
v0.0.0-...-17176b1 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 2, 2015 License: MIT


Redis Command Support

Keys Command

|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                      |
|        DEL        |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|       DUMP        |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      EXISTS       |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      EXPIRE       |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|     EXPIREAT      |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|       KEYS        |    No     |                                                                   |
|      MIGRATE      |    No     |                                                                   |
|       MOVE        |    No     |                                                                   |
|      OBJECT       |    No     |                                                                   |
|      PERSIST      |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      PEXPIRE      |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|     PEXPIREAT     |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      PTTL         |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|     RANDOMKEY     |    No     |                                                                   |
|      RENAME       |    No     |                                                                   |
|     RENAMENX      |    No     |                                                                   |
|      RESTORE      |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      SORT         |    Yes*   |                                                                   |
|       TTL         |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      TYPE         |    Yes    | Yes                                                               |
|      SCAN         |    No     |                                                                   |

Strings Command

|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                     |
|       APPEND      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      BITCOUNT     |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|       BITOP       |    No     |                                                                  |
|       DECR        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      DECRBY       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|       GET         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      GETBIT       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     GETRANGE      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      GETSET       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      INCR         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      INCRBY       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     INCRBYFLOAT   |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      MGET         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      MSET         |    Yes*   | Yes                                                              |
|      MSETNX       |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|      PSETEX       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SET          |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SETBIT       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SETEX        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SETNX        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SETRANGE     |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      STRLEN       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |


|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                     |
|       HDEL        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HEXISTS      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|       HGET        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HGETALL      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HINCRBY      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|    HINCRBYFLOAT   |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HKEYS        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HLEN         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HMGET        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HMSET        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HSET         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HSETNX       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HVALS        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      HSCAN        |    Yes    |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                     |
|       BLPOP       |    No     |                                                                  |
|       BRPOP       |    No     |                                                                  |
|     BRPOPLPUSH    |    No     |                                                                  |
|      LINDEX       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LINSERT      |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      LLEN         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LPOP         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LPUSH        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LPUSHX       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LRANGE       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LREM         |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      LSET         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      LTRIM        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      RPOP         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     RPOPLPUSH     |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      RPUSH        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      RPUSHX       |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |


|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                     |
|      SADD         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SCARD        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SDIFF        |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|     SDIFFSTORE    |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      SINTER       |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|    SINTERSTORE    |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|     SISMEMBER     |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     SMEMBERS      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SMOVE        |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      SPOP         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|    SRANDMEMBER    |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      SREM         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     SUNION        |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|   SUNIONSTORE     |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      SSCAN        |    Yes    |                                                                  |

Sorted Sets

|      Command      | Twemproxy | redis-binlog                                                     |
|      ZADD         |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      ZCARD        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|      ZCOUNT       |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      ZINCRBY      |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|     ZINTERSTORE   |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      ZLEXCOUNT    |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      ZRANGE       |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|    ZRANGEBYLEX    |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|    ZRANGEBYSCORE  |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      ZRANK        |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|       ZREM        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|   ZREMRANGEBYLEX  |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|   ZREMRANGEBYRANK |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|  ZREMRANGEBYSCORE |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|    ZREVRANGE      |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|  ZREVRANGEBYSCORE |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|     ZREVRANK      |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|     ZSCORE        |    Yes    | Yes                                                              |
|    ZUNIONSTORE    |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|      ZSCAN        |    Yes    |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|       PFADD       |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      PFCOUNT      |    Yes    |                                                                  |
|      PFMERGE      |    Yes*   |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|     PSUBSCRIBE    |    No     |                                                                  |
|     PUBLISH       |    No     |                                                                  |
|    PUNSUBSCRIBE   |    No     |                                                                  |
|     SUBSCRIBE     |    No     |                                                                  |
|     UNSUBSCRIBE   |    No     |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|      DISCARD      |    No     |                                                                  |
|       EXEC        |    No     |                                                                  |
|       MULTI       |    No     |                                                                  |
|      UNWATCH      |    No     |                                                                  |
|       WATCH       |    No     |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|       EVAL        |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|     EVALSHA       |    Yes*   |                                                                  |
|    SCRIPT EXISTS  |    No     |                                                                  |
|    SCRIPT FLUSH   |    No     |                                                                  |
|    SCRIPT KILL    |    No     |                                                                  |
|    SCRIPT LOAD    |    No     |                                                                  |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|       AUTH        |    No     |                                                                  |
|       ECHO        |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|       PING        |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|       QUIT        |    No     |                                                                  |
|      SELECT       |    No     | Yes                                                              |


|      Command      | Twemproxy |                                                                  |
|    BGREWRITEAOF   |    No     |                                                                  |
|      BGSAVE       |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|    CLIENT KILL    |    No     |                                                                  |
|    CLIENT LIST    |    No     |                                                                  |
|    CONFIG GET     |    No     |                                                                  |
|    CONFIG SET     |    No     |                                                                  |
|  CONFIG RESETSTAT |    No     |                                                                  |
|     DBSIZE        |    No     |                                                                  |
|    DEBUG OBJECT   |    No     |                                                                  |
|    DEBUG SEGFAULT |    No     |                                                                  |
|     FLUSHALL      |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|     FLUSHDB       |    No     |                                                                  |
|      INFO         |    No     |                                                                  |
|     LASTSAVE      |    No     |                                                                  |
|     MONITOR       |    No     |                                                                  |
|      SAVE         |    No     |                                                                  |
|     SHUTDOWN      |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|     SLAVEOF       |    No     | Yes                                                              |
|     SLOWLOG       |    No     |                                                                  |
|      SYNC         |    No     |                                                                  |
|      TIME         |    No     |                                                                  |

Codis-Slots Command

|      Command      | redis-binlog                                                                  |
|   SlotsInfo       | Yes*                                                                          |
|   SlotsMgrtSlot   | Yes*                                                                          |
|  SlotsMgrtTagSlot | Yes*                                                                          |
|   SlotsMgrtOne    | Yes                                                                           |
|  SlotsMgrtTagOne  | Yes                                                                           |
|    SlotsDel       |                                                                               |
|    SlotsHashKey   | Yes                                                                           |
|    SlotsCheck     |                                                                               |

* slotsinfo, slotsmgrtslot and slotsmgrttagslot cannot get the exact value of slot's size, but return 1 if it's not empty



1. install gorocks.a & levigo.a to GOPATH
$ cd redis-binlog/extern && bash

2. run redis-binlog with specifed config file
$ redis-binlog -c conf/config.toml -n 4 --create

redis-benchmark against redis-binlog (default config, see conf/config.toml)

$ ./redis-benchmark -q -t set,get,incr,lpush,lpop,sadd,spop,lpush,lrange -c 100 -p 6380 -r 1000 -n 100000
SET: 31094.53 requests per second
GET: 53361.79 requests per second
INCR: 36049.03 requests per second
LPUSH: 43346.34 requests per second
LPOP: 37965.07 requests per second
SADD: 40899.80 requests per second
SPOP: 53333.33 requests per second
LPUSH (needed to benchmark LRANGE): 40567.95 requests per second
LRANGE_100 (first 100 elements): 3395.12 requests per second
LRANGE_300 (first 300 elements): 1202.59 requests per second
LRANGE_500 (first 450 elements): 849.21 requests per second
LRANGE_600 (first 600 elements): 640.11 requests per second


Path Synopsis
package gorocks provides the ability to create and access rocksdb databases.
package gorocks provides the ability to create and access rocksdb databases.
Package levigo provides the ability to create and access LevelDB databases.
Package levigo provides the ability to create and access LevelDB databases.

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