
package module
v0.2.5 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Sep 10, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 14 Imported by: 2


This is the mod version of the is small and simple no-SQL database app for small GO apps.

updated: Sun 10 Sep 18:54:19 BST 2023
release: 0.2.5

Getting Started

go get github.com/gcclinux/tardigrade-mod

Current structure and available functions()

type Tardigrade struct{}

func (*Tardigrade).AddField(key string, data string, db string) bool
func (*Tardigrade).CountSize(db string) int
func (*Tardigrade).CreateDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)
func (*Tardigrade).CreatedDBCopy(db string) (msg string, status bool)
func (*Tardigrade).DeleteDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)
func (*Tardigrade).EmptyDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)
func (*Tardigrade).FirstField(f string, db string) string
func (*Tardigrade).FirstXFields(count int, db string) []byte
func (*Tardigrade).GetUpdated() (updated string)
func (*Tardigrade).GetVersion() (release string)
func (*Tardigrade).LastField(f string, db string) string
func (*Tardigrade).LastXFields(count int, db string) []byte
func (*Tardigrade).ModifyField(id int, k string, v string, db string) (msg string, status bool)
func (*Tardigrade).RemoveField(id int, db string) (string, bool)
func (*Tardigrade).SelectByID(id int, f string, db string) string
func (*Tardigrade).UniqueID(db string) int
func (*Tardigrade).SelectSearch(search, format string, db string) (string, []byte)
func (*Tardigrade).MyMarshal(t interface{}) ([]byte, error)
func (*Tardigrade).MyIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error) 
func (*Tardigrade).MyEncode(b []byte) string
func (*Tardigrade).MyDecode(s string) []byte
func (*Tardigrade).MyEncrypt(text, Password string) (string, error)
func (*Tardigrade).MyDecrypt(text, Password string) (string, error)


CreateDB - This function will create a database file if it does not exist and return true | false

function: CreateDB(db string)

Example 1: (ignore return)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}

Example 2 (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	msg, status := tar.CreateDB(db_name)
	fmt.Println(msg, status)

	Created: <full_path>/tardigrade.db true
	Exist: <full_path>/tardigrade.db false

DeleteDB - WARNING - this function delete the database file return true | false

function: DeleteDB(db string)

Example 1: (ignore return)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}

Example 2 (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	msg, status := tar.DeleteDB(db_name)
	fmt.Println(msg, status)

	Removed: <full_path>/tardigrade.db true
	Unavailable: <full_path>/tardigrade.db false

CreatedDBCopy creates a copy of the Database and store in UserHomeDir()

function: CreatedDBCopy(db string)

Example 1: (ignore return)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}

Example 2 (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	msg, status := tar.CreatedDBCopy(db_name)
	fmt.Println(msg, status)

	Copy: <full_path>/tardigradecopy.db true
	Failed: database tardigrade.db missing! false
	Failed: buffer error failed to create database! false
	Failed: permission error failed to create database! false

EmptyDB function - WARNING - this will destroy the database and all data stored in it!

function: EmptyDB(db string)

Example 1: (ignore return)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}

Example 2 (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	msg, status := tar.EmptyDB(db_name)
	fmt.Println(msg, status)

	Empty: database now clean! true
	Failed: no permission to re-create! false
	Missing: could not find database false! false

AddField() function take in ((key)string, (Value) string, db string) and add to database.

function: AddField()

Example 1: (ignore return)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	tar.AddField("New string Entry", "string of data representing a the value", "db_name")

Example 2 (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	status := tar.AddField("New string Entry", "string of data representing a the value", "db_name")

	true | false

CountSize() function will return number of rows in the gojsondb.db

function: CountSize(db string)

Example (capture return):
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}


FirstField func returns the first entry of gojsondb.db in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ] specify format required

function: FirstField(db string)

Example 1: (true | failed)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.FirstField("raw", "db_name"))

	{"id":1,"key":"one","data":"string data test"}
	Failed: database tardigrade.db is empty!
	Failed: database tardigrade.db missing!

Example 2: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}

        "id": 1,
        "key": "New string Entry",
        "data": "string of data representing a the value"

LastField() func returns the last entry in multi-format [ raw | json | id | key | value ]

function: LastField(db string)

Example 1: (true | failed)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.FirstField("raw", "db_name"))

	{"id":44,"key":"New Entry","data":"string of data representing a the value"}
	Failed: database tardigrade.db is empty!
	Failed: database tardigrade.db missing!

Example 2: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.LastField("value", "db_name"))

	string of data representing a the value

Example 3: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.LastField("key", "db_name"))

	New Entry

Example: 4 (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.LastField("json", "db_name"))

        "id": 44,
        "key": "New Entry",
        "data": "string of data representing a the value"

SelectByID func returns an entry string for a specific id in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ]

function: SelectByID(db string)

Example 1: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.SelectByID(10, "raw", "db_name"))

	{"id":10,"key":"Roman","data":"string of data representing a the value of X"}

Example 2: (false)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.SelectByID(100, "raw", "db_name"))

	Record 100 is empty!

Example 3: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	fmt.Println(tar.SelectByID(25, "json", "db_name"))

        "id": 25,
        "key": "New string Entry 23",
        "data": "string of data representing a the value"

UniqueID function returns an int for the last used UniqueID

function: UniqueID(db string)

Example: (always true)
	tar := Tardigrade{}


FirstXFields returns last X number of entries from db in byte[] format

function: FirstXFields(db string)

	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	var received = tar.FirstXFields(2, "db_name")

	type MyStruct struct {
		Id   int
		Key  string
		Data string

	bytes := received
	var data []MyStruct
	size := len(data)
	json.Unmarshal(bytes, &data)

	if size == 1 {
		fmt.Printf("id: %v, key: %v, data: %s", data[0].Id, data[0].Key, data[0].Data)
	} else {
		for x := range data {
			fmt.Printf("id: %v, key: %v, data: %s", data[x].Id, data[x].Key, data[x].Data)

	id: 1, key: New string Entry, data: string of data representing a the value
	id: 2, key: New string Entry 0, data: string of data representing a the value

LastXFields returns last X number of entries from db in values byte[] format

function: LastXFields(db string)

Example 1: (always true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	var received = tar.LastXFields(2, "db_name")

	type MyStruct struct {
		Id   int
		Key  string
		Data string

	bytes := received
	var data []MyStruct
	size := len(data)
	json.Unmarshal(bytes, &data)

	if size == 1 {
		fmt.Printf("id: %v, key: %v, data: %s", data[0].Id, data[0].Key, data[0].Data)
	} else {
		for x := range data {
			fmt.Printf("id: %v, key: %v, data: %s", data[x].Id, data[x].Key, data[x].Data)

	id: 51, key: New string Entry 49, data: string of data representing a the value
	id: 52, key: New string Entry 50, data: string of data representing a the value

RemoveField function takes an unique field id as an input and remove the matching field entry

function: RemoveField(db string)

Example 1: (true | false)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	msg, status := tar.RemoveField(2, "db_name")
	fmt.Println(msg, status)

	{"id":2,"key":"New string Entry 0","data":"string of data representing a the value"} true
	Record 2 is empty! false
	Database tardigrade.db is empty! false

ModifyField function takes ID, Key, Value and update row = ID with new information provided

ModifyField(2, "Updated key", "Updated data set with new inforation", "db_name")

Example 1: (true)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	change, status := tar.ModifyField(2, "Updated key 2", "with new Updated data set with and new inforation", "db_name")
	fmt.Println(change, status)

	{"id":2,"key":"Updated key 2","data":"with new Updated data set with and new inforation"} true

Example 2: (false)
	tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
	change, status := tar.ModifyField(100, "Updated key 2", "with new Updated data set with and new inforation", "db_name")
	fmt.Println(change, status)

	Record 100 is empty! false

SelectSearch function takes in a single or multiple words(comma, or space separated) and format type, Returns true values in all formats

SelectSearch("patern1,pattern2","json", "db_name")

	package main

	import (


	func main() {
		tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}
		status := tar.AddField("New string Entry word1", "string of data representing a the word2", "db_name")

		type MyStruct struct {
			Id   int
			Key  string
			Data string

		var format, received = tar.SelectSearch("word1,word", "json", "db_name")
		bytes := received
		var data []MyStruct
		json.Unmarshal(bytes, &data)

		if (strings.Contains(string(received), "Database") && strings.Contains(string(received), "missing")) || (strings.Contains(string(received), "Database") && strings.Contains(string(received), "empty")) {

		for x := range data {
			if format == "json" {
				out, _ := json.MarshalIndent(&data[x], "", "  ")
				fmt.Printf("%v", string(out))
			} else if format == "value" {
			} else if format == "raw" {
				fmt.Printf("id: %d, key: %v, data: %s\n", data[x].Id, data[x].Key, data[x].Data)
			} else if format == "key" {
				fmt.Printf("%v\n", data[x].Key)
			} else if format == "id" {
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("Invalid format provided!")
	"Id": 1,
	"Key": "New string Entry word1",
	"Data": "string of data representing a the word2"

Additional couple of informational functions

	package main

	import (


	func main() {
		tar := tardigrade.Tardigrade{}


	Sat 4 Mar 18:56:11 GMT 2023


** release 0.0.1 - Initial version
** release 0.0.2 - Updated README.md and corrected some issues.
** release 0.0.3 - Modified to use structure method
** release 0.0.4 - Converted tardigrade app to tardigrade-mod
** release 0.1.0 - Several functions added from tardigrade app here
** release 0.1.2 - Bug fix returning string in lower case (fixed)
** release 0.1.3 - Bug fix function set to lower case was unaccessible
** release 0.1.4 - Bug fix storing string with encoder.SetEscapeHTML(false)
** release 0.2.0 - Added 2 new functions to Tardigrade main struct
** release 0.2.1 - Minor bug fix inntroduced in previous version
** release 0.2.3 - Working Progress enabling data encryption
** release 0.2.5 - Modified functions to include database name so an app can have more than 1 db


** Write and share additional functions
func (*Tardigrade).AddCryptField(key string, data string, db string) bool
func (*Tardigrade).SelectByIDdecrypt(id int, f string, db string) string




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const Release = "0.2.5"

Updated - Sun 10 Sep 18:54:19 BST 2023

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const Updated = "Sun 10 Sep 18:54:19 BST 2023"


This section is empty.


func CheckError

func CheckError(msg string, err error)

CheckError function takes in a string and the error code!


type MyStruct

type MyStruct struct {
	Id   int    `json:"id"`
	Key  string `json:"key"`
	Data string `json:"data"`

MyStruct contains the structure of the data stored into the tardigrade.db!

type Tardigrade

type Tardigrade struct{}

Tardigrade is the main structure

func (*Tardigrade) AddField

func (tar *Tardigrade) AddField(key, data string, db string) bool

AddField take in (key, sprint) (data, string) and add to tardigrade.db

func (*Tardigrade) CountSize

func (tar *Tardigrade) CountSize(db string) int

CountSize will return number of rows in the tardigrade.db

func (*Tardigrade) CreateDB

func (tar *Tardigrade) CreateDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)

CreateDB - This function will create a database file if it does not exist and return true | false

func (*Tardigrade) CreatedDBCopy

func (tar *Tardigrade) CreatedDBCopy(db string) (msg string, status bool)

CreatedDBCopy creates a copy of the Database and store in UserHomeDir().

func (*Tardigrade) DeleteDB

func (tar *Tardigrade) DeleteDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)

DeleteDB - WARNING - this function delete the database file return true | false

func (*Tardigrade) EmptyDB

func (tar *Tardigrade) EmptyDB(db string) (msg string, status bool)

EmptyDB function - WARNING - this will destroy the database and all data stored in it!

func (*Tardigrade) FirstField

func (tar *Tardigrade) FirstField(f string, db string) string

FirstField returns the first entry in the database in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ], must specify format required Example: FirstField("json")

func (*Tardigrade) FirstXFields

func (tar *Tardigrade) FirstXFields(count int, format string, db string) (string, []byte)

FirstXFields returns first X number of entries from database in byte[] format Example: (0.1.2) specify number of fields X and format [ raw | json | id | key | value ] to return FirstXFields(2)

func (*Tardigrade) GetOS

func (tar *Tardigrade) GetOS() rune

func (*Tardigrade) GetUpdated

func (tar *Tardigrade) GetUpdated() (updated string)

GetUpdated function returns the last updated time

func (*Tardigrade) GetVersion

func (tar *Tardigrade) GetVersion() (release string)

GetVersion function returns the current release version

func (*Tardigrade) LastField

func (tar *Tardigrade) LastField(f string, db string) string

LastField returns the last entry of the database in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ] specify format required

func (*Tardigrade) LastXFields

func (tar *Tardigrade) LastXFields(count int, format string, db string) (string, []byte)

LastXFields returns last X numbers of entries from db in byte[] format

Example: specify number of fields to return LastXFields(2)

func (*Tardigrade) ModifyField

func (tar *Tardigrade) ModifyField(id int, k, v string, db string) (msg string, status bool)

ModifyField function takes ID, Key, Value and update row = ID with new information provided

func (*Tardigrade) MyDecode added in v0.2.5

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyDecode(s string) []byte

MyDecode returns the bytes represented by the base64 string s

func (*Tardigrade) MyDecrypt added in v0.2.5

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyDecrypt(text, Password string) (string, error)

Decrypt method is to extract back the encrypted text

func (*Tardigrade) MyEncode added in v0.2.5

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyEncode(b []byte) string

MyEncode returns the base64 encoding of source

func (*Tardigrade) MyEncrypt added in v0.2.5

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyEncrypt(text, Password string) (string, error)

Encrypt method is to encrypt or hide any classified text

func (*Tardigrade) MyIndent added in v0.2.0

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyIndent(v interface{}, prefix, indent string) ([]byte, error)

MyIndent function is adapted to SetEscapeHTML to false before encoding and indenting

func (*Tardigrade) MyMarshal added in v0.2.0

func (tar *Tardigrade) MyMarshal(t interface{}) ([]byte, error)

MyMarshal function is adapted to SetEscapeHTML to false before encoding

func (*Tardigrade) RemoveField

func (tar *Tardigrade) RemoveField(id int, db string) (string, bool)

RemoveField function takes an unique field id as an input and remove the matching field entry

func (*Tardigrade) SelectByID

func (tar *Tardigrade) SelectByID(id int, f string, db string) string

SelectByID function returns an entry string for a specific id in all formats [ raw | json | id | key | value ]

func (*Tardigrade) SelectSearch

func (tar *Tardigrade) SelectSearch(search, format string, db string) (string, []byte)

SelectSearch function takes in a single or multiple words(comma,separated) and format type, Returns the format [ raw | json | id | key | value ] and []bytes array with result search will need to match ALL words for it to be true and return result.

func (*Tardigrade) UniqueID

func (tar *Tardigrade) UniqueID(db string) int

UniqueID function returns an int for the last used UniqueID to AutoIncrement in the AddField()

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