
package module
v1.1.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 6, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 0


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Null is a package that provides a generic nullable variable that can be used for both JSON and SQL operations.


  • Uses a generic type for the underlying value
  • Provides an easy way to test if certain struct fields were set after unmarshalling a JSON message
  • Makes it easier to update only those fields in the database which were set previously. Especially in NoSQL databases using JSON documents
  • Compatible with the standard database/sql package
    • If the underlying type is a custom type that the standard database/sql package can't handle, then it is possible to implement the sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces for that given type to be compatible
  • Possible to control how the underlying value is handled during json marshalling and unmarshalling by implementing the json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler interfaces for the underlying type
  • Helper functions provide methods to easily filter unset fields in structs and maps


go get -u

Usage & Examples

Below you can see how to use the package in general and also in a more complex scenario. There are a few examples in test_null.go as well.

General usage

var nullableStr null.Var[string]

// IsSet returns if the value was set
nullableStr.IsSet() // false

// Valid returns if the value is NULL
nullableStr.Valid() // false

// Val returns the value
nullableStr.Val() // ""

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

nullableStr.IsSet() // true
nullableStr.Valid() // true
nullableStr.Val() // "foo"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

nullableStr.IsSet() // true
nullableStr.Valid() // false
nullableStr.Val() // ""

// ------------------------------------------------------------------

nullableStr.IsSet() // false
nullableStr.Valid() // false
nullableStr.Val() // ""

Complex usage

1. Let's have the following types
// custom integer type
type SiblingType int64

const (
    Sister SiblingType = iota

// custom slice type
type CustomSlice []string

// custom generic map
type CustomMap[K, V comparable] map[K]V

// custom struct
type Sibling struct {
    Name null.Var[string]      `json:"name"`
    Age  null.Var[int64]       `json:"age"`
    Type null.Var[SiblingType] `json:"type"`

// another custom struct
type Person struct {
    Name       null.Var[string]                   `json:"name"`
    Age        null.Var[int64]                    `json:"age"`
    BirthDate  null.Var[time.Time]                `json:"birth_date"`
    Books      null.Var[CustomSlice]              `json:"books"`
    ExamScores null.Var[CustomMap[string, int64]] `json:"exam_scores"`
    Sibling    null.Var[Sibling]                  `json:"sibling"`
2. Default JSON marshaling
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:        {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

j, _ := json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// 	"name":null,
// 	"age":null,
// 	"birth_date":null,
// 	"books":null,
// 	"exam_scores":null,
// 	"sibling":null
// }


var s Sibling
log.Printf("%+v", s)
// {
//     Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }



j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// 	"name":"Peter",
// 	"age":25,
// 	"birth_date":null,
// 	"books":null,
// 	"exam_scores":null,
// 	"sibling":{
// 		"name":"Anna",
// 		"age":20,
// 		"type":0
// 	}
// }

p.BirthDate.Set(time.Unix(852073200, 0))
p.Books.Set([]string{"George Orwell - 1984", "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"})
p.ExamScores.Set(CustomMap[string, int64]{
    "math":    80,
    "physics": 90,

j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// 	"name":"Peter",
// 	"age":25,
// 	"birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
// 	"books":[
// 		"George Orwell - 1984",
// 		"Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"
// 	],
// 	"exam_scores":{
// 		"math":80,
// 		"physics":90
// 	},
// 	"sibling":{
// 		"name":"Anna",
// 		"age":20,
// 		"type":0
// 	}
// }
3. Implement JSON marshaler for Person and Sibling
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (s Sibling) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    m := map[string]any{}
    if s.Name.IsSet() {
        m["name"] = s.Name

    if s.Age.IsSet() {
        m["age"] = s.Age

    if s.Type.IsSet() {
        m["type"] = s.Type

    return json.Marshal(m)

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (p Person) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    m := map[string]any{}
    if p.Name.IsSet() {
        m["name"] = p.Name

    if p.Age.IsSet() {
        m["age"] = p.Age

    if p.BirthDate.IsSet() {
        m["birth_date"] = p.BirthDate

    if p.Books.IsSet() {
        m["books"] = p.Books

    if p.ExamScores.IsSet() {
        m["exam_scores"] = p.ExamScores

    if p.Sibling.IsSet() {
        m["sibling"] = p.Sibling

    return json.Marshal(m)

var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:        {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

j, _ := json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {}


var s Sibling
log.Printf("%+v", s)
// {
//     Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }



j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
//     "age":25,
//     "name":"Peter",
//     "sibling":{
//         "age":20,
//         "name":"Anna",
//         "type":0
//     }
// }

p.BirthDate.Set(time.Unix(852073200, 0))
p.Books.Set([]string{"George Orwell - 1984", "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"})
p.ExamScores.Set(CustomMap[string, int64]{
    "math":    80,
    "physics": 90,

j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
//     "age":25,
//     "birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
//     "books":[
//         "George Orwell - 1984",
//         "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"
//     ],
//     "exam_scores":{
//         "math":80,
//         "physics":90
//     },
//     "name":"Peter",
//     "sibling":{
//         "age":20,
//         "name":"Anna",
//         "type":0
//     }
// }

p.Books.SetNil()     // will be null
p.ExamScores.Unset() // will be unset
p.Sibling.Unset()    // will be unset

j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
//     "age":25,
//     "birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
//     "books":null,
//     "name":"Peter"
// }
4. Use FilterStruct and FilterMap

FilterStruct and FilterMap are helper functions that can filter either a struct or a map from unset nullable variables. They provide an easy way to implement json.Marshaller interface without having to check each field in a struct. These helper functions both return a map without the unset fields.

However there are a few requirements:

  • All fields should be tagged with either a json or custom tag
  • To be able to recursively filter custom structs the Filterable interface should be embedded into the given structs
  • Custom structs can be embedded without having them to be tagged as long as they have Filterable interface embedded inside them and their fields are tagged. In this case the fields of the embedded struct will be on the same level as the struct that embeds it. If a tag is set for this embedded field, then the embedded struct fields will be presented under the given tag.

Similiarly to FilterStruct, FilterMap can be used to filter maps containing nullable variables. It will also recursively filter map keys which are map[string]any type.

The JSON marshaler example looks like this using the FilterStruct helper function. More examples in filter_test.go

// custom struct
type Sibling struct {
    // Signal for FilterStruct that if this struct type is used
    // for another struct's field type, then it can recursively
    // filter it.

    Name null.Var[string]      `json:"name"`
    Age  null.Var[int64]       `json:"age"`
    Type null.Var[SiblingType] `json:"type"`

// another custom struct
type Person struct {
    // Signal for FilterStruct that if this struct type is used
    // for another struct's field type, then it can recursively
    // filter it.

    Name       null.Var[string]                   `json:"name"`
    Age        null.Var[int64]                    `json:"age"`
    BirthDate  null.Var[time.Time]                `json:"birth_date"`
    Books      null.Var[CustomSlice]              `json:"books"`
    ExamScores null.Var[CustomMap[string, int64]] `json:"exam_scores"`

    // Sibling is also filterable
    Sibling    Sibling                            `json:"sibling"`

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (s Sibling) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    m, err := null.FilterStruct(s)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return json.Marshal(m)

// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (p Person) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    m, err := null.FilterStruct(p)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return json.Marshal(m)

FilterStruct has an additional option to use custom tags when determining the keys for the filtered map that it will produce. By default the json tag is used.

m, err := null.FilterStruct(s, null.UseTag("custom_tag"))

An example using FilterMap.

a := null.Var[string]
b := null.Var[string]
c := null.Var[string]


m := map[string]any{
    "a": a,
    "b": b,
    "c": c,

mf, err := null.FilterMap(m)
if err != nil {

log.Printf("%+v", mf)
// map[a:A b:<nil>]

5. Default JSON unmarshal
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:        {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

jsonStr1 := []byte(`{}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr1, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:        {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr2 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":0}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr2, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:true valid:true value:Peter} 
//     Age:        {set:true valid:true value:25} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:true valid:true value:{
//             Name:   {set:true valid:true value:Anna} 
//             Age:    {set:true valid:true value:20} 
//             Type:   {set:true valid:true value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr3 := []byte(`{"age":25,"birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00","books":["George Orwell - 1984","Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"],"exam_scores":{"math":80,"physics":90},"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":0}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr3, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:true valid:true value:Peter} 
//     Age:        {set:true valid:true value:25} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:true valid:true value:{wall:0 ext:62987670000 loc:0x2ca260}} 
//     Books:      {set:true valid:true value:[George Orwell - 1984 Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:true valid:true value:map[math:80 physics:90]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:true valid:true value:{
//             Name:   {set:true valid:true value:Anna} 
//             Age:    {set:true valid:true value:20} 
//             Type:   {set:true valid:true value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr4 := []byte(`{"age":25,"birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00","books":null,"name":"Peter"}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr4, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:true valid:true value:Peter} 
//     Age:        {set:true valid:true value:25} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:true valid:true value:{wall:0 ext:62987670000 loc:0x2ca260}} 
//     Books:      {set:true valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }
6. Implement JSON unmarshaler for SiblingType
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (st *SiblingType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
    // null value already handled by null.Var, 
    // so we don't need to check for that here

	str := string(data)
	if str == "brother" {
		*st = Brother
	} else if str == "sister" {
		*st = Sister
	} else {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for %T", st)

	return nil

var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:false valid:false value:} 
//     Age:        {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:false valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

jsonStr1 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":"sister"}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr1, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:true valid:true value:Peter} 
//     Age:        {set:true valid:true value:25} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:true valid:true value:{
//             Name:   {set:true valid:true value:Anna} 
//             Age:    {set:true valid:true value:20} 
//             Type:   {set:true valid:true value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }

p = Person{}
jsonStr2 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":"foo"}}`)
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonStr2, &p)
log.Printf("%v", err)
// invalid type for *SiblingType

p = Person{}
jsonStr3 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":null}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr3, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
//     Name:       {set:true valid:true value:Peter} 
//     Age:        {set:true valid:true value:25} 
//     BirthDate:  {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}} 
//     Books:      {set:false valid:false value:[]} 
//     ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]} 
//     Sibling:    {set:true valid:false value:{
//             Name:   {set:false valid:false value:} 
//             Age:    {set:false valid:false value:0} 
//             Type:   {set:false valid:false value:0}
//         }
//     }
// }
7. Use with the database/sql package
// NOTE:
// If the underlying value is not compatible with the database/sql package by default, 
// then implement sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces for the underlying type

var p Person

// Exec
// If any of the variables are not set or set to NULL, then NULL will be inserted
_ = db.Exec(/* query */, p.Age, p.Name)

// Scan
// If any of the values scanned will be NULL, then the IsValid() will return false. 
// IsSet() will return true for every field used in the scan.
_ = db.QueryRow(/* query */).Scan(&p.Age, &p.Name)




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


func FilterMap added in v1.1.0

func FilterMap(m map[string]any) (map[string]any, error)

FilterMap filters the given map from unset nullable fields

func FilterStruct added in v1.1.0

func FilterStruct(s any, opts ...filterOpt) (map[string]any, error)

FilterStruct filters the given structure from unset nullable fields

func UseTag added in v1.1.0

func UseTag(tag string) filterOpt



type Filterable added in v1.1.0

type Filterable interface {
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

an exported interface that helps recognizing which structs can be filtered recursively by FilterStruct

type Var

type Var[T any] struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Var[T] defines a variable with generic field of T type

func (Var[T]) IsSet

func (v Var[T]) IsSet() bool

IsSet returns if the value was set

func (Var[T]) MarshalJSON

func (v Var[T]) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface

func (*Var[T]) Scan

func (v *Var[T]) Scan(src any) error

Scan implements the sql.Scanner interface

func (*Var[T]) Set

func (v *Var[T]) Set(value T)

Set sets the value

func (*Var[T]) SetNil

func (v *Var[T]) SetNil()

SetNil sets the value to NULL

func (*Var[T]) UnmarshalJSON

func (v *Var[T]) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface

func (*Var[T]) Unset

func (v *Var[T]) Unset()

Unset unsets the value

func (Var[T]) Val

func (v Var[T]) Val() T

Val returns the value

func (Var[T]) Valid

func (v Var[T]) Valid() bool

Valid returns if the value is NULL

func (Var[T]) Value

func (v Var[T]) Value() (driver.Value, error)

Value implements the sql package's driver.Valuer interface

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