
package module
v0.5.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 30, 2018 License: MIT Imports: 8 Imported by: 0


Uinput Build Status GoDoc Go Report Card

This package provides pure go wrapper functions for the LINUX uinput device, which allows to create virtual input devices in userspace. At the moment this package offers a virtual keyboard implementation as well as a virtual mouse device and a touch pad device.

The keyboard can be used to either send single key presses or hold down a specified key and release it later (useful for building game controllers). The mouse device issues relative positional change events to the x and y axis of the mouse pointer and may also fire click events (left and right click). For implementing things like region selects via a virtual mouse pointer, press and release functions for the mouse device are also included.

The touch pad, on the other hand can be used to move the mouse cursor to the specified position on the screen and to issue left and right clicks. Note that you'll need to specify the region size of your screen first though (happens during device creation).

Please note that you will need to make sure to have the necessary rights to write to uinput. You can either chmod your uinput device, or add a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d to allow your user's group or a dedicated group to write to the device. You may use the following two commands to add the necessary rights for you current user to a file called 99-$USER.rules (where $USER is your current user's name):

echo KERNEL==\"uinput\", GROUP=\"$USER\", MODE:=\"0660\" | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-$USER.rules
sudo udevadm trigger


Simply check out the repository and use the commands

go build && go install
The package will then be installed to your local respository, along with the package documentation. The documentation contains more details on the usage of this package.


The package falls under the MIT license. Please see the "LICENSE" file for details.


Most functionality is implemented. However, more testing (including testing on different target platforms) is definitely an area for improvement.

  • Create Tests for the uinput package
  • Migrate code from C to GO
  • Implement relative input
  • Implement absolute input
  • Test on different platforms (besides x86_64)
  • Implement functions to allow mouse button up and down events (for region selects)
  • Extend test cases



Package uinput is a pure go package that provides access to the userland input device driver uinput on linux systems. Virtual keyboard devices as well as virtual mouse input devices may be created using this package. The keycodes and other event definitions, that are available and can be used to trigger input events, are part of this package ("Key1" for number 1, for example).

In order to use the virtual keyboard, you will need to follow these three steps:

  1. Initialize the device Example: vk, err := CreateKeyboard("/dev/uinput", "Virtual Keyboard")

  2. Send Button events to the device Example (print a single D): err = vk.KeyPress(uinput.KeyD)

    Example (keep moving right by holding down right arrow key): err = vk.KeyDown(uinput.KeyRight)

    Example (stop moving right by releasing the right arrow key): err = vk.KeyUp(uinput.KeyRight)

  3. Close the device Example: err = vk.Close()

A virtual mouse input device is just as easy to create and use:

  1. Initialize the device: Example: vm, err := CreateMouse("/dev/uinput", "DangerMouse")

  2. Move the cursor around and issue click events Example (move mouse right): err = vm.MoveRight(42)

    Example (move mouse left): err = vm.MoveLeft(42)

    Example (move mouse up): err = vm.MoveUp(42)

    Example (move mouse down): err = vm.MoveDown(42)

    Example (trigger a left click): err = vm.LeftClick()

    Example (trigger a right click): err = vm.RightClick()

  3. Close the device Example: err = vm.Close()

If you'd like to use absolute input events (move the cursor to specific positions on screen), use the touch pad. Note that you'll need to specify the size of the screen area you want to use when you initialize the device. Here are a few examples of how to use the virtual touch pad:

  1. Initialize the device: Example: vt, err := CreateTouchPad("/dev/uinput", "DontTouchThis", 0, 1024, 0, 768)

  2. Move the cursor around and issue click events Example (move cursor to the top left corner of the screen): err = vt.MoveTo(0, 0)

    Example (move cursor to the position x: 100, y: 250): err = vt.MoveTo(100, 250)

    Example (trigger a left click): err = vt.LeftClick()

    Example (trigger a right click): err = vt.RightClick()

