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Published: May 17, 2024 License: MIT




GKit is a microservice framework that integrates HTTP and GRPC communication protocols. It aims at ease of use and encapsulates many daily WEB development components and tools to improve the development experience. With the gctl tool, the basic code of the project can be quickly generated, so developers can focus more on business logic development.


The purpose of gkit is to use protobuf as much as possible to define and design API, and to achieve automatic generation of most codes through the following protoc plug-ins:

  • protoc-gen-go-errcode: Generate error codes and error messages, automatically obtain error messages and http status codes based on the error codes, and support multi-language configuration.
  • protoc-gen-go-field: Generate message structure field name constants and DB column names. You can use prefixes, suffixes or regular expressions to filter messages that need to generate field constants.
  • protoc-gen-go-gorm: Generate gorm model. The gorm tag of the field is defined through proto extension, as well as the serialization and deserialization methods of json and bytes type fields.
  • protoc-gen-go-http: Generate http routes and handlers, and use the pluck.proto extension to implement http request header settings, which is more useful when uploading and downloading files.
  • protoc-gen-go-validate: Generate parameter verification method to verify parameters according to the rules defined by v.proto. Call the middleware validation.Validator to start validation.

Install protoc plugin

$ go get -u github.com/ml444/gkit/cmd/protoc-gen-go-errcode \
    github.com/ml444/gkit/cmd/protoc-gen-go-field \
    github.com/ml444/gkit/cmd/protoc-gen-go-gorm \
    github.com/ml444/gkit/cmd/protoc-gen-go-http \

Usage example of protoc plug-in

syntax = "proto3";

package user;

option go_package = "pkg/user";

import "gkit/v/v.proto";
import "gkit/err/err.proto";
import "gkit/orm/orm.proto";
import "gkit/pluck/pluck.proto";
import "gkit/dbx/paging/paginate.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";

service user {
    rpc CreateUser (CreateUserReq) returns (CreateUserRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post: "/v1/user"
            body: "*"
    rpc UpdateUser (UpdateUserReq) returns (UpdateUserRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            put: "/v1/user"
            body: "*"
    rpc DeleteUser (DeleteUserReq) returns (DeleteUserRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            delete: "/v1/user/{id}"
    rpc GetUser (GetUserReq) returns (GetUserRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/v1/user/{id}"
    rpc ListUser (ListUserReq) returns (ListUserRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            get: "/v1/user"

    rpc Upload (UploadReq) returns (UploadRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post: "/v1/storage/upload"
            body: "file_data"
        option (pluck.request) = {
            default_headers: {      // Default request header settings
                content_type: "application/octet-stream"
            headers_to: "file_info" // Extract the request header into the file info structure

    rpc Download (DownloadReq) returns (DownloadRsp){
        option (google.api.http) = {
            post: "/v1/storage/download"
            body: "*"
        option (pluck.response) = {
            default_headers: {      // Default response header settings
                content_type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats"
                access_control_expose_headers: "Content-Disposition"
            headers_from: "headers" // Set the fields in the `headers` map (or structure) to the http response header
            body_from: "data"       // Set the `data` field into the http response body

// range of error codes: [102000, 102999]
enum ErrCode {
    option (err.lower_bound) = 102000;
    option (err.upper_bound) = 102999;

    Success = 0;
    ErrIllegalParam = 102000  [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"非法参数", polyglot: ["zh=非法参数", "en=Illegal parameters"]}];
    ErrParamRequired = 102001 [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"缺失参数", polyglot: ["zh=缺失参数", "en=Missing parameters"]}];
    ErrNotFoundUser = 102002  [(err.detail) = {status:404, message:"未找到用户", polyglot: ["zh=未找到用户", "en=Record not found"]}];

message ModelUser {
    option (orm.enable) = true;
    option (orm.table_name) = "user";

    uint64 id = 1           [(orm.tags) = {comment: "主键", primary_key: true}];
    uint32 created_at = 101 [(orm.tags) = {comment: "创建时间"}];
    uint32 updated_at = 102 [(orm.tags) = {comment: "更新时间"}];
    uint32 deleted_at = 103 [(orm.tags) = {comment: "删除时间"}];
    string nick_name = 2    [(orm.tags) = {type: "varchar(50)", indexs: ["idx_age_name,priority:2"], comment: "昵称"}];
    string real_name = 3    [(orm.tags) = {type: "varchar(80)", comment: "真实姓名"}];
    string phone = 4        [(orm.tags) = {type: "varchar(25)", unique_indexs: "uidx_phone", not_null: true, comment: "名称"}];
    uint32 age = 5          [(orm.tags) = {type: "int", indexs: ["idx_age_name,priority:1"], comment: "年龄"}];
    uint32 sex = 6          [(orm.tags) = {type: "tinyint", comment: "性别"}];
    string email = 9        [(orm.tags) = {type: "varchar(255)", unique_indexs: "uidx_email", comment: "邮箱"}];
    string avatar = 10      [(orm.tags) = {type: "varchar(255)", comment: "头像"}];

message CreateUserReq {
    ModelUser data = 1 [(v.rules).message.required = true];     // Verify that the structure must pass a value
message CreateUserRsp {
    ModelUser data = 1;

message UpdateUserReq {
    uint64 id = 1       [(v.rules).uint64.gt = 0];              // Verify ID value must be greater than 0
    ModelUser data = 2  [(v.rules).message.required = true];    // Verify ModelUser must pass a value
message UpdateUserRsp {
    ModelUser data = 1;

message DeleteUserReq {
    uint64 id = 1                   [(v.rules).uint64.gte = 1];             // Verify ID value must be greater than 0
    // repeated uint64 id_list = 2  [(v.rules).repeated.min_items = 1];     // Verify that at least one ID is passed in
message DeleteUserRsp {}

message GetUserReq {
    uint64 id = 1       [(v.rules).uint64.gte = 1];          // Verify ID value must be greater than or equal to 1
message GetUserRsp {
    ModelUser data = 1;

message ListUserReq {
    repeated uint64 id_list = 1 [(v.rules).repeated.unique = true];                 // Check that the elements inside the array cannot be repeated
    optional string name = 2    [(v.rules).string = {min_len: 1, max_len: 50}];     // Verify that the string length is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 50
    optional string phone = 3   [(v.rules).string = {pattern: "\\d+", min_len:6, max_len: 25}];     // Verify that the string length is greater than or equal to 6, less than or equal to 25, and conforms to the regular expression
    optional string email = 4   [(v.rules).string.email = true];        // Verify whether it is the format of the email
    paging.Paginate paginate = 5;
message ListUserRsp {
    paging.Paginate paginate = 1;
    repeated ModelUser list = 2;

message UploadReq {
    message FileInfo {
        string file_name = 1;
        string file_suffix = 2;
    FileInfo file_info = 1;
    bytes file_data = 2;
message UploadRsp {
    string url = 1;
    uint32 size = 2;

message DownloadReq {
    string filename = 1;
message DownloadRsp {
    map<string, string> headers = 1;
    bytes data = 2;
$ protoc --go_out=. \
       --go-grpc_out=. \
       --go-http_out=. \
       --go-field_out=. \
       --go-errcode_out=. \
       --go-validate_out=. \
        --proto_path=/your/path/gctl-templates/protos \
$ tree
├── user.pb.go
├── user.proto
├── user_errcode.pb.go
├── user_field.pb.go
├── user_grpc.pb.go
├── user_http.pb.go
├── user_orm.pb.go
└── user_validate.pb.go
import "gkit/v/v.proto";
import "gkit/err/err.proto";
import "gkit/orm/orm.proto";
import "gkit/pluck/pluck.proto";
import "gkit/dbx/paging/paginate.proto";

The internal import of proto is referencedgctl-templates/protos/gkit, If you put these import files elsewhere, you can modify it to import "your/path/xxx.proto

Project structure introduction

├── cmd
│   ├── protoc-gen-go-errcode
│   ├── protoc-gen-go-field
│   ├── protoc-gen-go-gorm
│   ├── protoc-gen-go-http
│   └── protoc-gen-go-validate
├── config
├── dbx
├── errorx
├── log
├── middleware
│   ├── general
│   ├── logging
│   ├── ratelimit
│   ├── recovery
│   ├── trace
│   └── validate
├── optx     
├── pkg
│   ├── auth
│   ├── env
│   ├── header
│   ├── routine
│   └── tracing
├── transport
├── go.mod
└── go.sum
  • cmd: protoc plugins
  • config: The configuration module defines the reading method of configuration items through structure tags, and supports configuration information obtained from the command line, environment variables, yaml, json, toml, etc.
  • errorx: The error handling module encapsulates the error handling methods in daily development, supports custom error codes and error messages, and supports automatically obtaining error messages and http status codes based on error codes.
  • dbx: The database module is secondary encapsulated based on gorm, encapsulates the chain method of query (Eq\In\Like...), and supports soft deletion and paging query.
  • optx: It defines the conditional filtering method of list data, encapsulates its processing method for the two parameter passing methods (enumeration and pointer) of list query, and encapsulates its processor module.
  • log: The log module defines a log interface and outputs to standard output by default. The log implementation can be customized.Also encapsulates gorm’s log output,unified output to the specified logger.
  • middleware: The middleware module, It mainly includes middleware such as request and response logs, ratelimit, recovery, tracking, and parameter verification.
  • transport: Communication transport module,It mainly includes the transport modules of http and grpc.
  • pkg: The public module includes some basic tool classes, such as authentication, environment judgment, request headers, coroutine security processing, link tracking, etc.

Core module description


The error handling module mainly includes the following functions:

  • Register error codes and error messages.
  • Encapsulate error codes, error messages, error details, and error stacks.
  • Automatically obtain error information and http status codes based on custom error codes.
  • You can set error messages in multiple languages and return the corresponding error messages based on the Accept-Language in the request header.
  • Determine whether it is the specified error code based on the custom error code.
  • Convert error code to http status code according to GRPC.
  • Convert HTTP status code to GRPC error code.

You can define the error code and error information in the proto file, and then register the error code and error information through errorx.Register Err Code(). Then instantiate the Error object through methods such as errorx.New(). When the request returns an error, the corresponding http status code and error information will be returned.

syntax = "proto3";

package user;

import "gkit/err/err.proto";     // Source File: github.com/ml444/gkit/cmd/protoc-gen-go-errcode/err/err.proto

// range of error codes: [102000, 102999]
enum ErrCode {
    option (err.lower_bound) = 101000;
    option (err.upper_bound) = 101999;

    Success = 0;
    ErrIllegalParam = 102000 [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"Invalid parameters", polyglot: ["zh=无效参数", "en=Invalid parameters"]}];
    ErrParamRequired = 102001 [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"Missing parameters", polyglot: ["zh=缺失参数", "en=Missing parameters"]}];
    ErrNotFoundUser = 102002 [(err.detail) = {status:404, message:"The user not found", polyglot: ["zh=未找到用户", "en=Record not found"]}];
    // Or do not configure multi-language information `poluglot`, and use the content of message v by default.
    // ErrIllegalParam = 102000 [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"Illegal parameters"}];
    // ErrParamRequired = 102001 [(err.detail) = {status:400, message:"Missing parameters"}];
    // ErrNotFoundUser = 102002 [(err.detail) = {status:404, message:"The user not found"}];
$ protoc --go_out=. --go-errcode_out=. user.proto
$ tree
├── user.pb.go
├── user.proto
└── user_errcode.pb.go
package main

import (

type UserService struct {

func NewUserService() UserService {
	return UserService{}
func (s *UserService) GetUser(ctx context.Context, req *user.GetUserReq) (*user.GetUserRsp, error) {
	if req.Id == 0 {
		return nil, errorx.New(user.ErrParamRequired) 
        // if has request.headers: `Accept-Language: en` 
        // return response.body: {"status_code": 400, "error_code": 102001, "message": "Missing parameters"}
        // if has request.headers: `Accept-Language: zh` 
        // return response.body: {"status_code": 400, "error_code": 102001, "message": "缺失参数"}
	// do something

	// if not found user
	return nil, errorx.New(user.ErrNotFoundUser) 
    // if has request.headers: `Accept-Language: en` 
    // return response.body: {"status_code": 404, "error_code": 102002, "message": "The user was not found"}
    // if has request.headers: `Accept-Language: zh` 
    // return response.body: {"status_code": 404, "error_code": 102002, "message": "未找到用户"}

func main() {
	// pass

Secondary encapsulation based on gorm mainly includes the following functions:

  • Encapsulates the creation, update, query, and deletion of gorm. The query encapsulates the chain method (Eq\Gt\Lt\In\Not In\Between...), making it easier to use, and supports soft deletion and paging query.
  • The parameter structure QueryOpts that encapsulates complex queries can make it easier to process query conditions under some complex queries.
  • For Not Found Record error handling, the error code and error message can be customized.
  • The dbx.paging module of list paging query makes paging list query easier to use.

Basic usage:

package main

import (

type ModelUser struct {
  Id        uint64 `gorm:"comment:主键;primarykey"`
  CreatedAt uint32 `gorm:"comment:创建时间"`
  UpdatedAt uint32 `gorm:"comment:更新时间"`
  DeletedAt uint32 `gorm:"comment:删除时间"`
  Name      string `gorm:"type:varchar(50);comment:名称;index:idx_age_name,priority:2"`
  Phone     string `gorm:"not null;type:varchar(25);comment:名称;uniqueIndex:uidx_phone"`
  Age       uint32 `gorm:"type:int;comment:年龄;index:idx_age_name,priority:1"`
  Sex       uint32 `gorm:"type:tinyint;comment:性别"`
  Email     string `gorm:"type:varchar(255);comment:邮箱;uniqueIndex:uidx_email"`
  Avatar    string `gorm:"type:varchar(255);comment:头像"`

type GroupBy struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Total uint32 `json:"total"`

func getDB() *gorm.DB {
	db, err := gorm.Open(mysql.Open("user:password@tcp("), &gorm.Config{})
	if err != nil {
	return db

func main() {
	var err error
	scope := dbx.NewScope(getDB(), &ModelUser{})
	// create data: INSERT INTO `model_user` (`name`,`age`,`created_at`,`updated_at`) VALUES ('test',18,1625673600,1625673600)
	err = scope.Create(&ModelUser{Name: "test", Age: 18})

	// update data: UPDATE `model_user` SET `name`='test2',`age`=20,`updated_at`=1625673600 WHERE `id` = 1
	err = scope.Eq("id", 1).Update(&ModelUser{Name: "test2", Age: 20})

	// soft delete data: UPDATE `model_user` SET `deleted_at`=1625673600 WHERE `id` IN (1,2,3)
	err = scope.In("id", []uint64{1, 2, 3}).Delete()

	// select data: SELECT * FROM `model_user` WHERE `id` = 1 AND `deleted_at` = 0 LIMIT 1
	var user ModelUser
	err = scope.Eq("id", 1).First(&user)
	err = scope.SetNotFoundErr(notFoundErrCode).Eq("id", 1).First(&user)
	// if not found record, return error: errorx.New(notFoundErrCode)

	// select data: SELECT * FROM `model_user` WHERE `deleted_at` = 0 AND `name` Like 'test%' AND `age` <= 25 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0
	var users []*ModelUser
	err = scope.LikePrefix("name", "test").Lte("age", 25).Limit(10).Offset(0).Find(&users)
	// Or use paginate query to get total count
	paginate, err := scope.LikePrefix("name", "test").Lte("age", 25).PaginateQuery(&paging.Paginate{Page: 1, Size: 10, SkipCount: false}, &users)
	// paginate: Paginate{Total: 100, Page: 1, Size: 10} 

	// GroupBy and Having
	var userGroup []*GroupBy
	err = scope.Select("name", "count(*) AS total").Group("name").Having("age > 18").Find(&userGroup)

	// OrderBy
	err = scope.Order("age DESC").Find(&users)
Paging query

The data structure of paging query is defined through paging/paginate.proto, and different paging methods can be selected according to the actual situation. There are also two ways to use pagination queries:

  1. Query by specifying the number of pages and the number of pages per page.
  2. Scroll page query, this method is suitable for queries with large amounts of data.

Note: During paging query, you can call the skip count parameter after the second page to save database performance. Of course, this requires the front-end engineer to cache the total number obtained for the first page.

Paginated database queries can use the Scope.PaginateQuery() method, which internally calls Count() and Find().

Proto definition of paging mode

syntax = "proto3";
import "dbx/paging/paging.proto";
message Paginate {
  uint32 page = 1;
  uint32 size = 2;
  int64 total = 3;
  bool skip_count = 4;

message ListUserReq {
    paging.Paginate paginate = 1;   // Number of pages and quantity per page must be required 

message ListUserRsp {
    paging.Paginate paginate = 1;

proto definition of scrolling mode

syntax = "proto3";
import "dbx/paging/paging.proto";
message ListUserReq {
    paging.Scroll scroll = 1;     // Scroll page query
message ListUserRsp {
    repeated ModelUser list = 2;

Filter filter query module. There are two ways (enumeration and pointer) to define the query parameters of the list. And they all encapsulate the corresponding processor Processor and the corresponding method of processing parameters, and standardize the processing of list query parameters.

This module encapsulates two list parameter filtering query methods, one is to define query parameters through optx.Options, and the other is to directly define pointer parameters to query. Which method to use can be chosen according to the actual situation. If it is an API that hides query parameters from the outside, you can use optx.Options to define query parameters, which can better control the query parameters and conceal the meaning of the parameters. because its parameters are represented by enumeration values. In general situations or scenarios where zero values need to be passed, you can directly define pointer parameters to query. This method is straightforward.

Define query parameters in enumeration modeTODO: I think no one will like this method. If someone likes it, I will consider implementing a proto plug-in to generate this kind of code.

syntax = "proto3";
import "optx/optx.proto";
message ListUserReq {
    enum ListOpt {
        ListOptNil = 0;
        // @valueType: uint64List
        ListOptIdList = 1;
        // @valueType: string
        ListOptLikeName = 2;
        // @valueType: string
        ListOptPhone = 4;
    // @ref_to: ListUserReq.ListOpt
    optx.Options list_option = 1;
message ListUserRsp {
    repeated ModelUser list = 2;
package main

import (

type UserService struct {

func NewUserService() UserService {
	return UserService{}

func (s *UserService) ListUser(ctx context.Context, req *user.ListUserReq) (*user.ListUserRsp, error) {
	var users []*ModelUser
	scope := getDBScope()
	err := optx.NewProcessor(req.ListOption).
		AddUint64List(user.ListUserReq_ListOptIdList, func(valList []uint64) error {
			scope.In("id", ids)
			return nil
		AddString(user.ListUserReq_ListOptLikeName, func(val string) error {
			scope.Like("name", val)
			return nil
		AddString(user.ListUserReq_ListOptPhone, func(phone string) error {
			scope.Eq("phone", phone)
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = scope.Find(&users)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// do something
	return &user.ListUserRsp{List: users}, nil

Define query parameters in pointer mode

message ListUserReq {
    repeated uint64 id_list = 1;
    optional string like_name = 2;
    optional string phone = 3;
message ListUserRsp {
    repeated ModelUser list = 2;
package main

import (

type UserService struct {

func NewUserService() UserService {
	return UserService{}

func (s *UserService) ListUser(ctx context.Context, req *user.ListUserReq) (*user.ListUserRsp, error) {
	var users []*user.ModelUser
	scope := dbUser.Scope()
	err := optx.NewPtrProcessor().
		AddHandle(user.FieldIdList, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.In(user.DbFieldId, val)
			return nil
		AddHandle(user.FieldLikeName, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.Like(user.DbFieldName, val.(string))
			return nil
		AddHandle(user.FieldPhone, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.Eq(user.DbFieldPhone, val)
			return nil
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = db.Find(&users)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &user.ListUserRsp{List: users}, nil

List User example of proto,contains database query, filtering and paging functions:

package main

import (



type UserService struct {

func NewUserService() UserService {
	return UserService{}

...Omit other code...

func (s UserService) ListUser(ctx context.Context, req *user.ListUserReq) (*user.ListUserRsp, error) {
	var rsp user.ListUserRsp

	scope := dbx.NewScope(db.DB(), &user.ModelUser{})
	err := optx.NewPtrProcessor().
		AddHandle(user.FieldIdList, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.In(user.DbFieldId, val)
			return nil
		AddHandle(user.FieldName, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.Like(user.DbFieldNickName, val.(string))
			return nil
		AddHandle(user.FieldPhone, func(val interface{}) error {
			scope.Eq(user.DbFieldPhone, val)
			return nil

	// do something...
	rsp.Paginate, err = scope.PaginateQuery(req.Paginate, &rsp.List)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("err: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	return &rsp, nil

The log module mainly includes the following functions:

  • The log interface is defined and the log implementation can be customized. By default, os.stdout is used for output.
  • Customize the log output of gorm, combine it with the custom log implementation, and output the specified location together.

Use directly:

package main

import (

func main() {
	log.Debug("this is debug")
	log.Info("this is info")
	log.Warn("this is warn")
	log.Error("this is error")
	log.Fatal("this is error")

	name := "foo"
	log.Debugf("hi, %s! this is debug", name)
	log.Infof("hi, %s! this is info", name)
	log.Warnf("hi, %s! this is warn", name)
	log.Errorf("hi, %s! this is error", name)
	log.Fatalf("hi, %s! this is fatal", name)

Example using glog

package main

import (
	glog "github.com/ml444/glog"
	glogconf "github.com/ml444/glog/config"
	gloglevel "github.com/ml444/glog/level"

func InitLogger(debug bool) error {
	err := log.InitLog(
		func(config *logconf.Config) {
			config.Handler.LogHandlerConfig.Formatter.Text.DisableColors = !debug
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if debug {
		err = log.InitLog(logconf.SetLevel2Logger(level.DebugLevel))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func main() {
	err := InitLogger(true)
	if err != nil {

	log.Debug("this is debug")
	log.Info("this is info")
	log.Warn("this is warn")
	log.Error("this is error")
	log.Fatal("this is error")

	name := "foo"
	log.Debugf("hi, %s! this is debug", name)
	log.Infof("hi, %s! this is info", name)
	log.Warnf("hi, %s! this is warn", name)
	log.Errorf("hi, %s! this is error", name)
	log.Fatalf("hi, %s! this is fatal", name)

Middleware, the following middleware is currently developed:

  • general: used to handle empty responses and unified error output in responses.
  • logging : record request logs, response logs, request and response logs.
  • ratelimit : used to limit the access frequency of requests.
  • recovery : used to recover panic and record logs.
  • tracking : used for tracking request links.
  • validation: used for parameter verification. Only when this middleware is enabled, the parameter verification rules defined in the proto file will take effect.
package main

import (

func main() {
	// HTTP
			//  Handling empty responses
			general.ReplaceEmptyResponse(struct {
				StatusCode int32
				ErrCode    int32
				Message    string
			}{200, 0, "success"}),
			// Unify errors into the errorx.Error structure
			// Record the input parameters and time consumption of the request
			// Frequency limiting middleware 
					Kind: ratelimit.MatchKindAll,
					Freqs: []*ratelimit.Cycle{
						{Period: time.Second * 1, Limit: 100},
					Paths: []string{user.OperationUserGetUser},
					Freqs: []*ratelimit.Cycle{
						{Period: time.Second * 1, Limit: 50},
						{Period: time.Second * 60, Limit: 3000},
			// Recovery middleware
			// Tracking middleware
			// Verification middleware

  • Convert the core logic of the http request into the service method of grpc.
  • It encapsulates the middleware of http and grpc and unifies the middleware interface.

Public modules include some basic tools or functions


Path Synopsis
ini Module
toml Module
yaml Module
tracing Module
Package proto defines the protobuf Coder.
Package proto defines the protobuf Coder.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL