
v0.0.0-...-f0bbd44 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 8, 2017 License: GPL-3.0



Library of AWS functions to be called via REST.



What is it?

A collection of REST end points that communicate with the AWS API. It is used by other plugins.


Installing the plugin

NOTE: This plugin may take a long time to install since it now pre-compiles all REST end-points!


Each REST end-point uses authentication information saved in a per-environment json capability object. Clients do not send AWS credentials to REST end-points. Ensure that a json object named 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_1' is present for the environment, and that it contains at least the two keys, aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key, for example:


Only an AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID_1 capability is required in an environment to use all the REST api functions listed below.

REST End Points



Attach a volume to a running or stopped instance.

AttachVolume (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Device     string
    DryRun     bool
    InstanceId string
    VolumeId   string


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create a 30GB gp2 volume in availability zone us-west-2a

$ curl -k -d '{"Device":"/dev/sdb","InstanceId":"i-xxxxxx","VolumeId":"vol-xxxxx"}' \


Copy an AMI to a different region.

CopyImage (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Name          string  // The name of the new AMI in the destination region.
    SourceImageId string  // The ID of the AMI to copy.
    SourceRegion  string  // The name of the region that contains the AMI to copy.
    Description   string  // A description for the new AMI in the destination region.
    DryRun        bool    // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action.
    ClientToken   string  // Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure idempotency.
    Encrypted     bool    // Specifies whether the destination snapshots of the copied image should be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId      string  // The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) CMK to use when encrypting the snapshots


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Copy an image from us-west-2 to us-east-1

$ curl -k -d '
    "Name":"Fantastic Copied Image",
    "Description":"Image copied from us-west-2"
}' \

Copy a snapshot to the same or different region.

CopySnapshot (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    SourceSnapshotId  string  // The ID of the EBS Snapshot to copy.
    SourceRegion      string  // The name of the region that contains the snapshot to copy.
    Description       string  // A description for the new AMI in the destination region.
    PresignedUrl      string  // The pre-signed URL that facilitates copying an encrypted snapshot.
    DestinationRegion string  // The destination region to use in the PresignedUrl parameter
                              //  of a snapshot copy operation. This parameter is only valid
                              //  for specifying the destination region in a PresignedUrl
                              //  parameter, where it is required.
    DryRun            bool    // Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action.
    Encrypted         bool    // Specifies whether the destination snapshots of the
                              //  copied image should be encrypted.
    KmsKeyId          string  // The full ARN of the AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS)
                              //  CMK to use when encrypting the snapshots


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Copy a snapshot from us-west-2 to us-east-1

$ curl -k -d '
    "Description":"Snapshot copied from us-west-2"
}' \


Create an AMI from an Amazon EBS-backed instance.

CreateImage (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Description string  // Description of the snapshot.
    DryRun      bool    // Check permissions.
    InstanceId  string  // The ID of the instance.
    Name        string  // A name for the new image.
    NoReboot    bool    // If true, the instance will not be shut down before creating the image.

    BlockDeviceMappings [{
        DeviceName  string  // The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
        NoDevice    string  // Suppresses the specified device
        VirtualName string  // The virtual device name (ephemeralN).
        Ebs {
            DeleteOnTermination bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on termination
            Encrypted           bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted.
            Iops                int64  // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
            SnapshotId          string // The ID of the snapshot.
            VolumeSize          int64  // The size of the volume, in GiB.
            VolumeType          string // The volume type: gp2, io1, st1, sc1, or standard.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an image of instance i-2aa60a32

$ curl -k -d '{
    "Description":"Created by obdi-aws-ec2lib from instance i-2aa60a32",
    "Name":"New AMI",
    "NoReboot":true }' \


Create a snapshot of a volume in S3.

CreateSnapshot (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Description string  // Description of the snapshot.
    VolumeId    string  // VolumeId to take a snapshot of.
    DryRun      bool


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create a snapshot of vol-cb5f1166 in S3

$ curl -k -d '{ "DryRun":false,
                "Description":"Created by obdi-aws-p2ec2 for vol-cb5f1166",
                "VolumeId":"vol-cb5f1166"}' \


CreatePlacementGroup API operation for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

CreatePlacementGroup (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun      bool
    GroupName   string  // A name for the placement group. Up to 255 ASCII characters
    Strategy    string  // The placement strategy. 'cluster' only.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create a placement group

$ curl -k -d '{ "DryRun":false,
                "Strategy":"cluster"}' \


Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified Amazon EC2 resource or resources. Each resource can have a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key and optional value. Tag keys must be unique per resource.

CreateTags (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun     bool
    Resources  [ string ] // The IDs of one or more resources to tag. For example, ami-1a2b3c4d.
    Tags       [ { Key:string, Value:string }... ]  // Key/value pairs of Tags


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create a tag, TestTag, with value, TestValue

$ curl -k -d '{ 
  }' \

Create a volume in an availability zone.

CreateVolume (go aws sdk)

EBS Volumes

Device Naming

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Encrypted  bool
    Iops       int64  // 100 to 20000 for io1
    KmsKeyId   string // For encrypted volume
    Size       int64  // In GB
    SnapshotId string
    VolumeType string // gp2, io1, st1, sc1 or standard


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create a 30GB gp2 volume in availability zone us-west-2a

$ curl -k -d '{"Size":30,"VolumeType":"gp2","Encrypted":false}' \


Delete a snapshot from a region.

DeleteSnapshot (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun     bool
    SnapshotId   string


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Delete Volume vol-c5e13a4d

$ curl -k -d '{"DryRun":false,"SnapshotId":"snap-c5e13a4d"}' \


Delete a volume from a region.

DeleteVolume (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun     bool
    VolumeId   string


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Delete Volume vol-c5e13a4d

$ curl -k -d '{"DryRun":false,"VolumeId":"vol-c5e13a4d"}' \


Deregisters the specified AMI. After you deregister an AMI, it can't be used to launch new instances.

This command does not delete the snapshot.

DeregisterImage (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun     bool
    ImageId    string


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Delete AMI ami-c5e13a4d

$ curl -k -d '{"DryRun":false,"ImageId":"ami-c5e13a4d"}' \


Get the status of an availability zone.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Get status of availability zone us-east-1c

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-availability-zone?env_id=1&region=us-east-1&availability_zone=us-east-1c"


Get the details of AMI's, Amazon Machine Images.


URL parameters:

    dry_run                "true"|"false".
    filter                 List. E.g. image-id=ami-cd90d5ea.
                           Use more than once to specify more.
    executable_users       List. Use more than once to specify more.
    image_ids              List. Use more than once to specify more.
                           Omit image_id to get status of all volumes.
    owners                 List. Use more than once to specify more.
    env_id                 E.g. 1.
    region                 E.g. us-east-1.

The filter name image-id was used above. A list of all filter names are at:


To specify multiple values for a filter key use a comma, not more filter entries.


Filter by status available or failed (but not pending status):


Filter by 3 'image-id's that the image is for.



# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Show all AMI images that you're allowed to see

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-images?env_id=2&region=us-west-2"

# Show the details for two image IDs
# It is an error to use a non-existent image ID and AWS will complain

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-images?env_id=2&region=us-west-2&image_id=ami-02d90d62&image_id=ami-1d73d07d"

# Show the details for the same two image IDs using filters instead
# It is /not/ an error to use a non-existent image ID and AWS will /not/ complain.

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-images?env_id=2&region=us-west-2&filter=image-id=ami-02d90d62,ami-1d73d07d"



# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# All instances in the default region (us-east-1)

$ curl -k https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-instances?env_id=1

# All instances in us-west-1

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-instances?env_id=1&region=us-west-1"

# Filter on instance-id (the global filter is also applied if set)

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-instances?env_id=1&region=us-west-2&filter=instance-id=i-e12hb395"

# Filter on 2 instance-ids

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-instances?env_id=1&region=us-west-2&filter=instance-id=i-e12hb395&filter=instance-id=i-7gbd59fe"

The filter name instance-id was used above. A list of all filter names are at:




# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Show all available regions. There are no other options.
# This does not call out to AWS, it uses the goamz library.

$ curl -k https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-regions


Get the details of EBS snapshot(s).


URL parameters:

    dry_run                "true"|"false".
    filter                 List. E.g. snapshot-id=snap-cd90d5ea.
                           Use more than once to specify more.
    owner_id               List. Use more than once to specify more.
    snapshot_id            List. Use more than once to specify more.
                           Omit snapshot_id to get status of all volumes.
    restorable_by_user_id  List. Use more than once to specify more.
    max_results            E.g. 100.
    next_token             E.g. token.
    env_id                 E.g. 1.
    region                 E.g. us-east-1.

The filter name snapshot-id was used above. A list of all filter names are at:


To specify multiple values for a filter key use a comma, not more filter entries.


Filter by status completed or error (but not pending status):


Filter by 3 'volume-id's that the snapshot is for.



# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Show all snapshots that you're allowed to see

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-snapshots?env_id=2&region=us-west-2"

# Show the details for two snapshot IDs
# It is an error to use a non-existent snapshot ID and AWS will complain

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-snapshots?env_id=2&region=us-west-2&snapshot_id=snap-38cfe109&snapshot_id=snap-7fb97b3b"

# Show the details for the same two snapshot IDs using filters instead
# It is /not/ an error to use a non-existent snapshot ID and AWS will /not/ complain.

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-snapshots?env_id=2&region=us-west-2&filter=snapshot-id=snap-38cfe109,snap-7fb97b3b"


Get the details of EBS volume(s).


URL parameters:

    dry_run     "true"|"false".
    volume_id   E.g. vol-3af379e. Use more than once to specify more.
                Omit volume_id to get status of all volumes.
    env_id      E.g. 1.
    region      E.g. us-east-1.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Get details of all volumes

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-volumes?env_id=1&region=us-east-1"

# Get details of volume vol-3af379e

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-volumes?env_id=1&region=us-east-1&volume_id=vol-3af379e"


Get the status of an EBS volume.


URL parameters:

    dry_run     "true"|"false".
    volume_id   E.g. vol-3af379e. Use more than once to specify more.
                Omit volume_id to get status of all volumes.
    env_id      E.g. 1.
    region      E.g. us-east-1.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Get status of all volumes

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-volume-status?env_id=1&region=us-east-1"

# Get status of volume vol-3af379e

$ curl -k "https://$ipport/api/nomen.nescio/$guid/aws-ec2lib/describe-volume-status?env_id=1&region=us-east-1&volume_id=vol-3af379e"


Detach a volume from an instance.

DetachVolume (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun     bool
    Device     string // The device name.
    Force      bool   // Last-resort force detachment.
    InstanceId string // The ID of the instance.
    VolumeId   string // The ID of the volume to be detached.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Detach volume vol-cb5f1166, mounted on /dev/xvdb, from instance i-d0d63149:

$ curl -k -d '{"Device":"/dev/xvdb","InstanceId":"i-d0d63149","VolumeId":"vol-cb5f1166"}' \


UNIMPLEMENTED - not sure how to do this and for it to make sense when using remotely.


UNIMPLEMENTED - not sure how to do this and for it to make sense when using remotely.


Create an AMI from a snapshot.

RegisterImage (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    Name               string  // A name for your AMI.
    Architecture       string
    Description        string  // A description for your AMI.
    DryRun             bool
    EnaSupport         bool    // enhanced networking with ENA.
    ImageLocation      string  // full path to your AMI manifest in Amazon S3.
    KernelId           string  // The ID of the kernel.
    RamdiskId          string  // The ID of the RAM disk.
    RootDeviceName     string  // for example, /dev/sda1, or /dev/xvda.
    SriovNetSupport    string  // enhanced networking with the Intel 82599
    VirtualizationType string  // The type of virtualization. Default: paravirtual

    BlockDeviceMappings [{
        DeviceName  string  // The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
        NoDevice    string  // Suppresses the specified device
        VirtualName string  // The virtual device name (ephemeralN).
        Ebs {
            DeleteOnTermination bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on termination
            Encrypted           bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted.
            Iops                int64  // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
            SnapshotId          string // The ID of the snapshot.
            VolumeSize          int64  // The size of the volume, in GiB.
            VolumeType          string // The volume type: gp2, io1, st1, sc1, or standard.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an AMI from a snapshot

$ curl -k -d '
    "Name":"My AMI",
    "Description":"My AMI Description",
}' \


Create an Instance from an AMI.

RunInstances (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    AdditionalInfo string  // Reserved.
    ClientToken    string  // Identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency.
    DisableApiTermination string  // If you set this parameter to true, you can't terminate the instance.
    DryRun         bool
    EbsOptimized   bool    // Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O.
    ImageId        string  // The ID of the AMI.
    InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior string // Whether an instance stops or terminates.
    InstanceType   string  // The instance type. Default: m1.small.
    KernelId       string  // The ID of the kernel.
    KeyName        string  // The name of the key pair.
    MaxCount       int64   // The maximum number of instances to launch.
    MinCount       int64   // The minimum number of instances to launch.
    PrivateIpAddress string  // [EC2-VPC] The primary IP address.
    RamdiskId      string  // The ID of the RAM disk.
    SubnetId       string  // [EC2-VPC] The ID of the subnet to launch the instance into.
    UserData       string  // The user data to make available to the instance.

    // One or more security group IDs. You can create a security group using CreateSecurityGroup.
    // Default: Amazon EC2 uses the default security group.
    SecurityGroupIds [ string ]

    // [EC2-Classic, default VPC] One or more security group names. For a nondefault
    // VPC, you must use security group IDs instead.
    // Default: Amazon EC2 uses the default security group.
    SecurityGroups [ string ]

    Monitoring {
        Enabled bool  //Indicates whether monitoring is enabled for the instance.

    NetworkInterfaces [{
        AssociatePublicIpAddress bool    // Indicates whether to assign a public IP address to an instance.
        DeleteOnTermination      bool    // Whether the interface is deleted on termination.
        Description              string  // The description of the network interface.
        DeviceIndex              int64   // You must provide the device index.
        Groups                   string  // The IDs of the security groups for the network interface.
        NetworkInterfaceId       string  // The ID of the network interface.
        PrivateIpAddress         string  // The private IP address of the network interface.
        SubnetId                 string  // The ID of the subnet associated with the network string.
        SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount int64 // The number of secondary private IP addresses.

        PrivateIpAddresses [{
            Primary           bool   // Indicates whether this is the primary private IP address.
            PrivateIpAddress  string // The private IP addresses.


    Placement {
        Affinity         string  // The affinity setting for the instance on the Dedicated Host.
        AvailabilityZone string  // The Availability Zone of the instance.
        GroupName        string  // The name of the placement group the instance is in.
        HostId           string  // The ID of the Dedicted host on which the instance resides.
        Tenancy          string  // The tenancy of the instance (if the instance is running in a VPC).
                                 // default, dedicated or host

    IamInstanceProfile IamInstanceProfileSpecification { // The IAM instance profile.
        Arn    string  // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile.
        Name   string  // The name of the instance profile.

    BlockDeviceMappings [{
        DeviceName  string  // The device name exposed to the instance (for example, /dev/sdh or xvdh).
        NoDevice    string  // Suppresses the specified device
        VirtualName string  // The virtual device name (ephemeralN).
        Ebs {
            DeleteOnTermination bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is deleted on termination
            Encrypted           bool   // Indicates whether the EBS volume is encrypted.
            Iops                int64  // The number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) that the volume supports.
            SnapshotId          string // The ID of the snapshot.
            VolumeSize          int64  // The size of the volume, in GiB.
            VolumeType          string // The volume type: gp2, io1, st1, sc1, or standard.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an Instance from an AMI using mostly default values.

$ curl -k -d '
}' \

# Create an Instance from an AMI using mostly default values.
# Additionally specify the Availability zone and security group.

$ curl -k -d '
    "Placement": {
}' \


Starts an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that was previously stopped.

StartInstances (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    AdditionalInfo string     // Reserved.
    DryRun         bool       // Check permissions.
    InstanceIds    [ string ] // One or more Instance Ids to start.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an image of instance i-2aa60a32

$ curl -k -d '{
  }' \


Stops an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that was previously stopped.

StopInstances (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    AdditionalInfo string     // Reserved.
    DryRun         bool       // Check permissions.
    InstanceIds    [ string ] // One or more Instance Ids to stop.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an image of instance i-2aa60a32

$ curl -k -d '{
  }' \


Terminates an Amazon EBS-backed AMI that was previously stopped.

TerminateInstances (go aws sdk)

Supported POST data JSON parameters:

    DryRun         bool       // Check permissions.
    InstanceIds    [ string ] // One or more Instance Ids to terminate.


# Log in

$ ipport=""

$ guid=`curl -ks -d '{"Login":"nomen.nescio","Password":"password"}' \
  https://$ipport/api/login | grep -o "[a-z0-9][^\"]*"`

# Create an image of instance i-2aa60a32

$ curl -k -d '{
  }' \


Path Synopsis
Package sdk is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
Package sdk is the official AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
Package aws provides core functionality for making requests to AWS services.
Package aws provides core functionality for making requests to AWS services.
Package awserr represents API error interface accessors for the SDK.
Package awserr represents API error interface accessors for the SDK.
Package credentials provides credential retrieval and management
Package credentials provides credential retrieval and management
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
Package stscreds are credential Providers to retrieve STS AWS credentials.
Package defaults is a collection of helpers to retrieve the SDK's default configuration and handlers.
Package defaults is a collection of helpers to retrieve the SDK's default configuration and handlers.
Package ec2metadata provides the client for making API calls to the EC2 Metadata service.
Package ec2metadata provides the client for making API calls to the EC2 Metadata service.
Package session provides a way to create service clients with shared configuration and handlers.
Package session provides a way to create service clients with shared configuration and handlers.
Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer
Package v4 implements signing for AWS V4 signer
Package integration performs initialization and validation for integration tests.
Package integration performs initialization and validation for integration tests.
Package smoke contains shared step definitions that are used across integration tests
Package smoke contains shared step definitions that are used across integration tests
Package acm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package acm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package apigateway provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package apigateway provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package applicationdiscoveryservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package applicationdiscoveryservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package autoscaling provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package autoscaling provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudformation provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudformation provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudfront provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudfront provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudhsm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudhsm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudsearch provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudsearch provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudtrail provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudtrail provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudwatch provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudwatch provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudwatchlogs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cloudwatchlogs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codecommit provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codecommit provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codedeploy provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codedeploy provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codepipeline provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package codepipeline provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cognitoidentity provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cognitoidentity provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cognitosync provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package cognitosync provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package configservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package configservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package datapipeline provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package datapipeline provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package devicefarm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package devicefarm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package directconnect provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package directconnect provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package directoryservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package directoryservice provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package dynamodb provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package dynamodb provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package dynamodbstreams provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package dynamodbstreams provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ec2 provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ec2 provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ecs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ecs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package efs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package efs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticache provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticache provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticbeanstalk provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticbeanstalk provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticloadbalancing provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elasticloadbalancing provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elastictranscoder provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package elastictranscoder provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package emr provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package emr provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package es provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package es provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package glacier provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package glacier provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package iam provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package iam provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package iotdataplane provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package iotdataplane provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package kinesis provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package kinesis provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package kms provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package kms provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package lambda provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package lambda provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package machinelearning provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package machinelearning provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package opsworks provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package opsworks provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package rds provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package rds provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package redshift provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package redshift provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package route53 provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package route53 provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package route53domains provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package route53domains provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ses provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ses provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package simpledb provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package simpledb provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sns provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sns provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sqs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sqs provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ssm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package ssm provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package storagegateway provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package storagegateway provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sts provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package sts provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package support provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package support provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package swf provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package swf provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package waf provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package waf provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package workspaces provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package workspaces provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package performance provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package performance provides gucumber integration tests support.
Package unit performs initialization and validation for unit tests
Package unit performs initialization and validation for unit tests
Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services.
Package endpoints validates regional endpoints for services.
Package api represents API abstractions for rendering service generated files.
Package api represents API abstractions for rendering service generated files.
Command aws-gen-gocli parses a JSON description of an AWS API and generates a Go file containing a client for the API.
Command aws-gen-gocli parses a JSON description of an AWS API and generates a Go file containing a client for the API.
Command aws-gen-goendpoints parses a JSON description of the AWS endpoint discovery logic and generates a Go file which returns an endpoint.
Command aws-gen-goendpoints parses a JSON description of the AWS endpoint discovery logic and generates a Go file which returns an endpoint.
Package ec2query provides serialisation of AWS EC2 requests and responses.
Package ec2query provides serialisation of AWS EC2 requests and responses.
Package jsonutil provides JSON serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package jsonutil provides JSON serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package jsonrpc provides JSON RPC utilities for serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package jsonrpc provides JSON RPC utilities for serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package query provides serialisation of AWS query requests, and responses.
Package query provides serialisation of AWS query requests, and responses.
Package rest provides RESTful serialization of AWS requests and responses.
Package rest provides RESTful serialization of AWS requests and responses.
Package restjson provides RESTful JSON serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package restjson provides RESTful JSON serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package restxml provides RESTful XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package restxml provides RESTful XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package xmlutil provides XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package xmlutil provides XML serialisation of AWS requests and responses.
Package service contains automatically generated AWS clients.
Package service contains automatically generated AWS clients.
Package acm provides a client for AWS Certificate Manager.
Package acm provides a client for AWS Certificate Manager.
Package acmiface provides an interface for the AWS Certificate Manager.
Package acmiface provides an interface for the AWS Certificate Manager.
Package apigateway provides a client for Amazon API Gateway.
Package apigateway provides a client for Amazon API Gateway.
Package apigatewayiface provides an interface for the Amazon API Gateway.
Package apigatewayiface provides an interface for the Amazon API Gateway.
Package applicationautoscaling provides a client for Application Auto Scaling.
Package applicationautoscaling provides a client for Application Auto Scaling.
Package applicationautoscalingiface provides an interface for the Application Auto Scaling.
Package applicationautoscalingiface provides an interface for the Application Auto Scaling.
Package applicationdiscoveryservice provides a client for AWS Application Discovery Service.
Package applicationdiscoveryservice provides a client for AWS Application Discovery Service.
Package applicationdiscoveryserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Application Discovery Service.
Package applicationdiscoveryserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Application Discovery Service.
Package autoscaling provides a client for Auto Scaling.
Package autoscaling provides a client for Auto Scaling.
Package autoscalingiface provides an interface for the Auto Scaling.
Package autoscalingiface provides an interface for the Auto Scaling.
Package cloudformation provides a client for AWS CloudFormation.
Package cloudformation provides a client for AWS CloudFormation.
Package cloudformationiface provides an interface for the AWS CloudFormation.
Package cloudformationiface provides an interface for the AWS CloudFormation.
Package cloudfront provides a client for Amazon CloudFront.
Package cloudfront provides a client for Amazon CloudFront.
Package cloudfrontiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudFront.
Package cloudfrontiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudFront.
Package sign provides utilities to generate signed URLs for Amazon CloudFront.
Package sign provides utilities to generate signed URLs for Amazon CloudFront.
Package cloudhsm provides a client for Amazon CloudHSM.
Package cloudhsm provides a client for Amazon CloudHSM.
Package cloudhsmiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudHSM.
Package cloudhsmiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudHSM.
Package cloudsearch provides a client for Amazon CloudSearch.
Package cloudsearch provides a client for Amazon CloudSearch.
Package cloudsearchiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudSearch.
Package cloudsearchiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudSearch.
Package cloudsearchdomain provides a client for Amazon CloudSearch Domain.
Package cloudsearchdomain provides a client for Amazon CloudSearch Domain.
Package cloudsearchdomainiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudSearch Domain.
Package cloudsearchdomainiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudSearch Domain.
Package cloudtrail provides a client for AWS CloudTrail.
Package cloudtrail provides a client for AWS CloudTrail.
Package cloudtrailiface provides an interface for the AWS CloudTrail.
Package cloudtrailiface provides an interface for the AWS CloudTrail.
Package cloudwatch provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch.
Package cloudwatch provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch.
Package cloudwatchiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch.
Package cloudwatchiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch.
Package cloudwatchevents provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Package cloudwatchevents provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Package cloudwatcheventsiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Package cloudwatcheventsiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch Events.
Package cloudwatchlogs provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Package cloudwatchlogs provides a client for Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Package cloudwatchlogsiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Package cloudwatchlogsiface provides an interface for the Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
Package codecommit provides a client for AWS CodeCommit.
Package codecommit provides a client for AWS CodeCommit.
Package codecommitiface provides an interface for the AWS CodeCommit.
Package codecommitiface provides an interface for the AWS CodeCommit.
Package codedeploy provides a client for AWS CodeDeploy.
Package codedeploy provides a client for AWS CodeDeploy.
Package codedeployiface provides an interface for the AWS CodeDeploy.
Package codedeployiface provides an interface for the AWS CodeDeploy.
Package codepipeline provides a client for AWS CodePipeline.
Package codepipeline provides a client for AWS CodePipeline.
Package codepipelineiface provides an interface for the AWS CodePipeline.
Package codepipelineiface provides an interface for the AWS CodePipeline.
Package cognitoidentity provides a client for Amazon Cognito Identity.
Package cognitoidentity provides a client for Amazon Cognito Identity.
Package cognitoidentityiface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Identity.
Package cognitoidentityiface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Identity.
Package cognitoidentityprovider provides a client for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider.
Package cognitoidentityprovider provides a client for Amazon Cognito Identity Provider.
Package cognitoidentityprovideriface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider.
Package cognitoidentityprovideriface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider.
Package cognitosync provides a client for Amazon Cognito Sync.
Package cognitosync provides a client for Amazon Cognito Sync.
Package cognitosynciface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Sync.
Package cognitosynciface provides an interface for the Amazon Cognito Sync.
Package configservice provides a client for AWS Config.
Package configservice provides a client for AWS Config.
Package configserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Config.
Package configserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Config.
Package databasemigrationservice provides a client for AWS Database Migration Service.
Package databasemigrationservice provides a client for AWS Database Migration Service.
Package databasemigrationserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Database Migration Service.
Package databasemigrationserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Database Migration Service.
Package datapipeline provides a client for AWS Data Pipeline.
Package datapipeline provides a client for AWS Data Pipeline.
Package datapipelineiface provides an interface for the AWS Data Pipeline.
Package datapipelineiface provides an interface for the AWS Data Pipeline.
Package devicefarm provides a client for AWS Device Farm.
Package devicefarm provides a client for AWS Device Farm.
Package devicefarmiface provides an interface for the AWS Device Farm.
Package devicefarmiface provides an interface for the AWS Device Farm.
Package directconnect provides a client for AWS Direct Connect.
Package directconnect provides a client for AWS Direct Connect.
Package directconnectiface provides an interface for the AWS Direct Connect.
Package directconnectiface provides an interface for the AWS Direct Connect.
Package directoryservice provides a client for AWS Directory Service.
Package directoryservice provides a client for AWS Directory Service.
Package directoryserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Directory Service.
Package directoryserviceiface provides an interface for the AWS Directory Service.
Package dynamodb provides a client for Amazon DynamoDB.
Package dynamodb provides a client for Amazon DynamoDB.
Package dynamodbattribute provides marshaling utilities for marshaling to dynamodb.AttributeValue types and unmarshaling to Go value types.
Package dynamodbattribute provides marshaling utilities for marshaling to dynamodb.AttributeValue types and unmarshaling to Go value types.
Package dynamodbiface provides an interface for the Amazon DynamoDB.
Package dynamodbiface provides an interface for the Amazon DynamoDB.
Package dynamodbstreams provides a client for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.
Package dynamodbstreams provides a client for Amazon DynamoDB Streams.
Package dynamodbstreamsiface provides an interface for the Amazon DynamoDB Streams.
Package dynamodbstreamsiface provides an interface for the Amazon DynamoDB Streams.
Package ec2 provides a client for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Package ec2 provides a client for Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Package ec2iface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Package ec2iface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.
Package ecr provides a client for Amazon EC2 Container Registry.
Package ecr provides a client for Amazon EC2 Container Registry.
Package ecriface provides an interface for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry.
Package ecriface provides an interface for the Amazon EC2 Container Registry.
Package ecs provides a client for Amazon EC2 Container Service.
Package ecs provides a client for Amazon EC2 Container Service.
Package ecsiface provides an interface for the Amazon EC2 Container Service.
Package ecsiface provides an interface for the Amazon EC2 Container Service.
Package efs provides a client for Amazon Elastic File System.
Package efs provides a client for Amazon Elastic File System.
Package efsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic File System.
Package efsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic File System.
Package elasticache provides a client for Amazon ElastiCache.
Package elasticache provides a client for Amazon ElastiCache.
Package elasticacheiface provides an interface for the Amazon ElastiCache.
Package elasticacheiface provides an interface for the Amazon ElastiCache.
Package elasticbeanstalk provides a client for AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Package elasticbeanstalk provides a client for AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Package elasticbeanstalkiface provides an interface for the AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Package elasticbeanstalkiface provides an interface for the AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Package elasticsearchservice provides a client for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
Package elasticsearchservice provides a client for Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
Package elasticsearchserviceiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
Package elasticsearchserviceiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elasticsearch Service.
Package elastictranscoder provides a client for Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
Package elastictranscoder provides a client for Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
Package elastictranscoderiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
Package elastictranscoderiface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
Package elb provides a client for Elastic Load Balancing.
Package elb provides a client for Elastic Load Balancing.
Package elbiface provides an interface for the Elastic Load Balancing.
Package elbiface provides an interface for the Elastic Load Balancing.
Package emr provides a client for Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Package emr provides a client for Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Package emriface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Package emriface provides an interface for the Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
Package firehose provides a client for Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
Package firehose provides a client for Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
Package firehoseiface provides an interface for the Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
Package firehoseiface provides an interface for the Amazon Kinesis Firehose.
Package gamelift provides a client for Amazon GameLift.
Package gamelift provides a client for Amazon GameLift.
Package gameliftiface provides an interface for the Amazon GameLift.
Package gameliftiface provides an interface for the Amazon GameLift.
Package glacier provides a client for Amazon Glacier.
Package glacier provides a client for Amazon Glacier.
Package glacieriface provides an interface for the Amazon Glacier.
Package glacieriface provides an interface for the Amazon Glacier.
Package iam provides a client for AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package iam provides a client for AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package iamiface provides an interface for the AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package iamiface provides an interface for the AWS Identity and Access Management.
Package inspector provides a client for Amazon Inspector.
Package inspector provides a client for Amazon Inspector.
Package inspectoriface provides an interface for the Amazon Inspector.
Package inspectoriface provides an interface for the Amazon Inspector.
Package iot provides a client for AWS IoT.
Package iot provides a client for AWS IoT.
Package iotiface provides an interface for the AWS IoT.
Package iotiface provides an interface for the AWS IoT.
Package iotdataplane provides a client for AWS IoT Data Plane.
Package iotdataplane provides a client for AWS IoT Data Plane.
Package iotdataplaneiface provides an interface for the AWS IoT Data Plane.
Package iotdataplaneiface provides an interface for the AWS IoT Data Plane.
Package kinesis provides a client for Amazon Kinesis.
Package kinesis provides a client for Amazon Kinesis.
Package kinesisiface provides an interface for the Amazon Kinesis.
Package kinesisiface provides an interface for the Amazon Kinesis.
Package kms provides a client for AWS Key Management Service.
Package kms provides a client for AWS Key Management Service.
Package kmsiface provides an interface for the AWS Key Management Service.
Package kmsiface provides an interface for the AWS Key Management Service.
Package lambda provides a client for AWS Lambda.
Package lambda provides a client for AWS Lambda.
Package lambdaiface provides an interface for the AWS Lambda.
Package lambdaiface provides an interface for the AWS Lambda.
Package machinelearning provides a client for Amazon Machine Learning.
Package machinelearning provides a client for Amazon Machine Learning.
Package machinelearningiface provides an interface for the Amazon Machine Learning.
Package machinelearningiface provides an interface for the Amazon Machine Learning.
Package marketplacecommerceanalytics provides a client for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.
Package marketplacecommerceanalytics provides a client for AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.
Package marketplacecommerceanalyticsiface provides an interface for the AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.
Package marketplacecommerceanalyticsiface provides an interface for the AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics.
Package marketplacemetering provides a client for AWSMarketplace Metering.
Package marketplacemetering provides a client for AWSMarketplace Metering.
Package marketplacemeteringiface provides an interface for the AWSMarketplace Metering.
Package marketplacemeteringiface provides an interface for the AWSMarketplace Metering.
Package mobileanalytics provides a client for Amazon Mobile Analytics.
Package mobileanalytics provides a client for Amazon Mobile Analytics.
Package mobileanalyticsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Mobile Analytics.
Package mobileanalyticsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Mobile Analytics.
Package opsworks provides a client for AWS OpsWorks.
Package opsworks provides a client for AWS OpsWorks.
Package opsworksiface provides an interface for the AWS OpsWorks.
Package opsworksiface provides an interface for the AWS OpsWorks.
Package rds provides a client for Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package rds provides a client for Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package rdsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package rdsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Relational Database Service.
Package redshift provides a client for Amazon Redshift.
Package redshift provides a client for Amazon Redshift.
Package redshiftiface provides an interface for the Amazon Redshift.
Package redshiftiface provides an interface for the Amazon Redshift.
Package route53 provides a client for Amazon Route 53.
Package route53 provides a client for Amazon Route 53.
Package route53iface provides an interface for the Amazon Route 53.
Package route53iface provides an interface for the Amazon Route 53.
Package route53domains provides a client for Amazon Route 53 Domains.
Package route53domains provides a client for Amazon Route 53 Domains.
Package route53domainsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Route 53 Domains.
Package route53domainsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Route 53 Domains.
Package s3 provides a client for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Package s3 provides a client for Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Package s3iface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Package s3iface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Storage Service.
Package s3manager provides utilities to upload and download objects from S3 concurrently.
Package s3manager provides utilities to upload and download objects from S3 concurrently.
Package s3manageriface provides an interface for the s3manager package
Package s3manageriface provides an interface for the s3manager package
Package ses provides a client for Amazon Simple Email Service.
Package ses provides a client for Amazon Simple Email Service.
Package sesiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Email Service.
Package sesiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Email Service.
Package simpledb provides a client for Amazon SimpleDB.
Package simpledb provides a client for Amazon SimpleDB.
Package simpledbiface provides an interface for the Amazon SimpleDB.
Package simpledbiface provides an interface for the Amazon SimpleDB.
Package sns provides a client for Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Package sns provides a client for Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Package snsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Package snsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Notification Service.
Package sqs provides a client for Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Package sqs provides a client for Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Package sqsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Package sqsiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
Package ssm provides a client for Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.
Package ssm provides a client for Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.
Package ssmiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.
Package ssmiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Systems Management Service.
Package storagegateway provides a client for AWS Storage Gateway.
Package storagegateway provides a client for AWS Storage Gateway.
Package storagegatewayiface provides an interface for the AWS Storage Gateway.
Package storagegatewayiface provides an interface for the AWS Storage Gateway.
Package sts provides a client for AWS Security Token Service.
Package sts provides a client for AWS Security Token Service.
Package stsiface provides an interface for the AWS Security Token Service.
Package stsiface provides an interface for the AWS Security Token Service.
Package support provides a client for AWS Support.
Package support provides a client for AWS Support.
Package supportiface provides an interface for the AWS Support.
Package supportiface provides an interface for the AWS Support.
Package swf provides a client for Amazon Simple Workflow Service.
Package swf provides a client for Amazon Simple Workflow Service.
Package swfiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Workflow Service.
Package swfiface provides an interface for the Amazon Simple Workflow Service.
Package waf provides a client for AWS WAF.
Package waf provides a client for AWS WAF.
Package wafiface provides an interface for the AWS WAF.
Package wafiface provides an interface for the AWS WAF.
Package workspaces provides a client for Amazon WorkSpaces.
Package workspaces provides a client for Amazon WorkSpaces.
Package workspacesiface provides an interface for the Amazon WorkSpaces.
Package workspacesiface provides an interface for the Amazon WorkSpaces.
goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
goamz - Go packages to interact with the Amazon Web Services.
The ec2test package implements a fake EC2 provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
The ec2test package implements a fake EC2 provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
This package provides types and functions to interact Elastic Load Balancing service
This package provides types and functions to interact Elastic Load Balancing service
Package elbtest implements a fake ELB provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
Package elbtest implements a fake ELB provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
This package is in an experimental state, and does not currently follow conventions and style of the rest of goamz or common Go conventions.
The iam package provides types and functions for interaction with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service.
The iam package provides types and functions for interaction with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) service.
Package iamtest implements a fake IAM provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
Package iamtest implements a fake IAM provider with the capability of inducing errors on any given operation, and retrospectively determining what operations have been carried out.
gosqs - Go packages to interact with the Amazon SQS Web Services.
gosqs - Go packages to interact with the Amazon SQS Web Services.
Package inflection pluralizes and singularizes English nouns.
Package inflection pluralizes and singularizes English nouns.
Package sqlite3 provides interface to SQLite3 databases.
Package sqlite3 provides interface to SQLite3 databases.
Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files.
Package ini provides functions for parsing INI configuration files.

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