  3. Close the device Example: err = vt.Close()



View Source
const (
	KeyEsc              = 1
	Key1                = 2
	Key2                = 3
	Key3                = 4
	Key4                = 5
	Key5                = 6
	Key6                = 7
	Key7                = 8
	Key8                = 9
	Key9                = 10
	Key0                = 11
	KeyMinus            = 12
	KeyEqual            = 13
	KeyBackspace        = 14
	KeyTab              = 15
	KeyQ                = 16
	KeyW                = 17
	KeyE                = 18
	KeyR                = 19
	KeyT                = 20
	KeyY                = 21
	KeyU                = 22
	KeyI                = 23
	KeyO                = 24
	KeyP                = 25
	KeyLeftbrace        = 26
	KeyRightbrace       = 27
	KeyEnter            = 28
	KeyLeftctrl         = 29
	KeyA                = 30
	KeyS                = 31
	KeyD                = 32
	KeyF                = 33
	KeyG                = 34
	KeyH                = 35
	KeyJ                = 36
	KeyK                = 37
	KeyL                = 38
	KeySemicolon        = 39
	KeyApostrophe       = 40
	KeyGrave            = 41
	KeyLeftshift        = 42
	KeyBackslash        = 43
	KeyZ                = 44
	KeyX                = 45
	KeyC                = 46
	KeyV                = 47
	KeyB                = 48
	KeyN                = 49
	KeyM                = 50
	KeyComma            = 51
	KeyDot              = 52
	KeySlash            = 53
	KeyRightshift       = 54
	KeyKpasterisk       = 55
	KeyLeftalt          = 56
	KeySpace            = 57
	KeyCapslock         = 58
	KeyF1               = 59
	KeyF2               = 60
	KeyF3               = 61
	KeyF4               = 62
	KeyF5               = 63
	KeyF6               = 64
	KeyF7               = 65
	KeyF8               = 66
	KeyF9               = 67
	KeyF10              = 68
	KeyNumlock          = 69
	KeyScrolllock       = 70
	KeyKp7              = 71
	KeyKp8              = 72
	KeyKp9              = 73
	KeyKpminus          = 74
	KeyKp4              = 75
	KeyKp5              = 76
	KeyKp6              = 77
	KeyKpplus           = 78
	KeyKp1              = 79
	KeyKp2              = 80
	KeyKp3              = 81
	KeyKp0              = 82
	KeyKpdot            = 83
	KeyZenkakuhankaku   = 85
	Key102Nd            = 86
	KeyF11              = 87
	KeyF12              = 88
	KeyRo               = 89
	KeyKatakana         = 90
	KeyHiragana         = 91
	KeyHenkan           = 92
	KeyKatakanahiragana = 93
	KeyMuhenkan         = 94
	KeyKpjpcomma        = 95
	KeyKpenter          = 96
	KeyRightctrl        = 97
	KeyKpslash          = 98
	KeySysrq            = 99
	KeyRightalt         = 100
	KeyLinefeed         = 101
	KeyHome             = 102
	KeyUp               = 103
	KeyPageup           = 104
	KeyLeft             = 105
	KeyRight            = 106
	KeyEnd              = 107
	KeyDown             = 108
	KeyPagedown         = 109
	KeyInsert           = 110
	KeyDelete           = 111
	KeyMacro            = 112
	KeyMute             = 113
	KeyVolumedown       = 114
	KeyVolumeup         = 115
	KeyPower            = 116 /*ScSystemPowerDown*/
	KeyKpequal          = 117
	KeyKpplusminus      = 118
	KeyPause            = 119
	KeyScale            = 120 /*AlCompizScale(Expose)*/
	KeyKpcomma          = 121
	KeyHangeul          = 122
	KeyHanja            = 123
	KeyYen              = 124
	KeyLeftmeta         = 125
	KeyRightmeta        = 126
	KeyCompose          = 127
	KeyStop             = 128 /*AcStop*/
	KeyAgain            = 129
	KeyProps            = 130 /*AcProperties*/
	KeyUndo             = 131 /*AcUndo*/
	KeyFront            = 132
	KeyCopy             = 133 /*AcCopy*/
	KeyOpen             = 134 /*AcOpen*/
