
package module
v0.0.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Sep 30, 2022 License: MIT Imports: 3 Imported by: 6



Build Status



Code generated by gitoa.ru/go-4devs/mime and sourse ../mime.yaml

Code generated by gitoa.ru/go-4devs/mime and sourse ../mime.yaml




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Ext

type Ext int
const (
	ExtUnrecognized                Ext = 0
	ExtPdf                         Ext = 1
	ExtEz                          Ext = 2
	ExtAnx                         Ext = 3
	ExtAw                          Ext = 4
	ExtAtom                        Ext = 5
	ExtAtomcat                     Ext = 6
	ExtAtomdeleted                 Ext = 7
	ExtAtomsvc                     Ext = 8
	ExtDwd                         Ext = 9
	ExtHeld                        Ext = 10
	ExtRsat                        Ext = 11
	ExtBdoc                        Ext = 12
	ExtBz2                         Ext = 13
	ExtBz                          Ext = 14
	ExtXcs                         Ext = 15
	ExtCcxml                       Ext = 16
	ExtCdfx                        Ext = 17
	ExtCdmia                       Ext = 18
	ExtCdmic                       Ext = 19
	ExtCdmid                       Ext = 20
	ExtCdmio                       Ext = 21
	ExtCdmiq                       Ext = 22
	ExtCdr                         Ext = 23
	ExtCsv                         Ext = 24
	ExtCu                          Ext = 25
	ExtMpd                         Ext = 26
	ExtDavmount                    Ext = 27
	ExtDbf                         Ext = 28
	ExtDcm                         Ext = 29
	ExtDbk                         Ext = 30
	ExtDocbook                     Ext = 31
	ExtDssc                        Ext = 32
	ExtXdssc                       Ext = 33
	ExtEcma                        Ext = 34
	ExtEs                          Ext = 35
	ExtEmf                         Ext = 36
	ExtEmma                        Ext = 37
	ExtEmotionml                   Ext = 38
	ExtEpub                        Ext = 39
	ExtExi                         Ext = 40
	ExtFdt                         Ext = 41
	ExtPfr                         Ext = 42
	ExtWoff                        Ext = 43
	ExtSwf                         Ext = 44
	ExtSpl                         Ext = 45
	ExtGeojson                     Ext = 46
	ExtGeoDotJSON                  Ext = 47
	ExtGml                         Ext = 48
	ExtGnd                         Ext = 49
	ExtGpx                         Ext = 50
	ExtGxf                         Ext = 51
	ExtGz                          Ext = 52
	ExtHjson                       Ext = 53
	ExtStk                         Ext = 54
	ExtIco                         Ext = 55
	ExtVcs                         Ext = 56
	ExtIcs                         Ext = 57
	ExtAi                          Ext = 58
	ExtInk                         Ext = 59
	ExtInkml                       Ext = 60
	ExtIpfix                       Ext = 61
	ExtIts                         Ext = 62
	ExtClass                       Ext = 63
	ExtJar                         Ext = 64
	ExtWar                         Ext = 65
	ExtEar                         Ext = 66
	ExtSer                         Ext = 67
	ExtJs                          Ext = 68
	ExtMjs                         Ext = 69
	ExtJsm                         Ext = 70
	ExtJrd                         Ext = 71
	ExtJSON                        Ext = 72
	ExtMap                         Ext = 73
	ExtJSONDashPatch               Ext = 74
	ExtJSON5                       Ext = 75
	ExtJsonml                      Ext = 76
	ExtJsonld                      Ext = 77
	ExtLgr                         Ext = 78
	ExtLostxml                     Ext = 79
	Ext123                         Ext = 80
	ExtWk1                         Ext = 81
	ExtWk3                         Ext = 82
	ExtWk4                         Ext = 83
	ExtWks                         Ext = 84
	ExtM3u                         Ext = 85
	ExtM3u8                        Ext = 86
	ExtVlc                         Ext = 87
	ExtHqx                         Ext = 88
	ExtCpt                         Ext = 89
	ExtMads                        Ext = 90
	ExtWebmanifest                 Ext = 91
	ExtMrc                         Ext = 92
	ExtMrcx                        Ext = 93
	ExtMa                          Ext = 94
	ExtNb                          Ext = 95
	ExtMb                          Ext = 96
	ExtMathml                      Ext = 97
	ExtMml                         Ext = 98
	ExtMbox                        Ext = 99
	ExtMdb                         Ext = 100
	ExtMscml                       Ext = 101
	ExtMetalink                    Ext = 102
	ExtMeta4                       Ext = 103
	ExtMets                        Ext = 104
	ExtMaei                        Ext = 105
	ExtMusd                        Ext = 106
	ExtMods                        Ext = 107
	ExtM21                         Ext = 108
	ExtMp21                        Ext = 109
	ExtMp4s                        Ext = 110
	ExtM4p                         Ext = 111
	ExtXdf                         Ext = 112
	ExtTnef                        Ext = 113
	ExtTnf                         Ext = 114
	ExtXls                         Ext = 115
	ExtXlc                         Ext = 116
	ExtXll                         Ext = 117
	ExtXlm                         Ext = 118
	ExtXlw                         Ext = 119
	ExtXla                         Ext = 120
	ExtXlt                         Ext = 121
	ExtXld                         Ext = 122
	ExtPpz                         Ext = 123
	ExtPpt                         Ext = 124
	ExtPps                         Ext = 125
	ExtPot                         Ext = 126
	ExtDoc                         Ext = 127
	ExtDot                         Ext = 128
	ExtMxf                         Ext = 129
	ExtNq                          Ext = 130
	ExtNt                          Ext = 131
	ExtCjs                         Ext = 132
	ExtBin                         Ext = 133
	ExtDms                         Ext = 134
	ExtLrf                         Ext = 135
	ExtMar                         Ext = 136
	ExtSo                          Ext = 137
	ExtDist                        Ext = 138
	ExtDistz                       Ext = 139
	ExtPkg                         Ext = 140
	ExtBpk                         Ext = 141
	ExtDump                        Ext = 142
	ExtElc                         Ext = 143
	ExtDeploy                      Ext = 144
	ExtExe                         Ext = 145
	ExtDll                         Ext = 146
	ExtDeb                         Ext = 147
	ExtDmg                         Ext = 148
	ExtIso                         Ext = 149
	ExtImg                         Ext = 150
	ExtMsi                         Ext = 151
	ExtMsp                         Ext = 152
	ExtMsm                         Ext = 153
	ExtBuffer                      Ext = 154
	ExtOda                         Ext = 155
	ExtOpf                         Ext = 156
	ExtOgx                         Ext = 157
	ExtOmdoc                       Ext = 158
	ExtOnetoc                      Ext = 159
	ExtOnetoc2                     Ext = 160
	ExtOnetmp                      Ext = 161
	ExtOnepkg                      Ext = 162
	ExtOva                         Ext = 163
	ExtOwx                         Ext = 164
	ExtOxps                        Ext = 165
	ExtRelo                        Ext = 166
	ExtXer                         Ext = 167
	ExtPcap                        Ext = 168
	ExtCap                         Ext = 169
	ExtDmp                         Ext = 170
	ExtPgp                         Ext = 171
	ExtGpg                         Ext = 172
	ExtAsc                         Ext = 173
	ExtSkr                         Ext = 174
	ExtPkr                         Ext = 175
	ExtKey                         Ext = 176
	ExtSig                         Ext = 177
	ExtPsd                         Ext = 178
	ExtPrf                         Ext = 179
	ExtP10                         Ext = 180
	ExtP12                         Ext = 181
	ExtPfx                         Ext = 182
	ExtP7m                         Ext = 183
	ExtP7c                         Ext = 184
	ExtP7s                         Ext = 185
	ExtP8                          Ext = 186
	ExtP8e                         Ext = 187
	ExtAc                          Ext = 188
	ExtCer                         Ext = 189
	ExtCrl                         Ext = 190
	ExtPkipath                     Ext = 191
	ExtPki                         Ext = 192
	ExtPls                         Ext = 193
	ExtEps                         Ext = 194
	ExtPs                          Ext = 195
	ExtProvx                       Ext = 196
	ExtCww                         Ext = 197
	ExtPskcxml                     Ext = 198
	ExtRAM                         Ext = 199
	ExtRaml                        Ext = 200
	ExtRdf                         Ext = 201
	ExtOwl                         Ext = 202
	ExtRdfs                        Ext = 203
	ExtRif                         Ext = 204
	ExtRnc                         Ext = 205
	ExtRl                          Ext = 206
	ExtRld                         Ext = 207
	ExtRs                          Ext = 208
	ExtRapd                        Ext = 209
	ExtSls                         Ext = 210
	ExtRusd                        Ext = 211
	ExtGbr                         Ext = 212
	ExtMft                         Ext = 213
	ExtRoa                         Ext = 214
	ExtRsd                         Ext = 215
	ExtRss                         Ext = 216
	ExtRtf                         Ext = 217
	ExtSbml                        Ext = 218
	ExtScq                         Ext = 219
	ExtScs                         Ext = 220
	ExtSpq                         Ext = 221
	ExtSpp                         Ext = 222
	ExtSdp                         Ext = 223
	ExtSenmlx                      Ext = 224
	ExtSensmlx                     Ext = 225
	ExtSetpay                      Ext = 226
	ExtSetreg                      Ext = 227
	ExtShf                         Ext = 228
	ExtSiv                         Ext = 229
	ExtSieve                       Ext = 230
	ExtSmil                        Ext = 231
	ExtSmi                         Ext = 232
	ExtSml                         Ext = 233
	ExtKino                        Ext = 234
	ExtRq                          Ext = 235
	ExtSrx                         Ext = 236
	ExtSql                         Ext = 237
	ExtGram                        Ext = 238
	ExtGrxml                       Ext = 239
	ExtSru                         Ext = 240
	ExtSsdl                        Ext = 241
	ExtSsml                        Ext = 242
	ExtSit                         Ext = 243
	ExtSwidtag                     Ext = 244
	ExtTei                         Ext = 245
	ExtTeicorpus                   Ext = 246
	ExtTga                         Ext = 247
	ExtIcb                         Ext = 248
	ExtTpic                        Ext = 249
	ExtVda                         Ext = 250
	ExtVst                         Ext = 251
	ExtTfi                         Ext = 252
	ExtTsd                         Ext = 253
	ExtToml                        Ext = 254
	ExtTrig                        Ext = 255
	ExtTtml                        Ext = 256
	ExtUbj                         Ext = 257
	ExtRsheet                      Ext = 258
	ExtTd                          Ext = 259
	Ext1km                         Ext = 260
	ExtPlb                         Ext = 261
	ExtPsb                         Ext = 262
	ExtPvb                         Ext = 263
	ExtTcap                        Ext = 264
	ExtPwn                         Ext = 265
	ExtAso                         Ext = 266
	ExtImp                         Ext = 267
	ExtAcu                         Ext = 268
	ExtAtc                         Ext = 269
	ExtAcutc                       Ext = 270
	ExtAir                         Ext = 271
	ExtFcdt                        Ext = 272
	ExtFxp                         Ext = 273
	ExtFxpl                        Ext = 274
	ExtXdp                         Ext = 275
	ExtXfdf                        Ext = 276
	ExtAhead                       Ext = 277
	ExtAzf                         Ext = 278
	ExtAzs                         Ext = 279
	ExtAzw                         Ext = 280
	ExtAzw3                        Ext = 281
	ExtKfx                         Ext = 282
	ExtAcc                         Ext = 283
	ExtAmi                         Ext = 284
	ExtApk                         Ext = 285
	ExtCii                         Ext = 286
	ExtFti                         Ext = 287
	ExtAtx                         Ext = 288
	ExtAppimage                    Ext = 289
	ExtMpkg                        Ext = 290
	ExtKeynote                     Ext = 291
	ExtNumbers                     Ext = 292
	ExtPages                       Ext = 293
	ExtPkpass                      Ext = 294
	ExtSwi                         Ext = 295
	ExtIota                        Ext = 296
	ExtAep                         Ext = 297
	ExtBmml                        Ext = 298
	ExtMpm                         Ext = 299
	ExtBmi                         Ext = 300
	ExtRep                         Ext = 301
	ExtCdxml                       Ext = 302
	ExtPgn                         Ext = 303
	ExtMmd                         Ext = 304
	ExtCdy                         Ext = 305
	ExtCsl                         Ext = 306
	ExtCla                         Ext = 307
	ExtRp9                         Ext = 308
	ExtC4g                         Ext = 309
	ExtC4d                         Ext = 310
	ExtC4f                         Ext = 311
	ExtC4p                         Ext = 312
	ExtC4u                         Ext = 313
	ExtC11amc                      Ext = 314
	ExtC11amz                      Ext = 315
	ExtCoffee                      Ext = 316
	ExtCbz                         Ext = 317
	ExtCbr                         Ext = 318
	ExtCsp                         Ext = 319
	ExtCdbcmsg                     Ext = 320
	ExtCmc                         Ext = 321
	ExtClkx                        Ext = 322
	ExtClkk                        Ext = 323
	ExtClkp                        Ext = 324
	ExtClkt                        Ext = 325
	ExtClkw                        Ext = 326
	ExtWbs                         Ext = 327
	ExtPml                         Ext = 328
	ExtPpd                         Ext = 329
	ExtCar                         Ext = 330
	ExtPcurl                       Ext = 331
	ExtDart                        Ext = 332
	ExtRdz                         Ext = 333
	ExtUdeb                        Ext = 334
	ExtUvf                         Ext = 335
	ExtUvvf                        Ext = 336
	ExtUvd                         Ext = 337
	ExtUvvd                        Ext = 338
	ExtUvt                         Ext = 339
	ExtUvvt                        Ext = 340
	ExtUvx                         Ext = 341
	ExtUvvx                        Ext = 342
	ExtUvz                         Ext = 343
	ExtUvvz                        Ext = 344
	ExtFeLaunch                    Ext = 345
	ExtDna                         Ext = 346
	ExtMlp                         Ext = 347
	ExtDpg                         Ext = 348
	ExtDfac                        Ext = 349
	ExtKpxx                        Ext = 350
	ExtAit                         Ext = 351
	ExtSvc                         Ext = 352
	ExtGeo                         Ext = 353
	ExtMag                         Ext = 354
	ExtEmp                         Ext = 355
	ExtNml                         Ext = 356
	ExtEsf                         Ext = 357
	ExtMsf                         Ext = 358
	ExtQam                         Ext = 359
	ExtSlt                         Ext = 360
	ExtSsf                         Ext = 361
	ExtEs3                         Ext = 362
	ExtEt3                         Ext = 363
	ExtAsice                       Ext = 364
	ExtEz2                         Ext = 365
	ExtEz3                         Ext = 366
	ExtFdf                         Ext = 367
	ExtMseed                       Ext = 368
	ExtSeed                        Ext = 369
	ExtDataless                    Ext = 370
	ExtFlatpak                     Ext = 371
	ExtXdgapp                      Ext = 372
	ExtFlatpakref                  Ext = 373
	ExtFlatpakrepo                 Ext = 374
	ExtGph                         Ext = 375
	ExtFtc                         Ext = 376
	ExtFm                          Ext = 377
	ExtFrame                       Ext = 378
	ExtMaker                       Ext = 379
	ExtBook                        Ext = 380
	ExtFnc                         Ext = 381
	ExtLtf                         Ext = 382
	ExtFsc                         Ext = 383
	ExtOas                         Ext = 384
	ExtOa2                         Ext = 385
	ExtOa3                         Ext = 386
	ExtFg5                         Ext = 387
	ExtBh2                         Ext = 388
	ExtDdd                         Ext = 389
	ExtXdw                         Ext = 390
	ExtXbd                         Ext = 391
	ExtFzs                         Ext = 392
	ExtTxd                         Ext = 393
	ExtGgb                         Ext = 394
	ExtGgt                         Ext = 395
	ExtGex                         Ext = 396
	ExtGre                         Ext = 397
	ExtGxt                         Ext = 398
	ExtG2w                         Ext = 399
	ExtG3w                         Ext = 400
	ExtGmx                         Ext = 401
	ExtGdoc                        Ext = 402
	ExtGslides                     Ext = 403
	ExtGsheet                      Ext = 404
	ExtKml                         Ext = 405
	ExtKmz                         Ext = 406
	ExtGqf                         Ext = 407
	ExtGqs                         Ext = 408
	ExtGac                         Ext = 409
	ExtGhf                         Ext = 410
	ExtGim                         Ext = 411
	ExtGrv                         Ext = 412
	ExtGtm                         Ext = 413
	ExtTpl                         Ext = 414
	ExtVcg                         Ext = 415
	ExtHwp                         Ext = 416
	ExtHwt                         Ext = 417
	ExtHal                         Ext = 418
	ExtZmm                         Ext = 419
	ExtHbci                        Ext = 420
	ExtLes                         Ext = 421
	ExtHpgl                        Ext = 422
	ExtHpid                        Ext = 423
	ExtHps                         Ext = 424
	ExtJlt                         Ext = 425
	ExtPcl                         Ext = 426
	ExtPclxl                       Ext = 427
	ExtSfdDashHdstx                Ext = 428
	ExtMpy                         Ext = 429
	ExtAfp                         Ext = 430
	ExtListafp                     Ext = 431
	ExtList3820                    Ext = 432
	ExtIrm                         Ext = 433
	ExtSc                          Ext = 434
	ExtIcc                         Ext = 435
	ExtIcm                         Ext = 436
	ExtIgl                         Ext = 437
	ExtIvp                         Ext = 438
	ExtIvu                         Ext = 439
	ExtIgm                         Ext = 440
	ExtXpw                         Ext = 441
	ExtXpx                         Ext = 442
	ExtI2g                         Ext = 443
	ExtQbo                         Ext = 444
	ExtQfx                         Ext = 445
	ExtRcprofile                   Ext = 446
	ExtIrp                         Ext = 447
	ExtXpr                         Ext = 448
	ExtFcs                         Ext = 449
	ExtJam                         Ext = 450
	ExtRms                         Ext = 451
	ExtJisp                        Ext = 452
	ExtJoda                        Ext = 453
	ExtKtz                         Ext = 454
	ExtKtr                         Ext = 455
	ExtKarbon                      Ext = 456
	ExtChrt                        Ext = 457
	ExtKfo                         Ext = 458
	ExtFlw                         Ext = 459
	ExtKon                         Ext = 460
	ExtKpr                         Ext = 461
	ExtKpt                         Ext = 462
	ExtKsp                         Ext = 463
	ExtKwd                         Ext = 464
	ExtKwt                         Ext = 465
	ExtHtke                        Ext = 466
	ExtKia                         Ext = 467
	ExtKne                         Ext = 468
	ExtKnp                         Ext = 469
	ExtSkp                         Ext = 470
	ExtSkd                         Ext = 471
	ExtSkt                         Ext = 472
	ExtSkm                         Ext = 473
	ExtSse                         Ext = 474
	ExtLasxml                      Ext = 475
	ExtLbd                         Ext = 476
	ExtLbe                         Ext = 477
	ExtApr                         Ext = 478
	ExtPre                         Ext = 479
	ExtNsf                         Ext = 480
	ExtOrg                         Ext = 481
	ExtScm                         Ext = 482
	ExtLwp                         Ext = 483
	ExtPortpkg                     Ext = 484
	ExtMvt                         Ext = 485
	ExtMcd                         Ext = 486
	ExtMc1                         Ext = 487
	ExtCdkey                       Ext = 488
	ExtMwf                         Ext = 489
	ExtMfm                         Ext = 490
	ExtFlo                         Ext = 491
	ExtIgx                         Ext = 492
	ExtMif                         Ext = 493
	ExtDaf                         Ext = 494
	ExtDis                         Ext = 495
	ExtMbk                         Ext = 496
	ExtMqy                         Ext = 497
	ExtMsl                         Ext = 498
	ExtPlc                         Ext = 499
	ExtTxf                         Ext = 500
	ExtMpn                         Ext = 501
	ExtMpc                         Ext = 502
	ExtXul                         Ext = 503
	ExtCil                         Ext = 504
	ExtAsf                         Ext = 505
	ExtCab                         Ext = 506
	ExtXlam                        Ext = 507
	ExtXlsb                        Ext = 508
	ExtXlsm                        Ext = 509
	ExtXltm                        Ext = 510
	ExtEot                         Ext = 511
	ExtChm                         Ext = 512
	ExtIms                         Ext = 513
	ExtLrm                         Ext = 514
	ExtThmx                        Ext = 515
	ExtMsg                         Ext = 516
	ExtCat                         Ext = 517
	ExtStl                         Ext = 518
	ExtPpam                        Ext = 519
	ExtPptm                        Ext = 520
	ExtSldm                        Ext = 521
	ExtPpsm                        Ext = 522
	ExtPotm                        Ext = 523
	ExtMpp                         Ext = 524
	ExtMpt                         Ext = 525
	ExtPub                         Ext = 526
	ExtVsdm                        Ext = 527
	ExtVsdx                        Ext = 528
	ExtVssm                        Ext = 529
	ExtVssx                        Ext = 530
	ExtVstm                        Ext = 531
	ExtVstx                        Ext = 532
	ExtDocm                        Ext = 533
	ExtDotm                        Ext = 534
	ExtWps                         Ext = 535
	ExtWcm                         Ext = 536
	ExtWdb                         Ext = 537
	ExtXlr                         Ext = 538
	ExtWpl                         Ext = 539
	ExtXps                         Ext = 540
	ExtMseq                        Ext = 541
	ExtMus                         Ext = 542
	ExtMsty                        Ext = 543
	ExtTaglet                      Ext = 544
	ExtNlu                         Ext = 545
	ExtSfc                         Ext = 546
	ExtSmc                         Ext = 547
	ExtNtf                         Ext = 548
	ExtNitf                        Ext = 549
	ExtNnd                         Ext = 550
	ExtNns                         Ext = 551
	ExtNnw                         Ext = 552
	ExtNgdat                       Ext = 553
	ExtNDashGage                   Ext = 554
	ExtRpst                        Ext = 555
	ExtRpss                        Ext = 556
	ExtEdm                         Ext = 557
	ExtEdx                         Ext = 558
	ExtExt                         Ext = 559
	ExtOdc                         Ext = 560
	ExtOtc                         Ext = 561
	ExtOdb                         Ext = 562
	ExtOdf                         Ext = 563
	ExtOdft                        Ext = 564
	ExtOtf                         Ext = 565
	ExtOdg                         Ext = 566
	ExtFodg                        Ext = 567
	ExtOtg                         Ext = 568
	ExtOdi                         Ext = 569
	ExtOti                         Ext = 570
	ExtOdp                         Ext = 571
	ExtFodp                        Ext = 572
	ExtOtp                         Ext = 573
	ExtOds                         Ext = 574
	ExtFods                        Ext = 575
	ExtOts                         Ext = 576
	ExtOdt                         Ext = 577
	ExtFodt                        Ext = 578
	ExtOdm                         Ext = 579
	ExtOtt                         Ext = 580
	ExtOth                         Ext = 581
	ExtXo                          Ext = 582
	ExtDd2                         Ext = 583
	ExtObgx                        Ext = 584
	ExtOxt                         Ext = 585
	ExtOsm                         Ext = 586
	ExtPptx                        Ext = 587
	ExtSldx                        Ext = 588
	ExtPpsx                        Ext = 589
	ExtPotx                        Ext = 590
	ExtXlsx                        Ext = 591
	ExtXltx                        Ext = 592
	ExtDocx                        Ext = 593
	ExtDotx                        Ext = 594
	ExtMgp                         Ext = 595
	ExtDp                          Ext = 596
	ExtEsa                         Ext = 597
	ExtPdb                         Ext = 598
	ExtPqa                         Ext = 599
	ExtOprc                        Ext = 600
	ExtPrc                         Ext = 601
	ExtPaw                         Ext = 602
	ExtStr                         Ext = 603
	ExtEi6                         Ext = 604
	ExtEfif                        Ext = 605
	ExtWg                          Ext = 606
	ExtPlf                         Ext = 607
	ExtPbd                         Ext = 608
	ExtBox                         Ext = 609
	ExtMgz                         Ext = 610
	ExtQPS                         Ext = 611
	ExtPtid                        Ext = 612
	ExtQxd                         Ext = 613
	ExtQxt                         Ext = 614
	ExtQwd                         Ext = 615
	ExtQwt                         Ext = 616
	ExtQxl                         Ext = 617
	ExtQxb                         Ext = 618
	ExtRar                         Ext = 619
	ExtBed                         Ext = 620
	ExtMxl                         Ext = 621
	ExtMusicxml                    Ext = 622
	ExtCryptonote                  Ext = 623
	ExtCod                         Ext = 624
	ExtRm                          Ext = 625
	ExtRmj                         Ext = 626
	ExtRmm                         Ext = 627
	ExtRmx                         Ext = 628
	ExtRmvb                        Ext = 629
	ExtLink66                      Ext = 630
	ExtSt                          Ext = 631
	ExtSee                         Ext = 632
	ExtSema                        Ext = 633
	ExtSemd                        Ext = 634
	ExtSemf                        Ext = 635
	ExtIfm                         Ext = 636
	ExtItp                         Ext = 637
	ExtIif                         Ext = 638
	ExtIpk                         Ext = 639
	ExtTwd                         Ext = 640
	ExtTwds                        Ext = 641
	ExtMmf                         Ext = 642
	ExtSmaf                        Ext = 643
	ExtTeacher                     Ext = 644
	ExtSnap                        Ext = 645
	ExtFo                          Ext = 646
	ExtSdkm                        Ext = 647
	ExtSdkd                        Ext = 648
	ExtDxp                         Ext = 649
	ExtSfs                         Ext = 650
	ExtSqlite3                     Ext = 651
	ExtSqsh                        Ext = 652
	ExtSdc                         Ext = 653
	ExtSds                         Ext = 654
	ExtSda                         Ext = 655
	ExtSdd                         Ext = 656
	ExtSmd                         Ext = 657
	ExtSmf                         Ext = 658
	ExtSdw                         Ext = 659
	ExtVor                         Ext = 660
	ExtSgl                         Ext = 661
	ExtSmzip                       Ext = 662
	ExtSm                          Ext = 663
	ExtWadl                        Ext = 664
	ExtSxc                         Ext = 665
	ExtStc                         Ext = 666
	ExtSxd                         Ext = 667
	ExtStd                         Ext = 668
	ExtSxi                         Ext = 669
	ExtSti                         Ext = 670
	ExtSxm                         Ext = 671
	ExtSxw                         Ext = 672
	ExtSxg                         Ext = 673
	ExtStw                         Ext = 674
	ExtSus                         Ext = 675
	ExtSusp                        Ext = 676
	ExtSvd                         Ext = 677
	ExtSis                         Ext = 678
	ExtSisx                        Ext = 679
	ExtXsm                         Ext = 680
	ExtBdm                         Ext = 681
	ExtXdm                         Ext = 682
	ExtDdf                         Ext = 683
	ExtTao                         Ext = 684
	ExtTmo                         Ext = 685
	ExtTpt                         Ext = 686
	ExtMxs                         Ext = 687
	ExtTra                         Ext = 688
	ExtUfd                         Ext = 689
	ExtUfdl                        Ext = 690
	ExtUtz                         Ext = 691
	ExtUmj                         Ext = 692
	ExtUnityweb                    Ext = 693
	ExtUoml                        Ext = 694
	ExtVcx                         Ext = 695
	ExtVsd                         Ext = 696
	ExtVss                         Ext = 697
	ExtVsw                         Ext = 698
	ExtVis                         Ext = 699
	ExtVsf                         Ext = 700
	ExtWbxml                       Ext = 701
	ExtWmlc                        Ext = 702
	ExtWmlsc                       Ext = 703
	ExtWtb                         Ext = 704
	ExtNbp                         Ext = 705
	ExtWpd                         Ext = 706
	ExtWp                          Ext = 707
	ExtWp4                         Ext = 708
	ExtWp5                         Ext = 709
	ExtWp6                         Ext = 710
	ExtWpp                         Ext = 711
	ExtWqd                         Ext = 712
	ExtStf                         Ext = 713
	ExtXar                         Ext = 714
	ExtXfdl                        Ext = 715
	ExtHvd                         Ext = 716
	ExtHvs                         Ext = 717
	ExtHvp                         Ext = 718
	ExtOsf                         Ext = 719
	ExtOsfpvg                      Ext = 720
	ExtSaf                         Ext = 721
	ExtSpf                         Ext = 722
	ExtCmp                         Ext = 723
	ExtYt                          Ext = 724
	ExtZir                         Ext = 725
	ExtZirz                        Ext = 726
	ExtZaz                         Ext = 727
	ExtVxml                        Ext = 728
	ExtWasm                        Ext = 729
	ExtWgt                         Ext = 730
	ExtHlp                         Ext = 731
	ExtWmf                         Ext = 732
	ExtWsdl                        Ext = 733
	ExtWspolicy                    Ext = 734
	ExtWwf                         Ext = 735
	Ext7z                          Ext = 736
	Ext7zDot001                    Ext = 737
	ExtAbw                         Ext = 738
	ExtAbwDotCRASHED               Ext = 739
	ExtAbwDotGz                    Ext = 740
	ExtZabw                        Ext = 741
	ExtAce                         Ext = 742
	ExtAlz                         Ext = 743
	ExtAdf                         Ext = 744
	ExtSam                         Ext = 745
	ExtPdc                         Ext = 746
	ExtSpx                         Ext = 747
	ExtCwk                         Ext = 748
	ExtAs                          Ext = 749
	ExtA                           Ext = 750
	ExtAr                          Ext = 751
	ExtArj                         Ext = 752
	ExtAsp                         Ext = 753
	ExtA26                         Ext = 754
	ExtA78                         Ext = 755
	ExtLnx                         Ext = 756
	ExtAab                         Ext = 757
	ExtX32                         Ext = 758
	ExtU32                         Ext = 759
	ExtVox                         Ext = 760
	ExtAam                         Ext = 761
	ExtAas                         Ext = 762
	ExtAwk                         Ext = 763
	ExtBcpio                       Ext = 764
	ExtTorrent                     Ext = 765
	ExtBlender                     Ext = 766
	ExtBlend                       Ext = 767
	Ext_BLEND                      Ext = 768
	ExtBlb                         Ext = 769
	ExtBlorb                       Ext = 770
	ExtBps                         Ext = 771
	ExtBsdiff                      Ext = 772
	ExtDviDotBz2                   Ext = 773
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	ExtSlim                        Ext = 1491
	ExtSlm                         Ext = 1492
	ExtSpdx                        Ext = 1493
	ExtSylk                        Ext = 1494
	ExtSlk                         Ext = 1495
	ExtStylus                      Ext = 1496
	ExtStyl                        Ext = 1497
	ExtTsv                         Ext = 1498
	ExtMe                          Ext = 1499
	ExtMs                          Ext = 1500
	ExtTTL                         Ext = 1501
	ExtURI                         Ext = 1502
	ExtUris                        Ext = 1503
	ExtUrls                        Ext = 1504
	ExtVbs                         Ext = 1505
	ExtCurl                        Ext = 1506
	ExtDcurl                       Ext = 1507
	ExtMcurl                       Ext = 1508
	ExtScurl                       Ext = 1509
	ExtFly                         Ext = 1510
	ExtFlx                         Ext = 1511
	ExtGv                          Ext = 1512
	Ext3dml                        Ext = 1513
	ExtSpot                        Ext = 1514
	ExtRt                          Ext = 1515
	ExtMc2                         Ext = 1516
	ExtJad                         Ext = 1517
	ExtWml                         Ext = 1518
	ExtWmls                        Ext = 1519
	ExtVtt                         Ext = 1520
	ExtAdb                         Ext = 1521
	ExtAds                         Ext = 1522
	ExtS                           Ext = 1523
	ExtAsm                         Ext = 1524
	ExtBib                         Ext = 1525
	ExtC                           Ext = 1526
	ExtCc                          Ext = 1527
	ExtCxx                         Ext = 1528
	ExtCpp                         Ext = 1529
	ExtH                           Ext = 1530
	ExtHh                          Ext = 1531
	ExtDic                         Ext = 1532
	ExtHp                          Ext = 1533
	ExtHpp                         Ext = 1534
	ExtHPlusPlus                   Ext = 1535
	ExtHxx                         Ext = 1536
	Ext_C                          Ext = 1537
	ExtCPlusPlus                   Ext = 1538
	ExtCmake                       Ext = 1539
	ExtCbl                         Ext = 1540
	ExtCob                         Ext = 1541
	ExtAsd                         Ext = 1542
	ExtFasl                        Ext = 1543
	ExtLisp                        Ext = 1544
	ExtRos                         Ext = 1545
	ExtHtc                         Ext = 1546
	ExtCs                          Ext = 1547
	ExtService                     Ext = 1548
	ExtDcl                         Ext = 1549
	ExtDiff                        Ext = 1550
	ExtPatch                       Ext = 1551
	ExtDsl                         Ext = 1552
	ExtD                           Ext = 1553
	ExtDi                          Ext = 1554
	ExtE                           Ext = 1555
	ExtEif                         Ext = 1556
	ExtEx                          Ext = 1557
	ExtExs                         Ext = 1558
	ExtEl                          Ext = 1559
	ExtErl                         Ext = 1560
	ExtF                           Ext = 1561
	ExtFor                         Ext = 1562
	ExtF77                         Ext = 1563
	ExtF90                         Ext = 1564
	ExtF95                         Ext = 1565
	ExtGs                          Ext = 1566
	ExtFeature                     Ext = 1567
	ExtGo                          Ext = 1568
	ExtGradle                      Ext = 1569
	ExtGroovy                      Ext = 1570
	ExtGvy                         Ext = 1571
	ExtGy                          Ext = 1572
	ExtGsh                         Ext = 1573
	ExtHbs                         Ext = 1574
	ExtHs                          Ext = 1575
	ExtIdl                         Ext = 1576
	ExtIptables                    Ext = 1577
	ExtJava                        Ext = 1578
	ExtKsy                         Ext = 1579
	ExtKt                          Ext = 1580
	ExtLdif                        Ext = 1581
	ExtLy                          Ext = 1582
	ExtLHS                         Ext = 1583
	ExtLua                         Ext = 1584
	ExtMk                          Ext = 1585
	ExtMak                         Ext = 1586
	ExtM                           Ext = 1587
	ExtMoc                         Ext = 1588
	ExtMof                         Ext = 1589
	ExtMrml                        Ext = 1590
	ExtMrl                         Ext = 1591
	ExtReg                         Ext = 1592
	ExtMup                         Ext = 1593
	ExtNot                         Ext = 1594
	ExtNfo                         Ext = 1595
	ExtMl                          Ext = 1596
	ExtMli                         Ext = 1597
	ExtOcl                         Ext = 1598
	ExtOoc                         Ext = 1599
	ExtCl                          Ext = 1600
	ExtOpml                        Ext = 1601
	ExtP                           Ext = 1602
	ExtPas                         Ext = 1603
	ExtPde                         Ext = 1604
	ExtPy                          Ext = 1605
	ExtPyx                         Ext = 1606
	ExtWsgi                        Ext = 1607
	ExtPy3                         Ext = 1608
	ExtPy3x                        Ext = 1609
	ExtPyi                         Ext = 1610
	ExtQml                         Ext = 1611
	ExtQmltypes                    Ext = 1612
	ExtQmlproject                  Ext = 1613
	ExtSpec                        Ext = 1614
	ExtRst                         Ext = 1615
	ExtSage                        Ext = 1616
	ExtSass                        Ext = 1617
	ExtScala                       Ext = 1618
	ExtSs                          Ext = 1619
	ExtScss                        Ext = 1620
	ExtEtx                         Ext = 1621
	ExtSfv                         Ext = 1622
	ExtSsa                         Ext = 1623
	ExtYmp                         Ext = 1624
	ExtSvh                         Ext = 1625
	ExtSv                          Ext = 1626
	ExtAutomount                   Ext = 1627
	ExtDevice                      Ext = 1628
	ExtMount                       Ext = 1629
	ExtPath                        Ext = 1630
	ExtScope                       Ext = 1631
	ExtSlice                       Ext = 1632
	ExtSocket                      Ext = 1633
	ExtSwap                        Ext = 1634
	ExtTarget                      Ext = 1635
	ExtTimer                       Ext = 1636
	ExtMm                          Ext = 1637
	ExtTwig                        Ext = 1638
	ExtT2t                         Ext = 1639
	ExtUil                         Ext = 1640
	ExtUu                          Ext = 1641
	ExtUue                         Ext = 1642
	ExtVala                        Ext = 1643
	ExtVapi                        Ext = 1644
	ExtV                           Ext = 1645
	ExtVhdl                        Ext = 1646
	ExtXmi                         Ext = 1647
	ExtXslfo                       Ext = 1648
	ExtGcode                       Ext = 1649
	ExtAxv                         Ext = 1650
	ExtAvi                         Ext = 1651
	ExtAvf                         Ext = 1652
	ExtDivx                        Ext = 1653
	ExtDv                          Ext = 1654
	ExtFli                         Ext = 1655
	ExtFlc                         Ext = 1656
	ExtH261                        Ext = 1657
	ExtH263                        Ext = 1658
	ExtH264                        Ext = 1659
	ExtM4s                         Ext = 1660
	ExtJpgv                        Ext = 1661
	ExtMj2                         Ext = 1662
	ExtMjp2                        Ext = 1663
	ExtM2t                         Ext = 1664
	ExtM2ts                        Ext = 1665
	ExtCpi                         Ext = 1666
	ExtClpi                        Ext = 1667
	ExtMpl                         Ext = 1668
	ExtMpls                        Ext = 1669
	ExtBdmv                        Ext = 1670
	ExtMp4                         Ext = 1671
	ExtMp4v                        Ext = 1672
	ExtMpg4                        Ext = 1673
	ExtM4v                         Ext = 1674
	ExtF4v                         Ext = 1675
	ExtLrv                         Ext = 1676
	ExtMpeg                        Ext = 1677
	ExtMpg                         Ext = 1678
	ExtMpe                         Ext = 1679
	ExtM1v                         Ext = 1680
	ExtM2v                         Ext = 1681
	ExtVob                         Ext = 1682
	ExtOgv                         Ext = 1683
	ExtMov                         Ext = 1684
	ExtQt                          Ext = 1685
	ExtMoov                        Ext = 1686
	ExtQtvr                        Ext = 1687
	ExtViv                         Ext = 1688
	ExtVivo                        Ext = 1689
	ExtUvh                         Ext = 1690
	ExtUvvh                        Ext = 1691
	ExtUvm                         Ext = 1692
	ExtUvvm                        Ext = 1693
	ExtUvp                         Ext = 1694
	ExtUvvp                        Ext = 1695
	ExtUvs                         Ext = 1696
	ExtUvvs                        Ext = 1697
	ExtUvv                         Ext = 1698
	ExtUvvv                        Ext = 1699
	ExtDvb                         Ext = 1700
	ExtFvt                         Ext = 1701
	ExtMxu                         Ext = 1702
	ExtM4u                         Ext = 1703
	ExtM1u                         Ext = 1704
	ExtPyv                         Ext = 1705
	ExtBik                         Ext = 1706
	ExtBk2                         Ext = 1707
	ExtSmk                         Ext = 1708
	ExtRv                          Ext = 1709
	ExtRvx                         Ext = 1710
	ExtUvu                         Ext = 1711
	ExtUvvu                        Ext = 1712
	ExtWebm                        Ext = 1713
	ExtAnim_1Dash9j_               Ext = 1714
	ExtFxm                         Ext = 1715
	ExtMkv                         Ext = 1716
	ExtMk3d                        Ext = 1717
	ExtMks                         Ext = 1718
	ExtMjpeg                       Ext = 1719
	ExtMjpg                        Ext = 1720
	ExtMng                         Ext = 1721
	ExtWm                          Ext = 1722
	ExtNsv                         Ext = 1723
	ExtOgm                         Ext = 1724
	ExtMovie                       Ext = 1725
	ExtSmv                         Ext = 1726
	ExtIce                         Ext = 1727

func ExtFromString

func ExtFromString(name string) Ext

func (Ext) Is

func (v Ext) Is(types ...Ext) bool

func (Ext) MarshalText

func (v Ext) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (Ext) MimeTypes

func (v Ext) MimeTypes() MimeTypes

func (Ext) String

func (v Ext) String() string

func (*Ext) UnmarshalText

func (s *Ext) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

type ExtTypes

type ExtTypes []Ext

type Mime

type Mime int
Example (JsonMarshal)
package main

import (


func main() {
	type Expect struct {
		Data string    `json:"data"`
		Mime mime.Mime `json:"mime"`

	res := Expect{
		Data: "some text",
		Mime: mime.TextMarkdown,

	result, err := json.Marshal(res)

	fmt.Printf("%s\n%v", result, err)


{"data":"some text","mime":"text/markdown"}
Example (JsonUnmarshal)
package main

import (


func main() {
	type Expect struct {
		Data string    `json:"data"`
		Mime mime.Mime `json:"mime"`

	var res Expect

	_ = json.Unmarshal([]byte(`{"data":"text","mime":"text/html"}`), &res)

	fmt.Printf("%[1]v: %[1]T(%#[1]v)", res.Mime)


text/html: mime.Mime(1406)
const (
	Unrecognized                                                                      Mime = 0
	ApplicationAcrobat                                                                Mime = 1
	ApplicationAndrewDashInset                                                        Mime = 2
	ApplicationAnnodex                                                                Mime = 3
	ApplicationApplixware                                                             Mime = 4
	ApplicationAtomPlusxml                                                            Mime = 5
	ApplicationAtomcatPlusxml                                                         Mime = 6
	ApplicationAtomdeletedPlusxml                                                     Mime = 7
	ApplicationAtomsvcPlusxml                                                         Mime = 8
	ApplicationAtscDashDwdPlusxml                                                     Mime = 9
	ApplicationAtscDashHeldPlusxml                                                    Mime = 10
	ApplicationAtscDashRsatPlusxml                                                    Mime = 11
	ApplicationBdoc                                                                   Mime = 12
	ApplicationBzip2                                                                  Mime = 13
	ApplicationCalendarPlusxml                                                        Mime = 14
	ApplicationCcxmlPlusxml                                                           Mime = 15
	ApplicationCdfxPlusxml                                                            Mime = 16
	ApplicationCdmiDashCapability                                                     Mime = 17
	ApplicationCdmiDashContainer                                                      Mime = 18
	ApplicationCdmiDashDomain                                                         Mime = 19
	ApplicationCdmiDashObject                                                         Mime = 20
	ApplicationCdmiDashQueue                                                          Mime = 21
	ApplicationCdr                                                                    Mime = 22
	ApplicationCoreldraw                                                              Mime = 23
	ApplicationCsv                                                                    Mime = 24
	ApplicationCuDashSeeme                                                            Mime = 25
	ApplicationDashPlusxml                                                            Mime = 26
	ApplicationDavmountPlusxml                                                        Mime = 27
	ApplicationDbase                                                                  Mime = 28
	ApplicationDbf                                                                    Mime = 29
	ApplicationDicom                                                                  Mime = 30
	ApplicationDocbookPlusxml                                                         Mime = 31
	ApplicationDsscPlusder                                                            Mime = 32
	ApplicationDsscPlusxml                                                            Mime = 33
	ApplicationEcmascript                                                             Mime = 34
	ApplicationEmf                                                                    Mime = 35
	ApplicationEmmaPlusxml                                                            Mime = 36
	ApplicationEmotionmlPlusxml                                                       Mime = 37
	ApplicationEpubPluszip                                                            Mime = 38
	ApplicationExi                                                                    Mime = 39
	ApplicationFdtPlusxml                                                             Mime = 40
	ApplicationFontDashTdpfr                                                          Mime = 41
	ApplicationFontDashWoff                                                           Mime = 42
	ApplicationFuturesplash                                                           Mime = 43
	ApplicationGeoPlusjson                                                            Mime = 44
	ApplicationGmlPlusxml                                                             Mime = 45
	ApplicationGnunetDashDirectory                                                    Mime = 46
	ApplicationGpx                                                                    Mime = 47
	ApplicationGpxPlusxml                                                             Mime = 48
	ApplicationGxf                                                                    Mime = 49
	ApplicationGzip                                                                   Mime = 50
	ApplicationHjson                                                                  Mime = 51
	ApplicationHyperstudio                                                            Mime = 52
	ApplicationIco                                                                    Mime = 53
	ApplicationIcs                                                                    Mime = 54
	ApplicationIllustrator                                                            Mime = 55
	ApplicationInkmlPlusxml                                                           Mime = 56
	ApplicationIpfix                                                                  Mime = 57
	ApplicationItsPlusxml                                                             Mime = 58
	ApplicationJava                                                                   Mime = 59
	ApplicationJavaDashArchive                                                        Mime = 60
	ApplicationJavaDashByteDashCode                                                   Mime = 61
	ApplicationJavaDashSerializedDashObject                                           Mime = 62
	ApplicationJavaDashVM                                                             Mime = 63
	ApplicationJavascript                                                             Mime = 64
	ApplicationJrdPlusjson                                                            Mime = 65
	ApplicationJSON                                                                   Mime = 66
	ApplicationJSONDashPatchPlusjson                                                  Mime = 67
	ApplicationJSON5                                                                  Mime = 68
	ApplicationJsonmlPlusjson                                                         Mime = 69
	ApplicationLdPlusjson                                                             Mime = 70
	ApplicationLgrPlusxml                                                             Mime = 71
	ApplicationLostPlusxml                                                            Mime = 72
	ApplicationLotus123                                                               Mime = 73
	ApplicationM3u                                                                    Mime = 74
	ApplicationMacDashBinhex40                                                        Mime = 75
	ApplicationMacDashCompactpro                                                      Mime = 76
	ApplicationMadsPlusxml                                                            Mime = 77
	ApplicationManifestPlusjson                                                       Mime = 78
	ApplicationMarc                                                                   Mime = 79
	ApplicationMarcxmlPlusxml                                                         Mime = 80
	ApplicationMathematica                                                            Mime = 81
	ApplicationMathmlPlusxml                                                          Mime = 82
	ApplicationMbox                                                                   Mime = 83
	ApplicationMdb                                                                    Mime = 84
	ApplicationMediaservercontrolPlusxml                                              Mime = 85
	ApplicationMetalinkPlusxml                                                        Mime = 86
	ApplicationMetalink4Plusxml                                                       Mime = 87
	ApplicationMetsPlusxml                                                            Mime = 88
	ApplicationMmtDashAeiPlusxml                                                      Mime = 89
	ApplicationMmtDashUsdPlusxml                                                      Mime = 90
	ApplicationModsPlusxml                                                            Mime = 91
	ApplicationMp21                                                                   Mime = 92
	ApplicationMp4                                                                    Mime = 93
	ApplicationMrbDashConsumerPlusxml                                                 Mime = 94
	ApplicationMrbDashPublishPlusxml                                                  Mime = 95
	ApplicationMsDashTnef                                                             Mime = 96
	ApplicationMsaccess                                                               Mime = 97
	ApplicationMsexcel                                                                Mime = 98
	ApplicationMspowerpoint                                                           Mime = 99
	ApplicationMsword                                                                 Mime = 100
	ApplicationMswordDashTemplate                                                     Mime = 101
	ApplicationMxf                                                                    Mime = 102
	ApplicationNDashQuads                                                             Mime = 103
	ApplicationNDashTriples                                                           Mime = 104
	ApplicationNappdf                                                                 Mime = 105
	ApplicationNode                                                                   Mime = 106
	ApplicationOctetDashStream                                                        Mime = 107
	ApplicationOda                                                                    Mime = 108
	ApplicationOebpsDashPackagePlusxml                                                Mime = 109
	ApplicationOgg                                                                    Mime = 110
	ApplicationOmdocPlusxml                                                           Mime = 111
	ApplicationOnenote                                                                Mime = 112
	ApplicationOvf                                                                    Mime = 113
	ApplicationOwlPlusxml                                                             Mime = 114
	ApplicationOxps                                                                   Mime = 115
	ApplicationP2pDashOverlayPlusxml                                                  Mime = 116
	ApplicationPatchDashOpsDashErrorPlusxml                                           Mime = 117
	ApplicationPcap                                                                   Mime = 118
	ApplicationPdf                                                                    Mime = 119
	ApplicationPgp                                                                    Mime = 120
	ApplicationPgpDashEncrypted                                                       Mime = 121
	ApplicationPgpDashKeys                                                            Mime = 122
	ApplicationPgpDashSignature                                                       Mime = 123
	ApplicationPhotoshop                                                              Mime = 124
	ApplicationPicsDashRules                                                          Mime = 125
	ApplicationPkcs10                                                                 Mime = 126
	ApplicationPkcs12                                                                 Mime = 127
	ApplicationPkcs7DashMime                                                          Mime = 128
	ApplicationPkcs7DashSignature                                                     Mime = 129
	ApplicationPkcs8                                                                  Mime = 130
	ApplicationPkcs8DashEncrypted                                                     Mime = 131
	ApplicationPkixDashAttrDashCert                                                   Mime = 132
	ApplicationPkixDashCert                                                           Mime = 133
	ApplicationPkixDashCrl                                                            Mime = 134
	ApplicationPkixDashPkipath                                                        Mime = 135
	ApplicationPkixcmp                                                                Mime = 136
	ApplicationPls                                                                    Mime = 137
	ApplicationPlsPlusxml                                                             Mime = 138
	ApplicationPostscript                                                             Mime = 139
	ApplicationPowerpoint                                                             Mime = 140
	ApplicationProvenancePlusxml                                                      Mime = 141
	ApplicationPrsDotCww                                                              Mime = 142
	ApplicationPskcPlusxml                                                            Mime = 143
	ApplicationRAM                                                                    Mime = 144
	ApplicationRamlPlusyaml                                                           Mime = 145
	ApplicationRdfPlusxml                                                             Mime = 146
	ApplicationReginfoPlusxml                                                         Mime = 147
	ApplicationRelaxDashNgDashCompactDashSyntax                                       Mime = 148
	ApplicationResourceDashListsPlusxml                                               Mime = 149
	ApplicationResourceDashListsDashDiffPlusxml                                       Mime = 150
	ApplicationRlsDashServicesPlusxml                                                 Mime = 151
	ApplicationRouteDashApdPlusxml                                                    Mime = 152
	ApplicationRouteDashSDashTsidPlusxml                                              Mime = 153
	ApplicationRouteDashUsdPlusxml                                                    Mime = 154
	ApplicationRpkiDashGhostbusters                                                   Mime = 155
	ApplicationRpkiDashManifest                                                       Mime = 156
	ApplicationRpkiDashRoa                                                            Mime = 157
	ApplicationRsdPlusxml                                                             Mime = 158
	ApplicationRssPlusxml                                                             Mime = 159
	ApplicationRtf                                                                    Mime = 160
	ApplicationSbmlPlusxml                                                            Mime = 161
	ApplicationSchemaPlusjson                                                         Mime = 162
	ApplicationScvpDashCvDashRequest                                                  Mime = 163
	ApplicationScvpDashCvDashResponse                                                 Mime = 164
	ApplicationScvpDashVpDashRequest                                                  Mime = 165
	ApplicationScvpDashVpDashResponse                                                 Mime = 166
	ApplicationSdp                                                                    Mime = 167
	ApplicationSenmlPlusxml                                                           Mime = 168
	ApplicationSensmlPlusxml                                                          Mime = 169
	ApplicationSetDashPaymentDashInitiation                                           Mime = 170
	ApplicationSetDashRegistrationDashInitiation                                      Mime = 171
	ApplicationShfPlusxml                                                             Mime = 172
	ApplicationSieve                                                                  Mime = 173
	ApplicationSmil                                                                   Mime = 174
	ApplicationSmilPlusxml                                                            Mime = 175
	ApplicationSparqlDashQuery                                                        Mime = 176
	ApplicationSparqlDashResultsPlusxml                                               Mime = 177
	ApplicationSql                                                                    Mime = 178
	ApplicationSrgs                                                                   Mime = 179
	ApplicationSrgsPlusxml                                                            Mime = 180
	ApplicationSruPlusxml                                                             Mime = 181
	ApplicationSsdlPlusxml                                                            Mime = 182
	ApplicationSsmlPlusxml                                                            Mime = 183
	ApplicationStuffit                                                                Mime = 184
	ApplicationSwidPlusxml                                                            Mime = 185
	ApplicationTeiPlusxml                                                             Mime = 186
	ApplicationTga                                                                    Mime = 187
	ApplicationThraudPlusxml                                                          Mime = 188
	ApplicationTimestampedDashData                                                    Mime = 189
	ApplicationToml                                                                   Mime = 190
	ApplicationTrig                                                                   Mime = 191
	ApplicationTtmlPlusxml                                                            Mime = 192
	ApplicationUbjson                                                                 Mime = 193
	ApplicationUrcDashRessheetPlusxml                                                 Mime = 194
	ApplicationUrcDashTargetdescPlusxml                                               Mime = 195
	ApplicationVndDot1000mindsDotDecisionDashModelPlusxml                             Mime = 196
	ApplicationVndDot3gppDotPicDashBwDashLarge                                        Mime = 197
	ApplicationVndDot3gppDotPicDashBwDashSmall                                        Mime = 198
	ApplicationVndDot3gppDotPicDashBwDashVar                                          Mime = 199
	ApplicationVndDot3gpp2DotTcap                                                     Mime = 200
	ApplicationVndDot3mDotPostDashItDashNotes                                         Mime = 201
	ApplicationVndDotAccpacDotSimplyDotAso                                            Mime = 202
	ApplicationVndDotAccpacDotSimplyDotImp                                            Mime = 203
	ApplicationVndDotAcucobol                                                         Mime = 204
	ApplicationVndDotAcucorp                                                          Mime = 205
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotAirDashApplicationDashInstallerDashPackagePluszip        Mime = 206
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotFlashDotMovie                                            Mime = 207
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotFormscentralDotFcdt                                      Mime = 208
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotFxp                                                      Mime = 209
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotIllustrator                                              Mime = 210
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotXdpPlusxml                                               Mime = 211
	ApplicationVndDotAdobeDotXfdf                                                     Mime = 212
	ApplicationVndDotAheadDotSpace                                                    Mime = 213
	ApplicationVndDotAirzipDotFilesecureDotAzf                                        Mime = 214
	ApplicationVndDotAirzipDotFilesecureDotAzs                                        Mime = 215
	ApplicationVndDotAmazonDotEbook                                                   Mime = 216
	ApplicationVndDotAmazonDotMobi8DashEbook                                          Mime = 217
	ApplicationVndDotAmericandynamicsDotAcc                                           Mime = 218
	ApplicationVndDotAmigaDotAmi                                                      Mime = 219
	ApplicationVndDotAndroidDotPackageDashArchive                                     Mime = 220
	ApplicationVndDotAnserDashWebDashCertificateDashIssueDashInitiation               Mime = 221
	ApplicationVndDotAnserDashWebDashFundsDashTransferDashInitiation                  Mime = 222
	ApplicationVndDotAntixDotGameDashComponent                                        Mime = 223
	ApplicationVndDotAppimage                                                         Mime = 224
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotInstallerPlusxml                                         Mime = 225
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotKeynote                                                  Mime = 226
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotMpegurl                                                  Mime = 227
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotNumbers                                                  Mime = 228
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotPages                                                    Mime = 229
	ApplicationVndDotAppleDotPkpass                                                   Mime = 230
	ApplicationVndDotAristanetworksDotSwi                                             Mime = 231
	ApplicationVndDotAstraeaDashSoftwareDotIota                                       Mime = 232
	ApplicationVndDotAudiograph                                                       Mime = 233
	ApplicationVndDotBalsamiqDotBmmlPlusxml                                           Mime = 234
	ApplicationVndDotBlueiceDotMultipass                                              Mime = 235
	ApplicationVndDotBmi                                                              Mime = 236
	ApplicationVndDotBusinessobjects                                                  Mime = 237
	ApplicationVndDotChemdrawPlusxml                                                  Mime = 238
	ApplicationVndDotChessDashPgn                                                     Mime = 239
	ApplicationVndDotChipnutsDotKaraokeDashMmd                                        Mime = 240
	ApplicationVndDotCinderella                                                       Mime = 241
	ApplicationVndDotCitationstylesDotStylePlusxml                                    Mime = 242
	ApplicationVndDotClaymore                                                         Mime = 243
	ApplicationVndDotCloantoDotRp9                                                    Mime = 244
	ApplicationVndDotClonkDotC4group                                                  Mime = 245
	ApplicationVndDotCluetrustDotCartomobileDashConfig                                Mime = 246
	ApplicationVndDotCluetrustDotCartomobileDashConfigDashPkg                         Mime = 247
	ApplicationVndDotCoffeescript                                                     Mime = 248
	ApplicationVndDotComicbookPluszip                                                 Mime = 249
	ApplicationVndDotComicbookDashRar                                                 Mime = 250
	ApplicationVndDotCommonspace                                                      Mime = 251
	ApplicationVndDotContactDotCmsg                                                   Mime = 252
	ApplicationVndDotCorelDashDraw                                                    Mime = 253
	ApplicationVndDotCosmocaller                                                      Mime = 254
	ApplicationVndDotCrickDotClicker                                                  Mime = 255
	ApplicationVndDotCrickDotClickerDotKeyboard                                       Mime = 256
	ApplicationVndDotCrickDotClickerDotPalette                                        Mime = 257
	ApplicationVndDotCrickDotClickerDotTemplate                                       Mime = 258
	ApplicationVndDotCrickDotClickerDotWordbank                                       Mime = 259
	ApplicationVndDotCriticaltoolsDotWbsPlusxml                                       Mime = 260
	ApplicationVndDotCtcDashPosml                                                     Mime = 261
	ApplicationVndDotCupsDashPpd                                                      Mime = 262
	ApplicationVndDotCurlDotCar                                                       Mime = 263
	ApplicationVndDotCurlDotPcurl                                                     Mime = 264
	ApplicationVndDotDart                                                             Mime = 265
	ApplicationVndDotDataDashVisionDotRdz                                             Mime = 266
	ApplicationVndDotDbf                                                              Mime = 267
	ApplicationVndDotDebianDotBinaryDashPackage                                       Mime = 268
	ApplicationVndDotDeceDotData                                                      Mime = 269
	ApplicationVndDotDeceDotTtmlPlusxml                                               Mime = 270
	ApplicationVndDotDeceDotUnspecified                                               Mime = 271
	ApplicationVndDotDeceDotZip                                                       Mime = 272
	ApplicationVndDotDenovoDotFcselayoutDashLink                                      Mime = 273
	ApplicationVndDotDna                                                              Mime = 274
	ApplicationVndDotDolbyDotMlp                                                      Mime = 275
	ApplicationVndDotDpgraph                                                          Mime = 276
	ApplicationVndDotDreamfactory                                                     Mime = 277
	ApplicationVndDotDsDashKeypoint                                                   Mime = 278
	ApplicationVndDotDvbDotAit                                                        Mime = 279
	ApplicationVndDotDvbDotService                                                    Mime = 280
	ApplicationVndDotDynageo                                                          Mime = 281
	ApplicationVndDotEcowinDotChart                                                   Mime = 282
	ApplicationVndDotEmusicDashEmusicPackage                                          Mime = 283
	ApplicationVndDotEnliven                                                          Mime = 284
	ApplicationVndDotEpsonDotEsf                                                      Mime = 285
	ApplicationVndDotEpsonDotMsf                                                      Mime = 286
	ApplicationVndDotEpsonDotQuickanime                                               Mime = 287
	ApplicationVndDotEpsonDotSalt                                                     Mime = 288
	ApplicationVndDotEpsonDotSsf                                                      Mime = 289
	ApplicationVndDotEszigno3Plusxml                                                  Mime = 290
	ApplicationVndDotEtsiDotAsicDashEPluszip                                          Mime = 291
	ApplicationVndDotEzpixDashAlbum                                                   Mime = 292
	ApplicationVndDotEzpixDashPackage                                                 Mime = 293
	ApplicationVndDotFdf                                                              Mime = 294
	ApplicationVndDotFdsnDotMseed                                                     Mime = 295
	ApplicationVndDotFdsnDotSeed                                                      Mime = 296
	ApplicationVndDotFlatpak                                                          Mime = 297
	ApplicationVndDotFlatpakDotRef                                                    Mime = 298
	ApplicationVndDotFlatpakDotRepo                                                   Mime = 299
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	ApplicationVndDotFluxtimeDotClip                                                  Mime = 301
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	VideoVndDotMsDashPlayreadyDotMediaDotPyv                                          Mime = 1613
	VideoVndDotRadgamettoolsDotBink                                                   Mime = 1614
	VideoVndDotRadgamettoolsDotSmacker                                                Mime = 1615
	VideoVndDotRnDashRealvideo                                                        Mime = 1616
	VideoVndDotUvvuDotMp4                                                             Mime = 1617
	VideoVndDotVivo                                                                   Mime = 1618
	VideoWebm                                                                         Mime = 1619
	VideoXDashAnim                                                                    Mime = 1620
	VideoXDashAnnodex                                                                 Mime = 1621
	VideoXDashAvi                                                                     Mime = 1622
	VideoXDashF4v                                                                     Mime = 1623
	VideoXDashFli                                                                     Mime = 1624
	VideoXDashFlic                                                                    Mime = 1625
	VideoXDashFlv                                                                     Mime = 1626
	VideoXDashJavafx                                                                  Mime = 1627
	VideoXDashM4v                                                                     Mime = 1628
	VideoXDashMatroska                                                                Mime = 1629
	VideoXDashMatroskaDash3d                                                          Mime = 1630
	VideoXDashMjpeg                                                                   Mime = 1631
	VideoXDashMng                                                                     Mime = 1632
	VideoXDashMpeg                                                                    Mime = 1633
	VideoXDashMpegDashSystem                                                          Mime = 1634
	VideoXDashMpeg2                                                                   Mime = 1635
	VideoXDashMpegurl                                                                 Mime = 1636
	VideoXDashMsDashAsf                                                               Mime = 1637
	VideoXDashMsDashAsfDashPlugin                                                     Mime = 1638
	VideoXDashMsDashVob                                                               Mime = 1639
	VideoXDashMsDashWax                                                               Mime = 1640
	VideoXDashMsDashWm                                                                Mime = 1641
	VideoXDashMsDashWmv                                                               Mime = 1642
	VideoXDashMsDashWmx                                                               Mime = 1643
	VideoXDashMsDashWvx                                                               Mime = 1644
	VideoXDashMsvideo                                                                 Mime = 1645
	VideoXDashNsv                                                                     Mime = 1646
	VideoXDashOgg                                                                     Mime = 1647
	VideoXDashOgm                                                                     Mime = 1648
	VideoXDashOgmPlusogg                                                              Mime = 1649
	VideoXDashRealDashVideo                                                           Mime = 1650
	VideoXDashSgiDashMovie                                                            Mime = 1651
	VideoXDashSmv                                                                     Mime = 1652
	VideoXDashTheora                                                                  Mime = 1653
	VideoXDashTheoraPlusogg                                                           Mime = 1654
	XDashConferenceXDashCooltalk                                                      Mime = 1655
	XDashEpocXDashSisxDashApp                                                         Mime = 1656
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDash123                                            Mime = 1657
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashCab                                            Mime = 1658
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashCdr                                            Mime = 1659
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashDoc                                            Mime = 1660
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashHlp                                            Mime = 1661
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashMdb                                            Mime = 1662
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashUu                                             Mime = 1663
	ZzDashApplicationZzDashWinassocDashXls                                            Mime = 1664

func MimeFromString

func MimeFromString(name string) Mime

func (Mime) ExtTypes

func (v Mime) ExtTypes() ExtTypes
package main

import (


func main() {


[html htm shtml]
[js mjs jsm]

func (Mime) Is

func (v Mime) Is(types ...Mime) bool
package main

import (


func main() {
		mime.TextHTML.Is(mime.ApplicationJSON, mime.ApplicationJavascript),
		mime.TextHTML.Is(mime.ApplicationJavascript, mime.TextHTML),



func (Mime) MarshalText

func (v Mime) MarshalText() ([]byte, error)

func (Mime) String

func (v Mime) String() string
package main

import (


func main() {
	fmt.Printf("%v", mime.TextHTML)



func (*Mime) UnmarshalText

func (s *Mime) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error

type MimeTypes

type MimeTypes []Mime


Path Synopsis
scripts module

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL