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Published: May 13, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 34 Imported by: 0


= Fabric8 Auth
:toc-placement: preamble

image:https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth[Go Report Card, link="https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth"]

== Documentation [[docs]]

You can find both reference documentation and developer documentation in the following location:

link:https://fabric8-services.github.io/fabric8-auth/index.html[fabric8-auth docs].

== Building from source [[building]]

The following guide is mainly targeted towards a Linux or Mac OSX development
machine. If you are on Windows, we recommend to take a look at
link:docs/source/getting-started-win.adoc[Getting started with fabric8-auth development on Windows].

=== Prerequisites [[prerequisites]]

You need to install:

* `go` (>= v1.8)
* `git`
* `mercurial`
* `make`

==== Check your Go version [[check-go-version]]

Run the following command to find out your Go version.

$ go version

*You must at least have Go version 1.8.*

See <<fetch-dependencies>> to see an explanaition on how we deal with

==== Install dep [[dep-setup]]

This project uses https://github.com/golang/dep[dep] as a package manager for Go.
Running the `make deps` command will install `dep` in `$GOPATH/bin` if it's not already available on your system.

=== Get the code [[get-the-code]]

Assuming you have Go installed and configured (have `$GOPATH` setup) here is
how to build.

Check out the code

$ git clone https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth

=== Build [[build]]

Like most other projects, this one depends on various other projects that need
to be downloaded.

We also generate some code from design files that shall make it into our
final artifacts.

To fetch the dependencies, generate code and finally build the project you can
type `make` in a freshly clone repository of this project.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make
If you are getting the following error
[ERROR]	Failed to set references: Unable to update checked out version (Skip to cleanup)
make: *** [vendor] Error 1
Try out this
$ glide cache-clear
$ make clean deps
$ make build

==== Special make targets

There is no need to fetch the dependencies, or re-generate code every time you
want to compile. That's why we offer special `make` targets for these topics:

 * <<fetch-dependencies>>
 * <<generate-code>>
 * <<build>>
 * <<clean>>
 * <<test>>
 * <<coverage>>

===== Fetch dependencies [[fetch-dependencies]]

This will download all the dependencies for this project inside a directory
called `vendor`. This way we can ensure that every developer and our CI system
is using the same version.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make deps

For dependency management of `go` packages we use https://github.com/golang/dep[`dep`].

The file `Gopkg.toml` contains all dependencies. If you want to understand the format for this file, look link:https://golang.github.io/dep/docs/Gopkg.toml.html[here].

===== Generate GOA sources [[generate-code]]

You need to run this command if you just checked out the code and later if
you've modified the designs.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make generate

===== Build [[build]]

If you want to just build the Auth server and client, run `make build`.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make build

===== Clean [[clean]]

This removes all downloaded dependencies, all generated code and compiled

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make clean

===== Tests [[test]]

Here's how to run all available tests. All tests will check all Go packages
except those in the `vendor/` directory.
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose available.

Setting up test environment - `make integration-test-env-prepare`

Tear test environment down - `make integration-test-env-tear-down`

Unit tests have the minimum requirement on time and environment setup.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make test-unit

Integration tests demand more setup (i.e. the PostgreSQL DB must be already
running) and probably time. We recommend that you use `docker-compose up -d db`.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make test-integration

End-to-End tests uses DB (i.e. the PostgreSQL DB must be already
running). We recommend that you use `docker-compose up -d db`.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make test-e2e

To run both, the unit and the integration tests you can run
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make test-all

By default, test data is removed from the database after each test, unless the `AUTH_CLEAN_TEST_DATA` environment variable is set to `false`. This can be particularily useful to run queries on the test data after a test failure, in order to understand why the result did not match the expectations.

Also, all SQL queries can be displayed in the output if the `AUTH_ENABLE_DB_LOGS` environment variable is set to `true. Beware that this can be very verbose, though ;)

===== Coverage [[coverage]]

To visualize the coverage of unit, integration, or all tests you can run these

 * `$ make coverage-unit`
 * `$ make coverage-integration`
 * `$ make coverage-all`

NOTE: If the tests (see <<test>>) have not yet run, or if the sources have changed
since the last time the tests ran, they will be re-run to produce up to date
coverage profiles.

Each of the above tests (see <<test>>) produces a coverage profile by default.
Those coverage files are available under


Here's how the <placeholders> expand

something like `github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/models`

`unit` or `integration`

Sets the mode for coverage analysis for the packages being tested.
Possible values for `<mode>` are *set* (the default), *count*, or *atomic* and
they directly relate to the output of `go test --help`.
 * *set*: bool: does this statement run?
 * *count*: int: how many times does this statement run?
 * *atomic*: int: count, but correct in multithreaded tests; significantly more

In addition to all individual coverage information for each package, we also
create three more files:

This file collects all the coverage profiles for all *unit* tests.

This file collects all the coverage profiles for all *integration* tests.

This file is the merge result of the two afore mentioned files and thus gives
coverage information for all tests.

==== Development

These files and directories are generated and should not be edited:

 * `./app/`
 * `./client/`
 * `./swagger/`
 * `./tool/cli/`

== Developer setup

Start up dependent docker services using `docker-compose` and runs auto reload on source change tool `fresh`.

$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth
$ make dev

The above steps start the API Server on port 8089.

Test out the build by executing CLI commands in a different terminal.

NOTE: The CLI needs the API Server which was started on executing `make dev`  to be up and running. Please do not kill the process. Alternatively if you haven't run `make dev` you could just start the server by running `./bin/auth`.

Generate a token for future use.
./bin/auth-cli generate token -H localhost:8089 --pp

You should get Token in response, save this token in your favourite editor as you need to use this token for POST API calls

=== Creating User using Service Account token in DB.
==== Creating Service Account token for online registration.
We need Service Account token to create user in AUTH. Now to create SA token in development mode, we can use following api

curl -X POST http://localhost:8089/api/token -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
  "client_id": "f867ec72-3171-4b8f-8eec-90a32eab6e0b",
  "client_secret": "secret",
  "grant_type": "client_credentials"

You will receive response like follow:

==== Approving User in Auth DB and Creating user in WIT

Once you have RHD account and auth service running locally, you can use above created service account token to create user like following

curl -X POST  http://localhost:8089/api/users   -H "authorization: Bearer $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN"   -H 'content-type: application/json'   -d '{
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "email": "dipakpawar@gmail.com",
      "rhd_username": "dipakpawar",
      "username": "dipakpawar",
      "cluster": "https://cluster-url.com",
    "type": "identities"

You don't have to find `rhd_user_id` from RHD as it is random UUID and you can put any random number there.

This will create identity and user in the auth DB and user in WIT. Make sure to give correct email and username with your identity provider(RHD).

Note: If you haven't not created user, you will get `user dipakpawar is not approved` error during logging. You need to follow above mentioned steps to approve user.

==== Running above steps using shell script
If you are too lazy to do above steps just run following command with your server, username, email parameters.
 curl -sSL https://git.io/fxY5T | bash -s -- -s http://localhost:8089/api/token -u username -e email  -c mycluster.url.com

=== Reset Database

The database are kept in a docker container that gets reused between restarts. Thus restarts will not clear out the database.

To clear out the database kill the database like this:

$ docker kill fabric8auth_db_1 && docker rm fabric8auth_db_1

In case you have mulitple `fabric8*` running use `docker ps` to locate the container name.

== Rapid development on Minishift

See the following README in the minishift directory for instructions on running fabric8-auth in minishift:

link:minishift/README.md[Minishift README].


The Go Gopher

There is no documentation for this package.


