesFreeze ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesFreeze func(index string, o ...func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesFreeze - Freezes an index. A frozen index has almost no overhead on the cluster (except for maintaining its metadata in memory) and is read-only.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesFreeze) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesFreeze) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesFreeze) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithHuman() func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesFreeze) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithPretty() func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesFreeze) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesFreeze) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesFreezeRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns..

type IndicesFreezeRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesFreezeRequest struct {
	Index string

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	ExpandWildcards     string
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesFreezeRequest configures the Indices Freeze API request.

func (IndicesFreezeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r IndicesFreezeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGet ¶

type IndicesGet func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGet returns information about one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGet) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if a wildcard expression resolves to no concrete indices (default: false).

func (IndicesGet) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGet) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGet) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (IndicesGet) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGet) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGet) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGet) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (IndicesGet) WithIncludeDefaults ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithIncludeDefaults(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithIncludeDefaults - whether to return all default setting for each of the indices..

func (IndicesGet) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether to add the type name to the response (default: false).

func (IndicesGet) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGet) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGet) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGet) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetAlias ¶

type IndicesGetAlias func(o ...func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetAlias returns an alias.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to filter aliases.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithName ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithName(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithName - a list of alias names to return.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetAlias) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGetAlias) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetAliasRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetAliasRequest ¶

type IndicesGetAliasRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Name []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Local             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetAliasRequest configures the Indices Get Alias API request.

func (IndicesGetAliasRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesGetAliasRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetDataStream ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesGetDataStream func(o ...func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetDataStream - Returns data streams.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesGetDataStream) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f IndicesGetDataStream) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesGetDataStream) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithName ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithName - a list of data streams to get; use `*` to get all data streams.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesGetDataStream) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesGetDataStream) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetDataStreamRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesGetDataStreamRequest struct {
	Name []string

	ExpandWildcards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Get Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesGetDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetFieldMapping ¶

type IndicesGetFieldMapping func(fields []string, o ...func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetFieldMapping returns mapping for one or more fields.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIncludeDefaults ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIncludeDefaults(v bool) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithIncludeDefaults - whether the default mapping values should be returned as well.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be returned in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithIndex ¶

WithIndex - a list of index names.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithLocal ¶

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetFieldMapping) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest ¶

type IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Fields []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeDefaults   *bool
	IncludeTypeName   *bool
	Local             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest configures the Indices Get Field Mapping API request.

func (IndicesGetFieldMappingRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetIndexTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesGetIndexTemplate func(o ...func(*IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetIndexTemplate returns an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithFlatSettings ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithName ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithName - a pattern that returned template names must match.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest struct {
	Name string

	FlatSettings  *bool
	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest configures the Indices Get Index Template API request.

func (IndicesGetIndexTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetMapping ¶

type IndicesGetMapping func(o ...func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetMapping returns mappings for one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether to add the type name to the response (default: false).

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetMapping) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGetMapping) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetMappingRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetMappingRequest ¶

type IndicesGetMappingRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeTypeName   *bool
	Local             *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetMappingRequest configures the Indices Get Mapping API request.

func (IndicesGetMappingRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetRequest ¶

type IndicesGetRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	FlatSettings      *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeDefaults   *bool
	IncludeTypeName   *bool
	Local             *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetRequest configures the Indices Get API request.

func (IndicesGetRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetSettings ¶

type IndicesGetSettings func(o ...func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetSettings returns settings for one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithIncludeDefaults ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithIncludeDefaults(v bool) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithIncludeDefaults - whether to return all default setting for each of the indices..

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithName ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithName(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithName - the name of the settings that should be included.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetSettings) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGetSettings) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetSettingsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetSettingsRequest ¶

type IndicesGetSettingsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Name []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	FlatSettings      *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeDefaults   *bool
	Local             *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetSettingsRequest configures the Indices Get Settings API request.

func (IndicesGetSettingsRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetTemplate ¶

type IndicesGetTemplate func(o ...func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetTemplate returns an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be returned in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithLocal ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithLocal(v bool) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithName ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithName(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithName - the comma separated names of the index templates.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetTemplate) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGetTemplate) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetTemplateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetTemplateRequest ¶

type IndicesGetTemplateRequest struct {
	Name []string

	FlatSettings    *bool
	IncludeTypeName *bool
	Local           *bool
	MasterTimeout   time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetTemplateRequest configures the Indices Get Template API request.

func (IndicesGetTemplateRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesGetUpgrade ¶

type IndicesGetUpgrade func(o ...func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesGetUpgrade deprecated Returns a progress status of current upgrade.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithHuman() func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesGetUpgrade) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesGetUpgrade) WithPretty() func(*IndicesGetUpgradeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesGetUpgradeRequest ¶

type IndicesGetUpgradeRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesGetUpgradeRequest configures the Indices Get Upgrade API request.

func (IndicesGetUpgradeRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesMigrateToDataStream ¶ added in v7.11.0

type IndicesMigrateToDataStream func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesMigrateToDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesMigrateToDataStream - Migrates an alias to a data stream

See full documentation at

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesMigrateToDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.11.0

type IndicesMigrateToDataStreamRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesMigrateToDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Migrate To Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesMigrateToDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.11.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesModifyDataStream ¶ added in v7.16.0

type IndicesModifyDataStream func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesModifyDataStream modifies a data stream

See full documentation at

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f IndicesModifyDataStream) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f IndicesModifyDataStream) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesModifyDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Modify Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesModifyDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesOpen ¶

type IndicesOpen func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesOpenRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesOpen opens an index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesOpen) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesOpen) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesOpen) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesOpen) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesOpen) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesOpen) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesOpen) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesOpen) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithHuman() func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesOpen) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesOpen) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesOpen) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesOpen) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesOpen) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithPretty() func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesOpen) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesOpen) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f IndicesOpen) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesOpenRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns..

type IndicesOpenRequest ¶

type IndicesOpenRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	ExpandWildcards     string
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesOpenRequest configures the Indices Open API request.

func (IndicesOpenRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesOpenRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPromoteDataStream ¶ added in v7.11.0

type IndicesPromoteDataStream func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPromoteDataStream - Promotes a data stream from a replicated data stream managed by CCR to a regular data stream

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithContext ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStream) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest ¶ added in v7.11.0

type IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest struct {
	Name string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest configures the Indices Promote Data Stream API request.

func (IndicesPromoteDataStreamRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.11.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPutAlias ¶

type IndicesPutAlias func(index []string, name string, o ...func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPutAlias creates or updates an alias.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithBody - The settings for the alias, such as `routing` or `filter`.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithHuman() func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithPretty() func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesPutAlias) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutAlias) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutAliasRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit timestamp for the document.

type IndicesPutAliasRequest ¶

type IndicesPutAliasRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutAliasRequest configures the Indices Put Alias API request.

func (IndicesPutAliasRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesPutAliasRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPutIndexTemplate ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesPutIndexTemplate func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPutIndexTemplate creates or updates an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithCause ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithCause - user defined reason for creating/updating the index template.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithCreate ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithCreate - whether the index template should only be added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Cause         string
	Create        *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest configures the Indices Put Index Template API request.

func (IndicesPutIndexTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPutMapping ¶

type IndicesPutMapping func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPutMapping updates the index mappings.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithDocumentType - the name of the document type.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithHuman() func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be expected in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names the mapping should be added to (supports wildcards); use `_all` or omit to add the mapping on all indices..

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithPretty() func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesPutMapping) WithWriteIndexOnly ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesPutMapping) WithWriteIndexOnly(v bool) func(*IndicesPutMappingRequest)

WithWriteIndexOnly - when true, applies mappings only to the write index of an alias or data stream.

type IndicesPutMappingRequest ¶

type IndicesPutMappingRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeTypeName   *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	Timeout           time.Duration
	WriteIndexOnly    *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutMappingRequest configures the Indices Put Mapping API request.

func (IndicesPutMappingRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPutSettings ¶

type IndicesPutSettings func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPutSettings updates the index settings.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithHuman() func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithPreserveExisting ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithPreserveExisting(v bool) func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithPreserveExisting - whether to update existing settings. if set to `true` existing settings on an index remain unchanged, the default is `false`.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesPutSettings) WithPretty() func(*IndicesPutSettingsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesPutSettings) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IndicesPutSettingsRequest ¶

type IndicesPutSettingsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	FlatSettings      *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	PreserveExisting  *bool
	Timeout           time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutSettingsRequest configures the Indices Put Settings API request.

func (IndicesPutSettingsRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesPutTemplate ¶

type IndicesPutTemplate func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesPutTemplate creates or updates an index template.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithCreate ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithCreate(v bool) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithCreate - whether the index template should only be added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithHuman() func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be returned in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithOrder ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithOrder(v int) func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithOrder - the order for this template when merging multiple matching ones (higher numbers are merged later, overriding the lower numbers).

func (IndicesPutTemplate) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesPutTemplate) WithPretty() func(*IndicesPutTemplateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesPutTemplateRequest ¶

type IndicesPutTemplateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Create          *bool
	IncludeTypeName *bool
	MasterTimeout   time.Duration
	Order           *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesPutTemplateRequest configures the Indices Put Template API request.

func (IndicesPutTemplateRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesRecovery ¶

type IndicesRecovery func(o ...func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesRecovery returns information about ongoing index shard recoveries.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesRecovery) WithActiveOnly ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithActiveOnly(v bool) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithActiveOnly - display only those recoveries that are currently on-going.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithDetailed ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithDetailed(v bool) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithDetailed - whether to display detailed information about shard recovery.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithHuman() func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRecovery) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesRecovery) WithPretty() func(*IndicesRecoveryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesRecoveryRequest ¶

type IndicesRecoveryRequest struct {
	Index []string

	ActiveOnly *bool
	Detailed   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesRecoveryRequest configures the Indices Recovery API request.

func (IndicesRecoveryRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesRecoveryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesRefresh ¶

type IndicesRefresh func(o ...func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesRefresh performs the refresh operation in one or more indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesRefresh) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesRefresh) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesRefresh) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithHuman() func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesRefresh) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRefresh) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesRefresh) WithPretty() func(*IndicesRefreshRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesRefreshRequest ¶

type IndicesRefreshRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesRefreshRequest configures the Indices Refresh API request.

func (IndicesRefreshRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesRefreshRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers func(index []string, o ...func(*IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers - Reloads an index's search analyzers and their resources.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzers) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest configures the Indices Reload Search Analyzers API request.

func (IndicesReloadSearchAnalyzersRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesResolveIndex ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesResolveIndex func(name []string, o ...func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesResolveIndex returns information about any matching indices, aliases, and data streams

See full documentation at

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether wildcard expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithHuman() func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesResolveIndex) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesResolveIndex) WithPretty() func(*IndicesResolveIndexRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesResolveIndexRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesResolveIndexRequest struct {
	Name []string

	ExpandWildcards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesResolveIndexRequest configures the Indices Resolve Index API request.

func (IndicesResolveIndexRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesRollover ¶

type IndicesRollover func(alias string, o ...func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesRollover updates an alias to point to a new index when the existing index is considered to be too large or too old.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesRollover) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithBody - The conditions that needs to be met for executing rollover.

func (IndicesRollover) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesRollover) WithDryRun ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithDryRun(v bool) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithDryRun - if set to true the rollover action will only be validated but not actually performed even if a condition matches. the default is false.

func (IndicesRollover) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesRollover) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesRollover) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesRollover) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRollover) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithHuman() func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesRollover) WithIncludeTypeName ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithIncludeTypeName(v bool) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithIncludeTypeName - whether a type should be included in the body of the mappings..

func (IndicesRollover) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesRollover) WithNewIndex ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithNewIndex(v string) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithNewIndex - the name of the rollover index.

func (IndicesRollover) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesRollover) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesRollover) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithPretty() func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesRollover) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesRollover) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f IndicesRollover) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesRolloverRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - set the number of active shards to wait for on the newly created rollover index before the operation returns..

type IndicesRolloverRequest ¶

type IndicesRolloverRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Alias    string
	NewIndex string

	DryRun              *bool
	IncludeTypeName     *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesRolloverRequest configures the Indices Rollover API request.

func (IndicesRolloverRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesRolloverRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesSegments ¶

type IndicesSegments func(o ...func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesSegments provides low-level information about segments in a Lucene index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesSegments) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesSegments) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesSegments) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesSegments) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesSegments) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesSegments) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesSegments) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSegments) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithHuman() func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesSegments) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesSegments) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesSegments) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesSegments) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSegments) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithPretty() func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesSegments) WithVerbose ¶

func (f IndicesSegments) WithVerbose(v bool) func(*IndicesSegmentsRequest)

WithVerbose - includes detailed memory usage by lucene..

type IndicesSegmentsRequest ¶

type IndicesSegmentsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Verbose           *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesSegmentsRequest configures the Indices Segments API request.

func (IndicesSegmentsRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesSegmentsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesShardStores ¶

type IndicesShardStores func(o ...func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesShardStores provides store information for shard copies of indices.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesShardStores) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesShardStores) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesShardStores) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithHuman() func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesShardStores) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithPretty() func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesShardStores) WithStatus ¶

func (f IndicesShardStores) WithStatus(v ...string) func(*IndicesShardStoresRequest)

WithStatus - a list of statuses used to filter on shards to get store information for.

type IndicesShardStoresRequest ¶

type IndicesShardStoresRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Status            []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesShardStoresRequest configures the Indices Shard Stores API request.

func (IndicesShardStoresRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesShrink ¶

type IndicesShrink func(index string, target string, o ...func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesShrink allow to shrink an existing index into a new index with fewer primary shards.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesShrink) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithBody - The configuration for the target index (`settings` and `aliases`).

func (IndicesShrink) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesShrink) WithCopySettings ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithCopySettings(v bool) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithCopySettings - whether or not to copy settings from the source index (defaults to false).

func (IndicesShrink) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesShrink) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesShrink) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesShrink) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesShrink) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithHuman() func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesShrink) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesShrink) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesShrink) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesShrink) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithPretty() func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesShrink) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesShrink) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f IndicesShrink) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesShrinkRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - set the number of active shards to wait for on the shrunken index before the operation returns..

type IndicesShrinkRequest ¶

type IndicesShrinkRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Target string

	CopySettings        *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesShrinkRequest configures the Indices Shrink API request.

func (IndicesShrinkRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesShrinkRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate ¶ added in v7.8.0

type IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate func(name string, o ...func(*IndicesSimulateIndexTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate simulate matching the given index name against the index templates in the system

See full documentation at

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithBody ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithBody - New index template definition, which will be included in the simulation, as if it already exists in the system.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithCause ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithCause - user defined reason for dry-run creating the new template for simulation purposes.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithCreate ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithCreate - whether the index template we optionally defined in the body should only be dry-run added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesSimulateIndexTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.8.0

type IndicesSimulateIndexTemplateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Cause         string
	Create        *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesSimulateIndexTemplateRequest configures the Indices Simulate Index Template API request.

func (IndicesSimulateIndexTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.8.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesSimulateTemplate ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesSimulateTemplate func(o ...func(*IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesSimulateTemplate simulate resolving the given template name or body

See full documentation at

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithBody ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithBody - New index template definition to be simulated, if no index template name is specified.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithCause ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithCause - user defined reason for dry-run creating the new template for simulation purposes.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithCreate ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithCreate - whether the index template we optionally defined in the body should only be dry-run added if new or can also replace an existing one.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithName ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithName - the name of the index template.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Cause         string
	Create        *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest configures the Indices Simulate Template API request.

func (IndicesSimulateTemplateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesSplit ¶

type IndicesSplit func(index string, target string, o ...func(*IndicesSplitRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesSplit allows you to split an existing index into a new index with more primary shards.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesSplit) WithBody ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithBody - The configuration for the target index (`settings` and `aliases`).

func (IndicesSplit) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesSplit) WithCopySettings ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithCopySettings(v bool) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithCopySettings - whether or not to copy settings from the source index (defaults to false).

func (IndicesSplit) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesSplit) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesSplit) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesSplit) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSplit) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithHuman() func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesSplit) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesSplit) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesSplit) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesSplit) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithPretty() func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesSplit) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesSplit) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f IndicesSplit) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesSplitRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - set the number of active shards to wait for on the shrunken index before the operation returns..

type IndicesSplitRequest ¶

type IndicesSplitRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	Target string

	CopySettings        *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesSplitRequest configures the Indices Split API request.

func (IndicesSplitRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesSplitRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesStats ¶

type IndicesStats func(o ...func(*IndicesStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesStats provides statistics on operations happening in an index.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesStats) WithCompletionFields ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithCompletionFields(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithCompletionFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` and `suggest` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (IndicesStats) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesStats) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesStats) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesStats) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesStats) WithFielddataFields ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithFielddataFields(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithFielddataFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (IndicesStats) WithFields ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithFields(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` and `completion` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (IndicesStats) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesStats) WithForbidClosedIndices ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesStats) WithForbidClosedIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithForbidClosedIndices - if set to false stats will also collected from closed indices if explicitly specified or if expand_wildcards expands to closed indices.

func (IndicesStats) WithGroups ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithGroups(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithGroups - a list of search groups for `search` index metric.

func (IndicesStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesStats) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithHuman() func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesStats) WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes(v bool) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes - whether to report the aggregated disk usage of each one of the lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested).

func (IndicesStats) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesStats) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments(v bool) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithIncludeUnloadedSegments - if set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory.

func (IndicesStats) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesStats) WithLevel ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithLevel(v string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithLevel - return stats aggregated at cluster, index or shard level.

func (IndicesStats) WithMetric ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithMetric - limit the information returned the specific metrics..

func (IndicesStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesStats) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithPretty() func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesStats) WithTypes ¶

func (f IndicesStats) WithTypes(v ...string) func(*IndicesStatsRequest)

WithTypes - a list of document types for the `indexing` index metric.

type IndicesStatsRequest ¶

type IndicesStatsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Metric []string

	CompletionFields        []string
	ExpandWildcards         string
	FielddataFields         []string
	Fields                  []string
	ForbidClosedIndices     *bool
	Groups                  []string
	IncludeSegmentFileSizes *bool
	IncludeUnloadedSegments *bool
	Level                   string
	Types                   []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesStatsRequest configures the Indices Stats API request.

func (IndicesStatsRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesUnfreeze ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesUnfreeze func(index string, o ...func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesUnfreeze - Unfreezes an index. When a frozen index is unfrozen, the index goes through the normal recovery process and becomes writeable again.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithHuman() func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithPretty() func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (IndicesUnfreeze) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUnfreeze) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*IndicesUnfreezeRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of active shards to wait for before the operation returns..

type IndicesUnfreezeRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type IndicesUnfreezeRequest struct {
	Index string

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	ExpandWildcards     string
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	MasterTimeout       time.Duration
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesUnfreezeRequest configures the Indices Unfreeze API request.

func (IndicesUnfreezeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r IndicesUnfreezeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesUpdateAliases ¶

type IndicesUpdateAliases func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesUpdateAliases updates index aliases.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesUpdateAliases) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesUpdateAliases) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IndicesUpdateAliases) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesUpdateAliases) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesUpdateAliases) WithPretty() func(*IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesUpdateAliases) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - request timeout.

type IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest ¶

type IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest configures the Indices Update Aliases API request.

func (IndicesUpdateAliasesRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesUpgrade ¶

type IndicesUpgrade func(o ...func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesUpgrade deprecated Upgrades to the current version of Lucene.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithContext ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithHuman ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithHuman() func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithOnlyAncientSegments ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithOnlyAncientSegments(v bool) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithOnlyAncientSegments - if true, only ancient (an older lucene major release) segments will be upgraded.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithPretty() func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesUpgrade) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f IndicesUpgrade) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*IndicesUpgradeRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - specify whether the request should block until the all segments are upgraded (default: false).

type IndicesUpgradeRequest ¶

type IndicesUpgradeRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	ExpandWildcards     string
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	OnlyAncientSegments *bool
	WaitForCompletion   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesUpgradeRequest configures the Indices Upgrade API request.

func (IndicesUpgradeRequest) Do ¶

func (r IndicesUpgradeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IndicesValidateQuery ¶

type IndicesValidateQuery func(o ...func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)) (*Response, error)

IndicesValidateQuery allows a user to validate a potentially expensive query without executing it.

See full documentation at

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithAllShards ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithAllShards(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithAllShards - execute validation on all shards instead of one random shard per index.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithBody ¶

WithBody - The query definition specified with the Query DSL.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithDf ¶

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to restrict the operation; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithErrorTrace() func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithExplain ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithExplain(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithExplain - return detailed information about the error.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithIndex ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to restrict the operation; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithLenient ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithLenient(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithPretty ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithPretty() func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithQuery ¶

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (IndicesValidateQuery) WithRewrite ¶

func (f IndicesValidateQuery) WithRewrite(v bool) func(*IndicesValidateQueryRequest)

WithRewrite - provide a more detailed explanation showing the actual lucene query that will be executed..

type IndicesValidateQueryRequest ¶

type IndicesValidateQueryRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	AllShards         *bool
	Analyzer          string
	AnalyzeWildcard   *bool
	DefaultOperator   string
	Df                string
	ExpandWildcards   string
	Explain           *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Lenient           *bool
	Query             string
	Rewrite           *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IndicesValidateQueryRequest configures the Indices Validate Query API request.

func (IndicesValidateQueryRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Info ¶

type Info func(o ...func(*InfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

Info returns basic information about the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (Info) WithContext ¶

func (f Info) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*InfoRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Info) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Info) WithErrorTrace() func(*InfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Info) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Info) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*InfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Info) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Info) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*InfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Info) WithHuman ¶

func (f Info) WithHuman() func(*InfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Info) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Info) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*InfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

type InfoRequest ¶

type InfoRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InfoRequest configures the Info API request.

func (InfoRequest) Do ¶

func (r InfoRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Ingest ¶

type Ingest struct {
	DeletePipeline IngestDeletePipeline
	GeoIPStats     IngestGeoIPStats
	GetPipeline    IngestGetPipeline
	ProcessorGrok  IngestProcessorGrok
	PutPipeline    IngestPutPipeline
	Simulate       IngestSimulate

Ingest contains the Ingest APIs

type IngestDeletePipeline ¶

type IngestDeletePipeline func(id string, o ...func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestDeletePipeline deletes a pipeline.

See full documentation at

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IngestDeletePipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IngestDeletePipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IngestDeletePipeline) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IngestDeletePipeline) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithPretty ¶

func (f IngestDeletePipeline) WithPretty() func(*IngestDeletePipelineRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IngestDeletePipeline) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IngestDeletePipelineRequest ¶

type IngestDeletePipelineRequest struct {
	PipelineID string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestDeletePipelineRequest configures the Ingest Delete Pipeline API request.

func (IngestDeletePipelineRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IngestGeoIPStats ¶ added in v7.13.0

type IngestGeoIPStats func(o ...func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestGeoIPStats returns statistical information about geoip databases

See full documentation at

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithHuman() func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestGeoIPStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGeoIPStats) WithPretty() func(*IngestGeoIPStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IngestGeoIPStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type IngestGeoIPStatsRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestGeoIPStatsRequest configures the Ingest GeoIP Stats API request.

func (IngestGeoIPStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IngestGetPipeline ¶

type IngestGetPipeline func(o ...func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestGetPipeline returns a pipeline.

See full documentation at

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithHuman ¶

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithHuman() func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithPipelineID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithPipelineID(v string) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithPipelineID - comma separated list of pipeline ids. wildcards supported.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithPretty ¶

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithPretty() func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IngestGetPipeline) WithSummary ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f IngestGetPipeline) WithSummary(v bool) func(*IngestGetPipelineRequest)

WithSummary - return pipelines without their definitions (default: false).

type IngestGetPipelineRequest ¶

type IngestGetPipelineRequest struct {
	PipelineID string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Summary       *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestGetPipelineRequest configures the Ingest Get Pipeline API request.

func (IngestGetPipelineRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IngestProcessorGrok ¶

type IngestProcessorGrok func(o ...func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestProcessorGrok returns a list of the built-in patterns.

See full documentation at

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithHuman ¶

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithHuman() func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestProcessorGrok) WithPretty ¶

func (f IngestProcessorGrok) WithPretty() func(*IngestProcessorGrokRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type IngestProcessorGrokRequest ¶

type IngestProcessorGrokRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestProcessorGrokRequest configures the Ingest Processor Grok API request.

func (IngestProcessorGrokRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IngestPutPipeline ¶

type IngestPutPipeline func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestPutPipeline creates or updates a pipeline.

See full documentation at

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithHuman ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithHuman() func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithIfVersion ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithIfVersion(v int) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithIfVersion - required version for optimistic concurrency control for pipeline updates.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithPretty ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithPretty() func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IngestPutPipeline) WithTimeout ¶

func (f IngestPutPipeline) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*IngestPutPipelineRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type IngestPutPipelineRequest ¶

type IngestPutPipelineRequest struct {
	PipelineID string

	Body io.Reader

	IfVersion     *int
	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestPutPipelineRequest configures the Ingest Put Pipeline API request.

func (IngestPutPipelineRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type IngestSimulate ¶

type IngestSimulate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*IngestSimulateRequest)) (*Response, error)

IngestSimulate allows to simulate a pipeline with example documents.

See full documentation at

func (IngestSimulate) WithContext ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (IngestSimulate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithErrorTrace() func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (IngestSimulate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (IngestSimulate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestSimulate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (IngestSimulate) WithHuman ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithHuman() func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (IngestSimulate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f IngestSimulate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (IngestSimulate) WithPipelineID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f IngestSimulate) WithPipelineID(v string) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithPipelineID - pipeline ID.

func (IngestSimulate) WithPretty ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithPretty() func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (IngestSimulate) WithVerbose ¶

func (f IngestSimulate) WithVerbose(v bool) func(*IngestSimulateRequest)

WithVerbose - verbose mode. display data output for each processor in executed pipeline.

type IngestSimulateRequest ¶

type IngestSimulateRequest struct {
	PipelineID string

	Body io.Reader

	Verbose *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

IngestSimulateRequest configures the Ingest Simulate API request.

func (IngestSimulateRequest) Do ¶

func (r IngestSimulateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type License ¶ added in v7.2.0

type License struct {
	Delete         LicenseDelete
	GetBasicStatus LicenseGetBasicStatus
	Get            LicenseGet
	GetTrialStatus LicenseGetTrialStatus
	Post           LicensePost
	PostStartBasic LicensePostStartBasic
	PostStartTrial LicensePostStartTrial

License contains the License APIs

type LicenseDelete ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseDelete func(o ...func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicenseDelete - Deletes licensing information for the cluster

See full documentation at

func (LicenseDelete) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicenseDelete) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicenseDelete) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicenseDelete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseDelete) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithHuman() func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicenseDelete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseDelete) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseDelete) WithPretty() func(*LicenseDeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicenseDeleteRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseDeleteRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicenseDeleteRequest configures the License Delete API request.

func (LicenseDeleteRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r LicenseDeleteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicenseGet ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGet func(o ...func(*LicenseGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicenseGet - Retrieves licensing information for the cluster

See full documentation at

func (LicenseGet) WithAcceptEnterprise ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithAcceptEnterprise(v bool) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithAcceptEnterprise - if the active license is an enterprise license, return type as 'enterprise' (default: false).

func (LicenseGet) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicenseGet) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicenseGet) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicenseGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGet) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithHuman() func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicenseGet) WithLocal ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithLocal(v bool) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (LicenseGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGet) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGet) WithPretty() func(*LicenseGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicenseGetBasicStatus ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGetBasicStatus func(o ...func(*LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicenseGetBasicStatus - Retrieves information about the status of the basic license.

See full documentation at

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest configures the License Get Basic Status API request.

func (LicenseGetBasicStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicenseGetRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGetRequest struct {
	AcceptEnterprise *bool
	Local            *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicenseGetRequest configures the License Get API request.

func (LicenseGetRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r LicenseGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicenseGetTrialStatus ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGetTrialStatus func(o ...func(*LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicenseGetTrialStatus - Retrieves information about the status of the trial license.

See full documentation at

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest configures the License Get Trial Status API request.

func (LicenseGetTrialStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicensePost ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePost func(o ...func(*LicensePostRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicensePost - Updates the license for the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (LicensePost) WithAcknowledge ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithAcknowledge(v bool) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithAcknowledge - whether the user has acknowledged acknowledge messages (default: false).

func (LicensePost) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithBody - licenses to be installed.

func (LicensePost) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicensePost) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicensePost) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicensePost) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePost) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithHuman() func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicensePost) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f LicensePost) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePost) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePost) WithPretty() func(*LicensePostRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicensePostRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePostRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Acknowledge *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicensePostRequest configures the License Post API request.

func (LicensePostRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r LicensePostRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicensePostStartBasic ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePostStartBasic func(o ...func(*LicensePostStartBasicRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicensePostStartBasic - Starts an indefinite basic license.

See full documentation at

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithAcknowledge ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartBasic) WithAcknowledge(v bool) func(*LicensePostStartBasicRequest)

WithAcknowledge - whether the user has acknowledged acknowledge messages (default: false).

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartBasic) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicensePostStartBasicRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartBasic) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicensePostStartBasicRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePostStartBasic) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicensePostStartBasicRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePostStartBasicRequest struct {
	Acknowledge *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicensePostStartBasicRequest configures the License Post Start Basic API request.

func (LicensePostStartBasicRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LicensePostStartTrial ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePostStartTrial func(o ...func(*LicensePostStartTrialRequest)) (*Response, error)

LicensePostStartTrial - starts a limited time trial license.

See full documentation at

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithAcknowledge ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartTrial) WithAcknowledge(v bool) func(*LicensePostStartTrialRequest)

WithAcknowledge - whether the user has acknowledged acknowledge messages (default: false).

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartTrial) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*LicensePostStartTrialRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of trial license to generate (default: "trial").

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartTrial) WithErrorTrace() func(*LicensePostStartTrialRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f LicensePostStartTrial) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LicensePostStartTrialRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LicensePostStartTrial) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LicensePostStartTrialRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type LicensePostStartTrialRequest struct {
	Acknowledge  *bool
	DocumentType string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LicensePostStartTrialRequest configures the License Post Start Trial API request.

func (LicensePostStartTrialRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LogstashDeletePipeline ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashDeletePipeline func(id string, o ...func(*LogstashDeletePipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

LogstashDeletePipeline - Deletes Logstash Pipelines used by Central Management

See full documentation at

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashDeletePipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*LogstashDeletePipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashDeletePipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LogstashDeletePipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashDeletePipeline) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LogstashDeletePipelineRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashDeletePipelineRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LogstashDeletePipelineRequest configures the Logstash Delete Pipeline API request.

func (LogstashDeletePipelineRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LogstashGetPipeline ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashGetPipeline func(id string, o ...func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

LogstashGetPipeline - Retrieves Logstash Pipelines used by Central Management

See full documentation at

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithHuman() func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashGetPipeline) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashGetPipeline) WithPretty() func(*LogstashGetPipelineRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LogstashGetPipelineRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashGetPipelineRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LogstashGetPipelineRequest configures the Logstash Get Pipeline API request.

func (LogstashGetPipelineRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type LogstashPutPipeline ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashPutPipeline func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)) (*Response, error)

LogstashPutPipeline - Adds and updates Logstash Pipelines used for Central Management

See full documentation at

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithErrorTrace() func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithHuman() func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (LogstashPutPipeline) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f LogstashPutPipeline) WithPretty() func(*LogstashPutPipelineRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type LogstashPutPipelineRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type LogstashPutPipelineRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

LogstashPutPipelineRequest configures the Logstash Put Pipeline API request.

func (LogstashPutPipelineRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ML ¶ added in v7.2.0

type ML struct {
	CloseJob                     MLCloseJob
	DeleteCalendarEvent          MLDeleteCalendarEvent
	DeleteCalendarJob            MLDeleteCalendarJob
	DeleteCalendar               MLDeleteCalendar
	DeleteDataFrameAnalytics     MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics
	DeleteDatafeed               MLDeleteDatafeed
	DeleteExpiredData            MLDeleteExpiredData
	DeleteFilter                 MLDeleteFilter
	DeleteForecast               MLDeleteForecast
	DeleteJob                    MLDeleteJob
	DeleteModelSnapshot          MLDeleteModelSnapshot
	DeleteTrainedModelAlias      MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias
	DeleteTrainedModel           MLDeleteTrainedModel
	EstimateModelMemory          MLEstimateModelMemory
	EvaluateDataFrame            MLEvaluateDataFrame
	ExplainDataFrameAnalytics    MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics
	FindFileStructure            MLFindFileStructure
	FlushJob                     MLFlushJob
	Forecast                     MLForecast
	GetBuckets                   MLGetBuckets
	GetCalendarEvents            MLGetCalendarEvents
	GetCalendars                 MLGetCalendars
	GetCategories                MLGetCategories
	GetDataFrameAnalytics        MLGetDataFrameAnalytics
	GetDataFrameAnalyticsStats   MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats
	GetDatafeedStats             MLGetDatafeedStats
	GetDatafeeds                 MLGetDatafeeds
	GetFilters                   MLGetFilters
	GetInfluencers               MLGetInfluencers
	GetJobStats                  MLGetJobStats
	GetJobs                      MLGetJobs
	GetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats
	GetModelSnapshots            MLGetModelSnapshots
	GetOverallBuckets            MLGetOverallBuckets
	GetRecords                   MLGetRecords
	GetTrainedModels             MLGetTrainedModels
	GetTrainedModelsStats        MLGetTrainedModelsStats
	Info                         MLInfo
	OpenJob                      MLOpenJob
	PostCalendarEvents           MLPostCalendarEvents
	PostData                     MLPostData
	PreviewDataFrameAnalytics    MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics
	PreviewDatafeed              MLPreviewDatafeed
	PutCalendarJob               MLPutCalendarJob
	PutCalendar                  MLPutCalendar
	PutDataFrameAnalytics        MLPutDataFrameAnalytics
	PutDatafeed                  MLPutDatafeed
	PutFilter                    MLPutFilter
	PutJob                       MLPutJob
	PutTrainedModelAlias         MLPutTrainedModelAlias
	PutTrainedModel              MLPutTrainedModel
	ResetJob                     MLResetJob
	RevertModelSnapshot          MLRevertModelSnapshot
	SetUpgradeMode               MLSetUpgradeMode
	StartDataFrameAnalytics      MLStartDataFrameAnalytics
	StartDatafeed                MLStartDatafeed
	StopDataFrameAnalytics       MLStopDataFrameAnalytics
	StopDatafeed                 MLStopDatafeed
	UpdateDataFrameAnalytics     MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics
	UpdateDatafeed               MLUpdateDatafeed
	UpdateFilter                 MLUpdateFilter
	UpdateJob                    MLUpdateJob
	UpdateModelSnapshot          MLUpdateModelSnapshot
	UpgradeJobSnapshot           MLUpgradeJobSnapshot
	ValidateDetector             MLValidateDetector
	Validate                     MLValidate

ML contains the ML APIs

type MLCloseJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLCloseJob func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLCloseJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLCloseJob - Closes one or more anomaly detection jobs. A job can be opened and closed multiple times throughout its lifecycle.

See full documentation at

func (MLCloseJob) WithAllowNoJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithAllowNoJobs(v bool) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithAllowNoJobs - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLCloseJob) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLCloseJob) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithBody - The URL params optionally sent in the body.

func (MLCloseJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLCloseJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLCloseJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLCloseJob) WithForce ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithForce(v bool) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithForce - true if the job should be forcefully closed.

func (MLCloseJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLCloseJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithHuman() func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLCloseJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLCloseJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithPretty() func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLCloseJob) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLCloseJob) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*MLCloseJobRequest)

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until a job has closed. default to 30 minutes.

type MLCloseJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLCloseJobRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	AllowNoJobs  *bool
	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Force        *bool
	Timeout      time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLCloseJobRequest configures the ML Close Job API request.

func (MLCloseJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLCloseJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteCalendar ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendar func(calendar_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteCalendar - Deletes a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendar) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendar) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteCalendarRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteCalendarEvent ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendarEvent func(calendar_id string, event_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteCalendarEvent - Deletes scheduled events from a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEvent) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest struct {
	CalendarID string
	EventID    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest configures the ML Delete Calendar Event API request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarEventRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteCalendarJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendarJob func(calendar_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteCalendarJob - Deletes anomaly detection jobs from a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteCalendarJob) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest struct {
	CalendarID string
	JobID      string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest configures the ML Delete Calendar Job API request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteCalendarRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteCalendarRequest struct {
	CalendarID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteCalendarRequest configures the ML Delete Calendar API request.

func (MLDeleteCalendarRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics func(id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics - Deletes an existing data frame analytics job.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithForce ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithForce - true if the job should be forcefully deleted.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalytics) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until a job is deleted. defaults to 1 minute.

type MLDeleteDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	ID string

	Force   *bool
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Delete Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLDeleteDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteDatafeed func(datafeed_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteDatafeed - Deletes an existing datafeed.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithForce ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithForce(v bool) func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithForce - true if the datafeed should be forcefully deleted.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteDatafeedRequest struct {
	DatafeedID string

	Force *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteDatafeedRequest configures the ML Delete Datafeed API request.

func (MLDeleteDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteExpiredData ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteExpiredData func(o ...func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteExpiredData - Deletes expired and unused machine learning data.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithBody ¶ added in v7.8.0

WithBody - deleting expired data parameters.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithJobID - the ID of the job(s) to perform expired data hygiene for.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f MLDeleteExpiredData) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the desired requests per second for the deletion processes..

func (MLDeleteExpiredData) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithTimeout - how long can the underlying delete processes run until they are canceled.

type MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	RequestsPerSecond *int
	Timeout           time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest configures the ML Delete Expired Data API request.

func (MLDeleteExpiredDataRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteFilter ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteFilter func(filter_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteFilter - Deletes a filter.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteFilter) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteFilter) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteFilterRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteFilterRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteFilterRequest struct {
	FilterID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteFilterRequest configures the ML Delete Filter API request.

func (MLDeleteFilterRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLDeleteFilterRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteForecast ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteForecast func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteForecast - Deletes forecasts from a machine learning job.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithAllowNoForecasts ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithAllowNoForecasts(v bool) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithAllowNoForecasts - whether to ignore if `_all` matches no forecasts.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithForecastID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithForecastID(v string) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithForecastID - the ID of the forecast to delete, can be comma delimited list. leaving blank implies `_all`.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLDeleteForecast) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteForecast) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*MLDeleteForecastRequest)

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until the forecast(s) are deleted. default to 30 seconds.

type MLDeleteForecastRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteForecastRequest struct {
	ForecastID string
	JobID      string

	AllowNoForecasts *bool
	Timeout          time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteForecastRequest configures the ML Delete Forecast API request.

func (MLDeleteForecastRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteJob func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteJob - Deletes an existing anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithForce ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithForce(v bool) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithForce - true if the job should be forcefully deleted.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithHuman() func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLDeleteJob) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteJob) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*MLDeleteJobRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type MLDeleteJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Force             *bool
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteJobRequest configures the ML Delete Job API request.

func (MLDeleteJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLDeleteJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteModelSnapshot ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteModelSnapshot func(snapshot_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteModelSnapshot - Deletes an existing model snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshot) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest struct {
	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest configures the ML Delete Model Snapshot API request.

func (MLDeleteModelSnapshotRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteTrainedModel ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLDeleteTrainedModel func(model_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteTrainedModel - Deletes an existing trained inference model that is currently not referenced by an ingest pipeline.

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLDeleteTrainedModel) WithPretty() func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias func(model_alias string, model_id string, o ...func(*MLDeleteTrainedModelAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias - Deletes a model alias that refers to the trained model

See full documentation at

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAlias) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLDeleteTrainedModelAliasRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLDeleteTrainedModelAliasRequest struct {
	ModelAlias string
	ModelID    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteTrainedModelAliasRequest configures the ML Delete Trained Model Alias API request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelAliasRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest struct {
	ModelID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest configures the ML Delete Trained Model API request.

func (MLDeleteTrainedModelRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLEstimateModelMemory ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLEstimateModelMemory func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLEstimateModelMemory - Estimates the model memory

See full documentation at

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLEstimateModelMemory) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLEstimateModelMemory) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLEstimateModelMemory) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest configures the ML Estimate Model Memory API request.

func (MLEstimateModelMemoryRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLEvaluateDataFrame ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLEvaluateDataFrame func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLEvaluateDataFrame - Evaluates the data frame analytics for an annotated index.

See full documentation at

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithHuman() func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLEvaluateDataFrame) WithPretty() func(*MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest configures the ML Evaluate Data Frame API request.

func (MLEvaluateDataFrameRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics func(o ...func(*MLExplainDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics - Explains a data frame analytics config.

See full documentation at

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithBody ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithBody - The data frame analytics config to explain.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithDocumentID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithDocumentID - the ID of the data frame analytics to explain.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLExplainDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLExplainDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLExplainDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Explain Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLExplainDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLFindFileStructure ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLFindFileStructure func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLFindFileStructure - Finds the structure of a text file. The text file must contain data that is suitable to be ingested into Elasticsearch.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithCharset ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithCharset(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithCharset - optional parameter to specify the character set of the file.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithColumnNames ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithColumnNames(v ...string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithColumnNames - optional parameter containing a comma separated list of the column names for a delimited file.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithDelimiter ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithDelimiter(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithDelimiter - optional parameter to specify the delimiter character for a delimited file - must be a single character.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithExplain ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithExplain(v bool) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithExplain - whether to include a commentary on how the structure was derived.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithFormat(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithFormat - optional parameter to specify the high level file format.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithGrokPattern ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithGrokPattern(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithGrokPattern - optional parameter to specify the grok pattern that should be used to extract fields from messages in a semi-structured text file.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithHasHeaderRow ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithHasHeaderRow(v bool) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithHasHeaderRow - optional parameter to specify whether a delimited file includes the column names in its first row.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithHuman() func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithLineMergeSizeLimit ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithLineMergeSizeLimit(v int) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithLineMergeSizeLimit - maximum number of characters permitted in a single message when lines are merged to create messages..

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithLinesToSample ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithLinesToSample(v int) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithLinesToSample - how many lines of the file should be included in the analysis.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithPretty() func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithQuote ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithQuote - optional parameter to specify the quote character for a delimited file - must be a single character.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithShouldTrimFields ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithShouldTrimFields(v bool) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithShouldTrimFields - optional parameter to specify whether the values between delimiters in a delimited file should have whitespace trimmed from them.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithTimeout - timeout after which the analysis will be aborted.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithTimestampField ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithTimestampField(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithTimestampField - optional parameter to specify the timestamp field in the file.

func (MLFindFileStructure) WithTimestampFormat ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFindFileStructure) WithTimestampFormat(v string) func(*MLFindFileStructureRequest)

WithTimestampFormat - optional parameter to specify the timestamp format in the file - may be either a joda or java time format.

type MLFindFileStructureRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLFindFileStructureRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Charset            string
	ColumnNames        []string
	Delimiter          string
	Explain            *bool
	Format             string
	GrokPattern        string
	HasHeaderRow       *bool
	LineMergeSizeLimit *int
	LinesToSample      *int
	Quote              string
	ShouldTrimFields   *bool
	Timeout            time.Duration
	TimestampField     string
	TimestampFormat    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLFindFileStructureRequest configures the ML Find File Structure API request.

func (MLFindFileStructureRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLFlushJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLFlushJob func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLFlushJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLFlushJob - Forces any buffered data to be processed by the job.

See full documentation at

func (MLFlushJob) WithAdvanceTime ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithAdvanceTime(v string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithAdvanceTime - advances time to the given value generating results and updating the model for the advanced interval.

func (MLFlushJob) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithBody - Flush parameters.

func (MLFlushJob) WithCalcInterim ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithCalcInterim(v bool) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithCalcInterim - calculates interim results for the most recent bucket or all buckets within the latency period.

func (MLFlushJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLFlushJob) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithEnd(v string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithEnd - when used in conjunction with calc_interim, specifies the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results.

func (MLFlushJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLFlushJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLFlushJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLFlushJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithHuman() func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLFlushJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLFlushJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithPretty() func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLFlushJob) WithSkipTime ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithSkipTime(v string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithSkipTime - skips time to the given value without generating results or updating the model for the skipped interval.

func (MLFlushJob) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLFlushJob) WithStart(v string) func(*MLFlushJobRequest)

WithStart - when used in conjunction with calc_interim, specifies the range of buckets on which to calculate interim results.

type MLFlushJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLFlushJobRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	AdvanceTime string
	CalcInterim *bool
	End         string
	SkipTime    string
	Start       string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLFlushJobRequest configures the ML Flush Job API request.

func (MLFlushJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLFlushJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLForecast ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLForecast func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLForecastRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLForecast - Predicts the future behavior of a time series by using its historical behavior.

See full documentation at

func (MLForecast) WithBody ¶ added in v7.17.0

func (f MLForecast) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithBody - Query parameters can be specified in the body.

func (MLForecast) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLForecast) WithDuration ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithDuration(v time.Duration) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithDuration - the duration of the forecast.

func (MLForecast) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLForecast) WithExpiresIn ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithExpiresIn(v time.Duration) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithExpiresIn - the time interval after which the forecast expires. expired forecasts will be deleted at the first opportunity..

func (MLForecast) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLForecast) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLForecast) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithHuman() func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLForecast) WithMaxModelMemory ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f MLForecast) WithMaxModelMemory(v string) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithMaxModelMemory - the max memory able to be used by the forecast. default is 20mb..

func (MLForecast) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLForecast) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLForecast) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLForecast) WithPretty() func(*MLForecastRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLForecastRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLForecastRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	Duration       time.Duration
	ExpiresIn      time.Duration
	MaxModelMemory string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLForecastRequest configures the ML Forecast API request.

func (MLForecastRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLForecastRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetBuckets ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetBuckets func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetBuckets - Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more buckets.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetBuckets) WithAnomalyScore ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithAnomalyScore(v interface{}) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithAnomalyScore - filter for the most anomalous buckets.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithBody - Bucket selection details if not provided in URI.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithDesc ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithDesc(v bool) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithDesc - set the sort direction.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithEnd(v string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithEnd - end time filter for buckets.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithExcludeInterim ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithExcludeInterim(v bool) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithExcludeInterim - exclude interim results.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithExpand ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithExpand(v bool) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithExpand - include anomaly records.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of buckets.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithHuman() func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithPretty() func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of buckets to get.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithSort ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithSort(v string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithSort - sort buckets by a particular field.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithStart(v string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithStart - start time filter for buckets.

func (MLGetBuckets) WithTimestamp ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetBuckets) WithTimestamp(v string) func(*MLGetBucketsRequest)

WithTimestamp - the timestamp of the desired single bucket result.

type MLGetBucketsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetBucketsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID     string
	Timestamp string

	AnomalyScore   interface{}
	Desc           *bool
	End            string
	ExcludeInterim *bool
	Expand         *bool
	From           *int
	Size           *int
	Sort           string
	Start          string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetBucketsRequest configures the ML Get Buckets API request.

func (MLGetBucketsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetBucketsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetCalendarEvents ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCalendarEvents func(calendar_id string, o ...func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetCalendarEvents - Retrieves information about the scheduled events in calendars.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithEnd(v interface{}) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithEnd - get events before this time.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of events.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithHuman() func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithJobID - get events for the job. when this option is used calendar_id must be '_all'.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithPretty() func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendarEvents) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetCalendarEventsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of events to get.

func (MLGetCalendarEvents) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithStart - get events after this time.

type MLGetCalendarEventsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCalendarEventsRequest struct {
	CalendarID string

	End   interface{}
	From  *int
	JobID string
	Size  *int
	Start string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetCalendarEventsRequest configures the ML Get Calendar Events API request.

func (MLGetCalendarEventsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetCalendars ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCalendars func(o ...func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetCalendars - Retrieves configuration information for calendars.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetCalendars) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithBody - The from and size parameters optionally sent in the body.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithCalendarID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithCalendarID(v string) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithCalendarID - the ID of the calendar to fetch.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of calendars.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithHuman() func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithPretty() func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetCalendars) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCalendars) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetCalendarsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of calendars to get.

type MLGetCalendarsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCalendarsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	CalendarID string

	From *int
	Size *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetCalendarsRequest configures the ML Get Calendars API request.

func (MLGetCalendarsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetCalendarsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetCategories ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCategories func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetCategories - Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more categories.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetCategories) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithBody - Category selection details if not provided in URI.

func (MLGetCategories) WithCategoryID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithCategoryID(v int) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithCategoryID - the identifier of the category definition of interest.

func (MLGetCategories) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetCategories) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetCategories) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetCategories) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of categories.

func (MLGetCategories) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCategories) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithHuman() func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetCategories) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetCategories) WithPartitionFieldValue ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithPartitionFieldValue(v string) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithPartitionFieldValue - specifies the partition to retrieve categories for. this is optional, and should never be used for jobs where per-partition categorization is disabled..

func (MLGetCategories) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithPretty() func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetCategories) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetCategories) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetCategoriesRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of categories to get.

type MLGetCategoriesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetCategoriesRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	CategoryID *int
	JobID      string

	From                *int
	PartitionFieldValue string
	Size                *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetCategoriesRequest configures the ML Get Categories API request.

func (MLGetCategoriesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetCategoriesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDataFrameAnalytics func(o ...func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetDataFrameAnalytics - Retrieves configuration information for data frame analytics jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (this includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified).

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithExcludeGenerated(v bool) func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithExcludeGenerated - omits fields that are illegal to set on data frame analytics put.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFrom - skips a number of analytics.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithID ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithID - the ID of the data frame analytics to fetch.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalytics) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of analytics to get.

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	ID string

	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	ExcludeGenerated *bool
	From             *int
	Size             *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Get Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats func(o ...func(*MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats - Retrieves usage information for data frame analytics jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (this includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified).

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFrom - skips a number of analytics.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithID ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithID - the ID of the data frame analytics stats to fetch.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of analytics to get.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStats) WithVerbose ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithVerbose - whether the stats response should be verbose.

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStatsRequest struct {
	ID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	From         *int
	Size         *int
	Verbose      *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStatsRequest configures the ML Get Data Frame Analytics Stats API request.

func (MLGetDataFrameAnalyticsStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetDatafeedStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDatafeedStats func(o ...func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetDatafeedStats - Retrieves usage information for datafeeds.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithAllowNoDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithAllowNoDatafeeds(v bool) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoDatafeeds - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithDatafeedID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithDatafeedID(v string) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithDatafeedID - the ID of the datafeeds stats to fetch.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithHuman() func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDatafeedStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeedStats) WithPretty() func(*MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest struct {
	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoDatafeeds *bool
	AllowNoMatch     *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest configures the ML Get Datafeed Stats API request.

func (MLGetDatafeedStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDatafeeds func(o ...func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetDatafeeds - Retrieves configuration information for datafeeds.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithAllowNoDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithAllowNoDatafeeds(v bool) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithAllowNoDatafeeds - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithDatafeedID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithDatafeedID(v string) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithDatafeedID - the ID of the datafeeds to fetch.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithExcludeGenerated(v bool) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithExcludeGenerated - omits fields that are illegal to set on datafeed put.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithHuman() func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetDatafeeds) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetDatafeeds) WithPretty() func(*MLGetDatafeedsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLGetDatafeedsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetDatafeedsRequest struct {
	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoDatafeeds *bool
	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	ExcludeGenerated *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetDatafeedsRequest configures the ML Get Datafeeds API request.

func (MLGetDatafeedsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetDatafeedsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetFilters ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetFilters func(o ...func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetFilters - Retrieves filters.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetFilters) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetFilters) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetFilters) WithFilterID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithFilterID(v string) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithFilterID - the ID of the filter to fetch.

func (MLGetFilters) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetFilters) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of filters.

func (MLGetFilters) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetFilters) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithHuman() func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetFilters) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetFilters) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithPretty() func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetFilters) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetFilters) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetFiltersRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of filters to get.

type MLGetFiltersRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetFiltersRequest struct {
	FilterID string

	From *int
	Size *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetFiltersRequest configures the ML Get Filters API request.

func (MLGetFiltersRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetFiltersRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetInfluencers ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetInfluencers func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetInfluencers - Retrieves anomaly detection job results for one or more influencers.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithBody - Influencer selection criteria.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithDesc ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithDesc(v bool) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithDesc - whether the results should be sorted in decending order.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithEnd(v string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithEnd - end timestamp for the requested influencers.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithExcludeInterim ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithExcludeInterim(v bool) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithExcludeInterim - exclude interim results.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of influencers.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithHuman() func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithInfluencerScore ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithInfluencerScore(v interface{}) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithInfluencerScore - influencer score threshold for the requested influencers.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithPretty() func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of influencers to get.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithSort ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithSort(v string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithSort - sort field for the requested influencers.

func (MLGetInfluencers) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetInfluencers) WithStart(v string) func(*MLGetInfluencersRequest)

WithStart - start timestamp for the requested influencers.

type MLGetInfluencersRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetInfluencersRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	Desc            *bool
	End             string
	ExcludeInterim  *bool
	From            *int
	InfluencerScore interface{}
	Size            *int
	Sort            string
	Start           string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetInfluencersRequest configures the ML Get Influencers API request.

func (MLGetInfluencersRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetJobStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetJobStats func(o ...func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetJobStats - Retrieves usage information for anomaly detection jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetJobStats) WithAllowNoJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithAllowNoJobs(v bool) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoJobs - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetJobStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetJobStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithHuman() func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithJobID(v string) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithJobID - the ID of the jobs stats to fetch.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetJobStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobStats) WithPretty() func(*MLGetJobStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLGetJobStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetJobStatsRequest struct {
	JobID string

	AllowNoJobs  *bool
	AllowNoMatch *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetJobStatsRequest configures the ML Get Job Stats API request.

func (MLGetJobStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetJobStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetJobs func(o ...func(*MLGetJobsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetJobs - Retrieves configuration information for anomaly detection jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetJobs) WithAllowNoJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithAllowNoJobs(v bool) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithAllowNoJobs - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetJobs) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetJobs) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetJobs) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetJobs) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithExcludeGenerated(v bool) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithExcludeGenerated - omits fields that are illegal to set on job put.

func (MLGetJobs) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetJobs) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetJobs) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithHuman() func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetJobs) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithJobID(v string) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithJobID - the ID of the jobs to fetch.

func (MLGetJobs) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetJobs) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetJobs) WithPretty() func(*MLGetJobsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLGetJobsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetJobsRequest struct {
	JobID string

	AllowNoJobs      *bool
	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	ExcludeGenerated *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetJobsRequest configures the ML Get Jobs API request.

func (MLGetJobsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetJobsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats ¶ added in v7.17.0

type MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats func(snapshot_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats - Gets stats for anomaly detection job model snapshot upgrades that are in progress.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs or no snapshots. (this includes the `_all` string.).

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.17.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.17.0

type MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStatsRequest struct {
	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStatsRequest configures the ML Get Model Snapshot Upgrade Stats API request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotUpgradeStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.17.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetModelSnapshots ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetModelSnapshots func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetModelSnapshots - Retrieves information about model snapshots.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - Model snapshot selection criteria.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithDesc ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithDesc - true if the results should be sorted in descending order.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithEnd(v interface{}) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithEnd - the filter 'end' query parameter.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of documents.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithHuman() func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithPretty() func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithSize - the default number of documents returned in queries as a string..

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithSnapshotID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithSnapshotID(v string) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithSnapshotID - the ID of the snapshot to fetch.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithSort ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithSort - name of the field to sort on.

func (MLGetModelSnapshots) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetModelSnapshots) WithStart(v interface{}) func(*MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest)

WithStart - the filter 'start' query parameter.

type MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	Desc  *bool
	End   interface{}
	From  *int
	Size  *int
	Sort  string
	Start interface{}

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest configures the ML Get Model Snapshots API request.

func (MLGetModelSnapshotsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetOverallBuckets ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetOverallBuckets func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetOverallBuckets - Retrieves overall bucket results that summarize the bucket results of multiple anomaly detection jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithAllowNoJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithAllowNoJobs(v bool) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithAllowNoJobs - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs. (this includes `_all` string or when no jobs have been specified).

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - Overall bucket selection details if not provided in URI.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithBucketSpan ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithBucketSpan(v string) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithBucketSpan - the span of the overall buckets. defaults to the longest job bucket_span.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithEnd - returns overall buckets with timestamps earlier than this time.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithExcludeInterim ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithExcludeInterim(v bool) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithExcludeInterim - if true overall buckets that include interim buckets will be excluded.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithHuman() func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithOverallScore ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithOverallScore(v interface{}) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithOverallScore - returns overall buckets with overall scores higher than this value.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithPretty() func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithStart - returns overall buckets with timestamps after this time.

func (MLGetOverallBuckets) WithTopN ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetOverallBuckets) WithTopN(v int) func(*MLGetOverallBucketsRequest)

WithTopN - the number of top job bucket scores to be used in the overall_score calculation.

type MLGetOverallBucketsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetOverallBucketsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	AllowNoJobs    *bool
	AllowNoMatch   *bool
	BucketSpan     string
	End            string
	ExcludeInterim *bool
	OverallScore   interface{}
	Start          string
	TopN           *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetOverallBucketsRequest configures the ML Get Overall Buckets API request.

func (MLGetOverallBucketsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetRecords ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetRecords func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetRecords - Retrieves anomaly records for an anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetRecords) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithBody - Record selection criteria.

func (MLGetRecords) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetRecords) WithDesc ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithDesc(v bool) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithDesc - set the sort direction.

func (MLGetRecords) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithEnd(v string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithEnd - end time filter for records.

func (MLGetRecords) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetRecords) WithExcludeInterim ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithExcludeInterim(v bool) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithExcludeInterim - exclude interim results.

func (MLGetRecords) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetRecords) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of records.

func (MLGetRecords) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetRecords) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithHuman() func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetRecords) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetRecords) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithPretty() func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetRecords) WithRecordScore ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithRecordScore(v interface{}) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithRecordScore - returns records with anomaly scores greater or equal than this value.

func (MLGetRecords) WithSize ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of records to get.

func (MLGetRecords) WithSort ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithSort(v string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithSort - sort records by a particular field.

func (MLGetRecords) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLGetRecords) WithStart(v string) func(*MLGetRecordsRequest)

WithStart - start time filter for records.

type MLGetRecordsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLGetRecordsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	Desc           *bool
	End            string
	ExcludeInterim *bool
	From           *int
	RecordScore    interface{}
	Size           *int
	Sort           string
	Start          string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetRecordsRequest configures the ML Get Records API request.

func (MLGetRecordsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLGetRecordsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetTrainedModels ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLGetTrainedModels func(o ...func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetTrainedModels - Retrieves configuration information for a trained inference model.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no trained models. (this includes `_all` string or when no trained models have been specified).

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithDecompressDefinition ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithDecompressDefinition(v bool) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithDecompressDefinition - should the model definition be decompressed into valid json or returned in a custom compressed format. defaults to true..

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithExcludeGenerated(v bool) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithExcludeGenerated - omits fields that are illegal to set on model put.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithFrom(v int) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithFrom - skips a number of trained models.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithHuman() func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithInclude ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithInclude(v string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithInclude - a comma-separate list of fields to optionally include. valid options are 'definition' and 'total_feature_importance'. default is none..

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithIncludeModelDefinition ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithIncludeModelDefinition(v bool) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithIncludeModelDefinition - should the full model definition be included in the results. these definitions can be large. so be cautious when including them. defaults to false..

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithModelID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithModelID(v string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithModelID - the ID of the trained models to fetch.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithPretty() func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithSize(v int) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithSize - specifies a max number of trained models to get.

func (MLGetTrainedModels) WithTags ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModels) WithTags(v ...string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsRequest)

WithTags - a list of tags that the model must have..

type MLGetTrainedModelsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLGetTrainedModelsRequest struct {
	ModelID string

	AllowNoMatch           *bool
	DecompressDefinition   *bool
	ExcludeGenerated       *bool
	From                   *int
	Include                string
	IncludeModelDefinition *bool
	Size                   *int
	Tags                   []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetTrainedModelsRequest configures the ML Get Trained Models API request.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLGetTrainedModelsStats ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLGetTrainedModelsStats func(o ...func(*MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLGetTrainedModelsStats - Retrieves usage information for trained inference models.

See full documentation at

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no trained models. (this includes `_all` string or when no trained models have been specified).

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFrom - skips a number of trained models.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithModelID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithModelID - the ID of the trained models stats to fetch.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStats) WithSize ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of trained models to get.

type MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest struct {
	ModelID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	From         *int
	Size         *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest configures the ML Get Trained Models Stats API request.

func (MLGetTrainedModelsStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLInfo ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLInfo func(o ...func(*MLInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLInfo - Returns defaults and limits used by machine learning.

See full documentation at

func (MLInfo) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLInfo) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLInfo) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithHuman() func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLInfo) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLInfo) WithPretty() func(*MLInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLInfoRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLInfoRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLInfoRequest configures the ML Info API request.

func (MLInfoRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLInfoRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLOpenJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLOpenJob func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLOpenJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLOpenJob - Opens one or more anomaly detection jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLOpenJob) WithBody ¶ added in v7.17.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithBody - Query parameters can be specified in the body.

func (MLOpenJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLOpenJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLOpenJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLOpenJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLOpenJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithHuman() func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLOpenJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLOpenJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLOpenJob) WithPretty() func(*MLOpenJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLOpenJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLOpenJobRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLOpenJobRequest configures the ML Open Job API request.

func (MLOpenJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLOpenJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPostCalendarEvents ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPostCalendarEvents func(calendar_id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLPostCalendarEventsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPostCalendarEvents - Posts scheduled events in a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostCalendarEvents) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPostCalendarEventsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostCalendarEvents) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPostCalendarEventsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPostCalendarEvents) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPostCalendarEventsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPostCalendarEvents) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostCalendarEvents) WithPretty() func(*MLPostCalendarEventsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPostCalendarEventsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPostCalendarEventsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	CalendarID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPostCalendarEventsRequest configures the ML Post Calendar Events API request.

func (MLPostCalendarEventsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPostData ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPostData func(job_id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLPostDataRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPostData - Sends data to an anomaly detection job for analysis.

See full documentation at

func (MLPostData) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPostData) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPostData) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPostData) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPostData) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithHuman() func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPostData) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPostData) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPostData) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithPretty() func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLPostData) WithResetEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithResetEnd(v string) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithResetEnd - optional parameter to specify the end of the bucket resetting range.

func (MLPostData) WithResetStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPostData) WithResetStart(v string) func(*MLPostDataRequest)

WithResetStart - optional parameter to specify the start of the bucket resetting range.

type MLPostDataRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPostDataRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	ResetEnd   string
	ResetStart string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPostDataRequest configures the ML Post Data API request.

func (MLPostDataRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLPostDataRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics func(o ...func(*MLPreviewDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics - Previews that will be analyzed given a data frame analytics config.

See full documentation at

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithBody ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithBody - The data frame analytics config to preview.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithDocumentID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithDocumentID - the ID of the data frame analytics to preview.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPreviewDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLPreviewDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPreviewDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Preview Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLPreviewDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPreviewDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPreviewDatafeed func(o ...func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPreviewDatafeed - Previews a datafeed.

See full documentation at

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithBody ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithBody - The datafeed config and job config with which to execute the preview.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithDatafeedID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithDatafeedID(v string) func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithDatafeedID - the ID of the datafeed to preview.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPreviewDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPreviewDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLPreviewDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPreviewDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPreviewDatafeedRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DatafeedID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPreviewDatafeedRequest configures the ML Preview Datafeed API request.

func (MLPreviewDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutCalendar ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutCalendar func(calendar_id string, o ...func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutCalendar - Instantiates a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutCalendar) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithBody - The calendar details.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithHuman() func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutCalendar) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendar) WithPretty() func(*MLPutCalendarRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutCalendarJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutCalendarJob func(calendar_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutCalendarJob - Adds an anomaly detection job to a calendar.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithHuman() func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutCalendarJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutCalendarJob) WithPretty() func(*MLPutCalendarJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutCalendarJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutCalendarJobRequest struct {
	CalendarID string
	JobID      string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutCalendarJobRequest configures the ML Put Calendar Job API request.

func (MLPutCalendarJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutCalendarRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutCalendarRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	CalendarID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutCalendarRequest configures the ML Put Calendar API request.

func (MLPutCalendarRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLPutCalendarRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutDataFrameAnalytics func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutDataFrameAnalytics - Instantiates a data frame analytics job.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	ID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Put Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLPutDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutDatafeed func(body io.Reader, datafeed_id string, o ...func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutDatafeed - Instantiates a datafeed.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if the source indices expressions resolves to no concrete indices (default: true).

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether source index expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - ignore indices that are marked as throttled (default: true).

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLPutDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutDatafeedRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreThrottled   *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutDatafeedRequest configures the ML Put Datafeed API request.

func (MLPutDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLPutDatafeedRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutFilter ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutFilter func(body io.Reader, filter_id string, o ...func(*MLPutFilterRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutFilter - Instantiates a filter.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutFilter) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutFilter) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutFilter) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutFilter) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutFilter) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithHuman() func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutFilter) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutFilter) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutFilter) WithPretty() func(*MLPutFilterRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutFilterRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutFilterRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	FilterID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutFilterRequest configures the ML Put Filter API request.

func (MLPutFilterRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLPutFilterRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutJob func(job_id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLPutJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutJob - Instantiates an anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutJob) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if the source indices expressions resolves to no concrete indices (default: true). only set if datafeed_config is provided..

func (MLPutJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutJob) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether source index expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open). only set if datafeed_config is provided..

func (MLPutJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithHuman() func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutJob) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - ignore indices that are marked as throttled (default: true). only set if datafeed_config is provided..

func (MLPutJob) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false). only set if datafeed_config is provided..

func (MLPutJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLPutJob) WithPretty() func(*MLPutJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLPutJobRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreThrottled   *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutJobRequest configures the ML Put Job API request.

func (MLPutJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLPutJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutTrainedModel ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLPutTrainedModel func(body io.Reader, model_id string, o ...func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutTrainedModel - Creates an inference trained model.

See full documentation at

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithDeferDefinitionDecompression ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithDeferDefinitionDecompression(v bool) func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithDeferDefinitionDecompression - if set to `true` and a `compressed_definition` is provided, the request defers definition decompression and skips relevant validations..

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithHuman() func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutTrainedModel) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModel) WithPretty() func(*MLPutTrainedModelRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLPutTrainedModelAlias ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLPutTrainedModelAlias func(model_alias string, model_id string, o ...func(*MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLPutTrainedModelAlias - Creates a new model alias (or reassigns an existing one) to refer to the trained model

See full documentation at

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAlias) WithReassign ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithReassign - if the model_alias already exists and points to a separate model_id, this parameter must be true. defaults to false..

type MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest struct {
	ModelAlias string
	ModelID    string

	Reassign *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest configures the ML Put Trained Model Alias API request.

func (MLPutTrainedModelAliasRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLPutTrainedModelRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type MLPutTrainedModelRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	ModelID string

	DeferDefinitionDecompression *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLPutTrainedModelRequest configures the ML Put Trained Model API request.

func (MLPutTrainedModelRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLResetJob ¶ added in v7.14.0

type MLResetJob func(job_id string, o ...func(*MLResetJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLResetJob - Resets an existing anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLResetJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLResetJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLResetJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLResetJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLResetJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithHuman() func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLResetJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLResetJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithPretty() func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLResetJob) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f MLResetJob) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*MLResetJobRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type MLResetJobRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type MLResetJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLResetJobRequest configures the ML Reset Job API request.

func (MLResetJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (r MLResetJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLRevertModelSnapshot ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLRevertModelSnapshot func(snapshot_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLRevertModelSnapshot - Reverts to a specific snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - Reversion options.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithDeleteInterveningResults ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithDeleteInterveningResults(v bool) func(*MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest)

WithDeleteInterveningResults - should we reset the results back to the time of the snapshot?.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshot) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	DeleteInterveningResults *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest configures the ML Revert Model Snapshot API request.

func (MLRevertModelSnapshotRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLSetUpgradeMode ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLSetUpgradeMode func(o ...func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLSetUpgradeMode - Sets a cluster wide upgrade_mode setting that prepares machine learning indices for an upgrade.

See full documentation at

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithEnabled ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithEnabled(v bool) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithEnabled - whether to enable upgrade_mode ml setting or not. defaults to false..

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithHuman() func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithPretty() func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLSetUpgradeMode) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLSetUpgradeMode) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*MLSetUpgradeModeRequest)

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait before action times out. defaults to 30 seconds.

type MLSetUpgradeModeRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLSetUpgradeModeRequest struct {
	Enabled *bool
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLSetUpgradeModeRequest configures the ML Set Upgrade Mode API request.

func (MLSetUpgradeModeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLStartDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStartDataFrameAnalytics func(id string, o ...func(*MLStartDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLStartDataFrameAnalytics - Starts a data frame analytics job.

See full documentation at

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - The start data frame analytics parameters.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalytics) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until the task has started. defaults to 20 seconds.

type MLStartDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStartDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	ID string

	Body io.Reader

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLStartDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Start Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLStartDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLStartDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStartDatafeed func(datafeed_id string, o ...func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLStartDatafeed - Starts one or more datafeeds.

See full documentation at

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithBody - The start datafeed parameters.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithEnd ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithEnd(v string) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithEnd - the end time when the datafeed should stop. when not set, the datafeed continues in real time.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithStart(v string) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithStart - the start time from where the datafeed should begin.

func (MLStartDatafeed) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStartDatafeed) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*MLStartDatafeedRequest)

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until a datafeed has started. default to 20 seconds.

type MLStartDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStartDatafeedRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DatafeedID string

	End     string
	Start   string
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLStartDatafeedRequest configures the ML Start Datafeed API request.

func (MLStartDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLStartDatafeedRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLStopDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStopDataFrameAnalytics func(id string, o ...func(*MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLStopDataFrameAnalytics - Stops one or more data frame analytics jobs.

See full documentation at

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no data frame analytics. (this includes `_all` string or when no data frame analytics have been specified).

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - The stop data frame analytics parameters.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithForce ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithForce - true if the data frame analytics should be forcefully stopped.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalytics) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until the task has stopped. defaults to 20 seconds.

type MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	ID string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	Force        *bool
	Timeout      time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Stop Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLStopDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLStopDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStopDatafeed func(datafeed_id string, o ...func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLStopDatafeed - Stops one or more datafeeds.

See full documentation at

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithAllowNoDatafeeds ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithAllowNoDatafeeds(v bool) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithAllowNoDatafeeds - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds. (this includes `_all` string or when no datafeeds have been specified).

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithBody ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithBody - The URL params optionally sent in the body.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithForce ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithForce(v bool) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithForce - true if the datafeed should be forcefully stopped..

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLStopDatafeed) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLStopDatafeed) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*MLStopDatafeedRequest)

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until a datafeed has stopped. default to 20 seconds.

type MLStopDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLStopDatafeedRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoDatafeeds *bool
	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	Force            *bool
	Timeout          time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLStopDatafeedRequest configures the ML Stop Datafeed API request.

func (MLStopDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLStopDatafeedRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics ¶ added in v7.9.0

type MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLUpdateDataFrameAnalyticsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics - Updates certain properties of a data frame analytics job.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalytics) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLUpdateDataFrameAnalyticsRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type MLUpdateDataFrameAnalyticsRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpdateDataFrameAnalyticsRequest configures the ML Update Data Frame Analytics API request.

func (MLUpdateDataFrameAnalyticsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpdateDatafeed ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateDatafeed func(body io.Reader, datafeed_id string, o ...func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpdateDatafeed - Updates certain properties of a datafeed.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - ignore if the source indices expressions resolves to no concrete indices (default: true).

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether source index expressions should get expanded to open or closed indices (default: open).

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithHuman() func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - ignore indices that are marked as throttled (default: true).

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - ignore unavailable indexes (default: false).

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateDatafeed) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateDatafeed) WithPretty() func(*MLUpdateDatafeedRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLUpdateDatafeedRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateDatafeedRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	DatafeedID string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreThrottled   *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpdateDatafeedRequest configures the ML Update Datafeed API request.

func (MLUpdateDatafeedRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpdateFilter ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateFilter func(body io.Reader, filter_id string, o ...func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpdateFilter - Updates the description of a filter, adds items, or removes items.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithHuman() func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateFilter) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateFilter) WithPretty() func(*MLUpdateFilterRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLUpdateFilterRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateFilterRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	FilterID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpdateFilterRequest configures the ML Update Filter API request.

func (MLUpdateFilterRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLUpdateFilterRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpdateJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateJob func(job_id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpdateJob - Updates certain properties of an anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpdateJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithHuman() func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateJob) WithPretty() func(*MLUpdateJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLUpdateJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateJobRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpdateJobRequest configures the ML Update Job API request.

func (MLUpdateJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLUpdateJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpdateModelSnapshot ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateModelSnapshot func(snapshot_id string, job_id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpdateModelSnapshot - Updates certain properties of a snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshot) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest configures the ML Update Model Snapshot API request.

func (MLUpdateModelSnapshotRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLUpgradeJobSnapshot ¶ added in v7.11.0

type MLUpgradeJobSnapshot func(snapshot_id string, job_id string, o ...func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLUpgradeJobSnapshot - Upgrades a given job snapshot to the current major version.

See full documentation at

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithContext ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithPretty() func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithTimeout - how long should the api wait for the job to be opened and the old snapshot to be loaded..

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f MLUpgradeJobSnapshot) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request wait until the task is complete before responding to the caller. default is false..

type MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest ¶ added in v7.11.0

type MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest struct {
	JobID      string
	SnapshotID string

	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest configures the ML Upgrade Job Snapshot API request.

func (MLUpgradeJobSnapshotRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.11.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLValidate ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLValidate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLValidateRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLValidate - Validates an anomaly detection job.

See full documentation at

func (MLValidate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLValidate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLValidate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLValidate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLValidate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithHuman() func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLValidate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLValidate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLValidate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidate) WithPretty() func(*MLValidateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLValidateDetector ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLValidateDetector func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)) (*Response, error)

MLValidateDetector - Validates an anomaly detection detector.

See full documentation at

func (MLValidateDetector) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithErrorTrace() func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithHuman() func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MLValidateDetector) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MLValidateDetector) WithPretty() func(*MLValidateDetectorRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MLValidateDetectorRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLValidateDetectorRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLValidateDetectorRequest configures the ML Validate Detector API request.

func (MLValidateDetectorRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MLValidateRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MLValidateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MLValidateRequest configures the ML Validate API request.

func (MLValidateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MLValidateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Mget ¶

type Mget func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MgetRequest)) (*Response, error)

Mget allows to get multiple documents in one request.

See full documentation at

func (Mget) WithContext ¶

func (f Mget) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MgetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Mget) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Mget) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Mget) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Mget) WithErrorTrace() func(*MgetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Mget) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Mget) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Mget) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Mget) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Mget) WithHuman ¶

func (f Mget) WithHuman() func(*MgetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Mget) WithIndex ¶

func (f Mget) WithIndex(v string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithIndex - the name of the index.

func (Mget) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Mget) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Mget) WithPreference ¶

func (f Mget) WithPreference(v string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Mget) WithPretty ¶

func (f Mget) WithPretty() func(*MgetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Mget) WithRealtime ¶

func (f Mget) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*MgetRequest)

WithRealtime - specify whether to perform the operation in realtime or search mode.

func (Mget) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Mget) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*MgetRequest)

WithRefresh - refresh the shard containing the document before performing the operation.

func (Mget) WithRouting ¶

func (f Mget) WithRouting(v string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Mget) WithSource ¶

func (f Mget) WithSource(v ...string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Mget) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Mget) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Mget) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Mget) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Mget) WithStoredFields ¶

func (f Mget) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*MgetRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return in the response.

type MgetRequest ¶

type MgetRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	Preference     string
	Realtime       *bool
	Refresh        *bool
	Routing        string
	Source         []string
	SourceExcludes []string
	SourceIncludes []string
	StoredFields   []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MgetRequest configures the Mget API request.

func (MgetRequest) Do ¶

func (r MgetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Migration ¶ added in v7.2.0

type Migration struct {
	Deprecations            MigrationDeprecations
	GetFeatureUpgradeStatus MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus
	PostFeatureUpgrade      MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade

Migration contains the Migration APIs

type MigrationDeprecations ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MigrationDeprecations func(o ...func(*MigrationDeprecationsRequest)) (*Response, error)

MigrationDeprecations - Retrieves information about different cluster, node, and index level settings that use deprecated features that will be removed or changed in the next major version.

See full documentation at

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MigrationDeprecations) WithErrorTrace() func(*MigrationDeprecationsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MigrationDeprecations) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MigrationDeprecationsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithIndex - index pattern.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationDeprecations) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MigrationDeprecationsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MigrationDeprecationsRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MigrationDeprecationsRequest configures the Migration Deprecations API request.

func (MigrationDeprecationsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus ¶ added in v7.16.0

type MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus func(o ...func(*MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus - Find out whether system features need to be upgraded or not

See full documentation at

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatusRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatusRequest configures the Migration Get Feature Upgrade Status API request.

func (MigrationGetFeatureUpgradeStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade ¶ added in v7.16.0

type MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade func(o ...func(*MigrationPostFeatureUpgradeRequest)) (*Response, error)

MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade - Begin upgrades for system features

See full documentation at

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgrade) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type MigrationPostFeatureUpgradeRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type MigrationPostFeatureUpgradeRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MigrationPostFeatureUpgradeRequest configures the Migration Post Feature Upgrade API request.

func (MigrationPostFeatureUpgradeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Monitoring ¶ added in v7.2.0

type Monitoring struct {
	Bulk MonitoringBulk

Monitoring contains the Monitoring APIs

type MonitoringBulk ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MonitoringBulk func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)) (*Response, error)

MonitoringBulk - Used by the monitoring features to send monitoring data.

See full documentation at

func (MonitoringBulk) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithDocumentType - default document type for items which don't provide one.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithErrorTrace() func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithHuman() func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithInterval ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithInterval(v string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithInterval - collection interval (e.g., '10s' or '10000ms') of the payload.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithPretty() func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithSystemAPIVersion ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithSystemAPIVersion(v string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithSystemAPIVersion - api version of the monitored system.

func (MonitoringBulk) WithSystemID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MonitoringBulk) WithSystemID(v string) func(*MonitoringBulkRequest)

WithSystemID - identifier of the monitored system.

type MonitoringBulkRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type MonitoringBulkRequest struct {
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	Interval         string
	SystemAPIVersion string
	SystemID         string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MonitoringBulkRequest configures the Monitoring Bulk API request.

func (MonitoringBulkRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r MonitoringBulkRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Msearch ¶

type Msearch func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MsearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

Msearch allows to execute several search operations in one request.

See full documentation at

func (Msearch) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips ¶

func (f Msearch) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(v bool) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips - indicates whether network round-trips should be minimized as part of cross-cluster search requests execution.

func (Msearch) WithContext ¶

func (f Msearch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Msearch) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Msearch) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to use as default.

func (Msearch) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Msearch) WithErrorTrace() func(*MsearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Msearch) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Msearch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Msearch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Msearch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Msearch) WithHuman ¶

func (f Msearch) WithHuman() func(*MsearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Msearch) WithIndex ¶

func (f Msearch) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to use as default.

func (Msearch) WithMaxConcurrentSearches ¶

func (f Msearch) WithMaxConcurrentSearches(v int) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithMaxConcurrentSearches - controls the maximum number of concurrent searches the multi search api will execute.

func (Msearch) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests ¶

func (f Msearch) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests(v int) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests - the number of concurrent shard requests each sub search executes concurrently per node. this value should be used to limit the impact of the search on the cluster in order to limit the number of concurrent shard requests.

func (Msearch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Msearch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Msearch) WithPreFilterShardSize ¶

func (f Msearch) WithPreFilterShardSize(v int) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithPreFilterShardSize - a threshold that enforces a pre-filter roundtrip to prefilter search shards based on query rewriting if the number of shards the search request expands to exceeds the threshold. this filter roundtrip can limit the number of shards significantly if for instance a shard can not match any documents based on its rewrite method ie. if date filters are mandatory to match but the shard bounds and the query are disjoint..

func (Msearch) WithPretty ¶

func (f Msearch) WithPretty() func(*MsearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Msearch) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶

func (f Msearch) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (Msearch) WithSearchType ¶

func (f Msearch) WithSearchType(v string) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (Msearch) WithTypedKeys ¶

func (f Msearch) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*MsearchRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

type MsearchRequest ¶

type MsearchRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	CcsMinimizeRoundtrips      *bool
	MaxConcurrentSearches      *int
	MaxConcurrentShardRequests *int
	PreFilterShardSize         *int
	RestTotalHitsAsInt         *bool
	SearchType                 string
	TypedKeys                  *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MsearchRequest configures the Msearch API request.

func (MsearchRequest) Do ¶

func (r MsearchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type MsearchTemplate ¶

type MsearchTemplate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

MsearchTemplate allows to execute several search template operations in one request.

See full documentation at

func (MsearchTemplate) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(v bool) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips - indicates whether network round-trips should be minimized as part of cross-cluster search requests execution.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithContext ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to use as default.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithHuman ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithHuman() func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithIndex ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to use as default.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithMaxConcurrentSearches ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithMaxConcurrentSearches(v int) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithMaxConcurrentSearches - controls the maximum number of concurrent searches the multi search api will execute.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithPretty ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithPretty() func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithSearchType ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithSearchType(v string) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (MsearchTemplate) WithTypedKeys ¶

func (f MsearchTemplate) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*MsearchTemplateRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

type MsearchTemplateRequest ¶

type MsearchTemplateRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	CcsMinimizeRoundtrips *bool
	MaxConcurrentSearches *int
	RestTotalHitsAsInt    *bool
	SearchType            string
	TypedKeys             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MsearchTemplateRequest configures the Msearch Template API request.

func (MsearchTemplateRequest) Do ¶

func (r MsearchTemplateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Mtermvectors ¶

type Mtermvectors func(o ...func(*MtermvectorsRequest)) (*Response, error)

Mtermvectors returns multiple termvectors in one request.

See full documentation at

func (Mtermvectors) WithBody ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithBody - Define ids, documents, parameters or a list of parameters per document here. You must at least provide a list of document ids. See documentation..

func (Mtermvectors) WithContext ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Mtermvectors) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document..

func (Mtermvectors) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithErrorTrace() func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Mtermvectors) WithFieldStatistics ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithFieldStatistics(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithFieldStatistics - specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithFields ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithFields(v ...string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields to return. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Mtermvectors) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Mtermvectors) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Mtermvectors) WithHuman ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithHuman() func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Mtermvectors) WithIds ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithIds(v ...string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithIds - a list of documents ids. you must define ids as parameter or set "ids" or "docs" in the request body.

func (Mtermvectors) WithIndex ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithIndex(v string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithIndex - the index in which the document resides..

func (Mtermvectors) WithOffsets ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithOffsets(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithOffsets - specifies if term offsets should be returned. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Mtermvectors) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Mtermvectors) WithPayloads ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithPayloads(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithPayloads - specifies if term payloads should be returned. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithPositions ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithPositions(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithPositions - specifies if term positions should be returned. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithPreference ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithPreference(v string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random) .applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithPretty ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithPretty() func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Mtermvectors) WithRealtime ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithRealtime - specifies if requests are real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true)..

func (Mtermvectors) WithRouting ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithRouting(v string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithTermStatistics ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithTermStatistics(v bool) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithTermStatistics - specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned. applies to all returned documents unless otherwise specified in body "params" or "docs"..

func (Mtermvectors) WithVersion ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithVersion(v int) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Mtermvectors) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Mtermvectors) WithVersionType(v string) func(*MtermvectorsRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type MtermvectorsRequest ¶

type MtermvectorsRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	Fields          []string
	FieldStatistics *bool
	Ids             []string
	Offsets         *bool
	Payloads        *bool
	Positions       *bool
	Preference      string
	Realtime        *bool
	Routing         string
	TermStatistics  *bool
	Version         *int
	VersionType     string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

MtermvectorsRequest configures the Mtermvectors API request.

func (MtermvectorsRequest) Do ¶

func (r MtermvectorsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Nodes ¶

type Nodes struct {
	ClearMeteringArchive             NodesClearMeteringArchive
	ClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive
	GetMeteringInfo                  NodesGetMeteringInfo
	GetRepositoriesMeteringInfo      NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo
	HotThreads                       NodesHotThreads
	Info                             NodesInfo
	ReloadSecureSettings             NodesReloadSecureSettings
	Stats                            NodesStats
	Usage                            NodesUsage

Nodes contains the Nodes APIs

type NodesClearMeteringArchive ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesClearMeteringArchive func(max_archive_version *int, node_id []string, o ...func(*NodesClearMeteringArchiveRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesClearMeteringArchive removes the archived repositories metering information present in the cluster.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchive) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type NodesClearMeteringArchiveRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesClearMeteringArchiveRequest struct {
	MaxArchiveVersion *int
	NodeID            []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesClearMeteringArchiveRequest configures the Nodes Clear Metering Archive API request.

func (NodesClearMeteringArchiveRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive func(node_id []string, max_archive_version *int, o ...func(*NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchiveRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive removes the archived repositories metering information present in the cluster.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchive) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchiveRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchiveRequest struct {
	MaxArchiveVersion *int
	NodeID            []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchiveRequest configures the Nodes Clear Repositories Metering Archive API request.

func (NodesClearRepositoriesMeteringArchiveRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesGetMeteringInfo ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesGetMeteringInfo func(node_id []string, o ...func(*NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesGetMeteringInfo returns cluster repositories metering information.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f NodesGetMeteringInfo) WithPretty() func(*NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest configures the Nodes Get Metering Info API request.

func (NodesGetMeteringInfoRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo func(node_id []string, o ...func(*NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo returns cluster repositories metering information.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfo) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfoRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfoRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfoRequest configures the Nodes Get Repositories Metering Info API request.

func (NodesGetRepositoriesMeteringInfoRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesHotThreads ¶

type NodesHotThreads func(o ...func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesHotThreads returns information about hot threads on each node in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (NodesHotThreads) WithContext ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type to sample (default: cpu).

func (NodesHotThreads) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithErrorTrace() func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithHuman ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithHuman() func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithIgnoreIdleThreads ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithIgnoreIdleThreads(v bool) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithIgnoreIdleThreads - don't show threads that are in known-idle places, such as waiting on a socket select or pulling from an empty task queue (default: true).

func (NodesHotThreads) WithInterval ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithInterval(v time.Duration) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithInterval - the interval for the second sampling of threads.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithNodeID ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithPretty ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithPretty() func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (NodesHotThreads) WithSnapshots ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithSnapshots(v int) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithSnapshots - number of samples of thread stacktrace (default: 10).

func (NodesHotThreads) WithSort ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithSort(v string) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithSort - the sort order for 'cpu' type (default: total).

func (NodesHotThreads) WithThreads ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithThreads(v int) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithThreads - specify the number of threads to provide information for (default: 3).

func (NodesHotThreads) WithTimeout ¶

func (f NodesHotThreads) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*NodesHotThreadsRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type NodesHotThreadsRequest ¶

type NodesHotThreadsRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	IgnoreIdleThreads *bool
	Interval          time.Duration
	Snapshots         *int
	Sort              string
	Threads           *int
	Timeout           time.Duration
	DocumentType      string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesHotThreadsRequest configures the Nodes Hot Threads API request.

func (NodesHotThreadsRequest) Do ¶

func (r NodesHotThreadsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesInfo ¶

type NodesInfo func(o ...func(*NodesInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesInfo returns information about nodes in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (NodesInfo) WithContext ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesInfo) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesInfo) WithFlatSettings ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithFlatSettings(v bool) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithFlatSettings - return settings in flat format (default: false).

func (NodesInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f NodesInfo) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesInfo) WithHuman ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithHuman() func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesInfo) WithMetric ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithMetric - a list of metrics you wish returned. leave empty to return all metrics..

func (NodesInfo) WithNodeID ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (NodesInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f NodesInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesInfo) WithPretty ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithPretty() func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (NodesInfo) WithTimeout ¶

func (f NodesInfo) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*NodesInfoRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type NodesInfoRequest ¶

type NodesInfoRequest struct {
	Metric []string
	NodeID []string

	FlatSettings *bool
	Timeout      time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesInfoRequest configures the Nodes Info API request.

func (NodesInfoRequest) Do ¶

func (r NodesInfoRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesReloadSecureSettings ¶

type NodesReloadSecureSettings func(o ...func(*NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesReloadSecureSettings reloads secure settings.

See full documentation at

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithBody ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithBody - An object containing the password for the elasticsearch keystore.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithErrorTrace ¶

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithFilterPath ¶

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithNodeID ¶

WithNodeID - a list of node ids to span the reload/reinit call. should stay empty because reloading usually involves all cluster nodes..

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettings) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest ¶

type NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	NodeID []string

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest configures the Nodes Reload Secure Settings API request.

func (NodesReloadSecureSettingsRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesStats ¶

type NodesStats func(o ...func(*NodesStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesStats returns statistical information about nodes in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (NodesStats) WithCompletionFields ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithCompletionFields(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithCompletionFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` and `suggest` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (NodesStats) WithContext ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesStats) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesStats) WithFielddataFields ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithFielddataFields(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithFielddataFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (NodesStats) WithFields ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithFields(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields for `fielddata` and `completion` index metric (supports wildcards).

func (NodesStats) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesStats) WithGroups ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithGroups(v bool) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithGroups - a list of search groups for `search` index metric.

func (NodesStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f NodesStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesStats) WithHuman ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithHuman() func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesStats) WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes(v bool) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithIncludeSegmentFileSizes - whether to report the aggregated disk usage of each one of the lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested).

func (NodesStats) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f NodesStats) WithIncludeUnloadedSegments(v bool) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithIncludeUnloadedSegments - if set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory.

func (NodesStats) WithIndexMetric ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithIndexMetric(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithIndexMetric - limit the information returned for `indices` metric to the specific index metrics. isn't used if `indices` (or `all`) metric isn't specified..

func (NodesStats) WithLevel ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithLevel(v string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithLevel - return indices stats aggregated at index, node or shard level.

func (NodesStats) WithMetric ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithMetric - limit the information returned to the specified metrics.

func (NodesStats) WithNodeID ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (NodesStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f NodesStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesStats) WithPretty ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithPretty() func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (NodesStats) WithTimeout ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (NodesStats) WithTypes ¶

func (f NodesStats) WithTypes(v ...string) func(*NodesStatsRequest)

WithTypes - a list of document types for the `indexing` index metric.

type NodesStatsRequest ¶

type NodesStatsRequest struct {
	IndexMetric []string
	Metric      []string
	NodeID      []string

	CompletionFields        []string
	FielddataFields         []string
	Fields                  []string
	Groups                  *bool
	IncludeSegmentFileSizes *bool
	IncludeUnloadedSegments *bool
	Level                   string
	Timeout                 time.Duration
	Types                   []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesStatsRequest configures the Nodes Stats API request.

func (NodesStatsRequest) Do ¶

func (r NodesStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type NodesUsage ¶

type NodesUsage func(o ...func(*NodesUsageRequest)) (*Response, error)

NodesUsage returns low-level information about REST actions usage on nodes.

See full documentation at

func (NodesUsage) WithContext ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (NodesUsage) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithErrorTrace() func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (NodesUsage) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (NodesUsage) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f NodesUsage) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (NodesUsage) WithHuman ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithHuman() func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (NodesUsage) WithMetric ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithMetric - limit the information returned to the specified metrics.

func (NodesUsage) WithNodeID ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithNodeID(v ...string) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (NodesUsage) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f NodesUsage) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (NodesUsage) WithPretty ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithPretty() func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (NodesUsage) WithTimeout ¶

func (f NodesUsage) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*NodesUsageRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type NodesUsageRequest ¶

type NodesUsageRequest struct {
	Metric []string
	NodeID []string

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

NodesUsageRequest configures the Nodes Usage API request.

func (NodesUsageRequest) Do ¶

func (r NodesUsageRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type OpenPointInTime ¶ added in v7.10.0

type OpenPointInTime func(index []string, keep_alive string, o ...func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)) (*Response, error)

OpenPointInTime - Open a point in time that can be used in subsequent searches

See full documentation at

func (OpenPointInTime) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithErrorTrace() func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (OpenPointInTime) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithHuman() func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (OpenPointInTime) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithKeepAlive(v string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithKeepAlive - specific the time to live for the point in time.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithPreference ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithPreference(v string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (OpenPointInTime) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithPretty() func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (OpenPointInTime) WithRouting ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f OpenPointInTime) WithRouting(v string) func(*OpenPointInTimeRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

type OpenPointInTimeRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type OpenPointInTimeRequest struct {
	Index []string

	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	KeepAlive         string
	Preference        string
	Routing           string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

OpenPointInTimeRequest configures the Open Point In Time API request.

func (OpenPointInTimeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (r OpenPointInTimeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Ping ¶

type Ping func(o ...func(*PingRequest)) (*Response, error)

Ping returns whether the cluster is running.

See full documentation at

func (Ping) WithContext ¶

func (f Ping) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*PingRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Ping) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Ping) WithErrorTrace() func(*PingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Ping) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Ping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*PingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Ping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Ping) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*PingRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Ping) WithHuman ¶

func (f Ping) WithHuman() func(*PingRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Ping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Ping) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*PingRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Ping) WithPretty ¶

func (f Ping) WithPretty() func(*PingRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type PingRequest ¶

type PingRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PingRequest configures the Ping API request.

func (PingRequest) Do ¶

func (r PingRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type PutScript ¶

type PutScript func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*PutScriptRequest)) (*Response, error)

PutScript creates or updates a script.

See full documentation at

func (PutScript) WithContext ¶

func (f PutScript) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (PutScript) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f PutScript) WithErrorTrace() func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (PutScript) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f PutScript) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (PutScript) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f PutScript) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (PutScript) WithHuman ¶

func (f PutScript) WithHuman() func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (PutScript) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f PutScript) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for connection to master.

func (PutScript) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f PutScript) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (PutScript) WithPretty ¶

func (f PutScript) WithPretty() func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (PutScript) WithScriptContext ¶

func (f PutScript) WithScriptContext(v string) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithScriptContext - script context.

func (PutScript) WithTimeout ¶

func (f PutScript) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*PutScriptRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type PutScriptRequest ¶

type PutScriptRequest struct {
	ScriptID string

	Body io.Reader

	ScriptContext string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PutScriptRequest configures the Put Script API request.

func (PutScriptRequest) Do ¶

func (r PutScriptRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RankEval ¶

type RankEval func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*RankEvalRequest)) (*Response, error)

RankEval allows to evaluate the quality of ranked search results over a set of typical search queries

See full documentation at

func (RankEval) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f RankEval) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (RankEval) WithContext ¶

func (f RankEval) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RankEval) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f RankEval) WithErrorTrace() func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RankEval) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f RankEval) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (RankEval) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f RankEval) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RankEval) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RankEval) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RankEval) WithHuman ¶

func (f RankEval) WithHuman() func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RankEval) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f RankEval) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (RankEval) WithIndex ¶

func (f RankEval) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to search; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (RankEval) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RankEval) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RankEval) WithPretty ¶

func (f RankEval) WithPretty() func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (RankEval) WithSearchType ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f RankEval) WithSearchType(v string) func(*RankEvalRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

type RankEvalRequest ¶

type RankEvalRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	SearchType        string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RankEvalRequest configures the Rank Eval API request.

func (RankEvalRequest) Do ¶

func (r RankEvalRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Reindex ¶

type Reindex func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*ReindexRequest)) (*Response, error)

Reindex allows to copy documents from one index to another, optionally filtering the source documents by a query, changing the destination index settings, or fetching the documents from a remote cluster.

See full documentation at

func (Reindex) WithContext ¶

func (f Reindex) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Reindex) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Reindex) WithErrorTrace() func(*ReindexRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Reindex) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Reindex) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Reindex) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Reindex) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Reindex) WithHuman ¶

func (f Reindex) WithHuman() func(*ReindexRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Reindex) WithMaxDocs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Reindex) WithMaxDocs(v int) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithMaxDocs - maximum number of documents to process (default: all documents).

func (Reindex) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Reindex) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Reindex) WithPretty ¶

func (f Reindex) WithPretty() func(*ReindexRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Reindex) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Reindex) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithRefresh - should the affected indexes be refreshed?.

func (Reindex) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f Reindex) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle to set on this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means no throttle..

func (Reindex) WithScroll ¶

func (f Reindex) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithScroll - control how long to keep the search context alive.

func (Reindex) WithSlices ¶

func (f Reindex) WithSlices(v interface{}) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithSlices - the number of slices this task should be divided into. defaults to 1, meaning the task isn't sliced into subtasks. can be set to `auto`..

func (Reindex) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Reindex) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithTimeout - time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable..

func (Reindex) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Reindex) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the reindex operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (Reindex) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f Reindex) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*ReindexRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request should block until the reindex is complete..

type ReindexRequest ¶

type ReindexRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	MaxDocs             *int
	Refresh             *bool
	RequestsPerSecond   *int
	Scroll              time.Duration
	Slices              interface{}
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string
	WaitForCompletion   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexRequest configures the Reindex API request.

func (ReindexRequest) Do ¶

func (r ReindexRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ReindexRethrottle ¶

type ReindexRethrottle func(task_id string, requests_per_second *int, o ...func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)) (*Response, error)

ReindexRethrottle changes the number of requests per second for a particular Reindex operation.

See full documentation at

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithErrorTrace() func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithHuman ¶

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithHuman() func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithPretty ¶

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithPretty() func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (ReindexRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f ReindexRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*ReindexRethrottleRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle to set on this request in floating sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle..

type ReindexRethrottleRequest ¶

type ReindexRethrottleRequest struct {
	TaskID string

	RequestsPerSecond *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ReindexRethrottleRequest configures the Reindex Rethrottle API request.

func (ReindexRethrottleRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Remote ¶

type Remote struct {

Remote contains the Remote APIs

type RenderSearchTemplate ¶

type RenderSearchTemplate func(o ...func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

RenderSearchTemplate allows to use the Mustache language to pre-render a search definition.

See full documentation at

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithBody ¶

WithBody - The search definition template and its params.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f RenderSearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f RenderSearchTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RenderSearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithPretty ¶

func (f RenderSearchTemplate) WithPretty() func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (RenderSearchTemplate) WithTemplateID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RenderSearchTemplate) WithTemplateID(v string) func(*RenderSearchTemplateRequest)

WithTemplateID - the ID of the stored search template.

type RenderSearchTemplateRequest ¶

type RenderSearchTemplateRequest struct {
	TemplateID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RenderSearchTemplateRequest configures the Render Search Template API request.

func (RenderSearchTemplateRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Request ¶

type Request interface {
	Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Request defines the API request.

type Response ¶

type Response struct {
	StatusCode int
	Header     http.Header
	Body       io.ReadCloser

Response represents the API response.

func (*Response) HasWarnings ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r *Response) HasWarnings() bool

HasWarnings returns true when the response headers contain deprecation warnings.

func (*Response) IsError ¶

func (r *Response) IsError() bool

IsError returns true when the response status indicates failure.

Example ¶
es, _ := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()

res, err := es.Info()

// Handle connection errors
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("ERROR: %v", err)
defer res.Body.Close()

// Handle error response (4xx, 5xx)
if res.IsError() {
	log.Fatalf("ERROR: %s", res.Status())

// Handle successful response (2xx)

func (*Response) Status ¶

func (r *Response) Status() string

Status returns the response status as a string.

Example ¶
es, _ := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()

res, _ := es.Info()

// 200 OK

func (*Response) String ¶

func (r *Response) String() string

String returns the response as a string.

The intended usage is for testing or debugging only.

Example ¶
es, _ := elasticsearch.NewDefaultClient()

res, _ := es.Info()

// [200 OK] {
// "name" : "es1",
// "cluster_name" : "go-elasticsearch",
// ...
// }

func (*Response) Warnings ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r *Response) Warnings() []string

Warnings returns the deprecation warnings from response headers.

type Rollup ¶ added in v7.2.0

type Rollup struct {
	DeleteJob    RollupDeleteJob
	GetJobs      RollupGetJobs
	GetCaps      RollupGetRollupCaps
	GetIndexCaps RollupGetRollupIndexCaps
	PutJob       RollupPutJob
	Rollup       RollupRollup
	Search       RollupRollupSearch
	StartJob     RollupStartJob
	StopJob      RollupStopJob

Rollup contains the Rollup APIs

type RollupDeleteJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupDeleteJob func(id string, o ...func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupDeleteJob - Deletes an existing rollup job.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithHuman() func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupDeleteJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupDeleteJob) WithPretty() func(*RollupDeleteJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupDeleteJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupDeleteJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupDeleteJobRequest configures the Rollup Delete Job API request.

func (RollupDeleteJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r RollupDeleteJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupGetJobs ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetJobs func(o ...func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupGetJobs - Retrieves the configuration, stats, and status of rollup jobs.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupGetJobs) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithHuman() func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithJobID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithJobID(v string) func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithJobID - the ID of the job(s) to fetch. accepts glob patterns, or left blank for all jobs.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetJobs) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetJobs) WithPretty() func(*RollupGetJobsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupGetJobsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetJobsRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupGetJobsRequest configures the Rollup Get Jobs API request.

func (RollupGetJobsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r RollupGetJobsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupGetRollupCaps ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetRollupCaps func(o ...func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupGetRollupCaps - Returns the capabilities of any rollup jobs that have been configured for a specific index or index pattern.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithHuman() func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithIndex - the ID of the index to check rollup capabilities on, or left blank for all jobs.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetRollupCaps) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupCaps) WithPretty() func(*RollupGetRollupCapsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupGetRollupCapsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetRollupCapsRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupGetRollupCapsRequest configures the Rollup Get Rollup Caps API request.

func (RollupGetRollupCapsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupGetRollupIndexCaps ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetRollupIndexCaps func(index string, o ...func(*RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupGetRollupIndexCaps - Returns the rollup capabilities of all jobs inside of a rollup index (e.g. the index where rollup data is stored).

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCaps) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest struct {
	Index string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest configures the Rollup Get Rollup Index Caps API request.

func (RollupGetRollupIndexCapsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupPutJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupPutJob func(id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*RollupPutJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupPutJob - Creates a rollup job.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupPutJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupPutJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupPutJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupPutJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupPutJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithHuman() func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupPutJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupPutJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupPutJob) WithPretty() func(*RollupPutJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupPutJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupPutJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupPutJobRequest configures the Rollup Put Job API request.

func (RollupPutJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r RollupPutJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupRollup ¶ added in v7.11.0

type RollupRollup func(index string, body io.Reader, rollup_index string, o ...func(*RollupRollupRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupRollup - Rollup an index

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupRollup) WithContext ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupRollup) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupRollup) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupRollup) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupRollup) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithHuman() func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupRollup) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupRollup) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f RollupRollup) WithPretty() func(*RollupRollupRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupRollupRequest ¶ added in v7.11.0

type RollupRollupRequest struct {
	Index string

	Body io.Reader

	RollupIndex string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupRollupRequest configures the Rollup Rollup API request.

func (RollupRollupRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (r RollupRollupRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupRollupSearch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupRollupSearch func(index []string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupRollupSearch - Enables searching rolled-up data using the standard query DSL.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithDocumentType ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithDocumentType - the doc type inside the index.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithHuman() func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithPretty() func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (RollupRollupSearch) WithTypedKeys ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupRollupSearch) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*RollupRollupSearchRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

type RollupRollupSearchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupRollupSearchRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType string

	Body io.Reader

	RestTotalHitsAsInt *bool
	TypedKeys          *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupRollupSearchRequest configures the Rollup Rollup Search API request.

func (RollupRollupSearchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupStartJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupStartJob func(id string, o ...func(*RollupStartJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupStartJob - Starts an existing, stopped rollup job.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupStartJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupStartJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupStartJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupStartJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupStartJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithHuman() func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupStartJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupStartJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStartJob) WithPretty() func(*RollupStartJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type RollupStartJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupStartJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupStartJobRequest configures the Rollup Start Job API request.

func (RollupStartJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r RollupStartJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type RollupStopJob ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupStopJob func(id string, o ...func(*RollupStopJobRequest)) (*Response, error)

RollupStopJob - Stops an existing, started rollup job.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (RollupStopJob) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (RollupStopJob) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithErrorTrace() func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (RollupStopJob) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (RollupStopJob) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (RollupStopJob) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithHuman() func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (RollupStopJob) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (RollupStopJob) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithPretty() func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (RollupStopJob) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithTimeout - block for (at maximum) the specified duration while waiting for the job to stop. defaults to 30s..

func (RollupStopJob) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f RollupStopJob) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*RollupStopJobRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - true if the api should block until the job has fully stopped, false if should be executed async. defaults to false..

type RollupStopJobRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type RollupStopJobRequest struct {
	JobID string

	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RollupStopJobRequest configures the Rollup Stop Job API request.

func (RollupStopJobRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r RollupStopJobRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQL ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQL struct {
	ClearCursor    SQLClearCursor
	DeleteAsync    SQLDeleteAsync
	GetAsync       SQLGetAsync
	GetAsyncStatus SQLGetAsyncStatus
	Query          SQLQuery
	Translate      SQLTranslate

SQL contains the SQL APIs

type SQLClearCursor ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLClearCursor func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLClearCursor - Clears the SQL cursor

See full documentation at

func (SQLClearCursor) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithHuman() func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLClearCursor) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLClearCursor) WithPretty() func(*SQLClearCursorRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SQLClearCursorRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLClearCursorRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLClearCursorRequest configures the SQL Clear Cursor API request.

func (SQLClearCursorRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SQLClearCursorRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQLDeleteAsync ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLDeleteAsync func(id string, o ...func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLDeleteAsync - Deletes an async SQL search or a stored synchronous SQL search. If the search is still running, the API cancels it.

See full documentation at

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithHuman() func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLDeleteAsync) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLDeleteAsync) WithPretty() func(*SQLDeleteAsyncRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SQLDeleteAsyncRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLDeleteAsyncRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLDeleteAsyncRequest configures the SQL Delete Async API request.

func (SQLDeleteAsyncRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (r SQLDeleteAsyncRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQLGetAsync ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLGetAsync func(id string, o ...func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLGetAsync - Returns the current status and available results for an async SQL search or stored synchronous SQL search

See full documentation at

func (SQLGetAsync) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithDelimiter ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithDelimiter(v string) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithDelimiter - separator for csv results.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithFormat(v string) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithFormat - short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithHuman() func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithKeepAlive ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithKeepAlive(v time.Duration) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithKeepAlive - retention period for the search and its results.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithPretty() func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SQLGetAsync) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsync) WithWaitForCompletionTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SQLGetAsyncRequest)

WithWaitForCompletionTimeout - duration to wait for complete results.

type SQLGetAsyncRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLGetAsyncRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Delimiter                string
	Format                   string
	KeepAlive                time.Duration
	WaitForCompletionTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLGetAsyncRequest configures the SQL Get Async API request.

func (SQLGetAsyncRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (r SQLGetAsyncRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQLGetAsyncStatus ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLGetAsyncStatus func(id string, o ...func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLGetAsyncStatus - Returns the current status of an async SQL search or a stored synchronous SQL search

See full documentation at

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithHuman() func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SQLGetAsyncStatus) WithPretty() func(*SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest struct {
	DocumentID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest configures the SQL Get Async Status API request.

func (SQLGetAsyncStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQLQuery ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLQuery func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SQLQueryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLQuery - Executes a SQL request

See full documentation at

func (SQLQuery) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLQuery) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLQuery) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLQuery) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithFormat(v string) func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithFormat - a short version of the accept header, e.g. json, yaml.

func (SQLQuery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLQuery) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithHuman() func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLQuery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLQuery) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLQuery) WithPretty() func(*SQLQueryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SQLQueryRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLQueryRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Format string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLQueryRequest configures the SQL Query API request.

func (SQLQueryRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SQLQueryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SQLTranslate ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLTranslate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SQLTranslateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SQLTranslate - Translates SQL into Elasticsearch queries

See full documentation at

func (SQLTranslate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SQLTranslate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithErrorTrace() func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SQLTranslate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SQLTranslate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SQLTranslate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithHuman() func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SQLTranslate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SQLTranslate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SQLTranslate) WithPretty() func(*SQLTranslateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SQLTranslateRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SQLTranslateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SQLTranslateRequest configures the SQL Translate API request.

func (SQLTranslateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SQLTranslateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SSL ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SSL struct {
	Certificates SSLCertificates

SSL contains the SSL APIs

type SSLCertificates ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SSLCertificates func(o ...func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SSLCertificates - Retrieves information about the X.509 certificates used to encrypt communications in the cluster.

See full documentation at

func (SSLCertificates) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SSLCertificates) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithErrorTrace() func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SSLCertificates) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SSLCertificates) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SSLCertificates) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithHuman() func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SSLCertificates) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SSLCertificates) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SSLCertificates) WithPretty() func(*SSLCertificatesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SSLCertificatesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SSLCertificatesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SSLCertificatesRequest configures the SSL Certificates API request.

func (SSLCertificatesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SSLCertificatesRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ScriptsPainlessExecute ¶

type ScriptsPainlessExecute func(o ...func(*ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest)) (*Response, error)

ScriptsPainlessExecute allows an arbitrary script to be executed and a result to be returned

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithBody ¶

WithBody - The script to execute.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithErrorTrace() func(*ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecute) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest ¶

type ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest configures the Scripts Painless Execute API request.

func (ScriptsPainlessExecuteRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Scroll ¶

type Scroll func(o ...func(*ScrollRequest)) (*Response, error)

Scroll allows to retrieve a large numbers of results from a single search request.

See full documentation at

func (Scroll) WithBody ¶

func (f Scroll) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithBody - The scroll ID if not passed by URL or query parameter..

func (Scroll) WithContext ¶

func (f Scroll) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Scroll) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Scroll) WithErrorTrace() func(*ScrollRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Scroll) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Scroll) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Scroll) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Scroll) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Scroll) WithHuman ¶

func (f Scroll) WithHuman() func(*ScrollRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Scroll) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Scroll) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Scroll) WithPretty ¶

func (f Scroll) WithPretty() func(*ScrollRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Scroll) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶

func (f Scroll) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (Scroll) WithScroll ¶

func (f Scroll) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithScroll - specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (Scroll) WithScrollID ¶

func (f Scroll) WithScrollID(v string) func(*ScrollRequest)

WithScrollID - the scroll ID.

type ScrollRequest ¶

type ScrollRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	ScrollID string

	RestTotalHitsAsInt *bool
	Scroll             time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ScrollRequest configures the Scroll API request.

func (ScrollRequest) Do ¶

func (r ScrollRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Search func(o ...func(*SearchRequest)) (*Response, error)

Search returns results matching a query.

See full documentation at

func (Search) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f Search) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (Search) WithAllowPartialSearchResults ¶

func (f Search) WithAllowPartialSearchResults(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithAllowPartialSearchResults - indicate if an error should be returned if there is a partial search failure or timeout.

func (Search) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f Search) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (Search) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f Search) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (Search) WithBatchedReduceSize ¶

func (f Search) WithBatchedReduceSize(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithBatchedReduceSize - the number of shard results that should be reduced at once on the coordinating node. this value should be used as a protection mechanism to reduce the memory overhead per search request if the potential number of shards in the request can be large..

func (Search) WithBody ¶

func (f Search) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*SearchRequest)

WithBody - The search definition using the Query DSL.

func (Search) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips ¶

func (f Search) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips - indicates whether network round-trips should be minimized as part of cross-cluster search requests execution.

func (Search) WithContext ¶

func (f Search) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SearchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Search) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f Search) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (Search) WithDf ¶

func (f Search) WithDf(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (Search) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Search) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (Search) WithDocvalueFields ¶

func (f Search) WithDocvalueFields(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithDocvalueFields - a list of fields to return as the docvalue representation of a field for each hit.

func (Search) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Search) WithErrorTrace() func(*SearchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Search) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f Search) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (Search) WithExplain ¶

func (f Search) WithExplain(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithExplain - specify whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

func (Search) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Search) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Search) WithFrom ¶

func (f Search) WithFrom(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithFrom - starting offset (default: 0).

func (Search) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Search) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Search) WithHuman ¶

func (f Search) WithHuman() func(*SearchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Search) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶

func (f Search) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - whether specified concrete, expanded or aliased indices should be ignored when throttled.

func (Search) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f Search) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (Search) WithIndex ¶

func (f Search) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to search; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (Search) WithLenient ¶

func (f Search) WithLenient(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (Search) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests ¶

func (f Search) WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithMaxConcurrentShardRequests - the number of concurrent shard requests per node this search executes concurrently. this value should be used to limit the impact of the search on the cluster in order to limit the number of concurrent shard requests.

func (Search) WithMinCompatibleShardNode ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f Search) WithMinCompatibleShardNode(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithMinCompatibleShardNode - the minimum compatible version that all shards involved in search should have for this request to be successful.

func (Search) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Search) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Search) WithPreFilterShardSize ¶

func (f Search) WithPreFilterShardSize(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithPreFilterShardSize - a threshold that enforces a pre-filter roundtrip to prefilter search shards based on query rewriting if the number of shards the search request expands to exceeds the threshold. this filter roundtrip can limit the number of shards significantly if for instance a shard can not match any documents based on its rewrite method ie. if date filters are mandatory to match but the shard bounds and the query are disjoint..

func (Search) WithPreference ¶

func (f Search) WithPreference(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (Search) WithPretty ¶

func (f Search) WithPretty() func(*SearchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Search) WithQuery ¶

func (f Search) WithQuery(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (Search) WithRequestCache ¶

func (f Search) WithRequestCache(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithRequestCache - specify if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (Search) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶

func (f Search) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (Search) WithRouting ¶

func (f Search) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (Search) WithScroll ¶

func (f Search) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*SearchRequest)

WithScroll - specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (Search) WithSearchType ¶

func (f Search) WithSearchType(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (Search) WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm ¶

func (f Search) WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSeqNoPrimaryTerm - specify whether to return sequence number and primary term of the last modification of each hit.

func (Search) WithSize ¶

func (f Search) WithSize(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSize - number of hits to return (default: 10).

func (Search) WithSort ¶

func (f Search) WithSort(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSort - a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (Search) WithSource ¶

func (f Search) WithSource(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Search) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Search) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Search) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Search) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Search) WithStats ¶

func (f Search) WithStats(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithStats - specific 'tag' of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (Search) WithStoredFields ¶

func (f Search) WithStoredFields(v ...string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithStoredFields - a list of stored fields to return as part of a hit.

func (Search) WithSuggestField ¶

func (f Search) WithSuggestField(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSuggestField - specify which field to use for suggestions.

func (Search) WithSuggestMode ¶

func (f Search) WithSuggestMode(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSuggestMode - specify suggest mode.

func (Search) WithSuggestSize ¶

func (f Search) WithSuggestSize(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSuggestSize - how many suggestions to return in response.

func (Search) WithSuggestText ¶

func (f Search) WithSuggestText(v string) func(*SearchRequest)

WithSuggestText - the source text for which the suggestions should be returned.

func (Search) WithTerminateAfter ¶

func (f Search) WithTerminateAfter(v int) func(*SearchRequest)

WithTerminateAfter - the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early..

func (Search) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Search) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SearchRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Search) WithTrackScores ¶

func (f Search) WithTrackScores(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithTrackScores - whether to calculate and return scores even if they are not used for sorting.

func (Search) WithTrackTotalHits ¶

func (f Search) WithTrackTotalHits(v interface{}) func(*SearchRequest)

WithTrackTotalHits - indicate if the number of documents that match the query should be tracked.

func (Search) WithTypedKeys ¶

func (f Search) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

func (Search) WithVersion ¶

func (f Search) WithVersion(v bool) func(*SearchRequest)

WithVersion - specify whether to return document version as part of a hit.

type SearchMvt ¶ added in v7.15.0

type SearchMvt func(index []string, field string, zoom *int, x *int, y *int, o ...func(*SearchMvtRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchMvt searches a vector tile for geospatial values. Returns results as a binary Mapbox vector tile.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (SearchMvt) WithBody ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithBody - Search request body..

func (SearchMvt) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchMvt) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithErrorTrace() func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchMvt) WithExactBounds ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithExactBounds(v bool) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithExactBounds - if false, the meta layer's feature is the bounding box of the tile. if true, the meta layer's feature is a bounding box resulting from a `geo_bounds` aggregation..

func (SearchMvt) WithExtent ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithExtent(v int) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithExtent - size, in pixels, of a side of the vector tile..

func (SearchMvt) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchMvt) WithGridPrecision ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithGridPrecision(v int) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithGridPrecision - additional zoom levels available through the aggs layer. accepts 0-8..

func (SearchMvt) WithGridType ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithGridType(v string) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithGridType - determines the geometry type for features in the aggs layer..

func (SearchMvt) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchMvt) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithHuman() func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchMvt) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchMvt) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithPretty() func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SearchMvt) WithSize ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithSize(v int) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithSize - maximum number of features to return in the hits layer. accepts 0-10000..

func (SearchMvt) WithTrackTotalHits ¶ added in v7.16.0

func (f SearchMvt) WithTrackTotalHits(v interface{}) func(*SearchMvtRequest)

WithTrackTotalHits - indicate if the number of documents that match the query should be tracked. a number can also be specified, to accurately track the total hit count up to the number..

type SearchMvtRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type SearchMvtRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	Field string
	X     *int
	Y     *int
	Zoom  *int

	ExactBounds    *bool
	Extent         *int
	GridPrecision  *int
	GridType       string
	Size           *int
	TrackTotalHits interface{}

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchMvtRequest configures the Search Mvt API request.

func (SearchMvtRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (r SearchMvtRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchRequest ¶

type SearchRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices             *bool
	AllowPartialSearchResults  *bool
	Analyzer                   string
	AnalyzeWildcard            *bool
	BatchedReduceSize          *int
	CcsMinimizeRoundtrips      *bool
	DefaultOperator            string
	Df                         string
	DocvalueFields             []string
	ExpandWildcards            string
	Explain                    *bool
	From                       *int
	IgnoreThrottled            *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable          *bool
	Lenient                    *bool
	MaxConcurrentShardRequests *int
	MinCompatibleShardNode     string
	Preference                 string
	PreFilterShardSize         *int
	Query                      string
	RequestCache               *bool
	RestTotalHitsAsInt         *bool
	Routing                    []string
	Scroll                     time.Duration
	SearchType                 string
	SeqNoPrimaryTerm           *bool
	Size                       *int
	Sort                       []string
	Source                     []string
	SourceExcludes             []string
	SourceIncludes             []string
	Stats                      []string
	StoredFields               []string
	SuggestField               string
	SuggestMode                string
	SuggestSize                *int
	SuggestText                string
	TerminateAfter             *int
	Timeout                    time.Duration
	TrackScores                *bool
	TrackTotalHits             interface{}
	TypedKeys                  *bool
	Version                    *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchRequest configures the Search API request.

func (SearchRequest) Do ¶

func (r SearchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchShards ¶

type SearchShards func(o ...func(*SearchShardsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchShards returns information about the indices and shards that a search request would be executed against.

See full documentation at

func (SearchShards) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (SearchShards) WithContext ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchShards) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithErrorTrace() func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchShards) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (SearchShards) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchShards) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SearchShards) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchShards) WithHuman ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithHuman() func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchShards) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (SearchShards) WithIndex ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to search; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (SearchShards) WithLocal ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithLocal(v bool) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (SearchShards) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SearchShards) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchShards) WithPreference ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithPreference(v string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (SearchShards) WithPretty ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithPretty() func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SearchShards) WithRouting ¶

func (f SearchShards) WithRouting(v string) func(*SearchShardsRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

type SearchShardsRequest ¶

type SearchShardsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	Local             *bool
	Preference        string
	Routing           string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchShardsRequest configures the Search Shards API request.

func (SearchShardsRequest) Do ¶

func (r SearchShardsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchTemplate ¶

type SearchTemplate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SearchTemplateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchTemplate allows to use the Mustache language to pre-render a search definition.

See full documentation at

func (SearchTemplate) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (SearchTemplate) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithCcsMinimizeRoundtrips - indicates whether network round-trips should be minimized as part of cross-cluster search requests execution.

func (SearchTemplate) WithContext ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchTemplate) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (SearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithErrorTrace() func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchTemplate) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (SearchTemplate) WithExplain ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithExplain(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithExplain - specify whether to return detailed information about score computation as part of a hit.

func (SearchTemplate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchTemplate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SearchTemplate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchTemplate) WithHuman ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithHuman() func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchTemplate) WithIgnoreThrottled ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithIgnoreThrottled(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithIgnoreThrottled - whether specified concrete, expanded or aliased indices should be ignored when throttled.

func (SearchTemplate) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (SearchTemplate) WithIndex ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithIndex(v ...string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithIndex - a list of index names to search; use _all to perform the operation on all indices.

func (SearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SearchTemplate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchTemplate) WithPreference ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithPreference(v string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (SearchTemplate) WithPretty ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithPretty() func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SearchTemplate) WithProfile ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithProfile(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithProfile - specify whether to profile the query execution.

func (SearchTemplate) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithRestTotalHitsAsInt(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithRestTotalHitsAsInt - indicates whether should be rendered as an integer or an object in the rest search response.

func (SearchTemplate) WithRouting ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (SearchTemplate) WithScroll ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithScroll - specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (SearchTemplate) WithSearchType ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithSearchType(v string) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (SearchTemplate) WithTypedKeys ¶

func (f SearchTemplate) WithTypedKeys(v bool) func(*SearchTemplateRequest)

WithTypedKeys - specify whether aggregation and suggester names should be prefixed by their respective types in the response.

type SearchTemplateRequest ¶

type SearchTemplateRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices        *bool
	CcsMinimizeRoundtrips *bool
	ExpandWildcards       string
	Explain               *bool
	IgnoreThrottled       *bool
	IgnoreUnavailable     *bool
	Preference            string
	Profile               *bool
	RestTotalHitsAsInt    *bool
	Routing               []string
	Scroll                time.Duration
	SearchType            string
	TypedKeys             *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchTemplateRequest configures the Search Template API request.

func (SearchTemplateRequest) Do ¶

func (r SearchTemplateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats func(o ...func(*SearchableSnapshotsCacheStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats - Retrieve node-level cache statistics about searchable snapshots.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithNodeID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithNodeID - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SearchableSnapshotsCacheStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SearchableSnapshotsCacheStatsRequest struct {
	NodeID []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchableSnapshotsCacheStatsRequest configures the Searchable Snapshots Cache Stats API request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsCacheStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchableSnapshotsClearCache ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsClearCache func(o ...func(*SearchableSnapshotsClearCacheRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchableSnapshotsClearCache - Clear the cache of searchable snapshots.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithAllowNoIndices ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithExpandWildcards ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithIndex - a list of index names.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCache) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SearchableSnapshotsClearCacheRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsClearCacheRequest struct {
	Index []string

	AllowNoIndices    *bool
	ExpandWildcards   string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchableSnapshotsClearCacheRequest configures the Searchable Snapshots Clear Cache API request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsClearCacheRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchableSnapshotsMount ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsMount func(repository string, snapshot string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchableSnapshotsMount - Mount a snapshot as a searchable index.

See full documentation at

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithStorage ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithStorage - selects the kind of local storage used to accelerate searches. experimental, and defaults to `full_copy`.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SearchableSnapshotsMount) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Repository string
	Snapshot   string

	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	Storage           string
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest configures the Searchable Snapshots Mount API request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsMountRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats func(repository string, o ...func(*SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats - DEPRECATED: This API is replaced by the Repositories Metering API.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStatsRequest struct {
	Repository string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStatsRequest configures the Searchable Snapshots Repository Stats API request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsRepositoryStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SearchableSnapshotsStats ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsStats func(o ...func(*SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SearchableSnapshotsStats - Retrieve shard-level statistics about searchable snapshots.

See full documentation at

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithIndex ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithIndex - a list of index names.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithLevel ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithLevel - return stats aggregated at cluster, index or shard level.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Level string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest configures the Searchable Snapshots Stats API request.

func (SearchableSnapshotsStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Security ¶ added in v7.2.0

type Security struct {
	Authenticate                SecurityAuthenticate
	ChangePassword              SecurityChangePassword
	ClearAPIKeyCache            SecurityClearAPIKeyCache
	ClearCachedPrivileges       SecurityClearCachedPrivileges
	ClearCachedRealms           SecurityClearCachedRealms
	ClearCachedRoles            SecurityClearCachedRoles
	ClearCachedServiceTokens    SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens
	CreateAPIKey                SecurityCreateAPIKey
	CreateServiceToken          SecurityCreateServiceToken
	DeletePrivileges            SecurityDeletePrivileges
	DeleteRoleMapping           SecurityDeleteRoleMapping
	DeleteRole                  SecurityDeleteRole
	DeleteServiceToken          SecurityDeleteServiceToken
	DeleteUser                  SecurityDeleteUser
	DisableUser                 SecurityDisableUser
	EnableUser                  SecurityEnableUser
	GetAPIKey                   SecurityGetAPIKey
	GetBuiltinPrivileges        SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges
	GetPrivileges               SecurityGetPrivileges
	GetRoleMapping              SecurityGetRoleMapping
	GetRole                     SecurityGetRole
	GetServiceAccounts          SecurityGetServiceAccounts
	GetServiceCredentials       SecurityGetServiceCredentials
	GetToken                    SecurityGetToken
	GetUserPrivileges           SecurityGetUserPrivileges
	GetUser                     SecurityGetUser
	GrantAPIKey                 SecurityGrantAPIKey
	HasPrivileges               SecurityHasPrivileges
	InvalidateAPIKey            SecurityInvalidateAPIKey
	InvalidateToken             SecurityInvalidateToken
	PutPrivileges               SecurityPutPrivileges
	PutRoleMapping              SecurityPutRoleMapping
	PutRole                     SecurityPutRole
	PutUser                     SecurityPutUser
	QueryAPIKeys                SecurityQueryAPIKeys
	SamlAuthenticate            SecuritySamlAuthenticate
	SamlCompleteLogout          SecuritySamlCompleteLogout
	SamlInvalidate              SecuritySamlInvalidate
	SamlLogout                  SecuritySamlLogout
	SamlPrepareAuthentication   SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication
	SamlServiceProviderMetadata SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata

Security contains the Security APIs

type SecurityAuthenticate ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityAuthenticate func(o ...func(*SecurityAuthenticateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityAuthenticate - Enables authentication as a user and retrieve information about the authenticated user.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityAuthenticate) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityAuthenticateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityAuthenticate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityAuthenticateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityAuthenticate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityAuthenticateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityAuthenticate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityAuthenticate) WithPretty() func(*SecurityAuthenticateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityAuthenticateRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityAuthenticateRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityAuthenticateRequest configures the Security Authenticate API request.

func (SecurityAuthenticateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityChangePassword ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityChangePassword func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityChangePasswordRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityChangePassword - Changes the passwords of users in the native realm and built-in users.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityChangePassword) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityChangePasswordRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityChangePassword) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityChangePasswordRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

func (SecurityChangePassword) WithUsername ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithUsername - the username of the user to change the password for.

type SecurityChangePasswordRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityChangePasswordRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Username string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityChangePasswordRequest configures the Security Change Password API request.

func (SecurityChangePasswordRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityClearAPIKeyCache ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SecurityClearAPIKeyCache func(ids []string, o ...func(*SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityClearAPIKeyCache - Clear a subset or all entries from the API key cache.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCache) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest struct {
	Ids []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest configures the Security ClearAPI Key Cache API request.

func (SecurityClearAPIKeyCacheRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityClearCachedPrivileges ¶ added in v7.9.0

type SecurityClearCachedPrivileges func(application []string, o ...func(*SecurityClearCachedPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityClearCachedPrivileges - Evicts application privileges from the native application privileges cache.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.9.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityClearCachedPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.9.0

type SecurityClearCachedPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Application []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityClearCachedPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Clear Cached Privileges API request.

func (SecurityClearCachedPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.9.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityClearCachedRealms ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityClearCachedRealms func(realms []string, o ...func(*SecurityClearCachedRealmsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityClearCachedRealms - Evicts users from the user cache. Can completely clear the cache or evict specific users.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealms) WithUsernames ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithUsernames - comma-separated list of usernames to clear from the cache.

type SecurityClearCachedRealmsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityClearCachedRealmsRequest struct {
	Realms []string

	Usernames []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityClearCachedRealmsRequest configures the Security Clear Cached Realms API request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRealmsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityClearCachedRoles ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityClearCachedRoles func(name []string, o ...func(*SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityClearCachedRoles - Evicts roles from the native role cache.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRoles) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest configures the Security Clear Cached Roles API request.

func (SecurityClearCachedRolesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens func(name []string, namespace string, service string, o ...func(*SecurityClearCachedServiceTokensRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens - Evicts tokens from the service account token caches.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokens) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityClearCachedServiceTokensRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityClearCachedServiceTokensRequest struct {
	Name      []string
	Namespace string
	Service   string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityClearCachedServiceTokensRequest configures the Security Clear Cached Service Tokens API request.

func (SecurityClearCachedServiceTokensRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityCreateAPIKey ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityCreateAPIKey func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityCreateAPIKey - Creates an API key for access without requiring basic authentication.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithPretty() func(*SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKey) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest configures the Security CreateAPI Key API request.

func (SecurityCreateAPIKeyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityCreateServiceToken ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityCreateServiceToken func(namespace string, service string, o ...func(*SecurityCreateServiceTokenRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityCreateServiceToken - Creates a service account token for access without requiring basic authentication.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithName ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithName - an identifier for the token name.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityCreateServiceToken) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` (the default) then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityCreateServiceTokenRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityCreateServiceTokenRequest struct {
	Name      string
	Namespace string
	Service   string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityCreateServiceTokenRequest configures the Security Create Service Token API request.

func (SecurityCreateServiceTokenRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDeletePrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeletePrivileges func(name string, application string, o ...func(*SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDeletePrivileges - Removes application privileges.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDeletePrivileges) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest struct {
	Application string
	Name        string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest configures the Security Delete Privileges API request.

func (SecurityDeletePrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDeleteRole ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteRole func(name string, o ...func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDeleteRole - Removes roles in the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithHuman() func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithPretty() func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDeleteRole) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteRole) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityDeleteRoleRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDeleteRoleMapping ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteRoleMapping func(name string, o ...func(*SecurityDeleteRoleMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDeleteRoleMapping - Removes role mappings.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMapping) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDeleteRoleMappingRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteRoleMappingRequest struct {
	Name string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDeleteRoleMappingRequest configures the Security Delete Role Mapping API request.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleMappingRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDeleteRoleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteRoleRequest struct {
	Name string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDeleteRoleRequest configures the Security Delete Role API request.

func (SecurityDeleteRoleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDeleteServiceToken ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityDeleteServiceToken func(name string, namespace string, service string, o ...func(*SecurityDeleteServiceTokenRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDeleteServiceToken - Deletes a service account token.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceToken) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` (the default) then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDeleteServiceTokenRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityDeleteServiceTokenRequest struct {
	Name      string
	Namespace string
	Service   string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDeleteServiceTokenRequest configures the Security Delete Service Token API request.

func (SecurityDeleteServiceTokenRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDeleteUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteUser func(username string, o ...func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDeleteUser - Deletes users from the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithHuman() func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithPretty() func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDeleteUser) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDeleteUser) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityDeleteUserRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDeleteUserRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDeleteUserRequest struct {
	Username string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDeleteUserRequest configures the Security Delete User API request.

func (SecurityDeleteUserRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityDisableUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDisableUser func(username string, o ...func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityDisableUser - Disables users in the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithHuman() func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithPretty() func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityDisableUser) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityDisableUser) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityDisableUserRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityDisableUserRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityDisableUserRequest struct {
	Username string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityDisableUserRequest configures the Security Disable User API request.

func (SecurityDisableUserRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityEnableUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityEnableUser func(username string, o ...func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityEnableUser - Enables users in the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithHuman() func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithPretty() func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityEnableUser) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityEnableUser) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityEnableUserRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityEnableUserRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityEnableUserRequest struct {
	Username string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityEnableUserRequest configures the Security Enable User API request.

func (SecurityEnableUserRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetAPIKey ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetAPIKey func(o ...func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetAPIKey - Retrieves information for one or more API keys.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithHuman() func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithID ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithID - api key ID of the api key to be retrieved.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithName ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithName(v string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithName - api key name of the api key to be retrieved.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithOwner ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithOwner(v bool) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithOwner - flag to query api keys owned by the currently authenticated user.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithPretty() func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithRealmName ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithRealmName(v string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithRealmName - realm name of the user who created this api key to be retrieved.

func (SecurityGetAPIKey) WithUsername ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetAPIKey) WithUsername(v string) func(*SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest)

WithUsername - user name of the user who created this api key to be retrieved.

type SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest struct {
	ID        string
	Name      string
	Owner     *bool
	RealmName string
	Username  string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest configures the Security GetAPI Key API request.

func (SecurityGetAPIKeyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges func(o ...func(*SecurityGetBuiltinPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges - Retrieves the list of cluster privileges and index privileges that are available in this version of Elasticsearch.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetBuiltinPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetBuiltinPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetBuiltinPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Get Builtin Privileges API request.

func (SecurityGetBuiltinPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetPrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetPrivileges func(o ...func(*SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetPrivileges - Retrieves application privileges.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithApplication ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetPrivileges) WithApplication(v string) func(*SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest)

WithApplication - application name.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetPrivileges) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetPrivileges) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithName ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithName - privilege name.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Application string
	Name        string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Get Privileges API request.

func (SecurityGetPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetRole ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetRole func(o ...func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetRole - Retrieves roles in the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetRole) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithHuman() func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithName ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithName(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithName - a list of role names.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetRole) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRole) WithPretty() func(*SecurityGetRoleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetRoleMapping ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetRoleMapping func(o ...func(*SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetRoleMapping - Retrieves role mappings.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithName ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithName - a list of role-mapping names.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetRoleMapping) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest configures the Security Get Role Mapping API request.

func (SecurityGetRoleMappingRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetRoleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetRoleRequest struct {
	Name []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetRoleRequest configures the Security Get Role API request.

func (SecurityGetRoleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SecurityGetRoleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetServiceAccounts ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityGetServiceAccounts func(o ...func(*SecurityGetServiceAccountsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetServiceAccounts - Retrieves information about service accounts.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithNamespace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithNamespace - an identifier for the namespace.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccounts) WithService ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithService - an identifier for the service name.

type SecurityGetServiceAccountsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityGetServiceAccountsRequest struct {
	Namespace string
	Service   string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetServiceAccountsRequest configures the Security Get Service Accounts API request.

func (SecurityGetServiceAccountsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetServiceCredentials ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityGetServiceCredentials func(namespace string, service string, o ...func(*SecurityGetServiceCredentialsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetServiceCredentials - Retrieves information of all service credentials for a service account.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentials) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetServiceCredentialsRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type SecurityGetServiceCredentialsRequest struct {
	Namespace string
	Service   string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetServiceCredentialsRequest configures the Security Get Service Credentials API request.

func (SecurityGetServiceCredentialsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetToken ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetToken func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetToken - Creates a bearer token for access without requiring basic authentication.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetToken) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithHuman() func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetToken) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetToken) WithPretty() func(*SecurityGetTokenRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetTokenRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetTokenRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetTokenRequest configures the Security Get Token API request.

func (SecurityGetTokenRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetUser func(o ...func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetUser - Retrieves information about users in the native realm and built-in users.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetUser) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithHuman() func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithPretty() func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityGetUser) WithUsername ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityGetUser) WithUsername(v ...string) func(*SecurityGetUserRequest)

WithUsername - a list of usernames.

type SecurityGetUserPrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetUserPrivileges func(o ...func(*SecurityGetUserPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGetUserPrivileges - Retrieves security privileges for the logged in user.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityGetUserPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetUserPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetUserPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Get User Privileges API request.

func (SecurityGetUserPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGetUserRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityGetUserRequest struct {
	Username []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGetUserRequest configures the Security Get User API request.

func (SecurityGetUserRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SecurityGetUserRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityGrantAPIKey ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SecurityGrantAPIKey func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityGrantAPIKey - Creates an API key on behalf of another user.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithHuman() func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithPretty() func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SecurityGrantAPIKey) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest configures the Security GrantAPI Key API request.

func (SecurityGrantAPIKeyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityHasPrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityHasPrivileges func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityHasPrivileges - Determines whether the specified user has a specified list of privileges.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityHasPrivileges) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityHasPrivileges) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityHasPrivileges) WithUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithUser - username.

type SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	User string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Has Privileges API request.

func (SecurityHasPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityInvalidateAPIKey ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityInvalidateAPIKey func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityInvalidateAPIKey - Invalidates one or more API keys.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKey) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest configures the Security InvalidateAPI Key API request.

func (SecurityInvalidateAPIKeyRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityInvalidateToken ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityInvalidateToken func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityInvalidateToken - Invalidates one or more access tokens or refresh tokens.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityInvalidateToken) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityInvalidateToken) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityInvalidateToken) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest configures the Security Invalidate Token API request.

func (SecurityInvalidateTokenRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityPutPrivileges ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutPrivileges func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityPutPrivileges - Adds or updates application privileges.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutPrivileges) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutPrivileges) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityPutPrivileges) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest configures the Security Put Privileges API request.

func (SecurityPutPrivilegesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityPutRole ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutRole func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityPutRole - Adds and updates roles in the native realm.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityPutRole) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithHuman() func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithPretty() func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityPutRole) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRole) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityPutRoleRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityPutRoleMapping ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutRoleMapping func(name string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityPutRoleMapping - Creates and updates role mappings.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityPutRoleMapping) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest configures the Security Put Role Mapping API request.

func (SecurityPutRoleMappingRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityPutRoleRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutRoleRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Name string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityPutRoleRequest configures the Security Put Role API request.

func (SecurityPutRoleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SecurityPutRoleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityPutUser ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutUser func(username string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityPutUser - Adds and updates users in the native realm. These users are commonly referred to as native users.

See full documentation at

func (SecurityPutUser) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithHuman() func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithPretty() func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SecurityPutUser) WithRefresh ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SecurityPutUser) WithRefresh(v string) func(*SecurityPutUserRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` (the default) then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` then do nothing with refreshes..

type SecurityPutUserRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type SecurityPutUserRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Username string

	Refresh string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityPutUserRequest configures the Security Put User API request.

func (SecurityPutUserRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r SecurityPutUserRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecurityQueryAPIKeys ¶ added in v7.15.0

type SecurityQueryAPIKeys func(o ...func(*SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecurityQueryAPIKeys - Retrieves information for API keys using a subset of query DSL

See full documentation at

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithBody ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithBody - From, size, query, sort and search_after.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithContext ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.15.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.15.0

func (f SecurityQueryAPIKeys) WithPretty() func(*SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest ¶ added in v7.15.0

type SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest configures the Security QueryAPI Keys API request.

func (SecurityQueryAPIKeysRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.15.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlAuthenticate ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlAuthenticate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlAuthenticate - Exchanges a SAML Response message for an Elasticsearch access token and refresh token pair

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest configures the Security Saml Authenticate API request.

func (SecuritySamlAuthenticateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlCompleteLogout ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlCompleteLogout func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecuritySamlCompleteLogoutRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlCompleteLogout - Verifies the logout response sent from the SAML IdP

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogout) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlCompleteLogoutRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlCompleteLogoutRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlCompleteLogoutRequest configures the Security Saml Complete Logout API request.

func (SecuritySamlCompleteLogoutRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlInvalidate ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlInvalidate func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlInvalidate - Consumes a SAML LogoutRequest

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidate) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest configures the Security Saml Invalidate API request.

func (SecuritySamlInvalidateRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlLogout ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlLogout func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlLogout - Invalidates an access token and a refresh token that were generated via the SAML Authenticate API

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithErrorTrace() func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithHuman() func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlLogout) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SecuritySamlLogout) WithPretty() func(*SecuritySamlLogoutRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlLogoutRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlLogoutRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlLogoutRequest configures the Security Saml Logout API request.

func (SecuritySamlLogoutRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*SecuritySamlPrepareAuthenticationRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication - Creates a SAML authentication request

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthentication) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlPrepareAuthenticationRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlPrepareAuthenticationRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlPrepareAuthenticationRequest configures the Security Saml Prepare Authentication API request.

func (SecuritySamlPrepareAuthenticationRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata func(realm_name string, o ...func(*SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadataRequest)) (*Response, error)

SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata - Generates SAML metadata for the Elastic stack SAML 2.0 Service Provider

See full documentation at

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadata) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadataRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadataRequest struct {
	RealmName string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadataRequest configures the Security Saml Service Provider Metadata API request.

func (SecuritySamlServiceProviderMetadataRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ShutdownDeleteNode ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownDeleteNode func(node_id string, o ...func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)) (*Response, error)

ShutdownDeleteNode removes a node from the shutdown list. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithErrorTrace() func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithHuman() func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownDeleteNode) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownDeleteNode) WithPretty() func(*ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest struct {
	NodeID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest configures the Shutdown Delete Node API request.

func (ShutdownDeleteNodeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ShutdownGetNode ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownGetNode func(o ...func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)) (*Response, error)

ShutdownGetNode retrieve status of a node or nodes that are currently marked as shutting down. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithErrorTrace() func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithHuman() func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithNodeID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithNodeID(v string) func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithNodeID - which node for which to retrieve the shutdown status.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownGetNode) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownGetNode) WithPretty() func(*ShutdownGetNodeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ShutdownGetNodeRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownGetNodeRequest struct {
	NodeID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ShutdownGetNodeRequest configures the Shutdown Get Node API request.

func (ShutdownGetNodeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (r ShutdownGetNodeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type ShutdownPutNode ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownPutNode func(body io.Reader, node_id string, o ...func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)) (*Response, error)

ShutdownPutNode adds a node to be shut down. Designed for indirect use by ECE/ESS and ECK. Direct use is not supported.

See full documentation at

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithErrorTrace() func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithHuman() func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (ShutdownPutNode) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f ShutdownPutNode) WithPretty() func(*ShutdownPutNodeRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type ShutdownPutNodeRequest ¶ added in v7.13.0

type ShutdownPutNodeRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	NodeID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ShutdownPutNodeRequest configures the Shutdown Put Node API request.

func (ShutdownPutNodeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (r ShutdownPutNodeRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmDeleteLifecycle ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmDeleteLifecycle func(policy_id string, o ...func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmDeleteLifecycle - Deletes an existing snapshot lifecycle policy.

See full documentation at

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmDeleteLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest struct {
	PolicyID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest configures the Slm Delete Lifecycle API request.

func (SlmDeleteLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmExecuteLifecycle ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmExecuteLifecycle func(policy_id string, o ...func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmExecuteLifecycle - Immediately creates a snapshot according to the lifecycle policy, without waiting for the scheduled time.

See full documentation at

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmExecuteLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest struct {
	PolicyID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest configures the Slm Execute Lifecycle API request.

func (SlmExecuteLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmExecuteRetention ¶ added in v7.5.0

type SlmExecuteRetention func(o ...func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmExecuteRetention - Deletes any snapshots that are expired according to the policy's retention rules.

See full documentation at

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithHuman() func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmExecuteRetention) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmExecuteRetention) WithPretty() func(*SlmExecuteRetentionRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmExecuteRetentionRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type SlmExecuteRetentionRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmExecuteRetentionRequest configures the Slm Execute Retention API request.

func (SlmExecuteRetentionRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmGetLifecycle ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmGetLifecycle func(o ...func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmGetLifecycle - Retrieves one or more snapshot lifecycle policy definitions and information about the latest snapshot attempts.

See full documentation at

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithPolicyID ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithPolicyID(v ...string) func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithPolicyID - comma-separated list of snapshot lifecycle policies to retrieve.

func (SlmGetLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmGetLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*SlmGetLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmGetLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmGetLifecycleRequest struct {
	PolicyID []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmGetLifecycleRequest configures the Slm Get Lifecycle API request.

func (SlmGetLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (r SlmGetLifecycleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmGetStats ¶ added in v7.5.0

type SlmGetStats func(o ...func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmGetStats - Returns global and policy-level statistics about actions taken by snapshot lifecycle management.

See full documentation at

func (SlmGetStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmGetStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmGetStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmGetStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithHuman() func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmGetStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmGetStats) WithPretty() func(*SlmGetStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmGetStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type SlmGetStatsRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmGetStatsRequest configures the Slm Get Stats API request.

func (SlmGetStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (r SlmGetStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmGetStatus ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmGetStatus func(o ...func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmGetStatus - Retrieves the status of snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).

See full documentation at

func (SlmGetStatus) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithHuman() func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmGetStatus) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmGetStatus) WithPretty() func(*SlmGetStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmGetStatusRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmGetStatusRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmGetStatusRequest configures the Slm Get Status API request.

func (SlmGetStatusRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r SlmGetStatusRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmPutLifecycle ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmPutLifecycle func(policy_id string, o ...func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmPutLifecycle - Creates or updates a snapshot lifecycle policy.

See full documentation at

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithBody ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithBody - The snapshot lifecycle policy definition to register.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithHuman() func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmPutLifecycle) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (f SlmPutLifecycle) WithPretty() func(*SlmPutLifecycleRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmPutLifecycleRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SlmPutLifecycleRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	PolicyID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmPutLifecycleRequest configures the Slm Put Lifecycle API request.

func (SlmPutLifecycleRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

func (r SlmPutLifecycleRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmStart ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmStart func(o ...func(*SlmStartRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmStart - Turns on snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).

See full documentation at

func (SlmStart) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmStart) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmStart) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmStart) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmStart) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithHuman() func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmStart) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmStart) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStart) WithPretty() func(*SlmStartRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmStartRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmStartRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmStartRequest configures the Slm Start API request.

func (SlmStartRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r SlmStartRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SlmStop ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmStop func(o ...func(*SlmStopRequest)) (*Response, error)

SlmStop - Turns off snapshot lifecycle management (SLM).

See full documentation at

func (SlmStop) WithContext ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SlmStop) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithErrorTrace() func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SlmStop) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SlmStop) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SlmStop) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithHuman() func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SlmStop) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SlmStop) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f SlmStop) WithPretty() func(*SlmStopRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SlmStopRequest ¶ added in v7.7.0

type SlmStopRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SlmStopRequest configures the Slm Stop API request.

func (SlmStopRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (r SlmStopRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Snapshot ¶

type Snapshot struct {
	CleanupRepository SnapshotCleanupRepository
	Clone             SnapshotClone
	CreateRepository  SnapshotCreateRepository
	Create            SnapshotCreate
	DeleteRepository  SnapshotDeleteRepository
	Delete            SnapshotDelete
	GetRepository     SnapshotGetRepository
	Get               SnapshotGet
	RepositoryAnalyze SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze
	Restore           SnapshotRestore
	Status            SnapshotStatus
	VerifyRepository  SnapshotVerifyRepository

Snapshot contains the Snapshot APIs

type SnapshotCleanupRepository ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SnapshotCleanupRepository func(repository string, o ...func(*SnapshotCleanupRepositoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotCleanupRepository removes stale data from repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithContext ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepository) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.4.0

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type SnapshotCleanupRepositoryRequest ¶ added in v7.4.0

type SnapshotCleanupRepositoryRequest struct {
	Repository string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCleanupRepositoryRequest configures the Snapshot Cleanup Repository API request.

func (SnapshotCleanupRepositoryRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.4.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotClone ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SnapshotClone func(repository string, snapshot string, body io.Reader, target_snapshot string, o ...func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotClone clones indices from one snapshot into another snapshot in the same repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotClone) WithContext ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotClone) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotClone) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotClone) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotClone) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotClone) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotClone) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotClone) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f SnapshotClone) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotCloneRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SnapshotCloneRequest ¶ added in v7.10.0

type SnapshotCloneRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Repository     string
	Snapshot       string
	TargetSnapshot string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCloneRequest configures the Snapshot Clone API request.

func (SnapshotCloneRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (r SnapshotCloneRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotCreate ¶

type SnapshotCreate func(repository string, snapshot string, o ...func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotCreate creates a snapshot in a repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotCreate) WithBody ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithBody - The snapshot definition.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithContext ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithHuman ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithPretty ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotCreate) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f SnapshotCreate) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*SnapshotCreateRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type SnapshotCreateRepository ¶

type SnapshotCreateRepository func(repository string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotCreateRepository creates a repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithErrorTrace ¶

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotCreateRepository) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithMasterTimeout ¶

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (SnapshotCreateRepository) WithVerify ¶

WithVerify - whether to verify the repository after creation.

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest ¶

type SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Repository string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration
	Verify        *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest configures the Snapshot Create Repository API request.

func (SnapshotCreateRepositoryRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotCreateRequest ¶

type SnapshotCreateRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Repository string
	Snapshot   string

	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotCreateRequest configures the Snapshot Create API request.

func (SnapshotCreateRequest) Do ¶

func (r SnapshotCreateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotDelete ¶

type SnapshotDelete func(repository string, snapshot string, o ...func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotDelete deletes a snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotDelete) WithContext ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithHuman ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotDelete) WithPretty ¶

func (f SnapshotDelete) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotDeleteRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type SnapshotDeleteRepository ¶

type SnapshotDeleteRepository func(repository []string, o ...func(*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotDeleteRepository deletes a repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithErrorTrace ¶

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithMasterTimeout ¶

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepository) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest ¶

type SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest struct {
	Repository []string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest configures the Snapshot Delete Repository API request.

func (SnapshotDeleteRepositoryRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotDeleteRequest ¶

type SnapshotDeleteRequest struct {
	Repository string
	Snapshot   string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotDeleteRequest configures the Snapshot Delete API request.

func (SnapshotDeleteRequest) Do ¶

func (r SnapshotDeleteRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotGet ¶

type SnapshotGet func(repository string, snapshot []string, o ...func(*SnapshotGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotGet returns information about a snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotGet) WithAfter ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithAfter(v string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithAfter - offset identifier to start pagination from as returned by the 'next' field in the response body..

func (SnapshotGet) WithContext ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotGet) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotGet) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotGet) WithFromSortValue ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithFromSortValue(v string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithFromSortValue - value of the current sort column at which to start retrieval..

func (SnapshotGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SnapshotGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotGet) WithHuman ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotGet) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether to ignore unavailable snapshots, defaults to false which means a snapshotmissingexception is thrown.

func (SnapshotGet) WithIncludeRepository ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SnapshotGet) WithIncludeRepository(v bool) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithIncludeRepository - whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. defaults to true..

func (SnapshotGet) WithIndexDetails ¶ added in v7.13.0

func (f SnapshotGet) WithIndexDetails(v bool) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithIndexDetails - whether to include details of each index in the snapshot, if those details are available. defaults to false..

func (SnapshotGet) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotGet) WithOffset ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithOffset(v interface{}) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithOffset - numeric offset to start pagination based on the snapshots matching the request. defaults to 0.

func (SnapshotGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SnapshotGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotGet) WithOrder ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithOrder(v string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithOrder - sort order.

func (SnapshotGet) WithPretty ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotGet) WithSize ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithSize(v interface{}) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithSize - maximum number of snapshots to return. defaults to 0 which means return all that match without limit..

func (SnapshotGet) WithSlmPolicyFilter ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithSlmPolicyFilter(v string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithSlmPolicyFilter - filter snapshots by a list of slm policy names that snapshots belong to. accepts wildcards. use the special pattern '_none' to match snapshots without an slm policy.

func (SnapshotGet) WithSort ¶ added in v7.17.7

func (f SnapshotGet) WithSort(v string) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithSort - allows setting a sort order for the result. defaults to start_time.

func (SnapshotGet) WithVerbose ¶

func (f SnapshotGet) WithVerbose(v bool) func(*SnapshotGetRequest)

WithVerbose - whether to show verbose snapshot info or only show the basic info found in the repository index blob.

type SnapshotGetRepository ¶

type SnapshotGetRepository func(o ...func(*SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotGetRepository returns information about a repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotGetRepository) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotGetRepository) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithLocal ¶

WithLocal - return local information, do not retrieve the state from master node (default: false).

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotGetRepository) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotGetRepository) WithRepository ¶

func (f SnapshotGetRepository) WithRepository(v ...string) func(*SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest)

WithRepository - a list of repository names.

type SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest ¶

type SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest struct {
	Repository []string

	Local         *bool
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest configures the Snapshot Get Repository API request.

func (SnapshotGetRepositoryRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotGetRequest ¶

type SnapshotGetRequest struct {
	Repository string
	Snapshot   []string

	After             string
	FromSortValue     string
	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	IncludeRepository *bool
	IndexDetails      *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	Offset            interface{}
	Order             string
	Size              interface{}
	SlmPolicyFilter   string
	Sort              string
	Verbose           *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotGetRequest configures the Snapshot Get API request.

func (SnapshotGetRequest) Do ¶

func (r SnapshotGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze ¶ added in v7.13.1

type SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze func(repository string, o ...func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze analyzes a repository for correctness and performance

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithBlobCount ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithBlobCount - number of blobs to create during the test. defaults to 100..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithConcurrency ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithConcurrency - number of operations to run concurrently during the test. defaults to 10..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithContext ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithDetailed ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithDetailed - whether to return detailed results or a summary. defaults to 'false' so that only the summary is returned..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithEarlyReadNodeCount ¶ added in v7.13.1

func (f SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithEarlyReadNodeCount(v int) func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)

WithEarlyReadNodeCount - number of nodes on which to perform an early read on a blob, i.e. before writing has completed. early reads are rare actions so the 'rare_action_probability' parameter is also relevant. defaults to 2..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithMaxBlobSize ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithMaxBlobSize - maximum size of a blob to create during the test, e.g '1gb' or '100mb'. defaults to '10mb'..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithMaxTotalDataSize ¶ added in v7.13.1

func (f SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithMaxTotalDataSize(v string) func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)

WithMaxTotalDataSize - maximum total size of all blobs to create during the test, e.g '1tb' or '100gb'. defaults to '1gb'..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithRareActionProbability ¶ added in v7.13.1

func (f SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithRareActionProbability(v int) func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)

WithRareActionProbability - probability of taking a rare action such as an early read or an overwrite. defaults to 0.02..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithRarelyAbortWrites ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithRarelyAbortWrites(v bool) func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)

WithRarelyAbortWrites - whether to rarely abort writes before they complete. defaults to 'true'..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithReadNodeCount ¶ added in v7.13.1

func (f SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithReadNodeCount(v int) func(*SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest)

WithReadNodeCount - number of nodes on which to read a blob after writing. defaults to 10..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithSeed ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithSeed - seed for the random number generator used to create the test workload. defaults to a random value..

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyze) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.13.1

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout. defaults to '30s'..

type SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest ¶ added in v7.13.1

type SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest struct {
	Repository string

	BlobCount             *int
	Concurrency           *int
	Detailed              *bool
	EarlyReadNodeCount    *int
	MaxBlobSize           string
	MaxTotalDataSize      string
	RareActionProbability *int
	RarelyAbortWrites     *bool
	ReadNodeCount         *int
	Seed                  *int
	Timeout               time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest configures the Snapshot Repository Analyze API request.

func (SnapshotRepositoryAnalyzeRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.13.1

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotRestore ¶

type SnapshotRestore func(repository string, snapshot string, o ...func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotRestore restores a snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotRestore) WithBody ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithBody - Details of what to restore.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithContext ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithHuman ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithPretty ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotRestore) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f SnapshotRestore) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*SnapshotRestoreRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should this request wait until the operation has completed before returning.

type SnapshotRestoreRequest ¶

type SnapshotRestoreRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Repository string
	Snapshot   string

	MasterTimeout     time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotRestoreRequest configures the Snapshot Restore API request.

func (SnapshotRestoreRequest) Do ¶

func (r SnapshotRestoreRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotStatus ¶

type SnapshotStatus func(o ...func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotStatus returns information about the status of a snapshot.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotStatus) WithContext ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithErrorTrace() func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithHuman ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithHuman() func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether to ignore unavailable snapshots, defaults to false which means a snapshotmissingexception is thrown.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithMasterTimeout ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithPretty ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithPretty() func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithRepository ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithRepository(v string) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithRepository - a repository name.

func (SnapshotStatus) WithSnapshot ¶

func (f SnapshotStatus) WithSnapshot(v ...string) func(*SnapshotStatusRequest)

WithSnapshot - a list of snapshot names.

type SnapshotStatusRequest ¶

type SnapshotStatusRequest struct {
	Repository string
	Snapshot   []string

	IgnoreUnavailable *bool
	MasterTimeout     time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotStatusRequest configures the Snapshot Status API request.

func (SnapshotStatusRequest) Do ¶

func (r SnapshotStatusRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type SnapshotVerifyRepository ¶

type SnapshotVerifyRepository func(repository string, o ...func(*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest)) (*Response, error)

SnapshotVerifyRepository verifies a repository.

See full documentation at

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithErrorTrace ¶

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithMasterTimeout ¶

WithMasterTimeout - explicit operation timeout for connection to master node.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepository) WithTimeout ¶

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest ¶

type SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest struct {
	Repository string

	MasterTimeout time.Duration
	Timeout       time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest configures the Snapshot Verify Repository API request.

func (SnapshotVerifyRepositoryRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Tasks ¶

type Tasks struct {
	Cancel TasksCancel
	Get    TasksGet
	List   TasksList

Tasks contains the Tasks APIs

type TasksCancel ¶

type TasksCancel func(o ...func(*TasksCancelRequest)) (*Response, error)

TasksCancel cancels a task, if it can be cancelled through an API.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (TasksCancel) WithActions ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithActions(v ...string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithActions - a list of actions that should be cancelled. leave empty to cancel all..

func (TasksCancel) WithContext ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TasksCancel) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithErrorTrace() func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TasksCancel) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TasksCancel) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f TasksCancel) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TasksCancel) WithHuman ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithHuman() func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TasksCancel) WithNodes ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithNodes(v ...string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithNodes - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (TasksCancel) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TasksCancel) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TasksCancel) WithParentTaskID ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithParentTaskID(v string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithParentTaskID - cancel tasks with specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). set to -1 to cancel all..

func (TasksCancel) WithPretty ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithPretty() func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TasksCancel) WithTaskID ¶

func (f TasksCancel) WithTaskID(v string) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithTaskID - cancel the task with specified task ID (node_id:task_number).

func (TasksCancel) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.8.0

func (f TasksCancel) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*TasksCancelRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request block until the cancellation of the task and its descendant tasks is completed. defaults to false.

type TasksCancelRequest ¶

type TasksCancelRequest struct {
	TaskID string

	Actions           []string
	Nodes             []string
	ParentTaskID      string
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksCancelRequest configures the Tasks Cancel API request.

func (TasksCancelRequest) Do ¶

func (r TasksCancelRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TasksGet ¶

type TasksGet func(task_id string, o ...func(*TasksGetRequest)) (*Response, error)

TasksGet returns information about a task.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (TasksGet) WithContext ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TasksGet) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithErrorTrace() func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TasksGet) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TasksGet) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f TasksGet) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TasksGet) WithHuman ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithHuman() func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TasksGet) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TasksGet) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TasksGet) WithPretty ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithPretty() func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TasksGet) WithTimeout ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (TasksGet) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f TasksGet) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*TasksGetRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - wait for the matching tasks to complete (default: false).

type TasksGetRequest ¶

type TasksGetRequest struct {
	TaskID string

	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksGetRequest configures the Tasks Get API request.

func (TasksGetRequest) Do ¶

func (r TasksGetRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TasksList ¶

type TasksList func(o ...func(*TasksListRequest)) (*Response, error)

TasksList returns a list of tasks.

This API is experimental.

See full documentation at

func (TasksList) WithActions ¶

func (f TasksList) WithActions(v ...string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithActions - a list of actions that should be returned. leave empty to return all..

func (TasksList) WithContext ¶

func (f TasksList) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TasksList) WithDetailed ¶

func (f TasksList) WithDetailed(v bool) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithDetailed - return detailed task information (default: false).

func (TasksList) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f TasksList) WithErrorTrace() func(*TasksListRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TasksList) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f TasksList) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TasksList) WithGroupBy ¶

func (f TasksList) WithGroupBy(v string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithGroupBy - group tasks by nodes or parent/child relationships.

func (TasksList) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f TasksList) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TasksList) WithHuman ¶

func (f TasksList) WithHuman() func(*TasksListRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TasksList) WithNodes ¶

func (f TasksList) WithNodes(v ...string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithNodes - a list of node ids or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes.

func (TasksList) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TasksList) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TasksList) WithParentTaskID ¶

func (f TasksList) WithParentTaskID(v string) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithParentTaskID - return tasks with specified parent task ID (node_id:task_number). set to -1 to return all..

func (TasksList) WithPretty ¶

func (f TasksList) WithPretty() func(*TasksListRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TasksList) WithTimeout ¶

func (f TasksList) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (TasksList) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f TasksList) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*TasksListRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - wait for the matching tasks to complete (default: false).

type TasksListRequest ¶

type TasksListRequest struct {
	Actions           []string
	Detailed          *bool
	GroupBy           string
	Nodes             []string
	ParentTaskID      string
	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TasksListRequest configures the Tasks List API request.

func (TasksListRequest) Do ¶

func (r TasksListRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TermsEnum ¶ added in v7.14.0

type TermsEnum func(index []string, o ...func(*TermsEnumRequest)) (*Response, error)

TermsEnum the terms enum API can be used to discover terms in the index that begin with the provided string. It is designed for low-latency look-ups used in auto-complete scenarios.

See full documentation at

func (TermsEnum) WithBody ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithBody - field name, string which is the prefix expected in matching terms, timeout and size for max number of results.

func (TermsEnum) WithContext ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TermsEnum) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithErrorTrace() func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TermsEnum) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TermsEnum) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TermsEnum) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithHuman() func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TermsEnum) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TermsEnum) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (f TermsEnum) WithPretty() func(*TermsEnumRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type TermsEnumRequest ¶ added in v7.14.0

type TermsEnumRequest struct {
	Index []string

	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermsEnumRequest configures the Terms Enum API request.

func (TermsEnumRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.14.0

func (r TermsEnumRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Termvectors ¶

type Termvectors func(index string, o ...func(*TermvectorsRequest)) (*Response, error)

Termvectors returns information and statistics about terms in the fields of a particular document.

See full documentation at

func (Termvectors) WithBody ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithBody - Define parameters and or supply a document to get termvectors for. See documentation..

func (Termvectors) WithContext ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Termvectors) WithDocumentID ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithDocumentID(v string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithDocumentID - the ID of the document, when not specified a doc param should be supplied..

func (Termvectors) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document..

func (Termvectors) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithErrorTrace() func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Termvectors) WithFieldStatistics ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithFieldStatistics(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithFieldStatistics - specifies if document count, sum of document frequencies and sum of total term frequencies should be returned..

func (Termvectors) WithFields ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithFields(v ...string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithFields - a list of fields to return..

func (Termvectors) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Termvectors) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Termvectors) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Termvectors) WithHuman ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithHuman() func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Termvectors) WithOffsets ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithOffsets(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithOffsets - specifies if term offsets should be returned..

func (Termvectors) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Termvectors) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Termvectors) WithPayloads ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithPayloads(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithPayloads - specifies if term payloads should be returned..

func (Termvectors) WithPositions ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithPositions(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithPositions - specifies if term positions should be returned..

func (Termvectors) WithPreference ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithPreference(v string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random)..

func (Termvectors) WithPretty ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithPretty() func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Termvectors) WithRealtime ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithRealtime(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithRealtime - specifies if request is real-time as opposed to near-real-time (default: true)..

func (Termvectors) WithRouting ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithRouting(v string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value..

func (Termvectors) WithTermStatistics ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithTermStatistics(v bool) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithTermStatistics - specifies if total term frequency and document frequency should be returned..

func (Termvectors) WithVersion ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithVersion(v int) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

func (Termvectors) WithVersionType ¶

func (f Termvectors) WithVersionType(v string) func(*TermvectorsRequest)

WithVersionType - specific version type.

type TermvectorsRequest ¶

type TermvectorsRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Body io.Reader

	Fields          []string
	FieldStatistics *bool
	Offsets         *bool
	Payloads        *bool
	Positions       *bool
	Preference      string
	Realtime        *bool
	Routing         string
	TermStatistics  *bool
	Version         *int
	VersionType     string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TermvectorsRequest configures the Termvectors API request.

func (TermvectorsRequest) Do ¶

func (r TermvectorsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TextStructureFindStructure ¶ added in v7.12.0

type TextStructureFindStructure func(body io.Reader, o ...func(*TextStructureFindStructureRequest)) (*Response, error)

TextStructureFindStructure - Finds the structure of a text file. The text file must contain data that is suitable to be ingested into Elasticsearch.

See full documentation at

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithCharset ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithCharset - optional parameter to specify the character set of the file.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithColumnNames ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithColumnNames - optional parameter containing a comma separated list of the column names for a delimited file.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithContext ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithDelimiter ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithDelimiter - optional parameter to specify the delimiter character for a delimited file - must be a single character.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithExplain ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithExplain - whether to include a commentary on how the structure was derived.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithFormat ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithFormat - optional parameter to specify the high level file format.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithGrokPattern ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithGrokPattern - optional parameter to specify the grok pattern that should be used to extract fields from messages in a semi-structured text file.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithHasHeaderRow ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithHasHeaderRow - optional parameter to specify whether a delimited file includes the column names in its first row.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithLineMergeSizeLimit ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f TextStructureFindStructure) WithLineMergeSizeLimit(v int) func(*TextStructureFindStructureRequest)

WithLineMergeSizeLimit - maximum number of characters permitted in a single message when lines are merged to create messages..

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithLinesToSample ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithLinesToSample - how many lines of the file should be included in the analysis.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithQuote ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithQuote - optional parameter to specify the quote character for a delimited file - must be a single character.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithShouldTrimFields ¶ added in v7.12.0

func (f TextStructureFindStructure) WithShouldTrimFields(v bool) func(*TextStructureFindStructureRequest)

WithShouldTrimFields - optional parameter to specify whether the values between delimiters in a delimited file should have whitespace trimmed from them.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithTimeout - timeout after which the analysis will be aborted.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithTimestampField ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithTimestampField - optional parameter to specify the timestamp field in the file.

func (TextStructureFindStructure) WithTimestampFormat ¶ added in v7.12.0

WithTimestampFormat - optional parameter to specify the timestamp format in the file - may be either a joda or java time format.

type TextStructureFindStructureRequest ¶ added in v7.12.0

type TextStructureFindStructureRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Charset            string
	ColumnNames        []string
	Delimiter          string
	Explain            *bool
	Format             string
	GrokPattern        string
	HasHeaderRow       *bool
	LineMergeSizeLimit *int
	LinesToSample      *int
	Quote              string
	ShouldTrimFields   *bool
	Timeout            time.Duration
	TimestampField     string
	TimestampFormat    string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TextStructureFindStructureRequest configures the Text Structure Find Structure API request.

func (TextStructureFindStructureRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.12.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformDeleteTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformDeleteTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformDeleteTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformDeleteTransform - Deletes an existing transform.

See full documentation at

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformDeleteTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformDeleteTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithForce ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithForce - when `true`, the transform is deleted regardless of its current state. the default value is `false`, meaning that the transform must be `stopped` before it can be deleted..

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformDeleteTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the transform deletion.

type TransformDeleteTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformDeleteTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	Force   *bool
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformDeleteTransformRequest configures the Transform Delete Transform API request.

func (TransformDeleteTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformGetTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformGetTransform func(o ...func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformGetTransform - Retrieves configuration information for transforms.

See full documentation at

func (TransformGetTransform) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformGetTransform) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (TransformGetTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformGetTransform) WithErrorTrace() func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithExcludeGenerated ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f TransformGetTransform) WithExcludeGenerated(v bool) func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)

WithExcludeGenerated - omits fields that are illegal to set on transform put.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformGetTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFrom - skips a number of transform configs, defaults to 0.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithSize ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of transforms to get, defaults to 100.

func (TransformGetTransform) WithTransformID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformGetTransform) WithTransformID(v string) func(*TransformGetTransformRequest)

WithTransformID - the ID or comma delimited list of ID expressions of the transforms to get, '_all' or '*' implies get all transforms.

type TransformGetTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformGetTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch     *bool
	ExcludeGenerated *bool
	From             *int
	Size             *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformGetTransformRequest configures the Transform Get Transform API request.

func (TransformGetTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformGetTransformStats ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformGetTransformStats func(transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformGetTransformStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformGetTransformStats - Retrieves usage information for transforms.

See full documentation at

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithFrom ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFrom - skips a number of transform stats, defaults to 0.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformGetTransformStats) WithSize ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithSize - specifies a max number of transform stats to get, defaults to 100.

type TransformGetTransformStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformGetTransformStatsRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch *bool
	From         *int
	Size         *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformGetTransformStatsRequest configures the Transform Get Transform Stats API request.

func (TransformGetTransformStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformPreviewTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformPreviewTransform func(o ...func(*TransformPreviewTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformPreviewTransform - Previews a transform.

See full documentation at

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithBody ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithBody - The definition for the transform to preview.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the preview.

func (TransformPreviewTransform) WithTransformID ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTransformID - the ID of the transform to preview..

type TransformPreviewTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformPreviewTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	TransformID string

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformPreviewTransformRequest configures the Transform Preview Transform API request.

func (TransformPreviewTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformPutTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformPutTransform func(body io.Reader, transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformPutTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformPutTransform - Instantiates a transform.

See full documentation at

func (TransformPutTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithDeferValidation ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformPutTransform) WithDeferValidation(v bool) func(*TransformPutTransformRequest)

WithDeferValidation - if validations should be deferred until transform starts, defaults to false..

func (TransformPutTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformPutTransform) WithErrorTrace() func(*TransformPutTransformRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformPutTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformPutTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformPutTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the transform to start.

type TransformPutTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformPutTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	TransformID string

	DeferValidation *bool
	Timeout         time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformPutTransformRequest configures the Transform Put Transform API request.

func (TransformPutTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformStartTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformStartTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformStartTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformStartTransform - Starts one or more transforms.

See full documentation at

func (TransformStartTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStartTransform) WithErrorTrace() func(*TransformStartTransformRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStartTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformStartTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformStartTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the transform to start.

type TransformStartTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformStartTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformStartTransformRequest configures the Transform Start Transform API request.

func (TransformStartTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformStopTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformStopTransform func(transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformStopTransform - Stops one or more transforms.

See full documentation at

func (TransformStopTransform) WithAllowNoMatch ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStopTransform) WithAllowNoMatch(v bool) func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)

WithAllowNoMatch - whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no transforms. (this includes `_all` string or when no transforms have been specified).

func (TransformStopTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStopTransform) WithErrorTrace() func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStopTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithForce ¶ added in v7.7.0

WithForce - whether to force stop a failed transform or not. default to false.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait until the transform has stopped. default to 30 seconds.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithWaitForCheckpoint ¶ added in v7.7.0

func (f TransformStopTransform) WithWaitForCheckpoint(v bool) func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)

WithWaitForCheckpoint - whether to wait for the transform to reach a checkpoint before stopping. default to false.

func (TransformStopTransform) WithWaitForCompletion ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformStopTransform) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*TransformStopTransformRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - whether to wait for the transform to fully stop before returning or not. default to false.

type TransformStopTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformStopTransformRequest struct {
	TransformID string

	AllowNoMatch      *bool
	Force             *bool
	Timeout           time.Duration
	WaitForCheckpoint *bool
	WaitForCompletion *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformStopTransformRequest configures the Transform Stop Transform API request.

func (TransformStopTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformUpdateTransform ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformUpdateTransform func(body io.Reader, transform_id string, o ...func(*TransformUpdateTransformRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformUpdateTransform - Updates certain properties of a transform.

See full documentation at

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithContext ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithDeferValidation ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformUpdateTransform) WithDeferValidation(v bool) func(*TransformUpdateTransformRequest)

WithDeferValidation - if validations should be deferred until transform starts, defaults to false..

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f TransformUpdateTransform) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*TransformUpdateTransformRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformUpdateTransform) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the update.

type TransformUpdateTransformRequest ¶ added in v7.5.0

type TransformUpdateTransformRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	TransformID string

	DeferValidation *bool
	Timeout         time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformUpdateTransformRequest configures the Transform Update Transform API request.

func (TransformUpdateTransformRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.5.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type TransformUpgradeTransforms ¶ added in v7.16.0

type TransformUpgradeTransforms func(o ...func(*TransformUpgradeTransformsRequest)) (*Response, error)

TransformUpgradeTransforms - Upgrades all transforms.

See full documentation at

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithContext ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithDryRun ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithDryRun - whether to only check for updates but don't execute.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (TransformUpgradeTransforms) WithTimeout ¶ added in v7.16.0

WithTimeout - controls the time to wait for the upgrade.

type TransformUpgradeTransformsRequest ¶ added in v7.16.0

type TransformUpgradeTransformsRequest struct {
	DryRun  *bool
	Timeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TransformUpgradeTransformsRequest configures the Transform Upgrade Transforms API request.

func (TransformUpgradeTransformsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.16.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Transport ¶

type Transport interface {
	Perform(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

Transport defines the interface for an API client.

type Update ¶

type Update func(index string, id string, body io.Reader, o ...func(*UpdateRequest)) (*Response, error)

Update updates a document with a script or partial document.

See full documentation at

func (Update) WithContext ¶

func (f Update) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (Update) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f Update) WithDocumentType(v string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithDocumentType - the type of the document.

func (Update) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f Update) WithErrorTrace() func(*UpdateRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (Update) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f Update) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (Update) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f Update) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (Update) WithHuman ¶

func (f Update) WithHuman() func(*UpdateRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (Update) WithIfPrimaryTerm ¶

func (f Update) WithIfPrimaryTerm(v int) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithIfPrimaryTerm - only perform the update operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified primary term.

func (Update) WithIfSeqNo ¶

func (f Update) WithIfSeqNo(v int) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithIfSeqNo - only perform the update operation if the last operation that has changed the document has the specified sequence number.

func (Update) WithLang ¶

func (f Update) WithLang(v string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithLang - the script language (default: painless).

func (Update) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f Update) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (Update) WithPretty ¶

func (f Update) WithPretty() func(*UpdateRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (Update) WithRefresh ¶

func (f Update) WithRefresh(v string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithRefresh - if `true` then refresh the affected shards to make this operation visible to search, if `wait_for` then wait for a refresh to make this operation visible to search, if `false` (the default) then do nothing with refreshes..

func (Update) WithRequireAlias ¶ added in v7.10.0

func (f Update) WithRequireAlias(v bool) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithRequireAlias - when true, requires destination is an alias. default is false.

func (Update) WithRetryOnConflict ¶

func (f Update) WithRetryOnConflict(v int) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithRetryOnConflict - specify how many times should the operation be retried when a conflict occurs (default: 0).

func (Update) WithRouting ¶

func (f Update) WithRouting(v string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithRouting - specific routing value.

func (Update) WithSource ¶

func (f Update) WithSource(v ...string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithSource - true or false to return the _source field or not, or a list of fields to return.

func (Update) WithSourceExcludes ¶

func (f Update) WithSourceExcludes(v ...string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithSourceExcludes - a list of fields to exclude from the returned _source field.

func (Update) WithSourceIncludes ¶

func (f Update) WithSourceIncludes(v ...string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithSourceIncludes - a list of fields to extract and return from the _source field.

func (Update) WithTimeout ¶

func (f Update) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithTimeout - explicit operation timeout.

func (Update) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f Update) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*UpdateRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

type UpdateByQuery ¶

type UpdateByQuery func(index []string, o ...func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)) (*Response, error)

UpdateByQuery performs an update on every document in the index without changing the source, for example to pick up a mapping change.

See full documentation at

func (UpdateByQuery) WithAllowNoIndices ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithAllowNoIndices(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithAllowNoIndices - whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (this includes `_all` string or when no indices have been specified).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithAnalyzeWildcard(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzeWildcard - specify whether wildcard and prefix queries should be analyzed (default: false).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithAnalyzer ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithAnalyzer(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithAnalyzer - the analyzer to use for the query string.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithBody ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithBody - The search definition using the Query DSL.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithConflicts ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithConflicts(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithConflicts - what to do when the update by query hits version conflicts?.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithContext ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithDefaultOperator ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithDefaultOperator(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithDefaultOperator - the default operator for query string query (and or or).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithDf ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithDf(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithDf - the field to use as default where no field prefix is given in the query string.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithDocumentType ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithDocumentType(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithDocumentType - a list of document types to search; leave empty to perform the operation on all types.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithErrorTrace() func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithExpandWildcards ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithExpandWildcards(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithExpandWildcards - whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithFrom ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithFrom(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithFrom - starting offset (default: 0).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithHuman ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithHuman() func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithIgnoreUnavailable(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithIgnoreUnavailable - whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithLenient ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithLenient(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithLenient - specify whether format-based query failures (such as providing text to a numeric field) should be ignored.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithMaxDocs ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithMaxDocs(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithMaxDocs - maximum number of documents to process (default: all documents).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithPipeline ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithPipeline(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithPipeline - ingest pipeline to set on index requests made by this action. (default: none).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithPreference ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithPreference(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithPreference - specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithPretty ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithPretty() func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithQuery ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithQuery(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithQuery - query in the lucene query string syntax.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithRefresh ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithRefresh(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithRefresh - should the affected indexes be refreshed?.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithRequestCache ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithRequestCache(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithRequestCache - specify if request cache should be used for this request or not, defaults to index level setting.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle to set on this request in sub-requests per second. -1 means no throttle..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithRouting ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithRouting(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithRouting - a list of specific routing values.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithScroll ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithScroll(v time.Duration) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithScroll - specify how long a consistent view of the index should be maintained for scrolled search.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithScrollSize ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithScrollSize(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithScrollSize - size on the scroll request powering the update by query.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithSearchTimeout ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithSearchTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithSearchTimeout - explicit timeout for each search request. defaults to no timeout..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithSearchType ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithSearchType(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithSearchType - search operation type.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithSize ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithSize(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithSize - deprecated, please use `max_docs` instead.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithSlices ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithSlices(v interface{}) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithSlices - the number of slices this task should be divided into. defaults to 1, meaning the task isn't sliced into subtasks. can be set to `auto`..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithSort ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithSort(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithSort - a list of <field>:<direction> pairs.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithStats ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithStats(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithStats - specific 'tag' of the request for logging and statistical purposes.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithTerminateAfter ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithTerminateAfter(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithTerminateAfter - the maximum number of documents to collect for each shard, upon reaching which the query execution will terminate early..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithTimeout ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithTimeout - time each individual bulk request should wait for shards that are unavailable..

func (UpdateByQuery) WithVersion ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithVersion(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithVersion - specify whether to return document version as part of a hit.

func (UpdateByQuery) WithVersionType ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithVersionType(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithVersionType - should the document increment the version number (internal) on hit or not (reindex).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithWaitForActiveShards ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithWaitForActiveShards(v string) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithWaitForActiveShards - sets the number of shard copies that must be active before proceeding with the update by query operation. defaults to 1, meaning the primary shard only. set to `all` for all shard copies, otherwise set to any non-negative value less than or equal to the total number of copies for the shard (number of replicas + 1).

func (UpdateByQuery) WithWaitForCompletion ¶

func (f UpdateByQuery) WithWaitForCompletion(v bool) func(*UpdateByQueryRequest)

WithWaitForCompletion - should the request should block until the update by query operation is complete..

type UpdateByQueryRequest ¶

type UpdateByQueryRequest struct {
	Index        []string
	DocumentType []string

	Body io.Reader

	AllowNoIndices      *bool
	Analyzer            string
	AnalyzeWildcard     *bool
	Conflicts           string
	DefaultOperator     string
	Df                  string
	ExpandWildcards     string
	From                *int
	IgnoreUnavailable   *bool
	Lenient             *bool
	MaxDocs             *int
	Pipeline            string
	Preference          string
	Query               string
	Refresh             *bool
	RequestCache        *bool
	RequestsPerSecond   *int
	Routing             []string
	Scroll              time.Duration
	ScrollSize          *int
	SearchTimeout       time.Duration
	SearchType          string
	Size                *int
	Slices              interface{}
	Sort                []string
	Stats               []string
	TerminateAfter      *int
	Timeout             time.Duration
	Version             *bool
	VersionType         *bool
	WaitForActiveShards string
	WaitForCompletion   *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UpdateByQueryRequest configures the Update By Query API request.

func (UpdateByQueryRequest) Do ¶

func (r UpdateByQueryRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type UpdateByQueryRethrottle ¶

type UpdateByQueryRethrottle func(task_id string, requests_per_second *int, o ...func(*UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest)) (*Response, error)

UpdateByQueryRethrottle changes the number of requests per second for a particular Update By Query operation.

See full documentation at

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithContext ¶

WithContext sets the request context.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithErrorTrace ¶

func (f UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithErrorTrace() func(*UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithFilterPath ¶

func (f UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithHuman ¶

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithPretty ¶

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond ¶

func (f UpdateByQueryRethrottle) WithRequestsPerSecond(v int) func(*UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest)

WithRequestsPerSecond - the throttle to set on this request in floating sub-requests per second. -1 means set no throttle..

type UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest ¶

type UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest struct {
	TaskID string

	RequestsPerSecond *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest configures the Update By Query Rethrottle API request.

func (UpdateByQueryRethrottleRequest) Do ¶

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type UpdateRequest ¶

type UpdateRequest struct {
	Index        string
	DocumentType string
	DocumentID   string

	Body io.Reader

	IfPrimaryTerm       *int
	IfSeqNo             *int
	Lang                string
	Refresh             string
	RequireAlias        *bool
	RetryOnConflict     *int
	Routing             string
	Source              []string
	SourceExcludes      []string
	SourceIncludes      []string
	Timeout             time.Duration
	WaitForActiveShards string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

UpdateRequest configures the Update API request.

func (UpdateRequest) Do ¶

func (r UpdateRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type Watcher ¶ added in v7.2.0

type Watcher struct {
	AckWatch        WatcherAckWatch
	ActivateWatch   WatcherActivateWatch
	DeactivateWatch WatcherDeactivateWatch
	DeleteWatch     WatcherDeleteWatch
	ExecuteWatch    WatcherExecuteWatch
	GetWatch        WatcherGetWatch
	PutWatch        WatcherPutWatch
	QueryWatches    WatcherQueryWatches
	Start           WatcherStart
	Stats           WatcherStats
	Stop            WatcherStop

Watcher contains the Watcher APIs

type WatcherAckWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherAckWatch func(watch_id string, o ...func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherAckWatch - Acknowledges a watch, manually throttling the execution of the watch's actions.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithActionID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithActionID(v ...string) func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithActionID - a list of the action ids to be acked.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithHuman() func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherAckWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherAckWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherAckWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherAckWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherAckWatchRequest struct {
	ActionID []string
	WatchID  string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherAckWatchRequest configures the Watcher Ack Watch API request.

func (WatcherAckWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherAckWatchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherActivateWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherActivateWatch func(watch_id string, o ...func(*WatcherActivateWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherActivateWatch - Activates a currently inactive watch.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherActivateWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherActivateWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherActivateWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherActivateWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherActivateWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherActivateWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherActivateWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherActivateWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherActivateWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherActivateWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherActivateWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherActivateWatchRequest configures the Watcher Activate Watch API request.

func (WatcherActivateWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherDeactivateWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherDeactivateWatch func(watch_id string, o ...func(*WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherDeactivateWatch - Deactivates a currently active watch.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest configures the Watcher Deactivate Watch API request.

func (WatcherDeactivateWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherDeleteWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherDeleteWatch func(id string, o ...func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherDeleteWatch - Removes a watch from Watcher.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithHuman() func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherDeleteWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherDeleteWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherDeleteWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherDeleteWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherDeleteWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherDeleteWatchRequest configures the Watcher Delete Watch API request.

func (WatcherDeleteWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherExecuteWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherExecuteWatch func(o ...func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherExecuteWatch - Forces the execution of a stored watch.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithBody - Execution control.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithDebug ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithDebug(v bool) func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithDebug - indicates whether the watch should execute in debug mode.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithHuman() func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (WatcherExecuteWatch) WithWatchID ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherExecuteWatch) WithWatchID(v string) func(*WatcherExecuteWatchRequest)

WithWatchID - watch ID.

type WatcherExecuteWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherExecuteWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Body io.Reader

	Debug *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherExecuteWatchRequest configures the Watcher Execute Watch API request.

func (WatcherExecuteWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherGetWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherGetWatch func(id string, o ...func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherGetWatch - Retrieves a watch by its ID.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithHuman() func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherGetWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherGetWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherGetWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherGetWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherGetWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherGetWatchRequest configures the Watcher Get Watch API request.

func (WatcherGetWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherGetWatchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherPutWatch ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherPutWatch func(id string, o ...func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherPutWatch - Creates a new watch, or updates an existing one.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithActive ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithActive(v bool) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithActive - specify whether the watch is in/active by default.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithBody ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithBody(v io.Reader) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithBody - The watch.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithHuman() func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithIfPrimaryTerm ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithIfPrimaryTerm(v int) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithIfPrimaryTerm - only update the watch if the last operation that has changed the watch has the specified primary term.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithIfSeqNo ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithIfSeqNo(v int) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithIfSeqNo - only update the watch if the last operation that has changed the watch has the specified sequence number.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithPretty() func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

func (WatcherPutWatch) WithVersion ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherPutWatch) WithVersion(v int) func(*WatcherPutWatchRequest)

WithVersion - explicit version number for concurrency control.

type WatcherPutWatchRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherPutWatchRequest struct {
	WatchID string

	Body io.Reader

	Active        *bool
	IfPrimaryTerm *int
	IfSeqNo       *int
	Version       *int

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherPutWatchRequest configures the Watcher Put Watch API request.

func (WatcherPutWatchRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherPutWatchRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherQueryWatches ¶ added in v7.11.0

type WatcherQueryWatches func(o ...func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherQueryWatches - Retrieves stored watches.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithBody ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithBody - From, size, query, sort and search_after.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithContext ¶ added in v7.11.0

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithHuman() func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherQueryWatches) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.11.0

func (f WatcherQueryWatches) WithPretty() func(*WatcherQueryWatchesRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherQueryWatchesRequest ¶ added in v7.11.0

type WatcherQueryWatchesRequest struct {
	Body io.Reader

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherQueryWatchesRequest configures the Watcher Query Watches API request.

func (WatcherQueryWatchesRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.11.0

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherStart ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStart func(o ...func(*WatcherStartRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherStart - Starts Watcher if it is not already running.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherStart) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherStart) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherStart) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherStart) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStart) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithHuman() func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherStart) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStart) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStart) WithPretty() func(*WatcherStartRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherStartRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStartRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherStartRequest configures the Watcher Start API request.

func (WatcherStartRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherStartRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherStats ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStats func(o ...func(*WatcherStatsRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherStats - Retrieves the current Watcher metrics.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherStats) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherStats) WithEmitStacktraces ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithEmitStacktraces(v bool) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithEmitStacktraces - emits stack traces of currently running watches.

func (WatcherStats) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherStats) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherStats) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStats) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithHuman() func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherStats) WithMetric ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithMetric(v ...string) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithMetric - controls what additional stat metrics should be include in the response.

func (WatcherStats) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStats) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStats) WithPretty() func(*WatcherStatsRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherStatsRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStatsRequest struct {
	Metric []string

	EmitStacktraces *bool

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherStatsRequest configures the Watcher Stats API request.

func (WatcherStatsRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherStatsRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type WatcherStop ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStop func(o ...func(*WatcherStopRequest)) (*Response, error)

WatcherStop - Stops Watcher if it is running.

See full documentation at

func (WatcherStop) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (WatcherStop) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithErrorTrace() func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (WatcherStop) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (WatcherStop) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStop) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithHuman() func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (WatcherStop) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (WatcherStop) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f WatcherStop) WithPretty() func(*WatcherStopRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type WatcherStopRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type WatcherStopRequest struct {
	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WatcherStopRequest configures the Watcher Stop API request.

func (WatcherStopRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r WatcherStopRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type XPack ¶ added in v7.2.0

type XPack struct {
	Info  XPackInfo
	Usage XPackUsage

XPack contains the XPack APIs

type XPackInfo ¶ added in v7.2.0

type XPackInfo func(o ...func(*XPackInfoRequest)) (*Response, error)

XPackInfo - Retrieves information about the installed X-Pack features.

See full documentation at

func (XPackInfo) WithAcceptEnterprise ¶ added in v7.9.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithAcceptEnterprise(v bool) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithAcceptEnterprise - if an enterprise license is installed, return the type and mode as 'enterprise' (default: false).

func (XPackInfo) WithCategories ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithCategories(v ...string) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithCategories - comma-separated list of info categories. can be any of: build, license, features.

func (XPackInfo) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (XPackInfo) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithErrorTrace() func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (XPackInfo) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (XPackInfo) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (XPackInfo) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithHuman() func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (XPackInfo) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (XPackInfo) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackInfo) WithPretty() func(*XPackInfoRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type XPackInfoRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type XPackInfoRequest struct {
	AcceptEnterprise *bool
	Categories       []string

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

XPackInfoRequest configures the X Pack Info API request.

func (XPackInfoRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r XPackInfoRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

type XPackUsage ¶ added in v7.2.0

type XPackUsage func(o ...func(*XPackUsageRequest)) (*Response, error)

XPackUsage - Retrieves usage information about the installed X-Pack features.

See full documentation at

func (XPackUsage) WithContext ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithContext(v context.Context) func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithContext sets the request context.

func (XPackUsage) WithErrorTrace ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithErrorTrace() func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithErrorTrace includes the stack trace for errors in the response body.

func (XPackUsage) WithFilterPath ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithFilterPath(v ...string) func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithFilterPath filters the properties of the response body.

func (XPackUsage) WithHeader ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithHeader(h map[string]string) func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithHeader adds the headers to the HTTP request.

func (XPackUsage) WithHuman ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithHuman() func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithHuman makes statistical values human-readable.

func (XPackUsage) WithMasterTimeout ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithMasterTimeout(v time.Duration) func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithMasterTimeout - specify timeout for watch write operation.

func (XPackUsage) WithOpaqueID ¶ added in v7.5.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithOpaqueID(s string) func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithOpaqueID adds the X-Opaque-Id header to the HTTP request.

func (XPackUsage) WithPretty ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (f XPackUsage) WithPretty() func(*XPackUsageRequest)

WithPretty makes the response body pretty-printed.

type XPackUsageRequest ¶ added in v7.2.0

type XPackUsageRequest struct {
	MasterTimeout time.Duration

	Pretty     bool
	Human      bool
	ErrorTrace bool
	FilterPath []string

	Header http.Header
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

XPackUsageRequest configures the X Pack Usage API request.

func (XPackUsageRequest) Do ¶ added in v7.2.0

func (r XPackUsageRequest) Do(ctx context.Context, transport Transport) (*Response, error)

Do executes the request and returns response or error.

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