
package module
v1.0.51 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jul 9, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 2


v1.0.5 — Beta Release — 01/26/2022 — Patch A


"The purpose of abstraction is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise." - Edsger W. Dijkstra






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This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type CLONE

type CLONE int
const (
	CLONE_False CLONE = iota


type COMPARE int
const (

type Card

type Card struct {
	Idx int
	Key any
	Val any

func MakeCard

func MakeCard(arguments ...any) *Card

* Creates a card with given properties

MakeCard(input1 any [nil], input2 any [nil], idx int [-1]) (*Card)

@ensures | IF `input1` OR `input2` are nil: | MakeCard := func(`val`, `key`, `idx`) | ELSE: | MakeCard := func(`key`, `val`, `idx`) @examples | MakeCard("Hello") => Card{Val: "Hello"} | MakeCard(nil, "Hello") => Card{Key: "Hello"} | MakeCard(1, 2) => Card{Key: 1, Val: 2}

func (*Card) Clone

func (card *Card) Clone() *Card

* Returns a clone of `card`

card.Clone() (newCard card)

func (*Card) Equals

func (thisCard *Card) Equals(otherCard *Card, arguments ...any) bool

* Returns whether one card equals another

    otherCard *Card,
    compareIdxs COMPARE [COMPARE_False],
    compareKeys COMPARE [COMPARE_True],
    compareVals COMPARE [COMPARE_True],
	compareCardPtrs COMPARE [COMPARE_False],
 ) (cardEqualsOtherCard bool)

 | card1 := MakeCard("Hey")
 | card2 := MakeCard("Hey")
 | myStr := "Hey"
 | card1.Equals(card2, nil, nil, nil, COMPARE_False) // True
 | card1.Equals(card2, nil, nil, nil, COMPARE_True) // False
 | card1.Equals(MakeCard(&myStr), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, DEREFERENCE_This) // True

func (*Card) Print

func (card *Card) Print(arguments ...any) *Card

* Prints information surrounding `card` to the terminal and returns `card`

card.Print(name string [""], indent int [0]) (card)

| prints "-" `indent` * 4 times before each line to indicate depth in a stackMatrix

func (*Card) SwitchKeyVal

func (card *Card) SwitchKeyVal() *Card

* Switches the Key and the Val of `card`

card.SwitchKeyVal() (card)


const (


const (

type FIND

type FIND int
const (
	FIND_First FIND = iota

type ORDER

type ORDER int
const (
	ORDER_Before ORDER = iota


type OVERRIDE int
const (

type PASS

type PASS int
const (
	PASS_Cards PASS = iota


type REPEAT int
const (
	REPEAT_False REPEAT = iota


type REPLACE int
const (


type RETURN int
const (
	RETURN_Idxs RETURN = iota

type Stack

type Stack struct {
	Cards  []*Card
	Size   int
	Height int

func CSVToStackMatrix

func CSVToStackMatrix(inPath string) (out *Stack)

* Takes a CSV at a given file path and returns it as a StackMatrix

CSVToStackMatrix(inPath string) (newStackMatrix *Stack)


| IF fails to convert the CSV: | returns an empty Stack

| `inPath` points to valid CSV file

func MakeStack

func MakeStack(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Creates a stack initialized with starting cards

MakeStack(input1 []any|map[any]any|*Stack [nil], input2 []any|*Stack [nil], repeats int [1]) (newStack *Stack)

Where all mentions of array are interchangeable with Stack:
| Makes `repeats` repeats of `input1`/`input2`
| `input1` is a map and `input2` is nil
|     OR `input1` is an array and `input2` is nil
|     OR `input1` is an array and `input2` is an array
|     OR `input1` is nil and `input2` is an array
| IF `input1` AND `input2` are both passed as arguments
|      |`input1`| == |`input2`|
|     IF `input1` is passed
|       IF `input1` is a map
|         unpack the map into new cards with corresponding keys and vals
|       ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is not passed/nil
|  	   IF `input1` is an array of cards:
|           unpack cards in `input1` into `stack`
|  	   ELSE:
|           unpack values from `input1` into new cards
|       ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is an array
|         unpack keys from `input1` and values from `input2` into new cards
|       ELSEIF `input1` is nil and `input2` is an array
|         unpack keys from `input2` into new cards
|  		make `repeats` cards with nil value and nil key
|  		ELSEIF `input1` is nil and `input2` is nil and `repeats` is passed
|     ELSE
|       the stack is empty
| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3}) => Stack{Vals: {1, 2, 3}}
| MakeStack(nil, []int {1, 2, 3}) => Stack{Keys: {1, 2, 3}}
| MakeStack([]string {"a", "b", "c"}, []int {1, 2, 3}) => Stack{Keys: {"a", "b", "c"}, Vals: {1, 2, 3}}
| MakeStack(map[string]int {"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}) => Stack{Keys: {"a", "b", "c"}, Vals: {1, 2, 3}} // but not necessarily in this order
| MakeStack(nil, nil, 5) => Stack{nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}

func MakeStackMatrix

func MakeStackMatrix(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Creates a stack matrix initialized with starting cards

MakeStackMatrix(input1 []any (deep/shallow)|map[any]any (deep/shallow)|*Stack [nil], input2 []any (deep/shallow)|*Stack [nil], matrixShape []int|*Stack [[]int {1}]) (newStackMatrix *Stack)

Where all mentions of array are interchangeable with Stack:
| `input1` is a map and `input2` is nil
|     OR `input1` is an array and `input2` is nil
|     OR `input1` is an array and `input2` is an array
|     OR `input1` is nil and `input2` is an array
| IF `input1` AND `input2` are both passed as arguments:
|      |`input1`| == |`input2`|
| `matrixShape` must be an int array representing the shape of a regularly-shaped matrix where:
| * the first int defines `newStackMatrix.Size`
| * the last int defines the size of each final stack
| * the product of `matrixShape` is equal to the amount of elements in your input(s)
| Using the same logic as MakeStack() in deciding which of the first two inputs is a key/val:
|  IF no `matrixShape` is passed:
|    treating `input1`/`input2` as matrices ([]any {[]any {...}, []any {...}, ..., []any {...}})/a map of matrices (map[any]map[any]...map[any]any)/a StackMatrix:
|    IF `input1` is passed:
|      IF `input1` is a map:
|        unpack the map into matrix of shape `inputx` with corresponding keys and vals
|      ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is nil:
|        unpack values from `input1` into matrix of shape `inputx`
|      ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is an array:
|        unpack keys from `input1` and values from `input2` into matrix of shape `inputx`
|      ELSEIF `input1` is nil and `input2` is an array:
|        unpack keys from `input2` into matrix of shape `inputx`
|    ELSEIF `input1` and `input2` are nil:
|      the stack is empty
|    ELSEIF `matrixShape` is passed:
|      treating `input1`/`input2` as 1D structures ([]any, map[any]any, Stack):
|      IF `input1` is a map:
|        unpack the map into matrix of shape `matrixShape` with corresponding keys and vals
|      ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is nil:
|        IF `input1` is an array of cards:
|          unpack cards from `input1` into `stack`
|        ELSE:
|          unpack values from `input1` into new cards
|      ELSEIF `input1` is an array and `input2` is an array:
|        unpack keys from `input1` and values from `input2` into matrix of shape `matrixShape`
|      ELSEIF `input1` is nil and `input2` is an array:
|        unpack keys from `input2` into matrix of shape `matrixShape`
|      ELSEIF `input1` is nil AND `input2` is nil:
|        create a StackMatrix of shape `matrixShape` whose heightest card keys/vals are nil
| MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 2, 3, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}) => Stack{Stack{1, 2}, Stack{3, 4}}
| MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, nil, []int {2, 3}) => Stack{Stack{1, 2, 3}, Stack{4, 5, 6}}
| MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, nil, []int {3, 2}) => Stack{Stack{1, 2}, Stack{3, 4}, Stack{5, 6}}
| MakeStackMatrix([]any {[]any {1, 2}, []any {3, 4}}} =>  Stack{Stack{1, 2}, Stack{3, 4}}

func MakeSubstack

func MakeSubstack(arguments ...any) *Stack

* An identical implementation to `MakeStack()`

MakeSubstack(input1 []any|map[any]any|*Stack [nil], input2 any|*Stack [nil], repeats int [1], overrideInsert OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False]) (newSubstack *Stack)

| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}) => Stack{Stack{1, 2}, Stack{3, 4}}

func (*Stack) Add

func (stack *Stack) Add(insert any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Adds `insert` to `stack` before/after first found card and returns `stack`, or nil if invalid find

   insert any|[]any|*Card|*Stack,
   orderType ORDER [ORDER_After],
   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideInsert OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideInsert` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   insert `insert` itself, rather than the elements within `insert` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) AddMany

func (stack *Stack) AddMany(insert any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Adds `insert` to `stack` before/after each found card and returns `stack`, or nil if invalid find

   insert any|[]any|*Card|*Stack,
   orderType ORDER [ORDER_After],
   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideInsert OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideInsert` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   insert `insert` itself, rather than the elements within `insert` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Clone

func (stack *Stack) Clone(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Returns a clone of `stack`

stack.Clone(deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True], depth int [-1], cloneCardKeys CLONE [CLONE_True], cloneCardVals CLONE [CLONE_True], cloneSubstackKeys CLONE [CLONE_True], cloneSubstackVals CLONE [CLONE_True]) (newStack stack)

| If `cloneSubstackVals` == CLONE_False, then each card holding a substack as its Val will have its Val updated to nil

func (*Stack) Coordinates

func (stack *Stack) Coordinates(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Retrieves a stack containing the coordinates of the first found card, or empty stack if doesn't exist

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Cards],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (foundCardCoords *Stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) CoordinatesMany

func (stack *Stack) CoordinatesMany(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Retrieves a stack containing a set of stacks containing the coordinates of each found card

   findType FIND [FIND_All],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Cards],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (foundCardsCoords *Stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) DimensionalityReduce added in v1.0.5

func (stack *Stack) DimensionalityReduce(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Updates a stack to represent a selection within that stack matrix

stack.DimensionalityReduce(idx ...int|[]int|*Stack [[]int {0, 1, ..., stack.Size - 1}]) (stack)

| This can be used to reduce an ND array structure to a 1D vector structure
| This can be used to select a subset of a matrix
| This can be used to select a card at given coordinates
| `idx` refers to valid index positions from the stack
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}).DimensionalityReduce() => Stack {1, 2, 3, 4}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}).DimensionalityReduce([]int {0, 1}) => Stack {1, 2, 3, 4}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}).DimensionalityReduce(0) => Stack {1, 2}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}).DimensionalityReduce(1) => Stack {3, 4}

func (*Stack) Duplicate

func (stack *Stack) Duplicate(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Appends the cards in `stack` to itself `n` - 1 times

stack.Duplicate(n int [2]) (stack)

| MakeStack([]int {1}).Duplicate(0) // Stack{}
| MakeStack([]int {1}).Duplicate(1) // Stack{1}
| MakeStack([]int {1}).Duplicate(2) // Stack{1, 1}
| MakeStack([]int {1, 2}).Duplicate(3) // Stack{1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2}

func (*Stack) Empty

func (stack *Stack) Empty() *Stack

* Removes all cards from `stack`

stack.Empty() (stack)

func (*Stack) Equals

func (stack *Stack) Equals(otherStack *Stack, arguments ...any) (test bool)

* Returns whether one stack equals another

   otherStack *Stack,
   deepSearchType *DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   compareCardKeys COMPARE [COMPARE_True],
   compareCardVals COMPARE [COMPARE_True],
   compareSubstackKeys COMPARE [COMPARE_True],
   pointerCardKeys DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   pointerCardVals DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   pointerSubstackKeys DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   compareSubstackAdrs COMPARE [COMPARE_False]
) (stackEqualsOtherStack bool)

func (*Stack) Extract

func (stack *Stack) Extract(arguments ...any) *Card

* Removes and returns a found card, or nil if not found

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (extractedCard *Card)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) ExtractMany

func (stack *Stack) ExtractMany(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Removes and returns a stack of found cards

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   returnType RETURN [RETURN_Cards],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (extractedData *Stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Filter

func (stack *Stack) Filter(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Sets `stack` to a set of cards from specified parameters in `stack`, returning `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_All],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   returnType RETURN [RETURN_Cards],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Flip

func (stack *Stack) Flip() *Stack

* Reverses the order of the first immediate cards/substacks in `stack`

stack.Flip() (stack)

func (*Stack) Get

func (stack *Stack) Get(arguments ...any) *Card

* Gets the first card from specified parameters in `stack`, or nil if does not exist

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (foundCard *Card)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) GetMany

func (stack *Stack) GetMany(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Gets a stack of cards from specified parameters in `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_All],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   returnType RETURN [RETURN_Cards],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (newStack *Stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Has

func (stack *Stack) Has(arguments ...any) bool

* Returns a bool for whether a card was found in `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (foundACard bool)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) IsRegular

func (stack *Stack) IsRegular() bool

* Returns whether the matrix is of a regular shape

stack.IsRegular() (newStack stack)

| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4}), MakeSubstack([]int {5, 6})}) => true
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4, 5}), MakeSubstack([]int {6, 7})}) => false

func (*Stack) Lambda

func (stack *Stack) Lambda(lambda any, arguments ...any) (*Stack, *Stack, *Card, any)

* Iterates through `stack` calling your lambda function on each card, returning `stack`, `retStack`, `retCard`, and `retVarPtr`

    lambda func(
        card *Card,
        parentStack *Stack,
        isSubstack bool,
        coords *Stack,
        retStack *Stack,
        retCard *Card,
        retVarPtr any,
        otherInfo []any {
        workingMem ...any),
    retStack *Stack [nil],
    retCard *Card [nil],
    retVarPtr any [nil],
    workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}],
    deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
    depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
    passType PASS [PASS_Both],
    otherInfo []any {
    } []any [[]any {nil, nil}],
 ) (stack, retStack, retCard, retVarPtr)

 | IF a version for `lambda` is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
 |   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters
 | IF you would like to manage more than 10 variables via `workingMem`:
 |   you must pass an []any array into `workingMem` when you call this function
 | IF you would like to reference the object address of `retStack` or `retCard`:
 |   pass the addresses of `retStack` or `retCard` into `otherInfo`
 | myStack := MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 3, 2, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}).LambdaThis(func(card *Card) {
 |   if card.Idx == 0 && card.Val.(int) % 2 == 0 {
 |     card.Key = "Marker"
 |   }
 | }) // Stack{nil:1, nil:3, "Marker":2, nil:4}

func (*Stack) LambdaCard

func (stack *Stack) LambdaCard(lambda any, arguments ...any) *Card

* Iterates through `stack` calling your lambda function on each card, returning `stack`, `retStack`, `retCard`, and `retVarPtr`

    lambda func(
        card *Card,
        parentStack *Stack,
        isSubstack bool,
        coords *Stack,
        retStack *Stack,
        retCard *Card,
        retVarPtr any,
        otherInfo []any {
        workingMem ...any),
    retStack *Stack [nil],
    retCard *Card [nil],
    retVarPtr any [nil],
    workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}],
    deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
    depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
    passType PASS [PASS_Both],
    otherInfo []any {
    } []any [[]any {nil, nil}],
 ) (retCard)

 | IF a version for `lambda` is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
 |   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters
 | IF you would like to manage more than 10 variables via `workingMem`:
 |   you must pass an []any array into `workingMem` when you call this function
 | IF you would like to reference the object address of `retStack` or `retCard`:
 |   pass the addresses of `retStack` or `retCard` into `otherInfo`
 | myStack := MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 3, 2, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}).LambdaThis(func(card *Card) {
 |   if card.Idx == 0 && card.Val.(int) % 2 == 0 {
 |     card.Key = "Marker"
 |   }
 | }) // Stack{nil:1, nil:3, "Marker":2, nil:4}

func (*Stack) LambdaStack

func (stack *Stack) LambdaStack(lambda any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Iterates through `stack` calling your lambda function on each card, returning `stack`, `retStack`, `retCard`, and `retVarPtr`

    lambda func(
        card *Card,
        parentStack *Stack,
        isSubstack bool,
        coords *Stack,
        retStack *Stack,
        retCard *Card,
        retVarPtr any,
        otherInfo []any {
        workingMem ...any),
    retStack *Stack [nil],
    retCard *Card [nil],
    retVarPtr any [nil],
    workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}],
    deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
    depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
    passType PASS [PASS_Both],
    otherInfo []any {
    } []any [[]any {nil, nil}],
 ) (retStack)

 | IF a version for `lambda` is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
 |   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters
 | IF you would like to manage more than 10 variables via `workingMem`:
 |   you must pass an []any array into `workingMem` when you call this function
 | IF you would like to reference the object address of `retStack` or `retCard`:
 |   pass the addresses of `retStack` or `retCard` into `otherInfo`
 | myStack := MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 3, 2, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}).LambdaThis(func(card *Card) {
 |   if card.Idx == 0 && card.Val.(int) % 2 == 0 {
 |     card.Key = "Marker"
 |   }
 | }) // Stack{nil:1, nil:3, "Marker":2, nil:4}

func (*Stack) LambdaThis

func (stack *Stack) LambdaThis(lambda any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Iterates through `stack` calling your lambda function on each card, returning `stack`, `retStack`, `retCard`, and `retVarPtr`

    lambda func(
        card *Card,
        parentStack *Stack,
        isSubstack bool,
        coords *Stack,
        retStack *Stack,
        retCard *Card,
        retVarPtr any,
        otherInfo []any {
        workingMem ...any),
    retStack *Stack [nil],
    retCard *Card [nil],
    retVarPtr any [nil],
    workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}],
    deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
    depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
    passType PASS [PASS_Both],
    otherInfo []any {
    } []any [[]any {nil, nil}],
 ) (stack)

 | IF a version for `lambda` is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
 |   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters
 | IF you would like to manage more than 10 variables via `workingMem`:
 |   you must pass an []any array into `workingMem` when you call this function
 | IF you would like to reference the object address of `retStack` or `retCard`:
 |   pass the addresses of `retStack` or `retCard` into `otherInfo`
 | myStack := MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 3, 2, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}).LambdaThis(func(card *Card) {
 |   if card.Idx == 0 && card.Val.(int) % 2 == 0 {
 |     card.Key = "Marker"
 |   }
 | }) // Stack{nil:1, nil:3, "Marker":2, nil:4}

func (*Stack) LambdaVarAdr

func (stack *Stack) LambdaVarAdr(lambda any, arguments ...any) any

* Iterates through `stack` calling your lambda function on each card, returning `stack`, `retStack`, `retCard`, and `retVarPtr`

    lambda func(
        card *Card,
        parentStack *Stack,
        isSubstack bool,
        coords *Stack,
        retStack *Stack,
        retCard *Card,
        retVarPtr any,
        otherInfo []any {
        workingMem ...any),
    retStack *Stack [nil],
    retCard *Card [nil],
    retVarPtr any [nil],
    workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}],
    deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_True],
    depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
    passType PASS [PASS_Both],
    otherInfo []any {
    } []any [[]any {nil, nil}],
 ) (retVarPtr)

 | IF a version for `lambda` is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
 |   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters
 | IF you would like to manage more than 10 variables via `workingMem`:
 |   you must pass an []any array into `workingMem` when you call this function
 | IF you would like to reference the object address of `retStack` or `retCard`:
 |   pass the addresses of `retStack` or `retCard` into `otherInfo`
 | myStack := MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 3, 2, 4}, nil, []int {2, 2}).LambdaThis(func(card *Card) {
 |   if card.Idx == 0 && card.Val.(int) % 2 == 0 {
 |     card.Key = "Marker"
 |   }
 | }) // Stack{nil:1, nil:3, "Marker":2, nil:4}

func (*Stack) Move

func (stack *Stack) Move(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Moves one card to before/after another card and returns `stack`

   orderType ORDER [ORDER_After],
   findTypeFrom FIND [FIND_First],
   findTypeTo FIND [FIND_Last],
   findDataFrom any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   findDataTo any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchTypeFrom DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   deepSearchTypeTo DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depthFrom int [-1],
   depthTo int [-1],
   passTypeFrom PASS [PASS_Both],
   passTypeTo PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceTypeFrom DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   dereferenceTypeTo DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindDataFrom OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   overrideFindDataTo OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMemFrom []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
   workingMemTo []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindDataX` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findDataX` itself, rather than each element inside of `findDataX` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Print

func (stack *Stack) Print(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Prints information surrounding `stack` to the terminal and returns `stack`

stack.Print(indent int [0]) (stack)

| prints "-" `indent` * 4 times before each line to indicate depth in a stackMatrix
| MakeStack([]string {"Hey", "Hi"}).Print().Remove(FIND_Last).Print() // prints the stack before and after performing the remove function

func (*Stack) Remove

func (stack *Stack) Remove(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Removes a card from and returns `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) RemoveMany

func (stack *Stack) RemoveMany(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Removes a set of cards from and returns `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_All],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Replace

func (stack *Stack) Replace(replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any, arguments ...any) *Card
  • Returns a clone of the first found card from specified parameters in `stack` stack.Replace( replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any|[]any|*Stack|func( card *Card, parentStack *Stack, isSubstack bool, coords *Stack, workingMem ...any, ), findType FIND FIND_Last, findData any|[]any|*Stack|func( card *Card, parentStack *Stack, isSubstack bool, coords *Stack, retStack *Stack, retCard *Card, retVarPtr any, otherInfo []any { cardPtr, parentStackPtr, retStackPtr, retCardPtr }, workingMem ...any ) [nil], deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH DEEPSEARCH_False, depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1], passType PASS PASS_Both, dereferenceType DEREFERENCE DEREFERENCE_None, overrideFindData OVERRIDE OVERRIDE_False, workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}] ) (replacedCard *Card)

    @ensures | IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True: | compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array) | IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function: | the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) ReplaceMany

func (stack *Stack) ReplaceMany(replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any, arguments ...any) *Stack
  • Returns a stack of clones of the found cards from specified parameters in `stack` stack.ReplaceMany( replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any|[]any|*Stack|func( card *Card, parentStack *Stack, isSubstack bool, coords *Stack, workingMem ...any, ), findType FIND FIND_Last, findData any|[]any|*Stack|func( card *Card, parentStack *Stack, isSubstack bool, coords *Stack, retStack *Stack, retCard *Card, retVarPtr any, otherInfo []any { cardPtr, parentStackPtr, retStackPtr, retCardPtr }, workingMem ...any ) [nil], returnType RETURN RETURN_Cards, deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH DEEPSEARCH_False, depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1], passType PASS PASS_Both, dereferenceType DEREFERENCE DEREFERENCE_None, overrideFindData OVERRIDE OVERRIDE_False, workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}] ) (replacedCards *Stack)

    @ensures | IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True: | compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array) | IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function: | the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) Shape

func (stack *Stack) Shape() *Stack

* Returns an array representing the shape of `stack`

stack.Shape() (newStack stack)

| returns nil if it's not regular and thus doesn't have a shape
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2, 3}), MakeSubstack([]int {4, 5, 6})}).Shape() => []int {2, 3}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4}), MakeSubstack([]int {5, 6})}).Shape() => []int {3, 2}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4, 5}), MakeSubstack([]int {6, 7})}) => nil

func (*Stack) Shuffle

func (stack *Stack) Shuffle(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Shuffles the order of `stack` cards

stack.Shuffle(repeatType REPEAT [REPEAT_False]) (stack)

| IF `repeatType` == true AND stack.Size > 1:
|   shuffles `stack` until it is no longer in its previous order
| rand.Seed is updated to time.Now().UnixNano()

func (*Stack) Swap

func (stack *Stack) Swap(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Swaps one card with another and returns `stack`

   findType1 FIND [FIND_First],
   findType2 FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData1 any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   findData2 any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType1 DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   deepSearchType2 DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth1 int [-1],
   depth2 int [-1],
   passType1 PASS [PASS_Both],
   passType2 PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType1 DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   dereferenceType2 DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData1 OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   overrideFindData2 OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem1 []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
   workingMem2 []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindDataX` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findDataX` itself, rather than each element inside of `findDataX` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) SwitchKeysVals

func (stack *Stack) SwitchKeysVals(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Switches the Key and the Val of each found card and returns `stack`

   findType FIND [FIND_All],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) ToArray

func (stack *Stack) ToArray(arguments ...any) []any

* Creates a new any array whose elements are the values of the cards in `stack`

stack.ToArray(returnType RETURN [RETURN_Vals]) (newArray []any)

| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3}, []string {"a", "b", "c"}).ToArray() => []any {1, 2, 3}
| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3}, []string {"a", "b", "c"}).ToArray(RETURN_Keys) => []any {"a", "b", "c"}
| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3}, []string {"a", "b", "c"}).ToArray(RETURN_Idxs) => []any {0, 1, 2}
| MakeStack([]*Card {cardA, cardB, cardC}).ToArray(RETURN_Cards) => []any {cardA, cardB, cardC}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {substackA, substackB}).ToArray(RETURN_Cards) => []any {Card{Val:substackA}, Card{Val:substackA}}
| MakeStack([]*Stack {substackA, substackB}).ToArray(RETURN_Stacks) => []any {substackA, substackB}

func (*Stack) ToCSV

func (stack *Stack) ToCSV(outPath string) *os.File

* Creates a CSV at a given file path given a StackMatrix

stack.ToCSV(outPath string) (csvFile *os.File)

| `outPath` points to valid location

func (*Stack) ToMap

func (stack *Stack) ToMap() map[any]any

* Creates a new map whose keys and values correspond to the cards in `stack`

stack.ToMap() (newMap map[any]any)

| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3}, []string {"a", "b", "c"}).ToMap() => map[any]any {1:"a", 2:"b", 3:"c"} // in any order

func (*Stack) ToMatrix

func (stack *Stack) ToMatrix(arguments ...any) []any

* Creates a new matrix structure from `stack`

stack.ToMatrix(returnType RETURN [RETURN_Vals], depth int [-1]) (newMatrix []any {elem/[]any{}})

| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3, 4}).ToMatrix() => []any {1, 2, 3, 4}
| MakeStack(*Stack{MakeSubstack([]int {1, 2}), MakeSubstack([]int {3, 4})}).ToMatrix() => []any {[]any {1, 2}, []any {3, 4}}

func (*Stack) Transpose added in v1.0.5

func (stack *Stack) Transpose() *Stack

* Updates `stack` to its transpose, or returns nil if `stack` is of irregular shape

stack.Transpose() (stack)

| MakeStackMatrix([]int {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, nil, []int {2, 3}).Transpose() => Stack {Stack{1, 4}, Stack{2, 5}, Stack{3, 6}}

func (*Stack) Unique

func (stack *Stack) Unique(arguments ...any) *Stack

* Removes all cards from `stack` which share a given property as another card in that stack

stack.Unique(uniqueType TYPE [TYPE_Val], dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None]) (stack)

| MakeStack([]int {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4}).Unique() // Stack{1, 2, 3, 4}
| MakeStack([]int {0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0}, []int {1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 4}).Unique(TYPE_Key) // Stack{1, 2}

func (*Stack) Update

func (stack *Stack) Update(replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Updates a card in and returns `stack`

   replaceType REPLACE,
   replaceWith any|[]any|*Stack|func(
       card *Card,
       parentStack *Stack,
       isSubstack bool,
       coords *Stack,
       workingMem ...any,
   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

func (*Stack) UpdateMany

func (stack *Stack) UpdateMany(replaceType REPLACE, replaceWith any, arguments ...any) *Stack

* Updates all matched cards in and returns `stack`

   replaceType REPLACE,
   replaceWith any|[]any|*Stack|func(
       card *Card,
       parentStack *Stack,
       isSubstack bool,
       coords *Stack,
       workingMem ...any,
   findType FIND [FIND_Last],
   findData any|[]any|*Stack|func(
     card *Card,
     parentStack *Stack,
     isSubstack bool,
     coords *Stack,
     retStack *Stack,
     retCard *Card,
     retVarPtr any,
     otherInfo []any {
     workingMem ...any
   ) [nil],
   deepSearchType DEEPSEARCH [DEEPSEARCH_False],
   depth int|[]int|*Stack [-1],
   passType PASS [PASS_Both],
   dereferenceType DEREFERENCE [DEREFERENCE_None],
   overrideFindData OVERRIDE [OVERRIDE_False],
   workingMem []any [[]any {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil}]
) (stack)

 Updates all matched cards in and returns `stack`

| IF `overrideFindData` == OVERRIDE_True:
|   compare whether each element is equal to `findData` itself, rather than each element inside of `findData` (assuming it is a stack or array)
| IF a version for func input data is passed that has fewer parameters than the full function:
|   the function will abstract away unincluded parameters

type TYPE

type TYPE int
const (
	TYPE_Key TYPE = iota


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