Path Synopsis
Package application contains the code declaration of the necessary interfaces which hold the business logic of our application.
Package application contains the code declaration of the necessary interfaces which hold the business logic of our application.
Package repository contains interfaces used to abstract the interaction with repository objects
Package repository contains interfaces used to abstract the interaction with repository objects
Package base contains interfaces used by our repositories.
Package base contains interfaces used by our repositories.
Package service defines an interface used to provide access to objects in the service layer
Package service defines an interface used to provide access to objects in the service layer
Package base contains the base service struct which service implementations should extend
Package base contains the base service struct which service implementations should extend
Package transaction contains interfaces and business logic for managing transactions
Package transaction contains interfaces and business logic for managing transactions
Package account contains the code to manage users and integrate authenthication functionalities from other identity providers.
Package account contains the code to manage users and integrate authenthication functionalities from other identity providers.
Package repository provides the wrappers for 'user' and 'identity' related database interactions.
Package repository provides the wrappers for 'user' and 'identity' related database interactions.
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing users and identities
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing users and identities
Package authorization provides the APIs for all available authorization concepts.
Package authorization provides the APIs for all available authorization concepts.
Package group provides APIs for managing groups.
Package group provides APIs for managing groups.
The invitation packages provides features relating to the creation and management of invitations; an offer to a user to join an organization, team or security group
The invitation packages provides features relating to the creation and management of invitations; an offer to a user to join an organization, team or security group
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing invitations
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing invitations
Package organization provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing organizations.
Package organization provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing organizations.
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing organizations
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing organizations
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing and accessing permissions
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing and accessing permissions
Package resource provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing resources.
Package resource provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing resources.
Package repository provides the APIs for making 'resource' related database interactions.
Package repository provides the APIs for making 'resource' related database interactions.
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing protected resources
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing protected resources
Package resourcetype provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing resource types.
Package resourcetype provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing resource types.
Package repository provides the APIs for making resource_type related database interactions.
Package repository provides the APIs for making resource_type related database interactions.
Package role provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing roles.
Package role provides the service, model and repository APIs for managing roles.
Package repository provides the wrappers for 'role' related database interactions.
Package repository provides the wrappers for 'role' related database interactions.
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing role assignments
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing role assignments
Package space provides APIs for managing spaces
Package space provides APIs for managing spaces
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing spaces
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing spaces
Package team provides APIs for managing teams
Package team provides APIs for managing teams
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing teams
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing teams
Package token provides the services, repositories and types for managing RPT tokens
Package token provides the services, repositories and types for managing RPT tokens
Package repository provides the APIs for making 'token' related database interactions.
Package repository provides the APIs for making 'token' related database interactions.
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing RPT tokens
Package service encapsulates the business logic for managing RPT tokens
Package cluster contains the code to communicate with Cluster Management Service
Package cluster contains the code to communicate with Cluster Management Service
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing target OpenShift clusters
Package service provides the code which encapsulates business logic for managing target OpenShift clusters
Package configuration is in charge of the validation and extraction of all the configuration details from a configuration file.
Package configuration is in charge of the validation and extraction of all the configuration details from a configuration file.
Package design contains the generic API machinery code of our adder API generated using goa framework.
Package design contains the generic API machinery code of our adder API generated using goa framework.
Package errors holds some of the defined wrappers to handle specific type of errors.
Package errors holds some of the defined wrappers to handle specific type of errors.
This package contains a custom goa middleware that aims to extract, when possible, the token from the http requests.
This package contains a custom goa middleware that aims to extract, when possible, the token from the http requests.
Package gormapplication contains the code in charge of managing CRUD operations over all the defined objects in our gorm database.
Package gormapplication contains the code in charge of managing CRUD operations over all the defined objects in our gorm database.
Package gormsupport provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database.
Package gormsupport provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database.
Package gormtestsupport provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database in tests.
Package gormtestsupport provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database in tests.
Package benchmark provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database in benchmarks.
Package benchmark provides all the required functions to manage the lifecycle and common operations against our gorm database in benchmarks.
Package log provides an implementation of our own logging API calls atop of logrus logging package
Package log provides an implementation of our own logging API calls atop of logrus logging package
Package migration contains all the necessary code for the creation and population of the database.
Package migration contains all the necessary code for the creation and population of the database.
Package notification contains all the necessary code for communication with the notification service.
Package notification contains all the necessary code for communication with the notification service.
Package service encapsulates the business logic for notification service
Package service encapsulates the business logic for notification service
Package resource is used to manage which tests shall be executed.
Package resource is used to manage which tests shall be executed.
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This file was generated by counterfeiter

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