
command module
v0.0.0-...-47c684f Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 24, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 20 Imported by: 0



RedRaft is an experimental project that allows for Redis to run in a Raft environment. It uses Finn for the Raft implementation and Redis for the state-machine providing a fault-tolerant cluster.

Getting Started


  1. Install Redis.

  2. Build RedRaft

$ git clone
$ cd redraft
$ make

Optionally you can download a prebuilt zip for Mac OS which includes Redis and RedRaft.


First start a single-member cluster:

$ ./redraft

This will start the server listening on port 7481 for client and server-to-server communication.

Next, let's set a single key, and then retrieve it:

$ redis-cli -p 7481 SET mykey "my value"
$ redis-cli -p 7481 GET mykey
"my value"

Adding members:

$ ./redraft -p 7482 -dir data2 -join 7481
$ ./redraft -p 7483 -dir data3 -join 7481

That's it. Now if node1 goes down, node2 and node3 will continue to operate.

Supported Commands

get, strlen, exists, getbit, getrange, substr, mget, llen, lindex, lrange, sismember, scard, srandmember, sinter, sunion, sdiff, smembers, sscan, zrange, zrangebyscore, zrevrangebyscore, zrangebylex, zrevrangebylex, zcount, zlexcount, zrevrange, zcard, zscore, zrank, zrevrank, zscan, hget, hmget, hlen, hstrlen, hkeys, hvals, hgetall, hexists, hscan, randomkey, keys, scan, dbsize, echo, type, info, ttl, pttl, dump, object, memory, time, bitpos, bitcount, geohash, geopos, geodist, pfcount, set, setnx, setex, psetex, append, del, setbit, bitfield, setrange, incr, decr, rpush, lpush, rpushx, lpushx, linsert, rpop, lpop, brpop, brpoplpush, blpop, lset, ltrim, lrem, rpoplpush, sadd, srem, smove, spop, sinterstore, sunionstore, sdiffstore, zadd, zincrby, zrem, zremrangebyscore, zremrangebyrank, zremrangebylex, zunionstore, zinterstore, hset, hsetnx, hmset, hincrby, hincrbyfloat, hdel, incrby, decrby, incrbyfloat, getset, mset, msetnx, select, move, rename, renamenx, expire, expireat, pexpire, pexpireat, auth, flushdb, flushall, sort, persist, config, restore, migrate, bitop, geoadd, georadius, georadiusbymember, pfadd, pfmerge:

Not Supported

Cluster, Replication, and PubSub commands.

Built-in Raft Commands

Here are a few commands for monitoring and managing the cluster:

    Adds a new member to the Raft cluster
    Removes an existing member
    Returns the Raft leader, if known
    Triggers a snapshot operation
    Returns the state of the node
    Returns information and statistics for the node and cluster

Read Consistency

The --consistency param has the following options:

  • low - all nodes accept reads, small risk of stale data
  • medium - only the leader accepts reads, itty-bitty risk of stale data during a leadership change
  • high - only the leader accepts reads, the raft log index is incremented to guaranteeing no stale data

For example, setting the following options:

$ ./redraft --consistency high

Provides the highest level of consistency.

Leadership Changes

In a Raft cluster only the leader can apply commands. If a command is attempted on a follower you will be presented with the response:

SET x y

This means you should try the same command at the specified address.


Josh Baker @tidwall


RedRaft source code is available under the MIT License.


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