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Published: Jan 22, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 29 Imported by: 0



Package internal contains HTTP internals shared by net/http and net/http/httputil.

Package nettrace contains internal hooks for tracing activity in the net package. This package is purely internal for use by the net/http/httptrace package and has no stable API exposed to end users.

Package httptrace provides mechanisms to trace the events within HTTP client requests.



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const (
	StatusContinue           = 100 // RFC 7231, 6.2.1
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = 101 // RFC 7231, 6.2.2
	StatusProcessing         = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1

	StatusOK                   = 200 // RFC 7231, 6.3.1
	StatusCreated              = 201 // RFC 7231, 6.3.2
	StatusAccepted             = 202 // RFC 7231, 6.3.3
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = 203 // RFC 7231, 6.3.4
	StatusNoContent            = 204 // RFC 7231, 6.3.5
	StatusResetContent         = 205 // RFC 7231, 6.3.6
	StatusPartialContent       = 206 // RFC 7233, 4.1
	StatusMultiStatus          = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1
	StatusAlreadyReported      = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1
	StatusIMUsed               = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1

	StatusMultipleChoices  = 300 // RFC 7231, 6.4.1
	StatusMovedPermanently = 301 // RFC 7231, 6.4.2
	StatusFound            = 302 // RFC 7231, 6.4.3
	StatusSeeOther         = 303 // RFC 7231, 6.4.4
	StatusNotModified      = 304 // RFC 7232, 4.1
	StatusUseProxy         = 305 // RFC 7231, 6.4.5

	StatusTemporaryRedirect = 307 // RFC 7231, 6.4.7
	StatusPermanentRedirect = 308 // RFC 7538, 3

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400 // RFC 7231, 6.5.1
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401 // RFC 7235, 3.1
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402 // RFC 7231, 6.5.2
	StatusForbidden                    = 403 // RFC 7231, 6.5.3
	StatusNotFound                     = 404 // RFC 7231, 6.5.4
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405 // RFC 7231, 6.5.5
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406 // RFC 7231, 6.5.6
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407 // RFC 7235, 3.2
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408 // RFC 7231, 6.5.7
	StatusConflict                     = 409 // RFC 7231, 6.5.8
	StatusGone                         = 410 // RFC 7231, 6.5.9
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411 // RFC 7231, 6.5.10
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412 // RFC 7232, 4.2
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413 // RFC 7231, 6.5.11
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414 // RFC 7231, 6.5.12
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415 // RFC 7231, 6.5.13
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 // RFC 7233, 4.4
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417 // RFC 7231, 6.5.14
	StatusTeapot                       = 418 // RFC 7168, 2.3.3
	StatusMisdirectedRequest           = 421 // RFC 7540, 9.1.2
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = 422 // RFC 4918, 11.2
	StatusLocked                       = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3
	StatusFailedDependency             = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4
	StatusTooEarly                     = 425 // RFC 8470, 5.2.
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = 426 // RFC 7231, 6.5.15
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = 428 // RFC 6585, 3
	StatusTooManyRequests              = 429 // RFC 6585, 4
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = 431 // RFC 6585, 5
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = 451 // RFC 7725, 3

	StatusInternalServerError           = 500 // RFC 7231, 6.6.1
	StatusNotImplemented                = 501 // RFC 7231, 6.6.2
	StatusBadGateway                    = 502 // RFC 7231, 6.6.3
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = 503 // RFC 7231, 6.6.4
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = 504 // RFC 7231, 6.6.5
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = 505 // RFC 7231, 6.6.6
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5
	StatusLoopDetected                  = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2
	StatusNotExtended                   = 510 // RFC 2774, 7
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 // RFC 6585, 6
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const DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost = 2

DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is the default value of Transport's MaxIdleConnsPerHost.


todo:重写http.transport DefaultTransport is the default implementation of Transport and is used by DefaultClient. It establishes network connections as needed and caches them for reuse by subsequent calls. It uses HTTP proxies as directed by the $HTTP_PROXY and $NO_PROXY (or $http_proxy and $no_proxy) environment variables.

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var ErrBodyReadAfterClose = errors.New("http: invalid Read on closed Body")

ErrBodyReadAfterClose is returned when reading a Request or Response Body after the body has been closed. This typically happens when the body is read after an HTTP Handler calls WriteHeader or Write on its ResponseWriter.

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var ErrLineTooLong = errors.New("header line too long")
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var ErrNoLocation = errors.New("http: no Location header in response")

ErrNoLocation is returned by Response's Location method when no Location header is present.

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var ErrSkipAltProtocol = errors.New("net/http: skip alternate protocol")

ErrSkipAltProtocol is a sentinel error value defined by Transport.RegisterProtocol.

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var NoBody = noBody{}


func NewChunkedReader

func NewChunkedReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader

NewChunkedReader returns a new chunkedReader that translates the data read from r out of HTTP "chunked" format before returning it. The chunkedReader returns io.EOF when the final 0-length chunk is read.

NewChunkedReader is not needed by normal applications. The http package automatically decodes chunking when reading response bodies.

func NewChunkedWriter

func NewChunkedWriter(w io.Writer) io.WriteCloser

NewChunkedWriter returns a new chunkedWriter that translates writes into HTTP "chunked" format before writing them to w. Closing the returned chunkedWriter sends the final 0-length chunk that marks the end of the stream but does not send the final CRLF that appears after trailers; trailers and the last CRLF must be written separately.

NewChunkedWriter is not needed by normal applications. The http package adds chunking automatically if handlers don't set a Content-Length header. Using newChunkedWriter inside a handler would result in double chunking or chunking with a Content-Length length, both of which are wrong.

func ProxyFromEnvironment

func ProxyFromEnvironment(req *http.Request) (*url.URL, error)

ProxyFromEnvironment returns the URL of the proxy to use for a given request, as indicated by the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY (or the lowercase versions thereof). HTTPS_PROXY takes precedence over HTTP_PROXY for https requests.

The environment values may be either a complete URL or a "host[:port]", in which case the "http" scheme is assumed. An error is returned if the value is a different form.

A nil URL and nil error are returned if no proxy is defined in the environment, or a proxy should not be used for the given request, as defined by NO_PROXY.

As a special case, if req.URL.Host is "localhost" (with or without a port number), then a nil URL and nil error will be returned.

func ProxyURL

func ProxyURL(fixedURL *url.URL) func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)

ProxyURL returns a proxy function (for use in a Transport) that always returns the same URL.

func WithClientTrace

func WithClientTrace(ctx context.Context, trace *ClientTrace) context.Context

WithClientTrace returns a new context based on the provided parent ctx. HTTP client requests made with the returned context will use the provided trace hooks, in addition to any previous hooks registered with ctx. Any hooks defined in the provided trace will be called first.


type ClientTrace

type ClientTrace struct {
	// GetConn is called before a connection is created or
	// retrieved from an idle pool. The hostPort is the
	// "host:port" of the target or proxy. GetConn is called even
	// if there's already an idle cached connection available.
	GetConn func(hostPort string)

	// GotConn is called after a successful connection is
	// obtained. There is no hook for failure to obtain a
	// connection; instead, use the error from
	// Transport.RoundTrip.
	GotConn func(GotConnInfo)

	// PutIdleConn is called when the connection is returned to
	// the idle pool. If err is nil, the connection was
	// successfully returned to the idle pool. If err is non-nil,
	// it describes why not. PutIdleConn is not called if
	// connection reuse is disabled via Transport.DisableKeepAlives.
	// PutIdleConn is called before the caller's Response.Body.Close
	// call returns.
	// For HTTP/2, this hook is not currently used.
	PutIdleConn func(err error)

	// GotFirstResponseByte is called when the first byte of the response
	// headers is available.
	GotFirstResponseByte func()

	// Got100Continue is called if the server replies with a "100
	// Continue" response.
	Got100Continue func()

	// Got1xxResponse is called for each 1xx informational response header
	// returned before the final non-1xx response. Got1xxResponse is called
	// for "100 Continue" responses, even if Got100Continue is also defined.
	// If it returns an error, the client request is aborted with that error value.
	Got1xxResponse func(code int, header textproto.MIMEHeader) error

	// DNSStart is called when a DNS lookup begins.
	DNSStart func(DNSStartInfo)

	// DNSDone is called when a DNS lookup ends.
	DNSDone func(DNSDoneInfo)

	// ConnectStart is called when a new connection's Dial begins.
	// If net.Dialer.DualStack (IPv6 "Happy Eyeballs") support is
	// enabled, this may be called multiple times.
	ConnectStart func(network, addr string)

	// ConnectDone is called when a new connection's Dial
	// completes. The provided err indicates whether the
	// connection completedly successfully.
	// If net.Dialer.DualStack ("Happy Eyeballs") support is
	// enabled, this may be called multiple times.
	ConnectDone func(network, addr string, err error)

	// TLSHandshakeStart is called when the TLS handshake is started. When
	// connecting to a HTTPS site via a HTTP proxy, the handshake happens after
	// the CONNECT request is processed by the proxy.
	TLSHandshakeStart func()

	// TLSHandshakeDone is called after the TLS handshake with either the
	// successful handshake's connection state, or a non-nil error on handshake
	// failure.
	TLSHandshakeDone func(tls.ConnectionState, error)

	// WroteHeaderField is called after the Transport has written
	// each request header. At the time of this call the values
	// might be buffered and not yet written to the network.
	WroteHeaderField func(key string, value []string)

	// WroteHeaders is called after the Transport has written
	// all request headers.
	WroteHeaders func()

	// Wait100Continue is called if the Request specified
	// "Expect: 100-continue" and the Transport has written the
	// request headers but is waiting for "100 Continue" from the
	// server before writing the request body.
	Wait100Continue func()

	// WroteRequest is called with the result of writing the
	// request and any body. It may be called multiple times
	// in the case of retried requests.
	WroteRequest func(WroteRequestInfo)

ClientTrace is a set of hooks to run at various stages of an outgoing HTTP request. Any particular hook may be nil. Functions may be called concurrently from different goroutines and some may be called after the request has completed or failed.

ClientTrace currently traces a single HTTP request & response during a single round trip and has no hooks that span a series of redirected requests.

See for more.

func ContextClientTrace

func ContextClientTrace(ctx context.Context) *ClientTrace

ContextClientTrace returns the ClientTrace associated with the provided context. If none, it returns nil.

type DNSDoneInfo

type DNSDoneInfo struct {
	// Addrs are the IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses found in the DNS
	// lookup. The contents of the slice should not be mutated.
	Addrs []net.IPAddr

	// Err is any error that occurred during the DNS lookup.
	Err error

	// Coalesced is whether the Addrs were shared with another
	// caller who was doing the same DNS lookup concurrently.
	Coalesced bool

DNSDoneInfo contains information about the results of a DNS lookup.

type DNSStartInfo

type DNSStartInfo struct {
	Host string

DNSStartInfo contains information about a DNS request.

type FlushAfterChunkWriter

type FlushAfterChunkWriter struct {

FlushAfterChunkWriter signals from the caller of NewChunkedWriter that each chunk should be followed by a flush. It is used by the http.Transport code to keep the buffering behavior for headers and trailers, but flush out chunks aggressively in the middle for request bodies which may be generated slowly. See Issue 6574.

type GotConnInfo

type GotConnInfo struct {
	// Conn is the connection that was obtained. It is owned by
	// the http.Transport and should not be read, written or
	// closed by users of ClientTrace.
	Conn net.Conn

	// Reused is whether this connection has been previously
	// used for another HTTP request.
	Reused bool

	// WasIdle is whether this connection was obtained from an
	// idle pool.
	WasIdle bool

	// IdleTime reports how long the connection was previously
	// idle, if WasIdle is true.
	IdleTime time.Duration

GotConnInfo is the argument to the ClientTrace.GotConn function and contains information about the obtained connection.

type LookupIPAltResolverKey

type LookupIPAltResolverKey struct{}

LookupIPAltResolverKey is a context.Context Value key used by tests to specify an alternate resolver func. It is not exposed to outsider users. (But see issue 12503) The value should be the same type as lookupIP:

func lookupIP(ctx context.Context, host string) ([]IPAddr, error)

type Trace

type Trace struct {
	// DNSStart is called with the hostname of a DNS lookup
	// before it begins.
	DNSStart func(name string)

	// DNSDone is called after a DNS lookup completes (or fails).
	// The coalesced parameter is whether singleflight de-dupped
	// the call. The addrs are of type net.IPAddr but can't
	// actually be for circular dependency reasons.
	DNSDone func(netIPs []interface{}, coalesced bool, err error)

	// ConnectStart is called before a Dial, excluding Dials made
	// during DNS lookups. In the case of DualStack (Happy Eyeballs)
	// dialing, this may be called multiple times, from multiple
	// goroutines.
	ConnectStart func(network, addr string)

	// ConnectStart is called after a Dial with the results, excluding
	// Dials made during DNS lookups. It may also be called multiple
	// times, like ConnectStart.
	ConnectDone func(network, addr string, err error)

Trace contains a set of hooks for tracing events within the net package. Any specific hook may be nil.

type TraceKey

type TraceKey struct{}

TraceKey is a context.Context Value key. Its associated value should be a *Trace struct.

type Transport

type Transport struct {

	// Proxy specifies a function to return a proxy for a given
	// Request. If the function returns a non-nil error, the
	// request is aborted with the provided error.
	// The proxy type is determined by the URL scheme. "http",
	// "https", and "socks5" are supported. If the scheme is empty,
	// "http" is assumed.
	// If Proxy is nil or returns a nil *URL, no proxy is used.
	Proxy func(*http.Request) (*url.URL, error)

	// DialContext specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP connections.
	// If DialContext is nil (and the deprecated Dial below is also nil),
	// then the transport dials using package net.
	// DialContext runs concurrently with calls to RoundTrip.
	// A RoundTrip call that initiates a dial may end up using
	// a connection dialed previously when the earlier connection
	// becomes idle before the later DialContext completes.
	DialContext func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// Dial specifies the dial function for creating unencrypted TCP connections.
	// Dial runs concurrently with calls to RoundTrip.
	// A RoundTrip call that initiates a dial may end up using
	// a connection dialed previously when the earlier connection
	// becomes idle before the later Dial completes.
	// Deprecated: Use DialContext instead, which allows the transport
	// to cancel dials as soon as they are no longer needed.
	// If both are set, DialContext takes priority.
	Dial func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// DialTLS specifies an optional dial function for creating
	// TLS connections for non-proxied HTTPS requests.
	// If DialTLS is nil, Dial and TLSClientConfig are used.
	// If DialTLS is set, the Dial hook is not used for HTTPS
	// requests and the TLSClientConfig and TLSHandshakeTimeout
	// are ignored. The returned net.Conn is assumed to already be
	// past the TLS handshake.
	DialTLS func(network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)

	// TLSClientConfig specifies the TLS configuration to use with
	// tls.Client.
	// If nil, the default configuration is used.
	// If non-nil, HTTP/2 support may not be enabled by default.
	TLSClientConfig *tls.Config

	// TLSHandshakeTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time waiting to
	// wait for a TLS handshake. Zero means no timeout.
	TLSHandshakeTimeout time.Duration

	// DisableKeepAlives, if true, disables HTTP keep-alives and
	// will only use the connection to the server for a single
	// HTTP request.
	// This is unrelated to the similarly named TCP keep-alives.
	DisableKeepAlives bool

	// DisableCompression, if true, prevents the Transport from
	// requesting compression with an "Accept-Encoding: gzip"
	// request header when the Request contains no existing
	// Accept-Encoding value. If the Transport requests gzip on
	// its own and gets a gzipped response, it's transparently
	// decoded in the Response.Body. However, if the user
	// explicitly requested gzip it is not automatically
	// uncompressed.
	DisableCompression bool

	// MaxIdleConns controls the maximum number of idle (keep-alive)
	// connections across all hosts. Zero means no limit.
	MaxIdleConns int

	// MaxIdleConnsPerHost, if non-zero, controls the maximum idle
	// (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. If zero,
	// DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is used.
	MaxIdleConnsPerHost int

	// MaxConnsPerHost optionally limits the total number of
	// connections per host, including connections in the dialing,
	// active, and idle states. On limit violation, dials will block.
	// Zero means no limit.
	// For HTTP/2, this currently only controls the number of new
	// connections being created at a time, instead of the total
	// number. In practice, hosts using HTTP/2 only have about one
	// idle connection, though.
	MaxConnsPerHost int

	// IdleConnTimeout is the maximum amount of time an idle
	// (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing
	// itself.
	// Zero means no limit.
	IdleConnTimeout time.Duration

	// ResponseHeaderTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of
	// time to wait for a server's response headers after fully
	// writing the request (including its body, if any). This
	// time does not include the time to read the response body.
	ResponseHeaderTimeout time.Duration

	// ExpectContinueTimeout, if non-zero, specifies the amount of
	// time to wait for a server's first response headers after fully
	// writing the request headers if the request has an
	// "Expect: 100-continue" header. Zero means no timeout and
	// causes the body to be sent immediately, without
	// waiting for the server to approve.
	// This time does not include the time to send the request header.
	ExpectContinueTimeout time.Duration

	// TLSNextProto specifies how the Transport switches to an
	// alternate protocol (such as HTTP/2) after a TLS NPN/ALPN
	// protocol negotiation. If Transport dials an TLS connection
	// with a non-empty protocol name and TLSNextProto contains a
	// map entry for that key (such as "h2"), then the func is
	// called with the request's authority (such as ""
	// or "") and the TLS connection. The function
	// must return a RoundTripper that then handles the request.
	// If TLSNextProto is not nil, HTTP/2 support is not enabled
	// automatically.
	TLSNextProto map[string]func(authority string, c *tls.Conn) http.RoundTripper

	// ProxyConnectHeader optionally specifies headers to send to
	// proxies during CONNECT requests.
	ProxyConnectHeader http.Header

	// MaxResponseHeaderBytes specifies a limit on how many
	// response bytes are allowed in the server's response
	// header.
	// Zero means to use a default limit.
	MaxResponseHeaderBytes int64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Transport is an implementation of RoundTripper that supports HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP proxies (for either HTTP or HTTPS with CONNECT).

By default, Transport caches connections for future re-use. This may leave many open connections when accessing many hosts. This behavior can be managed using Transport's CloseIdleConnections method and the MaxIdleConnsPerHost and DisableKeepAlives fields.

Transports should be reused instead of created as needed. Transports are safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

A Transport is a low-level primitive for making HTTP and HTTPS requests. For high-level functionality, such as cookies and redirects, see Client.

Transport uses HTTP/1.1 for HTTP URLs and either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 for HTTPS URLs, depending on whether the server supports HTTP/2, and how the Transport is configured. The DefaultTransport supports HTTP/2. To explicitly enable HTTP/2 on a transport, use and call ConfigureTransport. See the package docs for more about HTTP/2.

Responses with status codes in the 1xx range are either handled automatically (100 expect-continue) or ignored. The one exception is HTTP status code 101 (Switching Protocols), which is considered a terminal status and returned by RoundTrip. To see the ignored 1xx responses, use the httptrace trace package's ClientTrace.Got1xxResponse.

Transport only retries a request upon encountering a network error if the request is idempotent and either has no body or has its Request.GetBody defined. HTTP requests are considered idempotent if they have HTTP methods GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, or TRACE; or if their Header map contains an "Idempotency-Key" or "X-Idempotency-Key" entry. If the idempotency key value is an zero-length slice, the request is treated as idempotent but the header is not sent on the wire.

func (*Transport) CancelRequest deprecated

func (t *Transport) CancelRequest(req *http.Request)

CancelRequest cancels an in-flight request by closing its connection. CancelRequest should only be called after RoundTrip has returned.

Deprecated: Use Request.WithContext to create a request with a cancelable context instead. CancelRequest cannot cancel HTTP/2 requests.

func (*Transport) CloseIdleConnections

func (t *Transport) CloseIdleConnections()

CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle in a "keep-alive" state. It does not interrupt any connections currently in use.

func (*Transport) RegisterProtocol

func (t *Transport) RegisterProtocol(scheme string, rt http.RoundTripper)

RegisterProtocol registers a new protocol with scheme. The Transport will pass requests using the given scheme to rt. It is rt's responsibility to simulate HTTP request semantics.

RegisterProtocol can be used by other packages to provide implementations of protocol schemes like "ftp" or "file".

If rt.RoundTrip returns ErrSkipAltProtocol, the Transport will handle the RoundTrip itself for that one request, as if the protocol were not registered.

func (*Transport) RoundTrip

func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

http RoundTrip 实现

type WroteRequestInfo

type WroteRequestInfo struct {
	// Err is any error encountered while writing the Request.
	Err error

WroteRequestInfo contains information provided to the WroteRequest hook.

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? : This menu
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