
package module
v0.0.0-...-2418671 Latest Latest

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Published: May 2, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 0



Port of the three.js library to golang


This port is currently targeting three.js r85


This library is in early stages of development, with only some minor core libraries working.

Currently the main math and core types are defined on some level, allowing a simple open gl window to render a color. The current goal is to flesh out the simple cube example so that the basic geometry rendering works.



Package three is the main package for the three.go graphics library for golang. It attempts to port the three.js architecture as accurately as possible while following proper golang practices.



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const (
	REVISION                         string = "85"
	MouseLeft                        int    = 0
	MouseMiddle                             = 1
	MouseRight                              = 2
	CullFaceNone                            = 0
	CullFaceBack                            = 1
	CullFaceFront                           = 2
	CullFaceFrontBack                       = 3
	FrontFaceDirectionCW                    = 0
	FrontFaceDirectionCCW                   = 1
	BasicShadowMap                          = 0
	PCFShadowMap                            = 1
	PCFSoftShadowMap                        = 2
	FrontSide                               = 0
	BackSide                                = 1
	DoubleSide                              = 2
	FlatShading                             = 1
	SmoothShading                           = 2
	NoColors                                = 0
	FaceColors                              = 1
	VertexColors                            = 2
	NoBlending                              = 0
	NormalBlending                          = 1
	AdditiveBlending                        = 2
	SubtractiveBlending                     = 3
	MultiplyBlending                        = 4
	CustomBlending                          = 5
	AddEquation                             = 100
	SubtractEquation                        = 101
	ReverseSubtractEquation                 = 102
	MinEquation                             = 103
	MaxEquation                             = 104
	ZeroFactor                              = 200
	OneFactor                               = 201
	SrcColorFactor                          = 202
	OneMinusSrcColorFactor                  = 203
	SrcAlphaFactor                          = 204
	OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor                  = 205
	DstAlphaFactor                          = 206
	OneMinusDstAlphaFactor                  = 207
	DstColorFactor                          = 208
	OneMinusDstColorFactor                  = 209
	SrcAlphaSaturateFactor                  = 210
	NeverDepth                              = 0
	AlwaysDepth                             = 1
	LessDepth                               = 2
	LessEqualDepth                          = 3
	EqualDepth                              = 4
	GreaterEqualDepth                       = 5
	GreaterDepth                            = 6
	NotEqualDepth                           = 7
	MultiplyOperation                       = 0
	MixOperation                            = 1
	AddOperation                            = 2
	NoToneMapping                           = 0
	LinearToneMapping                       = 1
	ReinhardToneMapping                     = 2
	Uncharted2ToneMapping                   = 3
	CineonToneMapping                       = 4
	UVMapping                               = 300
	CubeReflectionMapping                   = 301
	CubeRefractionMapping                   = 302
	EquirectangularReflectionMapping        = 303
	EquirectangularRefractionMapping        = 304
	SphericalReflectionMapping              = 305
	CubeUVReflectionMapping                 = 306
	CubeUVRefractionMapping                 = 307
	RepeatWrapping                          = 1000
	ClampToEdgeWrapping                     = 1001
	MirroredRepeatWrapping                  = 1002
	NearestFilter                           = 1003
	NearestMipMapNearestFilter              = 1004
	NearestMipMapLinearFilter               = 1005
	LinearFilter                            = 1006
	LinearMipMapNearestFilter               = 1007
	LinearMipMapLinearFilter                = 1008
	UnsignedByteType                        = 1009
	ByteType                                = 1010
	ShortType                               = 1011
	UnsignedShortType                       = 1012
	IntType                                 = 1013
	UnsignedIntType                         = 1014
	FloatType                               = 1015
	HalfFloatType                           = 1016
	UnsignedShort4444Type                   = 1017
	UnsignedShort5551Type                   = 1018
	UnsignedShort565Type                    = 1019
	UnsignedInt248Type                      = 1020
	AlphaFormat                             = 1021
	RGBFormat                               = 1022
	RGBAFormat                              = 1023
	LuminanceFormat                         = 1024
	LuminanceAlphaFormat                    = 1025
	RGBEFormat                              = RGBAFormat
	DepthFormat                             = 1026
	DepthStencilFormat                      = 1027
	RGBS3TCDXT1Format                       = 2001
	RGBAS3TCDXT1Format                      = 2002
	RGBAS3TCDXT3Format                      = 2003
	RGBAS3TCDXT5Format                      = 2004
	RGBPVRTC4BPPV1Format                    = 2100
	RGBPVRTC2BPPV1Format                    = 2101
	RGBAPVRTC4BPPV1Format                   = 2102
	RGBAPVRTC2BPPV1Format                   = 2103
	RGBETC1Format                           = 2151
	LoopOnce                                = 2200
	LoopRepeat                              = 2201
	LoopPingPong                            = 2202
	InterpolateDiscrete                     = 2300
	InterpolateLinear                       = 2301
	InterpolateSmooth                       = 2302
	ZeroCurvatureEnding                     = 2400
	ZeroSlopeEnding                         = 2401
	WrapAroundEnding                        = 2402
	TrianglesDrawMode                       = 0
	TriangleStripDrawMode                   = 1
	TriangleFanDrawMode                     = 2
	LinearEncoding                          = 3000

	GammaEncoding     = 3007
	RGBEEncoding      = 3002
	LogLuvEncoding    = 3003
	RGBM7Encoding     = 3004
	RGBM16Encoding    = 3005
	RGBDEncoding      = 3006
	BasicDepthPacking = 3200
	RGBADepthPacking  = 3201


This section is empty.


func CharAt

func CharAt(s string, i int) string


This section is empty.


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