
package module
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Published: Apr 23, 2017 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 1



Material design lite icons for gopherjs and vecty




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type Icon

type Icon struct {
	Name     Name
	Children vecty.MarkupOrComponentOrHTML
	Size     Size
	Classes  vecty.ClassMap

Icon represents material design icon component

func (*Icon) Render

func (i *Icon) Render() *vecty.HTML

Render implements vecty.COmponent

func (*Icon) SetColor

func (i *Icon) SetColor(c color.Color)

SetColor sets the icon color to c

type Name

type Name string

Name represent the name of the icon.

const (
	ThreeDRotation                        Name = "3d_rotation"
	AcUnit                                Name = "ac_unit"
	AccessAlarm                           Name = "access_alarm"
	AccessAlarms                          Name = "access_alarms"
	AccessTime                            Name = "access_time"
	Accessibility                         Name = "accessibility"
	Accessible                            Name = "accessible"
	AccountBalance                        Name = "account_balance"
	AccountBalanceWallet                  Name = "account_balance_wallet"
	AccountBox                            Name = "account_box"
	AccountCircle                         Name = "account_circle"
	Adb                                   Name = "adb"
	Add                                   Name = "add"
	AddAPhoto                             Name = "add_a_photo"
	AddAlarm                              Name = "add_alarm"
	AddAlert                              Name = "add_alert"
	AddBox                                Name = "add_box"
	AddCircle                             Name = "add_circle"
	AddCircleOutline                      Name = "add_circle_outline"
	AddLocation                           Name = "add_location"
	AddShoppingCart                       Name = "add_shopping_cart"
	AddToPhotos                           Name = "add_to_photos"
	AddToQueue                            Name = "add_to_queue"
	Adjust                                Name = "adjust"
	AirlineSeatFlat                       Name = "airline_seat_flat"
	AirlineSeatFlatAngled                 Name = "airline_seat_flat_angled"
	AirlineSeatIndividualSuite            Name = "airline_seat_individual_suite"
	AirlineSeatLegroomExtra               Name = "airline_seat_legroom_extra"
	AirlineSeatLegroomNormal              Name = "airline_seat_legroom_normal"
	AirlineSeatLegroomReduced             Name = "airline_seat_legroom_reduced"
	AirlineSeatReclineExtra               Name = "airline_seat_recline_extra"
	AirlineSeatReclineNormal              Name = "airline_seat_recline_normal"
	AirplanemodeActive                    Name = "airplanemode_active"
	AirplanemodeInactive                  Name = "airplanemode_inactive"
	Airplay                               Name = "airplay"
	AirportShuttle                        Name = "airport_shuttle"
	Alarm                                 Name = "alarm"
	AlarmAdd                              Name = "alarm_add"
	AlarmOff                              Name = "alarm_off"
	AlarmOn                               Name = "alarm_on"
	Album                                 Name = "album"
	AllInclusive                          Name = "all_inclusive"
	AllOut                                Name = "all_out"
	Android                               Name = "android"
	Announcement                          Name = "announcement"
	Apps                                  Name = "apps"
	Archive                               Name = "archive"
	ArrowBack                             Name = "arrow_back"
	ArrowDownward                         Name = "arrow_downward"
	ArrowDropDown                         Name = "arrow_drop_down"
	ArrowDropDownCircle                   Name = "arrow_drop_down_circle"
	ArrowDropUp                           Name = "arrow_drop_up"
	ArrowForward                          Name = "arrow_forward"
	ArrowUpward                           Name = "arrow_upward"
	ArtTrack                              Name = "art_track"
	AspectRatio                           Name = "aspect_ratio"
	Assessment                            Name = "assessment"
	Assignment                            Name = "assignment"
	AssignmentInd                         Name = "assignment_ind"
	AssignmentLate                        Name = "assignment_late"
	AssignmentReturn                      Name = "assignment_return"
	AssignmentReturned                    Name = "assignment_returned"
	AssignmentTurnedIn                    Name = "assignment_turned_in"
	Assistant                             Name = "assistant"
	AssistantPhoto                        Name = "assistant_photo"
	AttachFile                            Name = "attach_file"
	AttachMoney                           Name = "attach_money"
	Attachment                            Name = "attachment"
	Audiotrack                            Name = "audiotrack"
	Autorenew                             Name = "autorenew"
	AvTimer                               Name = "av_timer"
	Backspace                             Name = "backspace"
	Backup                                Name = "backup"
	BatteryAlert                          Name = "battery_alert"
	BatteryChargingFull                   Name = "battery_charging_full"
	BatteryFull                           Name = "battery_full"
	BatteryStd                            Name = "battery_std"
	BatteryUnknown                        Name = "battery_unknown"
	BeachAccess                           Name = "beach_access"
	Beenhere                              Name = "beenhere"
	Block                                 Name = "block"
	Bluetooth                             Name = "bluetooth"
	BluetoothAudio                        Name = "bluetooth_audio"
	BluetoothConnected                    Name = "bluetooth_connected"
	BluetoothDisabled                     Name = "bluetooth_disabled"
	BluetoothSearching                    Name = "bluetooth_searching"
	BlurCircular                          Name = "blur_circular"
	BlurLinear                            Name = "blur_linear"
	BlurOff                               Name = "blur_off"
	BlurOn                                Name = "blur_on"
	Book                                  Name = "book"
	Bookmark                              Name = "bookmark"
	BookmarkBorder                        Name = "bookmark_border"
	BorderAll                             Name = "border_all"
	BorderBottom                          Name = "border_bottom"
	BorderClear                           Name = "border_clear"
	BorderColor                           Name = "border_color"
	BorderHorizontal                      Name = "border_horizontal"
	BorderInner                           Name = "border_inner"
	BorderLeft                            Name = "border_left"
	BorderOuter                           Name = "border_outer"
	BorderRight                           Name = "border_right"
	BorderStyle                           Name = "border_style"
	BorderTop                             Name = "border_top"
	BorderVertical                        Name = "border_vertical"
	BrandingWatermark                     Name = "branding_watermark"
	Brightness1                           Name = "brightness_1"
	Brightness2                           Name = "brightness_2"
	Brightness3                           Name = "brightness_3"
	Brightness4                           Name = "brightness_4"
	Brightness5                           Name = "brightness_5"
	Brightness6                           Name = "brightness_6"
	Brightness7                           Name = "brightness_7"
	BrightnessAuto                        Name = "brightness_auto"
	BrightnessHigh                        Name = "brightness_high"
	BrightnessLow                         Name = "brightness_low"
	BrightnessMedium                      Name = "brightness_medium"
	BrokenImage                           Name = "broken_image"
	Brush                                 Name = "brush"
	BubbleChart                           Name = "bubble_chart"
	BugReport                             Name = "bug_report"
	Build                                 Name = "build"
	BurstMode                             Name = "burst_mode"
	Business                              Name = "business"
	BusinessCenter                        Name = "business_center"
	Cached                                Name = "cached"
	Cake                                  Name = "cake"
	Call                                  Name = "call"
	CallEnd                               Name = "call_end"
	CallMade                              Name = "call_made"
	CallMerge                             Name = "call_merge"
	CallMissed                            Name = "call_missed"
	CallMissedOutgoing                    Name = "call_missed_outgoing"
	CallReceived                          Name = "call_received"
	CallSplit                             Name = "call_split"
	CallToAction                          Name = "call_to_action"
	Camera                                Name = "camera"
	CameraAlt                             Name = "camera_alt"
	CameraEnhance                         Name = "camera_enhance"
	CameraFront                           Name = "camera_front"
	CameraRear                            Name = "camera_rear"
	CameraRoll                            Name = "camera_roll"
	Cancel                                Name = "cancel"
	CardGiftcard                          Name = "card_giftcard"
	CardMembership                        Name = "card_membership"
	CardTravel                            Name = "card_travel"
	Casino                                Name = "casino"
	Cast                                  Name = "cast"
	CastConnected                         Name = "cast_connected"
	CenterFocusStrong                     Name = "center_focus_strong"
	CenterFocusWeak                       Name = "center_focus_weak"
	ChangeHistory                         Name = "change_history"
	Chat                                  Name = "chat"
	ChatBubble                            Name = "chat_bubble"
	ChatBubbleOutline                     Name = "chat_bubble_outline"
	Check                                 Name = "check"
	CheckBox                              Name = "check_box"
	CheckBoxOutlineBlank                  Name = "check_box_outline_blank"
	CheckCircle                           Name = "check_circle"
	ChevronLeft                           Name = "chevron_left"
	ChevronRight                          Name = "chevron_right"
	ChildCare                             Name = "child_care"
	ChildFriendly                         Name = "child_friendly"
	ChromeReaderMode                      Name = "chrome_reader_mode"
	Class                                 Name = "class"
	Clear                                 Name = "clear"
	ClearAll                              Name = "clear_all"
	Close                                 Name = "close"
	ClosedCaption                         Name = "closed_caption"
	Cloud                                 Name = "cloud"
	CloudCircle                           Name = "cloud_circle"
	CloudDone                             Name = "cloud_done"
	CloudDownload                         Name = "cloud_download"
	CloudOff                              Name = "cloud_off"
	CloudQueue                            Name = "cloud_queue"
	CloudUpload                           Name = "cloud_upload"
	Code                                  Name = "code"
	Collections                           Name = "collections"
	CollectionsBookmark                   Name = "collections_bookmark"
	ColorLens                             Name = "color_lens"
	Colorize                              Name = "colorize"
	Comment                               Name = "comment"
	Compare                               Name = "compare"
	CompareArrows                         Name = "compare_arrows"
	Computer                              Name = "computer"
	ConfirmationNumber                    Name = "confirmation_number"
	ContactMail                           Name = "contact_mail"
	ContactPhone                          Name = "contact_phone"
	Contacts                              Name = "contacts"
	ContentCopy                           Name = "content_copy"
	ContentCut                            Name = "content_cut"
	ContentPaste                          Name = "content_paste"
	ControlPoint                          Name = "control_point"
	ControlPointDuplicate                 Name = "control_point_duplicate"
	Copyright                             Name = "copyright"
	Create                                Name = "create"
	CreateNewFolder                       Name = "create_new_folder"
	CreditCard                            Name = "credit_card"
	Crop                                  Name = "crop"
	Crop169                               Name = "crop_16_9"
	Crop32                                Name = "crop_3_2"
	Crop54                                Name = "crop_5_4"
	Crop75                                Name = "crop_7_5"
	CropDin                               Name = "crop_din"
	CropFree                              Name = "crop_free"
	CropLandscape                         Name = "crop_landscape"
	CropOriginal                          Name = "crop_original"
	CropPortrait                          Name = "crop_portrait"
	CropRotate                            Name = "crop_rotate"
	CropSquare                            Name = "crop_square"
	Dashboard                             Name = "dashboard"
	DataUsage                             Name = "data_usage"
	DateRange                             Name = "date_range"
	Dehaze                                Name = "dehaze"
	Delete                                Name = "delete"
	DeleteForever                         Name = "delete_forever"
	DeleteSweep                           Name = "delete_sweep"
	Description                           Name = "description"
	DesktopMac                            Name = "desktop_mac"
	DesktopWindows                        Name = "desktop_windows"
	Details                               Name = "details"
	DeveloperBoard                        Name = "developer_board"
	DeveloperMode                         Name = "developer_mode"
	DeviceHub                             Name = "device_hub"
	Devices                               Name = "devices"
	DevicesOther                          Name = "devices_other"
	DialerSip                             Name = "dialer_sip"
	Dialpad                               Name = "dialpad"
	Directions                            Name = "directions"
	DirectionsBike                        Name = "directions_bike"
	DirectionsBoat                        Name = "directions_boat"
	DirectionsBus                         Name = "directions_bus"
	DirectionsCar                         Name = "directions_car"
	DirectionsRailway                     Name = "directions_railway"
	DirectionsRun                         Name = "directions_run"
	DirectionsSubway                      Name = "directions_subway"
	DirectionsTransit                     Name = "directions_transit"
	DirectionsWalk                        Name = "directions_walk"
	DiscFull                              Name = "disc_full"
	Dns                                   Name = "dns"
	DoNotDisturb                          Name = "do_not_disturb"
	DoNotDisturbAlt                       Name = "do_not_disturb_alt"
	DoNotDisturbOff                       Name = "do_not_disturb_off"
	DoNotDisturbOn                        Name = "do_not_disturb_on"
	Dock                                  Name = "dock"
	Domain                                Name = "domain"
	Done                                  Name = "done"
	DoneAll                               Name = "done_all"
	DonutLarge                            Name = "donut_large"
	DonutSmall                            Name = "donut_small"
	Drafts                                Name = "drafts"
	DragHandle                            Name = "drag_handle"
	DriveEta                              Name = "drive_eta"
	Dvr                                   Name = "dvr"
	Edit                                  Name = "edit"
	EditLocation                          Name = "edit_location"
	Eject                                 Name = "eject"
	Email                                 Name = "email"
	EnhancedEncryption                    Name = "enhanced_encryption"
	Equalizer                             Name = "equalizer"
	Error                                 Name = "error"
	ErrorOutline                          Name = "error_outline"
	EuroSymbol                            Name = "euro_symbol"
	EvStation                             Name = "ev_station"
	Event                                 Name = "event"
	EventAvailable                        Name = "event_available"
	EventBusy                             Name = "event_busy"
	EventNote                             Name = "event_note"
	EventSeat                             Name = "event_seat"
	ExitToApp                             Name = "exit_to_app"
	ExpandLess                            Name = "expand_less"
	ExpandMore                            Name = "expand_more"
	Explicit                              Name = "explicit"
	Explore                               Name = "explore"
	Exposure                              Name = "exposure"
	ExposureNeg1                          Name = "exposure_neg_1"
	ExposureNeg2                          Name = "exposure_neg_2"
	ExposurePlus1                         Name = "exposure_plus_1"
	ExposurePlus2                         Name = "exposure_plus_2"
	ExposureZero                          Name = "exposure_zero"
	Extension                             Name = "extension"
	Face                                  Name = "face"
	FastForward                           Name = "fast_forward"
	FastRewind                            Name = "fast_rewind"
	Favorite                              Name = "favorite"
	FavoriteBorder                        Name = "favorite_border"
	FeaturedPlayList                      Name = "featured_play_list"
	FeaturedVideo                         Name = "featured_video"
	Feedback                              Name = "feedback"
	FiberDvr                              Name = "fiber_dvr"
	FiberManualRecord                     Name = "fiber_manual_record"
	FiberNew                              Name = "fiber_new"
	FiberPin                              Name = "fiber_pin"
	FiberSmartRecord                      Name = "fiber_smart_record"
	FileDownload                          Name = "file_download"
	FileUpload                            Name = "file_upload"
	Filter                                Name = "filter"
	Filter1                               Name = "filter_1"
	Filter2                               Name = "filter_2"
	Filter3                               Name = "filter_3"
	Filter4                               Name = "filter_4"
	Filter5                               Name = "filter_5"
	Filter6                               Name = "filter_6"
	Filter7                               Name = "filter_7"
	Filter8                               Name = "filter_8"
	Filter9                               Name = "filter_9"
	Filter9Plus                           Name = "filter_9_plus"
	FilterBAndW                           Name = "filter_b_and_w"
	FilterCenterFocus                     Name = "filter_center_focus"
	FilterDrama                           Name = "filter_drama"
	FilterFrames                          Name = "filter_frames"
	FilterHdr                             Name = "filter_hdr"
	FilterList                            Name = "filter_list"
	FilterNone                            Name = "filter_none"
	FilterTiltShift                       Name = "filter_tilt_shift"
	FilterVintage                         Name = "filter_vintage"
	FindInPage                            Name = "find_in_page"
	FindReplace                           Name = "find_replace"
	Fingerprint                           Name = "fingerprint"
	FirstPage                             Name = "first_page"
	FitnessCenter                         Name = "fitness_center"
	Flag                                  Name = "flag"
	Flare                                 Name = "flare"
	FlashAuto                             Name = "flash_auto"
	FlashOff                              Name = "flash_off"
	FlashOn                               Name = "flash_on"
	Flight                                Name = "flight"
	FlightLand                            Name = "flight_land"
	FlightTakeoff                         Name = "flight_takeoff"
	Flip                                  Name = "flip"
	FlipToBack                            Name = "flip_to_back"
	FlipToFront                           Name = "flip_to_front"
	Folder                                Name = "folder"
	FolderOpen                            Name = "folder_open"
	FolderShared                          Name = "folder_shared"
	FolderSpecial                         Name = "folder_special"
	FontDownload                          Name = "font_download"
	FormatAlignCenter                     Name = "format_align_center"
	FormatAlignJustify                    Name = "format_align_justify"
	FormatAlignLeft                       Name = "format_align_left"
	FormatAlignRight                      Name = "format_align_right"
	FormatBold                            Name = "format_bold"
	FormatClear                           Name = "format_clear"
	FormatColorFill                       Name = "format_color_fill"
	FormatColorReset                      Name = "format_color_reset"
	FormatColorText                       Name = "format_color_text"
	FormatIndentDecrease                  Name = "format_indent_decrease"
	FormatIndentIncrease                  Name = "format_indent_increase"
	FormatItalic                          Name = "format_italic"
	FormatLineSpacing                     Name = "format_line_spacing"
	FormatListBulleted                    Name = "format_list_bulleted"
	FormatListNumbered                    Name = "format_list_numbered"
	FormatPaint                           Name = "format_paint"
	FormatQuote                           Name = "format_quote"
	FormatShapes                          Name = "format_shapes"
	FormatSize                            Name = "format_size"
	FormatStrikethrough                   Name = "format_strikethrough"
	FormatTextdirectionLToR               Name = "format_textdirection_l_to_r"
	FormatTextdirectionRToL               Name = "format_textdirection_r_to_l"
	FormatUnderlined                      Name = "format_underlined"
	Forum                                 Name = "forum"
	Forward                               Name = "forward"
	Forward10                             Name = "forward_10"
	Forward30                             Name = "forward_30"
	Forward5                              Name = "forward_5"
	FreeBreakfast                         Name = "free_breakfast"
	Fullscreen                            Name = "fullscreen"
	FullscreenExit                        Name = "fullscreen_exit"
	Functions                             Name = "functions"
	GTranslate                            Name = "g_translate"
	Gamepad                               Name = "gamepad"
	Games                                 Name = "games"
	Gavel                                 Name = "gavel"
	Gesture                               Name = "gesture"
	GetApp                                Name = "get_app"
	Gif                                   Name = "gif"
	GolfCourse                            Name = "golf_course"
	GpsFixed                              Name = "gps_fixed"
	GpsNotFixed                           Name = "gps_not_fixed"
	GpsOff                                Name = "gps_off"
	Grade                                 Name = "grade"
	Gradient                              Name = "gradient"
	Grain                                 Name = "grain"
	GraphicEq                             Name = "graphic_eq"
	GridOff                               Name = "grid_off"
	GridOn                                Name = "grid_on"
	Group                                 Name = "group"
	GroupAdd                              Name = "group_add"
	GroupWork                             Name = "group_work"
	Hd                                    Name = "hd"
	HdrOff                                Name = "hdr_off"
	HdrOn                                 Name = "hdr_on"
	HdrStrong                             Name = "hdr_strong"
	HdrWeak                               Name = "hdr_weak"
	Headset                               Name = "headset"
	HeadsetMic                            Name = "headset_mic"
	Healing                               Name = "healing"
	Hearing                               Name = "hearing"
	Help                                  Name = "help"
	HelpOutline                           Name = "help_outline"
	HighQuality                           Name = "high_quality"
	Highlight                             Name = "highlight"
	HighlightOff                          Name = "highlight_off"
	History                               Name = "history"
	Home                                  Name = "home"
	HotTub                                Name = "hot_tub"
	Hotel                                 Name = "hotel"
	HourglassEmpty                        Name = "hourglass_empty"
	HourglassFull                         Name = "hourglass_full"
	Http                                  Name = "http"
	Https                                 Name = "https"
	Image                                 Name = "image"
	ImageAspectRatio                      Name = "image_aspect_ratio"
	ImportContacts                        Name = "import_contacts"
	ImportExport                          Name = "import_export"
	ImportantDevices                      Name = "important_devices"
	Inbox                                 Name = "inbox"
	IndeterminateCheckBox                 Name = "indeterminate_check_box"
	Info                                  Name = "info"
	InfoOutline                           Name = "info_outline"
	Input                                 Name = "input"
	InsertChart                           Name = "insert_chart"
	InsertComment                         Name = "insert_comment"
	InsertDriveFile                       Name = "insert_drive_file"
	InsertEmoticon                        Name = "insert_emoticon"
	InsertInvitation                      Name = "insert_invitation"
	InsertLink                            Name = "insert_link"
	InsertPhoto                           Name = "insert_photo"
	InvertColors                          Name = "invert_colors"
	InvertColorsOff                       Name = "invert_colors_off"
	Iso                                   Name = "iso"
	Keyboard                              Name = "keyboard"
	KeyboardArrowDown                     Name = "keyboard_arrow_down"
	KeyboardArrowLeft                     Name = "keyboard_arrow_left"
	KeyboardArrowRight                    Name = "keyboard_arrow_right"
	KeyboardArrowUp                       Name = "keyboard_arrow_up"
	KeyboardBackspace                     Name = "keyboard_backspace"
	KeyboardCapslock                      Name = "keyboard_capslock"
	KeyboardHide                          Name = "keyboard_hide"
	KeyboardReturn                        Name = "keyboard_return"
	KeyboardTab                           Name = "keyboard_tab"
	KeyboardVoice                         Name = "keyboard_voice"
	Kitchen                               Name = "kitchen"
	Label                                 Name = "label"
	LabelOutline                          Name = "label_outline"
	Landscape                             Name = "landscape"
	Language                              Name = "language"
	Laptop                                Name = "laptop"
	LaptopChromebook                      Name = "laptop_chromebook"
	LaptopMac                             Name = "laptop_mac"
	LaptopWindows                         Name = "laptop_windows"
	LastPage                              Name = "last_page"
	Launch                                Name = "launch"
	Layers                                Name = "layers"
	LayersClear                           Name = "layers_clear"
	LeakAdd                               Name = "leak_add"
	LeakRemove                            Name = "leak_remove"
	Lens                                  Name = "lens"
	LibraryAdd                            Name = "library_add"
	LibraryBooks                          Name = "library_books"
	LibraryMusic                          Name = "library_music"
	LightbulbOutline                      Name = "lightbulb_outline"
	LineStyle                             Name = "line_style"
	LineWeight                            Name = "line_weight"
	LinearScale                           Name = "linear_scale"
	Link                                  Name = "link"
	LinkedCamera                          Name = "linked_camera"
	List                                  Name = "list"
	LiveHelp                              Name = "live_help"
	LiveTv                                Name = "live_tv"
	LocalActivity                         Name = "local_activity"
	LocalAirport                          Name = "local_airport"
	LocalAtm                              Name = "local_atm"
	LocalBar                              Name = "local_bar"
	LocalCafe                             Name = "local_cafe"
	LocalCarWash                          Name = "local_car_wash"
	LocalConvenienceStore                 Name = "local_convenience_store"
	LocalDining                           Name = "local_dining"
	LocalDrink                            Name = "local_drink"
	LocalFlorist                          Name = "local_florist"
	LocalGasStation                       Name = "local_gas_station"
	LocalGroceryStore                     Name = "local_grocery_store"
	LocalHospital                         Name = "local_hospital"
	LocalHotel                            Name = "local_hotel"
	LocalLaundryService                   Name = "local_laundry_service"
	LocalLibrary                          Name = "local_library"
	LocalMall                             Name = "local_mall"
	LocalMovies                           Name = "local_movies"
	LocalOffer                            Name = "local_offer"
	LocalParking                          Name = "local_parking"
	LocalPharmacy                         Name = "local_pharmacy"
	LocalPhone                            Name = "local_phone"
	LocalPizza                            Name = "local_pizza"
	LocalPlay                             Name = "local_play"
	LocalPostOffice                       Name = "local_post_office"
	LocalPrintshop                        Name = "local_printshop"
	LocalSee                              Name = "local_see"
	LocalShipping                         Name = "local_shipping"
	LocalTaxi                             Name = "local_taxi"
	LocationCity                          Name = "location_city"
	LocationDisabled                      Name = "location_disabled"
	LocationOff                           Name = "location_off"
	LocationOn                            Name = "location_on"
	LocationSearching                     Name = "location_searching"
	Lock                                  Name = "lock"
	LockOpen                              Name = "lock_open"
	LockOutline                           Name = "lock_outline"
	Looks                                 Name = "looks"
	Looks3                                Name = "looks_3"
	Looks4                                Name = "looks_4"
	Looks5                                Name = "looks_5"
	Looks6                                Name = "looks_6"
	LooksOne                              Name = "looks_one"
	LooksTwo                              Name = "looks_two"
	Loop                                  Name = "loop"
	Loupe                                 Name = "loupe"
	LowPriority                           Name = "low_priority"
	Loyalty                               Name = "loyalty"
	Mail                                  Name = "mail"
	MailOutline                           Name = "mail_outline"
	Map                                   Name = "map"
	Markunread                            Name = "markunread"
	MarkunreadMailbox                     Name = "markunread_mailbox"
	Memory                                Name = "memory"
	Menu                                  Name = "menu"
	MergeType                             Name = "merge_type"
	Message                               Name = "message"
	Mic                                   Name = "mic"
	MicNone                               Name = "mic_none"
	MicOff                                Name = "mic_off"
	Mms                                   Name = "mms"
	ModeComment                           Name = "mode_comment"
	ModeEdit                              Name = "mode_edit"
	MonetizationOn                        Name = "monetization_on"
	MoneyOff                              Name = "money_off"
	MonochromePhotos                      Name = "monochrome_photos"
	Mood                                  Name = "mood"
	MoodBad                               Name = "mood_bad"
	More                                  Name = "more"
	MoreHoriz                             Name = "more_horiz"
	MoreVert                              Name = "more_vert"
	Motorcycle                            Name = "motorcycle"
	Mouse                                 Name = "mouse"
	MoveToInbox                           Name = "move_to_inbox"
	Movie                                 Name = "movie"
	MovieCreation                         Name = "movie_creation"
	MovieFilter                           Name = "movie_filter"
	MultilineChart                        Name = "multiline_chart"
	MusicNote                             Name = "music_note"
	MusicVideo                            Name = "music_video"
	MyLocation                            Name = "my_location"
	Nature                                Name = "nature"
	NaturePeople                          Name = "nature_people"
	NavigateBefore                        Name = "navigate_before"
	NavigateNext                          Name = "navigate_next"
	Navigation                            Name = "navigation"
	NearMe                                Name = "near_me"
	NetworkCell                           Name = "network_cell"
	NetworkCheck                          Name = "network_check"
	NetworkLocked                         Name = "network_locked"
	NetworkWifi                           Name = "network_wifi"
	NewReleases                           Name = "new_releases"
	NextWeek                              Name = "next_week"
	Nfc                                   Name = "nfc"
	NoEncryption                          Name = "no_encryption"
	NoSim                                 Name = "no_sim"
	NotInterested                         Name = "not_interested"
	Note                                  Name = "note"
	NoteAdd                               Name = "note_add"
	Notifications                         Name = "notifications"
	NotificationsActive                   Name = "notifications_active"
	NotificationsNone                     Name = "notifications_none"
	NotificationsOff                      Name = "notifications_off"
	NotificationsPaused                   Name = "notifications_paused"
	OfflinePin                            Name = "offline_pin"
	OndemandVideo                         Name = "ondemand_video"
	Opacity                               Name = "opacity"
	OpenInBrowser                         Name = "open_in_browser"
	OpenInNew                             Name = "open_in_new"
	OpenWith                              Name = "open_with"
	Pages                                 Name = "pages"
	Pageview                              Name = "pageview"
	Palette                               Name = "palette"
	PanTool                               Name = "pan_tool"
	Panorama                              Name = "panorama"
	PanoramaFishEye                       Name = "panorama_fish_eye"
	PanoramaHorizontal                    Name = "panorama_horizontal"
	PanoramaVertical                      Name = "panorama_vertical"
	PanoramaWideAngle                     Name = "panorama_wide_angle"
	PartyMode                             Name = "party_mode"
	Pause                                 Name = "pause"
	PauseCircleFilled                     Name = "pause_circle_filled"
	PauseCircleOutline                    Name = "pause_circle_outline"
	Payment                               Name = "payment"
	People                                Name = "people"
	PeopleOutline                         Name = "people_outline"
	PermCameraMic                         Name = "perm_camera_mic"
	PermContactCalendar                   Name = "perm_contact_calendar"
	PermDataSetting                       Name = "perm_data_setting"
	PermDeviceInformation                 Name = "perm_device_information"
	PermIdentity                          Name = "perm_identity"
	PermMedia                             Name = "perm_media"
	PermPhoneMsg                          Name = "perm_phone_msg"
	PermScanWifi                          Name = "perm_scan_wifi"
	Person                                Name = "person"
	PersonAdd                             Name = "person_add"
	PersonOutline                         Name = "person_outline"
	PersonPin                             Name = "person_pin"
	PersonPinCircle                       Name = "person_pin_circle"
	PersonalVideo                         Name = "personal_video"
	Pets                                  Name = "pets"
	Phone                                 Name = "phone"
	PhoneAndroid                          Name = "phone_android"
	PhoneBluetoothSpeaker                 Name = "phone_bluetooth_speaker"
	PhoneForwarded                        Name = "phone_forwarded"
	PhoneInTalk                           Name = "phone_in_talk"
	PhoneIphone                           Name = "phone_iphone"
	PhoneLocked                           Name = "phone_locked"
	PhoneMissed                           Name = "phone_missed"
	PhonePaused                           Name = "phone_paused"
	Phonelink                             Name = "phonelink"
	PhonelinkErase                        Name = "phonelink_erase"
	PhonelinkLock                         Name = "phonelink_lock"
	PhonelinkOff                          Name = "phonelink_off"
	PhonelinkRing                         Name = "phonelink_ring"
	PhonelinkSetup                        Name = "phonelink_setup"
	Photo                                 Name = "photo"
	PhotoAlbum                            Name = "photo_album"
	PhotoCamera                           Name = "photo_camera"
	PhotoFilter                           Name = "photo_filter"
	PhotoLibrary                          Name = "photo_library"
	PhotoSizeSelectActual                 Name = "photo_size_select_actual"
	PhotoSizeSelectLarge                  Name = "photo_size_select_large"
	PhotoSizeSelectSmall                  Name = "photo_size_select_small"
	PictureAsPdf                          Name = "picture_as_pdf"
	PictureInPicture                      Name = "picture_in_picture"
	PictureInPictureAlt                   Name = "picture_in_picture_alt"
	PieChart                              Name = "pie_chart"
	PieChartOutlined                      Name = "pie_chart_outlined"
	PinDrop                               Name = "pin_drop"
	Place                                 Name = "place"
	PlayArrow                             Name = "play_arrow"
	PlayCircleFilled                      Name = "play_circle_filled"
	PlayCircleOutline                     Name = "play_circle_outline"
	PlayForWork                           Name = "play_for_work"
	PlaylistAdd                           Name = "playlist_add"
	PlaylistAddCheck                      Name = "playlist_add_check"
	PlaylistPlay                          Name = "playlist_play"
	PlusOne                               Name = "plus_one"
	Poll                                  Name = "poll"
	Polymer                               Name = "polymer"
	Pool                                  Name = "pool"
	PortableWifiOff                       Name = "portable_wifi_off"
	Portrait                              Name = "portrait"
	Power                                 Name = "power"
	PowerInput                            Name = "power_input"
	PowerSettingsNew                      Name = "power_settings_new"
	PregnantWoman                         Name = "pregnant_woman"
	PresentToAll                          Name = "present_to_all"
	Print                                 Name = "print"
	PriorityHigh                          Name = "priority_high"
	Public                                Name = "public"
	Publish                               Name = "publish"
	QueryBuilder                          Name = "query_builder"
	QuestionAnswer                        Name = "question_answer"
	Queue                                 Name = "queue"
	QueueMusic                            Name = "queue_music"
	QueuePlayNext                         Name = "queue_play_next"
	Radio                                 Name = "radio"
	RadioButtonChecked                    Name = "radio_button_checked"
	RadioButtonUnchecked                  Name = "radio_button_unchecked"
	RateReview                            Name = "rate_review"
	Receipt                               Name = "receipt"
	RecentActors                          Name = "recent_actors"
	RecordVoiceOver                       Name = "record_voice_over"
	Redeem                                Name = "redeem"
	Redo                                  Name = "redo"
	Refresh                               Name = "refresh"
	Remove                                Name = "remove"
	RemoveCircle                          Name = "remove_circle"
	RemoveCircleOutline                   Name = "remove_circle_outline"
	RemoveFromQueue                       Name = "remove_from_queue"
	RemoveRedEye                          Name = "remove_red_eye"
	RemoveShoppingCart                    Name = "remove_shopping_cart"
	Reorder                               Name = "reorder"
	Repeat                                Name = "repeat"
	RepeatOne                             Name = "repeat_one"
	Replay                                Name = "replay"
	Replay10                              Name = "replay_10"
	Replay30                              Name = "replay_30"
	Replay5                               Name = "replay_5"
	Reply                                 Name = "reply"
	ReplyAll                              Name = "reply_all"
	Report                                Name = "report"
	ReportProblem                         Name = "report_problem"
	Restaurant                            Name = "restaurant"
	RestaurantMenu                        Name = "restaurant_menu"
	Restore                               Name = "restore"
	RestorePage                           Name = "restore_page"
	RingVolume                            Name = "ring_volume"
	Room                                  Name = "room"
	RoomService                           Name = "room_service"
	Rotate90DegreesCcw                    Name = "rotate_90_degrees_ccw"
	RotateLeft                            Name = "rotate_left"
	RotateRight                           Name = "rotate_right"
	RoundedCorner                         Name = "rounded_corner"
	Router                                Name = "router"
	Rowing                                Name = "rowing"
	RssFeed                               Name = "rss_feed"
	RvHookup                              Name = "rv_hookup"
	Satellite                             Name = "satellite"
	Save                                  Name = "save"
	Scanner                               Name = "scanner"
	Schedule                              Name = "schedule"
	School                                Name = "school"
	ScreenLockLandscape                   Name = "screen_lock_landscape"
	ScreenLockPortrait                    Name = "screen_lock_portrait"
	ScreenLockRotation                    Name = "screen_lock_rotation"
	ScreenRotation                        Name = "screen_rotation"
	ScreenShare                           Name = "screen_share"
	SdCard                                Name = "sd_card"
	SdStorage                             Name = "sd_storage"
	Search                                Name = "search"
	Security                              Name = "security"
	SelectAll                             Name = "select_all"
	Send                                  Name = "send"
	SentimentDissatisfied                 Name = "sentiment_dissatisfied"
	SentimentNeutral                      Name = "sentiment_neutral"
	SentimentSatisfied                    Name = "sentiment_satisfied"
	SentimentVeryDissatisfied             Name = "sentiment_very_dissatisfied"
	SentimentVerySatisfied                Name = "sentiment_very_satisfied"
	Settings                              Name = "settings"
	SettingsApplications                  Name = "settings_applications"
	SettingsBackupRestore                 Name = "settings_backup_restore"
	SettingsBluetooth                     Name = "settings_bluetooth"
	SettingsBrightness                    Name = "settings_brightness"
	SettingsCell                          Name = "settings_cell"
	SettingsEthernet                      Name = "settings_ethernet"
	SettingsInputAntenna                  Name = "settings_input_antenna"
	SettingsInputComponent                Name = "settings_input_component"
	SettingsInputComposite                Name = "settings_input_composite"
	SettingsInputHdmi                     Name = "settings_input_hdmi"
	SettingsInputSvideo                   Name = "settings_input_svideo"
	SettingsOverscan                      Name = "settings_overscan"
	SettingsPhone                         Name = "settings_phone"
	SettingsPower                         Name = "settings_power"
	SettingsRemote                        Name = "settings_remote"
	SettingsSystemDaydream                Name = "settings_system_daydream"
	SettingsVoice                         Name = "settings_voice"
	Share                                 Name = "share"
	Shop                                  Name = "shop"
	ShopTwo                               Name = "shop_two"
	ShoppingBasket                        Name = "shopping_basket"
	ShoppingCart                          Name = "shopping_cart"
	ShortText                             Name = "short_text"
	ShowChart                             Name = "show_chart"
	Shuffle                               Name = "shuffle"
	SignalCellular4Bar                    Name = "signal_cellular_4_bar"
	SignalCellularConnectedNoInternet4Bar Name = "signal_cellular_connected_no_internet_4_bar"
	SignalCellularNoSim                   Name = "signal_cellular_no_sim"
	SignalCellularNull                    Name = "signal_cellular_null"
	SignalCellularOff                     Name = "signal_cellular_off"
	SignalWifi4Bar                        Name = "signal_wifi_4_bar"
	SignalWifi4BarLock                    Name = "signal_wifi_4_bar_lock"
	SignalWifiOff                         Name = "signal_wifi_off"
	SimCard                               Name = "sim_card"
	SimCardAlert                          Name = "sim_card_alert"
	SkipNext                              Name = "skip_next"
	SkipPrevious                          Name = "skip_previous"
	Slideshow                             Name = "slideshow"
	SlowMotionVideo                       Name = "slow_motion_video"
	Smartphone                            Name = "smartphone"
	SmokeFree                             Name = "smoke_free"
	SmokingRooms                          Name = "smoking_rooms"
	Sms                                   Name = "sms"
	SmsFailed                             Name = "sms_failed"
	Snooze                                Name = "snooze"
	Sort                                  Name = "sort"
	SortByAlpha                           Name = "sort_by_alpha"
	Spa                                   Name = "spa"
	SpaceBar                              Name = "space_bar"
	Speaker                               Name = "speaker"
	SpeakerGroup                          Name = "speaker_group"
	SpeakerNotes                          Name = "speaker_notes"
	SpeakerNotesOff                       Name = "speaker_notes_off"
	SpeakerPhone                          Name = "speaker_phone"
	Spellcheck                            Name = "spellcheck"
	Star                                  Name = "star"
	StarBorder                            Name = "star_border"
	StarHalf                              Name = "star_half"
	Stars                                 Name = "stars"
	StayCurrentLandscape                  Name = "stay_current_landscape"
	StayCurrentPortrait                   Name = "stay_current_portrait"
	StayPrimaryLandscape                  Name = "stay_primary_landscape"
	StayPrimaryPortrait                   Name = "stay_primary_portrait"
	Stop                                  Name = "stop"
	StopScreenShare                       Name = "stop_screen_share"
	Storage                               Name = "storage"
	Store                                 Name = "store"
	StoreMallDirectory                    Name = "store_mall_directory"
	Straighten                            Name = "straighten"
	Streetview                            Name = "streetview"
	StrikethroughS                        Name = "strikethrough_s"
	Style                                 Name = "style"
	SubdirectoryArrowLeft                 Name = "subdirectory_arrow_left"
	SubdirectoryArrowRight                Name = "subdirectory_arrow_right"
	Subject                               Name = "subject"
	Subscriptions                         Name = "subscriptions"
	Subtitles                             Name = "subtitles"
	Subway                                Name = "subway"
	SupervisorAccount                     Name = "supervisor_account"
	SurroundSound                         Name = "surround_sound"
	SwapCalls                             Name = "swap_calls"
	SwapHoriz                             Name = "swap_horiz"
	SwapVert                              Name = "swap_vert"
	SwapVerticalCircle                    Name = "swap_vertical_circle"
	SwitchCamera                          Name = "switch_camera"
	SwitchVideo                           Name = "switch_video"
	Sync                                  Name = "sync"
	SyncDisabled                          Name = "sync_disabled"
	SyncProblem                           Name = "sync_problem"
	SystemUpdate                          Name = "system_update"
	SystemUpdateAlt                       Name = "system_update_alt"
	Tab                                   Name = "tab"
	TabUnselected                         Name = "tab_unselected"
	Tablet                                Name = "tablet"
	TabletAndroid                         Name = "tablet_android"
	TabletMac                             Name = "tablet_mac"
	TagFaces                              Name = "tag_faces"
	TapAndPlay                            Name = "tap_and_play"
	Terrain                               Name = "terrain"
	TextFields                            Name = "text_fields"
	TextFormat                            Name = "text_format"
	Textsms                               Name = "textsms"
	Texture                               Name = "texture"
	Theaters                              Name = "theaters"
	ThumbDown                             Name = "thumb_down"
	ThumbUp                               Name = "thumb_up"
	ThumbsUpDown                          Name = "thumbs_up_down"
	TimeToLeave                           Name = "time_to_leave"
	Timelapse                             Name = "timelapse"
	Timeline                              Name = "timeline"
	Timer                                 Name = "timer"
	Timer10                               Name = "timer_10"
	Timer3                                Name = "timer_3"
	TimerOff                              Name = "timer_off"
	Title                                 Name = "title"
	Toc                                   Name = "toc"
	Today                                 Name = "today"
	Toll                                  Name = "toll"
	Tonality                              Name = "tonality"
	TouchApp                              Name = "touch_app"
	Toys                                  Name = "toys"
	TrackChanges                          Name = "track_changes"
	Traffic                               Name = "traffic"
	Train                                 Name = "train"
	Tram                                  Name = "tram"
	TransferWithinAStation                Name = "transfer_within_a_station"
	Transform                             Name = "transform"
	Translate                             Name = "translate"
	TrendingDown                          Name = "trending_down"
	TrendingFlat                          Name = "trending_flat"
	TrendingUp                            Name = "trending_up"
	Tune                                  Name = "tune"
	TurnedIn                              Name = "turned_in"
	TurnedInNot                           Name = "turned_in_not"
	Tv                                    Name = "tv"
	Unarchive                             Name = "unarchive"
	Undo                                  Name = "undo"
	UnfoldLess                            Name = "unfold_less"
	UnfoldMore                            Name = "unfold_more"
	Update                                Name = "update"
	Usb                                   Name = "usb"
	VerifiedUser                          Name = "verified_user"
	VerticalAlignBottom                   Name = "vertical_align_bottom"
	VerticalAlignCenter                   Name = "vertical_align_center"
	VerticalAlignTop                      Name = "vertical_align_top"
	Vibration                             Name = "vibration"
	VideoCall                             Name = "video_call"
	VideoLabel                            Name = "video_label"
	VideoLibrary                          Name = "video_library"
	Videocam                              Name = "videocam"
	VideocamOff                           Name = "videocam_off"
	VideogameAsset                        Name = "videogame_asset"
	ViewAgenda                            Name = "view_agenda"
	ViewArray                             Name = "view_array"
	ViewCarousel                          Name = "view_carousel"
	ViewColumn                            Name = "view_column"
	ViewComfy                             Name = "view_comfy"
	ViewCompact                           Name = "view_compact"
	ViewDay                               Name = "view_day"
	ViewHeadline                          Name = "view_headline"
	ViewList                              Name = "view_list"
	ViewModule                            Name = "view_module"
	ViewQuilt                             Name = "view_quilt"
	ViewStream                            Name = "view_stream"
	ViewWeek                              Name = "view_week"
	Vignette                              Name = "vignette"
	Visibility                            Name = "visibility"
	VisibilityOff                         Name = "visibility_off"
	VoiceChat                             Name = "voice_chat"
	Voicemail                             Name = "voicemail"
	VolumeDown                            Name = "volume_down"
	VolumeMute                            Name = "volume_mute"
	VolumeOff                             Name = "volume_off"
	VolumeUp                              Name = "volume_up"
	VpnKey                                Name = "vpn_key"
	VpnLock                               Name = "vpn_lock"
	Wallpaper                             Name = "wallpaper"
	Warning                               Name = "warning"
	Watch                                 Name = "watch"
	WatchLater                            Name = "watch_later"
	WbAuto                                Name = "wb_auto"
	WbCloudy                              Name = "wb_cloudy"
	WbIncandescent                        Name = "wb_incandescent"
	WbIridescent                          Name = "wb_iridescent"
	WbSunny                               Name = "wb_sunny"
	Wc                                    Name = "wc"
	Web                                   Name = "web"
	WebAsset                              Name = "web_asset"
	Weekend                               Name = "weekend"
	Whatshot                              Name = "whatshot"
	Widgets                               Name = "widgets"
	Wifi                                  Name = "wifi"
	WifiLock                              Name = "wifi_lock"
	WifiTethering                         Name = "wifi_tethering"
	Work                                  Name = "work"
	WrapText                              Name = "wrap_text"
	YoutubeSearchedFor                    Name = "youtube_searched_for"
	ZoomIn                                Name = "zoom_in"
	ZoomOut                               Name = "zoom_out"
	ZoomOutMap                            Name = "zoom_out_map"

common mdl icon names

type Size

type Size uint

Size represents the icon size

const (
	None Size = iota

common icon size

func (Size) String

func (s Size) String() string

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL