
package module
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Published: Jul 19, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 2



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Simple config management for your Go application.

What is GetConf?

The main goal of GetConf is to provide an easy to use configuration manager that is able to load from environment, command line and/or a remote backend .

It works nice with 12-Factor apps. What can be done?:

  • load config at startup
  • set defaults
  • read from environment variables
  • read from command line flags
  • read from remote config systems
  • monitor remote config systems for changes (only Consul is supported right now)

As it is intended to work mainly in 12-Factor apps, it does not support configuration files at this time. This could be added if really needed.


go get -u

We recommend using go mod to manage dependencies. GetConf works with it and simplify dependency management. It is recommended to use >=go1.12 in this case.

getconf itself has few direct dependencies:

  • (to run the tests)

How to work with it

To start using getconf is really simple:

  1. Include the package in your go file
  2. Create a struct to hold the variables. This struct will not be filled with values, it is just a convenient method to define them. Note that both the struct and the fields must be exported (uppercase)
  3. Call getconf.Load( LoaderOptions ) where LoaderOptions is a struct to provide some data to GetConf:
    • ConfigStruct interface{} will carry the defined config struct. This is mandatory
    • SetName string is the name for the Options Set used in a remote config server
    • EnvPrefix string sets the prefix prepended to the variable names in the environment (to prevent collisions)
    • KeyDelim string sets the delimiter string to allow for embedded configuration structs
  4. Now, the environment and flags are parsed for any of the config variables values
  5. Use the variables through the Get methods provided
  6. It will cast to the required type by the Get method so you can request a GetString(string) variable that is defined as int. Just be sure they are convertible

Additionally, you can check for values in a remote consul store. To use the KV backend, you should call EnableKVStore(*getconf.KVOptions) on getconf:

	Backend: "consul",
	URLs:    []string{""},
	KVConfig: &getconf.Config{
		ConnectionTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
		PersistConnection: true,
		Prefix:            "/settings/apps",
		Bucket:            "test",

The KVConfig struct holds the configuration options specific to the backend. Supported options:

  • ConnectionTimeout: limits how long a Watch will block
  • PersistConnection: not used
  • Prefix: the path before the setName. Allows group of configs
  • Bucket: the path after the setName. Allows versioning of the app config
Trivial use case

The simplest use case will be to define the configuration struct and get the values from enviroment and/or flags. Just to calls are needed:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Host     string `getconf:", default: etcd, info: this is the hostname"`   // just use the lowercase var name
	Port     int    `getconf:"default-port, info: service port"`   // rename the variable and add some info about it
	Debug    bool   `getconf:"debug, default: false, info: enable debug logging"`   // add a default
	IgnoreMe string `getconf:"-"`   // ignore this variable

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting test app...")

	// Load and set the variables defined in Config struct
		ConfigStruct: &Config{},

	// just use the value
	fmt.Printf("Host=%s (%T)\n", getconf.GetString("host"), getconf.GetString("host"))

	// use it as the type defined...
	fmt.Printf("default-port=%d (%T)\n", getconf.GetInt("default-port"), getconf.GetInt("default-port"))
	// ...or get the type you need...
	fmt.Printf("default-port as string = %s (%T)\n", getconf.GetString("default-port"), getconf.GetString("default-port"))

	// ...for every supported type
	fmt.Printf("Debug = %t (Type: %T)\n", getconf.GetBool("debug"), getconf.GetBool("debug"))
	fmt.Printf("bool as string = %s (%T) ... and as int = %d (%T)\n", getconf.GetString("debug"), getconf.GetString("debug"), getconf.GetInt("debug"), getconf.GetInt("debug"))

	// just print the options that have taken some value
	fmt.Println("ALL OPTIONS SET:")
	o := getconf.GetAll()
	for k, v := range o {
		fmt.Printf("\tKey: %s (%T)- Value: %v\n", k, v, v)

	// or the full getconf
	fmt.Printf("\nThe options as we know'em:\n%s\n", getconf.String())

	fmt.Println("Quitting test app")

Lets run it an see what happens...

ᐅ GCV2_DEFAULT_PORT=1112 go run littltest.go
Starting test app...
Host=etcd (string)
default-port=1112 (int)
default-port as string = 1112 (string)
Debug = false (Type: bool)
bool as string = false (string) ... and as int = 0 (int)
	Key: debug (bool)- Value: false
	Key: host (string)- Value: etcd
	Key: default-port (int)- Value: 1112

The options as we know'em:
	Key: default-port, Default: , Value: 1112, Type: int, LastSetBy: env, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:37:21.417653 +0000 UTC
	Key: debug, Default: false, Value: false, Type: bool, LastSetBy: default, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:37:21.417638 +0000 UTC
	Key: host, Default: etcd, Value: etcd, Type: string, LastSetBy: default, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:37:21.417632 +0000 UTC

Quitting test app
Nested variables

Sometimes could be, in long configs, useful to define the config struct with support for nested variables. That way will be easy to manage.

The use is the same as the simple case but, nested structures have some specificities:

  • the variable name in the config struct can be any valid name and can include chars, numbers or hyphen
  • when the variables are loaded from the environment, use '__' as separator between father and child. All chars must be uppercase
  • when the variables are loaded from the flags, use also '__' as separator but use the same case as it is defined in the struct
  • when accessing a variable you must use their name. With nested variables you must use the separator defines (defaults to '::')

So lets see the same example as before but adding some nested variables.

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Server struct {
		Host string `getconf:", default: https://localhost, info: this is the hostname"`
		Port int    `getconf:"default-port, info: service port"`
	Debug    bool   `getconf:"debug, default: false, info: enable debug logging"`
	IgnoreMe string `getconf:"-"`

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting test app...")

	// Load and set the variables defined in Config struct
		ConfigStruct: &Config{},

	fmt.Printf("Host=%s (%T)\n", getconf.GetString("server::host"), getconf.GetString("server::host"))

	fmt.Printf("default-port=%d (%T)\n", getconf.GetInt("server::default-port"), getconf.GetInt("server::default-port"))

	// see what we have..
	fmt.Printf("\nThe options as we know'em:\n%s\n", getconf.String())

	fmt.Println("Quitting test app")

And here it is:

ᐅ GCV2_SERVER__DEFAULT_PORT=8484 go run littltest.go
Starting test app...
Host=https://localhost (string)
default-port=8484 (int)

The options as we know'em:
	Key: debug, Default: false, Value: false, Type: bool, LastSetBy: default, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:57:52.718259 +0000 UTC
	Key: server::host, Default: https://localhost, Value: https://localhost, Type: string, LastSetBy: default, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:57:52.71824 +0000 UTC
	Key: server::default-port, Default: , Value: 8484, Type: int, LastSetBy: env, UpdatedAt: 2019-04-11 18:57:52.718282 +0000 UTC

Quitting test app
Read from Consul

So we will create a connection to a consul backend. Then we will request a variable again. We have set the variable debug to true in Consul:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Server struct {
		Host string `getconf:", default: localhost, info: this is the hostname"`
		Port int    `getconf:"default-port, default: 8500, info: service port"`
	Debug    bool   `getconf:"debug, default: false, info: enable debug logging"`
	IgnoreMe string `getconf:"-"`

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting test app...")

	// Load and set the variables defined in Config struct
		ConfigStruct: &Config{},

	// see what value Debug have..
	fmt.Printf("[Pre Consul] Debug = %t (Type: %T)\n", getconf.GetBool("debug"), getconf.GetBool("debug"))

	fmt.Println("Enabling consul...")
	if err := getconf.EnableKVStore(&getconf.KVOptions{
		Backend: "consul",
		URLs:    []string{getconf.GetString("server::host") + ":" + getconf.GetString("server::default-port")},
		// URLs: []string{"localhost:8500"},
		KVConfig: &backend.Config{
			ConnectionTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
			Prefix:            "/settings/apps",
			PersistConnection: true,
			Bucket:            "v1",
	}); err != nil {
		log.Panicf("cannot get bind to kv store. getconf error: %v\n", err)

	// and after binding to consul...
	fmt.Printf("[Post Consul] Debug = %t (Type: %T)\n", getconf.GetBool("debug"), getconf.GetBool("debug"))

	fmt.Println("Quitting test app")

Let's see what happened...

ᐅ GCV2_SERVER__DEFAULT_PORT=8500 go run littltest.go
Starting test app...
[Pre Consul] Debug = false (Type: bool)
Enabling consul...
[Post Consul] Debug = true (Type: bool)
Quitting test app

Whatch a variable in config server

The separator for nested values in Consul is translated to '/', so you have to do it for setting the key.

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Server struct {
		Host string `getconf:", default: localhost, info: this is the hostname"`
		Port int    `getconf:"default-port, info: service port"`
	Debug    bool   `getconf:"debug, default: false, info: enable debug logging"`
	IgnoreMe string `getconf:"-"`

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting test app...")

	// Load and set the variables defined in Config struct
		ConfigStruct: &Config{},

	fmt.Println("Enabling consul...")
	if err := getconf.EnableKVStore(&getconf.KVOptions{
		Backend: "consul",
		URLs:    []string{getconf.GetString("server::host") + ":" + getconf.GetString("server::default-port")},
		// URLs: []string{"localhost:8500"},
		KVConfig: &backend.Config{
			ConnectionTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
			Prefix:            "/settings/apps",
			PersistConnection: true,
			Bucket:            "v1",
	}); err != nil {
		log.Panicf("cannot get bind to kv store. getconf error: %v\n", err)

	// and after binding to consul...
	fmt.Printf("[Port value] server::default-port = %d (Type: %T)\n", getconf.GetInt("default-port"), getconf.GetInt("default-port"))

	key := "server::default-port"
	fmt.Printf("Monitoring key '%s'\n", key)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	err := getconf.WatchWithFunc(ctx, key, func(s []byte) {
		fmt.Printf("%s value changed on store: %s (%T)\n", key, s, s)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error trying to watch value at key: %v\tError: %s\n", key, err.Error())
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	fmt.Println("Quitting test app")

And call it by

ᐅ GCV2_SERVER__DEFAULT_PORT=8500 go run littltest.go
Starting test app...
Enabling consul...
[Port value] server::default-port = 0 (Type: int)
Monitoring key 'server::default-port'

Now, go to your Consul admin page and change the value for server::default-port. You will see something like:

server::default-port value changed on store: 80 ([]uint8)
Quitting test app
Closed watch on /settings/apps/gcv2/v1/server/default-port

Nice. The monitorin function getconf.WatchWithFunc take a func as param that will be executed when the monitored variable changes value. This func has the signature func(s []byte) where s is the string value got from the store.

We can also see that a context is provided in the first param. This allows to cancel the function anytime (in the sample we had a fixed timer of 10s).

Watch changes in a tree

If you need to monitor a variable that still do not exists in remote config server or want to be notified about changes in more than one variable, you can use WatchTreeFunc than will monitor the variables below the tree specified and will execute the function provided. The function will get the variable that has been updated: f func(*backend.KVPair).

Lets see an example:

package main

import (


type Config struct {
	Server struct {
		Host string `getconf:", default: localhost, info: this is the hostname"`
		Port int    `getconf:"default-port, info: service port"`
	Debug    bool    `getconf:"debug, default: false, info: enable debug logging"`
	FloatVar float32 `getconf:"fvar, info: a float32 variable"`
	IgnoreMe string  `getconf:"-"`

func main() {
	fmt.Println("Starting test app...")

	// Load and set the variables defined in Config struct
		ConfigStruct: &Config{},
		KeyDelim:     ".",

	fmt.Printf("prior to watch tree, variable is not set in getconf: fvar=%f\n", getconf.GetFloat32("fvar"))

	fmt.Println("Enabling consul...")
	if err := getconf.EnableKVStore(&getconf.KVOptions{
		Backend: "consul",
		URLs:    []string{getconf.GetString("") + ":" + getconf.GetString("server.default-port")},
		// URLs: []string{"localhost:8500"},
		KVConfig: &backend.Config{
			ConnectionTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
			Prefix:            "/settings/apps",
			PersistConnection: true,
			Bucket:            "v1",
	}); err != nil {
		log.Panicf("cannot get bind to kv store. getconf error: %v\n", err)

	// and after binding to consul...
	fmt.Printf("[Port value] server.default-port = %d (Type: %T)\n", getconf.GetInt("default-port"), getconf.GetInt("default-port"))

	path := "/settings/apps/gcv2/v1"
	fmt.Printf("Monitoring tree %s\n", path)
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	getconf.SetWatchTimeDuration(1 * time.Second)
	err := getconf.WatchTreeWithFunc(ctx, path, func(kv *backend.KVPair) {
		fmt.Printf("GOT NEW VALUE: %s = %s\n", kv.Key, kv.Value)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Error trying to watch tree at: %v\tError: %s\n", path, err.Error())
	time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

	fmt.Printf("the variable is now correctly set in getconf: fvar=%f\n", getconf.GetFloat32("fvar"))

	fmt.Println("Quitting test app")
ᐅ GCV2_SERVER__DEFAULT_PORT=8500 go run littltest.go
Starting test app...
prior to watch tree, variable is not set in getconf: fvar=0.000000
Enabling consul...
[Port value] server.default-port = 0 (Type: int)
Monitoring tree /settings/apps/gcv2/v1
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/debug = true
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/server/default-port = 8000
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/server/host =

Now, go to consul and create settings/apps/gcv2/v1/fvar. You will see the created variable is notified and then set in GetConf:

GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/debug = true
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/fvar = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/server/default-port = 8000
GOT NEW VALUE: settings/apps/gcv2/v1/server/host =
the variable is now correctly set in getconf: fvar=3.141593
Quitting test app

The WatchTreeFunc will return all variables within the tree when a change occur. This could change in the future notifying only the key that has changed.

How it works

The options can be defined in:

  1. default values from the struct definition
  2. environment
  3. command line flags
  4. remote key/val store

The order is the specified, meaning that the last option will win (if you set an environment variable it can be ovewritten by a command line flag). The last value read will be from the kv store.

To be parsed, you must define a struct in your program that will define the name and the type of the variables. The struct members must be uppercase (exported) otherwise reflection will not work.

The struct can be any length and supported types are:

  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • float32, float64
  • string
  • bool
  • time.Time

The type time.Time supports different layouts (see godoc), like:

  • RFC3339Nano (_2017-10-24T22:11:12+00:00_or 2017-10-24T22:21:23.159239900+00:00)
  • Epoch in seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC (1508922049)
  • 2017-10-24T22:31:34
  • 2017-10-24 22:31:34
  • 2017-10-24

Any other type will be discarded. A time.Time layout different that the ones supported (i.e. epoch in miliseconds) will produce an invalid result.

If a value can not be matched to the variable type, it will be discarded and the variable set to nil.

The use of nested structures is allow but have some rules:

  • the variable name in the config struct can be any valid name and can include chars, numbers or hyphen
  • when the variables are loaded from the environment, use '__' as separator between father and child. All chars must be uppercase. Ex: GCV2_PARENT__VAR -> parent::var
  • when the variables are loaded from the flags, use also '__' as separator but use the same case as it is defined in the struct. --parent__var -> parent::var
  • when accessing a variable you must use their name. With nested variables you must use the separator defines (defaults to '::'). Ex: GetString("parent::var")
struct tags

There are some tags that can be used:

  • -: If a dash is found the variable will not be observed. Should be the only element in the tag
  • default: Specifies the default value for the variable if none found
  • info: Help information about the intended use of the variable

The tags are separated by comma. It holds a key: value pair for every setting (key before a colon, value after it). Ex: default: defaultValue, info: an example. Because colon is used as a separater, a value can not contain a colon in it.

The exception to the rule that is the first field that is the name of the variable. This name must be used to acces it later. If no name is assigned the tag must still start with a colon.

If a key only field comes after first position, it will be ignored.


The variables must have a prefix provided by the user (defaults to GCV2). This is useful to prevent collisions. So you can set

GCV2_VAR1="a value"

and at the same time


being prefixes "GCV2" and "YZ".

The variable name will be set from the struct name or from the first field of the tag if it exists. It will be UPPERCASED so when you define the env vars must take this into consideration. Lower and Mixed case environment variables will not be taken into account.

Nested variables shoud use __ as separator.

command line flags

Command line flags are standard variables from the go flag package. As before, the variable name will be set from the struct name or from the first field of the tag if it exists.

In command line, a boolean flag acts as a switch, that is, it will take the value of true if present and false otherwise. You can force a boolean flag to false.

remote kv store

In order to use the kv store, we need to use two structs to pass the configuration options. The first one is for getconf itself and inform about the backend to be user, the server URLs and the configuration needed to operate.

type KVOptions struct {
	Backend  string
	URLs     []string
	KVConfig *Config

The Backends supported by GetConf now:

  • Consul versions >= 0.5.1

The second struct is meant to be passed to the backend.

type Config struct {
	ClientTLS         *ClientTLSConfig
	TLS               *tls.Config
	ConnectionTimeout time.Duration
	Bucket            string
	PersistConnection bool

type ClientTLSConfig struct {
	CertFile   string
	KeyFile    string
	CACertFile string


  • Read variables from flags in command line
  • Read variables from environment
  • Implement remote config service
  • Add documentation
  • Suppot all go basic types plus time.Time
  • Support for nested options
  • Suport for auto cast on Get
  • Add test cases

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const Version = "v2.0.0"

Version holds the current version number


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var (
	ErrNotStructPointer    = errors.New("initializer is not a pointer to struct")
	ErrUninitializedStruct = errors.New("uninitialized struct")
	ErrKeyNotFound         = errors.New("key not found")
	ErrValueNotString      = errors.New("value is not of type string")


func EnableKVStore

func EnableKVStore(opts *KVOptions) error

EnableKVStore sets the backend store as resource for options. It will set the bucket with Prefix+setName+bucket

func Get

func Get(key string) interface{}

Get return the value associated to the key even if it is a default value or nil

func GetAll

func GetAll() map[string]interface{}

GetAll returns a map[string]interface{} with all options that have a valid value. nil values are ignored

func GetBool

func GetBool(key string) bool

GetBool returns the value associated with the key as a bool casting it when necessary

func GetFloat32

func GetFloat32(key string) float32

GetFloat32 returns the value associated with the key as a float32 casting it when necessary

func GetFloat64

func GetFloat64(key string) float64

GetFloat64 returns the value associated with the key as a float64 casting it when necessary

func GetInt

func GetInt(key string) int

GetInt returns the value associated with the key as an int casting it when necessary

func GetInt16

func GetInt16(key string) int16

GetInt16 returns the value associated with the key as an int16 casting it when necessary

func GetInt32

func GetInt32(key string) int32

GetInt32 returns the value associated with the key as an int32 casting it when necessary

func GetInt64

func GetInt64(key string) int64

GetInt64 returns the value associated with the key as an int64 casting it when necessary

func GetInt8

func GetInt8(key string) int8

GetInt8 returns the value associated with the key as an int8 casting it when necessary

func GetKVStore

func GetKVStore() backend.Backend

GetKVStore returns the created Backend so it can be used directly by the client.

func GetSetName

func GetSetName() string

GetSetName returns the name of the set used to store the options in a Backend

func GetString

func GetString(key string) string

GetString returns the value associated with the key as a string casting it when necessary

func GetTime

func GetTime(key string) time.Time

GetTime returns the value associated with the key as a time structure, casting it when necessary

func GetUint

func GetUint(key string) uint

GetUint returns the value associated with the key as a uint casting it when necessary

func GetUint16

func GetUint16(key string) uint16

GetUint16 returns the value associated with the key as a uint16 casting it when necessary

func GetUint32

func GetUint32(key string) uint32

GetUint32 returns the value associated with the key as a uint32 casting it when necessary

func GetUint64

func GetUint64(key string) uint64

GetUint64 returns the value associated with the key as a uint64 casting it when necessary

func GetUint8

func GetUint8(key string) uint8

GetUint8 returns the value associated with the key as a uint8 casting it when necessary

func ListKV

func ListKV(path string) ([]*backend.KVPair, error)

ListKV return an array of the variables found under the provided path in the Backend.

func Load

func Load(lo *LoaderOptions)

Load will read the configuration options and keep a references in its own struct. The Options must be accessed through the provided methods and values will not be binded to the provided config struct.

The variables will be read in the following order:

  1. Environment variables
  2. command line flags
  3. remote server (consul)

func Set

func Set(key, value string) error

Set adds the value received as the value of the key. If the key does not exist, an error ErrKeyNotFound is returned

func SetWatchTimeDuration

func SetWatchTimeDuration(time time.Duration)

SetWatchTimeDuration sets the wait time for a watch connection to ConsulBackend

func String

func String() string

String implements Stringer

func StringToDate

func StringToDate(s string) (time.Time, error)

From Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia <>. StringToDate attempts to parse a string into a time.Time type using a predefined list of formats. If no suitable format is found, an error is returned.

func WatchTreeWithFunc

func WatchTreeWithFunc(ctx context.Context, dir string, f func(*backend.KVPair)) error

WatchTreeWithFunc monitor dir in the Backend and apply the f function provied over the result.

It will return every keypair in the tree even if it is not defined in the config struct and not recognized by getconf.

It returns all keypairs, even the ones that have not changed its value.

func WatchWithFunc

func WatchWithFunc(ctx context.Context, key string, f func(newval []byte)) error

WatchWithFunc will listen for a key to change in the store. The variable must exist in the store prior to its use. If creation must be watched, use MonitTreeFunc instead.


type GetConf

type GetConf struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GetConf defines the main elements to appropiately configure getconf

func (*GetConf) EnableKVStore

func (gc *GetConf) EnableKVStore(opts *KVOptions) error

func (*GetConf) Get

func (gc *GetConf) Get(key string) interface{}

func (*GetConf) GetAll

func (gc *GetConf) GetAll() map[string]interface{}

func (*GetConf) GetBool

func (gc *GetConf) GetBool(key string) bool

func (*GetConf) GetFloat32

func (gc *GetConf) GetFloat32(key string) float32

func (*GetConf) GetFloat64

func (gc *GetConf) GetFloat64(key string) float64

func (*GetConf) GetInt

func (gc *GetConf) GetInt(key string) int

func (*GetConf) GetInt16

func (gc *GetConf) GetInt16(key string) int16

func (*GetConf) GetInt32

func (gc *GetConf) GetInt32(key string) int32

func (*GetConf) GetInt64

func (gc *GetConf) GetInt64(key string) int64

func (*GetConf) GetInt8

func (gc *GetConf) GetInt8(key string) int8

func (*GetConf) GetKVStore

func (gc *GetConf) GetKVStore() backend.Backend

func (*GetConf) GetSetName

func (gc *GetConf) GetSetName() string

func (*GetConf) GetString

func (gc *GetConf) GetString(key string) string

func (*GetConf) GetTime

func (gc *GetConf) GetTime(key string) time.Time

func (*GetConf) GetUInt

func (gc *GetConf) GetUInt(key string) uint

func (*GetConf) GetUint16

func (gc *GetConf) GetUint16(key string) uint16

func (*GetConf) GetUint32

func (gc *GetConf) GetUint32(key string) uint32

func (*GetConf) GetUint64

func (gc *GetConf) GetUint64(key string) uint64

func (*GetConf) GetUint8

func (gc *GetConf) GetUint8(key string) uint8

func (*GetConf) ListKV

func (gc *GetConf) ListKV(path string) ([]*backend.KVPair, error)

func (*GetConf) Set

func (gc *GetConf) Set(key, value string) error

func (*GetConf) SetWatchTimeDuration

func (gc *GetConf) SetWatchTimeDuration(time time.Duration)

func (*GetConf) String

func (gc *GetConf) String() string

func (*GetConf) WatchTreeWithFunc

func (gc *GetConf) WatchTreeWithFunc(ctx context.Context, dir string, f func(*backend.KVPair)) error

func (*GetConf) WatchWithFunc

func (gc *GetConf) WatchWithFunc(ctx context.Context, name string, f func(newval []byte)) error

type KVOptions

type KVOptions struct {
	Backend  string
	URLs     []string
	KVConfig *backend.Config

KVOptions holds the options that will be passed to the Backend to connect to the remote server.

KVConfig is a struct with the configuration options to manage the connection with the backend.

type LoaderOptions

type LoaderOptions struct {
	ConfigStruct interface{}
	SetName      string
	EnvPrefix    string
	KeyDelim     string

LoaderOptions holds the options that getconf will use to manage the configuration Options

type Option

type Option struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Option holds the data needed to manage the variables in getconf Option is the struct that holds information about the Option

func (*Option) IsBoolFlag

func (o *Option) IsBoolFlag() bool

IsBoolFlag returns true if the Options is of type Bool or false otherwise

func (*Option) Set

func (o *Option) Set(s string) error

Set sets the value of the Option

func (*Option) String

func (o *Option) String() string

Option implements flag.Value


Path Synopsis

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL