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v1.14.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 4, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 9 Imported by: 0


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Lightweight Hashicorp Vault PKI client, built for infrastructure automation. Automatically request and renew certificates generated inside vault via the PKI backend.

By default, Vaultbot will only renew certificates that are due for renewal within a specified period. Therefore Vaultbot is ideal for running at a fixed interval (e.g. crontab). This tool is also inspired by the well-known certbot for letsencrypt.


Getting Started

Requesting and renewing a certificate is straightforward. See the following self-explanatory example:

./vaultbot --vault_addr=http://localhost:1234 --vault_token=myroot --pki_mount=pki --pki_role_name=example-dot-com --pki_ttl=24h --pki_renew_time=4h, --pki_ip_sans=

You can also see further usage information by running ./vaultbot --help

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Binary Releases

Automated builds are available for all major platforms. All releases are scanned for vulnearbilities before publishing.

Alternatively, you can build the latest version from source as well.


You can configure Vaultbot by specifying command-line options or the corresponding environment variables.

  vaultbot [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -v, --verbose                               Show verbose debug information
      --logfile=                              Path to the Vaultbot logfile. Defaults to stdout. [$LOGFILE]
      --renew_hook=                           Command to execute after certificate has been updated. For this command, the shell environment variable VAULTBOT_RENEWED_CN will point to pki common name [$RENEW_HOOK]
  -y, --auto_confirm                          If set, user prompts will be auto confirmed with yes [$AUTO_CONFIRM]
      --version                               Prints the current vaultbot version and exits.

Vault Options:
      --vault_addr=                           The address of the Vault server expressed as a URL and port (default: [$VAULT_ADDR]
      --vault_cacert=                         Path to a PEM-encoded CA cert file to use to verify the Vault server SSL certificate. [$VAULT_CACERT]
      --vault_capath=                         Path to a directory of PEM-encoded CA cert files to verify the Vault server SSL certificate. If VAULT_CACERT is specified, its value will take precedence. [$VAULT_CAPATH]
      --vault_client_cert=                    Path to a PEM-encoded client certificate for TLS authentication to the Vault server. [$VAULT_CLIENT_CERT]
      --vault_client_key=                     Path to an unencrypted PEM-encoded private key matching the client certificate. [$VAULT_CLIENT_KEY]
      --vault_client_timeout=                 Timeout variable for the vault client. [$VAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT]
      --vault_skip_verify                     If set, do not verify Vault's presented certificate before communicating with it. Setting this variable is not recommended except during testing. [$VAULT_SKIP_VERIFY]
      --vault_tls_server_name=                If set, use the given name as the SNI host when connecting via TLS. [$VAULT_TLS_SERVER_NAME]
      --vault_max_retries=                    The maximum number of retries when a 5xx error code is encountered. [$VAULT_MAX_RETRIES]
      --vault_token=                          The Vault authentication token. [$VAULT_TOKEN]
      --vault_renew_token                     If set, vaultbot tries to automatically renew the current token [$RENEW_TOKEN]
      --vault_auth_method=                    The method used to authenitcate to vault. Should be one of [agent, cert, approle, token, aws-iam, aws-ec2, gcp-gce, gcp-iam] (default: token) [$VAULT_AUTH_METHOD]
      --vault_certificate_role=               The certificate role to authenticate against, when using the cert auth mehtod. [$VAULT_CERTIFICATE_ROLE]
      --vault_aws_auth_role=                  The role to use for AWS IAM authentication [$VAULT_AWS_AUTH_ROLE]
      --vault_aws_auth_mount=                 The mount path for the vault AWS auth method (default: aws) [$VAULT_AWS_AUTH_MOUNT]
      --vault_aws_auth_header=                The header to use during vault AWS IAM authentication. If empty no header will be set [$VAULT_AWS_AUTH_HEADER]
      --vault_aws_auth_nonce=                 The nonce to use during vault AWS EC2 authentication [$VAULT_AWS_AUTH_NONCE]
      --vault_aws_auth_nonce_path=            If set, the nonce that is used during vault AWS EC2 authentication will be written to this path [$VAULT_AWS_AUTH_NONCE_PATH]
      --vault_gcp_auth_role=                  The role to use for GCP authentication [$VAULT_GCP_AUTH_ROLE]
      --vault_gcp_auth_service_account_email= The service account email to use for GCP IAM authentiation [$VAULT_GCP_AUTH_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL]
      --vault_gcp_auth_mount=                 The mount path for the vault GCP auth method (default: gcp) [$VAULT_GCP_AUTH_MOUNT]
      --vault_app_role_mount=                 The mount path for the AppRole backend (default: approle) [$VAULT_APP_ROLE_MOUNT]
      --vault_app_role_role_id=               RoleID of the AppRole [$VAULT_APP_ROLE_ROLE_ID]
      --vault_app_role_secret_id=             SecretID belonging to AppRole [$VAULT_APP_ROLE_SECRET_ID]

PKI Options:
      --pki_mount=                            Specifies the PKI backend mount path (default: pki) [$PKI_MOUNT]
      --pki_role_name=                        Specifies the name of the role to create the certificate against [$PKI_ROLE_NAME]
      --pki_common_name=                      Specifies the requested CN for the certificate [$PKI_COMMON_NAME]
      --pki_alt_names=                        Specifies requested Subject Alternative Names, in a comma-delimited list [$PKI_ALT_NAMES]
      --pki_ip_sans=                          Specifies requested IP Subject Alternative Names, in a comma-delimited list [$PKI_IP_SANS]
      --pki_ttl=                              Specifies requested Time To Live [$PKI_TTL]
      --pki_exclude_cn_from_sans              If set, the given common_name will not be included in DNS or Email Subject Alternate Names (as appropriate) [$EXCLUDE_CN_FROM_SANS]
      --pki_private_key_format=               Specifies the format for marshaling the private key. [$PRIVATE_KEY_FORMAT]
      --pki_renew_percent=                    Percentage of requested certificate TTL, which triggers a renewal when passed (>0.00, <1.00) (default: 0.75) [$PKI_RENEW_PERCENT]
      --pki_renew_time=                       Time in hours before certificate expiry, which triggers a renewal (e.g. 12h, 1m). Takes precedence over renew_time when set. [$PKI_RENEW_TIME]
      --pki_force_renew                       If set, the certificate will be renewed without checking the expiry [$PKI_FORCE_RENEW]
      --pki_cert_path=                        Path to the requested / to be updated certificate [$PKI_CERT_PATH]
      --pki_cachain_path=                     Path to the CA Chain of the requested / to be updated certificate (default: chain.pem) [$PKI_CACHAIN_PATH]
      --pki_privkey_path=                     Path to the private key of the requested / to be updated certificate (default: key.pem) [$PKI_PRIVKEY_PATH]
      --pki_pembundle_path=                   Path to the pem bundle of the requested / to be updated certificate, private key and ca chain [$PKI_PEMBUNDLE_PATH]
      --pki_jks_export                        DEPRECATED: export to JKS is now determined by specifying pki_jks_path [$PKI_JKS_EXPORT]
      --pki_jks_path=                         Path to a JAVA KeyStore where the certificates should be exported [$PKI_JKS_PATH]
      --pki_jks_password=                     JAVA KeyStore password (default: ChangeIt) [$PKI_JKS_PASSWORD]
      --pki_jks_cert_alias=                   Alias in the JAVA KeyStore of the requested / to be updated certificate (default: cert.pem) [$PKI_JKS_CERT_ALIAS]
      --pki_jks_cachain_alias=                Alias in the JAVA KeyStore of the CA Chain of the requested / to be updated certificate (default: chain.pem) [$PKI_JKS_CACHAIN_ALIAS]
      --pki_jks_privkey_alias=                Alias in the JAVA KeyStore of the private key of the requested / to be updated certificate (default: key.pem) [$PKI_JKS_PRIVKEY_ALIAS]
      --pki_pkcs12_path=                      Path to a PKCS#12 KeyStore where the certificates should be exported to [$PKI_PKCS12_PATH]
      --pki_pkcs12_umask=                     Umask of the generated PKCS#12 KeyStore. Existing keystore will keep it's umask. Octal format required (e.g. 0644) (default: 0600) [$PKI_PKCS12_UMASK]
      --pki_pkcs12_password=                  Default password is "ChangeIt", a commonly-used password for PKCS#12 files. Due to the weak encryption used by PKCS#12, it is RECOMMENDED that you use the default password when encoding PKCS#12 files, and protect the PKCS#12 files using other means. (default: ChangeIt) [$PKI_PKCS12_PASSWORD]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                  Show this help message

Renewing existing certificates

When Vaultbot is run and pki_cert_path points to an existing certificate, the certificate is only renewed and overwritten when specific criteria are met.

You can either specify pki_renew_percent (e.g. 0.75), to renew the certificate after 75% of its lifespan has been reached. Otherwise, you can specify pki_renew_time to set a fixed amount of time before the expiry date, which will trigger a renewal when passed.

If you want to renew the certificate on every run, you can specify the pki_force_renew flag.

Renew Hook

Vaultbot can execute arbitrary commands after a successful certificate renewal, by specifying the renew_hook flag.

Sanity checks and user confirmation

By default, Vaultbot performs a small set of sanity checks before overwriting an existing certificate at the pki_(cert/cachain/privkey/_path) locations.

If the newly requested certificate data (common name, dns alternative names, ip SANS) differs from the data specified in the existing certificate at the location, the user will be asked for confirmation.

If you want to skip these checks in automated environments, you can specify the y or auto_confirm flag.

Authentication Methods

Vaultbot supports the following methods to authenticate to vault. These methods can be configured via the vault_auth_method option. For more information see Configuration.

Authentication Option Description
agent Authentication through an auto-auth configured vault agent. Requires the vault_addr to point to the configured vault agent
token Simple method where only a token is supplied, see vault token auth
cert Authentication via TLS client certificate, see vault cert auth
approle Authentication method designed for automated / non-human operators, see vault AppRole auth
aws-iam Authentication via AWS IAM credentials, see vault IAM auth
aws-ec2 Authentication via AWS EC2 metadata, see vault ec2 auth
gcp-iam Authentication via GCP IAM metadata, see vault gcp auth
gcp-gce Authentication via GCP GCE metadata, see vault gcp auth

Managing JAVA Key Store

By default, Vaultbot manages certificates through PEM files. In some ecosystems, certificates and keys might be stored within JAVA Key Stores.

To check, store, and renew certificates and keys from JAVA Key Stores, specify the --pki_jks_path parameter. Provide the path and matching password to the keystore via --pki_jks_path=path/to/my/jks.jks and --pki_jks_password=My53cr3t. All keys and certificates can then be differentiated thanks to their JAVA Key Store aliases: --pki_jks_cert_alias=MyCertAlias -pki_jks_cachain_alias=MyCAChainAlias --pki_jks_privkey_alias=MyPrivKeyAlias

All other functionality is identical to the regular Vaulbot behavior. Please note that certificates and keys will be exported to to both PEM files and JAVA Key Stores if both --pki_jks_path and --pki_cert_path are specified.

WARNING: Please keep in mind that this functionality relies on the external community mod pavel-v-chernykh/keystore-go. We recommend using a new Keystore specifically for Vaultbot, to avoid unforeseen changes to existing Keystores.

Managing PKCS#12 Key Store

By default, Vaultbot manages certificates through PEM files. In some ecosystems, certificates and keys might be stored within PKCS#12 Key Stores.

To check, store, and renew certificates and keys from PKCS#12 Key Stores, specifiy the --pki_pkcs12_path parameter. Provide the path and matching password to the keystore via --pki_pkcs12_path=path/to/my/pfx.p12 and --pki_pkcs12_password=ChangeIt. Optionaly provide umask using--pki_pkcs12_umask and the octal syntax (e.g. 0644)

All other functionality is identical to the regular Vaulbot behavior. Please note that certififcates and keys will be exported to both PEM files and PKCS#12 Key Stores if both --pki_pkcs12_path and --pki_cert_path are specified.

WARNING: This functionality as of now doesn't support friendly names

Production Use cases and Users

If you are using vaultbot in a production environment, let us know by creating a MR and adding yourself to the list. It's always awesome to see a project put to good use 🚀

Use cases of vaultbot:

  • continuously renewing short-lived certificates for 50+ elasticsearch nodes @share-now


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository or take a look at the


  • Marius Svechla - Initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


MIT License
Copyright (c) [2018] [Marius Svechla]



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