
v1.7.2 Latest Latest

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Published: Jan 14, 2022 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 48 Imported by: 1




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var (
	DataDirFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "datadir",
		Usage: "Data directory for the databases and keystore",
		Value: DirectoryString{node.DefaultDataDir()},
	KeyStoreDirFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "keystore",
		Usage: "Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)",
	NoUSBFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nousb",
		Usage: "Disables monitoring for and managing USB hardware wallets",
	NetworkIdFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "networkid",
		Usage: "Network identifier (integer, mainnet=9910, testnet=9911)",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.NetworkId,
	TestnetFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "testnet",
		Usage: "Test network",

	DeveloperFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "dev",
		Usage: "Ephemeral proof-of-authority network with a pre-funded developer account, mining enabled",

	IdentityFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "identity",
		Usage: "Custom node name",
	DocRootFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "docroot",
		Usage: "Document Root for HTTPClient file scheme",
		Value: DirectoryString{homeDir()},
	FastSyncFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "fast",
		Usage: "Enable fast syncing through state downloads",

	SyncModeFlag = TextMarshalerFlag{
		Name:  "syncmode",
		Usage: `Blockchain sync mode ("full")`,
		Value: &defaultSyncMode,
	GCModeFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "gcmode",
		Usage: `Blockchain garbage collection mode ("full", "archive")`,
		Value: "archive",

	TxPoolNoLocalsFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.nolocals",
		Usage: "Disables price exemptions for locally submitted transactions",
	TxPoolJournalFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.journal",
		Usage: "Disk journal for local transaction to survive node restarts",
		Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Journal,
	TxPoolRejournalFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.rejournal",
		Usage: "Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal",
		Value: core.DefaultTxPoolConfig.Rejournal,
	TxPoolPriceLimitFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.pricelimit",
		Usage: "Minimum gas price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.PriceLimit,
	TxPoolPriceBumpFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.pricebump",
		Usage: "Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.PriceBump,
	TxPoolAccountSlotsFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.accountslots",
		Usage: "Minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.AccountSlots,
	TxPoolGlobalSlotsFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.globalslots",
		Usage: "Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.GlobalSlots,
	TxPoolAccountQueueFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.accountqueue",
		Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.AccountQueue,
	TxPoolGlobalQueueFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "txpool.globalqueue",
		Usage: "Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.GlobalQueue,
	TxPoolLifetimeFlag = cli.DurationFlag{
		Name:  "txpool.lifetime",
		Usage: "Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.TxPool.Lifetime,
	CacheFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache",
		Usage: "Megabytes of memory allocated to internal caching",
		Value: 1024,
	CacheDatabaseFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.database",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for database io",
		Value: 50,
	CacheTrieFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.trie",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for trie caching (default = 25% full mode, 50% archive mode)",
		Value: 25,
	CacheGCFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "cache.gc",
		Usage: "Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for trie pruning (default = 25% full mode, 0% archive mode)",
		Value: 25,
	MiningEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "mine",
		Usage: "Enable mining",
	MinerThreadsFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "miner.threads",
		Usage: "Number of CPU threads to use for mining",
		Value: 0,
	MinerGasTargetFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "miner.gastarget",
		Usage: "Target gas floor for mined blocks",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.MinerGasFloor,
	MinerGasLimitFlag = cli.Uint64Flag{
		Name:  "miner.gaslimit",
		Usage: "Target gas ceiling for mined blocks",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.MinerGasCeil,
	MinerGasPriceFlag = BigFlag{
		Name:  "miner.gasprice",
		Usage: "Minimal gas price for mining a transactions",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.MinerGasPrice,
	MinerCoinbaseFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "miner.etherbase",
		Usage: "Public address for block mining rewards (default = first account)",
		Value: "0",
	ExtraDataFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "extradata",
		Usage: "Block extra data set by the miner (default = client version)",
	UnlockedAccountFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "unlock",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of accounts to unlock",
		Value: "",
	PasswordFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "password",
		Usage: "Password file to use for non-interactive password input",
		Value: "",

	VMEnableDebugFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "vmdebug",
		Usage: "Record information useful for VM and contract debugging",
	EthStatsURLFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "stats",
		Usage: "Reporting URL of a stats service (nodename:secret@host:port)",
	MetricsEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  metrics.MetricsEnabledFlag,
		Usage: "Enable metrics collection and reporting",

	NoCompactionFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nocompaction",
		Usage: "Disables db compaction after import",
	RPCEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "rpc",
		Usage: "Enable the HTTP-RPC server",
	RPCListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcaddr",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening interface",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPHost,
	RPCPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "rpcport",
		Usage: "HTTP-RPC server listening port",
		Value: node.DefaultHTTPPort,
	RPCCORSDomainFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpccorsdomain",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (browser enforced)",
		Value: "",
	RPCVirtualHostsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcvhosts",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of virtual hostnames from which to accept requests (server enforced). Accepts '*' wildcard.",
		Value: strings.Join(node.DefaultConfig.HTTPVirtualHosts, ","),
	RPCApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpcapi",
		Usage: "API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface",
		Value: "",
	IPCDisabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ipcdisable",
		Usage: "Disable the IPC-RPC server",
	IPCPathFlag = DirectoryFlag{
		Name:  "ipcpath",
		Usage: "Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)",
	WSEnabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "ws",
		Usage: "Enable the WS-RPC server",
	WSListenAddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsaddr",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening interface",
		Value: node.DefaultWSHost,
	WSPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "wsport",
		Usage: "WS-RPC server listening port",
		Value: node.DefaultWSPort,
	WSApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsapi",
		Usage: "API is offered over the WS-RPC interface",
		Value: "",
	WSAllowedOriginsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "wsorigins",
		Usage: "Origins from which to accept websockets requests",
		Value: "",
	ExecFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "exec",
		Usage: "Execute JavaScript statement",
	PreloadJSFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "preload",
		Usage: "Comma separated list of JavaScript files to preload into the console",

	MaxPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0)",
		Value: 25,
	MaxPendingPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "maxpendpeers",
		Usage: "Maximum number of pending connection attempts (defaults used if set to 0)",
		Value: 0,
	ListenPortFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "port",
		Usage: "Network listening port",
		Value: 9910,
	BootnodesFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodes",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap (set v4+v5 instead for light servers)",
		Value: "",
	BootnodesV4Flag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodesv4",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P v4 discovery bootstrap (light server, full nodes)",
		Value: "",
	BootnodesV5Flag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "bootnodesv5",
		Usage: "Comma separated enode URLs for P2P v5 discovery bootstrap (light server, light nodes)",
		Value: "",
	NodeKeyFileFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nodekey",
		Usage: "P2P node key file",
	NodeKeyHexFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nodekeyhex",
		Usage: "P2P node key as hex (for testing)",
	NATFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "nat",
		Usage: "NAT port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>)",
		Value: "any",
	NoDiscoverFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "nodiscover",
		Usage: "Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)",
	DiscoveryV5Flag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "v5disc",
		Usage: "Enables the experimental RLPx V5 (Topic Discovery) mechanism",
	NetrestrictFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "netrestrict",
		Usage: "Restricts network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)",

	JSpathFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "jspath",
		Usage: "JavaScript root path for `loadScript`",
		Value: ".",

	SolcPathFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "solc",
		Usage: "Solidity compiler command to be used",
		Value: "solc",

	GpoBlocksFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpoblocks",
		Usage: "Number of recent blocks to check for gas prices",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.GPO.Blocks,
	GpoPercentileFlag = cli.IntFlag{
		Name:  "gpopercentile",
		Usage: "Suggested gas price is the given percentile of a set of recent transaction gas prices",
		Value: neatptc.DefaultConfig.GPO.Percentile,

	PruneFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "prune",
		Usage: "Enable the Data Reduction feature, history state data will be pruned by default",

	PerfTestFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "perftest",
		Usage: "Whether doing performance test, will remove some limitations and cause system more frigile",

	SideChainFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "sideChain",
		Usage: "Specify one or more side chain should be start. Ex: side-1,side-2",

	MonikerFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "moniker",
		Value: "",
		Usage: "Node's moniker",

	NodeLaddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "node_laddr",
		Value: "tcp://",
		Usage: "Node listen address. ( means any interface, any port)",

	SeedsFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "seeds",
		Value: "",
		Usage: "Comma delimited host:port seed nodes",

	SkipUpnpFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
		Name:  "skip_upnp",
		Usage: "Skip UPNP configuration",

	RpcLaddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "rpc_laddr",
		Value: "unix://@neatchainrpcunixsock",
		Usage: "RPC listen address. Port required",

	AddrFlag = cli.StringFlag{
		Name:  "addr",
		Value: "unix://@neatchainappunixsock",
		Usage: "TMSP app listen address",
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var (
	CommandHelpTemplate = `` /* 486-byte string literal not displayed */

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var (
	Config cfg.Config


func ExportAppendChain

func ExportAppendChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string, first uint64, last uint64) error

func ExportChain

func ExportChain(blockchain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error

func ExportPreimages

func ExportPreimages(db neatdb.Database, fn string) error

func Fatalf

func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})

func GetNeatConConfig

func GetNeatConConfig(chainId string, ctx *cli.Context) cfg.Config

func GlobalBig

func GlobalBig(ctx *cli.Context, name string) *big.Int

func HookupHTTP

func HookupHTTP(chainId string, httpHandler *rpc.Server) error

func HookupWS

func HookupWS(chainId string, wsHandler *rpc.Server) error

func ImportChain

func ImportChain(chain *core.BlockChain, fn string) error

func ImportPreimages

func ImportPreimages(db neatdb.Database, fn string) error

func IsHTTPRunning

func IsHTTPRunning() bool

func IsWSRunning

func IsWSRunning() bool

func MakeAddress

func MakeAddress(ks *keystore.KeyStore, account string) (accounts.Account, error)

func MakeChain

func MakeChain(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) (chain *core.BlockChain, chainDb neatdb.Database)

func MakeChainDatabase

func MakeChainDatabase(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) neatdb.Database

func MakeConsolePreloads

func MakeConsolePreloads(ctx *cli.Context) []string

func MakeDataDir

func MakeDataDir(ctx *cli.Context) string

func MakeGenesis

func MakeGenesis(ctx *cli.Context) *core.Genesis

func MakePasswordList

func MakePasswordList(ctx *cli.Context) []string

func MigrateFlags

func MigrateFlags(action func(ctx *cli.Context) error) func(*cli.Context) error

func NewApp

func NewApp(gitCommit, usage string) *cli.App

func RegisterIntService

func RegisterIntService(stack *node.Node, cfg *neatptc.Config, cliCtx *cli.Context, cch core.CrossChainHelper)

func SetEthConfig

func SetEthConfig(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node, cfg *neatptc.Config)

func SetGeneralConfig

func SetGeneralConfig(ctx *cli.Context)

func SetHTTP

func SetHTTP(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config)

func SetNodeConfig

func SetNodeConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config)

func SetP2PConfig

func SetP2PConfig(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *p2p.Config)

func SetWS

func SetWS(ctx *cli.Context, cfg *node.Config)

func StartNode

func StartNode(ctx *cli.Context, stack *node.Node) error

func StartRPC

func StartRPC(ctx *cli.Context) error

func StopRPC

func StopRPC()


type BigFlag

type BigFlag struct {
	Name  string
	Value *big.Int
	Usage string

func (BigFlag) Apply

func (f BigFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

func (BigFlag) GetName

func (f BigFlag) GetName() string

func (BigFlag) String

func (f BigFlag) String() string

type DirectoryFlag

type DirectoryFlag struct {
	Name  string
	Value DirectoryString
	Usage string

func (DirectoryFlag) Apply

func (self DirectoryFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

func (DirectoryFlag) GetName

func (self DirectoryFlag) GetName() string

func (*DirectoryFlag) Set

func (self *DirectoryFlag) Set(value string)

func (DirectoryFlag) String

func (self DirectoryFlag) String() string

type DirectoryString

type DirectoryString struct {
	Value string

func (*DirectoryString) Set

func (self *DirectoryString) Set(value string) error

func (*DirectoryString) String

func (self *DirectoryString) String() string

type NeatChainP2PServer

type NeatChainP2PServer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewP2PServer

func NewP2PServer(ctx *cli.Context) *NeatChainP2PServer

func (*NeatChainP2PServer) AddLocalValidator

func (srv *NeatChainP2PServer) AddLocalValidator(chainId string, address common.Address)

func (*NeatChainP2PServer) BroadcastNewSideChainMsg

func (srv *NeatChainP2PServer) BroadcastNewSideChainMsg(sideId string)

func (*NeatChainP2PServer) RemoveLocalValidator

func (srv *NeatChainP2PServer) RemoveLocalValidator(chainId string, address common.Address)

func (*NeatChainP2PServer) Server

func (srv *NeatChainP2PServer) Server() *p2p.Server

func (*NeatChainP2PServer) Stop

func (srv *NeatChainP2PServer) Stop()

type TextMarshaler

type TextMarshaler interface {

func GlobalTextMarshaler

func GlobalTextMarshaler(ctx *cli.Context, name string) TextMarshaler

type TextMarshalerFlag

type TextMarshalerFlag struct {
	Name  string
	Value TextMarshaler
	Usage string

func (TextMarshalerFlag) Apply

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) Apply(set *flag.FlagSet)

func (TextMarshalerFlag) GetName

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) GetName() string

func (TextMarshalerFlag) String

func (f TextMarshalerFlag) String() string

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