
v1.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 9, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 12 Imported by: 0




  • @filename errors/
  • @author jinycoo
  • @version 1.0.0
  • @date 2019-06-25 10:12
  • @desc errors - **------------------------------------------------------------*


  • @filename errors/
  • @author jinycoo
  • @version 1.0.0
  • @date 2019-06-25 10:14
  • @desc errors - **------------------------------------------------------------*


  • @filename errors/status.go
  • @author jinycoo
  • @version 1.0.0
  • @date 2019-08-15 15:36
  • @desc errors - status **------------------------------------------------------------*



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var (
	OK = add(0) // 正确

	// Common Error
	UnknownType   = add(-1) // 未知类型
	StatusErr     = add(-2) // 状态错误
	StatusInvalid = add(-3) // 状态无效
	ParamsErr     = add(-4) // 参数错误
	DataErr       = add(-5) // 数据错误
	NotFoundData  = add(-6) // 未找到请求数据

	AppKeyInvalid      = add(-7)  // 应用程序不存在或已被封禁
	AccessKeyErr       = add(-8)  // Access Key错误
	SignCheckErr       = add(-9)  // API校验密匙错
	MethodNoPermission = add(-10) // 调用方对该Method没有权限

	AuthTokenErr              = add(-20) // Token错误 - Token malformed
	AuthTokenNotValidYet      = add(-21) // Token尚未激活 - token is not valid yet
	AuthTokenExpired          = add(-22) // Token已过期 - token is expired
	AuthTokenInvalid          = add(-23) // Token无效 - Token invalid
	AuthTokenSignatureInvalid = add(-24) // Token签名无效 - Token Signature invalid

	AuthJwtSegmentsNumInvalid = add(-31) // Token 包含多个无效片段 - token contains an invalid number of segments
	AuthJwtBearerErr          = add(-32) // Token中没有包含Bearer - token string should not contain 'bearer '
	AuthJwtHeaderInvalid      = add(-33) // 无效的Token令牌头 failed to decode token header
	AuthJwtHeaderUnmarshalErr = add(-34) // 无法解组令牌头 failed to unmarshal token header
	AuthJwtClaimsErr          = add(-35) // 无法解码令牌声明 failed to decode token claims
	AuthJwtClaimsUnmarshalErr = add(-36) // 无法解组令牌声明 failed to unmarshal token claims
	AuthJwtAlgUnverfiable     = add(-37) // 签名方法(alg)不可用  signing method (alg) is unavailable.
	AuthJwtAlgUnspecified     = add(-38) // 签名方法(alg)未指定。  signing method (alg) is unspecified.
	AuthJwtAlgInvalid         = add(-39) // 签名方法(alg)未指定。 // signing method %v is invalid

	NoLogin                 = add(-101) // 账号未登录
	UserDisabled            = add(-102) // 账号被封停
	LogInAgain              = add(-103) // 网络错误,需要重新登录
	CaptchaErr              = add(-105) // 验证码错误
	UserInactive            = add(-106) // 账号未激活
	UserNoMember            = add(-107) // 账号非正式会员或在适应期
	AppDenied               = add(-108) // 应用不存在或者被封禁
	MobileNoVerfiy          = add(-110) // 未绑定手机
	CsrfNotMatchErr         = add(-111) // csrf 校验失败
	ServiceUpdate           = add(-112) // 系统升级中
	UserIDCheckInvalid      = add(-113) // 账号尚未实名认证
	UserIDCheckInvalidPhone = add(-114) // 请先绑定手机
	UserIDCheckInvalidCard  = add(-115) // 请先完成实名认证
	MobileNoErr             = add(-116) // 手机号错误
	BankCardNoErr           = add(-117) // 银行卡号错误
	WebSiteURLErr           = add(-118) // 网址错误

	NotModified       = add(-304) // 没有改动
	TemporaryRedirect = add(-307) // 撞车跳转
	RequestErr        = add(-400) // 请求错误
	Unauthorized      = add(-401) // 未认证
	AccessDenied      = add(-403) // 访问权限不足
	NothingFound      = add(-404) // 请求不存在
	MethodNotAllowed  = add(-405) // 不支持该方法

	Conflict = add(-409) // 冲突

	ServerErr          = add(-500) // 服务器错误
	ServerErrAgain     = add(-501) // 服务错误,请稍候重试
	ServiceUnavailable = add(-503) // 过载保护,服务暂不可用
	Deadline           = add(-504) // 服务调用超时
	LimitExceed        = add(-509) // 超出限制

	TokenMalformed   = add(-600) // Token错误
	TokenNotValidYet = add(-601) // Token尚未激活
	TokenExpired     = add(-602) // Token已过期
	TokenInvalid     = add(-603) // 无效Token
	TicketInvalid    = add(-604) // 无效凭证
	TicketExpired    = add(-605) // 凭证已过期
	TicketConsumed   = add(-606) // 凭证已使用

	FileNotExists         = add(-616) // 上传文件不存在
	FileTooLarge          = add(-617) // 上传文件太大
	FailedTooManyTimes    = add(-625) // 登录失败次数太多
	UserNotExist          = add(-626) // 用户不存在
	PasswordErr           = add(-627) // 密码错误
	PasswordTooLeak       = add(-628) // 密码太弱
	UsernameOrPasswordErr = add(-629) // 用户名或密码错误
	TargetNumberLimit     = add(-632) // 操作对象数量限制
	TargetBlocked         = add(-643) // 被锁定
	UserLevelLow          = add(-650) // 用户等级太低
	UserDuplicate         = add(-652) // 重复的用户

	PasswordHashExpires = add(-662) // 密码时间戳过期
	AreaLimit           = add(-688) // 地理区域限制
	CopyrightLimit      = add(-689) // 版权限制

	// Account - 账号相关
	AccountInvalid   = add(-700) // 账号无效
	AccountNoLogin   = add(-701) // 账号未登录
	AccountInactive  = add(-702) // 账号未激活
	AccountDisabled  = add(-703) // 账号被封停
	AccountNotExist  = add(-704) // 账号不存在
	AccountDuplicate = add(-705) // 账号已存在
	AccountConsumed  = add(-706) // 账号已登录
	AccountAbnormal  = add(-707) // 账户异常

	AddFailure    = add(-800) // 添加失败
	UpdateFailure = add(-801) // 更新失败
	DeleteFailure = add(-802) // 删除失败

	DataSourceConfigErr           = add(-870) // 数据配置错误
	DataSourceConfigFieldNotFound = add(-871) // 数据源未配置或字段名错误

	LinkErr      = add(-1000) // 网络连接错误
	LinkTimeout  = add(-1001) // 网络连接超时
	Degrade      = add(-1200) // 被降级过滤的请求
	RPCConfigErr = add(-1203) // rpc服务配置错误
	RPCNoClient  = add(-1201) // rpc服务的client都不可用
	RPCNoAuth    = add(-1202) // rpc服务的client没有授权
	RPCNoServer  = add(-2201) // rpc服务的server端不可用
	RPCServeErr  = add(-2202) // rpc服务的server端错误

	InvalidCredential     = add(40001) // 不合法的调用凭证
	InvalidGrantType      = add(40002) // 不合法的 grant_type
	InvalidOpenId         = add(40003) // 不合法的 OpenID
	InvalidMediaType      = add(40004) // 不合法的媒体文件类型
	InvalidMediaId        = add(40007) // 不合法的 media_id
	InvalidMessageType    = add(40008) // 不合法的 message_type
	InvalidImageSize      = add(40009) // 不合法的图片大小
	InvalidVoiceSize      = add(40010) // 不合法的语音大小
	InvalidVideoSize      = add(40011) // 不合法的视频大小
	InvalidThumbSize      = add(40012) // 不合法的缩略图大小
	InvalidAppId          = add(40013) // 不合法的 AppID
	InvalidAccessToken    = add(40014) // 不合法的 access_token
	InvalidCode           = add(40029) // 不合法或已过期的 code
	InvalidRefreshToken   = add(40030) // 不合法的 refresh_token
	InvalidTemplateIdSize = add(40036) // 不合法的 template_id 长度
	InvalidTemplateId     = add(40037) // 不合法的 template_id
	InvalidUrlSize        = add(40039) // 不合法的 url 长度
	InvalidUrlDomain      = add(40048) // 不合法的 url 域名
	InvalidUrl            = add(40066) // 不合法的 url

	AccessTokenExpired     = add(42001) // access_token 超时
	RefreshTokenExpired    = add(42002) // refresh_token 超时
	CodeExpired            = add(42003) // code 超时
	RequireGETMethod       = add(43001) // 需要使用 GET 方法请求
	RequirePOSTMethod      = add(43002) // 需要使用 POST 方法请求
	RequireHttps           = add(43003) // 需要使用 HTTPS
	RequireSubscribe       = add(43004) // 需要订阅关系
	AccessTokenMissing     = add(41001) // 缺失 access_token 参数
	AppIdMissing           = add(41002) // 缺失 AppId 参数
	RefreshTokenMissing    = add(41003) // 缺失 refresh_token 参数
	ApiUnauthorized        = add(50001) // 接口未授权
	ApiParamSizeOutOfLimit = add(45008) // 参数长度超过限制
	ApiFReqOutOfLimit      = add(45009) // 接口调动频率超过限制
	ApiLimit               = add(45011) // 频率限制

	TemplateInitErr       = add(7000) // 模板初始化错误
	TemplateErr           = add(7001) // 模板设置错误
	TemplateDataSourceErr = add(7002) // 模板数据源设置错误


func Cause

func Cause(err error) error

Cause returns the underlying cause of the error, if possible. An error value has a cause if it implements the following interface:

type causer interface {
       Cause() error

If the error does not implement Cause, the original error will be returned. If the error is nil, nil will be returned without further investigation.

func Equal

func Equal(a, b Codes) bool

Equal equal a and b by code int.

func EqualError

func EqualError(code Codes, err error) bool

EqualError equal error

func Errorf

func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) error

Errorf formats according to a format specifier and returns the string as a value that satisfies error. Errorf also records the stack trace at the point it was called.

func Init

func Init(lang string)

func New

func New(message string) error

New returns an error with the supplied message. New also records the stack trace at the point it was called.

func Register

func Register(cm map[int]string)

Register register ecode message map.

func WithMessage

func WithMessage(err error, message string) error

WithMessage annotates err with a new message. If err is nil, WithMessage returns nil.

func WithMessagef

func WithMessagef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error

WithMessagef annotates err with the format specifier. If err is nil, WithMessagef returns nil.

func WithStack

func WithStack(err error) error

WithStack annotates err with a stack trace at the point WithStack was called. If err is nil, WithStack returns nil.

func Wrap

func Wrap(err error, message string) error

Wrap returns an error annotating err with a stack trace at the point Wrap is called, and the supplied message. If err is nil, Wrap returns nil.

func Wrapf

func Wrapf(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error

Wrapf returns an error annotating err with a stack trace at the point Wrapf is called, and the format specifier. If err is nil, Wrapf returns nil.


type Code

type Code int

func Int

func Int(i int) Code

Int parse code int to error.

func NewEc

func NewEc(e int) Code

New new a ecode.Codes by int value. NOTE: ecode must unique in global, the New will check repeat and then panic.

func String

func String(e string) Code

String parse code string to error.

func (Code) Code

func (e Code) Code() int

Code return error code

func (Code) Details

func (e Code) Details() []interface{}

Details return details.

func (Code) Error

func (e Code) Error() string

func (Code) Message

func (e Code) Message() string

Message return error message

type Codes

type Codes interface {
	// sometimes Error return Code in string form
	// NOTE: don't use Error in monitor report even it also work for now
	Error() string
	// Code get error code.
	Code() int
	// Message get code message.
	Message() string
	//Detail get error detail,it may be nil.
	Details() []interface{}

Codes ecode error interface which has a code & message.

func ECause

func ECause(e error) Codes

Cause cause from error to ecode.

func FromProto

func FromProto(pbMsg proto.Message) Codes

FromProto new status from grpc detail

type Frame

type Frame uintptr

Frame represents a program counter inside a stack frame. For historical reasons if Frame is interpreted as a uintptr its value represents the program counter + 1.

func (Frame) Format

func (f Frame) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune)

Format formats the frame according to the fmt.Formatter interface.

%s    source file
%d    source line
%n    function name
%v    equivalent to %s:%d

Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows:

%+s   function name and path of source file relative to the compile time
      GOPATH separated by \n\t (<funcname>\n\t<path>)
%+v   equivalent to %+s:%d

func (Frame) MarshalText

func (f Frame) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

MarshalText formats a stacktrace Frame as a text string. The output is the same as that of fmt.Sprintf("%+v", f), but without newlines or tabs.

type StackTrace

type StackTrace []Frame

StackTrace is stack of Frames from innermost (newest) to outermost (oldest).

func (StackTrace) Format

func (st StackTrace) Format(s fmt.State, verb rune)

Format formats the stack of Frames according to the fmt.Formatter interface.

%s	lists source files for each Frame in the stack
%v	lists the source file and line number for each Frame in the stack

Format accepts flags that alter the printing of some verbs, as follows:

%+v   Prints filename, function, and line number for each Frame in the stack.

type Status

type Status struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Status statusError is an alias of a status proto implement ecode.Codes

func Error

func Error(code Code, message string) *Status

Error new status with code and message

func FromCode

func FromCode(code Code) *Status

FromCode create status from ecode

func SErrorf

func SErrorf(code Code, format string, args ...interface{}) *Status

Errorf new status with code and message

func (*Status) Code

func (s *Status) Code() int

Code return error code

func (*Status) Details

func (s *Status) Details() []interface{}

Details return error details

func (*Status) Equal

func (s *Status) Equal(err error) bool

Equal for compatible. Deprecated: please use ecode.EqualError.

func (*Status) Error

func (s *Status) Error() string

Error implement error

func (*Status) Message

func (s *Status) Message() string

Message return error message for developer

func (*Status) Proto

func (s *Status) Proto() *types.Status

Proto return origin protobuf message

func (*Status) WithDetails

func (s *Status) WithDetails(pbs ...proto.Message) (*Status, error)

WithDetails WithDetails


Path Synopsis
*------------------------------------------------------------** * @filename tip/ * @author jinycoo * @version 1.0.0 * @date 2019-09-20 16:57 * @desc dean - tip - **------------------------------------------------------------*
*------------------------------------------------------------** * @filename tip/ * @author jinycoo * @version 1.0.0 * @date 2019-09-20 16:57 * @desc dean - tip - **------------------------------------------------------------*

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