
package module
v0.1.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jun 22, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 13 Imported by: 0



A lightweight, fast, easy-to-use web framework written in Go.


Muxer is in the development, experimental stage, there may be API changes and unpredictable errors, in order to avoid damage, it is not recommended using this framework in production.

But we embrace contributions, and there are still many details to be perfected in Muxer.


Supported Go versions & How to installation

Muxer requires version 1.14 or higher of Go (Download Go)

Just use go get to download and install

go get -u


package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create Muxer with default options.
    mux := muxer.New()

    // Register your handler functions
    mux.GET("/", func(ctx muxer.Context) error {
        ctx.SendString("Hello, World!")
        return nil

    // Start gears

With Parameters

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create Muxer with default options.
    mux := muxer.New()

    // Register your handler functions
    mux.GET("/users/:id", func(ctx muxer.Context) error {
        return nil

    // Start gears


package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create Muxer with default options.
    mux := muxer.New()

    // Using CORS middleware

    // Register your handler functions
    mux.GET("/users/:id", func(ctx muxer.Context) error {
        return nil

    // Start gears




View Source
const (
	MIMEApplicationJSON                  = "application/json"
	MIMEApplicationJSONCharsetUTF8       = MIMEApplicationJSON + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMEApplicationJavaScript            = "application/javascript"
	MIMEApplicationJavaScriptCharsetUTF8 = MIMEApplicationJavaScript + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMEApplicationXML                   = "application/xml"
	MIMEApplicationXMLCharsetUTF8        = MIMEApplicationXML + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMETextXML                          = "text/xml"
	MIMETextXMLCharsetUTF8               = MIMETextXML + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMEApplicationForm                  = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
	MIMEApplicationProtobuf              = "application/protobuf"
	MIMEApplicationMsgpack               = "application/msgpack"
	MIMETextHTML                         = "text/html"
	MIMETextHTMLCharsetUTF8              = MIMETextHTML + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMETextPlain                        = "text/plain"
	MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8             = MIMETextPlain + "; " + charsetUTF8
	MIMEMultipartForm                    = "multipart/form-data"
	MIMEOctetStream                      = "application/octet-stream"
View Source
const (
	HeaderAccept              = "Accept"
	HeaderAcceptEncoding      = "Accept-Encoding"
	HeaderAllow               = "Allow"
	HeaderAuthorization       = "Authorization"
	HeaderContentDisposition  = "Content-Disposition"
	HeaderContentEncoding     = "Content-Encoding"
	HeaderContentLength       = "Content-Length"
	HeaderContentType         = "Content-Type"
	HeaderCookie              = "Cookie"
	HeaderSetCookie           = "Set-Cookie"
	HeaderIfModifiedSince     = "If-Modified-Since"
	HeaderLastModified        = "Last-Modified"
	HeaderLocation            = "Location"
	HeaderUpgrade             = "Upgrade"
	HeaderVary                = "Vary"
	HeaderWWWAuthenticate     = "WWW-Authenticate"
	HeaderXForwardedFor       = "X-Forwarded-For"
	HeaderXForwardedProto     = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
	HeaderXForwardedProtocol  = "X-Forwarded-Protocol"
	HeaderXForwardedSsl       = "X-Forwarded-Ssl"
	HeaderXUrlScheme          = "X-Url-Scheme"
	HeaderXHTTPMethodOverride = "X-HTTP-Method-Override"
	HeaderXRealIP             = "X-Real-IP"
	HeaderXRequestID          = "X-Request-ID"
	HeaderXRequestedWith      = "X-Requested-With"
	HeaderServer              = "Server"
	HeaderOrigin              = "Origin"

	HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod    = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders   = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin      = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods     = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders     = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
	HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders    = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlMaxAge           = "Access-Control-Max-Age"

	HeaderStrictTransportSecurity         = "Strict-Transport-Security"
	HeaderXContentTypeOptions             = "X-Content-Type-Options"
	HeaderXXSSProtection                  = "X-XSS-Protection"
	HeaderXFrameOptions                   = "X-Frame-Options"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicy           = "Content-Security-Policy"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
	HeaderXCSRFToken                      = "X-CSRF-Token"
	HeaderReferrerPolicy                  = "Referrer-Policy"
View Source
const (
	MethodGet     = "GET"
	MethodHead    = "HEAD"
	MethodPost    = "POST"
	MethodPut     = "PUT"
	MethodPatch   = "PATCH" // RFC 5789
	MethodDelete  = "DELETE"
	MethodConnect = "CONNECT"
	MethodOptions = "OPTIONS"
	MethodTrace   = "TRACE"

Common HTTP methods.

Unless otherwise noted, these are defined in RFC 7231 section 4.3.

View Source
const (
	// Version holds the semantic version of Muxer
	Version = "1.0.0"

	// DefaultBanner for Muxer
	DefaultBanner = `` /* 176-byte string literal not displayed */

View Source
const (
	StatusContinue           = 100 // RFC 7231, 6.2.1
	StatusSwitchingProtocols = 101 // RFC 7231, 6.2.2
	StatusProcessing         = 102 // RFC 2518, 10.1
	StatusEarlyHints         = 103 // RFC 8297

	StatusOK                   = 200 // RFC 7231, 6.3.1
	StatusCreated              = 201 // RFC 7231, 6.3.2
	StatusAccepted             = 202 // RFC 7231, 6.3.3
	StatusNonAuthoritativeInfo = 203 // RFC 7231, 6.3.4
	StatusNoContent            = 204 // RFC 7231, 6.3.5
	StatusResetContent         = 205 // RFC 7231, 6.3.6
	StatusPartialContent       = 206 // RFC 7233, 4.1
	StatusMultiStatus          = 207 // RFC 4918, 11.1
	StatusAlreadyReported      = 208 // RFC 5842, 7.1
	StatusIMUsed               = 226 // RFC 3229, 10.4.1

	StatusMultipleChoices  = 300 // RFC 7231, 6.4.1
	StatusMovedPermanently = 301 // RFC 7231, 6.4.2
	StatusFound            = 302 // RFC 7231, 6.4.3
	StatusSeeOther         = 303 // RFC 7231, 6.4.4
	StatusNotModified      = 304 // RFC 7232, 4.1
	StatusUseProxy         = 305 // RFC 7231, 6.4.5

	StatusTemporaryRedirect = 307 // RFC 7231, 6.4.7
	StatusPermanentRedirect = 308 // RFC 7538, 3

	StatusBadRequest                   = 400 // RFC 7231, 6.5.1
	StatusUnauthorized                 = 401 // RFC 7235, 3.1
	StatusPaymentRequired              = 402 // RFC 7231, 6.5.2
	StatusForbidden                    = 403 // RFC 7231, 6.5.3
	StatusNotFound                     = 404 // RFC 7231, 6.5.4
	StatusMethodNotAllowed             = 405 // RFC 7231, 6.5.5
	StatusNotAcceptable                = 406 // RFC 7231, 6.5.6
	StatusProxyAuthRequired            = 407 // RFC 7235, 3.2
	StatusRequestTimeout               = 408 // RFC 7231, 6.5.7
	StatusConflict                     = 409 // RFC 7231, 6.5.8
	StatusGone                         = 410 // RFC 7231, 6.5.9
	StatusLengthRequired               = 411 // RFC 7231, 6.5.10
	StatusPreconditionFailed           = 412 // RFC 7232, 4.2
	StatusRequestEntityTooLarge        = 413 // RFC 7231, 6.5.11
	StatusRequestURITooLong            = 414 // RFC 7231, 6.5.12
	StatusUnsupportedMediaType         = 415 // RFC 7231, 6.5.13
	StatusRequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = 416 // RFC 7233, 4.4
	StatusExpectationFailed            = 417 // RFC 7231, 6.5.14
	StatusTeapot                       = 418 // RFC 7168, 2.3.3
	StatusMisdirectedRequest           = 421 // RFC 7540, 9.1.2
	StatusUnprocessableEntity          = 422 // RFC 4918, 11.2
	StatusLocked                       = 423 // RFC 4918, 11.3
	StatusFailedDependency             = 424 // RFC 4918, 11.4
	StatusTooEarly                     = 425 // RFC 8470, 5.2.
	StatusUpgradeRequired              = 426 // RFC 7231, 6.5.15
	StatusPreconditionRequired         = 428 // RFC 6585, 3
	StatusTooManyRequests              = 429 // RFC 6585, 4
	StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge  = 431 // RFC 6585, 5
	StatusUnavailableForLegalReasons   = 451 // RFC 7725, 3

	StatusInternalServerError           = 500 // RFC 7231, 6.6.1
	StatusNotImplemented                = 501 // RFC 7231, 6.6.2
	StatusBadGateway                    = 502 // RFC 7231, 6.6.3
	StatusServiceUnavailable            = 503 // RFC 7231, 6.6.4
	StatusGatewayTimeout                = 504 // RFC 7231, 6.6.5
	StatusHTTPVersionNotSupported       = 505 // RFC 7231, 6.6.6
	StatusVariantAlsoNegotiates         = 506 // RFC 2295, 8.1
	StatusInsufficientStorage           = 507 // RFC 4918, 11.5
	StatusLoopDetected                  = 508 // RFC 5842, 7.2
	StatusNotExtended                   = 510 // RFC 2774, 7
	StatusNetworkAuthenticationRequired = 511 // RFC 6585, 6

HTTP status codes as registered with IANA. See:


View Source
var (
	ErrBadRequest                  = NewError(StatusBadRequest)                  // RFC 7231, 6.5.1
	ErrMethodNotAllowed            = NewError(StatusMethodNotAllowed)            // RFC 7231, 6.5.5
	ErrRequestTimeout              = NewError(StatusRequestTimeout)              // RFC 7231, 6.5.7
	ErrRequestEntityTooLarge       = NewError(StatusRequestEntityTooLarge)       // RFC 7231, 6.5.11
	ErrRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge = NewError(StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge) // RFC 6585, 5
View Source
var DefaultErrorHandler = func(ctx Context, err error) error {
	code := StatusInternalServerError
	if e, ok := err.(*Error); ok {
		code = e.Code
	ctx.SetHeader(HeaderContentType, MIMETextPlainCharsetUTF8)
	return nil

DefaultErrorHandler that process return errors from handlers

View Source
var DefaultOptions = &Options{
	DisableBanner:         false,
	DisableRouterPrinting: false,
	LRUCacheSize:          defaultLRUCacheSize,
	Concurrency:           defaultConcurrency,
	MaxRequestBodySize:    defaultMaxRequestBodySize,
	MaxRouteParams:        defaultMaxRouteParams,
	MaxRequestUrlLength:   defaultMaxRequestUrlLength,
	Network:               NetworkTCP4,
	ErrorHandler:          DefaultErrorHandler,

DefaultOptions provides the default options for Muxer,


- DisableBanner: false

- DisableRouterPrinting: false

- LRUCacheSize: 1024

- Concurrency: 256 * 1024

- MaxRequestBodySize: 4 * 1024 * 1024

- MaxRouteParams: 1024

- MaxRequestUrlLength: 2048

- Network: NetworkTCP4


func StatusText

func StatusText(code int) string

StatusText returns a text for the HTTP status code. It returns the empty string if the code is unknown.

func Stringify

func Stringify(b []byte) string

Stringify given bytes and return string


type Context

type Context interface {
	// Next passing to next handler/middleware,
	// Next should be used only inside middleware functions,
	// It executes the pending handler's in the chain inside the
	// calling handler
	Next() error

	// RawContext returns the fasthttp.RequestCtx instance
	// corresponding to this Context
	RawContext() *fasthttp.RequestCtx

	// Param returns value of the URL param
	Param(key string) string

	// Query returns the keyed url query value if it exist
	Query(key string) string

	// SendBytes with given bytes into the response body
	SendBytes(bytes []byte) Context

	// SendString with given string into the response body
	SendString(str string) Context

	// SendJSON with given interface{} with JSON serialized
	// format into response body
	SendJSON(in interface{}) error

	// Status sets the HTTP response code
	Status(status int) Context

	// SetHeader in the response. if value == "",
	// this method removes the header with given key
	SetHeader(key string, val string)

	// Header returns header value with given key in
	// request
	Header(key string) string

	// Set user data into context with given
	// key and val (type interface{}) as key/value
	// pair
	Set(key string, val interface{})

	// Local returns the user data with given key
	Local(key string) interface{}

	// Body returns the body string from request
	Body() string

	// Method returns the request HTTP method as string
	Method() string

Context contains incoming request and manages outgoing response,

It's forbidden copying Context instances.

Context is the most important part of Muxer, It allows us to pass variables between middleware, Context in Muxer is just the wrapper for fasthttp.RequestCtx

type Error added in v0.1.1

type Error struct {
	Code    int    `json:"code"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

Error represents an error that occurred while handling a request.

func NewError added in v0.1.1

func NewError(code int, msg ...string) *Error

NewError creates a new Error instance with an optional message

func (*Error) Error added in v0.1.1

func (e *Error) Error() string

Error makes it compatible with the `error` interface.

type ErrorHandler added in v0.1.1

type ErrorHandler func(ctx Context, err error) error

ErrorHandler represent a handler function to handling the error

type Fields

type Fields map[string]interface{}

Fields is wrapper type for map[string]interface{}, useful for returning JSON data

type HandlerFunc

type HandlerFunc func(ctx Context) error

HandlerFunc represent a handler function or middleware function of specific route

type Mux added in v0.1.1

type Mux struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Mux) CONNECT added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) CONNECT(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

CONNECT registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) DELETE added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) DELETE(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

DELETE registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) GET added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) GET(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

GET registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) Group added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) Group(prefix string, routes []*Route) []*Route

Group the given routes with specific prefix

func (*Mux) HEAD added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) HEAD(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

HEAD registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) NotFound added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) NotFound(handlers ...HandlerFunc)

NotFound registers an http handlers that will be called when no other routes match with request

func (*Mux) OPTIONS added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) OPTIONS(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

OPTIONS registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) PATCH added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) PATCH(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

PATCH registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) POST added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) POST(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

POST registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) PUT added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) PUT(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

PUT registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) Start added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) Start(addr string) error

Start the Muxer and dispatches the request to the handler whose pattern most closely matches the request URL.

func (*Mux) Static added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) Static(prefix, root string)

Static serve files in root directory under specific prefix

func (*Mux) Stop added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) Stop() error

Stop the Muxer, release related resources and free used memories.

func (*Mux) TRACE added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) TRACE(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

TRACE registers an http relevant method

func (*Mux) Use added in v0.1.1

func (m *Mux) Use(middlewares ...HandlerFunc)

Use given middlewares for each route

type Muxer

type Muxer interface {
	// Start the Muxer and dispatches the request
	// to the handler whose pattern most closely matches
	// the request URL.
	Start(addr string) error

	// Stop the Muxer, release related resources and free
	// used memories.
	Stop() error

	// Group the given routes with specific prefix
	Group(prefix string, routes []*Route) []*Route

	// Static serve files in root directory under specific prefix
	Static(prefix, root string)

	// NotFound registers an http handlers that will be called when
	// no other routes match with request
	NotFound(handlers ...HandlerFunc)

	// Use given middlewares for each route
	Use(middlewares ...HandlerFunc)

	// HEAD registers an http relevant method
	HEAD(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// GET registers an http relevant method
	GET(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// POST registers an http relevant method
	POST(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// PUT registers an http relevant method
	PUT(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// PATCH registers an http relevant method
	PATCH(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// DELETE registers an http relevant method
	DELETE(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// CONNECT registers an http relevant method
	CONNECT(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// OPTIONS registers an http relevant method
	OPTIONS(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

	// TRACE registers an http relevant method
	TRACE(path string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *Route

Muxer is an HTTP request multiplexer, It matches the URL of each incoming request against a prefix tree of registered routes and call the handler function for the route that most closely matches the URL.

func New

func New(opts ...*Options) Muxer

New Muxer using given Options

type Network added in v0.1.1

type Network string

Network is type alias for string

const (
	// NetworkTCP4 holds the tcp protocol version
	NetworkTCP4 Network = "tcp4"
	// NetworkTCP6 holds the tcp protocol version
	NetworkTCP6 Network = "tcp6"
	// NetworkTCP holds the tcp protocol version
	NetworkTCP Network = "tcp"

type Options

type Options struct {
	// DisableBanner printing for Muxer
	// Default: true
	DisableBanner bool `json:"disable_banner"`

	// DisableRouterPrinting for Muxer
	// Default: true
	DisableRouterPrinting bool `json:"disable_router_printing"`

	// CaseInsensitive routing when set true
	// Default: false
	CaseInsensitive bool `json:"case_insensitive"`

	// DisableLRUCaching used to speeding up routing
	// Default: false
	DisableLRUCaching bool `json:"disable_lru_caching"`

	// LRUCacheSize for LRU Cache used to speeding up routing,
	// only effective when `DisableLRUCaching` is not true
	// Default: 1024
	LRUCacheSize int `json:"lru_cache_size"`

	// AutoRecovering from panic while executing handlers by answering with
	// HTTP status code 500 and logging error message without unexpected server stopped
	// Default: false
	AutoRecovering bool `json:"auto_recovering"`

	// ServerIdentifier for sending in response headers
	// Default: ""
	ServerIdentifier string `json:"server_identifier"`

	// Concurrency holds the maximum number of concurrent connections
	// Default: 256 * 1024 = 262144
	Concurrency int `json:"concurrency"`

	// PreForkEnabled will spawn multiple Go processes listening
	// on the same port when set is true
	// Default: false
	PreForkEnabled bool `json:"pre_fork_enabled"`

	// TLSEnabled when set is true
	// Default: false
	TLSEnabled bool `json:"tls_enabled"`

	// TLSCertPath holds the certificate file path used to TLS
	// Default: ""
	TLSCertPath string `json:"tls_cert_path"`

	// TLSKeyPath holds the key file path used to TLS
	// Default: ""
	TLSKeyPath string `json:"tls_key_path"`

	// HandlerMethodNotAllowed enable answering with HTTP
	// status code 405 if request does not match with any
	// route, but there are another methods are allowed for
	// the route otherwise answer with Not Found handlers or
	// status code 404
	// Default: false
	HandlerMethodNotAllowed bool `json:"handler_method_not_allowed"`

	// HandlerOPTIONS enable automatic replies to OPTIONS request if
	// there are no handlers registered for that route
	// Default: false
	HandlerOPTIONS bool `json:"handler_options"`

	// DisabledKeepalive disabled the keep-alive connections, the server
	// will close incoming connections after sending the first
	// response to client
	// Default: false
	DisabledKeepalive bool `json:"disabled_keepalive"`

	// MaxRequestBodySize holds the maximum body size
	// Default: 4 * 1024 * 1024
	MaxRequestBodySize int `json:"max_request_body_size"`

	// MaxRouteParams holds the maximum params number for each route
	// Default: 1024
	MaxRouteParams int `json:"max_route_params"`

	// MaxRequestUrlLength holds the maximum url length for each request
	// Default: 2048
	MaxRequestUrlLength int `json:"max_request_url_length"`

	// ReadTimeout holds the amount of time allowed to read the full request
	// includes body
	// Default: 0 (represent unlimited)
	ReadTimeout time.Duration `json:"read_timeout"`

	// WriteTimeout holds the duration before timing out writes of the response
	// Default: 0 (represent unlimited)
	WriteTimeout time.Duration `json:"write_timeout"`

	// HttpIdleTimeout holds the maximum amount of time to wait for the next request
	// when DisabledKeepalive set is true
	// Default: 0 (represent unlimited)
	HttpIdleTimeout time.Duration `json:"http_idle_timeout"`

	// Network holds the server TCP protocol version,
	// WARNING: if the PreForkEnabled set is true, only
	// "tcp4" or "tcp6" can be choose
	// Default: NetworkTCP4
	Network Network `json:"network"`

	ErrorHandler ErrorHandler `json:"-"`

Options holds the all supported Muxer options

type Route

type Route struct {
	Method   string
	Path     string
	Handlers handlerChain

Route is a wrapper for router


Path Synopsis

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL