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Published: Aug 27, 2019 License: MIT Imports: 10 Imported by: 0



Package yubihsm implements a cgo wrapper around yubihsm.h provided by the YubiHSM2 SDK.



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const (
	CodeSuccess           = ReturnCode(C.YHR_SUCCESS)             // Success
	ErrMemory             = ReturnCode(C.YHR_MEMORY)              // Memory error
	ErrInitError          = ReturnCode(C.YHR_INIT_ERROR)          // Init error
	ErrNetError           = ReturnCode(C.YHR_NET_ERROR)           // Network error
	ErrConnectorNotFound  = ReturnCode(C.YHR_CONNECTOR_NOT_FOUND) // Connector not found
	ErrInvalidParams      = ReturnCode(C.YHR_INVALID_PARAMS)      // Invalid parameters
	ErrWrongLength        = ReturnCode(C.YHR_WRONG_LENGTH)        // Wrong length
	ErrBufferTooSmall     = ReturnCode(C.YHR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)    // Buffer too small
	ErrCryptogramMismatch = ReturnCode(C.YHR_CRYPTOGRAM_MISMATCH) // Cryptogram error
	ErrAuthSessionError   = ReturnCode(C.YHR_AUTH_SESSION_ERROR)  // Authenticate session error
	ErrMACMismatch        = ReturnCode(C.YHR_MAC_MISMATCH)        // MAC not matching

	CodeDeviceOK          = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_OK)             // Device success
	ErrInvalidCommand     = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_INV_COMMAND)    // Invalid command
	ErrInvalidData        = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_INV_DATA)       // Malformed command/data
	ErrInvalidSession     = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_INV_SESSION)    // Invalid session
	ErrAuthFail           = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_AUTH_FAIL)      // Encryption/verification failed
	ErrSessionsFull       = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_SESSIONS_FULL)  // All sessions are allocated
	ErrSessionFailed      = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_SESSION_FAILED) // Session creation failed
	ErrStorageFailed      = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_STORAGE_FAILED) // Storage failure
	ErrDeviceWrongLength  = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_WRONG_LENGTH)   // Wrong length
	ErrInvalidPermissions = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_INV_PERMISSION) // Wrong permissions
	ErrLogFull            = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_LOG_FULL)       // Log buffer is full
	ErrObjectNotFound     = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_OBJ_NOT_FOUND)  // Object not found
	ErrIDIllegal          = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_ID_ILLEGAL)     // ID use is illegal
	ErrInvalidOTP         = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_INVALID_OTP)    // OTP submitted is invalid
	ErrDemoMode           = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_DEMO_MODE)      // Device is in demo mode
	ErrUnexecuted         = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_CMD_UNEXECUTED) // Command has not terminated

	ErrGeneric            = ReturnCode(C.YHR_GENERIC_ERROR)        // Unknown error
	ErrDeviceObjectExists = ReturnCode(C.YHR_DEVICE_OBJECT_EXISTS) // Object with that ID already exists
	ErrConnector          = ReturnCode(C.YHR_CONNECTOR_ERROR)      // Connector operation failed

Return codes.

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const (
	CmdEcho               = Command(C.YHC_ECHO)                  // Echo
	CmdCreateSession      = Command(C.YHC_CREATE_SES)            // Create session
	CmdAuthSession        = Command(C.YHC_AUTH_SES)              // Authenticate session
	CmdSessionMessage     = Command(C.YHC_SES_MSG)               // Session message
	CmdGetDeviceInfo      = Command(C.YHC_GET_DEVICE_INFO)       // Get device info
	CmdBSL                = Command(C.YHC_BSL)                   // BSL
	CmdReset              = Command(C.YHC_RESET)                 // Reset
	CmdCloseSession       = Command(C.YHC_CLOSE_SES)             // Close session
	CmdStats              = Command(C.YHC_STATS)                 // Storage statistics
	CmdPutOpaque          = Command(C.YHC_PUT_OPAQUE)            // Put opaque
	CmdGetOpaque          = Command(C.YHC_GET_OPAQUE)            // Get opaque
	CmdPutAuthkey         = Command(C.YHC_PUT_AUTHKEY)           // Put authentication key
	CmdPutAsymmetricKey   = Command(C.YHC_PUT_ASYMMETRIC_KEY)    // Put asymmetric key
	CmdGenAsymmetricKey   = Command(C.YHC_GEN_ASYMMETRIC_KEY)    // Generate asymmetric key
	CmdSignDataPKCS1      = Command(C.YHC_SIGN_DATA_PKCS1)       // Sign data with PKCS1
	CmdList               = Command(C.YHC_LIST)                  // List objects
	CmdDecryptPKCS1       = Command(C.YHC_DECRYPT_PKCS1)         // Decrypt data with PKCS1
	CmdExportWrapped      = Command(C.YHC_EXPORT_WRAPPED)        // Export an object wrapped
	CmdImportWrapped      = Command(C.YHC_IMPORT_WRAPPED)        // Import a wrapped object
	CmdPutWrapKey         = Command(C.YHC_PUT_WRAP_KEY)          // Put wrap key
	CmdGetLogs            = Command(C.YHC_GET_LOGS)              // Get audit logs
	CmdGetObjectInfo      = Command(C.YHC_GET_OBJECT_INFO)       // Get object information
	CmdPutOption          = Command(C.YHC_PUT_OPTION)            // Put a global option
	CmdGetOption          = Command(C.YHC_GET_OPTION)            // Get a global option
	CmdGetPseudoRandom    = Command(C.YHC_GET_PSEUDO_RANDOM)     // Get pseudo random data
	CmdPutHMACKey         = Command(C.YHC_PUT_HMAC_KEY)          // Put HMAC key
	CmdHMACData           = Command(C.YHC_HMAC_DATA)             // HMAC data
	CmdGetPubkey          = Command(C.YHC_GET_PUBKEY)            // Get a public key
	CmdSignDataPSS        = Command(C.YHC_SIGN_DATA_PSS)         // Sign data with PSS
	CmdSignDataECDSA      = Command(C.YHC_SIGN_DATA_ECDSA)       // Sign data with ECDSA
	CmdDecryptECDH        = Command(C.YHC_DECRYPT_ECDH)          // Perform a ECDH exchange
	CmdDeleteObject       = Command(C.YHC_DELETE_OBJECT)         // Delete an object
	CmdDecryptOAEP        = Command(C.YHC_DECRYPT_OAEP)          // Decrypt data with OAEP
	CmdGenerateHMACKey    = Command(C.YHC_GENERATE_HMAC_KEY)     // Generate HMAC key
	CmdGenerateWrapKey    = Command(C.YHC_GENERATE_WRAP_KEY)     // Generate wrap key
	CmdVerifyHMAC         = Command(C.YHC_VERIFY_HMAC)           // Verify HMAC data
	CmdSSHCertify         = Command(C.YHC_SSH_CERTIFY)           // SSH Certify
	CmdPutTemplate        = Command(C.YHC_PUT_TEMPLATE)          // Put template
	CmdGetTemplate        = Command(C.YHC_GET_TEMPLATE)          // Get template
	CmdOTPDecrypt         = Command(C.YHC_OTP_DECRYPT)           // Decrypt OTP
	CmdOTPAEADCreate      = Command(C.YHC_OTP_AEAD_CREATE)       // Create OTP AEAD
	CmdOTPAEADRandom      = Command(C.YHC_OTP_AEAD_RANDOM)       // Create OTP AEAD from random
	CmdOTPAEADRewrap      = Command(C.YHC_OTP_AEAD_REWRAP)       // Rewrap OTP AEAD
	CmdAttestAsymmetric   = Command(C.YHC_ATTEST_ASYMMETRIC)     // Attest an asymmetric key
	CmdPutOTPAEADKey      = Command(C.YHC_PUT_OTP_AEAD_KEY)      // Put OTP AEAD key
	CmdGenerateOTPAEADKey = Command(C.YHC_GENERATE_OTP_AEAD_KEY) // Generate OTP AEAD key
	CmdSetLogIndex        = Command(C.YHC_SET_LOG_INDEX)         // Set log index
	CmdWrapData           = Command(C.YHC_WRAP_DATA)             // Wrap data
	CmdUnwrapData         = Command(C.YHC_UNWRAP_DATA)           // Unwrap data
	CmdSignDataEDDSA      = Command(C.YHC_SIGN_DATA_EDDSA)       // Sign data with EDDSA
	CmdBlink              = Command(C.YHC_BLINK)                 // Blink the device
	CmdError              = Command(C.YHC_ERROR)                 // Error

Commands identifiers.

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const (
	TypeOpaque     = ObjectType(C.YH_OPAQUE)       // Opaque object
	TypeAuthKey    = ObjectType(C.YH_AUTHKEY)      // Authentication key
	TypeAsymmetric = ObjectType(C.YH_ASYMMETRIC)   // Asymmetric key
	TypeWrapKey    = ObjectType(C.YH_WRAPKEY)      // Wrap key
	TypeHMACKey    = ObjectType(C.YH_HMACKEY)      // HMAC key
	TypeTemplate   = ObjectType(C.YH_TEMPLATE)     // Template
	TypeOTPAEADKey = ObjectType(C.YH_OTP_AEAD_KEY) // OTP AEAD key
	TypePublic     = ObjectType(C.YH_PUBLIC)       // Public key (virtual)

Object types

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const (
	AlgoRSAPKCS1SHA1    = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA1)
	AlgoRSAPKCS1SHA256  = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA256)
	AlgoRSAPKCS1SHA384  = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA384)
	AlgoRSAPKCS1SHA512  = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PKCS1_SHA512)
	AlgoRSAPSSSHA1      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA1)
	AlgoRSAPSSSHA256    = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA256)
	AlgoRSAPSSSHA384    = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA384)
	AlgoRSAPSSSHA512    = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_PSS_SHA512)
	AlgoRSA2048         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_2048)
	AlgoRSA3072         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_3072)
	AlgoRSA4096         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_4096)
	AlgoECP256          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_P256)  // secp256r1
	AlgoECP384          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_P384)  // secp384r1
	AlgoECP521          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_P521)  // secp521r1
	AlgoECK256          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_K256)  // secp256k1
	AlgoECBP256         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_BP256) // brainpool256r1
	AlgoECBP384         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_BP384) // brainpool384r1
	AlgoECBP512         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_BP512) // brainpool512r1
	AlgoHMACSHA1        = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_HMAC_SHA1)
	AlgoHMACSHA256      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_HMAC_SHA256)
	AlgoHMACSHA384      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_HMAC_SHA384)
	AlgoHMACSHA512      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_HMAC_SHA512)
	AlgoECDSASHA1       = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ECDSA_SHA1)
	AlgoECECDH          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ECDH)
	AlgoRSAOAEPSHA256   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_OAEP_SHA256)
	AlgoRSAOAEPSHA384   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_OAEP_SHA384)
	AlgoRSAOAEPSHA512   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_RSA_OAEP_SHA512)
	AlgoAES128CCMWrap   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_AES128_CCM_WRAP)
	AlgoOpaqueData      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_OPAQUE_DATA)
	AlgoOpaqueX509Cert  = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_OPAQUE_X509_CERT)
	AlgoMGF1SHA1        = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_MGF1_SHA1)
	AlgoMGF1SHA256      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_MGF1_SHA256)
	AlgoMGF1SHA384      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_MGF1_SHA384)
	AlgoMGF1SHA512      = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_MGF1_SHA512)
	AlgoSSHTemplate     = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_TEMPL_SSH)
	AlgoYubicoOTPAES128 = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_YUBICO_OTP_AES128)
	AlgoYubicoAESAuth   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_YUBICO_AES_AUTH)
	AlgoYubicoOTPAES192 = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_YUBICO_OTP_AES192)
	AlgoYubicoOTPAES256 = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_YUBICO_OTP_AES256)
	AlgoAES192CCMWrap   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_AES192_CCM_WRAP)
	AlgoAES256CCMWrap   = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_AES256_CCM_WRAP)
	AlgoECDSASHA256     = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ECDSA_SHA256)
	AlgoECDSASHA384     = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ECDSA_SHA384)
	AlgoECDSASHA512     = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ECDSA_SHA512)
	AlgoED25519         = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_ED25519)
	AlgoECP224          = Algorithm(C.YH_ALGO_EC_P224)

Algorithms understood by the device.

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const (
	// Forced audit mode
	OptionForceAudit = Option(C.YH_OPTION_FORCE_AUDIT)
	// Audit logging per command
	OptionCommandAudit = Option(C.YH_OPTION_COMMAND_AUDIT)

Global options

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const (
	// Origin is generated
	OriginGenerated = C.YH_ORIGIN_GENERATED
	// Origin is imported
	OriginImported = C.YH_ORIGIN_IMPORTED
	// Origin is wrapped (note: this is used in combination with objects'
	// original origin)

Origin values


This section is empty.


func Domains

func Domains(domains ...int) int

Domains encodes a set of domains as an int.

func GetVerbosity

func GetVerbosity() (int, error)

GetVerbosity gets the logging verbosity of the library.

func SetDebugOutput

func SetDebugOutput(file *os.File) error

SetDebugOutput sets the file for debug output.

func SetVerbosity

func SetVerbosity(verbosity int) error

SetVerbosity sets the logging verbosity of the library.


type Algorithm

type Algorithm C.yh_algorithm

An Algorithm represents an algorithm understood by the device.

func AlgorithmByName

func AlgorithmByName(name string) Algorithm

AlgorithmByName returns the algorithm with the given name, or 0 if there is no algorithm with that name.

func (Algorithm) String

func (a Algorithm) String() string

String returns the name of a algorithm.

type Capabilities

type Capabilities C.yh_capabilities

Capabilities represent a set of capability supported by an object.

func CapabilitiesByName

func CapabilitiesByName(names ...string) (*Capabilities, error)

ParseCapabilities parses a list of strings into a capability set.

func (*Capabilities) Parse

func (c *Capabilities) Parse(names ...string) error

Parse a list of strings into a capability set.

func (Capabilities) String

func (c Capabilities) String() string

String returns a string representation of the capabilities.

type Capability

type Capability uint8

A Capability supported by an object.

func CapabilityByName

func CapabilityByName(name string) Capability

CapabilityByName returns the capability with the given name, or 0 if there is no capability with that name.

func (Capability) String

func (c Capability) String() string

String returns the name of a capability.

type Command

type Command C.yh_cmd

A Command which can be executed on a device.

type Connector

type Connector C.yh_connector

A Connector represents a connector for communicating with a device.

func Connect

func Connect(url string) (*Connector, error)

Connect instantiates a connector with the given URL and tries to connect.

func NewConnector

func NewConnector(url string) (*Connector, error)

NewConnector instantiates a new connector with the given URL.

func (*Connector) Connect

func (c *Connector) Connect() error

Connect the connector to the configured URL.

func (*Connector) DeviceInfo

func (c *Connector) DeviceInfo() (*DeviceInfo, error)

DeviceInfo gets device info from the connector.

func (*Connector) Disconnect

func (c *Connector) Disconnect() error

Disconnect a connected connector.

func (*Connector) NewDerivedSession

func (c *Connector) NewDerivedSession(id int, password []byte, recreate bool, ctx *Context) (*Session, error)

NewDerivedSession creates a new session encrypted with a key derived from the password.

func (*Connector) NewSession

func (c *Connector) NewSession(id int, key, mac []byte, recreate bool, ctx *Context) (*Session, error)

NewSession creates a new session encrypted with the given key.

func (*Connector) Send

func (c *Connector) Send(msg, res *Message) error

Send a plain message, receiving the response into res. Up to cap(res.Data) will be used to receive data, though after the call len(res.Data) will reflect the length of the data actually received.

func (*Connector) SetHTTPSCA

func (c *Connector) SetHTTPSCA(path string) error

SetHTTPSCA sets the path to a file with a CA certificate to validate the connector with.

func (*Connector) SetProxyServer

func (c *Connector) SetProxyServer(url string) error

SetProxyServer sets the proxy server to use for connecting to the connector.

type Context

type Context [C.YH_CONTEXT_LEN]byte

Context for authentication.

type DeviceInfo

type DeviceInfo struct {
	Major    uint8  // Major version.
	Minor    uint8  // Minor version.
	Patch    uint8  // Patch version.
	Serial   uint32 // Serial number.
	LogTotal uint8  // Total number of log entries.
	LogUsed  uint8  // Log entries used.

	Algorithms []Algorithm // Algorithms supported by device.

DeviceInfo is information about a device.

type Digest

type Digest [C.YH_LOG_DIGEST_SIZE]C.uint8_t

A Digest is a truncated SHA256 digest used in log entries.

type Filter

type Filter struct {
	ID           int          // ID to filter by.
	Type         ObjectType   // Type to filter by.
	Domains      int          // Domains to filter by.
	Capabilities Capabilities // Capabilities to filter by.
	Algorithm    Algorithm    // Algorithm to filter by.
	Label        string       // Label to filter by.

A Filter for filtering lists of objects.

type LogEntry

type LogEntry struct {
	Number     int        // Number is a monotonically increasing index.
	Command    Command    // Command that was executed.
	Length     int        // Length of in-data.
	SessionKey int        // SessionKey is the ID of the authentication key used.
	TargetKey  int        // TargetKey is the ID of object used.
	SecondKey  int        // SecondKey is the ID of object used.
	Result     ReturnCode // Result of command.
	Systick    uint       // Systick at time of execution.
	Digest     Digest     // Digest of last digest + this entry.

A LogEntry is a log entry returned by the device.

type Message

type Message struct {
	Command Command // Command in message.
	Data    []byte  // Data in message.

A Message represents a message sent to or received from a connector.

type Object

type Object struct {
	Capabilities Capabilities // Capabilities of the object.
	ID           int          // ID of the object.
	Length       int          // Length of the object.
	Domains      int          // Domains of the object.
	Type         ObjectType   // Type of the object.
	Algorithm    Algorithm    // Algorithm associated with the object.
	Sequence     byte         // Sequence number of object.
	Origin       byte         // Origin of object.
	Label        string       // Label of object.

	// DelegatedCapabilities are the object's delegated capabilities.
	DelegatedCapabilities Capabilities

An Object is an object descriptor.

type ObjectType

type ObjectType C.yh_object_type

An ObjectType represents the type of an object on a device.

func TypeByName

func TypeByName(name string) ObjectType

TypeByName returns the object type with the given name, or 0 if there is no object type with that name.

func (ObjectType) String

func (t ObjectType) String() string

String returns a string representation of the object type.

type Option

type Option C.yh_option

An Option is a global option.

func OptionByName

func OptionByName(name string) Option

OptionByName returns the option with the given name, or 0 if there is no option with that name.

func (Option) String

func (o Option) String() string

String returns the name of a option.

type ReturnCode

type ReturnCode C.yh_rc

A ReturnCode returned by an operation to indicate its completion status.

func (ReturnCode) Error

func (c ReturnCode) Error() string

Error implements error.

type Session

type Session struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

A Session is a session with a device.

func (*Session) Authenticate

func (s *Session) Authenticate(ctx *Context) error

Authenticate a session.

func (*Session) Destroy

func (s *Session) Destroy() error

Destroy a session, freeing data associated with the session. This will be called automatically by a finalizer, but it's safe to call multiple times.

func (*Session) GenerateECKey

func (s *Session) GenerateECKey(label string, domains int, caps *Capabilities, algo Algorithm) (id int, err error)

GenerateECKey generates a new EC key on the device, returning the object ID.

func (*Session) GetObject

func (s *Session) GetObject(id int, typ ObjectType) (*Object, error)

GetObject gets info about an object.

func (*Session) GetPublicKey

func (s *Session) GetPublicKey(id int) ([]byte, error)

GetPublicKey gets a public key from a key object.

func (*Session) ListObjects

func (s *Session) ListObjects(f *Filter) ([]*Object, error)

ListObjects lists objects on the device, taking an optional filter.

func (*Session) SignECDSA

func (s *Session) SignECDSA(id int, data []byte) (R, S *big.Int, err error)

SignECDSA signs data using ECDSA.

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