
v0.0.0-...-e1ccd78 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 18, 2022 License: MPL-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 1




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const (
	REmpty resultType = iota
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const (
	B2T         = iota + 1 // "buchstabiertZuText" || "spell2text"
	B2N                    // "buchstabiertZuName"
	B2BZ                   // "buchstabiertZuBuchstabenZahlen"
	T2B                    // "textZuBuchstabiert" || "text2spell" // "abc-d" --> ["a","b","c","Bindestrich","d"]
	E2T                    // "emailZuText" 2-3
	T2E                    // "textZuEmail" 2-3
	Z2Z                    // "ziffernZuZahl"
	T2L                    // "textZuListe" || "text2list" // "abc-d" --> ["a","b","c","-","d"]
	JETZT                  // jetzt(Zeit) - now(Time)
	DATUM                  // datum(Zeit,Jahr, Monat, Tag, Wochentag) - date(Time, Year, Month, Day, Weekday)
	UHRZEIT                // uhrzeit(Zeit, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde) - clock(Time, Hour, Min, Sec)
	NANOSEC                // nanoSekunden(Zeit, Nanosekunden) - nanoSecond(Time, Integer)
	PLUSDATUM              // plusDatum(Zeit, Jahr, Monat, Tag, NeueZeit) - addDate(Time, Year, Month, Day, NewTime)
	PLUSUHRZEIT            // plusUhrzeit(Zeit, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde, NeueZeit) - addClock(Time, Hour, Min, Sec, NewTime)
	ZEIT                   // zeit(Jahr, Monat, Tag, Stunde, Minute, Sekunde, Zeit) - time(Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Sec, Time)
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const (
	ParseHead parseType = iota
	ParseGoal     // CHR and Built-In
	ParseRuleBody // Chr, Built-In, true, false and Variable
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const EnvCache = 1


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var Char2SpellMap = map[rune]string{
	'1': "Eins", '2': "Zwei", '3': "Drei", '4': "Vier", '5': "Fünf",
	'6': "Sechs", '7': "Sieben", '8': "Acht", '9': "Neun", '0': "Null",
	'ß': "Eszet",
	'.': "Punkt", '/': "Schrägstrich", '@': "Ät", '%': "Prozent", '-': "Bindestrich",
	'_': "Unterstrich", '#': "Raute", ':': "Doppelpunkt", ',': "Komma", ';': "Semikolon",
	'|': "Senkrechter Strich", '\'': "Hochkomma",
	'=': "Gleich", '&': "Und", '!': "Ausrufezeichen", '?': "Fragezeichen",
	'+': "Plus", '*': "Sternchen", '´': "Akut-Akzent", '`': "Gravis-Akzent", '~': "Tilde",
	'(': "Runde Klammer auf", ')': "Runde Klammer zu", '{': "Geschweifte Klammer auf", '}': "Geschweifte Klammer zu",
	'[': "Eckige Klammer auf", ']': "Eckige Klammer zu", '<': "Spitze Klammer auf", '>': "Spitze Klammer zu",
	'^': "Hochzeichen", '°': "Grad-Zeichen",
	'"': "Anführungszeichen", '§': "Paragraph", '$': "Dollarzeichen",
	'\\': "Umgekehrter Schrägstrich", '€': "Euro",
	' ': "Leerzeichen"}
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var CurVarCounter *big.Int
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var Et = map[string]string{
	"ät":  "@",
	"@":   "@",
	"et":  "@",
	"ed":  "@",
	"and": "@",
	"der": "@",
	"und": "@",
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var EtHN1Word = map[string]string{
	"etwa":     "web",
	"erklärt":  "web",
	"entweder": "mail",

@ Hotname

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var EtHN2Words = map[string]map[string]string{
	"etwa": {"günter": "magenta",
		"agenta": "magenta",
		"agenda": "magenta"},
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var HN1WordMap = map[string]string{
	"mailbox":    "mailbox",
	"inbox":      "mailbox",
	"posteo":     "posteo",
	"mail":       "mail",
	"gmx":        "gmx",
	"gmail":      "gmail",
	"emil":       "gmail",
	"hotmail":    "hotmail",
	"googlemail": "googlemail",
	"web":        "web",
	"magenta":    "magenta",
	"aol":        "aol",
	"live":       "live",

Maps 4 Hostname

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var HN2WordsMap = map[string]map[string]string{
	"t":      {"online": "t-online"},
	"die":    {"online": "t-online"},
	"de":     {"online": "t-online"},
	"mail":   {"box": "mailbox"},
	"post":   {"t": "posteo", "theo": "posteo", "rio": "posteo"},
	"kost":   {"t": "posteo", "theo": "posteo", "rio": "posteo"},
	"plus":   {"t": "posteo"},
	"google": {"mail": "googlemail"},
	"dem":    {"ex": "gmx"},
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var HN3WordsMap = map[string]map[string]map[string]string{
	"post": {"d": {"o": "posteo"},
		"e": {"o": "posteo"}}}
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var Punkt = map[string]string{
	"punkt": "punkt",
	"dot":   "punkt",
	"und":   "punkt",
	"um":    "punkt",
	"dort":  "punkt",
	"gott":  "punkt",
	"doch":  "punkt",
	"muss":  "punkt",
	"bot":   "punkt",
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var Punkt2Words = map[string]map[string]string{
	"und": {"um": "punkt"},
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var Spell2CharMap = map[string]rune{
	"stern": '*', "at": '@', "klammeraffe": '@',
	"affenschwanz": '@', "affenohr": '@', "affenschaukel": '@',
	"minus": '-', "minuszeichen": '-', "strich": '-',
	"apostroph":        '\'',
	"anführungsstrich": '"', "anführungsstriche": '"',
	"anführungszeichen": '"', "gänsefüßchen": '"',
	"backslash": '\\', "rückschrägstrich": '\\',
	"einschaltungszeichen": '^', "einschaltzeichen": '^', "häkchen": '^', "dach": '^',
	"grad": '°', "gleichheitszeichen": '=',
	"strichpunkt": ';', "nummernzeichen": '#', "doppelkreuz": '#',
	"hashtag":     '#',
	"leerzeichen": ' ', "space": ' ', "zwischenraum": ' ',
	"leerstelle": ' ',

	"ah": 'A', "be": 'B', "zeh": 'C', "de": 'D', "eh": 'E',
	"ef": 'F', "geh": 'G', "ha": 'H', "ie": 'I', "jot": 'J',
	"ka": 'K', "el": 'L', "em": 'M', "en": 'N', "oh": 'O', "pe": 'P', "kuh": 'Q', "qu": 'Q',
	"er": 'R', "es": 'S', "tee": 'T', "uh": 'U', "Pfau": 'V', "weh": 'W',
	"ixs": 'x', "ysilon": 'y', "zet": 'Z'}


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var Spell2CharNameMap = map[string]rune{
	"minus": '-', "minuszeichen": '-', "strich": '-', "bindestrich": '-',
	"apostroph":   '\'',
	"leerzeichen": ' ', "space": ' ', "zwischenraum": ' ',
	"leerstelle": ' ',

	"ah": 'A', "be": 'B', "zeh": 'C', "de": 'D', "eh": 'E',
	"ef": 'F', "geh": 'G', "ha": 'H', "ie": 'I', "jot": 'J',
	"ka": 'K', "el": 'L', "em": 'M', "en": 'N', "oh": 'O', "pe": 'P', "kuh": 'Q', "qu": 'Q',
	"er": 'R', "es": 'S', "tee": 'T', "uh": 'U', "Pfau": 'V', "weh": 'W',
	"ixs": 'x', "ysilon": 'y', "zet": 'Z'}
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var Spell2CharNameNumberMap = map[string]rune{
	"ah": 'A', "be": 'B', "zeh": 'C', "de": 'D', "eh": 'E',
	"ef": 'F', "geh": 'G', "ha": 'H', "ie": 'I', "jot": 'J',
	"ka": 'K', "el": 'L', "em": 'M', "en": 'N', "oh": 'O', "pe": 'P', "kuh": 'Q', "qu": 'Q',
	"er": 'R', "es": 'S', "tee": 't', "uh": 'U', "Pfau": 'V', "weh": 'W',
	"ixs": 'x', "ysilon": 'y', "zet": 'Z'}
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var Spell2WordsMap = map[string]map[string]rune{
	"ist":         {"gleich": '='},
	"senkrechter": {"strich": '|'},
	"vertikaler":  {"strich": '|'},
	"umgekehrter": {"schrägstrich": '\\'},
	"rückwärts":   {"schrägstrich": '\\'},
	"accent":      {"aigu": '´', "akut": '´', "grave": '`', "gravis": '`'},
	"akzent":      {"aigu": '´', "akut": '´', "grave": '`', "gravis": '`'},
	"kleiner":     {"als": '<'}, "größer": {"als": '>'},
	"einfaches": {"ausführungszeichen": '\'', "anführungszeichen": '\''},
	"scharfes":  {"es": 'ß', "s": 'ß', "S": 'ß', "Es": 'ß'},
	"es":        {"zet": 'ß', "z": 'ß'},
	"new":       {"york": 'N'},
	"doppeltes": {"anführungszeichen": '"'}}
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var Spell2WordsNameMap = map[string]map[string]rune{
	"accent":   {"aigu": '´', "akut": '´', "grave": '`', "gravis": '`'},
	"akzent":   {"aigu": '´', "akut": '´', "grave": '`', "gravis": '`'},
	"scharfes": {"es": 'ß', "s": 'ß', "S": 'ß', "Es": 'ß'},
	"es":       {"zet": 'ß', "z": 'ß'},
	"new":      {"york": 'N'}}
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var Spell3WordsMap = map[string]map[string]map[string]rune{
	"runde":        {"klammer": {"auf": '(', "zu": ')'}},
	"geschweifte":  {"klammer": {"auf": '{', "zu": '}'}},
	"geschwungene": {"klammer": {"auf": '{', "zu": '}'}},
	"eckige":       {"klammer": {"auf": '[', "zu": ']'}},
	"spitze":       {"klammer": {"auf": '<', "zu": '>'}},
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var Struct1Word = map[string]string{
	"bindestrich":  "bindestrich",
	"minus":        "minus",
	"unterstrich":  "unterstrich",
	"unterbricht":  "unterstrich",
	"strich":       "strich",
	"unterschrift": "unterstrich",
	"mine":         "minus",
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var Struct2Words = map[string]map[string]string{
	"bin": {"ich": "bindestrich"},
	"und": {"das": "unterstrich",
		"der": "unterstrich",
		"ich": "unterstrich"},
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var StructEle = map[string]bool{
	"bindestrich": true,
	"minus":       true,
	"unterstrich": true,
	"strich":      true,
	"punkt":       true,
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var TLD1WordMap = map[string]string{
	"com":    "com",
	"kommen": "com",
	"de":     "de",
	"d":      "de",

	"b":    "de",
	"geh":  "de",
	"e":    "de",
	"net":  "net",
	"org":  "org",
	"or":   "org",
	"ort":  "org",
	"auch": "org",
	"bork": "org",
	"eu":   "eu",
	"tr":   "tr",
	"ad":   "ad",
	"al":   "al",
	"at":   "at",
	"ax":   "ax",
	"ba":   "ba",
	"be":   "be",
	"bg":   "bg",
	"by":   "by",
	"ch":   "ch",
	"cy":   "cy",
	"cz":   "cz",
	"dk":   "dk",
	"ee":   "ee",
	"es":   "es",
	"fi":   "fi",
	"fo":   "fo",
	"fr":   "fr",
	"gb":   "gb",
	"gg":   "gg",
	"gi":   "gi",
	"gr":   "gr",
	"hr":   "hr",
	"hu":   "hu",
	"ie":   "ie",
	"im":   "im",
	"is":   "is",
	"it":   "it",
	"je":   "je",
	"li":   "li",
	"lt":   "lt",
	"lu":   "lu",
	"lv":   "lv",
	"mc":   "mc",
	"md":   "md",
	"me":   "me",
	"mk":   "mk",
	"mt":   "mt",
	"nl":   "nl",
	"no":   "no",
	"pl":   "pl",
	"pt":   "pt",
	"ro":   "ro",
	"rs":   "rs",
	"se":   "se",
	"si":   "si",
	"sk":   "sk",
	"sm":   "sm",
	"ua":   "ua",
	"uk":   "uk",
	"va":   "va",
	" ":    " ",
	"a":    "ba",
	"c":    "de",
	"f":    "fr",
	"g":    "de",
	"h":    "hr",
	"i":    "fi",
	"j":    "je",
	"k":    "dk",
	"l":    "nl",
	"m":    "com",
	"n":    "nl",
	"o":    "com",
	"p":    "pl",
	"q":    "eu",
	"r":    "fr",
	"s":    "es",
	"t":    "net",
	"u":    "eu",
	"v":    "lv",
	"w":    "de",
	"x":    "ax",
	"y":    "by",
	"z":    "cz",

Maps 4 Top Level Domain

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var TLD2WordsMap = map[string]map[string]string{
	"plus": {"t": "posteo"},
	"da":   {"a": "de"},
	"a":    {"d": "ad", "l": "al", "t": "at", "x": "ax"},
	"b":    {"a": "ba", "e": "be", "g": "bg", "y": "by"},
	"c":    {"h": "ch", "y": "cy", "z": "cz"},
	"d":    {"e": "de", "k": "dk"},
	"e":    {"u": "eu", "e": "ee", "s": "es"},
	"f":    {"i": "fi", "o": "fo", "r": "fr"},
	"g":    {"b": "gb", "g": "gg", "i": "gi", "r": "gr"},
	"h":    {"r": "hr", "u": "hu"},
	"i":    {"e": "ie", "m": "im", "s": "is", "t": "it"},
	"j":    {"e": "je"},
	"l":    {"i": "li", "t": "lt", "u": "lu", "v": "lv"},
	"m":    {"c": "mc", "d": "md", "e": "me", "k": "mk", "t": "mt"},
	"n":    {"l": "nl", "o": "no"},
	"p":    {"l": "pl", "t": "pt"},
	"r":    {"o": "ro", "s": "rs"},
	"s":    {"e": "se", "i": "si", "k": "sk", "m": "sm"},
	"t":    {"r": "tr"},
	"u":    {"a": "ua", "k": "uk"},
	"v":    {"a": "va"},
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var TLD3WordsMap = map[string]map[string]map[string]string{}


func CHRerr

func CHRerr(s *sc.Scanner, format string, a ...interface{})

func CHRsolver

func CHRsolver(rs *RuleStore, max int)

Try all rules in 'CHRruleStore' with CHR-goals in CHR-store until no rule fired. CHRsolver used the trace- or no-trace function

func CheckSpellAndText

func CheckSpellAndText(spell Term, text Term) bool

func ClearCHRStore

func ClearCHRStore(rs *RuleStore)

func Email2text

func Email2text(spell Term) (Term, int, bool)

func EqualVarName

func EqualVarName(t1, t2 Term) bool

func EqualVarNameCList

func EqualVarNameCList(t1 Term, t2 Term) bool

func Eval

func Eval(t1 Term) Term

func InitSpellAndStructMap

func InitSpellAndStructMap()

func InitStore

func InitStore(rs *RuleStore)

func NewArgCHR

func NewArgCHR() *argCHR

func ParseBIString

func ParseBIString(src string) (result Term, ok bool)

func ParseGoalString

func ParseGoalString(src string) (result Term, ok bool)

func ParseHeadString

func ParseHeadString(src string) (result Term, ok bool)

func ParseRuleBodyString

func ParseRuleBodyString(src string) (result Term, ok bool)

func Spell2name

func Spell2name(spell Term) (Term, bool)

func Spell2namenumber

func Spell2namenumber(spell Term) (Term, bool)

func Spell2text

func Spell2text(spell Term) (Term, bool)

func Text2email

func Text2email(text Term) (Term, Term, bool)

func Text2list

func Text2list(text Term) (Term, bool)

func Text2spell

func Text2spell(text Term) (Term, bool)

func TraceRuleFired

func TraceRuleFired(rs *RuleStore, rule *chrRule) (ok bool)

prove and trace whether rule fired

func WriteCHRStore

func WriteCHRStore(rs *RuleStore, out *os.File)

func ZiffernZuZahl

func ZiffernZuZahl(spell Term) (Term, bool)


type KeepCall

type KeepCall int
const (
	C_noLast KeepCall = iota

type KeepReq

type KeepReq int
const (
	R_noNews KeepReq = iota

type RuleStore

type RuleStore struct {
	Result       resultType
	CHRruleStore []*chrRule
	QueryVars    Vars
	QueryStore   List
	CHRstore     store
	BuiltInStore store

	RenameRuleVars *big.Int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeRuleStore

func MakeRuleStore() *RuleStore

func (*RuleStore) AddRule

func (rs *RuleStore) AddRule(name string, keep []string, del []string, guard []string, body []string) error

func (*RuleStore) Infer

func (rs *RuleStore) Infer(goals []string, max int) (bool, []string, error)

func (*RuleStore) ParseFileCHRRulesGoals

func (rs *RuleStore) ParseFileCHRRulesGoals(inFile io.Reader) (ok bool)

func (*RuleStore) ParseStringCHRRulesGoals

func (rs *RuleStore) ParseStringCHRRulesGoals(src string) (ok bool)

parse CHR-rules and goals from string src CHR-rules:

[<rulename>] '@' <keep-heads> '==>' [<guards> '|'] <body> '.' [<rulename>] '@' <keep-heads> '/' <del-heads> '<=>' [<guards> '|'] <body>'.' [<rulename>] '@' <del-heads> '<=>' [<guards> '|'] <body>'.'

goals <predicates> '.'

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