
package module
v1.2.2 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Apr 13, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 35 Imported by: 0



wego是一个Go语言编写的高性能的Web框架,可以用来快速开发RESTful服务以及后端服务等各种应用。 wego框架包括:路由模块、ORM模块、websocket模块、session模块等模块。具体特征如下:

  1. 基于Radix树开发的路由模块,路由查询性能高。
  2. 支持混合路由,固定路由、参数路由、前缀路由可以混合,不冲突。
  3. 支持路由组,可以为不同层次的路由设置过滤器中间件。
  4. 为路由参数、Query参数、Form参数的访问提供率方便易于使用的API,并可以将参数映射到Struct。
  5. 为JSON、XML和HTML渲染提供了易于使用的API。
  6. 支持过滤器中间件,方便您对Web框架进行扩展。
  7. 支持BeforeRoute、BeforeExec、AfterExec拦截器,方便您进行身份验证、日志输出。
  8. 支持Crash处理机制,wego可以recover一个HTTP请求中的panic,这样可确保您的服务器始终可用。
  9. 内置Session模块,您可以选择cookie、redis、memcache、memory缓存引擎存储Session数据。
  10. 内置ORM模块,使用方便,功能强大。
  11. 内置websocket模块,采用更加经济的内存分配机制,使得每台服务器可接入更多的客户端。
  12. 内置配置模块,方便对应用的参数进行管理。
  13. 内置高性能LOG模块,支持日志分级,支持按照天轮换日志文件。
  14. 采用缓存来管理HTML的Template,既方便输出Html页面,又可以使用缓存提升系统性能。


go get github.com/haming123/wego



简单http server


package main
import (
	log "github.com/haming123/wego/dlog"
func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/hello", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
		c.WriteText(200, "world")

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {

然后运行它,打开浏览器,输入http://localhost:8080/hello, 就可以看到如下内容:




├── app             
│   └── router.go       - 路由配置文件
│   └── templfun.go     - 模板函数文件
├── controllers         - 控制器目录,必要的时候可以继续划分子目录
│   └── controller_xxx.go
├── models              - 模型目录
│   └── model_xxx.go
├── logs                - 日志文件目录,主要保存项目运行过程中产生的日志
│   └── applog_20211203.log
├── static              - 静态资源目录
│   ├── css
│   ├── img
│   └── js
├── utils               - 公共代码目录
│   └── util_xxx.go
├── views               - 视图模板目录
│   └── html_xxx.html
├── app.conf            - 应用配置文件
└── main.go             - 入口文件


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.PATH("/user/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
		c.WriteTextF(200, "param id=%s", c.RouteParam.GetString("id").Value)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.PATH("/files/*name", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
		c.WriteTextF(200, "param name=%s", c.RouteParam.GetString("name").Value)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/users/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
	web.POST("/users/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
	web.PUT("/users/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
	web.PATCH("/users/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
	web.DELETE("/users/:id", func(c *wego.WebContext) {

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {



func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/user", func(c *WebContext) {
		name := c.Param.GetString("name")
		if name.Error != nil {
		age := c.Param.GetInt("age")
		if age.Error != nil {
        c.WriteText(200, name.Value)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/user", func(c *WebContext) {
		name := c.Param.MustString("name")
		age := c.Param.MustInt("age")

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {



func main() {
   web, err := wego.NewWeb()
   if err != nil{

   web.POST("/user", func(c *WebContext) {
   	var user2 User
   	err := c.ReadJSON(&user2)
   	if err != nil {

   err = web.Run(":8080")
   if err != nil {



func writeJson(c *wego.WebContext) {
	var user User
	user.ID = 1
	user.Name = "demo"
	user.Age = 12
	c.WriteJSON(200, user)



func writeHtml(c *wego.WebContext) {
	var user User
	user.ID = 1
	user.Name = "demo"
	user.Age = 12
	c.WriteHTML(200, "./views/index.html", user)



func GetUserID(id int64) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("ID_%d", id)

func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	wego.AddTemplFunc("GetUserID", GetUserID)
	web.GET("/templfunc", (c *wego.WebContext) {
        var user User
        user.ID = 1
        user.Name = "lisi"
        user.Age = 12
        c.WriteHTML(200, "./views/index.html", user)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {
func setCookie(c *wego.WebContext)  {
	val, err := c.Input.Cookie("demo")
	if err != nil {
	cookie := &http.Cookie{
		Name:     "demo",
		Value:    "test",
		Path:     "/",
		HttpOnly: true,


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/redirect", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
		c.Redirect(302, "/index")

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/abort", func(c *wego.WebContext) {
		name := c.Param.GetString("name")
		if name.Error != nil {
			c.AbortWithError(500, name.Error)
		c.WriteText(200, "hello " + name.Value)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {


  • 首先定义一个简单的配置文件
app_name = demo
mysql = root:rootpwd@tcp(

http_port = 8080
  • 使用InitWeb()函数初始化Web服务器
func main() {
    web, err := wego.InitWeb()
	if err != nil{

	err = web.Run()
	if err != nil {




func main() {
	web, err := wego.InitWeb()
	if err != nil{

	mysql_cnn := web.Config.GetString("mysql")
	if mysql_cnn.Error != nil {

	err = web.Run()
	if err != nil {


  • 首选定义配置文件:
app_name = demo

http_port = 8080

#session 是否开启
session_on = true
cookie_name = "wego"
#session 过期时间, 单位秒
life_time = 3600
hash_key = demohash
  • 然后在入口函数中加载配置文件
func main() {
	web, err := wego.NewWeb()
	if err != nil{

	web.GET("/login", login)
	web.GET("/index", index)

	err = web.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {
  • 然后再login处理器函数中保存session数据:
func login(c *wego.WebContext)  {
	c.Session.Set("uid", 1)
	c.Redirect(302, "/index")
  • 然后index处理器函数中就可以访问session数据了:
func index(c *wego.WebContext)  {
	id , _ := c.Session.GetInt("uid")
	c.WriteTextF(200, "uid=%d", id)


package main
import log "wego/dlog"
func main()  {
	log.Debug("This is a Debug Message")
	log.Info("This is a Info Message")
//2021/11/30 07:20:06 [D] main.go:31 This is a Debug Message
//2021/11/30 07:20:06 [I] main.go:32 This is a Debug Info




View Source
const (
	MethodGet    = "GET"
	MethodPost   = "POST"
	MethodPut    = "PUT"
	MethodPatch  = "PATCH"
	MethodDelete = "DELETE"
	MethodPath   = "PATH"
View Source
const ContentTypeHTML = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
View Source
const ContentTypeJSON = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
View Source
const ContentTypeText = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
View Source
const ContentTypeXML = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"


View Source
var RouteCtxKey string = "RouteContext"


func AddTemplFunc

func AddTemplFunc(key string, fn interface{}) error

func CreateSid added in v0.4.6

func CreateSid() string

func CreateSidTmp added in v0.4.6

func CreateSidTmp() (string, error)

func DecodeBase64

func DecodeBase64(value []byte) ([]byte, error)

func EncodeBase64

func EncodeBase64(value []byte) []byte

func GetNameOfFunction

func GetNameOfFunction(f interface{}) string

func GetStatusPrintColor

func GetStatusPrintColor(code int) string

func HandlerNull

func HandlerNull(c *WebContext)


func ParseTime

func ParseTime(value string) (time.Time, error)

func SetDebugLogLevel

func SetDebugLogLevel(l Level)

func SplitAndTrim

func SplitAndTrim(str string, sep string) (string, string, bool)

func SplitString

func SplitString(str string, sep string) (string, string, bool)

func StringToBytes

func StringToBytes(s string) []byte

func TimeFormat

func TimeFormat(t time.Time, layout string) (datestring string)


type AfterExecer

type AfterExecer interface {
	AfterExec(ctx *WebContext)

type BeforeExecer

type BeforeExecer interface {
	BeforeExec(ctx *WebContext)

type ContextData

type ContextData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ContextData) Get

func (c *ContextData) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)

func (*ContextData) GetBool

func (c *ContextData) GetBool(key string) (bool, error)

func (*ContextData) GetFloat64

func (s *ContextData) GetFloat64(key string) (float64, error)

func (*ContextData) GetInt64

func (s *ContextData) GetInt64(key string) (int64, error)

func (*ContextData) GetString

func (c *ContextData) GetString(key string) (string, error)

func (*ContextData) GetTime

func (c *ContextData) GetTime(key string) (time.Time, error)

func (*ContextData) Set

func (c *ContextData) Set(key string, value interface{})

type DlogConfig

type DlogConfig struct {
	//日志输出类型配置,0 终端 1 文件
	Output int `ini:"output"`
	//日志输出级别: 0 OFF 1 FATAL 2 ERROR 3 WARN 4 INFO 5 DEBUG
	Level int `ini:"level;default=5"`
	Path string `ini:"path;default=logs"`
	//是否在日志里面显示源码文件名和行号,默认 true
	ShowCaller bool `ini:"show_caller;default=true"`
	ShowIndent bool `ini:"show_indent;default=true"`

type FilterInfo

type FilterInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type FlashStat

type FlashStat int
const (
	FLASH_OK FlashStat = iota

type FormParam

type FormParam struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FormParam) GetBool

func (this *FormParam) GetBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) ValidBool

func (*FormParam) GetFloat

func (this *FormParam) GetFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) ValidFloat

func (*FormParam) GetInt

func (this *FormParam) GetInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) ValidInt

func (*FormParam) GetInt32

func (this *FormParam) GetInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) ValidInt32

func (*FormParam) GetInt64

func (this *FormParam) GetInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) ValidInt64

func (*FormParam) GetString

func (this *FormParam) GetString(key string, defaultValue ...string) ValidString

func (*FormParam) GetStruct

func (this *FormParam) GetStruct(ptr interface{}) error

func (*FormParam) GetTime

func (this *FormParam) GetTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) ValidTime

func (*FormParam) GetValue

func (this *FormParam) GetValue(key string) (string, bool)

func (*FormParam) GetValues

func (this *FormParam) GetValues(key string) ([]string, bool)

func (*FormParam) Init

func (this *FormParam) Init(ctx *WebContext)

func (*FormParam) MustBool

func (this *FormParam) MustBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) bool

func (*FormParam) MustFloat

func (this *FormParam) MustFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) float64

func (*FormParam) MustInt

func (this *FormParam) MustInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) int

func (*FormParam) MustInt32

func (this *FormParam) MustInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) int32

func (*FormParam) MustInt64

func (this *FormParam) MustInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) int64

func (*FormParam) MustString

func (this *FormParam) MustString(key string, defaultValue ...string) string

func (*FormParam) MustTime

func (this *FormParam) MustTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) time.Time

func (*FormParam) Reset

func (this *FormParam) Reset()

func (*FormParam) SetValue

func (this *FormParam) SetValue(key string, val string)

type FuncGetValues

type FuncGetValues func(string, bool) ([]string, bool)

将urql参数解析到struct 只进行struct的的一层解析

type HandlerFunc

type HandlerFunc func(*WebContext)

func Recovery

func Recovery() HandlerFunc

type HandlerType

type HandlerType int
const (
	FT_CTL_HANDLER HandlerType = iota

type HttpHandler

type HttpHandler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)

type KlogConfig

type KlogConfig struct {
	//是否开启Klog, 默认为 false
	KlognOn bool `ini:"klog_on"`
	Path string `ini:"path;default=logs"`
	//文件轮换类型:0 天 1 小时
	Rotate int `ini:"rotate"`

type Level

type Level int
const (
	LOG_OFF Level = iota

func (Level) String

func (lv Level) String() string

type LogPrintCB

type LogPrintCB func(level int, msg string)

type MemcacheConfig

type MemcacheConfig struct {
	//逗号分隔的 memcached 主机列表
	Address string `ini:"address"`

type MemoryDbConfig

type MemoryDbConfig struct {
	//用于缓存的内存大小,单位:M, 缺省:0(不限制)
	MaxSize uint64 `ini:"max_size"`

type ParamItem

type ParamItem struct {
	Key string
	Val string

type ParamValue

type ParamValue interface {
	GetValue(key string) (string, bool)
	GetValues(key string) ([]string, bool)

type PathParam

type PathParam struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*PathParam) GetBool

func (this *PathParam) GetBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) ValidBool

func (*PathParam) GetFloat

func (this *PathParam) GetFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) ValidFloat

func (*PathParam) GetInt

func (this *PathParam) GetInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) ValidInt

func (*PathParam) GetInt32

func (this *PathParam) GetInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) ValidInt32

func (*PathParam) GetInt64

func (this *PathParam) GetInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) ValidInt64

func (*PathParam) GetString

func (this *PathParam) GetString(key string, defaultValue ...string) ValidString

func (*PathParam) GetStruct

func (this *PathParam) GetStruct(ptr interface{}) error

func (*PathParam) GetTime

func (this *PathParam) GetTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) ValidTime

func (*PathParam) GetValue

func (this *PathParam) GetValue(key string) (string, bool)

func (*PathParam) GetValues

func (this *PathParam) GetValues(key string) ([]string, bool)

func (*PathParam) Init

func (this *PathParam) Init()

func (*PathParam) MustBool

func (this *PathParam) MustBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) bool

func (*PathParam) MustFloat

func (this *PathParam) MustFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) float64

func (*PathParam) MustInt

func (this *PathParam) MustInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) int

func (*PathParam) MustInt32

func (this *PathParam) MustInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) int32

func (*PathParam) MustInt64

func (this *PathParam) MustInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) int64

func (*PathParam) MustString

func (this *PathParam) MustString(key string, defaultValue ...string) string

func (*PathParam) MustTime

func (this *PathParam) MustTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) time.Time

func (*PathParam) Reset

func (this *PathParam) Reset()

func (*PathParam) SetValue

func (this *PathParam) SetValue(key string, val string)

type RedisConfig

type RedisConfig struct {
	Address string `ini:"address"`
	DbPwd string `ini:"db_pwd"`
	DbNum int `ini:"db_num"`

type RouteGroup

type RouteGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RouteGroup) AddFilter

func (group *RouteGroup) AddFilter(name string, handler HandlerFunc) bool

func (*RouteGroup) AfterExec

func (group *RouteGroup) AfterExec(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*RouteGroup) BeforExec

func (group *RouteGroup) BeforExec(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*RouteGroup) DELETE

func (group *RouteGroup) DELETE(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) GET

func (group *RouteGroup) GET(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) InitRoot

func (group *RouteGroup) InitRoot(engine *WebEngine)

func (*RouteGroup) NewGroup

func (group *RouteGroup) NewGroup(path string) *RouteGroup

func (*RouteGroup) PATCH

func (group *RouteGroup) PATCH(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) PATH

func (group *RouteGroup) PATH(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) POST

func (group *RouteGroup) POST(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) PUT

func (group *RouteGroup) PUT(pattern string, handler interface{}) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) StaticFile

func (group *RouteGroup) StaticFile(relativePath, filepath string) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteGroup) StaticPath

func (group *RouteGroup) StaticPath(relativePath string, root string) *RouteInfo

type RouteInfo

type RouteInfo struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*RouteInfo) AfterExec

func (r *RouteInfo) AfterExec(handler HandlerFunc) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteInfo) BeforExec

func (r *RouteInfo) BeforExec(handler HandlerFunc) *RouteInfo

func (*RouteInfo) GetHandlerName

func (r *RouteInfo) GetHandlerName() string

func (*RouteInfo) SkipAfterHook added in v0.4.6

func (r *RouteInfo) SkipAfterHook()

func (*RouteInfo) SkipBeforHook added in v0.4.6

func (r *RouteInfo) SkipBeforHook()

func (*RouteInfo) SkipHook added in v0.4.6

func (r *RouteInfo) SkipHook()

type RouteTree

type RouteTree struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

type ServerConfig

type ServerConfig struct {
	//是否启用 HTTPS,默认是false
	UseHttps bool `ini:"use_https"`
	HttpAddr string `ini:"http_addr"`
	//Http监听端口,默认为 8080
	HttpPort uint `ini:"http_port;default=8080"`
	HttpsAddr string `ini:"https_addr"`
	//Https监听端口,默认为 10443
	HttpsPort uint `ini:"https_port;default=10443"`
	HttpsCertFile string `ini:"cert_file"`
	//HTTPS证书 keyfile 的路径
	HttpsKeyFile string `ini:"key_file"`
	//设置 HTTP 的超时时间
	ReadTimeout time.Duration `ini:"read_timeout"`
	//设置 HTTP 的超时时间
	WriteTimeout time.Duration `ini:"write_timeout"`
	MaxBody int64 `ini:"max_body"`
	//是否开启 gzip,输出的内容会进行 gzip,根据Accept-Encoding来判断
	EnableGzip bool `ini:"gzip_on"`
	GzipSize int64 `ini:"gzip_size"`

type SessionConfig

type SessionConfig struct {
	//缓是否开启session, 默认为 false
	SessionOn bool `ini:"session_on"`
	SessionStore string `ini:"session_store;default=cookie"`
	CookieName string `ini:"cookie_name;default=wego"`
	//保存session数据的cookie域名, 默认空
	Domain string `ini:"domain"`
	//session 过期时间,单位:秒,默认值是3600
	LifeTime uint `ini:"life_time;default=3600"`
	SameSite http.SameSite `ini:"samesite"`
	HashKey string `ini:"hash_key"`

type SessionData

type SessionData map[string]string

type SessionEngine

type SessionEngine struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SessionEngine) CreateSid

func (this *SessionEngine) CreateSid() (string, error)

func (*SessionEngine) Init

func (this *SessionEngine) Init(store cache.CacheStore)

func (*SessionEngine) ReadData

func (this *SessionEngine) ReadData(ctx context.Context, sid string) ([]byte, error)

func (*SessionEngine) SaveData

func (this *SessionEngine) SaveData(ctx context.Context, sid string, data []byte) error

func (*SessionEngine) SetCookieName

func (this *SessionEngine) SetCookieName(cookieName string)

func (*SessionEngine) SetMaxAge

func (this *SessionEngine) SetMaxAge(max_age uint)

type SessionInfo

type SessionInfo struct {
	Sid  string
	Data SessionData
	Edit bool
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SessionInfo) Clear

func (this *SessionInfo) Clear()

func (*SessionInfo) Delete

func (this *SessionInfo) Delete(key string)

func (*SessionInfo) Get

func (this *SessionInfo) Get(key string) (string, bool)

func (*SessionInfo) GetBool

func (this *SessionInfo) GetBool(key string) (bool, error)

func (*SessionInfo) GetFloat

func (this *SessionInfo) GetFloat(key string) (float64, error)

func (*SessionInfo) GetInt

func (this *SessionInfo) GetInt(key string) (int64, error)

func (*SessionInfo) GetString

func (this *SessionInfo) GetString(key string) (string, error)

func (*SessionInfo) GetStuct

func (this *SessionInfo) GetStuct(key string, ptr interface{}) error

func (*SessionInfo) GetTime

func (this *SessionInfo) GetTime(key string) (time.Time, error)

func (*SessionInfo) Read

func (this *SessionInfo) Read() error

func (*SessionInfo) Reset

func (this *SessionInfo) Reset()

func (*SessionInfo) Save

func (this *SessionInfo) Save() error

func (*SessionInfo) Set

func (this *SessionInfo) Set(key string, value interface{})

type ShutdownFunc

type ShutdownFunc func()

type SimpleLogger

type SimpleLogger struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewSimpleLogger

func NewSimpleLogger() *SimpleLogger

func (*SimpleLogger) Debug

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Debug(v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Debugf

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Debugf(format string, v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Error

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Error(v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Errorf

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Errorf(format string, v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Fatal

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Fatal(v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Fatalf

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Fatalf(format string, v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Info

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Info(v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Infof

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Infof(format string, v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Output

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Output(level_str string, msg string) error

func (*SimpleLogger) SetLevel

func (lg *SimpleLogger) SetLevel(l Level)

func (*SimpleLogger) Warn

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Warn(v ...interface{})

func (*SimpleLogger) Warnf

func (lg *SimpleLogger) Warnf(format string, v ...interface{})

type SkipFlag added in v1.0.7

type SkipFlag int
const (
	SKIP_HOOK_NULL   SkipFlag = 0
	SKIP_HOOK_AFTER  SkipFlag = 2
	SKIP_HOOK_ALL    SkipFlag = 3

type TagInfo

type TagInfo struct {
	FieldName string
	HasValue  bool
	DefValue  string

func GetTagInfo

func GetTagInfo(ff reflect.StructField, tag string) TagInfo


type TreeNode

type TreeNode struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TreeNode) AddRoute

func (n *TreeNode) AddRoute(method string, url_path string, pval *RouteInfo)

func (*TreeNode) GetRoute

func (n *TreeNode) GetRoute(method string, url_path string, params *PathParam) *RouteInfo

type TreeNodeX

type TreeNodeX struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*TreeNodeX) AddRoute

func (n *TreeNodeX) AddRoute(method string, url_path string, pval *RouteInfo)

func (*TreeNodeX) GetRoute

func (n *TreeNodeX) GetRoute(method string, url_path string, params *PathParam) *RouteInfo

type ValidBool

type ValidBool struct {
	Value bool
	Error error

type ValidFloat

type ValidFloat struct {
	Value float64
	Error error

type ValidInt

type ValidInt struct {
	Value int
	Error error

type ValidInt32

type ValidInt32 struct {
	Value int32
	Error error

type ValidInt64

type ValidInt64 struct {
	Value int64
	Error error

type ValidString

type ValidString struct {
	Value string
	Error error

type ValidTime

type ValidTime struct {
	Value time.Time
	Error error

type WebConfig

type WebConfig struct {
	AppName string `ini:"app_name"`
	ServerName string `ini:"server_name"`
	CacheOn bool `ini:"cache_on"`
	CacheStore string `ini:"cache_store;default=memory"`
	//是否显示请求日志,默认为 true
	ShowUrlLog bool `ini:"show_url_log;default=true"`
	//是否显示请求日志,默认为 true
	ShowSqlLog bool `ini:"show_sql_log;default=true"`
	//设置调试日志级别:0 OFF 1 FATAL 2 ERROR 3 WARN 4 INFO 5 DEBUG
	ShowDebugLog int `ini:"show_debug_log"`
	JsonPrefix string `ini:"json_prefix"`
	//获取client ip的header
	IPHeader string `ini:"ip_header"`
	ServerParam ServerConfig `ini:"server"`
	SessionParam SessionConfig `ini:"session"`
	MemoryDbParam MemoryDbConfig `ini:"memory"`
	RedisParam RedisConfig `ini:"redis"`
	MemcacheParam MemcacheConfig `ini:"memcache"`
	DlogParam DlogConfig `ini:"dlog"`
	KlogParam KlogConfig `ini:"klog"`

func (*WebConfig) InitCache

func (this *WebConfig) InitCache() error


func (*WebConfig) InitDlog

func (this *WebConfig) InitDlog() error


func (*WebConfig) InitKlog

func (this *WebConfig) InitKlog() error


func (*WebConfig) InitSession

func (this *WebConfig) InitSession(sess *SessionEngine) error


func (*WebConfig) LoadConfig

func (this *WebConfig) LoadConfig(file_name ...string) error


func (*WebConfig) NewCookieStore

func (this *WebConfig) NewCookieStore() (cache.CacheStore, error)


func (*WebConfig) NewMemcacheStore

func (this *WebConfig) NewMemcacheStore() (cache.CacheStore, error)


func (*WebConfig) NewMemoryStore

func (this *WebConfig) NewMemoryStore() (cache.CacheStore, error)


func (*WebConfig) NewRedisStore

func (this *WebConfig) NewRedisStore() (cache.CacheStore, error)


type WebContext

type WebContext struct {
	Config *WebConfig

	Input      WebRequest
	Output     WebResponse
	Route      *RouteInfo
	Path       string
	Param      WebParam
	RouteParam PathParam
	QueryParam FormParam
	FormParam  FormParam
	Data       ContextData
	Session    SessionInfo
	Start      time.Time
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func GetWebContext

func GetWebContext(r *http.Request) *WebContext

func (*WebContext) Abort

func (c *WebContext) Abort(code int)

func (*WebContext) Abort401

func (c *WebContext) Abort401()

func (*WebContext) Abort500

func (c *WebContext) Abort500()

func (*WebContext) AbortWithError

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithError(code int, err error)

func (*WebContext) AbortWithHtml

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithHtml(code int, filenames string, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) AbortWithJson

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithJson(code int, obj interface{})

func (*WebContext) AbortWithTemplate

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithTemplate(code int, templ *template.Template, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) AbortWithText

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithText(code int, value string)

func (*WebContext) AbortWithTextF

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithTextF(code int, format string, values ...interface{})

func (*WebContext) AbortWithXml

func (c *WebContext) AbortWithXml(code int, obj interface{})

func (*WebContext) AcceptWebsocket added in v1.1.3

func (c *WebContext) AcceptWebsocket(opts *gows.AcceptOptions, headers map[string]string) (*gows.WebSocket, error)


func (*WebContext) Ended

func (c *WebContext) Ended() bool

func (*WebContext) GetFile

func (c *WebContext) GetFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)

func (*WebContext) GetFiles

func (c *WebContext) GetFiles(key string) ([]*multipart.FileHeader, error)

func (*WebContext) Next

func (c *WebContext) Next()

func (*WebContext) ReadBody

func (c *WebContext) ReadBody() ([]byte, error)

func (*WebContext) ReadJSON

func (c *WebContext) ReadJSON(obj interface{}) error

func (*WebContext) ReadXML

func (c *WebContext) ReadXML(obj interface{}) error

func (*WebContext) Redirect

func (c *WebContext) Redirect(code int, localurl string)

func (*WebContext) SaveToFile

func (c *WebContext) SaveToFile(file *multipart.FileHeader, path string) error

func (*WebContext) SetCookie

func (c *WebContext) SetCookie(ck *http.Cookie)

Domain:定义Cookie的生效作用域,只有当域名和路径同时满足的时候,浏览器才会将Cookie发送给Server。 Expires:过期时间,绝对时间点。 Max-Age:收到报文后多久的过期时间,单位是秒。设置为0时立刻失效。 HttpOnly:如设为True,JavaScript这些脚本无法访问,即有效减少 XSS 攻击 Secure:如设置secure为true,浏览器只会在HTTPS和SSL等安全协议中传输Cookie。 SameSite:可以防范 CSRF 攻击。

SameSite=None:无论是否跨站都会发送 Cookie,
SameSite=Lax:允许部分第三方请求携带 Cookie,
SameSite=Strict:仅允许同站请求携带 Cookie,即当前网页 URL 与请求目标 URL 完全一致

func (*WebContext) SetHeader

func (c *WebContext) SetHeader(key string, value string)

func (*WebContext) Status

func (c *WebContext) Status(code int)

func (*WebContext) UseGzip

func (c *WebContext) UseGzip(flag bool, min_size ...int64) *WebContext

func (*WebContext) Write

func (c *WebContext) Write(code int, contentType string, data []byte)

func (*WebContext) WriteFile

func (c *WebContext) WriteFile(filePath string, fileName ...string)

func (*WebContext) WriteHTML

func (c *WebContext) WriteHTML(code int, filename string, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteHTMLS

func (c *WebContext) WriteHTMLS(code int, filenames []string, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteHtmlBytes

func (c *WebContext) WriteHtmlBytes(code int, data []byte)

func (*WebContext) WriteIndentedJSON

func (c *WebContext) WriteIndentedJSON(code int, obj interface{})


func (*WebContext) WriteIndentedXML

func (c *WebContext) WriteIndentedXML(code int, obj interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteJSON

func (c *WebContext) WriteJSON(code int, obj interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteJSONP

func (c *WebContext) WriteJSONP(code int, obj interface{})


func (*WebContext) WriteLayoutHTML

func (c *WebContext) WriteLayoutHTML(code int, layout_file string, content_file string, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteNoContent

func (c *WebContext) WriteNoContent(code int, contentType string)

func (*WebContext) WriteSecureJSON

func (c *WebContext) WriteSecureJSON(code int, obj interface{})


func (*WebContext) WriteTemplate

func (c *WebContext) WriteTemplate(code int, templ *template.Template, data interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteText

func (c *WebContext) WriteText(code int, data string)

func (*WebContext) WriteTextBytes

func (c *WebContext) WriteTextBytes(code int, data []byte)

func (*WebContext) WriteTextF

func (c *WebContext) WriteTextF(code int, format string, values ...interface{})

func (*WebContext) WriteXML

func (c *WebContext) WriteXML(code int, obj interface{})

type WebEngine

type WebEngine struct {
	Route RouteTree
	//html tepmplates缓存
	Templates WebTemplates
	Session SessionEngine
	Config WebConfig

	IPHeaders []string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func InitWeb

func InitWeb(file_name ...string) (*WebEngine, error)

func InitWebWithFile added in v1.0.4

func InitWebWithFile(file_name string) (*WebEngine, error)

func NewWeb

func NewWeb() (*WebEngine, error)

func (*WebEngine) BeforRouter

func (web *WebEngine) BeforRouter(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*WebEngine) InitRoute404

func (web *WebEngine) InitRoute404()

func (*WebEngine) Run

func (web *WebEngine) Run(addr ...string) (err error)

func (*WebEngine) RunHTTP

func (web *WebEngine) RunHTTP(addr string) error

func (*WebEngine) RunTLS

func (web *WebEngine) RunTLS(addr string, certFile string, keyFile string) error

func (*WebEngine) ServeHTTP

func (web *WebEngine) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request)

func (*WebEngine) SetHandler401

func (web *WebEngine) SetHandler401(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*WebEngine) SetHandler404

func (web *WebEngine) SetHandler404(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*WebEngine) SetHandler500

func (web *WebEngine) SetHandler500(handler HandlerFunc)

func (*WebEngine) SetShutdown

func (web *WebEngine) SetShutdown(hook ShutdownFunc)

type WebFlash

type WebFlash struct {
	Stat FlashStat
	Data map[string]string

func NewFlash

func NewFlash() *WebFlash

func ReadFlash

func ReadFlash(ctx *WebContext) *WebFlash

func (*WebFlash) ReadData

func (this *WebFlash) ReadData(ctx *WebContext) error

func (*WebFlash) SaveData

func (this *WebFlash) SaveData(ctx *WebContext) error

func (*WebFlash) SaveErrorData

func (this *WebFlash) SaveErrorData(ctx *WebContext) error

func (*WebFlash) SaveSuccessData

func (this *WebFlash) SaveSuccessData(ctx *WebContext) error

type WebParam

type WebParam struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WebParam) GetBool

func (this *WebParam) GetBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) ValidBool

func (*WebParam) GetFloat

func (this *WebParam) GetFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) ValidFloat

func (*WebParam) GetInt

func (this *WebParam) GetInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) ValidInt

func (*WebParam) GetInt32

func (this *WebParam) GetInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) ValidInt32

func (*WebParam) GetInt64

func (this *WebParam) GetInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) ValidInt64

func (*WebParam) GetString

func (this *WebParam) GetString(key string, defaultValue ...string) ValidString

func (*WebParam) GetStruct

func (this *WebParam) GetStruct(ptr interface{}) error

func (*WebParam) GetTime

func (this *WebParam) GetTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) ValidTime

func (*WebParam) GetValue

func (this *WebParam) GetValue(key string) (string, bool)

func (*WebParam) GetValues

func (this *WebParam) GetValues(key string) ([]string, bool)

func (*WebParam) MustBool

func (this *WebParam) MustBool(key string, defaultValue ...bool) bool

func (*WebParam) MustFloat

func (this *WebParam) MustFloat(key string, defaultValue ...float64) float64

func (*WebParam) MustInt

func (this *WebParam) MustInt(key string, defaultValue ...int) int

func (*WebParam) MustInt32

func (this *WebParam) MustInt32(key string, defaultValue ...int32) int32

func (*WebParam) MustInt64

func (this *WebParam) MustInt64(key string, defaultValue ...int64) int64

func (*WebParam) MustString

func (this *WebParam) MustString(key string, defaultValue ...string) string

func (*WebParam) MustTime

func (this *WebParam) MustTime(key string, format string, defaultValue ...time.Time) time.Time

type WebRequest

type WebRequest struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WebRequest) ClientIP

func (this *WebRequest) ClientIP() string

func (*WebRequest) ContentType

func (this *WebRequest) ContentType() string

func (*WebRequest) Cookie

func (this *WebRequest) Cookie(name string) (string, error)

func (*WebRequest) GetHeader

func (this *WebRequest) GetHeader(key string) string

func (*WebRequest) Host

func (this *WebRequest) Host() string

func (*WebRequest) Method

func (this *WebRequest) Method() string

func (*WebRequest) Referer

func (this *WebRequest) Referer() string

func (*WebRequest) RemoteIP

func (this *WebRequest) RemoteIP() string

func (*WebRequest) URI

func (this *WebRequest) URI() string

func (*WebRequest) URL

func (this *WebRequest) URL() string

func (*WebRequest) UserAgent

func (this *WebRequest) UserAgent() string

type WebResponse

type WebResponse struct {
	StatusCode int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WebResponse) Flush

func (w *WebResponse) Flush() error

func (*WebResponse) GetStatus

func (w *WebResponse) GetStatus() int

func (*WebResponse) SetStatus

func (w *WebResponse) SetStatus(code int)

func (*WebResponse) Write

func (w *WebResponse) Write(data []byte) (int, error)

func (*WebResponse) WriteHeader

func (w *WebResponse) WriteHeader(code int)

func (*WebResponse) WroteHeader

func (w *WebResponse) WroteHeader() bool

type WebState

type WebState struct {
	Status int
	Error  error

func (*WebState) Reset

func (this *WebState) Reset()

func (*WebState) Set

func (this *WebState) Set(code int, err error)

type WebStatus

type WebStatus int
const (
	STATUS_BEG WebStatus = iota

type WebTemplates

type WebTemplates struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WebTemplates) Init

func (this *WebTemplates) Init()

func (*WebTemplates) SetDelim

func (this *WebTemplates) SetDelim(left, right string)


Path Synopsis
Package memcache provides a client for the memcached cache server.
Package memcache provides a client for the memcached cache server.
Package redis is a client for the Redis database.
Package redis is a client for the Redis database.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL