
package module
v0.0.0-...-10f6363 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Dec 15, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 17 Imported by: 9


Go Report Card Go Reference


The purpose of this package is to provide a jwt.Keyfunc for the package using a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set or JWKS) for parsing and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

There is legacy support for and its popular forks. It's in a separate project to keep this project minimal. If your use case supports a legacy fork, please see:

It's common for an identity provider, such as Keycloak or Amazon Cognito (AWS) to expose a JWKS via an HTTPS endpoint. This package has the ability to consume that JWKS and produce a jwt.Keyfunc. It is important that a JWKS endpoint is using HTTPS to ensure the keys are from the correct trusted source.

This repository only depends on:

jwt.Keyfunc signatures are imported from these, implemented, then exported as methods.

Supported Algorithms

Currently, this package supports JWTs signed with a kty that matches one of the following:

Additionally, the supported EC elliptical curve types are below:

  • P-256
  • P-384
  • P-521

For OKP, EdDSA, only the Ed25519 curve type is supported. (I have not found a standard library package that supports Ed448.)

This does include HMAC keys. For an example using HMAC keys, please see the examples/hmac directory. Do not expose HMAC keys in public facing JWKS, as HMAC keys are secret keys that do not use public key cryptography.

If there are cryptographic algorithms, curve types, or something else already standardized that you'd like supported in this Go package, please open an issue or pull request.

Basic usage

For complete examples, please see the examples directory.

import keyfunc ""
A note on read-only keys

The JWKS.ReadOnlyKeys method returns a read-only copy of a map[string]interface{}. The key to this map is the key ID, kid, and the value is the cryptographic key. This is a useful map for use of keys within a JWKS outside of

The map itself is a copy. So it can be modified safely. However, the values are of type interface{}. If these values are modified, it may cause undefined behavior.

Preconditions: Acquire the JWKS URL, JSON, or gather cryptographic keys (given keys)

A JWKS URL is not required, one can be created directly from JSON with the keyfunc.NewJSON function.

// Get the JWKS URL from an environment variable.
jwksURL := os.Getenv("JWKS_URL")

// Confirm the environment variable is not empty.
if jwksURL == "" {
	log.Fatalln("JWKS_URL environment variable must be populated.")
Step 1: Create the JWKS


// Create the JWKS from the resource at the given URL.
jwks, err := keyfunc.Get(jwksURL, keyfunc.Options{}) // See recommended options in the examples directory.
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to get the JWKS from the given URL.\nError: %s", err)


// Get the JWKS as JSON.
var jwksJSON = json.RawMessage(`{"keys":[{"kid":"zXew0UJ1h6Q4CCcd_9wxMzvcp5cEBifH0KWrCz2Kyxc","kty":"RSA","alg":"PS256","use":"sig","n":"wqS81x6fItPUdh1OWCT8p3AuLYgFlpmg61WXp6sp1pVijoyF29GOSaD9xE-vLtegX-5h0BnP7va0bwsOAPdh6SdeVslEifNGHCtID0xNFqHNWcXSt4eLfQKAPFUq0TsEO-8P1QHRq6yeG8JAFaxakkaagLFuV8Vd_21PGJFWhvJodJLhX_-Ym9L8XUpIPps_mQriMUOWDe-5DWjHnDtfV7mgaOxbBvVo3wj8V2Lmo5Li4HabT4MEzeJ6e9IdFo2kj_44Yy9osX-PMPtu8BQz_onPgf0wjrVWt349Rj6OkS8RxlNGYeuIxYZr0TOhP5F-yEPhSXDsKdVTwPf7zAAaKQ","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"IYIeevIT57t8ppUejM42Bqx6f3I","x5t#S256":"TuOrBy2NcTlFSWuZ8Kh8W8AjQagb4fnfP1SlKMO8-So"},{"kid":"ebJxnm9B3QDBljB5XJWEu72qx6BawDaMAhwz4aKPkQ0","kty":"EC","alg":"ES512","use":"sig","crv":"P-521","x":"YQ95Xj8MTzcHytbU1h8YkCN2kdEQA7ThuZ1ctB9Ekiw6tlM9RwL62eQvzEt4Rz8qN69uRqgU9RzxQOkSU5xVvyo","y":"SMMuP3QnAPHtx7Go2ARsG3NBaySWBLmVvS8s2Ss7Vm_ISWenNbdjKOsY1XvtiQz5scGzWDCEUoZzgV8Ve1mLOV0"},{"kid":"TVAAet63O3xy_KK6_bxVIu7Ra3_z1wlB543Fbwi5VaU","kty":"EC","alg":"ES384","use":"sig","crv":"P-384","x":"Pik2o5as-evijFABH5p6YLXHnWw8iQ_N1ummPY1c_UgG6NO0za-gNOhTz2-tsd_w","y":"e98VSff71k19SY_mHgp3707lgQVrhfVpiGa-sGaKxOWVpxd2jWMhB0Q4RpSRuCp5"},{"kid":"arlUxX4hh56rNO-XdIPhDT7bqBMqcBwNQuP_TnZJNGs","kty":"RSA","alg":"RS512","use":"sig","n":"hhtifu8LL3ICE3BAX5l1KZv6Lni0lhlhBusSfepnpxcb4C_z2U71cQTnLY27kt8WB4bNG6e5_KMx9K3xUdd3euj9MCq8vytwEPieeHE1KXQuhJfLv017lhpK_dRMOHyc-9-50YNdgs_8KWRkrzjjuYrCiO9Iu76n5319e-SC8OPvNUglqxp2N0Sp2ltne2ZrpN8T3OEEXT62TSGmLAVopRGw5gllNVrJfmEyZJCRrBM6s5CQcz8un0FjkAAC4DI6QD-eBL0qG3_NR0hQvR1he2o4BLwjOKH45Pk_jj-eArp-DD6Xq6ABQVb5SNOSdaxl5lnmuotRoY3G5d9YSl-K3w","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"geiCPGtT_10T8xGLUK1LA0_YQEE","x5t#S256":"dLp3_QNGwMbYll5VecnR8Q9NSeFVfqJPBTa2_8qf48I"},{"kid":"tW6ae7TomE6_2jooM-sf9N_6lWg7HNtaQXrDsElBzM4","kty":"RSA","alg":"PS512","use":"sig","n":"p32N7jqKfMUB6_dKY1uZ3wizzPlBAXg9XrntfUcwNLRPfTBnshpt4uQBf3T8fexkbzhtR18oHvim-YvcWfC5eLGQmWHYiVwACa_C7oGqx51ijK2LRbUg4TKhnZX2X3Ld9xvr3HsosKh2UXn_Ay8nuvdfH-U6S7btT6a-AIFlt3BpqZP0EOl7rY-ie8nXoA13xX6BoyzYiNcugdYCU6czQcmTIJ1JLS0zohi4aTNehRt-1VMRpIMx7q7Ouq3Zhbi7RcDo-_D8FPRhWc2eEKd-h8ebFTIxEOrkguBIomjEFTf3SfYbOB_h-14v9Q2yz-NzyId3-ujRCQGC0hn-cixe2w","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"f1l1fxICz1fe9mI-sSrtc19EDhU","x5t#S256":"NUJWRA4ADpLEg_SMkSoE4FKQN0H1Tlz85L-i7puVcqQ"},{"kid":"Lx1FmayP2YBtxaqS1SKJRJGiXRKnw2ov5WmYIMG-BLE","kty":"RSA","alg":"PS384","use":"sig","n":"q7WM4SnrdzlFSo_A1DRhc-8Ho-pBsfs49kGRbw3O_OKFIUyZrzHaRuovW_QaEAyiO3HX8CNcGPcpHdmpl4DhTGEBLcd6xXtCaa65ct00Mq7ZHCRRCrKLh6lJ0rY9fP8vCV0RBigpkNoRfrqLQQN4VeVFTbGSrDaS0LzPbap0-q5FKXUR-OQmQEtOupXhKFQtbB73tL83YnG6Swl7nXsx54ulEoDzcCCYt7pjCVVp7L9fzI2_ucTdtQclAJVQZGKpsx7vabOJuiMUwuAIz56lOJyXRMePsW8UogwC4FA2A52STsYlhOPsDEW4iIExFVNqs-CGoDGhYLIavaCkZhXM0w","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"fjRYR1986VCLzbaZaw5r25UKahw","x5t#S256":"ZHNHpizlsjD3qSZh7gJQQBu8W9jBL2HR0y7-3u2Wb-g"},{"kid":"gnmAfvmlsi3kKH3VlM1AJ85P2hekQ8ON_XvJqs3xPD8","kty":"RSA","alg":"RS384","use":"sig","n":"qUNQewKl3APQcbpACMNJ2XphPpupt395z6OZvj5CW9tiRXY3J7dqi8U0bWoIhtmmc7Js6hjp-A5W_FVStuXlT1hLyjJsHeu9ZVPnfIl2MnYN83zQBKw8E4mFsVv0UXNvkVPBF_k0yXrz-ABleWLOgFGnkNU9csc3Z5aihHcwRmC_oS7PZ9Vc-l0xBCyF3YRHI-al8ppSHwFreOweF3-JP3poNAXd906_tjX2KlHSJmNqcUNiSfEluyCp02ALlRFKXUQ1HlfSupHcHySDlanfUyIzZgM9ysCvC1vfNdAuwZ44oUBMul_XPxxhzlewL2Y8PtSDLUDWGTIou8M8049D8Q","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"CmRnQVduZWtEsdOC4mauUUsSWxA","x5t#S256":"BvC0LmuM8ZIApN3TQQZWWbGO-d082Ah5d3D6vPvahGw"},{"kid":"CGt0ZWS4Lc5faiKSdi0tU0fjCAdvGROQRGU9iR7tV0A","kty":"EC","alg":"ES256","use":"sig","crv":"P-256","x":"DPW7n9yjfE6Rt-VvVmEdeu4QdW44qifocAPPDxACDDY","y":"-ejsVw8222-hg2dJWx3QV0hE4-I0Ujp7ZsWebE68JE0"},{"kid":"C65q0EKQyhpd1m4fr7SKO2He_nAxgCtAdws64d2BLt8","kty":"RSA","alg":"RS256","use":"sig","n":"ja99ybDrLvw11Z4CvNlDI-kkqJEBpSnvDf0pZF2DvBlvYmeVYL_ChqIe8E9GyHUmLMdtO_jifSgOqE5b8vILwi1kZnJR7N857uEnbWM9YTeevi_RZ-E_hr4frW2NKJ78YGvCzwLKG2GgtSjj0zuTLnSaK8fCGzqXgy6paXNhgHUSZgGwvO0YItpMlyJeqEj1wGTWz1IyA1sguF1cC7K0fojPbPoBwrhvaAeoGRPLraE0rrBsQv8iiLwnRBIez9B1j0NiUG8Iad953Y7UzaKOAw8crIEK45NIK_yxHUpxqcHLjPIcRyIyJGioRyGK7cp-_7iPLOCutQc-u46mom1_ZQ","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"5GNr3LeRXHWI4YR8-QTSsF98oTI","x5t#S256":"Dgd0_wZZqvRuf4GEISPNHREX-1ixTMIsrPeGzk0bCxs"}]}`)

// Create the JWKS from the resource at the given URL.
jwks, err := keyfunc.NewJSON(jwksJSON)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to create JWKS from JSON.\nError: %s", err)

Via a given key:

// Get an HMAC key.
key := []byte("example secret")
uniqueKeyID := "myKeyID"

// Create the JWKS from the HMAC key.
jwks := keyfunc.NewGiven(map[string]keyfunc.GivenKey{
	uniqueKeyID: keyfunc.NewGivenHMAC(key),

Additional options can be passed to the keyfunc.Get function. See keyfunc.Options and the additional features mentioned at the bottom of this

Step 2: Use the JWKS.Keyfunc method as the jwt.Keyfunc when parsing tokens
// Parse the JWT.
token, err := jwt.Parse(jwtB64, jwks.Keyfunc)
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse token: %w", err)

The JWKS.Keyfunc method will automatically select the key with the matching kid (if present) and return its public key as the correct Go type to its caller.

Test coverage

Test coverage is currently >85%.

Testing could be improved by signing all JWTs during the tests themselves. Alternatively, using JWTs that do not expire would accomplish the same purpose. There are some hard-coded JWTs which are expired. This means the tests with hard coded JWTs cannot check for parsing and validation errors, just errors within the jwt.Keyfunc itself.

Additional features

These features can be configured by populating fields in the keyfunc.Options argument to the keyfunc.Get function.

  • A background refresh of the JWKS keys can be performed.
    • A custom background refresh interval can be specified. For an example, please see the examples/interval directory.
    • A custom background refresh request context timeout can be specified. Defaults to one minute. For an example, please see the examples/ctx directory.
    • A custom background refresh error handling function can be specified. If none is specified, errors go unhandled silently. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
    • A custom rate limit can be specified to prevent too many requests for a JWKS refresh. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
    • JWTs with a previously unseen kid can prompt an automatic refresh of the remote JWKS resource. This should be paired with RefreshRateLimit to prevent abuse. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
  • A custom HTTP client can be used.
  • A custom HTTP request factory can be provided to create HTTP requests for the remote JWKS resource. For example, an HTTP header can be added to indicate a User-Agent.
  • A custom HTTP response extractor can be provided to get the raw JWKS JSON from the *http.Response. For example, the HTTP response code could be checked. Implementations are responsible for closing the response body.
  • A custom whitelist of acceptable JSON Web Key "use" parameter values can be specified. Values not whitelisted will cause an error from the .Keyfunc method. This whitelist can be disabled with the JWKUseNoWhitelist option.
    • By default, only JSON Web Keys with a "use" parameter value of "sig", an empty string "", or a completely omitted "use" parameter will be returned. The default behavior changed in v1.5.0.
    • This "use" whitelisting behavior is only available with keyfunc.Get. It is not available with keyfunc.NewJSON or keyfunc.NewGiven. Please open a GitHub issue if you would like this feature added to the other creation methods.
  • A map of JWT key IDs (kid) to keys can be given and used for the jwt.Keyfunc. For an example, see the examples/given directory.
  • A copy of the latest raw JWKS []byte can be returned.
  • Custom cryptographic algorithms can be used. Make sure to use jwt.RegisterSigningMethod before parsing JWTs. For an example, see the examples/custom directory.


Trailing padding is required to be removed from base64url encoded keys inside a JWKS. This is because RFC 7517 defines base64url the same as RFC 7515 Section 2:

However, this package will remove trailing padding on base64url encoded keys to account for improper implementations of JWKS.

This package will check the alg in each JWK. If present, it will confirm the same alg is in a given JWT's header before returning the key for signature verification. If the algs do not match, keyfunc.ErrJWKAlgMismatch will prevent the key being used for signature verification. If the alg is not present in the JWK, this check will not occur.


This project was built and tested using various RFCs and services. The services are listed below:




This section is empty.


View Source
var (
	// ErrJWKAlgMismatch indicates that the given JWK was found, but its "alg" parameter's value did not match that of
	// the JWT.
	ErrJWKAlgMismatch = errors.New(`the given JWK was found, but its "alg" parameter's value did not match the expected algorithm`)

	// ErrNoMatchingKey indicated no JWKey is matching the token according ti SingleStore rules.
	ErrNoMatchingKey = errors.New("no key can be matched to validate the token")

	// ErrMissingAssets indicates there are required assets are missing to create a public key.
	ErrMissingAssets = errors.New("required assets are missing to create a public key")
View Source
var (
	// ErrECDSACurve indicates an error with the ECDSA curve.
	ErrECDSACurve = errors.New("invalid ECDSA curve")
View Source
var ErrInvalidHTTPStatusCode = errors.New("invalid HTTP status code")

ErrInvalidHTTPStatusCode indicates that the HTTP status code is invalid.


func GetTypeForAlg

func GetTypeForAlg(alg string) string

GetTypeForAlg returns the corresponding Key Type (kty) for a given `alg` value. kty: alg:

func ResponseExtractorStatusAny

func ResponseExtractorStatusAny(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response) (json.RawMessage, error)

ResponseExtractorStatusAny is meant to be used as the ResponseExtractor field for Options. It returns the raw JSON from the response body regardless of the response status code.

func ResponseExtractorStatusOK

func ResponseExtractorStatusOK(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response) (json.RawMessage, error)

ResponseExtractorStatusOK is meant to be used as the ResponseExtractor field for Options. It confirms that response status code is 200 OK and returns the raw JSON from the response body.


type ErrorHandler

type ErrorHandler func(err error)

ErrorHandler is a function signature that consumes an error.

type GivenKey

type GivenKey struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

GivenKey represents a cryptographic key that resides in a JWKS. In conjuncture with Options.

func NewGivenCustom deprecated

func NewGivenCustom(key interface{}) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenCustom creates a new GivenKey given an untyped variable. The key argument is expected to be a supported by the jwt package used.

See the function for registering an unsupported signing method.

Deprecated: This function does not allow the user to specify the JWT's signing algorithm. Use NewGivenCustomWithOptions instead.

func NewGivenCustomWithOptions

func NewGivenCustomWithOptions(key interface{}, options GivenKeyOptions) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenCustomWithOptions creates a new GivenKey given an untyped variable. The key argument is expected to be a type supported by the jwt package used.

Consider the options carefully as each field may have a security implication.

See the function for registering an unsupported signing method.

func NewGivenECDSA deprecated

func NewGivenECDSA(key *ecdsa.PublicKey) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenECDSA creates a new GivenKey given an ECDSA public key.

Deprecated: This function does not allow the user to specify the JWT's signing algorithm. Use NewGivenECDSACustomWithOptions instead.

func NewGivenECDSACustomWithOptions

func NewGivenECDSACustomWithOptions(key *ecdsa.PublicKey, options GivenKeyOptions) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenECDSACustomWithOptions creates a new GivenKey given an ECDSA public key.

Consider the options carefully as each field may have a security implication.

func NewGivenEdDSA deprecated

func NewGivenEdDSA(key ed25519.PublicKey) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenEdDSA creates a new GivenKey given an EdDSA public key.

Deprecated: This function does not allow the user to specify the JWT's signing algorithm. Use NewGivenEdDSACustomWithOptions instead.

func NewGivenEdDSACustomWithOptions

func NewGivenEdDSACustomWithOptions(key ed25519.PublicKey, options GivenKeyOptions) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenEdDSACustomWithOptions creates a new GivenKey given an EdDSA public key.

Consider the options carefully as each field may have a security implication.

func NewGivenHMAC deprecated

func NewGivenHMAC(key []byte) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenHMAC creates a new GivenKey given an HMAC key in a byte slice.

Deprecated: This function does not allow the user to specify the JWT's signing algorithm. Use NewGivenHMACCustomWithOptions instead.

func NewGivenHMACCustomWithOptions

func NewGivenHMACCustomWithOptions(key []byte, options GivenKeyOptions) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenHMACCustomWithOptions creates a new GivenKey given an HMAC key in a byte slice.

Consider the options carefully as each field may have a security implication.

func NewGivenRSA deprecated

func NewGivenRSA(key *rsa.PublicKey) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenRSA creates a new GivenKey given an RSA public key.

Deprecated: This function does not allow the user to specify the JWT's signing algorithm. Use NewGivenRSACustomWithOptions instead.

func NewGivenRSACustomWithOptions

func NewGivenRSACustomWithOptions(key *rsa.PublicKey, options GivenKeyOptions) (givenKey GivenKey)

NewGivenRSACustomWithOptions creates a new GivenKey given an RSA public key.

Consider the options carefully as each field may have a security implication.

type GivenKeyOptions

type GivenKeyOptions struct {
	// Algorithm is the given key's signing algorithm. Its value will be compared to unverified tokens' "alg" header.
	// See RFC 8725 Section 3.1 for details.
	// For a list of possible values, please see:
	Algorithm string

type JWKS

type JWKS struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

JWKS represents a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set).

func Get

func Get(jwksURL string, options Options) (jwks *JWKS, err error)

Get loads the JWKS at the given URL.

func NewGiven

func NewGiven(givenKeys map[string]GivenKey) (jwks *JWKS)

NewGiven creates a JWKS from a map of given keys. NewGiven creates a JWKS from a map of given keys.

func NewJSON

func NewJSON(jwksBytes json.RawMessage) (jwks *JWKS, err error)

NewJSON creates a new JWKS from a raw JSON message.

func (*JWKS) EndBackground

func (j *JWKS) EndBackground()

EndBackground ends the background goroutine to update the JWKS. It can only happen once and is only effective if the JWKS has a background goroutine refreshing the JWKS keys.

func (*JWKS) GetMatchingKeys

func (j *JWKS) GetMatchingKeys(token *jwt.Token) ([]*ParsedJWK, error)

GetMatchingKeys implements the logic described in A Read Lock for `j.mux` is acquired when the JWKS is read

JWTs are matched with JSON Web Keys (JWKs) for validation as follows: 1. If the JWT has a kid (Key ID) field, the JWKs with matching kid fields are validated. 2. If the JWT has a kid field that doesn’t match any JWK or jwt_config key, the authentication request is rejected. See Validate JWTs with the jwt-config for more information. 3. If the JWT has an iss (Issuer) field (instead of a kid field) that matches the kid in one or more JWKs, the JWKs with matching kid fields are validated. 4. If the JWT does not have a kid field and the iss field does not match the kid field in any JWK, then validation is attempted with all the JWKs with a matching alg (Algorithm) field. If the alg field is not specified, the kty (Key Type) field is used instead.

func (*JWKS) GetMatchingKeysWithRefresh

func (j *JWKS) GetMatchingKeysWithRefresh(token *jwt.Token) []*ParsedJWK

GetMatchingKeysWithRefresh gets the keys according to SingleStore logic, and if `j.refreshUnknownKID` is set to `true`, performs jwks refresh if no key was matched

func (*JWKS) KIDs

func (j *JWKS) KIDs() (kids []string)

KIDs returns the key IDs (`kid`) for all keys in the JWKS.

func (*JWKS) Keyfunc

func (j *JWKS) Keyfunc(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error)

Keyfunc matches the signature of's jwt.Keyfunc function.

func (*JWKS) Len

func (j *JWKS) Len() int

Len returns the number of keys in the JWKS.

func (*JWKS) RawJWKS

func (j *JWKS) RawJWKS() []byte

RawJWKS returns a copy of the raw JWKS received from the given JWKS URL.

func (*JWKS) ReadOnlyKeys

func (j *JWKS) ReadOnlyKeys() map[string]interface{}

ReadOnlyKeys returns a read-only copy of the mapping of key IDs (`kid`) to cryptographic keys. Currently this function is used for test purposes only

type JWKUse

type JWKUse string

JWKUse is a set of values for the "use" parameter of a JWK. See

const (
	// UseEncryption is a JWK "use" parameter value indicating the JSON Web Key is to be used for encryption.
	UseEncryption JWKUse = "enc"
	// UseOmitted is a JWK "use" parameter value that was not specified or was empty.
	UseOmitted JWKUse = ""
	// UseSignature is a JWK "use" parameter value indicating the JSON Web Key is to be used for signatures.
	UseSignature JWKUse = "sig"

type JsonWebKey

type JsonWebKey struct {
	Algorithm    string      `json:"alg"`
	Curve        string      `json:"crv"`
	Exponent     string      `json:"e"`
	K            string      `json:"k"`
	ID           string      `json:"kid"`
	Modulus      string      `json:"n"`
	Type         string      `json:"kty"`
	Use          string      `json:"use"`
	X            string      `json:"x"`
	Y            string      `json:"y"`
	UsernameFrom string      `json:"usernameFrom"`
	Audience     interface{} `json:"aud"`

JsonWebKey represents a JSON Web Key inside a JWKS.

func (*JsonWebKey) ECDSA

func (j *JsonWebKey) ECDSA() (publicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey, err error)

ECDSA parses a jsonWebKey and turns it into an ECDSA public key.

func (*JsonWebKey) EdDSA

func (j *JsonWebKey) EdDSA() (publicKey ed25519.PublicKey, err error)

EdDSA parses a jsonWebKey and turns it into a EdDSA public key.

func (*JsonWebKey) Oct

func (j *JsonWebKey) Oct() (publicKey []byte, err error)

Oct parses a jsonWebKey and turns it into a raw byte slice (octet). This includes HMAC keys.

func (*JsonWebKey) RSA

func (j *JsonWebKey) RSA() (publicKey *rsa.PublicKey, err error)

RSA parses a jsonWebKey and turns it into an RSA public key.

type Options

type Options struct {
	// Client is the HTTP client used to get the JWKS via HTTP.
	Client *http.Client

	// Ctx is the context for the keyfunc's background refresh. When the context expires or is canceled, the background
	// goroutine will end.
	Ctx context.Context

	// GivenKeys is a map of JWT key IDs, `kid`, to their given keys. If the JWKS has a background refresh goroutine,
	// these values persist across JWKS refreshes. By default, if the remote JWKS resource contains a key with the same
	// `kid` any given keys with the same `kid` will be overwritten by the keys from the remote JWKS. Use the
	// GivenKIDOverride option to flip this behavior.
	GivenKeys map[string]GivenKey

	// GivenKIDOverride will make a GivenKey override any keys with the same ID (`kid`) in the remote JWKS. The is only
	// effectual if GivenKeys is provided.
	GivenKIDOverride bool

	// JWKUseWhitelist is a whitelist of JWK `use` parameter values that will restrict what keys can be returned for
	// jwt.Keyfunc. The assumption is that jwt.Keyfunc is only used for JWT signature verification.
	// The default behavior is to only return a JWK if its `use` parameter has the value `"sig"`, an empty string, or if
	// the parameter was omitted entirely.
	JWKUseWhitelist []JWKUse

	// JWKUseNoWhitelist overrides the JWKUseWhitelist field and its default behavior. If set to true, all JWKs will be
	// returned regardless of their `use` parameter value.
	JWKUseNoWhitelist bool

	// RefreshErrorHandler is a function that consumes errors that happen during a JWKS refresh. This is only effectual
	// if a background refresh goroutine is active.
	RefreshErrorHandler ErrorHandler

	// RefreshInterval is the duration to refresh the JWKS in the background via a new HTTP request. If this is not nil,
	// then a background goroutine will be used to refresh the JWKS once per the given interval. Make sure to call the
	// JWKS.EndBackground method to end this goroutine when it's no longer needed.
	RefreshInterval time.Duration

	// RefreshRateLimit limits the rate at which refresh requests are granted. Only one refresh request can be queued
	// at a time any refresh requests received while there is already a queue are ignored. It does not make sense to
	// have RefreshInterval's value shorter than this.
	RefreshRateLimit time.Duration

	// RefreshTimeout is the duration for the context timeout used to create the HTTP request for a refresh of the JWKS.
	// This defaults to one minute. This is used for the HTTP request and any background goroutine refreshes.
	RefreshTimeout time.Duration

	// RefreshUnknownKID indicates that the JWKS refresh request will occur every time a kid that isn't cached is seen.
	// This is done through a background goroutine. Without specifying a RefreshInterval a malicious client could
	// self-sign X JWTs, send them to this service, then cause potentially high network usage proportional to X. Make
	// sure to call the JWKS.EndBackground method to end this goroutine when it's no longer needed.
	RefreshUnknownKID bool

	// InitAsync indicates that the JWKS will be fetched asynchronously upon initialization.
	InitAsync bool

	// RequestFactory creates HTTP requests for the remote JWKS resource located at the given url. For example, an
	// HTTP header could be added to indicate a User-Agent.
	RequestFactory func(ctx context.Context, url string) (*http.Request, error)

	// ResponseExtractor consumes a *http.Response and produces the raw JSON for the JWKS. By default, the
	// ResponseExtractorStatusOK function is used. The default behavior changed in v1.4.0.
	ResponseExtractor func(ctx context.Context, resp *http.Response) (json.RawMessage, error)

Options represents the configuration options for a JWKS.

If RefreshInterval and or RefreshUnknownKID is not nil, then a background goroutine will be launched to refresh the remote JWKS under the specified circumstances.

When using a background refresh goroutine, make sure to use RefreshRateLimit if paired with RefreshUnknownKID. Also make sure to end the background refresh goroutine with the JWKS.EndBackground method when it's no longer needed.

type ParsedJWK

type ParsedJWK struct {
	Public interface{}

	Jwk *JsonWebKey
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

parsedJWK represents a JSON Web Key parsed with fields as the correct Go types.


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