
v0.0.0-...-c68c1c7 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 1, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 12 Imported by: 0




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var (
	TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS uint32 = 0x00000002
	TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD  uint32 = 0x00000004
	THREAD_ALL_ACCESS  uint32 = 0xffff
	CONTEXT_FULL       uint32 = 0x400003
	CONTEXT_SEGMENTS   uint32 = 0x04
	CONTEXt_ALL        uint32 = 0xffffff


func CallNextHookEx

func CallNextHookEx(hhook uintptr, nCode uint32, wparam uintptr, lparam uintptr) uintptr

func CloseHandle

func CloseHandle(handle uintptr)

func ConvertToUUIDS

func ConvertToUUIDS(payload string) []string

ConvertToUUIDS - converts a hex payload to a slice of UUID strings.

func CreateProcessA

func CreateProcessA(appName string,
	commandLine string,
	processAttributes uintptr,
	threadAttributes uintptr,
	inheritHandles uint32,
	creationFlags uint32,
	env uintptr,
	currentDir uintptr) (uint32, *syscall.StartupInfo, *syscall.ProcessInformation, error)

func CreateRemoteThread

func CreateRemoteThread(process uintptr, threadAttributes uintptr, stackSize uint64, startAddress uintptr, paramater uintptr, creationFlags uint32, threadID uint32)

func CreateThread

func CreateThread(startAddress uintptr) uintptr

func CreateToolhelp32Snapshot

func CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(flags uint32, pid uint32) uintptr

func DispatchMessage

func DispatchMessage(lpMsg uintptr) error

func EnumProcesses

func EnumProcesses() ([1024]uint32, uint32)

func EnumSystemLocalesA

func EnumSystemLocalesA(lpLocaleEnumProc uintptr, dwFlags uint32) error

func FindWindowA

func FindWindowA(lpClassName string) (uintptr, error)

func Get64BitProcesses

func Get64BitProcesses() []uint32

func GetCurrentThreadId

func GetCurrentThreadId() (uint32, error)

func GetMessage

func GetMessage(lpMsg uintptr, hWnd uintptr, wMsgFilterMin uint32, wMsgFilterMax uint32) (uint32, error)

func GetModuleHandleA

func GetModuleHandleA(moduleName string) uintptr

func GetProcAddress

func GetProcAddress(module uintptr, procName string) uintptr

func GetThreadContext

func GetThreadContext(hThread uintptr, ctx *CONTEXT) error

func GetThreadContext32

func GetThreadContext32(hThread uintptr, ctx *WOW64_CONTEXT) error

func GetWindowThreadProcessId

func GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd uintptr) (uint32, error)

func HeapAlloc

func HeapAlloc(heap uintptr, dwFlags uint32, dwBytes int) uintptr

func HeapCreate

func HeapCreate(options uint32, initialSize int, maximumSize uint32) uintptr

func Is64Bit

func Is64Bit(pid uint32) int

func IsWow64Process

func IsWow64Process(handle uintptr) uint32

func LoadLibraryA

func LoadLibraryA(LibFileName string) (uintptr, error)

func NtUnmapViewOfSection

func NtUnmapViewOfSection(processHandle uintptr, baseAddress uintptr) (uintptr, error)

func OpenProcess

func OpenProcess(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle uint32, processId uint32) (uintptr, error)

func OpenThread

func OpenThread(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle uint32, threadId uint32) (uintptr, error)

func PostThreadMessage

func PostThreadMessage(idThread uint32, msg uint32, wparam uintptr, lparam uintptr) (uint32, error)

func Process32First

func Process32First(snapshot uintptr, processEntry *windows.ProcessEntry32) (uintptr, error)

func Process32Next

func Process32Next(snapshot uintptr, processEntry *windows.ProcessEntry32) (uintptr, error)

func QueueUserAPC

func QueueUserAPC(pfnAPC *uintptr, tHandle uintptr) uint32

func ReadProcessMemory

func ReadProcessMemory(process uintptr, baseAddress uintptr, buffer []byte, size uint32) (uint32, error)

func ResumeThread

func ResumeThread(hThread uintptr) error

func RtlCopyMemory

func RtlCopyMemory(destination uintptr, source []byte)

func RtlMoveMemory

func RtlMoveMemory(source uintptr, length int) int

func RtlMoveMemory2

func RtlMoveMemory2(destination uintptr, source []byte)

func RunPE64

func RunPE64(payload []byte, target string, commandLine string)

RunPE64 - Heavily based on

there are still significant changes compared to original code.

func SelectRandomElement

func SelectRandomElement(array []uint32) int

func SetConsoleCtrlHandler

func SetConsoleCtrlHandler(handlerRoutine HANDLER, add uint32) error

func SetThreadContext

func SetThreadContext(hThread uintptr, ctx CONTEXT) error

func SetWindowsHookEx

func SetWindowsHookEx(idHook uint32, lpfn HOOKPROC, hmod uintptr, dwThreadID uint32) uintptr

func SplitToWords

func SplitToWords(array []byte, wordLen int, pad_incomplete bool) [][]byte

SplitToWords - Splits a slice into multiple slices based on word length.

func StringToCharPtr

func StringToCharPtr(str string) *uint8

func StringToUTF16Ptr

func StringToUTF16Ptr(str string) *uint16

func SwapEndianness

func SwapEndianness(array []byte, word_len int, pad_incomplete bool) []byte

SwapEndianness - Heavily inspired by code from CyberChef

func Thread32First

func Thread32First(snapshot uintptr, threadEntry *windows.ThreadEntry32) (uintptr, error)

func Thread32Next

func Thread32Next(snapshot uintptr, threadEntry *windows.ThreadEntry32) (uintptr, error)

func TranslateMessage

func TranslateMessage(lpMsg uintptr) error

func UUIDFromStringA

func UUIDFromStringA(uuidString string, uuid uintptr) (uintptr, error)

func UnhookWindowsHookEx

func UnhookWindowsHookEx(hhk uintptr) error

func VirtualAlloc

func VirtualAlloc(address uintptr, size int, allocationType uint64, protect uint64) uintptr

func VirtualAllocEx

func VirtualAllocEx(process uintptr, address uintptr, length int, allocationType uint32, protect uint32) uintptr

func VirtualAllocEx2

func VirtualAllocEx2(process uintptr, address uintptr, length uintptr, allocationType uint32, protect uint32) uintptr

func VirtualProtect

func VirtualProtect(address uintptr, size int, newProtect uint32) uint32

func WaitForSingleObject

func WaitForSingleObject(thread uintptr, milliseconds uint32)

func WriteProcessMemory

func WriteProcessMemory(process uintptr, baseAddress uintptr, buffer []byte) uint32

func WriteProcessMemory2

func WriteProcessMemory2(process uintptr, baseAddress uintptr, buffer []byte, length uint32) (uint32, error)



type CONTEXT struct {
	P1Home uint64
	P2Home uint64
	P3Home uint64
	P4Home uint64
	P5Home uint64
	P6Home uint64

	ContextFlags uint32
	MxCsr        uint32

	SegCs  uint16
	SegDs  uint16
	SegEs  uint16
	SegFs  uint16
	SegGs  uint16
	SegSs  uint16
	EFlags uint32

	Dr0 uint64
	Dr1 uint64
	Dr2 uint64
	Dr3 uint64
	Dr6 uint64
	Dr7 uint64

	Rax uint64
	Rcx uint64
	Rdx uint64
	Rbx uint64
	Rsp uint64
	Rbp uint64
	Rsi uint64
	Rdi uint64
	R8  uint64
	R9  uint64
	R10 uint64
	R11 uint64
	R12 uint64
	R13 uint64
	R14 uint64
	R15 uint64

	Rip uint64


	VectorRegister [26]M128A
	VectorControl  uint64

	DebugControl         uint64
	LastBranchToRip      uint64
	LastBranchFromRip    uint64
	LastExceptionToRip   uint64
	LastExceptionFromRip uint64


type HANDLER func() uintptr


type HOOKPROC func(int, uintptr, uintptr) uintptr


type LDT_ENTRY struct {
	LimitLow uint16
	BaseLow  uint16
	HighWord struct {
		Bytes struct {
			BaseMid byte
			Flags1  byte
			Flags2  byte
			BaseHi  byte
		Bits struct {
			BaseMid     uint32
			Type        uint32
			Dpl         uint32
			Pres        uint32
			LimitHi     uint32
			Sys         uint32
			Reserved0   uint32
			DefaultBig  uint32
			Granularity uint32
			BaseHi      uint32

func GetThreadSelectorEntry

func GetThreadSelectorEntry(hThread uintptr, dwSelector uint32) (*LDT_ENTRY, error)

func Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry

func Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry(hThread uintptr, dwSelector uint32) (*LDT_ENTRY, error)


	Reserved1       uint64
	PebBaseAddress  uint64
	Reserved2       uint64
	Reserved3       uint64
	UniqueProcessId uint64
	Reserved4       uint64

func NtQueryInformationProcess

func NtQueryInformationProcess(processHandle uintptr) (PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, error)


type WOW64_CONTEXT struct {
	ContextFlags      uint32
	Dr0               uint32
	Dr1               uint32
	Dr2               uint32
	Dr3               uint32
	Dr6               uint32
	Dr7               uint32
	FloatSave         WOW64_FLOATING_SAVE_AREA
	SegGs             uint32
	SegFs             uint32
	SegEs             uint32
	SegDs             uint32
	Edi               uint32
	Esi               uint32
	Ebx               uint32
	Edx               uint32
	Ecx               uint32
	Eax               uint32
	Ebp               uint32
	Eip               uint32
	SegCs             uint32
	EFlags            uint32
	Esp               uint32
	SegSs             uint32
	ExtendedRegisters [512]byte


type WOW64_FLOATING_SAVE_AREA struct {
	ControlWord   uint32
	StatusWord    uint32
	TagWord       uint32
	ErrorOffset   uint32
	ErrorSelector uint32
	DataOffset    uint32
	DataSelector  uint32
	RegisterArea  [80]byte
	Cr0NpxState   uint32


type XMM_SAVE_AREA32 struct {
	ControlWord    uint16
	StatusWord     uint16
	TagWord        byte
	Reserved1      byte
	ErrorOpcode    uint16
	ErrorOffset    uint32
	ErrorSelector  uint16
	Reserved2      uint16
	DataOffset     uint32
	DataSelector   uint16
	Reserved3      uint16
	MxCsr          uint32
	MxCsr_Mask     uint32
	FloatRegisters [8]M128A
	XmmRegisters   [256]byte
	Reserved4      [96]byte

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