
v0.0.0-...-d10ae67 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 1, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 44 Imported by: 0




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var ImportCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:     "import",
	Aliases: []string{"i"},
	Short:   "import effiliation csv catalog to prestashop import format (core or webkul's marketplace).",
	Long:    "import effiliation csv catalog to prestashop import format (core or webkul's marketplace).",
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {

		gtotal := 0

		if !dryRun {
			var err error

			dsn := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v@tcp(%v:%v)/%v?charset=utf8mb4&collation=utf8mb4_general_ci&parseTime=True&loc=Local", dbUser, dbPass, dbHost, dbPort, dbName)
			db, err = gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{
				NamingStrategy: schema.NamingStrategy{
					TablePrefix:   dbTablePrefix,
					SingularTable: true,
					NameReplacer:  strings.NewReplacer("ID", "Id"),
			if err != nil {


		var err error
		proxyURL, err = url.Parse(proxyURLStr)
		if err != nil {

		kv, err = badger.Open(badger.DefaultOptions(kvPath))
		if err != nil {
		defer kv.Close()

		osPathname := "catalogs/effiliation.xml"
		if options.debug {
			pp.Println("osPathname:", osPathname)

		doc := etree.NewDocument()
		if err := doc.ReadFromFile(osPathname); err != nil {

		root := doc.SelectElement("feeds")
		fmt.Println("ROOT element:", root.Tag)

		var catalogs []string
		reStruct := regexp.MustCompile(`type (.*) struct`)
		reTags := regexp.MustCompile(`json:"(.*)"`)

		err = db.Where("active = ?", 1).Find(&activeLangs).Error
		pp.Println("activeLangs:", activeLangs)

		err = db.Where("active = ?", 1).Find(&activeShops).Error
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			log.Fatal("active shops not found")
		pp.Println("activeShops:", activeShops)

		err = db.Find(&activeGroups).Error
		if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
			log.Fatal("groups not found")
		pp.Println("activeGroups:", activeGroups)

		feeds := root.SelectElements("feed")

		t := throttler.New(3, len(feeds))

		for _, feed := range feeds {

			go func(f *etree.Element) error {

				defer t.Done(nil)

				var feedURL string
				var feedName string

				if product_feed_url := f.SelectElement("code"); product_feed_url != nil {
					feedURL = product_feed_url.Text()

				if product_feed_name := f.SelectElement("nomprogramme"); product_feed_name != nil {
					feedName = product_feed_name.Text()

				pp.Println("feedName:", feedName)
				pp.Println("feedURL:", feedURL)

				cmp := &CatalogMap{
					Name: feedName,
					Feed: feedURL,

				if psMarketplace {

					var randomCountry psm.Country

					var randomLanguage psm.Lang

					var randomCustomer psm.Customer

					if feedName == "" {
						feedName = gofakeit.Company()

					seller := WkMpSeller{
						ShopNameUnique:          feedName,
						LinkRewrite:             slug.Make(feedName),
						SellerFirstname:         gofakeit.FirstName(),
						SellerLastname:          gofakeit.LastName(),
						BusinessEmail:           gofakeit.Email(),
						Phone:                   gofakeit.Phone(),
						Fax:                     "",
						Address:                 gofakeit.Street(),
						Postcode:                gofakeit.Zip(),
						City:                    gofakeit.City(),
						IdCountry:               int(randomCountry.IDCountry),
						IdState:                 0,
						TaxIdentificationNumber: gofakeit.UUID(),
						DefaultLang:             int(randomLanguage.IDLang),
						FacebookId:              "",
						TwitterId:               "",
						GoogleId:                "",
						InstagramId:             "",
						ProfileImage:            "",
						ProfileBanner:           "",
						ShopImage:               "",
						ShopBanner:              "",
						Active:                  true,
						ShopApproved:            true,
						SellerCustomerId:        int(randomCustomer.IDCustomer),
						SellerDetailsAccess:     "",
						DateAdd:                 time.Now(),
						DateUpd:                 time.Now(),

					var wkMpSeller WkMpSeller
					err := db.Where("shop_name_unique = ? ", feedName).First(&wkMpSeller).Error
					if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
						err := db.Create(&seller).Error
						if err != nil {
						db.Where("shop_name_unique = ? ", feedName).First(&wkMpSeller)
						cmp.SellerId = wkMpSeller.IdSeller

						for _, activeLang := range activeLangs {
							wkMpSellerLang := &WkMpSellerLang{
								IdSeller:  wkMpSeller.IdSeller,
								IdLang:    activeLang.IDLang,
								ShopName:  feedName,
								AboutShop: gofakeit.HackerPhrase(),
							err := db.Create(&wkMpSellerLang).Error
							if err != nil {
								return err
					} else {
						cmp.SellerId = wkMpSeller.IdSeller


				cmp.Mapping.LangSuffix = languagesDef
				cmp.Mapping.LangFields = []string{"name", "description", "description_short"}

				client := grab.NewClient()

				tr := &http.Transport{

					DialContext: (&net.Dialer{
						Timeout: 240 * time.Second,

						DualStack: true,
					MaxIdleConns:          100,
					IdleConnTimeout:       240 * time.Second,
					TLSHandshakeTimeout:   240 * time.Second,
					ExpectContinueTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
					DisableKeepAlives:     true,
					TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
						InsecureSkipVerify: true,

				client.UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"
				client.HTTPClient = &http.Client{
					Timeout:   240 * time.Second,
					Transport: tr,
					CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
						return nil

				feedName = stripCtlAndExtFromUnicode(feedName)

				localCatalogStruct := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "effiliation", fmt.Sprintf("%s.go", strcase.ToSnake(feedName)))
				localCatalogJson := filepath.Join("catalogs", fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", slug.Make(feedName)))
				localCatalogCsv := filepath.Join("catalogs", fmt.Sprintf("%s.csv", slug.Make(feedName)))
				localCatalogMapYaml := filepath.Join("imports", fmt.Sprintf("%s.yml", slug.Make(feedName)))
				localCatalogFormattedCsv := filepath.Join("imports", fmt.Sprintf("%s.csv", slug.Make(feedName)))

				if _, err := os.Stat(localCatalogCsv); os.IsNotExist(err) {

					req, err := grab.NewRequest(localCatalogCsv, feedURL)
					if err != nil {
						return err

					fmt.Printf("Downloading %v...\n", req.URL())
					resp := client.Do(req)
					if resp.HTTPResponse == nil {
						return err
					fmt.Printf("  %v\n", resp.HTTPResponse.Status)

					t := time.NewTicker(500 * time.Millisecond)
					defer t.Stop()

					for {
						select {
						case <-t.C:
							fmt.Printf("  transferred %v / %v bytes (%.2f%%)\n",

						case <-resp.Done:

							break LoopRel

					if err := resp.Err(); err != nil {
						log.Warnln("Download failed:", err, feedURL)
						return err

					fmt.Printf("Download saved to %v \n", resp.Filename)
					localCatalogCsv = resp.Filename

				inputFile, err := os.Open(localCatalogCsv)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				defer inputFile.Close()

				detect := detector.New()

				delimiters := detect.DetectDelimiter(inputFile, '"')

				if len(delimiters) == 0 || len(delimiters) > 1 {
					return errors.New("No delimiter detected")

				cmp.Separator = delimiters[0]

				cols, err := getHeaders(localCatalogCsv, delimiters[0])
				if err != nil {
					return err

				cmp.Fields = cols
				cmp.Mapping.Update = true

				for _, col := range cols {
					switch col {
					case "link":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Redirect = col
					case "title":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Name = col
					case "id":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Reference = col
					case "gtin":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Ean13 = col
					case "sku", "numero_modele_produit":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Sku = col
					case "price":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Price = col
					case "mpn":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Mpn = col
					case "description":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Description = col

					case "stock":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Quantity = col
					case "image_link":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Image = col
					case "shipping_height":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Height = col
					case "shipping_width":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Width = col
					case "shipping_weight":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Weight = col
					case "shipping_cost":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Shipping = col

					case "age_group", "availability", "availability_date", "brand", "color", "condition", "currency", "ecotax", "energy_efficiency_class", "gender", "is_bundle", "material", "multipack", "pattern", "pneu_charge", "pneu_diametre", "pneu_fueleconomy", "pneu_hauteur", "pneu_largeur", "pneu_modele", "pneu_noisedb", "pneu_noiselevel", "pneu_rechape", "pneu_renforce", "pneu_runflat", "pneu_saison", "pneu_vitesse", "pneu_wetadhesion", "shipping", "shipping_length", "shipping_time", "size", "size_system", "size_type", "style", "warranty":
						cmp.Mapping.Product.Features = append(cmp.Mapping.Product.Features, col)

					case "category":
						cmp.Mapping.Category.Breadcrumb = col

				cmp, total, err := csv2ps(db, localCatalogCsv, localCatalogFormattedCsv, cols, delimiters[0], cmp)
				checkErr("while writing formatted for prestashop csv file", err)

				cmp.Total = total
				gtotal += total

				outputBytes, err := csv2json(localCatalogCsv, cols, delimiters[0])
				if err != nil {
					return err

				cmpBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(cmp)
				if err != nil {
					fmt.Printf("err: %v\n", err)
					return err
				err = ioutil.WriteFile(localCatalogMapYaml, cmpBytes, 0644)
				checkErr("while writing mapping yaml file", err)

				err = ioutil.WriteFile(localCatalogJson, outputBytes, 0644)
				checkErr("while writing json file", err)

				opt := json2struct.Options{
					UseOmitempty:   false,
					UseShortStruct: true,
					UseLocal:       false,
					UseExample:     false,
					Prefix:         "",
					Suffix:         "",
					Name:           strings.ToLower(feedName),

				jsonFile, err := os.Open(localCatalogJson)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				defer jsonFile.Close()

				parsed, err := json2struct.Parse(jsonFile, opt)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				csvRowLine := 1
				csvRowExample, err := getExampleRow(localCatalogCsv, delimiters[0], cols, csvRowLine)

				if err != nil {
					return err

				structName := reStruct.FindStringSubmatch(parsed)

				parsed = reTags.ReplaceAllString(parsed, `json:"$1" struct2map:"key:$1"`)

				catalogs = append(catalogs, structName[1])

				structResult := bytes.NewBufferString("")
				structTemplate, _ := template.New("").Parse(packageTemplate)
				structTemplate.Execute(structResult, map[string]string{
					"CatalogSeparator": delimiters[0],
					"CatalogPath":      localCatalogCsv,
					"Line":             fmt.Sprintf("%d", csvRowLine),
					"Struct":           parsed,
					"StructName":       stripCtlAndExtFromUnicode(structName[1]),
					"Row":              strings.Join(csvRowExample, ",\n")},

				err = ioutil.WriteFile(localCatalogStruct, structResult.Bytes(), 0644)

				if err != nil {
					return err

				return nil




		if t.Err() != nil {

			for i, err := range t.Errs() {
				log.Printf("error #%d: %s", i, err)

		localCatalogBase := filepath.Join("..", "..", "internal", "netaffiliation", fmt.Sprintf("%s.go", "base"))
		catalogResult := bytes.NewBufferString("")
		catalogTemplate, _ := template.New("").Parse(baseTemplate)
		catalogTemplate.Execute(catalogResult, map[string][]string{"Catalogs": catalogs})
		err = ioutil.WriteFile(localCatalogBase, catalogResult.Bytes(), 0644)
		checkErr("while writing struct file", err)

		pp.Println("total new entries:", gtotal)

View Source
var RootCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "effi2ps",
	Short: "effi2ps is an helper to load effiliation product feeds into a prestashop database.",
	Long:  `effi2ps is an helper to load effiliation product feeds into a prestashop database.`,

RootCmd is the root command for ovh-qa


func Execute

func Execute()

Execute adds all child commands to the root command and sets flags appropriately.

func ReplaceSoloCarriageReturns

func ReplaceSoloCarriageReturns(data io.Reader) io.Reader

ReplaceSoloCarriageReturns wraps an io.Reader, on every call of Read it for instances of lonely \r replacing them with \r\n before returning to the end customer lots of files in the wild will come without "proper" line breaks, which irritates go's standard csv package. This'll fix by wrapping the reader passed to csv.NewReader:

rdr, err := csv.NewReader(ReplaceSoloCarriageReturns(r))


type CatalogMap

type CatalogMap struct {
	Name      string   `yaml:"name"`
	Feed      string   `yaml:"feed"`
	SellerId  int      `yaml:"seller_id"`
	Separator string   `yaml:"separator"`
	Fields    []string `yaml:"fields"`
	Total     int      `yaml:"total"`
	Mapping   struct {
		Update     bool     `yaml:"update" default:"true"` // Either ADD
		LangSuffix []string `yaml:"multi_language_suffix"`
		LangFields []string `yaml:"multi_language_fields"`
		Product    Product  `yaml:"product"`
		Category   struct {
			Name       string `yaml:"name"`
			Breadcrumb string `yaml:"breaddcrumb"`
			Separator  string `yaml:"separator"`
		} `yaml:"category"`
	} `yaml:"mapping"`

type Feature

type Feature struct {
	IDFeature      uint
	IDFeatureValue uint

type Product

type Product struct {
	Name             string   `yaml:"name"`
	Reference        string   `yaml:"reference"`
	Ean13            string   `yaml:"ean13"`
	Sku              string   `yaml:"sku"`
	Mpn              string   `yaml:"mpn"`
	Price            string   `yaml:"price"`
	Description      string   `yaml:"description"`
	DescriptionShort string   `yaml:"description_short"`
	Image            string   `yaml:"image"`
	Quantity         string   `yaml:"quantity"`
	Width            string   `yaml:"width"`
	Height           string   `yaml:"height"`
	Weight           string   `yaml:"weight"`
	Shipping         string   `yaml:"shipping"`
	Redirect         string   `yaml:"redirect"`
	Attributes       []string `yaml:"attributes"`
	Features         []string `yaml:"features"`

type WkMpSeller

type WkMpSeller struct {
	IdSeller                int
	ShopNameUnique          string
	LinkRewrite             string
	SellerFirstname         string
	SellerLastname          string
	BusinessEmail           string
	Phone                   string
	Fax                     string
	Address                 string
	Postcode                string
	City                    string
	IdCountry               int
	IdState                 int
	TaxIdentificationNumber string
	DefaultLang             int
	FacebookId              string
	TwitterId               string
	GoogleId                string
	InstagramId             string
	ProfileImage            string
	ProfileBanner           string
	ShopImage               string
	ShopBanner              string
	Active                  bool
	ShopApproved            bool
	SellerCustomerId        int
	SellerDetailsAccess     string
	DateAdd                 time.Time
	DateUpd                 time.Time

type WkMpSellerLang

type WkMpSellerLang struct {
	IdSeller  int
	IdLang    int
	ShopName  string
	AboutShop string

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL