
package module
v1.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 7, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 21 Imported by: 0



Package framework defines the integration and end-to-end test case for cli core

Package framework defines the integration and end-to-end test case for cli core

Package framework defines the integration and end-to-end test case for cli core

Package framework defines the integration and end-to-end test case for cli core



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const (
	ConfigFileName   = "config.yaml"
	ConfigNGFileName = "config-ng.yaml"
	ConfigFileDir    = ".config/tanzu/"
View Source
const (
	CliCore = "[CLI-Core]"

	TargetList = "kubernetes[k8s]/mission-control[tmc]/global"

	InitCmd          = "%s init"
	VersionCmd       = "%s version"
	CompletionCmd    = "%s completion"
	CobraCompleteCmd = "%s __complete ''"
	TanzuPrefix      = "tanzu"
	TzPrefix         = "tz"

	// Config commands
	ConfigCmd        = "%s config"
	ConfigSet        = "%s config set "
	ConfigGet        = "%s config get"
	ConfigUnset      = "%s config unset "
	ConfigInit       = "%s config init"
	ConfigCertAdd    = "%s config cert add --host %s --ca-cert %s --skip-cert-verify %s --insecure %s"
	ConfigCertDelete = "%s config cert delete %s"
	ConfigCertList   = "%s config cert list -o json"

	// Plugin commands
	UpdatePluginSource                  = "%s plugin source update %s --uri %s"
	ListPluginSourcesWithJSONOutputFlag = "%s plugin source list -o json"
	DeletePluginSource                  = "%s plugin source delete %s"
	InitPluginDiscoverySource           = "%s plugin source init"
	ListPluginsCmdWithJSONOutputFlag    = "%s plugin list -o json"
	SearchPluginsCmd                    = "%s plugin search"
	SearchPluginGroupsCmd               = "%s plugin group search"
	GetPluginGroupCmd                   = "%s plugin group get %s"
	InstallPluginCmd                    = "%s plugin install %s"
	InstallPluginFromGroupCmd           = "%s plugin install %s --group %s"
	InstallAllPluginsFromGroupCmd       = "%s plugin install --group %s"
	DescribePluginCmd                   = "%s plugin describe %s"
	UninstallPLuginCmd                  = "%s plugin uninstall %s --yes"
	CleanPluginsCmd                     = "%s plugin clean"

	PluginDownloadBundleCmd = "%s plugin download-bundle"
	PluginUploadBundleCmd   = "%s plugin upload-bundle"
	PluginCmdWithOptions    = "%s plugin "
	JSONOutput              = " -o json"
	TestPluginsPrefix       = "test-plugin-"
	PluginSubCommand        = "%s %s"
	PluginKey               = "%s_%s_%s" // Plugins - Name_Target_Versions
	LegacyPluginKey         = "%s_%s"    // Plugins - Name_Target_Versions or Name_Version_Status for legacy cli plugins

	// Central repository
	TanzuCliE2ETestCentralRepositoryURL                                             = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_TEST_CENTRAL_REPO_URL"
	TanzuCliE2ETestLocalCentralRepositoryURL                                        = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_TEST_LOCAL_CENTRAL_REPO_URL"
	TanzuCliPluginDiscoveryImageSignaturePublicKeyPath                              = "TANZU_CLI_PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_PUBLIC_KEY_PATH"
	TanzuCliE2ETestLocalCentralRepositoryHost                                       = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_TEST_LOCAL_CENTRAL_REPO_HOST"
	TanzuCliE2ETestLocalCentralRepositoryCACertPath                                 = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_TEST_LOCAL_CENTRAL_REPO_CA_CERT_PATH"
	TanzuCliE2ETestAirgappedRepo                                                    = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_AIRGAPPED_REPO"
	TanzuCliE2ETestAirgappedRepoWithAuth                                            = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_AIRGAPPED_REPO_WITH_AUTH"
	TanzuCliE2ETestAirgappedRepoWithAuthUsername                                    = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_AIRGAPPED_REPO_WITH_AUTH_USERNAME"
	TanzuCliE2ETestAirgappedRepoWithAuthPassword                                    = "TANZU_CLI_E2E_AIRGAPPED_REPO_WITH_AUTH_PASSWORD"
	TanzuCliPluginDiscoverySignatureVerificationSkipList                            = "TANZU_CLI_PLUGIN_DISCOVERY_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION_SKIP_LIST"

	// CLI Coexistence
	CLICoexistenceNewTanzuCLIInstallationPath    = "TANZU_CLI_COEXISTENCE_NEW_TANZU_CLI_DIR"
	CLICoexistenceNewTanzuCLIVersion             = "TANZU_CLI_BUILD_VERSION"
	CLICoexistenceTanzuCEIPParticipation         = "TANZU_CLI_CEIP_OPT_IN_PROMPT_ANSWER"
	CLIEulaParticipation                         = "TANZU_CLI_EULA_PROMPT_ANSWER"

	// This skips hardcoding HTTPS in CLI Core when the E2E tests mock the TMC endpoint

	// General constants
	True            = "true"
	Installed       = "installed"
	UpdateAvailable = "update available"
	NotInstalled    = "not installed"
	JSONOtuput      = "-o json"

	// Context commands
	CreateContextWithEndPoint              = "%s context create --endpoint %s %s"
	CreateContextWithEndPointStaging       = "%s context create --endpoint %s --staging %s"
	CreateContextWithKubeconfigFile        = "%s context create --kubeconfig %s --kubecontext %s %s"
	CreateContextWithDefaultKubeconfigFile = "%s context create --kubecontext %s %s"
	UseContext                             = "%s context use %s"
	UnsetContext                           = "%s context unset"
	GetContext                             = "%s context get %s"
	ListContextOutputInJSON                = "%s context list -o json"
	DeleteContext                          = "%s context delete %s --yes"
	TanzuAPIToken                          = "TANZU_API_TOKEN" //nolint:gosec
	TanzuCliTmcUnstableURL                 = "TANZU_CLI_TMC_UNSTABLE_URL"

	// context specific
	ContextShouldNotExists              = "the context %s should not exists"
	ContextShouldExistsAsCreated        = "the context %s should exists as its been created"
	ContextNotExistsForTarget           = "The provided context '%v' does not exist or is not active for the given context type '%v'"
	NoActiveContextExistsForContextType = "There is no active context for the given context type '%v'"
	ContextNotActiveOrNotExists         = "The provided context '%v' is not active or does not exist"
	ContextForContextTypeSetInactive    = "The context '%v' of type '%v' has been set as inactive"
	DeactivatingPlugin                  = "Deactivating plugin '%v:%v' for context '%v'"

	KindClusterCreate = "kind create cluster --name %s"
	KindClusterStatus = "kubectl cluster-info --context %s"
	KindClusterDelete = "kind delete cluster --name %s"
	KindClusterGet    = "kind get clusters "
	KindClusterInfo   = "kubectl cluster-info --context %s"
	KubectlApply      = "kubectl --context %s apply -f %s"

	// specific plugin custom resource file name cr_<pluginName>_<target>_<versions>.yaml to apply on kind cluster
	PluginCRFileName = "cr_%s_%s_%s.yaml"

	KindCreateCluster = "kind create cluster --name "
	DockerInfo        = "docker info"
	StartDockerUbuntu = "sudo systemctl start docker"
	StopDockerUbuntu  = "sudo systemctl stop docker"

	TMC                         = "tmc"
	TKG                         = "tkg"
	SourceType                  = "oci"
	GlobalTarget                = "global"
	KubernetesTarget            = "kubernetes"
	MissionControlTarget        = "mission-control"
	TMCPluginGroupPrefix        = "vmware-tmc"
	K8SPluginGroupPrefix        = "vmware-tkg"
	EssentialsPluginGroupPrefix = "vmware-tanzucli"

	// log info
	ExecutingCommand = "Executing command: %s"
	FileContent      = "file: %s , content: %s"

	// Error messages
	UnableToFindPluginForTarget                   = "unable to find plugin '%s' matching version '%s'"
	UnableToFindPluginWithVersionForTarget        = "unable to find plugin '%s' matching version '%s' for target '%s'"
	UnableToFindPlugin                            = "unable to find plugin '%s'"
	InvalidTargetSpecified                        = "invalid target specified. Please specify a correct value for the `--target` flag from '" + TargetList + "'"
	InvalidTargetGlobal                           = "invalid target for plugin: global"
	DiscoverySourceNotFound                       = "discovery %q does not exist"
	ErrorLogForCommandWithErrStdErrAndStdOut      = "error while executing command:'%s', error:'%s' stdErr:'%s' stdOut: '%s'"
	FailedToConstructJSONNodeFromOutputAndErrInfo = "failed to construct json node from output:'%s' error:'%s' "
	FailedToConstructJSONNodeFromOutput           = "failed to construct json node from output:'%s'"
	NoErrorForPluginGroupSearch                   = "should not get any error for plugin group search"
	NoErrorForPluginGroupGet                      = "should not get any error for plugin group get"
	NoErrorForPluginSearch                        = "should not get any error for plugin search"
	PluginSearchOutputShouldBeSortedByName        = "plugin search output should be sorted by name"
	UnableToSync                                  = "unable to automatically sync the plugins from target context. Please run 'tanzu plugin sync' command to sync plugins manually"
	PluginDescribeShouldNotThrowErr               = "should not get any error for plugin describe"
	PluginDescShouldExist                         = "there should be one plugin description"
	PluginNameShouldMatch                         = "plugin name should be same as input value"

	CompletionWithoutShell        = "shell not specified, choose one of: bash, zsh, fish, powershell"
	CompletionOutputForBash       = "bash completion V2 for tanzu"
	CompletionOutputForZsh        = "zsh completion for tanzu"
	CompletionOutputForFish       = "fish completion for tanzu"
	CompletionOutputForPowershell = "powershell completion for tanzu"
	FailedToRunCompletionCmd      = "failed to run completion command: %s, stdout: %s"
	FailedToRunCmd                = "failed to run command: %s, stdout: %s"

	// config related constants
	FailedToCreateContext           = "failed to create context"
	FailedToCreateContextWithStdout = FailedToCreateContext + ", stdout:%s"
	ContextCreated                  = "context %s created successfully"
	ContextDeleted                  = "context %s deleted successfully"
	FailedToDeleteContext           = "failed to delete context"
	ContextPrefixK8s                = "plugin-sync-k8s-"
	ContextPrefixTMC                = "plugin-sync-tmc-"

	// TestDir is the directory under $HOME, created during framework initialization, and the $HOME updated as $HOME/$TestDir, to create all Tanzu CLI specific files
	// and not to disturb any existing Tanzu CLI files
	TestDir = ".tanzu-cli-e2e"

	// TestPluginsDir is the directory under $HOME/$TestDir, to store test plugins for E2E tests
	TestPluginsDir = ".e2e-test-plugins"

	// TempDirInTestDirPath is the directory under $HOME/$TestDir, to create temporary files (if any) for E2E test execution
	TempDirInTestDirPath = "temp"

	ConfigFolder                = ".config"
	TanzuFolder                 = "tanzu"
	TanzuPluginsFolder          = "tanzu-plugins"
	ConfigFile                  = "config.yaml"
	ConfigNGFile                = "config-ng.yaml"
	K8SCRDFileName              = "cli.tanzu.vmware.com_cliplugins.yaml"
	Config                      = "config"
	WiredMockHTTPServerStartCmd = "docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 --name %s -v %s:/home/wiremock rodolpheche/wiremock:2.25.1"
	HTTPMockServerStopCmd       = "docker container stop %s"
	HTTPMockServerName          = "wiremock"

	TMCEndpointForPlugins        = "/v1alpha1/system/binaries/plugins"
	TMCMockServerEndpoint        = "http://localhost:8080"
	TMCPluginsMockServerEndpoint = "http://localhost:8080/v1alpha1/system/binaries/plugins"
	HTTPContentType              = "application/json; charset=utf-8"

	// k8s CRD file
	K8SCRDFilePath = "../../config_data/cli.tanzu.vmware.com_cliplugins.yaml"
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const (
	DefaultCLIPluginBucket = "/tkg/tanzu_core/tanzu-cli-plugins/"
	DefaultRegistryName    = "registry"
	DefaultRegistryPort    = "5001"
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const CRTemplate = `` /* 190-byte string literal not displayed */
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const GeneratedValuesTemplate = `#@data/values
#@overlay/match-child-defaults missing_ok=True

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const ImagesTemplate = `---
kind: ImagesLock`
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const ScriptBasedPluginTemplate = `` /* 491-byte string literal not displayed */


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var (
	// TestDirPath is the absolute directory path for the E2E test execution uses to create all Tanzu CLI specific files (config, local plugins etc)
	TestDirPath               string
	TestPluginsDirPath        string
	TestStandalonePluginsPath string
	// FullPathForTempDir is the absolute path for the temp directory under $TestDir
	FullPathForTempDir string

	// OriginalHomeDir is the actual HOME directory of the machine before E2E test overwrites it
	OriginalHomeDir string

	// TestHomeDir is the HOME directory during E2E test execution
	TestHomeDir string

	// ConfigFilePath represents config.yaml file path which under $HOME/.tanzu-cli-e2e/.config/tanzu
	ConfigFilePath string
	// ConfigFilePath represents config-ng.yaml file path which under $HOME/.tanzu-cli-e2e/.config/tanzu
	ConfigNGFilePath string
	TanzuFolderPath  string
	TanzuBinary      string // Tanzu binary name if available in PATH variable or full path to binary with tanzu name


func ApplyConfigOnKindCluster

func ApplyConfigOnKindCluster(tf *Framework, clusterInfo *ClusterInfo, confFilePaths []string) error

ApplyConfigOnKindCluster applies the config files on kind cluster

func CLICoreDescribe

func CLICoreDescribe(text string, body func()) bool

CLICoreDescribe annotates the test with the CLICore label.

func CheckAllPluginsExists

func CheckAllPluginsExists(superList, subList []*PluginInfo) bool

CheckAllPluginsExists checks all PluginInfo's in subList are available in superList superList is the super set, subList is sub set

func CleanConfigFiles

func CleanConfigFiles(tf *Framework) error

CleanConfigFiles deletes the tanzu CLI config files and initializes the tanzu CLI config

func ContainsAnyString

func ContainsAnyString(stdOut *bytes.Buffer, contains []string) error

ContainsAnyString checks that the given buffer contains any of the given set of strings.

func ContainsString

func ContainsString(stdOut *bytes.Buffer, contains string) error

ContainsString checks that the given buffer contains the string.

func ContextInfoToMap

func ContextInfoToMap(ctxs []*ContextListInfo) map[string]*ContextListInfo

ContextInfoToMap takes the contexts list, and returns the map with context name as key and context info as value

func CreateDir

func CreateDir(dir string) error

CreateDir creates given directory if not exists

func CreateOrTruncateFile

func CreateOrTruncateFile(filePath string) error

CreateOrTruncateFile creates a given file if not exists

func ExecuteCmdAndBuildJSONOutput

ExecuteCmdAndBuildJSONOutput is generic function to execute given command and build JSON output and return the result, stdOut, stdErr and error

func GetAvailableContexts

func GetAvailableContexts(tf *Framework, contextNames []string) []string

GetAvailableContexts takes list of contexts and returns only which are available in both the 'tanzu context list' command output and the input list

func GetE2EHomeDir

func GetE2EHomeDir() string

func GetHTTPCall

func GetHTTPCall(url string, v interface{}) error

GetHTTPCall queries http GET call on given url

func GetHomeDir

func GetHomeDir() string

func GetMapKeyForPlugin

func GetMapKeyForPlugin(pluginsList *PluginInfo) string

GetMapKeyForPlugin takes the plugin and returns the map key for the plugin

func GetMapKeys

func GetMapKeys[K string, V *PluginInfo](m map[K][]V) []*K

GetMapKeys takes map[K]any and returns the slice of all map keys

func GetPluginGroupWhichStartsWithGivenPrefix

func GetPluginGroupWhichStartsWithGivenPrefix(pgs []*PluginGroup, prefix string) string

GetPluginGroupWhichStartsWithGivenPrefix takes plugin groups list and prefix string returns first plugin group which starts with the given prefix

func IsAllPluginGroupsExists

func IsAllPluginGroupsExists(superList, subList []*PluginGroup) bool

IsAllPluginGroupsExists takes the two list of PluginGroups (super list and sub list), check if all sub list PluginGroup are exists in super list PluginGroup

func IsContextExists

func IsContextExists(tf *Framework, contextName string, opts ...E2EOption) bool

IsContextExists checks the given context is exists in the config file by listing the existing contexts in the config file

func IsPluginExists

func IsPluginExists(pluginList []*PluginInfo, plugin *PluginInfo, pluginInstallationStatus string) bool

IsPluginExists validates the given plugin (with plugin status) is exists in the plugins list or not

func IsPluginSourceExists

func IsPluginSourceExists(list []*PluginSourceInfo, sourceName string) bool

IsPluginSourceExists checks the sourceName is exists in the given list of PluginSourceInfo's

func LegacyPluginListToMap

func LegacyPluginListToMap(pluginsList []*PluginInfo) map[string]*PluginInfo

LegacyPluginListToMap converts the given PluginInfo slice to map type, key is combination of plugin's name_target_version and value is PluginInfo

func LogConfigFiles

func LogConfigFiles() error

LogConfigFiles logs info level, contents of files config.yaml and config-ng.yaml

func LogFile

func LogFile(file string) error

LogFile logs in info level, the given file content

func NotContainsString

func NotContainsString(stdOut *bytes.Buffer, contains string) error

NotContainsString checks that the given buffer not contains the string if contains then throws error.

func PluginGroupToMap

func PluginGroupToMap(pluginGroups []*PluginGroup) map[string]*PluginGroup

PluginGroupToMap converts the given slice of PluginGroups to map (PluginGroup name:version is the key) and PluginGroup is the value

func PluginListToMap

func PluginListToMap(pluginsList []*PluginInfo) map[string]*PluginInfo

PluginListToMap converts the given PluginInfo slice to map type, key is combination of plugin's name_target_version and value is PluginInfo

func PluginListToSet

func PluginListToSet(pluginsToInstall []*PluginInfo) map[string]struct{}

PluginListToSet converts the given PluginInfo slice to set type, key is combination of plugin's name_target_version

func RandomNumber

func RandomNumber(length int) string

RandomNumber generates random string of given length

func RandomString

func RandomString(length int) string

RandomString generates random string of given length

func SliceToSet

func SliceToSet(slice []string) map[string]struct{}

SliceToSet converts the given slice to set type

func StartMockServer

func StartMockServer(tf *Framework, mappingDir, containerName string) error

StartMockServer starts the http mock server (rodolpheche/wiremock)

func StopContainer

func StopContainer(tf *Framework, containerName string) error

StopContainer stops the given docker container

func UpdatePluginDiscoverySource

func UpdatePluginDiscoverySource(tf *Framework, repoURL string) error

UpdatePluginDiscoverySource updates the plugin discovery source with given url

func WriteToFileInJSONFormat

func WriteToFileInJSONFormat(input any, filePath string) error

WriteToFileInJSONFormat creates (if not exists) and writes the given input type to given file in json format


type Artifact

type Artifact struct {
	// Image is a fully qualified OCI image for the plugin binary.
	Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
	// AssetURI is a URI of the plugin binary. This can be a fully qualified HTTP path or a local path.
	URI string `json:"uri,omitempty"`
	// SHA256 hash of the plugin binary.
	Digest string `json:"digest,omitempty"`
	// Type of the binary artifact. Valid values are S3, OCIImage.
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// OS of the plugin binary in `GOOS` format.
	OS string `json:"os"`
	// Arch is CPU architecture of the plugin binary in `GOARCH` format.
	Arch string `json:"arch"`

Artifact points to an individual plugin binary specific to a version and platform.

type ArtifactList

type ArtifactList []Artifact

ArtifactList contains an Artifact object for every supported platform of a version.

type CLIOption

type CLIOption func(*CLIOptions)

type CLIOptions

type CLIOptions struct {
	FilePath string // file path to tanzu installation; Default values for legacy Tanzu CLI is set using TANZU_CLI_COEXISTENCE_LEGACY_TANZU_CLI_DIR and new Tanzu CLI is set using TANZU_CLI_COEXISTENCE_NEW_TANZU_CLI_DIR
	Override bool   // new tanzu cli overrides the installation of legacy tanzu cli; Default value is false

CLIOptions used to configure certain options that are used in CLI lifecycle operations FilePath should be set to customize the installation path for legacy Tanzu CLI or new Tanzu CLI Override is set to determine whether the new Tanzu CLI should override or coexist the installation of legacy Tanzu CLI

type CLIPlugin

type CLIPlugin struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
	Spec              CLIPluginSpec `json:"spec"`

CLIPlugin denotes a Tanzu cli plugin.

type CLIPluginSpec

type CLIPluginSpec struct {
	// Description is the plugin's description.
	Description string `json:"description"`
	// Recommended version that Tanzu CLI should use if available.
	// The value should be a valid semantic version as defined in
	// E.g., 2.0.1
	RecommendedVersion string `json:"recommendedVersion"`
	// Artifacts contains an artifact list for every supported version.
	Artifacts map[string]ArtifactList `json:"artifacts,omitempty"`
	// Optional specifies whether the plugin is mandatory or optional
	// If optional, the plugin will not get auto-downloaded as part of
	// `tanzu login` or `tanzu plugin sync` command
	// To view the list of plugin, user can use `tanzu plugin list` and
	// to download a specific plugin run, `tanzu plugin install <plugin-name>`
	Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
	// Target specifies the target of the plugin. Only needed for standalone plugins
	Target configtypes.Target `json:"target,omitempty"`

CLIPluginSpec defines the desired state of CLIPlugin.

type CertAddOptions

type CertAddOptions struct {
	Host              string
	CACertificatePath string
	SkipCertVerify    string
	Insecure          string

type CertDetails

type CertDetails struct {
	CaCertificate        string `json:"ca-certificate"`
	Host                 string `json:"host"`
	Insecure             string `json:"insecure"`
	SkipCertVerification string `json:"skip-cert-verification"`

type CliOps

type CliOps interface {
	CLIInit(opts ...E2EOption) error
	CLIVersion(opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)
	UninstallTanzuCLI(opts ...E2EOption) error
	InstallLegacyTanzuCLI(opts ...E2EOption) error
	RollbackToLegacyTanzuCLI(tf *Framework, opts ...E2EOption) error
	InstallNewTanzuCLI(opts ...E2EOption) error
	ReinstallNewTanzuCLI(opts ...E2EOption) error
	// CompletionCmd executes `tanzu completion` command for given shell as input value, and returns stdout, stderr and error
	CompletionCmd(shell string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, string, error)

CliOps performs basic cli operations

func NewCliOps

func NewCliOps() CliOps

type ClusterInfo

type ClusterInfo struct {
	Name               string
	ClusterKubeContext string
	EndPoint           string
	KubeConfigPath     string
	APIKey             string

ClusterInfo holds the general cluster details

func CreateKindCluster

func CreateKindCluster(tf *Framework, name string) (*ClusterInfo, error)

CreateKindCluster create the k8s KIND cluster in the local Docker environment

func GetTMCClusterInfo

func GetTMCClusterInfo() *ClusterInfo

GetTMCClusterInfo returns the TMC cluster info by reading environment variables TANZU_CLI_TMC_UNSTABLE_URL and TANZU_API_TOKEN Currently we are setting these env variables in GitHub action for local testing these variables need to be set by the developer on their respective machine

type ClusterOps

type ClusterOps interface {
	// CreateCluster creates the cluster with given name
	CreateCluster(clusterName string) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// DeleteCluster deletes the cluster with given name
	DeleteCluster(clusterName string) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// ClusterStatus checks the status of the cluster for given cluster name
	ClusterStatus(clusterName string) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// GetClusterEndpoint returns the cluster endpoint for the given cluster name
	GetClusterEndpoint(clusterName string) (endpoint, stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// GetClusterContext returns the given cluster kubeconfig context
	GetClusterContext(clusterName string) string
	// GetKubeconfigPath returns the default kubeconfig path
	GetKubeconfigPath() string
	// ApplyConfig applies the given configFilePath on to the given contextName cluster context
	ApplyConfig(contextName, configFilePath string) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)

ClusterOps has helper operations to perform on cluster

type CmdOps

type CmdOps interface {
	Exec(command string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr *bytes.Buffer, err error)
	ExecContainsString(command, contains string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	ExecContainsAnyString(command string, contains []string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	ExecContainsErrorString(command, contains string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	ExecNotContainsStdErrorString(command, contains string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	ExecNotContainsString(command, contains string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	TanzuCmdExec(command string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr *bytes.Buffer, err error)

CmdOps performs the Command line exec operations

func NewCmdOps

func NewCmdOps() CmdOps

type ConfigCertOps

type ConfigCertOps interface {
	// ConfigCertAdd adds cert config for a host, and returns stdOut and error info
	ConfigCertAdd(certAddOpts *CertAddOptions, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)

	// ConfigCertDelete deletes cert config for a host, and returns error info
	ConfigCertDelete(host string, opts ...E2EOption) error

	// ConfigCertList list cert
	ConfigCertList(opts ...E2EOption) ([]*CertDetails, error)

ConfigCertOps performs "tanzu config cert" command operations

type ConfigCmdOps

type ConfigCmdOps interface {

func NewConfOps

func NewConfOps() ConfigCmdOps

type ConfigLifecycleOps

type ConfigLifecycleOps interface {
	// ConfigWithOptions performs config command with given options
	ConfigWithOptions(opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr *bytes.Buffer, err error)
	// ConfigSetFeatureFlag sets the tanzu config feature flag
	ConfigSetFeatureFlag(path, value string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	// ConfigGetFeatureFlag gets the tanzu config feature flag
	ConfigGetFeatureFlag(path string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)
	// ConfigUnsetFeature un-sets the tanzu config feature flag
	ConfigUnsetFeature(path string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	// ConfigInit performs "tanzu config init"
	ConfigInit(opts ...E2EOption) error
	// GetConfig gets the tanzu config
	GetConfig(opts ...E2EOption) (*configapi.ClientConfig, error)
	// DeleteCLIConfigurationFiles deletes cli configuration files
	DeleteCLIConfigurationFiles() error
	// IsCLIConfigurationFilesExists checks the existence of cli configuration files
	IsCLIConfigurationFilesExists() bool

ConfigLifecycleOps performs "tanzu config" command operations

type ContainerRuntime

type ContainerRuntime interface {
	StartContainerRuntime() (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	ContainerRuntimeStatus() (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	StopContainerRuntime() (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)

ContainerRuntime has operations to perform on container runtime

type ContextCmdOps

type ContextCmdOps interface {
	// ContextCreateOps helps context create operations
	// UseContext helps to run 'context use' command
	UseContext(contextName string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOutStr, stdErrStr string, err error)
	// GetContext helps to run `context get` command
	GetContext(contextName string, opts ...E2EOption) (ContextInfo, error)
	// ListContext helps to run `context list` command
	ListContext(opts ...E2EOption) (contexts []*ContextListInfo, stdOutStr, stdErrStr string, err error)
	// DeleteContext helps to run `context delete` command
	DeleteContext(contextName string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOutStr, stdErrStr string, err error)
	// GetActiveContext returns current active context for given context-type
	GetActiveContext(contextType string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)
	// GetActiveContexts returns all active contexts
	GetActiveContexts(opts ...E2EOption) ([]*ContextListInfo, error)
	// UnsetContext unsets the given context with 'tanzu context unset' and returns stdOut, stdErr and error
	UnsetContext(contextName string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOutStr, stdErrStr string, err error)

ContextCmdOps helps to run Context lifecycle operations

func NewContextCmdOps

func NewContextCmdOps() ContextCmdOps

type ContextCreateOps

type ContextCreateOps interface {
	// CreateContextWithEndPoint creates a context with a given endpoint URL
	CreateContextWithEndPoint(contextName, endpoint string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	// CreateContextWithEndPointStaging creates a context with a given endpoint URL for staging, returns stdout, stderr and error
	CreateContextWithEndPointStaging(contextName, endpoint string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// CreateContextWithKubeconfig creates a context with the given kubeconfig file path and a context from the kubeconfig file
	CreateContextWithKubeconfig(contextName, kubeconfigPath, kubeContext string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// CreateContextWithDefaultKubeconfig creates a context with the default kubeconfig file and a given input context name if it exists in the default kubeconfig file
	CreateContextWithDefaultKubeconfig(contextName, kubeContext string, opts ...E2EOption) error

ContextCreateOps helps to run context create command

func NewContextCreateOps

func NewContextCreateOps() ContextCreateOps

type ContextInfo

type ContextInfo struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Target      string `json:"target"`
	ClusterOpts struct {
		Path                string `json:"path"`
		Context             string `json:"context"`
		IsManagementCluster bool   `json:"isManagementCluster"`
	} `json:"clusterOpts"`

type ContextListInfo

type ContextListInfo struct {
	Endpoint            string `json:"endpoint"`
	Iscurrent           string `json:"iscurrent"`
	Ismanagementcluster string `json:"ismanagementcluster"`
	Kubeconfigpath      string `json:"kubeconfigpath"`
	Kubecontext         string `json:"kubecontext"`
	Name                string `json:"name"`
	Type                string `json:"type"`

type DiscoveryOptions

type DiscoveryOptions struct {
	Name       string
	SourceType string
	URI        string

type Docker

type Docker interface {

Docker is the container runtime of type docker

func NewDocker

func NewDocker() Docker

type E2EOption

type E2EOption func(*E2EOptions)

func AddAdditionalFlagAndValue

func AddAdditionalFlagAndValue(flagWithValue string) E2EOption

AddAdditionalFlagAndValue is to add any additional flag with value (if any) to the end of tanzu command

func GetJsonOutputFormatAdditionalFlagFunction

func GetJsonOutputFormatAdditionalFlagFunction() E2EOption

GetJsonOutputFormatAdditionalFlagFunction returns a E2EOption function to add json as output format

func WithFilePath

func WithFilePath(filePath string) E2EOption

WithFilePath is the installation file path location

func WithOverride

func WithOverride(override bool) E2EOption

WithOverride is to provide whether new Tanzu CLI overrides the installation of legacy Tanzu CLI

func WithTanzuBinary

func WithTanzuBinary(tanzuBinary string) E2EOption

WithTanzuBinary is to set the tanzu binary location; default is tanzu from PATH variable

type E2EOptions

type E2EOptions struct {
	TanzuBinary string // TanzuBinary should be set to customize the tanzu binary either the binary name if available with PATH variable or full binary path with name ; default is tanzu from PATH variable
	AdditionalFlags string

func NewE2EOptions

func NewE2EOptions(options ...E2EOption) *E2EOptions

type Framework

type Framework struct {
	Exec CmdOps
	Config       ConfigCmdOps
	KindCluster  ClusterOps
	PluginCmd    PluginCmdOps    // performs plugin command operations
	PluginHelper PluginHelperOps // helper (pre-setup) for plugin cmd operations
	ContextCmd   ContextCmdOps

Framework has all helper functions to write CLI e2e test cases

func NewFramework

func NewFramework() *Framework

type GeneratePluginOps

type GeneratePluginOps interface {
	// GeneratePluginBinaries generates plugin binaries for given plugin metadata and return generated plugin binary file paths
	GeneratePluginBinaries(pluginsMeta []*PluginMeta) ([]string, []error)

GeneratePluginOps helps to generate script-based plugin binaries, and plugin binaries can be used to perform plugin testing like, add plugin source, list, and install plugins. And call sub-commands such as info and version.

func NewScriptBasedPlugins

func NewScriptBasedPlugins() GeneratePluginOps

type ImgpkgOps

type ImgpkgOps interface {
	PushBinary(filepath, registryBucketURL string) (registryURL string, err error)
	PushBundle(filepath, registryBucketURL string) (registryURL string, err error)
	PullBinary(url string, outputPath string) (stdOut string, err error)
	PullBundle(url string, outputPath string) (stdOut string, err error)

func NewImgpkgOps

func NewImgpkgOps() ImgpkgOps

type KindCluster

type KindCluster interface {

KindCluster performs k8s KIND cluster operations

func NewKindCluster

func NewKindCluster(docker Docker) KindCluster

type PluginBasicOps

type PluginBasicOps interface {
	// ListPlugins execytes 'tanzu plugin list' command and
	// returns the output, stdOut, stdErr and error
	ListPlugins(opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginInfo, string, string, error)
	// ListInstalledPlugins lists all installed plugins
	ListInstalledPlugins(opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginInfo, error)
	// ListPluginsForGivenContext lists all plugins for a given context and either installed only or all
	ListPluginsForGivenContext(context string, installedOnly bool, opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginInfo, error)
	// SearchPlugins searches all plugins for given filter (keyword|regex) by running 'tanzu plugin search' command
	SearchPlugins(filter string, opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginInfo, string, string, error)
	// InstallPlugin installs given plugin and flags
	InstallPlugin(pluginName, target, versions string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdOut, stdErr string, err error)
	// Sync performs sync operation and returns stdOut, stdErr and error
	Sync(opts ...E2EOption) (string, string, error)
	// DescribePlugin describes given plugin and flags, returns the plugin description as PluginDescribe
	DescribePlugin(pluginName, target string, opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginDescribe, error)
	// DescribePluginLegacy describes given plugin and flags, returns plugin description in string format
	DescribePluginLegacy(pluginName, target string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)
	// UninstallPlugin uninstalls/deletes given plugin
	UninstallPlugin(pluginName, target string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	// DeletePlugin deletes/uninstalls given plugin
	DeletePlugin(pluginName, target string, opts ...E2EOption) error
	// ExecuteSubCommand executes specific plugin sub-command
	ExecuteSubCommand(pluginWithSubCommand string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)
	// CleanPlugins executes the plugin clean command to delete all existing plugins
	CleanPlugins(opts ...E2EOption) error
	// RunPluginCmd runs plugin command with provided options
	RunPluginCmd(options string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, string, error)

PluginBasicOps helps to perform the plugin command operations

type PluginCmdOps

PluginCmdOps helps to perform the plugin and its sub-commands lifecycle operations

func NewPluginLifecycleOps

func NewPluginLifecycleOps() PluginCmdOps

type PluginDescribe

type PluginDescribe struct {
	Buildsha                     string `yaml:"buildsha"`
	Completiontype               string `yaml:"completiontype"`
	Defaultfeatureflags          string `yaml:"defaultfeatureflags"`
	Description                  string `yaml:"description"`
	Digest                       string `yaml:"digest"`
	Discoveredrecommendedversion string `yaml:"discoveredrecommendedversion"`
	Discovery                    string `yaml:"discovery"`
	Docurl                       string `yaml:"docurl"`
	Group                        string `yaml:"group"`
	Installationpath             string `yaml:"installationpath"`
	Name                         string `yaml:"name"`
	Scope                        string `yaml:"scope"`
	Status                       string `yaml:"status"`
	Target                       string `yaml:"target"`
	Version                      string `yaml:"version"`

type PluginDownloadAndUploadOps

type PluginDownloadAndUploadOps interface {
	// DownloadPluginBundle downloads the plugin inventory and plugin bundles to local tar file
	DownloadPluginBundle(image string, groups []string, toTar string, opts ...E2EOption) error

	// UploadPluginBundle performs the uploading plugin bundle to the remote repository
	// Based on the remote repository status, it setups a new discovery source endpoint
	// or merges the additional plugins in the bundle to the existing discovery source
	UploadPluginBundle(toRepo string, tar string, opts ...E2EOption) error

type PluginGroup

type PluginGroup struct {
	Name        string   `json:"name"`
	Group       string   `json:"group"`
	Description string   `json:"description"`
	Latest      string   `json:"latest"`
	Versions    []string `json:"versions"`

type PluginGroupGet

type PluginGroupGet struct {
	Group         string `json:"group"`
	PluginName    string `json:"pluginname"`
	PluginTarget  string `json:"plugintarget"`
	PluginVersion string `json:"pluginversion"`

type PluginGroupOps

type PluginGroupOps interface {
	// SearchPluginGroups performs plugin group search
	// input: flagsWithValues - flags and values if any
	SearchPluginGroups(flagsWithValues string, opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginGroup, error)

	// GetPluginGroup performs plugin group get
	// input: flagsWithValues - flags and values if any
	GetPluginGroup(groupName string, flagsWithValues string, opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginGroupGet, error)

	// InstallPluginsFromGroup a plugin or all plugins from the given plugin group
	InstallPluginsFromGroup(pluginNameORAll, groupName string, opts ...E2EOption) (stdout string, stdErr string, err error)

type PluginHelperOps

type PluginHelperOps interface {

PluginHelperOps helps to generate and publish plugins

func NewPluginOps

func NewPluginOps(generatePluginOps GeneratePluginOps, publishPluginOps PublishPluginOps) PluginHelperOps

type PluginInfo

type PluginInfo struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Target      string `json:"target"`
	Discovery   string `json:"discovery"`
	Scope       string `json:"scope"`
	Status      string `json:"status"`
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	Context     string `json:"context"`

func CreateTemporaryCRsFromPluginInfos

func CreateTemporaryCRsFromPluginInfos(plugins []*PluginInfo) ([]*PluginInfo, []string, error)

CreateTemporaryCRsFromPluginInfos takes list of Plugins info and generates temporary CR files(under $FullPathForTempDir), and returns plugins list, CR files and error if any while creating the CR files

func GetGivenPluginFromTheGivenPluginList

func GetGivenPluginFromTheGivenPluginList(pluginList []*PluginInfo, requiredPlugin *PluginInfo) *PluginInfo

GetGivenPluginFromTheGivenPluginList takes the plugin list and a plugin checks the given plugin exists in the plugin list, if exists then returns the plugin otherwise returns nil

func GetInstalledPlugins

func GetInstalledPlugins(pluginList []*PluginInfo) []*PluginInfo

GetInstalledPlugins takes list of plugins and returns installed only list of plugins

func GetPluginFromFirstListButNotExistsInSecondList

func GetPluginFromFirstListButNotExistsInSecondList(first, second []*PluginInfo) (*PluginInfo, error)

GetPluginFromFirstListButNotExistsInSecondList returns a plugin which is exists in first plugin list but not in second plugin list

func GetPluginsList

func GetPluginsList(tf *Framework, installedOnly bool) ([]*PluginInfo, error)

GetPluginsList returns a list of plugins, either installed or both installed and uninstalled, based on the value of the installedOnly parameter.

type PluginMeta

type PluginMeta struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPluginMeta

func NewPluginMeta() *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) GetName

func (p *PluginMeta) GetName() string

func (*PluginMeta) GetRegistryDiscoveryURL

func (p *PluginMeta) GetRegistryDiscoveryURL() string

func (*PluginMeta) SetAliases

func (p *PluginMeta) SetAliases(alias []string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetArch

func (p *PluginMeta) SetArch(arch string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetDescription

func (p *PluginMeta) SetDescription(description string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetDiscoveryType

func (p *PluginMeta) SetDiscoveryType(discoveryType string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetGroup

func (p *PluginMeta) SetGroup(group string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetHidden

func (p *PluginMeta) SetHidden(hidden bool) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetName

func (p *PluginMeta) SetName(name string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetOS

func (p *PluginMeta) SetOS(osType string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetOptional

func (p *PluginMeta) SetOptional(optional bool) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetSHA

func (p *PluginMeta) SetSHA(sha string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetTarget

func (p *PluginMeta) SetTarget(target string) *PluginMeta

func (*PluginMeta) SetVersion

func (p *PluginMeta) SetVersion(version string) *PluginMeta

type PluginRegistry

type PluginRegistry interface {
	// StartRegistry starts plugin registry
	StartRegistry() (url string, err error)

	// StopRegistry stops plugin registry
	StopRegistry() error

	// IsRegistryRunning validates plugin registry status
	IsRegistryRunning() (bool, error)

	// GetRegistryURLWithDefaultCLIPluginsBucket returns the default registry url with default bucket for CLI plugin's
	GetRegistryURLWithDefaultCLIPluginsBucket() (url string)

func NewLocalOCIRegistry

func NewLocalOCIRegistry(registryName, port string) PluginRegistry

type PluginSearch

type PluginSearch struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Target      string `json:"target"`
	Latest      string `json:"latest"`

type PluginSourceInfo

type PluginSourceInfo struct {
	Name  string `json:"name"`
	Image string `json:"image"`

type PluginSourceOps

type PluginSourceOps interface {
	// UpdatePluginDiscoverySource updates plugin discovery source, and returns stdOut and error info
	UpdatePluginDiscoverySource(discoveryOpts *DiscoveryOptions, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)

	// DeletePluginDiscoverySource removes the plugin discovery source, and returns stdOut and error info
	DeletePluginDiscoverySource(pluginSourceName string, opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)

	// ListPluginSources returns all available plugin discovery sources
	ListPluginSources(opts ...E2EOption) ([]*PluginSourceInfo, error)

	// InitPluginDiscoverySource initializes the plugin source to its default value, and returns stdOut and error info
	InitPluginDiscoverySource(opts ...E2EOption) (string, error)

PluginSourceOps helps 'plugin source' commands

type PublishPluginOps

type PublishPluginOps interface {
	// PublishPluginBinary publishes the plugin binaries to given registry bucket and returns the plugin distribution urls
	PublishPluginBinary(pluginsInfo []*PluginMeta) (distributionUrls []string, errs []error)

	// GeneratePluginBundle generates plugin bundle in local file system for given plugin metadata
	GeneratePluginBundle(pluginsMeta []*PluginMeta) ([]string, []error)

	// PublishPluginBundle publishes the plugin bundles to given registry bucket and returns the plugins discovery urls
	PublishPluginBundle(pluginsInfo []*PluginMeta) (discoveryUrls []string, errs []error)

PublishPluginOps helps to publish plugin binaries and plugin bundles

func NewLocalOCIPluginOps

func NewLocalOCIPluginOps(registry PluginRegistry) PublishPluginOps

type Server

type Server struct {
	Context  string `json:"context"`
	Endpoint string `json:"endpoint"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Path     string `json:"path"`
	Type     string `json:"type"`

type TMCPlugin

type TMCPlugin struct {
	Name               string `yaml:"name"`
	Description        string `yaml:"description"`
	RecommendedVersion string `yaml:"recommendedVersion"`

type TMCPluginsInfo

type TMCPluginsInfo struct {
	Plugins []TMCPlugin `yaml:"plugins"`

type TMCPluginsMockRequestResponseMapping

type TMCPluginsMockRequestResponseMapping struct {
	Request struct {
		Method string `json:"method"`
		URL    string `json:"url"`
	} `json:"request"`
	Response struct {
		Status  int    `json:"status"`
		Body    string `json:"body"`
		Headers struct {
			ContentType string `json:"Content-Type"`
			Accept      string `json:"Accept"`
		} `json:"headers"`
	} `json:"response"`

func ConvertPluginsInfoToTMCEndpointMockResponse

func ConvertPluginsInfoToTMCEndpointMockResponse(plugins []*PluginInfo) (*TMCPluginsMockRequestResponseMapping, error)

ConvertPluginsInfoToTMCEndpointMockResponse takes the plugins info and converts to TMC endpoint response to mock http calls

type TMCPluginsResponse

type TMCPluginsResponse struct {
	PluginsInfo TMCPluginsInfo `yaml:"pluginsInfo"`

TMCPluginsResponse is to mock the tmc endpoint response for plugins info

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL