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Published: Feb 5, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 2 Imported by: 0


The Go driver for EdgeDB

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In your module directory, run the following command.

$ go get github.com/sebastiean/edgedb-go

Basic Usage

Follow the EdgeDB tutorial to get EdgeDB installed and minimally configured.

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, edgedb.Options{})
	if err != nil {
	defer client.Close()

	var result string
	err = client.QuerySingle(ctx, "SELECT 'hello EdgeDB!'", &result)
	if err != nil {



A local installation of EdgeDB is required to run tests. Download EdgeDB from here or build it manually.

To run the test suite run make test. To run lints make lint.


edgedb-go is developed and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.



Package edgedb is the official Go driver for EdgeDB. Additionally, github.com/sebastiean/edgedb-go/cmd/edgeql-go is a code generator that generates go functions from edgeql files.

Typical client usage looks like this:

package main

import (


func main() {
    ctx := context.Background()
    client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, edgedb.Options{})
    if err != nil {
    defer client.Close()

    var (
        age   int64 = 21
        users []struct {
            ID   edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
            Name string      `edgedb:"name"`

    query := "SELECT User{name} FILTER .age = <int64>$0"
    err = client.Query(ctx, query, &users, age)

We recommend using environment variables for connection parameters. See the client connection docs for more information.

You may also connect to a database using a DSN:

url := "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/edgedb"
client, err := edgedb.CreateClientDSN(ctx, url, opts)

Or you can use Option fields.

opts := edgedb.Options{
    Database:    "edgedb",
    User:        "edgedb",
    Concurrency: 4,

client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, opts)


edgedb never returns underlying errors directly. If you are checking for things like context expiration use errors.Is() or errors.As().

err := client.Query(...)
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { ... }

Most errors returned by the edgedb package will satisfy the edgedb.Error interface which has methods for introspecting.

err := client.Query(...)

var edbErr edgedb.Error
if errors.As(err, &edbErr) && edbErr.Category(edgedb.NoDataError){


The following list shows the marshal/unmarshal mapping between EdgeDB types and go types:

EdgeDB                   Go
---------                ---------
Set                      []anytype
array<anytype>           []anytype
tuple                    struct
named tuple              struct
Object                   struct
bool                     bool, edgedb.OptionalBool
bytes                    []byte, edgedb.OptionalBytes
str                      string, edgedb.OptionalStr
anyenum                  string, edgedb.OptionalStr
datetime                 time.Time, edgedb.OptionalDateTime
cal::local_datetime      edgedb.LocalDateTime,
cal::local_date          edgedb.LocalDate, edgedb.OptionalLocalDate
cal::local_time          edgedb.LocalTime, edgedb.OptionalLocalTime
duration                 edgedb.Duration, edgedb.OptionalDuration
cal::relative_duration   edgedb.RelativeDuration,
float32                  float32, edgedb.OptionalFloat32
float64                  float64, edgedb.OptionalFloat64
int16                    int16, edgedb.OptionalFloat16
int32                    int32, edgedb.OptionalInt16
int64                    int64, edgedb.OptionalInt64
uuid                     edgedb.UUID, edgedb.OptionalUUID
json                     []byte, edgedb.OptionalBytes
bigint                   *big.Int, edgedb.OptionalBigInt

decimal                  user defined (see Custom Marshalers)

Note that EdgeDB's std::duration type is represented in int64 microseconds while go's time.Duration type is int64 nanoseconds. It is incorrect to cast one directly to the other.

Shape fields that are not required must use optional types for receiving query results. The edgedb.Optional struct can be embedded to make structs optional.

type User struct {
    Email string `edgedb:"email"`

var result User
err := client.QuerySingle(ctx, `SELECT User { email } LIMIT 0`, $result)
// Output: true

err := client.QuerySingle(ctx, `SELECT User { email } LIMIT 1`, $result)
// Output: false

Not all types listed above are valid query parameters. To pass a slice of scalar values use array in your query. EdgeDB doesn't currently support using sets as parameters.

query := `select User filter .id in array_unpack(<array<uuid>>$1)`
client.QuerySingle(ctx, query, $user, []edgedb.UUID{...})

Nested structures are also not directly allowed but you can use json instead.

By default EdgeDB will ignore embedded structs when marshaling/unmarshaling. To treat an embedded struct's fields as part of the parent struct's fields, tag the embedded struct with `edgedb:"$inline"`.

type Object struct {
    ID edgedb.UUID

type User struct {
    Object `edgedb:"$inline"`
    Name string

Custom Marshalers

Interfaces for user defined marshaler/unmarshalers are documented in the internal/marshal package.

// This source file is part of the EdgeDB open source project.
// Copyright EdgeDB Inc. and the EdgeDB authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package main

import (


type User struct {
	ID   edgedb.UUID `edgedb:"id"`
	Name string      `edgedb:"name"`
	DOB  time.Time   `edgedb:"dob"`

func main() {
	opts := edgedb.Options{Concurrency: 4}
	ctx := context.Background()
	db, err := edgedb.CreateClientDSN(ctx, "edgedb://edgedb@localhost/test", opts)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	// create a user object type.
	err = db.Execute(ctx, `
			CREATE PROPERTY dob -> datetime;
	if err != nil {

	// Insert a new user.
	var inserted struct{ id edgedb.UUID }
	err = db.QuerySingle(ctx, `
		INSERT User {
			name := <str>$0,
			dob := <datetime>$1
	`, &inserted, "Bob", time.Date(1984, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC))
	if err != nil {

	// Select users.
	var users []User
	args := map[string]interface{}{"name": "Bob"}
	query := "SELECT User {name, dob} FILTER .name = <str>$name"
	err = db.Query(ctx, query, &users, args)
	if err != nil {


Example (LinkProperty)

Link properties are treated as fields in the linked to struct, and the @ is omitted from the field's tag.

package main

import (

	edgedb "github.com/sebastiean/edgedb-go"

var (
	ctx    context.Context
	client *edgedb.Client

func main() {
	var result []struct {
		Name    string `edgedb:"name"`
		Friends []struct {
			Name     string                 `edgedb:"name"`
			Strength edgedb.OptionalFloat64 `edgedb:"strength"`
		} `edgedb:"friends"`

	_ = client.Query(
		`select Person {
		friends: {




View Source
const (
	InternalServerError                    = edgedb.InternalServerError
	UnsupportedFeatureError                = edgedb.UnsupportedFeatureError
	ProtocolError                          = edgedb.ProtocolError
	BinaryProtocolError                    = edgedb.BinaryProtocolError
	UnsupportedProtocolVersionError        = edgedb.UnsupportedProtocolVersionError
	TypeSpecNotFoundError                  = edgedb.TypeSpecNotFoundError
	UnexpectedMessageError                 = edgedb.UnexpectedMessageError
	InputDataError                         = edgedb.InputDataError
	ParameterTypeMismatchError             = edgedb.ParameterTypeMismatchError
	StateMismatchError                     = edgedb.StateMismatchError
	ResultCardinalityMismatchError         = edgedb.ResultCardinalityMismatchError
	CapabilityError                        = edgedb.CapabilityError
	UnsupportedCapabilityError             = edgedb.UnsupportedCapabilityError
	DisabledCapabilityError                = edgedb.DisabledCapabilityError
	QueryError                             = edgedb.QueryError
	InvalidSyntaxError                     = edgedb.InvalidSyntaxError
	EdgeQLSyntaxError                      = edgedb.EdgeQLSyntaxError
	SchemaSyntaxError                      = edgedb.SchemaSyntaxError
	GraphQLSyntaxError                     = edgedb.GraphQLSyntaxError
	InvalidTypeError                       = edgedb.InvalidTypeError
	InvalidTargetError                     = edgedb.InvalidTargetError
	InvalidLinkTargetError                 = edgedb.InvalidLinkTargetError
	InvalidPropertyTargetError             = edgedb.InvalidPropertyTargetError
	InvalidReferenceError                  = edgedb.InvalidReferenceError
	UnknownModuleError                     = edgedb.UnknownModuleError
	UnknownLinkError                       = edgedb.UnknownLinkError
	UnknownPropertyError                   = edgedb.UnknownPropertyError
	UnknownUserError                       = edgedb.UnknownUserError
	UnknownDatabaseError                   = edgedb.UnknownDatabaseError
	UnknownParameterError                  = edgedb.UnknownParameterError
	SchemaError                            = edgedb.SchemaError
	SchemaDefinitionError                  = edgedb.SchemaDefinitionError
	InvalidDefinitionError                 = edgedb.InvalidDefinitionError
	InvalidModuleDefinitionError           = edgedb.InvalidModuleDefinitionError
	InvalidLinkDefinitionError             = edgedb.InvalidLinkDefinitionError
	InvalidPropertyDefinitionError         = edgedb.InvalidPropertyDefinitionError
	InvalidUserDefinitionError             = edgedb.InvalidUserDefinitionError
	InvalidDatabaseDefinitionError         = edgedb.InvalidDatabaseDefinitionError
	InvalidOperatorDefinitionError         = edgedb.InvalidOperatorDefinitionError
	InvalidAliasDefinitionError            = edgedb.InvalidAliasDefinitionError
	InvalidFunctionDefinitionError         = edgedb.InvalidFunctionDefinitionError
	InvalidConstraintDefinitionError       = edgedb.InvalidConstraintDefinitionError
	InvalidCastDefinitionError             = edgedb.InvalidCastDefinitionError
	DuplicateDefinitionError               = edgedb.DuplicateDefinitionError
	DuplicateModuleDefinitionError         = edgedb.DuplicateModuleDefinitionError
	DuplicateLinkDefinitionError           = edgedb.DuplicateLinkDefinitionError
	DuplicatePropertyDefinitionError       = edgedb.DuplicatePropertyDefinitionError
	DuplicateUserDefinitionError           = edgedb.DuplicateUserDefinitionError
	DuplicateDatabaseDefinitionError       = edgedb.DuplicateDatabaseDefinitionError
	DuplicateOperatorDefinitionError       = edgedb.DuplicateOperatorDefinitionError
	DuplicateViewDefinitionError           = edgedb.DuplicateViewDefinitionError
	DuplicateFunctionDefinitionError       = edgedb.DuplicateFunctionDefinitionError
	DuplicateConstraintDefinitionError     = edgedb.DuplicateConstraintDefinitionError
	DuplicateCastDefinitionError           = edgedb.DuplicateCastDefinitionError
	DuplicateMigrationError                = edgedb.DuplicateMigrationError
	SessionTimeoutError                    = edgedb.SessionTimeoutError
	IdleSessionTimeoutError                = edgedb.IdleSessionTimeoutError
	QueryTimeoutError                      = edgedb.QueryTimeoutError
	TransactionTimeoutError                = edgedb.TransactionTimeoutError
	IdleTransactionTimeoutError            = edgedb.IdleTransactionTimeoutError
	ExecutionError                         = edgedb.ExecutionError
	InvalidValueError                      = edgedb.InvalidValueError
	DivisionByZeroError                    = edgedb.DivisionByZeroError
	NumericOutOfRangeError                 = edgedb.NumericOutOfRangeError
	AccessPolicyError                      = edgedb.AccessPolicyError
	QueryAssertionError                    = edgedb.QueryAssertionError
	IntegrityError                         = edgedb.IntegrityError
	ConstraintViolationError               = edgedb.ConstraintViolationError
	CardinalityViolationError              = edgedb.CardinalityViolationError
	MissingRequiredError                   = edgedb.MissingRequiredError
	TransactionError                       = edgedb.TransactionError
	TransactionConflictError               = edgedb.TransactionConflictError
	TransactionSerializationError          = edgedb.TransactionSerializationError
	TransactionDeadlockError               = edgedb.TransactionDeadlockError
	WatchError                             = edgedb.WatchError
	ConfigurationError                     = edgedb.ConfigurationError
	AccessError                            = edgedb.AccessError
	AuthenticationError                    = edgedb.AuthenticationError
	AvailabilityError                      = edgedb.AvailabilityError
	BackendUnavailableError                = edgedb.BackendUnavailableError
	BackendError                           = edgedb.BackendError
	UnsupportedBackendFeatureError         = edgedb.UnsupportedBackendFeatureError
	ClientError                            = edgedb.ClientError
	ClientConnectionError                  = edgedb.ClientConnectionError
	ClientConnectionFailedError            = edgedb.ClientConnectionFailedError
	ClientConnectionFailedTemporarilyError = edgedb.ClientConnectionFailedTemporarilyError
	ClientConnectionTimeoutError           = edgedb.ClientConnectionTimeoutError
	ClientConnectionClosedError            = edgedb.ClientConnectionClosedError
	InterfaceError                         = edgedb.InterfaceError
	QueryArgumentError                     = edgedb.QueryArgumentError
	MissingArgumentError                   = edgedb.MissingArgumentError
	UnknownArgumentError                   = edgedb.UnknownArgumentError
	InvalidArgumentError                   = edgedb.InvalidArgumentError
	NoDataError                            = edgedb.NoDataError
	InternalClientError                    = edgedb.InternalClientError
	ShouldRetry                            = edgedb.ShouldRetry
	ShouldReconnect                        = edgedb.ShouldReconnect
View Source
const (
	// NetworkError indicates that the transaction was interupted
	// by a network error.
	NetworkError = edgedb.NetworkError

	// Serializable is the only isolation level
	Serializable = edgedb.Serializable

	// TLSModeDefault makes security mode inferred from other options
	TLSModeDefault = edgedb.TLSModeDefault

	// TLSModeInsecure results in no certificate verification whatsoever
	TLSModeInsecure = edgedb.TLSModeInsecure

	// TLSModeNoHostVerification enables certificate verification
	// against CAs, but hostname matching is not performed.
	TLSModeNoHostVerification = edgedb.TLSModeNoHostVerification

	// TLSModeStrict enables full certificate and hostname verification.
	TLSModeStrict = edgedb.TLSModeStrict

	// TxConflict indicates that the server could not complete a transaction
	// because it encountered a deadlock or serialization error.
	TxConflict = edgedb.TxConflict


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var (
	// CreateClient returns a new client. The client connects lazily. Call
	// Client.EnsureConnected() to force a connection.
	CreateClient = edgedb.CreateClient

	// CreateClientDSN returns a new client. See also CreateClient.
	// dsn is either an instance name
	// https://www.edgedb.com/docs/clients/connection
	// or it specifies a single string in the following format:
	//	edgedb://user:password@host:port/database?option=value.
	// The following options are recognized: host, port, user, database, password.
	CreateClientDSN = edgedb.CreateClientDSN

	// NewDateDuration returns a new DateDuration
	NewDateDuration = edgedbtypes.NewDateDuration

	// NewLocalDate returns a new LocalDate
	NewLocalDate = edgedbtypes.NewLocalDate

	// NewLocalDateTime returns a new LocalDateTime
	NewLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewLocalDateTime

	// NewLocalTime returns a new LocalTime
	NewLocalTime = edgedbtypes.NewLocalTime

	// NewOptionalBigInt is a convenience function for creating an OptionalBigInt
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalBigInt = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalBigInt

	// NewOptionalBool is a convenience function for creating an OptionalBool with
	// its value set to v.
	NewOptionalBool = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalBool

	// NewOptionalBytes is a convenience function for creating an OptionalBytes
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalBytes = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalBytes

	// NewOptionalDateDuration is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalDateDuration with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalDateDuration = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalDateDuration

	// NewOptionalDateTime is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalDateTime with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalDateTime

	// NewOptionalDuration is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalDuration with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalDuration = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalDuration

	// NewOptionalFloat32 is a convenience function for creating an OptionalFloat32
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalFloat32 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalFloat32

	// NewOptionalFloat64 is a convenience function for creating an OptionalFloat64
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalFloat64 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalFloat64

	// NewOptionalInt16 is a convenience function for creating an OptionalInt16
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalInt16 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalInt16

	// NewOptionalInt32 is a convenience function for creating an OptionalInt32
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalInt32 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalInt32

	// NewOptionalInt64 is a convenience function for creating an OptionalInt64
	// with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalInt64 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalInt64

	// NewOptionalLocalDate is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalLocalDate with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalLocalDate = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalLocalDate

	// NewOptionalLocalDateTime is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalLocalDateTime with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalLocalDateTime

	// NewOptionalLocalTime is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalLocalTime with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalLocalTime = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalLocalTime

	// NewOptionalMemory is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalMemory with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalMemory = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalMemory

	// NewOptionalRangeDateTime is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeDateTime with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeDateTime

	// NewOptionalRangeFloat32 is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeFloat32 with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeFloat32 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeFloat32

	// NewOptionalRangeFloat64 is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeFloat64 with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeFloat64 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeFloat64

	// NewOptionalRangeInt32 is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeInt32 with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeInt32 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeInt32

	// NewOptionalRangeInt64 is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeInt64 with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeInt64 = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeInt64

	// NewOptionalRangeLocalDate is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeLocalDate with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeLocalDate = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeLocalDate

	// NewOptionalRangeLocalDateTime is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRangeLocalDateTime with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRangeLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRangeLocalDateTime

	// NewOptionalRelativeDuration is a convenience function for creating an
	// OptionalRelativeDuration with its value set to v.
	NewOptionalRelativeDuration = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalRelativeDuration

	// NewOptionalStr is a convenience function for creating an OptionalStr with
	// its value set to v.
	NewOptionalStr = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalStr

	// NewOptionalUUID is a convenience function for creating an OptionalUUID with
	// its value set to v.
	NewOptionalUUID = edgedbtypes.NewOptionalUUID

	// NewRangeDateTime creates a new RangeDateTime value.
	NewRangeDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewRangeDateTime

	// NewRangeFloat32 creates a new RangeFloat32 value.
	NewRangeFloat32 = edgedbtypes.NewRangeFloat32

	// NewRangeFloat64 creates a new RangeFloat64 value.
	NewRangeFloat64 = edgedbtypes.NewRangeFloat64

	// NewRangeInt32 creates a new RangeInt32 value.
	NewRangeInt32 = edgedbtypes.NewRangeInt32

	// NewRangeInt64 creates a new RangeInt64 value.
	NewRangeInt64 = edgedbtypes.NewRangeInt64

	// NewRangeLocalDate creates a new RangeLocalDate value.
	NewRangeLocalDate = edgedbtypes.NewRangeLocalDate

	// NewRangeLocalDateTime creates a new RangeLocalDateTime value.
	NewRangeLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.NewRangeLocalDateTime

	// NewRelativeDuration returns a new RelativeDuration
	NewRelativeDuration = edgedbtypes.NewRelativeDuration

	// NewRetryRule returns the default RetryRule value.
	NewRetryRule = edgedb.NewRetryRule

	// NewTxOptions returns the default TxOptions value.
	NewTxOptions = edgedb.NewTxOptions

	// ParseUUID parses s into a UUID or returns an error.
	ParseUUID = edgedbtypes.ParseUUID


This section is empty.


type Client

type Client = edgedb.Client

Client is a connection pool and is safe for concurrent use.

type DateDuration

type DateDuration = edgedbtypes.DateDuration

DateDuration represents the elapsed time between two dates in a fuzzy human way.

type Duration

type Duration = edgedbtypes.Duration

Duration represents the elapsed time between two instants as an int64 microsecond count.

type Error

type Error = edgedb.Error

Error is the error type returned from edgedb.

type ErrorCategory

type ErrorCategory = edgedb.ErrorCategory

ErrorCategory values represent EdgeDB's error types.

type ErrorTag

type ErrorTag = edgedb.ErrorTag

ErrorTag is the argument type to Error.HasTag().

type IsolationLevel

type IsolationLevel = edgedb.IsolationLevel

IsolationLevel documentation can be found here https://www.edgedb.com/docs/reference/edgeql/tx_start#parameters

type LocalDate

type LocalDate = edgedbtypes.LocalDate

LocalDate is a date without a time zone. https://www.edgedb.com/docs/stdlib/datetime#type::cal::local_date

type LocalDateTime

type LocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.LocalDateTime

LocalDateTime is a date and time without timezone. https://www.edgedb.com/docs/stdlib/datetime#type::cal::local_datetime

type LocalTime

type LocalTime = edgedbtypes.LocalTime

LocalTime is a time without a time zone. https://www.edgedb.com/docs/stdlib/datetime#type::cal::local_time

type Memory

type Memory = edgedbtypes.Memory

Memory represents memory in bytes.

type ModuleAlias

type ModuleAlias = edgedb.ModuleAlias

ModuleAlias is an alias name and module name pair.

type Optional

type Optional = edgedbtypes.Optional

Optional represents a shape field that is not required. Optional is embedded in structs to make them optional. For example:

type User struct {
    Name string `edgedb:"name"`

type OptionalBigInt

type OptionalBigInt = edgedbtypes.OptionalBigInt

OptionalBigInt is an optional *big.Int. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalBool

type OptionalBool = edgedbtypes.OptionalBool

OptionalBool is an optional bool. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalBytes

type OptionalBytes = edgedbtypes.OptionalBytes

OptionalBytes is an optional []byte. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalDateDuration

type OptionalDateDuration = edgedbtypes.OptionalDateDuration

OptionalDateDuration is an optional DateDuration. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalDateTime

type OptionalDateTime = edgedbtypes.OptionalDateTime

OptionalDateTime is an optional time.Time. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalDuration

type OptionalDuration = edgedbtypes.OptionalDuration

OptionalDuration is an optional Duration. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalFloat32

type OptionalFloat32 = edgedbtypes.OptionalFloat32

OptionalFloat32 is an optional float32. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalFloat64

type OptionalFloat64 = edgedbtypes.OptionalFloat64

OptionalFloat64 is an optional float64. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalInt16

type OptionalInt16 = edgedbtypes.OptionalInt16

OptionalInt16 is an optional int16. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalInt32

type OptionalInt32 = edgedbtypes.OptionalInt32

OptionalInt32 is an optional int32. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalInt64

type OptionalInt64 = edgedbtypes.OptionalInt64

OptionalInt64 is an optional int64. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalLocalDate

type OptionalLocalDate = edgedbtypes.OptionalLocalDate

OptionalLocalDate is an optional LocalDate. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalLocalDateTime

type OptionalLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.OptionalLocalDateTime

OptionalLocalDateTime is an optional LocalDateTime. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalLocalTime

type OptionalLocalTime = edgedbtypes.OptionalLocalTime

OptionalLocalTime is an optional LocalTime. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalMemory

type OptionalMemory = edgedbtypes.OptionalMemory

OptionalMemory is an optional Memory. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeDateTime

type OptionalRangeDateTime = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeDateTime

OptionalRangeDateTime is an optional RangeDateTime. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeFloat32

type OptionalRangeFloat32 = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeFloat32

OptionalRangeFloat32 is an optional RangeFloat32. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeFloat64

type OptionalRangeFloat64 = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeFloat64

OptionalRangeFloat64 is an optional RangeFloat64. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeInt32

type OptionalRangeInt32 = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeInt32

OptionalRangeInt32 is an optional RangeInt32. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeInt64

type OptionalRangeInt64 = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeInt64

OptionalRangeInt64 is an optional RangeInt64. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeLocalDate

type OptionalRangeLocalDate = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeLocalDate

OptionalRangeLocalDate is an optional RangeLocalDate. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRangeLocalDateTime

type OptionalRangeLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.OptionalRangeLocalDateTime

OptionalRangeLocalDateTime is an optional RangeLocalDateTime. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalRelativeDuration

type OptionalRelativeDuration = edgedbtypes.OptionalRelativeDuration

OptionalRelativeDuration is an optional RelativeDuration. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalStr

type OptionalStr = edgedbtypes.OptionalStr

OptionalStr is an optional string. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type OptionalUUID

type OptionalUUID = edgedbtypes.OptionalUUID

OptionalUUID is an optional UUID. Optional types must be used for out parameters when a shape field is not required.

type Options

type Options = edgedb.Options

Options for connecting to an EdgeDB server

type RangeDateTime

type RangeDateTime = edgedbtypes.RangeDateTime

RangeDateTime is an interval of time.Time values.

type RangeFloat32

type RangeFloat32 = edgedbtypes.RangeFloat32

RangeFloat32 is an interval of float32 values.

type RangeFloat64

type RangeFloat64 = edgedbtypes.RangeFloat64

RangeFloat64 is an interval of float64 values.

type RangeInt32

type RangeInt32 = edgedbtypes.RangeInt32

RangeInt32 is an interval of int32 values.

type RangeInt64

type RangeInt64 = edgedbtypes.RangeInt64

RangeInt64 is an interval of int64 values.

type RangeLocalDate

type RangeLocalDate = edgedbtypes.RangeLocalDate

RangeLocalDate is an interval of LocalDate values.

type RangeLocalDateTime

type RangeLocalDateTime = edgedbtypes.RangeLocalDateTime

RangeLocalDateTime is an interval of LocalDateTime values.

type RelativeDuration

type RelativeDuration = edgedbtypes.RelativeDuration

RelativeDuration represents the elapsed time between two instants in a fuzzy human way.

type RetryBackoff

type RetryBackoff = edgedb.RetryBackoff

RetryBackoff returns the duration to wait after the nth attempt before making the next attempt when retrying a transaction.

type RetryCondition

type RetryCondition = edgedb.RetryCondition

RetryCondition represents scenarios that can caused a transaction run in Tx() methods to be retried.

type RetryOptions

type RetryOptions = edgedb.RetryOptions

RetryOptions configures how Tx() retries failed transactions. Use NewRetryOptions to get a default RetryOptions value instead of creating one yourself.

type RetryRule

type RetryRule = edgedb.RetryRule

RetryRule determines how transactions should be retried when run in Tx() methods. See Client.Tx() for details.

type TLSOptions

type TLSOptions = edgedb.TLSOptions

TLSOptions contains the parameters needed to configure TLS on EdgeDB server connections.

type TLSSecurityMode

type TLSSecurityMode = edgedb.TLSSecurityMode

TLSSecurityMode specifies how strict TLS validation is.

type Tx

type Tx = edgedb.Tx

Tx is a transaction. Use Client.Tx() to get a transaction.


Transactions can be executed using the Tx() method. Note that queries are executed on the Tx object. Queries executed on the client in a transaction callback will not run in the transaction and will be applied immediately. In edgedb-go the callback may be re-run if any of the queries fail in a way that might succeed on subsequent attempts. Transaction behavior can be configured with TxOptions and the retrying behavior can be configured with RetryOptions.

package main

import (

	edgedb "github.com/sebastiean/edgedb-go/internal/client"

func main() {
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := edgedb.CreateClient(ctx, edgedb.Options{})

	err = client.Tx(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, tx *edgedb.Tx) error {
		return tx.Execute(ctx, "INSERT User { name := 'Don' }")

	if err != nil {

type TxBlock

type TxBlock = edgedb.TxBlock

TxBlock is work to be done in a transaction.

type TxOptions

type TxOptions = edgedb.TxOptions

TxOptions configures how transactions behave.

type UUID

type UUID = edgedbtypes.UUID

UUID is a universally unique identifier https://www.edgedb.com/docs/stdlib/uuid


Path Synopsis
edgeql-go is a tool to generate go functions from edgeql queries.
edgeql-go is a tool to generate go functions from edgeql queries.
Package marshal documents marshaling interfaces.
Package marshal documents marshaling interfaces.
Package soc has utilities for working with sockets.
Package soc has utilities for working with sockets.

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