	KeyPaste            = 135 /*AcPaste*/
	KeyFind             = 136 /*AcSearch*/
	KeyCut              = 137 /*AcCut*/
	KeyHelp             = 138 /*AlIntegratedHelpCenter*/
	KeyMenu             = 139 /*Menu(ShowMenu)*/
	KeyCalc             = 140 /*AlCalculator*/
	KeySetup            = 141
	KeySleep            = 142 /*ScSystemSleep*/
	KeyWakeup           = 143 /*SystemWakeUp*/
	KeyFile             = 144 /*AlLocalMachineBrowser*/
	KeySendfile         = 145
	KeyDeletefile       = 146
	KeyXfer             = 147
	KeyProg1            = 148
	KeyProg2            = 149
	KeyWww              = 150 /*AlInternetBrowser*/
	KeyMsdos            = 151
	KeyCoffee           = 152 /*AlTerminalLock/Screensaver*/
	KeyDirection        = 153
	KeyCyclewindows     = 154
	KeyMail             = 155
	KeyBookmarks        = 156 /*AcBookmarks*/
	KeyComputer         = 157
	KeyBack             = 158 /*AcBack*/
	KeyForward          = 159 /*AcForward*/
	KeyClosecd          = 160
	KeyEjectcd          = 161
	KeyEjectclosecd     = 162
	KeyNextsong         = 163
	KeyPlaypause        = 164
	KeyPrevioussong     = 165
	KeyStopcd           = 166
	KeyRecord           = 167
	KeyRewind           = 168
	KeyPhone            = 169 /*MediaSelectTelephone*/
	KeyIso              = 170
	KeyConfig           = 171 /*AlConsumerControlConfiguration*/
	KeyHomepage         = 172 /*AcHome*/
	KeyRefresh          = 173 /*AcRefresh*/
	KeyExit             = 174 /*AcExit*/
	KeyMove             = 175
	KeyEdit             = 176
	KeyScrollup         = 177
	KeyScrolldown       = 178
	KeyKpleftparen      = 179
	KeyKprightparen     = 180
	KeyNew              = 181 /*AcNew*/
	KeyRedo             = 182 /*AcRedo/Repeat*/
	KeyF13              = 183
	KeyF14              = 184
	KeyF15              = 185
	KeyF16              = 186
	KeyF17              = 187
	KeyF18              = 188
	KeyF19              = 189
	KeyF20              = 190
	KeyF21              = 191
	KeyF22              = 192
	KeyF23              = 193
	KeyF24              = 194
	KeyPlaycd           = 200
	KeyPausecd          = 201
	KeyProg3            = 202
	KeyProg4            = 203
	KeyDashboard        = 204 /*AlDashboard*/
	KeySuspend          = 205
	KeyClose            = 206 /*AcClose*/
	KeyPlay             = 207
	KeyFastforward      = 208
	KeyBassboost        = 209
	KeyPrint            = 210 /*AcPrint*/
	KeyHp               = 211
	KeyCamera           = 212
	KeySound            = 213
	KeyQuestion         = 214
	KeyEmail            = 215
	KeyChat             = 216
	KeySearch           = 217
	KeyConnect          = 218
	KeyFinance          = 219 /*AlCheckbook/Finance*/
	KeySport            = 220
	KeyShop             = 221
	KeyAlterase         = 222
	KeyCancel           = 223 /*AcCancel*/
	KeyBrightnessdown   = 224
	KeyBrightnessup     = 225
	KeyMedia            = 226
	KeySwitchvideomode  = 227 /*CycleBetweenAvailableVideo */
	KeyKbdillumtoggle   = 228
	KeyKbdillumdown     = 229
	KeyKbdillumup       = 230
	KeySend             = 231 /*AcSend*/
	KeyReply            = 232 /*AcReply*/
	KeyForwardmail      = 233 /*AcForwardMsg*/
	KeySave             = 234 /*AcSave*/
	KeyDocuments        = 235
	KeyBattery          = 236
	KeyBluetooth        = 237
	KeyWlan             = 238
	KeyUwb              = 239
	KeyUnknown          = 240
	KeyVideoNext        = 241 /*DriveNextVideoSource*/
	KeyVideoPrev        = 242 /*DrivePreviousVideoSource*/
	KeyBrightnessCycle  = 243 /*BrightnessUp,AfterMaxIsMin*/
	KeyBrightnessZero   = 244 /*BrightnessOff,UseAmbient*/
	KeyDisplayOff       = 245 /*DisplayDeviceToOffState*/
	KeyWimax            = 246
	KeyRfkill           = 247 /*KeyThatControlsAllRadios*/
	KeyMicmute          = 248 /*Mute/UnmuteTheMicrophone*/


the constants were copied from input.h for convenience reasons


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Keyboard

type Keyboard interface {
	// KeyPress will cause the key to be pressed and immediately released.
	KeyPress(key int) error

	// KeyDown will send a keypress event to an existing keyboard device.
	// The key can be any of the predefined keycodes from uinputdefs.
	// Note that the key will be "held down" until "KeyUp" is called.
	KeyDown(key int) error

	// KeyUp will send a keyrelease event to an existing keyboard device.
	// The key can be any of the predefined keycodes from uinputdefs.
	KeyUp(key int) error


A Keyboard is an key event output device. It is used to enable a program to simulate HID keyboard input events.

func CreateKeyboard

func CreateKeyboard(path string, name []byte) (Keyboard, error)

CreateKeyboard will create a new keyboard using the given uinput device path of the uinput device.

type Mouse added in v0.2.0

type Mouse interface {
	// MoveLeft will move the mouse cursor left by the given number of pixel.
	MoveLeft(pixel int32) error

	// MoveRight will move the mouse cursor right by the given number of pixel.
	MoveRight(pixel int32) error

	// MoveUp will move the mouse cursor up by the given number of pixel.
	MoveUp(pixel int32) error

	// MoveDown will move the mouse cursor down by the given number of pixel.
	MoveDown(pixel int32) error

	// LeftClick will issue a single left click.
	LeftClick() error

	// RightClick will issue a right click.
	RightClick() error

	// LeftPress will simulate a press of the left mouse button. Note that the button will not be released until
	// LeftRelease is invoked.
	LeftPress() error

	// LeftRelease will simulate the release of the left mouse button.
	LeftRelease() error

	// RightPress will simulate the press of the right mouse button. Note that the button will not be released until
	// RightRelease is invoked.
	RightPress() error

	// RightRelease will simulate the release of the right mouse button.
	RightRelease() error


A Mouse is a device that will trigger an absolute change event. For details see: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt

func CreateMouse added in v0.2.0

func CreateMouse(path string, name []byte) (Mouse, error)

CreateMouse will create a new mouse input device. A mouse is a device that allows relative input. Relative input means that all changes to the x and y coordinates of the mouse pointer will be

type TouchPad added in v0.3.0

type TouchPad interface {
	// MoveTo will move the cursor to the specified position on the screen
	MoveTo(x int32, y int32) error

	// LeftClick will issue a single left click.
	LeftClick() error

	// RightClick will issue a right click.
	RightClick() error

	// LeftPress will simulate a press of the left mouse button. Note that the button will not be released until
	// LeftRelease is invoked.
	LeftPress() error

	// LeftRelease will simulate the release of the left mouse button.
	LeftRelease() error

	// RightPress will simulate the press of the right mouse button. Note that the button will not be released until
	// RightRelease is invoked.
	RightPress() error

	// RightRelease will simulate the release of the right mouse button.
	RightRelease() error


A TouchPad is an input device that uses absolute axis events, meaning that you can specify the exact position the cursor should move to. Therefore, it is necessary to define the size of the rectangle in which the cursor may move upon creation of the device.

func CreateTouchPad added in v0.3.0

func CreateTouchPad(path string, name []byte, minX int32, maxX int32, minY int32, maxY int32) (TouchPad, error)

CreateTouchPad will create a new touch pad device. note that you will need to define the x and y axis boundaries (min and max) within which the cursor maybe moved around.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL