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v1.3.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 28, 2021 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0


ConfigMaps and secrets replication for Kubernetes

k8s-replicator is a stateless controller used to replicate configMaps and secrets, to make them available in multiple namespaces, or to create persistent configMaps and secrets that won't be cleared by the next helm release.

This controller is designed to solve those problems:

  • Secrets and configMaps are only available in a specific namespace, and there is no easy way to make a configMap or secret available across the whole cluster.
  • Helm releases systematically replace all the objects and don't allow any persistent values across successive releases, which is especially problematic for randomly generated passwords.


From helm repository
$ helm repo add olli-ai https://olli-ai.github.io/helm-charts/
$ helm upgrade --install k8s-replicator olli-ai/k8s-replicator
Using Helm
$ helm upgrade --install k8s-replicator ./deploy/helm-chart/k8s-replicator
$ # Create roles and service accounts
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olli-ai/k8s-replicator/master/deploy/rbac.yaml
$ # Create actual deployment
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/olli-ai/k8s-replicator/master/deploy/deployment.yaml


Receiving a copy of secret or configMap

You can configure a secret or a configMap to receive a copy of another secret or configMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    k8s-replicator/replicate-from: default/some-secret
data: {}

Annotations are:

  • k8s-replicator/replicate-from: The source of the data to receive a copy from. Can be a full path <namespace>/<name>, or just a name if the source is in the same namespace.
  • k8s-replicator/replicate-once: Set it to "true" for being replicated only once, no matter to the future changes of the source. Can be useful if the source is a randomly generated password, but you don't want your local password to change anymore.

Unless you run k8s-replicator with the --allow-all flag, you need to explicitely allow the source to be replicated:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    k8s-replicator/replication-allowed: "true"
data: {}

At leat one of the two annotations is required (if --allow-all is not used):

  • k8s-replicator/replication-allowed: Set it to "true" to explicitely allow replication, or "false" to explicitely disallow it
  • k8s-replicator/replication-allowed-namespaces: a comma separated list of namespaces or namespace patterns to explicitely allow. ex: "my-namespace,test-namespace-[0-9]+"

Other annotations are:

  • k8s-replicator/replicate-once: Set it to "true" for being replicated only once, no matter future changes. Can be useful if the secret is a randomly generated password, but you don't want the local copies to change anymore.
  • k8s-replicator/replicate-once-version: When a different version is set, this secret or confingMap is replicated again, even if replicated once. It allows a thinner control on the k8s-replicator/replicate-once annotation. Can be any string.

The content of the target secret or configMap will be cleared if the source does not exist, does not allow replication, or is deleted.

Replicating a secret or configMap to other locations

You can configure a secret or a configMap to replicate itself automatically to desired locations:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
    k8s-replicator/replicate-to: default/other-secret
data: {}

At leat one of the two annotations is required:

  • k8s-replicator/replicate-to: The target(s) of the annotation, comma separated. Can be a name <name>, a full path <namespace>/<name>, or a pattern <namespace_pattern>/<name>. If just given a name, it will be combined with the namespace of the source, or with the k8s-replicator/replicate-to-namespaces annotation if present. ex: "other-secret,other-namespace/another-secret,test-namespace-[0-9]+/nyan-secret"
  • k8s-replicator/replicate-to-namespaces: The target namespace(s) and namespace pattern(s) for replication, comma separated. it will be combined with the name of the source, or with the k8s-replicator/replicate-to if present. ex: "other-namespace,test-namespace-[0-9]+"

Other annotations are:

  • k8s-replicator/replicate-once: Set it to "true" for being replicated only once, no matter future changes. Can be useful if the secret is a password randomly generated by helm, and you want stable copy that won't change on future helm releases.
  • k8s-replicator/replicate-once-version: When a different version is set, this secret or confingMap is replicated again, even if replicated once. It allows a thinner control on the k8s-replicator/replicate-once annotation. Can be any string.

The labels given to any created target secret or configMap can be configured with the --create-with-labels. Replication will be cancelled if the target secret or configMap already exists but was not created by replication from this source. However, as soon as that existing target is deleted, it will be replaced by a replication of the source. As soon as any target namespace is created, required target secrets and configMaps are created.

Once the source secret or configMap is deleted or its annotations are changed, the target is deleted.

Chain of replications

It is possible to replicate a secret or configMap already replicated from a source:

A secret or configMap created thanks to the k8s-replicator/replicate-to annotation inherits from its source's k8s-replicator/replication-allowed and k8s-replicator/replication-allowed-namespaces annotations. These annotations are used to allow or disallow replication.

A secret or configMap replicated thanks to the k8s-replicator/replicate-from annotation can define its own k8s-replicator/replication-allowed and k8s-replicator/replication-allowed-namespaces annotations. These annotations are used, in combination with the source's annotations, to allow or disallow replication.

All secrets and configMaps further on the replications chain will be cleared when the chain is broken.

Combining both

k8s-replicator/replicate-from and k8s-replicator/replicate-to annotations can be combined together, in order to replicate the data of another secret or configMap to a specified target. It can combine both sets of annotations, and will create a target secret or configMap that acts according to its k8s-replicator/replicate-from annotations.

This is especially useful because the generated secret or configMap is not managed by helm and won't be erased by helm releases, thus avoiding the secret or configMap to be shortly reset at each release, which may trigger the pods to restart if a reloader is used.

The generated secret or configMap is deleted if its creator is deleted, and cleared if its source is deleted or does not allow replication.

Special secret types

Some special secret types come with constraints: existing keys and specific formats. When clearing a secret, k8s-replicator will conform to those constraints with minimal values. In particular:

  • kubernetes.io/basic-auth: cleared with an empty user "", but a long random password for security.
  • kubernetes.io/ssh-auth: cleared with "empty" as ssh private key ("" not allowed).
  • kubernetes.io/service-account-token: not handled, it is managed by kubernetes so replicating it may be a bad idea.
  • bootstrap.kubernetes.io/token: not handled, it is an internal secret type of kubernetes.
Handling errors

The state of the replicated secrets and configMaps and is stored in their annotations, so k8s-replicator is resilient to restarts and kubernetes errors, and won't perform redundant actions. --resync-period configures how often the list of resources is reloaded, which forces the replicator to check the state of the cluster. All updates / creations / deletions are performed against the ResourceVersion, so any outdated update will fail.

If any annotation is detected to be illformed, no action will be performed. This is also the case if an unknown annotation with the same prefix is detected, unless --ignore-unknown option is passed. This ensures that no unintended action is performed because of a human error, avoiding to unintentionally delete or clear a secret or configMap.

The logs of the k8s-replicator pod will show the full history of actions, and explanations why some of these actions are cancelled.


Import database credentials anywhere

Create the source secret

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: database-credentials
  namespace: default
    k8s-replicator/replication-allowed: "true"
  host: mydb.com
  database: mydb
  password: qwerty

You can now create an empty secret everywhere you needs this (including in helm charts)

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: local-database-credentials
    k8s-replicator/replicate-from: "default/database-credentials"

Or you can give your secret a target, such that it won't be reset by helm on further helm releases

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: source-database-credentials
    k8s-replicator/replicate-from: "default/database-credentials"
    k8s-replicator/replicate-to: "target-database-credentials"
Use random password generated by an helm chart

Create your source secret with a random password, and replicate it once

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: admin-password-source
    k8s-replicator/replicate-to: "admin-password"
    k8s-replicator/replicate-once: "true"
  password: {{ randAlphaNum 64 | quote }}

And use it in your deployment

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
      - name: my-container
        image: gcr.io/my-project/my-container:latest
        - name: ADMIN_PASSWORD
              name: admin-password
              key: password
Spread your TLS key

Create your TLS secret

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: kubernetes.io/tls
  name: tls-example-com
  namespace: jx
    k8s-replicator/replicate-to-namespaces: "jx-.*"
  tls.crt: |
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  tls.key: |
    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

And use it in your ingresses in any namespace you replicated to

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: my-ingress
  namespace: jx-production
  - hosts:
    - subdomain.example.com
    secretName: tls-example-com
Configurable secret for helm charts

Allow different possible configuration in your values.yaml

  source: # another secret as admin login/password
  login: admin # the admin login, if no secret provided
  password: # the admin password, randomly generated if not provided
  version: 0 # increase this if the format changes

Now a template/secret-admin.yaml can be configured

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
type: Opaque
  name: my-app-admin-source
    k8s-replicator/replicate-to: my-app-admin
{{- if .Values.admin.source }}
    k8s-replicator/replicate-from: {{ .Values.admin.source }}
{{- else if not .Values.admin.password }}
    k8s-replicator/replicate-once: "true"
    k8s-replicator/replicate-once-version: v{{ .Values.admin.version }}:login={{ .Values.admin.login }}
{{- end }}
{{- if not .Values.admin.source }}
  login: {{ .Values.admin.login }}
  {{- if .Values.admin.password }}
  password: {{ .Values.admin.password | quote }}
  {{- else }}
  password: {{ randAlphaNum 64 | quote }}
  {{- end }}
{{- end }}

This way, the source of the secret (external secret, helm value, or random) can be easily configured, the secret won't be erased by future helm releases and the random password won't change unless the login changes.


Helm parameter Argument Description Default
allowAll --allow-all Implicitly allow to copy from any secret or configMap false
ignoreUnknown --ignore-unknown Unknown annotations with the same prefix do not raise an error false
resyncPeriod --resync-period How often the kubernetes informers should resynchronize 30m
runReplicators --run-replicators The replicators to run, all or a comma-separated list of case-insensitive replicators (secret,configMap) all
annotationsPrefix --annotations-prefix The prefix to use on every annotations k8s-replicator
createWithLabels --create-with-labels A comma-separated list of labels and values to apply to created secrets and configMaps (label1=value1,label2=value2) app.kubernetes.io/managed-by={.Values.annotationsPrefix}
--status-address The address for the status HTTP endpoint :9102
--kube-config The path to Kubernetes config file cluster config
image.repository Provisioner image olliai/glusterfs-client-provisioner
image.tag Version of provisioner image Chart's version
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
nameOverride Overrides the name used in the label selector and the default name of the resources {.Chart.Name}
fullnameOverride Overrides the name of the resources {.Release.Name}-{.Values.nameOverride}
serviceAccount.create Creates a service account with necessary roles true
serviceAccount.name Name of an existing service account to use
deployment.annotations Annotations for the deployment {}
pod.annotations Annotations for the pod {}

You can pass several replicators using --set runReplicators='{configMap,secret}'

Replicating more resources

k8s-replicator can easily be extended to replicate any resource in kubernetes:

package mypackage

import (


    metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

var _myActions *myActions = &myActions{}

func NewMyReplicator(client kubernetes.Interface, options replicate.ReplicatorOptions, resyncPeriod time.Duration) replicate.Replicator {
    repl := replicate.ObjectReplicator{
        ReplicatorProps:   replicate.NewReplicatorProps(client, "myResource", options),
        ReplicatorActions: _myActions,
    myResurces := MyResources(client, "")
    listWatch := cache.ListWatch{
        ListFunc: func(lo metav1.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
            return myResurces.List(lo)
        WatchFunc: myResurces.Watch,
    repl.InitStores(listWatch, &MyResource{}, resyncPeriod)
    return &repl

type myActions struct {}

func (*myActions) GetMeta(object interface{}) *metav1.ObjectMeta {
    return &object.(*MyResources).ObjectMeta

func (*myActions) Update(client kubernetes.Interface, object interface{}, sourceObject interface{}, annotations map[string]string) (interface{}, error) {
    mySource := sourceObject.(*MyResource)
    myObject := object.(*MyResource).DeepCopy()
    myObject.Annotations = annotations

    // TODO: copy the data from mySource to myObject

    log.Printf("updating myResource %s/%s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name)
    update, err := MyResources(client, myObject.Namespace).Update(myObject)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("error while updating myResource %s/%s: %s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name, err)
    return update, err

func (*myActions) Clear(client kubernetes.Interface, object interface{}, annotations map[string]string) (interface{}, error) {
    myObject := object.(*MyResource).DeepCopy()
    myObject.Annotations = annotations

    // TODO: clear the data from myObject

    log.Printf("clearing myResource %s/%s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name)
    update, err := MyResources(client, myObject.Namespace).Update(myObject)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("error while clearing myResource %s/%s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name)
    return update, err

func (*myActions) Install(client kubernetes.Interface, meta *metav1.ObjectMeta, sourceObject interface{}, dataObject interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
    // mySource := sourceObject.(*MyResource)
    myObject = MyResource{
        ObjectMeta: *meta,

    // TODO: copy other meta-fields from mySource to myObject

    if dataObject != nil {
        myData := dataObject.(*MyResource)

        /// TODO: copy the data from myData to myObject

    log.Printf("installing myResource %s/%s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name)
    var update *MyResource
    var err error
    if myObject.ResourceVersion == "" {
        update, err = MyResources(client, myObject.Namespace).Create(&myObject)
    } else {
        update, err = MyResources(client, myObject.Namespace).Update(&myObject)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("error while installing myResource %s/%s: %s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name, err)
    return update, err

func (*myActions) Delete(client kubernetes.Interface, object interface{}) error {
    myObject := object.(*MyResource)
    log.Printf("deleting myResource %s/%s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name)
    options := metav1.DeleteOptions{
        Preconditions: &metav1.Preconditions{
            ResourceVersion: &myObject.ResourceVersion,
    err := MyResources(client, myObject.Namespace).Delete(myObject.Name, &options)
    if err != nil {
        log.Printf("error while deleting myResource %s/%s: %s", myObject.Namespace, myObject.Name, err)
    return err

And add the replicator function in main.go

var newReplicatorFuncs map[string]newReplicatorFunc = map[string]newReplicatorFunc{
    // [...]
    "myResource": mypackage.NewMyReplicator,


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