
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 15, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 15 Imported by: 0




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type AccessToken

type AccessToken struct {
	ID        string
	Active    bool
	Signature string

	RequestedAt       time.Time
	RequestedScopes   []string
	GrantedScopes     []string
	Form              url.Values
	RequestedAudience []string
	GrantedAudience   []string

	ClientID  string
	Client    OauthClient
	SessionID string
	Session   Session

AccessToken represents an oauth2 access token

type AgeRange

type AgeRange struct {
	LowerBound int `json:"lowerBound"`
	UpperBound int `json:"upperBound"`

AgeRange defines the channel users age input

type Appointment

type Appointment struct {
	ID         string           `json:"id"`
	ExternalID string           `json:"externalID"`
	Reason     string           `json:"reason"`
	Date       scalarutils.Date `json:"date"`

	ClientID                  string `json:"clientID"`
	FacilityID                string `json:"facilityID"`
	Provider                  string `json:"provider"`
	HasRescheduledAppointment bool   `json:"hasRescheduledApointment"`
	ProgramID                 string `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID            string `json:"organisationID"`

Appointment represents a single appointment

type AppointmentServiceRequests

type AppointmentServiceRequests struct {
	ID         string           `json:"id"`
	ExternalID string           `json:"AppointmentID"`
	Reason     string           `json:"AppointmentReason"`
	Date       scalarutils.Date `json:"SuggestedDate"`

	Status        string     `json:"Status"`
	InProgressAt  *time.Time `json:"InProgressAt"`
	InProgressBy  *string    `json:"InProgressBy"`
	ResolvedAt    *time.Time `json:"ResolvedAt"`
	ResolvedBy    *string    `json:"ResolvedBy"`
	ClientName    *string    `json:"ClientName"`
	ClientContact *string    `json:"ClientContact"`
	CCCNumber     string     `json:"CCCNumber"`
	MFLCODE       string     `json:"MFLCODE"`

AppointmentServiceRequests is a list of appointment service requests

type AppointmentsPage

type AppointmentsPage struct {
	Appointments []*Appointment `json:"appointments"`
	Pagination   Pagination     `json:"pagination"`

AppointmentsPage is a list of paginated appointments

type Author

type Author struct {
	ID   string     `json:"id"`
	Meta AuthorMeta `json:"meta"`

Author models the details about an author

type AuthorMeta

type AuthorMeta struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`

AuthorMeta holds the properties that are associated to the author model

type AuthorityPermission

type AuthorityPermission struct {
	PermissionID string               `json:"permissionID"`
	Active       bool                 `json:"active"`
	Name         enums.PermissionType `json:"name"`
	Description  string               `json:"description"`
	Category     string               `json:"category"`
	Scope        string               `json:"scope"`

AuthorityPermission defines user permissions

type AuthorityRole

type AuthorityRole struct {
	AuthorityRoleID string                `json:"authorityRoleID"`
	Name            string                `json:"name"`
	Active          bool                  `json:"active"`
	OrganisationID  string                `json:"organisationID"`
	ProgramID       string                `json:"programID"`
	Permissions     []AuthorityPermission `json:"permissions"`

AuthorityRole defines user roles

type AuthorizationCode

type AuthorizationCode struct {
	ID     string
	Active bool
	Code   string

	RequestedAt       time.Time
	RequestedScopes   []string
	GrantedScopes     []string
	Form              url.Values
	RequestedAudience []string
	GrantedAudience   []string

	SessionID string
	Session   Session
	ClientID  string
	Client    OauthClient

AuthorizationCode represents an Oauth2 authorization code

type Booking

type Booking struct {
	ID                     string                  `json:"id"`
	Active                 bool                    `json:"active"`
	Services               []string                `json:"services"`
	Date                   time.Time               `json:"date"`
	Facility               Facility                `json:"facility"`
	Client                 ClientProfile           `json:"clientProfile"`
	OrganisationID         string                  `json:"organisationID"`
	ProgramID              string                  `json:"programID"`
	VerificationCode       string                  `json:"verificationCode"`
	VerificationCodeStatus enums.BookingCodeStatus `json:"verificationCodeStatus"`
	BookingStatus          enums.BookingStatus     `json:"bookingStatus"`

Booking is the booking class data model

type BusinessHours

type BusinessHours struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	Day         string `json:"day"`
	OpeningTime string `json:"openingTime"`
	ClosingTime string `json:"closingTime"`
	FacilityID  string `json:"facilityID"`

BusinessHours models data that show facility's operational hours

type Caregiver

type Caregiver struct {
	ID              string `json:"id"`
	UserID          string `json:"userID"`
	CaregiverNumber string `json:"caregiverNumber"`
	Active          bool   `json:"active"`
	ProgramID       string `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID  string `json:"organisationID"`

Caregiver maps the schema for the table that stores the caregiver

type CaregiverClient

type CaregiverClient struct {
	CaregiverID        string              `json:"caregiverID"`
	ClientID           string              `json:"clientID"`
	Active             bool                `json:"active"`
	RelationshipType   enums.CaregiverType `json:"relationshipType"`
	CaregiverConsent   enums.ConsentState  `json:"caregiverConsent"`
	CaregiverConsentAt *time.Time          `json:"caregiverConsentAt"`
	ClientConsent      enums.ConsentState  `json:"clientConsent"`
	ClientConsentAt    *time.Time          `json:"clientConsentAt"`
	OrganisationID     string              `json:"organisationID"`
	AssignedBy         string              `json:"assignedBy"`
	ProgramID          string              `json:"programID"`

CaregiverClient models the clients

type CaregiverProfile

type CaregiverProfile struct {
	ID              string        `json:"id"`
	UserID          string        `json:"userID"`
	User            User          `json:"user"`
	CaregiverNumber string        `json:"caregiverNumber"`
	IsClient        bool          `json:"isClient"`
	Consent         ConsentStatus `json:"consent"`
	CurrentClient   *string       `json:"currentClient"`
	CurrentFacility *string       `json:"currentFacility"`

CaregiverProfile is the profile for a caregiver with user's name

type CaregiverRegistration

type CaregiverRegistration struct {
	User      *User      `json:"user"`
	Contact   *Contact   `json:"contact"`
	Caregiver *Caregiver `json:"caregiver"`

CaregiverRegistration is the input used for creating a caregiver

type CategoryDetail

type CategoryDetail struct {
	ID           int    `json:"category_id"`
	CategoryName string `json:"category_name"`
	CategoryIcon string `json:"category_icon"`

CategoryDetail holds all information regarding a certain item's category. It will be used to determine which content to show on the UI based on the category ID provided to the API

type ClientCaregivers

type ClientCaregivers struct {
	Caregivers []*CaregiverProfile `json:"caregivers"`

ClientCaregivers is the model that holds the client's caregivers

type ClientHealthDiaryEntry

type ClientHealthDiaryEntry struct {
	ID                    *string    `json:"id"`
	Active                bool       `json:"active"`
	Mood                  string     `json:"mood"`
	Note                  string     `json:"note"`
	EntryType             string     `json:"entryType"`
	ShareWithHealthWorker bool       `json:"shareWithHealthWorker"`
	SharedAt              *time.Time `json:"sharedAt"`
	ClientID              string     `json:"clientID"`
	CreatedAt             time.Time  `json:"createdAt"`
	PhoneNumber           string     `json:"phoneNumber"`
	ClientName            string     `json:"clientName"`
	CCCNumber             string     `json:"cccNumber"`
	ProgramID             string     `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID        string     `json:"organisationID"`
	CaregiverID           *string    `json:"caregiverID"`

ClientHealthDiaryEntry models the health diary entry. It is used to capture the client's moods on a day-by-day basis

type ClientHealthDiaryQuote

type ClientHealthDiaryQuote struct {
	Author string `json:"author"`
	Quote  string `json:"quote"`

ClientHealthDiaryQuote is a health diary quote collection

type ClientProfile

type ClientProfile struct {
	ID          *string            `json:"id"`
	User        *User              `json:"user"`
	Active      bool               `json:"active"`
	ClientTypes []enums.ClientType `json:"clientTypes"`
	UserID      string             `json:"userID"`

	TreatmentEnrollmentDate *time.Time `json:"treatmentEnrollmentDate"`

	FHIRPatientID *string `json:"fhirPatientID"`

	HealthRecordID *string `json:"healthRecordID"`

	TreatmentBuddy string `json:"treatmentBuddy"`

	ClientCounselled bool `json:"counselled"`

	OrganisationID string `json:"organisationID"`

	DefaultFacility *Facility `json:"defaultFacility"`

	CHVUserID   *string       `json:"chvUserID"`
	CHVUserName string        `json:"chvUserName"`
	CaregiverID *string       `json:"caregiverID"`
	Facilities  []*Facility   `json:"facilities"` // TODO: needs at least one
	ProgramID   string        `json:"programID"`
	Identifiers []*Identifier `json:"identifiers"`

	Program      *Program      `json:"program"`
	Organisation *Organisation `json:"organisation"`

ClientProfile holds the details of end users who are not using the system in a professional capacity e.g consumers, patients etc. It is a linkage model e.g to tie together all of a person's identifiers and their health record ID

type ClientRegistrationPayload

type ClientRegistrationPayload struct {
	UserProfile      User          `json:"userProfile"`
	Phone            Contact       `json:"phone"`
	ClientIdentifier Identifier    `json:"clientIdentifier"`
	Client           ClientProfile `json:"client"`

ClientRegistrationPayload is the payload for a client registration

type ClientResponse

type ClientResponse struct {
	ClientProfile    *ClientProfile         `json:"clientProfile"`
	Roles            []*AuthorityRole       `json:"roles"`
	Permissions      []*AuthorityPermission `json:"permissions"`
	CommunityProfile CommunityProfile       `json:"communityProfile"`

ClientResponse represents the data model to return the client payload

type Community

type Community struct {
	ID          string `json:"id"`
	RoomID      string `json:"roomID"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`

	// The fields below are custom to our implementation
	AgeRange       *AgeRange          `json:"ageRange"`
	Gender         []enumutils.Gender `json:"gender"`
	ClientType     []enums.ClientType `json:"clientType"`
	OrganisationID string             `json:"organisationID"`
	ProgramID      string             `json:"programID"`
	FacilityID     string             `json:"facilityID"`

Community defines the payload to create a channel

type CommunityProfile

type CommunityProfile struct {
	UserID      string    `json:"user_id"`
	AccessToken string    `json:"access_token"`
	HomeServer  string    `json:"home_server"`
	DeviceID    string    `json:"device_id"`
	WellKnown   WellKnown `json:"well_known"`

CommunityProfile returns the matrix user's profile on login

type Conditions

type Conditions struct {
	Kind    string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	Key     string `json:"key,omitempty"`
	Pattern string `json:"pattern,omitempty"`

Conditions are configurations that that MUST hold true for an event in order for a rule to match

type ConsentStatus

type ConsentStatus struct {
	ConsentStatus enums.ConsentState `json:"consentStatus"`

ConsentStatus is used to indicate the consent status of a caregiver

type Contact

type Contact struct {
	ID *string `json:"id"`

	ContactType  string `json:"contactType"`
	ContactValue string `json:"contactValue"`

	Active bool `json:"active"`

	// a user may opt not to be contacted via this contact
	// e.g if it's a shared phone owned by a teenager
	OptedIn bool `json:"optedIn"`

	UserID         *string `json:"userID"`
	OrganisationID string  `json:"organisationID"`

Contact hold contact information/details for users

type Content

type Content struct {
	Meta  Meta          `json:"meta"`
	Items []ContentItem `json:"items"`

Content aggregates all content details into one payload that is returned from an API and rendered on the front end

type ContentItem

type ContentItem struct {
	ID                  int                `json:"id"`
	Meta                ContentMeta        `json:"meta"`
	Title               string             `json:"title"`
	Date                string             `json:"date"`
	Intro               string             `json:"intro"`
	Author              Author             `json:"author"`
	AuthorName          string             `json:"author_name"`
	ItemType            string             `json:"item_type"`
	TimeEstimateSeconds int                `json:"time_estimate_seconds"`
	Body                string             `json:"body"`
	TagNames            []string           `json:"tag_names"`
	HeroImage           HeroImage          `json:"hero_image"`
	HeroImageRendition  HeroImageRendition `json:"hero_image_rendition"`
	LikeCount           int                `json:"like_count"`
	BookmarkCount       int                `json:"bookmark_count"`
	ViewCount           int                `json:"view_count"`
	ShareCount          int                `json:"share_count"`
	Documents           []Document         `json:"documents"`
	CategoryDetails     []CategoryDetail   `json:"category_details"`
	FeaturedMedia       []FeaturedMedia    `json:"featured_media"`
	GalleryImages       []GalleryImage     `json:"gallery_images"`

ContentItem holds all the information necessary relating to content item

type ContentItemCategory

type ContentItemCategory struct {
	ID      int    `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	IconURL string `json:"icon_url"`

ContentItemCategory maps the schema for the table that stores the content item category

type ContentMeta

type ContentMeta struct {
	ContentType       string `json:"type"`
	ContentDetailURL  string `json:"detail_url"`
	ContentHTMLURL    string `json:"html_url"`
	Slug              string `json:"slug"`
	ShowInMenus       bool   `json:"show_in_menus"`
	SEOTitle          string `json:"seo_title"`
	SearchDescription string `json:"search_description"`
	FirstPublishedAt  string `json:"first_published_at"`
	Locale            string `json:"locale"`

ContentMeta represents a list of properties that are associated with the content model

type Coordinates

type Coordinates struct {
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`

Coordinates is used to show geographical locations

type Document

type Document struct {
	ID       int          `json:"id"`
	Meta     DocumentMeta `json:"meta"`
	Document DocumentData `json:"document"`

Document contains details about a document eg a PDF file

type DocumentData

type DocumentData struct {
	ID    int          `json:"id"`
	Title string       `json:"title"`
	Meta  DocumentMeta `json:"meta"`

DocumentData holds the information regarding a document

type DocumentMeta

type DocumentMeta struct {
	Type                string `json:"type"`
	DocumentDetailURL   string `json:"detail_url"`
	DocumentDownloadURL string `json:"download_url"`

DocumentMeta represents a list of properties that are associated with the document

type Facility

type Facility struct {
	// ID is the Global facility ID(GCID)
	ID *string `json:"id,omitempty"`

	// unique within this structure
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	Phone              string                `json:"phone,omitempty"`
	Active             bool                  `json:"active,omitempty"`
	Country            string                `json:"country,omitempty"`
	County             string                `json:"county,omitempty"`
	Address            string                `json:"address,omitempty"`
	Description        string                `json:"description,omitempty"`
	FHIROrganisationID string                `json:"fhirOrganisationId,omitempty"`
	Distance           float64               `json:"distance,omitempty"`
	Identifiers        []*FacilityIdentifier `json:"identifiers,omitempty"`
	WorkStationDetails WorkStationDetails    `json:"workStationDetails,omitempty"`
	Coordinates        *Coordinates          `json:"coordinates,omitempty"`
	Services           []FacilityService     `json:"services,omitempty"`
	BusinessHours      []BusinessHours       `json:"businessHours,omitempty"`

Facility models the details of healthcare facilities that are on the platform.

e.g CCC clinics, Pharmacies.

type FacilityIdentifier

type FacilityIdentifier struct {
	ID     string                       `json:"id"`
	Active bool                         `json:"active"`
	Type   enums.FacilityIdentifierType `json:"type"`
	Value  string                       `json:"value"`

FacilityIdentifier is the identifier of the facility

type FacilityPage

type FacilityPage struct {
	Pagination Pagination  `json:"pagination"`
	Facilities []*Facility `json:"facilities"`

FacilityPage returns a list of paginates facilities

type FacilityService

type FacilityService struct {
	ID          string              `json:"id"`
	Name        string              `json:"name"`
	Description string              `json:"description"`
	Identifiers []ServiceIdentifier `json:"identifiers"`

FacilityService models the data class that is used to show facility services

type FacilityServicePage

type FacilityServicePage struct {
	Results     []FacilityService `json:"results"`
	Count       int               `json:"count"`
	Next        string            `json:"next"`
	Previous    string            `json:"previous"`
	PageSize    int               `json:"page_size"`
	CurrentPage int               `json:"current_page"`
	TotalPages  int               `json:"total_pages"`
	StartIndex  int               `json:"start_index"`
	EndIndex    int               `json:"end_index"`

FacilityServicePage models the services offered in a facility

type FeaturedMedia

type FeaturedMedia struct {
	ID        int     `json:"id"`
	URL       string  `json:"url"`
	Title     string  `json:"title"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Width     int     `json:"width"`
	Height    int     `json:"height"`
	Thumbnail string  `json:"thumbnail"`
	Duration  float64 `json:"duration"`

FeaturedMedia ...

type FeedbackResponse

type FeedbackResponse struct {
	UserID            string             `json:"userID"`
	FeedbackType      enums.FeedbackType `json:"feedbackType"`
	SatisfactionLevel int                `json:"satisfactionLevel"`
	ServiceName       string             `json:"serviceName"`
	Feedback          string             `json:"feedback"`
	RequiresFollowUp  bool               `json:"requiresFollowUp"`
	PhoneNumber       string             `json:"phoneNumber"`
	ProgramID         string             `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID    string             `json:"organisationID"`

FeedbackResponse defines the field passed when sending feedback

type FiltersParam

type FiltersParam struct {
	Name     string
	DataType enums.FilterSortDataType
	Value    string // TODO: Clear spec on validation e.g dates must be ISO 8601. This is the actual data being filtered

FiltersParam contains the inputs for filter parameters

func (FiltersParam) Validate

func (f FiltersParam) Validate() error

Validate is a filter param method that performs validations

type GalleryImage

type GalleryImage struct {
	ID    int         `json:"id"`
	Image ImageDetail `json:"image"`

GalleryImage contains details about images that can be featured on a gallery

type HeroImage

type HeroImage struct {
	ID    int       `json:"id"`
	Meta  ImageMeta `json:"meta"`
	Title string    `json:"title"`

HeroImage contains details about the hero image i.e. The title This is the oversize image displayed at the top of a content

type HeroImageRendition

type HeroImageRendition struct {
	URL    string `json:"url"`
	Width  int    `json:"width"`
	Height int    `json:"height"`
	Alt    string `json:"alt"`

HeroImageRendition contains more details about the hero image. These details will be used by the frontend to get the actual image and render it on the app

type Identifier

type Identifier struct {
	ID                  string                   `json:"id"`
	Type                enums.UserIdentifierType `json:"type"`
	Value               string                   `json:"value"`
	Use                 string                   `json:"use"`
	Description         string                   `json:"description"`
	ValidFrom           time.Time                `json:"validFrom"`
	ValidTo             time.Time                `json:"validTo"`
	IsPrimaryIdentifier bool                     `json:"isPrimaryIdentifier"`
	Active              bool                     `json:"active"`
	ProgramID           string                   `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID      string                   `json:"organisationID"`

Identifier is used to store a user's identifying details e.d ID number, CCC number

type ImageDetail

type ImageDetail struct {
	ID    int       `json:"id"`
	Title string    `json:"title"`
	Meta  ImageMeta `json:"meta"`

ImageDetail contains more information about an image

type ImageMeta

type ImageMeta struct {
	Type             string `json:"type"`
	ImageDetailURL   string `json:"detail_url"`
	ImageDownloadURL string `json:"download_url"`

ImageMeta holds more information about an Image

type MHomeserver

type MHomeserver struct {
	BaseURL string `json:"base_url"`

MHomeserver is display the domain from which Matrix is serving from

type ManagedClient

type ManagedClient struct {
	ClientProfile      *ClientProfile     `json:"clientProfile"`
	CaregiverConsent   enums.ConsentState `json:"caregiverConsent"`
	ClientConsent      enums.ConsentState `json:"clientConsent"`
	WorkStationDetails WorkStationDetails `json:"workStationDetails"`

ManagedClient represents a client who is managed by a caregiver

type MatrixAuth

type MatrixAuth struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Password string `json:"password"`

MatrixAuth models the Matrix's user authentication data

type MatrixUserRegistration

type MatrixUserRegistration struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Password string `json:"password"`
	Admin    bool   `json:"admin"`

MatrixUserRegistration defines the structure of the input to be used when registering a Matrix user

type MatrixUserSearchResult

type MatrixUserSearchResult struct {
	Limited bool     `json:"limited"`
	Results []Result `json:"results"`

MatrixUserSearchResult defines the structure of the users search output

type Meta

type Meta struct {
	TotalCount int `json:"total_count"`

Meta holds the information that shows the total count of items returned from the API The total count displayed is irrespective of pagination

type Metric

type Metric struct {
	ID        int                    `json:"id"`
	UserID    *string                `json:"userID"`
	Type      enums.MetricType       `json:"type"`
	Event     map[string]interface{} `json:"event"`
	Timestamp time.Time              `json:"timestamp"`

Metric is a recording of an event that occurs within the platform

type Notification

type Notification struct {
	ID        string                 `json:"id"`
	Title     string                 `json:"title"`
	Body      string                 `json:"body"`
	Type      enums.NotificationType `json:"type"`
	IsRead    bool                   `json:"isRead"`
	CreatedAt time.Time              `json:"createdAt"`

	UserID         *string         `json:"userID"`
	FacilityID     *string         `json:"facilityID"`
	Flavour        feedlib.Flavour `json:"flavour"`
	ProgramID      string          `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID string          `json:"organisationID"`

Notification represents a notification

type NotificationFilters

type NotificationFilters struct {
	IsRead            *bool                     `json:"isRead"`
	NotificationTypes []*enums.NotificationType `json:"notificationTypes"`

NotificationFilters represents the filters used to fetch notifications

type NotificationTypeFilter

type NotificationTypeFilter struct {
	Enum enums.NotificationType
	Name string `json:"name"`

NotificationTypeFilter represents an enum and its name value

type NotificationsPage

type NotificationsPage struct {
	Notifications []*Notification `json:"notifications"`
	Pagination    Pagination      `json:"pagination"`

NotificationsPage response for fetching notifications

type OTP

type OTP struct {
	UserID      string          `json:"userID"`
	Valid       bool            `json:"valid"`
	GeneratedAt time.Time       `json:"generatedAt"`
	ValidUntil  time.Time       `json:"validUntil"`
	Channel     string          `json:"channel"`
	Flavour     feedlib.Flavour `json:"flavour"`
	PhoneNumber string          `json:"phoneNumber"`
	OTP         string          `json:"otp"`

OTP model the OTP details of OTP data

type OTPResponse

type OTPResponse struct {
	OTP         string `json:"otp"`
	PhoneNumber string `json:"phoneNumber"`

OTPResponse models the object to be returned to the client when an OTP is generated

type OauthClient

type OauthClient struct {
	// unique identifier of the OAuth2 client
	ID string
	// human-readable name of the OAuth2 client
	Name string
	// indicates whether the OAuth2 client is active or not
	Active bool
	// secret used by the client to authenticate with the authorization server
	// uses bcrypt by default
	Secret string
	// list of previously used secrets that were rotated out
	RotatedSecrets []string
	// indicates whether the client is a public or confidential client
	Public bool
	// list of valid URIs to redirect the user after authorization
	RedirectURIs []string
	// list of scopes the client is authorized to request
	Scopes []string
	// list of intended audiences for the access token
	Audience []string
	// a list of OAuth2 grant types that the client is authorized to use when requesting access tokens
	// e.g ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"]
	Grants []string
	// a list of OAuth2 response types that the client is authorized to use when requesting authorization
	// e.g  ["code", "token"]
	ResponseTypes []string
	// the authentication method that the client uses to authenticate with the auth server when requesting tokens.
	// e.g  "client_secret_basic"
	TokenEndpointAuthMethod string

OauthClient represents an application that is authorized to access a user's resources on a server using the OAuth2 protocol.

func (OauthClient) GetAudience

func (c OauthClient) GetAudience() fosite.Arguments

GetAudience returns the allowed audience(s) for this client.

func (OauthClient) GetGrantTypes

func (c OauthClient) GetGrantTypes() fosite.Arguments

GetGrantTypes returns the client's allowed grant types.

func (OauthClient) GetHashedSecret

func (c OauthClient) GetHashedSecret() []byte

GetHashedSecret returns the hashed secret as it is stored in the store.

func (OauthClient) GetID

func (c OauthClient) GetID() string

GetID returns the client ID.

func (OauthClient) GetRedirectURIs

func (c OauthClient) GetRedirectURIs() []string

GetRedirectURIs returns the client's allowed redirect URIs.

func (OauthClient) GetResponseTypes

func (c OauthClient) GetResponseTypes() fosite.Arguments

GetResponseTypes returns the client's allowed response types. All allowed combinations of response types have to be listed, each combination having response types of the combination separated by a space.

func (OauthClient) GetRotatedHashes

func (c OauthClient) GetRotatedHashes() [][]byte

func (OauthClient) GetScopes

func (c OauthClient) GetScopes() fosite.Arguments

GetScopes returns the scopes this client is allowed to request.

func (OauthClient) IsPublic

func (c OauthClient) IsPublic() bool

IsPublic returns true, if this client is marked as public.

type OauthClientJWT

type OauthClientJWT struct {
	ID        string
	Active    bool
	JTI       string
	ExpiresAt time.Time


type Organisation

type Organisation struct {
	ID              string     `json:"id"`
	Active          bool       `json:"active"`
	Code            string     `json:"code"`
	Name            string     `json:"name"`
	Description     string     `json:"description"`
	EmailAddress    string     `json:"emailAddress"`
	PhoneNumber     string     `json:"phoneNumber"`
	PostalAddress   string     `json:"postalAddress"`
	PhysicalAddress string     `json:"physicalAddress"`
	DefaultCountry  string     `json:"defaultCountry"`
	Programs        []*Program `json:"programs"`

Organisation represents the DAO of an organisation

type PKCE

type PKCE struct {
	ID        string
	Active    bool
	Signature string

	RequestedAt       time.Time
	RequestedScopes   []string
	GrantedScopes     []string
	Form              url.Values
	RequestedAudience []string
	GrantedAudience   []string

	SessionID string
	Session   Session
	ClientID  string
	Client    OauthClient


type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	Limit        int        `json:"limit"`
	CurrentPage  int        `json:"currentPage"`
	Count        int64      `json:"count"`
	TotalPages   int        `json:"totalPages"`
	NextPage     *int       `json:"nextPage"`
	PreviousPage *int       `json:"previousPage"`
	Sort         *SortParam `json:"sortParam"`

Pagination contains the struct fields for performing pagination.

func (*Pagination) GetLimit

func (p *Pagination) GetLimit() int

GetLimit calculates the maximum number of items to be shown per page

func (*Pagination) GetOffset

func (p *Pagination) GetOffset() int

GetOffset calculates the deviation in pages that come before

func (*Pagination) GetPage

func (p *Pagination) GetPage() int

GetPage gets the current page

func (*Pagination) GetSort

func (p *Pagination) GetSort() string

GetSort returns the sort order, and defaults to the latest items if no sort was passed in.

type Program

type Program struct {
	ID                 string       `json:"id"`
	Active             bool         `json:"active"`
	Name               string       `json:"name"`
	Description        string       `json:"description"`
	FHIROrganisationID string       `json:"fhirOrganisationID"`
	Organisation       Organisation `json:"organisation"`
	Facilities         []*Facility  `json:"facilities"`

Program defines the program structure

type ProgramPage

type ProgramPage struct {
	Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"`
	Programs   []*Program `json:"programs"`

ProgramPage returns a list of paginated programs

type PushRulePayload

type PushRulePayload struct {
	Conditions []Conditions `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
	Actions    []any        `json:"actions,omitempty"`
	Kind       string       `json:"kind,omitempty"`

PushRulePayload is used to define under what conditions an event should be passed to the push gateway configured.

type PusherData

type PusherData struct {
	Format string `json:"format,omitempty"`
	URL    string `json:"url,omitempty"`

PusherData dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself

type PusherPayload

type PusherPayload struct {
	AppDisplayName    string     `json:"app_display_name,omitempty"`
	AppID             string     `json:"app_id,omitempty"`
	Append            bool       `json:"append,omitempty"`
	PusherData        PusherData `json:"data,omitempty"`
	DeviceDisplayName string     `json:"device_display_name,omitempty"`
	Kind              *string    `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	Lang              string     `json:"lang,omitempty"`
	ProfileTag        string     `json:"profile_tag,omitempty"`
	Pushkey           string     `json:"pushkey,omitempty"`

PusherPayload models the data class to be used in configuration of Matrix's pusher data

type QueryPathValues

type QueryPathValues struct {
	Scope  string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
	RuleID string `json:"ruleId,omitempty"`
	Kind   string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	Before string `json:"before,omitempty"`
	After  string `json:"after,omitempty"`

QueryPathValues is used to provide the url path values used to construct the path used to create push rules

type Question

type Question struct {
	ID                string                          `json:"id"`
	Active            bool                            `json:"active"`
	QuestionnaireID   string                          `json:"questionnaireID"`
	Text              string                          `json:"text"`
	QuestionType      enums.QuestionType              `json:"questionType"`
	ResponseValueType enums.QuestionResponseValueType `json:"responseValue"`
	Required          bool                            `json:"required"`
	SelectMultiple    bool                            `json:"selectMultiple"`
	Sequence          int                             `json:"sequence"`
	Choices           []QuestionInputChoice           `json:"choices"`
	ProgramID         string                          `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID    string                          `json:"organisationID"`

Question represents a question within a questionnaire.

func (Question) GetNormalizedResponseForMultipleChoice

func (s Question) GetNormalizedResponseForMultipleChoice(response string) map[string]interface{}

GetNormalizedResponseForMultipleChoice returns the human readable response for a multiple choice question response

func (Question) GetNormalizedResponseForSingleChoice

func (s Question) GetNormalizedResponseForSingleChoice(response string) map[string]interface{}

GetNormalizedResponseForSingleChoice returns the human readable response for a single choice question response

func (Question) GetScore

func (s Question) GetScore(response string) int

GetScore returns the score for a given question response

func (Question) GetScoreForMultipleChoice

func (s Question) GetScoreForMultipleChoice(response string) int

GetScoreForMultipleChoice returns the score for a multiple choice question response

func (Question) GetScoreForSingleChoice

func (s Question) GetScoreForSingleChoice(response string) int

GetScoreForSingleChoice returns the score for a single choice question response

func (Question) ValidateResponse

func (s Question) ValidateResponse(response string) error

ValidateResponse helps with validation of a question response input

type QuestionInputChoice

type QuestionInputChoice struct {
	ID             string `json:"id"`
	Active         bool   `json:"active"`
	QuestionID     string `json:"questionID"`
	Choice         string `json:"choice"`
	Value          string `json:"value"`
	Score          int    `json:"score"`
	ProgramID      string `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID string `json:"organisationID"`

QuestionInputChoice defines the structure of choices for the Question

type Questionnaire

type Questionnaire struct {
	ID             string     `json:"id"`
	Active         bool       `json:"active"`
	Name           string     `json:"name"`
	Description    string     `json:"description"`
	Questions      []Question `json:"questions"`
	ProgramID      string     `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID string     `json:"organisationID"`

Questionnaire defines the structure of a questionnaire

func (Questionnaire) GetQuestionByID

func (q Questionnaire) GetQuestionByID(id string) (Question, error)

GetQuestionByID returns a question by ID

type QuestionnaireScreeningToolQuestionResponse

type QuestionnaireScreeningToolQuestionResponse struct {
	ID                      string                          `json:"id"`
	Active                  bool                            `json:"active"`
	ScreeningToolResponseID string                          `json:"screeningToolResponseID"`
	QuestionID              string                          `json:"questionID"`
	QuestionType            enums.QuestionType              `json:"questionType"`
	SelectMultiple          bool                            `json:"selectMultiple"`
	ResponseValueType       enums.QuestionResponseValueType `json:"responseValueType"`
	Sequence                int                             `json:"sequence"`
	QuestionText            string                          `json:"questionText"`
	Response                string                          `json:"response"`
	NormalizedResponse      map[string]interface{}          `json:"normalizedResponse"`
	Score                   int                             `json:"score"`
	ProgramID               string                          `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID          string                          `json:"organisationID"`
	FacilityID              string                          `json:"facilityID"`

QuestionnaireScreeningToolQuestionResponse defines the structure of a screening tool question response TODO: Rename to ScreeningToolQuestionResponse after removing old screening tool implementation

type QuestionnaireScreeningToolResponse

type QuestionnaireScreeningToolResponse struct {
	ID                string                                        `json:"id"`
	Active            bool                                          `json:"active"`
	ScreeningToolID   string                                        `json:"screeningToolID"`
	FacilityID        string                                        `json:"facilityID"`
	ClientID          string                                        `json:"clientID"`
	DateOfResponse    time.Time                                     `json:"dateOfResponse"`
	AggregateScore    int                                           `json:"aggregateScore"`
	QuestionResponses []*QuestionnaireScreeningToolQuestionResponse `json:"questionResponses"`
	ProgramID         string                                        `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID    string                                        `json:"organisationID"`
	CaregiverID       *string                                       `json:"caregiverID"`

QuestionnaireScreeningToolResponse defines the response to the ScreeningTool question TODO: Rename to ScreeningToolResponse after removing old screening tool implementation

type RecordSecurityQuestionResponse

type RecordSecurityQuestionResponse struct {
	SecurityQuestionID string `json:"securityQuestionID"`
	IsCorrect          bool   `json:"isCorrect"`

RecordSecurityQuestionResponse models the response to a security question

type RefreshToken

type RefreshToken struct {
	ID        string
	Active    bool
	Signature string

	RequestedAt       time.Time
	RequestedScopes   []string
	GrantedScopes     []string
	Form              url.Values
	RequestedAudience []string
	GrantedAudience   []string

	ClientID  string
	Client    OauthClient
	SessionID string
	Session   Session


type RequestTypeCount

type RequestTypeCount struct {
	RequestType enums.ServiceRequestType `json:"requestType"`
	Total       int                      `json:"total"`

RequestTypeCount ...

type Result

type Result struct {
	UserID      string `json:"user_id"`
	DisplayName string `json:"display_name"`
	AvatarURL   string `json:"avatar_url"`

Results contain the details of the searched user

type ScreeningTool

type ScreeningTool struct {
	ID              string             `json:"id"`
	Active          bool               `json:"active"`
	QuestionnaireID string             `json:"questionnaireID"`
	Threshold       int                `json:"threshold"`
	ClientTypes     []enums.ClientType `json:"clientTypes"`
	Genders         []enumutils.Gender `json:"genders"`
	AgeRange        AgeRange           `json:"ageRange"`
	Questionnaire   Questionnaire      `json:"questionnaire"`
	ProgramID       string             `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID  string             `json:"organisationID"`

ScreeningTool defines the structure of a screening tool that belongs to the questionnaire

func (ScreeningTool) GetNormalizedResponse

func (s ScreeningTool) GetNormalizedResponse(questionID, response string) map[string]interface{}

GetNormalizedResponse returns the human readable response for a given question response

func (ScreeningTool) GetQuestion

func (s ScreeningTool) GetQuestion(questionID string) *Question

GetQuestion returns the question details for a given screening tool question

type ScreeningToolPage

type ScreeningToolPage struct {
	ScreeningTools []*ScreeningTool `json:"screeningTools"`
	Pagination     Pagination       `json:"pagination"`

ScreeningToolPage represents the screening tool pagination mode

type ScreeningToolRespondent

type ScreeningToolRespondent struct {
	ClientID                string `json:"clientID"`
	ScreeningToolResponseID string `json:"screeningToolResponseID"`
	ServiceRequestID        string `json:"serviceRequestID"`
	Name                    string `json:"name"`
	PhoneNumber             string `json:"phoneNumber"`
	ServiceRequest          string `json:"serviceRequest"`

ScreeningToolRespondent defines the structure of a screening tool respondent the respondent is the client who has a service request for the screening tool

type ScreeningToolRespondentsPage

type ScreeningToolRespondentsPage struct {
	ScreeningToolRespondents []*ScreeningToolRespondent `json:"screeningToolRespondents"`
	Pagination               Pagination                 `json:"pagination"`

ScreeningToolRespondentsPage represents a list of respondents Pagination is included

type SecurityQuestion

type SecurityQuestion struct {
	SecurityQuestionID string                             `json:"securityQuestionID"`
	QuestionStem       string                             `json:"questionStem"`
	Description        string                             `json:"description"`
	Flavour            feedlib.Flavour                    `json:"flavour"`
	Active             bool                               `json:"active"`
	ResponseType       enums.SecurityQuestionResponseType `json:"responseType"`
	Sequence           int                                `json:"sequence"`

SecurityQuestion models the security questions for the users

func (*SecurityQuestion) Validate

func (s *SecurityQuestion) Validate(response string) error

Validate validates the security question response type

type SecurityQuestionResponse

type SecurityQuestionResponse struct {
	ResponseID string `json:"id"`
	QuestionID string `json:"questionID"`
	UserID     string `json:"userID"`
	Active     bool   `json:"active"`
	Response   string `json:"response"`
	IsCorrect  bool   `json:"isCorrect"`

SecurityQuestionResponse models the data that is expected from the security question response table

type ServiceIdentifier

type ServiceIdentifier struct {
	ID              string `json:"id"`
	IdentifierType  string `json:"identifierType"`
	IdentifierValue string `json:"identifierValue"`
	ServiceID       string `json:"serviceID"`

ServiceIdentifier models the structure of facility's service identifiers

type ServiceRequest

type ServiceRequest struct {
	ID                 string                 `json:"id"`
	RequestType        string                 `json:"requestType"`
	Request            string                 `json:"request"`
	Status             string                 `json:"status"`
	Active             bool                   `json:"active"`
	ClientID           string                 `json:"clientID,omitempty"`
	StaffID            string                 `json:"staffID,omitempty"`
	CreatedAt          time.Time              `json:"created"`
	InProgressAt       *time.Time             `json:"inProgressAt"`
	InProgressBy       *string                `json:"inProgressBy"`
	ResolvedAt         *time.Time             `json:"resolvedAt"`
	ResolvedBy         *string                `json:"resolvedBy"`
	ResolvedByName     *string                `string:"resolvedByName"`
	FacilityID         string                 `json:"facilityID,omitempty"`
	ClientName         *string                `json:"clientName,omitempty"`
	StaffName          *string                `json:"staffName,omitempty"`
	Username           *string                `json:"username,omitempty"`
	StaffContact       *string                `json:"staffContact,omitempty"`
	ClientContact      *string                `json:"clientContact,omitempty"`
	CCCNumber          *string                `json:"cccNumber,omitempty"`
	ScreeningToolName  string                 `json:"screeningToolName"`
	ScreeningToolScore string                 `json:"screeningToolScore"`
	ProgramID          string                 `json:"programID,omitempty"`
	OrganisationID     string                 `json:"organisationID,omitempty"`
	Meta               map[string]interface{} `json:"meta"`
	CaregiverID        string                 `json:"caregiverID"`
	CaregiverName      *string                `json:"caregiverName"`
	CaregiverContact   *string                `json:"caregiverContact"`

	// Facility-Registry Specific
	Services []FacilityService `json:"services"`

ServiceRequest is a domain entity that represents a service request.

type ServiceRequestPage

type ServiceRequestPage struct {
	Results    []*ServiceRequest `json:"results"`
	Pagination Pagination        `json:"pagination"`

ServiceRequestPage is used to show a paginated object of the service request

type ServiceRequestsCount

type ServiceRequestsCount struct {
	Total             int                 `json:"total"`
	RequestsTypeCount []*RequestTypeCount `json:"requestsTypeCount"`

ServiceRequestsCount ...

type ServiceRequestsCountResponse

type ServiceRequestsCountResponse struct {
	ClientsServiceRequestCount *ServiceRequestsCount `json:"clientServiceRequestCount"`
	StaffServiceRequestCount   *ServiceRequestsCount `json:"staffServiceRequestCount"`

ServiceRequestsCountResponse returns both clients and staff service requests

type Session

type Session struct {
	ID       string
	ClientID string

	Username  string
	Subject   string
	ExpiresAt map[fosite.TokenType]time.Time

	// Default
	Extra map[string]interface{}

	UserID string
	User   User

func NewSession

func NewSession(
	ctx context.Context,
	clientID string,
	userID string,
	username string,
	subject string,
	extra map[string]interface{},
) *Session

func (*Session) Clone

func (s *Session) Clone() fosite.Session

Clone clones the session.

func (*Session) GetExpiresAt

func (s *Session) GetExpiresAt(key fosite.TokenType) time.Time

GetExpiresAt returns the expiration time of a token if set, or time.IsZero() if not.


func (*Session) GetExtraClaims

func (s *Session) GetExtraClaims() map[string]interface{}

func (*Session) GetSubject

func (s *Session) GetSubject() string

GetSubject returns the subject, if set. This is optional and only used during token introspection.

func (*Session) GetUsername

func (s *Session) GetUsername() string

GetUsername returns the username, if set. This is optional and only used during token introspection.

func (*Session) IDTokenClaims

func (s *Session) IDTokenClaims() *jwt.IDTokenClaims

IDTokenClaims returns a pointer to claims which will be modified in-place by handlers. Session should store this pointer and return always the same pointer.

func (*Session) IDTokenHeaders

func (s *Session) IDTokenHeaders() *jwt.Headers

IDTokenHeaders returns a pointer to header values which will be modified in-place by handlers. Session should store this pointer and return always the same pointer.

func (*Session) SetExpiresAt

func (s *Session) SetExpiresAt(key fosite.TokenType, exp time.Time)

SetExpiresAt sets the expiration time of a token.

session.SetExpiresAt(fosite.AccessToken, time.Now().UTC().Add(time.Hour))

type SortParam

type SortParam struct {
	Field     enums.FilterSortDataType
	Direction enums.SortDataType

SortParam includes the fields required for sorting the different types of fields

type StaffProfile

type StaffProfile struct {
	ID *string `json:"id"`

	User *User `json:"user"`

	UserID string `json:"userID"` // foreign key to user

	Active bool `json:"active"`

	StaffNumber string `json:"staffNumber"`

	Facilities []*Facility `json:"facilities"` // TODO: needs at least one

	DefaultFacility     *Facility     `json:"defaultFacility"`
	OrganisationID      string        `json:"organisationID"`
	ProgramID           string        `json:"programID"`
	IsOrganisationAdmin bool          `json:"isOrganisationAdmin"`
	Identifiers         []*Identifier `json:"identifiers"`

StaffProfile represents the staff profile model

type StaffRegistrationPayload

type StaffRegistrationPayload struct {
	UserProfile         User         `json:"userProfile"`
	Phone               Contact      `json:"phone"`
	StaffIdentifier     Identifier   `json:"staffIdentifier"`
	Staff               StaffProfile `json:"staff"`
	IsOrganisationAdmin bool         `json:"isOrganisationAdmin"`

StaffRegistrationPayload carries with it the staff registration details

type StaffResponse

type StaffResponse struct {
	StaffProfile     StaffProfile           `json:"staffProfile"`
	Roles            []*AuthorityRole       `json:"roles"`
	Permissions      []*AuthorityPermission `json:"permissions"`
	CommunityProfile CommunityProfile       `json:"communityProfile"`

type Submission

type Submission struct {
	InstanceID  string    `json:"instanceID"`
	SubmitterID int       `json:"submitterID"`
	DeviceID    string    `json:"deviceID"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
	ReviewState string    `json:"reviewState"`
	Submitter   Submitter `json:"submitter"`

Submission represents a survey's submission domain model

type Submitter

type Submitter struct {
	ID          int       `json:"id"`
	Type        string    `json:"type"`
	DisplayName string    `json:"displayName"`
	CreatedAt   time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
	UpdatedAt   time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`
	DeletedAt   time.Time `json:"deletedAt"`

Submitter represents a survey's submitter domain model

type SurveyForm

type SurveyForm struct {
	ProjectID int    `json:"projectID"`
	XMLFormID string `json:"xmlFormID"`
	Name      string `json:"name"`
	EnketoID  string `json:"enketoID"`
	Version   string `json:"version"`

SurveyForm is contains the information about a survey form

type SurveyRespondent

type SurveyRespondent struct {
	ID          string    `json:"id"`
	Name        string    `json:"name"`
	SubmittedAt time.Time `json:"submittedAt"`
	ProjectID   int       `json:"projectID"`
	SubmitterID int       `json:"submitterID"`
	FormID      string    `json:"formID"`
	CaregiverID *string   `json:"caregiverID"`

SurveyRespondent represents a survey's respondent domain model

type SurveyRespondentPage

type SurveyRespondentPage struct {
	SurveyRespondents []*SurveyRespondent `json:"surveyRespondents"`
	Pagination        Pagination          `json:"pagination"`

SurveyRespondentPage represents a survey's respondent domain model

type SurveyResponse

type SurveyResponse struct {
	Question     string   `json:"question"`
	QuestionType string   `json:"questionType"`
	Answer       []string `json:"answer"`

SurveyResponse represents a single survey submission

type SurveyServiceRequestUser

type SurveyServiceRequestUser struct {
	Name             string `json:"name"`
	FormID           string `json:"formID"`
	ProjectID        int    `json:"projectID"`
	SubmitterID      int    `json:"submitterID"`
	SurveyName       string `json:"surveyName"`
	ServiceRequestID string `json:"serviceRequestID"`
	PhoneNumber      string `json:"phoneNumber"`

SurveyServiceRequestUser is the models for a user(client) who has a survey service request

type SurveyServiceRequestUserPage

type SurveyServiceRequestUserPage struct {
	Users      []*SurveyServiceRequestUser `json:"users"`
	Pagination Pagination                  `json:"pagination"`

SurveyServiceRequestUserPage models the user's(client) survey service request page

type TermsOfService

type TermsOfService struct {
	TermsID   int             `json:"termsID"`
	Text      *string         `json:"text"`
	Flavour   feedlib.Flavour `json:"flavour"`
	ValidFrom time.Time       `json:"validFrom"`
	ValidTo   time.Time       `json:"validTo"`

TermsOfService contains the struct field to hold the required display data for the terms of service.

type UpdateFacilityPayload

type UpdateFacilityPayload struct {
	FacilityID         string `json:"facilityID"`
	FHIROrganisationID string `json:"fhirOrganisationID"`

UpdateFacilityPayload is the payload for updating faacility(s) fhir organization ID

type UpdateServiceRequestsPayload

type UpdateServiceRequestsPayload struct {
	ServiceRequests []ServiceRequest `json:"serviceRequests" validate:"required"`

UpdateServiceRequestsPayload defined a list of service requests to synchronize MyCareHub with.

type User

type User struct {
	ID *string `json:"id"`

	Username string  `json:"userName"`
	Email    *string `json:"email"`

	Name string `json:"name"`

	Gender enumutils.Gender `json:"gender"`
	Active bool             `json:"active"`

	Contacts *Contact `json:"contacts"`

	PushTokens []string `json:"pushTokens"`

	// when a user logs in successfully, set this
	LastSuccessfulLogin *time.Time `json:"lastSuccessfulLogin"`

	// whenever there is a failed login (e.g bad PIN), set this
	// reset to null / blank when they succeed at logging in
	LastFailedLogin *time.Time `json:"lastFailedLogin"`

	// each time there is a failed login, **increment** this
	// set to zero after successful login
	FailedLoginCount int `json:"failedLoginCount"`

	// calculated each time there is a failed login
	NextAllowedLogin *time.Time `json:"nextAllowedLogin"`

	PinChangeRequired bool `json:"pinChangeRequired"`

	HasSetPin              bool `json:"hasSetPin"`
	HasSetSecurityQuestion bool `json:"hasSetSecurityQuestions"`
	IsPhoneVerified        bool `json:"isPhoneVerified"`

	TermsAccepted       bool                   `json:"termsAccepted"`
	AcceptedTermsID     int                    `json:"acceptedTermsID"` // foreign key to version of terms they accepted
	Suspended           bool                   `json:"suspended"`
	Avatar              string                 `json:"avatar"`
	Roles               []*AuthorityRole       `json:"roles"`
	Permissions         []*AuthorityPermission `json:"permissions"`
	DateOfBirth         *time.Time             `json:"dateOfBirth"`
	FailedSecurityCount int                    `json:"failedSecurityCount"`
	PinUpdateRequired   bool                   `json:"pinUpdateRequired"`
	HasSetNickname      bool                   `json:"hasSetNickname"`

	CurrentOrganizationID string `json:"currentOrganizationID"`
	CurrentProgramID      string `json:"currentProgramID"`
	CurrentUserType       string `json:"currentUserType"`

	IsSuperuser bool `json:"isSuperuser"`

User holds details that both the client and staff have in common

Client and Staff cannot exist without being a user

type UserPIN

type UserPIN struct {
	UserID    string    `json:"userID"`
	HashedPIN string    `json:"hashedPin"`
	ValidFrom time.Time `json:"validFrom"`
	ValidTo   time.Time `json:"validTo"`
	IsValid   bool      `json:"isValid"`
	Salt      string    `json:"salt"`

UserPIN is used to store users' PINs and their entire change history.

type UserSurvey

type UserSurvey struct {
	ID             string    `json:"id"`
	Active         bool      `json:"active"`
	Created        time.Time `json:"created"`
	Link           string    `json:"link"`
	Title          string    `json:"title"`
	Description    string    `json:"description"`
	HasSubmitted   bool      `json:"hasSubmitted"`
	UserID         string    `json:"userID"`
	Token          string    `json:"token"`
	ProjectID      int       `json:"projectID"`
	FormID         string    `json:"formID"`
	LinkID         int       `json:"linkID"`
	SubmittedAt    time.Time `json:"submittedAt"`
	ProgramID      string    `json:"programID"`
	OrganisationID string    `json:"organisationID"`

UserSurvey represents a user's surveys domain model

type WellKnown

type WellKnown struct {
	MHomeserver MHomeserver `json:"m.homeserver"`

WellKnown represents the 'known server` to matrix`

type WorkStationDetails

type WorkStationDetails struct {
	Notifications   int `json:"notifications"`
	Surveys         int `json:"surveys"`
	Articles        int `json:"articles"`
	Messages        int `json:"messages"`
	ServiceRequests int `json:"serviceRequests"`

WorkStationDetails contains the details of specific items in a facility.

These include things like number of notification associated to that facility, client's surveys, service requests etc


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL